
Dear Journal…
“When I first walked onto this earth, into this life, a kind of life in where we regret, most of us desire to escape. This nightmare we can never wake up from. Yet some claim there is small lights of hope and faith.
All but merely just lies that will never become a reality to them.
They only exist in your mind.
Some say its better to love, then never loved at all.
Love is a feeling, that doesn’t exist; it is made up an outlet for some humans who can’t contain these mixed feelings. They receive from being in such an intense life. So they claim to love another. When they know there is no such thing as love.

Aren’t we all damned forever, in some way?
Whether an addiction, abuse, desiring someone you can never have or something. We are all in misery.
Some can hide it better then other people. Or deny it.

Now the darkness that is slowly decaying everything, that was once apart of my human existence.
The heart that once pumped blood is nothing but a slowly dying firefly, which is slowly, being consumed by darkness.
My lungs, which would use air they would need to keep me alive.
Yet they were filed with smoke, of sins.

The ghosts of the graveyard were grieving at their tombstones.
Others were begging the Dark One to allow them to return to the Human World, one last chance. One last chance to let them see the ones they once knew.
There was cruel unwelcoming wind that blew across the cold world.
Shadows seemed to come to life, as if they were dancers dancing in the dark.
When you looked up you could see the moon, and the stars yet you never saw the sun.
The world was trapped in a night that lasts forever.
Meaning predators of the night ran wild; no hiding for them, only for the weaker prey would have to hide forever.
Underground ran a long tunnel, with glass walls on each side, in the rooms, where the most tragic deaths ever.
The victims were trapped in there, suffering over and over.
The glass was sound proof so, by-passers could enjoy their misery.
Down few flights of stairs deeper into the earth, there was a dark looking portal; through it was into a throne room, this one was different from Satan’s Throne Room.
This one had dark purple curtains on long narrow windows, which over looked a sea of fire.
There was a long narrow dark blue rug leading from the wrap gate, to two thrones.
One was taller, it was a dark red, it looked like it was made from a dark black metal, the top had spikes on it.
The one next to it was tall, but it wasn’t as big as the first one, the cushions were a dark purple, there were no spikes on it, it let there were curves that went out to the sides.
The ceiling was a like a dome, long fire pits that ran on the side of the walkway.
A dark ghostly figured drifted down the isle, as it robe was gently blowing there were soft screams coming from it.
The face was hidden; it sat down in the main throne.
“You may enter.” The figure commanded.
Dark leather boots walked down the rug, he had dark pants with a chain on them, his shirt was white but it was covered in blood, his skin was glowing, his eyes were sharp and had a lust to them.
His black hair was a mess, yet it looked soft as sheep wool.
“Hello Mastema.” The Reaper said, in a bloodthirsty voice.
Also known as Dmitri.
“Hello Master, what summons me today?” Mastema asked.
Reaper then appeared to be thinking then he spoke, “How is the Devil's plan, going?"
"Not well, he needs his son to be on his side. Plus the five crystals of purity."
The Reaper smiled then chuckled, "Well then, we should work and get Prince Stubborn to give in."
Dmitri smiled evilly and bowed, "As you wish, master."
"Since I should help my brother, in what he wants. Besides I haven't met my nephew." Reaper chuckled.

The ceiling fan slowly spun around, I didn’t feel even like lifting my head, or turning my head to check the time.
It felt as if time hadn’t passed as I laid in my bed, it felt as if all my limbs were being held down by pounds of plutonium. Crushing my bones, not allowing myself to move. Maybe it was cause I didn’t want to do anything, or was I going to die soon?
So many questions, so few answers.
The light was trying to creep into the room; the dark blue curtains were keeping the light out. There was a familiar scent that filled the room; it was the smell of breakfast.
Bacon, pancakes and the sound of coffee was brewing in the kitchen, I never ate breakfast.
Who was in the kitchen? Or was I loosing it?

I managed to push myself out of bed, and looked outside it was raining, the dark clouds covered the sky.
The dark woods were filled with fog, the fog was very thick, you could cut it with a knife.
Not a single car was on the road, as if everyone was killed off last night.
It didn’t seem as if the fog was going to clear anytime soon.
I didn’t think about going downstairs, I felt as if I had taken a bath in blood, the feeling of warm blood consumed my skin.
It felt as if it was running off, but although a wound kept letting blood out.
A never-ending flow of blood, almost similar to the guilt I had brought upon my shoulders.
I couldn’t throw the guilt off of me, unless I gave in.
Give into the killer inside of me, after years of watching humans. I have figured out something.
Humans are just as cruel as a demon.
Some deny it, or they keep it locked away. As if they are afraid to let it out and hurt someone.
Keeping the pain and anger locked inside of you, is like someone suffocating you.
You are torturing yourself from the inside.
Rather being in pain, then causing it.
Imagine being in an ocean of blood and everything you kept inside. Putting yourself through that, trying to swim up to the surface, but having stone blocks of hate tied to your feet, pulling you under.
While everyone watches you drown from the other side. Watching what a disgrace, you have become.
Most of the time, humans can’t stand it and they snap.
The ones who bottle things up inside always snap the worse.
I have suffered for six hundred and four years, and haven’t snapped yet.
Although question is how long can someone last, until they loose it?

I walked into the bathroom, which was large, the tile was large and white, the mirror was large, there were few plants in there, there were two round sinks set into the counter which was marble.
There was a large deep tub, a shower in the corner, the shower had black tiles, and there were shampoo and conditioner. Soap everything for showering.
In the mirror was my reflection, I hadn't changed one bit, I still had my short dark brown hair which I kept in the style known as Diadema, it layered, short on the sides.
I slid off my grey sweat pants, along with my boxers; I stepped into the shower, and turned on the water.
I turned the handle to the hottest temperature it could go to.
It only took few seconds for it to warm up, I looked down as the water was waking me up. It felt as if the blood was apart of my skin, an extra layer of skin I could never wash off.

After an hour I stepped out of the shower, and grabbed a red towel and wrapped it around my waist, and walked into my bedroom the TV was on and the news was on.
The news reporter had short brown hair; it looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks.
She had on a white suit, with a purple under shirt, on she had papers in front of her.
“Good morning, last night there was a man who was found dead at the bottom of his apartment stairs.
A witness said it looked like a successful suicide.
The victim was sixteen year old, Ryan Duce. His family asked not to be disturbed.”
Was it a real suicide case, or was he being possessed?
I stood there listening to more of the story; sometimes demons used a body then toss them and their host into death’s arms.
I seen it many times, right before the body hits the ground. The demon leaves the host and, the human sees right the last moment before they die. That is how must possessions end, sometimes the demon, will get their host sent to jail.
I turned off the TV, and got on dark blue jeans. Then grabbed a black v-neck shirt and slipped it on.
I grabbed a small towel and dried my hair, and then there was a knock at the front door.
I stood there trying to figure out who it was; I couldn’t pick up a scent. Then they rang the doorbell, which made its typical ding-dong. Which lasted for a few seconds, I made my way down the hall and looked over the balcony, which over looked an entryway, I jumped over the railing. Then I looked at the door, which was double door, a dark brown with no windows, but a peephole. I opened the door,
a bullet ripped into my shoulder, knocking me off my feet, there stood a Demon Hunter. He had short light brown hair; he hadn’t shaved so he had a scruffy look to his face, he had on a windbreaker jacket on, which was a dark navy. His shirt was a light yellow; he had on black sweats on. He looked about twenty-five.
“Ayperos Hellure?” The hunter asked.
I stood up and ripped the bullet out, “And I just got cleaned up.” I groaned annoyed, then exhaled rolling my eyes, “what do you want?”
The hunter reached into his jacket and pulled out a scroll, then said, “You have murdered Katherine Sapphire Gray, for that murder you have to pay.”
I forgot if you kill a high ranked Demon Hunter, and if they find out how they die. That demon can be executed or be trapped in their head quarters, and be tortured until the end of time.
The hunter grabbed a knife and then ran at me, I jumped up and landed behind him.
There were only two options, one to kill him. Or two let him kill me.
I grabbed him by the neck then growled low, “How did you find me?"
The hunter narrowed his eyes at me, “There are ways, to find the demons that hide in the shadows.”
“Give me an answer, if you won’t I will kill you.” I growled low.
The hunter narrowed his eyes at me then said, “I find it shocking that Katherine loved you. Maybe it was an act out of pity.”
My hand gripped tighter around his neck, his soul was resting right inside of him, and I could easily take it. His expression spoke fearless, his soul spoke fearful.
We all speak two expressions, an interior expression and an exterior expression.
We show the exterior expression to others, and hide our real emotion within.
Some may be able to sense the interior expression, its impossible to lie to those people.
His heart stopped, he dropped dead to the ground.
I must of snapped his neck, while I was lost in my train of thought.
“Wow, I would hate to have you be pissed at me.” Robert said, coming out from a room. He had his hair short and had it cut very short, his skin was still pale, his eyes were still their sharp light blue. He had on a white concert t-shirt, and ripped skinny jeans.
“How long have you been here?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Robert looked at me then chuckled, “That’s a good way to greet your friend.”
“Want me to throw you a surprise party, and invite you and have people scare the crap out of you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow with some sarcasm.
“I’m good.” Robert said, disturbed at my suggestion.
I rolled my eyes and looked at the body, I pushed the door closed.
“How did he find you?” Robert asked, looking at the body.
I walked over to it, and looked through the jacket there was nothing useful.
“Nothing, why do I feel like I am going to need to get an alarm system?” I said, annoyed.
“They finally caught up with you, after how many years?” Robert chuckled.
“They have every right, to be pissed at me.” I said, looking out the window placing my hand on the window and looking out to the front.
Robert sighed and then said, “You still remember her.”
The way he said it was like he was shocked but he almost seemed disgusted.
“Yes, I can’t get her out of my mind.” I said, low.
“You really loved her. Shame that events turned to tragic.” Robert said, sighing and pulling his phone out.
I looked back at him then said, “You haven’t had a real relationship have you.”
“No, you should know I don’t have long relationships. You should find someone new.” Robert said, laughing.
I raised an eyebrow then I rolled my eyes then said low, “No, there is a demon that has moved into town. Need to figure out where it is. Find it and kill it.”
“So serious.” Robert said, jumping off the railing, and walked over to me and said, “You will find it, come on let’s go.”
“Go where?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Robert looked at me then chuckled then said, “Where else, we are gonna do speeding dating for you. I can easily get any girl I want in my bed. You on the other hand, are kind of scary.”
“Jeez thanks.” I said, with bunch of sarcasm.
Robert didn’t see the sarcasm in my voice; he looked at me then said, “Not every girl, is tough as she was. You need to soften up.” Robert said, walking to the garage.
“All relationships are doomed to end, on the second of death. Or by some terrible drama.” I said, rolling my eyes.
We walked outside, over to the garage, the front yard, had hedges and an old fountain which hadn’t been in use.
The garage was once a barn; inside there was a black Lexus LMFA.
“Wow, you couldn’t just go with a old Chevy truck?” Robert said, looking at the car and checking it out.
I walked inside the garage and unlocked it and got inside, and looked at Robert, “Are you coming?”
He got inside and closed his door; I put the car into drive and drove off the driveway and onto the road.
“Where are we going?” Robert asked, looking at me.
I sighed then there was a huge explosion from the woods, I slammed the brake hard as I could, Robert was thrown forward, we both looked at where it came from.
“What was that?” Robert asked, looking at me.
I knew what it was; only demons could sense other demons, before any other supernatural creature.
I drove the car to the side of the road, and got out and walked around to the trunk and opened it. I took the keys out of the car.
There were couple weapons, designed to kill certain creatures.
Robert got out of the car and walked around to the trunk, and saw the weapons then asked, “Are you going all, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

, on me?”
I looked at him then rolled my eyes then said, “No, I just keep some weapons around, to get rid of pests.”
“Do you have a secret weapon vault back at your house?” Robert asked, raising an eyebrow. Looking at me as if I was possibly a serial killer.
“Possibly, I drive around with few emergency items just in case. Cause you know, never a dull moment with me around.” I said, with a fake laugh.
Robert then pulled a stake out and looked at it, “Any rouge vampires?”
I snatched the stake out of his hand, and tossed it back into the truck. Then took out a silver knife, with black design on the handle.
The small dagger seemed alive, I touched it and it grew longer, into a full tang zangetsu sword.
It was alive, a rare weapon, only archangels receive them. I remembered how I obtained such a rare weapon.


The blood was everywhere, on the trees, ground, rocks anything that could be found in a field.
Couple demons decided to kill a small village of angels who taken human form, and plain humans.
The moon was high in the sky, it was midnight or later, other demons had torches and were setting trees and bodies on fire.
I slipped away from the group I was assigned to, there was a door leading into the ground, like a bomb shelter almost. I opened the door; no one locked it although there was someone hiding. I closed the door quietly as I could. I had to lower my head, so I could fit through the tunnel, which wasn’t lit.
There was a golden door, which was about eight feet tall; I opened the door slowly, ready for someone to attack me. There was no one there, expect a bloody body in the center, I walked slowly unsure if they were dead or not.
I looked up there was a hole and the moon was right above. Giving the room light.
The body was a teenager boy about, fourteen, he had short black hair, his skin was a darker toner, his clothes were torn, wounds looked infected.
He was shaking as if he was freezing to death.
“Who-who are you?” The boy asked.
I sighed then said, “I’m Brent, what happened?”
He coughed then said, “I tried to protect my love, but there were to many. They made me weak, let me watch them kill her. Then they tried to finish me off.”
I walked over to him and kneed next to him, “You fought well, now you need to let go. And go up to Heaven.”
The boy nodded slowly then rolled over to me, his eyes were a dark green, able to keep many out of his head.
Blood was running out of his lip, he took something out of his pocket then handed it to me, it looked like a dagger or a pocketknife.
“It’s a rare weapon, it’s alive. It will take to the user and change to it’s suiting.” The boy coughed.
I looked at the black case it came in; I could almost feel a heart beat.
I heard stories of these kinds of weapons; they came in all kinds of weapons, from knives to bow and arrows. They can be used for good or evil. No evil being ever obtained one. Only Arch Angels had them.
Then the boy slowly closed his eyes, then his soul left his body and went through the roof and towards the moon, and then he was gone.
I took the knife out of its case, it was a small silver dagger, the handler had the black designs on it, and then like veins the designs wrapped around the blade. Then I focused hard on it, and the designs stopped moving. It became a dagger again.
A weapon once in the hands of good is fallen into the Devil’s son hands. This should be interesting.

“So how did you get that?” Robert asked, looking at the sword.
The sword returned to its dagger form I placed it into my pocket.
“Oh, I found it lost. Someone dropped it in a battle.” I said, lying about where I found it. It was in one of the years where Robert and me had no contact.
He didn’t need to know the blood baths I was force to watch. And even take part in creating them.
“Come on, need to find out what happened.” I said, closing the trunk.
I walked off up the hill, there was something covered in the smell of whiskey and ash.
A very familiar scent that filled most parts of Hell, or the typical smell demons have.
There was a demon there, he had goat horns on his head, neck of a llama, wings like a crow they were about six feet long, body of a human, feet of a goat, and it stood about seven feet tall. Its eyes were a dark green they looked almost human.
“What is that?” Robert asked, catching up to me.
“This is the result of a goat and a llama try and date. It just doesn’t work out.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“What about the wings and the human body?” Robert said, as his fangs came out of his gums.
“This is why you don't do drugs.” I said, with a slight cocky grin.
The demon snarled low, it inhaled my scent the demon eyes rolled back most demons, do that when they are taking the prey’s scent in.
It then looked at me, it knew who I was and it grinned at me, “Prince Ayperos.” The demon said, in a dark voice. It seemed a sound wave trying to get out, of a cobweb.
“You must have a face, that is known to everyone.” Robert said, getting ready to lunge.
“Oh you know, this irresistible face is known by many.” I said, chuckling.
The demon then charged towards us, I dodged it then landed behind it, and then Robert ran up a tree and looked down, the demon then turned around. I grabbed its neck then flipped it slamming its head onto the ground.
It kicked me hard in the rib cage; I grabbed it by the throat then slowly started choking it.
My hand transformed into its claw form, I stabbed into it’s chest, and searched around for a heart. It didn’t have one.
It chuckled as it looked down at me, then kicked me with all it’s hooves.
I fell to the ground, it’s wounds healed up.
“I had my heart removed. A witch of Satan’s in fact. She holds my heart in a box, with many other demons
It helps decreasing my chance of being murdered. Only way I can die. If the witch was to destroy my heart.” The demon chuckled.
“How did she get it out without killing you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
The demon chuckled then said, “A spell, what else?”
“So, there’s no way to kill you right now.” I said, crossing my arms.
The demon chuckled and smiled, as if he had won this fight.
“Nope. Now I really don’t want to kill a demon of Royal Blood. Oh what to do.” The demon said, acting as if he was in deep thought.
I tried to think of other ways to kill a demon; I always used the heart trick. The weapon I had in my boot, I had almost forgotten about it. I pulled it out, I felt it slowly come alive, a weapon which looked normal. Was alive and capable of killing anything, and giving the user certain upgrades.
Could make someone faster, stronger, and smarter or anything one may want.
The dagger transformed into its sword, the handle became slightly curved with a skull on bottom of the handle.
The blade was long and almost thick, the blade was black and dark silver. The blade looked like a butcher knife, it was four feet long.
“Oh what do you have there?” The demon said, looking at the sword with interest.
“A weapon, I obtained a while ago.” I said, narrowing my eyes at the demon.
I charged at the demon and sliced its head off, it rolled off slowly blood ran out of its neck.
It fell to the ground; there was a loud thump sound the body made.
I looked at the blade; there was no blood on it.
“So his heart was missing?” Robert said, jumping down onto the ground.
I nodded then looked at the sword, which then returned back to dagger form.
I placed it into my jacket.
Robert then walked over to me then said, “I know that face, you are thinking of a devious plan aren’t you.”
I stared at the corpse I had a small smirk on, which many knew when; I got that smirk I was up to no good.
“Imagine, some of the most powerful demons, all had their hearts in a tomb. Think of burning all those hearts. Killing all of those demons at once. Maybe even Satan has his heart in there.” I said, thinking about where the hearts could be stored.
“That could be a suicide mission.” Robert said, walking back with me to the car.
“Oh suicide? The act of trying to kill yourself, I am sadly not capable of such a medication.” I said, as I walked thinking of how lucky humans are to do so much. You could sacrifice being able to do anything, and giving up your deepest desire. Or grabbing onto that desire and, not being able to do what you may want instead. We all have to give up something.
“Come on, we need to check something out.” I said, walking back to my car.
“What?” Robert asked, as I walked away.
“A demon might have killed someone.” I said, looking over my shoulder at him.

We arrived at a townhouse, which was made from town bricks; there was an old pick-up truck. I inhaled everyone who was in the house; all there was a woman and an elder woman.
“Are you gonna tell me, why we are here?” Robert asked, catching up to me.
“I told you, a demon killed someone. So we are going to talk to the family and, get information.” I said, walking to the door and knocking on the door.
There was almost a minute of waiting, and then the door opened. There was a small woman, she had long grey hair, and her face told her age. Her eyes told stories of all the tragic events she witnessed, her eyes were a soft blue, her skin was a light pale; she looked like she hid inside for years.
She had on a dark pink blouse on, sweat pants on, she was 5’1, I couldn’t but feel pity for her.
Sometimes growing old, isn’t as golden as some may claim. To get to those years of peace, you must endure many years of pain and suffering. Some may see more blood then others; those memories are painted on your brain. A paint that won’t wash off, it becomes apart of who you are.
Sometimes you need to spill some blood, to survive, a cruel factor of life.
“Hello.” I said, in a gentle tone.
“We don’t want to buy anything.” The old woman spoke in a rusty voice.
It sounded like she was loosing her voice, or as if she made dried blood on her throat, causing speech to become almost impossible.
“Oh no, we aren’t selling anything. May we come in?” I asked, looking down at her. With the softest expression I could think of.
“How do I know you, aren’t going to kill me.” The woman said, low.
I looked at her then said, “I promise, I will not hurt you, or anyone in this household. If you don’t want my help, you can kick me out.”
Then the woman opened the door, and walked inside I followed her in. I closed the door after Robert got inside; we followed her to a small living room. There were many fake cats, so many nick-knacks. The house smelled of cigarettes and cheap perfume.
I sat down on the hard blue chair, while Robert sat down on the tan sofa; a cat woke up and looked at him. The cat started to smell him, as if the cat never smelled a vampire before. Then the cat hissed then jumped off the sofa and darted into the kitchen.
“What can you tell me, about Ryan Duce?” I asked, noticing the newest newspaper, which had an article about Ryan.
“Mrs. Duce, who are these men?” A young woman asked.
Robert looked up at her and, I knew the moment he saw her. He was head over heels.
She had long dark red hair, she had it braided, she had on a black tank-top, she also had on a black skirt on, dark grey tights on, her skin was a soft pale and, she looked about seventeen.
I rolled my eyes then I said, “We are P.I, and we are assigned to find out more about Ryan Langston Duce.”
“You don’t look like the type.” The girl said, narrowing her eyes at me.
I raised an eyebrow and stood up, she was looking at me as if I was strange animal she never seen.
“Oh looks are nothing, but masks. What does matter is the persona inside. Am I correct?” I said, in a capturing voice. Making this argument mine.

