
There was the top school, most private and elegant high school in all of California. They only accept the finest of students, or the ones with the richest parents.
The school had the newest computers as well the best teachers money could buy.
The cars that were in the parking garage had the top muscle cars and fanciest cars.
“Remember Elena, tonight me and Frank are going to be gone for a week, are you sure you will be ok?” Elena’s mother asked.
“Yeah, I can stay few nights at Ivy’s house or Allia’s house.” Elena said, looking at her mother.
“Ok, have a good day.”
Elena grabbed her bag and got out of the car, and closed the door, as her mother drove out of the loop with rose bushes in the middle of it. Elena’s hair was long and black, the tips of her hair were a dark purple, her skin a soft olive color, her eyes were green, she had on a dark blue blouse, her jeans were a light blue, her sneakers were red.
Even if this school was private they allowed students to wear what they want, as long it didn’t show too much skin that shouldn’t be shown.
She looked at the large school and sighed, “Well let’s get this day over.”
She walked up the marble steps and opened the doors, into a large entry where a front office was on the left with few other office or staff only areas.
Elena walked to her locker, she opened it and put her binders in it, and took what she needed for first period, she closed it, there was Edward, Elena’s boyfriend, he was one year ahead of her, he was a senior and she was junior they been dating for two years.
Edward had short jet black hair which was spiked a bit most of the time, his eyes were very dark brown, which in the sunlight looked like they had a hit of red in them, his skin was a soft olive almost pale, he had on a white shirt on, dark jeans on, with a black jacket on over, his body was define, he had some muscle but he wasn’t a body builder.
He flashed a smile at her, his teeth looked very sharp, yet they were pure white, as if he hadn’t even touched food in his life.
“Hey there beautiful.” Edward said, smiling at Elena.
“Hey Eddie.” Elena said, returning the smile.
He kissed her on the lips and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer to him.
“Can you get a room?” Allia asked.
They looked up at her, she had long brown hair, she had gave it volume it looked very soft, she had a pink shirt with lace on it, a white skirt on, she carried a small purse with glitter on it, white high heels on.
Allia would seem the kind of person who is a real snob but she is one of Elena’s best friends.
“Ah, well someone is uncomfortable with the idea that she is still single. As well the only one who doesn’t have a date to Home Coming.” Edward said, in a level tone, but he smirked at the insult.
“Please don’t need you guys to start a fight.” Elena said, as Edward kept her close to him.
“I won’t.” Edward said, sweetly as he smiled down at her.
“I think it’s dumb Home Coming, is three days after we come back from summer break.” Allia said, rolling her eyes.
“Well, how about I walk you to class.” Edward said, directing his attention down to Elena.
“Well me and Allia have the same first class, so we can walk with each other.” Elena said, shrugging slightly.
“You are girls, don’t you talk all summer?” Edward said, confused letting go of Elena.
“Well yes, but her mom took her cell phone away for the last three weeks of summer.” Elena said, sighing.
“I see.” Edward said, his voice becoming lower, with a hit of anger.
Allia then looked at Elena, “Well let’s go, don’t need to be late.”
“See you later.” Elena said, before Edward kissed her forehead.

Elena and Allia walked off, Edward watched them walk down the hall, Allia could feel his eyes on them she whispered, “It’s like he’s staring into my soul.”
“You just don’t like him, well how was your last three weeks of summer.” Elena asked, looking at Allia.
“It was boring.” Allia said, sighing annoyed of how bored she was.
Then they walked into the Physical Science room, students were still hanging out, Elena and Allia liked getting to class early.
Then two arms wrapped around Elena bringing her close to him, “Why didn’t you call me?” A compelling voice asked, in a whisper into Elena’s ear.
She knew that voice, and it brought a smile to her face, it was Andy.
Andy was the same age as Elena, they been friends since 4th grade.
He had short dark brown hair, his eyes two crystal clear ponds of water, you could easily drown in how beautiful they were, his smile could light up a entire city, he had some muscle, people didn’t think he was strong or fast but he was very strong and fast.
He had on a black shirt on, dark jeans on.
His body was very well define, every feature about him was inviting.
“I was, but didn’t know if you fell asleep.” Elena said, looking up at him, he smiled looking down at her.
“I could of lost sleep waiting for your call, you know how much torture you could of put me through.” Andy said, in a dramatic hurt voice.
“You’re such a drama queen.” Elena said, with a slight laugh.
Andy then said, “Why thank you.”
More students came in, Andy let go of Elena then said, “Well this is going to be long class.”
Andy took his seat, Allia and Elena sat next to each other, Allia looked at Elena, “Why don’t you just go out with him. Make us all stop waiting.”
“No, I don’t like him like that. Sure he is a great friend. Our parents wouldn’t like the idea of it him and me just being friends sure, that’s ok but anything more. No chance.”
“Modern Romeo and Juliet.” Allia said, shrugging.
The teacher walked in and he said, “Well let’s get to it then.”

