
Chapter 1 Wellcome to N.C Private All- boys -High School

N.C Private All- Boys High School. This is a school filled with rough men. People shudder in fear and call it the „Jail School“This school is ruled by five boys, who called Wolves. No one dare to call them or even look at them. And in this school.....

“Hey there is is girl.”
“This is a All-Box high school, didn't she know?”
“That stupid Director, didn't he tell us something like, he will let also girls enroll into this school? “
“Like a Girl would enroll this school, since this school called Jail school. There is no chance that a girl will enroll into this school!”
“It's a boy just dressed as a girl!”
“Should we welcome him?”

….... why.....why.... I'm here again....Ah ...yes … my … marks....IF I WOULD KNOW; I WOULD END UP GET BEATEN I WOULD NEVER AGREED TO THIS

How everything startet...

When I was small, my mum used to tell me the story about the Wolfe and the seven sheep. She used to tell me, that Man in this world, just wear a Sheep costume, to get into your Heart. So never, open the door. Never open the door the door for the Wolfe.....

N.C Private All- Boys High School

>>Today, Newcomers Ceremony- Entering here <<

“N.C ! Woah I didn't expect this would be so big. Oh Anyhaseo, I'm new here please take care of me!”

“What's wrong with this girl, didn't she know that this s All-Boy school?”

“Perhaps it is a cross dressing guy, it would me not surprise if this School going weirder!”

That's right it was All- Boys High School, but from today, girls were also able to enroll this school. I always sucked in my study’s, so I never believed to enter any High School, till a weird Man arrived. I don't know why he choose me, but he told, he would offer me to enroll into this High School, since he was going to make that girls also were able to enroll in this School. N.C was the richest and High Stranded School in Seoul, since it was an All- High school everyone thought the Students were, like the Yankees in Japan. But to get into this School, you must be very smart.

“Jang Jae, here you are!”

“Ah Director, Anyhaseo!”

“I didn't expected to see you so early!”

“Ah that's my aunty kicked me out, since it was told I would live here in the School Hostel.”

“Ah.. ye!”

“But why is it that , I didn't see any girls here?”

“That's.... you know …...!”

Ah I forgot to tell. This school, was ruled by five guys which are the successor of the five biggest Company in Seoul and they had just one rule -No Girls- ….

“WHAT!... you tell me survive.... If I had known I wouldn't have accept it... I know it was fishy, why would a elite school offer me to enroll to his school!”

“Clam down Jang Jaeshi... what I say is, that just one month you have to stay juts one month here. Even though I'm the Director I can't break the rule, since their Parents Build this school. But to see, how the imagine of this school going down, I can't bear to see. Thats why I choose you, to enroll this school. If you can survive, here I would able to enroll more girls.”

“So you say, I'm just the experimental rabbit.... Aishh... I will do it!”

“So please …. What you will do it?”

“Yes I will do it, since I have nowhere to go also I didn't think that I would accept in any other High schools.”

“You are an Angel!”

“Ya, don't over do it!”

Thats how it began, my first day. I enrolled to a school, where I was the only girl who had to survive between the boys. I think, it will be ok or?

Block A :
“Did you hear, someone broke our rules.”
“Which class?”
“Isn't it the class next to yours?”
“What about pay a Visit to our sheep?”

Chapter 2

School bell ring

Teacher: “Let's start with class, before that, let me introduce our new Classmate.”

“Didn't were all new?”

“Oh that, cross dressing guy!”

Teacher: “This is Jang Jae, she is the first the Girl, who enroll into this school, so please treat her well!”

“No way, thats a girl. It's a cross dressing guy, ya who do you think, you can fool us. A girl my Ass hahahaha “

-Jang Jae, you can do it, you can do it!”

“Anyhaseo, my Name is Jang Jae and I'm not a Cross dressing guy, so please take of me!”

“Ya, stop lying. This school is already weird.”

“If you still claim to be a girl, you will dead for sure ha ha !”

“Uhm....but..I'm... I can show you that I'm a girl, everything is on my real!”

trying to open the coat

Teacher: Jangshi , STOP. Ya you guys, she is a girl. So stop making such rumors. Jangshi , please take over there place.”

“Ye...!” nod

Ok I have to remember no 1. If I want to survive this school, I have to learn to behave like a boy, I think also I should wear Jeans and T-shirt. no.2 I don't know why everyone sitting far away from me! But … I have to change it....

