
Act 1 Scene 1
Charlie: What did I do wrong?
Bella: You’re supposed to take the lid off first, Dad. Metal’s bad for the microwave.
Charlie: Did I get the noodles right?
Bella: Stirring helps. (Pause) So what’s this all about?
Charlie: Don’t know what you’re talking about.
Bella: Um, did I miss something here. Since when do you make dinner, or try to make dinner I should say.
Charlie: There’s no law that says I can’t cook in my own house.
Bella: You would know.
Charlie: Ha! Good one.
Bella: I don’t know why you read the news, Dad. It only ticks you off.
Charlie: That’s why everyone wants to live in a small town, ridiculous!
Bella: What did the big cities do wrong now?
Charlie: Seattle’s making a run for murder capital of the country. There are five unsolved homicides in the last two weeks. Can you imagine living like that?
Bella: I think Phoenix is actually higher up the homicide list, Dad. I have lived there before.
Charlie: Well you couldn’t pay me enough. (Pause) You’re right! I did have a reason for doing this. I wanted to talk to you.
Bella: You could have just asked.
Charlie: Yeah. I’ll remember that next time. I thought that taking dinner off your hands would soften you up a little.
Bella: It worked; your cooking skills have me as soft as a marshmallow. What do you need, Dad?
Charlie: Well it’s about Jacob.
Bella: What about him?
Charlie: Easy Bells. I know you’re still upset that he told on you, but it was the right thing to do. He was being responsible.
Bella: Responsible, right. So, what about Jacob?
Charlie: Don’t get mad at me, okay.
Bella: Mad?
Charlie: Well, it’s about Edward too. (Pause) I let him in the house don’t I?
Bella: You do, for brief periods of time. Of course, you might let me out of the house for brief periods, now and then. I’ve been pretty good lately.
Charlie: Well that’s kind of where I’m going with this.
Bella: I’m confused, Dad. Is this about Jacob, or Edward, or me being grounded?
Charlie: Sort of all three.
Bella: And how do they relate?
Charlie: Okay. So I’m thinking maybe you deserve a parole for good behavior. For a teenager, you’re amazingly non-whiney, if you know what I mean.
Bella: Seriously? I’m free?
Charlie: Conditionally.
Bella: Fantastic.
Charlie: Bella, this is more of a request than a demand, okay? You’re free. But I’m hoping you’ll use that freedom…judiciously.
Bella: What does that mean?
Charlie: I know you’re satisfied to spend all of you time with Edward-
Bella: I spend time with Alice, too.
Charlie: That’s true. But you have other friends besides the Cullen’s, Bella. Or you used to. (Pause) When was the last time you spoke to Angela Weber?
Bella: Friday at lunch.
Charlie: Outside of school?
Bella: Grounded remember? And Angela spends all her time with Ben. Maybe we could double date.
Charlie: Okay. But then… You and Jake used to be joined at the hip, and now –
Bella: Can you get to the point? What’s your condition exactly?
Charlie: I don’t think you should dump all you other friends for your boyfriend, Bella. It’s not nice, and I think your life would be better balanced if you kept some other people in it. What happened last September…? (Pause) Well, if you’d had more of a life outside of Edward Cullen, it might not have been like that.
Bella: It would have been exactly like that.
Charlie: Maybe, maybe not.
Bella: The point?
Charlie: Use your new freedom to see your other friends, too. Keep it balanced.
Bella: Balance is good. Do I have specific time quotas to fill, though?
Charlie: I don’t want to make this complicated. Just don’t forget your friends… particularly Jacob.
Bella: Jacob might be difficult.
Charlie: The Blacks are practically family, Bella. And Jacob has been a very, very good friend to you.
Bella: I know that.
Charlie: Don’t you miss him at all?
Bella: Yes, I do miss him. I miss him a lot.
Charlie: Then why is it difficult?
Bella: Okay, okay, balance.
Charlie: And Jacob.
Bella: I’ll try.
(Bell rings at front of the door)
Scene 2
Bella: Hey.
Edward: How was your afternoon?
Bella: Slow.
Edward: For me, as well. (Pause) Good Evening, Charlie. I brought another set of applications. There are still a few open deadlines. And a few places willing to make exceptions. Shall we?
Charlie: Speaking of college applications, Edward. Have you decided where you’re going to school?
Edward: Not yet. I’ve received a few acceptance letters, but I’m still weighing my options.
Charlie: Where have you been accepted?
Edward: Syracuse, Harvard, Dartmouth and I just got accepted to the University of Alaska Southeast today.
Charlie: Harvard? Dartmouth? Well that’s pretty that’s something. Yeah, but University of Alaska, you wouldn’t really consider that when you could go Ivy League. I mean, you father would want you to…
Edward: Carlisle’s fine with whatever I choose to do.
Charlie: Humph.
Bella: Guess what, Edward?
Edward: What Bella?
Bella: I just got my acceptance to the University of Alaska!
Edward: Congratulations! What a coincidence.
Charlie: Fine. I’m going to go watch the game, Bella nine-thirty.
Bella: Um, Dad? Remember the very recent discussion about my freedom?
Charlie: Right. Okay, ten-thirty. You still have a curfew on school nights.
Edward: Bella’s no longer grounded?
Charlie: Conditionally. What’s it to you?
Edward: It’s just good to know.
Scene 3
Angela: Alice! Alice?
Edward: Is it naptime already Alice?
Alice: Sorry. I was daydreaming I guess.
Ben: Daydreaming is better than facing two more hours of school.
Mike: I just replaced the batteries.
Edward: Maybe it’s the cables?
Mike: Maybe. I don’t know. I just don’t have the money to take it down to Dowling’s.
Edward: Maybe I could take a look at it.
Mike: Uh, not now. Maybe some other time.
Edward: Absolutely.
Mike: See ya.
Bella: What was that about?
Edward: Just being helpful.
Alice: You’re not really that great of a mechanic Edward. Though, for Mike’s car you’ll do. It’s only within some finer tunings of a good Italian sports car. And speaking of Italy and sports cars that I stole there, you still owe me a yellow Porsche. I don’t think I can wait until Christmas for you to get me it.
Edward: See you later Alice. Light homework load tonight.
Bella: Mmm.
Edward: Do you suppose I’m allowed in again?
Bella: Charlie didn’t throw a fit when you picked me up for school.
(Go upstairs to Bella’s bedroom)
Edward: Are we a little impatient today?
Edward: Ah, Bella.
Bella: I’d say sorry, but I’m not.
Edward: And I should say sorry that you’re not sorry, but I don’t. Maybe I should go sit on the bed.
Bella: If you think that’s necessary.
Edward: Tell Renee I said hello.
Bella: Sure thing.
Scene 4
Edward: What did you do to this?
Bella: It didn’t want to come out of the dashboard.
Edward: So you felt the need to torture it?
Bella: You know how I am with tools. No pain was inflicted intentionally.
Edward: You killed it.
Bella: Oh well.
Edward: It would hurt their feelings if they saw this. I guess it’s a good thing you’ve been on house arrest. I’ll have to get another one in place before they notice.
Bella: Thanks, but I don’t need a fancy stereo.
Edward: It’s not for you I’m going to replace it. (Pause) You didn’t get much good out of you birthday presents last year. (Pause) Do you realize these are about to expire?
Bella: No. I’d forgotten all about them, actually.
Edward: We could go since you refuse to go to the Prom with me, why don’t we celebrate your freedom this way?
Bella: By going to Florida?
Edward: Well? Are we going to see Renee or not?
Bella: Charlie will never allow it.
Edward: Charlie can’t keep you from visiting your mother. She still has primary custody.
Bella: Nobody has custody of me, I’m an adult.
Edward: Exactly.
Bella: Not this weekend.
Edward: Why not?
Bella: I don’t want to fight with Charlie. Not soon after he’s forgiven me.
Edward: I think this weekend is perfect.
Bella: Another time.
Edward: You aren’t the only one who’s been trapped in this house, you know.
Bella: You can go anywhere you want.
Edward: The outside world holds no interest to me without you.
(Bella rolls eyes)
Edward: I’m serious.
Bella: Let’s take the outside world slowly, all right? For example, we could start with a movie in Port Angeles.
Edward: Never mind. We’ll talk about it later.
Bella: There’s nothing left to talk about.
(Edward shrugs)
Bella: Okay, new subject. (Pause) What did Alice see today?
Edward: She’s been seeing Jasper in weird places. She thinks it’s near his former family. But he has no intentions of going back. It’s got her worried.
Bella: Oh. Why didn’t you tell me before?
Edward: I didn’t realize you noticed. It’s probably nothing important in any case.
Scene 5
Charlie: That was great Bells.
Bella: I’m glad you liked it. How was work?
Charlie: Slow, dead slow really. Mark and I played cards for a good part of the afternoon. And then I was on the phone with Billy.
Bella: How is he?
Charlie: Good. His joints are bothering him a little.
Bella: Oh. That’s too bad.
Charlie: Yeah. He invited us down this weekend.
Bella: Cool.
Edward: Charlie.
Charlie: Yeah?
Edward: Did Bella ever tell you my parents got her tickets for her last birthday?
Charlie: Bella?
Bella: Yeah they did.
Charlie: No, she never mentioned it.
Edward: Hmm.
Charlie: Was there a reason you brought it up?
Edward: They’re about to expire. I think it would hurt Esme’s feelings if Bella doesn’t use her gift.
Charlie: It’s probably a good idea for you to visit mom. She’d love that. Though, why didn’t you say anything about it?
Bella: I forgot.
Charlie: You forgot that someone gave you plane tickets?
Bella: Mmm Hmm.
Charlie: I noticed you said they’re about to expire. How many tickets did your parents give her?
Edward: Just one for her… and one for me.
Charlie: That’s out of the question!
Edward: Why? You just said it was a good idea for her to see her mother.
Charlie: You’re not going anywhere with him, young lady!!!
Bella: I’m not a child! And I’m not grounded any more, remember?
Charlie: Oh yes you are, starting now!
Bella: For what?!
Charlie: Because I said so.
Bella: Do I need to remind you that I’m a legal adult, Charlie?
Charlie: This is my house! You follow my rules.
Bella: If that’s how you want it. Do you want me to move out tonight? Or can I have a few days to pack? Now I know you know that I have every right to see mom this weekend. Would it bother you if I took Jacob?
Charlie: Yes. That would bother me.
Bella: You’re a rotten liar.
Charlie: Bella.
Bella: Are you implying something about Mom’s ability to look after me?
Charlie: I’m not happy about this.
Bella: There’s no reason for you to be upset. I’m going out. I’ll be back before ten-thirty.
Charlie: Where are you going?
Bella: I don’t know.
Edward: We’re going out?
Bella: Yes. I think I’d like to speak to you alone. (Pause) What was that?
Edward: I know you want to see her. You’ve been worrying.
Bella: I have?
Edward: But clearly you were too much of a coward to deal with Charlie.
Bella: You threw me to the sharks!
Edward: I don’t think you were in any danger!
Bella: I told you I didn’t want to fight with Charlie.
Edward: Nobody said that you had to.
Bella: Well my natural instincts of a teenager take over.
Edward: Well that’s not my fault.
Bella: Does this sudden urge to see Florida have anything to do with the party at Billy’s place?
Edward: Nothing at all. It wouldn’t matter if you were here or on the other side of the world, you still wouldn’t be going. So what do you want to do tonight?
Bella: Can we go to your house? I haven’t seen Esme in so long.
