
Preface-- Summer's End

It was the last day of summer vacation, I didn't want to go back to high school. Freshmen year was one Emotional Coaster of Hell.
People loved to play with my emotions and throw me onto the street left for dead.
Everyone I thought who would never hurt me they slowly cut me down piece by piece.
I didn't want to live after that although I got help, but the memories are like flames inside my mind burning me from the inside. I still had a few friends who were going to be with me until the end.
Which made me feel somewhat better inside. The sky was a soft baby blue no clouds were in sight, it was clearly not the end of summer yet. The heat was still making young children hide in the shade and the adults hide inside the safety of their homes.
I sat on the step leading to my house, the neighborhood was quiet it was after noon everyone was inside I needed the fresh air. I didn't know what was in store for me tomorrow, god I was hoping I wasn't due for another endless ride of hell.
I had on a short sleeve white shirt and light blue jeans and blue sneakers. I had soft brown hair, blue/green eyes and ivory skin.
No one really cared about me that much at school if I was crying no one would bother to ask if I was alright. I was nothing but a shadow on the wall to others.
I closed my eyes and sighed and I stood up and walked down the sidewalk.
I wonder if Rose was home or not, she was one of the only friends who hadn't gotten lost in the ways of high school. Drugs. Being popular. Pregnancy. Fights.
High school is hell, only a few can make it through with only a few scars. Many get trapped inside one of the punishment chambers.
I walked to Rose's house which wasn't to far from my house. I knocked on the door. There was a few seconds of waiting the door opened.

It opened there was a girl about 15 she had short black hair, blue eyes ivory skin she was really skinny could swear she must be a size 00.
She had on a short sleeve dark red shirt with skulls on it and jeans on.
Her father was rich until he died and they lost all of their money, her step mother didn't want the money they 'threw' all of it away.
"Oh hey Alice what do you need?" Rose asked.
"I don't know someone to hang out with." I said, shrugging.
"Alright can Dylan come?" Rose asked.
"I'm not sure, he hasn't been himself all summer." I said, sighing.
Dylan was the other friend who was still in one piece.
You could say...
"Come on last day of summer, before going back to high school. We got into Rose's car even though she didn't know how to drive she didn't care if she was underage.
It was a soft blue mustang year 2010 I would think.
We drove to Dylan's house which was on the other side of town, he lived in the upper class. Although he wasn't like the average rich kid.
He was different, a friend someone special to me.
We got to a white mansion and we went to the door and rung the doorbell a butler answered the door he was about seventy-five, he had wrinkly skin, which was darker then mine. He had brown eyes and a black tux on with black dress shoes.
"Good afternoon ladies how may I help you?" The butler asked with a British accent.
"We are here to see Dylan." I said.
"Oh, yes do come in." The butler said, opening the door more welcoming.
The house was amazing beautiful and stunning we went up to Dylan's room. Which was on the third floor and went to his room down on the right end of the house.
We went inside I missed Dylan so much.

There he was he turned around when he heard the door open, he was stunning. Soft blue eyes, short dark brown hair, he was taller then me he had some muscles on him not to much but just perfect to feel protected by him.
He had on a grey shirt with dark blue jeans, he got up and looked at us, surprised we were here.
"Hey Dylan." I said, smiling.
"Oh hey...Alice." Dylan said, smiling come over to us.
He hugged me in his warm loving arms. Oh how much I felt alive in his hugs.
He looked at me and had a slight laugh, "Someone doesn't want to go."
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back into reality and released him from my hug.
"Hey Rose." Dylan said, looking over at Rose.
She smiled, "Hey Dylan, Alice was worried about you."
He looked at me I sighed as he smiled sweetly, "Thank you Alice."
Rose ruined the moment, "Well how about we all go see that new movie, what is it called I forgot the name. Want to come Dylan?"
"Sure." Dylan said, smiling at us.
We all went downstairs and got into Rose's car.
"Umm should I drive?" Dylan asked, afraid to be in the car with Rose driving.
"I can drive." Rose said, defending herself.
"Yes but not legally." Dylan said, grinning at Rose.
Dylan was only one year older then me so he was old enough to drive.
Rose let out a heavy exhale and got out and got in the back I was in the passenger seat Dylan came around to the driver's seat.
He looked at her waiting until she put her seatbelt on.
Once we were ready we drove off, Dylan was someone who seemed like a dream he was perfect.
Although he was so far out reach it was like chasing your shadow no matter how much you desired to touch it. You could never touch it.

We arrived at the movies we looked at what was showing not many good movies were playing but we picked to see Fright Night.
Rose was afraid of the idea of vampires running around, but me and Dylan we didn't mind how I remember me and Dylan playing video games together when we were kids.
We got some nice seats I sat by Dylan and Rose sat by me.
Dylan looked wrapped an arm around me, how this felt right but I knew he wouldn't see how I saw him. A sweet dream which I was going to wake up from. It was only a matter of time.

After the movies Rose was freaking out I had to hold my smirking back. Dylan looked at the time on his Iphone4 and said, "It's about four. I should get home. So I will see you guys at school tomorrow right?"
"Yeah see you." Rose said, smiling.
I smiled at Dylan softly, "Do you need a ride home. It's not safe really."
"I will be fine, I will take the trolly." Dylan said, looking over to the nearest trolly station.
"But Dyl---." I started.
"Alice...I will be fine." Dylan said, in a strong voice. I sighed and nodded.
He smiled and gave me a hug his hand gently ran through my hair.
"I will be fine." Dylan whispered into my ear.
I nodded as I didn't want to let him go but I had to.
Dylan walked off I didn't want to stare after him I looked at Rose then said, "Let's go home."
We drove to her house I didn't mind walking home if I walked fast enough no one would bother me and this was a safe neighborhood. I got out of the car and waved to Rose as I stated walking fast to get home.
It didn't take long for me to get home I went inside the house.
It wasn't as fancy as Dylan's but it was a simple town house a welcoming hallway I took the modern looking stairs up to the second floor and went to my room which had white walls a few posters the carpet was soft and an eggshell. A full size bed with soft blue cover and white sheets the head broad looked like someone weaved it from dark straw there was no foot broad.
A dresser with a mirror and a closet and a window looking out to the street. I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. High school was something no one could escape, you could drop out but you would be trapped in a new hell.
There was no heaven in hell.

Chapter One: 'Letters in Blood.'

Hell welcomed everyone with open arms, I brushed my hair my hair and pushed it behind my shoulders but it fell in front of my shoulders.
I had on a short sleeve black shirt and jeans on I got my shoes on and my bag and went down to the bus stop.
Rose came over to me she had on a yellow tank top and short shorts, and white flats.
"Hey, Alice so ready to go to hell?" Rose asked, laughing.
"Yeah sure." I said, shrugging, the yellow bus came around the corner a ugly woman was the driver she opened the door we didnt say anything to the woman we took our seats and she drove off.

