
Important. Read Me!!!

"Don't let go!", I scream. "Please!" He grabs my hand tighter. "Never. I will never let go of you. Do you hear me, Demi? Never!" On that last never he pulls me to himself. I shiver with fear and he smooths my hair down. I shiver and try to relax. He looks at me, "I love y--" He doesn't have time to finish his sentence because he was too busy pulling the arrow out of his back. Once it's out, he collapses. "NO! DEREK!!!!", I scream. And then I wake up.



Chapter 1-A Memory From A Dream

I sit straight up. Drenched in sweat, as per usual. I sigh, shake my head and get up. I swear I've had that dream before. But every time I wake up the details become all blurry. The only thing I remember is somebody calling me Demi. My name's Kyla, but Demi always feels like a more perfect fit. I sigh and walk over to my bedroom mirror. I sigh and hold my hair up, trying to figure out how to wear it today. I finally decide on a messy bun type look. I twirl it and voíla! I smile at my perfect hair styling abilities. I never cease to amaze myself. I do my make-up and pucker up to kiss the mirror like always when Trevor honks outside. I  open my curtains and hold up my finger. "One minute." I say for no apparent reason. Trevor mouths back, "Hurry up." I nod and get dressed.  Then I grab my backpack and an apple. Then I run outside to the truck. I went to the passenger side to open my door, but I found it already open for me. I smile and climb in. Trevor smiles at me. "Hey babe.", he says, leaning towards me. We kiss for a minute. "Hi." I say, leaning back into my seat. He shifts and we start driving to school. He taps his fingers on he steering wheel as usual. I start eating the apple secretly. He hates it when people eat in his truck. All the way to school I keep pulling ninja moves as to eat my apple without him seeing. He finally stops the truck about 1 block away from school. He takes his keys out of the ignition and holds out his hand. I stare at it, wondering what he wants me to do. He laughs and says, "Give me the apple core." I stare at him, dumbfounded. "But, I..." "Tried being a ninja?" Trevor starts laughing uncontrollably.

I frown and throw the apple core at him. Once I hear the satisfying thump of the core hitting his abs I jump out of the truck, running for my life. I don't get far before he grabs my waist and pulls me to him. "Trying to escape? Not likely." I try to squirm away, but he only holds me tighter. He turns me around to face him. "Don't throw things." I start giggling. "I'm going to have to punish you." Then I wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist in turn. Then we kiss so passionately that even the people he hated felt pleasure. It started out sweet and then turned into magic. It was everything a kiss should be. I swear, if Macie hadn't honked at us we'd have done it right there in the middle of the road. *shakes head* Anyway back to Earth. I jumped once the horn honked. I look over at Macie giving her the iciest stare I could muster at the moment. She laughed and honked one more time. She drove away and Trevor looked after her car. Almost....dreamily. I poke him and say, "Um...we should go to school." He shakes his head. "Yeah. Yeah. We should go, huh babe?" I look at him kind of confused. He puts his arm around me and we go back to his truck. 

Chapter 2-Short Announcement

Once we're at school, Macie flounces over to us. "Hey you two!" She makes kissy faces at us. I slap her arm lightly. "You scared the bejesus out of me with that honking bull." She laughs and replies with, "I figured I had to. You were about to do it in the middle of the road." I feel my face going pink. "Liar." She sees me blushing. "Obviously not, huh?" Trevor then speaks. But his words were, "How are you, Macie? Dealing with your loss?" I look between the two of them. Macie's expression reads anger, while Trevor's is amused. "I'm dealing just fine with my loss." I stare at Macie. "What loss?" She doesn't answer. "Imma go get something to eat babe. Want something?" "No." He walks away. "Macie, what loss?" She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I gently hug her. "You'll get mad." I console her with, "Noting you do could make me mad." "This could." "what could." She takes a deep breath and whispers in my ear, "*mumble mumble*......Trevor." "What?" "*Deep breath* I lost my virginity to Trevor" At that moment I push Macie away and stomp off to find Trevor.