Edward: She’ll like that, especially when she hears what we’re doing this weekend.
Scene 6
Bella: You’d better not come in. It will only make things worse.
Edward: His thoughts are relatively calm.
Bella: I’ll see you later.
Edward: I’ll be back when Charlie’s snoring.
Charlie: Could you come in here, Bella?
Bella: What’s up, Dad?
Charlie: Did you have a nice time tonight?
Bella: Yes.
Charlie: What did you do?
Bella: Hung out with Alice and Jasper. Edward beat Alice at chess, and then I played Jasper. He buried me.
Charlie: Look, there’s something I need to say.
Bella: What is it, Dad?
Charlie: I’m not good at this kind of thing. I don’t know how to start. Okay Bella here’s the thing. You and Edward seem pretty serious. There are a lot of important things you need to know why you, well, when you’re physically involved with.
Bella: Oh, please, please no! Please don’t tell me you’re trying to have a sex talk with me, Charlie.
Charlie: I am you father. I have responsibilities. Remember, I’m just as embarrassed as you are. Just tell me you’re being responsible.
Bella: Don’t worry about it dad. It’s not like that. Maybe the times have changed, but Edward is very old fashioned. You have nothing to worry about.
Charlie: Sure he is.
Bella: Ugh.
Charlie: Night, Bells.
Bella: See you in the morning. (Go upstairs and thinks) You care if I see Jake tonight? I won’t stay long.
Charlie: Sure, kid. No problem.
Bella: Thanks. (Gets in car and notices Edward) Gah!
Edward: Alice called. She got nervous when you future rather abruptly disappeared five minutes ago. I’ll put your car back together in time for school. Shut your window if you don’t want me to come in. I’ll understand.
Charlie: What’s wrong?
Bella: Truck won’t start.
Charlie: Want me to look at it?
Bella: No. I’ll try in the morning.
Charlie: Want to use my car?
Bella: No, I’m tired. Good-night.
Scene 7
Edward: You’ve been very quiet. Did the plane make you sick?
Bella: No, I’m okay.
Edward: Are you sad to leave?
Bella: More relieved than sad, I think. Renee is so much more perceptive than Charlie in some ways. It makes me jumpy.
Edward: Your mother has a very interesting mind. Almost childlike, but very insightful. She sees things differently than other people.
Renee: Bella?
Bella: What is it, Mom?
Renee: I’m worried….
Bella: What’s wrong? What can I do?
Renee: It’s not me. I’m worried about you and Edward.
Bella: Oh.
Renee: You two are more serious than I’d been thinking. There’s something strange about the way you two are together. The way he watches you it’s so protective. Like he’s about to throw himself in front of a bullet to save you or something.
Bella: That’s a bad thing?
Renee: No. It’s just different. He’s very intense about you and very careful. I feel like I don’t really understand your relationship. Like there’s some secret I’m missing.
Bella: I think you’re imagining things, Mom.
Renee: It’s not just him. I wish you could see how you move around him.
Bella: What do you mean?
Renee: The way you move, you orient yourself around him without even thinking about it. When he moves, even a little bit, you adjust your position at the same time. Like magnets or gravity. You’re like a satellite, or something. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Bella: Don’t tell me. You’re reading mysteries again, aren’t you? Or is it sci-fi this time?
Renee: That’s beside the point.
Bella: Found anything good?
Renee: Well, there was one, but that doesn’t matter. We’re talking about you right now.
Bella: You should stick to romance, Mom. You know how you freak yourself out.
Renee: I’m being silly, aren’t I?
Bella: Not silly, just being a mom.
Renee: And this isn’t enough to get you to move back in with you silly mom? You get used to the humidity.
Bella: You can get used to rain, too.
Scene 8
Edward: We’re home, Sleeping Beauty. Time to awake.
Bella: How bad?
Edward: Charlie’s not going to be difficult. He missed you.
Charlie: Welcome home, kid! How was Jacksonville?
Bella: Moist. And Buggy.
Charlie: So Renee didn’t sell you on the University of Florida?
Bella: She tried. But I’d rather drink water than inhale it.
Charlie: Did you have a nice time?
Edward: Yes. Renee was very hospitable.
Charlie: That’s um good. Glad you had fun.
Bella: Impressive.
Charlie: I really missed you, Bells. The food around here sucks when you’re gone.
Bella: I’ll get on it.
Charlie: Would you call Jacob first? He’s been bugging me every five minutes since six o’clock this morning. I promised I’d have you call him before you even unpacked.
Bella: Jacob wants to talk to me?
Charlie: Pretty bad, I’d say. He wouldn’t tell what it was about, just said it was important. That’s him again, I’d bet my next paycheck.
Bella: I got it. Hello?
Jacob: You’re back.
Bella: Yes.
Jacob: Why didn’t you call me?
Bella: Because I’ve been in the house for exactly four seconds and your call interrupted Charlie telling me that you’d called.
Jacob: Oh. Sorry.
Bella: Sure. Now, why are you harassing Charlie?
Jacob: I need to talk to you.
Bella: Yeah, I figured out that part all by myself. Go ahead.
Jacob: You going to school tomorrow?
Bella: Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?
Jacob: I dunno. Just curious.
Bella: So what did you want to talk about, Jake?
Jacob: Nothing really, I guess. I wanted to hear your voice.
Bella: Yeah, I know. I’m so glad you called me, Jake I –
Jacob: I have to go.
Bella: What?
Jacob: I’ll talk to you soon, okay?
Bella: But, Jake. That was short.
Edward: Is everything all right?
Bella: I don’t know. I wonder what that was about.
Edward: Your guess is probably better than mine.
Bella: Mmm.
Edward: What’s wrong? Bella?
Bella: I think… I think he was checking. Checking to make sure. That I’m human, I mean. We’ll have to leave before. So that it doesn’t break the treaty. We won’t ever be able to come back.
Edward: I know.
Charlie: Ahem. If you don’t want to make dinner, I can call for a pizza.
Bella: No, that’s okay, I’m already started.
Charlie: Okay.
Scene 9
Edward: If I asked you something, would you trust me?
Bella: That depends.
Edward: I was afraid you would say that.
Bella: What do you want me to do, Edward?
Edward: I want you to stay in the car. I want you to wait here until I come back for you.
Bella: But why? Oh.
Edward: You jumped to the wrong conclusion last night. He asked about school because he knew that I would be where you were. He was looking for a safe place to talk to me. A place with witnesses.
Bella: I’m not staying in the car.
Edward: Of course not. Well, let’s get this over with. You could have called us.
Jacob: Sorry. I don’t have leeches on my speed dial.
Edward: You could have reached me at Bella’s house, of course. This is hardly the place, Jacob. Could we discuss this later?
Jacob: Sure, sure. I’ll stop by your crypt after school. What’s wrong with now?
Edward: I already know what you came to say. Message delivered. Consider us warned.
Bella: Warned? What are you talking about?
Jacob: You didn’t tell her? What, were you afraid she’d take our side?
Edward: Please drop it, Jacob.
Jacob: Why?
Bella: What don’t I know? Edward? Jake?
Jacob: He didn’t tell you that his big brother crossed the line Saturday night? Paul was totally justified in-
Edward: It was no-man’s land!
Jacob: Was not!
Bella: Emmett and Paul? What happened? Were they fighting? Why? Did Paul get hurt?
Edward: No one fought. No one got hurt. Don’t be anxious.
Jacob: You didn’t tell her anything at all, did you? Is that why you took her away? So she wouldn’t know that-?
Edward: Leave now!
Jacob: Why haven’t you told her?
Bella: She came back for me?
Edward: It’s fine. It’s fine. I’ll never let her get close to you, it’s fine. Does that answer your question, mongrel?
Jacob: You don’t think Bella has a right to know? It’s her life.
Edward: Why should she be frightened when she was never in danger?
Jacob: Better frightened than lied to.
Edward: Do you really think hurting her is better than protecting her?
Jacob: She’s tougher than you think. And she’s been through worse. That’s funny.
Bella: What are you doing to him?
Edward: It’s nothing, Bella. Jacob just has a good memory, that’s all.
Bella: Stop it! Whatever you’re doing.
Jacob: Sure if you want. It’s his own fault if he doesn’t like the things I remember, though.
Edward: The principal is on his way to discourage loitering on school property. Let’s get to English Bella so you’re not involved.
Jacob: He’s a little over protective, isn’t he? Let me guess you’re not allowed to have fun, are you?
Bella: Shut up, Jacob.
Jacob: That sounds like a no. If you ever want a life again, come to my place. I still have your motorcycle in the garage.
Bella: You promised Charlie you would sell it.
Jacob: I wouldn’t sell something that’s not mine.
Bella: Jake…
Jacob: Come see me.
Bella: I, er, don’t know about that, Jake.
Jacob: I miss you every day, Bella. It’s not the same without you.
Bella: I know, and I’m sorry Jake I just…
Jacob: I know. It doesn’t matter right. Who needs friends?
Principal: Okay get to class. Move along Mr. Crowley.
Bella: Get to school Jake.
Principal: I mean it, detention for anyone who’s still standing here when I turn around again. Ah, Mr. Cullen. Do we have a problem here?
Edward: Not at all, Mr. Greene. We were just on our way to class.
Principal: Excellent. I don’t seem to recognize your friend. Are you a new student here?
Jacob: Nope.
Principal: Then I suggest you remove yourself from school property at once, before I call the police.
Jacob: Yes, sir.
Principal: Mr. Cullen, I expect you to ask your friend to keep himself to trespassing on school property, again.
Edward: He’s no friend of mine.
Principal: I see. If you worried about anything I’ll be happy to....
Edward: There’s no trouble here, Mr. Greene. Message delivered. Do you feel well enough to go to class?
Bella: Yes.
(Edward and Bella pass notes)
Mr. Berty: Is that something you’d like to share there, Mr. Cullen?
Edward: My notes?
Mr. Berty: Oh.
Scene 10
Jacob: Bella?
Bella: Hey, Jake!
Jacob: Bella! I can’t believe it! How did you get here?
Bella: I snuck out!
Jacob: Awesome!
Billy: Hey Bella.
Bella: Are you okay Jake? Charlie said you were having a bad time. Isn’t it getting any better?
Jacob: S’not so bad. What are you thinking about?
Bella: The sun.
Jacob: Mmm. It’s nice.
Bella: Haha. I think I need to go.
Jacob: But you just got here!
Bella: It seems that way.
Jacob: I don’t know when I’ll see you again.
Bella: I’ll come back the next time he’s away.
Scene 11
Bella: Aw crap! (She notices Edward is following her.)
Charlie: Bella?
Bella: Hey, Dad.
Charlie: So how was your day?
Bella: Good. They didn’t need me at work, so I went down to La Push.
Charlie: How’s Jacob?
Bella: Good.
Charlie: That’s nice.
Bella: I’m going to study.
Charlie: See you later.
(Edward in Bella’s room)
Bella: Hi. Er…so, I’m still alive. No harm done.
Edward: Bella. Do you have any idea how close I came to crossing the line today? To breaking the treaty and coming after you? Do you know what that would have meant?
Bella: You can’t! Edward, they’d use any excuse for a fight. They’d love that. You can’t ever break the rules!
Edward: Maybe they aren’t the only ones who would enjoy a fight.
Bella: Don’t you start. You made the treaty, you stick to it.
Edward: If he’d hurt you…
Bella: Enough! There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob isn’t dangerous.
Edward: Bella. You aren’t exactly the best judge of what is or isn’t dangerous.
