

Lucy shoved her face into her pillow, seeing if she could suffocate herself to death, she was having trouble breathing already, "Almost there...just few more minutes."

Lucy thought to herself as she had the pillow in her face.
If this way of killing herself then she could overdose on pain pills she had in the bathroom, that would be the least painful way to go.
She cried into the pillow was hard to cry and kill herself by cutting off her air supply.
Lucy pulled her face out of the pillow almost at last minute before she passed out she wiped her tears and looked at the wall.
"Why did he do it."

Lucy thought to herself.
She couldn't believe what a huge fool she was, to think he really liked her, she was nothing more then a shinny toy to him, open up the package, hold the toy close to him, play with it and then he throws the toy away like trash.
She exhaled and wiped her tears, she should of known better to think he really cared about her.
"Boys really don't care about you, they play with you then move onto another girl, with bigger breast or sexier body." Lucy mumbled to herself.
She wiped her eyes again, and looked at a picture of her and Xavier, she glared at it she grabbed it and threw it at the wall smashing the frame and breaking the glass.
The picture fell onto the floor with the broken frame and glass, she sighed and got undressed and took a warm shower she stood in the shower as she looked down to the floor thinking of what happened today, she got a safety pin and cut her flesh hard as she could, she twitched in pain, the light blood ran down her leg onto the shower floor, and it got washed down the drain.
The pain numbed her yet nothing could heal the damage that was left in her heart.

Chapter One

Two Months Later

Lucy sat up from her sleep, she sighed and shook her head and got up and got a black shirt on with jeans she put on dark blue gloves on, without no fingers.
She fixed her hair so she had her 'emo' bangs she put on her dark eye shadow with black eye liner.
She walked down stairs, it seemed bad, she saw her tabby cat sleeping on the sofa, "Hey Missy." Lucy said, petting the cat, who had a meow sound at Lucy.
Lucy sighed her brother came downstairs ,"Hey emo."
She sighed her brother was on the football team, he was caring but sometimes he would join in on the bullying at school.
"Hey hollow head." Lucy said, annoyed.
"Careful mom is pissed." Jake said, whispering.
Lucy sighed and walked outside, her brother followed her and they got into his truck.
"Is everything ok?" Jake asked.
Lucy rolled her eyes and said with sarcasm, "Sure Jake, everything is great."
Jake sighed and put the car in driving gear, both of the siblings were quite.
"Why is mom mad this time?" Lucy sighed, hating when their mother would become angry and scream at them.
"I don't know something about dad." Jake said, shrugging.
Lucy never met their dad, he left them when she was born. Jake knew him but he never said anything about him.
No pictures of him.
Nothing of his, Lucy looked outside as they pulled into the parking lot.
She got out of the car and looked at her brother who walked over to her and patted her on her head, "Just try and make it through today ok sis?"
She nodded he walked off to find his friends, she sighed even if Jake cared and tried to be the man of the house. He was captain of the hockey team a jock who was the older brother of a emo.
Lucy walked into the school, the hall ways were filled with students girls hugging one another, guys talking about what was new or sports.
Lucy fixed her bag and walked to her first period.

She wrote down the assignment and then she felt a hand playing with her hair, she turned her head to see Xavier.
"Oh, Xavier didn't think we would have this class together." Lucy said, looking at him feeling the pain all over again looking into his eyes.
"Well you know karma." Xavier said, shrugging.
Lucy was unsure what to say, she didn't want to stay in class anymore, she wanted to just walk out right then.
The bell rang, Lucy turned around, a note tapped her arm, she looked at it was from Xavier she rolled her eyes but she opened it.

"This class is gonna be boring as you were."

Lucy felt anger over take the anger she was feeling towards him right now she turned around and said, "Maybe you shouldn't of slept with my best friend!"
Everyone stared at them Xavier smiled innocently, "Excuse me?"
"Don't lie! You slept with her and now she hates me for no reason!" Lucy said, seeming as if she was about to kill him.
"Miss. Jennson!" The teacher yelled.
Lucy turned around there was the teacher tapping her foot.
"Ugh what.." Lucy groaned knowing she was in trouble.
"Dentition after school. Three o'clock." The teacher said, walking to the black board to write notes.
Lucy turned her head around to Xavier and glared at him he only smiled innocently as if he did nothing wrong.

Chapter Two

At lunch she sighed looking around, she had someone she would eat with every day her ex best friend.
Her best friend name was Hannah.
She was Lucy's best friend since pre-school.
Ever since Hannah slept with Xavier, things went bad for Lucy.
Hannah knew Lucy loved Xavier, yet Hannah still slept with him, as if Xavier and Lucy were never even dating.
Now Lucy had no one to eat with, she sat at on a bench and looked around,everyone had someone to hang out with.
Lucy had other friends, but all of them were still in class, she sighed and decided to look for Jake.
If she could even find him, or if he was with his jock friends.
Lucy got up and walked around, she didn't think her life could go from a great happy life to a horrible nightmare.