Home Coming came faster, Allia and Elena already got their dresses, they were riding in the limo that Allia parents rented.
Allia dress was long and silver with sparkles on it, she had white high heels, and she had on a diamond necklace. Her hair was the same style it always was, but she had glitter in it this time.
Elena dress was medium length, it was a crimson red, it was strapless, with black ruffles on the bottom.
Her shoes were black flats, she sighed looking out the window, they pulled up to another stop. It was Ivy’s house, she got in the limo, she had long blonde hair, it was curly, her dress a bright pink, no necklace or bracelets, her shoes had rubies on them.
“Hey girls.” Ivy said, getting into the car.
Elena phone vibrated she looked at who sent the text it was from Andy, “Don’t go to Home Coming tonight.”
Elena texted back quickly, “Why?”
In less then a minute there was a response, “Just don’t.”
Then the limo came to a stop, they were at the school, it was to late to go back.
Ivy and Allia wasted no time and got out of the limo, Ivy looked at Allia, “So you are going to flirt with Gabe?”
Allia blushed then said, “Yeah, come on Elena.”
Elena thought about Andy’s text but she put her phone in her purse and got out, the limo driver drove away, music could be heard from the gym.
Ivy and Allia ran ahead to the gym, where a line was visible outside.
Elena got in line and waited, there was Edward, he had his hair down, a black tux on, a white undershirt under the jacket, a black tie. He smiled looking at her, “Why don’t you look perfect.”
Edward said bringing her closer to him, as he kissed her neck.
Then Edward and Elena walked into the gym arm linked to one another.
The Home Coming theme was a candy land theme, they walked in on the song ‘Teenage Dream’
Edward smiled and took Elena’s hand onto the dance floor, as they danced Elena couldn't help but look around, "What are you looking at?"
Elena couldn't get a dream she had out of her mind, "Oh nothing."
Edward smiled at her as they kept dancing, after a hour and a half of dancing, Edward and Elena were at a table.
“How about we get some fresh air.” Edward said, whispering into her ear.
“Ok, I am getting a little warm.” Elena said, getting her purse and walking on the out line of the dance floor out the doors and they walked to the parking garage, now Edward was pulling on her arm, there was a red mustang, black interior, Edward unlocked the doors and he got in, Elena sighed and got in she wasn’t seeing the point in this now.
Then the doors were locked; Elena looked at him and said, “What are you doing.”
Edward said in a low voice, “I cant resist you any longer, you are just so…”
Edward eyes gained a terrifying lust to them, “tempting.”
“I told you, I am not having sex until I am married.” Elena said, knowing what he wanted.
“First times are always scary to face, but don’t worry I will guide you through this. Then it will be easy.” Edward whispered, heavily.
Edward then pulled her closer to him, and kissed her roughly Elena, was pushing away from him with all her force, “Edward stop!”
“Just allow me to touch you, I want to touch you and you want to touch me.” Edward growled low under his breath.
“I am breaking up with you!” Elena shouted, angrily.
Edward then stopped; pulling away he said in a dark low voice, “What did you just say?”
Elena sighed and got the courage to say it again, “I am breaking up with you! If you can’t respect me then there is no point.”
Then Elena unlocked her side and got out slamming the car door, leaving Edward alone.

Elena walked through the park, the sun was up, there weren't many clouds in the sky, kids were on the playground giggling playing with one another.
Elena had on a black tank-top and jeans on, she had her hair up in a pony-tail, she was dreamed of having a family one day. Her and Edward talked about it once. He didn't seem to thrilled on the idea, of having a little one around.
"You aren't thinking what I think you are?" Edward asked, from behind her.
She jumped and turned around there he was, he had his hair down, he had a black shirt on, and jeans on, with black boots on.
"Do you even care?" Elena said, looking back at the kids.
Edward then got closer from her from behind, and wrapped his arms around her.
"Please, Elena forgive me. I am sorry don't hate me." Edward said, softly.
Elena sighed then tried to get his arms off of her, "Don't please."
"I made a mistake, I love you. I want you back." Edward said, taking a bracelet out of his pocket. It had beautiful charms.
She looked down at the bracelet and sighed then looked back up at Edward, "Listen, we're over."
Elena walked away from him, fast as she could, Edward watched her walk away and mumbled under his breath, "Dammit."

