
Prologue- Let Me Out

"I told you I didn't do it!" Toby yelled as they dragged him down the long white halls, the two men who dragged him were strong and they had Toby in cuffs Toby was trying to fight and hope to break loose but it was pointless.
They threw him into a room with no windows it was more like a jail cell then anything else, but there was no toilet. A blanket on the floor the walls, were ice cold the floor was freezing.
All Toby had on was white sweats and a white short sleeve shirt, Toby had ivory skin, hazel eyes his hair was short and light brown.
It almost looked blonde the guards locked the door and one said, "Thats what you get for killing Mrs. Chavez."
Toby glared at them and shouted as they walked away, "I didn't kill her!"
"You sure about that?" A man across from Toby asked.
Toby nodded knowing for sure he wasn't guilty.
"Give it time you will loose it in here." The man chuckled.

Chapter One - The Twins

Two Months Later

Toby now had a buzz cut, he sat on the floor of the 'Socializing Room' there were a bunch of guards watching everyone there were tables with board games, books sofas some bubble wrap. Toby sat in the corner with his knees to his chest and his chin on his knees as he looked around.
There were a lot of people who filled the room, everyone was twenty-three to sixty-seven. Toby was the youngest one in the room, he sighed and kept telling himself he was innocent. Why didn't they believe him?
Toby hated to be in the Socializing Room everyone would judge him and wonder about why was a teenager boy here.
"I dont belong here." Toby mumbled to himself.

Toby saw two kids walk into the room one was a girl other was a boy they were the same age as Toby.
The girl had short blonde hair which was a mess, she had soft glowing skin, her eyes were blue she had a white gown on, no shoes on. She looked about 16.
The boy had dirty blonde hair which was a buzz cut he had light skin, his eyes were brown and white sweat pants and a grey shirt, no shoes and he also looked like 16.
They were siblings, they looked around the room trying to find a place away from most people.
The girl noticed Toby and nudged her brother they walked over to him the boy said, "Hey man, mind if we join your sulking corner?"
"Be my guest." Toby said, shrugging.
They sat down the girl was looking down, Toby looked at them then said, "I'm Toby you guys are?"
"I'm Josh and that is Michelle." The boy said, quietly.
The girl was silent still she was staring at the floor, Toby was unsure what to say or if he should even say something.
"How long have you been here?" Josh asked.
"Two months." Toby sighed, knowing it didn't seem to bad but it was bad experience for Toby.
"We been here for only one week, and Michelle has gone mute." Josh said, rubbing his sister's back gently.
"They can be rough here, dont worry. How long are you in here for?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
"Only for a month, yourself?" Josh asked.
"For four years." Toby sighed, looking down.
"What did you do?" Josh asked, surprised.
"None of your business!" Toby snapped, punching the wall.
Silence filled the room, everyone looked at him, the guards rushed over and pinned him down.

Everyone looked at the scene, everyone was afraid of the guards who never showed any sign of feelings Josh said, "No need to attack him, I shouldn't of asked something that would upset him."
"He needs to learn to control his anger, that's what got him in here, most likely." The guard said, shoving Toby's face into the floor as if he was trying to suffocate him.
"It's fine." Josh said, trying to convince the guard to let Toby breathe.
After a few seconds the guard got off from Toby and walked back to his post, Toby got onto his hands and knees, and was taking in all the air he could.
"You ok man?" Josh asked.
Toby nodded and then said, "Yeah I'm fine."
"I guess we haven't seen this place at it's worse." Josh said, shrugging then looking at his sister who still was looking down.
"Is she ok?" Toby asked, looking a bit concerned about Michelle silent act.
Josh looked at his sister seeing if she wanted to speak for herself but she was still quiet not moving, as if she was stone.
"She's ok, she hates being here." Josh said, in a whisper voice.
"Everyone does, it's not exactly Disney World." Toby said, sighing remembering when his parents took him there.
"She really didn't do anything to land herself in here." Josh said, rubbing his sister's back.
"So why is she here?"
Josh sighed and looked at his sister and gestured for Toby to walk over with him, they got up and walked to another corner across the room, Josh sighed then said, "Reason I am in here is, I was under age drinking and drugs."
"Don't they have rehab?" Toby asked, in a whisper and confused.
"Tried, they all failed and our grandmother thought it would be best if I came to a mental hospital for a little bit. Thinking it might help me, but I am sure all it does is makes you go mad." Josh said, looking around the room at some of the people who looked insane or afraid of their own shadow.
"It can make you loose your head, what's Michelle story?" Toby asked, quietly.
"She was suicidal at one time but she got over it, but they found her diary she kept through the whole thing." Josh sighed.
Toby looked at him as if he was lying or pulling a bad joke, "Is that why she is so...quiet?"
"Her suicidal was different, it wasn't cause of bad family or anything that may push someone to those thoughts." Josh said, looking at his sister.
Toby gave him a look waiting for him to go on, "Then what was the cause if I may know."
"She claimed to be seeing a man watching her sleep at night, she said it wasn't a solid figure, almost like a ghost she would mumbled in her sleep.
One day she claimed she was raped by the thing." Josh sighed, looking down thinking of his sister.
"Did anyone try and perform a exorcism or something on the house?" Toby asked, shocked at the story.
Josh shook his head and said, "Nope, they claimed she was crazy and took her here, she hasn't even said a word to our grandmother who comes to visit us every Friday."
"Does she talk to you?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
"A little, but they don't let us shall a room they think I will rape her or she will rape me." Josh said, annoyed by the whole thing.
"Do you think she will talk to me?" Toby asked, unsure what Josh may think of a stranger trying to get inside Michelle's head.
Josh shrugged and looked at his sister who still was in the fetal position.
"Maybe, she doesn't like opening up to many people." Josh said, walking over to his sister.
She was now sitting at a table staring down at her feet, Toby sat across from her and said, "Hey I'm Toby what's your name?"
Even if Toby knew what her name was he was hoping this might make her feel more comfortable.
Not a word.
"You know you are very beautiful and you don't belong in here." Toby said, in a whisper placing his hand gently onto hers.
Toby was hoping his words of flattering were doing some good for the poor girl, knowing she may be afraid of him he didn't put to much pressure onto her hand, treating her hand as if it was a broken hand.
"Don't.....try...and make me think you care." Michelle said, looking up at Toby.
Those were the first words Toby had heard Michelle say, even if they weren't the ideal sweet first words you could hear from someone.
"I do care, and I want you to be able to trust me." Toby said, quietly.

Chapter 2- Justice? Justice my ass

Toby laid on the cold hard ground staring at the ceiling, a guard walked over to him and said, "Time for you to go into court."
"Why..." Toby asked, sighing staring at the ceiling.
"Cause I said so." The man said, throwing Toby a suit to wear.
Toby caught it and sighed he got cleaned up not knowing why he was being summoned to court, shouldn't they done this a while ago?
Law systems these days.

Toby was escorted to the police car where they shoved him into the back seat and drove him downtown to the large capital-like building.
The police walked on each side of him people looked at Toby disgusted by him, Toby sighed and looked down at the ground before walking into the large building.
Anything could happen to him, the judge will decide what his fate will be.

