
Hell Is Loose

Our life is a movie, there is a hidden director who has everything set up; from the moment we come out of the womb. Some say the director is God; others want to say Satan is a director as well. My movie is a horror one. I watch my life unfold; the only ones who surround me are copies of myself. Their eyes are fully black, with a satanic look, all of them grinning at me. No matter what, I see what I have become. All I can do is ask for it to all end. I want to break the mirror, send these memories away and allow my blood to cover them, trying to drown the pain like a child in a pool. Something that started out as wonderful turned into a nightmare. I can never wake up, but I know one thing for sure. If redemption does exist, I haven’t found it yet. Since it isn’t for me, once you write in blood you can never wash it off. Even if you use soap, it’s there like a tattoo.

Happy endings don’t exist; we may want to believe things work out before we lay dying; we are at the mercy of Death.



Part One

The maid rushed around the den; flustered she seemed to be afraid if she failed Satan would have her head. I hadn’t been in this den, in a while. The memories though were strong; I could see what happened in this room. I noticed some blood spots on the bear rug, it was dry but the scent of the owner was still strong. The room didn’t have any windows, the chairs and the sofas. Were made from dark leathers, both brown and red. The maid wore a dark purple dress, which looked like a hooker dress, her dark hair was put up into a bun, with chop sticks, she appeared to be in her thirties. “What’s with all the hustle and bustle?” I said, using my finger to run on the table, which was covered in dust. She wasn’t a very good maid I’ll admit. Yet I felt sorry for her, she was still human but she was sold into slavery. Satan bought her, only to make her lover jealous and torture her in front of him. I knew he always loved to use one’s greatest weakness against them. I could speak from experience, caring is just a weakness. It allows others to take advantage of you, and allows ones you care about to possibly get hurt. “I lost something, that your father wants.”

“What did he loose, and why is he making you look for it? Clumsy him.” It was really hard, not to insult him.  “He has other matters to attend to.”

She stared at me with wide eyes, I looked over my shoulder there was a female, she looked about my age, she had dark purple hair, with pale skin, she wore a blue blouse and a long black skirt, her eyes were a strong gold color, and I didn’t like the vibe from her. I observed her, she was from the Dark Dimension, she enjoyed elegant activates, yet a small scar was under her lip, giving the fact she got into a bar fight, her nails were polished the detail said she was rich. “Well I’m Rose, you must be Ayperos. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Hm, I suppose most of them negative.” I ignored her handshake; I knew a lot of people heard how I was a traitor. How I was the most stubborn demon ever, yet Satan cleared my name, more or less. “I heard you can be quite a devil.” Rose said, winking at me.

“Rose, is that you?”

Angel rushed in, nothing but a see through nightgown; I could see every detail under her. Every body part, was staring at me in the face.  I knew if I stared to long Mr. Excitement would rise.

Angel’s hair was long as always, her eyes were dark purple, and her figure it was easy to see why she was known as the Demon of Lust.

After they finished hugging one another, they turned to me and Rose said, “I heard you are taking the throne in few months.”

That damn text.

That damn deal.

Once I was able to swallow, “Yes.”







Nina was running around on the school track, she had her music on high blast, “Someone isn’t in a good mood.” Amanda shouted. Nina turned her music off, and turned her head back to her friend. She sighed and put a smile on, “Just I felt really bad about something I did.”

Amanda sat down on the football field, and patted a spot on the ground next to her, “Come on, tell me what’s wrong?”

Nina took up the offer, and sat next to her friend, “Well remember, when Brent got into the accident?”

Amanda gave a few nods; Nina didn’t know how to tell her. Amanda had no clue to the supernatural side of life. “Yeah, he was so grumpy!” Once Nina could swallow she spoke softly, “I’m the one to blame.”

Nina had contacted Dmitri and they worked together, in planning everything until Brent was captured and beaten. If she ever told him, he would never forgive her. “What do you mean?” Amanda asked, confused.

“I thought he was someone else, I had a friend take care of him. Yet there was a mix up apparently.” Nina tried to laugh it off, but she felt terrible for hurting him. Even if he is a demon. Brent seemed to be really struggling, he had remorse, but a question bugged her. What did he do, to become a demon? Nina knew she had to tell him and ask Robert some things.


Robert sat in the study, with a lot of test tubes, and a microscope, he seemed to be half awake, “Finishing late homework?” Nina asked, looking at the colorful liquids in the small test tubes.

“No, Brent was working on something for a while, so I am finishing it.” His eyes didn’t leave the microscope, Nina sighed and sat next to Robert, “About him, what happened to him? Which made him…become a demon?”

Robert sighed at the question, something he didn’t even know.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but why do you care about that part of his life? Whatever he did he regrets it, and hates himself forever. He has a lot of self hate.”

Nina looked over at the journal and the strange writing, “Odd, why did he write in code?”

“So no one would steal this silly.” Robert smiled at Nina.

Nina sighed then asked, “Does he forgive?”

There was silence, “Well, he hates to get close to someone. They stab him in the back, then he doesn’t want to see them.”

“I need to find him…”

“How, he could be anywhere?”

Nina thought about it, then she remembered the connection between witches and a demon.

“Arthena, she can help probably.” Nina said, shrugging and she ran off to find a witch, or possibly a bitch.





I looked at my hand, which had a black metal glove, it had long demonic claws, the long silver claws they were knives, which had poison in them. Also once the poison was injected the victim would bow down to me as long I wished. The glove had skulls on it; it covered from my fingers all the way to my elbow.  It held some souls that I had taken while wearing this. This was my weapon of choice, well at least my demon’s weapon. It probably looked heavy to a lot of people, but to me it was light as a feather. “You seem to be in thought, Ayperos. What’s on your mind?” The snake asked, he wrapped himself around one of the targets. I glared over at him, “Get out, before you become a stuffed target.”

“Hm, don’t you enjoy your welcome home gift? Some scientists have improved it.” The snake said, showing his sharp teeth at me. “Why do I need to wear this?”

“Well its your signature don’t you remember?”

I didn’t know anything about Ayperos, even if we shared the same body. I blocked him out for the most part, he knew me but I didn’t know much about him. Only he was a man whore, a liar and a killer.

Well that isn’t nice, but you hit the nail right on the head. If I am all those things, so are you.

“Oh, you don’t recall. I’m sure your father wants you to keep that on.” The snake said, wrapping his tail around my leg.


“We all know why, I shall leave you in peace.” He chuckled and he crept away out of the room. I felt the metal hand become apart of me. I tried to remove it, but it wouldn’t come off of me.  I flicked the finger part down, which loosened some knives. I lifted it and flicked it again this time five knives launched out and hit five targets in the head. Then automatically another set came out. Hm the knives were very sharp, perfect to kill someone.

“Hm so is it good to be back home?” A voice said, from behind me. I was tempted to throw a knife at him.

“What do you want, Dmitri?”

He came over to me; he wore a white leather tailcoat, a shirt on under and dark pants.

“I’m just saying welcome home buddy, have you stayed in the castle?”

He seemed to be trying, to be a nagging brother.

“Yes, and I am following our deal, I hope you’re following up on your part of it?” I asked, looking at the metal demon claw.

“Don’t worry, I am. Also Satan says he wont do anything.”

I sighed, the deal that we created a while ago. I knew, if I didn’t follow up on my part of it. The price would be very high, and terrible.

“You know, I don’t believe a single word he says.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

Dmitri shrugged then grabbed a small dagger, and slit his finger, he looked at the blood as if it was something beautiful to him. “Hm, well my dear friend. You know your fate, so let things flow.” Dmitri walked away and tossed the dagger, which almost hit me in the forehead, I held up the metal claw, and sliced the dagger in half and the two pieces went past me into the wall.

The private room, Dmitri had booked for few of us royal ‘teenagers’ to have a party.

We were in a dance club, the music was very loud dubstep, in our room it was very modern with our own bar, music selection, and fancy seating on the walls.

There was I, Angel, Rose, Dmitri and another demon. Angel sat next to me. On the side of the metal arm, and Dmitri and the other two sat next to us and chatted about crap.

“Your new addition is so sexy.” Angel said, grinning at me. I gave her a look, arching my eyebrow. It gave away, that I was far from being human, which is probably why Dmitri took us to a bar. Where people would be either drunk or stoned. So hardly many sober people around, who meant no one would really notice my new arm.

“Rose, why are you even here?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. I hated the scent that reeked from her, I felt like she was similar to Angel. She smiled as she took a sip from her cocktail. “Well, I heard about you taking the throne, and your marriage. I couldn’t just stand by in my boring life.”

“So a traitor is going to have the throne? Well seems legit.” Dmitri’s friend commented.

I didn’t even want to be King of Hell, Satan pulled that on me very last second. He knew how my mind would work. It was part of the deal, I sighed as I tried to hold back killing him.

Even the path I was on would make me want to kill every demon. Which I wanted to in the first place, yet now my thirst for bloodshed was even greater.

I eyed him; he could be an easy kill. Yet, I couldn’t just rip his head off in a public place.

“Well, at least I’m worth something. You reek of muck. Where were you born, the gutter. You would probably die in one.” Ayperos said, with a grin.

He is going to kill me.

Once the last word came out, he was on his feet. His features were clear now, he was Hispanic, dark brown eyes, he had black hair, he was about seven feet, it looked like he was on steroids, he had on a tight black shirt with ripped jeans on. His breath reeked of weed, he growled low, “I…will...kill ya.”

Based on his speech, he wasn’t very educated would say he was sold into slavery at an early age.

“I didn’t mean it, now put me down.” I said, trying to keep my temper.

He help me up by my collar, he was baring his teeth at me.

“Now, now girls. If you want to fight, take it to the arena.” Dmitri said, as he took a sip of his drink.

“Let’s, you against my gang.” He said, dropping me on the ground and walking out.

“Well, you are screwed.” Dmitri chuckled.

Rose shook her head, and seemed like she was trying to get used to us. I still didn’t know why my uncle was visiting. I wanted to find out, only after I teach them a lesson.





The arena was filled with demons that were in their demonic form; every single one of them was ugly beyond belief. The fighting area was ten feet in the ground, dirt and the fences were black chain link, and they were ten feet as well. Blood was everywhere, even in the bleachers. There was Dmitri’s friend, he spit into a pot and a friend was massaging his shoulders. There were four guys glaring at me, so it was five against one. “Oh look at this turn out, so many ugly faces. Rumor is it, that there is a special fight tonight. Prince Ayperos against the Blood Hands!”

I remembered that name; it was a gang that was passed down for centuries. Only the top killers were in that group.

“The rules are simple, no using any demonic powers, no cheating, the Blood Hands will be able to turn into their demon form. Ayperos, since you are a powerful demon you must stay in your human form.”

One jumped into the arena, he was a short, pale, and short red hair, red eye to match, and he took off his shirt, and turned into a demon. There was a serpent, wings like a hawk, long hair, sharp fangs, head like a bull and he was still small. I took off my long red leather tailcoat, and threw my black shirt on the ground.

I jumped into the battle arena, and felt the metal hand power up with my demonic energy. I took a deep breath and started one of the longest nights so far. I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them, everything was blurry, expect bodies were very detailed and weak spots were easy to spot. His was in his wings, I grinned I calculated a plan in seconds. I dashed at him, I ducked as he tried to punch me, I upper cut him, then grabbed his throat and threw him in the air. Then I grabbed his wings and pulled them into a painful position and, ripped the wings off of him like a bandage. Blood was everywhere, he screamed in agony I could see the crowd on their feet trying to get a better look. There was silence, exactly as planned. I turned to the remaining fighters.

They seemed to be frozen, possibly fear. Then the announcer shouted, “Mercy rules. Ayperos is the winner.”

I jumped out of the arena and rolled my head cracking my neck, I picked up my coat and placed it on. I picked up the shirt and turned to the crowd, I threw it up and watched them trying to grab it. My eyes returned to their neutral color, I let out a heavy sigh looking at the demon who was dying on the ground. I looked back down at the metal claw. Not everything can be kept in the dark, I suppose.

Dmitri turned around the corner, and grinned at me, “Well I underestimated you.”

“Want me to kill you too?” I snarled low.

He smiled then shrugged, “You can try, but remember only one thing can destroy someone from the Dark Dimension.”

“Satan destroyed those a long time ago, not a single one was left.”

Dmitri nodded, slightly impressed that I knew my history. “Yes, well done. I am surprised you aren’t dumb as you look.”

“If Satan sees I am here, he will believe I am sinking into the demonic abyss.”

“Well, hate to break it to you buddy. You are.”

He walked to his car, which was a Mustang Shelby. He looked at me as if wondering if I was going to get in. I shook my head, I rather walk alone and wonder about the reason I was turned into a demon. I wish Satan would tell me, Dmitri raced past me. Humans make mistakes all the time, and they are forgiven. What did I do, that was unforgiveable?

My mother made sure, I did everything a saint would do. So, why was I cursed?

“I’m not doing that, you are insane!” I snapped.

He let out a chuckle then gave an evil grin, “Of course you will, you know your fate. Brent, look down at your arm. If that isn’t telling you who you are, and what you do. Then you are pathetically stupid.”

“I never asked to be a demon, tell me…why me. What did I do that was so unforgiveable?”

He grinned then his eyes got a deadly shine in her eyes, “I’ll tell you.”



Arthena was laying by the pool side, she had on sunglasses, she wore a sexy bathing suit. Nina stood blocking the sunrays. Arthena took off the sunglasses, and looked up at Nina, “Um, what do you want?”

Nina looked around, seeing how much money Arthena had, seeing hedges trimmed into shapes, a large pool but the house was very cute but it screamed rich. “Are you a gold digger or something?”

Arthena let out a laugh; “I don’t need to strip to get a guy’s attention, and all this wealth. I got a good paying job, still doesn’t explain why you are here.”

Nina sighed and sat down on a lounger next to Arthena, “Do you know if there is a gate that opens to Hell?”

“Yes, but if you think about it. It’s a likely chance you will be killed.” Arthena shrugged trying to keep tanning.

“I need to talk to Brent.” Nina said low, narrowing her eyes.