We arrived at school and we were the last ones off the bus I went to Ceramics. I got on a big T-shirt to protect my clothes and I grabbed the wet clay and tried to make it into a ball but it would keep sticking to my hands.
I didn't know anyone really in that class I kept to myself. After that I went to my other classes then in Drama II I looked around to see if any of my friends were there. Two arms wrapped around me it was Dylan.
"Why hello there." Dylan whispered into my ear.
"Hey, I didn't know you were taking Drama II." I said, looking up at him.
He had on a dark red shirt on and ripped jeans.
"Well surprise." Dylan said, smiling.
We found a corner and we sat down I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Did you sleep good?" Dylan had a slight laugh.
"Oh yeah just resting my head on you because you are comfy." I said, looking up at him.
His blue eyes were so beautiful he was stunning then the teacher walked in, "Hello class we will be doing a framing exercise. Get into groups and pick a story. You know how framing works."
Everyone rushed to their friends me and Dylan got up and went to join a smaller group.

At lunch Rose was sitting alone I sat with her and Dylan came up from behind me and tickled my sides I almost started laughing but I jumped first.
"Come on laugh." Dylan said, smiling at me.
I giggled slightly, he sat next to me, "So how has been your first day."
"Good, Rose?" I asked looking at Rose.
"Yeah been fine seen a lot of cute guys." Rose giggled.
"Going to be a cheerleader Alice." Dylan grinned at me, but he was asking both of us, we could both see Rose being one more then me. Dylan knew I never really got a long with them.
"Well going to be on the foot ball team Dylan?" I asked, teasing him.
"Maybe not sure." Dylan said, sipping the soda he got.
I looked around the room it was busy filled with life, I looked at Dylan was someone who had pain but he never showed it.
I worried about him a lot he was in pain inside but he didn't show it. Which made it hard to tell if he was ok or not.
"So Dylan see any girls you want to 'get to know'." Rose said, smiling.
Why did I get a feeling inside of me Rose was trying to flirt with Dylan.
"Not really not many have caught my eye." Dylan said, looking over at Rose.
"Come on there must be someone." Rose said.
"" Dylan said, shaking his head.
Wow my pride just went out the window.

At last it was 7th period it was Enriched English II, I went to the back and started doing the assignment on the broad.
A guy walked in he had black hair it had a emo style to it, dark hazel eyes he had on a black shirt on and jeans. He seemed like he would be more of a loner kind of guy. He started writing and didn't see me. "Who are you?" I asked looking at him.
"Andrew." The guy said, looking up at me.
"I'm Alice." I said.
"Cool, nice to meet you." Andrew said, nodding.
We started writing again, I sighed as I knew I could not be with Dylan. Much as I would want to be with him I couldn't have that wish come true.

I was on the grass hill on the side of the school Dylan came over to me and said, "It's hard to see how far we have come."
"Yeah but it's good. Both have gotten through early hell." I said, sighing and taking my legs to my chest.
"I know, it's ok forget about the horrible people you have met." Dylan said, rubbing my back and he wrapped his arms pulled me close to his chest.
"I know, but hard to forget one's who screw with your emotions." I sighed, as I curled up next to him.
His phone started to ring and he let me out of the hug and he answered it.
"Oh hey." He said.
There was a silence.
"Oh...ok." Dylan said, hanging up he got up.
"I need to go." Dylan said, walking away.
I sighed as I got up and left after he did.
He didn't seem really on track I need to talk to him soon.

At home I laid curled up on my bed I closed my eyes, "Oh boo ho someone is crying again, oh your misery is my joy.

My eyes shot open and I sat up and looked around. I knew that voice. The tone, the sound, the evil smirk in it.
Adam Miller.

Chapter two 'Old Pain.'

He was my best friend and now my worse enemy. I sighed as the voice of him. Was so real so evil. Adam Miller was my childhood friend he was like a brother to me, although things changed.
Which I wished they didn’t, when you are a child you are protected from the monsters and evil of the world.
You live in a fairy tale world although when you aren’t a kid anymore.
The real world welcomes you with open arms, inviting you into it so it can suffocate you.
I closed my eyes again thinking of the past. My phone started to buzz I opened my eyes and sat up it was Rose. I answered it, “Hello?”
“Hey Alice, what’s you doing?” Rose asked.
“Nothing just thinking of you know…crap.” I said, sighing and shrugging.
“Oh is he on your mind?” Rose asked.
“Yes I so hate his ass.” I said, snarling under my breath.
“Want Dylan to beat him up?” Rose asked.
“Nah he doesn’t need to be dragged into more drama.”

In Science the next day I was working alone I liked it that way, no one to bug me. I could just work and think.
“Mr. Miller you are late.” The teacher said, low.
Oh god no please don’t let it be him I looked up there he was. Mr. Perfect.
He was rich now; he was captain of the football team and basketball team. He was the most popular guy in school.
“Yes, I am sorry couch wanted me to stay after class. Do forgive me.” Adam said, smiling charmingly at the teacher.
God flirting with the teacher so she won’t get pissed at you. How low can he go? Sleeping with her daughter so he could get an A+ on that project he screwed up on.
“Take a seat next to Alice she will catch you up.” The teacher said, turning to her computer to type up grades.
Adam came over to me, he had green eyes, he had short dirty blonde hair, he had some muscles he was about 5’2. He had on a football jersey on and jeans on.
He sat by me and looked at me with that evil smirk, “Oh why hello Alice.”
“Go die in a hole.” I snarled low, but kept writing my notes.
“Oh someone is unhappy to see moi.” Adam said, amused.
I kept writing my notes hoping he would get bored and get to work.
“So Alice were you thinking about me last night.” Adam said, getting his notebook out and started to write.
“Hell no.” I growled low.
Adam grabbed my paper from me, “Give it back!” I whispered low.
“And what do I get in return?” Adam said, chuckling.
“Your crotch doesn’t need to be checked out by the ER doctors and no black eyes.” I whispered low, glaring at him.
“Oh I am so afraid of little Alice in Wonderland.” Adam said, mocking me.
How much I would love to choke him or punch him. I held back the anger and grabbed the paper from him and started writing notes again.

“Go to hell.” I snarled low at him.
“Oh gladly why don’t you come with me?” Adam said, evilly.
I glared at him he chuckled at me and started writing, “You are so serious. It’s cute.”
“Don’t call me cute you monster.” I said, low.
Adam smirked and rolled his eyes in a amused manner he went back to writing his notes.

