
I know I'm not perfect, but hell IDGAF!




Save me...

I'm breaking inside...

Broken but no one cares.



Me and Hunter



Me and Stefin 

Who am I?

 I'm 16 and still don't know who I am. I know I'm not smart and I know I fuck almost everything up, but that doesn't tell me who I am. I feel lost and lonely. I may not be alone but I am lonely. I feel as if I could die and no one would notice. I feel as if people use me... I'm not pretty, and guys have told me that the only thing they liked about me was my body. But I'm more then what they see. I may not look depressed or even act depressed but I am I hide how I feel because I don't like the questions, like are you okay? I don't want people to know how I feel so I smile and walk away. What people don't know is im not happy, I cry myself to sleep because Im scared to face the real world, I'm scared I'll hurt more people. I try to stay strong but I just fall, I fall to my knees and cry out for no one to hear. No one would care, do it, no more pain, no more worries. 


I want the pain to end.

It kills me to know I hurt you.

I changed you.

You were a happy little geek.

I broke you,

And when I did i broke myself.

I gave you everything because I thought we would be forever.

But forever didn't last very long.

I say sorry because it kills me.

You may not care but I love you.

I don't want to but I do.

I hate that i care about you.

I hate that you make me weak.

I miss the old you...


 You were my friend back in middle school, we would walk and talk. You, Keegan, and Tyler where the only people I talked to on the track. I alway know that you liked me and it was cute. You would flirt without knowing, and we alway fought about who was tall (I was for awhile). I thought about liking you at one point but you had a girlfriend, so I forgot about it. 


In high school, we didn't talk much at the begining of the year. We had English together and you were one of the few people I would talk to. We started talking again and I started to like you. We were reading Romeo and Juliet in class, in the last scene you raised your hand to be Remeo, so I raised me hand to be Juliet. When the kissing scene came up you were scared to kiss me, and the teacher was bribing us to do it. Then my scene came up and I had to kiss you, I kissed you on the check and turned pink. later that day we were talking and that night we started dating. I was scared to fall in love and everytime you said I love you I hesitated to reply. I didn't want to hurt you. When you started giving me gifes I got scared... I didn't want us to end bad. After awhile I felt safe, like you would never hurt me. I let you in and started feeling more comfortable. 


We down a few bad roads and you felt I could do better. Well maybe I just want you, maybe you are better. Those other guys tried and when I said no, they left in a heart beat. All they wanted was sex, but you don't want it, I mean ya you prebable do but you don't try to push it on me like some guys try. You respect me, and I love that! I hope that we last because your an amazing guy, and if we do ever break up I want to be friend. Because I couldn't stand to lose you.


I love you baby, I would die for you. But know I'm weak... I don't want to hurt you but I can't making promises. Just know I will not let go easy.

Random Facts

Full name: Felicity Autom St George 


Height: 5'3"


Birthday: 02/03/2000


Girl BFF: Sarah McCarty 


Guy BFF: James Bright


Longest Relationship: 11/29/13-02/16/15 


Eye color: goes from blue, to grey, to green


Hair color: Dirty blond 


Fav. food: tacos



***If you have any you think I should add message me.***








I don't know



 I've lost anyone everyone I've loved, and I just wanna give up. I wanna cut but I'm scared... I just want to start over, never fall in love because it just hurts. I'm so gone...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2016

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