“I am not one to judge a person, on skin tone, or anything. I just don’t think I want you in Mrs. Duce house.” The girl said, glaring at me.
“Someone is judging.” I said, turning my head away, but making my voice louder so she could hear.
She glared at me, I whispered into Robert’s ear, “You handle this.”
Robert then stood up and held his hand out for her to shake it, “I am Robert, you are?”
“Amanda.” The girl said, as she soften her glare at Robert.
“Pleasure to meet you.” Robert said, gaining a British accent.
Mrs. Duce then said, “What are you going to even do?”
“We are trained experts, in this sort of field. Justice needs to be served.” I said, looking at a picture of Ryan and Amanda, and then looking back at Mrs. Duce.
“Mrs. Duce me and the boys will figure out, what really happened.” Amanda said, softly.
Mrs. Duce mumbled something to herself, as she grabbed a jacket and made her way out of the house. Once she was out of the house, Amanda looked at us.
“So, can you tell us your relationship to Ryan Langston Duce.” I said, raising an eyebrow at her.
“He was my husband.” Amanda said, with no emotion.
What year are we living in, this isn't the Roman times. No need to rush into marriage.
“Did you and Ryan have a fight, prior to his death?” I said, narrowing my eyes at her.
“What are you implying?” Amanda said, low.
I sat up straight then, chuckled then said, “I am just asking questions. Is that so wrong?”
“What my friend, is trying to say is. Would Ryan have any reason that would drive him to commit suicide?” Robert said, trying to seem gentle.
Amanda stood there looking at us, trying to figure out what, she should say to us.
“So did, he come from a good family. His work life?” I asked, trying to think over the list, in my head. Why people commit suicide, there are many reasons.
The list goes on, everyone can have a reason to take his or her life.
I remember in my younger demon years, suicide seemed a comforting option. A soft silk bed, with rose red pillows perfectly placed together, creating a mountain of pillows. The covers were a dark navy blue, like the early night, a calm and seducing color. The bed was large welcoming anyone who wishes for a good night sleep. Any one would, give into the voice the bed has. Calling to people who pass by.
How much I wanted to lay down onto the soft bed, closing my eyes into a sleep that would never end. Yet I learned, even if I wanted to die. I couldn't die so easily.
“Yes, his family were very good people, his work life, was fine.” Amanda said, shrugging.
“Any enemies, anyone who would make his life hell?” I asked, thinking could he possibly cheated on Amanda, and the guilt of cheating was to much to bare?
Amanda shook her head, Damn.
“Amanda, did he have any exs you knew of?” Robert asked gently.
Amanda seemed puzzled by the question then said, “Yes, what does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, what if I was to tell you. He slept with his ex one night. Then he couldn’t take the guilt. Then he took his life.” I said, giving her the scene in her head.
“He would never do that!” Amanda shouted, with tears forming in her eyes.
“You sure, sometimes lovers are deceiving.” I said low, raising an eyebrow at her.
Then Robert asked, “Well where was his body found?”
“At his apartment..” Amanda sighed.
“Well we will be in touch.” I said, standing up and walking out the door.
Few minutes later Robert came out then looked at me, “Don’t tell me you are in love.” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“She is good looking.” Robert chuckled.
I walked down the stairs and unlocked the car, then slid inside and closed the door.
“Are you getting in?” I said, rolling down the window.
Robert got in on the passenger side and said, “Where are we going?”
“To the scene, demons always leave a scent or blood behind.” I said, driving off.
As it became noon more people were out, shopping or getting lunch, although it seemed everyone was unaware of the death.

At the apartment there wasn’t anyone around, no cops no residents.
I parked the car in a visiting spot. I put on my sunglasses, I took the key out, and opened the door. The apartments were more like townhouses; they looked like each apartment had two floors. They had flat roofs, the walls are white. It didn’t look like the most expensive place to live.
Chain link fence surrounded the place, Robert got out of the car, “What now?”
“Stay here.” I said, locking the door and walked off following the scent of something dark and evil.
There was an intense scent, and rushed towards me, there was a demon in the shadows. Although it had an odd scent to it wasn’t the scent demons from Hell had.
This was a whole new scent, although it still had the smell of blood on it.
There was a dark shadow, it was a body of a human, wings of a bat, ears of an elf, teeth like a shark, it was six feet tall. It spread it wings and let out a screech.
It was the monster that was the cause of Ryan’s death.
So it was a demon who is to blame.

Oh humans, creatures that let their guard down, and break down about the simplest things.
Allowing themselves open, for a demon to get inside of them.
The demon flew up in the sky then it was gone, I looked all around but it was literally gone out of sight.
My eyes adjusted to their demonic form, there was no scent left behind.
As if it just vanished, it wasn’t around anymore; none of Satan worthless pieces of crap could do this.
His little followers or subjects couldn’t do this, so then whom does that demon belong to?

“Did you hear there is a huge party, tonight?” Robert asked, walking into a small diner. It looked like an old Route 66 theme. The place had white tiling, wallpaper that was an old western theme, with red booths in the back, and a counter with bar stools.
It wasn’t that large seemed, the size of a storage box.
I turned my head to look at him; he had on a short sleeve blue shirt that had a v-neck. He also had on black jeans.
“No, and how do you know this?” I asked, taking a sip of pure black coffee.
“I was hanging around, the high school campus.” Robert said, shrugging.
“Right, you are still seventeen.” I said, with a plain emotionless voice.
“Are you going?” Robert asked, taking the seat next to me.
I shook my head then said, “No, you know how those parties end.”
“Not all the time, come on let’s go.” Robert said, trying to gesture me to go.
I rolled my eyes then said low, “Robert, you do know why we are in this town. Not to have fun, we are here to take care of business.”
“Yeah, we have business of trying to be human.” Robert said, annoyed.
I sighed; if I was to keep my humanity might as well. Try and be human and go party.
“Fine.” I said, rolling my eyes.
Only reason I really going was, I had a gut feeling someone was going to make a special appearance tonight.

The house was out in the woods; it almost seemed off of the grid, there was no cell phone service, the music blasted loud. The house looked old, had an old rustic look to it. Although it was stable enough, to hold a crazy party.
The house had dark brown tiling; the walls were a very dark brown. It seemed like a log cabin almost. There were cars parked outside, football players had no shirts on, and they were howling and shouting at one another.
“Let's keep count of all the drunk teenagers a?” I said, chuckling looking at Robert.
“You’re on.” Robert said, laughing.
I got out of the car, and fixed my jacket and Robert got out and locked the door and followed.
The door was opened, once you walked in the smell of Booze and Vodka rushed into your senses, and made every muscle inside of you and woke every nerve up.
There was a disco on the ceiling, which was changing colors, everyone was creating a mob and dancing close to each other. Robert disappeared away from behind me once we got deeper in the house.
Everyone scent was forming together, it was like a cloud of smoke. You can’t see your nose in front of you. Every time someone would bump into me, it was like a lighting bolt.
Painful and unbearable almost, I held my head tight and walked into a hallway and closed a door. I leaned against the door as my claws dug into the door. My teeth ached as if a small knife was slowly scrapping away my teeth. I hadn’t fed in weeks, demons normally feed once a day, perhaps that why demons are describe in mythology as disgusting monsters. Since they feed all the time, and their nature reflects on their appearance.
I exhaled and let go of the door, there were deep claw marks in the door, I walked down the hall slowly. I opened a door it was the end of the hallway, the handle was gold, but it was fading. I twisted it and it unlocked itself, I pushed the door opened and walked inside.
The room was a library, there were many bookshelves, windows but they had blinds, a dark blue sofa, a dark coffee table,a dark rug and other chairs were around the table.
I sat down on the sofa, and placed my elbows on my legs and placed my face in my hands, and groaned. Why did I let him talk me into this?
Should of stayed in my prison, known as my room.
I felt a presence in the room not human, but not quite a demon. I lifted my head and stood up.
I turned around there was a woman about twenty-one there, she had dark tone skin, long brown hair with black highlights, a dark blue blouse on, shorts on, she walked in black high heels towards me. She had white teeth as she smiled at me.
“Oh hey there.” The woman said, at me smiling innocently.
I scanned her for few moments, she wasn’t human I could tell that. But she wasn’t a demon.
“What’s your name handsome?” The woman said, coming closer to me.
I tried to keep a distance from her then said, “Brent, you are?”
“Arthena.” The woman giggled.
She ran her hand down my neck; I grabbed it and gently threw it off of me.
“Yeah I don’t know you, so you might as well. Resist the urge to touch me.” I said, in a dark serious voice.
“Come on, we are alone. No one will see us.” Arthena whispered softly.
I shoved her off of me and she hit the sofa and fell onto it.
“Oh kinky.” Arthena said, winking at me.
I growled low at her then the door was opened, there was a large male there. He had fairly dark skin, his hair was black, his eyes were a dark blue, and he had on white shirt dark blue jeans on. He looked about twenty-three.
He glared at me, “What are you doing with my girl?”
“Nothing buddy, I think you need to learn to control your woman.” I growled low.
He blocked the door, he was large enough, to block the whole thing.
Jealously isn't something you want in a relationship.
“Get out of my way.” I said, low.
He wasn’t human, so I could possibly kill these two.
I refused to kill humans, didn't mean I had a problem killing non-human creatures.
The guy grabbed me by the throat then tossed me across the room, I landed on my feet before hitting the wall.
“I am Draven, it is so not a pleasure to meet you Ayperos, Prince of Hell.” Draven said, low with a smirk.
“It is a unfortunate meeting for me as well.” I growled low.
“See this is why, I hate the Blood-Righteous son to the Throne. Acting so called human, and a brat.” Draven growled. Arthena sat up and sat on the chair arm.
“Ah this is why, I hate followers of Satan.” I said, annoyed rolling my eyes.
“Oh dear brat, we aren’t taking orders from Satan. We hate you, and wouldn’t mind taking you down.” Arthena said, brushing her hair.
I rushed towards Draven I was knocked off my feet, and I fell onto my back.
Draven rushed and pinned me down, by choking me with one of his hands. I growled low at him, Arthena hand started to glow a dark blue, she was a witch.
What the hell was going on?
“Do wonder what would happen, if there is no one to take the throne.” Arthena said, looking down at me.
I snarled and broke out of the spell, then pinned her against a wall, Draven rushed up from behind me, I used my left hand to shove him back hard, and then I kept him down by using some of Ayperos power.
This isn’t good, it seems I can never get a break from shit happening.
Both of them can be dangerous to everyone in the house, Draven could easily create a bloodbath; Arthena can set the entire place on fire.
Unsure which one would be worser to deal with.
“Can’t last forever, you’ll crack. Then that will be the end.” Draven said, in his dark voice, which was filled with confidence.
“Oh if you two idiots, would done your homework. You would know if you kill me. I will just be resurrected.” I said, stating a fact that I hated.
“Oh Arthena will keep you dead, right before you are about to die. There is a drug that will keep you dead until Arthena breaks the spell.” Draven said, struggling to get up.
If I could train Robert to come at the sound of his Master whistle, I would of done it a while ago.
Vampires aren’t that loyal…
Then there was a knock at the door, I let both of them go, they reset themselves, as someone would if they were in trouble.
There was a girl who was drunk and her dress was falling off of her, she looked about fifteen, her hair was red and it looked like she just got out of bed. She looked at us then shouted, “Hey guys, come to the party!”
“Oh beautiful girl, can I talk to you in the corner?” Draven asked, smiling at the girl.
The look in his eyes was the look in a killer eye, as they saw their victim trapped.
The girl giggled and stumbled inside the room, I went to grab and throw the girl out of the room. Then Arthena grabbed my arm, then whispered, “Don’t interfere, and you may live.”
Draven pulled the girl into an embrace and held her close, slowly swaying her back and forth.
I growled low under my breath, it sickened me how naïve human females are.
Draven gently pecked her neck; he ran his hands down her sides. Then Draven sunk his teeth into her, she was too drunk to even produce a scream.
All she made was a moan; I bared my canines then ran at Draven who glared at me, as I knocked him off of his feet.
Draven snapped at my neck, I shoved him away from both the girl and me.
Arthena then glared at a candle its flame grew stronger and higher up.
Then it was knocked over, and the table caught on fire, the fire quickly spread.
Draven chuckled then snapped the girl neck throwing on the ground; I grabbed her in my arms, Draven and Arthena broke a window, Arthena turned back at me and said, “See you around hot shot.” She jumped out of the window, followed by Draven.
I threw the girl on the ground and jumped out of a different window, I ran to the front of the house. Everyone was screaming and cursing from inside the burning building. Blaming one another, ignoring the fact they all could be dead soon.

It was like watching my own home burning into ashes.
Although this time, the place was filled with drunk idiots, drunk teenagers who tried to drink their pain away. As if it makes any difference.
"Come on let them burn, let them get what they deserve. I am sure father would be impressed."

Ayperos growled inside my head, it seemed more like if he was whispering into my ear.
“This wasn’t caused by me.” I snarled low to myself.
"Isn’t everything OUR fault? We are everyone worse nightmare are we not?
Are we not the son of Satan? We cause so much pain, death and misery!"

Ayperos growled low, almost shouting at me.
“Brent, what happened!” Robert said, running out of the house.
I looked at him then said, “A stupid witch.”
“I think you meant a b instead of a w, I am assuming?” Robert asked, attempting to crack a joke.
“Is everyone out?” I asked, listening to a fire truck coming.
“Think so.” Robert said, looking around at everyone who was retreating to his or her cars.
“We should leave or deal with the po-po.” Robert said, heading over to the car, I followed him and got the keys out, and unlocked the door then got inside.
Once we got away from the house, I looked over at Robert then back at the road then said, “Where did you take off too?”
“I found a pool table.” Robert said, pulling out some extra cash he earned.
“While you were busy doing that, I made a few new ‘friends’.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Did you play nice?” Robert asked, laughing.
I rolled my eyes then said low, “They aren’t working for Satan. They were trying to kill me, and keep me dead. Which I wouldn’t mind, but I won’t die by the likes of them.”
“You know you and suicidal thinking is more confusing then it should be.” Robert said, giving me a look as if I was a girl having mood swings.
“I hate living, but I refuse to die by lowlifes.” I said, exhaling as we took a back route to the manor.
“So, you want to die. But you don’t want to die by lowlifes? Then how do you want to die?” Robert said, confused with a laugh.
“I don’t know.” I said, rolling my eyes as we pulled up to the manor. Then drove the car into the garage, Robert then said, “So mind if I land on the guest bedroom?”
“Sure, whatever.” I said, taking the keys out then getting out of the car then closing the door.
I had to find that tomb with the hearts, could easily destroy thousands of demons in a second.
It said to only be a legend, but that's what my mother told me about demons.
It’s most likely far away from the town.

The next day came, and there was a different feeling from the town.
Maybe cause of the tragic fire from last night, there were seven deaths and five hospitalizes.
Although some people say they deserved it, for going to a party.
The victims were clean though; according to the news all the death victims were excellent students, and great citizens.
There was going to be a small memorial service in the park.
Since one of the victims was very close to the mayor.
“I guess not everyone got out.” Robert said, walking into the living room.
I sighed and watched the videos, people sent in of the intense smoke rise up in the night sky. Some caught the tip of the flames.
There was a sound of an engine approaching; no one has ever takes this road. That’s why I bought this house. Since no one even comes on this road, the road isn’t even on the map.
I turned off the TV then stood up, and looked around, “Why is someone coming?”
“You do know you only own the house and couple yards behind it.” Robert said, raising an eyebrow.
“I know, but this road. No one knows about it.” I said, looking out the window.
“Expect for people trying to kill you.” Robert said, with a small chuckle.
There was a white sports car pulled up. I narrowed my eyes as it stopped in front of the house.
I couldn’t pick up any scents or any details of who was in the car.
“Maybe they are lost, and are asking for directions?” Robert asked, sitting down on and turning the TV on.
A car like that, has GPS, its impossible to find this road, they would have turned around. So it was obvious why they were here.
No one got out the car; they were probably talking to everyone in the car. Coming up with a plan most likely.
I let out a growl, but it seemed more like a sigh.
“I will be back…” I said, low then walking outside.
I closed the door behind me, then crossed my arm and leaned against the wall.
A door opened there was a man about forty-five, brown hair, he had on a white tux on, black shoes, he had a slight arch back, he walked like a old man would, he had on sunglasses on.
He was human, so it would be possible for him to be with the D.H.S.
“Hello sir, me and my family are lost. We have no GPS, and our cell phones don’t work out here, could you give us directions or let me use your landline?” The man asked.
I looked at his car; he had two fourteen year olds in the car, one in the front seat, and the other one in the back seat.
If I let him inside, and if he is really with the D.H.S, things may get ugly.
He has possible back up in the car; I sighed then said, “So are you heading to town? Or where are you going.”
“Yes, we are heading into River Sight.” The man said, nodding.
I tried to think what to say, it wasn’t hard to get here from there.
“So from here, you take this road, down the mountain, then you turn onto the main road which is Washington. That will take you into town.” I said, acting polite.
It bugged me, how did they find this road, its almost impossible to find it.
They had to be looking for it, so these are clearly not just lost visitors.
“Great, I am sorry that I disturbed you.” The man said, walking away.
“Everyone is.” I said, rolling my eyes.
Then the man turned around and a small Oltiz stake was hidden in his jacket and he tossed it at me, I ducked and looked at it, “Let me guess, Demon Hunter Society?”
“Smart demon.” The man said, with a laugh.
I exhaled and shouted, “Robert, get out here now.”
Robert rushed out of the house and saw what just happened, and caught onto what was going on.
“What are you doing here?” Robert asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ayperos Hellure has been charged with the murder of Katherine Sapphire Gray.” The guy said, I mouthed my words as the man spoke them.
“Are you mocking me?” The man asked, looking at me.
“Yes.” I said, with a slight smirk.
“Don’t anger your elders.” Robert said, looking at me with a laugh.
“In theory, I am his elder.” I said, looking back at the man.
“So then you don’t deny, what you did?” The man asked, pulling out a gun.
It was a white shotgun; it was one of the weapons Demon Hunters use.
“I didn’t mean too…I---.” I started, sighing.
“Oh you ‘loved’ her’. Everyone knows that is a lie.” The man said, aiming the gun at me.
“Says the Hunters who were born yesterday.” I said, narrowing my eyes.
“We have our history books, and everyone from then until the end of time. Will know your true intentions.” The man said, low.
“History books are loaded, with a bunch of crap.” I said, sighing and thinking of all the lies some history books had.
Leaving out important details, historians trying to cover up blood with dirt.
Dirt doesn’t always hide every drop of blood.
“Right, cause you were there.” The man said, annoyed.
“Listen, I loved Katherine she meant everything to me. I would die for her any day.” I said, growling.
“So you kill her? Your logic makes no sense.” The man said, annoyed.
It was obvious both of us, were getting sick of each other.
“Robert, take care of the passengers.” I whispered low.
The man charged at me, I ran into him football player style.
Knocking the wind out of him, he then tried to fire his gun. I grabbed the gun and broke it over my knee.
I snarled low then snapped the man’s neck.
He fell dead to the ground, I sighed then pushed my hair back; as Robert finished his task and came over to me.
“You could of handled this a little different.” Robert said, sighing.
“I know, this is getting annoying demons and demon hunters. Always making my day colorful.” I said, exhaling and rolling my eyes.
“At least it keeps you active.” Robert said, throwing the bodies into the car.
He walked towards and car, and got inside then said, “I will take care of this, don’t beat yourself over this. Maybe we can work something out with the Demon Hunters.” He drove off with the dead bodies in the car, off to make up some story.
Working something out with the D.H.S was out of the question. They wanted me dead.

