

They had existed for so long that not even the oldest queens could remember where their home was. Only that it existed and that they were to wait. To wait for what exactly they could not remember.
They knew that it would come and, they would do something but again could not remember what it was. So life went on as it always did or so the queens had told them. They only knew a few things, to work the fields, to obey the queens, and that the queens were always right.

All was not perfect, there was a few that always knew that they were different. Although they did not know how different they truly were, that knowledge was reserved for the queens and, their consorts the elite. To what extent they were different was not even known to the queens only the elite knew and were plotting to use their knowledge…

Chapter first
October 3 2999

From early on lieutenant Rodregiez knew that this would be a most interesting flight. This being his first mission as commander, He had been in the United Earth Space Exploratory force, (U.E.S.E) for exactly three years. He felt that the time for his first solo flight has come two years ago but, U.S.E.S.’s regulations forbid him from flying solo until he had one thousand hours in training. He thought that this length of time was extremely unfair since he had been flying before he could see over the instrument panel. He chuckled at this because as far as he knew U.S.E.S. still did not know about his “early flights.” As these thoughts ran through his mind, he began his preflight instruction list.

As he began his final few items on his list he was beginning to wonder where his co-pilot was, he was over fifteen minutes late already well over the limit afforded to first day screw-ups. Rodregiez was in too good of a mood to chew him out over him being late besides it was no big deal. Just as Rodregiez reached his decision to go light on his navigator he showed up out of breath, sweating, and staggering under the duffel bag he was carrying.

Second Lieutenant Arther “Crash” Willson was startled when he saw the Lieutenant watching him he dropped his duffel to the floor with a thud. He snapped a picture perfect salute and, said “Second Lieutenant Willson reporting as ordered, sir”

“Ah, yes Second Lieutenant Arther “Crash” Willson, Winner of the Red Banner for the highest grade point average in three years, holder of the highly coveted Blue Star for perfect shooing in both riffle as well as the pistol. Last but certainly not least, holder of the chair of Evans in Cybernetics as well as programming. Did I remember it all? Oh, yes almost forgot part of the best and newest team in Exploration.” Said Rodregiez.

“No, sir. It’s all there.” Said Wilson “Lieutenant James Rodregiez, Winner of the Red Banner for highest grade point average in fifteen years, holder of the Blue Star in riffle as well as the pistol, and the laser cannon, which I missed by two points by the way. Holder of the Evans chair in Astrophysics and Stellar cartography. Now that we have introduced ourselves, can we leave? Otherwise I think that I’ll go unpack my gear.” Said Willson.
“Strap in Willson were leaving in two minutes, as you can see you really cut it close if I had to wait for you we would have been bumped to the wait list and, there would have been hell to pay.” Said Rodregiez

They finished the last of the preflight checklist and contacted Omega base flight operations.
“Control this is U.S.E.S. flight 1741”said Rodregiez

“1741 this is Control, go ahead.” Said the earphone on his head.

“1741requesting release of the docking clamps and a clear launch vector.” Replied Rodregiez.

“1741 docking clamps will be lowered and launch vector will be transmitted upon confirmation of your authorization code.” Said Flight Operations.

“Sending code now flight.” Said Rodregiez.

“Code received 1741 wait one moment please.” Said Flight

“I hate these waiting games they are always so dam useless.” Said Rodregiez to Willson.

Willson thought for a moment then said “Christ! Aren’t we going to be busy for the…”

He was interrupted by the communication gear,”1741 this is Flight.”
“Control this is 1741, go ahead.” Replied Rodregiez

“Code accepted and verified clamps will be released at your word transmission of launch vector will begin immediately. Good luck.” Said flight control

“Roger control thanks and…. Clamps off! We will see you in January.” Said Rodregiez.

“What were you saying Willson?” asked Rodregiez

“What I was saying is that we have seventeen planets to go over. It takes at least three weeks to do just one planet, let alone seventeen planets!” Said Willson.

“Look at it this way, it is job security,” chuckled Rodregiez, "but seriously it is a lot of work so let’s get on with it.” Finished Rodregiez.

“Time for our first jump.” Said Willson

“On my count, one, two, three…jump!” Commanded Rodregiez

The tiny ship was pulled into a whirlpool only the computer could understand they were shot out three hundred light years from Omega Station in less than five seconds. The first sight they saw was a huge gas type planet with twenty moons and five rings.

“Wow! That is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen.” Commented Willson.

“Sure is.” Said Rodregiez

“ I don’t get it what are we doing here?” asked Willson

“There is a “B” type moon on the far side of this monster of a gas giant.” Said Rodregiez

“Oh, I see if that were the case shouldn’t I be picking it up on my sensors by now?” Questioned Willson.

“True, However it might be because of the gas giant.” Suggested Rodregiez.

“Well let’s go take a look at the thing.” Suggested Willson.

When the got within visual range they under stood why they could not find the planet on there sensors. The planet was decimated it looked like no place that either of them and ever seen or herd of.

“What the hell happened here sir?” asked Willson “I mean shit sir! This place is dead and, has been for a long time.” Said Willson.

“It does appear that way doesn’t it Willson, but we still have to go down and look the place over.” Said Rodregiez.

They landed the ship on the surface and donned their exposure suits to leave the ship. They went through the prescribed exploration protocols and then left the planet just as fast as they got there. They filled their reports and left the system. They proceeded to the next planet marked for exploration for possible colony sites.

Chapter Second
November 3, 2999

We find our intrepid explores returning from another decimated planet. They have seen this sight before and feel that they should report their findings to U.S.E.S. headquarters. Therefore, they leave the system in preparation to send a message tube to headquarters. As they gained position for the launch of the message tube, a thought occurred to Rodregeiz.

“I wonder what they will say?” Asked Rodregeiz

“Why? They should just acknowledge the tube and let us know when we get back isn’t that the way it is usually done?” Asked Willson

“Well I was just wondering if we should send the report this soon, that’s all
Nothing else.” Said Rodregeiz

“What do you mean this soon?” asked Willson.

“What I mean is that we have only seen three planets like this. If we are going to report this kind of thing we really should have some thing more tangible to send them don’t you think?” Said Rodregeiz.

“You could be right there but I still think it is worth telling them about. What we could do is send the message but, not high priority like we were planing.” Suggested

“Okay, that sounds good let’s do that instead.” Said Rodregiez.