"Toby Rouge, you are found guilty of killing Mrs. Chavez." The judge said, slamming her hammer on her desk.
Toby glared at her and slammed his hands down on the desk, "What, no that is impossible I didn't even know her!" Toby said, shocked at how fast the judge, made up her mind.
"Wasn't she your 4th grade teacher, who we learned from a silent source you hated her, is that correct?" The son of Mrs. Chavez asked.
Toby glared at the young man who had blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, he had a black suit on with a white shirt under he had papers in his hands he was leaning against the stand smiling at Toby, silently taking his victory.
"Yes she was my 4th grade teacher and yes I hated her. But I didn't kill her." Toby said, low glaring at Frank.
Frank pulled a file out and walked towards Toby then said, "Why did you hate her?"
"She would always find a way for me to get sent to the principal office." Toby said, rolling his eyes.
"From the source we also received information that you would flip out and stormed out of the room at least once a week, do you deny it?"
"No I don't." Toby sighed.
"I heard enough, Toby Dale Rouge, you are here by sentence to stay in the mental hospital be put through treatment and be released if you show a increase of sanity, you may be able to return to your home." The Judge said, slamming her hammer making her sentence final.

Chapter 3- Black Mask

Toby exhaled as he sat in the Socializing Room, it was raining outside, not a ray of sun in sight, the down pour seemed to never end Toby was sitting at the table next to the window, the twins weren't allowed into the room yet. Toby head ached after going through two hours of being yelled at doesn't do you good.
"Why hadn't no one come to visit me?" Toby mumbled to himself.
Guess no one who knew him wanted to be seen visiting a killer. Toby told himself over and over he didn't kill that woman.
The treatment wasn't even working, and he couldn't be free until the results on the test prove he is back to a stable stage, he could be trapped in there for rest of his life.
"Look at the little school boy." A man said, across the room.
Toby looked at him and rolled his eyes looking back to the window, "Where are mommy and daddy?"
"Chill Red, his mother is a hooker and his dad is a drug deal." Another guy said, laughing.
Toby rolled his eyes and held onto the table tight as he could as if the table would be their hearts, Toby glared at them then just as Toby was about to lunge then a guard walked in and said, "A man is here to see you Toby."
Toby raised an eyebrow and got up and followed the man to the front where it looked like a jail a glass wall a telephone connecting one side to the other, a long table with half-walls keeping people separated and make it seem more private.
A tall man with a long black duster he had a white shirt on and jeans he had black hair which was long he had pale skin, his eyes were a dark brown.
The man looked twenty-eight.
"Who are you?" Toby asked.
"Want me to break you out?" The man asked.
Toby nodded the man smiled then said, "Then listen to me."
Then the lights went out, the sound of glass breaking shot through the darkness, the man grabbed Toby and they ran out of the hospital and into an alley way.
"Who are you?" Toby asked.
"My name is not important, come with me we have much to discuss." The man said, walking to a long black limo.
Toby looked at the limo then said, "If I leave town they will be after me."
"I got my connections, now come with you want to live." The man said, low then getting into the limo he got in and looked at Toby and said, "Well?"
Toby sighed and heard shouting in the distance, he could die or go with a stranger, he exhaled and forced his legs to approach the unknown man.

The man had a wine glass and said, "We are off to my home."
"Why?" Toby asked.
The man looked at Toby then said, "You are being accused of a murder you didn't commit correct?"
Toby nodded slowly and the man then said, "I can help prove you are innocent."
"Great, how?" Toby said, leaning forward.
The man smiled at her and then said, "We will make a deal, I need more help around my home, and in return you will be innocent."
"What do you mean?"
The man tapped a desk with his long nails then said, "I need a new servant."
"In other words a slave?" Toby asked, his anger starting to get heated.
The man seemed surprised at Toby words, "Of course not, boy you will be treated as family and while you do that, I will work on proving you are innocent. What do you say do we have a deal?"
There were a few moments of silence, Toby nodded and shook the man's hand making a deal...

Chapter 4- New Home

They pulled up to a huge castle surrounded by other buildings as if they were in their own town, it seemed as if a castle under a dark spell, the limo drove through the streets no one was outside, some people were in alleyways, Toby looked outside at everything as they drove along.
Then once they made it up the long hill to the castle, there was a guard at the gate he nodded when he saw the limo the gate was lifted and they drove into the courtyard.
The man got out then Toby got out and looked around the man then said, "Come with me Toby."
Toby followed the man into the large castle, inside was dark and gloomy, the style seemed more modern but it looked like it hadn't been used in years.
The floor was stone, the walls were dark bricks and there were rugs the windows were long and narrow.
There were voices in the distance, the man looked at Toby and said, "Just try not to anger the others."
"What others?" Toby asked, quietly
The man walked into a opening and said, "I am back and we have a new edition."
Toby was confused by who the man was talking to.
Four teenagers appeared.

One she looked about seventeen, she had long blonde hair which almost looked silver in the light, she had pale skin she had blue eyes. She had a elegant black dress on, she had white flats on.
The second girl about sixteen had medium light brown hair, pale skin, she had pale skin as well, she had green eyes and she had a red shirt on with jeans and black boots.
The third was a guy who looked seventeen, he had short black hair, he had pale skin, dark brown eyes, and he had on a blue sweatshirt and dark blue jeans, with sneakers.
The last boy who looked fifteen, he had on glasses, short black hair, pale skin, his eyes were light grey not that powerful looking, and he had on a white shirt a black vest over it, and jeans he had on torn sneakers on.
The man said, "The girl with the long blonde hair is Ayame, the brunette is Airi. The boys are, Satoshi and Hiroshi."
"Why is a human here?" Satoshi asked.
Toby raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you mean?"
"Well Toby, these kids aren't human and I am not human either." The man said, holding his hands behind his back as he walked back to Toby.
"Then what are you guys." Toby said, annoyed.
"Want me to show you?" Satoshi asked, exposing his fangs at Toby.
"Satoshi he isn't a treat for you to nibble on, he is here to be a servant to me and to you, ladies that doesn't mean you can use him as a sex toy." The man said, looking at the girls.
"Don't worry master he isn't to my liking." Ayame said, fixing her hair.
"Why does he look like he came from a mental hospital?" Ayame asked, studying Toby.
"That is between me and Toby, now Toby come with me we can get you into new clothes." The man said, walking away from the group Toby followed close behind.
"What are they?" Toby asked, as they walked to wherever the man was walking to.
The man looked at Toby but didn't stop walking, "Didn't Satoshi show you?"
Toby went silent after that until they arrived at a bathroom, the man said, "Your new uniform is in there come I will wait for you down the hallway once you are done."
Toby went into the small but modern bathroom, there was a black jacket, black jeans with a dark under shirt.
Toby changed out of his old clothes and into the new uniform, he got on the new shoes and walked down the hall looking around for the man, then he walked out of nowhere and said, "Well come with me to your new room."
Toby followed him and said, "How are you going to prove my innocence?"
"I got ways boy." The man said, firmly.

Toby was walking around the castle then as he turned the corner there was Hiroshi who was on the ground picking up his books, Satoshi was walking away with Ayame, Toby walked over to Hiroshi and said, "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah those two just wow." Hiroshi said, not looking up at Toby.
"They think they rule the place?" Toby asked, helping Hiroshi gather his books.
Hiroshi sighed and then said, "Yeah, they think they are vampire gods, and the rest of us are human."
"Aren't you a vampire as well?" Toby asked.
Hiroshi nodded then said, "Yes, but I'm not powerful I am more like a weaker one. They are more of Class A."
"So it's just like high school all over again, but with fangs." Toby said, helping Hiroshi up onto his feet.
"Thanks, so why are you still human?" Hiroshi asked.
Toby looked at him confused then said, "What do you mean?"
"Normally him, he changes humans he brings or kills them. And clearly you are neither one of them, dont know what will happen to you buddy." Hiroshi said.
"How long does he take to decide which option to go with?" Toby asked.
Hiroshi then said, "Well not long, he knows what he wants."
Toby exhaled and then Hiroshi fixed his glasses then said, "Well I must get to my dorm."
Hiroshi walked off down the hall and up spiral stairs leaving Toby alone, Toby wandered around the castle then the man appeared out of nowhere, "Hello Toby, I would like to have a word with you."