When you are asleep, you disappear from Earth for a while sometimes its great. Other times its not…
It's a way of our mind breathing, since reality is painful, we all need a break every once a while.
“Brent?” A voice asked.
I mumbled, “Katherine?”
I inhaled everything around, me trying to see if she was here.
Before I would open my eyes to the dark truth, of life.
When you are transferring worlds, dream world and reality, you are unclear of everything around you.
Crossing that line, your brain is the last body part to renter the world of reality.
You wonder who’s side your brain is on it creates desires and fears.
Some say your heart creates its wants; your heart wouldn’t be beating if the brain weren’t giving it commands.
The desires rest in the heart, fears rest in the brain.
It's dangerous if you only trust and listen to your heart, it may be the reason why, so many people kill themselves.
Since they only listen to their heart, their own brain takes advantage of the host. opened my eyes, and looked around there was Robert.
I let out a heavy exhale and fell back onto the bed.
“Sorry to disappoint you, the D.H.S are asking you to come and have a court with you.” Robert said, sighing and walking to the door.
“Let me guess, they need me to wear a monkey suit?” I said, groaning wishing I was still sleeping.
“Someone is here to help you.” Robert said, leaning on the wall next to the door.
I sat up and looked, there was Annabeth.
She had short black hair, red highlights, she looked a size 2, she had on a red blouse, ripped jeans, a heart necklace and she was the same girl from 1869.
I noticed I was sleeping in my underwear; I wasn’t planning on having anyone in my bedroom.
“I’ll leave Annabeth to do her work.” Robert said, chuckling then leaving.
Robert closed the door; I looked at Annabeth who was feeling a bit awkward.
“I’ll get some pants.” I said, getting out of bed.
Annabeth then looked at me then said, “Well, do you have a suit?”
“Do I look like I own a suit?” I said, looking at Annabeth who was already violating my closet.
“Well, we have to take you suit shopping.” Annabeth said, closing my closet.
“In my underwear?” I asked, raising an eyebrow as Annabeth started to leave.
“Sure, why not just remove your underwear.” Annabeth said, laughing.
I had a slight laugh, and acted like I was going to take them off.
“God no, no one wants to see that.” Annabeth said, covering her eyes.
I had a slight laugh; I walked to my closet, and grabbed some light blue jeans, and a black button-up shirt.
The court was going to be at seven, it was only ten in the morning.
I might just rent a suit; although I am sure Annabeth will convince me to buy one.

The store smelled of cologne, they were playing some radio station, where they try and not overplay songs.
We were in a department store; the men department wasn’t crowded, which was nice. So you wouldn’t need to wait for a changing room.
Besides, I didn't have the best social skills, so I been told.
“So, lets see you can wear a white suit or a black.” Annabeth said, searching for a perfect suit.
“I would prefer black.” I said, looking at few apps on my phone.
Annabeth looked at me and walked over to me, then took the iphone.
“Now try this one.” Annabeth said, giving me a black suit.
I exhaled and grabbed it, and walked into a changing room.
I closed the door, and took off my clothes, then changed into the suit.
“Why don’t you own a suit?” Annabeth asked, with a chuckle.
I opened the door; there she was admiring me in the suit.
It was a rare site to see me in a suit.
Hadn't really used a suit, so seeing me in a suit. Was similar to seeing seeing a planet cross the sun.
“Come on, do I seem like the kind of guy who wears suits.” I said, looking at myself in one of the mirrors.
“Are you going to wear a tie?” Annabeth said, sitting on the sofa.
I sighed then said, “This thing called a tie, can I use it to choke myself?”
“No one has attempted it.” Annabeth said, grabbing the tie that came with the suit.
She walked in front of me, and tied it, “Why do I have to wear, a stupid suit.” I said, annoyed.
“To make you look serious about this.” Annabeth chuckled.
I sighed, watching her then said, “People take leather jackets seriously.”
“Really, last time I checked. The D.H.S don’t like you. So might make you look proper.” Annabeth said, looking at the mirror admiring her work.
“For when they kill me on site?” I exhaled, fixing my hair.
Instead of wearing my messy almost fohawk style, some hair gel then slicked it side ways flat, creating a more 'professional' look.
Annabeth sighed then said, “I don’t think they would, the letter said they wont do anything. Until its over.”
“What are you doing in town?” I said, looking at Annabeth who had drifted her attention away.
She then looked at me and blinked few times, “Um what?”
I sighed then repeated myself, “Any reason you are in town? I pictured you in a place like Florida.”.
“My brother called me, he said you were up to no good.” Annabeth said, with a laugh looking at me.
“That’s me, always in trouble.” I said, with a fake laugh but a realistic smile.
“Were you a handful, when you were little?” Annabeth asked, looking at me.
“Childhood is something that many forget, including me.” I said, trying to remember my childhood.
It was there, my human past had holes in it, like a picture with bullet holes shot through it.
One huge very important memory I don't remember, was my biological father.
My human father, I wasn't born half human-half demon. So I had to have a human father at some point.
Even though I don't remember anything about him, when I was younger I tried looking for any paintings or something of him.
There was nothing.
“I am sure you were a handful.” Annabeth chuckled.
“Yes I was, now where is this meeting?” I said, looking at her.

A large capital building was downtown in Denver, no one was on the lot, I exhaled and walked up the stairs to the front doors, and opened it. Inside the lobby they had classical music playing, a long red rug leading to more doors. A front desk with a woman wearing a gold dress was doing paperwork.
She looked up at me then said, “Do you have a court?”
“Yes.” I exhaled.
“Right, go on in.” She said, not looking thrilled to see me.
Everyone who was apart of the D.H.S knew me, there was no fooling them.
I sighed, and walked through the lobby and opened the golden double doors.

The court was large; there was a jury stand that held about twenty-one hunters.
No audience, a single desk, which stood five feet away from the judge, stand.
There roof was a dome shape, the room was bright, and smelled of bleach.
I sighed and stood at the desk, I had to wait for the judge to enter to be able to sit.
The judge walked in, he was about eighty-nine, white hair, he looked over a hundred years old, a long white beard, and he had on a white robe.
“Today we have summoned Brent Hellure here. He has murdered a Demon Hunter rank B. Few other Demon Hunters, and being the offspring of Satan. Do you deny any of this?” The judge said, reading a scroll.
I exhaled and said, “No.”
“Now sit.” The judge said, sitting down in his chair.
I sat down in my chair; at least they were letting me speak, instead of killing me on site.
“Mr. Henson.” The judge said, looking at a man.
He was about twenty-five, he looked like he hadn’t sleep in days, his hair was slick back it was black, he had on a white suit on and he had a file in his hand. He made his way over to the Jury stand.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, we are apart of the D.H.S we know the rules.We have been in constant war, with the monsters from Hell.
As you all heard, the story, of the Prince of Hell, and Katherine. Many claim that is a lie.
I believe it’s a bunch of lies.” Mr. Henson.
I wanted to blurt out and snap at him, everyone here wasn’t even around, expect the judge. Since he is a old coot.
“Lets say they were together, why would he kill her if he loved her?
If I loved someone, I would do everything I can in my power. To protect her.” Mr. Henson said, walking back over to where he originally was standing.
The Jury were talking among themselves already, Mr. Henson looked at me said,” Since he is the Prince of Hell, he would have power over all demons expect his father Am I mistaken? He could have protected her am I wrong?”
I couldn’t hold back and said low, “It wasn’t ideal.”
“It isn’t your time to talk Mr. Hellure!” The Judge snapped at me.
It seemed like an elementary teacher who used the ‘ball’ only the person who was holding the ball, could talk.
“As I was saying, he could have protected her. Yet he was weak and pathetic enough to kill her. Thanks to him, we lost a great bloodline of Demon Hunters. We would all love to be working with St. Luke and Katherine’s great grandchildren.” Mr. Henson said, sighing and ending his case.
“You may state your case.” The Judge said, looking at me.
I sighed and said, “I hated myself for killing her.”
“You are lying.” Mr. Henson said, walking over to me.
So he can interrupt me, but I can't with him, I hate this law system already.
I exhaled and looked at him as he slammed his fist down on the desk, I had to try and keep my cool and said calmly as I could, “If I could I would bring her back to life. I would prefer to be dead, then have her be dead.”
“What the hell is this, a pity party!” Mr. Henson said, standing up.
I inhaled heavily then said, “I am the only demon in existence. Whom has their humanity after six hundred and four years. What does that say to you?”
Some people, are secretly asking you to kill them. I'm sure Mr. Henson here is one of those people.
The Jury looked at one another and whispered, I guess this is new to them, that not everyone wants to be a monster.
“Impossible.” The Judge said, glaring at me.
I had a soft chuckle then said in a confident voice, “If I gave into Ayperos, all of you would be dead. Check your pulse if you don’t believe me.”
There was silence in the room, expect for a few whispers going on in the Jury stand.
“Is he telling the truth?” One member whispered to another.
“Demons would normally give in by their first year, of being a demon.” Another whispered.
“So why hasn’t he, and he is the son of the Devil he would have a stronger urge to give in.” Another member whispered.
I turned my attention away from them and redirected it at the Judge who seemed utterly confused on the idea; I still had contact with my humanity.
“Why haven’t you given in, are you not the son of the Devil?” A Jury member asked.
I looked at the member who asked the question, then let out a exhale, “I didn’t want this, I don’t get the pleasure of killing. My very being sickens me.”
“How come killing doesn’t please you?” Mr. Henson asked.
I shrugged then said, “Explain to me, why some people don’t find painting pleasing or even sex pleasing?”
It fell quiet.
“The Jury will now decide if he is innocent or guilty.” The Judge announced to the room.
Why would they call me innocent, I am far from it. Sure I didn’t want to kill her, but I don’t really have clean hands.
If they do decide I am guilty, I probably deserve it.
“Guilty.” A jury member declared.
I exhaled and threw my head back, Mr. Henson got a smile he enjoyed victory like any normal human being.
Even if I saw this coming, seeing Mr. Henson grin from the corner of my eye. Almost made me wish I was innocent, just so I can grin at him.
“Go to Mrs. Henson office, she will decide what the best thing to do about you.
We won’t kill you, since you have your humanity.” The Judge said, slamming his hammer down ending the court.
The Jury gathered their things and all left, so did the Judge, and even Mr. Henson left.
I got up and walked out into a hallway, to find Mrs. Henson office.
The door was gold; I opened it there was a plain office, nothing to fancy.
A plain desk, a chair with wheels, a old Windows computer, some plants, pictures on the walls. A large window looking out to the city, a woman about twenty-four was at the desk.
There were file cabinets on the left side of the room, the carpet was tan it smelt of coffee.
The room was dim, and then she looked up at me.
“Hello, can I help you?” Mrs. Henson asked.
I gave her the file from the court; she looked at it her silence lasted awhile.
“Katherine Gray?” The woman said, confused.
I sighed and said, “She was a Demon Hunter back in the mid- 1800’s.”
“Yes, she was something special. Only if she didn’t have to die, like how she did.” Mrs. Henson said, in a sad tone.
I didn’t say anything, I knew everyone in this entire building hated me, and thought I was a liar.
“Well, I would say this is your punishment.” Mrs. Henson said, printing up a piece and paper.
I took it, and looked at it this can’t be it. They have to be joking.
“Is this a joke?” I said, looking at Mrs. Henson.
She looked at me and said, “Why would it be? Now go along.”
I sighed, and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.
The paper said this,

Ayperos Hellure is sentenced to serve at ‘Five Wings’ for 24 hours. He will be supervised, as he enters the old cave.
Where he will have to destroy or kill, all the demons. Without using any of his demonic powers.
Subject will be allowed to sleep on camp zone 23, fed only one meal a day, if desired.

He won’t have any connection to the outside world. While on camp.

If he fails to serve this, he will face life behind bars.

“Well at least they didn’t kill you.” Robert said, looking at the note.
I exhaled and grabbed a bottle of Vodka and chugged it and threw myself onto a sofa.
I loosed my tie and threw it onto the floor, “Still, they think I am a liar. Maybe I am. Maybe I just dreamt of everything.”
“They don’t know anything, their history books were changed to make you look like the bad guy.” Robert said, shrugging and looking at a book.
I messed my hair up, and managed to get out the hair gel, letting the hair breathe.
“Robert, do you think I am a twisted minded monster?” I exhaled heavily.
“I will say you’re no stuff bunny.” Robert chuckled.
I didn’t respond I inhaled heavily, and then took another large chug of Vodka.
“Do I smell Vodka?” Annabeth asked, walking into the room.
I looked over at her; she looked at me raising an eyebrow. At how I was drinking already, and I didn’t take the time to change into different clothes.
“No, its water.” I said, chuckling.
Annabeth grabbed the bottle out of my hand, “If you are trying to get drunk. It won’t happen.”
“It helps just clear my head, now hand it over to me.” I said, reaching over to Annabeth.
She kept the bottle away from me; I stood up and tried to grab it. She backed up against the wall with the bottle behind her.
“Give it.” I said, trying to grab it.
She was acting like a dog, when you are telling them to drop it, but they won’t listen to you.
“Why should I?” Annabeth said, with a smile.
I had a slight chuckle then said, “If you don’t, give it to me. I will kill you.”
“You aren’t that evil.” Annabeth said, sweetly
I got closer to her and breathed heavily into her ear, “Oh dear Annabeth, never judge a book by its cover.”
She had a slight laugh and said, “Yes, you act all tough and scary. I know you are a big teddy bear inside.”
“Everyone has their theories on, what’s inside of me. No one has proved them.” I said, heavily breathing on her neck sending chills down her spine.
She twitched a bit, then looked at me then said, “Then what are you like on the inside.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I said, standing up straight.
Robert then coughed then said, “I’ll go since it’s becoming awkward here.”
I backed away from Annabeth, and then looked at Robert, “Don’t you two have some hunting to do?”
“Yeah, come on Annabeth. We will be back by morning. To see you off.” Robert said, grabbing a jacket then slipping it on.
Annabeth looked at her brother, I grabbed the bottle away from her.
She rolled her eyes then followed her brother out the door.
I watched her leave, and then went up to my dungeon; I locked the door behind me.
I walked over to the window, which looked out to the forest.
The fog moved in, as they rushed into the forest there was something out there.
When I bought this house, they never said anything about a demon hook-up club.
I let out a heavy exhale, and took a large chug, until it was empty.
It didn’t take long for it to become empty, there was a dark voice in my head, “Why didn't we kill all those Demon Hunters, why not we go seduce some female right now?”

I let out a deep growl and said, “Shut up.”
“Why don’t you shut up, give in and I will go away.”

Ayperos said, low chuckling.
“I wont allow you to reach the surface, no one needs to see a monster.” I said, low.
“Look in the mirror, people see a monster every day. So why not just let the pain go away? You have suffered so much pain, so why not let those memories fade? I know you better then anyone else.”

Ayperos said, in a dark tone trying to convince me to do it his way.
“If you really know me, tell me what happened to my biological father…my human father.” I growled low.
“I won’t tell you that, even I won’t go that low.”

Ayperos chuckled.
I let out a low growl, and threw the bottle into the fireplace, the fire swallowed the bottle whole.
I watched the glass become consumed; I went over to my bed and fell onto my bed.
Why wouldn’t anyone tell me, what happened to my human father?

The next day came fast; it was the first day where I will be on the job.
I don’t understand why, they aren’t letting me use any demon powers, or anything to help me.
Is it to prove, I have my humanity still. Or want is it a way, of getting rid of other demons, and me?
I got a white short sleeve white t-shirt and ripped jeans.
I put on my black boots, and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were their demonic form, and then they turned back to their dark grey.
Then I fixed my hair back into it's casual look, the almost spike in the front, short on the sides.
I walked down the stairs they weren’t back yet. They should be back by now.
I grabbed my phone and dialed Robert number, it was ringing for a while then it stopped, “Yo.” Robert said, answering it.
“What up, where are you guys?” I exhaled.
Robert then said after talking to someone in the background, “We are coming, sorry.”
I hung up, then walked outside and looked up at the clouds passing over.
It felt as if life was slowly being sucked out of me, as if I was slowing will power to do a simple task.
What separates a demon from a human being, is it being soulless? Demons have immortality but humans don’t have that gift.
It’s a gift some tell me, but is it really, or is that sugarcoat?
I had to get over to the camp, to begin my punishment so this should be interesting.

At the small camp in the middle of nowhere, it seemed a cross between a twisted summer camp, and a military base.
I let out a sigh, then walked inside I didn’t bother taking my car, why should I?
If I am not going to be using it, then why waste time fighting someone for a parking space.
The room was small, no windows or anything; it was hard to find the door from inside the room.
I had to place everything I had expect my clothes on a tray or box.
I didn’t understand why, but whatever no point in fighting with the D.H.S.
Everything I had on me was placed onto a tray; I took out a small photograph, it was of Katherine and me, standing together, I had my arms around her bringing her close into my chest, she had her arms wrapped around me, there was a dark background. I had a serious face as I always do, and she had a soft expression it was like a small child, who would try and act innocent and scared once they were caught.
I had a slight smirk looking at the photograph; I remembered what the guy asked us when we were setting up the position.

“Are you guys newly weds?”