The bell rang I got up and grabbed my stuff and almost ran out of the room at my locker I sighed how much I didn’t want to go to my next class.
“Someone is down.” Dylan said, coming over to me.
I didn’t want to tell him about my hour of hell. He would want to try and make Adam pay. I didn’t want to risk that for Dylan.

“Come on tell me.” Dylan said, wrapping me in his arms.
I could feel his hands reaching for my tickle spot and started to tickle me, I started to laugh. He whispered in my ear, “Now come on tell me.”
“Alright, just stop tickling me.” I said, trying to get out while I laughed.
He stopped and came around so I could look him in the eyes.
“Adam…is being Adam.” I sighed.
“What did he do.” Dylan sounded annoyed.
“Loving to put me in pain, and make sure I have a bad day every single day.” I sighed.
“He is going to hell.” Dylan growled.
“What are you going to do?” I asked, worried.
Dylan walked down the hall and went to the patio I chased after him quickly.
“Hey Adam heard you were being an ass towards Alice.” Dylan growled at Adam.
Adam looked at him then said, “Yes, finally catching up on the gossip?”
“If you hurt Alice again or talk to her in a hurtful idea, I will make sure I will end your meaningless existence.” Dylan growled.
“Alright, well how about this we fight after school. You win I will stop torturing her verbally…I win oh I got plans for you.” Adam said, evilly.
“Alright…Pizza Café at four.” Dylan said, low.

What the hell did I just get Dylan into?

I hurried to the Café after school there they were Adam and his gang and Dylan ready to fight.
“Well, well, well look Dylan isn’t afraid.” One of Adam’s friends smirked.
Adam cracked his knuckles and popped his neck and smiled evilly, “Well Dylan I hope you and Alice had your last goodbyes.”
“I hope you enjoy hell.” Dylan growled low.
Adam ran at Dylan and started to punch Dylan in the gut and face, Dylan threw many punches and kicks.
Adam grabbed Dylan by the shirt and threw him into the road, a car was speeding and his body went falling and hit the ground hard. My heart was crushed I screamed, “Dylan!”
I ran onto the street and held him in my arms, “Dylan please don’t die.”
He coughed, “Ali---.”
“It’s ok I am here.” I said, holding him tighter.
Adam smirked and walked away with his friends.

Dylan eyes slowly closed I exhaled and held onto him until the doctors showed up and made me let go. It took a lot to have them pull me off.
I got onto a bus and ran into the waiting room, the nurse was about thirty-five she had short dark red hair and green eyes, pale skin. She had horrible dental care.
“I need to see him!” I demanded.
“I know dear but you can’t see him now.” The nurse said, guiding me to a chair and made me sit down.
I tapped my foot waiting for them to let me see him, next time I see Adam he is going to pay.

I closed my eyes and I felt a hand on my shoulder it was the nurse, “You may see him now. He is asleep but you can see him.”
I ran to his room and looked in the room, Dylan laid there with oxygen and he was breathing softly. I walked over to the bed and sat in the chair, it was freezing in the room. I fell asleep in the chair, “Ali?” Dylan mumbled.
My eyes opened up at the sound of the voice and saw him looking over at me.
I almost started crying I held them back then said, “Dylan you are alive!”
Dylan smiled softly then said in a weak voice, “Yeah, I am somewhat ok.”
“What hurts?” I asked.
“Everything.” Dylan sighed, trying to sit up.
He was in serious pain and he fell back onto his back, “Adam is going to hell.”
I got up and gently stroked his hair, “I know, it’s ok you need your rest. I won’t leave.”
Dylan nodded and slowly closed his eyes and he fell asleep.
I watched him sleep there was a growl coming from the hallway.
I got up and looked around no one was here not even a nurse walking around checking on patients.
“Where is he…” A voice growled.
My stomach felt heavy and felt like it would fall out, I stepped into the hallway and walked bravely around.
There was a man dressed in black he saw me and came closer to me, I turned around and started walking fast. He started to run as well.
He grabbed me by the arm a knife went against my neck, “Where is he.” The voice hissed.

My heart was pounding out of my chest what was going on.
“Who?” I asked, breathing normally again.
“Dylan…” The man hissed into my ear.
I opened my mouth to scream he covered my mouth.
“Shh, my dear no screaming. I like to keep my victims quiet.’ The man smirked evilly.

Chapter 3 “Hero or Monster.”

I opened my eyes I was laying on the cold hard ground I was in an old house my shirt was missing I covered up my chest I still had my bra on but the shirt I had was gone.
“Call for Dylan.” The man said, evilly.
“Who the hell are you!” I shouted.
The man removed his mood it was one of Adam’s friends. It was Zac he had short light brown hair, brown eyes pale skin and was dressed in all black.
“Why, he won’t come he is in the hospital.” I said, breathing hard.
Zac came over to me and removed my arms from covering my breast.
“Do it, or I am sure I can give you a child. Choose…Dylan coming here or giving you a child.” Zac said, evilly.
I punched Zac in the face and I ran out of the room, and slammed the door closed and locked it.
I grabbed a jacket and the front door was locked.
I wanted to scream out Dylan’s name but Zac was dangerous just like his leader.
I broke a window the glass pierced my skin and I ran down the street and hid in an alley I hid my face in my arms.
Dylan, please I need you.

“Alice?” A voice said, I opened my eyes there was my mother she had soft light brown hair, hazel eyes, ivory skin she hugged me tight.
“I thought I lost you.” My mother said sweetly.
“Where is Dylan?” I asked, half awake.
There was a knock at the door my mother turned around and there was Adam.
My mother had no clue what Adam had become she thought we were still good friends.
Which wasn’t even close to what we were now, my mother smiled at Adam he had flowers. “Well I will leave you two alone.” My mother said, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.
“How is Dylan?” Adam smirked coming closer to me.
I glared at him and sat up then said, “He is alive.”
“Oh good I didn’t kill him.” Adam said putting the flowers on my nightstand he looked around my room and picked up a picture.
“So Dylan seems to have taken my place?” Adam said, low narrowing his eyes,
“Well he did after you left me!” I started to shout, but Adam held a finger up to tell me to shut up.
“Alice you do know Dylan will die some day.” Adam said, walking over to my bed and sitting on it.
“If you hurt him I will never forgive you.”
Adam stroked my hair, I slapped his hand away from me.
“Don’t touch me.” I said, low.
Adam smirked and pinned me down he leaned down on me, “Who is going to stop me your mother is gone she went to the store. And Dylan is sleeping in the hospital.”
I tried to shove Adam off of me but he had become stronger, he smirked.
“Alice…you know what you want. So do I.”
“And what the hell is that!” I snapped at him.
Adam chuckled then leaned in closer.
“Date me or I will make sure Dylan goes through horrible hell. And make sure he regrets being born.” Adam smirked.
What the hell am I going to do, I hate Adam and all he will do to be is abuse me. Although I couldn’t see Dylan in more pain every day…