Arthena slid the sunglasses up behind her ears, and raised her eyebrow, “Since when did Brent, go back to the Demon World? Thought he hated that place.”

“I think something happened to him, he has been missing.” Nina said, almost on the edge of her seat.

“Tried calling him, and didn’t you guys break up?”

Nina sighed then said, “We weren’t really together, but no one deserves to be tortured by Satan….please help me make sure he is ok.”

“If we do, we can’t run in there blind. We need to be prepared.” Arthena said, sitting up.

“So you’re going to help?”

Arthena shrugged then said, “Well a witch normally serves a demon as a prostitute, so we can say you are one as well. Go around into clubs, asking around for Prince Pouty.”

“So is that why you are swimming in wealth?’

Arthena let out a laugh, then shook her head, “No, but come on we can make you sexy. Sort of.” Arthena pulled Nina by the arm, and took her into the house, and into her room. Which had a lot of naughty toys, a large bed with red sheets and purple cover and pillowcases. There were some candles, and posters on the walls, the room smelt of a perfume. She had a walk in closet, with some corsets, dresses, high heels and tank tops.

“Are gonna stand out, if we dress like prostitutes?” Nina asked looking around.

Arthena looked around her closet for outfits for them, “Nope, trust me honey. The Demon World is like Las Vegas pretty much.”

“But I can’t really act sexy.” Nina said, shrugging slightly, bit depressed about the whole thing. She was able to fight a man twice her size, but she had no idea how to flirt.

“You don’t need to, just don’t allow them to pin you in a corner. Especially the larger demons just stay close to me. Or at least, try not to get killed.”

Going into Hell, was said to be impossible. Only way to get there, are Hell Gates. No one human came out alive. Nina didn’t even trust Arthena few weeks ago, and now they were breaking into Hell together. Nina remembered what her mother told her, trust no man, and fear nothing.

“How do you know, we will be able to find him?”

Arthena shrugged then got some fancy corsets and short skirts, “Everyone knows his name, we will manage.”

Nina sighed, as they sat down and started doing hair and make up. Nina had her hair straighten, with glitter highlights that would get attention. Arthena curled her hair; even though it was simple it was very flattering.  Both wore, bold make up which brought out their features very well.

Nina got a white corset with a black bow and laces, a short black skirt, fishnets tights, and knee high white boots. Arthena had a dark red corset with black lace, also a black short skirt, with fishnet tights with rhinestones on them, and fancy black high heels.

“Alright, now lets go. Just remember never to lay down.” Arthena said, almost in a motherly tone.

Nina got her pistol and placed it under her skirt, Arthena noticed her and raised her eyebrow, “You know if someone sees that, you will be exposed.”

“Not if I blow their head off.” Nina said, loading the gun with bullets.

Arthena sighed then took the gun away from her, “This is a dead give away, if we want to find where he is. You can’t give away who you are.”

“I was told not to go anywhere, without a weapon.” Nina snapped back.

Arthena walked out of the room, then popped her head back in, “Well go ahead, when I find him. I will tell him, you say hi.”

Arthena grinned then was gone; Nina chased her fast as she could. She knew she was going to regret this, she held onto the pistol tightly. “Come on, let’s go pay a visit to Prince Pouty.”

“Well you ladies need a body guard, to make you look more famous.” Robert spoke from behind them; he had a grin that many boys had, when they were up to no good. There was no way of talking him out of this, the girls exchanged looks and gave Robert a nod. They travelled to the nearest Hell Gate.






After all these years, learning the truth behind why I was cursed. I didn’t want to believe it, I bared my teeth at him, “Why the hell should I believe you?”

“Because brat, I know what happened that night. You don’t remember a thing. Let’s see whom should we believe, the all-powerful Devil? Or a stupid little boy who ended up in a coma.” Satan hissed at me.

“Show me…now.” I snarled, ready to pounce on him.

Satan let out a laugh, as if I was just a little kitten playing with a ball of string.

“That would be a waste of time, I already told you. Besides going back in a time is such a pain.”

“I need to see it for myself…please.”

I never truly begged for anything, from him. He saw life as; if you want something you need to do it by yourself.

“What do I get out of this?” Satan was picking at his long claws, scraping out dried blood and who knows what else.

“You already have me as a prisoner, and we have the deal in place remember.” I growled low, he looked up at me then stood up and walked towards me. When he was barely three inches away from my face he grinned and his breath smelt of blood and weed.

“Alright, let’s go on a father and son trip.” He grabbed my human arm, and yanked me along with him. He slashed at a wall and a portal opened up it was a dark purple in the center and on the outside was a light purple.

We walked through the time gate; everything seemed to be a optical illusion, it didn’t take long for us to arrive back in the year of 1399. We were out in the streets, Black Death Plague was going around, bodies were being thrown onto carts to be burnt and never given a proper burial. Everyone was crying and hugging one another, as their loved ones were pulled away from them. I remembered my family and me somehow survived. “Remember this didn’t even touch you, somehow you were immune.”

I narrowed my eyes at the grin he gave me, “So what did I do…” Satan walked towards where a butcher shop was, where I would trade in for things I caught while hunting and make money. We did struggle for money, for a while so my brother and me would find ways to help our mother. “Why are we here?”

Satan gestured for me to walk inside the building, and then I saw everything for the first time ever.

There was me as a little boy shaking in the corner in the fetal position, there was a man trying to place his hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t make out the features of him. “Adrian, come here. I love you.” That name seemed so far away now; Satan whispered over to me, “Here comes the best part.”

The younger me, grabbed a knife and threw it at the man he dropped to the ground, almost on top of the little boy. Not a single blood drop was spilled, that was the way a killer preferred. Sometimes they liked to pain the town red, yet in my training its good to try and keep it clean.




“You had schizophrenia, and you murdered your biological father in cold blood. You saw a demonic hallucination, and panicked and killed him. You were afraid and ran out of this shop. Tripped and almost cracked your head open on the street; you were in a coma for about three months. And you had no memory of that night…until now.”

My mouth was opened, I was shaking how could this be real. I couldn’t of killed him, what about my sister.

“No, I didn’t kill him. Explain my sister!” I snapped, wanting to kill Satan.

I always wanted to see him suffer, but family was something I held dear to me. It was my fault, everyone ended up dead.

“Yeah about her, after your coma some of your schizophrenia went away, but it stayed on the low. No one figured you were insane, but back to your sister. She never existed. She was only in your mind.”

“No! She was real.” I snarled, grabbing hard onto Satan throat trying to choke him. All I wanted to do was kill him, and make him take back everything

“You created her as a light, to make you feel important. You didn’t care for sexual intercourse, so you just wanted a little sister. Think how she loved you more then anything. Think about it, she was never even born.”

I was starting to piece together the future years, it was true…she only existed in my mind. The way she never wanted to leave my side, if she did leave my side she wouldn’t exist. How could I been so stupid?

“Everyone said she was real though! My mother, my brother and Emily! They wouldn’t lie to me!”

Satan grabbed my arm, and threw it off of his shirt, and fixed where I had grabbed the collar, “Well, they knew it made you happy. So they just allowed you to have your ‘sister’.”

“Well, now let’s go back, you got a mission to go on.” Satan grinned at me, as I followed him through the portal I was broken. First seeing that I was truly meant to be a demon, and that my sister was never alive.


I sighed sitting on the rooftop over looking the city, it seemed a lot like Las Vegas, a lot of tall buildings, clubs, and casinos. Most demons spent their time in clubs, and acted like there is no tomorrow. Hm life is a war; every single one of us is a solider. Fighting to keep our heads above the water, and just be able to make it to the end of the day. When you are dead, you wonder why are you still in limbo. We were all told we are born, we live and then we die. I never realized, there was this limbo where immortals live in wine and gold. Or blood and tears.

“Someone looks like a mess.” Dmitri said, climbing onto the roof and placing himself elegantly on the roof next to me.

 “Well, when you learn your little sister didn’t exist, and you killed your human father…it changes you.”

Dmitri let out a laugh, “Need a smoke?” He handed me a Lucky Strike I didn’t need a lighter I lit it myself and could feel the nicotine rush through my veins within in seconds. Even if demons couldn’t get lung cancer, or drunk we could still feel some effects. “I could easily kill you right now.” I said, arching a eyebrow looking at him. He smirked and kicked back and laid down looking up at the sky.

“If you could, then you would of already. You know you barely have any control over your body. You try to kill me, I will make sure you get a nice black eye and twisted spine.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, and started trying out some creative smoke tricks, that I once saw gentlemen coming up with them at the clubs.  He was stronger then me, only due to the fact he gave up his humanity a long time ago.

“Are you heading down to a club, stripping for the lower class?” I asked, between smoke tricks. Dmitri grinned, “Nah, I am going to retire for the night. You shouldn’t go there has been more bar fights, that get ugly.”

Once he was out of earshot, I looked down at the metal claw, and jumped down I grabbed onto the roof with one hand and swung myself into my bedroom. I put on a long black leather tailcoat, black boots and some plain dark jeans. I tried to cover up the metal claw; well everyone who lived in this world knew what everyone was. So it was pointless to try and hide it, while in the Demon World.


We all come into life the same way, from the safety of our mother’s womb into a battle that will never end. At first, we think everything is picture perfect, yet the only picture I see is a blood stained one with rips going across it. With some cheap tape trying to keep it together. Everyone has hidden scars, we smile and lie through our teeth to have society think we are alive and will go far. Yet behind every pair of eyes, there are scars and misery. Trying to please society is pointless. They will only see what they want sometimes, and not care what lays under the skin. Sometimes I think its better if society judged everyone has a monster. Humans have a bunch of theories, thinking the end of the world is going to end. In the end, they will be the reason for their decease. People only seek for sex, fame or wealth. Then claim in the end, they actually cared about someone, when they just lie through their teeth to keep people on their side. No one wants to be alone, so sometimes lying is the best thing to do, to protect ones from the darkness, or you may just be a laying arese.


I walked into the large lab, seemed like something out of Resident Evil I strolled along down the glass pathway once I got to the room where the doors slid open, the walls were white and the flooring was glass but under the glass was a lot of blood. I saw a small hunchbacked creature he had green scales covering his body he was only four feet tall, he seemed like a goblin he had little horns on his head. “Oh welcome my Lord. What brings you down to my little lab?”

 I could smell all the female blood on him; I couldn’t help but try and hold my breath.

“I was told that something about, improving this claw.” I lifted the metal claw.

His eyes almost popped out of his head as he admired it.

“I will make it even more powerful.” He somehow took it off, as if there was a code that had it release its grip. He placed it on the table and started using some Black Magic on it. I walked past him, down a long hall; in glass containers there were different creatures, or organs. I was expecting to see a radioactive monkey. They did experiments on humans or animals here a lot. I noticed some other little goblins during some tests; one glass container caught my attention.






A needle went into a wolf and then they released it from its cage it was foaming at the mouth it grew a blood thirst in its eyes. Then the unthinkable happened, some goblins placed some of the wolf’s pups right in front of her. Then blood splashed against the glass, and guts were everywhere in the room, the wolf licked up the blood as if she hadn’t had anything to drink in a while. “That my Lord, is a new experiment we are testing on turning anything into a killing machine.” A goblin said, standing next to me.

I kept walking down the hallway, I didn’t really want to look into some of the glass rooms, what I saw out of the corner of my eye, my bones turned ice cold.  “Prince Ayperos…” A voice spoke behind me.

I knew that voice, it came from someone I hated more then anything.

Everything went black…



“Where are we going to stay, not like we can afford much of a place anyway, and the next Hell Gate won’t open for a while…” Nina said, looking around the dead woods. Arthena led the way, as if she knew the way, “There are some motels, in the lower class part. No one will notice us down there. Robert how long has it been, since you came here? Would anyone remember you?”

“Nah, no one really noticed me.” Robert said, shaking his head. They got to a hill they saw a huge empire. It was larger then New York City, there was a large castle in the far end, “Ladies, welcome to Hell Capital. There is the lower class over there, the downtown in the center, middle class on the other side of down town, and upper class behind that wall. All the generals, and advisors live close to the castle. It’s hard to get past that wall. “

“So do we just walk into a strip club and ask for a job?” Nina asked, arching an eyebrow.

Arthena shrugged then smiled, “I already have a job, but lets go Nina, we need to get you a job.”

They walked down into the city, there was a guard blocking their path it was a hellhound. “Robert…what are we going to do…” Nina whispered ducking behind him.

“Just stay behind me, and don’t move.” Robert whispered over his shoulder.

The hellhound snarled at them, foaming at its mouth it inhaled their scents slowly; its eyes rolled back into its head then back out again.

“Nina started to pull out her gun, then Arthena looked at her and shook her head, the hellhound came closer to Robert and sniffed his clothes, Nina held her breath the hound backed down and allowed them to pass into the city. Once they went around a corner, Nina let out her breath, “How are we going to get past the demons, without them picking up my scent?”

“Well, vampires are able to give off strong scents, which can cover up yours. So others will believe you are a vampire. As long you stay close to him, you’re good. Or I can shadow you, so make it seem like you are a ghost.”

“How do we know if he is even…alive?” Nina asked, in a whisper.

Robert messed with her hair, “Don’t worry, his father wants him alive…more or less.”

“To the club, I will suppose?” Nina asked, looking over at Arthena.

“Actually, now I think of it. You are a bit to innocent to handle it.”

Nina made it so only four inches separated them, “I can do anything better then you.”

“Then prove it.” Arthena flashed an evil look in her eyes and spun around and walked towards the club.

“You sure, you want to do this?” Robert asked, looking down at Nina knowing the clubs in Hell could get rough.

“Yeah, someone needs to teach her a lesson. So I might as well show her, she isn’t all that.”

Before Robert could stop her, Nina stomped after Arthena into one of most famous and blood covered club. Ambrose Lounge.


The entryway came out onto a balcony, it overlooked the club it had loud metal playing, some mash pits where going on down on the dance floor. A casino to the left, some bathrooms or private rooms on the top half.

On a stage there were some strippers that were naked completely, seducing some who came to watch them.

