
Strange world

I twisted my hair into a ponytail, tucking it under my cap and lowering the brim, Than I took a final look around the room full of strangers, wondering which of them would help me escape, and which would try to kill me… 

I was alert as I slowly and casually backed my way to the far wall of the large white room and coolly pressed myself to the wall attempting to be invisible. The room has no color to distract the eye; everything was white. There were eight beds, that lined the back wall, with white sheets and white fleece comforters, the pillows were overstuffed and looked almost pleasant to sleep on. Next to the beds sat little flimsy night stands with two things on it that looked almost out of place; a bible and what looked like a small crystal cigarette ash tray. Lining the wall across the room was a series of wardrobes filled to the brim with what looked like nurse outfits everyone in the room was wearing one (including me), laundry chutes were next to each of the eight wardrobes, and a door guarded by to two men in military attire were placed directly in the middle of the wall.   

 The two men broke the pattern of white on white. They were wearing standard issue military Combat Second Guard uniforms with a red star on the shoulder of there jackets, meaning they were Angel rank. The guards wore masks that covered their nose and mouth, their menacing eyes looking out from under black caps that covered army cropped hair. I wanted so bad to ware the uniform that now kept me from freedom. I have no burning desire to even look at it now.    

 I closed my eyes not wanting to silently explore my knew habitat anymore. My closed eyes and tiered body sent me drifting on a soft dark storm cloud, the events of the day went streaming through my head. First being torn from my bed in the middle of the night, than being taken form my childhood mansion near the East city just out side the Nina Gardens. I was thrown into the back of a hefty white van, not without fighting of course, but the military Angel men overpowered my small frame. This led my thoughts to the maids and caretakers that helped look after the mansion grounds and rooms… I’d hoped they were ok but, being the cynic I am, my thoughts of love and hoping, almost instantly were changed to thoughts of betrayal. It had happened before; betrayal. The word was like vinegar, it made me feel sick just thinking the word. Betrayal, of course, leads to thoughts of my father the man I loved so much…But that love died when he did.   

 My father was a scientist, and a good one at that. He had the mind of all the great scientists of the past. He would sit in his office for hours on end when he wanted to finish a formula. It used to drive my mom insane, or at least, from what I remember. He might have been brilliant, but he was mine. Mine and mine only;  I being an only child and hardly having a mother to call my own, father was mine and I his. My father was a man of value and character and I have always admired him because of that, he would be upset if he knew my plan for revenge, even if it was for him. I loved him…   

 My eyes flew open as my thoughts were so rudely interrupted. The glass doors on the other side of the room flew open letting in the sound of a bitter sweet tune being whistled. A chill ran down my spine. The man that stood in the door looked as human as anyone in the room, but the way everything went quiet when his presence became known, was unreal. He was a string bean of a man, pathetic and ignorant. He was bald and looked as if his pasty skin hadn’t seen daylight even once in his seemingly long life. The man was tall and wore a pair of small monocles on his thin bird like nose. He wore an arrogant smile that smelled of a long life of pleaser and no work. As he entered and looked around the room his gaze boar into me through his glassed eyes, his smile broadened showing perfect small yellow teeth. I did all I could to keep from shuddering, but lost in the end. I stared at him from under my white cap, the fear I felt must have been all over my face because looking pleased he turned and with a nod in my direction left the room, the glass doors hissing shut behind him.

I silently enlist help

That night my dreams were haunted by betrayal, and arrogant nameless, yellow smiles. I had dreams of angels with black wings and golden eyes. I thought of all the time I spent living in the mansion and what I would be doing now if I was still there. One dream in particular that night made me very uneasy. When I was little I had always wanted to help people and be the one everyone looked up too. My dad was that kind of man. The dream had started with nothing but darkness, but then I heard a small voice. It was so small I could barely make it out in the thickness black air. The voice was scared and whimpering so I walked toward it. As I walked it became louder and than louder it was still a very small voice but I was getting so close in the silence around me the voice seemed like shrieks and I became hysteric to find it. I didn’t know why I needed to find it but I did. I don’t remember the dream exactly because it seemed to only last for a few minutes, but I needed to find the voice… the darkness slowly gave way to light and the floor went with it. I was floating and falling and just drifting slowly like there was no gravity. Than I saw it. The source of the voice, a little girl. She was wearing a blue and white dolly dress and black shinny shoes. She was crying and I wanted to hold her so badly, but she wouldn’t turn around.  ’Turn around!’ I had yelled, ’Please, I want to help you!’ there was silence for a moment and I stopped drifting toward her. There was a sudden rush of wind and I couldn’t catch my breath. There was a loud boom and I was being sucked down to the darkness. I looked at the girl, she turned her head slowly and where her eyes should have been there were two golden lights.   