I sighed as I waited for Adam to come over, all the girls loved him they wanted him. Guys wanted to be him although he had a cruel nature to him only I knew about.
Dylan saw it although he wasn’t the victim.
“Why hello there.” Adam said, evilly.
I glared at him then said low, “If you hurt Dyl---.”
“Oh shut up.” Adam said, rolling his eyes grabbing me by my arm and dragging me against my will through the hall.
Dylan was hopefully still alive, I wanted to go see him but Adam most likely wouldn't allow it. Adam must think that Dylan didn't survive that accident, even though Dylan is alive Adam figured he would die soon. I exhaled if Dylan did come back to school he would see that I was being abused by Adam and then it could happen all over but Adam would make sure. Dylan wouldn;t alive though that night.
:What the hell do you have against Dylan." I mumnled low so only Adam could hear me. Even though no one would pay attenition only see a new couple to gossip about.
"Got simple reasons." Adam said, not looking down at me.
"He could easily kick your sorry ass." I mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Shut up or you could take a nasty fall down the stairs." Adam said, looking at me then the stair case. As if he would push me down the stairs with everyone around.
I inhaled heavily and closed my mouth and let it out slowly even though I wasn't done, Adam was the kind of guy you had to watch very carefully he had many aces and wild cards up his sleeve.
Which made him all more terrifying.

Chapter 4 "Hide and Sneak."

I went to the hospital gift shop and got a few 'Get Well' balloons and a card, I found Dylan's room there he was looking bored out of his mind. I guess there is not much to do in the hospital, which the nurses won't yell at you about. He smiled when he saw me I said, "I bring stuff."
"You know those never last." Dylan said, softly laughing looking at the balloons.
"Could of gotten flowers but those would be dead in a few days."
I had told Rose if Adam asks where I am to tell I was applying for a job.
Was hoping things wouldn't go there and if he asks where and if he goes there and I am not there he will be coming down the hallway in a all caps rage.
"So you seem a bit...I don't know what are you thinking about?" Dylan asked sitting up.
"Just thinking." I said, shrugging.
"Come on Allie." Dylan said, softly.
"Thinking what I am going to wear to homecoming."
"You are really going to that?"
"Rose is making me."
Dylan smirked then said, "That is Rose for you."
I wanted to tell Dylan but I couldn't nothing would change the fact that I was dating a monster.
"Alice would you like to come to my aunt's birthday party?" Dylan asked.
I hadn't really talked or went over to one of his family member house since we were kids. They wouldn't know who I was now.
"Wouldn't be weird?"
Dylan looked at me confused, "No you aren't my girlfriend. Just a long life friend."
Only I could be his girlfriend.
I exhaled then said, "Yeah your right, should I wear something...girly?"
Dylan knew I hated being girly but he smirked, “I’m sure my family would be delighted to see. Alice the girl who punched a guy’s teeth out at a concert. In a dress.”
“You are so lucky you are crippled.” I said, smirking at him.

Dylan came from a rich family, but his aunt wasn’t to bad I put on a dark jacket with strips with skinny jeans, I looked in the mirror I wanted to change my hair color but I will another day.
I got out of the car and helped Dylan get out but I walked over to the small townhouse there was a bird bath and rose garden.
The house was plain, “Wait for me!”
Dylan had a cast on and crutches I laughed at him I knocked on the door, a woman about forty-seven with black hair green eyes and a flowing yellow dress on and high heels on.
The woman looked at him and smiled, “How are you sweetie, and Alice is that you?”
I nodded, the woman hugged me and said, “Wow you have grown into a fine young lady.”
She led us inside the house wasn’t to exciting simple boring.
“You two can hang out in the game room, the party is out back if you feel like seeing them Dylan.”
Only his aunt knew he didn’t like seeing his parents, Dylan led me to the game room.
We were laughing and playing for a while.
I wanted to kiss him so bad I exhaled and held back.
Dylan came over to me and placed his hand on my cheek his touch was so warm so comforting he slowly started to lean in.
“Dylan your father wants to see you.” His aunt said coming in.
Before his aunt saw us he pulled away so close.
Dylan went out to the backyard leaving me alone in the game room.
“Alice is that you?” Andrew asked coming in.
I looked at him then said, “Are you in my english class?”
Andrew had on a dark red shirt and jeans on. I almost forgot about him then said, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m Dylan’s cousin.”
“Oh I didn’t know that, you guys don’t even look the same.”
Andrew shrugged then said, “Why are you dating Adam?”
“Long story.” I said, sighing.
“Andrew can you come here?” A voice called over to him, Andrew called back, “Yeah sure.”
Andrew smiled at me then left the game room.

I looked up at the clouds Rose jumped into the swimming pool I got soaked from her canon ball.
“Rose!” I shouted at her.
There was a car and drove through the neighborhood it was Adam’s sister.
She loved Dylan, I knew this because she had a talk with me at a 8th grade dance…

Me, Rose and Dylan all went as a group and Rose was fixing her make-up me and Dylan were slow dancing, even though we were just friends we wanted to enjoy the moment.
He needed to go and use the bathroom I leaned against the gym’s wall and looked around there was Adam’s sister.
She had long brown hair, she had brown eyes she had a size about 00.
Head cheerleader she came over to me and placed her hand on her hip, “Well, looks like you and Dylan are having fun.”
“Yeah I guess.” I said, shrugging.
“Listen here bitch, I love Dylan. He will be mine. You may think you and him will end up together. Wrong…he will see I am the better choice.”

I exhaled she was back in town to take Dylan away from me while Adam was keeping me away from Dylan.

Jessica was the kind of girl who would do anything to get what she wants no matter, what it takes. Murder even?
I couldn't do anything soon I won't even be able to hug him with Jessica around.

Weeks passed I didn't do anything out of line, I hadn't talked to Dylan since Adam has been watching me carefully.
At school Dylan had on a walking cast the teachers gave him slack since he can't run.
Although he was with Jessica I exhaled in agony, he belong to her now. Clearly he didn't look up at me I turned around and walked down the hall avoiding the couple.
"Hey sexy." Adam said, walking around the corner.
I almost jumped but looked at him then said, "Oh I see your sister is back."
"Yeah you should be glad now, Dylan has someone to screw." Adam said, grinning then grabbing my wrist and yanked me hard almost pulling me onto my face. It felt like my wrist was going to snap or rip off.
"Adam let go!" I snapped, forgetting we were in public, he glared at me after seeing a few girls looking at us.
He loosed his grip and wrapped his arm around and kept pulling me along.
I had no idea what to do I could try to defend myself but the result would be my death, he walked into the PAC (performing arts center) he took me backstage and threw me on the ground and turned off the lights.
"Now let's play a game." Adam said, in a low evil voice.