Nina searched around, furiously trying to search for Arthena. “Nina, remember you need to stay close to me. If not, they will paint this room red!” Once Robert finished that sentence Combichrist Red started blasting through the speakers. 

Then spotlights flashed onto the stage where the strippers were and in the center, there was Arthena she wore fishnet tights, a black bra with small spikes on it, she wore black underwear. She danced on the pole, seducing the audience.  Even Robert felt himself getting erotic from watching her and the way; her skin glowed in the spotlight. She took off, the underwear and tossed it into the audience, she danced over to a coffin and sat on it. She did the splits, making some demons in the crowd wanting to have her in their bed. Arthena then took off her bra; she was a natural at seducing others. “She is good.” Robert whispered.

“She is a hooker, now let’s ask around if anyone has seen him.” Nina said, walking down the stairs and staying away from the crowds, Robert chased after her knowing  this wasn’t going to end well.

A demon that wore a black suit, horns on his head, bat wings, a half melted face, one of his eyes was oozing out some kind of liquid, he was about 5’7 feet tall, and he had a deadly look in his eyes.

“Sir, I need to ask you a question.” Nina said, trying to make her voice firm as she could.

The demon looked down at her, then saw Robert, “Oh hey, Robert. When did you arrive here?”

He had a woman under each wing; he had a beer and sipped it then flashed his teeth at Nina.

“Just got in few hours ago, we need a place to stay. Not really high class, due to Ayperos arrival. Security is higher then it has been. If they see my newest minion, they may ask questions.”

The demon studied Nina he seemed to be trying to sniff her from a distance, “She’s a vampire?”

Robert nodded, “Yes she is still turning. Now may we sit down?”

The demon gestured for the women to leave, and Robert sat down keeping Nina close to him, “So you say Ayperos has returned? Won’t the King throw some large party to celebrate his return?”

“Most likely, but why are you coming to me?” The demon asked, arching an eyebrow.

Robert shrugged, “It’ll be a invitation only, you’re the king of party. Mind getting us in there?”

“I’ll see what I can do, and a place for you and your hookers to stay. Hm I do have a old townhouse in the slum part of the city. Here you go.” The demon said, pulling a key out of nowhere and tossing it to Robert, he caught it in mid air.

“Number is 667s.” The demon grinned winking at Nina.

Robert got up, and led Nina out of the club; even outside you could still hear the heavy bass.

“Should we wait for Arthena?”

“Nah, she is a witch remember. They can be cunning.”

They walked down to the slum area, where a lot of the residents were homeless, or lived in a crappy house. This part of the city, had a Victorian look, with broken windows, some demons were trying to keep warm next to a pile of dead bodies that was on fire. Nina looked at the ugly creatures that watched her like a cat watching a laser pointer.

“I think they’re going to kill us…” Nina whispered under her breath. Robert leaned down to her, “Just don’t make eye contact…we just need to lay low.”

They slowly walked on the sidewalk, and they arrived at an old brick townhouse, one of the windows was sealed up with boards. There were three stairs going up to it.

Robert unlocked the old door, the lock was really rusty and looked like it was going to fall off. He gently pushed it open, and they were greeted by the smell of rotting food and bodies, the furniture was old and the house seemed like it was falling apart.

“I’ll search around, or see if I can get a sitting with Brent. Since he is trapped probably in the castle, I can’t really walk in, now just stay inside and wait for Arthena.”

Before Nina could respond, Robert had walked outside and there was a lock so she couldn’t try and run off.

“I want to help!” Nina pounded on the door, Robert punched the door making her jump back.

“Shut up, be quiet…” Robert snarled under his breath. Then he walked away, the opposite way of the castle. He had other motives to come to Hell, other then saving his friend.

He was saving himself.







I felt numb everywhere or if everything was asleep, I could barely open my eyes and keep them up. I saw I was laying in a white room, which looked like a hospital room. The room was dark, only with one ray of light. I finally had the strength to open my eyes and keep them up.  I had an oxygen mask on, as if I needed that piece of crap on my face. Then I turned my head to the right, my right arm was cut off of me, and laying on a bedpan. What the hell happened, when I tried to sit up something restricted me there were chains keeping me from moving.

“Well someone is awake.” Dmitri said, sitting in a chair reading some old spell book.

I narrowed my eyes at him, “What the hell happened to my damn arm!”

He pulled the book down from his face, “Chill, that little scientist fixed up your metal arm. So he got your father permission, to slice off your regular arm.”

I stared back at my arm; it laid there like a dead rat, my eyes drifted to the metal arm. It was silver, with a hook on the underside; it had some elegant claws where my fingers used to be, and some demonic markings that glowed a green color. On the forearm, it looked more like a scale pattern and with sharp spikes on it that were half an inch, and curved outwards. “Where am I? Why are you here?’

Dmitri shrugged and turned a few pages, “Well, you are in the infirmary. I’m here to make sure the surgery was successful.”

“Why, am I chained!” I snapped, trying to break the chains.

Dmitri placed the small leather book on the end table, “Since, your father knew you would wake up and try and kill me. Plus your new arm will be get used to your body in no time. “

He stood up, and walked over to the mangled up arm, “damn, you didn’t feel a thing?”

“No, someone knocked me out, I have no idea what they used on me…” I groaned trying to even move my fingers of my good arm.

“Good drugs, it keeps you from using any of your demonic powers for couple hours.”

So I am weak as a crippled human, fantastic.

“I suppose there wont be world domination for awhile, since I am drugged up.” I said, with a cocky grin on my face.

“Lucky break, but I’m off to train my army.” Dmitri said, winking at me then leaving me alone in the recovery room. He was going to be in an invasion, and he knew him and me would be working closely most likely.


I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the metal arm it was filled with power. It would be even more powerful since Ayperos isn’t to far from the surface now.  I let my eyes close for few moments, and then I heard some slow clapping coming from the door. I knew whom that belonged to, Satan. I opened my eyes and narrowed them onto that scumbag.

“Well I see you’re recovering well from the little improvement.” Satan said, picking up my old right arm and started to picked off the skin like petals on a flower. Then he looked down at me, “I think you look better with that new arm. Now I give you permission to be in Hell. But I closed all the Hell Gates are closed until you become King of Hell. So don’t think you can escape.”

He walked out of the room filled of grace, letting his long dark blue cape flow in the air even if there was not a breeze.

I sighed, pushing myself up off the bed and walked over to a mirror there I was.

Wearing my black tailcoat, a dark leather vest on under with a black shirt on under that, black jeans with a chain hanging from a pocket, I had serious short bed hair, I had some light facial hair growing on my chin and around my mouth, how long had I been passed out. It didn’t matter, I couldn’t really shave it off, and it was another thing part of the demon inside me. He could adjust the human appearance and attitude, as he wants.

“Well you look terrible.” Rose said, walking in. She wore a long black flowing dress, she had a red choker on her hair was up in a high ponytail.

“Ah Rose, so we are cousins.” I leaned on the dresser and crossed my arms. I pulled my coat over to try and cover the new arm.

“Yeah, somewhat odd you didn’t find out until now.”

I remember what The Great One told me, I got a small grin on my face, “So let’s see if I understand correctly. In the beginning there were three. The Devil, The Dark One aka a witch, and possibly an angel. So if that statement is correct, there is good in me.”

“Hm, I see you did some research, that’s true. Yet the angel one was the weak one. Your father made sure, you never got any of the purity that exists in an angel.”

Damn, I thought I found a loophole, “How could Heaven develop without, the first angel?”

“It slowly developed. Yet Satan refused to let any good into your heart. He knew you would be a problem child.” Rose smiled shrugging.

“So what’s your story, I’m sure your father told you about me.” I said, narrowing my eyes down at her.

Rose shrugged then started to turn to leave, “Let’s talk about it, somewhere other then here.”

“Where are we going to meet?” I asked, following her. She smiled then spun around, “Black Moore Lake.  In one hour.” Rose said, stroking my new arm. She walked out with grace at the same time taunting me. If I learned anything in my lifetime it was never trust anyone. In the end, it’s going to be only you. Even family, can be liars. Especially if your family, has blood covered hands. You never know, who is next you need to protect yourself. The new arm was cold as ice yet it was relaxing as a drug. I knew my fate, and this was apart of it. Becoming a monster, maybe I was born as one. Sometimes you wonder if its best to give up early. Surrender to the darkness, since in the end ones who stay in the light get beaten to a pulp.  I walked out, of the infirmary I hid my arm in my coat. Hoping no one would notice it, since Ayperos was known for this legendry weapon. Ah shit, I remembered Satan took the Arch Angel Knife. I grinded my teeth together there was going to be trouble big time. That weapon, can lead Satan to what he wants, the item that will make angels, and ghosts bow down to him. With that, blood would be everywhere. I dashed quick as I could at demonic speed I climbed up a wall like a spider. I did a back flip landing on a balcony.  I kicked the door in half and broke in the room, where Satan was having a drink of a soul. “I know it’s been a while since you where here. We like to use doors, not…balconies.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and smacked the wine glass out of his hand, my new arm quickly grabbed onto his shirt and smashed him into the brick wall. I could feel my fingers sinking into his skin.

“You took the Arch Angel Knife, give it back…” I snarled low, I was still waking up from being drugged. Yet I had enough strength to discuss matters with him.

He got an evil look in his eyes, and his pupils grew to cover the entire eye socket. I felt like a puppet, and I dropped him down on the ground. He gestured his head towards a chair, I couldn’t help it my body was weak. So I had no will power, just kill me now. End my suffering, yet he isn’t that merciful.

“Hm, son you know why I need it. That’s why I gave you your TRUE arm. I took that old weapon from you. I think this one suits you better. So care for a drink? Lust Mary? Dark Diamond?”

He walked over to his personal bar, and behind him was a large cabinet filled with drinks all over the world, from different times. “I don’t really want anything to drink…what do you plan on doing with that knife?”

“That knife my dear boy, can lead us towards victory. Hm, still odd how you were able to obtain it. What’s more strange is, how loyal it was to you.”

Even I still didn’t understand why it accepted me, out of all people. It picked someone who was meant to destroy the innocence without a second thought.

It should of picked someone, who would want to kill me.  Someone who would be the savior of the world, not the destroyer.

“I’m not sure, it was during one of the raids. A boy gave it to me, I don’t think he sensed what I am.”

“That’s cause you are refusing who you are, in his dying state he believed you were human. Well done you are truly are a trickster. Ayperos.” Satan grinned, pouring a glass of souls. He sipped it slowly, like a child enjoying some soda.

Once he released the freeze, I had the ability to move.

I walked towards the door; I opened it and left my father alone. I slammed the door hard, creating a mini earthquake.


Black Moore Lake, was on the west side, it was about an hour away from the city, it was always foggy, the trees were covered in vines they were alive, and could kill anyone quickly.

“Hm, so you actually came?” A voice said, from behind me. Rose walked over and stood next to me.

“Hm, well since your father probably told you everything about me. So only fair for you to tell me, about yourself.”

Rose let out a laugh, she bent down and touched a pebble and bounced it in her hand, and then she skipped it across the lake.

“Well cousin, what do you want to know?”

“Well, your demon story.”

“I was born, nothing to say really. You are an odd story. Your father waited until your eighteenth birthday.”

So she is most likely older then me, which may be some use to me.

“Does your father, keep a record of the deceased? Like where they went after he decided their fate?”

Rose gave me a slight laugh, “Didn’t you pay attention in primary school? Yes, you idiot.”

I raised an eyebrow at her, then that voice haunted my mind.

If you’re planning on trying to find your sister, let me say this again. She never bloody existed! She was only in your bloody head!

“So, he has records from the beginning of time?”

I wanted to see, if there was a way to find my biological father, and beg for his forgiveness. “If you want to break in it won’t work well. I’m going to head back, and get a painting done. You should get one done, a full body one…you know to include your new arm.”

She walked away without her feet touching the ground, I was taught to always trust family. They’re suppose to understand you more then any other person in the world. Bull crap.

Something or someone was hunting me; I inhaled their scent it smelled of rotting eggs. It broke a twig; I was able to detect what direction it was coming from. Every demon with a brain would know not to attack the Devil’s son. Meaning…

Then something lunged at me, it was about my height, red glowing eyes, razor sharp teeth, spikes covering him, he growled at me.

He tried to claw at me, I jumped back avoiding his grab just barely. I lifted my metal claw, and slashed his head off, and then he grew two heads.

He grinned and spoke Latin backwards.

 I had no idea, what this thing was. I let my mind control come then things became brutal.

I slowly had him combust, but not fast and painless, I let blood run out of his eyes, shoving the spikes on his body inside of him. Letting them stab every vital organ, making him scream out in pain, I made sure all his joints were snapped. I kneed down next to him, keeping my distance, I waved my metal claw over him, there wasn’t much on him, only that he couldn’t think alone, there was one person in control of this kind of demon. It seemed more like a zombie demon, then anything else. I released him, from the pain and walked back to the Capital, and find out who created that zombie demon. Yet I had a pretty good idea…


“What the hell!” I shouted, stomping inside the council room. There wasn’t a meeting-taking place, unless you count Satan, Grim, Dmitri and another General.

“Oh, welcome back Ayperos. Was your hunt successful?” Satan asked, with a smile.

“Ayperos, what are you doing here?” Grim asked, tapping his skeleton hands on the table.

“You created these demonic zombies didn’t you!” I snapped, although it didn’t surprise me, that he would still try and kill me whenever he could.

“Wait, did you say demonic zombies?” The General asked, getting on his feet.

Dmitri didn’t say anything; he just looked at me as if I belong in a mental institution.

“It just came out of nowhere, and wouldn’t die.”

Satan let out a loud sigh, drawing attention back to him, “I was working on a experiment. Seeing if I can create a new breed seems like I did a good job.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, he grinned then looked at Grim, “They are amazing brother. Oh son, come here and show your uncle. The new weapon.”

I walked over to the hooded figure; no one has ever seen his face and lived.

He was strong for just being bones, he held the metal claw he seemed surprised that I had lost my entire arm. Or that this was a legendry weapon, possibly both.

“Hm, so it is true. Thought this was just a legend.”

