
My First Day

I can't handle it anymore... I'm about to burst. We just moved here and I already feel like he knows where we are. Please, God. Just please!  I can tell I will love it here. Can't he just leave us alone? We gave him what he wanted. More than just what he wanted...

Mia was the girl next door. She was the only person I knew other than the old lady next door. We became friends when her mom made her come over to drop of a gift basket when she noticed that I was wearing a Red Sox shirt. We talked and talked for hours getting to know each other. I have more things in common with her than my best friends from my old school... Its my first day of my Senior year. And, I was prepared for a battle.

Mia introduced me to couple of her friends. Heather was probably the nicest one. She was tall, about 6 feet. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Josh was another person she introduced me to, he was taller than Heather. He was probably about 6´4". He had brown hair that was spiked and deep brown eyes that twinkled in the light. We talked until the first bell rang, they showed me where all my classes were. I had History first... My worst subject! All eyes were on me. I was about 5'8, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. I never wore a lot of make up until my mom and I moved here. I looked way better with makeup than without makeup... but either way. I hated myself. I hated the scares that were left deep down on my heart. I played sports in my past that gave me a nice six pack. Not to brag or anything... 

As I made my way down to where I was assigned to sit a couple guys 'drooling' over me while girls just gave me dirty looks. I honestly hope this year is different and that no one knew... "ḧey, im Liam" said a guy with spiky brown hair and beautiful eyes they lit up as he smiled this perfect smile! I couldn't tell how tall he was but... Damn he was like a model!! "Hi, i'm Jess." Ï said as I gawked all over him..."Pretty name for a beautiful woman" I immediately turned the color of a tomato... How could he think im pretty? I'm the exact opposite. Once my face decided to cooperate with me I said "Thank you, Liam isn't a bad name either." He smiled this award winning smile, and I just melted. How could someone even be that perfect? I could stare into his eyes all day. We continued the lesson, it's as boring as anyone would think. History is my least favorite class, but as I grew up I loved it. I always wanted to wear one of those really old but fancy dresses they used to wear! They are so beautiful. But, it's 2015. I bet you wouldn't find one anymore.

Lunch came by so slowly and my stomach wouldn't shut up! I sat down next to Mia. We talked for awhile until Josh and the rest of the football team came over and just sat down... I really didn't care besides the fact that Liam was in the football team too! A bunch of girls wearing belly shirts and mini shorts came over and sat down on all of their laps besides Josh's and some other kid. It was clearly noticeable that they all were fuckboys/player! Besides the two that didn't have anyone sitting on their laps. They all introduced themselves but I forgot all of their names... Oops. I could feel Liam staring at me all through lunch. It was really awkward. I didn't know him at all, but I could feel myself falling for him.



It's been a week since my first day, and all I can think about is Liam... We've sat everyday together during lunch. But he always had some chick with him!  I could feel him staring at me, but I didn't want to turn my head and look at him. The chick and him were always making out... What if he notices that I clearly have feelings for him and that i'm totally jealous?.. I hope he likes me too. But I can't tell... It bothers me so much. I really hope he does. But, I know I can't feel this way for someone. He always finds us, and we always have to run away again. But I can't help to feel this way for him. We have so much in common...

"Hey, you okay?" Liam asked. I was surprised that he, out of all people would ask me... "Yea, i'm fine. Why?" "You look like you're about to pass out." I didn't get much sleep last night... I was up all night thinking about him. "I didn't' get much sleep last night. But, you don't look so good yourself." It was clear he didn't get much sleep either. You could see the bags under his eyes. I cleared mine with a little foundation and consler. "Haha, I always look amazing! But, I didn't get a lot of sleep either." I couldn't help but laugh. He was right. He looked amazing even with the bags under his eyes... How can someone be so perfect? I don't get it. He doesn't even try.

I usually wear long sleeves because I don't want everyone seeing my scars... They were so deep they didn't heal right. I hope they do in time. Every time I see them, they just remind me of him. What he did to me, what he did to my mom. I would lose it if he ever found us again. We moved across the country so I bet it will take him awhile if he does find us... No one knows about it, at least I hope.