Bella: I know I don’t have to worry about Jake. And neither do you. I’m sorry I made you anxious.
Edward: Anxious is a bit of an understatement. It’s been a very long day.
Bella: You weren’t supposed to know about it. I thought you’d be hunting longer.
Edward: When Alice saw you disappear, I came back.
Bella: You shouldn’t have done that. Now you’ll have to go away again.
Edward: I can wait.
Bella: That’s ridiculous. I mean, I know she couldn’t see me with Jacob, but you should have known…
Edward: But I didn’t. And you can’t expect me to let you…
Bella: Oh, yes I can. That’s exactly what I expect…
Edward: This won’t happen again.
Bella: That’s right! Because you’re not going to overreact next time.
Edward: Because there isn’t going to be a next time.
Bella: I understand when you have to leave, even if I don’t like it…
Edward: That’s not the same. I’m not risking my life.
Bella: Neither am I.
Edward: Werewolves constitute a risk.
Bella: I disagree.
Edward: I’m not negotiating this, Bella.
Bella: Neither am I. Is this really just about my safety?
Edward: What do you mean?
Bella: You aren’t… I mean, you know better than to be jealous, right?
Edward: Do I?
Bella: Be serious.
Edward: Easily… there’s nothing remotely humorous about this. Bella…
Bella: What now?
Edward: Well…don’t be offended, but you smell like a dog.
Scene 12
Bella: Hey, Alice. Where’s your brother?
Alice: (Humming)
Bella: What’s going on? Where is Edward?
Alice: They left early.
Bella: Oh.
Alice: All the boys went, and we’re having a slumber party!
Bella: A slumber party?
Alice: Aren’t you excited?
Bella: You’re kidnapping me, aren’t you?
Alice: Till Saturday. Esme cleared it with Charlie; you’re staying with me two nights, and I will drive you to and from school tomorrow. Sorry, he paid me off.
Bella: How?
Alice: The Porsche. It’s exactly like the one I stole in Italy. I’m not supposed to drive it around Forks, but if you want, we could see how long it takes to get from here to L.A. I bet I could have you back by midnight.
Bella: I think I’ll pass.
Alice: Pretty, isn’t it?
Bella: Pretty over-the-top. He gave you that just for two days of holding me hostage? It’s for every time he’s gone, isn’t it? Alice, don’t you think this is just a little bit controlling? Just a tiny bit psychotic, maybe?
Alice: Not really. You don’t seem to grasp how dangerous a young werewolf can be. Especially when I can’t see them. Edward has no way to know if you’re safe. You shouldn’t be so reckless.
Bella: Where am I supposed to sleep? Can’t you just keep me under surveillance at my house?
Alice: What kind of slumber party would that be? You’re sleeping in Edward’s room. I don’t think he’ll have his phone on him.
Bella: I’ll leave a message. You are in trouble. Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what it waiting for you at home. I’m done.
Alice: This hostage stuff is fun.
Bella: What the hell is all this?
Scene 13
Alice: I haven’t even gotten a chance to drive it.
Bella: Sorry.
(Bella goes to sleep)
Edward: Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Aren’t you tired? I should let you sleep.
(kiss and it kind of gets out of hand)
Bella: No, I’m not. I don’t mind if you want to give me the wrong impression again.
Edward: That’s probably a bad idea. Good-night, Bella. Hmm. You’re quite adorable when you’re jealous. It’s surprisingly enjoyable. It’s late. Sleep, Bella.

Scene 14
Charlie: Did you have fun?
Bella: Yeah. Dad did you start the wash?
Charlie: No. Did you want me to?
Bella: No. I got it. Were you looking for something in my room?
Charlie: No. Why?
Bella: I can’t find a shirt.
Charlie: I haven’t been in there. Did you find what you were looking for?
Bella: Not yet.
Charlie: Door.
Bella: Don’t strain yourself dad. Edward? What…?
Edward: Give me two seconds. Don’t move. Someone’s been here.
Bella: I swear that no werewolves…
Edward: Not one of them. One of us.
Bella: Victoria.
Edward: It’s not a scent I recognize.
Bella: One of the Volturi.
Edward: Probably.
Bella: When?
Edward: That’s why I think it must have been them…it wasn’t long ago, early this morning while Charlie was sleeping. And whoever it was didn’t touch him, so there must have been another purpose.
Bella: Looking for me.
Charlie: What are you two hissing about in here? If you two are having a fight…well, don’t let me interrupt.
Edward: Let’s go.
Bella: But Charlie!
Edward: Emmett and Jasper are on their way. They’ll sweep the woods. Charlie is fine.
Bella: Where are we going?
Edward: We’re going to talk to Alice.
Bella: You think maybe she saw something?
Edward: Maybe.
Scene 15
Edward: What happened?
Alice: I have no idea. I didn’t see anything.
Edward: How is that possible?
Bella: Edward.
Edward: He was I her room, Alice. He could have still been there, waiting for her.
Alice: I would have seen that.
Edward: Really? You’re sure?
Alice: She was never in any danger. There was nothing to see.
Edward: If you’re watching Italy, why didn’t you see them send…
Alice: I don’t think it’s them. I would have seen that.
Edward: Who else would leave Charlie alive?
Alice: I don’t know.
Edward: Helpful.
Bella: Stop it, Edward.
Edward: You’re right, Bella. I’m sorry. Forgive me, Alice. I shouldn’t be taking this out on you. That was inexcusable.
Alice: I understand. I’m not happy about it, either.
Edward: Okay, let’s look at this logically. What are the possibilities?
Carlisle: Victoria?
Edward: No. I didn’t know the scent. He might have been from the Volturi, someone I’ve never met…
Alice: Aro hasn’t asked anyone to look for her yet. I will see that. I’m waiting for it.
Edward: You’re watching for an official command.
Alice: You think someone’s acting on their own? Why?
Edward: Caius’s idea.
Alice: Or Jane’s…They both have the resources to send an unfamiliar face…
Edward: And the motivation.
Esme: It doesn’t make sense, though. If whoever it was meant to wait for Bella, Alice would have seen that. He or she had no intention of hurting Bella. Or Charlie, for that matter. It’s going to be fine, Bella.
Carlisle: But what was the point then?
Bella: Checking to see if I’m still human?
Carlisle: Possible.
Emmett: Long gone, hours ago. The trail went East, then South, and disappeared on a side road. Had a car waiting.
Edward: That’s bad luck. If he’d gone west…well, it would be nice for those dogs to make themselves useful.
Jasper: Neither of us recognized him. But here.
Carlisle: No. Not familiar. No one I’ve ever met.
Esme: Perhaps we’re looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it’s a coincidence…I don’t mean a coincidence that a stranger happened to pick Bella’s house to visit at random. I meant that maybe someone was just curious. Our scent is all around her. Was he wondering what draws us there?
Emmett: Why wouldn’t he just come here then? If he was curious?
Esme: You would. The rest of us aren’t always so direct. Our family is very large…he or she might be frightened. But Charlie wasn’t harmed. This doesn’t have to be an enemy.
Alice: I don’t think so. The timing of it was too perfect… This visitor was so careful to make no contact. Almost like he or she knew what I would see…
Esme: He could have other reasons for not making contact.
Bella: Does it really matter who it was? Just the chance that someone was looking for me…isn’t that reason enough? We shouldn’t wait for graduation.
Edward: No, Bella. It’s not that bad. If you’re really in danger, we’ll know.
Carlisle: Think of Charlie. Think of how it would hurt him if you disappeared.
Bella: I am thinking of Charlie! He’s the one I’m worried about! What if my little guest had happened to be thirsty last night? As long as I’m around Charlie, he’s a target, too. If anything happened to him, it would be my whole fault!
Esme: Hardly, Bella. And nothing will happen to Charlie. We’re just going to have to be more careful.
Bella: More careful?
Alice: It’s all going to be fine, Bella.
Edward: You won’t be alone for a second. Someone will always be there. Emmett, Alice, Jasper…
Bella: This is ridiculous. They’ll get so bored; they’ll have to kill me themselves, just for something to do.
Edward: Hilarious, Bella.
Charlie: Jacob called again.
Bella: Is that a fact?
Charlie: Don’t be pretty, Bella. He sounded really low.
Bella: Is Jacob paying you for all the P.R., or are you a volunteer.
Scene 16
Edward: I got your mail.
Bella: Anything good?
Edward: I think so.
Bella: Dartmouth? Is this a joke?
Edward: I’m sure it’s an acceptance. It looks exactly like mine.
Bella: Good grief, Edward. What did you do?
Edward: I sent in your application, that’s all.
Bella: I may not be Dartmouth material, but I’m not stupid enough to believe that.
Edward: Dartmouth seems to think that you’re Dartmouth material.
Bella: That’s very generous of them. However, accepted or not, there is still the minor matter of tuition. I can’t afford it. And I’m not letting you throw away enough money to buy yourself another sports car just so that I can pretend to go to Dartmouth next year.
Edward: I don’t need another sports car. And you don’t have to pretend anything. One year of college wouldn’t kill you. Maybe you’d even like it. Just think about it, Bella. Imagine how excited Charlie and Renee would be…
Bella: Edward, I’m worried about living through graduation, let alone this summer or next fall.
Edward: No one is going to hurt you. You have all the time in the world.
Bella: I’m mailing the contents of my back account to Alaska tomorrow. This reminds me, could you ask Alice what she did with my stuff when she cleaned my room? I can’t find it anywhere!
Edward: Alice cleaned your room?
Bella: Yeah.
Edward: When did you notice your things were missing?
Bella: When I got back from the party. Why?
Edward: I don’t think Alice took anything. The things that were taken, these things you’d worn, and touched, and slept on?
Bella: Yes. What is it, Edward?
Edward: Things with your scent.
Bella: Oh! My visitor.
Edward: He was gathering traces, evidence. To prove that he’d found you.
Bella: Why?
Edward: I don’t know. But, Bella, I swear I will find out. I will.
Bella: I know you will.
Edward: Where’s the paper?
Bella: Why?
Edward: I need to see something. Did Charlie already throw it out?
Bella: Maybe.
Edward: Carlisle’s right…yes…very sloppy. Young and crazed? Or a death wish?
Bella: It’s getting worse.
Edward: Altogether out of control. This can’t be the work of just one newborn vampire. What’s going on? No one has explained the rules to them…so who is creating them, then?
Bella: The Volturi?
Edward: As long as they’re close, they might decide to check on you.
Bella: What can we do?
Edward: We need to know more before we can decide that. Perhaps if we can talk to these young ones, explain the rules, it can be resolved peacefully. We’ll wait until Alice has an idea of what’s going on…We don’t want to step in until it’s absolutely necessary. After all, it’s not our responsibility. But it’s good we have Jasper. If we are dealing with newborns, he’ll be helpful.
Scene 17
Bella: What is that?
Edward: Nothing.
Bella: It doesn’t look like nothing.
Edward: Well, I didn’t know if you were going to forgive your friend, or he you, and I wondered if you would still want to ride your bike anyway. It sounded like it was something that you enjoyed. I thought I could go with you, if you wished.
Bella: I wouldn’t be able to keep up with you.
Edward: I’d keep pace with you, Bella.
Bella: That wouldn’t be much fun for you.
Edward: Of course it would, if we were together.
Bella: Edward, if you thought I was going too fast or losing control of the bike or something, what would you do?
Edward: This is something you do with Jacob. I see that now.