“Well we all know he is stubborn. Yet he is disciplined and knows his place.” Satan said, giving me a deadly look. If I didn’t obey, or follow along he would make me pay later. I let out a heavy exhale, trying to ignore Dmitri grinning at me.

Grim let go of my arm.

“Well so he is finally broken, the human side wise.” Grim said, slightly confused as if it was hard to believe. I’m sure Satan has told him, all about what a problem child I can be.

“Yup, well you know every wild horse can be tamed, with enough hits of the whip.”

Then Dmitri butted in, with a loud sigh, “I don’t mean to be rude, but can we finish this meeting up? I got other matters to attend to.”

“Of course, now with these new demons, can be your new soldiers General. Trust me, they may not be powerful as we are. Yet they will destroy the enemy. Just give a sample of DNA or anything. They will kill that group.”

“Interesting, show me them my Lord.” General said, getting up while Satan and Dmitri followed.

Which left Grim and me alone…

“Hm, do you find it odd your father never told you about your past? Shouldn’t he told you right away?” Grim asked, in more of a gentle tone. Death was sneaky; he had methods of luring his victims when they least expected him to cut their string.

“You can answer a question I have, do you know where my biological father is.” I leaned forward on the table.

He gave a small laugh, “Hm, why would I tell you that. Every soul document belongs to me.”

“I need to find him…”

“If you are thinking of bringing him back to life, or something. Not happening little Ayperos.”

“Tell me, is he in Heaven or Hell…” I growled low.

Grim shrugged, “What do you think, he was a Catholic man, although he kept you safe from some people who believed you were a demon. A pastor requested you to be drowned in holy water. Your parents denied their order. So, that pastor some reason had a heart attack that night. Odd.”

“You killed that pastor, didn’t you?” I said, arching an eyebrow.

“If you were to be killed, before your eighteenth birthday. All our plans would turn to dust.” Before I could respond, Grim faded into the shadows.

There was only one other person, who probably could sneak me into the tower, where they kept the soul files. Angel. I knew how demons worked; they wanted something out of everything. Knowing her, she will desire a booty call.


She was in her bathroom, it was directed towards the gender of females, the curtains were see through that went around her tub, there were exotic planets all around the room, the lights were dim, although she had candles going around the large bathtub.

“Well, have you finally come to your senses and plan to get it on with me?”

“No, now mind dismiss your…um washer?”

She had someone washing her hair, with some fancy shampoo brand.

“Go ahead, me and my love must talk.”

Once the maid left the room, she turned to me and gave a grin, “So, what brings you here?”

“Do you know how I can break into the Soul Tower?’

She caught onto why I was asking about it, “Come take your clothes off. Join me for a while.”

She moved the water around, with her hand I knew I had to undress and get in the tub with her, if I wanted any information.

I took off all my clothes, and stepped inside the tub but sat on the opposite side of the tub.

“Now, what colors should we use for our wedding, I was considering purple and black. The flowers, I would say Moon Lilies.”

“I’m not here to discuss that wedding, how do I get into the Soul Tower?”

She had a slight laugh, and stroked her foot on my thigh and slowly moved it down.

“Of course I know, a gate that connects our world to Grim’s world. That tower is guarded well. Why do you want to get in there anyway?”

I let out an exhale and turned my attention to some fancy plant that seemed like it was made from glass. No one would really understand, besides the first thing you learn most of the time, is no one is trustworthy. Especially a backstabbing ex, yet the part that made me feel sick to my stomach was what if he didn’t want to see me. Forgiveness was something that wasn’t given out to everyone, since a lot of people abuse others trusts and hearts. I am a murderer, cold blooded; only lust in life now was for blood to spill across my face, the shrinks of the terror to echo the air. The look in the eyes, how they begged for mercy and watch their life slip away. I felt the hunger inside me roar, wanting blood and death.

I yanked myself back to reality, and then turned to Angel, “I have my reasons, now tell me how do I get there.”

“What do I get out of this?” Angel asked, grabbing a wine glass and pouring some white wine in it.

I grinned then let my voice change to a more seducing, dark tone, “Oh my little princess. Anything your dark heart desires.”

Smooth move, I must admit. Ayperos did have his ways with charming anyone he wanted to win over.

“Well, take Dmitri’s motorcycle hit this combination 669, and you will be taken there.”  Angel softly said. I got out of the bathtub and wrapped a yellow towel around me, and dried myself off. Then I put on my clothes, and walked down to where we kept the vehicles.  Where was a red motorcycle, it was an older model yet he kept in good condition. Hm not for long, once I’m done with it. I got on it, and hit the number pad, which was in Greek then after the combination was sent into the bike; it opened a portal in the wall, and then was sent into the atom-ripping portal. This was going to be hell, on a whole new level.

I heard stories about three hags, who live here. They are known as the Three Fates, I didn’t believe in them, seriously why would I think, three ugly hags could control ones death hour, on the other hand people don’t believe in demons, yet here I am.

“Ah sisters, we have a guest.” A voice said, like nails on a chalkboard, screeching sending chills down my spine. It was like ice, you’re nervous feeling like having a seizure, not in your control. I got off the motorcycle; I glared at the three small ugly women.

“What brings you here, Lord Ayperos?” The middle one asked.

“Who are you three, lovely ladies?” I said, rolling my eyes trying to use a gentleman tone.

“We are the Three Sisters. The small one, sees the past, the fat one sees the present and I see the future.” The tallest one said, smiling at her sisters.

This was going to be a long shot, I inhaled the smell of decomposing bodies nearby, “Do you know about my human life?’

The small one gave an eager nodded, “Yes, yes we do.”

“Now answer this question ladies…” I let my metal arm sink into a dead tree I could feel it dying in my veins, just how fragile life actually was. We are like flowers, at the mercy of the Three Sisters who could kill us anytime they want to. When nothing is good on the radio, them and the Devils turn to the screams and crying of humans as music. “Where is my biological father?”











“If you seek DeLuca, you will have to pay.” They all said at once.

“How much?”

“Not money, if you want to see the soul of him, you will loose one person you love.” The tallest one said, casually.

“You hurt anyone I care about, I will destroy you little hags.” I snarled low, closing the distance between us.

“Shadow Peak Prison…” The large one said, as her and the other two faded away into the fog. It thickened, I sighed I had two choices find him and beg for forgiveness, or run like a coward…

I started the motorcycle up, and was going at full speed, I popped into a wheelie and cruised down to the prison underground…




I let my eyes switched to their demon form, so I could spot others easier, and I would blend in more if I were to be caught. Most guards where down in the break room, some guards were walking around yet they were on the second floor. I walked carefully like a kid sneaking a peek at their Christmas presents, early in the morning.  I peeked into each cell, through the bar window no luck. Maybe it was pointless, to try and find him. After all, he would hate me probably. Killing him in cold blood, I let out a heavy sigh then there was one cell I came across. It was my last hope, I unlocked the door there was a body in the corner. It was hard to tell the features of him, but yet he seemed familiar. “Excuse me, is your last name…DeLuca?”  He had a heavy Italian accent, “Depends who is asking…you scum.”

My eyes switched back to a dark grey again; hiding the eyes everyone fears and knows.

I walked into the cell, and closed the door, “Hi…dad. It’s me…Adrian.”




“Dinner is served.” Nina said, placing down plates of gross looking food, in front of Robert and Arthena.  Robert had an undercooked rat; Arthena had gross looking bread and a mouse.

“Where did you find this disgusting food?” Arthena raised an eyebrow.

Nina sighed then sat down in a seat, “I didn’t have much money so I went in a dumpster.”

“Hm, well a witch can go a while without food, little Dracula here needs some blood. And of course humans are filled with the need for food.” Arthena said, grinning at Nina.

“Rob? You ok?” Nina asked, seeing how out of it Robert was. Robert was thinking about the witch’s offer.

“If you desire to become human, you must give me some of Ayperos blood, and then when you die your soul is mine.”

Robert wanted to become human, and be free of the curse; he mainly wanted to be human. Since Annabeth wanted, to be human he would do it for her. So she could watch through him and let her heart feel at rest.

“Rob?” Nina asked again, stepping on his foot hard enough for him, to come back to reality.

“Yeah, what?’ Robert asked, looking over at the girls.

“Have you found any luck, with finding him?” Nina asked, with her voice bit unsure if she wanted to hear an answer.

“No, he is probably in the castle. So won’t find him out on the streets.” Robert sighed, pushing the rat away,

“You’re not thirsty?” Nina asked, confused.

“They poison the food, I would advise it’s safer to buy meat in the middle class.” Robert said, standing up and looking out the window towards the castle.

“What’s wrong Dracula?” Arthena asked, rolling her eyes annoyed.

“Just wondering what if, he doesn’t want to come back with us. His father has a lot of power over him.” Robert said, staring at the castle thinking it has been a long time since he was in those walls. Both him and Brent, those walls held a lot of agony and blood shed.

“He is stubborn, you should know that. He won’t bow down to Satan anytime soon.” Nina said, wishing she knew more about him although she knew him enough. She knew he was stubborn, and wouldn’t give up easily.

“He is your friend, I would think you would be worried sick about him.” Arthena said, putting her feet on the table.

“I am worried, but is this all worth it? Breaking into Hell, living around demons. Putting Nina in danger, hell I didn’t get to tell Amanda where I was going.” Robert said, baring his fangs.

“Don’t twist your panties Rob, she is stupid. She will believe you went on a road trip with some of your guy friends.” Arthena said, admiring her nails.

“Arthena, can I talk to you out side?” Robert sighed, walking out the front door. Arthena got up and walked behind him and closed the door, “What’s wrong?”

“Can witches really turn a monster, back into a human?” Robert sighed, leaning against the railing. Arthena arched a eyebrow at the question..

“Define a monster? If you’re talking about demons its impossible to bring life back into them.”  Arthena said, looking around the neighborhood.

“No, I know demons are beyond a help of a witch. Can witches, actually turn vampires into more of a human stage?” Robert whispered, trying not to draw any attention to them.

“Um, to a certain extent yes. Why do you ask?” Arthena said, having some slight concern in her tone.

“I found a witch, she says I can become human if I do a deal with her. Is it possible?” Robert said, hoping he would get the answer he was searching for. “Well, in a sense yes. Yet she probably told you there is a price correct?”

“Do all witches have that power?”

Arthena shook her head, “Nope. Only ones who are close to Satan can ‘bring the dead back’. I’m not really, I may be hateful at times but…I don’t bow down to the man.”

“You sound like Brent.” Robert said, with a slight laugh.

Arthena shrugged. “At least, I’m not a royal brat.”

“Come on, you know how he is. He has his head screwed on most of the time.” Robert didn’t know how well he could defend his friend yet he was still loyal to him.

“I know, but do you really want to make the deal with that woman? Humans make deals all the time, and they regret it in the end. They think its great at first, but then…”

“Yes, but you don’t understand I need to make that deal.”

“Then, go ahead make a mistake…”

Arthena went down the stairs, and then walked down the street towards the upper class area.

Robert growled low, then walked back in, and opened the door to see Nina sharpening her knife.

“What’s wrong?’ Nina asked, looking up Robert.

“Why did we bring along Arthena?” Robert said, sitting on the beat up sofa.

Nina put her knife down, “A witch can open Hell Gates, without a demon or witch we wouldn’t been able to get in.”

“You know, you shouldn’t have your weapons out like that. Don’t need to be explaining to Brent, that we got you killed.”

“Me and Brent aren’t a thing, he doesn’t care.”

“Don’t assume things, he is a mystery he does care about people who have light in them. Look he has rebelled against his own kind; he fights everyday the urge to kill anyone he desires to hear his or her screams. He goes through inner tumillar with every action. Brent is a prisoner of himself…he may never be free. But remember this Nina; he has a heart in him.” Robert sighed, remembering one of the first times they met…


April 23rd 1415


In the graveyard, was a ceremony-taking place where the demons were using a brutal force, where in most history books are known as a ritual where Aztecs would open their chest up while they were still awake. Although demons, were more brutal then the Aztecs. Although the demons did, change it slightly. Demons would gather humans, and hand them over to the Devil. He would keep them alive just long enough to torture them and toss them into a circle with the symbol of the Devil and the Prince. They would be burnt alive, more or less. Shadow demons, would come out from the ground under the circle and rip up the bodies. The humans, would feel every bite, their skin being peeled off of their body, and blood running out from their eyes they would feel it coming out of their eyes. Like tears, but they had no control over the process. They would hope it would end soon, yet it lasted four five minutes.

Brent stood, next to his father. He was dressed in expensive silk clothing. He had his hair tied back in a ponytail. Robert hiding in a tree, he sniffed the air searching for his wife, at the time. She was in the round up; it was her or the newborn child. Robert locked onto Brent, knowing he was the close to the top of the power ladder. Take one down; turn it into a hostage situation.

“Satan, must we do this. There is no point, plus there is someone who is keeping count of heads. If we keep doing this, there will be a witch hunt.” Brent growled low.

Satan glared down at him, then spoke in demonic language, after he finished his sentence. Brent stormed away, leaving the circle. Which was forbidden for a demon to leave, the circle during a ritual. Just as Robert was about to leap for one of the general demons he was slammed into the tree trunk. Brent held him up by holding his throat. Brent’s eyes switched to their demonic form, they glowed in the dark. Looking into the pupils of them, you saw nothing. That was the way Brent wanted it, no one to see the pain he suffers. The yellow burnt like a powerful fire, yet looking into them it seemed like the sun burning your eyes if you stared to long.

“Bloody hell, a vampire in a cemetery not in coffin? Odd.” Brent said, growling low at Robert.

Robert bared his fangs, “A bloody monster, shouldn’t you be using some little house wives. To feast on their souls, and take their virginity.”

“So bloody ignorant, I could easily through you down in that circle. Yet I won’t.” Brent growled, throwing Robert down into a trench then jumped down after him.

Robert grabbed Brent by the throat, and pinned him down trying to choke him.

Brent’s left hand claws turned into claws that slashed Robert across the face that sent him back few inches. Brent jumped on him then growled low, “Be silent, if they hear you. You’ll be dead for sure.”