It was easily to find humor in that, since deep down inside everyone who knew, the answer was common sense.
It was forbidden, everyone knows what happens to those relationships, they are nothing but a fail.
The most perfect relationships are the best when they are forbidden.
It may be better to be in abusive relationship, then a forbidden one.
Would you rather be trapped, by your own personal beast? Then loose your meaning for existence.
I slipped the picture into my front pocket, and walked out of the room.
There was an old man waiting for me, he looked at me and glared and said, “Come along.”
I followed him, outside and into the woods where there was a large fenced area. The fence was chain-linked and you could sense darkness near.
“That small stand will let you pick a bag, plus a weapon.” The man said, pointing to a stand, with a tent over it.
I walked over to it, there was a young woman, who was wrapped in all white, she had pale skin, and her eyes were weak a soft hazel.
“Oh hello sir, how can I help you.” The woman said, in a depressed voice.
I looked at her, she seemed like she hasn’t gotten sleep in weeks.
“What would you suggest, going into there?” I asked, looking at the dark cave.
“The blue sack, or the green sack.” The woman sighed.
I sighed then said, “Blue sack, I guess.”
The woman grabbed the sack, and placed it on the counter, “Its free just go.”
I grabbed the bag, and then walked back to the front of the cave.
The man was waiting for me then said, “Take off that jacket.”
I exhaled and threw the leather jacket at him; I still had the dagger sword in my boots, and the photograph.
I wouldn't need anything from the bag, I just took it to see more 'helpless' then I actually was.
The gates slowly opened, I walked inside once I was in the gates closed.
This should be fun; I exhaled and walked down into the cave.
It was going down into the ground, it was dark by the time I was one mile in, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I inhaled deeply there was someone else here.
I barely my fangs, there was Arthena, she smiled and waved at me. She was sitting on a rock; she had on white short shorts, a dark red tank top.
“What brings you here?” Arthena asked.
I rolled my eyes then said, “Why are you here, sure this is boring to you?”
“Oh I heard you turned yourself in, and I wanted to see you fight your own kind. Then kill you by my own hand.” Arthena said, shrugging.
“Where is your boyfriend?” I said, raising an eyebrow.
Arthena chuckled then said softly, “This waiting thing, is boring to him. So he let me come, and when things get interesting he will come.”
“So you are going to just sit there, and watch?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She smiled and shrugged gently, “Yeah, I guess oh sounds like there is trouble.”
There was a growl coming from under where we were standing.
I exhaled and jumped up in the air and smashed a hole and fell to the lower level.
It was a large chamber; diamonds and other stones were on the ground.
An old song started to play,

“Ring around the rosie, pocket of possie, Ashes Ashes, we all fall down, hehe.” A little girl voice echoed the chamber.
I looked all around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
It wasn’t human at all, far from human. It had to be a wrath or a demon. It kept singing the song over and over again, as if someone hit the reply button, so it would loop.
I then let out a low growl it echoed through the chamber, and through all the pathways, letting anyone who was near I was here. Similar to how a wolf, would howel to let others know, it had killed or it was their territory.
Then there was a small girl about seven, who walked out of the shadows, she had long blonde hair, but she had dirt in her hair, she had on a long white dress, her eyes were pure black.
“Sir would you like to play with me?” The little girl asked, in an echoing voice.
“Where is your mommy?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. I knew its game but why not play along.
“I don’t know.” The little girl said, looking down at the ground.
I bared my canines at her, then snarled, “What the hell are you?”
“Me?” The girl asked, giggling.
“nothing but half wrath and half demon.” The girl said, baring her fangs.
Hybrids are always a pain to take care of, I didn’t know how old or young she was. Although no matter how old or young, I had some power or hold over her.
After all I did have a title, which sometimes was horrible to have, or it was useful.
“Why are you here?” I said, low.
The girl shrugged and said, “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be where you belong?”
“I don’t belong anywhere.” I said, low narrowing my eyes at her.
The girl giggled then said, “You are depressing.”
“And you are a little annoying.” I said, with a slight chuckle.
“Nana!” The little girl screamed.
Who the hell was Nana?
There was a large mutant zombie creature crawled out of the shadows, her skin was icy pale, she had no eyes, a long snout, it was talking on all fours.
She went out a snarl, and stood over the girl, I looked at her then up at Nana.
Oh so that is Nana, well she isn’t the prettiest flower.
“So that’s Nana.” I said, looking at the beast growling low and baring canines.
“Nana he is being mean!” The little girl said, stomping her foot.
Nana growled and stood on her hind legs, and let out a loud screech. Then she got on all fours again, she charged at me, I rolled to the side quickly, I pulled out the dagger, and it grew into its sword form.
Nana turned around then snarled, then lunged at me. Quickly I jumped up and hung onto the ceiling. I lunged at Nana with the sword and the sword slashed through its skin, spilling green blood everywhere, it looked up and slashed at the roof, I dropped down onto its back it stabbed the sword into its back, It fell to the ground, it stood back up. I bared my canines at her, she then inhaled my scent and snarled, “Are you Ayperos? son of Satan, future king?"
I exhaled and lowered my weapon then said low, “What is it you?”
Nana looked at the little girl, who then sighed, “If we killed him, Satan may disapprove of that action.”
“Why are you not in the Demon World?” Nana snarled.
I rolled my eyes then said, “I am allowed to roam the Human World.”
Nana inhaled my scent then growled, “You have been with humans and a vampire.”
“I am allowed to hang around humans and vampires.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Yet there is no human blood, you are being human which is a crime in the eyes of many demons.” Nana snarled, digging her claws into the ground.
“No one is perfect.” I said, shrugging.
Nana charged at me, I jumped up onto her back, and stabbed her in the back over and over.
She growled and fell back attempting to crush me, I jumped off once she was on her back; I got the sword and stabbed her in the heart.
There was a large hole and it showed her heart, I ripped her heart out, she screamed in pain. Then I ripped her head off finally killing her.I glared at the little girl who giggled then said, “You are strong. Can you help me find my puppy?”
“Oh don’t play games with me.” I said, growling low at her.
Once I heard the word 'puppy' I thought of Hell Hounds, or Cerberus.
The girl looked at me acting like she was going to cry, I grabbed the girl by her hair, then said low, “Go back to Hell, where you belong. You never saw me, you don’t know me.”
The girl nodded, I dropped her then she was gone.
There was something that caught my attention. I walked slowly over to an alter, there was a large brown book, it looked about two thousand years old.
Maybe this was created along with Adam and Eve?
What was this more importantly, the ancient text translated into, “Great One.”
The sword became a dagger again; I placed it in its case and slipped it into my boot.
I opened it, there was a bunch of dust, then there was the table of contents…it was blank?
Then a ghostly figure of a woman, in a wedding dress appeared next to the book.
“Hello adventurer, I am The Great One.” The woman spoke, in a haunting elegant voice.
I looked at her; she seemed more real then a ghost would be.
“You’re a book?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
The woman looked at me not insulted, as if she didn’t have any emotions.
“Yes, long ago I got into a fight with The Dark One, he won and cursed me to become a book. I was finally placed in this chamber where no one makes it this far. But you, you made it.” The Great One said, in shock.
“I was lucky.” I said, shrugging.
The Great One looked at me then said, “You aren’t human are you.”
“Far from it.” I said, it would be hard to lie to someone who might be older then Satan.
“What is it you seek Brent?” The Great One asked.
I exhaled then thought about the possible Chamber of Hearts.
“Is there a place where, the Devil keeps all removed hearts of demons?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, a tomb far from town. Why you seek such a disaster for demonic kind, if you are one yourself?” The Great One asked, confused by my request.
“You should know, many demons deserve to die.” I said, low.
“Yes many do, but what do you plan to do once you find it?” The Great One asked, softly.
She seemed to already know almost everything about me, she saw I still had humanity, my heart in me, and who I was related to.
Yet she made no comment about anything.
“Set it on fire, what else. Killing all of the demons destroying them all at once.” I said, shrugging.
“Why do you wish for that to happen? You’re a Black Blood normally all you want is human blood on your hands. They live for that.” The Great One said, stating a fact.
“It doesn’t please me. I get nothing out of it.” I sighed, shrugging.
The Great One looked confused then said, “What do you mean?”
I sighed and rolled my eyes, when did I walk into a therapy session?“
Why do you care?” I said, low.
“In the beginning you do know there were three who were born. A witch, a devil and an angel, we’re all siblings despite our species.” The Great One spoke softly.
“Siblings?” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“Not blood wise really, but in theory we were all sent here as a family, to decide the fate of Earth.” The Great One said.
“So you were the first witch?” I said, impressed slightly.
“Yes.” The Great One said, nodding.
“Who is the Dark One?” I said, trying to remember there were few books back at Hell Private. There was a old book that had a chapter about “Dark One”
I should of read that book, now I think of it.
“He is also known as the Grim Reaper, he owns Darkness Dimension.” The Great One said, thinking about the Dark One.
“What is the difference between Hell and the Darkness Dimension, shouldn’t they be the same place?” I said, knowing the answer already.
“Hell is only for demons or sinners, Darkness Dimension are for souls who have no place to go.” The Great One said, softly.
“So for the rejects.” I said, understanding bit more on what she was telling me.
“Yes, now must go…the tomb is closer…then you think…Do not destroy, the angel's chamber...they don't keep their hearts there, but a staff that can change their fate and, the human face for all time." The Great One said, fading away.
Where is it though, she didn’t answer my question.

The day ended I walked out of the cave, I decided to leave the area and walked back to the house.
I had to find that tomb, could the tomb be built under the house I live in?
The Great One did say it was closer then I know.
I opened the door, Annabeth scent was in the living room.
“Hey, you’re back.” Annabeth said, looking at me as I walked into the living room.
“And you are still here.” I said, with a slight laugh.
“You’re such a gentleman.” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes.
I sat down next to her and sighed staring at the blank TV screen.
“What’s wrong? You may want to turn it on to get the full effect.” Annabeth said, with a laugh.
“Right.” I said, grabbing the remote and turning the news on.
Annabeth leaned her head on my shoulder, “Why haven’t you smiled?”
“What is there to smile about, we don’t live in a fairy tale Annabeth.” I said, listening to the news.
“We could.” Annabeth said, softly.
“Not with Satan alive, and with me alive. I can never have happiness like you will.” I said, spacing out.
“You are so focus on those things, bad for your health.” Annabeth said, with a laugh.
“Well cant go to 'Disney World'

and have my dreams come true.” I said, shrugging.
“Well, tomorrow is Roberts birthday are you going?” Annabeth said, sitting up.
“I guess, got nothing else to do. Where?” I asked, looking at her.
“All three of us will head into the city and go to the dance club/cocktail longue. He is bringing Amanda.” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes.
“Not a fan of her?” I said, looking at her raising an eyebrow.
Annabeth sat up and then said, “I don’t, just looking out after my brother.”
“Alright, are you going to seduce someone?” I said, reading the news headlines.
“Possibly are you?” Annabeth said, raising an eyebrow slightly at me.
I shrugged, I hadn’t thought much about the dating idea.
“I don’t know, remember my last girlfriend? I was sure a Prince Charming.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“She would slapped you by how you’re acting. She would want you to be happy.” Annabeth said, annoyed.
“What is happiness Annabeth?” I said in a low tone, raising an eyebrow.
Annabeth shrugged then said, “When you feel proud or good inside.”
“So what should we get for your brother for his birthday?” I asked, looking at her changing the subject.
“Anything he doesn’t care, but trying to think what he has asked for. Why do you men make things so difficult?’ Annabeth asked, with a slight laugh.
I shrugged then said, “I don’t know, we just love being the difficult one.”
“What should we get him?” Annabeth said, sighing.
Why does she have to do this to me, I looked at her then said, “Get him a gift card to somewhere. A restaurant or maybe a hardware store.”
“Alright. I’ll go and get something I will sign it for both of us. Are you coming?” Annabeth said, getting up and leaving.
“Yeah I will be there.” I said, calling after her.
Even if he doesn’t age, we still all go out and play drinking games.
Although I don’t even get drunk, it can be fun to watch them get drunk, and everyone else loose it.
Only if there was a way for me to drink my sorrows away, slip away from life.
Now I think of it, there is a way for me to escape the world.
Giving into the monster inside, I rather suffer then cause misery towards others.
Sometimes others happiness is more important then your own. Their safety is higher ranked then your own.
It sometimes better to suffer alone, then be loved by someone and bring them down with you.

The club was downtown, a long line was outside the bouncer was checking IDs, many of the girls looked like pole dancers. They had on Victoria Secret Bras, very low cut shorts, tank tops that exposed their stomach.
The club was playing loud Dubstep music and techno-music, I was able to cut and get up front.
Inside, mostly everything was made up of glass, the lights were flashing very quick, one second everything was purple, next second was a green.
We agreed to meet up stairs near a waterfall I think, I walked upstairs and slipped through the crowd, until I found them.
Robert had on a white muscle shirt and shorts on, Annabeth had on a short red dress and black high heels.
There was Amanda; she had her hair in a ponytail, a pink blouse on and white skirt.
I had on my black leather jacket, a black v-neck under, dark blue jeans, and black boots on.
“Hey you made it.” Robert said, turning around to me.
Why did he have to bring a human here, its just awkward now we all have to keep our hell to ourselves. Nothing new I suppose…
“So how old are you?” I asked, trying to avoid going into his vampire years.
“Twenty-one.” Robert said, smiling at Amanda, clearly lying to her, I rolled my eyes.
Amanda had a slight laugh, “So Robert is twenty-one, his sister is twenty-one, and you?”
She looked at me, which made me think she was wondering my age, “Age is merely a number, it says nothing about the persona it belongs to.” I said, shrugging and taking a stool to sit on.
“It can say if someone is mature or not.” Amanda said, making an argument.
“I have met many kids who are more mature then adults.” I said, looking at Amanda.
She didn’t say anything; she looked at Robert and smiled, “Come dance with me. Show me some moves.”
She pulled Robert off his feet, and they were gone into the sea of bodies.
“Well I am going to go find some hot guy now.” Annabeth said, taking a shot then walking in the opposite direction of her brother.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the rail, which overlooked the first floor of the club.
Everyone was grinding themselves onto each other, making impossible to get across the dance floor.
I walked down the stairs then took a back exit, which lead into an alley way, I looked up at the starless night, it was overcast the smell of rain was in the air, it was a delicate scent that many enjoyed, or the smell relaxed them.
“Why won’t you have sex with me?” A drunk voice shouted.
I turned my attention to few people who were down the alley, they didn’t know I was watching.
Which was better that way, there was a young woman who groaned with annoyance, “Listen I told you, I am not having sex until marriage.”
“If you won’t have sex with me, why not strip.” The drunk man said slurring his words.
“Get lost.” The young woman shouted.
“Come on.” The drunk man, said pushing her up against the wall.
I walked over to them, and threw him off of her, “You heard her. Knock it off.”
“Mind your own business!” The drunk man, said, stumbling to punch me.
I grabbed his hand, and snapped it all the way back, then kicked him hard in the rib cage.
His heart stopped beating, he was dead. Well this isn't good.
“We’re over!” The young woman shouted.
I looked at the young woman, she was shaking glaring at her ex-boyfriend.
“Come on, let’s get you inside.” I said, exhaling.
“I am not going anywhere with you!” The young woman shouted.
She raised her hand, then attempted to slap me, I caught it then gently threw it back to her side.
Then there was a loud clap of thunder; I looked down at her, “Lighting is dangerous.”
“What gives you that idea?” The young woman said, annoyed.
Then right after she finished that sentence, it started raining hard, we ran out onto the street, then ran into a old run down looking hotel.
It looked like something that would been in the 1920’s.
Although it almost looked like no one has been in here for years. Yet somehow, the building still had power.
The lights were all turned on; I walked over to the reception desk, there was a service bell, I tapped it seven times.
“Well looks like no one is here.” I said, jumping over the counter and looking at the cabinet where they kept the room keys.
“What are you doing?” The young woman asked.
I searched for a key to one of the nicer suites they had, I took a room key that said 698.
I tossed it over to her, “This storm is going to last for two days.”
“You’re kidding?” The young woman exhaled annoyed.
I shrugged then said, “Joe Burton knows what he is talking about.”
The young woman sighed, and then went to the old elevator, I walked into the elevator and closed the door, she hit the 6 button, and we went up to the top floor in awkward silence.
Once the elevator reached the top floor, I slid open the elevator door, and the young woman walked into one of the master suites.
She opened the door and turned the lights on, her features were clearer now.
She had medium length, light brown hair, her skin was a ivory, her body was a hourglass shape, she seemed very thin, she had on a wet grey sweatshirt with light blue jeans, that were fading, she had on old sneakers, she kicked them off.
Her eyes were a soft hazel, and she looked about eighteen or around that age.
She looked at me, “Why did you interfere with me and my ex?”
“Did you want me to leave you to get raped?” I said, leaning in the doorway.
“No.” She sighed.
I had a slight smirk to try and lighten the mood, “Then you should thank your hero.”
“What is his name?” She asked.
“Brent…DeLuca.” I said, not wanting to use the demonic last name.
“I’m Nina Carter.” She said, sighing.
There was a loud clap of thunder, Nina jumped then I looked at her then said, “Are you afraid of thunder?”
“No, ugh these clothes are soaked.” Nina said, looking down at her dripping clothes.
“There is a gift shop down stairs, where there are some clothes. I can do and get something more dry. May be out of style, but its that or wet clothes.” I said, looking at how uncomfortable she was,
“Yeah, thanks.” Nina said, walking to the window.
I closed the door and took the staircase, then there was a low growl coming down the stairs.
I was going to wonder how long I could go, without running into a demon.

This was a simple Hell Hound, I let my eyes switch to their demonic form, so I could see where the Hell Hound was, I couldn’t let it pass me.
It was snarling low at me. I was growing bored, with hardly any action going on.
“So why are you here?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at it.
The Hell Hound said low, “Oh don’t you know? The Prince is wanted whoever returns him will be granted their greatest wish by Satan.”
“Yes, yes I know that. Oh don’t be so naïve on believing Satan. He will say anything to get what he wants.”
It was true, he would tell lies to get what he wants. Or some would call it ‘retelling the truth'.
Most humans would use this trick to get what they want, or to avoid getting in trouble.
Most the time he makes up his an alternative truth.
“Well you aren’t that smart.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“You aren’t that bright either, opposing Satan.” the hell hound growled, with a chuckle.
“You don’t know anything about him, you just see a poster boy. A smiling man holding up a puppy. You don’t anything about him.” I said, lunging at the dog.
It dodged me and ran onto the wall, like Spider Man.
I snarled low at it, moved it way up to Nina’s room, I growled low and grabbed it and ripped it off of the way, we both rolled down the stairs and went crashing through a window. We fell into a dumpster I snapped its neck as we fell, so it was dead by the time it fell into the dumpster. I caught onto an edge and pulled myself into the open window.
I was on the 3rd floor on; the room had white sheets covering everything, look like they didn’t finish spring-cleaning.
There were some equipment that was used for recording ghost sounds; some suitcases were tossed around it looked. Like if someone was in a hurry and dropped their luggage on the way out.
The smell of dried blood filled the air, it was easy to see where people died.
On a broken mirror blood writing formed, “Some mistakes are forever.”
This had to be a fake mirror, or some idiot playing a prank or something.
I walked over to the door, and tried to open it nothing. Well there is always option number two.
I kicked the door open, sending the door flying across the hall, hitting the wall. I walked out of the room casually, then went down to the lobby and found the gift shop. There were many dresses and extra nightgowns. I grabbed a egg shell color nightgown. It made me wonder why did this hotel have extra clothes in the gift shop? Were snow globes not selling well in the 1920’s?
So they decided to sell clothes, oh I wont question the idiots of the 1920s. Since they did drive America into the Great Depression.
Oh greed can blind you like a dust storm.
I figured about the size, wasn’t positive but just grabbed a medium.

In the suite, Nina was on the balcony looking up at the stairs, she sat on the railing. I looked at her then threw the nightgown on the bed.
“Sorry it isn’t fancy, but its better then damp clothes.” I said, walking towards the door.
Nina walked over to the bed and picked up the nightgown.
“You are kidding me?” Nina said, looking at the gown.
I looked at her then said, “I am sorry I am not Jessica Simpson.”
Before she could get a word in, I closed the door and leaned on the hallway wall.
I pulled out my phone and dialed Robert’s number and listened to it ring and ring. It went to the answering machine; I rolled my eyes and hung up.
Nina opened the door, and looked at me then said, “Um thanks again.”
“Are you brave enough to stay here alone?” I asked, checking the time.
She rolled her eyes then said, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Haunted hotel, hope you don’t die.” I said, with a chuckle.
I walked back to the elevator and took it down.