She walked through one of the hallways, then there was Hannah, a black purse, ivory skin. She had long blonde hair with black highlights, she had a black tank-top with short shorts.
Hannah glared at Lucy, she returned the glare.
"Hannah." Lucy said, not happy to see Hannah.
"Lucy." Hannah replied, walking over to Lucy.
Lucy was unsure what to do, she was already in trouble it would be best not to start a fight and get OSS.
Then Xavier appeared from behind Hannah he smiled putting an arm around Hannah as if he was claiming Hannah as his own territory.
"Xavier, well seems as if you are in good care." Lucy said, rolling her eyes, not meaning one word of it.
"Yeah, she is amazing isn't she?" Xavier said, kissing Hannah on the cheek.
Lucy exhaled heavily and walked passed them using her shoulder to bump into Hannah.
"To bad Lucy Xavier never loved you,are a good little bitch." Hannah said, starting to laugh.
Xavier joined in at laughing at her, Lucy eyes filled with tears and she ran into the girl's bathroom slammed the stall door and locked it, she leaned against the wall and started to cry, she slowly fell to the ground and held her knees to her chest.
"I didn't do anything..." Lucy mumbled to herself and started crying into her knees.

She sighed and walked into room 203, dentition.
There were about six kids there including her, she found a empty seat in the back and sat down alone, she pulled out her math work and told herself "Might as well do some homework."
She got her pencil out and started writing on a notebook paper and answering the problems given.
Lucy was horrible at math she sighed knowing she was failing, but no one really cared much about if she was passing or failing.
"Look at the little emo." A guy said, referring to Lucy, a few other kids laughed, she sighed then rolled her eyes and ignored them.
He was one of Xavier friends, who never liked Lucy dating Xavier.
Then a guy walked in he was tall, ivory skin, dark blonde hair, he had blue eyes it looked like from a distance, a black shirt on, blue jeans.
He has some muscles, and he had a 'Asking Alexandria' bag.
Lucy didn't look up at him but she could see him.
"And who are you?"
The new guy rolled his didn't say anything he sat in the back Lucy looked at him, he didn't look at her he made sure there could be no eye contact.
Who was he, Lucy never seen him before.
She looked back at her work, she got up and grabbed her bag and walked out quickly then bummed into him, she looked up at once she looked into her eyes, she knew nothing would be the same again.

Lucy looked at him he looked down at her, glaring at her as if she was in his way.
"Mind getting out of my way?" The guy asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lucy noticed his left eye was cloudy it was a light grey and his right eye was a light blue.
She looked at him wondering why his eye was like that, he sighed and said, "Can I help you?"
Lucy sighed then said, "Um no I'm fine."
"Good." The guy said, walking out of the room.
Lucy watched after him, who was he?
What's wrong with his eye?

Lucy walked out to the front of the school and looked around waiting for Jake, he knew he would need to pick her up, she sighed and walked down the sidewalk, and she saw in the corner of her eye Xavier and Hannah.
She sighed and kept walking not daring to look at them.
"Why is this little tramp out, shouldn't the dog catcher catch her?" Hannah said, smirking.
Dog catcher was Hannah's term for rapist.
Lucy didn't say anything she kept walking, Xavier rolled his eyes and said, "Come on little tramp get in."
Xavier stopped and got out and got in front of Lucy and blocked her path.
"Get out of my way." Lucy demanded.
Xavier shrugged and looked at Hannah who got out of the car and walked up to them Lucy turned around Hannah slapped Lucy leaving a red mark on her cheek.
Then Xavier grabbed Lucy shoulder turning her to face him, then he threw on the ground.
Xavier kicked her in the rib cage Hannah rolled her eyes and stepped over Lucy and kissed Xavier and wrapped her arms around him, he smiled and kissed Hannah.
"Hannah you little.." Lucy started.
Hannah cut Lucy off then said, "Shut up, we might been friends in the past but you are dead to me."
Xavier and Hannah got into his car and they drove off, Lucy stood up and she sighed and walked home.