“Now for our next kill, here is Mrs. James.” Satan announced, and then a bunch of demons cheered and shouted rejoicing.

Robert snarled trying to fight Brent off of him, “Get off me!”

Then there was a loud cry, a woman begging for mercy. She was being devoured, by the shadow demons. Then Satan finished her off. After a hour passed, Brent jumped out of the trench looking around, “The ritual is done, now what the hell is wrong with you.” Brent shouted, smacking Robert upside the head.

“I was trying to save my wife, you probably don’t even know what a bloody wife is!” Robert snapped, trying to punch Brent, but he ducked then spun around, knocking Robert off his feet.

“I’m Brent Hellure? You are?” Brent kneeled down and held his hand out to help Robert up.

Robert glared up at him, and took the gesture of help. “Robert James…”

“I am sorry, about your wife. I wasn’t aware that who you were trying to save.” Brent sighed, feeling terrible about the death of Mrs. James.

“Well, Mr. James let me tell you this I am not like the other demons. As long you are in my service you will not face this fate. These victims appear human, yet they are all vampires, who have no master. I won’t be harsh, it will be more of making sure you don’t die like that.” Brent said, holding his hand out to be shook. Robert glared at him, then shook the hand. “Fine, but I am not your slave.”




“Of course not, Robert. I will see you more as a friend.” Brent grinned, then walked away.

“oh one more thing Mr. James. Don’t try to be the hero all the time; it will end in your death. I know this, when one is a hero they are giving themselves into Death’s hands. Its dangerous to play with fire.”



Robert smirked, how that was how they meant, and he thought Brent was the biggest ass, that ever existed. Now they were great friends, but yet Robert thought about the deal the witch offered. Why would a witch want, Brent’s blood in the first place, it was impossible to do anything with demon blood really. Was it worth it, to ask someone to give them a pint of their blood? To become human for how ever long he would have left. There were some rumors, that legends witches used some voodoo crap.

Would she use the blood, to torture Brent and use him against his will. Was being selfish was the way to survive in the world today?  Robert punched a hole in the wall, hitting a water pipe.  “What the hell Robert?” Nina shouted rushing with some towels, to try and soak up the leaking water.

“Chill out.” Robert grabbed the pipes and snapped them back into place.

Nina sighed then walked into one of the bedrooms, leaving Robert alone watching the water drip from the pipe. One drop at a time, like seconds time was running out. If you wanted something you had to grab it before it expires away into the night. Robert sat down on the sofa, looking out to the street; he knew what had to be done. Everyone deserves a second chance, but yet there was going to be a price. In life everything comes with a price. A flat screen seems to be filled with bliss yet check the price tag and wonder, what really has value. What something shows on the outside, or the inside? Everyone has to face this problem some point in their life only a few choose the correct path. The wrong choice is the right choice. Yet the choice we think is correct, will destroy us.




He didn’t a say a word, he turned around and came towards me his features were easier to see now. He was 6’5 feet tall, he had a strong tan, he had grey hair, yet he shaved his head a little, his clothes were covered in blood, his eyes were a gentle blue, I could remember our good times how he taught me how to set a rabbit trap, and how to check if someone was poisoned.

He looked down at me, studying me as if he didn’t believe me.

“Adrian…how is this possible?” My father asked, looking at me.

I feel as if I was more surprised then he was, after all these years I saw his face and he was still dead. Thanks to me, I had taken him away from his wife and friends. “I can’t believe I have found you.”

He looked down at my arm, I hid it in the coat this was a great way to meet your father, showing him that you got your arm cut off, and now had a demonic weapon attached to you.


Then he grabbed me pulling me into a hug, holding me tight.

“Dad, you know I am not human right…” I said, with my voice shaking. The silence between us seemed to last forever. I was expecting him to throw me off of him, and demand me to leave him forever. My stomach had butterflies; these seemed to be trying to eat their way out of my stomach.

“I know. When you were born I could feel the Devil wanting to take you. I tried to keep the purity in your heart. And that night, I was ready to be killed. I can see you haven’t given into him yet.” My father said, patting me on the back.

“You knew, I was going to be a demon?” I asked, staring confused at him.

He gave a nod, and then sat down on a mat, I kneeled down and waited to hear this story.

“There were rumors, that a demon was going to be born. The church wanted very child to be baptized, since a demon can’t touch it. I held you close in my arms; I didn’t want to let go of you. I could sense, you were going to be mentally ill. I knew the church would believe you were already demonic. When in reality, you just were a poor victim of a mental disorder. I allowed them to test you; clearly you were not going to have a great life. I held back on getting you married…”

“So you let Jacob marry two different women, and he had four kids I didn’t know about until recently?” I asked confused.

“I cared about him, but I loved you more then my life. Which is why I did everything in my power, to made sure your heart was going to have love inside. Since now I can see you’re struggling with your fate.”

“I…am so sorry dad…” I said, looking down with my eyes starting to turn red with tears building up in my eyes.

“I know I broke mother’s heart, I took you away from her. I ruined our family, I don’t see how you can ever forgive me.”

He grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, he seemed to be strong for a mortal.

“You never ruined anything, we still love you. You are perfect son.”

My actual biological father, addressing me as his son and saying he loved me. “I will never surrender to Satan.” I whispered.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and sat up straight, “No matter what, you know who you are. And that man is a solider, not a prisoner.”



“Foolish prince, made a mistake. Now one shall pay the price.” The Three Sisters chanted. One pulled out a white string out of the air. Another measured it and made sure it was just right. Then the last one pulled out a string and used scissors and cut the string.



I was still in shock after meeting my biological father, and he was the one who actually loved me, and didn’t care what was inside me. Even if I was a demon, my real father saw me as his son. Satan only wanted for me to be a monster, and bathe in blood. Not what I consider a great father and son activity. “There you are.” Angel said, walking up to me. She wore, a red corset, with a short black skirt.  She sat down next to me, and placed her hand on mine. “We haven’t had much time together.”

“Hm, do remind me what us messed up demon young adults do in our free time.” I said, lying on the ground with my head in my hands.

“Well, after a strange soul court, we can go to the lake house.” Angel said, shrugging.

I sat up and looked at her, confused. “What’s a Soul Trail, or whatever it is called?”

“Since Grim is in charge of souls, so he can send her up to Heaven, here, or Grim’s world.” Angel said, running her hand through my hair slowly.

I stood up then looked at her, “What makes this one so special, Grim sees around one hundred souls a day, why do we give a crap about this one?”

Angel grinned then whispered, “Rumors is, she was attached to your pet vampire.” As she finished that sentence, she walked away waiting for me to tackle her. Oh bloody hell, those little hags. They killed Amanda, due to me being a idiot.

“Ah stupid, I’m stupid.” I chuckled; I could feel a grin pushing my muscles up. Angel turned to me, she walked over to me and stroked my cheek.

“Oh don’t be so hard on yourself.” Angel whispered as she kissed my cheek.

“Ah my little princess, you have no idea what I have in mind…now do as I say.” I growled low. Although it was Ayperos’s choice of words, I had to admit he could get his way no matter what. Even though he just tricked Angel, I had no idea what his plan was. Even though we shared the same body, and similar mind. Looking into his side of the brain was like staring into mucky swamp water. It was impossible to figure him out. Once you were thinking one way, he would give you a deadly whiplash and change the game on you.

“Where is this going to be held?” I asked, stroking her hair.

“In the court room, its in the middle of the city.”

Hm, seems like I will be attending a Soul’s Trail, if it was Amanda I had to save her before it is confirmed that she is dead.


The courtroom, reminded me of the congress room, the jury must have had six demons, which was odd. On the second hand, the number 666 is known to some to be the Devil’s number, so I guess they have the jury represent the Devil in a way. The ceiling was high up, and had oil paintings on them, of all the wars that occurred since the Stone Age up until today.  I stood in the back, up in a balcony I kept my hood on, and made sure to keep my arm hidden from others. The lower class demons are placed up in the balconies, while others may sit on the first floor, where they drink the best drinks in the world. Sounds like segregation, we think that part of history has left in the past. Yet no matter where we go, there will always be that poisonous vine infecting others, trying to pull us down into the blood bath that we all try to forget.  Seems like we can try to cover up the stain on the carpet, yet it will always be there no matter what.

“Now all please rise for, the Judge Reaper.” A small hunchback creature announced. Everyone stood up and gave a bow to the Grim Reaper. I was not bowing down to any devils. Not Satan, not Grim, and not even Ayperos. No one complained, that I was disrespecting him; hm it’s not so bad being a wallflower at times.  “This hour, we will be deciding where the soul of Amanda Wings, will she go up to Heaven go to the Devil, or will she come with me.”  I tried to get a good view of her. Without being obvious, that I knew the victim of this trail. I allowed my eyes to switch to their demon appearance; I was able to clear the other demon bodies out of the way, where a white ghost figure was. Suppose that what souls appear, to demons.  It was bit hard to find the features of Amanda which worried me. Souls, you can see a lot of detail of the owner. She was beaten to death; I knew how this was going to go. The jury, would see her as a prostitute most likely, she won’t go up into Heaven this way. She was more innocent then anything, so its highly unlikely she will be sucked into Hell. If she would to be sentenced to live her afterlife in Hell, I would have a way of possibly getting her out. Yet was always told, never to try and save a soul that has already gone into Grim’s control. In a soul state they were like a fly caught in a spider web. It would be best to save her, after Grim decides what her fate is.

An intermission occurred halfway through, everyone went to the bar to grab a couple drinks, even Grim left for a break there were no guards. I guess it is now or never, to explain everything to Amanda and see what I could do to save her. I don’t need Nina or anyone snapping at my neck, how this is my fault. I guess, I am to blame since I went to see my biological father, and ignored the threat the Three Sisters gave me. I walked down to the cage where Amanda was curled up she was beat to death. “Amanda?” I whispered, I kept my hood on and made sure she couldn’t see my face.

She jumped back trying to get away from me, “What is going on?”

“Shh, now I am going to make sure I get you out of here.” I slashed opened the cage and let her jump out of the cage. I was surprised there was no alarm, going off. Which didn’t sit well with me, maybe it was cause once you live couple hundred years of hell, you become paranoid. There was one demon, I could trust. It’s been a while since I talked to her. I looked at Amanda I had no idea, how I was going to get her to the abandon hospital on the other side of the town.

In the storage closet, I found a dead blood whore; she was long past her expiration date. Souls were able to jump into bodies for a short time, to hide in. No one asks why a dead corpse is running around. I shoved Amanda into the body, and threw the arm over my shoulder. She didn’t have control over the body, but she was more of a observer from the inside.

If Robert found out Amanda was dead, I would never hear the end of it. Hm, I did feel the presence of that vampire. Its just one problem after another.


We arrived at a large hospital, which been changed into a temple, it was on one of the highest mountains in the region. I could sense she was close, “Oh Lady Jem.” I called out, and then she jumped in front of me. Her hair was long, and very silver like, she was almost fully naked, her eyes were a bright blue, she had one angel wing and one bat wing, she had a hour glass figure, feathers in her hair that were different colors, her skin was like glass very clean yet she seemed deadly, and she wore a red choker.

“Oh, Ayperos what brings you here…with a soul?”

I looked at Amanda who was hiding behind me, I made sure to keep my face hidden from Amanda, I whispered towards Jem and whispered, “I need you to sneak her into a new body.”

“Has she had her judgment yet?” Jem grabbed my arm and pulled me out of earshot.

I took off my hood then sighed, “No, but I know for a fact if Grim finds her he will slaughter her, and she had a unfair death…”

Jem sighed then looked over at Amanda, she was looking out the windows being paranoid probably.

Jem didn’t seem like she wanted to help. “Ayperos…Grim will find her no matter what.”

“I know, but I will deal with him. She had a unfair death, let her be reborn…”

Jem sighed, then walked back over to Amanda, I flipped my hood back on and followed Jem back to where Amanda was shaking.

“Hello Amanda, my name is Jem I am here to take you to live inside a newborn. This is very hard to do, we have to have the perfect timing, and you need to exist in someone who has the same blood type as you do.” Jem explained to Amanda, who seemed distracted. I knew she would miss Robert, and ask if it was possible to say goodbye to him. I wasn’t even sure if this was going to work. I only heard rumors though.

“Her soul still belongs to the demon, that killed her. I can’t do anything, until the trail is over. Or you kill the demon, that took her life.”

“Hm based on the scars around her neck, and chest I would have to say the group of demons, are London Raiders. Well I know where I will find them.”

“Do you know their leader, is a retired solider.” Jem whispered, following me.

I turned towards her and put my arm over her, “Yes, I know. Now watch out for her. Don’t let anything happen to her…”

I walked past Amanda; I honestly found her to be very annoying and a pain in the butt. If I ever saw Robert again, he would blame her death on me as well. It is my fault, that she is nothing but a ghost right now. I do rip things away others care about. It’s in a demon’s nature, maybe I am more demented then I think I am…









There was a bar, there wasn’t much lighting someone was on the piano playing some rock covers, everyone had some kind of drink in hand, and some bar fights were already going on. I kept my hood on, if someone was to see my face my cover would be blown. There was the leader of the London Raiders, I took control over his body and compelled him to walk out the door, into the back alley. I followed him, despite what my gut was telling me. “So I hear you recently taken a victim?” I asked, walking up to him. My eyes got a new layer, which sounded like when you walk through mud. I was able to see in the dark while keeping my eyes their dark grey.

“So I will assume you are the leader of the London Raiders?” I growled low.

He turned around, he had two bright eyes, there were powerful straight pupils, and he had a dislocated jaw some of his teeth were showing on the outside like an alligator, he had horns on his head like a ram, scales like a rattle snake, muscular arms and legs, and his claws had to be at least two inches.

“Ah Ayperos, I would know that disgusting scent of yours from anywhere.” The demon spoke, grinning at me with his dislocated jaw.

“Did you recently claim a woman by the name of Amanda Twist?” I asked, taking my hood off it was useless to walk around with the hood on now I think of it. I only used it to keep my cover from those who didn’t need to know, who I am.

