
Prologue: The First Days of Forever

The first time I ever saw him was in my 4th period class, 7th grade. We grew closer over that one hour of class, and we grew to be great friends. Wherever I went in that class, he went with me. He had girlfriends, sure. But he would always ask who I liked, and when I told him for the first time, he looked down. I soon fell in fast for his smile, the way he looked at me, and many other things. Three days before school was over, we were on facebook, chatting. He asked me who I liked, and I asked him who he liked. He answered first. He told me he liked me, and I told him that I liked him back.
The next day we both dressed extremely nice. We had an exam in history, so he sat behind me, and kept messing with my hair, my bra strap, my shoe, and other things. He distracted me so much that I got a B on my exam instead of the A I deserved.
After the test was over, we had time to talk. He asked me why I hadn't told him sooner, and I told him I didn't know. After that was over, he walked me to my 5th period exam. It was only a half day, so after that was over we went to lunch. At first, he didn't sit with me, but then he came by, and sat next to me, and started going through my back-pack.
The next day, he sat with me again, and that was basically the only time we saw each other. Stupid exams! And the next day, the same. Except he left early to get his instrument.
When I got home, I went on facebook, and he was on. He told me that he wanted to ask me a question, and I said ok. He said that I knew what it was, but honestly. I'm a blond. I don't know these things. So he asked me out. I literally screamed out loud. I was amazingly happy. Stupid of me to think it was going to last.
We talked for hours, but then I told him I had to go to my dance practice. He said okay, and that we'd talk tomorrow. The next day, people were trying to make me feel bad. But, I put on my facebook that I was in a relationship. So did he. It said we were dating each other. Then, he broke up with me because he thought he wasn't going to see me. I personally think it's stupid, since we saw each other that summer so much. And it was accidental. Stupid parents! And that is the first days of forever in love.

Chapter One

Staring at him, my friends were talking. It was the first day of school, and he was sitting with his girlfriend, Rachel. Seeing him made my heart ache all over again. I thought I was ready for this, but I was so clearly not. "Peyton!? Hello? It's your friend Adelin speaking. Can you snap out of it for a second? Who are you staring at anyway?" Just then, he snapped his head towards me. I looked down at the table, trying to hide my embarrassed face.
"Him again?" asks my friend, Kayla. I look at her sharply.
"It's not like I want to be in love with him. I just can't help it. He is so nice. Well, to me he was. He also used to be my best friend." It hurt to say the word 'used.' I want that word to die in hell, just like my heart.


Texte: Based on my life and another's.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.11.2011

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To the guy who I gaze at everyday. He has me, and he doesn't even know it.

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