Chapter 5 "Suffer in Silence"

My memory of those dark and painful hours of Adam seemed to never end, no matter how many times and begged him to get the hell off of me. He only found it more amusing to keep going.
It was Drama and we had to do a new project on where we had to do blocking and emotion.
We were going a play called Crimson Roses which Andrew had written.
My group is, Dylan,Destiny,Bonnie,Tristan and the wicked witch of the west aka Jessica...
Jessica smiled when she heard she was in my group, she had bright powerful green eyes, she has dirty blond she could wear a size 00. She was about 5'6 she had on a short dark purple skirt, on top she had a royal blue tank which was showing some of her breast. She came over to where me and Dylan were standing with the group.
"Hey Dylan." Jessica said, smiling at him.
Dylan looked at her then said, "Oh hey Jessica."
She glared at me although Dylan couldn't see the girl I saw, all he saw was a girl.
"Who are the characters?" Destiny asked, breaking the silence.
Dylan looked at the small book and flipped to the character page.
"There is let's see...Dawn.
Maddie, who is Dawn step-sister.
Casey who is disable and who uses sign language him and Dawn are best friends.
Chris is Maddie boyfriend although he loves Dawn.
Samie she is Maddie best friend.
That's it."
"Who's who?" Bonnie asked.
"Well what part does everyone want?"
"Maddie." Jessica said, proud of herself.
Dylan wrote down on a piece of paper and looked at me, "Alice?"
"I will be Dawn I guess."

In english I had to put on a smile or Andrew would demand what's wrong, he was like Dylan they both cared about my feelings but they were different.
Andrew had on a spike belt dark jeans a black shirt his emo bangs covered his right eye he looked at me then said, "Hey Alice."
I sat next to him then said, "Hey."
He looked at me studying my emotion then said, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing I am fine." I said, shrugging, even though that was a lie.
How much I wanted to tell someone although the result would be the same. No matter what I do my fate will happen...
After class Andrew walked me to my locker I was starting to feel a bit better, Adam came down the hall he said, "Hello sexy and...yeech."
The yeech was directed at Andrew him being goth and Adam being head jock, both seemed disgusted by one and another.
Andrew left us then Adam looked at me and grinned evilly then said, "Why don't you look in pain on the inside. Still thinking about the lovely day?"
"What if I tell Dylan." I said, narrowing my eyes even though Adam wouldn't be afraid of that threat.
"Him? Oh my dear he is nothing but a worth of time."Adam said wrapping his arm around me bringing me closer to him.
"Get the hell off of him." I growled low.
"Who is going to make me." Adam said, breathing on my neck.
Adam kissed me roughly pushing me against the locker and I used all my force to try to and get him off of me. Nothing worked, I saw Dylan he got wide eyed at us I forgot to him that I was being held against my will to please Adam for his sexual urges.
Dylan came over at us but before then Jessica walked over and started talking to him. He walked to get over to us I could see it in his eyes but Jessica wouldn't him pass.
"Get the hell off of me." I growled under my breath.
"No." Adam said, grinning and looking at me his eyes were pure evil.
There was a huge black out and blood screams echoing the hallways.

I tried to shove Adam off of me there was a painful impact on my face, it was a punch from Adam.
I fell to the floor I let out a short yelp of pain.
"Alice!" Dylan shouted, through the darkness.
There was a tight grip on my shirt I was being dragged away from Dylan, the floor was cold and a few people ended up kicking me or stepping on me through all the hell, that was going on.
The lights came back on I was laying on the girl's bathroom floor I held my head getting a horrible headache.
I pushed myself onto my feet and looked in the mirror I had a ugly black eye. I tried to touch it but it was to painful. I took out some make-up that Rose had given me for my 12th birthday, and I covered up the black eye.

Suffering in silence is like drowning over and over in the ocean with no one seeing you...or saving you.
Adam was a shark waiting to rip me apart...Dylan was nowhere in sight to save me.

After school I sat in the Pizza cafe, Dylan walked in and came over to me.
"Why did you yelp?" Dylan asked sitting next to me in the booth. "I fell and hit my head on the locker." I said, shrugging.
"I wasn't aware you and...Adam were together." Dylan said, exhaling heavily.
"I didn't know you and Jessica had feelings for one and other." I said, looking up at him.
"We...don't?" Dylan said, confused."She likes you. You'll get feelings for her." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arm around me brining me close to him.
"Jessica is something. Although only reason guys like her is because of her body. She isn't my 'type' you could say." Dylan said, looking into my eyes he slowly leaned closer to me.
"Hey Alice." Andrew said, walking into the cafe.
Once Dylan heard his voice he pulled away from me and took his arm off of me.
"Oh hey Andrew." Dylan said, looking up at Andrew.
There was a almost deadly like silence between the,.
Dylan stood up and looked at Andrew, "Andrew, how long have you been in town?"
"Not to long was at the...get together, kept Alice company while Greg was talking to you." Andrew said, shrugging.
"Oh sorry Alice about that." Dylan sighed looking at me, knowing he ditched me that day.
"Don't worry about it. Didn't mind talking to Andrew." I said, looking back at Andrew.
He seemed striking, his eyes had a twinkle in them which I never seen in Dylan eyes.
"Oh did I mention Greg is worried about you, see you guys at school." Andrew said, Dylan sighed then left me and Andrew.
I sat back down in the booth and Andrew sat where Dylan was sitting.
"So, tell me about yourself." I said, picking up a breadstick.
I knew that I didn't know much about Andrew.
Why didn't Dylan ever say anything about Andrew, I guess I never talked about my cousins.
"I enjoy photography and horror movies and art." Andrew said, smiling at me.

At school Adam came over to me, he looked at where the black eye was.
"What happened to the..." Adam said, holding my hands in his.
"Make-up." I said, exhaling there was no way out of this.

Only if Dylan remembered....

Chapter 6 "Born Suffer Die."

