
School and Alone

Let's cut to the chase. I don't want to introduce me or anything. Let's just cut that crap. But, it is neccesary, so....
My name is Elena Two, and my life sucks. I live with my dad, and that is it. My mom left with my little sister, and my dad pretty much is at work 24/7. So, I basically live on my own.
And don't feel bad for me. Because if you do, I will hunt you down. Now, back to reality. School.

I was on my way to the bus stop when I heard him calling for me. "Hey, Elena! Wait up!"
"I'm not going to wait up for you, Colton!" I scream. He just laughs. He runs up to me, to talk. Colton is my best friend, but he has the biggest crush on me, ever. He thinks that we could be more than friends. He should know better. I haven't dated anyone my entire life.
I know what you're thinking. I fifteen year old whose never gone out? Yea. But, I'm okay with that. It's just that, everyone at school is all over me because I am the hottest damn looking girl there. Actually, I'm the only girl there.
Laugh all you want. My dad wanted me to go to his almamator high school, so I am. It's an all boy school, but my dad pulled a few strings. Not even the teachers were girls. So, I get a lot

of attention. "What do you want today, Colton?"
"I wanted to know whether or not I could come over to your house later today. I have a big biology test tomorrow, and everyone knows, you're the smartest kid at our school. Smartest girl, too." I punched him in the arm.
"Thanks, soooooo much," I say with heavy sarcasm. He laughs again. By that time, we had reached the bus stop.
"Hey. I'm only looking out for you." That got me curious.
"Looking out for me, how?" I ask.
"Keeping all those idiots away from you. You deserve a guy like me to date." Again with the pick-up lines. He can never just be my best-friend. Ugh!
"Shut the hell up. I don't need you to be checking me out, too. Looks like the only one around here who isn't interested in me is Eddie and Zack." I pointed over to where they stood, lips locked on each other. Gay people. I felt glad that they had each other. I didn't have anybody. But Colton. And them. These three were my friends. My only

The bus arrived at that moment. I took my seat in #6. My usual. And Colton sits down next to me. The usual as well. Eddie and Zack sit in the seat in front of us, never not

having physical contact with each other. They hardly want to let go when they have their one class not with each other. They even go the bathroom together. In the same stall. Never stopping to take a breath from kissing. They were sooooo lucky. "Colton...I don't want to have this discussion today. I have a lot on my mind." He was just glaring behind us. I looked back to see Josh staring at me. I blushed, and turned around.
He was the only real person I had a crush on. Him, and maybe Colton. Everytime I looked at them both, I thought I might die if I looked at them again. Colton was handsome for a fifteen year old. He had short brown hair, and green eyes. And he likes me for me.

And Josh just likes me for my body. Just like any other guy.
We got off the bus, and we headed for my locker. All three boys always did this. "Hey, Eddie?" He leaned back away from Zack, not taking his eyes off of him.
"When are you two going to cool down? You're all over each other." They now looked down, embarrassed.
"I don't know. Maybe when there's someone else around." Ugh! Don't you just love paranoid friends?
"Don't start with the dating thing, too. I don't want to go out with anybody."
It was Zack who spoke this time. "Oh, really? And you have a whole school of boys to pick from. And you like none of them?" I didn't answer. "That's what I thought. Now, who is this lucky boy you're crushing on?" I looked down. "It's two boys, isn't it?" I didn't answer. He always figured out my secrets. Damn him. He took my silence as a yes.
"Who?" Colton looked really anxious now.
"It's nobody you need to worry about. And trust me, you'll figure it out eventually."
"Oh, I already have. But, I won't tell these two until you confirm it." He took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the two names. It read:

Colton and Joshua. Silence tells me that it's true.

He was trying to use reverse-psychology on me. So, I kept quiet. He frowned. I lie to easily these days. "Elena. Tell us who they are," said Colton, really anxious now.
I looked him right in the eye. "No." Then I turned around, and headed for class.
No one else spoke to me for the rest of the day, suspecting my pissed off mood.
It wasn't until I got off the bus that Colton spoke to me again. "Can I come over to your house, today?"
"Sure. Why not?" We start walking to my house together. I walked through the door, but Colton didn't. Had he ever been in my house before? "You can come in. Don't be shy." He walked through the door, and sat on the couch.
He pulled out his biology book, and started to study. I took out my notes, and started reading them over. It got very distracting because Colton kept peering at me while doing his work. I tried to keep my eyes away from him, but it was just so damn hard.
I finally had to get up, and go to my room. I saw what his facial expression was. confused.

I sat in my room for a while, and then, I heard a knock on my door. "What's the matter, Elena?" Colton asked.
"You." I heard his footsteps, and my door open.
"What did I do? I didn't do anything. I was just looking at you. And, I might add, you were blushing. Am I one of the guys you like? I am aren't I? God, why didn't I see it? I am so....." he trailed off. I looked up at him.
"I love you," I said in a whisper, that he barely heard me. He came to my bed, and sat down. "I know it's a poor excuse for avoiding you, but I'm new at this love thing. And, you know I've never dated anyone. One night stands, maybe. But, never an actual boyfriend."
"Its okay. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. And, I love you too." I was about to speak, but he started shushing me. He leaned in, and kissed me. I mean, an actual kiss. It was quick, but very thrilling.
He leaned back to look at me. His eyes were warm, and I trusted them. A very stupid thing for me to do. I don't trust anyone.