Bella: It’s just that, well, I don’t slow him down so much, you know. I could try, I guess…
Edward: Don’t worry about it. I saw Jasper admiring it. Perhaps it’s time he discovered a new way to travel. After all, Alice has her Porsche now.
Bella: Edward, I…
Edward: I said not to worry. But would you do something for me?
Bella: Whatever you need.
Edward: Please?
Bella: I’ll look stupid.
Edward: No, you’ll look smart. Smart enough not to get yourself hurt. There are things between my hands right now that I can’t live without. You could take care of them.
Bella: Okay, fine. What’s that other thing?
Edward: It’s a riding jacket. I hear road rash is quite uncomfortable, not that I would know myself.
Bella: Be honest, how hideous do I look? That bad, huh?
Edward: No, no, Bella. Actually you look…sexy.
Bella: Right.
Edward: Very sexy, really.
Bella: You are just saying that so I’ll wear it. But that’s okay. You’re right, it’s smarter.
Edward: You’re silly. I suppose that’s part of your charm. Though, I’ll admit it, this helmet does have its drawbacks.
(Edward takes off helmet and kisses Bella)
Scene 18
Alice: I have foreseen…Fine. Edward is making me do this. But I did foresee that you would be more difficult if I surprised you.
Bella: In English?
Alice: Don’t be a baby about this. No tantrums.
Bella: No I’m scared.
Alice: So you’re I mean we’re having a graduation party. It’s no big thing. Nothing to freak out over. But I saw that you would freak out if I tried to make it a surprise party and Edward said I had to tell you. But it’s nothing. Promise.
Bella: Is there any point in arguing?
Alice: None at all.
Bella: Okay, Alice. I’ll be there. And I’ll hate every minute of it. Promise.
Alice: That’s the spirit! By the way, I love my gift. You shouldn’t have.
Bella: Alice, I didn’t!
Alice: Oh, I know that. But you will.
Edward: Amazing. How can someone so tiny be so annoying?
Alice: It’s a talent.
(End of Act 1)
Act 2 Scene 1
Edward: You don’t want to be my wife.
Bella: That’s not a question.
Edward: I was worrying about why you felt that way.
Bella: That’s not a question, either.
Edward: Please, Bella?
Bella: The truth?
Edward: Of course. I can take it, whatever it is.
Bella: You’re going to laugh at me.
Edward: Laugh? I cannot imagine that.
Bella: You’ll see. Okay, fine! I’m sure this will sound like some big joke to you, but really! It’s just so…so…so embarrassing!
Edward: I’m not following you.
Bella: I’m not that girl, Edward. The one who gets married right out of high school like some small-town hick who got knocked up by her boyfriend! Do you know what people would think? Do you realize what century this is? People don’t just get married at eighteen! Not smart people, responsible, mature people! I wasn’t going to be that girl! That’s not who I am!
Edward: That’s all?
Bella: Isn’t that enough?
Edward: It’s not that you were…more eager for immortality itself than for just me?
Bella: Edward, there’s no point to forever without you. I wouldn’t want one day without you.
Edward: Well, that’s a relief.
Bella: The thing is, Edward, in my mind, marriage and eternity is not mutually exclusive or mutually inclusive concepts. And since we’re living in my world for the moment, maybe we should go with the times, if you know what I mean.
Scene 2
Edward: Bella? Did I startle you? I’m sorry. I did knock.
Bella: No, no. Have you seen this?
Emmett: Hey, Edward. Ditching, Bella?
Edward: We both are.
Emmett: Yes, but it’s her first time through high school. She might miss something.
Edward: Did you see that they’re considering a serial killer now?
Carlisle: They’ve had two specialists debating that possibility on CNN all morning.
Edward: We can’t let this go on.
Emmett: Let’s go now. I’m dead bored.
Rosalie: Emmett.
Emmett: She’s such a pessimist.
Edward: We’ll have to go sometime.
Rosalie: No.
Carlisle: I’m concerned. We’ve never involved ourselves in this kind of thing before. It’s not our business. We aren’t the Volturi.
Edward: I don’t want the Volturi to have to come here.
Esme: And all those innocent humans in Seattle. It’s not right to let them die this way.
Carlisle: I know.
Alice: What is he rambling about? What are you thinking?
Jasper: Bella, you’re confused.
Emmett: We’re all confused.
Rosalie: Yes, but Bella is more confused than all of us. This whole thing is about her, but she hardly knows anything.
Jasper: How much do you know about me, Bella?
Bella: Not much.
Edward: No. I’m sure you can understand why I haven’t told her that story. But I suppose she needs to hear it now.
Bella: Oh. Jasper, you have a scar exactly like mine.
Jasper: I have a lot of scars like yours, Bella.
Bella: Jasper, what happened to you?
Jasper: The same thing that happened to your hand. Repeated a thousand times. Our venom is the only thing that leaves a scar.
Carlisle: What can we do?
Jasper: If we want to avoid the Volturi’s involvement, we will have to destroy the newborns, and we will have to do it very soon. I can teach you how. Maybe we can lure them out.
Scene 3
Jacob: Hey, Bells.
Bella: Are you alright Jake?
Jacob: Just tired. (falls asleep) What? What?
Bella: It’s just me, Jake. Sorry I woke you.
Jacob: Bella?
Bella: Hey, sleepy.
Jacob: Oh, man! Did I fall asleep? I’m sorry! How long was I out?
Bella: A few Emerils. I lost count.
Jacob: Wow. Sorry about that, really.
Bella: Don’t feel bad. I’m glad you got some sleep.
Jacob: Ugh.
Bella: You’re impossible.
Jacob: Until you heart stop beating, Bella. I’ll be here fighting. Don’t forget that you have options.
Bella: I don’t want options. And my heartbeats are numbered Jacob. The time is almost gone.
Jacob: All the more reason to fight…fight harder, now, while I can.
Bella: Nnnn…..
(Jacob kisses Bella and she is trying to push away.)
Bella: Are you done?
Jacob: Yes.
(Bella pulls her fist back and punches Jacob with all her might and then hears a crack which is her hand breaking.)
Bella: OW! OW!
Jacob: You alright?
Bella: No, dammit! You broke my hand!
Jacob: Bella, you broke your hand. Now stop dancing around and let me look at it.
Bella: Don’t touch me! I’m going home right now!
Jacob: I’ll get my car.
Bella: No thanks. I’d rather walk.
Jacob: Just let me drive you home.
Bella: Fine! Do! I can’t wait to see what Edward does to you! I hope he snaps your neck, you pushy, obnoxious, moronic DOG! Didn’t I hurt you at all?
Jacob: Are you kidding? If you hadn’t started screaming, I might not have figured out that you were trying to punch me. I may not be made out of stone, but I’m not that soft.
Bella: I hate you Jacob Black.
Jacob: That’s good. Hate is a passionate emotion.
Bella: I’ll give you passionate. Murder, the ultimate crime of passion.
Jacob: Oh, c’mon. That had to be better than kissing a rock.
Bella: Not even remotely close.
Jacob: You could just be saying that.
Bella: But I’m not.
Jacob: You’re just mad. I don’t have any experience with this kind of thing, but I thought it was pretty incredible myself.
Bella: Ugh.
Jacob: You’re going to think about it tonight. When he thinks you’re asleep, you’ll be thinking about your options.
Bella: If I think about you tonight, it will be because I’m having a nightmare.
Jacob: Just think about how it could be, Bella. You wouldn’t have to change anything for me. You know Charlie would be happy if you picked me. I could protect you just as well as your vampire can, maybe better. And I would make you happy, Bella. There’s so much I could give you that he can’t. I’ll bet he couldn’t even kiss you like that, because he would hurt you. I would never, never hurt you, Bella. And your hand was not my fault.
Bella: Jacob, I can’t be happy without him.
Jacob: You’ve never tried. When he left, you spent your entire energy holding on to him. You could be happy if you let go. You could be happy with me.
Bella: I don’t want to be happy with anyone but him.
Jacob: You’ll never be able to be as sure of him as you are of me. He left you once, he could do it again.
Bella: No, he will not. You left me once, too.
Jacob: I never did. They told me I couldn’t tell you that it wasn’t safe for you if we were together. But I never left, never! I used to run around your house at night, like I do now. Just making sure you were okay.
Bella: Take me home. My hand hurts.
Jacob: Just think about it, Bella.
Bella: No.
Jacob: You will, tonight. And I’ll be thinking about you while you’re thinking about me.
Bella: Like I said a nightmare.
Jacob: You kissed me back. Are you okay?
Bella: I did not.
Jacob: I think I can tell the difference.
Bella: Obviously you can’t. That was not kissing back, that was trying to get you the hell off of me, you idiot.
Jacob: Touchy. Almost overly defensive, I would say. I’m really sorry about your hand. Next time you want to hit me, use a baseball bat or a crowbar, okay?
Bella: Don’t think I’ll forget that. Why are you taking me here?
Jacob: I thought you said you were going home?
Bella: Ugh. I guess you can’t take me to Edward’s house, can you?
Jacob: This is your home, Bella.
Bella: Yes, but do any doctors live here?
Jacob: Oh. I’ll take you to the hospital. Or Charlie can.
Bella: I don’t want to go to the hospital. It’s embarrassing and unnecessary. Go home, Jacob.
Jacob: What are you doing?
Bella: I am going to get some ice on my hand, and then I am going to call Edward and tell him to come and get me and take me to Carlisle so that he can fix my hand. Then, if you’re still here, I am going to go hunt up a crowbar.
Scene 4
Charlie: Hey kids. Nice to see you here, Jake.
Jacob: Hey Charlie.
Charlie: What’s wrong with her?
Jacob: She hit me.
Charlie: Why did she hit you?
Jacob: Because I kissed her.
Charlie: Good for you, kid.
Bella: Ugh.
(She dials Edward’s number)
Edward: Bella? You left the phone. I’m sorry, did Jacob drive you home?
Bella: Yes. Will you come and get me, please?
Edward: I’m on my way. What’s wrong?
Bella: I want Carlisle to look at my hand. I think it’s broken.
Edward: What happened?
Bella: I punched Jacob.
Edward: Good. Though I’m sorry you’re hurt.
Bella: I wish I’d hurt him. I didn’t do any damage at all.
Edward: I can fix that.
Bella: I was hoping you would say that.
Edward: That doesn’t sound like you. What did he do?
Bella: He kissed me.
(Back to other room)
Charlie: Maybe you ought to take off, Jake.
Jacob: I think I’ll hang here, if you don’t mind.
Charlie: Your funeral.
(Back to other room)
Edward: Is the dog still there?
Bella: Yes.
Edward: I’m around the corner.
Charlie: How’s your hand?
Bella: It’s swelling.
Charlie: Maybe you should pick on people your own size.
Bella: Maybe.
(Edward at the door)
Edward: Let me see. I think you’re right about the break. I’m proud of you. You must have put some force behind this.
Bella: As much as I have. Not enough, apparently.
Edward: I’ll take care of it. Jacob.
Charlie: Now, Now. I don’t want any fighting, do you understand? I can go put my badge on if that makes my request more official.
Edward: That won’t be necessary.
Bella: Why don’t you arrest me, Dad? I’m the one throwing punches.
Charlie: Do you want to press charges, Jake?
Jacob: No. I’ll take the trade any day.
Bella: Dad, don’t you have a baseball bat somewhere in your room? I want to borrow it for a minute.
Charlie: Enough, Bella.
Edward: Let’s go have Carlisle look at your hand before you wind up in a jail cell.