Chapter 5- Fitting In Isn't Easy

The man looked at Toby thinking to himself on what to do, Toby stood there unsure what to do Hiroshi had told him what the man does to his servants, Toby stayed silent then the man said, "Well what do you think of your new home?"
"I guess it's better then the mental hospital." Toby said, shrugging, not really liking the place much but it was probably better then the last place he was stuck in.
The man tapped a desk with his long nails then said, "Try not to offer them, your blood annoys me when I have to step into something like that."
"I don't plan to." Toby said, rolling his eyes he figured you shouldn't care for vampires, especially Class A vampires.
"Smart lad." The man said, with a smirk on his face. Toby exhaled and watched the man as he poured himself of what appeared to be wine.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Toby asked, taking his focus off of the red liquid.
The man didn't reply he finished filling up the glass and sipped it and let out a sigh of pleasure of the taste, one small taste seemed to be very fulfilling.
Then the man lowed his glass and said, "Well, I am here to discuss your future my lad."
"What do you mean?" Toby asked.
"Well you have two options, normally you don't get a choice. So I would suggest you pick wisely. My servants are most of the time human. Sometimes they stay human other times, well they don't. You my dear boy, have a choice to stay human or you can request to be granted man's greatest wish." The man said, injecting which word with persuasive and power.
"Man's greatest wish, immortality." Toby said, nodding.
"Exactly, so your choice offer stands. Do you want to live as a human, or be blessed with a gift." The man said, acting as if he didn't care which option Toby would choose.
"I don't know." Toby said, confused he didn't want to go through the torture of becoming a night walker, but being human in a castle possibly town filled with vampires wouldn't be easy.
"Well you don't need to pick now, offer stands." The man said, turning to look out the window out at the moon, that would be Toby's cue to go.
Toby turned to leave then the man said, "Oh Toby, I would suggest you choose wisely."

The next day, it was overcast outside, Toby sat on a window seat looking out, "Lazy much?" Ayame asked, as she walked over to him with Satoshi by her side.
Toby wanted to snap back at her but he rolled his eyes and controlled his anger that was starting to be created.
"Anything you need?" Toby asked, in a swallow tone.
Ayame thought about it as she twirled her umbrella around as if that would help her decide what she needed.
"Come on Ayame, humans are a waste of time." Satoshi said, as he wrapped his arm around Ayame.
"Do wonder what his blood type is though." Ayame said, disappointed as if they may leave without getting to taste a little.
"We can find out." Satoshi said, exposing his fangs at Toby again, Satoshi lunged grabbing Toby by the throat and holding him down tight.
"Get off of me!" Toby snapped, trying to shove Satoshi off of him.
Satoshi chuckled and said, "Now why should I?"
"Cause if you bite him I will make sure to tell Him." Hiroshi said, shyly.
Satoshi glared at him and said low, "You are a Class D vampire, I don't think you should be giving orders."
"Still, you shouldn't do it." Hiroshi said, looking down.
Satoshi chuckled at the weak threat.
"He will never find out." Satoshi said, going in for the bite, then someone grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the room.
Airi stood there she had her arms crossed looking at Satoshi, "Don't you talk to Hiroshi like that, and you can't drink from the newest human."
Satoshi got up dusted himself off and said, "Airi do you always have to be the goodie goodie?"
"Do you always have to be the ass?" Airi asked, smiling innocent as she threw her come back at him.
Satoshi glared at her and walked over and kissed Ayame and said, "Let's go."
Ayame and Satoshi walked off down the hall, Airi looked at Hiroshi and said sweetly, "You ok?"
Hiroshi nodded and said, "Yeah he didn't hurt me."
Airi looked at Toby and walked over to him then said, "Still ok human?"
"Yeah." Toby said, rubbing his neck where Satoshi was pushing down.
Hiroshi said, "He helped me the other day."
"You did?" Airi asked, not believing one word of it.
Hiroshi nodded a few times.
"Well be careful Satoshi will keep at it until he can get to your blood, as long you are human. He is relentless." Airi said, helping Toby stand up.
"Great." Toby said, using a fake smile.
"Well I'm sure you have a option, staying human or becoming a vampire. Which ever one you do I am sure Satoshi will find a way to try and kill you." Hiroshi said.
"Come on Hiroshi let's go." Airi said.
"Wait, how about Toby hangs out with us. It gets lonely for a servant." Hiroshi asked, stopping looking at Toby.
Airi looked at Toby, "Sure, and hopefully Satoshi won't try and kill you."

As they walked off Satoshi and Ayame watched them walk away Satoshi said low, "That human has to go."

One Month Later....

Chapter 6- Trouble is in blood

Toby hair had grown back to its normal short length it wasn't a buzz cut anymore it was still short.
"I'm confused on this." Airi said, staring at the text book.
Hiroshi looked at Airi then said, "What's wrong?"
Toby sat on the edge looking away from them then he looked at the two studying they were in a gazebo.
"This I don't get it that much." Airi said, angry, just as a human teenager would do during.
Toby exhaled and couldn't remember the last night he did homework, somehow he missed that daily stress teachers would pile up on you.
Hiroshi sat down next to her and was trying to explain something that almost seemed like Rocket Science into basic adding.
Airi looked more aggravated as Hiroshi tried to explain it to her, "I am going to fail."
"What are you guys working on?" Toby asked.
Hiroshi looked up at Toby and said, "Just advanced psychology."
"Ah I see." Toby getting up and going over to look at the text book.
"It's not to hard to figure out though." Toby said, as he read the text.
"What do you mean, you don't know this far advanced." Airi said, rolling her eyes.
"You don't know me very well then." Toby said, low.