School and Love

Colton and I walked joyously to the bus stop. Zack and Eddie noticed our good mood enough to break away from each other. "What up with you two?" Zack asked us. I lifted up our joined hands to show that we were now together. "I knew you liked him, I knew it."
"No. I don't like him." Three confused eyes stared at me. "I love him. There's a difference you know." They all started laughing.
Life was the same at school and home for the next week, except now I was happy. And it felt surprisingly good.


I walked up to Colton's house to surprise him with dinner. I heard music playing loudly, so I decided to enter without knocking. I set up everything, and went to his door to get him. I stopped at the last second, hearing a strange giggle. It sounded like Sophie's laugh.
I opened the door just to peek, and sure enough it was her. All over my fucking boyfriend. That bitch. I closed the door quietly, but hard enough that they both heard it. I sprinted down the hall, and opened the front door. I slammed it on my way out. I hate Colton, and I hate LIFE!!!!!


The next day, I walked to the bus stop alone. Eddie and Zack could feel the tension in the air when I walked up and saw Colton talking to them. I turned my back away, and walked over to Sophie. "Hey," she says.
"Do not

say 'hey' to me. You don't deserve to be kind. Not after what you did. You think I don't know? I was the person in his house! You are such a pain in my ass!!! You better back off, before I beat the crap out of you. So, if you want to live, don't you ever speak to me again!"
"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that, he asked me

out." That did it. I kicked her down to the ground. Everyone turned around to see the fight.
"I told you not to speak to me again!" Then, I started punching her face. Someone pulled me off of her, but I didn't see who it was, because I elbowed them in the face, and ran the hell away, back to my house.

Hate and Life

I slammed the door to my house, and my bedroom. I cried and cried and cried, until there were no tears left. When it was about time for the bus to come, when I heard the front door open. And sure enough, it was Colton. "Elena. We need to talk about why you were fighting, and why you're mad at me. I still don't know." I didn't answer, so he came in. "Please?"
Instead of answering his question, I asked another one. "Why did you cheat on me? Why would you? I thought that I was the best thing that ever happened to you. And why did it have to be the new kid at our school? Are you that desperate to have a girlfriend?"
"You were there. You were the person in my house. I should have known," he said. "And I don't know why I did it. I think it was because you only kissed me that one time, and I wanted to kiss you a lot more. I feel so stupid."
"Get out of my house!"
"I said get out of my house." I said it then, because I wouldn't dare say it when he was going to say...I love you.
"Okay. But first, I love you."
"Whatever. I said OUT." He leaves, and I start crying again. I didn't know I still had tears left.


The next day, I didn't speak to any of my friends, and they didn't speak to me. How could my life turn to this? Now I

understand why I didn't go out with anyone. To avoid being hurt.
The only person who talked to me was Josh, asking me if I was alright. I was sorta glad that he still cared. Maybe he wasn't like Colton. Maybe he was a nice guy, but I really doubted that. No guy did anything without a reason. Or so I heard.
Josh came up to me again to know what was wrong on the bus. "Please, what's the matter, Elena?"
"Colton just made me mad is all. He cheated on me with that new slut girl, Sophie. And he thought I wouldn't find out." He really did look sympathetic.
"I am so sorry. You know, if I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't do that. I'm to nice of a guy." I choked on my own laughter.
"Well, thanks for the idea. I might actually take you up on that offer. It sounds very appealing. And, I kinda like you." The bus stopped at my stop, so I got off.
"What were you talking to Josh about?" asks the big, nosy Colton.
"About?" He shakes his head.
"How you broke my freakin' heart." I turned around, and tried to avoid him, but he grabbed my waist, and turned me around. "Let go of me! I don't want to talk to you!" He leaned in, and kissed me. I jerked back in surprise, and apparently he hadn't been expecting that. His grip lessened, and I started running. He caught up with me, but everytime he came close to having me, I jerked forward. But, finally he got me. "Let go of me!" I screamed with no use. He kissed me, and this time I didn't slip away. Instead, I put one hand in his hair, and the other behind my back.
When he

leaned back, I punched him in the mouth and ran away yet again. And this time, I outran him, but he was right behind me.
I had no idea where I was running to, but it didn't seem to promising. He seemed oblivious to where we were going. Then, I ran into a forest, and lost him. Lucky me.
I wandered and wandered, waiting to find an exit, but instead I find Colton grabbing me. Ugh! Why can I never lose him? "How dare you punch me! That was so not cool. And, why are you running? I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to make out with you."
"Actually, it was sooooooo

cool." I let him lead me out of the forest, because I honestly didn't know where I was. He started leading me somewhere.
At first, I had no idea where to, but then I recognized the street. He was taking me to his house. I turned around, but he caught me by the hoodie, and dragged me to his house.