Allia and Ivy knew what happened, they had 5th with Edward, he sat alone no one sat with him. Ivy looked at him then said, "I don't see what, Elena saw in him."
"He was a faker. Acted as if he cared. But now look." Allia said, rolling her eyes.
Allia glared at him then said, "Come on Ivy."
They walked over to him, he looked up at them then said, "What's up?"
"Why." Ivy said, looking at him with a dirty look.
Edward raised an eyebrow confused by the question, "Why, what?"
"Why the hell are you such an ass?" Allia snapped.
Edward looked almost stunned by what she said then he said, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Allia said, she raised her hand and slapped Edward, creating a loud sound. Which made everyone look.
Allia has long nails on, there were a few scratches on his cheeks.
Ivy put her hands on her hips, Allia then walked away from the table where Edward was. Ivy followed her back to their table.

Elena sighed, she was hid her pain from everyone, she hadn't told Andy what happened, which was rare. Although she knew she was going to tell him soon. Whether it was against her will or not.
“You alright?” Andy asked, as he walked over to her, they were in Drawing and Painting II.
“Um yeah.” Elena said, barely making eye contact with him, she now wished she took his warning.
“What’s wrong?” Andy asked, setting his bag down and sitting on the stool next to her.
“Me and Edward broke up.” Elena said, shrugging acting as if it didn’t bug her.
“Did you find out he is a woman?” Andy asked, in a almost serious tone but there was a small smirk that followed his question.
“No, umm…the heat of the relationship wasn’t there anymore.” Elena said, lying but begging Andy slightly that he will buy it.
“Do I need to talk to him?” Andy asked, looking at her seriously.
Elena shook her head then said, “No I am ok.”
Andy wrapped his arm around her then said, “I am here for you, and always will be.”
Elena rested her head on him for a second then sat back up, “Well thank you.”
Andy nodded then got out his sketchbook and started drawing some anime.
Elena was also drawing some anime, Andy looked at her then said, “We should hang out.”
“Yeah we should.” Elena said, liking that idea.
Andy smiled at her, the teacher was looking at her computer then looked up her class.
“Andy and Elena can I talk to you?” The teacher asked.
The teacher was about twenty-five, she had curly red hair, her skin was olive, she had on a white button up shirt, with a blue beads necklace, a black skirt.
Andy and Elena walked up to her desk she looked at the email she got then said, “Well your drama teacher he sent out few emails, he only picked five students to study over night in the PAC. Then in the morning he will pick one of you to go to Hollywood with a scholarship to study any field in film.”
“Who is on the list?” Andy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It says, Elena, Andy, Allia, Ivy and Gabe.” The teacher said, looking up at the email once again.
“When?” Elena asked, fixing her bag on her shoulder.
“Tonight, it starts at six o’clock and goes over night, and you guys also get and A for the rest of the year.”
Andy looked at Elena as if he was waiting to see her answer, as if he would only do it if she were going to do it.
“Sure.” Elena said, nodding.
“I am in.” Andy said.
The teacher nodded and started to reply to it, the bell rang ending class.
“So are we going to share a sleeping bag?” Andy asked, with a chuckle.
Elena had a slight laugh, “If Edward isn’t taking my virginity I don’t think you will take it.”
“Who said anything about taking virginity?” Andy asked, with a smile.
They walked through the hall, there was Allia talking to a guy from their drama class, it was Gabe. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes, he had some muscles he was on the football team.
He had on his jacket on with the school colors, which were blue and white.
He looked about seventeen; his shirt was dark red and white plaid, and jeans.
“Is that Gabe?” Elena asked.
Andy had his arm around Elena and took it off and said, “Yeah, wonder why he is on the list.”
“I don’t know, maybe he came from a school with really good grades and Mr. J might of wanted to see how well this new guy does.” Elena said, shrugging.
“At least he is in good care.” Andy sighed, looking at Gabe.
“What do you mean?” Elena asked, confused.
“Well me and Gabe were step brothers at one point, and now we will be step brothers again soon.” Andy said, looking at Gabe and Allia talk and laugh.
“You don’t seem to thrilled.” Elena raised an eyebrow.
Andy and Elena kept walking on down on the hallway, “Well no it’s just my dad is kind of a jack ass, so.”
“Oh I see.” Elena said, nodding.
She then hugged him, he looked down at her, there was huge height difference between them, and he chuckled then hugged her back, stroking her hair then said, “What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing.” Elena sighed, letting go of Andy.
“Well sorry that you were with a jerk like Edward.” Andy said, shrugging.
“Eh its ok.” Elena said, rolling her eyes.
“Tonight will be fun.” Andy said, giving a gentle smile.