There was a loud buzzing sound, it wouldn’t stop, I most fell asleep I got up and looked around I was in the lobby. I yawned and rolled over and grabbed the phone. It was Robert.
“Where are you?” Robert asked, once I picked up.
“Star Casino Hotel, you guys ditched me so---.” I said, still waking up.
“Annabeth is missing.” Robert said, quickly.
Those words woke me up; I sat up slowly from the sofa, where I had crashed.
“What the hell do you mean she is missing?” I said, thinking he was playing a prank.
Was it April Fools? Was it Piss Brent Off Day?
“We were at the club, and we were going to leave at two, but she wasn’t in the club. I couldn’t find her scent.” Robert said, panicking.
“Her phone?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Most of the time Annabeth had her cell phone charged or with her.
“Went to answering machine.” Robert said, exhaling.
“You cant even pick her scent up, shouldn’t you be able to find something?” I said, annoyed.
Robert then said, “No, there is nothing I can find. Nothing new.”
“I will track her down.” I said, hanging up.
Then there was Arthena sitting on the check-in desk.
“Hello there.” Arthena said, smiling.
I looked at her, and then said, “What brings you here.”
“I think I can speak for everyone. The 1920’s were one of the best eras ever.” Arthena said, smiling.
“Their happiness was short lived.” I said, walking over to Arthena.
Arthena smiled and had a laugh, “Wouldn’t you say. All happiness eventually fades away.”
“Yeah, it doesn’t last forever. Most of the time the purest of hearts suffer the most.”
“Just goes to show, only the toughest will survive.” Arthena said, yawning.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, looking at her.
Arthena jumped off the counter then said, “Trying to kill you, but why is there a human up there? Late night snack maybe?”
“None of your business.” I said, low.
Arthena had a slight laugh, “Oh right, not a meal. But more of a toy.”
I bared my canines watching her walk around the lobby. She looked at a vase, and smacked it sending it flying at me. I ducked and let it hit the wall behind me I looked at her, “You know that was priceless.”
“So you have fast relaxes you could of saved it.” Arthena said, looking at a large painting.
“Are you trying to make a connection?” I said, low.
Arthena shrugged then said, “Maybe, humans are fragile, yet their worthless just like the dirt you bathe in.”
“Why thank you, at least I don’t smell like a strip club.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“When was the last time you had sex? Prince like you should be having it every night. Such a misfit.” Arthena said, disappointed.
I rolled my eyes then said, "How many abortions have you had?"
"Cute." Arthena said, narrowing her eyes.
Then she looked up the stair well, “So tell me why you are keeping a human toy around. I suppose it is natural for a bachelor like yourself to keep a sex toy with you.So in case one girl isn’t working out, you can jump to another ones bed.”
“I am sure you have about five men in a bed at once.” I said, making my way over to the stair well.
Arthena was looking up although she didn’t seem like the type who would rush up, there and kill Nina.
“Always trying to love a human, is such a shameful flaw for a demon like yourself.” Arthena said, chuckling.
“Even a demon has flaws, even in death there is no perfection.” I said, low.
Then Draven walked in and said, “Why isn’t it the spoiled brat.”
“Why isn’t it the jealous boyfriend.” I said, slowly walking in a circle, Draven did the same. Was similar to two lions planning out their attack before a fight,
“Don’t even believe you are a demon, I believe you are nothing but a fake.” Draven chuckled.
“I wish, but all wishes are just desires we know that will never come true.” I said, low.
Arthena was watching the show knowing her boyfriend could take care of business.
Draven lunged at me; I ducked then slammed Draven into a wall.
He got back up then tried again, although this time my feet like stone and I couldn’t move, Draven took me down and pinned my shoulders down, his knee was in my gut, he was attempting to break something. Anything.
Draven’s hand started to glow blue, he smirked then said, “Thanks Arthena.”
It is never fun, fighting against a couple.
His hand made contact with my face; he repeated this over and over.
Once my face was facing right, he punched it to the left, and so on.
“Finish him, I am getting tired.” Arthena said, annoyed.
Draven pulled out an Ortiz stake, and stood up and then thrust the stake into my stomach and twisted it violently; my stomach became filled with blood. I turned my head and saw a sofa, I gripped onto the atoms of it, and gripped them tight, then pulled it towards us, Draven went flying into a wall, I kicked the sofa, so it would follow Draven, once it hit him he let out a growl of anger.
I ripped the stake out, and looked up at Draven.
My stomach slowly healed up after I removed the stake.
He pushed himself off the wall, towards me I grabbed him by the shirt then threw him at Arthena; she stopped him then healed his wounds.
His fangs came out, and his eyes turned blood red, he chuckled low and then was slammed against the wall hard.
Arthena was making this really hard; Draven rushed over, and started to choke me.
The dagger wasn’t in my boot, crap.
“Giving up so easily Brent?” Draven snarled.
Then a loud sound of glass shattered, Draven turned to the stairwell where it came from.
Nina was standing there she looked in shock, Arthena was gone in a thick fog, Draven stayed, then he inhaled her scent.
“Nina run!” I snapped.
Draven banged my head against the wall, trying to silence me.
“Let him go.” Nina said, holding up the dagger.
Draven stood up then said, “I won’t waste my time, this is too easy.”
Then both Arthena and Draven was gone in a few seconds, I stood up Nina stared at me.
She wanted answers, I couldn’t take memories away, I could tell her to forget this happened. But the memory would eventually rise to the surface.
“What’s going on?” Nina asked, staring at me.
I walked over to her, what was I going to do?
“Can we talk about this another time?” I said, looking at the exit.
Nina didn’t move or anything, she was going to get answers one way or another.
“Tell me, what just happened.” Nina said, crossing her arms.
I looked down at her then said, “What makes you think something happened?”
“I saw a guy trying to kill you. What is going on?” Nina said, confused.
She reminded me of Katherine, as we stood there in silence, her scent spoke the same message and feeling that Katherine’s soul did.
Was she related to Katherine, or was she a reincarnation of her?
Does she already know, can she tell I am a demon?
“You know, how guys are. Violence is always the answer.” I said, trying to think of a fake story to tell her.
“Didn’t your parents teach you violence is never the answer?” Nina asked, with a laugh.
“Can we talk about this another time, I really need to get going.” I said, thinking where Annabeth might be.
“When?” Nina said, sighing.
I pulled out my phone then said, “I’ll call you, and we can meet for coffee or something.”
She gave me her number I made my way to the door then left her there.

“So where could she be?” I asked, taking a sip of Vodka.
Robert walked over to me then said, “I don’t know. Unsure of who would want to kidnap her.”
“She is most likely being used as bait.” Robert said, tossing some pills into his mouth.
“To lure me into their trap.” I said, finishing his sentence.
Robert sighed and then chuckled, “Never a dull moment in our lives.”
“Yeah, um someone might figured out what I am.” I said, looking outside.
“What do you mean?” Robert asked, confused.
I exhaled then said, “Draven and Arthena were trying to kill me. A girl saw probably the whole thing.”
“Can’t you erase her memories or something?”
I shook my head then said, “I control one actions and thoughts, I can’t erase a memory.”
“Can you tell her to forget about that?” Robert said, sitting across from me.
“I can, but I am not strong enough to keep that memory away forever. One day she will remember, and it may appear worse to her.” I said, rubbing my temple.
“Right, well if they are really after you. They wont hurt her. She is just a pawn to them. Not worth hurting.” Robert said, trying to talk himself into a stable state.
“You know its ok to be worried about your sister.” I said, yawning.
Robert didn’t say anything, I stood up then said, “I am sure Miss. Curious is wanting to know what happened.”
"Might as well, tell her. So she isn't clueless and doesn't try and find out for herself." I said, hating the idea of telling Nina.
Someone I just met, the dark truth or myself.
“Don’t freak her out.” Robert chuckled.
I got up and left the house and dialed Nina’s number, “Hey Nina, its Brent let’s meet at that coffee shop on Saint Unser.”
What the hell was I doing?

The coffee shop had a jazz band playing, the lighting was dim, it was a underground shop. There were college students studying and hanging out.
I took a table in the back, where no one would pay attention. It was a high table, with bar stools as chairs.
Nina had on a black Alana, with an A on it. She had a white Kendell dress I think it was, a black bow tied in front. She didn’t have any make-up on; she had on flip-flops and came over to me.
“Hey.” Nina said, sighing.
I looked at her, she was staring at me, I knew this was going to happen.
“Why not sit down, right now it’s just awkward.” I said, looking at her then the chair across from me.
Nina sat down across from me and was silent looking at me waiting, for me to say something.
“Listen, before I start…I am sorry this happened.” I said, then looking at a waitress who was eying us.
I looked back at Nina then she said, “Can you answer a few questions?”
“Yes, but what do you I think I am…” I said, trying to figure out how to word everything.
Haven’t really talked to anyone, about my problem.
“I don’t know what you are, all I know is you aren’t normal.” Nina said, whispering.
“No one is normal.” I said, sensing someone was spying on us.
Nina exhaled then said, “Tell me what I want to know.”
“I think you may know.” I said, holding the ring I was going to give Katherine.
It was in my pocket I was unsure if I should show it to her, or explain it to her.
Or would explaining everything be too much for her?
“I don’t know, tell me.” Nina said, getting annoyed.
I sighed then said in a whisper, “I…am not your average guy.”
“What do you mean?” Nina asked, confused.
I had a slight laugh then said, “I can’t tell you.”
“And why not.” Nina said, confused.
“You are innocent, people like that. You don’t need to get wrapped up in crap.” I said, shrugging.

She kept staring at me, wanting answers, I exhaled then said, "Listen Nina, you don't know what you could get yourself into."
"I'm sure I can handle it, I have been through a lot. Fire away."
I sighed then whispered, "I'm not human."
"What?" Nina asked confused.
I looked around then said, "We should talk about this somewhere more private."
I stood up and made my way out of the coffee shop, Nina followed me up the stairs onto the streets. It became over cast, the smell of blood filled the air.
Shit this isn't good.
"Get to your car now." I whispered into Nina's ear.
She looked at me as if I was speaking a different language, a demon was coming very fast, if I didn't get her out of here, she would become a small snack to who ever was approaching.
"What's going on?" Nina asked, demanding an answer.
I focused onto her brain, her feeling, her fears, her wants. I would hope I wouldn't need to control a human like this.
She fell into the trance easily, I growled low, "Go to your car now."
Nina nodded and ran to her car, I turned towards where the demon was coming from, and jumped onto a roof and pulled out the sword.
"Come on, if you aren't to chicken." I snarled low.
A demon stood there, he had black angel wings, blood ran down from her eyes, her hair was made up snakes. She had on a torn black dress, she was skin and bones, she had no shoes on, she was 5'4, she had three rows of teeth, all of them were razor sharp.
She seemed like a angel who was damned into Hell long ago, she was crazy for blood, her eyes were pure black, her nails were razor sharp, and looked five inches long.
"Shame even a angel isn't safe from the claws of Satan." I said, studying the sword, not paying attention to her.
The demon let out a hiss at me, her tongue was like a snake tongue, it also reeked of poison, a human couldn't sense the poison she had in her mouth.
"Traitor." The demon hissed low.
I looked up at her and smirked and let the sword run on the ground, drawing a line I made a circle around her, "Oh traitor am I? What about you? A human, then an angel, and now just a puppet to the Devil."
The demon was slowly watching me studying me, probably wondering why I was in my human form.
Hardly anyone has seen me take on my true form; I didn't want anyone to see what I truly was under the human skin I wore.
"Why betray him?" The demon asked, in a hiss.
I looked at the circle then back up at her then said, "Why not betray him?"
She lunged at me then the circle shot fire up and burned her face, she let out a loud scream, which shattered all glass around us.
The fire made a dome over her, trapping her in the flames, the sword point became sharp and pure black, I felt Ayperos inside the sword, making it pure evil now.
"Go ahead, kill your own kind. Since you are to afraid to kill a human. At least have some balls to kill a demon!"

Ayperos growled low.
I narrowed my eyes and growled low, "Go to hell..."
Ayperos only let out a slight chuckle, at my threat. I slashed the head off of the demon, she turned to a shadow and fell to the ground, once she hit the ground there was nothing left. The flames died down and I stood there alone.
"This is how it should be, us alone. Killing everyone who gets in our way. Perfection is it not?"

Ayperos said, low.
I hated talking or having anything to do with him, I wish there was a way to destroy Ayperos, the demon who lurks inside my skin, watching me from the inside.
"This is how it should be, you in hell and me here without you." I said, letting the sword turn into a dagger, before I placed in into my boot.
Ayperos chuckled and mumbled something, I jumped off the roof, and released Nina from the trance, and she walked over to me and looked at me demanding answers.
"What is going on?" Nina said, narrowing her eyes at me.
I sighed then said, "Let's talk about this, wherever you feel safe."
She sighed and made her way to her car, I followed her to her car.

We were at a small church close to a river, with a old bridge, which looked like it could fall apart, the church seemed more like a cottage then anything. A cross was over the door way, a bell tower, looked like it was going to fall down any day now and vines covered the walls of the bell tower.
A sign where the words were faded you couldn't even make a word out.
"My mom and dad met in those woods, and my mom put me in the church to protect me from a murder. That...killed her." Nina said, staring at the church.
I sighed then said softly, "I'm sorry."
Nina looked away then few seconds later she looked up at me then said, "So tell me, what I want to know."
How could I word this?
"Promise me you won't have a heart attack." I said, looking into her eyes.
Nina nodded once, I exhaled and said, "I'm a demon."
"You don't look like one." Nina said, narrowing her eyes.
I had a slight laugh then said, "I'm in human form, but I don't kill a lot. I refrain from it."
It would be best if I didn't tell her who I was. And who I was related to.
"I don't believe you. You are nothing but a liar!" Nina snapped.
She got out of the car, and ran into the woods.
Well that is a killer line for a date, to end it.
I chased after, her and was in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.
"Get out of my way." Nina shouted.
I covered her mouth then said in a whisper, "Be quiet, there is a very high chance of someone watching us right now!"
She was trying to struggle, I looked into her eyes then said in a quiet tone, "listen, there are demons after me. And if they see a human with me. They'll probably kill you slowly."
Nina looked around, as if she could sense someone was watching us, there were a couple of Hell Hounds, they aren't the difficult demon to deal with, but they are a pain in the ass.
"Now walk slowly back to the car. Don't make a sound or you will be ripped to shreds before you can even blink." I whispered softly.
I took my hand off of her mouth, and she slowly made her way to the car. I turned around and exhaled, I never get a break anymore.


After the long annoying fight, the dogs were on the ground whimpering, I looked down at them then said low, “I assume someone is nearby sending you worthless pieces of shit.”
They didn’t make a sound; they turned into shadows and were gone.
I walked back to the car and knocked on the window, she jumped and looked at me and unlocked the door. I got inside the car and closed the door.
“Why are they after you?” Nina asked.
I sighed then said, “Its complicated, but are you going to tell anyone?”
“Who would believe me? Its not 1869. Where there were many Demon Hunters.” Nina sighed, looking out the window.
I looked at her, how did she know that?
In 1869 and during the Salem witch trails, many people knew about demons.
“How did you know that?” I asked, confused.
Nina looked at me then said, “My family, we changed our last name in 1920's. It was Grays at first."
“Descendent of the Grays? Yeah I knew someone from your family back then.” I sighed, as she put the car into drive.
“Who?” Nina asked.
“Can we talk about this, I already given you a lot of nightmares.” I sighed.
Nina stopped the car then said, “Might as well go all out.”
“What do you want to know?” I sighed, knowing I had to tell her this.
Nina unbuckled herself and got out of the car, she sat on the hood of the car, I got out and sat down next to her.
“So…how is it possible? You being a demon in human skin.” Nina said, looking up at the stars.
“Well, you believe in miracles and angels right?” I said, looking up at where Heaven Gates were.
“Yes.” Nina said, nodding.
“If there are miracles there are tragedies. That’s how the real world works. There are pure clean hands. Then there are blood covered hands.” I said, low.
“Are you going to hurt me, like a real demon would?” Nina said, narrowing her eyes at me.
There is the Katherine in her, I looked at her then said, “What would I gain from that?”
“I don’t know.” Nina sighed.
I said with a slight smile, and then said, "You have nothing to worry about killing doesn’t please me.”
There was silence, then she pulled out her phone to check the time, “Oh crap, its past my curfew.”
“How old are you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m eighteen, but my friend is kind of protect of me. He doesn’t want me out late. He’s afraid of the predators that lurk in the night.” Nina said, getting off the hood.
I jumped off and looked at her, “Be careful, the information I have given you. It is forbidden to be told to humans. I would advise keeping a cross above your front door. And spray the air with holy water, demons may try to come through windows, but if the smell of holy water is in the air. They will be suffocated and die within in seconds. The cross keeps them out of the house.”
“How do you know all this?” Nina asked.
I turned towards he and had a laugh, “Well they teach us before we try and get inside someone’s house. Some aren’t very bright.”
“So you won’t kill me.” Nina said, raising an eyebrow.
I shrugged then said, “Depends, I may or may not. Just don't make me regret keeping you alive. Miss. Gray."

I finally got home, and the sound of strip club music greeted me, along with the smell of Vodka. I knew what was going on, I exhaled and walked into the den, there was Robert and Amanda.
They were staring into each other eyes, I leaned in the archway then said, “This is awkward.”
There was no response, I walked over to the stereo and turned the music off. Robert looked at me then said, “Hey. What’s up?”
Amanda turned toward me with wide eyes, and covered herself up with a blanket.
Robert grabbed his pants, and zipped them up I looked at Amanda then said, “Can you step outside, for a minute?”
She nodded and left the room and went out on the doorstep.
“Tell me, why you have turned my living room into a strip club.” I said, tapping my fingers on the sofa arm.
“Well, why were you out past your curfew?” Robert asked, putting his shirt on.
“Why do you care?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
He shrugged then said with a laugh, “Well with demons coming at you left and right. Can’t a friend worry?”
“Friend is such a strong word, but so is enemy.” I whispered low.
Robert sat down in one of the chairs, “So tell me why I can smell a human on you?”
“I am allowed to socialize with humans.” I said, sitting on the arm of a chair.
“I mean, you were bonding with someone.” Robert said, with a laugh.
I shrugged then asked, “What if I was?"
“Well, I guess its good you aren’t chaining yourself to a wall, and torturing yourself.” Robert said, with a laugh.
“Now I think of it, that is a great idea. Mind if I use it when I am bored?” I said, rolling my eyes.
“So, what is going on?” Robert asked, raising an eyebrow again.
I shrugged then said, “I met somebody.”
“Who?” Robert asked, looking at me as I made my way out the door.
I stopped in the door way and looked down and sighed, “No one of importance."

“Brent…Brent…” A voice whispered into my ear.
I mumbled and slowly opened my eyes, the bed turned into ash, and I fell through it and into a long deep pit.
I tried to grab onto something on the wall, but my hand went right through the wall, as if I had no solid mass.
Skulls and dead bodies surrounded me as I fell, the skulls came to life and they began to laugh like a manic.
The dead bodies started to create loud snapping sound, like bones breaking.
Voices came into earshot, they were screaming, “Disgrace!”
“Monster!” “Piece of shit!” “I hate you!”
All the voices were circling me, repeating every insult, every fact about what I was.
I finally hit the ground; it knocked the wind out of me.
Where was I?
I slowly looked around, there was…him.
Katherine stood there struggling in pain; tears were coming out of her eyes.
Ayperos stood there holding her in a chokehold, his hand wrapped around her neck, and the other around her waist.
As if I took another step, he would snap her neck.
“Let her go!” I hissed low.
“Why don’t you let go of her?” Ayperos asked.
Then suddenly I was choking Katherine, why can’t I stop!
I snapped her neck in seconds, she fell to the ground dead, I felt a claw gently rest on my shoulder.
“You should awake to your true self…” A voice growled low.
I knew who it belonged to, and I hated it.
There was silence, the claw ripped deep into my shoulder; it slowly made it way towards my heart, every tissue was bleeding and filling my inside with blood. It slashed at my lungs, I couldn’t breathe now. Everything became blurry my legs were wobbling then the claw clutched my heart and squeezed it into millions of pieces then it was ripped all the way back up my shoulder. The attacker bit the heart sinking its teeth into it, injecting poison into it. I fell over; it turned me over so I looked up at it. It smiled evilly. Then he shoved the remains of the heart into my mouth. I was gagging on my own blood. I was on the verge of death, was it going to be forever?
I was forced to swallow it, then a dark force exploded in my body, I let out a scream, the pain was indescribable. My bones were cracking and then fixing themselves, then repeating the process.
The blood that was caused from the claw, turned to ash, and was gone in seconds.
“Open your eyes…my son.” Satan said, smiling evilly.