They sent their message off to headquarters. Once the tube was launched they returned to their assignment. What they did not know could not know was that on the tube journey it ran afoul of an asteroid and was destroyed instantly. They arrived at their next planet, which was relatively close to the sensor readings that stellar cartography had gotten from it. They orbited the planet for a few very short hours then landed the tiny scout ship.
When they landed they realized that they should get some sleep before they began the huge task of exploring this planet. As they slept they were oblivious to the visitor they had as they slumbered. As they awoke they were excited to begin a task the may not be as bed as they had feared. They began with the atmospheric surveys and the gravity investigations. As soon as these were completed they donned the gear and prepared to begin there first of many outside treks over the planets surface. As they lowered the ladder, they were amazed the view they got was tremendous. They were treated to a view of a spectacular waterfall.

“Those falls must go down a thousand meters at least.” Said Willson.

“At least if not more I think more like five thousand meters.” Said Rodregiez.

“Why don’t you put your dessert where you mouth is.” Said Willson

“Okay you’re on!” Replied Rodregiez with a smile and chuckle.

They climbed down the ladder and walked to the edge of the clearing. When they got there, they took readings of the surrounding flora. They were astonished to find that there was silicon as well as carbon based typed life forms existing in the same biosphere. They took samples of the local plant life to examine on the ship. As they returned to the ship Willson stumbled on a root and stepped on a flower that they had not previously cataloged.

“Shit, I guess that we had better find a new sample to catalog if we want to have this one too.” Said Willson.


“Well, I stepped on this one and it’s already dying.”

“How the hell did you do that?”

“I stumbled on a root and almost fell but, caught myself and this flower took the brunt of my fall.”

“Where they hell are we going to get another one?” asked Rodregiez. Looking around and not seeing another flower similar to the one in Willsons hand. “I think that we should call it a day and, start again in the morning.” Willson just nodded and followed Rodregiez to the clearing and bumped in to his back with a grunt.
“What the hell Rodregiez?” asked Willson.

“SSSHHHH!!!” Replied Rodregiez. He pointed to the clearing through the partially screening bushes towards the small ship. There was a small creature approximately two foot tall and half as wide. It walked on two legs and had dark green skin and no visible hair. His hands hang down to his knees as he stood there looking over the ship without any sign of fear of the alien ship. Rodregiez pointed to the stun gun that had appeared in his hand without Willson seeing it. He then pointed left and indicated that he was to go that way and that Willson was to stay where he was.

Willson watched as Rodregiez approach the clearing from the far side. He took aim and fired on the little creature and hit it perfectly on the side just as every recruit is instructed to do so. The creature reacted violently by tuning a much brighter shade of green and, dropping to the ground in a heap. Rodregiez stood up from the place were he had fired from and approached the creature. He waved for Willson to approach as he neared the stunned creature he noticed a smell that got through.
The filters and commented to Rodregiez.

“Do you smell that?”

“Ya, I do I thought these were supposed to keep things like this out.” Said Rodregiez

“No, only harmful compounds, nobody ever died of a bad smell that was not chemical in nature.”

“Guess you’re right but, dam that really is bad it smells like you’re boots.”

“What are you doing smelling my boot any way?” Said Willson somewhat absentmindedly starring at the creature. He bent over it and reached out to touch it’s skin before he could Rodregiez grabbed his hand and said” What the hell are you thinking! We can’t touch him before we check to see if his skin will melt our hands off or turn us green like him or some dam thing like that.”

“Yak you’re right that would be bad. I don’t what I was thinking it was just that his skin looks like bark off of a tree doesn’t it.”

Rodregiez just grunted in response. He walked around to the ship and opened a panel to use the ship sensors. He ran a full spectrum analysis on the native. HE waited while the computer aboard the ship analyzed the sensor readings. It beeped when it was finished. He glanced at the readings the computer analyzed, and at the findings then he pronounced it safe to carry it on board; as long as it was shielded by a force field and under sedation the whole time it was on board the ship. They picked up the small figure surprised at its weight. They were able to carry it as far as the foot of the ladder.

“Look it’s another one.” Said Willson.

“Crap. Were is he at?” asked Rodregiez

“Don’t worry he’s way over there in the foliage on the other side of the clearing.”

“What if he saw us with his buddy sleeping beauty here?”

“So what if he did he can’t do any thing to us from way over there.” These words were barely out of Wilson’s mouth when Rodregiez cried out in pain.

“Ouch! What the hell was that?” Asked Rodregiez

“What is the matter?” Asked Willson

“Something hit me it the back that’s all. It felt like a rock or something.” Said Rodregiez looking around at the clearing and neighboring forest. He saw another one of the little creatures and said.” Crap, I guess that solves that question doesn’t “

“ What?”

“Oh, there seems to be a friend of our little buddy here at the edge of the clearing over there.” Said Rodregeiz, indicating the far side of the clearing, behind them in the tree line.

“Did he through the rock at you?”

“Ya, it would seem so, can you blame him were taking his buddy to only god knows where and he doesn’t like it one bit.”

“Is your suit still intact?”

“Hold on waiting for a diagnostic from the computer.”

Willson heard a beep from the computer in Rodregiez’s suit over the open com. channel.

“Diagnostic complete. Suit intact no breaches detected.” Replied the computer in his suit.

“See no problems my suit is still intact.” Said Rodregeiz who then looked around the clearing and then continued “ Let’s get him onboard.”

They continued up the ladder and entered the main laboratory, which doubled as their living quarters and the main cabin, carrying the creature. They placed the creature on an examination table and erected a force field around the table and the surrounding area. They then stepped back to the air lock to remove their exposure suits while the ship decontaminated the laboratory of any possible contaminates bought on board by the creature or their samples. They examined the suits to be sure there was no spots on the fabric of the suits that could crack in extreme temperatures. Finding none the proceeded to step through the decontamination showers themselves.

The quite was deafening in the small room, as they did not speak while in the showers to avoid the chemicals that were in use in the showers. They completed the showers when the computer notified them that the decontamination of the laboratory was finished.

“Well shall we see what secrets or little friend is hiding?” asked Rodregiez

“Why not,” replied Wilson.

“Damn that stuff always makes me itch like mad.” Said Rodregiez, scratching at his back.

“Maybe the mix is off I’ll look at when were through here okay?”