Chapter 3-The Dilemma

(Tiny note: If I write in Italic most of the time it will be her mind speaking.) :)

"Trevor!", I scream throughout the school. People stare, but I am too focused to be embarrassed. Trevor runs out of the breakfast room with an energy drink and a doughnut in hand. "What?" I grab his sweatshirt and say, "We need to talk." On our way out we pass Macie who is blubbering like a baby.  "Grab her too." Trevor does what he's told out of fear of what might happen if he doesn't. We keep walking. How could they? My boyfriend and my best friend. Trevor cheated on me with Macie! Of all people. Well, actually I don't want him cheating on me with anyone, but with my best friend? I don't believe either of them are capable of that. Yeah. Maybe I hallucinated. A sob breaks out behind me, confiming my inner doubts. Ugh! I hate them. I hate them both. Maybe I should kill them. No. I'll get revenge on them though. If it's the last thing I do. What is Trevor most afraid of? Several flashbacks come back to me. Him telling me he's afraid to lose me. Him telling me he's afraid of the dark. Which is so cute. Focus! I hit it. Him telling me he'd freak if he ever became fat and gross. That's it. You'll make him fat again. Like he was in middle school. Now what about Macie? No hesitation. She's afraid of spiders. Deathly afraid. I'll summon plenty of spiders to frighten her. I'll learn a spell or something. Then I'll put them in her shampoo bottle. Her prized shampoo that she treasures. I actually hear a sinister laugh in my head. She'll die of fright! Excellent. I smile to myself, then shake my head. What's happening to me? Am I an evil wzard or something lame like that? I really hope not because if I was I would want to kill myself and anyone else like me. I could certainly never love one. Was Trevor one? If so, then the love one is wrong. Wait. Did I love him? Do I still love him if I did? Only an evil wizard would cheat on a girl with her best friend. So he must have some type of wizard probs or something. I am amazed at how lame I've become. I keep walking until we reach the door to outside. I shove open the door with enough force to knock a full-grown elephant over. I hear a muffled Jesus but I ignore it. Once I deem it appropriate I fling Trevor and an attached Macie in front of me. Macie has stopped sobbing and is just whimpering. I look at her she has to physically stop herself from bawling. She's no help. I sigh and turn to Trevor, who is looking majorly confused.

"So, Trevor. Wanna talk about your sleeping habits?" I place my hands on my hips and look him in the eyes. "Sleeping habits? What do you mean babe? I don't have inglomnia or anything like that." I tense at inglomnia. He has the worst grammar ever. "First of all, it's insomnia. Second,--" I'm interupted by a howl from Macie. I roll my eyes. Drama queen. "Second of all, I know you slept with Macie!!!" Trevor looks taken aback and nervous. Then he smiles. Immediately Macie stops crying and smiles a cruel smile similar to Trevor's. "What are you smiling about?" I ask defiantly with a twinge of fear. Trevor laughs and answers by kissing Macie. I stare in horror. This can't be happening!  But it was. Macie breaks apart from Trevor and says, "We fooled her baby." Trevor smiles and changes? I rub my eyes and look at him again. I wasn't hallucenating. His face was......melting. Like a peach-flavored popsicle. I check to see if Macie notices, but her face is doing the same thing. "No one will hear her scream out here, love.", says popsicle Trevor. Macie replys in some language I don't comprehend. It's like its all happening in slow motion. I turn to run, but the Trevor-like creature grabs my hood and pulls me back. I can feel him about to snap my neck when the unthinkable happens. I hear the sound of sharp steel shoved into soft flesh. I can pinpoint where he was stabbed by the breath he takes as the knife punctures skin. I feel his arms drop me in slow motion. But once I hit the ground, it's regular speed. I turn to see who stabbed the Trevor-like thingy and almost pass out. It's the wierd new kid. You know, the one who just saved my life.

Chapter 4-The Shock

"OHMYGOD!", I finally let loose with a scream. He blinks at me. "Finished?" He has a nice voice. And a nice face too. It seems....familiar. He JUST KILLED TREVOR! With my brain comprehending these fascinating events I saw, I scramble over to the statue of some random guy who did something-or-other for our school that we never learn about in history books. "Please! Don't kill me!", I am pleading and begging. "Pleheheheaaaassseee!", I sob. He does nothing but blink. "You don't want to kill me. You don't! I won't tell anyone. I promise. Cross my heart and hope--" I stop myself. "I don't hope to die!" I finally broke down and just bawled. He looks nervous at first, but then he walks over to me. I start to panic inside, but can't move. He stops behind me. Then he squats down. I don't want to die! I start hyperventilating and squeeze my eyes shut. I feel his hands clamp down on my shoulders. "Calm." One word from him and my nervous system starts to calm. I can feel my heart rate settling. I start to go limp like spagetti. My muscles are relaxing at such an above normal rate and it feels so marvelous, marvelous, marvelous. "Are you calm?", I hear the question, but I am to busy relaxing that I cannot make my mouth form words. "Murpf." He looks down. "I'll take that as a yes." I close my eyes and smile. He then shakes my shoulders. "Kyla! Kyla! Do not close your eyes!" I keep my eyes closed. "Mmmm." I try to slap his hands away. "Shit! Oscar said this would happen. I shouldn't use my abilities outside the circle." He picks me up fairy princess style. I can feel my heart rate going slower still. If it doesn't stop, I could die. I start to panic inside my mind. I try to move, to be active. Try to escape the darkness dragging me down. What's happening??? My heart rate. It''s... I hear my brain panic slide away. There's nothing left but sweet, amazing, delicious darkness.