Josh laughs at me as Mia hand me her plate of food. I could eat a cow right about now. I usually didn't eat lunch because I was always worried that everyone would think that i'm fat.... Mean, I am. But, I'd rather not have the whole school thinking that because of my huge appetite. I looked up and saw that not a lot of people were eating... Which made me feel even fatter. I hate myself. For the present and the past.

I know I shouldn't. My mom tells me every day that it wasn't my fault. But, I can't help feel like it was. I was the one that introduced them. She was so depressed after my dad died. I just wanted to see her happy again. She was for awhile.Then they just fought and fought. Then she was in coma for weeks... We should have left sooner.

"Do you want to go to Liam's party?" asked Heather. Liam's party... At his house? I so wanted to, but at his house??? I'm crazy about this kid... I guess it's time to see if he likes me to? "Yea, I'd love to!" We all meet up at the end of school day at the school parking lot.  The party was at 6:30pm but I agreed to help set up and organise everything. Badly... No one else did. So I was with Liam, by myself in his house... I was scared, but exicted. I couldn't wait to be alone with him... I love him. 


I couldn't help but smile. Jess was coming over. My Jess!! It was clear she liked me... She got extremely jealous whenever a girl was around me. So I made sure a girl was always with me when she was near. She was amazing, i'm so glad that I've meet her. But there was something about her... Like something terrible happened. But I couldn't imagine that someone would have hurt my Jess. She was perfect. I wouldn't think that not one of the guys at this school wouldn't like her. She had the perfect body, perfect personality. Perfect would be the word I would use to describe her... She was the definition of perfection. I was in love with her. The second I saw her, I just knew she was the one.

*Knock Knock Knock* She was here! "Hey, you're early!" I said as I let her inside. "Yea, I thought that we should get a head start. People might come earlier. You know?" She said as she looked around in awe. I was actually happy she came early...I missed her before. Which never happened! I know i've been with many different people before, but there's just something about her that makes me want to change for her... I'll do anything to protect her.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the market real quick, do you want to come?" I asked as she organized the different types of beer. "No, i'll stay here and finish organizing, if that's okay with you?" She looked up and gave me an award winning smile that made my heart melt. "Yea, that's fine. But, you know it's going to get trashed right?" I gave her this dumbfounded look, but when she looked up to and and stared into my eyes... I couldn't take it anymore. I needed her right now and here!  "Yea, I know. But I'd rather have it nice and neat so people will be able to find it when the first come and all...But, I guess it doesn't matter." She looked down and just left everything there. She seems kind of bad, but...  i don't know.

Everyone from the school was here, everyone was having a blast. Besides me... Jess was over there having a blast dancing with some guy! She's mine, she shouldn't be over there flirting with some guy and dancing so close to him. I walk over to the dj and tell him to turn off the music. He does as I ask, I take the microphone and tell everyone to get in a big circle to play truth or dare. Everyone did as I had asked, I was a monster in this game. You do not want to mess with me while playing this game. I was going to make that guy suffer for dancing with MY JESS!!

"Dare!" He was going to regret this one... I had the perfect plan for him. "We dare you to... Strip and run through the whole neighborhood." Everyone just stared at me... But I didn't care, it was payback time. I was usually really good at this game, but I was never this mean... We all ran after or drove after him video typing it. He would not want to go back to school tomorrow!

"Dare" She was definitely going to regret this. Prom was coming up and I didn't have date... Jess was coming with me! "I dare you to go to prom with me." I saw with a little smug smile. "Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?" Was she trying to get payback? "I say we play spin the bottle or cards?" someone announced as I was about to say dare... But, i'm glad they did because... I did not want to play this game anymore!! Half of the girls in here weren't really wearing anything, so there was really no point in playing it where people undress. So we decide to play spin the bottle, which I kind of hated because I did not want people going into a closet with my girl! I find an empty bottle right besides me and first so I spin first!


 Im so glad that I picked dare! Know I get to go to prom with him!!!! I cant even wait! I was just gonna go like by myself? Maybe Josh would have gone with me..? Or Heather, Mia and I would go together... But nope! Im going to prom with Liam! Were playing 'Spin the Bottle' anf Liam gets to spin first... I honselty hopes it lands on my and him. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.03.2016

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