“Sure, but I hope that I don’t get a chemical burn because of those damn things. I would hate to have to go though more of your bedside manor last time it made my injury worse than better.” Grumped Rodregeiz

“Hey, it’s not my fault that you would not hold still while I applied the meds to your
‘Wound’ if you can call it that.”
“It sure felt like nothing I have ever ran into before.” whined Rodregeiz

“Man it was not even serious the computer liked it to a bee sting nothing more. You’re not even allergic to them let alone real bees!” chastised Willson

“How do we know that there won’t be an allergic reaction to it like that stuff James and David ran into on that ice planet in the Grecian sector?” asked Rodregeiz

“Because we weren’t stupid enough to take off our suits no matter how hot they were in the sun. They were using the crap for bedding because they thought it might be softer then their bedding.” noted Willson. “ Maybe you should not go around picking up every shinny thing you see huh?” He said under his breath while Rodregiz’s back was turned away from Willson.

They were interrupted by a beeping from behind. They turned at the same moment and saw that the alien was beginning to awaken and they went to their science stations.

“Begin neurological scans as I do the metabolism scans and well go from there.” Said Rodregeiz

They began their study of this new species of animal. A few moments into their work they discovered that they were things that they could not even guess about.

“ Holy shit!” said Willson “Come over here and look at these neuro scans It looks like our friend here is a bought as smart as a pile of rocks and at that I think Is being generous. Look how small his brain is, it is probably a worker or something because he does not have any real weapons so he could not be a real effective warrior. Take a look at that.” Said Willson pointing at a small unidentified mass on the computer screen right behind the nerve center for the eyes.” Want to bet that they have some really good eyesight? That mass could be a sort of internal infrared sensor.” Mused Willson who leaned back in his chair and continued. “I bet that is why we found him staring at the ship like we did. He was probably looking for us. That is all based on guesswork of coures because, the computer could not even tell what it uses that for. Maybe if we could get him to use it we might be able to tell what he uses it for.”
Willson looked around to see where Rodregiz was he saw him starring of into space he called his name several time with no effect at all. Willson stood up and walked over to Rodregeiz and touched his shoulder and Rodregiez gave a small shout and jumped away from Willson and said “ What the hell you trying to do to me?”

“What do you mean I barely touched you. You would not respond to any of the numerous times that I called you. Are you ok? I think that you should let me do another scan on you just for safety’s sake. It won’t hurt you and only take a few minutes.” Requested Willson

Rodregiez seemed to think it over and then he said, “Maybe later, right now we have to finish these scans and get our gets on his way.”

“I disagree we have to look after each other because out here nobody else will. I insist that you be scanned. It will only take a few moments and our little buddy here won’t be hurt for spending a few more minutes with us.” Said Willson indicating the alien behind the force field with a sweep of his arm.

Rodregiez hesitated a moment then nodded his head a little numbly and walked over to the small alcove that served as the whole medical bay in the tiny ship. Rodregiez stood there like a statue not moving to sit on the examining table, as he knew he was supposed to. Willson waited for him to set himself on the table when Willson realized that Rodregiez was not going to sit down on the table with out some prompting he said. “Why don’t you sit down that way I’ll be able to get a clear picture of what the hell is going on in that body of yours.”

Rodregiez sat upon the table only partially as he put his weight on the table he almost fell off because he did not sit all the way on the table. Willson caught him before he fell to the floor. When he put him on the table, he noticed that there was some thing wrong with Rodregiez’s back. Willson tried to look down the back of Rodregeiz uniform when he pulled the garment away from the neck he form that it was sticking to the skin at the sight of the suspect spot. He started the scan at that point on Rodergiez’s back when the computer started to beep franticly he turned and saw that the scanner was saying that his heart had stopped. Willson spin around and saw that Rodregiez had begun to slump over.

He quickly laid Rodregeiz on his back and ripped his uniform away from his chest and said” Computer begin heart restart sequence,” he steeped back so that the computer would have a clear shot at the chest of his friend. When the computer signaled he waited for the shock to be administered to the heart when the shock finally was administered, he stepped back to the table he felt at the neck for a pulse. He said ”still no pulse, recharge and fire again.”

The computer responded by saying, “Stand back please.”

Willson stepped back away from the table and the computer went into its automatic mode of life recitation. It ran for what seamed like an eternity for Willson. He wanted to step in and take over from the computer but he knew that his medical skills were so lacking that he might kill his friend instead of saving him. He watched as the computer sent in its probes for another life preservation procedure.

The computer said “ Starting interracial Electro-shock therapy.’’

Willson watched as the probes inserted themselves into his friends chest he thought to himself that this was probably a last ditch effort on the part of the computer. Therefore, he was not surprised when the computer contacted him again.

“The heart has been stopped for over five minutes. Automatic systems have been shut down, due to the probability of life restarting has dropped below standard acceptable levels.”

“What? Do you mean ‘acceptable levels’.” Asked Willson

“Acceptable levels are set by the by the board of military medicine on earth.”

“Define acceptable levels.” Ordered Willson

“The survival rate must exceed fifty percent.”

“Bullshit! Override acceptable levels now!” Shouted Willson

“Unable to comply user does not have command authority to override primary system.” was the reply of the computer

“Who has the command authority?” asked Willson

“Commander Rodregiez has that authority.”

“I’ll fix you!” said Willson as he walked over to the main computer terminal. He removed a panel, pulled a handful of wires out, and crossed two together. The computer gave a loud squawk of static and the said “ Ready to comply.”

Willson said to the computer” Restart life preservation now.”

The computer replied “Complying.”

Willson stepped back and watched as the computer went into a mode unfamiliar to him. He thought that it looked a lot like a hyperactive child with all of his holloween candy in his stomach. This went on for ten minutes and then Willson stepped back into the infirmary area, felt the neck of his friend, felt no pulse, and said, “Shock him again.”
The computer said” Complying.”

Willson stepped back and the computer shocked Rodregeiz heart again and said” Still no heartbeat heart has been stopped for over twenty minutes due you wish to continue with the recovery efforts?” Moreover, Willson replied “What is the prognosis of long term recovery if heart is restarted

The computer said,” Long term prognosis is permanent brain damage totaling 70% and 40% liver damage, 62% lung damage, 10% spleen damage. Long term prognosis is death will most likely occur in less than twelve hours after heart is restarted.”