At Rose house I was sleeping over there, she spun around in her dress she got for homecoming.
"I hope he likes it."
"I bet he will." I said, yawning.
Her computer made a beeping sound meaning she had a video chat message. It was Dylan. Rose saw who it was and smiled, "Hi Dylan!"
He had a soft laugh and looked at me.
"Alice why haven't you answered my texts?" Dylan asked, confused.
"Phone died." I said, I never let my phone die but I turned it off actually.
"Oh sorry about what happened with Andrew...Rose mind giving us a moment?"
Rose nodded and left me and Dylan alone. Oh god he is going to bring up what happened.
"Alice what happened...don't lie."
"Nothing, like I said someone bumped into Adam he banged against me, I hit my head against the locker."
"Alice why the hell are you going out with Adam. We hate him." Dylan said, angry.
"Does it matter?" I asked, sighing.
Dylan sighed letting the anger in him flow away and turned into agony it seemed.
"Yes it does." Dylan said finally.

Rose peaked in and said, "Adam is here, he wants you to come with him."
I exhaled and looked at Dylan, "Well I need to go, Adam is here."
"Wai---." Dylan started to say before I left the room, feeling grief inside, I didn't want to go but Adam wasn't patient.
Adam wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in and kissed my cheek.
"Let's go, how do you look in a hooker outfit?" Adam whispered into my ear.
Rose wasn't outside now, she would call Dylan back by now.
We got into his car I glared at him how his face was so pale in the moonlight. His eyes spoke devil.
"Go to hell." I said, low.
Adam smirked, "It's lovely."
I felt my head slamming into the window, it was more painful since it was bulletproof glass so more pain vibrated in my skull.

I opened my eyes," She's awake." Zac said low.
I looked down all I had on was a hooker outfit.
Adam came over to me and pinned me down.
Zac smirked at me and left us alone.
"Why aren't you a elegant white swan covered in blood. Sick isn't it." Adam said low in my ear.
"A demon using the beauty of a human, eyes and voice of the devil himself." I said hissing at him.
"My dear, the devil is a old friend of mine," Adam said, low inhaling the smell of my hair.
"Innocence is a sin." Adam said coldly.
His eyes became pure evil he grinned evilly at me.
There was a loud snap...

I laid on the floor, must be dreaming, I swear the snap was my neck.
I wasn't in the warehouse, I was in the living room, the blinds were closed the sofa was dark red like blood.
Adam entered he had on jeans a cape it was a dark grey no shirt on.
He smiled exposing his sharp fangs. Adam sat by me and said low, "Why hello sexy."
There were dead bodies everywhere in the room. Adam breathed heavily on my neck, "You know, you hide in the dark being innocent, sick isnt it."
He pinned me down on the sofa. "What are you." I growled low, "A monster, of course my lady." Adam grinned evilly.
His fangs pierced into my skin, I screamed at the t op of my lungs trying to shove him off of me.

"Alice!" Dylan shouted, panicking shaking me awake.
I opened my eyes, and saw Dylan he was next to me we were laying on my bed. I was in his arms he looked at me relieved I was ok.
"What happened?" I asked.
Dylan shrugged, "Me and Andrew found you laying in a old house."
"There was a loud snap." I said, looking slowly up Dylan.
"Zac is dead." Dylan said sighing stroking my hair.
"What! How?" I said, in shock.
"Don't worry, Allie what matter is you are safe." Dylan said, softly as he kept me close to him.

There was a knock at the door my mother walked in, surprised to see me and Dylan like this.
"Alice I have a surprise for you." My mother said.
"Come downstairs." My mother said, leaving us.
I got up and out of Dylan arms, he looked at me then said, "I will stay here. Not apart of your family."
I walked down the stairs there was a man about thirty-seven, blonde hair slick back, ivory skin and green eyes, He had on a grey suit and a blue shirt under it.
"Who the hell is this?" I asked looking at the man.
"Alice, me and Hank been dating for two years, we are getting married!" My mother said, excited.
God no this can't be happening...

I looked at Hank I was happy for her but my father did he mean anything to her?
"Oh...great when is the wedding?" I asked, trying to sound excited.
"In two month's so much to do!" My mother said, already in panic mod.
"He has a daughter I am sure you two will be great friends."

I went back up to my room and closed the door behind me Dylan looked at me and I fell into his arms and he said softly, "Why are you crying?"
I looked up at him then said, "My mother is remarrying."
"So you dont want anyone but your biological father, right?" Dylan asked, softly.
"Yeah." I said, sighing.
"I am sorry about what happened to your dad." Dylan whispered in my ear.
I looked at him then Dylan phone rang I sat up Dylan reached over to the nightstand and answered it.
"Hey Andrew." Dylan said, he got up and left the room leaving me wondering who he was talking to.
He came back a few minutes later he seemed really angry, he hugged me and said, "I need to go, will you be ok."
I nodded but I wasn't ok not sure how I could be ok.
I couldn't get the dream out of my head, the eyes of a demon, fangs of a vampire and voice of a devil.
Although what was going on seemed even more real, I exhaled I remember the cut on my temple.
Crap, crap crap!
Dylan had to seen it, meaning Dylan would will beat Adam up for sure. I fixed my hair to cover it for sure, and I placed a bandage on it.


Dylan walked into Andrew's house it was dim lighting average looking house he didn't live in a house like Dylan's.
"Andrew!" Dylan shouted.
"God no need to shout." Andrew said, sitting on the stair railing at the top he got up and slid down the railing on his feet.
"What is it?" Andrew exhaled.
"Stay away from Alice, I know what your motives are." Dylan growled low.
"Me dangerous?" Oh don't know dangerous remember you killed Zac." Andrew chuckled.
"He was a douche he deserved to die."
"Dylan don't you remember."
Dylan raised an eyebrow, "Remember what?"
Andrew grinned then said, "Well, you'll remember soon enough."
Andrew started to leave then Dylan grabbed Andrew and threw him into a wall.
Andrew got up and dusted off his shoulders and popped his neck back into place.
"Dylan you should known better." Andrew grinned baring sharp vampire fangs.