Chapter 5-SPLASH!


SPLASH! I bolt straight up. And immediately wish I hadn't. "Look! She's awake!" I grab my head and try not to faint. "Owwie." I gently settle back on whatever I was using as a pillow. I roll my head around. It was a pillow. When did I get a-- My thoughts are interrupted by another splash of freezing water. I shriek loud enough to break glass. "Kyla. Stop." His hands are on my shoulders again. My feelings aren't my own. Again. I see--.What's his name again? Don, Dan? I know it starts with a D. Let's go with Dominick. The guy at the bottom of my bed smiles. He sets the bucket that he used to soak me with water with down and says, "His name is D--" "David!" I look at David, confused. His name isn’t it? He looks so familiar. He can’t be named David. I see a glance pass between the two of them. "Well, Kyla." He claps his hands as if to get things settled. "My name is Phillipe. I will be by your bedside quite often. I am going to leave you here in David’s care, but I will be back. We’ll be spending a lot of down time together.” He does an over-exaggerated bow that makes me giggle. “Bye, Phillipe.” “Goodbye m’ lady.” He grabs the door and sashays out the room. I feel a hand placed on my shoulder and remember that there was actually someone else in the room. “Are you OK?” I twist around to face him. “I will be once you tell me what happened in front of the school.” He shifts, as if he’s uncomfortable. I stare him down. When he looks up at me I meet his eyes. He sighs and looks out the window. I shift my weight to my other hip so I can see his silhoutette against the window. "Please?", I try not to sound like I'm begging, more like I'm impatient. He exhales and turns around. He walks over to the hideous orange chair by my bed.

He falls into the chair with a loud whomp. I look at him, expectantly. He starts with, "This is really hard for me." That was not the sentence I was expecting. "What's really hard for you?" He grabs his head, then covers his mouth. Why is he acting all cuckoo? He continues to do all these cute little quirks. Did I just call him cute? Oh my god, Kyla! Trevor was just killed! Pull yourself together. Deciding to let my inner monologue fade away I repeat, "What's hard for you?" He closes his eyes and exhales forcefully. He runs a hand over his chiseled jaw. "Trying not to kiss you." I put my hand to my mouth and try not to yell. “W-Why would you want to k-kiss me?” He laughs, but there’s no joy in it. He pushes up from the chair and paces the room. He looks over at me with eyes soaked with sadness. He smiles, but again there’s not a shred of happiness. He exhales and says, “You...ugh!” He kicks over my bedside table. I slowly move to the other side of the bed. He's getting violent. He sees me move and sprints to my bed. "God. What you do to me Kyla. You' a drug." I'm a statue. I'm a statue. I'm a statue. He moves in closer. "You're my kryptonite.", he says, lips barely brushing mine. I try not to hyperventilate. He touches my cheek and electricity shoots through me. He moves a half-inch closer. "I could eat you up." My heart's pounding a mile a minute. "Why don't you then?" I feel him chuckle more than hear it. He pulls me in closer. My heart does a marathon in 2.2 seconds. BAM! The door flings open and I jump to to high heaven. Phillipe stands there grinning at David. "Am I interrupting something?" David shuffles to the door and mumbles something like, "Not anymore."

Chapter 6-The Hallway

A little while later after Phillipe has given me a "check-up" and I've slept off the buzz David installed in me, I find myself wandering around wherever this is. I know for a fact that my eyes have not left the "WHOA" position since I left my room. I take in everything around me and it fills me with a sense of awe and amazement. This place is magnificent. I start to run around so I can see everything in time. I run around a corner and slam straight into David. I fall backward like a piece of timber that just been cut down. David laughs at me rubbing my elbow. "It's not funny! It really hurts." He offers me his hand. "Sorry.", he says, pulling me up. The lights flash down the hallways. "What's happening?" David looks at me and says, "It's curfew." "But it's like 9:00 in the morning." He chuckles and tells me that I've been asleep for 13 hours. "Come on." And I'm being dragged through the halls like a ragdoll. We turn left, then right, then left again 2 more times. Soon we're at a place where there are ridges along the halls. Once we reach the end of the hall he practically shoves me in an alcove. What's he doing? He closes the distance between us with one stride. I back myself up against the wall. He says very softly, "I couldn't stand in that hallway with you and not be seen." My heart flip-flops in terror. He's going to kill me! 

