
I rolled over and for the second time this week rolled out of bed. It was around four a.m. and I’m usually not up this early....but I was checking my phone. My only thoughts had been on this one guy I couldn’t seem to get out of my head. I've known him for a while, but he has not too long ago actually made his feelings known to me. I have liked him the entire time I have known him. Here around a month ago I was talking to him. He has known I have liked him the whole time. It all started out because he asked me what I was doing and I told him I was thinking. He asked me about what and I said about the guy I like. It progressed from there. He told me he liked me and that I was beautiful. Which I was glad to hear that he liked me just I totally disagree with the beautiful thing.
This time I didn’t roll over to a message from Shawn. Which I figured it would be since I didn’t answer him last night because I fell asleep. It was from my best friend Kayla. She had sent it less than five minutes ago. It read...”Sis are you awake." I replied back" barely why". The first thought that went through my mind was that her and her boyfriend Chad had broke up. Which I could see why personally, maybe Kayla got smart at some point. Chad was the quarterback on the football team, and also a total jerk. He had cheated on Kayla countless times that she had absolutely no clue about. Chad was the kind of guy that thought he was god's gift to women. Which he wasn’t. Kayla deserved so much better than that. She was sweet, smart, loving, funny, but she could have a slight temper problem. She was every guys dream girl. She had long blond hair that fell below her waist. She was skinny and beautiful. I had absolutely no clue what so ever of why someone like her hung out with a loser like me. She had the ability to be popular. Even though I didn’t know why she was my friend I was grateful for her. I could tell her anything and she never judged me. She also knew she could tell me anything. We were there for each other no matter what.
She had replied with another message."Chad and I broke up." For some reason I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go back to sleep. I messaged her back and said," call me?" Within seconds the phone rang. All I could hear on the other end was sobbing. "Kayla calm down, and tell me what happen,” I said my voice soft and soothing. "That asshole broke up with me for some 2 bit whore named Leann Cravitz. All because I wouldn’t screw him," I heard more anger in her voice than anything. "Kayla calm down. He didn’t deserve you, you are way too good for him," I said soothingly. “Your right I do deserve more than him. He is an asshole, and that’s all he will ever be. Thank you so much Nicole," she said with a boost in her confidence. "Can I go back to bed now Kayla," I ask about to hang up on her anyway. I haven’t been doing a lot lately and I have been getting tireder each day. "Yea you can sorry if I woke you," she said with a click at the other end. I laid there and thought for a second then I slowly drifted off
"Good morning beautiful," Shawn said with a kiss upon my forehead. I looked around momentarily stunned. That’s when I knew I was in a dream. I was in some strange amazing multi-million dollar house. "Shawn where are we," I ask stunned. I realized he was lying next to me shirtless. My head spun around. The first thought that came to mind was, “why the hell am I lying next to the guy of my dreams in a bed and he is halfed dressed." My second thought was," I wonder if u could get him all the way undressed." "Why sweetheart we are in our room in our house, “he said lightly kissing me on the lips. "Our? Shawn what are you talking about," I asked noticing how milky my skin looked against his chocolate colored skin as he embraced me gently. "Nicole, darling.....maybe you had a little too much to drink last night. Next time make sure you don’t drink so much. I mean really Nicole I could have taken advantage of you, and you wouldn’t have even known it, “he said standing up and taking me with him.”Shawn we are only sixteen,” before I could finish he had me involved in a passionate kiss that was making me dizzy and weak in the knees. As I started to collapse Shawn laid me back on the bed. He slowly took off his pants.......
My ear buzzed. Damn it, I thought, I’m going to slowly kill who ever woke me up from my dream. I grabbed my phone. As soon as I saw who it was my wonderful dream was momentarily forgotten. It was Shawn, it read, “Good morning did you sleep." I replied back, “Good morning....and very good (-:" Then we talked for a while but there was no damn way on earth that I would ever tell him or anyone about that dream I thought. Except maybe Kayla. I couldn’t even begin to believe I actually had a dream about Shawn like that. Not that I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t even think Shawn would ever do anything like that. He went to church, he made good grades, and he never broke the rules. Slowly I began to remember Shawn and I had told Kayla we would come to her house tonight. Her parents were out of town for 2 days, so she was throwing a night in heaven party tonight. Then tomorrow night it was just going to be Shawn and I, Kayla and one of her many guys, and Kayla's older brother Mikal and one of his many bimbo's and to tell you the truth there was probably going to be more than one of those. I asked Shawn if he was still going and he said if I was going he was. So I guess I was stuck going since I was pretty sure Kayla would slowly torture me if I didn’t. The thing was I really wasn’t too sure I really wanted to be locked in a room with Shawn for twelve hours. I looked at the time. It was one thirty and we agreed to be there at four. So I figured if I wanted to look as good as possible for me at least I would have to jump into the shower now.