It was time to go meet my future sibling I had on a short blue dress on it was a royal blue, it had one strap, it went down to my knees. My mother drove us to a restaurant it was called, "Le France." It's a 5 star place. My mother had on a black ruffy dress with diamond earrings, her hair in a bun.
We went inside, and waited upfront for someone to seat us, finally we got to a table in the back it was a booth, it was very fancy it felt like you were walking into a french cafe. In Paris itself.
Hank came over with a teenage girl, it was Brittany. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a white strapless short dress, black high heels she was about my age or a year older.
Hank sat next to my mother and Brittany sat next to me. Here comes the small talk.
We all know what it is, what are your hobbies? Where are you from? Any colleges you have in mind. My mother started it.
"So Brittany what school do you attend or will be attending?" My mother asked.
"L.A Private High." Brittany said smiling.
"Alice attends there." My mother said, smiling back.
"Alice are you on the cheerleading team, you got such a tiny figure." Brittany said turning towards me.
"No, they dont like me." I said, thinking of how much they hated me.
"To bad you would be amazing." Brittany said, giggling then eating some salad.
The dinner seemed to never end.
I didn't like Hank or the very idea of my mother remarrying. I know it sounds selfish, but it feels like she forgotten about my dad. She doesn't talk about him. No pictures of him. I took off the dress ,"I always knew you had a stunning figure." Adam said, smirking.
I turned around he was leaning against a wall I was fully nude expect for some underwear.
"Get out of my room!" I snapped, I wasn't in a good mood.
Adam covered my mouth with his hand and snarled, "Dare call for help, and you'll end up like poor Rose."
What the hell did he do to her! He waited then removed his hand form my mouth he smirked at my reaction to his simple words.
He walked to the window, I got on a jacket and zipped it up. "What did you do to her." I said low.
"Nothing my dear, only called a few friends to...take care of her. When she backed talked me." Adam said, turning towards me.
"She back talks everyone!" I snapped.
Adam help up a finger to his lips ordering me to be silent. He removed it then said, "She insulted me."
"She insults everyone." I said rolling my eyes.
"I dont think you want her fate, if you dont then get on that bed."
Adam grabbed a knife from his jacket, it was razor sharp how it gleamed in the dim light.
"Now if you like life. I would suggest doing as I say."
I exhaled and he pushed me onto the bed. He climbed on-top of me and unzipped my jacket.
"To easy." Adam said low, with a chuckle.

The next day at school Rose was gone and so was Dylan. Andrew came over to me during student prep also known as free period.
"You ok?" Andrew asked.
He had gotten a lip piercing he had on a black jacket, a Disturbed

shirt on under and ripped jeans.
"Is Dylan ok?" I said, sighing.
Dylan never missed a day of school if he did he would of let me know.
"Oh yeah he told me he moved away. Greg his adopted father had reasons, personal reasons. He isn't sure if Dylan is coming back or when." Andrew said, trying to remember details of what Greg had said.
I had to call or text him, why would he move and not tell me!?
During lunch I left the patio where Andrew was, I puled out my i-phone and dialed Dylan.
It was ringing for awhile...
"Hey this is Dylan, I dont feel like answering or Alice took my phone. So leave a message and I will get back to you."
"Dylan where are you? And no I dont always take your phone." I said, sighing then hanging up.
Andrew came over I was facing the lockers he came over and wrapped his arms around me.
"What's wrong? Adam is out of town. You should be happy." Andrew said, into my ear.
"I know but I need to talk to Dylan." I said, looking down at my feet.

One week has passed since Dylan had gone missing. If i try to call him now it goes straight to voice mail.
I was at the hospital with Rose there was a animal attack.

Chapter 7 "A crow and a bullet"

She laid on the bed motionless. Adam was trying to cut my friends off from me. Did he something ot say something to Dylan, to make him leave? Rose was on the edge of dying.
Did that mean Andrew was next?
I got up from the chair and looked at Rose's side was bleeding. I carefully moved the gown up, a huge bite, and she was beaten up badly. Looked like she got abused before the attack,
I called the nurse in that bite mark wasnt there before.
I went out in the hall way and watched from the window, "You know Rose wont live through the night." Adam said chuckling coming over to me.
:"What did you do to her!"
"Me? ph I dont leave that kind of damage." Adam said, smiling at me.
"Where is Dylan?" I said low, glaring at Adam.
Adam pushed a strand of hair out of my face.
"My dear, if I knew where he was I would be taking him to hell. The Devil would find him a great addition to his collection." Adam said, smiling at me.
"Then where is he?" I said, confused.
"Who knows...and who cares." Adam said, smiling and kissing me.

Rose was my best friend now she may be dead.
I knew her story so did Dylan.

I was out playing waiting for my mother to finish paying at the grocery store, a girl sat alone on a swing-set. Long black hair a pink dress on. I looked at her, I went over to her.
"Hi, I am Alice."
"Oh, hi I am Rose."

I never knew what happened to her at her house. Her brother who is still in prison who would rape her, She never showed weakness around others, so it seemed like everything was fine. We fake emotions around loved ones so they wont worry about us. Dylan has the most tragic past out of us three.
Yet he tells me never to speak of it, in his eyes it like a movie playing over, he can't look away can't close his eyes or look away.
How I wish I could help him but how can you help someone when they don't want to be helped?

Brittany was talking to my mother, trying to get along with her future step-mother. Brittany had on a Hollister shirt with flowers on it, was white.
"Hey Alice, me and mom were talking about the wedding."
Mom...your serious?

I rolled my eyes and exhaled.
"Oh, how is it going?" I said, trying to sound excited.
"Great." Brittany said smiling.
My mother smiled at Hank who came in behind me, I got out of his way and went up to my room.

We all sat in a living room, mom and Hank cuddled together Brittany sat next to me but she was doing her nails.
We were watching "The Middle." Hank never seen it, me and my mom always watch it when it's on.
Then the news came on great...
"We interrupt your program for a special report. Over twenty-nine girls been going missing each week. The first murder was at L.A Private High. Expect for the first murder all the victims been taken to their favorite place. Then the killer writes in the victim blood and leaves a message. Police have allowed us to use some examples. "Michelle has tango with the devil."
"D has paid me greatly."
In other news police been trying to find Dylan Gontier he's been missing for over a week." The reporter said, before "The Middle" came back on.
But Andrew said...he he didn't move...


At a club, in the back a figure watched a female dance she used a pole to dance on she winked at the handsome looking figure in the back. He smiled at her and used his finger making the 'come here' motion.
She had a figure of 00 stripper tights, black tight shorts a red bra on. She had on ivory skin.
Green eyes and red hair about nineteen bit young to be using the pole in a club.
"How may I serve you." The girl asked.
The figure used his hand and patted a seat next to him in the booth. The girl obeyed him why couldn't she resist those eyes...
"Sir if I dont get back to my pole, my boss wouldn't be to happy." The girl said, giggly.
"Use my pole, then baby shall we get somewhere more private?" The guy said, in a low sexy voice.
The dancer smiled at the idea and followed him to her favorite place. He took her to the garden on the roof. The lights were on, and gave off a soft glow to the garden.
He led her to the white roses he turned to her and had sharp vampire fangs his eyes were red he grabbed her and ripped into her throat, her blood was sweet and enriching his body with power.
There is nothing better when a vampire rips into a young girls throat.
He dropped her and wrote in her blood, "Tic-Tok life is short."
He took a white rose and gave it to the girl and had it looked like a "Sleep Beauty" recreation.