“Yes, I did. I had rough sex with her, and then killed her.” He said, walking closer to me.

“Ah well, she means nothing to me. Yet I am going to take her from you. I don’t think you want a little pest voice in your head.”

“Have you given in yet, I have heard rumors that you still have humanity inside you. Caring makes you weaker, you allow yourself to be open to be get hurt. I can see the pain you have inside you. Never understood why you won’t just give up.”

I quickly gave him an uppercut and then kicked him down making a hole in the ground. “I will give up, just not in front of you.”

Within few seconds, he was nothing but a skeleton and decomposing, I tossed him into a dumpster and looked around hoping no one saw that. I knew killing demons on the street wasn’t advised. Yet there was no law in place but I knew someone would find him eventually yet, hopefully no one could trace it back to me. There was another hooded figure had witnessed the murder. I tackled them, although they dodged it and tried pinning down. I grabbed at their throat and let my claws sink into their throat trying to choke them. Then they pinned me down, they took off their hood. There was Arthena.

She looked surprise to see me, and smirked. “Well Prince Pouty, I found you.”

I stared at her trying to make sense of how it was possible how she could be here. Satan closed all the Hell Gates. “How did you get here?” Arthena hair was tied back in a bun, her eyes had an intense flame in them, her skin was flawless, she wore a red plaid dress on, and black flats on she grinned down at me.

“How the hell are you here?” I asked, sitting up.

“Don’t you know anything, witches are able to jump between worlds.” Arthena said, getting off of me. I stood up, and looked at her.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, watching her stand up she closed the distance between us.

“Hm, getting you out of here.” Arthena whispered. Then the skeleton jumped out of the dumpster. He was rotting, his skin started to grow back on his bones. He let out a nasty hiss, and sounded like a cat dying. “Well looks like someone is back for round two.”

“Shall we, you know its hard to take down a reanimated demon.” Arthena asked, looking up with me with a grin. I didn’t trust her, but it was harder to take a demon that reanimated themselves. I never had this problem before; it must be something new in order for when Satan decides to take over the world. Whoever would stand in his way, he wanted his army to be unstoppable. I bared my canines at the decomposing demon, he lunged at me I ducked grabbing him from under then threw him into a wall. Then Arthena pulled a pocket watch out, and sent out waves that paralyzed him. He growled in frustration trying to fight the psyche ropes that wrapped around him. I walked over to him, and pulled out a bone from his head I analyzed it best I could, it was covered in some odd powder. Similar, to dust used in making vampires. Which meant one thing, shit.

“Well bloody hell.” I growled, crushing the bone and standing up glaring down at the corpse.

“What’s wrong?” Arthena walked over and crossed her arms looking down at the demon.

“The dust that’s on the bones, it’s used often in creating vampires. Demons enslaved the vampire race for a reason. They have similar bone structural in reanimating demons.”

“Which is a problem, because?”

I couldn’t see how I could been so blind, it was staring me right in my face. Mocking me, I should of known there was a reason Satan picked vampires.

“Once this experiment is complete. He is going to reanimate vampires…”

I had to find out where, Robert was and try and keep him from becoming a reanimate killer hound. Where Satan will get rid of them of all, once he is finished with them. Like a napkin, using it only once and then throwing it away. That was how he would see these reanimated demons.

“Come on, we’re going to tell Robert and Nina that you are alive. More or less.” Arthena said, gesturing for me to follow her.

“You brought them here, I figured you would have more brain cells!” I snapped, I barely could believe what I was hearing. I could hear a garage boy coming out, I looked at Arthena had handled her a small leather canteen filled with whiskey then gave it to her. “Pour some of this, on your clothes and take a drink. And follow my lead.”

“No.” Arthena said, stomping her foot on the ground. I took a quick chug of it, then pinned her against an alley wall.

“We need to act normal.” I whispered, closing the gap between us. Arthena met my eyes and understood what we had to do. She pulled me up against her, our lips moved rapidly, as if we drowning and trying to take in any air we could take. Seems like everyone is greedy, everyday we breathe it in and out. Yet it seems like you realize how much you need it when you’re drowning. I inhaled the witch’s scent, it was hateful yet very seducing. I bite her lip, and yanked her close against me. She wrapped one leg around me, along with her arms locked around my neck. The garage boy, tossed the bags into the dumpster and left us alone. Once I heard the door close. I let go of Arthena, and caught my breath. She got off of me, and then looked up at me.

“Awkward.” Arthena said, fixing her dress.

“I can’t see them, Satan is watching my every move. He probably saw that kiss. If he was to see a Hunter in Hell. It won’t be a happy ending. Now do me a favor forget that kiss. Forget saving me, and taking me back to Denver. Thinking we can just go on our merry bloody way.”

“We will work something out, calm down I can see you loosing it. Now do me a favor.” Arthena whispered into my ear, “Don’t give up so easily. We didn’t come here to see you surrender.”


“Well, things are becoming very interesting I must say.” Ayperos spoke, as he sat on the dungeon floor. I never entered my self-conscious to meet up with the demon. I kept locked up.  He grinned at me, I looked into the demon eyes he had. It was like looking into Satan eyes. I suppose this is who I am, not Adrian Christian Deluca. No this skin and even this body. Aren’t mine anymore, they are simply just a holding pod. What stood in front of me, what I am. He walked similar to a gorilla using mainly his front legs to walk even though it looked like he was fast on all fours. He stalked towards me yet the chains held him back just enough to leave four inches between us. His breath was acid hot, and filled my lungs with a broken glass feeling. Trying to destroy my lunges, like scissors cutting wrapping paper.

“Hm aren’t the best looker now are we.” I replied, keeping my voice emotionless. If I let any emotion show, he would find a way to escape this holding cell.

Currently there was no one in control of the body; it was more on autopilot, if I allowed Ayperos to get the upper hand. He would gain control of the body, and I would be the one chained inside myself.

“Yet think of all the females I have seduced. I am also the second most powerful demon in the world. Now sit down, let’s chat.”


“Brent! Brent, get it together!” Arthena shouted, trying to give me CPR or something similar to it. It took me few seconds for my vision to become clear again. I saw Arthena on top of me like I was a saddle.

“Thought you were dead for sure.” Nina’s voice came from a doorway. I sat up quickly, to see Nina and Robert in the doorway.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” I asked, sitting up Arthena got up and stood against the wall.

Robert walked over to me, he wore a red sweatshirt, with a college logo on it he had ripped up black jeans, and his hair was getting long again. “Hey bud. Nice to see you too.” Robert grinned.

“Well, I guess we are in the slum part of the city, I am going to stand out like a crystal in a pile of sand grains.” I said, leaning up against the headboard.

“You passed out, and started having some crazy seizure, like you were being possessed.” Arthena said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I wasn’t sure how that happened, maybe I blacked out and Ayperos tried to crawl into the control center of my body.

If he was able to cause a seizure, he would soon be able to control the body with relaxed gestures. I had to tell Nina, and Robert about how I had swallowed Satan’s blood. There had to be a way, to take the blood out. “Rob, I need to talk to you. Ladies, mind leaving us alone?” Nina was the first to leave; Arthena closed the door behind them. I waited until I heard the door close for them to be outside. Wasn’t sure, how well witches were able to hear. Yet I knew if I had to tell anyone, it was Robert. He was there through everything, so if I was going to having any hope of staying myself for a few more days. I stood up and tried to hide my metal arm from Robert. I pulled out a cigarette one for each of us. I lit mine, and inhaled the dark smoke, it was thick even though at first smoking would suffocate one, yet soon the body welcomed the poison and found it to comforting as a mother’s hug or kiss.

“Robert, I’m in trouble.” I sighed, exhaling the smoke out of my lungs.

“As always.” Robert added on to the end.

I lifted my arm so he could see where my arm used to be. Robert stared at it in shock he couldn’t find words. “Plus, one night when you and Amanda were on a date. Satan broke in and forced me to drink from him. And if you paid attention in school, you would know that the Devil’s blood, will either kill you or drive you to insanity…I am not going to be humane ever again Rob.”

“Ah shit, what are we going to do? I assume you guys share similar blood it can’t kill you. So it’ll just drive you down the road of insanity?”

“It’ll we need to get out of the city, and out to the country. We won’t find any remedies here…” I sighed, listening to a couple fight across the street. I tried to ignore, how abusive they were being towards one another.

“And where would we find one, you have dark circles under your eyes. I don’t know how much time you have left.” Robert mumbled.

I didn’t feel weak, but it was true. I wasn’t sure how long I would have, that I would be in control. Eventually I knew it was going to happen. Although, if I was going to become a slave to my demon. Satan was going down, no matter what it took. I was going to kill Lucifer wonder how that would look on a job application.

“Nah, I just haven’t been sleeping in general. It has nothing to do with the blood.” I sighed, thinking of everytime I close my eyes to sleep, a grin flashes at me, its mouth extends further then it should, and it’s eyes…

“Well, how are you going to escape? We can leave casually and no questions will be asked. But you…” Robert put his cigarette out on an ashtray. 

I sighed, then turned towards a skyscraper, calculated the angle, and route. “I think I know a way…come on get the girls. Hope you guys aren’t afraid of heights.”


It was close to midnight, we were on top of the building we were hiding behind a part of the roof that curved downwards giving us protection. I wasn’t sure if we all could escape. I knew Satan, would see I am done. And he will make sure I am brought back. I looked at the girls talking to one another; I didn’t see them as helpless but dragging them into a mess we may not survive. Is like forcing a woman to watch her husband get slaughtered. The fact I may not live,  I hadn’t yet told them I was slowly becoming nothing but darkness inside. Robert and I had discussed the fact this may happen. Trying to prepare ourselves, but I don’t think we were actually ready for it to happen.

“How are we going to get out of here, the nearest wall is four hundred feet. We don’t have wings.” Nina said, looking around the city.

I grabbed a wire and tossed it down towards the wall, “Ever tried zip lining?”

Arthena slid on the top, like a penguin on ice. Robert jumped onto it, and slid down after Arthena.

“He could of used this piece of fabric.” Nina said, pulling it out of her saddlebag style purse.

“As long he stays quiet, if he makes even the smallest noise, we will be caught.” I whispered, Nina used the white piece of cloth, and slid down the wire. After they were out of the city, I cut the wire, and grabbed onto it I swung and came short, I hit the wall with my feet and walked up the wall. Then jumped onto the wall and made sure I stayed low. Then I leaped over the wall onto the outside.

“Come on, bud. We need to go.” Robert pulled up next to me in a military vehicle. I jumped into the back, and we sped away into the night. I didn’t know where we were going.  This wasn’t going to end well. Someone was going to end up being dead, and I refused for my friends to die in Hell.


The lake water was slime green, we arrived at an old Victoria house, there was demons still living there. “What are we going to do? I don’t expect them to stay quiet about you.”

I ignored Nina, and waited for Robert to open the hatch in the back of the vehicle. I jumped out, and everyone followed like ducks. I noticed the door open a little. I noticed there was a large barn there were few sounds coming from it. “Ah shit!” Robert shouted at the top of his lungs. I walked around to the side of the vehicle, where the engine was. Robert had the hood up, and there was smoke coming from it. “Looks like we need to stop for a while, but do you think it’s a good idea to stop here?”

I saw a little girl watching from inside the house, she stepped outside and she stared at us. She had short black hair, with some leaves and twigs in her hair, she had on overalls on, pale skin, hazel eyes and she looked only six years old.

“She’s human.” I whispered, and looked at Robert.

“Why would a human be in hell?”

I kneeled down, so I was closer to her height to make me seem less scary, if that was even possible.

“Are you…going to hurt me?” The little girl asked in a scratchy voice.

I shook my head, and then whispered, “Is someone home? We can talk to.”

The little girl ran back inside the house, not much later a woman appeared she was all bones, her hair used to be blonde, she wore a blue dress and she looked very ill.

“Ayperos, it is a honor to have you here. What brings you here?” The woman asked, coughing.

“Me and my friends are heading to a party in Codicia City, and we are having some problems with our car. Is it alright if we fix it up in your barn.” I asked, turning on the Hellure charm, it always worked. The woman nodded, and then grabbed the little girl’s hand, “My son is in there, and he should be some help I hope.”

Robert and me pushed the car towards the barn, and then opened the large barn doors.

We got inside the barn and closed the door there wasn’t anyone in there expect few barn animals. I didn’t think spending a lot of time in one place was safe. There was some hay rustling, I narrowed my eyes at it.  Then a little foot was sticking out, I walked over to it as Robert was fixing the engine. A little boy was there; I didn’t get a good enough look at him he ran out of the barn and back into the house.


“Looks like you got two extra shadows.” Nina responded, nudging me with an elbow.

I looked up, there the two siblings were peeking inside the barn, I wasn’t sure if they saw my arm or not. Besides two human children in Hell, they were dragged down here for a reason. I wanted to save this family. I gave them a grin then used a gentle tone.

“Hey, its alright. No need to stay out in the…heat.”

They walked inside very slowly, the boy closed the door. I saw the boy had black hair in a ponytail; he had on ripped jeans, They both seemed like the same age, and not innocent like a child should be.

“Sir, I know this could be asking for a lot. But can you teach me how to fight?” The little girl asked softly.

“Sure, what’s your name?” I asked, cleaning my hands of the oil.

She stared at me confused, as if she wasn’t sure how to respond to the question.

“A name? What is that?” The little girl asked, with both confusion and excitement in her voice.

I looked at the others, they were unsure how to describe a name to someone; I remembered when I was waking up from the transformation. Satan gave me a new name, a new identity, and a new life.

Did they have their memory erased when they are were brought down into Hell? I knew sometimes, a human’s mind can’t always handle the trip or Satan takes it away.

“Well, a name is something given to you. That is special and belongs to you. Something no one can take away from you.” I looked over at her brother who hadn’t said anything.

“How old are you two?”

“Um, I think I’m eight and so is he. He is mute.”

I nodded then looked at the little boy. “Do you want to learn basic combat as well?”

He gave a small smile, and nodded eagerly trying to make words but he was silent.

“Remember Brent, don’t draw attention, if you are capable of that.” Arthena remarked, as I led the two siblings out of the barn.