"Hello children." The man said, in the dining hall, everyone looked at the man who was standing on a platform like stage, he looked at all of the vampires with a smile even including Toby on the creepy act.
"The Night Festival is coming up, and you all know what that means." The man said, raising an eyebrow.
"What's the Night Festival?" Toby whispered to Airi.
"You will find out." Airi whispered back.
"So it will be held in the woods, we can camp out, and we don't need to worry about the sun I have made a spell to cast on all of you so you can walk in the day light, without burning. As long I am around it will work." The man said, now pacing on the stage, with his hands behind his back.
"What about the human?" Satoshi asked, growling.
The man chuckled and said, "Well he is allowed to come."
"Come on man, it's a Night Festival not a Day Walker Festival." Satoshi said, chuckling.
Ayame giggled then said, "Yeah or is he going to be serving drinks."
"Good one sexy." Satoshi said, kissing Ayame.
The man then said, "Toby do you wish to attend?"
"I don't think I am that welcome." Toby said, shrugging.
"Sure come on you are my servant and maybe soon will be apart of the family." The man said.
"I don't think he will be able to fit into our family." Satoshi said.
"Shut up and go to hell Satoshi." Airi said, growling.
Satoshi got up and bared his fangs his eyes went pure black he snarled low, "Say that again."
"Go to hell." Airi said, slowly.
Satoshi snarled and lunged at Airi.
Toby quickly grabbed Airi out of the way so Satoshi would miss her.
The man wasn't even panicking he was calm still watching the show.
"Stay out of this human." Satoshi snapped.
"Why should I?"
"If you don't I will drain every once of blood in your worthless body." Satoshi said, getting very close and breathing coldly onto Toby's neck.
"Oh I am so afraid of Mr. Sparkles." Toby said.
Satoshi snarled and grabbed Toby and threw him across the room jut before he hit the wall, Hiroshi quickly caught him and put him down.
"Get out of my way Hiroshi!" Satoshi growled.
"Why? You shouldn't rip his throat out just cause he said that you sparkled, like those vampires in those bad movies." Airi said, walking over to Hiroshi and Toby.
"Satoshi now, now no drinking from Mr. Rouge." The man said, walking over to him.
"But Master!" Satoshi growled.
The man glared at him, Satoshi sighed, knowing he had to return to his seat.
Toby looked at the man who looked at the vampires and said, "Go and help set up for the Night Festival, Toby you stay here."
The vampires nodded and walked out of the dining room, the man looked at Toby then said, "So have you thought of my offer?"
"I am still thinking, what is Satoshi problem though?" Toby asked, looking out the window to the courtyard where the vampire teenagers were hanging out instead of helping to set up.
"Oh you will find out." The man said, looking at toby with ice cold eyes.

Chapter 7- A Dark Night

"Tonight is going to be long." Airi sighed, as she looked in her closet.
"What makes you say that?" Toby asked, he was at her desk, doing some work.
"He clearly hasn't been to one of these before, well you are in for" Hiroshi said, sitting on the other side of the desk.
Airi room was the size of a hotel room, she had a double bed in the middle it, a round black desk by a window which over looked the east side of the town and woods, a closet, a TV on a dark wood stand, there was a Xbox behind the tv. There was a bean bag in front of the bed which was facing towards the TV.
Airi had her own room, which was best for everyone.
The carpet was white the walls were a soft tan.
"What happens?" Toby asked, looking at Hiroshi this time.
Airi was looking at her clothes then looked at Hiroshi who then looked at Toby then said, "Let's just say it might not be what you are used to."

It was time for the party, the streets had lights going above the walk way, music was coming from a corner, there was a small jazz band playing, there were bunch of food smells coming from both sides.
There were paintings for sell on a corner.
Airi had on a short black dress on with black boots on, she had on dark eye make-up.
Hiroshi had a white shirt on, a black vest and jeans on, then dark sneakers.
Toby had on a black-v neck shirt on with jeans and his blue sneakers on.
The three friends walked through the streets of the town, "So is everyone else in this town, human or vampires?"
"Mixture, most are humans. Few vampires those who are vampires end up being killed." Hiroshi said.
Toby looked at him then said, "Why?"
Airi shrugged then said, "Well you dont know his name but the man who is in charge he doesn't want to make the vampire population to large. Some may try and create an army take over the world etc."
"So where are we going?" Toby asked.
"To where we spend the Night Festival while Town's People spend it here in town." Hiroshi answered.

In the dark woods, there was a bonfire, Satoshi and Ayame were already there sharing a log, next to the fire. The man wasn't there yet Hiroshi took a tree stump, while Airi and Toby shared a log but they were on the opposite ends of it.
"So the human came, this will be fun?" Satoshi chuckled darkly.
"Guys can we try not to kill each other." Airi said.
"That would be fun to watch, a all powerful vampire against a mere human." Ayame chuckled.
"Who would win Hiroshi, a bitch or a vampire?" Airi said, looking at Ayame.
Ayame glared at her then said, "Come on Airi we know I always win, and always will win."
"True, only reason Satoshi is dating you is because of one reason." Airi said.
"At least guys want to be with me, when guys see you they think you are a lesbian." Ayame said, in a snobby tone.
"I wont be surprised baby if she is one." Satoshi said, kissing Ayame on the cheek.
"Be careful Ayame Satoshi may turn not to be a woman." Airi said, returning the burn.
"At least I am sexy." Satoshi said, rolling his eyes.
Toby looked at Airi who clearly wasn't showing any signs of weakness, Hiroshi sighed as he looked up at the sky watching the stars.
Then the man walked out of the darkness then said, "My my are we having fun yet?"
"So what's the challenge this year chief?" Satoshi asked.
"Well since we have a guest this year, I thought of a perfect challenge." The man said, grinning.
"Which is?" Hiroshi asked.
"Well, you and another will need to find me and get me to hand over this amulet." The man said, pulling a dark long cross necklace.
"Who are teams?" Ayame asked.
"Ayame and Airi, Hiroshi can work alone. Satoshi and Toby alright?" The man said, smiling.
"What no!" Airi said, standing up and glaring at the man.
"Problem Airi?" The man asked, raising an eyebrow.
" I hate her." Airi snapped.
"And I hate my mother but we can't make someone we hate go poof right?" The man said, with a laugh.
The man looked at Satoshi and said, "Have fun."
Then the man was gone in a cloud of smoke, leaving the teenagers looking at one another.
"Well come on partner." Satoshi said, evilly grinning at Toby.

Satoshi and Toby walked through the woods it was very quiet between the two enemies until Satoshi said, "You know I could rip your throat out right now and you wouldn't be found for a very long time. By then you would be dead."
"Yes, but if you had the guts to rip my throat out you would of done it by now." Toby said, looking around trying to think where the man could be.
Satoshi looked at him then said, "Oh trust me Mr. Rouge you will be killed by my hand."
"If you want to believe that you can." Toby said, looking in a old hut.
Satoshi glared at him and grabbed Toby by the throat and snarled choking him then threw him at a tree.
"What the hell man?" Toby asked, pushing himself up, Satoshi got his foot and placed it onto Toby rib cage slowly putting more pressure onto it.

Then the man appeared and slowly clapped his hands then said, "Wow very good show boys."
Satoshi looked at him then raised an eyebrow keeping Toby pinned down with his foot.
"What are you talking about?" Toby asked.
The man walked over to them then said, "Well you both have passed the first test."
"Which is." Toby asked, raising an eyebrow as well but in pain due to Satoshi foot crushing his rib cage.
The man placed his hand onto Satoshi shoulder a gesture to tell Satoshi to remove his foot from Toby.
"Well the girls are out of the challenge they went their own ways, but you two stayed together even if you got into a little misunderstanding." The man said, chuckling.
Toby tried to push himself up but he groaned in pain, the man looked at him then said, "Can you walk it off?"
"No, I think he broke a rib or two." Toby said, glaring at Satoshi.
"Well I will get you a doctor in the mean time, enjoy the stars!" The man said, smiling then walking off.
Satoshi chuckled looking at him, then there were a soft little voice coming closer to them, it was a little girl, her hair was black as a raven feather, her skin soft and it gave off a glow her skin had a natural tan look, her eyes were a soft hazel. Her dress had flowers on it and it was a soft blue dress, she had ribbons in her hair. Satoshi smiled inhaling the girl's scent.
Satoshi grinned looking at Toby Satoshi dragged Toby out in the middle of the forest walk way so Toby's body would be blocking the way.
The girl was skipping along then stopped horrified when she saw Toby's body there, "Oh my goodness are you ok?" The girl asked, running to Toby's aid.
"You really shouldn't talk to strangers." Toby said, in pain.
The girl placed her hand onto Toby's rib cage then, Satoshi appeared over them, he grinned baring his fangs.
Satoshi lunged and attacked the girl, knocking her over he ripped into her throat, she screamed trying to reach for Toby hand hoping he could save her.
Toby watched in horror as Satoshi slowly took this girl's life.
Satoshi stood up and looked down at Toby blood was dripping from Satoshi teeth, "You will be next."