Fall was here, even though there is no snow for us, Dylan been missing over a month. Was he dead? And the police didn't want to release this information to the public?
I wasn't gonna be one of those girls who can't live without or keep sanity without a guy.
Of course I loved Dylan and wanted him but you can't hold onto someone forever.
Homecoming was coming up soon. Adam was my date. Even though he only saw me good for one thing. I sat on my window seat, L.A wasn't like New York where leaves changed and winter covered the city with its blanket of ice and secerts.
Brittany came up to me, :There is some EMO downstairs!"
"I prefer the term 'punk' or 'rebel'.
She went downstairs, Andrew closed the door and sat in the bean bag chair I had in my room.
"Andrew, why are you here? I don't mind but...why?"
"It would be a honer if you would be my date to homecoming." Andrew said, smiling giving me a single red rose.
Was I falling for Andrew, I wanted to say yes, but adam had me as a slave. Disobey him, another scar of a bruise to tell a story. "Andrew...I would love to." I started, "but..." his expression changed from hopeful to disappointed.
"I'm with Adam..."
"Sorry Andrew."
"It's fine." Andrew said, sighing and leaving the room.

It was junior year, I looked around the new drama theater, "hello Alice." Dylan said, softly.
He wrapped me in his embrace how arm and comforting he was.
"Dylan I've missed you so much."
I said, it seemed like a life-time since I seen him.
The killer was still on the loose although I had Dylan to comfort my bloody nightmares.
"What happened? Why did you disappear." I said, softly holding his arm close to me.
"I dont want to give you nightmares." Dylan sighed into my ear.
Felt as if we were entering a William Shakespeare play. "Dylan, I do want to know. Even though if may deliver nightmares. All I want to know is what happened." I said, looking up into his compelling blue eyes.
"It doesn't mater."
"Yes it does, so do you."
There was silence before Dylan took a breath in to speak/
"Andr---." Dylan said, in a dying voice.
Everything turned into glass blood was everywhere, Dylan laid on the floor motionless. I slowly moved towards him this can't be happening...
"Dylan?" I asked softly
Two sharp fangs pierced into me, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "DYLAN!"
His head turned towards me, it looked as if he been tortured to death, blood ran out of his mouth, his face in shock or pain. His eyes fixed on me, and his mouth looked as if he was trying to say something before he died.
"Dylan!" I shouted.
"He's better off dead." A dark voice said behind ,e/
Another sharp pain shot through me. A knife into my stomach I fell through the air, arms caught me, I looked at the face it was...Andrew.

Chapter 8 "Silent"

The dream had left horrible mental scars, I could confront Andrew, but we all heard if before, "It's just a dream."
But why did such great dream burn away into ashes of hell. It's like life one moment things will be greater then it will spin into something horrible.

Rose still in the hospital, is there any escape from being trapped in some kind of hell?
I couldn't get the horrible images out of my head visiting hours ended at 11 p.m it was downtown I made my way to a bus stop or if I got a taxi someone where along the way.
You don't want to be stopped downtown L.A just asking for trouble.
I felt a hand grabbed me and yank me hard back into an alley the figure pulled me close to his chest.
The breath was ice cold running down my neck and making the hair rise.
I fell weak and dropped to the ground I saw someone running towards me, there was a loud thump the figure picked me up and I looked at the face. The one who came to save me was Andrew.
"Alice you should of known better." Andrew said, annoyed, but he seemed relieved I was ok.
We got into his car which was a dark red BMW.
"Andrew....where is Dylan. You said he moved but he is on the Missing Person List."
I said, looking at Andrew.
His eyes were on the road not daring to look at me now.
"Perhaps he ran away from his new home. You know how Greg is." Andrew said, shrugging we knew how Dylan's adopted father was.
"Andrew I had this....dream. Someone killed him. Dylan. It was you, I have a feeling something happened to him." I said, unsure how it would come out.
He had soft chuckle at the dream as if it was some joke.
"Alice this is what happens when you think to much of someone, or watch to many horror movies. He is fine trust me."
Andrew pulled over to the side of the road and looked at me.
I looked over at Andrew he leaned in and kissed me, our lips moved cautious and afraid, yet it seemed they wanted to be more aggressive.
He slowly pulled away after kissing for about five seconds.
"I been waiting to kiss you ever since I saw you."

Crap...this isn't gonna go well with Adam if he finds out.

The days passed I kept the kiss a secret, Adam never knew. Rose was back yet she was different. She didn't talk at all, she barely moved and in the halls she seemed like a ghost.
Nothing on Dylan, I tried calling him and his home phone. Nothing but a voice mail or the voice mail box is filled. He hasn't called back at all.
I was at my locker Adam slammed it shut making me jump when I saw who was there, his teeth were clutched his eyes burnt with rage.
"You little cheating bitch!" Adam snapped.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me and yanked me so I almost fell on my face on the ground.
His fingers were like claws digging inside my tissue. We arrived at the stairs of the main hallway.
Not many people notice the struggle I was going through.
He looked at me and grinned, "I will see you in hell my love."
He punched me and threw me so I would fall hard and fast I was going down fast everything was spinning and twisting my head ached and I thought I broke my neck.
I landed on the bottom hard my life was slowly ending I didnt get to see Dylan or kiss him.
Students shouted, "Call 911"
"They'll be here soon!"
"Alice hang in there!"
My vision was blurry I saw two figures on top of the stairs they were gone as I closed my eyes.


At the hospital few students were in the waiting room and a crowd of people and a news team gathered outside.
"Alice Gold, took a fall down the stairs at her school. She is asleep and updated she was in a stable condition. Doctors haven't let anyone see her or released information.
Was she pushed or was this a suicide attempt? You pick."
The female news reporter said.
A figure in the back of the crowd he had on a black sweatshirt on he had on the hood on and had his face hidden by looking down he had on dark jeans.
He slowly raised his head the eyes were sky blue, he knew the name so well.
"Alice..." Dylan said, barely above a whisper.

Author's Note

Well guys this is Sweet Whisper's end, I hope you guys enjoyed it, with many surprises and now Dylan is back and alive. Was thinking of making him dead but a lot of people were cheering for Dylan. Couldn't kill one of the loved characters.
So I hope you guys want to read the next one which will be released soon hopefully maybe Monday 10/31/11 the latest.
A little Halloween treat you could say.
Share what you thought about
1. Dylan coming back at the end of the book
2. Who is the killer.
3. Is Dylan still human or is he a vampire?

Much more romance, twist, lies and betrayal, secrets and more are coming in the next book , "Black Ribbons

Comment below what you are looking forward to in book 2.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.09.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to thank Vanessa for being a great friend and I hope the friendship will never break between us. Alex for being a father like figure towards me at school. Kitty being amazing. Michael a friend I might not known as long as Vanessa but thank you so much for being there for me.

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