The shower made me feel a lot better, almost as if I wasn’t dreading the next thirty-six hours. After I showered I did my hair and makeup which took me around an hour and a half all together. I was walking out the door on my way to Shawn's house; we agreed to walk to Kayla's house together. Before I walked out the door I caught a glimpse of myself. "God I look horrible," was my thought, but I knew I couldn’t change. I didn’t have time. It took about ten minutes to get to Shawn’s house, it was usually a five minute walk but I took my time because I was nervous. Shawn was standing outside waiting on me. He didn’t say anything he just stared. It made me feel a little insecure. "Wow," he said still staring. I was also momentarily stunned though. His dark brown skin looked perfect in the sunlight. His eyes scanned my body from head to toe. I really had no clue what he was amazed at. My dark brown hair was straightened like usually and it fell about mid-back. My brown eyes had a light coat of white eye shadow with a thin layer of eye liner. I had on a black 2pac t-shirt, denim skinny jeans with ripped every few inches, and blank and pink Vans.
You.....look.....amazing," he paused for a second in between words. I felt my face get hotter and butterflies formed in my stomach. No matter how many times he commented me I always got embarrassed. "Shall we," he said motioning in the direction of Kayla's. "We shall," I said smiling. The whole way there we talked. We weren’t technically boyfriend and girlfriend although most people called us that. As we walked through the door Kayla looked at me and then said," Nicole.....Dickhead. You will be in Mikal's room." Then she whispered to me, “Condom’s are in the top shelf of the night stand....please be safe. I don’t want to be an aunt." I blushed really red. She grabbed both of our hands and led us up stairs to Mikal's room. She pushed Shawn in first then me, so I purposely fell on top of Shawn. She quickly closed the door and locked it so neither of us could get out. "Have fun but be quiet," she yelled laughing like crazy."I'm so sorry," I said getting up as quickly as I could. "Don’t say that," he said walking over and sitting on the bed. "Fine," I walked over and sat beside him, “What do you want to do sin......" He cut me off with a kissed that literally took my breath away."Oh my god Nicole I am so sorry,” he said moving to get up. I grabbed his hand and gently pulled him back down."Don’t be and don’t say that," I said slowly looking him in the eye. For some odd reason we really didn’t like each other saying sorry. In another instant I was pressing my lips against his. I felt him push me away and he said, “Nicole are you sure you want to do this." I was in shock from the kiss so I just nodded. He gently touched his lips to mine once again. He was so patient and gentle. Slowly he laid me back against the bed, never breaking the kiss.
The kiss seem to last forever....though I never complained. Eventually he brushed his tongue against my bottom lip. I happily open for entry. He never rushed and I was kind of happy for that. For one because I don’t think I had ever been so nervous in my entire life. When he bit my lip I let out a soft moan, and when I did he seemed to get more impatient with just kissing. His hands trailed down my body and played at the bottom of my shirt. He looked into my eyes, with question as he slowly ran his hands up my stomach. I could do nothing but nod. He raised my shirt up over my head, and then started kissing me again. He was wearing a black button down shirt, which I quickly unbuttoned. All of a sudden I froze....his eyes were mesmerizing. I couldn’t look away. I don’t know what was going on but I couldn’t control my thoughts. I wanted to make love to him so bad, so why the hell was I thinking this. I was thinking that I wanted to wait. That there was something about this that could screw up my life severely. I just knew it. I pushed my hand against his chest. "Shawn, do you mind if we wait," I ask pushing up on him so I could sit up. "Whatever is good for you sweetheart,” he said softly kissing me again as he began to button up his shirt. I stopped him, “Maybe you can leave that. I didn’t say we weren’t going to do it tonight. Just at the moment I think I would rather cuddle. Also maybe we could talk." He gently pulled me into a strong warm embrace and leaned back against the head of the bed.