   I had missed breakfast awaking to the smell of cold eggs that had already been devoured by the people I roomed with. I got up leaving the warmth of my new bed, and put on my white cap once again. I was wearing the same white clothes as the day before unwilling to change out of the, now familiar, V-cut shirt and loose cotton Capri’s. Standing in the same spot as the day before, I looked at the faces of people I didn’t know and didn’t really care to know but had no choice. As I looked around a pattern occurred to me none of the people were older than thirty and none were younger than ten.   

 The day passed with me sitting on my bed slowly looking at everyone in the room one by one. The oldest looking man with a scruffy face and a hard set brow was the quietist. He had kind eyes looking as if he had seen much sorrow. That is another theme I was sensing, sorrow with an air of regret. From listening to a conversation between him and a young girl I figured out his name, Ronny. The young girls name was Skyller. She had the skin color of smooth creamy chocolate, and her hair was as black as night. The oldest woman in the room was always either in the corner by herself or by a chair close to the foot of my bed. Her name was Candice and from her skin color she was Native American. It is so rare to see anyone of Native American, Central American or, South American decent I was surprised at first but her presence slowly slipped to the back of my mind. A girl who looked to be about 20 and a male who seemed to be around the same age were always together. Beds next to each other and always talking. The boy had strawberry blond hair that was almost translucent and was extremely tall. The girl was extremely short in comparison and had simple and plain light brown hair the same color of her dead eyes. Her name was Ryan and his name was Todd.   

 Two people stood out to me the most, a red head and a blonde. They were standing in the same circle of people which included Ryan and Todd. This meant they were already acquainted, good. I needed a team who would get along, and who would follow orders. I moved a little closer to the group, and stood by the foot of my bed. The blonde was a boy who’s hair fell in his violet eyes, he was quite handsome, I realized with a flush of warmth to my cheeks. I quickly looked at the floor to regain my composer. I looked up slowly this time to look over his muscle build and posture. (That part was mostly for my benefit…)As my eyes swept over his face he caught my eyes with his and held them. His eyes were like perfect gems looking through his fair hair. I felt my cheeks burn red again. Snap out of it!!! I looked away not knowing what to do, than mentally kicked myself for not saying “Hi,” or “How are you?” or something like that.   

 Taking a deep breath I looked over at the girl with red hair. She was smiling and giggling silently with Ryan. She was small, with a slender flawless face that was completely engulfed by a curtain of fiery red hair. Being small would benefit her, and the way she carried herself, she looked like a runner. Both of us being pretty and giggly, we should get along just fine.  

   Smiling to myself, I thought of my childhood friend a young boy we used to tell secrets and hide from the adults. He was the son of our cook’s wife who died during childbirth. His name was Kenneth, but everyone called him Ken. I never did find out what happened to him or his family they all just seemed to disappear one day. I still miss him.    

I glanced back toward the blonde. He wasn’t there. I heard someone clear their throat behind me, turning, startled I through up my hand intending to slap my dream world intruder. I was expecting to feel the stinging satisfaction of a successful slap to the cheek, but it never came, I never made contact. A sharp pain went through my wrist and I turned gasping in surprise. The face that looked down at mine looked hurt and just as surprised as I was.   

 “Did I startle you?” his voice was kind, full of concern. I stared blankly at him not knowing what to say, when I didn’t answer he said, “I’m sorry.”    