“Okay I understand the brain damage but, not the reason why will there be liver, lung, and spleen damage those are as oxygen dependent as the brain?” asked Willson

“The damage to the lungs as well as the liver and spleen damage are due to the viral inflection the is in his blood stream.”

“What viral infection?” Spoke Willson crossly to the computer.

“The viral infection that has infected his blood stream. It has now been twenty-two minutes since the heart has stopped due you wish to continue the life saving procedures?” asked the computer.

“No record the time of death please, and enter it into the log. Tell me about the virus that has infected him.”

“There is no data on this virus.” replied the computer.

“Why does that not surprise me….”

“Request not understood please rephrase.”

“Not you, you bucket of rusty nuts and bolts.”

“Well, erect a force field around the table and take a sample for analysis.”


Willson stared at the now lifeless body lying on the table as a servo arm descended toward the body he said “Stop! Take the sample from the back where that strange node appeared.”

“Complying” said the computer.

The servo arm returned to the wall it had come out of and two larger arms came out and turned the body over and returned to there places in the wall. The servo arm that was to take the sample came back out and went to the back and hesitated before taking the sample Willson did not notice it he watched as the sample was taken. When that was finished the arm retracted, the sampler just then a green mist shot out of the wound. Willson jumped back away from the force field includes table to the amusement of himself he let out a small bark of laughter and said “Hell becoming as jumpy as a log frog on a hot griddle.”

“Oh Computer?” Asked Willson

“Ready” said the computer

“Just what the hell was that!” Shouted Willson

“ Several unknown biological substances sprayed out of the wound at 45 kph with a total volume of twenty cubic centimeters, and a conical spray pattern.”

“Enough thanks, What I wanted to know was what was the stuff that sprayed out of the node, not how it sprayed out of it.” said Willson rather sarcastically.

“Two parts per million white blood cells, thirty parts per million red blood cells, forty parts per million platelets, ninety parts per thousand was of a similar nature to the alien in the biological examination station, the balance is an unknown silicon base.” Replied the computer.

Willson digested this for a few moments then said “Transfer the make up of that stuff to my console in the bridge. Begin studying this virus and tell me when you’re finished with it.”


Willson walked towards the bridge on his way he stopped in the galley and poured himself a cup of coffee even if it was discouraged for scouts to use any sort of stimulant. He thought that he would need it for he was going to so over every last shred of the reports that computer had on any thing remotely similar to what had gone on in the last thirty minutes. Maybe he had better fire off a message to HQ to let them know how bad things had gotten. He settled in to do just that and had barely begun when the computer signaled him so he got up to got to the infirmary all the while the recorder was still recording. When got to there he found the body in a state that he did not expect he stopped several feet behind from the force field. He saw
That the body had been covered with a light green fuzz of some been covered with a light green fuzz of some sort. He paused while his brain went into what seemed to be a mental over load. He blinked his eyes several times and cursed himself for being an idiot.

“Computer what is that green fuzz on the body?” Asked Willson

“The organic substance covering the body is of an unknown type and nature.” Stated the computer.

“Why did you not call me sooner?”

“My self logistic program was disabled by you when you tampered with my hard wiring circuitry. If you were to reconnect it perhaps I will be able to answer you’re question.”
Replied the computer

“Oh, I guess I was in kind of a hurry when I did the alteration to you sorry I’ll fix it right now.” Said Willson rather sheepishly.

Willson walked over to the panel that he had removed to get at the wiring of the infirmary computer. He reconnected the wiring, reset the computer to its original settings, and asked the computer to do a self-diagnostic. When it had completed the diagnostic, he asked it to re-examine the original findings of the last hours.

The computer said “Complete.”

“Well what are the new findings?” Asked Willson

“There are several new findings. In what order would you like them presented?” answered the computer.

“I don’t care. List them from unknown to known.” Answered Willson

“The new findings are: there is a highly active virus reassembling Commander Rodregeiz’s DNA, This virus has also caused catastrophic failure in his cardiovascular system, there is a ninety percent likely hood that all persons in contact with him have contracted this virus. The alien in the exo-biology lab is deceased he all life signs stopped due to an unknown cause; a microscopic animal life-form that was repelled by a small electrical charge of two volts attacked the skin of the ship. This concludes the new findings as of 20:30 hours.” Stated the computer

“What was the damage done to the hull?” asked Willson

“There was no damage done to the main atmospheric hull, there is minor damage to the engine housings. The damage is well within the acceptable limits.” Satiated the computer.

“What is the likely out come of the reassemble of Commander Rodregeiz’s DNA?” asked Willson

“Not enough data at this time.” Stated the computer

Willson sat down at the communication system and thought for a moment. He then started a new priority communication. He copied all of the medical files on Rodregiez and his corpse to the report he was compiling for headquarters. He then put all of the logs as well as the planet files in the report as a finishing touch; he encoded it for the highest level that was in the computer banks of the tiny scout ship. He then sent the message off at it’s highest speed knowing full well that it would take several hours for it to reach headquarters.

He sat and stared out the windows he watched the breeze stir the trees. He was still having trouble with the blue tint of the leaves. He was startled when the intercom beeped at him he eased out of his chair and headed back to the med.-center with a heavy heart over the loss of his friend. When he reached the center he gasped in shock at what he had saw in the quarantine field. Before him stood a creature similar to the little visitor in the other observation area except that this version was obviously built for fighting he had long claws and thicker looking skin he saw taller than the littler specimen.

Values asked, “What is in the quarantine field?”

“The creature is bipedal with an overall height of two point five meters tall with a weight of one hundred and thirty five kilograms. The creature is a silicon-based organism that is ten percent human DNA and ninety percent alien DNA. There is no explanation for the change in the cadaver.”

Values thought this over for a few moments until he was startled out of his mediation by a unfamiliar sound he looked up to see the creature trying to force it’s way through the force field. The noise was so intense that he spoke louder than he really had to.

“Computer raise the power output of the quarantine field to one hundred and ten percent now.” He said rather forcefully.

“Complying.” Said the computer

The alien Recoiled from the force field with an almost hiss of pain. It then returned to attacking the force field by pressing on it with its hands. With the new power settings its hands began to smoke as the power burned them.