Chapter 8- One Step Closer

Toby laid in his room, Satoshi managed to break only one rib bone, but it still hurt really bad and Toby was missing out on doing his job which the man understand why Toby wasn't showing up, but being absent from this job was like being absent from school for a entire month.
Being gone for school they pile one thousand pounds of work on you once you get back, there was a knock at the door then a voice said, "It's me Airi can I come in?"
"Sure." Toby called over.
Airi unlocked the door she walked in she had on a dark red shirt on it had black font on it said, "I am the Mother F*cking Princess."
She had on jeans there was a chain on them, she sat on the bed and looked down at Toby, "Surprised you are still human."
"So he lets you guys kill whoever and whatever you want?" Toby asked, changing the subject he remembered what he saw Satoshi do.
Airi looked at Toby confused then said, "Well we can't cause we have to keep under control. Why what did you see?"
"Satoshi killed a five year old girl." Toby said, pushing himself into a sitting position.
"Ah, well just don't anger him." Airi said, placing her hand on his rib cage.
"I know I seen him get angry, and try and kill me." Toby said, chuckling.
Airi looked down at him then leaned in then said, "Toby, you do know your fate right?"
"What is it?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
Airi had a slight laugh then said, "Humans cant know their fate, immortals say telling them it. Takes out the spoiler for them."
"Come on, if it involves me I might as well know." Toby said, looking up into her eyes.
Airi looked down at Toby then said, "You will figure it out."

Toby was back to his job but his ribs were still hurting but he had to get back to work, Toby was cleaning up the dining room, he overheard Airi and Ayame shouting at each other.
"Why the hell should I say sorry." Ayame said, in a snobby tone.
"Because you made my finance leave me!" Airi snapped.
"Pfft he was a loser anyway." Ayame chuckled.
Airi snapped, "I will tell Satoshi."
"If you tell him, I will kill your little human friend." Ayame said, smiling innocently.
There was silence then Airi said, "Is that the best threat you could give?"
Ayame looked at her then said, "Oh trust me sister, you care a lot about him."

Airi sighed she was sitting alone and she had her knees against her chest her chin was resting on her knees, Toby came around the corner and sat next to her then said, "What's wrong?"
Airi sighed then looked out the window then said, "Like you care."
Toby sighed and got comfortable to show he wasn't going to leave then he said, "Come on, it can't be that bad."
Airi looked at Toby then said, "Ayame...she slept with my finance."
Toby looked at her shocked that she was going to be married then Toby said, "You...had one?"
"Yeah arrange marriage, but I exactly started to like him." Airi said, rolling her eyes.
"I'm sorry." Toby said, rubbing Airi back.
"It doesn't matter." Airi said, annoyed.
"If he truly loved you, he wouldn't hurt you in anyway." Toby said, using a dark gentle tone.
Airi looked at Toby then said, "It's not like you have been heart broken."
"Oh I have Airi." Toby said, not wasting anytime on that reply.
Airi looked at him then said, "What girl would date you, weren't you in a mental hospital or something?"
"Yeah...I was." Toby said, looking down the back at her.
"What was she like?" Airi asked, with a slight laugh.
Toby had a slight laugh thinking back to his last girlfriend then he said, "She was a addict."
Airi looked at him then said, "What was she doing?"
"She did marihuana, she took pills to make herself numb, and she smoked a lot." Toby said, not hiding anything from her.
"So did you do it as well?" Airi asked, looking at Toby concerned.
"Yes, I smoked a few. Rarely though." Toby said, shrugging.
"Why would she do that to herself?" Airi said, with a slight laugh.
Toby had a slight laugh with Airi then said, "Well, her step-father was abusive towards her. Her mother died when she was ten, no one paid attention to her, so she deiced to take the self- destruction path."
"You paid attention to her though." Airi said, rubbing Toby's shoulder.
"I did, then one day she went to a senior party, got drunk they raped her. Put it on YouTube then she ran off with the man who raped her, as if nothing happened." Toby said, laughing it off.
"Oh I'm sorry." Airi sighed, even if Toby was laughing it off, it clearly hurt him when it first happened.
"Oh well, I lost her I don't care." Toby said, looking out the window.
"She didn't tell you were sorry?" Airi said, disgusted by what Toby's past girlfriend did.
Toby shook his head, "That what I get for trusting a stoner right, she didn't visit me when I was in Judie or the mental hospital."
"You deserve better." Airi said, getting closer to Toby.
There was a scream coming down from the hall, Airi looked down that way and she got to her feet, Toby got up as well, they ran down the hall.
Satoshi was choking Hiroshi, Airi tackled him, Satoshi threw her off of him, then Toby tackled Satoshi who grabbed him by the throat and slowly suffocated him then the man showed up, "You boys never learn."
"drop him." The man said, glaring at Satoshi.
"Come on let's have a taste." Satoshi said, cutting Toby's wrist, blood slowly ran out of the small cut the blood ran down his arm and dripped onto the floor.
All the vampires expect for Airi got wide eye with thirst and stared at the fresh blood.
Satoshi fangs came out and he bit Toby's throat then the man grabbed Toby away from Satoshi then the man glared at Airi, "Get him out of here now."
Airi and Toby ran off Satoshi and Ayame glared at them then stared to chase them into town.

Airi and Toby ran through the town, Airi grabbed Toby wrist and pulled him into an alley way and they ran through the ally ways then Airi yanked Toby inside a old shed.
She covered his mouth by her hand, Toby neck was still bleeding so was his wrist, it didn't leave a trail of blood though.
They were quiet, Airi could sense Satoshi passing them, he stopped and inhaled the air then he kept walking.
After Airi couldn't hear him she took her hand off of Toby mouth she looked at him, "You ok?"
"No, ow Satoshi sure knows how to show what real vampires are." Toby said, in pain slightly.
Airi had a slight laugh they looked where they were, there were a weird smell in the air, "What is that?"
"A smell humans in this town use to keep unwanted vampires out of their homes. Apparently this shed is in use." Airi said, trying not to breathe in the odd scent.
Then Airi looked at Toby she looked at his wrist first then she held it in her hand she said, "If I were you I would take his offer on becoming immortal at least you will be safe from Satoshi."
In a few moments the deep cut only looked like a cut which was in the process of healing, then she looked at Toby's neck and exhaled then started to clean it with a first aid kit she found in the shed.
"So why aren't you sucking me dry right now?" Toby asked, with a slight laugh.
Airi looked up at him then said, "I could, but I dont find your blood to appealing."
"What do you mean?" Toby asked.
"Well, when someone becomes a vampire they develop tastes, desires so on. Like how a human has a favorite food vampires develop a favorite blood type, or certain host of the blood.
I don't like your blood." Airi said, with a laugh.
"So I guess Satoshi likes the type I got?" Toby asked, a little disturbed.
"No, he just hates you and wants to kill you. That's his only reason to dry you." Airi said, looking out the window, then Airi looked Toby neck then said, "You might want to clean that up."
Toby looked through the first aid kit and got some cloth and cleaned it with water then he looked at Airi, "How does that look?"
"Good I only see puncture wounds." Airi said, examining Toby's neck.
Toby looked at it then said, "Is that ok, I won't be ambushed?"
"Yeah you don't need anything to cover it up just don't let Satoshi get close to you, he can probably pick up the scent of blood." Airi said, shrugging.
"So Ayame is your sister?" Toby said, looking at Airi.
"Yeah." Airi said, looking away.
"I thought Hiroshi was your brother?" Toby said, leaning against a wall.
"Well I care about him, but he isn't my brother." Airi said, shrugging.
Toby nodded and looked at Airi something about her was compelling to Toby, maybe it was the whole 'vampire seducing charm' but something about Airi to Toby almost seemed human to him.