 I stuttered not expecting an apology, “N-No, sorry,” I took a step back and stepped on something I didn’t bother looking down. “It was just a reflex, I’ve been jumpy since I got here.” I tried to smile but only managed an awkward grimace. Why can’t I think strait? He released my wrist, and I realized it didn’t hurt so much as tingle…  

   “You must be new,” smiling he let my wrist go and looked me directly in the eye. “New people are always jumpy, don’t worry it goes away after a while.” His violet eyes,(they were more of a deep purple) and my yellow-green, held each others company and refused to let go. It were as if they looked deep inside me and read part of my unpleasant past as if reading an open book. I drew in my breath and nodded, panic running wiled through my blood. My wrist ached for the tingling sensation he left on my skin, it was familiar as if we had touched before, something in the very recesses of my mind was calling to be sent forward, but nothing came. I foolishly ignored it.   

 “My name is Bren, Bren Ramses.” The way he said it made me want to laugh, for no apparent reason. Bren, I thought to myself, what a strange name… He held out his right hand and said, “Its nice to meet you…” I realized he wanted a name so I said without thinking, “Isabelle”, I grabbed onto his hand with a small shake.    Of course it wasn’t my real name but names meant a lot to me, so I wasn’t about to give it away to the perfect stranger. Maybe under different circumstances but now was not the time. His friendly smile faded like he knew I wasn’t telling the truth, as if he were reading my mind. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but was cut short by a loud hissing noise and than an overly cheerful voice saying, “Alright everyone time for bed!” The voice was from a speaker just over us. My hand was in Bren’s, I hadn’t even noticed. He smiled sheepishly looking down at his feet.   

“Its nice to meet you Isabelle.” He looked up meeting my eyes, he was a whole head taller than me.   

 “You too.” I was almost certin my cheeks were as red as the sheets in my room at the mansion. We let our hands slip away from each other. With one last glance in my direction he glided slowly into his bed on the other side of me. As he covered and slumped into the pillow, the lights turned out suddenly. I was alone in the dark, being swallowed up by the emptiness I felt.  

   Moving my feet along the floor I felt something under foot. I reached down and picked it up, I felt the material in my hand, not recognizing it. I held it up to the little light that flooded in through the glass door and was surprised to see the two looming dark figures of the guards. They stood stationary, unmoving, the only way to tell they were alive was the slow and sure movement of their chests. Watching them closely I climbed into my bed, reaching to take off my hat… It wasn’t there. I panicked, what had happened to it? I felt on the nightstand for it, not there. Near my pillow, not there. Then I remembered the thing I had picked up, yes it was my hat.   

 I rubbed the rough material in my smooth hands, trying to scratch the feel into my memory. I didn’t notice it was gone. I needed my hat, it wasn’t a necessity for my life but it was just nice to have something to hide behind. I’m using it for myself, and as I closed my eyes, I decided. and I’ll use Bren too.

The dream

I was walking, walking fast. Voices echoed off the bright flamboyant walls of the second main hallway. I picked up my pace, almost running, my shoes click-clacking in the shiny black marbled floor. I looked down following the cracks in the marble, I felt the cold radiating off the floor and a small chill ran up than down my spine. My family was a rich one, in fact the richest family in all the land of Elric. My father and mother both had a taste for expensive art and other earthly objects, but mostly art. There was many pictures and many statues and vases, that my parents had decorated our mansion with. As I stopped to admire the multi-colored floral vase sitting on a white pedestal I heard the loud swish of skirts and the soft slap of bare feet on the smooth floor.   

 Looking back a small maid suddenly materialized in her plumb purple and white uniform, her apron starting to slide off her hips with her brisk pace. She was yelling my name, “Sylvia!” she sounded as if she was in a panic, “Miss. Sylvia!” I had never liked this maid, she was always looking down as if she were about to cry, Sandra is her name I think. As our eyes met fear soured through my body and my legs started moving without me telling them to. The small woman took after me running as fast as her maid uniform would allow. I was in a full panicked run now. I looked back expecting the pail expressionless maid to be close enough to grab me, but as I looked back I stumbled slightly when I thought I was going to fall my hands instinctively went out in front of me; but instead of hitting cold marble floor I hit a large smooth surface that rattled me to the bones. I rebounded off one of the many pedestals in the room and fell with a gasp of air. My head pounded and my eyes hurt as I looked up at my favorite vase, in the house, teetering on the edge of breaking. I felt the sting of tears in my eyes but did the best I could not to cry. The Picture of an angel with spread black wings seemed to be looking right at me.   