Chapter Third
November 5, 2999

Admiral Syoyv came into his office at 0600 hours, as was his custom for more years than he cared to think about any more. He was less than a year from retiring with over fifty years in his beloved service even without all of the hard ships that he had gone through to get it as far as they were he still felt they had far to go. He sat down at his desk and looked over the mountain of paper work that he faced every day he almost felt that it was not worth it anymore.

As he was sitting down to begin his day just down the hall from his office was the communication center for the headquarters division of the U.S.S.E. The officer of the day who happened to be a major was just arriving to begin his day. During his normal sift change he spilled his coffee on his desk in the insuring fiasco he accidentally hit the play back button on the current message that was waiting to be accesed, he didn’t notice it until he got back from getting himself a fresh cup. As he walked back to his desk he saw the video play back of Wilson being killed then the video stopped as Wilson’s heart ceased to beat and the video was sent back to head quarters as the computer was programmed to do.
He waited for three heartbeats then played back the video. He watched in horror as first Rodriguez then Willson were killed by an apparently intelligent life form he sat numb for almost five seconds and would have stayed that way if it weren’t for the NCO who came in to begin his shift. When the officer of the day did not respond the NCO came over and touched him. The officer of the day jumped and said “ Holy Crap! We, We have to, do something …” and just sat there. The NCO gently pulled him away from the terminal and played back the video for a third time. He said “Dame” then ran over to the copier and printed three copies of the video and sent one to the archives for storage under the highest classification possible. He then ran over to Admiral Syoyv’s Office barging right past his secretary and interrupting a high level meeting saying “Sorry Admiral, But you really have to see this Immediately it is that k! ind of important.”

“It had better be private.” Said a Major half way down the table.

“Now Dave, don’t scare him it probably is, I hope” Said The Admiral as he handed the cube to one of his aides to play on the large screen on the end of the room. They all watched in horror as the Scouts were killed for a fifth time. At the end they were silence of a good fifteen seconds. Then Admiral Syoyv said “ Well, you were right to bring this to me with out all the red tape. Where is your section officer?”

“Sir, I left him sitting in communications. He was having a difficult time assimilating the video.” Said the sergeant.

“Roberts call the medics to check out the Major in communications, Bell you take this Warrant Officer down to the O-club and get him a drink and on your way tell personnel that I personally promoted him. Redmen find the profiles on these two scouts and right now if you please. Oh and Warrant Officer Edwards is it?” Warrant officer Edwards nodded still more than a little stunned. “Good, you did exactly the right thing you will also be receiving the Rodgers medal for grace under fire now go get that drink.” Said Admiral Syoyv.

“First impressions gentlemen …”said the Admiral as they left the room.

“Sir, did he really mean all that?” asked the new warrant officer.

“You bet he did. He is the boss after all what good is all that power if you don’t use it?” Asked Redmen

“Welcome to the officer corps on man, now you’re the guy there going to bitch about.” Said Bell

“Man, I’ll give them something to bitch about if I catch them.” Said Edwards.

“That’s the spirit man” Said Bell

“When you get done come over to the club we will still be there.” Said Bell to Redmen

“Yup, see you there.” Said Redmen

They proceeded to the Officers club where the party was in full swing when Redmen arrived at the club.

“Did you find their jackets?” asked Bell

“Yes, They are really Impressive well, they were impressive” said Redmen
“Listen to this Evens Chair of cybernetics, ditto physics and other really big brain things. These guys were the cream of the crop.” Said Redmen

“What did the Admiral say?” Asked Bell

“He wants a officers meeting at 0630 tomorrow morning,” Said Redmen.

“You have got to be kidding, please tell me you’re kidding!” Pleaded Bell.

“You wish, but live it up we may be in real trouble here I was in comm. When three more distress videos came in one was a meter strike the others were just like the first, only on planets with no less then twenty light years between them.” Said Redmen.

“Okay, lets get out of here we have work to do.” Said Bell

Just then the party hit a high note with a lieutenant standing on a table singing the anthem of the service in a wavering bass that was really bad. Bell and Redmen watched with huge smiles on their faces when he got to the halfway point of the song he fell off the table in a heap. Everybody in the club roared with laughter including the vice-admiral in the corner booth. Then he got up and walked over to the bar and called over the barkeeper and leaned over and said, “This party is out of alcohol no more. Got it?”

The barkeeper nodded and began to put away the bottles from the shelf. He then looked over at Redmen And Bell and asked “Did you want something before it is put away?”

“No. Just put it away.” Said Bell

“Speck for yourself I haven’t gotten any!” complained Redmen.

“Okay, Just one for him. A small one.” Said Bell

“Thank you so much for you kindness, Sir.” Said Redmen
Bell refused to rise to the bait that Redmen had dangled in front of him. As Redmen got his drink Bell looked around the bar and saw a man that really didn’t belong here since he was not in uniform and this was a service party. Bell touched Reedmen’s hand very subtly and into his drink said, “Check out the gomer in the corner, where do we know him from?”

Redmen looked into the mirror and said “Well I’ll be dammed it’s that puke from internal affairs what’s his name, Dumass, Dubras, something like that.”

“That’s what I thought, wonder what he is doing here?” asked Bell to nobody in particular. Then he watched him getup and walk to the head. “Come on” Said Bell

They followed him to the head and, went in after him. Bell went to the washbasin and washed his hands, while Redmen leaned against the counter and watched the door. One of the stalls opened up Redmen pointed the drunken lieutenant to the door. Then the stall that they were waiting on opened up. The man came out of the stall and walked over to the washbasin a couple away from Bell. When he was finished he walked over to the towel rack and dried his hands. As he attempted to walk out of the head Redmen grabbed his jacket shoulder and pulled him back into the bathroom.

Bell spun around and said, “If it isn’t our favorite IA officer. What was your name?”

“Dubois. Now tell your pet ape to let go of me would you?” said Dubois.

“That’s not nice, how could you insult nice apes like that? Redmen here is much meaner.” Said Bell. On queue Redmen squeezed his shoulder very hard not his hardest but close to it then let go.
Dubois grimaced slightly with the pain, but said nothing. Redmen stepped back with a smile, as Bell stepped even closer to Dubois. “You know, I could have sworn that the admiral ordered you to report to me personally when you were working here. Yet here you are and, I haven’t seen you. Are you trying to avoid me?” Said Bell

“You weren’t in your office. How was I supposed to find you?” Said Dubois.