I sat up fast, quickly, reality rushing back at me like wind going ninety miles an hour. Almost knocking the wind out of me.
I felt where the claw ripped into my shoulder.
I felt like a little kid, telling myself it was just a dream.
Even if we do grow up and change ourselves to survive in the world, we still have the child we once were inside. We hide that child, acting like we don’t need to look back at the past.
Thinking of the times when we were protected, when we saw everything like a fairy tale.
I say looking at the past, is just bull.
History is just always covered in blood, and mistakes. They teach us that, the past is horrible. So why should we look back at the childhood we once had? Its something we can never have again.
There is no point in looking at something, we can never have.
It would be like a homeless man looking into a five star restaurant, he would want it, but he knows deep down he can never have it.
I sighed opening the curtains and looked outside. It was a clear day, not a cloud in sight, the sun was shining bright, it would be a good day to go to the beach, but there wasn’t a beach around. I did hear, there was a lake nearby. Not a family kind of lake. It was more of a place where teenagers get wasted.
I opened the window, then got on a short sleeve dark blue shirt, and jeans. I jumped out and landed in the backyard.
“Something is wrong.” I said, whispering.
“What’s up?” Robert asked, from behind me.
I turned around and looked at him then said, “Arthena is trying to break a spell on a house.”
“Wait what?” Robert said, confused by every word I said.
“A witch is after someone I met. The cross keeps all evil forces out, if she can break it. Any evil creature can go in side and kill her.” I said, inhaling Arthena scent.
Witches had the smell of rosemary, other spices, and each witch had their own unique scent to them.
Even though they all shared a similar main scent, but like humans have different personalities, the personality the witch had would give off a scent that separated them.
“Why do you think that?” Robert said, raising an eyebrow.
I let out a heavy exhale then said, “Once someone sees the Prince of Hell, is with someone other then their ex-fiance. They go after and kill that person. Since they think its wrong.”
“You are still going to marry her?” Robert asked, raising an eyebrow.
I had a laugh then said, “After all these years of waiting. Don’t think it will work out.”
I ran quick as I could, there was no time to take my motorcycle or car; best way to go was on foot. No stupid traffic.
A large wave of someone scent blocked my path; I stopped fast as I could. Like emergency breaks on a train or something, I turned my head towards a large old theater, it looked like where they would have plays at.
Nina scent was coming there, what was going on?
I ran inside, the lobby had a ticket counter, a bar, and an old snack shop. Everything seemed like it was going to fall apart, I ran inside the auditorium or where they would perform.
On the stage there was Nina tied up in ropes, with a blindfold over her eyes.
“Nina!” I shouted.
I rushed onto the stage and stood next to her, and picked her up in my arms.
Then there was a loud laugh that echoed the room.
I was knocked off my feet, dropping Nina on the ground; I slid backwards, and then got onto my feet.
There was a man who stood there, he was 5’7, he looked about twenty-three years old, he had black boots, that had teeth in them, and red glowing eyes, he had on dark blue jeans, a white shirt, it had buttons, something a magician would wear, he had a long red duster on, he had short black hair, a scar going over his eight eye, a eye patch over the left eye, he had on a black top hat. And in his pant pockets he knife handles were sticking out.
“Why hello there!” The man said, standing up straight.
“Who the hell are you?” I asked, with a snarl.
“My name is Atpsax.” The man said, bowing with a smirk.
I narrowed my eyes at him then said, “You look like a idiot.”
“I may look like one, but you are the dumb one, I embraced my demon and worth ship Satan. You don’t, I suppose we all make mistakes.” Atpsax said, shrugging.
“I don’t give a damn about him.” I hissed low.
Atpsax then said, “I suppose, I can bring you to him, and I will be rewarded.”
I had a laugh then rolled my eyes then said, “You are naïve, thinking he will fulfill that promise.”
Atpsax looked at me then around, “What if I burn this place down, trapping you and the girl inside.”
“Then Satan will be disappointed in you. If he wants me to be killed, he would want to do it by his own hand. Not your worthless hand.” I said, rolling my eyes.
Atpsax came closer then pulled his knives out, and juggle them.
“Both are twins, both get the job done, both will cause you pain.” Atpsax chanted then started laughing.
“Go to Hell, wait you don’t deserve to even go to there.” I said, low.
Atpsax pulled a skull out of nowhere and smashed it on he ground, a dark cloud chair formed, he sat in it, and his daggers turned into a staff.
“I am special kind of demon, I am a demon from Hell and from Dark Dimension. I am sure you can put the pieces together.” Atpsax said, chuckling.
“How is it possible you are from both worlds?” I asked confused trying to figure out how would be possible.
Atpsax smiled then said, “Oh you haven’t figured it out yet? I would of thought someone like you, would know about hybrids.”
“A hybrid?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, I would say an idiot like him would be bluffing.
Atpsax then smiled again then said, “Yes, a monster from His realm, and your father’s realm. They met in the human world.”
“The Reapers World.” I said, remembering an old textbook, which explained the unknown dark world.
Where the Grim Reaper lives, also where souls Satan doesn’t want he casts them off to Reaper’s world.
“Smart lad, finally you understand.” Atpsax said, clapping his hands.
I looked over at Nina who seemed as if she was passed out.
“I never met the Reaper, is he as horrible as the Devil.” I said, walking over to him, letting my hands turn into its claw form, I grabbed onto his throat and got a good grip onto his neck, sinking my claws into the veins that ran within him.
“He would treat you worse then your father. I am sure Daddy would abuse you and then love you. Reaper well I will let you find out.” Atpsax said, and then let out a loud laugh, which echoed the room, it bounced off the walls it caused a huge swarm of bats, came out from a dark cloud and came towards me. I jumped to the side to avoid their first lunge, I picked Nina up and carried her in my arms. I looked at a wall, and grabbed onto the atoms of it and broke the wall, and made it crumble to the ground.
I jumped out and ran fast as I could, the sun was up and the demons that were from the Dark Dimension cant go out in the sun. They let out a loud screech and they were gone, I ran all the way home.
This was a bad idea, but I didn’t know what else to do.

Once I got back to the house, I walked inside, I went to the den and placed her down on a sofa, and untied her gently as I could, and saw a few cuts on her arm. I found a first aid kit, and gently cleaned her wounds. I put on a gel, which would help the wounds to fade and to take some pain away.
“Did you roofie her?” Robert asked, walking in.
I stood up and turned towards him and said, “No, a hybrid kidnapped her, and pissed me off.”
“What did he do?” Robert asked, with a laugh.
I rolled my eyes then said, “He is just annoying.”
“So what do you plan to do with her?” Robert asked, looking at Nina sleeping.
“Let her sleep, and make sure no one gets inside.” I said, sitting in the chair opposite of her.
“What about getting sleep yourself?” Robert asked, confused.
I leaned back in the chair then said, “I can go days without sleep.”
“Well, I got a date with Amanda.” Robert said, walking out.

Five hours passed, she finally woke up at six o’clock she looked confused and drunk.
Some how it’s amusing to watch someone who is half here and half sleeping. Since nothing would make sense to them.
“Where am I?” Nina asked, yawning.
I sat forward then said, “Just relax.”
Nina was looking around; she was admiring the detail in the wood, the furniture and everything else.
“What happened?” Nina asked, looking at her arm.
I sighed then said, “The reason they are after you. Is not cause I told you what I am. They want you cause you are going to be a great Demon Hunter.”
“What?” Nina asked, sitting up.
I placed my hand on her, gently pushing her down, “Don’t move to fast.”
She looked at me, and then said, “What do you mean?”
“The blood that runs through your veins, you are going to be a strong Demon Hunter. They would want you dead. So now it’s a game of a hunter and the hunted.” I said, looking at the cuts on her arm.
“What are we going to do now?” Nina asked.
I got up and slowly helped her up, “We’re going to make you stronger. Demons been possessing like crazy, if you become pure enough, demons wouldn’t be able to even try and take your soul. Or use you. If we can’t do that, might as well plan your funeral.”
“Why is a demon helping, a Demon Hunter?” Nina asked, narrowing her eyes.
“I have my reasons, if I remember correctly it’s a good idea to learn how to shoot a classic bow and arrow.” I said, walking to the garage and walked into another room, there were many weapons, some hung from the ceiling, many were on the walls, a workbench, with a weapon on it.
Nina followed me into the weapon vaunt.
“You collect weapons?” Nina asked, looking at one of the older weapons.
I shrugged then said, “I wouldn’t use the word ‘collect’.”
Then I looked at the wall on the left side of the room. Then pulled down from the top rack, a black and red bow.
It was a long bow, in a basket under the workbench there were many arrows, I grabbed four arrows. Then some protect of gloves, that newbies would wear, to protect their hands. I tossed the gloves at her, she caught them I said, “They just help protect your fragile hands.”
I walked out carrying the bow and arrows, for her. We walked deep into the woods. There were some targets I set up for her, she looked at them, “Are we alone?”
I nodded then said, “Yes, if there was someone nearby. I think I would be smart enough to tell you, and get you to safety.”
I handed her bow, and helped her get into position, she held the arrow strong and tight. We both looked at the target, I was standing next to her, my arm guiding hers, our bodies against one another.
“Just pull back, focus on the target, and take a deep breath…let go.” I whispered into her ear.
She shot the arrow it went flying though the air, and pierced one of the targets.
“Its easier to hit a non moving target then a target coming at you.” I said, with a laugh.
“What’re you thinking?” Nina asked, looking at me.
I stepped away from her then said, “I want you to shoot at me, I will come at you, trust me these arrows I picked out won’t hurt me.”
“No.” Nina said, lowering the bow.
I looked at her then said, “Well what will you do when a demon is trying to kill you? Then what.”
Nina sighed and looked away I walked towards her then gently stroked her cheek, “It won’t hurt me. You need to be able to protect yourself from demons.”
I walked back to the spot where I was standing, and waited for her to raise the bow.
She did and, and pulled the arrow back, waiting for the right moment to let go, I came at her humanly speed, just to get her used the idea of someone coming at her.
The sound of the string releasing the arrow was loud, it came fast I didn’t try and grab it. I let it pierce my right shoulder.
“Why you look at that. You hit me.” I said, with a laugh pulling the arrow out easily.
These arrows had no effect on demons, it was like paper, I could remove it easily and it didn’t hurt at all.
“Now lets try it again, but I will make it harder.” I said, handing the arrow back to her, then walked back to where I was standing.
Nina put the bow back on the arrow, then pulled it back. I ran fast at her, she fired it, I grabbed it and tossed it.
“Not fair.” Nina shouted.
I stopped and had a slight laugh then said, “This is how some demons are.”
Then I ran at her again, she quickly grabbed another and shot it hit my head; I pulled it out and threw it on the ground.
I lunged at her, knocking her to the ground.
“Now if this reality, you would be dead.” I said, with a laugh looking down at her.
“But its not.” Nina said, looking up at me.
I got closer to her then heard a branch snap, I looked around slowly.
There was dead silence, not even a bird made a sound; I inhaled the smell of blood.
There was a hint of Annabeth blood, mixed with someone else’s blood.
I slowly got up off of her, and then gave her a arrow which was able to kill a demon.
“Stay here, keep your back to a tree. See something and it looks like it will kill you. Kill it first.” I said, walking off in the direction of the scent.
“Wait, no don’t go.” Nina shouted after me.
I turned towards her then said, “What?”
Nina walked over to me then said, “I am going with you.”
I had a slight chuckle then shook my head at her, “You going there, is a suicide mission.”
“If I am a Demon Hunter, I have any right to help!” Nina snapped.
I smiled and messed her hair up, “Well then come on.”
She had the same stubbornness as Katherine; she pulled her head away as I was messing it up.
It almost like she was Katherine, expect she wasn’t her. Everyone knew she was dead, some claimed suicide, other claimed a demon cornered her and murdered her brutally.
No one ever found out she was human; they just said she was a vampire, and a demon killed her.
I suppose it was better they claimed she was immortal. If they came to the conclusion she was human, it would be chaos. At least I sort of dropped out. I could be considered graduated, since I was a senior there. Also I have royal blood, they always able to bend the rules. I could be King of Hell. Even though Satan would still have true power over Hell. I would have the throne and power. Expect that would require giving into Ayperos, and possibly marrying Angel.
Which both is a huge no, in my book.
At least for humans, arranged marriages no longer existed, now these days people would not give a damn. It pained me to think how close I was to asking Katherine hand in marriage.
There was a old crack house, windows were broken and the smell of weed filled the air. Even though this hadn’t been used for a long time. It was apart of this house’s history.
I walked over to the door, and knocked on the door. It slowly opened the house was trashed. It was only five square feet by ten feet.
It seemed more like a shed then anything else. There was a door that was kicked down; the stairs went down to the basement.
I looked around and searched for Annabeth’s scent.
She wasn’t here, we missed her I let out a low growl, “Crap, they aren’t here.”
“Did we miss them?” Nina asked, slowly walking around the house.
I walked around then saw some blood on the ground, few knives. Seems like they had a small fight over who got the money.

“Yes, and now I can’t find the scent.” I snarled low, digging my claws deep into the wall.
"If she didn’t tag along, you could of rushed here faster. And saved your little vampire friend. She is to blame, why not take some anger out on her?”

Ayperos said, with a chuckle, it slowly echoed my head.
I probably could of rushed ahead, and possibly saved Annabeth, but now it doesn’t matter. I could of saved her, and I failed.This is my fault, if I didn’t hold you back. You probably could of gotten here faster.” Nina sighed.
“No use in blaming one another now.” I exhaled, taking my claw out of the wall, letting it return back into human form.
“Who were you hoping to find?” Nina asked, looking out a window.
I leaned against a wall and looked at her and said, “Just a friend.”
“I am sorry.” Nina sighed.
I walked over to her then said, “Don’t worry, she is probably fine.”
She nodded then her cell phone started to ring, Nina pulled it out of her pocket.
“Hey…yes I am ok.” Nina said, walking to go outside.
I tried not to listen in on her, although it’s real hard to ignore some things.
Three minutes passed, then she walked back inside, I turned my attention towards her.
“Who was that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She shrugged then said, “My friend, he lives next door to me. And he hasn’t seen me so…”
“Well you should get home. I can give you a ride.” I said, walking back to my house.
Nina followed then finally caught up then said, “He isn’t to crazy on visitors.”
“I won’t go inside, just drop you off.” I said, with a laugh.
“So if crosses keep demons out of houses, with your house…” Nina said, unsure how to end the question.
“Obvious I don’t have one.” I said, with a laugh.
Nina looked at me as we walked at a average pace, “Then how do you keep unwanted visitors out?”
I had a slight laugh, “Well I kill them, what else am I suppose to do?”
“So you won’t tell me why, they are after you?”
I sighed and looked at her then said, “Its nothing that is important.”
“Did you steal something?” Nina asked, with a laugh.
I had a slight smile it faded away then I sighed, “No not exactly.”
“Murder?” Nina asked, we came to the garage. I pulled out a 01 Honda CMR f4i.
It was black, and was one I had for a long time.
I tossed a helmet towards her then said, “Go ahead, I don’t know why I even known a helmet. I don’t use it for myself.”
I got on the motorcycle and let her get on the back, she held on to me, as I started it and sped down the road, “So where do you live?”
“On Miracle Angel Street.” Nina said, over the roar of the wind that we were slicing through.
“Alright which house?” I asked, as we went through town and turned down into Miracle Angel Street.
There weren’t many houses on the street, few farmhouses, a few churches.
“Alright that white house.” Nina said, pointing.
It looked like a barn, it was two floors, it was white, the roof tiling was a dark grey, and it had a balcony on the right side of the top floor.
Some trees around, it a gazebo out back, the windows had curtains over them from the inside, and it seemed like a welcoming home.
I stopped the motorcycle, and took it to the side of the road; Nina got off and took the helmet off.
She fixed her hair after taking it off, she handed it to me.
“Thanks for the ride.” Nina said, with a laugh.
I nodded then said, “Welcome, just don’t tell anyone about anything. I have told you about. No need to have a demon trail."
“I know.” Nina said, nodding once, and making her way to the house.
Then I looked around then back at Nina then said, “You need to be careful. Do you have any weapons in your house?”
Nina then said, “Well, we do have a gun.”
“If you sense a dark force in your house, grab the gun and hide.
Call me and I will be there soon as I can.” I said, looking at her.
She had few features that Katherine had, although I had to remember what happened.
The guilt, the memories, the self-loathing was forever burnt onto my skull. There were something’s we could easily forget, and then some memories are forever apart of ourselves.
As I sped down the road, I pulled off to the side of the road.
My phone started ringing, I took it out of my jacket pocket, and looked at who was calling. It said ‘Unknown Caller’. I answered it then said, “Who is this?”
“You know who it is.” The caller said, with a laugh.
I narrowed my eyes then said, “Tell me. Or I will track you down and kill you.”
“Do you want to find Annabeth?” The caller asked.“Yes.” I exhaled.
“Then meet me near the old fisher market. It’s near that lake out of town. You will know it when you see it.” The caller said, and then hung up before I could say anything.
I drove off to the old fisher market.
It took about ten minutes; I went off road, through the woods to make up for lost time.
It looked like a warehouse; I parked my motorcycle against a tree, and walked over to the old fishing market.
The door was opened; I walked inside and looked around.
There stood Draven he chuckled at me then said, “You are so gullible. Thinking I knew where your little precious Annabeth was. Probably dead.” Draven said, laughing.
I bared my canines and lunged at him, knocking him to his feet.
My hands wrapped around his throat, like a snake, I dug my fingers into his throat, causing some blood to flow out.
“Give me one damn reason I shouldn’t kill you right now!” I growled.
“Cause I am stronger then you!” Draven said, gaining an evil smile, he kicked me off of him sending me flying into a wall.
I managed to push myself up, Draven rushed towards me; I jumped over him then let my hand turned into its claw form. The claw tips were sharp and looked like they could cut through almost anything.
I stabbed Draven in the back; I gripped onto his heart, I snarled low, then ripped the heart out.
He screamed and then dropped to ash and dust, my hand was covered in his blood; I walked out of the building. My hand turned into its human hand form. I looked at the lake and cleaned it.
If I had to take a guess on who had Annabeth, it would be Atpsax.
He is going to be dead, and will make sure he stays dead.

Back at the house, Robert was lying on a sofa, he had a chip bag on the coffee table, and he had his feet up on the armrest.
The TV was on and he was watching the History Channel.
“Why the hell are you watching that?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
He turned and looked at me then said, “Nothing else is on.”
“You have no life do you.” I said, sitting in the dark red leather chair.
Robert sat up and turned off the TV then looked at me then said, “Let me guess you recently killed someone.”
“Draven, Arthena vampire boyfriend.” I said, crossing my legs and leaned back in the chair.
“And?” Robert asked.
I sighed then started to explain the story to him, “Draven got a hold of my number, called me. Saying he knew where Annabeth was, he lied and I killed him.”
“Oh, so you don’t know where she is?” Robert said, sighing disappointed.
I exhaled then said, “No, I am working on it.”
She had to be alive, if Atpsax was behind this. She would just be bait to lure me into their trap.
“I may know who is behind this.” I said, grabbing a bottle of Vodka and sipped it out of the bottle.
“Who?” Robert asked, standing up.
I shrugged then took another sip, “A demon, I will handle it.”