 “Sylvia!” The maid was close enough to grab the hem of my washed out yellow and white dress. I jumped up hitting the side of the pedestal with my shoulder it twisted me and than everything slowed down as if time was going to stop all together. I saw the maid put her hand over her mouth and muffled the scream that escaped her thin lipped mouth. The vase was falling, than I realized why the maid was screaming, I was directly in its path. I froze with fear, wide eyed and gapping. Than there was a sound that was almost like wind going through a field of flowers… I closed my eyes and clenched my fists tight to my sides, there was a loud crash, than nothing. I felt nothing.  

   I opened my eyes feeling no pain. I looked at Sandra, she who never showed or owned up to emotion, was looking at me completely horrified. She looked at me than the vase that was shattered into a million pieces, than back to me, her jaw went slack with astonishment, her face was a mask of disbelief. I turned around knowing I would be punished severely for what I had just done. I was met by another solid surface as I turned, this surface was not hard cold stone but soft and scratchy material. I looked up slowly as a pair of firm hands fell on my shoulders, tears were streaming down her face, and curios brown eyes looked down at her.

    I awoke, breathing hard from surprise. That dream has always been mine, but for unknown reasons, it always ended the same with myself looking in at the scene as if watching from a distance. I could hear the breathing of the two people in the beds next to mine. I rolled over stealing a look at the two guards by the door. Never moving never taking a break, and never talking. I snuggled deep into the soft sheets resting my head against my amazingly fluffy pillow. I didn’t feel like sleeping even if I was dog tiered. I thought about my dream, It wasn’t really a dream but a memory. I was around six, it was the year before my mother had died. I remember looking up into my fathers brown eyes, his face was staid but kind. He took a deep breath and chuckled, “What am I going to do with you?” He had smiled even though I knew he was mad. He knelt down to my level and said taking my hands in his, “Would you please go find Mr. Butler for daddy darling? We should clean up this mess before your mother notices…”  

   He looked up noticing Sandra for the first time, she was looking down and her hands were clasped tightly together over the middle of her chest, visibly shaken. Her cheeks were a dark red and she looked like a leaf chattering in the wind. “Sylvia,” he wasn’t taking his sight off Sandra. “why were you running from your maid again?” He looked down than back up to Sandra. “You know you aren’t supposed to do that, if mom finds out you could be in big trouble.” He looked at me now, tears were still running down my cheeks into my slightly open mouth. “Well?”  

 I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. “She didn’t want to wash for supper,” Sandra’s voice was quiet.  She looked up sheepishly, “sir.”   

 My father looked down at me, “Sylvi?” My fathers voice was kind but his eyes were harsh, “could you please go find Mr. Butler, and tell him that there is a mess that needs cleaning in the second main hallway?” I nodded my head and rushed off to find Butler, my favorite of all the house keepers.   

  I stopped to look at the damage I had done, the vase was shattered almost to the point of dust.  I took a step toward the shattered pieces of glass and clay, than I saw something wedged between a bigger piece of glass and the floor. I took another step forward. My dad and Sandra were talking silently in the far corner of the room out of ear shot. Taking a few more careful steps, I reached out my hand and very carefully slid a black feather out from under the ruins of the vase.  

 “Isabelle?” I opened my eyes it was still dark, “Isabelle?” something was touching my shoulder and I jerked out from under the covers not remembering where I was. “Wait…” I lashed out wildly throwing my fists into the darkness. My fist made contact with something and there was a muffled grunt that was just to my right. “hell… Isabelle, its me Bren.” The voice was raspy, witch made me think I hit him in the stomach. Bren…. Do I know a Bren?   

 “Oh, Bren! I’m so sorry you startled me out of a nightmare. Did I hurt you?” I whispered as loud as I dared.   

 There was no answer, than as I open my mouth to ask again, something clamped over my mouth. I struggled as I was pulled out of my warm bed. I ripped at the hand over my mouth, as I dug my nails into Bren’s hand he gave me a good shake and spat out a low hiss, “Sssshhhh….” He held me to his chest as I calmed down. “Are you trying to kill us?” His hand was still over my mouth, hard.   