What and Want

I awoke in Colton's bedroom, with a strange feeling of dizziness. I had an injury on my neck, but I had no idea where it came from. I walked out of his bedroom, into the kitchen. He was sitting at the table with a coffee mug that had red in it. I wondered what it was. "Hey," I say.
"So, you have awaken."
"Yup. What happened?"
"You don't remember?" he asks, clearly amused by my question.
"No. Should I?" He laughs.
"No. It's just good to know that my compulsion actually worked. Usually it doesn't, but after tasting your human blood, it probably gave me strength. More strength than a whole trip of animail blood, but I just wanted a taste. And, then I gave you a taste of me. Oh, and I'm sorry for all the drama with Sophie. She was just a donor of the night. I didn't intend for you to be there to see that. I'm sorry." I looked away.
"Whatever." And then, in at least a second, he was right in front of my face with his hand on my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"Do not

say whatever. Especially since now, you are a Vampire, and cannot be deestroyed. All thanks to me." I stared with a horror-struck expression. That sooooo made my flippin' day.
"You...Did...NOT...Just...Turn...Me...Into...A...Demon...Did...You...?" I was getting furious at this point. Why did he always have to ruin things? Why did I always have to be the bad guy? But, no. At this point, he

was the bad guy. And I

was the dansel in distress. I tried to remove his hand, but it wouldn't budge. And, with all my new strength, he was still stronger. That nasty ass bitch! God I hated/loved him. Make up your mind!

I told myself. Jeez-louise.
"Oh, but I did." So sexy. No, no, no, no, no! He wanted me to think this. He came closer, and his lips were just, .0000009 inches away from my lips. Then, to his satisfaction, I kissed him. And kissed him, and kissed him! Oh MY GOD!!!!! I didn't want to let go of him. I stepped back just as things were picking up.
"No," I said firmly. "I'm not going that far. Not yet."

I put extra emphasis on the word yet. Just to make him happy. Then, my stomach growled. "Can I have something to eat?" I asked. He stepped away.
"Of course you can." He went to the fridge, and took out a blood bag. He handed it to me. "You'll want human blood for the first week, but then we'll switch back over to animal." He went into his room and shut his door. This gave me some privacy. And boy did I want to leave.

Break Out

I broke from my reverie of the kiss, and bolted for the door. I opened it up with force I didn't know I had, and sprinted out the door.
I ran and ran. I got farther and farther away from him. I ran for at least two hours, staying out of sight from the 'humans'. But I finally stopped running when I had entered West Virginia.
I ran into some poor pathetic woman. I looked at her, but all I saw was someone to eat. I started shushing her, then bit into her neck. The blood thrilled me.
I let her dead carcass go, and went into the forest to rest. The sun had hurt my eyes a lot for some odd reason. I fell asleep, and then the nightmares hit. I had just killed someone. I had become a monster. A monster who didn't know what to do at this point.
How dare he! I became this for his own toy. He said that he loved me, but it wasn't real. He was the devil itself, and I was going to kill him. So help me, I will.

(3 years later)

I glared at Colton with evil eyes. He had fled our town, so I had to hunt him down. But now, I have found him. "Hello, Colton." He just stared at me. "I believe we have some big ass business to do."
"If you're going to kill me, do it now." He looked frightened. I simply shrugged.
"Okay." I moved towards him, and he didn't back away. It was finally time. Time to end this once and for all. I leaned towards his mouth, and kissed him. He kissed me back like that was all he had ever wanted in life.
I took out the knife from my pocket, and stabbed him in the heart. He let out a little moan, and then, stopped breathing all together. It was done. At least he had died happy. Sort've.
I turned around, and took out the other knife. I aimed at my chest. I looked at Colton one last time, and plunged it through my chest. I took it out, and walked away.
I guess though, that my love for him meant everything to me, because I turned around, and ran to his dead body. I looked at it, took my blade, plunged it through my heart, took out my lighter, and set us both on fire.
I fell down, in agony. I waited for my death to come. And to my satisfaction, it did.
Now I am floating in the air, looking down at my once called home. Looking at what my life could have been. I traveled to where my six year old daughter lived, (I had a child at fifteen years of age) and that was the last glimpse of reality I had.
I faded away slowly, into the dark abyss of nothing. Into the dark hole of my worst nightmare coming true. And eventually, I myself turned into nothing.
My soul travels around, lost of all hope, wondering what on earth I am going to do for the rest of eternity.
All I see anymore is the last look of my daughter, and how she will never meet her real mother. Her name so so so so beautiful. Aurora Ariana Two-Calibaster.

And that is the story my soul had to tell you. Now the pain in my chest won't ache so much. Now it only aches to be living again. But this time, only with a heartbeat and with my child. No desperation in the end. Just the two of us, living life the way it was meant to be.



Texte: Strictly my own things. None of this is based on my life, just the name.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.04.2011

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To the contest. And to anyone out there who cries reading this sad love/tragic story.

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