Bella: Fine.
Charlie: What are you doing? Are you crazy?
Jacob: Give me a minute, Charlie. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.
Edward: I’m not going to kill you now, because it would upset Bella.
Bella: Humph.
Edward: It would bother you in the morning. But if you ever bring her back with damages again, and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, or if a meteor falls out of the sky. If she is in less that the perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand that, mongrel?
Bella: Who’s going back?
Edward: And if you ever kiss her again, I will break your jaw for her.
Jacob: What if she wants me to?
Bella: Hah!
Edward: If that’s what she wants, then I won’t object. You might want to wait for her to say it, rather that trust your interpretation of body language, but it’s your face.
Bella: You wish.
Edward: Yes, he does.
Jacob: Well, if you’re done rummaging through my head, why don’t you go take care of her hand?
Edward: One more thing. I’ll be fighting for her, too. You should know that. I’m not taking anything for granted, and I’ll be fighting twice as hard as you will.
Jacob: Good. It’s no fun beating someone who forfeits.
Edward: She is mine. I didn’t say I would fight fair.
Jacob: Neither did I.
Edward: Best of luck.
Jacob: May the best…man win.
Edward: That sounds about right, pup.
Jacob: I hope your hand feels better soon. I’m really sorry you’re hurt.
Scene 5
Edward: How do you feel?
Bella: Irritated.
Edward: I meant your hand.
Bella: I’ve had worse.
Edward: True.
Emmett: Fall down again Bella.
Bella: No, Emmett. I punched a werewolf in the face.
Rosalie: Jasper’s going to win the bet.
Bella: What bet?
Edward: Let’s get you to Carlisle.
Bella: What bet?
Edward: Thanks, Rosalie.
Bella: Edward?
Edward: It’s infantile. Emmett and Jasper like to gamble.
Bella: Emmett will tell me.
Edward: Huh. They’re betting on how many times you slip up in the first year.
Bella: Oh. They have a bet about how many people I’ll kill?
Edward: Yes. Rosalie thinks your temper will turn the odds in Jasper’s favor.
Bella: Jasper’s betting high.
Edward: It will make him feel better if you have a hard time adjusting. He’s tired of being the weakest link. You don’t need to worry about it now. In fact, you don’t have to worry about it ever, if you don’t want to.
Bella: Ugh.
Scene 6
Alice: Aren’t you going to open it? Pretty, don’t you think? I picked blue, because I know its Edward’s favorite on you?
Bella: It’s the same.
Alice: What is?
Bella: Listen, Alice. It’s the same! The one who broke in and stole my things, and the new vampires in Seattle. They’re together!
Alice: Why do you think that?
Bella: Remember what Edward said? About someone using the holes in your vision to keep you from seeing the newborns? And then what you said before, about the timing being too perfect. How careful my thief was to make no contact, as if he knew you would see that. I think you were right, Alice, I think he did know. I think he was using those holes, too. And what are the odds that two different people not only know enough about you to do that, but also decided to do it at exactly the same time? No way. It’s one person. The same one. The one who is making the army is the one who stole my scent.
Alice: You’re right. Of course you’re right. And when you put it that way…
Bella: Edward had it wrong. It was a test to see if it would work. He stole my scent so that others could find me.
Alice: Oh, no. If you think that one thing has changed, you’re absolutely wrong. Bye.
Bella: Bye.
Charlie: You look nice. Is that new?
Bella: Yeah. Alice gave it to me.
Edward: Are you all right?
Bella: Nervous.
Mr. Varner: Up front, Mr. Cullen.
Jessica: Hey, Bella! Down here, Bella! This is so amazing. I mean, it seems like we just met, and now we’re graduating together. Can you believe it’s over? I feel like screaming!
Bella: So do I.
Mr. Varner: Congratulations, Ms. Stanley. Congratulations, Ms. Swan.
Bella: Thanks.
Jessica: Oh, Bella. I can’t believe we’re done.
Bella: I’m so glad I know you, Jessica. It was a good two years.
Jessica: It was. Lauren!
Edward: Congratulations.
Bella: Um, thanks.
Edward: You don’t look like you’re over the nerves yet.
Bella: Not quite yet.
Edward: What’s left to worry about? The party? It won’t be that horrible.
Bella: You’re probably right.
Edward: Who are you looking for?
Bella: Alice. Where is she?
Edward: She ran out as soon as she got her diploma.
Bella: Worrying about Alice?
Edward: Er…
Bella: What was she thinking about anyway? To keep you out, I mean.
Edward: She was translating the Battle Hymn of the Republic into Arabic, actually. When she finished that, she moved on to Korean sign language.
Bella: I suppose that would keep her head busy enough.
Edward: You know what she’s hiding from me.
Bella: Sure. I’m the one who came up with it.
Edward: What are you talking about?
Bella: Just stay calm, okay? I think you’re wrong about things coming at us from one side, and I think it’s coming at me, really. It’s all connected, it has to be. It’s just one person who’s messing around with Alice’s visions. The stranger in my room was a test, to see if someone could get around her. It’s got to be the same one who keeps changing his mind, and the newborns, and stealing my clothes. All of it goes together. My scent is for them. But no one’s coming for you, don’t you see? This is good. Esme and Alice and Carlisle, no one wants to hurt them!
Charlie: Bella! Congratulations, baby!
Bella: Thanks.
Charlie: Jacob and Billy had to take off. Did you see that they were here?
Bella: Yeah. Heard them, too.
Charlie: We’re going to the Lodge tonight. Edward, you want to come?
Edward: No, thank you. If you’ll excuse me.
Charlie: What did I say?
Bella: Don’t worry about it, Dad. I don’t think it’s you.
Scene 7
Charlie: In a hurry?
Bella: I want to help Alice set up things.
Charlie: Okay.
(Edward appears in woods)
(They kiss)
Bella: How are you?
Edward: Not so great. But I’ve got a handle on myself. I’m sorry that I lost it back there.
Bella: My fault. I should have waited to tell you.
Edward: No. This is something I needed to know. I can’t believe I didn’t see it!
Bella: You’ve got a lot on your mind.
Edward: And you don’t?
(Edward kisses her again)
Edward: Charlie’s on his way.
Bella: I’ll have him drop me off at your house.
Edward: I’ll follow you there.
Bella: I don’t think that’s…
Charlie: Bella?
Bella: I’m out here.
(They arrive at the house of Edward’s)
Edward: Bella?
(He kisses her again and she feels the tension in it)
Bella: Let’s get this stupid party over with.
Edward: I won’t let anything happen to you.
Bella: I’m not worried about myself so much.
Edward: Why am I not surprised? Ready to celebrate?
Bella: Ugh. Unbelievable.
Edward: Alice will be Alice.
Alice: Edward! I need your advice. Should we give them familiar and comforting? Or educate their taste in music?
Edward: Keep it comforting. You can only lead the horse to water.
Alice: I think I’m underdressed.
Edward: You’re perfect.
Alice: You’ll do.
Bella: Thanks. Do you really think people will come?
Edward: Everyone will come. They’re all dying to see the inside of the reclusive Cullens’ mystery house.
Bella: Fabulous.
(Doorbell rings)
Edward: Stay here. I’ll be right back.
Bella: Excuse me for a minute, Jess. What Alice, what? What did you see?
Alice: Who invited the werewolf?
Bella: Guilty.
Alice: Well, you got take care of it, then. I have to talk to Carlisle.
Bella: No, Alice, wait. Damn it.
Scene 8
Jacob: Hey, Bella! Friendly reception.
Bella: What are you doing here?
Jacob: You invited me, remember?
Bella: In case my right hook was to subtle for you, let me translate: that was me uninviting you.
Jacob: Don’t be a poor sport. I brought you a graduation present and everything.
Bella: Take it back to the store, Jake. I’ve got to do something…
Jacob: I can’t take it back. I didn’t get it from the store. I made it myself. Took a really long time, too. Oh, c’mon, Bella. Don’t pretend like I’m not here!
Bella: I’m not. Look, Jake, I’ve got a lot on my mind right now.
Jacob: Could I please have just a few seconds of your undivided attention, Ms. Swan?
Bella: Keep your hands to yourself, Jacob.
Jacob: Sorry! I really am sorry. About the other day, I mean, too. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. It was wrong. I guess…well, I guess I got deluded myself into thinking you wanted me to.
Bella: Deluded…What a perfect description!
Jacob: Be nice. You could accept my apology, you know.
Bella: Fine. Apology accepted. Now, if you’ll just excuse me for a moment…
Jacob: Okay. I guess you’d rather be with your real friends. I get it.
Bella: Aw, Jake, you know that’s not fair.
Jacob: Do I?
Bella: You should. Jake? Hey, you said you made me something, right? Was that just talk? Where’s my present? I’m waiting.
Jacob: Right.
Bella: Hey, that’s pretty, Jake. Thanks!
Jacob: The present is inside, Bella.
Bella: Oh.
Jacob: I didn’t make the bracelet. Just the charm.
Bella: it’s beautiful. You made this? How?
Jacob: It’s something Billy taught me. He’s better at it than I am.
Bella: That’s hard to believe.
Jacob: Do you really like it?
Bella: Yes! It’s unbelievable, Jake.
Jacob: Well, I figured that maybe it would make you remember me once and a while. You know how it is, out of sight, out of mind.
Bella: Here, help me put it on.
Jacob: You’ll wear it?
Bella: Of course I will.
Jacob: Why are you so distracted?
Bella: It’s nothing. Thanks for the present, really. I love it.
Jacob: Bella? Something’s going on, isn’t it?
Bella: Jake, I…no, there’s nothing.
Jacob: Don’ lie to me, you suck at lying. You should tell me what’s going on. We want to know these things.
Bella: Jacob, I will tell you. Just let me figure out what’s happening, okay? I need to talk to Alice.
Jacob: The psychic saw something.
Bella: Yes, just when you showed up.
Jacob: Is this about the bloodsucker in your room?
Bella: It’s related.
Jacob: You know something you’re not telling me…something big.
Bella: Yes.
Jacob: Now. Explain.
Bella: Jacob, I don’t know everything.
Jacob: What do you know, then?
Bella: Alice!
Alice: I need to talk to you.
Bella: Er…Jake, I’ll see you later.
Jacob: Hey, not so fast.
Alice: Excuse me?
Jacob: Tell us what is going on. We have a right to know.
Alice: It’s alright Jasper. He actually has a point. They are coming to Forks.
Jasper: We have a few advantages, dog. It will be an even fight.
Scene 9
Bella: That had to be the longest party in the history of the world.
Edward: It’s over now.
Bella: You’re taking me with you tonight.
Edward: Bella, you’re worn out.
Bella: You think I could sleep?
Edward: this is an experiment. I’m not sure if it will be possible for us all to cooperate. I don’t want you in the middle of that.
Bella: If you won’t take me, then I’ll call Jacob. See you upstairs. Dad! Charlie!
Charlie: Emnemenem.
Bella: I’m home now. You’re going to hurt your back sleeping like that. C’mon, time to move.
(She goes upstairs to bedroom)
Bella: Come here.
Edward: Please relax.
Bella: Sure.
Edward: This is going to work, Bella. I can feel it. Listen to me, Bella. This is going to be easy. The newborns will be completely taken by surprise. Someone may have to sit out.
Bella: Piece of cake.
Edward: Shhh. You’ll see. Don’t worry now. Are you sure you don’t want to stay and sleep.