The next day Lucy put on make up covering up the red mark and she felt a bruise on her rib cage, she sighed and put on a new shirt and a jacket and pants.
Jake was downstairs he had on his uniform he had a game today he looked at Lucy then said, "You ok?"
Lucy nodded and put on a fake smile, "Why wouldn't I be?"
Jake nodded and got his bag, Lucy followed her brother and they drove off to school.
At school, Jake got out of the car and walked to his friends Lucy sighed and grabbed her bag and walked down the hall, she looked around for the guy the other day.
In art Lucy sat alone, she looked up there was the guy from the other day he looked at her and knew he would be sitting with her since all the seats were filled.
He sat next to her he had a shirt from Hot Topic.
"What's your name?" Lucy asked, looking at the guy.
"I'm Damion Diamond." The guy said.
"I'm Lucy Jennson." Lucy said.

Chapter Three

"Damion Diamond?" Lucy asked.
Damion nodded then Lucy said, "Think I heard of your family a few times."
"Is that so?" Damion asked.
Lucy nodded then the teacher said, "Choose your partner, then one will draw the other one. No nude pictures."
"I guess I am stuck with you." Damion said, with a slight laugh.
Lucy looked at him and said, "When and where do you want to do the project?"
"Not my house." Damion said, shrugging and looking at her.
Lucy shrugged and said, "Not mine."
Damion shrugged, "I think I know a good place."
Lucy nodded and then said, "Where?"
Damion smirked, "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise meet me in front of the school after 7th period."
At lunch Lucy looked around for a table to sit at, she took a table by the window, she looked outside and sighed she looked down at the disgusting food that school gave them.
She looked around, she didn't see the dog and the bitch.
Lucy saw Damion he walked in and scanned the room, looking for a empty spot he saw her and walked over to her and said, "Can I sit here?"
Lucy nodded he sat next to her, she couldn't help but look at his cloudy grey eye, the other one was blue what happened?
"So why are you sitting alone?" Damion asked.
Lucy shrugged, "I dont have many friends now, you could say."
"Find that hard to believe." Damion said, taking a sip of his water.
"Sure you would have friends?" Lucy asked, looking at Damion, she looked at his eyes was he blind?
Damion shrugged, "I keep my distance from people, and they keep staring at my eye, gets annoying."
Lucy looked at him then said, "Well it's cool, one blue eye and a different color eye, it's actually really cool."
Damion had no comment then said, "Come on let's ditch the rest of the day and start on the picture of you."
"So I am the model?" Lucy asked, unsure.
Damion nodded then said, "I hope that isn't a problem." He gave a small gentle warm smile.
"Well no, just no nude pictures. Waiting until I am married." Lucy said, getting up, Damion got up and walked with her.
He put on sunglasses once they got outside and walked to a bus stop.
"So where are we going?" Lucy asked.
Damion looked at her and said, "A place that I would go to a lot when I was little, its quiet not many people."

They arrived at a house, Damion opened a back door and lead Lucy down stairs, they went down to a basement, the lights were bright, there were mirrors and glass, some glass was stain glass, and was hanging from the ceiling, the floor was white, there was a love seat few rows down.
Damion walked over to the sitting area, Lucy laid on the love seat and looked around, "How did you find this place?"
"I was brought here, when I was little I always come here." Damion said, sitting in a chair and crossing his legs and pulling out a sketch book and a pencil.
Lucy posed on the love seat and looked at Damion he looked at her as he started to sketch her, Lucy watched him, each little expression.
Every moment, why did she want to know what's wrong with his eye, he had to be blind right?
"I feel like Jac drawing Rose, expect she isn't naked." Damion said, chuckling.
"I am not like Rose.' Lucy said, sighing and shrugging.
"You are very beautiful." Damion said, with a small smile.

Chapter Four

That night Lucy dreamt of Damion, he was amazing. Nothing else to say, he was the Prince Charming from the book, but every fairy tale has a villain...

Lucy scanned the hallways for Damion, she was hoping she could see those eyes through all the darkness of the hallways, and there he was.
She walked over to him, he turned to her and have a smile to her then said, "Hey Lucy."
"Hey, got the sketch done?" Lucy asked, fixing the strap on her bag.
Damion nodded and said, "Yeah."
"I feel like I should be helping." Lucy said, sighing and looking away, Damion gave a small smile then said, "The drawing couldn't be done without you."

Then in Student Prep which was more of a free period, Lucy sat reading a book for english, then a girl walked over to her, she had red hair, brown eyes, she had some eye liner on, she had boots on, with a red skinny jeans, she had on a white shirt with a necklace with feathers.
She looked at Lucy then said, "Hey, so you know Damion?"
Lucy looked at her and shrugged then said, "Yeah, I suppose."
"Look, I know I haven't talked to you much, but I would suggest not getting close to him." The girl said.
Lucy looked confused then said, "Why?"
"His girlfriend is protect of him." The girl said, rolling her eyes at the idea.
Lucy got up and put the book away, "Why? And who are you."
"Right I'm Page, but call me Peach." Peach said, shrugging.
Lucy looked at Peach then said, "So his girlfriend..."
"Well you need to check that out yourself, but just keep that in mind." Peach said, sighing.