The PAC was large and looked like something they stole from a college, the lobby had black chairs and sofas, there was a snack bar, but no one was running it, there were two small elevators on opposite ends of the snack bar, stairs going up to the balcony of the PAC, then a hallway leading to the lower part of the PAC, Ivy, Allia, Gabe, Andy and Elena all were in the lobby waiting for the teacher.
“Let’s go in.” Gabe said, standing up.
“We should wait for Mr. Jefferson.” Andy said, he was sitting on a sofa next to Elena.
“Come on he will be here soon.” Gabe said, Allia got up and took his hand, “He will be here soon, so we might as well start setting up.”
“Yeah that is a good idea.” Ivy said, following them.
Andy rolled his eyes and got up, “Might as well go with them.”
Elena got up and looked at him, “Someone will need to turn the lights on.”
“I will get it, but you just find the railing and stay there until the lights come on, don’t need you to be breaking your leg.” Andy said, walking into the hallway.
Elena walked into the main room where the stage was, it was pitch black in there she used her sense of touch to find the railing and wait for Andy to turn the lights on.
The lights lit up the room, the room was large, there were acoustic to help carry the sound, the seats were like in a movie theater, they were a dark red, there was a projection room in the way back.
The stage was large the curtains were a very dark grey almost black.
Andy walked in and there were the others on the stage talking to each other.
They walked up onto the stage, “So does anyone know why Mr. Jefferson wanted to meet after school hours?” Andy asked, thinking it was odd that he would want to meet after school hours and why the PAC?
“I need to get something from my car, Elena do you want to come with me?” Andy asked, looking at her.
“Sure, we will be back if Mr. Jefferson comes in tell him we will be back.” Elena said, getting up with Andy they walked out into the lobby. Then out to the parking lot.

Ivy sighed and was fixing her hair, “I will be back, I need to fix my hair.”
“Sure whatever Princess Peach.” Gabe chuckled, as he cuddled with Allia.
Ivy walked off the stage and went to the lobby to try and find a bathroom.
Gabe whispered into Allia ear, “Come on let’s go find a dressing room.”
Allia then understood what he meant she smiled and said, “Sure.”
Gabe got up holding Allia hand they went back stage and into the hallway and walked down it to find the dressing room.
“I love you Allia.” Gabe said, kissing Allia on the lips.

Ivy sighed, she was spending fifteen minutes trying to fix her hair; finally she smiled at how she fixed her problem with a few simple things from her purse.
“Perfect, Hollywood here I come.” Ivy said, walking out of the bathroom and walking back into the room, Gabe and Allia were no where to be seen.
“Jeez some people are just so immature. Not funny Allia come out where ever you are.” Ivy shouted, she even stomped her foot.
She stomped onto the stage then all the curtains dropped, she had to bounce back to avoid it falling on her.
“Not funny.” Ivy complained.
Then someone cut off of the power, Ivy looked around, “Ok joke is over.” She tried laughing it off, and then someone came from behind and grabbed her neck then snapped it.
She fell dead on the ground; they grabbed her and tossed her off the stage.

“Two down, three to go.” The voice said, in a demonic voice.