There was a field only two miles away from the house. I looked down at the siblings, unsure I knew Ayperos did train soldiers, but there was a brutal way of keeping soldiers in line.

“Alright, it’s always better to defend yourself, then have a strong offense. It’s good to have both, but a mountain won’t bow as fast as a lion.” I took off my tailcoat, then looked down at my metal arm. But the children didn’t think anything of it was is possible for only creatures of the darkness could see it? Humans wouldn’t even see a strange demonic arm, just a normal arm. Humans are like children kept in the dark sometimes, while immortals can see all the lies. Lies to us, is similar to a pond. Clear, easy to mix up and easy to see the bottom.

“So you two being human, I recommend using swords.” I grabbed two twigs and handed one to each of the kids. I didn’t have mine anymore, damn. I looked at the children; I grabbed my own stick and decided to make use of what I had around me.

“Now watch your enemy, and you can usually tell what their next move is, you have to be able to predict in seconds, what they will do and prepare to counter it.” 

They stared at me confused; it was something humans could do. I have seen them doing it in fencing. I guess have to make it seem simple.

“Just be ready for anything.”

They nodded, and faced each other and started fencing with one another. I sat down on a tree stump, and watched them. Even though they were not innocent, I still saw they loved one another, even though things aren’t great. That’s the thing, family stays with you through thick and thin. No matter where you are, you can be rich or on the streets. They are there. I remembered holidays over at Jacob’s house, he was a good father. He would love them no matter what was going on, a real family. Not a pack of killers.

I never thought about having a family of my own, but that didn’t matter now. I was never meant to be a husband, never a father, and never to be alive for long.

“Mummy is going to make dinner come on, you can stay!” The little girl said, dropping her stick and hugging my leg.

A touch of a little girl is soft as a feather and warm like the sun. I missed how gentle their hearts were, willing to reach out to anyone to just try to lighten the world up. My sister…

I yanked myself out of the river of memories, and smiled down at the small girl.

“I don’t want to take your food, how about you give it to my friends.”

The little girl opened her mouth as if she was going to argue but she closed it and nodded then walked back holding her brothers hand guiding him back to the house.

I walked back to the barn, where the girls had taken off into the house most likely to be polite. I saw Robert had taken off his shirt, and was still working on the engine wasn’t sure how long we were going to stay here. I knew by now, someone had to notice I was missing. They were going to send someone out to drag me back to the city, wasn’t sure how far we would get.

“Hey Rob, how is the engine coming?”

Robert stood up straight then let out a heavy exhale, “Well, I haven’t worked on a car like this since we were in the war. A military vehicle isn’t the same as a sport’s car. Do you remember anything, from boot camp? To get a engine running again?”

I walked over to the engine, and looked at it as if it was some ancient language. I was fluent in all the demonic languages, and in all human languages at least if someone insults me, I will understand them.

It almost seemed like putting together a toy boat; they made it a lot more complex it actually is. I looked at Robert then up at the night sky, even though the sky was a dark red it reminded me of wine. Never have to much, or you will be regretting it later. If one looked up at Hell’s night more then ten minutes they would bleed from the inside out. I turned my attention back towards Robert. “I fixed it, looks like a shadow demon tried to tinker with the car. So the engine would explode and possibly kill us, or badly burn us. He did leave this small dark ash pile. Indicating they were planning to blow us up.”

“Should we leave the car, if they tried screwing with the engine. They probably messed with a lot more, then the eye can see.” Robert said, staring at the car as if it was a lion stalking its prey.

“No, these weakest point at any would be the engine. The only concern I have is the steering, but we should be fine. We should get a move on, staying in one place at night is suicide.”

“Should we get the girls? We can take turns driving, besides do you know where we are even going?”

I knew I couldn’t return to the Earth, unless we managed to find a cure that would somehow remove the Devil’s blood from me. I needed to get a Hell Gate open, and to get the girls out of here. If there was one thing I was sure of Death might be opening his door for someone in this group. I refused for one of the girls to be taken. I could probably speak for both Robert and me by saying; at this point we couldn’t care less. When our last day is, if it’s tomorrow or not.

“Rob, we need to get the girls back into Denver and then we can try to find a cure…for you. I know you were in my lab, I don’t think there is much hope for me. But you, if I don’t make it I don’t want you to be forced into some kind of slave service. Plus if you don’t have a master, a demon would find out and make sure you are dead.”

“I already have a little bottle, that will reverse this curse, and I can return to a human. “

“Get out of here, now before you get slaughtered like cattle.”

“Brent, I thought we broke you out of Hell Capital so we could save your ass.” Robert whispered, I detected growl after he finished his sentence.

“No, you guys got me out of there, cause you are stupid and don’t think things through. But you are my friends, I wouldn’t trade you guys for any friends in the world.” I said, giving him a small grin.

He had the bottle, which will make him human.

“You already signed didn’t you?” I whispered, with my smile disappeared.

Robert gave one nod, silence fell between us we could hear distant screams instead of crickets. It was dying screams of mostly women.

“Yeah, so I might as well take it. But thing is, I need a pint of your blood.” Robert sighed; I could see guilt in his eyes. I jumped inside the car, and grabbed one of the blood bags

I poured all of the old blood out on the floor of the barn, and then used the sink inside the barn to try to remove any of the old blood cells. I slit my wrist and let the black blood pour into the small plastic bag. Within seconds it filled up, I handed Robert the bag before he could grab it a bird on fire, came and grabbed the bag and flew off into the sky towards Hell Capital. Robert got a needle and injected the strange yellow powder into his veins. It seemed like he was doing drugs, then his eyes rolled backwards into his head and he fell backwards.

Two humans, one witch and one manic demon this should be interesting. I tossed Robert into the back of the car.

“Girls, we need to leave now.” I shouted towards the house.

I looked over at Robert, something smelt like it was burning, I lifted his shirt on his lower back a scar formed and it was the symbol of the witches.

It was a scam…

















“Well, I’m sure you are aware of Prince Ayperos host has escaped, and we need him back here for when he takes the throne. So Blue Demon, care to find him and your daughter will be given back to you.” Satan spoke, looking at the fireplace admiring his reflection in the flame. He was wearing a long gold tailcoat, with a black tie on under he had a cane with him, the cane was made from human bones, his eyes were a blood red, and his blonde hair was short as usually but slick back.

The demon that sat across from him had a Venetian masquerade mask on that was a dark blue. That part of his face that was visible from behind the mask was a pure white skull. Blood ran from his eyes like small rivers and some of his bones were chipped off. His skin looked to be plastic, yet it looked as if blood was flowing from it constantly. His vibe was humid like a decaying swamp. He was a seven foot tall monster with scars on his plastic looking skin that made him look like he had a smile on his face at all times. His ribcage was visible from the plastic looking skin, with his intestines flowing out, yet somehow always there. His voice was harsh like nails on a chalkboard, yet soothing like wind chimes

“I’m in.”

“If you fail your daughter will be killed.”

“I won’t fail.”



We had to been driving for almost seven hours straight, we were all silent I wasn’t sure how we would even escape. All the gates were closed, so that wasn’t a option there would have to be a way out. Even if it meant I couldn’t go with them, I would fight alone.

“Brent, you should take a break. You haven’t slept at all, go ahead I promise I won’t kill us.” Nina said, sitting in the shotgun seat. I didn’t take my eyes off the road. It almost seemed like I couldn’t take my eyes off the road, I didn’t want to look away in fear of the road changing on us and flinging us off into a ditch. “Nina tell me why you are here? Tell me the truth, why aren’t you training? You should be ready for a war to break out soon.”

“Brent, I need to tell you something. Can you put the car on autopilot, I really think you should listen to this.” Nina said, I could tell there was a small mark of pain in her tone.

I looked over at her then placed the car on autopilot possibly that move might end up killing us. I turned my chair to face her, it’s been a while since I seen her she looked really tired. Well I am sure we all looked like we all zombies with dark circles under our eyes. She was wearing a brown long sleeve leather jacket, dark jeans, a white shirt, and blue sneakers. Her eyes were light green, I still couldn’t believe she was related to Katherine, I guess the Demon Hunting business runs in the family.

“How are you recovering? I know you been through a lot of pain.” Nina said, looking up into my eyes. It almost seemed like she was a little child that just got into trouble.

I couldn’t read minds, but I knew people. She had guilt, and a lot of it.

“I…know you will hate me…”

Before she was able to finish, we came to rough stop like we just ran over a few bodies, I quickly took it off autopilot but we were screwed. We rolled down a huge cliff, the car was rolling over itself I saw Arthena she used a spell to put a shield around the car and finally we came to a stop. I kicked open a door, if I hadn’t had my black leather boots I would probably have a few new accessories in my foot. The girls got out of the car, but I noticed Arthena pulling Robert out of the car with her. He still was knocked out; it was possible he wouldn’t survive becoming human, which was weird I really hoped he read the fine print…


We were at a hotel, I had reserved a name under Rose’s name. I wasn’t sure if this was a bad idea, they probably already have someone after me. The girls were sitting in the living room they were staring each other down; I knew tensions were already really high. It was obvious they hated one another, and they were stuck in the Demon World helping me. Robert was passed out on one of the bed’s, I watched him wondering was it possible to return to some kind of human stage? I knew it gave him something, he had lost a lot and I knew he might kill me if he knew Amanda was killed.

I wasn’t sure, if he would even remember her. Or remember anything, if I should have been there with him when he made the deal. There was a reason witches and demons got a long.

We share an empty heart, and in the end both lay in beds of fire.

“When is the wedding? Have you met her father?” Arthena asked leaning in the doorway, with a devil like smile.

I returned a demon grin at her, showing off few demon teeth at her.

“Ah thing is, I most likely will be dead before I become anyone’s husband.”

Arthena walked closer to me we were only few inches away, “A stubborn mule like you, will end up in the slaughter house. Hm maybe someone may spare your head and hang it on a wall. Like the animal you are.”

“Life is a slaughter house Princess Peach.” I grinned looking down at her, inside though I could see it. My intensities laying on a plate at a table, my corpse acting like firewood in the fireplace, my head being peeled of its skin, my face nailed to the wall, while Satan sits in his throne picking my eyes and brain out, like peanut butter when its stuck on the roof of someone’s mouth.

I knew my fate is in place that might not happen though. Yet I knew one thing for certain. I will be staring death right in the face, clinging for whatever I have left to call life. To cling onto my human memories, not wanting the wind to blow them away like rice.

“There is no happy ending for us, children of the darkness. No chance of finding a piece of heaven. Listen, you aren’t someone I would choose to be locked up with. I know you are different, and that means all odds against you. You can’t do life alone; I get it a lot of people deserve to be killed. Think about it, not everyone is cruel. There is still hope in the human race. The only reason that purity exists is that angels are fighting to keep hope alive. Satan can’t stand hope. He believes you will succumb, but you came from a Catholic family. I would assume you know how to keep hope and faith alive.”

“I find it personally a oxymoron, a demon that has Catholic beliefs? Odd.”

Arthena shook her head with a smile, as she turned to peek out the curtains trying to get a good look of where we were.

“Looks like he is waking up. He may be useless, a extra body we may need to bury in the future.” Arthena whispered, watching Robert slowly stir from a sleep that will change everything. Not just his fate, but also even all of ours. “If anyone is going to get buried in this group, it’ll be me…”

“Ah Mr. Deluca you shouldn’t try to be the hero. They always fall, don’t be stupid. Though you are already screwed, you can go on suicide if you want. But remember, when you loose grip of your human memories. I am sure little Miss. Carter will gladly do what Miss. Gray should of done.” Arthena whispered those last words in my ear, like a snake hissing it’s tongue against skin. I watched her walk out of the bedroom, and back out in the living room to watch some television. I knew the kind of shows that played down here. It wasn’t family friendly, I looked at Robert slowly rise from the bed.

Pure human…and even more damned than I am.

“Robert, do you remember who I am?” I said, softly really unsure if he would even remember if he was left handed.

“How could I forget an bampot like you?” Robert grinned, his eyes were a dull green and his skin seemed to have more color to it.

I didn’t know if he knew that it was a scam, there was no way to reverse a curse. If there is, we wouldn’t find it in Hell.

“If anyone is a clumsy idiot, it is you dear friend.”

Robert sat up, a little slow taking few moments to make sure all his muscles were awake.  After he stood up he walked over to me.

“Where are we going exactly?” Robert asked, with some concern in his new eyes, it was strange for me to look at him. A vampire for hundred of years, was now in some human state.

“I have no idea, I wish I knew how much time I had left before, he takes over. So then, I can get you guys out of here. Then I will end Satan, even if I die trying. If I am punished to one of the Inferno Circles, then slowly Hell will crumble like ruins. No king, no order. And when there is no order, the angels will finish the rest I hope.”

“Brent, if there is a cure for vampirism, maybe there is a…”

Before he could finish, I cut him off feeling a wave of anger drown me sending me tumbling into hands and grabbed me.

This is getting so annoying.  But I find it cute; that someone actually thinks you can be saved. As if you haven’t hit the bottom of the ocean. 

“Robert, there is no hope for me. In case you haven’t realized, I am related to Satan! I am a devil, and I am flying off of the damn handlebars as we speak! Its taking all my will power to keep myself from running into the girl’s bedroom and ripping them apart!”






I could just feel the rage inside me, stirring slowly yet surely. My gums felt like they were opening up with knives scraping against them.  How long has it been since you had sex? I’m sure any woman would want even a moment in your arms. Nina, she does have an aura. Just like Miss. Gray did. Maybe we should get in bed with her. She will feel pleasure, her little moans. Will be so exciting, so tempting so release my sperm. Yet it will tear her apart on the inside, she would think its pleasure, but she will die.

I cut him off quickly, even if it painful to admit Ayperos was right. I hadn’t really had sexual intercourse in a long time. It felt as if I didn’t do something, I was going to blow. Demons craved sex, it was something many demons needed. “I’m sorry, but listen to me. You been through a lot, if you are going to let the bastard who started this win? That doesn’t sound like the Brent I know.”

“He didn’t start it. It was my fault.”