"Like I said Nicole whatever is good for you,” he said laying his head on top of mine as I pressed mine against his chest. It was so warm, I wished at that moment that we could sit like this forever. " you really like me," I asked looking up at him. "No,” he said. I couldn’t figure out what he was saying so I tried a different approach. "Do you think I’m pretty," I asked afraid to hear the answer. "No," he said once again. I didn’t think I could handle anymore but I asked, “Would you cry if I walked away." Again he said, “No." I got ready to move I couldn’t handle anymore of this. "Nicole where are you going," he asked concern on his face. "Well it’s obvious you don’t want me," I said as I felt tears come to my eyes. "I never said that. I don’t like you I love you. I don’t think your pretty I think your beautiful. I wouldn’t cry if you walked away I would die. Nicole you are my everything and you just don’t know it. You amaze me every day, you’re sweet and loving,” he said pulling me back to his chest. "Personally I don’t know what I would ever do if anything were to happen to you. It would completely destroy me, “he finished. I sat there for a few minutes and thought about that. Eventually I drifted off; after all he was just so comfortable. "Nicole, sweetheart. Kayla is on her way up here to unlock the door. Now you might want to put your shirt back on. You know since we just sat up here and talked," he said winking. He knew I was one to never kiss and tell. I sat up slowly not really wanting to move. I noticed he looked really tired."Shawn didn’t you go to sleep," I ask worried. "Uh no," he said looking away shamefully. "Why," I asked sitting back down crawling up to him. "Well, because I wanted to watch you sleep," he said looking me in the eyes finally. "Shawn Dominic Monroe. You shouldn’t have done that. You need your sleep. Are you staying tonight too," I asked giving him puppy dog eyes. "It depends, “he said pulling me close again. On," I asked snuggling close to him."Whether or not you are staying,” he said gently kissing me on the lips again. "I am going to stay as long as I get to be close to you," I said momentarily after the kiss trying to stop my heart from pounding out of my chest. He started to say something but in that same moment Kayla knocked on the door and said, "Hey you sex addicts get your asses out here it’s time to play spin the bottle." Shawn yelled back," On our way down bimbo." They really didn’t like each other and I had absolutely no clue why. They dealt with each other for me though. "Come on," he said pulling me up off the bed with him. He quickly button up his shirt and led me down the stairs. Everyone was sitting in a circle. Apparently Kayla wasn’t kidding when she said spin the bottle. Shawn and I sat down side by side; he draped his arm around my shoulders. “You two get to go first since you have been voted the most couple unlikely to do anything sex related. The deal is one of you two spin the bottle and whoever it lands on gets to dare you. You can’t say no and I would advise you not to get Joshua he has a pretty messed up mind when it comes to this stuff,” Kayla said sitting down in the circle. Joshua was my bisexual friend and Kayla was right he could be pretty fucked up when it come to stuff about sex.
We sat down in the circle and the whole time Shawn had his arm around me. He grabbed the bottle to spin it. He seemed to want to play. I wasn’t so up to it especially if Joshua or Mikal was the ones daring us. It seemed to take forever for the bottle to stop. When it did stop I looked up and froze momentarily. It had landed on Joshua. I looked at Shawn with a worried look on my face. He leaned in to kiss me on the cheek as he did he whispered, “Don’t worry sweetheart.” He knew I was worried about what Joshua would make us do.
Joshua looked at me then looked at Shawn. “Well…well… well what can I make you two do,” Joshua said while rubbing his arm thinking. “Well Joshua if you really love me as a friend then you won’t make us do anything,” I said thinking that he was going to make us do it anyway. “Nicole Dear I do love you but I am still going to make you do something. I do believe that I am going to make you guys start out down here and slowly work your way upstairs…then have kinky sex…and do NOT keep it quiet, how does that sound. Also Shawn take it easy we all know this is Nicoles first time, and I will slowly torture you if you hurt my friend.” Joshua spoke slowly as he said the next couple of sentences. “I want you to start making out down here in front of us. Then I want you guys to take it up stairs, once you get upstairs start the foreplay. Once foreplay is over you can continue to have sex. While you’re having sex I want you to help each other out, which I know for you two will be very difficult considering that you’re painfully shy. Do you accept?” Before I could even think about saying no, Shawn spoke in a quiet voice. “We accept,” he looked at me the entire time he said it.
“Alright then you may start,” Joshua said with a playful smile. In that instant Shawn put his lips on mine, he seemed calm. As he kissed me I felt his hand slowly slide around my waist. Without breaking the kiss he brought me to my feet. Somehow without me knowing he had slid his hands down my back and onto my butt, and gently he lifted me up he took one hand and wrapped my left leg around him then my right leg. All without breaking the kiss. The thought that went through my mind was how the hell he was picking me up. Shawn slowly slid his tongue in my mouth and without hesitation I done the same. He slowly carried me up the steps and into the room. When he shut the door he walked over to the bed and laid me on the bed. Without putting all his body weight on me he got on top. Slowly he began to kiss me again. It took him a couple of minutes to begin to go further. His hands played at the bottom of my shirt. He looked me in the eyes and I shook my head yes. I knew what he wanted. He didn’t immediately pull it off instead he slid his hand up my stomach and back down then he tugged at my shirt. In seconds my shirt was off and he was kissing me again. I had several thoughts at one time. This was not unusual for me. Earlier I was thinking that I didn’t want to have sex. Now I wanted nothing more. I didn’t understand which I really wasn’t going to argue too much with myself at the moment. I was more or less distracted. He started kissing down my neck; I tried my best not to moan. I guess Shawn could sense it because he whispered, “Don’t hold it in baby.” As he continued to kiss my neck I realized he had distracted me enough to make me not realize he had taken my bra off. He kissed further down. He looked up at me, I guess to see what my reaction was. He was taking it slow so it was teasing the hell out of me. He slowly unbuttoned my pants. He didn’t pull them down he just slipped his hand into my thongs. I tried my damndest not to moan. He slowly began as he kissed me passionately. I moaned under our kiss. I felt him grin. He was enjoying it. I was also enjoying it. If I got this much pleasure with him using his hands I thought, I couldn't imagine how much I would get with him using his….umm well you get the picture.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2010

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