Chapter 9- One Drop Of Blood

"Mr. Rouge has escaped." A man said, walking into a dark office.
The room was large, there was a fireplace but the fire was a light purple there were book shelves, a window over looking out to the city, the window was long and narrow.
There were curtains, a long dark red rug from the doors to the desk.
The room smelled of perfume that was sprayed everywhere.
The tall chair was hiding the person who was sitting in it, listening to the servant.
"What do you mean, he has escaped?" The voice growled.
"Well I don't know he's been gone for a month now, we can't find him." The servant said.
The voice was quiet, they were obviously thinking then they said, "Search for him, and allow me to see him."
"Yes of course, Miss. Rouge, we will find your brother." The servant said, walking out of the office.
"Wait...allow me to find him, us being siblings we can sense one another very well." The girl smirked.
"Playing hide and sneak aren't we brother?" The girl said, evilly grinning at a family picture of her, Toby and their parents.

Toby walked down the sidewalk, it was overcast outside, the fog was thick, the only sound was the sound of his footsteps echoing the sidewalk.
It was very quiet, Toby then stopped he felt as if someone was following him and breathing down his neck, he turned around no one was there.
"Get off of me!" A girl screamed trying to get a man off of her.
She was screaming trying to shove a man twice her size off of her, he chuckled at her resistance towards him.
"You will love me in time." The man whispered into her ear.
The man kissed her on the lips forcefully then kissed her cheek, then her neck then he went lower.
"Please stop." The young woman pleaded.
Toby stomped over there, and pushed the man off of the woman, "She said stop."
"Who are you to judge." The man asked, snarling.
Toby got in front of the woman and glared at the man who was trying to rape the young woman, "I will kill you then, get back to my business you so rudely interrupted."
He lunged forward, it was a vampire.
He pinned Toby down tight and inhaled his scent then ripped into Toby's throat, Toby screamed in pain and was trying to shove the vampire off of him.
"Get off of me!" Toby shouted, with rage.
The vampire didn't move and kept draining Toby.
The woman was screaming, the vampire got off of Toby and walked over to the woman, with Toby's blood dripping from his mouth then he snapped the woman's neck violently.
Toby gasped for air, the vampire looked over at Toby and said, "Now time to end your worthless life."
The vampire went to ripe Toby's heart out but just before he got to Toby's chest Airi had come to rescue and was holding the vampire heart in her hand.
"You are really becoming a walking blood bank aren't you?" Airi asked, looking down at Toby she tossed the heart into a dumpster.
Toby was loosing a lot of blood, then Airi said, "You should ask to be turned."
"I don't know." Toby groaned in pain.
Airi sat down on the ground and rested his head in her lap, "Come on, immortality isn't so bad."
Toby then lifted his head there were a gang of four large guys, who had a vampire aura who looked at them.
"What you got there Airi? Smells very good." One vampire chuckled.
"If you come closer I will kill you." Airi snarled.
The large men only chuckled then came closer to them, one ripped Airi away from Toby one dragged Toby away from Airi.
"Have fun with your high school crush there Poseidon." One of them chuckled, as Poseidon dragged Airi into a house.
One looked at Toby bleeding neck the others chuckled and cornered him.
This was one meal they won't soon forget.

"Toby?" A voice asked.
Toby was slowly waking up from a coma there was a blurry figure over him.
It was the man (Master) came into focus he looked down at Toby then said, "You took a brutal beating."
"What happened?" Toby asked, trying to remembered what happened.
The man chuckled then looked at him, "Seems as if word has gotten out about having a new human, in my domain."
"Where am I?" Toby asked, looking around the dim room.
"In the hospital in the city. I believe this is where you are from am I right?" The man asked, looking at Toby.
They were in a hospital room, the window was narrow and the blinds covered it, there was a TV hanging from the ceiling, there was a chair next to a nightstand which was on the right side of the bed, there was a sofa under the TV and there were machines in the room.
"Well I wasn't born here but, yes I raised here most of my life." Toby said, looking around the room still which smelled like bleach and other chemicals.
"Where is Airi?" Toby asked, looking around remembering Airi screaming as she was dragged away from him.
The man chuckled then said, "Don't worry she's fine."
Toby then thought of a question he never thought he would ask then he looked up at him, "Am I?"
"Nope, you were almost drained, covered in bite marks. I had to heal you so you are still human." The man said, looking out the window.
"How is it I am not dead?" Toby asked.
"You were dead for a minute, but the doctors brought you back to life."
"You need to let Mr. Rouge sleep." A nurse said, walking in.
The man looked at her then said, "Of course, hey can I talk to you later." The man got a smile and raised his eyebrows.
The nurse smiled at him then said, "Sure, but let me take care of Mr. Rouge."
"Of course beautiful." The man said, smiling and winking at her and left the room.
The nurse walked over to Toby and looked at his checklist and then looked at him then said, "Well, looks like you need rest. Just buzz if you need anything."
"Ok thanks." Toby said, nodding.
The nurse then walked out, leaving Toby alone he closed his eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.

Chapter 10- Bad Blood

Four Weeks Later

Toby was still hanging out in the city, he wasn't ready to return to the gothic town that the vampires were living in, there was a small deli shop called, "Lisa Delis."
There was a bar in the back, but up front was the restaurant, there were two different levels, a railing kept them apart, there was pop music playing over the speakers, the store smelled of different kinds of cheeses and meats.
Toby sat at a table by himself he had a wrap around his neck still, but he had a shirt and fixed the collar so it would cover it up mostly.
He had on a black shirt, with jeans, he was trying to figure out if he could enroll back into a high school, but it was unlikely due to his time in the mental hospital.
Then the door was open, the bell rang which was above, it seemed as if everything stopped when that bell rang, everyone could feel a beautiful source just walked into the room.
Although no one wanted to look up as if they were afraid this woman could easily hold them against their will in her grasp.
"Toby, is that you?" The woman asked.
Toby slowly looked up there was his sister.