“How?” Robert asked, sitting back down.
“Worry about what you will wear on your date with Amanda. I am the one they want.” I said, with a laugh.
My phone buzzed again, I really should block my number to unknown callers.
I looked at it was a text, “Want Annabeth? Come alone into the woods east of town. If you don’t come, she is dead. This is no joke."
My heart stopped beating for few seconds, as if I even had a real heart anymore.
I stared at the text, this had to be a joke right?
“What’s wrong?” Robert asked, staring at me.
I looked at him then said, “Nothing, um I need some air.”
He looked at me raising an eyebrow then said, “Brent, wait.”
I turned around then said, “Robert, drop it ok?”
My canines wanted to come out, and rip his heart out. Even though he wasn’t human, demons still hated vampires.
It was apart of the personality; I exhaled trying to calm myself down.
“Alright?” Robert asked, confused.
I rushed out of the house, and hurried to the woods, east of town. This better not be another trap.
I was picking up Annabeth’s scent, and Atpsax scent. Which only made me run faster. She was my friend, couldn’t let her die or any harm come to her.
What I saw made me stop in my tracks, my heart felt like it was on fire.
Not the good passionate fire, the fire you receive when you are in deep pain.
Annabeth laid on the forest floor dead, her skin was a light blue, as if she was human and couldn’t breathe. She was slowly dying; there was no way she could live.
I rushed to her and kneeled down, picking her up in my arms. A cut ran across her throat, both wrists were slit.
Her face was lifeless, her eyes were closed, and she had on a black blouse on, and jeans on.
“Annabeth, please don’t play around like this!” I screamed, trying to shake her awake.
“Aw, so emotional aren’t we?” Atpsax asked, hanging upside down from a tree.
I gently placed her down, and stood over her, my teeth turned to all canines, my eyes shifted to their demonic form.
“You son of a bitch!” I snarled low.
Atpsax smiled then jumped down and then said, “I didn’t do anything.”
“Then why the hell is she dead!” I snarled.
Atpsax said with a laugh, “Oh lad, she committed suicide, look at her, slit throat, slit wrists. Seems so simple, but it will do the job.”
“She would of healed if she did that!” I snapped low.
Atpsax jumped onto a tree branch then said, “She didn’t have any blood for all the time she was missing. Reducing her immune and healing ability.
She refused to do anything, and today she asked if she could end it herself.”
I stared at her, this can’t be happening!
I turned my back to Atpsax and picked up Annabeth in my arms, why would she kill herself?
“Oh my master calls, see you in Hell lad.” Atpsax said, with a laugh then disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Robert is going to kill me…

At the house I placed her down on the guest bed and kneeled on the floor, I ran my hands through my hair and kept my face in my hands.
This was my fault; I destroy every life I walk into. I was a monster; death follows me, and takes loved ones away from me.
I hadn’t told Robert, how could I tell him, that his own flesh and blood was gone forever. He was alone; their parents left him for dead. I had kind of taken him in. We were a family, and now the family was no longer complete.
Robert walked into the room, he was silent in the doorway, and he knew his sister was dead.
I couldn’t find the words to say to him, I didn’t kill her, but it could appear that way.
“Is she…” Robert said, his voice shaking.
I nodded once, but didn’t say anything.
Robert walked over and stood by me, “How did she die?”
I exhaled and tried to find the words to tell him. She killed herself.
I don’t even know why she would do that.
“Tell me Brent.” Robert growled low.
I stayed silent, I didn’t know what to say, and suicide was a tough subject for anyone to talk about. Robert grabbed me by the shirt and threw me against a wall; he wrapped his hand around my neck. He lifted me off the ground, “If you killed her, I will kill you!”
I narrowed my eyes at him and said low, “Why would I kill her!”
Robert exhaled and put me down, and took his hand off of my throat.
“She was my friend, I found her dead in the woods. Atpsax said she killed herself.” I exhaled, looking at her body.
She still had her remains, other vampires who don’t have a master they turn to dust or ash. Vampires who have a demon master, the vampire can keep its remains, as long the master wishes. She deserves to have her body, even though her soul has probably left it, it is still special to her.
“Why would she do that?” Robert asked, sitting on the bed looking at his sister.
I sighed and shrugged, “I don’t know, I wish I knew…”
Robert walked out of the room, I looked at Annabeth body she was gone forever…

Three days passed Robert finally decided to have a funeral for her.
We kept it small, everyone was dressed in black, and it was overcast. Its always raining or cloudy on someone funeral. I sighed looking at her coffin. Why does everyone I love have to be sucked into the claws of death?
First my family then my love and now Annabeth.
I didn’t deserve life I should be dead.
Robert was trying not to cry, he never knew the pain of loosing a family member he actually cared about.
I told him he didn’t know the pain of loosing family, now he does. It’s a horrible feeling. It’s like loosing a piece of yourself.
After the service ended, everyone was talking to Robert, trying to comfort him. I looked and noticed a man watching us. He was there the full time, I growled low and walked over to him, he had on sunglasses, a hat on a black jacket.
“Who are you?” I asked, low.
“I know why she killed herself.” The man said, low.
“Who are you?” I growled low.
The man smiled then said, “Atpsax.”
“Why did she kill herself, tell me now or I will kill you…” I snarled low.
Atpsax didn’t seem worried one bit by my threat.
“She wrote a note. Let’s say this is all your fault.” Atpsax said, with a loud annoying laugh.
He turned to leave, I grabbed him by the arm and yanked him back, “What note?”
Atpsax laughed then said, “You know a suicide note, where someone writes their final goodbye. You were in it.”
“Show me the note.” I growled low.
Atpsax smiled then said, “Why should I? What if she didn’t want you to find her or the note?”
I sunk my claws into his arm he pushed my hand off of him, I took my claws out then narrowed my eyes then said low, “Do you know why she killed herself?”
“Maybe I do, I just wont tell you.” Atpsax said, tipping his hat to me and walking away.
I glared at him walking away; I turned back at the group they were going to their cars.
I walked over to Robert who was still staring at the grave.
“She is gone…” Robert said, sighing.
I sighed then said, “Think how it was for me, finding her body. Even though I didn’t know her like you did. It hurt so much to find her laying there, not moving.”
“I just can’t believe this…” Robert said, mumbling.
“Everyone around me, always gets hurt it seems.” I said, looking at Robert.
“What am I suppose to do now?” Robert asked, running his hand through his hair.
“Remember her.” I said softly.
Robert didn’t say anything, I never would imagine seeing him like this.
Some people you seen depressed many times, others you can’t imagine seeing them hurt, or down.
It sometimes the ones who act happy, hide pain the best.
“She was the only family, I had left…the only family we had left.” Robert sighed, looking at me.
I sighed then said, “She was my sister too. I should have been there to protect her. Now look…I failed.”
“You can’t protect everyone…” Robert sighed.
I placed my hand on his shoulder, “She knows you loved her, and she will watch over you.”
“Now I know how you felt, when you lost your entire family…she was everything.” Robert sighed.
“Robert, if you need to escape for a while. I will understand.” I said, sighing.He shrugged then looked away then said, “I have no where to go. No parents, no Annabeth.”
“You’re welcomed to stay at the house.” I said, walking back to Robert’s car.
He walked with me then said, “Thank you.”
I nodded then sighed, wishing I knew what happened to make her kill herself.
She never seemed depressed, not even close to the suicide point.
I couldn’t wrap my fingers around it, why would she do that?
Part of me almost wished I hadn’t found her, believing she was still alive. Was better then finding her dead.
Sometimes when someone passes on, you want to believe they are still alive. Your mind creates a world, how you want things to be. Your desires become true in your mind. No fears exist there, since it is the ideal world, you want.
Maybe that is why there are so many wars, we get caught up in our head, we become blind to the real world.
I never allowed myself to live in my head. It would only be a short-term release.
Demons did have a way of living the way they want.

Robert sat in one of the leather chairs, he had his tie loosened and he took off his jacket, which was hanging over the chair.
I grabbed some glasses and poured him some whiskey, and handed him a glass.
Robert sighed and took it and looked at the glass, he rubbed his temple, “I am wondering if I should take my life, and join her in the afterlife.”
I exhaled and threw my head back then looked at him then sat down in the other leather chair, “Robert, you do know suicide isn’t the best option.”
“She is my baby sister, Brent. You would of done the same thing with Aldabella.” Robert said, narrowing his eyes.
I sighed, after all this time I could still remember, that name.
Was shocking I couldn’t remember the color of my nursery but I could remember my baby sister’s name.
Even though she was young, and didn’t get to live much. I probably couldn’t forget her, or my family.
“We aren’t talking about Aldabella. We are talking about your sister. Listen I am sure she is ok, she always is.” I said, trying to keep my voice leveled.
“Then why is she dead? She killed herself! She clearly wasn’t ok!” Robert said, throwing the glass into the fireplace.
“I know Robert, I should have been there or protected her better. But I had no control over what happened.” I said, low.
Robert exhaled and looked down, he said, “I know, I am sorry. Just didn’t think this would happen.”
“I know, exactly how I felt. When I woke up as a demon, and found my entire family dead. If I didn’t wander away, I could of saved them. Or burned with them…” I sighed, wishing I could go back and fix my mistake.
“I know, probably more of a shock to you. Loosing everyone in one night.” Robert said, looking at me.
I shrugged then said, “No use spilling tears now. Tears don’t bring the dead back.”
The pain inside of me was growing, as if the sorrow was a disease, spreading slowly throughout my veins, infecting every part of me.
Demons won’t suppose to be able to cry, it would be similar to, that fire can’t start under water, and keep burning. It’s not supposed to be able to happen.
Loosing Annabeth was more painful, then I imagined.
Roberts cell phone started to ring, he looked at it but didn’t do anything.
“Are you going to answer that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
He exhaled and got up and looked at whoever was calling, he got up and left the room.
It was Amanda, was able to tell by the voice on the other end.
"I know why she killed herself."

Ayperos whispered low.
I never wanted to believe or ask him anything, but I almost had to. If anyone knows why she killed herself. I wanted to know.
“You better not be lying.” I growled low.
He chuckled then said, "Why would I lie to you?"

I exhaled heavily then said, “Tell me…”
“Its obvious, you might not of noticed, but I was inside watching. She loved you a lot, but then she gave up. She was weak, and her will was low. So a demon was able to possess her. It drove her to kill herself."

I didn't think, a demon was able to possess a vampire, how was that possible? I knew humans were weak, and demons could easily go into them. I never heard of a demon, possessing another immortal.
The demon, must have been around her a while, enough to understand her weaknesses, and hers was me.
That is one reason, I don't like being close to someone, they become weaker. And you can be their one true weakness.

I grabbed my leather jacket and ran out the door and into the woods.
It started to rain; I came to a clearing, where there were no trees, or anything but grass. I never came out this far; it was probably three hours away from the house.
I looked up at the sky; it only took few seconds for me to become fully soaked.
“Long time no see Prince of Hell.” A voice said, from behind me.
I turned around, and there stood Dmitri.
He hadn’t changed a bit, he had dark leather boots, he had dark pants with a chain on them, his shirt was black, his skin was glowing, and his eyes were sharp and had a lust to them. His hair wasn’t a mess it was brushed.
“What the hell do you want?” I snarled low.
Dmitri chuckled then said, “Just came to see what you will do now. Since now Annie or whatever her name is dead.”
“Leave me alone.” I snarled low.
Dmitri chuckled then said, “Why would I do that?”
I bared my canines at him, and then he exhaled then said, “How is it that you haven’t broken down yet?”
I narrowed my eyes then said, “How is it that I haven’t killed you yet?”
Dmitri then looked up at the rain, and then the lighting that started to flash across the sky. It would light up, every other second.
“Biggest storm of the year they say.” Dmitri said, with a laugh.
“Well, to let you know I am not in the mood.” I growled low.
Dmitri dashed towards me, and knocked me up high in the air. He jumped up and slammed me down on the ground, while he did a back flip.
“Come on, I do hope you got more in you then that.” Dmitri said, yawning.
I did a back flip, landing on my feet then said, “Alright, you’re pissing me off.”

I took out the dagger, and allowed it to grow into its sword form.
“Alright a sword battle, I will do that haven’t used mine in a while.” Dmitri said, his hand turning into a claw he cut his arm, blood ran out, and then he pulled out a thin black Katana, pulling it straight up out of his arm. Not even a drop of blood was on the Katana. The sword I had was a full tang zabuza.
“How did you pull that out?” I asked, confused.
Dmitri chuckled then said, “Its apart of being from the Dark Realm, I am able to store my sword, within me like that.”
He chuckled, Dmitri then launched himself in the air with his sword, and then he aimed it at me and came towards me like a missile. I jumped out of the way, then stabbed the sword into his stomach, and twirled him on the end of it, as if he was a basketball, and the full tang zabuza was a finger.
I unhooked him and threw him in the air, I launched myself in the air and went to strike, but he got his sword and blocked it.
“A skilled swordsman, aren’t we?” Dmitri said, pushing back the same amount I was.
His sword started to glow then a huge gush of wind, slammed me back to the ground, he sharpened the sword, and then came back at me, I rolled out of the way, and then jumped up in the air. He followed me up in the air I undercut him in the stomach. It didn’t even hurt him.
This wasn’t going to end anytime soon.
I dropped back to the ground, Dmitri then stabbed the ground then I heard some barks and howling came from behind me.
“Why not make this more fun?” Dmitri said, grinning. He back flipped and landed on a tree stump.I turned around, and saw a huge pack of Hell Hounds.
“Your father gave me permission to use them.” Dmitri said, smiling at the pack.
“So I guess you and the Devil are on a first name basis.” I said, gripping onto the sword, looking at the pack.
They were foaming at the mouth, one had a lazy eye, and blood was on their mouths. These weren’t the normal Hell Hounds. I think they were the hounds that were killed and Satan didn’t want to bring them back to life, so the Reaper must have taken them from the grave.
I leaped up in the air and got in the middle of the pack, and lunged at the ground, holding the sword down so, once would land. A dark force would destroy all of them at once.
They all died at the same time, I turned back to Dmitri who rolled his eyes then said, “Fine, it’s my turn again.”
He jumped off the stump, and then ran at me, I got the sword and blocked him.
The strengths were equal to one another, “Come on Brent it doesn’t make sense why you won’t give in.”
“Because!” I snapped, knocking Dmitri off balance.
Ayperos grinned inside, and shot an explosive amount of energy through out me, I stabbed Dmitri right under the heart, driving the sword right through him; the sword was creating a slicing sound. Dmitri groaned in pain.
“I am not going to tell the likes of you that story.” I growled low.

Dmitri looked up at me, I couldn’t control my arm the sword went deep in and was breathing touching his heart.
“This battle is over, now tell me are you the one who is causing possession?” I asked, low.
Dmitri shrugged then said, “Yes, I was assigned this town. Just my servants are doing my dirty work.”
“Well I suppose parasites travel together.” I growled low.
I ripped the sword out of him and it returned to its dagger form.
The energy levels returned to their average levels, I walked away I grabbed my head, worse headache ever it seemed.
As if someone was crushing my skull, although they could if they wanted, to just kept causing the pain. Since it would be amusing to watch me suffer.
I kept on walking, I had no idea where I was going, I just couldn’t face Robert, I wasn’t planning on telling him I was the cause of Annabeth’s death.
Then the ground underneath me felt weak, I dropped down, I couldn’t react fast enough.
I dropped down and landed on my feet, I looked up I fell couple of feet, I could probably make it back up, but I wanted to explore more of what I found.
Do hope this isn’t like how curiosity killed the cat.
Then came into a basement room, it almost seemed, but this wasn’t normal…
The entire room was covered in spider webs or their silk, then everywhere in the room, human size bodies were wrapped up and dangling from the ceiling.
Some small bodies were wrapped up, looked like animals.
It reeked horribly, of dead rotting bodies. Someone needs to use some air fresheners.
“What the hell, is this place?” I looked around.
I walked trying to avoid the bodies, then a half wrapped one started to move. It’s right arm started to lift.
I stopped to look at it groaned, “Help…me.”
Then it dropped to the ground dead, I knocked down one of the doors it lead to a large room, where it was hard to see the top.
I walked to one of the walls, and pulled out a box. I opened it there was a heart.
This entire room had all the hearts, what I was searching for…finally found it.
Now I didn’t think it would be this easy to break in. I was hoping for some kind of alarm.
I looked around and thought how easy it would be to destroy almost all the demon population. It couldn’t be this easy, couldn’t it?
Then the roof was making a loud sound, like a sprinkler would make.
I looked up, a dark cloud slowly lowered, the smell of it was relaxing, crap knock out gas.
I rushed back to the door, and tried to open it, damn it was closed tight. Oltiz, of course to keep intruders inside, until the gas reaches them.
It came faster; I had to get out of here, fast.
I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Robert’s number, he better pick up.
Even though he probably wouldn’t get here in time, would be a net. In case of something going wrong. Which in my case, something always goes wrong.
He didn’t pick up, I growled low then said, “Robert, I am in trouble again. Hopefully will still have my cell phone, trace the phone.”
I hung up, and put the phone in my pocket, just as the gas reached me.
It was a strong hint of jasmine and nitrous oxide. I dropped to the ground, and felt weak in all my muscles. I couldn’t move them; I felt something clouding my throat.
My eyes grew heavy, a figure walked in chuckling. I could barely sense who it was, I passed out before I saw the face.

“Does that hurt?” A voice growled.
Which was the trigger, which made me mumbled and awake to reality.
A sharp pain was through my stomach, I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was my sword pierced into my stomach. Blood had dried on me, and the table.
My hands were tied above my head; my ankles were chained to the bottom of the table.
My shirt was removed, along with the leather jacket; all that was left was my pants.
I saw the tormentor it was some random demon, I didn’t even know.
The room was round, the walls were black, hardly any light, only some torches. Two stairways lead up to a balcony, which wasn’t very high.
“Enough.” A voice said, the demon looked up at whoever ordered him to stop.
There stood Angel, her hair was layered, it was still blonde, her eyes had contacts in they were a gentle green, she had a dress on, it was black with a pearl trim, it had one shoulder strap, and she walked in high heels that were a dark purple.
“Princess…I will leave you two.” The demon said, getting on all fours crawling out of the room.
She rolled her eyes and made her way down the stairs, and over to the table.
“I forgot how gorgeous you are without a shirt.” Angel said, running her finger along my chest.
“Where the hell am I?” I asked, in pain.
The sword wasn’t the sword I knew, it must taken on a new master, and following what they want it to do.

“Brent baby, a small chamber close to the Gates Of Hell, a demon found you passed out. In the Heart Chamber, so they brought you here.” Angel said, smiling at me.
I tried to break free, but the chains tightened down I snarled low.
“No use, in trying to break free. It will cause you pain.” Angel said, running her hand through my hair.
“Don’t touch me.” I said, trying to jerk my head away from her.
Angel smiled then leaned in close to me, “We are meant for one another. You and I, will be married, you the King of Hell. Me by your side, haven’t you always wanted a little one. I can give you that, and so much more.”
“I don’t want that title.” I growled low.
“Sure you do.” Angel said, kissing my neck softly.
“Angel stop it!” I snarled low.
I growled low, baring my canines at her then she smiled and kissed me closed to the lips.
“Why am I here?” I asked, trying to keep her away from kissing me on the lips.
Angel then stroked my hair then said, “Well, Satan has given orders to keep you here. Until further orders are given.”
“Of course.” I exhaled.
Angel stroked my cheek, then said, “Didn’t you miss me?”
“So we are just going to be chatty while a sword is piercing through my body. Bit awkward wouldn’t you say?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
Angel sighed and got up, and pulled the sword out, she then climbed onto the table, and then she sat on top of me.
“So, how about we get together.” Angel said, stroking my chest.
I glared at her then said, “No.”
Angel leaned down so only few inches were separating our noses.
“I missed you.” Angel said, softly.
I glared at her then said, “As if.”
Then the doors slid open, Angel sat up and jumped off the table, there was a demon, “I will take it from here.”
“Alright, bye my love.” Angel said, smiling at me as she left.
The demon grabbed the sword, and stabbed right under my heart, I let out a loud scream.
Then a loud clapping sound, caused the demon to turn towards the balcony, my stomach dropped out of my body, my heart twisted in a double knot, my anger ignited in flames.
There he stood. The one. The only. The infamous.
“Been a long time son.” Satan said, with a dark smile.
The demon bowed down to him, and then exited the room.
“I was hoping to avoid you longer then this.” I growled low.
Satan walked down the stairs and looked down at me, “Well you tried, I will give you that,”
Satan smirked then said, “I been patient, and you are taking advantage of that.”
“Well if you’re waiting for me to give in, not gonna happen.” I said, with a laugh.
Satan grabbed the sword then said, “I can easily have this pierce your heart.”
I glared at him, Satan smirked, and he let go of the sword handle and walked over to a table. He picked up something, and then walked back over to me.
“What is that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Satan pulled it out a sharp razor knife, “This knife is from, one of the fire pits. Stings like hell may leave a burn mark or two.”
“I would consider this child abuse.” I said, rolling my eyes
Satan laughed then said, “Yes it is.”
He ran the sword along my side, it was hot as a fire, and the tip was sharp as a demon’s claw.
Then he laid the side on its side, and then pressed it on my skin.
I bared my canines and screamed in pain, Satan smirked he took it off, “Now, will you be a good boy and give up?”
I glared at him then said, “Never.”
Satan smirked then said, “Alright its your choice.”

One week later…

I felt as if I barely had any blood in me, my head felt light.
All over the floor was either blood I coughed up, or blood Satan had caused to come out.
I had bruises of all different colors on my face, my lip was bleeding, my chest and torso had burn marks everywhere, and blood was still coming out of the wound right under my heart.
It seemed like all my bones were broken or bruised, my muscles felt as if they were torn apart.
“A whole week of being tortured didn’t think you would be this stubborn.” Satan said, rolling his eyes.
“Being blood related to you, is my torture. It is nothing to have physical torture.” I said, barely able to talk.
“Where are your ‘friends’? No rescue party?” Satan asked, looking around with a laugh.
“I hate the idea of a rescue party for me…” I said, having trouble able to talk above a whisper.
Satan had a laugh then said, “Might as well give up. You are nothing but a dying body now.”
“If I die, I will be happy cause for a few moments I won’t be your son.” I growled low.
“So dramatic.” Satan said, annoyed rolling his eyes.
I smirked then he got up from a throne then said, “I have other business to tend to, in the meantime, a demon will come and keep torturing you.”
He walked out, then another demon walked in, he had a limp to his right back leg, he looked human, his skin was pale white, his eyes were both bright blue and nothing else, he had elf ears, yellow teeth, he looked almost skin and bones. He had nothing but black pants on.
He had on a mask that covered his entire face. The mask had a smile, and black surrounding the eyes, the rest of it was white.
The demon pulled out a whip; this isn’t going to be good…
He walked over to the side where I had the most intense burn marks, he cracked the whip hard on the burn marks, I moaned in pain.
I was starting to wonder if Robert was going to track my cell phone or me.
Then an arrow shot through the demons head, killing him. He fell backwards on the ground. I looked up there was Robert and Nina.
“Hey buddy.” Robert said shouting; he jumped over the balcony while Nina took the stairs down.
“Was beginning to wonder if you would ever show up.” I said, trying to talk.
“Sorry would been here sooner.” Robert said, walking over to me.
Nina saw me and was staring at me in shock, “What did they do to you?”
I sighed then said, “Well laying here for a week, with nothing but torture effects someone’s appearance.”
“We should get you out of here.” Robert said, looking at the chains.
“Can’t break them, or anything really. I have tried, and I am sure my wrists are broken.” I said, in pain.
“Nina stay with him, while I look around this room. To see if there is a release button or something.” Robert said, walking back up to the balcony to look around.
Nina nodded then looked at me then asked, “Are you ok?”
I looked at her and tried to have a smile, but ended up only being able to whisper, “I am still alive.”
She frowned looking at all my wounds, “How can they be so cruel to you?
“They’re demons Nina, not bunnies.” I whispered.
Robert pulled a lever, where it released the chains from my ankles and wrists, he quickly rushed over to the table and pulled out the sword, and it returned to a dagger form.
He put it his pocket, and helped me sit up.
I groaned in pain then looked at the door, “Someone is coming, block the door.”
Robert dashed over to the door; he pushed a huge chest in front of it.
Then he hurried back over to the table then said, “There is no other way out of here.”
“What are we going to do?” Nina asked trying to help me sit up.
Robert ran his hand through his hair, trying to figure out a plan.
“We have a human and a cripple.” Robert said, trying to figure out the best way to get all of us out.
“I am way to weak to do anything.” I said, groaning in pain.
Nina looked around and saw something, she hurried over to it and a secret door opened.
Then Nina ran and grab my belongings, that were kept in the same room, as I was.
“Well hopefully this leads out to the car.” Nina said.