(She makes a sour look)
Bella: You know what I think?
Edward: No. What do you think?
Bella: I think it’s all connected. Not just the two, but all three.
Edward: You’ve lost me.
Bella: Three bad things have happened since you came back. The newborns in Seattle, the stranger in my room, and, first of all, Victoria came to look for me.
Edward: Why do you think so?
Bella: Because I agree with Jasper, the Volturi love their rules. They would probably do a better job anyway. Remember when you were tracking Victoria last year?
Edward: Yes. I wasn’t very good at it.
Bella: Alice said you were in Texas. Did you follow her there?
Edward: Yes. Hmm…She’ll never touch you Bella.
Scene 10
Bella: Edward?
Edward: Are you really awake this time?
Bella: Mmm. Have there been a lot of false alarms?
Edward: You’ve been very restless. Talking all day.
Bella: All day?
Edward: You had a long night. You’d earned a day in bed.
Bella: Wow.
Edward: Hungry? Do you want breakfast in bed?
Bella: I’ll get it. I need to get up and move around. Ugh. I’m a mess.
Edward: It was a long night. You should have stayed here and slept.
Bella: Right! And miss everything. You know, you need to start accepting the fact that I’m part of the family now.
Edward: I could probably get used to that idea. May I?
Bella: Um, sure. Edward?
Edward: Yes?
Bella: I have to be in that clearing.
Edward: No.
Bella: Okay, look, Edward. Here’s the thing…I’ve already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are. And I can’t stand it if you leave me again.
Edward: You know it’s not like that, Bella. I won’t be far, and it will be over quickly.
Bella: I can’t stand it. And how do you not know that one of the vampire’s isn’t going there, and is going to look for my scent?
Edward: It’s going to be easy, Bella.
Bella: You said it was so easy that someone could sit out. Did you really mean that?
Edward: Yes.
Bella: So easy that you could sit out?
Edward: Alice. Could you come babysit Bella for a bit? I need to speak with Jasper.
(Alice appears)
Alice: You’re going to miss all the fun.
Edward: Hello, Alice.
(Edward kisses Bella)
Edward: I’ll be back later tonight. I’ll go work this out with the others, rearrange things.
Bella: Okay.
Alice: There’s not much to arrange. I already told them. Emmett is pleased.
Edward: Of course he is.
Bella: I’m sorry. Do you think this will make it more dangerous for you?
Alice: You worry too much, Bella. You’re going to go prematurely gray.
Bella: Why are you upset, then?
Alice: Edward is such a grouch when he doesn’t get his way. I’m just anticipating living with him for the next few months. I suppose, if it keeps you sane, it’s worth it. But I wish you could control the pessimism, Bella. It’s so unnecessary.
Bella: Would you let Jasper go without you?
Alice: That’s different.
Bella: Sure it is.
(Edward at door)
Bella: Did Alice tell you that she’s kidnapping me again?
Edward: Actually, she’s not. I’m the only one who has permission to hold you hostage, remember? Alice is going hunting with the rest of them. I guess I don’t need to do that now.
Bella: You’re kidnapping me?
Edward: Is that all right?
Bella: Well…sure, except for one thing.
Edward: What thing?
Bella: Why didn’t Alice tell Charlie you were leaving tonight?
Scene 11
Edward: For this one night, could we try to forget everything besides just you and me? It seems like I can never get enough time like that. I need to be with you. Just you.
(They start kissing as getting out of car and kiss standing in the entry for a while)
Edward: Welcome home.
Bella: That sounds nice.
Edward: I have something for you.
Bella: Oh?
Edward: A hand me down. It’s up in my room. Shall I go get it?
Bella: Sure. Let’s go get it. Okay. Let me have it.
Edward: A hand-me-down.
Bella: (gasps)
Edward: It was my mother’s. I inherited quite a few baubles like this. I’ve given some to Esme and Alice both. So, clearly, this is not a big deal in any way. But I thought it was a good representation. It’s hard and cold. And it throws rainbows in the sunlight.
Bella: You forgot the most important similarity. It’s beautiful.
Edward: My heart is just as silent. And it, too, is yours.
Bella: Thank you. For both.
Edward: No, thank you. It’s a relief to have you accept a gift so easily. Good practice for you, too.
Bella: Can we discuss something? I’d appreciate it if you could begin by being open minded.
Edward: I’ll give it my best effort.
Bella: I’m not breaking any rules here. This is strictly about you and me. So, I was impressed by how well we were able to compromise the other night. I was thinking I would like to apply the same principle to a different situation.
Edward: What would you like to negotiate? Listen to your heart fly. It’s fluttering like a hummingbird’s wing. Are you alright?
Bella: I’m great.
Edward: Please go on then.
Bella: Well, I guess, first, I wanted to talk to you about that whole ridiculous marriage condition thing.
Edward: It’s only ridiculous to you. What about it?
Bella: I was wondering…is that open to negotiation?
Edward: I’ve already made the largest concession by far and away. I’ve agreed to take your life away against my better judgment. And that ought to entitle me to a few compromises on your part.
Bella: No. That part’s a done deal. We’re not discussing my renovations right now. I want to hammer out some other details.
Edward: Which details do you mean exactly?
Bella: Let’s clarify your prerequisites first.
Edward: You know what I want.
Bella: Matrimony.
Edward: Yes. To start with.
Bella: There’s more?
Edward: Well, if you’re my wife, then what’s mine is yours, like tuition money. So there would be no problem with Dartmouth.
Bella: Anything else? While you’re already being absurd?
Edward: I wouldn’t mind some time.
Bella: No. No time. That’s a deal breaker right there.
Edward: Just a year or two.
Bella: Move along to the next one.
Edward: That’s it unless you want to talk cars…I didn’t realize there was anything else you wanted besides being transformed into a monster yourself. I’m extremely curious. You’re blushing? Please, Bella, the suspense is painful. Bella?
Bella: Well, I’m a little worried about after.
Edward: What has you worried?
Bella: All of you just seem so convinced that the only thing I’m going to be interested in, afterward, is slaughtering everyone in town. And I’m afraid I’ll be so preoccupied with the mayhem that I won’t be me anymore, and that I won’t, I won’t want you the same way I do now.
Edward: Bella, that part doesn’t last forever.
Bella: Edward, there’s something that I want to do before I’m not human anymore.
Edward: Whatever you want.
Bella: Do you promise?
Edward: Yes. Tell me what you want, and you can have it.
Bella: You.
Edward: I’m yours.
(They start kissing so Bella can try and tell Edward what she wants to try before she is a vampire)
Edward: Be reasonable, Bella.
Bella: You promised, whatever I wanted.
Edward: We’re not having this discussion.
Bella: I say we are.
Edward: I say we’re not.
Bella: You wanted to know.
Edward: I thought it would be something faintly realistic.
Bella: So you can ask for any stupid, ridiculous thing you want, like getting married, but I’m not allowed to even discuss what I…
Edward: No. What now?
Bella: Nothing.
Edward: Did I hurt your feelings?
Bella: No.
Edward: You know why I have to say no. You know that I want you, too.
Bella: Do you?
Edward: Of course I do, you silly beautiful, oversensitive girl. Doesn’t everyone? I feel like there’s a line behind me, jockeying for position, waiting for me to make a big enough mistake. You’re too desirable for you own good.
Bella: Who’s being silly now?
Edward: Do I have to send a petition around to get you to believe? Shall I tell you whose names would be on the top of the list? You know a few of them, but some might surprise you.
Bella: You’re just trying to distract me. Let’s get back to the subject. Tell me if I have anything wrong. Your demands are marriage, paying my tuition, more time, and you wouldn’t mind if my vehicle went a little faster. Did I get everything? That’s a hefty list.
Edward: Only the first is a demand. The others are merely requests.
Bella: And my lone, solitary little demand is…
Edward: Demand?
Bella: Yes, demand. Getting married is a stretch for me. I’m not giving in unless I get something in return.
Edward: No. It’s not possible now. Later, when you’re less breakable. Be patient, Bella.
Bella: But that’s the problem. It won’t be the same when I’m less breakable. I won’t be the same! I don’t know who I’ll be then.
Edward: You’ll still be Bella.
Bella: If I’m so far gone that I’d want to kill Charlie, that I’d drink Jacob’s blood or Angela’s if I got the chance, how can that be true?
Edward: It will pass. And I doubt you’ll want to drink the dog’s blood. Even as a newborn, you’ll have better taste.
Bella: But that will always be what I want most, won’t it? Blood, blood, and more blood!
Edward: That fact that you are still alive is a proof that that is not true. And Bella I could kill you.
Bella: I don’t think you could.
(Edward takes his hand a breaks part of the bed)
Bella: That’s not what I meant. I already know how strong you are. You didn’t have to break the furniture.
Edward: What did you mean then?
Bella: Obviously not that you aren’t physically able to hurt me, if you wanted to. More that, you don’t want to hurt me, so much so that I don’t think that you ever could.
Edward: It might not work like that, Bella.
Bella: Might. You have no more idea what you’re talking about that I do.
Edward: Exactly. Do you imagine I would ever take that kind of risk with you?
Bella: Please. It’s all I want. Please. Please? You don’t have to make me any guarantees. If it doesn’t work out right, well, then that’s just that. Just let us try…only try. And I’ll give you what you want. I’ll marry you. I’ll let you pay for Dartmouth, and I won’t complain about the bribe to get me in. You can even buy me a fast car if that makes you happy! Just…please.
Edward: This is unbearable. So many things I’ve wanted to give you, and this is what you decide to demand. Do you have any idea how painful it is, trying to refuse you when you plead with me this way?
Bella: Then don’t refuse. Please.
Edward: Bella.
(Edward tries to persuade it is a bad idea, by kissing her)
Edward: Bella. Would you please stop trying to take your clothes off.
Bella: Do you want to do that part?
Edward: Not tonight.
Bella: Edward, don’t…
Edward: I’m not saying no. I’m just saying not tonight.
Bella: Give me one good reason why tonight is not as good as any other night.
Edward: I wasn’t born yesterday. Out of the two of us, which do you think is more unwilling to give the other what they want? You just promised to marry me before you do any changing, but if I give in tonight, what guarantee do I have that you won’t go running off to Carlisle in the morning? I am clearly much less reluctant to give you what you want. Therefore, you first.
Bella: I have to marry you first?
Edward: That’s the deal. Take it or leave it. Compromise, remember?
Bella: I think that’s a really bad idea.
Edward: I’m not surprised you feel that way. You have a one track mind.
Bella: How did this happen? I thought I was holding my own tonight, for once, and now, all of a sudden…
Edward: You’re engaged.
Bella: Ew! Please don’t say that out loud.
Edward: Are you going back on your word? Are you?
Bella: Ugh! No. I’m not. Are you happy now?
Edward: Exceptionally. Aren’t you happy at all?
(Kisses her)
Bella: A little bit. But not about getting married.
(Kisses her)
Edward: Do you get the feeling that everything is backward? Traditionally, shouldn’t you be arguing my side, and I on yours?
Bella: There isn’t much that’s traditional about you and me.
Edward: True.
(Kisses her again)
Bella: Look, Edward. I said I would marry you, and I will. I promise. I swear. If you want, I’ll sign a contract in my own blood.
Edward: Not funny.
Bella: What I’m saying is this. I’m not going to trick you or anything You know me better than that. So there’s really no reason to wait. We’re completely alone. How often does that happen? And you’ve provided this very large and comfortable bed.
Edward: Not tonight.