“Well I wasn’t in my office, did you talk to my secretary?” Asked Bell

“Yes, she said that she did not know were you were. Can I go now? You know I’m here that is all I have to do.” Said Dubois.

“Well, since my secretary isn’t female you lied to me.” Said Bell. Redmen shook his head And Said “Dumass, told you.”

“Okay, I didn’t stop by your office how am I supposed to do my job if I have to tell you where I am all the dam time?” demanded Dubois.

“Ask me if I care. That isn’t my problem, what is the security of this star base and, you running around accusing innocent people of treason and other loads of crap with out a shred of proof causes me more problems than I need. My office 0930 tomorrow or I’ll send Redmen here and some of his “apes” to find you and bring you to the brig and we’ll discuss this there. How does that sound to you?” asked Bell.

“You can’t arrest me, I haven’t done anything wrong.” Said Dubois.

“Really? Have you forgotten about those pictures of you and that Captain?” asked Bell,

“What was his name?” asked Bell turning to Redmen.

“Davis was his name. They are really gross by the way if I haven’t said so before.” Said Redmen.

“You said the last time you would destroy those things.” Quietly said Dubois.

“You’re right I did say so, but he didn’t.” Said Bell indicating Redmen.

“Yup I hid them away so that incase you did something like this we could remind you to be on your best behavior.” Said Redmen

“Alright I’ll be there. Now can I go?” He asked.

“Yes, Dubois you may go but if you are two minutes late those pictures go into the computer as evidence then there will be nothing I can do for you.” Said Bell

“Okay I’ll be on time I promises” Said Dubois with a faint note of hope in his voice.
As he left Redmen turned to Bell and waited a few seconds and looked out the door and said “Dam I can’t believe that guy still believes that we have those picts. I told you we should have kept them.”

“No, I gave him my word besides you couldn’t see his face in them can’t convict on a butt shot.” Said Bell

“We should head back to our quarters 0630 will come all to soon.” Said Redmen.

They left the officers club to head to their quarters. When Bell returned to his quarters he found that his phone had recorded several messages for him. He played back the messages they were mostly from co-workers who wanted to find out what was going on. He stripped off his uniform to get ready for his shower. He was in the shower when he heard his door slide open he got out of the shower and, toweled off. He got into his boxers and opened the bathroom door he walked to his kitchen and set the coffee maker for 0530. He headed for his sleeping quarters as he passed the hall closet he noticed it was a jar witch it wasn’t before his shower. Just he got to it he grabbed his side arm from it holster on the belt he had throne on the chair and noticed it was empty he smiled and put it back. He then walked to his bookshelf and grabbed his copy of crime and punishment. He opened it and removed his spare pistol and noticed it was full. He then opened the door to his closet and! there was nothing in there. He closed the door and that is when he was attacked from behind. The attacker knocked him to the floor as he fell he lost his pistol it went sliding under the couch he tried to roll over but, the attacker had him pinned to the floor. He then felt the attacker go stiff and fall onto him like a dead weight. Then the body was pulled off of him and there was a hand in his face he grabbed it and he was pulled up to his feet.
He saw it was his secretary warrant officer Jeffries. Who said “You alright sir?”

“Thanks to you” Said Bell.

“Was nothing sir” Said Jeffries.

“The hell it wasn’t. How did you know? And who is this guy?” said Bell

“I called you while you were in the shower but the line was dead and as you are aware the lines are hard wired to the communication board. When I tried your COM unit it would not respond so I figured I had better check on you. When I got here your door was open also not like you. I came in and found you and this person on the ground and he was about to stab you with your own pocket knife,” Said Jeffries. He then handed the knife to Bell.

“ That would have been certainly embarrassing.”Said bell

“Now who is this guy?” Said Bell pulling off the mask that hid his attackers face. He didn’t immediately recognize the face until Jeffries said “Luis Robert lt. jg. Smuggling contra band onto the station.”

“But we didn’t have crap on him didn’t we drop those charges?” asked Bell

“Yes, but he obviously didn’t here that.” Said Jeffries

“Now we got assaulting an officer and tampering with a comunit and a list of other things.” Said Bell

“Call the MPs and get him out of here.” Said Bell

“Yes sir, anything else?” asked Jeffries

“Post a guard at my door and in the morning call mantince out to fix the communit and the door.

Chapter Forth
November 6, 2999

The news spread like wild fire across the colonized worlds. This was the first time that a queen had ever died of anything other than very old age. To them it was killing off a whole genetic line something that was never done. It was one thing to kill a few workers or warriors after all they really didn’t think so there was really no big loss. Killing a queen however was different they really don’t think too much anyway mostly instincts and sex drive. The Elites who do most of the thinking for the colonies besides being the only ones who can mate with the queens. They shared the same thought across three thousand colonies. Murderous rage for those who killed the little queen, and sorrow for her death.
They decided in an instant what must be done they would go to war. Much like when a colony got to big their would be a new queen grown and the old queen would try to fight her off or take a few workers and flee to a new place. They decided that there should be a small group of ships sent to where they last saw the murderers and maybe they could find a way to follow them back to their colony and kill it.
So the colonies each sent one small vessel to the last place that they saw the intruders. They waited for the murderers to return they did not have long to wait.

Chapter Fifth
November 6, 2999

Admiral Syoyv walked through the main entrance to the Presidential house. He was meeting by a secret service guard who asked him for Identification. After presenting his credentials he was allowed to pass into the interior of the house. There another guard, who had him place his hand on a scanner to check his biometric readings, stopped him. After it was established that he was who he looked like, he was passed on into the heart of the building he had but one more test to pass. He stepped up to the retinal scanner and held his eye still so that the computer could read the pattern of the blood vessels in the back of his eye. This test he passed as well he walked to a plain door and walked through it. If he had tried to rush his way past the tests and managed to get past the guards he would have faced a nasty surprise in the form of a stun beam turned up to the point that it would almost kill.

He walked down a well-lit hall way till he came to a door that was by law always unlocked. He knocked then walked in sitting in the chair opposite the door was a middle aged woman he stopped a few feet from the desk and said “Admiral Syoyv to see the president.”

“Go on in she is expecting you Admiral,” Said the secretary. She was the last line of defense for the president she reaches for the buzzer to let the door open while she had her hand on her stun pistol, which was set to kill it was something the president didn’t even know about she wouldn’t have approved of it.