Lucy put her books in her locker then closed it there was Damion he looked at her then said, "What's wrong?"
"Do you care?" Lucy sighed.
Damion got closer to her then said softly, "Yes, I can sense you're in pain."
"I'm alone, so I will deal with it alone like always." Lucy said, walking away.
Damion chased after her and gently grabbed her hand and said in a charming voice, "You dont have to be alone."
Lucy turned to him and looked into his eyes then sighed, "I should go."
"You might need to, doesn't mean you want to go." Damion said, pulling her closer to him.
She couldn't help but stare into his eye.
"Damion." A voice said.
They both let go and looked there was a girl with long brown hair, green eyes, she had on a black dress on and a blue necklace, with red flats.
"Oh hey Bridget." Damion said.
She hugged Damion and looked at him, "You ok?"
He nodded Bridget smiled then kissed him, Lucy heart shattered and she ran away from them Damion didn't even see.

She grabbed her pocket knife and stabbed her wrist over and over, blood dripped onto the bathroom floor.
"I should of known..." Lucy mumbled to herself.

Chapter Five

In Art Lucy refused to look at Damion or even talk to him, she promised herself she wouldn't fall for him, but it was to late she fell for him.
"Lucy what's wrong?" Damion asked, trying to get her to look at him.
Lucy got out her sketch book and started drawing anime, Damion sighed and took the book out of Lucy grasp.
"Give it back!" Lucy snapped, Damion looked at her and saw she was crying recently he placed the book down and looked at her then said, "Lucy, tell me."
His hand slowly approached hers she took it away and placed it on her leg then said, "Please don't hurt me."
"What do you mean?" Damion said, confused.
Lucy sighed and shook her head then said, "You are playing with me...aren't you.."

Damion shook his head then said, "No Lucy I'm not, I promise I am not like everyone who has hurt you."
Lucy didn't believe him, he touched her hand gently with his, "Lucy if I tell you something I dont tell everyone, will you trust me since I trust you with this secret."
Lucy looked at him and nodded.

At the Mirror House, Damion was waiting for her, Lucy sat across from him while he sat on the sofa, he sighed knowing this was painful for him but he had to tell Lucy.
"I'm blind in my left eye." Damion sighed.
Lucy nodded then said, "I figured."
"When I was six my father was abusive, he would come home drunk a lot and take it out on our mother one day she killed herself so I had to protect my sister. Page.
So one day our father came and was angry yelling at Page, I stepped up and fought back for the first time, he had a gun and shot me, I pushed him down the stairs. And I have been blind ever since."
Lucy looked at him in shock and got up and said, "I'm so sorry."
Damion shrugged looking down and he looked up at her, Lucy kissed him on the lips he held her hips bringing her closer to him they fell onto the sofa and kept kissing one another.

Was this Heaven?
A man stood there watching them he loaded the gun and aimed it at them, "I will finish this..."

The bullet hit Damion in the back, he screamed in pain, Lucy stared in pain and held him tightly, "Damion are you ok!"
"It...hurts..." Damion coughed.
Lucy kissed him on the cheek and grabbed her cell phone and dialed 911, she got on her clothes so did Damion, she held his head in her lap she looked down at him, begging he would be ok.
If he died, she wouldn't know what she would do.
"Damion, I love you." Lucy said, with a tear.
He looked up at her and said, "Are you saying that because I got shot?"
She shook her head with her eyes watering up, he had a slight laugh, "Please don't cry, a beautiful girl like you shouldn't cry."


Damion was alive, Damion and Lucy were now dating the police didn't know who had shot Damion, but it almost seemed as if they gave up on that case.
Then Jake came over to them he grabbed Lucy and yanked her away from Damion, "Let me go!"
"No." Jake said, low.
"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked, yelling at her brother for the first time.
"Dont you dare snap at me!" Jake growled, and punched Lucy sending her falling down the stairs, Lucy lost a lot of blood by the time she got to the bottom. Although she was still alive and was horrified when she saw the scene on top of the stairs that was about to happen.
"You ass!" Damion snapped, and ran at Damion, Jake stabbed Damion in the heart with a knife and whispered into Damion ear, "I was never Lucy's brother. I was adopted...I am your brother."
Jake ripped the knife out of Damion heart and kicked his head back breaking his neck, killing Damion.
Lucy dropped her head to the floor, in tears as people ran to help her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.01.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all girls who have had their emotions played with.Or to anyone who has done self destruction As well to one of my best friends Alex a friend who been taking care of me and helping me when I think there is no hope.

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