Bella: Don’t you trust me?
Edward: Of course I do.
Bella: Then what’s the problem? It’s not like you didn’t know you were going to win in the end. You always win.
Edward: Just hedging my bets.
Bella: There’s something else. Are you planning to go back on you word?
Edward: No. I swear to you, we will try. After you marry me.
Bella: You make me feel like a villain in a melodrama, twirling my mustache while I try to steal some poor girl’s virtue. That’s it, isn’t it?
Edward: No silly girl. I’m trying to protect yours. And you’re making it shockingly difficult.
Bella: Of all the ridiculous…
Edward: Let me ask you something. We’ve had this discussion before, but humor me. How many people in this room have a soul? A shot at heaven, or whatever there is after this life?
Bella: Two.
Edward: All right. Maybe that’s true. Now, there’s a world full of dissension about this, but the vast majority seem to think that there are some rules that have to be followed.
Bella: Vampire rules aren’t enough for you? You want to worry about the human ones too?
Edward: It couldn’t hurt. Just in case. Now, of course, it might be too late for me, even if you are right about my soul.
Bella: No, it isn’t.
Edward: Thou shall not kill is commonly accepted by most major belief systems. And I’ve killed a lot of people, Bella.
Bella: Only the bad ones.
Edward: Maybe that counts, maybe it doesn’t. But you haven’t killed anyone.
Bella: That you know about.
Edward: And I’m going to do my best to keep you out of temptation’s way.
Bella: Okay. But we weren’t fighting over committing murder.
Edward: You can’t make me go somewhere you won’t be. That’s my definition of hell. Anyway, I have an easy solution to all this: let’s never die, all right?
Bella: Sounds simple enough. Why didn’t I think of that? So that’s it. You won’t sleep with me until we’re married.
Edward: Technically, I can’t ever sleep with you.
Bella: Very mature, Edward.
Edward: But, other than that detail, yes, you’ve got it right.
Bella: I can’t believe I’m going along with this. When I think of Charlie and Renee! Can you imagine what Angela will think? Or Jessica? Ugh. I can hear the gossip now. But do you have a ring?
Edward: Do you want to see it?
Bella: No! Unless you really want to show it to me.
Edward: That’s okay. I can wait.
Bella: Show me the damn ring, Edward.
Edward: No.
Bella: Please? Please can I see it?
Edward: You are the most dangerous thing I’ve ever met. Go ahead and look, then.
Bella: You didn’t spend a lot of money, did you? Lie to me, if you did.
Edward: I didn’t spend anything. It’s just another hand me down. This is the ring my father gave to my mother.
Bella: Oh.
Edward: I suppose it’s a little outdated. Old-fashioned, just like me. I can get you something more modern. Something from Tiffany’s?
Bella: I like old-fashioned things. It’s so pretty.
Edward: Do you like it?
Bella: It’s beautiful. What’s not to like?
Edward: See if it fits. Bella, I’m not going to solder it to your finger. Just try it on so I can see if it needs to be sized. Then you can take it right off.
Bella: Fine.
Edward: A perfect fit. That’s nice, saves me a trip to the jeweler’s.
Bella: You like that, don’t you.
Edward: Sure. It looks very nice on you. (Kisses her) Yes, I like it. You have no idea.
Bella: I believe you.
Edward: Do you mind if I do something?
Bella: Anything you want. Anything but that.
Edward: Now, I want to do this right. Please, please, keep in mind that you’ve already agreed to this, and don’t ruin it for me.
Bella: Oh, no.
Edward: Be nice. Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever, every single day of forever. Will you marry me?
Bella: Yes.
Edward: Thanks.
Scene 12
Alice: I think that you’re going to want to pack for cold weather, Edward. I can’t see where you are exactly, because you’re taking off with that dog this afternoon. But the storm that’s coming seems particularly bad in that general area. It’s going to snow on the mountains.
Bella: Ew, snow.
Alice: Wear a jacket.
Edward: Why don’t you call Jacob and tell him we’ll be ready for him in an hour or so. He knows where to meet us.
Billy: Don’t worry about Charlie, Bella. I’ve got my part of this under control.
Bella: Yeah, I know Charlie’ll be fine.
Billy: I wish I could be with the rest of them tomorrow. Being an old man is a hardship, Bella.
Bella: Have fun with Charlie.
Billy: Good luck, Bella. And pass that along to the Cullens for me.
Bella: I will. Billy said to tell you good luck.
Edward: That was generous of him.
Alice: Bella, could I please speak with you alone?
Edward: You’re about to make my life harder than it needs to be, Alice. I’d really rather you didn’t.
Alice: this isn’t about you, Edward.
(Edward chuckles)
Alice: It’s not. This is a female thing.
Bella: Let her talk to me.
Edward: You asked for it.
Alice: Bella?
Bella: What’s wrong, Alice?
Alice: Don’t you love me?
Bella: Of course I do. You know that.
Alice: Then why do I see you sneaking off to Vegas to get married without inviting me?
Bella: Oh. You know how I hate to make a big deal out of things. It was Edward’s idea, anyway.
Alice: I don’t care whose idea it was. How could you do this to me? I expect that kind of thing from Edward, but not from you. I love you like you were my own sister.
Bella: To me, Alice, you are my sister.
Alice: Words!
Bella: Fine, you can come. There won’t be much to see. What?
Alice: How much do you love me, Bella?
Bella: Why?
Alice: Please, please, please. Please, Bella, please, if you really love me, please let me do your wedding.
Bella: Aw, Alice! No! Don’t do this to me.
Alice: If you really, truly love me, Bella.
Bella: That is so unfair. And Edward kind of already used that one on me.
Alice: I’ll bet Edward would like it better if you did this traditionally, though he’d never tell you that. And Esme, think what it would mean to her!
Bella: I’d rather face the newborns alone.
Alice: I’ll owe you for a decade.
Bella: You’d owe me for a century!
Alice: Is that a yes?
Bella: No! I don’t want to do this!
Alice: You won’t have to do anything but walk a few yards and then repeat after the minister.
Bella: Ugh! Ugh, ugh!
Alice: Please? Please, please, please, please, please?
Bella: I’ll never, never ever forgive you for this, Alice.
Alice: Yay!
Bella: that’s not a yes!
Alice: But it will be.
Bella: Edward! I know you’re listening. Get over here.
Edward: Thanks so much Alice. Vegas.
Alice: Not a chance. Bella would never do that to me. You know, Edward, as a brother, you are sometimes a disappointment.
Bella: Don’t be mean. He’s trying to make me happy, unlike you.
Alice: I’m trying to make you happy, too, Bella. It’s just that I know better what will make you happy…in the long run. You’ll thank me for this. Maybe not for fifty years, but definitely someday.
Bella: I never thought I’d see the day where‘d be willing to take a bet against you, Alice, but it has arrived.
Alice: So, are you going to show me the ring? Huh. I saw him put it on you. Did I miss something? No. Wedding’s still on.
Edward: Bella has issues with jewelry.
Alice: What’s one more diamond? Well, I guess the ring has lots of diamonds, but my point is that he’s already got one on…
Edward: Enough, Alice! We’re in a hurry.
Bella: I don’t understand. What that about diamonds?
Alice: We’ll talk about it later. Edward is right, you’d better get going. You’ve got to set a trap and make camp before the storm comes. Don’t forget your coat, Bella. It seems unseasonably cold.
Edward: I’ve already got it.
Alice: Have a nice night.
Edward: All right. Just walk north for a ways, touching as much as you can. Alice gave me a clear picture of their path, and it won’t take long for us to intersect it.
Bella: North? Am I doing this right?
Edward: Perfectly.
Bella: Will this help?
Edward: yes, that does make the trail stronger. But you don’t need to pull your hair out, Bella. It will be fine.
Bella: I’ve got a few extras I can spare.
Edward: You don’t need to let Alice have her way, you know.
Bella: Don’t worry about it, Edward. I’m not going to leave you at the altar, regardless.
Edward: That’s not what I’m worried about. I want this to be what you want it to be. Well, even if she does get her way, we can keep it small. Just us. Emmett can get a clerical license off the Internet.
Bella: That does sound better.
Edward: See. There’s always a compromise.
Bella: Ouch! Oh, fabulous.
Edward: Are you alright?
Bella: I’m fine. Stay where you are. I’m bleeding. It will stop in a minute.
Edward: I’ve got a first aid kit. I had a feeling I might need it.
Bella: It’s not bad. I can take care of it. You don’t have to make yourself uncomfortable.
Edward: I’m not uncomfortable. Here, let me clean it.
Bella: Wait a second, I just got another idea.
Edward: What are you doing?
Bella: Jasper will love this. I’ll bet this really gets them going. Hold your breath.
Edward: I’m fine. I just think you’re going overboard.
Bella: This is all I get to do. I want to do a good job.
Edward: Well, you have. The newborns will be frantic, and Jasper will be very impressed with your dedication. Now let me treat you hand. You’ve gotten the cut dirty.
Bella: Let me do it, please.
Edward: This doesn’t bother me anymore.
Bella: Why not?
Edward: I got over it.
Bella: You got over it? When? How?
Edward: I lived through an entire twenty-four hours thinking that you were dead, Bella. That changed the way I look at a lot of things.
Bella: Did it change the way I smell to you?
Edward: Not at all. But having experienced the way it feels to think I’ve lost you my reactions have changed. My entire being shies away from any course that could inspire that kind of pain again. Alright, you’ve done your part. Now it’s out of our hands. Let’s go camping!
Bella: Where are we meeting Jacob?
Edward: Right here. There had to have been a better way to do this.
Bella: Too late now. Hey, Jake.
Jacob: Hi, Bella.
Edward: Hello, Jacob.
Jacob: Where do I take her?
Edward: We’re here now. And you’re taking her up here. Roughly nine miles. When you’re about a mile away, you should cross my path. That will lead you in. Do you need the map?
Jacob: No, thanks. I know this area pretty well. I think I know where I’m going.
Edward: I’ll take a longer route. And I’ll see you in a few hours.
Bella: See you.
Jacob: What’s up Bella?
Bella: The sky.
Jacob: Good one. Well, let’s get going.
(Jacob picks Bella up and almost drops Bella’s head)
Bella: Jerk
(Jacob chuckles)
Bella: You don’t have to run. You’ll get tired.
Jacob: Running doesn’t make me tired. Besides, it will be colder soon. I hope he get the camp set up before we get there.
Bella: I though you didn’t get cold now.
Jacob: I don’t. I brought this for you, just in case you weren’t prepared. I don’t like the way the weather feels. It’s making me edgy. Notice how we haven’t seen any animals.
Bella: Um, not really.
Jacob: I guess you wouldn’t. Your senses are too dull.
Bella: Alice was worried about the storm, too.
Jacob: It takes a lot to silence the forest this way. You picked a hell of a night for a camping trip.
Bella: It wasn’t entirely my idea.
Jacob: What’s with the addition to your bracelet?
Bella: Another graduation present.
Jacob: A rock. Figures. So it’s been a while since you came down to La Push.
Bella: I’ve been busy. And I probably wouldn’t have visited, anyway.
Jacob: I thought you were supposed to be the forgiving one, and I was the grudge holder. Been thinking about that last time a lot, have you?
Bella: Nope.
Jacob: Either you’re lying, or you are the stubbornest person alive.
Bella: I don’t know about the second part, but I am definitely not lying.
Jacob: A smart person looks at all sides of a decision.
Bella: I have.