“Thank you, Sara” Said the Admiral

“Good to see you Mikhail” Said the secretary.

The Admiral walked in to the office of the top politician in the world she was always a person you could talk to and, she would listen and could figure out things on her own without ten advisors and a gaggle of press to watch here every move. “Admiral, long time no see where have you been? I only ask because I have invited you to several dinners here and you have never shown up why?” Asked the Honorable Misses Destiny Yanez the president of the United Commonwealth of Human Planets.

“Well, Mama I have been very busy with getting those fifteen new planets that you told us to have ready by next year. However after what I have to show you to day I think that will be the least of our concerns.” Said Admiral

“What is it you’ve got for me? Surely we haven’t found that elusive mystery species that you have been telling me we would run into one of these days have you?” She said with a laugh. When she didn’t see the usual smile on his face at the joke at his expense she stopped laughing and got very worried.
Fifty minutes later he was walking out the door of the main building with a presidential order in his briefcase and leaving a horrified and stunned cabinet with a president who was currently crying her eyes out at what she had seen happen to those brave and courageous men of the U.E.S.E.
He walked to his staff car, which he rated but seldom used because there were better things hid people could be doing instead of driving him around. He got in and said “To the space port and, make it as fast as you can son every second counts.”

“Yes, Sir” Said his driver

The Driver took him littoral he drove like the hounds of hell were chasseing him and they were gaining he made the normal trip of thirty minuets in ten without killing anybody or causing more than one traffic accident and that only a minor one. He walked onto the ship that was to take him back to the station to begin the interdiction of the alien planets.
“Launch this ship captain.” Said the Admiral when he was seated in the passenger area.
The captain did not replied all he did was begin the launch prosecutes they were air born and headed out of the system in less than five minutes. The admiral did not notice his thoughts were of the two men headed to get the specimen from the alien world and the dangers that they would face there.

They had already captured two of the specimens with little trouble they had found them walking together in a clearing and had shot them full of tranquilizers. They then loaded them into special fields that they had constructed for the purpose of holding much lager and dangerous animals. As they were traveling to another planet to try and get another pair of them they looked at the sleeping individuals.
“Do you really think that these will hold them if they wake up and try to get out like they did before?” Asked Redmen

“Sure I looked at the video of the first attack and these little guys can’t push there way out of this one because it’s set up as a double field they would have to break down the First one then the second one while maintaining the there over pressure of the first not even if they could channel all of the power of the first field in to the deck could they do it with two fields. No way in hell.” Said Bell

“Okay but I would feel safer if we could stow them in the cargo hold instead of in here with us.” Said Redmen

“They need to breathe to. There is no atmosphere in the cargo hold when we are in ion flight.” Said Bell
“I Know but I would still feel safer if we could put more distance between us and them, at least until we know what will kill them.” Said Redmen
“Sure so would I but, we need to get three more then we are headed back to the base as fast as this bucket of bolts will carry us.” Said Bell

They traveled for another three days before the came to the next planet with the indications of alien habitation on it. As they orbited the planet they studied the surface for sings of different types of the alien and they were not long in waiting.

“There look at that one he has longer arm and his hands are different.” Said Redmen

“Sure enough he is different look there are two more of these little guys with him they are just standing there what say we just swoop in and droop a knock out grenade on their heads and pick them up and way we go?” Said Bell

“Sounds good to me.” Said Redmen

They started their approach and instead of breaking like they would normally they dove like a bird of prey on a field mouse they pulled up just in time to avoid smashing themselves against the ground. At the precise moment the computer launched the tranquilizer grenade to land thirteen inches away from the aliens. They continued to there landing three hundred feet from their targets they took the weapons from the museum and headed out to get their prizes. They arrived less than three minutes from when they had dropped the grenade on the aliens.

“That worked better than I had hopped it would.” Said Redmen

‘Yes, almost to well ya know” Said Bell

It was then that they noticed that the new one was beginning to move again. It looked almost as if it was trying to fight off the effects of the grenade. It was struggling to stand up and almost there when Bell shot it with a tranquilizer dart. It promptly pulled it out of its side and threw it at bell. Bell easily side stepped it and Redmen Shot it with another tranquilizer dart. This one did the trick and it promptly fell down and did not move again.
“Damn that thing really fought it hard we hit it with enough to knock out three of the little one and it may not hold it under long.” Said Redmen
“Let’s get him and his pals here, into the ship and get the hell out of here. Before they wonder what’s happed to these guys.” Said Bell

They quickly loaded the newest of the “Specimens” in to the ship so they could lift off of this planet before they find themselves hip deep in the aliens. As they loaded the aliens into the ship, they were found by an alien. They were looking in the right direction because the moment that it stepped out of the woods they saw it. They turned their weapons on it, it paid them no mind as it walked to the ship directly on the side where the “new” type was currently stored they looked at each other and shot him with tranquilizer darts at the same moment. It was rendered unconscious as they loaded him into a stasis pod usually used for human injured personnel; however they thought that it would hold him.
“Do you think that it will hold him?” Asked Redmen after he had finished modifying it so that it could not be opened from the inside.
“Did you do a good job as you normally do?” Asked Bell

“Of course I did, who do you think I am some sloppy civilian engineer?” Asked Redmen

“Then quit worrying about it they aren’t going to go anywhere they are good and stuck.” Said Bell “Lets go home I’m tired of looking at this ship.”

As they sealed the ship and finished the final steps in order to lift off they were attacked by several of the little aliens. They started to lift off when their radar told them that there was a large mass just ten meters behind their ship and getting closer. Just then they felt a bump shutter through the ship. They switched to the external cameras there they saw a huge thing holding on to the ship it was at least as tall as the ship it’s self.
“Damn it, it’s got us.” Said Redmen

“Try using the engines to give that thing a face full of jet fuel. Maybe then we will be able to blast the hell out of here.” Said Bell
Redmen then gave the engines full throttle and they successfully blasted off the planet they didn’t know that they had a guest that had decided to tag along with them.

"That could really have been bad." Said Bell As they jetted away from the planet they sent the message to the Admiral that they had got there specimen. As they proceeded away from the planet the ships alarms started to wail.

"Hull breech! Hull breech!" Sealing adjacent sections as the computer started to seal the sections. The display showed the aft section in red indicating that it was exposed to space.” What the hell is that?" Shouted Bell over the alarm claxon.