 “Can you let go of me now?” came out more like ‘ca ou et oh ob mu nou?’ as I managed to mumble out from under his air-tight grip.   

 “Only if you never punch me in the throat again.” His voice was still raspy and low as if he were making an effort getting the words out through his teeth. I nodded vigorously. I felt his hand leave my mouth, licking my lips they tasted like salt. I turned around on my knees, to meet his eyes.  

   “What do you want with me?” Even though I wasn’t very happy about being woken up, I felt strangely safe down on the floor so close to him.  

   “The same thing you want from me.” his voice was calming and soft. “help.” Even though I couldn’t see him I imagined his flawless features around the voice.  

   “I see…” Sorry but Dr. Sylvia only works from the hours of 10:00am  to, 11:00am. Please try again later. I smiled at my own joke, knowing the boy sitting across from me couldn’t see it. “Well than, you just made my part of the job a whole lot easier.” I was all business now. “Who else knows?” I assumed he wasn’t the only person who wanted freedom.   

 He moved suddenly, his hand was wrapped around my back. “I’m really sorry about this…” A flash of light swept over the glass doors, than I realized, Where are the guards? I turned back to Bren catching a glimpse of his face in the brief light, he looked horrified, torn.   

 “Where are th…” I was cut short by the pressure of a kiss on my lips. My eyes grew wide with surprise, It was not what I was expecting. At first it was enjoyable, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips back on his, than, I felt a water fall of fire rolling down my throat. I pulled back gasping, but he wouldn’t let go. The lights flipped on and just as the doors flew open he released me. I fell back screaming Bren’s strong hands still on the small of my back. He grabbed the pillow off my bed and put on the floor, laying my head gently on its fluffy splendor. He shushed me and stroked my hair. Everything was a blur. A guard with an Angel First Rank uniform came rushing through the doors, fallowed by the man with yellow teeth.  

   “Sit very still.” His voice was urgent and full of pleading. The fire was slowly going away but I lay still unable to move, even thou I wanted to punch him in the neck again.  

   “False alarm.” the First Rank guard reported to the man with yellow teeth. The man seemed to be looking straight at us, than there was movement from someone restless in their bed.  

   He looked toward the noise than back to the guard. “Alright,” His voice was like nails being hammered into solid steal. “Lets turn the lights off.” Than they both walked out of the room and it turned dark again. I tried to move but my muscles from my neck down felt like molten lava.  

   “Why can’t I move?” Why didn’t they see us? I felt breathless, straining my eyes to look at him.   

 “It will ware off in a little bit.” He also seemed breathless, but whether it was the kiss or his muscles were on fire, I couldn’t tell. I felt a hand under my shoulder and than a one in the crease of my knee. Bren grunted as he lifted my small frame off the ground onto my bed.   

 “About your question earlier,” he was breathing hard as if lifting my 105 pound body had been a great ordeal of stress on his body. I filled with anger but was to worn and hurt to say anything. “There are three of us, Four including you.” He slowly made his way back over to his bed and lay back down. I wanted to say more to him and ask him more questions but I could no longer feel anything as the numbness made its way up past my neck. My eyes closed as the doors opened and two pairs of clunking boots on a pair of black uniformed figures entered the room to guard the doors till morning.  

   I awoke the next morning to a voice that sounded as clear as the morning church bells that would go off near the Gardens close to my mansion. “Isabelle…” this voice was unfamiliar, alien to me. “Isabelle…” Someone poked my arm, and I just sat there thinking, Maybe if I don’t move she’ll leave and I can sleep more. But I have never been that lucky. “Hey Bren,” the girl yelled, “are you sure she isn’t dead?”

The escape plan

    I heard laughing in the background and then a reply “Yes, Sara, I’m sure.” Bren’s voice. This familiar reality sent a shock wave through my body and my eyes flew open with a jolt of anger. What had he done to me last night? My eyes were blurry and my head ached at the sudden brightness of the room. I sat up and glared at Bren groggily. There was a gasp of surprise and disgust from Ronny in the corner of the room, and the rest of the group fell silent. The fog was slowly clearing from my mind and I realized that everyone was staring at, me.   