She had long silk-like hair, she had perfect smooth ivory skin, it was the color of the moonlight, her body was small she was a size 2, she was a model. Her legs were long and perfectly shaved, she wore a short velvet red dress, she had designer shades pushed on her head, pushing her hair back, she had diamond ear rings, she had no tights on and she had on black high heels, with red rubies on them.
Her eyes were two bright emeralds.
Her teeth were white and perfect, she looked at Toby with a innocent smile.
"Cascada." Toby said, looking at his sister who he hadn't seen in four years.
Cascada looked at her brother and then looked at a waitress and said, "Excuse me, may I have some coffee, light three sugars."
The waitress nodded then Cascada directed her attention back at Toby then said, "Been awhile won't you agree?"
"Not long enough." Toby said, trying to keep his voice low and level.
Cascada laughed the comment off as if it was a soft joke a friend made.
"Oh brother must been lonely in that disgusting place made for parasites." Cascada making a face as if she smelled something terrible.
Toby rolled his eyes and said low, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"You are suppose to be in the cage am I mistaken?" Cascada said, using her hand to support her head.
As she pierced her daggers into Toby skin, she looked at the patch on his neck, "A misunderstanding I guess?"
"I am not going back to that place." Toby said, looking out the window watching people walk past outside.
Cascade tapped her painted nails on the table and looked at her brother then said, "We deserve to spend time together, after all we are blood related. Can't deny blood now can we?"
"Cascade do you have something better to do, then talk to your sibling who really couldn't care less about you?" Toby asked, rolling his eyes at her.
"Oh brother, in the end you will only have your family. What friends do you have? No one will really care about you. You know why you are weak a parasite infecting the world purest flowers." Cascade said, low then grinning at Toby.
"Insulting someone who could easily kill you, is that what you really want to do?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
Cascade smiled but it was also a sneer, "Oh killing me will just prove you killed that woman."
"I didn't kill her." Toby said, annoyed.
"Are you sure, I was there I know what happened." Cascade said, grinning.
Soon Cascade had Toby's attention she grinned as if this was one small victory for her Toby leaned forward, "Tell me."
"I will., if" Cascade said, as she sipped her coffee.
"If what?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
"If you stop hanging out with that vampire, Airi." Cascade growled.
"If I don't listen to you." Toby snarled, under his breath.
Cascade grinned at how Toby was trying to find out everything, "I will tell the court house where you are, and tell them to slaughter everyone you ever met expect for me."
Toby wanted to know the truth, the thing that got him caught up in this entire mess.
"Fine, tell me." Toby said, low.
"We should discuss this matter in a more private venue wouldn't you agree?" Cascade asked.
Toby sighed then said crossing his arms, "Where do you have in mind?"
"Where else? Home." Cascade said, smiling knowing Toby hasn't been home for years, Toby sat in there in shock he couldn't believe he was going to go back home.
Cascade got up and Toby followed her they walked outside and there was a silver sports car, that Toby never seen before, Cascade unlocked it the doors went up vertically.
It was a two door car, black interior, Cascade got in and it automatically buckled her in, she looked at Toby then said, "Are you coming?"
Toby got in as well, the doors came down and locked themselves, Cascade turned on some music and she got out of her parking spot and drove down the main street, she looked at Toby who was silent, "I'm sure you were missed."
"Uh huh, well right now everyone thinks I am insane." Toby said, narrowing his eyes at Cascade.
Cascade could feel her brother dagger-like eyes, it was something both of them possessed.
"Well, you were accused of murder. Can't help but think is everything in that dark mind stable." Cascade said, smiling as if she was trying to play with a friend on the playground.
"I didn't kill anyone." Toby said, gripping the seat.
Cascade kept her eyes on the road, but she was watching Toby in the corner of her eye.
"Please try and not destroy this car." Cascade said, in a motherly tone.
Toby rolled his eyes and let go of the seat and kept quiet, they drove into a lively neighborhood, the grass was cut, it was lively, the trees were filled with leaves, the sidewalks had people jogging, and some kids riding bikes.
The houses were Victorian Style, the fences were freshly coated with a white, they came to a house which was like all the others, Victorian style, the fence was a bit higher then others, the lawn was kept clean and tidy, there was a oak tree which shaded a swing which was connected to a branch.
A smell of bread came out of the kitchen window, Toby looked at the place, he hadn't been here for a long time, not much had changed.
"Well come on." Cascade said, getting out of the car and locking it and opening the gate and Toby followed her into the yard, she closed the gate and walked up the stairs, Toby was unsure if he was going to be welcome or not.
Cascade unlocked the door and it swung open, there was a entry, few plants, a rug and a small water fall, with a coat rack next to the door.
They walked through the house, there were stairs going up, there were pictures going up the wall next to the stairs, they walked more into the house, there was a modern kitchen, a living room which seemed more older and elegant then the kitchen was.
"I'm home and I brought someone along with me!" Cascade shouted in the house.
"Who is it?" A voice asked, from upstairs.
"Come down and see." Cascade said, happily almost.
There were a few moments then someone coming down the stairs, there was a woman, she had light blonde hair, a soft glow tan for the skin color, she looked nothing but skin and bones, she had on a green shirt, with a peacock, she had on jeans on, with blue slippers, she looked at Toby with wide eyes, "Toby is that you?"
"Yes Aunt Maggie, it's me." Toby said, sighing knowing she didn't want anything to do with him.
"What are you doing here?" Aunt Maggie asked, raising an eyebrow.
Toby then said, "Well, they let me out early." Toby said, lying about how a vampire broke him out.
"Oh, um ok I am glad to see they found you innocent." Aunt Maggie said, smiling.
Cascade and Toby exchanged looks, Cascade then said, "Well me and Toby are going to catch up."
"Ok I will make a buffet for the return of Mr. Rouge." Aunt Maggie said, disappearing into the kitchen.
"Let's go brother." Cascade said, walking upstairs.
Toby followed his sister up stairs they went to a white wood door, she opened it there was a double bed, white covers, a light blue for the sheets, there must been a dozen pillows on the bed, there was a desk with a Macbook, there were a large window looking out to the outside world, she sat on her bed while Toby sat on the small bench which was at the bed's foot board.
"So you want to know the truth right?" Cascade asked.
Toby nodded then said, "Yes."
"Well how do I know you aren't gonna talk to that Airi girl after I tell you this?" Cascade asked, picking at her nails.
"I won't you have my word." Toby said, rolling his eyes.
"How do I know?" Cascade asked, narrowing her eyes.
Toby sighed, "If I talk to her, you can tell the police everything."
"And have you killed, oh I am not that cold blooded." Cascade giggled.
Toby sighed and then shrugged, "Come on a promise between a brother and a sister."
"Ok, but if you do I will do whatever I want." Cascade grinned, evilly.
"Fine." Toby growled.
"Alright then, let's get started." Cascade grinned.

Chapter 11- The Truth Sometimes Isn't What You Want To Hear

"So let's see." Cascade said, thinking back to few summers ago...

One Summer Earlier

Mrs. Chavez always did an evening jog, it was summer so the evening was pleasant she had on a green shirt and black shorts, her hair was tied in a ponytail, she had on old torn sneakers.
She stopped to catch her breath someone ran past her, she looked behind her then looked in front of her she jumped, and there was a tall man with a long black duster he had a white shirt on and jeans he had black hair which was long he had pale skin, his eyes were a dark red.
The man looked twenty-eight.
"Oh hey." Mrs. Chavez said, surprised.
She was about twenty-five, she had long light red hair, her skin was olive, she was skinny but had a light bump on her stomach.
"Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you." The man said, with a charming smile.
Mrs. Chavez smiled and had a slight laugh, "Oh its ok. I never seen you around before."
"Yeah, my car broke down a bit down south, I saw you and was hoping you could direct me to the nearest repair shop?" The man asked, smiling, letting the moon help bring out his natural beauty.
"Oh yeah it's..." Mrs. Chavez started to talk then the man saw Toby walking on the other side, the man grinned then he looked at Mrs. Chavez.
"Shh." The man said, putting a finger to his lips.
Toby looked over and saw them, he quickly walked over to them, but then his head started to hurt, everything begun to blur, he saw Mrs. Chavez as someone he hated with a burning passion, not Mrs. Chavez but something blinded him Toby slowly pulled a knife out of his pocket, he stabbed her repeatedly over and over, cutting her limb to limb.
In the huge blood bath that was going on, the man slowly slid away and allowed Toby to keep stabbing in his trance, then Toby ran off with the bloody knife.
Mrs. Chavez laid there gasping for air, but she soon died...