Jacob: You could kiss me, for example. I don’t mind if you want to use me to experiment.
Bella: Don’t mess with me, Jake. I swear I won’t stop him if he wants to break your jaw.
Jacob: If you ask me to kiss you, he won’t have any reason to get upset. He said that was fine.
Bella: Don’t hold your breath, Jake. No, wait, I changed my mind. Go right ahead. Just hold your breath until I ask you to kiss me.
Jacob: You’re in a bad mood today.
Bella: I wonder why?
Jacob: Sometimes I think you like me better as a wolf.
Bella: Sometimes I do. It probably has something to do with the way you can’t talk.
Jacob: No, I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s easier for you to be near me when I’m human, because you don’t have to pretend that you’re not attracted to me.
Bella: No, no. But, um Edward not coming tomorrow.
Jacob: I can’t believe he let you talk him out of going. I wouldn’t miss this for anything.
Bella: I know.
Jacob: That doesn’t mean anything, though. That doesn’t mean that he loves you more than I do.
Bella: But you wouldn’t stay with me, even If I begged.
Jacob: That’s true.
Bella: If everything does go without a hitch, you’re probably right. I wouldn’t be mad. But the whole time you’re gone, I’ll be sick with worry, Jake. Crazy with it.
Jacob: Why? Why does it matter to you if something happens to me?
Bella: Don’t say that. You know how much you mean to me. You’re my best friend. At least, you used to be. And still sometimes are…when you let your guard down.
Jacob: I’m always that. Even when I don’t behave as well as I should. Underneath, I’m always in here.
Bella: I know. Why else would I put up with all of your crap?
Jacob: When are you finally going to figure out that you’re in love with me, too?
Bella: Leave it to you to ruin the moment.
Jacob: I’m not saying you don’t love him.
Edward: Bella! Thank you. That was quicker that I expected, and I truly appreciate it.
Jacob: Get her inside. This is going to be bad. My hair’s standing up on my scalp. Is that tent secure?
Edward: I all but welded it to the rock.
Jacob: Good. I’m going to change. I want to know what’s going on back home.
Scene 13
Bella: W-w-w-w-w-what t-t-t-time is it?
Edward: Two. Maybe…
Bella: No, I’m f-f-f-f-fine, r-r-r-really. I don’t w-w-want to g-go outside.
Edward: What can I do?
Bella: Get out of here, Jacob.
Edward: He’s just worried about you. He’s fine. His body is equipped to deal with this. (Starts talking to Jacob) What do you want me to do? Carry her through that? I don’t see you making yourself useful. Why don’t you go fetch a space heater or something?
Bella: I’m o-k-k-k-k-k-kay.
Edward: (Talking to Jacob) That was hardly nessecary. And that’s the worst idea I’ve heard.
Jacob: Better than anything you’ve come up with. Go fetch a space heater. I’m not St. Bernard. (Jacob gets in the tent)
Edward: I don’t like this. Just give her the coat and get out.
Jacob: The parka’s for tomorrow. She’s too cold to warm it up by herself. It’s frozen. You said she needed a space heater, and here I am.
Bella: J-j-j-j-j-ake, you’ll f-f-f-f-freezzzze.
Jacob: Not me. I run at a toasty one-oh-eight point nine these days. I’ll have you sweating in no time at all. (Talking to Edward) Get your hands off me.
Edward: Keep your hands off of her.
Bella: Don’t fight.
Jacob: I’m sure she’ll thank you for this when her toes turn black and fall off.
Edward: Watch yourself.
(Jacob chuckles)
Jacob: Scoot over, Bella.
Bella: N-n-n-n-n-n-n…
Jacob: Don’t be stupid. Don’t you like having ten toes? Jeez Bella, your freezing.
Bella: S-s-s-s-sorry.
Jacob: Try to relax. You’ll be warm in a minute. Of course, you would heat up faster if you took your clothes off.
(Edward growls sharply)
Jacob: That’s just a simple fact. Survival one-oh-one.
Bella: C-c-c-cut it out, Jake. N-nobody r-r-really needs t-t-ten toes.
Jacob: Don’t worry about the bloodsucker. He’s just jealous.
Edward: Of course I am. You don’t have the faintest idea how much I wish I could do what you’re doing for her, mongrel.
Jacob: At least you know she’s wishing it was you.
Edward: True.
Jacob: There, feeling better?
Bella: Yes.
Jacob: Your lips are still blue. Want me to warm those up for you, too? You only have to ask.
Bella: Behave yourself. Jake? Can I ask you something? I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything, I’m honestly curious.
Jacob: Sure.
Bella: Why are you so much furrier than your friends? You don’t have to answer if I’m being rude.
Jacob: Because my hair is longer.
Bella: Oh. Then why don’t you cut it? Do you like to be shaggy?
(Edward laughs)
Bella: Sorry I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t have to tell me.
Jacob: Oh, he’ll tell you anyway, so I might as well. I was growing my hair out because it seemed you liked it better long.
Bella: Oh. I, er, like it both ways, Jake. You don’t need to be inconvenienced.
Jacob: Turns out it was very convenient tonight. Don’t worry about it, okay? That’s right honey go to sleep.
Edward: Seth is here.
Jacob: Perfect. No you can keep an eye on everything else, while I take care of your girlfriend for you.
Bella: Stop it.
Edward: Please! Do you mind!
Jacob: What?
Edward: Do you think you could attempt to keep your thoughts to yourself?
Jacob: Why are you listening to my thoughts? Get out of my head!
Edward: I wish I could. You have no idea how loud your little fantasies are. It’s like you’re screaming them at me.
Jacob: I’ll try to keep it down.
Edward: Go to sleep Jacob. You’re starting to get on my nerves.
Jacob: I think I will. I’m very comfortable.
Edward: Thank you. Odd as this might sound; I suppose I’m glad you’re here, Jacob.
Jacob: You mean, ‘as much as I’d love to kill you, I’m glad she’s warm’ right?
Edward: it’s an uncomfortable truce.
Jacob: I knew you were just as crazy jealous as I am.
Scene 14
Bella: Is it any warmer out there?
Edward: Yes. I don’t think the space heater is necessary today.
Bella: Some help?
Edward: did you want me to take his arms all the way off?
Bella: No. Just get me free. I’m going to get a heat stroke.
Jacob: Hey!
(Edward and Jacob start growling)
Bella: Stop it! Stop it!
(Edward grabs Bella)
Bella: Stop it now! Jacob, are you hurt?
Jacob: Of course not!
Bella: That wasn’t nice. You should say sorry.
Edward: You must be joking. He was crushing you.
Bella: Because you dumped him on the floor! He didn’t do it on purpose, and he didn’t hurt me.
Edward: (Groans) My apologies, dog.
Jacob: No harm done. I wasn’t quite ready to wake up. That wasn’t the best night’s sleep I ever had.
Edward: It was your idea.
Jacob: I didn’t say it wasn’t the best night I’ve ever spent. Just that I didn’t get a lot of sleep. I thought Bella was never going to shut up.
Edward: I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.
Jacob: Didn’t you have a nice night, then?
Edward: It wasn’t the worst night of my life.
Jacob: Didn’t make the top ten?
Edward: Possibly. But, if I had been in you place last night, it would not have made the top ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that.
Jacob: You know what? I think it’s too crowded in here.
Edward: I couldn’t agree more.
(Bella elbows Edward)
Jacob: Guess I’ll catch up on my sleep later. I need to talk to Same anyway.
Bella: Wait Jake. Won’t you stay?
Jacob: No.
Bella: Be careful.
Jacob: Give it a rest.
Scene 15
Bella: How much longer?
Edward: Alice told Sam it should be an hour or so.
Bella: We stay together. No matter what.
Edward: No matter what.
Bella: I know. I’m terrified for them, too.
Edward: They know how to handle themselves. I just hate missing all the fun. Don’t worry.
Bella: Sure, sure.
Edward: Do you want me to distract you? (Bella shivers) Maybe not right no.
Bella: There are other ways to distract me.
Edward: What would you like?
Bella: You could tell me about your ten best nights. I’m curious.
Edward: Try to guess.
Bella: I can only think of mine.
Edward: They might be the same.
Bella: Well there’s the first night you stayed.
Edward: Yes, that’s on of mine, too. Of course, you were unconscious for my favorite part.
Bella: That’s right. I was talking that night, too.
Edward: Yes.
Bella: What did I say last night?
(Edward shrugs)
Bella: That bad?
Edward: nothing too horrible.
Bella: Please tell me.
Edward: Mostly you said my name, the same as usual.
Bella: That’s not bad.
Edward: Near the end, though, you started mumbling some nonsense about, Jacob, my Jacob. Your Jacob enjoyed that quite a lot.
Bella: Sorry. That’s the way I differentiate.
Edward: Differentiate?
Bella: Between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Between the Jacob I like, and the one who annoys the hell out of me.
Edward: Oh. That makes sense.
Bella: Next would be the night in Italy.
Bella: Is that not one of yours?
Edward: Yes it is. But, weren’t you under the ludicrous impression that I was only there because of the guilt? Weren’t you thinking when the plane doors opened I would fly right out of there?
Bella: Yes. But you were there.
Edward: You love me more than I deserve.
Bella: Then would be the night after Italy.
Edward: Yes that’s on mine too. You were so funny?
Bella: Funny?
Edward: I couldn’t get you to think you were awake. I had no idea your dreams were so vivid.
Bella: I’m still not sure. You’ve always seemed more like a dream to me. Have I guessed your first one yet?
Edward: No. That would be two nights ago when you agreed to marry me.
Edward: Is that not one of yours?
Bella: It is, but with special reservation. I don’t know why it’s so important to you.
Edward: In a hundred years when you have matured I’ll tell you.
Bella: Then I’ll remind you in a hundred years. (Smirks) (Pause)
Edward: Are you warm enough?
Bella: I’m fine. Why?
(A howl of pain by a wolf)
Edward: Because your space heater has reached his limit. Truce over.
Bella: Jacob was listening.
Edward: Yes.
Bella: You knew.
Edward: Yes. (Pause) I never promised to fight fair. And he deserves to know. (Pause) Are you angry with me?
Bella: Not you. I’m horrified at me.
Edward: Don’t torment yourself.
Bella: Yes. I should save my energy to torment Jacob some more. I wouldn’t want to leave any part of him unharmed.
Edward: He knew what he was doing.
Bella: Do you even think that matters? Do you think I care whether it’s fair or whether he was adequately warned? I’m hurting him. Every time I turn around, I’m hurting him again. I’m a hideous person.
Edward: No your not. (He wraps his hands around her)
Bella: I am! What’s wrong with me? (Struggles to get out of Edward’s grip. He drops his hands) I have to go find him.
Edward: Bella, he’s already miles away, and it’s cold.
Bella: I don’t care. I just can’t sit here. I have to- I have to…(She crawls out of tent. Edward follows her. Walks a few steps into forest, then Edward grabs her hand. )
Edward: You can’t go after him. Not today. It’s almost time. And getting yourself lost wouldn’t help anyone, regardless. (She tries to get out of his grip) I’m sorry, Bella. I’m sorry I did that.
Bella: You didn’t do anything. It’s my fault. I did this. I did everything wrong. I could have…When he…I shouldn’t have…I…I…
Edward: It’s okay. Calm down.
Bella: I should have told him. I should have said…He shouldn’t have found out like this.
Edward: (Agony in his voice)


Texte: Not my own ideas, but strictly adapted.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.02.2011

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