 “She’s one of them…” Candice was sitting in her usual chair close to my bed. She had a terrified look in her eyes. All seven people in the room were staring at me as if I had committed a terrible crime and now bore a mark to indicate so. Even Bren looked shocked.  

   I tore off my blanket to see if I had something on me, than my still half asleep mind registered what Candice had said. What did she mean? I stood confused and in a sort of daze, I slowly started to walk toward the bathroom marked with the picture of a lady, but stumbled and fell to my knees. I sat for a long while on the cold floor holding my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes to see who it was but instead of looking into someone’s face I only saw darkness.


    I woke to Bren’s hand on my face, so gentil and soft, a soft breath escaped my lips. Looking up at him, looking into his violet eyes, I saw concern and a tender closness he must feel for me. My heart skiped as I realized what I was thinking. I turned my head breaking our conneciton. I tried to lift my hand but found it restraind by a leather bealt and a chain over the leather bealt. I lifted my head and saw my ankles were also locked in place.   

 I looked up at Bren, “Whats going on?” I narrowed my eyes and laid my head back to the pillow under me, my strength leaving me.   

   He smiled and sat in the chair next to my bed, and even with my most evil look barring down on him, he managed to smile. I was frustrated and scared, and mad that he could smile at this time of my distress. A hard lump formed in my throught. I softend my face as the tears threatened to spill over. Bren must have noticed because he stoped smiling and his look of concern was back.   

 “Who are you?” the words that spilled from my mouth seemed distant and broken. And what sat in a chair next to my bed was not Bren but something else. A monster, no, a demon. My vision was slightly blurred and things seemed to be rapidly morphing from normal to… not so normal.   

 The thing on the chair smiled again showing two long white fangs, but the fangs changed back to Bren’s teeth again, just as quick as they had appeared they were gone. As I took in what I was looking at, I screamed. I lashed out at my restraints and tried slipping my hands through them, but they only seemed to grow tighter as I struggled. I was panicking and my mind was in a whirl wind of images of Bren and the monster, of myself and my father’ and as I felt myself loosing concisnis an image of my mother with glowing geen eyes and big black fethered wings, but as I tried to scream for my mother I realized it wasn’t her. I was looking at myself.              


   A cool breeze washed over me, and the smell of lemons was sweet and familiar. I inhailed deeply, Lemon has always been my favorite, right along with lavender. I heard trees russtle in the soft summer wind, swaying as if they were dancing to the soft unheard melody only the wind could sing. I felt peaceful… But as I opened my eyes, those feelings of peace disappeared. The smell of lemon was starting to fade and so was the soft summer breeze. And as my soroundings became clear, my computer simulated paridise was forever gone and was now a bad memory to me. There were wiers stuck to my head and an IV dripped next to my bed. I closed my eyes again biteing my lip in frustration. My hands and feet were buckled down and this time I couldn’t move at all.  

   I heard the sound of air being released and a man in white docters clothes came in through the sliding door, followed by a First Guard, Demon Rank,  carrying a heavy looking gun. And as soon as I heard the whistling I knew the man with yellow teeth would be crowding the doorway with his frightening shadow.  

    I made myself relax and take a deep breath, I wasn’t ready to be a lab rat I still had to escape back to my mansion.  The whistling was getting louder and I staired at the cealing trying not to look in the direction I knew the yellow toothed man would come from. I heard the clack of shoes on the smooth floor and the tuneless song was reaching a pitch I didn’t care to hear. Echoing off the narrow walls of the room the whistling was ear splitting, I couldn’t help but cringe and close my eyes tight hoping it would go away. My ears ringging my eyes feeling like over inflated water balloons I fought the urge to bite my lip. I could no longer hear the footsteps, only the high pitched whistle that I was sure no longer came from the man but my own spinning head.   

    “Good morning sunshine,” The whisp of air from the door, surprised me out of my own self enduced torcher. I couldn’t help but draw in a breath of surpise. I breathed heavily, and licked my dry lips. I didn’t want to look at the man, I didn’t want him to see the fear in my eyes. “ How is our little angle this morning?” The man walked closer to my bed stoped at my feet. “Well?” there was expectence in his voice, I ignored it. “I asked you a question!” he yelled slamming his hands down on the metal bed frame.   