Back to the Present

Toby sat there in shock, he hadn't said anything or moved, Cascade sipped her 'wine' then looked at her brother, "You wanted to know."
"What mental condition is it?" Toby asked.
Cascade then acted as if she was in deep thought then said, "Well its a rare condition. I am not telling you what it is, if I knew."
"Why not?" Toby snapped.
Cascade then yawned then said, "Brother, brother. You wanted to know if you killed Mrs. Chavez, you got your answer so shouldn't you carry along?"
Toby then sighed and leaned closer, "Cascade, you are low."
"Yeah I know, now I invite you to spend time with me. We have a spare bedroom you can use." Cascade said, shrugging.
"Can't stay in this town, remember?" Toby sighed.
Cascade chuckled then said, "Oh don't worry, just stay for a week."
"If I don't?" Toby asked, low.
Cascade then smiled then said, "I know you would go and find that little bitch Airi."
"Don't talk to that way!" Toby shouted.
Cascade then exposed her fangs her eyes changing colors, "I will say what ever I want."
"Right you will do whatever it takes to get laid." Toby said, low.
Cascade growled and stood up and walked closer to Toby like a cat, stalking a mouse.
Toby then saw the danger he had put himself in...

Only if you could get a second chance, some kind of rewind button to undo your mistakes...
Just as Cascade was inches away from Toby she pulled back and looked at her brother, "You can stay here for a while, it won't hurt anyone. Besides Aunt Maggie missed you."
"Is that so it seems she is more afraid of me, then loving me." Toby said, low.
His sister smiled and came closer to Toby and sat on his lap, like a little girl seeing Santa.
Cascade leaned in closer to Toby who was trying to lean back away from his sister.
"Cascade, stop." Toby said.
Then Cascade gently kissed his neck then sat up and then said, "We can protect one another."
"I rather be dead, then try and keep you alive." Toby growled low.
Cascade then looked at her brother thinking about her plan then she smiled and stroked his neck, "Why are you still human, I would think you would take that offer."
"Oh, and be like you. I would want to keep some of the Rouge family blood line without any bloodshed." Toby said, low looking up into Cascade dark eyes.
"But there is already spilt on your hands, dear brother." Cascade said, sweetly.
Toby sighed then Cascade got off of him then said, "I can be the one to turn you."
"I would rather shoot myself then, have you turn me." Toby said, standing up over her.
Cascade then pushed him against a wall, "Why not, the vampire bond will only, make our sibling bond stronger."
Then Cascade slowly ran her hand through his hair, he threw her off of her, "Don't you touch me!"

Chapter 12- A Night Of Chasing

The smell of pancakes rushed into Toby's senses, his eyes slowly opened he looked around then he was on the sofa in the living room Maggie looked over at him then said, "Morning....Mr. Rouge."
Toby walked over to the kitchen then said, "Why are you afraid?"
Aunt Maggie then said, " you mean?"
Her voice was shaking and she seemed afraid to make eye contact.
"Oh hello brother, I got some news that will break your little heart." Cascade said, walking down the stairs looking at a newspaper.
Toby looked at her then said, "What do you mean?"
Cascade then sat on the railing of the staircase gracefully and crossed her legs then looked at the newspaper, she cleared her throat then spoke, "The Governor daughter Airi is sentenced to marry the Shape Shifters King's son."
"She is..." toby said, slowly.
Cascade smiled at her brother and nodded, "She is going to marry another."
"Does she love him?" Toby asked, as Aunt Maggie stayed silent as she fixed breakfast.
Cascade chuckled then shrugged, "Probably not, but oh well."
Toby ripped the newspaper away from Cascade and read the article furiously.
Then he realized his sister wasn't lying, then he ripped the newspaper in half, and stormed into the guest bedroom and grabbed his black jacket and then came back downstairs, Cascade watched him then called after him, "Where are you going?"
"To stop a wedding." Toby said low.

Airi looked at herself in the mirror, she had a soft long veil, her hair was long and curly.
A few diamonds were in her hair, she had some eyeshadow on, her dress was long, it was a ball gown, she had high heels on with diamonds down at the feet, the maids were trying to make her look even more perfect.
"We have to hurry, the wedding will start in two hours." A bride maid said, seemed worried.

Satoshi and Hiroshi were standing outside of the bride room, Hiroshi was looking away from Satoshi, both were wearing black tuxs, Satoshi looked at Hiroshi then said, "I am sorry, how about we make up..."
"Why, you are so...popular I am so...not." Hiroshi said, looking down.
Then Satoshi gently pulled Hiroshi face to look at Satoshi, "Its not that I hate you...I hate you cause I love you."

Toby ran into the forest towards the dark city, he was once taken to but once he arrived ,it looked more like a ghost town. The gates were locked, no one in and no one out.
Then the gates opened a white carriage came out of the city, and it was surrounded by guards they disappeared into the thick fog, "Crap I am to late." Toby growled under his breath, he ran onto a hill and ran through the thick forest, avoiding trees and trying to keep the carriage in sight.
Soon the forest became more confusing, Toby stopped and looked around he had lost it, "Dang it."
Toby walked along the forest with his hands in his pockets, he had to stop this wedding, did he love Airi?
A branch broke, Toby jumped and looked behind him then when he turned back around there was a vampire. He had pale white, skin, his eyes were blood red his hair was long brown his clothes looked like he crawled out of a hole, the uniform looked like the Union solider uniform.
The vampire looked about twenty-six, he growled, "This won't hurt much."
Then Toby was pinned to the ground, the vampire growled low and breathed onto Toby neck, "My name is Nicholas..."
Nicholas then ripped into Toby throat and slowly started sucking his blood, then the poison ran into Toby, then Nicholas snapped Toby neck, killing him.
Nicholas got up and looked at the full moon, and then looked at the city of the Shape Shifters, only few miles away from Toby. He had failed to stop the wedding, and now Nicholas received a new toy.

Chapter 13- Awake

Toby woke up in a bed, he was shaking looking around he felt his arm and neck, remembering the stranger biting him, nothing, he looked in the mirror. He was human, what happened?
A doctor walked in and said, "You're awake."
"Wait what?" Toby asked, confused. The doctor then said, "You were in a coma for couple months. Many thought you died, but I worked long nights to make sure you would wake up.
Soon Toby's memories of his experience with the vampires was gone, everyone he ever meant during that time was erased from his memories.
The doctor walked out, Toby fell asleep, Hiroshi appeared with Airi they looked at him as he slept, "You loved him didn't you?" Airi asked, looking at Hiroshi.
Hiroshi looked at Airi then said, "What, no did you?"
"I did, but can't be with him now. His memories from those months are now gone. And we will return to our normal lives." Airi sighed looking at Toby then walking out, Hiroshi looked at Toby then followed Airi out.
Toby laid there not moving.

He returned to his normal life, he became a major in the acting business, when he was questioned on Up Late With James.
"So what was the weirdest experience you have ever had?" The man asked.
Toby chuckled then looked at him and his memories came flying back at him, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
The man smiled and looked at the audience, "I am sure we all would love to hear it."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2012

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