With one quick move he leans down and seals his lips on mine. And all my troubles melt away. He pulls me even closer than physically possible. I wrap my arms around his neck while simultaneously hooking my leg around his waist.  He grabs my leg and hooks the other one around his waist so I’m stand-straddling him. He kisses my neck and sends electricity through me. Heat flushes through my body and settles in the pit below my stomach. “I love you Demi.” And just like that our connection is broken. "Demi?" I shove him off me and try not to feel disappointed that we stopped so quickly. "Who the fuck is Demi?" I demand. He stares at me, then shakes his head. "You're Demi." I stare at him in disbelief. "My name's Kyla." He blows out his cheeks. "Okay. You obviously don't remember. Come with me." He grabs my hand and I wrench it from his grasp. "I'm not going anywhere with you." My voice sounds quiet, but not calm. He reaches for my hand again. "I'm going to lose it. Stop." I tilt my head up to look in his eyes. I'm surprised at what I see in them. Unmasked rage. “Demi. Come. With. Me.” I stare at him defiantly. “No.” He lunges at me with blind fury. I hold up my arms in order to protect myself from him. His hands pull my arms out of the way like they’re twigs. He pulls me up by my arms and I try to get free. “Let go!” He pulls me in closer by my arms. “Stop!” He pulls me even closer with roughness. And then seals his lips with mine. Even though I don’t want to, I kiss him back. It’s my body’s natural reaction with him. He picks me up like I’m weightless, all the while never breaking lip contact with me. He kisses new, and different, with an urgency he didn’t possess before. “Come with me.”, he whispers, soft and gently, unlike before. ”I will. But only because you asked so nicely.” I feel him laugh with his lips against mine. He grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway, where something that would shatter my world was waiting behind a slate gray door that looked about as menacing as a kitten.

Chapter 7-The Explanation From School

We walk down the halway to a slate grey door. David stops there and digs around in his pocket looking for a key. "I normally don't go in there, so you'll have to talk to Tyler yourself." I stare at him blankly. He slaps his forehead. "Okay, so Tyler is the leader of this, erhm, establishment." I nod, pretending I know what's he's talking about. "Got it." He pulls out a little silver key and sticks it in the lock. The door swings open revealing nothing but dark. "It's rather....dark." David says, "Uh, yeah. He prefers dark to light." That's awesome. "I'm a day person." David gives me a shove. "Go get 'em tiger!" And the door slams shut. "Hello?" I walk forward a few steps. "Um, Tyler?" I keep walking forward until my shin gets shattered. "Fuck!" I clamp my hands over my mouth. "I didn't mean to hit you. Sorry." "Who is it?" "Oh, it's me. Phillepe." "Oh thank Jesus." I hold my hands over my heart. "I didn't mean to curse, but what did you ram into my shin?" "oh, it's nothing." Judging by the sound it makes when it hits the ground, it was far from nothing. "Here." I hear two claps and the lights come on. I immediately look around for what hurt my shin. My eyes land on something metal. Oh great. He hit me with a crowbar. "What the f--fudgeknockers, Phillepe?" He smiles at me sheepishly. He offers me a hand. "How hard did you hit me?" "Not very hard. I don't think I broke anything, at least." I grab his hand and try to put weight on my leg. I wince, but it'll do. "Where's Tyler?" Phillepe rubs his neck. "He's over here." He leads me down a to another grey door. "Uhm, try to be gentle when talking." That's all Phillepe says before he disappears somewhere. Probably to hit someone else with a crowbar. I shake my head and take a deep breath. "Hello?", I call out while simultaneously opening the door. "Oh! Oh! Wh-who's there?", a male voice with a bit of British accent calls back. "Um...It's me, Kyla!" "Kyla....I don't know any Kylas...." "Um, DAvid sent me here." A pause. "Hmmm. I don't know any Davids either." 


 So it's been a long ass while. Lemme tell you, a LONG ass while. So I was rereading this book, as I was with most of my books and I gotta say, I hate it. Not 100%. I'm just gonna rewrite it. So be on the lookout for that. Peace out, I love ya'll.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2013

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