Allia and Gabe were now fully naked making out; they hadn’t even noticed the lights were out.
Gabe ran his hand down Allia thigh; he gently kissed at her neck.
She ran her fingers through his hair, as she was allowing him to let his hands run down her body.
He was on top of her, kissing her, he picked her up and pushed her against the wall, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Then the door was broke in half, a figure stood there, Gabe jumped at the sudden third party.
Allia was behind him, Gabe then said, “Get out of here!”
They didn’t respond Gabe was shaking then he looked at Allia, “Go hide in the bathroom don’t come out until I say so.”
Allia slid into the bathroom and closed the door, Gabe turned his head, then a knife was stabbed through his stomach, a light color of red, slowly came out of his mouth, it was flowing like a waterfall, it seemed to never end, the figure ripped the knife out of him and kicked the body, which the blood flow had stopped, the blood was already staining the tan tiles.
“Now where is your bitch?” The figure mumbled.
Allia was shaking she had her knees against her chest, the figure punched the door, making a hole, Allia screamed and saw she fell for this trap.
The hand moved around and found the door handle it snapped it off breaking the lock off.
The figure stood there, he held onto the knife, Allia saw the toilet seat; she grabbed it and smashed it on the killer head, it held its head, Allia ran past the killer, and Allia held Gabe head in her lap, “Please don’t leave me!”
Gabe was cold, he had no pulse she buried her face in his soft chest; there was no chest hair in sight.
A hand grabbed her by the shoulder she was thrown into the wall.
The killer walked closer to her then snapped her neck, the killer chuckled then grabbed Allia by the hair and dragged her across the dressing room and dropped her onto Gabe.
The killer walked out of the room, “Now only one to go.”

Elena walked onto the stage she got her phone out using it as a flashlight.
Then the phone reset itself, “Guys…”
Elena felt someone was behind her she looked behind her no one was there then she looked in front of her there was a figure who walked closer to her, Elena turned around and started running, it was almost pitch black she ran between the curtains, it was like a maze if you hurried you will make matters worse for you.
Then she ran into him, “Why so afraid?”
He took off his hood, there was Edward he grinned at her.
Edward had on a black shirt with some weird grey design on it, his pants were dark jeans with few rips, he had on a black jacket on his teeth seemed more sharp then normal, his eyes seemed almost blood red.
His hair was spiked; Elena saw Ivy dead body laying in the audience.
“Now Elena, let’s put on a show no one will forget.” Edward said, grabbing Elena and yanking her into his body, he pushed some of hair away from her neck he gripped onto her tight.
“Get off of me!” Elena shouted.
Edward then started kissing her neck roughly, then Edward was knocked off his feet away from Elena, there was Andy.
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Andy shouted.
Edward got up on his feet and rubbed where Andy had punched him, “I must admit I thought that car knocked your brains out.”
“I must admit you are a sick minded twisted---.” Andy said, making his hand into a fist again.
“Oh insults are nothing but simple words, a deadly wound now that is something.” Edward chuckled.
Andy had pushed Elena behind him; he was making it clear Edward wasn’t going to even touch Elena in the simplest way.
“Come on Andy, hand her over to me. I wont kill you.
Simple math Jr.” Edward chuckled at his own joke.
“Then this is simple english, Hell no.” Andy said, low.
Edward came running at Andy he grabbed Edward hand and threw him into the curtain, Andy then grabbed the curtain and yanked it down bringing it on top of Edward, Andy took out his lighter and threw it and set the curtains on fire, Andy then picked up Elena like a bride and he ran down the isle and into the lobby, the door was locked then Andy covered Elena up and he busted through the window, he ran out onto the parking lot.
He still held onto Elena until they got to Andy’s car.
“Wait where are Ivy and Allia!” Elena said, trying to run back into the Pac.
“No Elena! Everyone else is dead!” Andy said, grabbing Elena wrist.
Elena eyes were watering up, “What?”
“Edward…he got to them first. I am so sorry.” Andy said, sighing looking into Elena eyes.
“Gabe?” Elena asked slowly.
“He’s dead.” Andy sighed.
Elena hugged Andy who wrapped her tight in his arms, “I am really sorry. I am here and I will never leave your side.”
“You will, once you get your girlfriend after high school we might never see each other again.” Elena said, looking down.
“Not if, you are my girlfriend and we live together.” Andy said, lifting her chin up with his finger then he leaned in and pressed his lips onto hers.
“I will protect you.” Andy whispered softly between the kiss.

Andy and Elena got into his car, and then Elena sighed, “Why do I feel like he is still alive?”
“He wont touch you, as long I am alive. He won’t lay a filthy hand of his on you.” Andy said, low.
Andy put the keys in and got out of the parking space and drove onto the street.

From the burning building a figure threw boards off of him, his fangs came out his eyes were blood red, his clothes were still pitch black, his hair was a bit messed up.
He dusted off his jacket and watched the direction the car went in.
“You can run but you can’t hide forever.” Edward said, with a sneer on his face.
As he started following the road that Andy and Elena had taken.


Texte: Sweetmassacre19
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2012

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