“What did you do?”

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it in the air; the air was hot enough you didn’t need your lighter in Hell.

“I killed my biological father, my human father.”

Robert was quiet for few moments, before he responded. “How?”

When Satan took me back in time I regained my childhood memory, I killed my father like he was a deer. Yet he loved me, like I was an infant. A child is so innocent, kind, and loving. Childhood happens so early on, that we barely remember it. Then we can start forming memories, all that purity is gone. Like a wave of the ocean taking our innocence far away.  Never for us to hold it is like a crystal bottle of purity.

“I stabbed him, I thought I saw a demon. I had a mental issue. My real father was able to convince the town, I had an over acted imagination. Back then there was no CIA. I got away with it…”

Robert was silent, I could hear his new human heart, and he was drawing other demons closer. Demons could hear a heart bear miles away. Since he couldn’t shadow Nina anymore, both of them were in danger. “Arthena, we need to get them out of here. Currently all of them are in Town Square. If we hurry, we might make it out alive.”

“Brent, what is your plan? Do you know how big Hell is? We are reaching towards the county line. Few more miles and we will be in Ancient Greece Ridge.” Arthena growled low, I could see the piercing knives in her eyes.

“Well what else are we suppose to do? Wait for this hotel room to be stormed by demons?”

“They’re after you. How about this, you hold them off. I get the potatoes sacks out of here. You using your morbid face, and noisome personality, you will send them running away.” Arthena smirked, as she put on some lip-gloss admiring herself in a mirror.

“Oh witches are just as deceiving, lying, and damned as demons. I know better to trust you with humans. You would seduce both of them, then feed them to the demons. Like bird seeds.” I stood behind her, and whispered into her ear.

“What other choice do you have?” Arthena turned around then grinned then walked to the living room. “I probably should stand and fight.”

“No, Satan is going to slaughter you. We are going to need an army.”

“Who would want to take on Satan’s army?” I whispered, softly.

“I think, you probably know some…fallen angels who are winning to help. I need to help get the girls somewhere safe. But I promise, even though I am human. I am still loyal to you Brent.”

I wasn’t sure if going to the demon version of Greece was a great idea that was where most fallen angels gather. Maybe few weaker demons who are hiding out in exile. “I’ve seen Dmitri training couple hundreds of demons, if we call war, I don’t even see how we can win. Being in Hell, I have witnessed more blood than you could ever imagine. The last civil war, which occurred down here, hm all ended up dead expect one. He is probably hiding out in Greece, but starting another war isn’t going to solve nothing. Satan feeds off of that to him, misery is like ice cream. Which is why he keeps me on surveillance, every impulse of rage. Every moment of agony, fills him up. Out of millions of children in the world, he knew I would have a shitty life. Which is something that is blissful to him.  “He probably has someone acting as his dog, to find me right now.”

A scent filled of blood, smoke and rotting flesh filled the night’s sky, I could feel the demon’s claws sinking into the pavement, like a dog’s prints in the snow. Crushing the ground under him, he was from Hell Capital..

“Ah, I was right.  Hm look’s like he has stepped up his game. Not sending me to fight against, some hellhounds.”

“Ayperos, I must return you back to your father. You may come with me conscious or unconscious.”

“Hm you are acting as his dog, he won’t throw you a bone. It’s just a painting. How many times do I have to tell you idiots! Satan is a liar.”

I flicked my arm in a fast downward motion, I felt the claws come out I wasn’t sure what but I could feel something in the claws.  I didn’t care what it is…as long it killed this guy.

“Rob, since you only got one life…run.”

“No, we are a team.”

I didn’t want to argue. Suddenly, a blurry wave came over my eyes like the ocean taking me under. Everything was a blood red, and rotting from the inside out. I could see little maggots inside of the demon. Swimming around in his blood, as if he was some community pool. I looked down to see if I had any inside of me, no. Not a single leech trying to suck me of any strength. Maybe leeches were in my mind, sucking my sanity away. Mocking me as I suffer as they take every human memory away and feeding it to the demon, which was inside my body.

It wouldn’t be a shocker; everyday something crumbles off of and falls down. 

“Just let me out, this guy is nothing. He is filled with maggots; they taste like vanilla ice cream. Come on, I can help. Us working together, we will rip apart his meaningless existence.”

I ignored his comment, something Ayperos and me could come to an agreement on was, and all demons are maggots and leeches. He even considers himself to be one.





I was holding the demon head in my metal claw, as it slowly decayed in my hand it became more human-like. Showing under every cruel creature is an infant. We all start out as a child, helpless and a target. Skin crawls onto us, covering us in itself. I crushed the bone.


We sat around a campfire; the evening sky was a dark red the fire crackled and let few embers flying up in the air. I noticed few fire sirens were dancing around their eyes burned into mine. They appeared to be dressed into gypsy attire, giggling calling me to come to the Lake of Fire. I closed my eyes, and looked away from the flame. I wasn’t going anywhere near that lake. “Brent, you should check on Robert he isn’t well.”

It was Nina, I stood up and walked past her but stopped to whisper in her ear, “Miss. Carter don’t lie. It will only make it worse for you. Helping a demon, I am sure Mr. Perfect up there would be ashamed of you.”

“I didn’t become a Hunter to serve Jesus, but I became one to protect the innocent.”

She sat against a tree watching the fire, there was Robert across the camp. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I am sure all of us, were lost and confused. I am sure when all of us were young growing up seemed exciting. We couldn’t wait to have freedom and do whatever we wanted. I see why Peter Pan didn’t want to grow up. He had the right idea, to escape and stay a young boy forever. Immortality isn’t the same as magic. When someone is given immortality, there is a deal between the lines. No one bothers to read the hidden font, and signs their name on the contract. Magic on the other hand, is in all those fairy tales, how it can fix anything and it costs nothing.

“You alright Robert? Nina told me you weren’t feeling good.”

“What are we going to do? You are loosing your sanity and control. All the gates are closed, and this is Nina’s first time in Hell. She is going to---“

I cut him off with a low growl, staring into his human eyes. Although something was in his eyes, it wasn’t human or devilish.  I knew what he was going to say, but I didn’t want to listen to it. Even though it was reality, we will deny every bit of and try to ignore the obvious.

“We aren’t going to allow that to happen. No one is going to die down here.” I whispered under a growl.

“Chill out, if you act like this. Nina is going to wonder what is wrong with you. Do you think there might be something….to slow down the process.”

“Maybe but what I need is in Lord’s Burg. That town has been wiped out, I doubt anything survived there.”

“How far is it from here?”

I was figuring out, the real Lord’s Burg was down in New Mexico. There was a mirrored one in Hell. Rarely those portals would open the main gates are closed there were many ways in and out. Those have to stay open all the time, when the main gates are closed.

“In each ‘world’ of Hell, we can jump around to that area you could say.”

“How does that effect human bodies? You and Arthena would be live through it.”

I wasn’t sure but I would assume the portals wouldn’t harm the human souls that existed in two of our group members.

“It shouldn’t harm you two, now we need to use a spell to cast ourselves into that part of Hell.”

“What do we need to create a portal?”

“Female blood, a drop of demon blood, handful of black grass, and any bone from a dead demon.” I was trying to recall from one of the classes I took a while ago. Actually none of these indigents were rare, I didn’t want to use Nina’s blood, if someone tracked the portal, and Arthena was the way to go. It was harder to trace witch blood. She still had the female hormones in the blood that the spell required.

“If we use Nina…she is already a pastry, inside I hate to say. The devil inside, wants to kill her. It’s another hormone you can say. A desire to bring the Hunter inside her to its knees. Never thought I would say that, but Hunter’s soul, they are intoxicating yet addicting. Using Arthena is our past course of action. No defying me…”

As I took a walk through the woods, trees seemed to come alive; using their branches and roots to holds me back. I felt as if they grew eyes and just watched me, judging on what I just spoke. Hm classic words a royal demon would use. I suppose my speech and Ayperos is binding together…

A demon and a schizophrenic psycho share the same body. Maybe that is one of the reasons I was chosen…I was demented even before I came out of the womb. I suppose the brothers probably decided I was the unlucky fetus. It has been forever since I talked to my brother. I am sure he is up in Heaven, dining with God. I guess if he is there I should be glad I am the one down in Hell.

The younger one being casted off, denied all love for being different. The big brother, the one everyone loved. Even if I was loved in my human years, all it was pity. Fake compassion, even my own mother lied to me. Using a emotion called love, it was a while since I felt any kind of love. I knew it was better that way; I was going to probably die in less of a year…




In an office, supplies were knocked off onto the floor; in the office everything was a elegant modern. The desk was made of glass, the chairs were a soft leather, with silver frames, a large book case that wrapped around the room, a large window the curtains made sure no light could enter, the floor has elegant detail to it, almost seemed as if you were watching a motion picture if you looked at the floor long enough, and there were two bodies inside the room. On the desk, the two bodies were engaging in sexual intercourse. The man was kissing the female neck, he licked it as if it was some ice cream.  “Sir…may we come in?” A voice asked from the outside.

“Somewhat busy here…” The man growled annoyed, the lust inside him grew more. All he wanted was to allow himself to feel her inside of him.

“Boss…it’s about the Arch Angel Sword. It has fallen into the wrong hands.”

After that sentence, the man put on his long white trench coat, along with plain black pants, the girl put on her dress and left. Once she left the young boy walked inside, and bowed to the man he sat sideways in the chair. Looking at the boy, “Well where the hell is it?”

“It is in Satan’s hands, and we all know what will happen…”

“Who had it before him, clearly he isn’t smart enough for a Arch Angel to give it to…it had to be a demon who was able to trick a dying angel into believing he was human.” As the man stared at a painting above the door, he considered who was even slyer then the Devil.

“It could been another human, and Satan killed them and took it from them.” The small boy whispered quietly.

“Adrian Christian DeLuca is our man…” The white trench coat man spoke.

The small boy stared in shock, that name everyone knew, and they knew the demon that lived inside that man.

“Ayperos Hellure? He is down in Hell, how are we going to get him?”

The white trench coat man laughed, he stood up and slid the curtains open, and looked outside to the town. Everyone was happy, and enjoying a great time of peace and happiness.

“An angel can’t enter Hell, so we will send out a spirit to bring him to us…in a way. Not his body, just his self-conscious. A demon up in Heaven, things may not go well. So we will need to make sure, the spirit injects a drug in him…I want to be able to beat that piece of shit up. I want to see him bleed, and beg me to stop. Hm we don’t always get what we want. Now…send out a Dream Angel.”

The boy bowed before leaving and left the man alone, he narrowed his eyes down on the crowd. Even though he was in Heaven, he knew everyone was a sinner. Not everyone can be forgiven, even if all of us are siblings to one another.

“Just wait you little rat.”



“I am sure none of us expected this to happen, we probably thought life was going to be cookie-cutter. This is not even close to what I imagined. “ Nina spoke as she was sharpening one of her knives. I wasn’t sure what was normal, but what I heard from the media. I didn’t want to be apart of the human race. I do wonder if my humanity is just a waste of time and energy. I watch people get taken advantage of. Being a little doll, as someone twists their limbs and whispering lies into their ears. A blindfold covers their sight, so they can’t see the truth.

“I wish we had some Scotch.”

I couldn’t help but give half a smile at that, Robert and me did have some interesting times together, or just how we both enjoyed the poisonous liquid. 

“I second that, but anyway…I got the materials. We just need a female’s blood…” I spoke, all eyes drifted onto the girls. Even the girls looked at one another, not sure who was the donor.

“Arthena, just give three drops of your blood.”

Nina looked confused I shook my head at her, not wanting to hear her talk.  She would try to protest, but there wasn’t time for fighting.

We had a broken bowl, but it would work, I threw in the grass, the ashes of a demon, I bit my wrist, and allowed four drops to fall onto the ashes, than Arthena cut her wrist and dropped three drops of her own blood.

“Lacum aperuit Patet parte inferni. Rege, sed quia non-mentior nobis. Ne derelinquas nos ad Lordsburg vestigium.”

It was one of the Latin chants, when you spoke you had to growl and be able to say it without screwing up. We got it on the first try, and it was pure luck we didn’t die while trying to open it.

A small portal opened up, I knew sometimes there were glitches if Satan wanted to make us end up somewhere else. We landed in a ghost town, not even a homeless demon was in sight, I didn’t like the feeling. I knew there was an illness that infected the town, and it probably took down the plants. Meaning there was no hope for me, to create something to slow down the process.

The others came through the portal, all of us were silent and in shock. Trying to come up with explanations. Yet none of their words comforted me, I just knew my fate and should accept it…

“Brent! Nina is passed out!” Robert shouted, I turned around and saw she seemed to be lifeless. I dashed over to her she was still alive. Her pulse had the beat of a horse walking with all its pride in the air. Not even three seconds later, Robert was on the ground sleeping as well.

“This is not the time to piss me off!” I growled, trying to wake them up.

“Brent…hold your breath…” Arthena whispered, but she was on the ground.

Soon it was my turn, I felt dizzy a dark red curtain over took my vision and pulled me into a slumber. A sharp needle greeted me; the poison seemed to cut off my pulmonary artery and veins. I couldn’t breathe…

A hand reached out from the darkness and kept me under the dark blanket until I stopped moving.


Nina laid on a large queen size; there was a glass waterfall on the wall, surrounded by it there were was plants from all over the world. 

The floor was marble; a couple throw pillows were thrown on the bed. Nina woke up she rubbed her eyes, she knew from the moment of feeling those cover where she was. Although she was unsure, was she there physically. “Miss are you awake yet?”

“Um yeah I am awake.” Nina was trying to gather her thoughts. A maid stood there she bowed before Nina.

“Miss, my boss will see you now. Please wear something nice, he is a man of fine class.”

“Where are my friends?”

The maid didn’t respond, she walked to a glass closet, and pulled out a white short dress, with some heels that sparkled. “Now, he is excited to meet you.”

Nina looked at the disgusting attire, she didn’t know who she was going to meet, and where everyone else was. She only knew one thing for sure they weren’t in Hell anymore.

They were in the opposite of Hell. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.11.2013

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