
Honk, honk. My drivers horn was going crazy. He was driving me to my last nerve as well as The Grand Central Station. “C’mon, lets go!” My driver was definitely a native New Yorker. I’ve always hated New York and taxis, but unfortunately I was forced into both.
“Yelling won’t make the light change.” I said with an air of board arrogance, lazily licking my ice cream cone as it slowly dripped down the back of my fingers. He was in front of all the traffic waiting for the light to change, there was no reason to yell in such a manner.
“Sorry.” he looked back apologetically, “it helps th…” he was cut short by a firm knock on his half down window. The driver turned back to his window and slowly cranked it the rest of the way down. That was his first mistake.
The man at the window was normal enough, with light brown hair and sunglasses. He stuck his head in the cab and angrily said, “Hay,” addressing my driver, “you wanna stop honking you’re sissy horn, or are you trying to wake my baby girl?” He was bigger than my driver and seemed to be more fit for fighting but the driver making yet another mistake, said,
“Yeah I am how’d ya guess?” The man gave my driver a menacing look of anger and replied
“You wanna take this outside?” and gestured like he was inviting a young lady out of her car. The driver laughed, and threw his head back in one short heave.
“ You think you can take me?” he made a rude gesture with his middle finger and started to roll his window up, but stopped when the man called him a series of rude names. Another mistake. The two men went on arguing and threatening each the with useless words, as I assessed the situation. If you didn’t catch it the driver isn’t very smart. But lucky for the driver I already knew what was going to happen.
As the man reached his hand around his side to his back, I smiled, “You won’t want to do that.” I licked my ice cream casually as it dripped again. The driver turned in his seat remembering I was there; another bad mistake, taking his eyes off his enemy. I saw the man’s hand come back into view with a heavy looking gun.
“How did you know…” I cut him short by waving my ice cream cone carelessly in front of his face than bringing it to my lips I kissed it licking the cold lushes strawberry ice cream from my lips and did a little playful smile.
“I am, a witch.” I said watching with pleasure as his face grew more pale by the second. The driver turned back to the man then back to me, no doubt thinking of who he could handle without getting killed. “I would leave.” I said coolly using a spell that could make anything afraid of me, even my own shadow.
The man’s eyebrows went together and asked, “I don’t mean any kind of disrespect but, could I ask what kind of witch you are?” He still had his gun in his hand and was nervously trying to conceal it again. That meant the spell was working.
I smiled showing my two pointed teeth and replied evilly, “I am from Elric.” The man now terrified, dropped his gun and walked, almost ran to his car. I licked my ice cream and finally decided to turn the light to green.
The driver was more white than a ghost, he shook his head and turned his attention back to the road. He chuckled and kept driving, without another word said. I licked my strawberry ice cream cone and thought, laughing to myself, ’It’s so good to be bad.”

Chapter 1

Our ancestors came by boat, to a new and healthy land known as Elric. Our people had in their possession incredible powers that, with just a snap of a finger or intake of breath, could blow a great city to pieces. With such great power they were feared as a threat to everyone they came in contact with. So we were banished.
There were rumors that a new land had been founded with people that were like us, people that had the strength of twenty men, people that could fly as if they had the wings of a bird, people that would except outcasts and traitors alike. With nowhere to go, we had no choice but to try and seek refuge in Elric.
As it turned out, Elric was not a promise land. It was a prison. The creatures that were supposed to be so much like us were monsters. Most of them looked like a normal human beings but there were some that took on the appearance of a rabid dog, and others, giant birds or boars. The ones that looked like humans ruled the land and some even took on the title of Nobles in the Kings Court, this seemed odd because there was no king.
We were enslaved and forced away from our families and friends. The Nobles in the Kings Court took all of the older men and woman, leaving most children orphans. The young healthy boys worked in the mines, which most of them died from explosions or collapses. The Young woman were expected to clean and cook and look after the half human half creature monsters. Any of the younger children not old enough to look after them selves were sot out, killed and eaten, if found. Any who were lucky enough to not be caught were known as Le dernier espoir

; The Last Hope.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2011

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