 I jumped near out of my skin and whimmperd. This mad man scared me, and I was showing it… giving him satisfaction. “Look at me,” his voice was rough and demanding. I didn’t want to. ‘no one should have to look at him‘.  

   I smiled to myself forgetting for a second how he could be waiting to kill me. This is how I copped with danger I laughed in its face. If I were to die right this very second, at least I would die smiling. He still had his long spindely fingers on the frame of my bed, leaning forward trying to anticipate what I might say. “Well?” he growled impatintly. I couldn’t help but smile wider. I lifted up my head as far as the wiers would let me, looked strieght into his black fathomles eyes behind glasses, and replied, “Fine,” he stratend, “Thanks for asking, sunshine.” I spat the last word like I had gagged on something horrific tasting. As I slowly laid my head back down, instead of yelling and cursing me on the spot the yellow toothed man leaned his head back and with a great whoop of laughter said, “Isn’t she something?” and nuged one of the men in white coats who nodded and smiled as if it were actually funny.  

   I swallowed hard as I realized I had really doged a bullet. The room was quite but the mood had lightened and the atmosphere was almost breathable. The man put his hands behind his back and slowly started to walk to the side of my bed, and said, “You know…” and paused as if he really was having trouble finding words, when it seemed to me he had rehursed whatever he was going to say in front of his bathroom mirror, then whent on, “There has been many great leaders in history: Julius Ceaser, Napoleon Bonapourt… but my favorite has always been Hitlar.” he sat on the end of my bed just like a grandfather might to a grandchild right before bedtime when the child askes for a goodnight story. “His plan was almost flawless, wiping out an entire race of people to builed, if you will, a  ‘perfect race’ of human beings. He saw perfect as German, blonde hair and blue eyes. But there was one problem… Can you guess what that is?” He looked at me intently.   

 “Hitlar was a shpycopathic murderer?” He smiled and let out a breath of frustration looking down at his hands then back at me.   

 “No,” he said quietly. Then with one swift movement he was on top of me, face just inches away from mine. I turned my head so I wouldn’t have to meet his dark evil eyes with my own fearful ones. “Humans,” he hissed getting closer to my ear, “aren’t perfect.” His whispered words sent shivers down my spine.     He was still on top of me smiling and I was having trouble breathing. “What does this have to do with anything?” I managed to get out. I felt his smile fade and he lifted his weight from me.   

 There was movment to my right, and knowing I couldn’t turn my head far enough to see what it was, I went completely stiff. The man walked to the sliding door and the Demon Rank soldiers followed. There was a hiss and the door flew open, the soldiers went first, there was movement again but this time to my right. I had to get someones attention. For all I know it could be worse then what the yellow toothed man could ever do to me. “You didn’t answer my question!” I yelled in desperation.  

   The man turned just as he was about to step through the threshhold of the room. By the smile on his face this was the right question to ask. “Dear Sylvia,” He looked at me sincerely, as I felt the surpised look cross over my face, I hadn’t used that name in almost nine years. “Did your father teach you nothing?” With the mention of my father I lost it, tears streamed down my face.   

 “What do you know about my father?” He looked at me and smiled. He tapped the side of his nose in the gesture that said that was for him to know and for me to never find out. He turned to leave again, this time I didn’t see movement but a single black feather slowly drifted down from above me to lay on the blanket covering my stomach.   

 “Oh, and the answer to your earler question,” he smiled again, this time showing his disgusting yellow teeth, “Your not human.”  

   His smile faded when he saw the feather, he narrowed his eyes and with a furry his mouth dropped in surprise, he yelled for the soldiers but everything seemed to go so fast that I never found out if they ever got there. In a flash of black everything was silent.

The Escape

It was dark and I felt as if I were floating in nothingness. The black embrassing me in a sweet hug. I welcomed the darkness and tried to fall deeper into it. I was happy here and wished I could stay. “Isabelle?” That voice. I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing. I looked around not seeing anything. I tried to blink but it was as dark behind my eyelids as it was in the space around me. Than again “Isabelle?” this time louder. Than all at once the darkness seemed to disapear and I was looking up at Bren in a black blur.  