"There is a hull breech in progress in the engine section. It is now ten centimeters and growing. It is known why the hull breech is continuing to grow however there is similar DNA present in the hull breech as in the stasis pod." Said the computer.

“What the hell is it trying to say that the alien actually breeched our hull with its bare hands?” Asked Bell, as he furiously pounded on the key boards trying to find a solution to the hull breech. “Well it would seem so if the computer says it is detecting the alien DNA in the hull breech then we have to believe that there is DNA in the breech. It is possible that the DNA was spread in the area by our loading of the aliens that we brought on board. That could be what is throwing the sensors off. It would have to a major amount of materiel in the area for the sensors to be fooled like that.” Mused Redmen as he continued to work on the problem with the cameras. “Dam’ it I still can’t get us a view of the hull where it was breeched.”

“The video scanners are not sending us a picture there maybe some sort of power disturbance or they could have been damaged. Because I can’t get a picture but the computer says that they are functioning at top performance. The computer can’t get out of the loop that the broken cameras have put it in all the processors seem to want to do is focus on the exterior of the hull much further forward than the breech could have been.”
“Warning, Warning, Explosive out gassing in progress in the engineering spaces. Biological contamination in progress in the adjoining spaces. Prepare to evacuate those spaces the air lock doors will be closing in ten seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four…” Warned the computer but, not in its usual voice it was the voice of the emergency systems transponder. “Will you shut that dam thing off it’s really getting on my nerves. All it wants to do is tell us the bad news it never has anything nice to say.” Complained Bell as he wiped heavy amounts of sweat off of his brow. He was trying very hard to find a way to see what was going on in the after part of the ship.
It finally hit him. “What the hell were we thinking we have all of those probes we can use one and it’s cameras to see what the hell is wrong with this bird.” Shouted Bell as the emergency systems began their warning again about the hull breech. As it soon as it had finished it’s first sentence Redmen managed to find the right sub routine and delete it’s programmed voice. “That’s better now how about that probe?” asked Redmen. They began to reprogram the probe to circle the ship the whole ship shuttered very hard as if it were struck by something large. They were thrown from their chairs by the violence of it.
“The hell was that!” Said Bell as they were trying to get up. The computer gave another shutter and then the gravity went offline they were floating, in spaces’ lack of gravity. They were floating when the computer gave another warning. “Warning, Warning, contamination of forward spaces progressing at a much more rapid pace than expected. There is a fifty percent possibility that the contamination will spread to the passenger sections in less the five minutes. At which time the contamination will be irreversible and the occupants will be infected with the contamination.” The computer alerted them. They looked at each other; Bell was the first to speck “That’s what I mean as to never having anything nice to say.” Redman laughed and said “Would you have been happier if it had wished us a good day after it told us that we were doomed?”
“No, but it could have been a little more somber about our impending doom that it was. It just was a bit to happy to tell us that we were going to die. We really need to figure out what the hell is going on back there after we get into our suits maybe that will slow down the contamination.” Replied Bell as he was headed towards the locker where the suits are stored.
“Let’s hope that they work better for us than they did for those poor saps Rodriguez and Wilson. They might have lasted four whole minutes.” Noted Redmen.
“More like two minutes and change if that thing in the pod gets lose too. I hope that the message that is sent out when we open these gets to somebody close. Otherwise we are going to be in a world of hurt because these suits aren’t really meant to last hours they are really only meant to last long enough for help to arrive when they were building the orbiting stations and help was only about ten minutes away at the farthest. Were like...”

“Don’t say it! I realize that were about three days away from the nearest help and that is extremely unlikely that they could get here in time even if they knew that we were here. However maybe we could jettison the aft sections and buy our selves some time before we become plant food.” Said Redmen as they were dressing in their suit there came a loud beeping from the com and Bell said “Now who could be calling at a time like this?” After putting the rest of his suit together he headed towards the com unit. Redmen said” Just let them leave us a message we’ll get back to them when we have the time.” “No we had better take it what if it’s publishers clearing planet telling us we won an all expense paid trip to some lush tropic paradise of nice ladies and nicer drinks with little umbrellas and coconut liquors.”
“True but be quick because that bulk head is likely to go at any moment and I don’t want to be the only one who is an appetizer for these overgrown weeds.” Said Bell
“True I wouldn’t want to miss that party for anything. Just hope that they don’t want to talk like you wife does that women can talk for hours.” Said Redmen.
Bell laughed that nervous laugh that you only hear on death rows and in sinking ships. “Just you wait; I’ll tell her you said that she’ll really let you have it.”
He didn’t respond he just looked at the screen as the dents in the door multiplied by leaps and bounds. Then Bell reached out his hand and grabbed a rifle fully knowing that using it in the ship would be a really bad idea. He really was out of ideas until he thought about the security doors, they would hold against the physical attacks but, the fungus would probably get through. That was okay because they had their suits and those would protect them from the fungus. He slammed his hand on the security button put there to protect the pilots that drove the huge space liners and the owners from hijacking.
He hit and the doors started to close but they got almost all the way closed when it stopped about three inches from the deck plating. That was better then nothing he supposed he would have to be careful so that if it did manage to get through the first set of doors that he would be clear if it tried to get to him through the gap in the door. He heard the door start to give way with a metallic scream of protest then he had to jump back because the creature tried to reach him from under the door he was barley able to get away in time. He then said “Hurry up will ya? This party has already started and you’re missing all the fun here."
“We may both be able to miss the party if I’m reading this right there is a ship out there. We may be able to get their attiuon maybe they will come and get us out of here? If they can see us that is.” Said Bell as he turned towards Redmen and saw the creature trying to get through the two inch gap in the floor and the door and said “You really should learn how to close hatches properly it could save you life one day.”
He reached up above the door and pulled the plating down from the ceiling and hit a leaver and the door shut all the way trapping the plants arm in the door then the weight of the door cut through the plants arm and slammed home against the deck. He then said “You must be getting old to have forgotten that one.” Then Redmen turned towards Bell and asked
“Well what was keeping you so long fearless leader.” They then went to the scanner and watched as the ship out there kept getting closer however it was a ship unlike any other that they had ever seen. They watched as the ship got to the point where they could launch shuttles to rendezvous with the much smaller ship.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2011

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