Robert helped me walk, by throwing one of my arms around his shoulder and helped me walk. We got into the secret passageway, and hurried outside.
I probably was leaving a trail of blood; we arrived outside to a white 11 Jeep.
Robert got me into the back seat, while Robert and Nina sat in the front.
Nina was driving, she put it drive, and we took off.
“We need to get him some substances soon.” Robert said, looking at Nina. She sighed then said, “Where should we go?”
After an hour of driving, we stopped at a house; it looked more like a bed and breakfast.
Robert helped me get out and we walked up to the door, there was a sign that said, “Please Knock.”
Robert knocked on the door, and then a woman opened the door. She stared at me; Robert pulled her out of the house, and took us in a blind spot of the inn.
“Hurry up, we probably need to keep on the road.” Robert said, looking around.
I snapped the woman’s neck, and sunk my teeth into her; I hadn’t fed in a long time. Which made this meal sweeter.
She wasn’t the best, but it seemed the best, since it was all I have had.
When she was completely drained, I dropped her to the ground.
My face had healed up, but my chest and torso still looked gruesome to many.
I walked limping back to the jeep, but I was able to walk on my own.
Nina looked at me then said, “You look kind of better.”
“Let’s just get back to town.” I groaned in pain.
Nina nodded, once Robert got in the jeep we drove off back to town.
“So I am guessing, Nina leveled up on her Demon Hunting Skills?” I asked.
“Yeah, she has mastered the bow and arrow. Now she is working on dagger throwing.” Robert said, with a laugh.
“Still was risky bringing a human in there.” I mumbled under my breath.
Robert sighed then said, “I know, but she wanted to come and help.”
“Saving a demon, that doesn’t happen all the time.” I said, looking out the window.

We arrived back at the house; I limped all the way up the stairs, and fell onto my bed.
The burn marks felt as if they burning my skin off of me.
I groaned in pain, I managed to roll onto my back, Nina walked in and looked at me, “Hey, can I get you anything?”
I looked at her then smirked then said, “No, I am ok.”
She laid down on the bed, “You are hurting aren’t you?”
I sighed then looked at her, “Yeah, I’m ok now. I am glad I have you and Robert.”
“Can you please tell me, why they were doing that to you?” Nina asked, looking into my eyes. Really wanting to know the truth.
I exhaled then said, “I’m not the average demon…I am the son of Satan.”
She stared at me then sighed, turning away, “I don’t believe you.”
“I am blood related, to him. But do know I am nothing like him. I hate him.” I said, trying to convince her I wasn’t going to hurt her.
Once someone hears the name Satan, and saying I was his son. They believe I will follow in his footsteps.
I exhaled then waited for her to reply, “Can’t believe this.”
"I haven't given in to the demon inside, so they were torturing me to see if I could snap into a killing spree." I exhaled, looking at a window.
"Why haven't you killed me yet." Nina said, glaring at me with dagger like eyes.
“Please, listen to me Nina. I am not like him. I hate him.” I said, hoping she wouldn’t get up and leave.
“How do I know I can trust you?” Nina asked, rolling over to her side to look at me.
“If I was like him, you would be dead.” I said, softly, then having a sharp episode of pain.
“So I should trust you?” Nina asked, raising an eyebrow.
I sighed then said, “I fight demons, and I been fighting myself to keep my humanity. As long I have it, I will have feelings.”
“What is your demon name?” Nina asked, rolling to her side and reaching for her purse. She pulled out a Ipad.
“You aren’t going to find me on any social media site. If that’s what you are doing.” I said, with a laugh.
“I am not, while you were missing I found a library you could say, a lot of information on demons. So if I type in the name, we can find out a lot about him.” Nina said, leaning on the pillows.
“You don’t want to know him, or have anything to do with him.” I said, trying to sit up.
“Listen, stop being a idiot.” Nina said, rolling her eyes.
Then she looked at one of the burn marks, it was turning black, and I let out a low growl, it felt as if a knife was stabbing in. And under the mark, felt as if fire was trying to break through my skin, although it wouldn’t break out.
“Robert”! Nina shouted, getting off the bed.
Three seconds later, Robert rushed in, “What’s wrong?” Robert asked.
She pointed to the burn mark that was growing, and turning black.
“Did this just start happening?” Robert asked looking at me.
I groaned in pain, “Just now, what do you think!”
“What’s up with him?” A female voice asked.
We all looked over there stood Arthena.
“Who are you?” Nina asked, standing bit close to Robert.
Arthena had on a white short jacket on, a blue tank top, black shorts on, and black high heels.
She fixed her hair then said, “I am Arthena, and he killed Draven.”
Arthena pointed her finger at me, Robert looked at her then said, “Um, yeah about that.”
“I never really liked him anyway.” Arthena said, as she lowered her finger, as she sighed.
“This isn’t a good time.” I groaned in pain.
Arthena walked over to the other side of the bed, she looked at the bruises and burn marks
“Looks like you had a little run in with someone who doesn’t like you.” Arthena said, noticing the burn mark that was getting worse.
“Just get out now.” Robert said, annoyed.
It was rare to see him, getting stressed out like this.
Arthena sat on the bed then turned towards them then said, “I can help him.”
“How?” Nina asked, unsure what Arthena was.
Arthena chuckled at Nina, “I am a witch, hun. I can heal him.”
“Thought you hated me.” I said, low.
Arthena laughed then said, “I do, but something about you. Makes me want to help, plus I want to be the one to kill you."
“How do we know you aren’t going to kill him?” Nina asked, narrowing her eyes.
Arthena laughed then said, “I won’t, now if you two will step out into the hall.”
Robert guided Nina out, and they closed the door behind them.
She pulled out some herbs, and mixed them together, which created a weird scent in the room.
Then she put her hands in the bowel, then she placed her hand on the burn mark, it was cold as ice, then she rubbed it on the other burn marks, bruises, and cuts.
“There you go.” Arthena said, opening a window.
I stood up then asked, “Why would you help me?”
“Call it one immortal helping another.” Arthena said, with a laugh.
I raised my eyebrow then said, “What do you want in return?”
She looked at me then shrugged, “Why do you think I want something back?”
“Don’t lie, I know you want something.” I said low, watching her.
Arthena shrugged then said, “Maybe I do, maybe it just a act out of kindness.”
I laughed with some sarcasm, then grabbed her by the arm, “Tell me, you never do anything out of kindness. Especially immortals.”
“If you can be a sweetie, why can’t I?” Arthena said, winking at me then walking towards the window.
“Don’t call me sweetie.” I said, glaring at her until she turned around.
She put her hands on her hips, and then laughed then said, “Why not, you are sweet aren’t you.”
I narrowed my eyes at her and rushed over to her, and placed my hand and grabbed her throat.
“I don’t trust you.” I snarled low.
"Trust is something we need, since hell will be coming soon. Its like oxygen, when you are in a burning building. You need it, and should give it to others."
"What do you mean?" I growled low.
Arthena smiled, but she didn't say anything. As if it was some kind of inside joke.
"I will be in touch.” Arthena said, with a smile jumping out the window.
I never have much luck with women, it seems.
After all these years of being ‘alive’ I still have yet to understand them.
Even with Emily, I didn’t understand her; she was my best friend in my human life.
Yet there were some parts to her, I could never figure out. Some women were easier to figure out, but some parts to even the easiest woman, remained unknown to me.
Sure women say the same thing about men.

It was a few weeks later...

“You look better.” Robert said, cooking something in the kitchen.
He had a dish towel over his left shoulder; he had jeans on and a short sleeve red shirt.
Amanda and Nina were sitting at the table talking to one another.
It was October few weeks passed, and we have all tried to forget it.
Amanda had a red scarf, a long sleeve white shirt and jeans.
Then Nina sat across from her, a grey sweater on, and jeans.
I sat down at the island and looked at him then said, “I guess, I haven’t heard anything from Arthena.”
“Maybe she left town?” Robert said, focusing on his cooking.
I exhaled then said, “The more weirder thing is, there hasn’t been one single possession. Only a few missing people.”
“The bacon is done!” Robert said, putting the bacon onto a plate, and walking over to the table, where the girls were sitting.
He gave each of them two pieces of bacon each.
Then he handed me a plate, and gave me some and took some for himself.
“Can we not talk about it, Amanda doesn’t know about what’s going on.” Robert whispered, as he served the eggs.
He sat down, at the table, I exhaled and down with them.
“We should double up.” Amanda said, smiling looking at Robert and I.
I raised my eyebrow then said, “As in a double date?”
“Yeah, me and Robert can go, and you and Nina can pair up.” Amanda said, eyeing both Nina and me.
“I don’t do double dates.” I said, sitting back in the chair.
“Why not?” Amanda asked, annoyed.
I shrugged then said, “Groupies are no fun.”
“Are you kidding me, that's what we do these days.” Amanda said, confused.
“I am old school.” I said, glancing over at Robert.
Sharing a silent laugh between us.
“Well we will group, and go bowling then eat at the Diner.” Amanda said, eating the eggs.
I mumbled low so only Robert could hear, “You sure can pick them.”
“Well actually Amanda, I have something planned for you and I.” Robert said, playing with Amanda’s hair.
She giggled then said, “Sure.”
“So then Nina and my friend can do whatever they want.” Robert said, with a laugh looking at me.
I rolled my eyes then looked at Nina who didn't seem thrilled about the date idea, “I’ll clean up, and you guys can go out and do whatever.”
Amanda pulled Robert along with her, out the door. Nina grabbed the plates and glasses and were cleaning them.
I walked to the kitchen and helped her.
“I am glad to see you are doing better.” Nina said, cleaning a glass cup.
I sighed then said, “It’s only been a few weeks.”
“So you said, you were Satan’s son. If that’s true who is your mother?” Nina asked, unsure if it would be a sensitive subject.
I looked at her, we both were silent then I smirked, “I don’t know, for the demons of Black Blood, no intercourse is needed.”
“So he created you on his own?” Nina asked, raising an eyebrow.
I had a slight laugh, “Not sexually alone, but you could say. Due to him being ‘boss’, since he controls and owns all demons. He doesn’t need a female to create a demon.”
“So you don’t have a mother?” Nina asked, as she finished the last dish.
I had a slight laugh, slightly looked down remembering my mother, I looked back up at Nina, “Yes, I had one. How else do you think I got here?”
“So you were once human?” Nina asked.
I nodded once then said, “Yes, I was born fully human. I had a family, friends, a human life.”
“Care to tell me more about yourself.” Nina said, with a playful smile.
I had a slight smile, and got behind her, as she looked out a window, I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her close I breathed heavily on her skin, letting my hot breath send chills down her spine. I whispered into her ear, “Oh you don’t want to know. Weren’t you taught not to trust a dangerous man?”
Nina had a slight laugh then said, “Didn’t you know there are many weapons in the kitchen.”
She quickly reached for a knife and held it up to my face. I chuckled and grabbed the knife away from her and tossed it and grabbed both of her hands, then held them in one hand. I wrapped my other arm around her and kept her close.
“You’re a human remember, I am a demon.” I said, low narrowing my eyes at her.
She looked at me, then said, “You won’t hurt me.”
I turned her around, so we were chest to chest, “Never believe you know everything about someone. They may just surprise you.”
After a few moments of silent, Nina just gave me a small shrug.
“We should do something tonight.” Nina said, with a laugh.
I looked at her then stepped away from her, "I can't Nina, you know I need to do something."
"What is it?" Nina asked, almost annoyed.
I knew she, was wanting to forget about what she learned few weeks back. "Its critical, I don't think you would understand."
After few moments, of glaring at one another, she walked out the door slamming it.
Honestly ever since came face to face, with Dmitri. Things haven’t been the same. I would never been able to over power him alone; Ayperos was strong enough to take control at the end of the fight.
Since then, felt as if he was creeping close to the surface.
As if my entire demon life is a sink, and the temptation is the water.
Someone plugged the drain, and they put the temptation on a slow drip.
Now it seemed like it was getting close to the top, wanting to over flow.
They say everyone eventually surrenders.
But no matter how hard, the wind blows, the mountain doesn't bow. I don't know, if I am a mountain or a ant hill.

The lake was steady as a child sleeping, the moon was gently reflecting off of the water, as if the water was a mirror. I walked along the shore line, I sighed then thought of a old legend. It seemed more like folklore to me. "What brings you here, to Lunar Lake?" A voice asked from behind me. There stood, a woman with long hair hair, pale skin, her eyes were sky blue, she had on vintage dress, that seemed to fit her figure, she seemed about twenty-three, and she didn't touch the ground. "Well, I feel something is coming..."
I couldn't explain it, how humans say their head hurts, when a storm is coming. I know something, is coming. "You have a question don't you, Brent."
"Yes, I do. Since you are very close to Satan. I want to know why I was chosen." I spoke, staring at the lake.
The woman was silent then spoke softly, "You mean, you don't even know?"
I shook my head, she let out a soft sigh then spoke once more, "How bad, do you want to know?"
"Please, I need to know."
The woman stood by my side then whispered, "You were corrupted."
"What do you mean?" I snapped.
The woman smiled, then whispered, "You shouldn't be worrying about yourself. There is something coming soon. I must leave, your father is probably wondering where I am."
After those words, I stood there alone. I knew Satan was up to something, being connected by blood. You were able to feel the emotions, that run within. How the blood runs, if they are excited or not. I knew what Satan was capable of. If I was thinking the same as him, life would never be the same again.

Robert wasn’t there, he was still gone probably hanging out with Amanda.
I walked up to my room, then took off the clothes and stood in the shower.
All of us have regrets, or shame. We don’t want to show it, since we want to seem perfect in one’s eyes.
Humans want to be loved and accepted, not shunned and neglected.
Believing their mistakes would drive their loved ones away.
It baffled me, why no one would tell me. Not everyone can become a demon, if what she said, was correct. Something happened early on in my infant years. Or something happened while I was still in the womb. I needed to know, why I was turned into a monster.

A loud crash came from the living room; I turned off the water and stepped out. I listened for any breathing, footsteps, or anything.
There was dead silence…
I slipped on some clothes, and then walked into my room. I inhaled deeply as if no one was here. I grabbed a glass of Vodka then sipped it.
“Apparently I should have had better security system.” A voice said, from behind me.
I knew the voice I exhaled then said, “What the hell do you want?”
“I try and be a loving father, and you act like this.” Satan said, rolling his eyes.
I turned around and glared at him, “You are the opposite of loving.”
Satan chuckled then walked around the room then said, “So you been hiding out here, should have checked the small towns.”
“No, I have been moving a lot only been here for two years.” I said, watching him as he walked around.
Satan then said, “Rumor is, you found a new version of Katherine? Legend says, she is suppose to slay us. Can't allow that now can we?"
“I heard you been hanging around a man, and you been getting close.” I said, with a sarcastic smile.
Satan had a slight chuckle then in few seconds; his hand was gripped around my throat, and had me lifted off of the ground.
He glared at me, every muscle felt as if they were being ripped apart, my bones felt as if they were being snapped all at once, healing then repeating the process.
His eyes were like two skulls on fire, burning my flesh, one of his many abilities was he could kill someone with a glare with me its different, it can cause me intense pain but it wouldn’t kill me.
So it would be like drowning or burning, wanting to die but you wouldn’t. You would just keep suffering.
He released the glare, I groaned in pain, “Would be a shame if I killed you.”
He bit his wrist, and then shoved where the blood was coming out into my mouth.
I gagged, trying to shove it away from my mouth. It was too late.
Satan grinned, then let go of me, dropping me to the ground. I was on my hands and knees, trying to cough or throw up the blood I had just swallowed.
“This will speed the process up, see you back at the palace son.” Satan said, grinning evilly.
Then he was gone, I was trying to force it to come back out, and nothing was working.
From a distance it looked like I was a cat coughing up a hairball.
My heart felt like it had exploded and my stomach had dropped out of my stomach. I knew what was going to happen.
It felt like something was trying to rip out of me, but my skin wouldn’t open for it.
A feeling that felt like lighting that shot, throughout my body, it wasn’t a good feeling. It was a strong as if someone connected my heart to a five thousand voltage. Then kept sending shocks to my heart, as if it was some messed up way of bringing me back to being human.
My skin felt as acid was burning my skin and flesh off.
I slowly closed my eyes, and drifted into a sleep that was similar to the experience few humans, go through but come back to life.

Only a few seconds later, I felt a huge rush of air escaping my lungs, as if I was being suffocated then was finally allowed to breathe.
How long had I been passed out?
I sat up then looked around, I was still on the floor, which meant I hadn’t been out to long. Or no one had noticed I was knocked out on the ground.
My arms felt heavy at first, then felt normal again. I pushed myself onto my hands and knees. I was afraid to look in the mirror.
Perhaps our first and greatest enemy is ourselves.
Our minds and hearts cause our actions. To love someone we can’t have. To betray someone for our own selfish reasons, we destroy ourselves, along with everyone around us.
Humans eat away at one another, decaying one another day by day. Trying to break one down into pieces, so we can replace a missing piece of ourselves.
Like vultures, eating corpuses, we all were once doves. Now greed, power and lust has changed us into disgusting vultures. We only care about ourselves.
Satan was right; humans were just cruel as demons. We get wrapped up in our own mind. You don’t realize what a monster you become, only when it’s too late…
Its dangerous to live in your mind, you get so far away from reality.
There is a thin line between your mind, and reality.
Many people choose to live in their mind.
I stood on my feet I didn’t even want to look in the mirror.
Part of me already knew the truth.
I coughed up some blood, and then something slowly blinded my vision…

Four hours later…

"It's been a long time, you have been in a long slumber. I assume, you feel amazing?" A long snake demon asked. The floor was a dark red carpet, candles barely lit the room. The room was very tense, it was very hot in the room. There was not a single window in the entire room, you would think it was a basement. The walls were a dark red, with black trimming. The decor was gothic, and very elegant.
The snake was ten feet along, the scales were dark green, the eyes were a bright yellow, the fangs were sharp to the point. "Do you plan on attending the meeting, since your father has finally found the Arch Angel's weakness?" The snake asked, looking at me. I let out a heavy breath, I didn't know what was the difference, between wrong and right. I was unsure who I was anymore, I was now two people. Someone I wanted to be, and a monster. "I will be there shortly."

Reverse This Curse

Book Three.


The world has fallen into chaos, the Council of Nine has decided, what the plan is. Take down, the angels break them into nothing. Then allow demons, to be the most powerful creature alive. And have humans be erased from existence forever.
My time for taking the throne is near, there is only one who can stands a chance against the Devil. But something is holding me back, I dont know which side to choose.

My father, or what I once believed in.


Texte: S.K Nuanes
Bildmaterialien: Staci At Author Creations
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my amazing friends who been there for me. Also to my family who have supported me since day one. Finally to a special friend who I'm glad to have in my life. I would be nothing without you.

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