   “Whats going on?” I heard someone else ask. It was a voice I didn’t recognize. It was the voice of a man and he had the urgency of a doctor. “Why do her eyes look like that?” It was the same voice.     I tried blinking again and found pain. My eyes were burning like white fire. I made an inhuman noise that surprised myself. My head was spinning and I didn’t understand what was happening. “Someone help me!” I could hear Bren yell through my screams. “Where do you want her?” I was suddenly aware of the hard cold floor underneath me and then it was gone. I kept trying to blink but the pain forced out another ear splitting shriek into my throut. What was happening to me?


 Dear Mr. Butler,  

   Why did you leave? When Ken’s dad served me breakfast I was confused. You are the only person who ever serves meals. I like how you do it better. Daddy has been gone for a long time in his office. I don’t like it. You need to come back before Ken’s birthday. Why didn’t you wait until after his birthday? He misses you too and so does Sandy. When I asked her where you went she started crying. I hope your safe. Come home soon O.K?   




 It was starting to go black again and Bren was yelling. “Todd! Move the beds together!” and, “Ronny! Get a cool washcloth!” He yelled several more orders and it seemed the only one not getting yelled at was Candice.


   Dear Mr. Butler,     I was listening to the radio and Sandy was crying. She and my mother both were crying. I have never seen mommy cry like that and it scared me. Even daddy was upset and had to go to his office again. A man came to see daddy and when Sandy said he was busy he barged in and went to daddy’s office. I don’t like him, he isn’t very nice. I don’t understand, but the radio man said something about the angel virus thing daddy is working on. You didn’t say goodbye to me before you left to visit your friend so I am sad now. I hope you come home soon.  




    I hurt so much. I don’t know how much more I can take! My eyes! Someone help me.


   Dear Mr. Butler,     How are you? When are you coming home? I miss you so much! Mother said I am getting a puppy for a play mate and I am really excited! I have a question for you,


   Bren put my thrashing and shrieking body on the cusion of what I guessed to be one of the beds.


Sandy was telling me something about the virus father has been working on. I don’t understand it. She said that a lot of people are hurting because of it.


 I couldn’t control myself and I was scared. All the voices swerling around me were becoming silent, and I didn’t want to go back into the nothingness.


I am not sure what she means but is that why you had to leave, to see your friend I mean? Because he is sick? Does he have the angel virus?


   To me the silence was like death.


You haven’t written me back yet and this is my third letter. So you better write me back Mr. Butler! I miss you! 



   Dear Mr. Butler,     That man… that strange man. He was here, at the house again. I don’t like him. He gives me a funny feeling in my tummy. He doesn’t bring me any presents like other people do. Daddy said it was because he doesn’t have as much money as all his other friends. Ken was sick today and I had no one to play with exept for my new puppy.     Mother says the puppy is a better play mate than you or Ken. That made me feel sad. I also have Sandy to play with. She is helping me with my spelling. I hope you come back soon Mr. Butler. I miss you a lot.   



    “Sylvia! Are you up there again reading over that letter?”   

 “Yes Sandy, I am. I have to make sure its perfect!”  

   “Well come down here silly girl! We have to go drop off the letter!”  


    P.S.      I hope you are having fun visiting your friend. Daddy said its really hard to visit him from this life. Im not sure what that means but he said that once you got there you would be in a better place. So I hope your in your better place! Daddy said I can’t write any more letters so I will talk to you when you get home. I love you!   



Death. It always seems so close. My father’s work on the infamous Virus was a curse on me and my family. The rancid smell of sterile death always followed us and anyone close to us. First it was mom. She was always sick and none of the doctors could tell her what was wrong. Slowly being poisoned by just being around work equipment from father’s office. Than it was Mr. Butler, the sweet old man. My dad decided to use my dog for an experimental form of virus, it killed him almost immediately. My best friend in the whole wide world was the last victim to my father’s curse. Kenneth died hardly being able to control his own body let alone his mind. He couldn’t speak and had to have bandages over his eyes because the light hurt him. Always screaming and thrashing like a beast in a trap; he wasn’t my Kenneth any more. My father killed everyone I loved including himself. Now it was my turn.





        Nightmares of black eyes and yellow teeth haunt my mind. People scream for help and claw at the inside of my skull with ragged nails.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.11.2011

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