Next day.....

same situation

The day after yesterday

Still Alone

The Day after yesterday, yesterday

Got even worse, even bullied

“AH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE,”, I shouted out loud. It was really good. Yet also I noticed that I was standing in a Garden. It must surely belongs to the Director. But it was a good place, since I couldn’t go back to cafeteria and starving, it was the best place to relax. Perhaps I should Skip the next class, thought while looking at the sky. It was clear. It reminds me at those days, when I was with mum, we used to look up and telling each other what we saw in those clouds. I felt how my Eyelids were falling slowly down and everything turned black.

“No one ever sees, no one feels the pain

Teardrops in the rain

I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are

I wish you're coming back to me again

And everything's the same like it used to be

I see the days go by and still wonder why

I wonder why it hast to be this way

Why can't I have you here just like it

used to be …...”

I heard a soft voice, it was a song, its was so sad but also beautiful. Who was singing. Who was that? I wanted to open my eyes, but why I couldn’t ? I just wanted to hear the song a little more...

“Oh a sleeping beauty? Hey, wake up, this isn't a place to sleep. Hey, hey... !”

Oh the song, it disappeared , no why? I felt around me, like it would play again if just push some button. But that what I felt was soft. A body, it felt like a body.

“Oi, should I kiss you?”

“What....?” I rubbed my eyes to see something, but the sun stabbed into my eyes, something was there, no someone.

“Hey sleeping beauty, here is the Prince!”

“OH to Close!”, I shouted and jumped back. I

“Anyo !”

“A Boy !”

“Yes I'm a Boy!”

“You are talking to me!”

“Yes, I'm talking to you!”


“Why? Shouldn't me the one who should ask, why you were lying in my garden?”


After so long time, someone was talking to me. It felt really good. But why was he, was that a new kind of mobbing, to make me fall in love with some guy, break my heart and chase me out of this school?

“I'm not going to fall in love with you!”


“I will stay at this school, no matter what. So get lost!”

“Did you hit your head somehow?”

“Stay away from, just stay away!”, I shouted at him. Even though my legs were tired, I run off. But it was strange, he didn't seemed like someone who wanted to make me fall for him....

Chapter 3 Hello Random Guy !

Next day....

“Ah..!” I sight. I looked around it was like everyday. I was alone again. They even wrote on my Desk : “Get lost you cross dressing guy !”

-I'm not a cross dressing guy ….-

This school life wasn't like in those Manga's I used to read. It was more weird, bad …? Was there a word to describe it?

-WHY CAN'T THIS BE IN THOSE MANGA'S AISHH. YOSH SINCE I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO I WILL STAND STRONG. AND I'M NOT A CROSS DRESSING GUY!” I shouted, when I looked around I noticed that everyone were starring at me.

“...Ah.... I'm dead!” I muttered to myself and buried my head into my hands.

“Why are you dead?” suddenly a gentle voice asked me. It was familiar, like I heard it before. Slowly I lifted my head and tried to see who it was through my messed hair.

“Ow, to close. You....You are the one -who-should-make-me-fall-in-love-and-break-my-heart-so-that-I-leave-this-School-guy!”, I pointed at him.

“Anyo! But isn't this a long name for me sleeping beauty?”

“Aishh, Ya I definitely, even if you are only one left in the whole world, I won't ever fall in love with you!”

“Thank God!”


“You know, I'm not really into a girl's, so thats good that you won't, even if I was the only one left in the whole world, fall in love with me.”

“So..your gay..?”


“However, since we didn't have a good start. We should introduce towards, don't you think sleeping beauty?”

“Ye...but don't call me sleeping beauty please.”

“I also thought about ...not calling you sleeping beauty!”


“Cause your not really that beauty!”

“ Ya wanna die?”


“My Name is Jang Jae and I'm not a cross dressing guy. Anyohaseo!”


hit her head on the table


“haha you shouldn't bow like that while sitting at the table!”

“What's you name?”

“Just call me... random guy?”

“What a weird name!”


“By the way, why are you talking to me, you would probably get bullied if you talk to me!”

“Why shouldn't I, I mean you didn't do any crime, beside you just broke the Rule.”

“Ya, you think it's funny? By the way why are you here?”

“I'm you classmate from today. I was last year absent through the whole year. So lets enjoy the school life!”

“As I would …..!”

-Random guy- I thought, but when I looked closely, he didn't even looked like an random guy. He looked more like the Hero in a Story. He was really Handsome and somehow, when I was next to him, it just felt good. Just like I wasn't lonely.

“Miss Jang Jaeshii, please come to the Director office!”, a voice brought me back out of my thoughts and I noticed that I was starring at him.

“I AM GOING NOW!” , I shouted and ran of the class room. What was that? No No, I can't fall, No I won't def not fall in Love with him. I grabbed after my cheats and nod myself.

“Ah Jang Jaeshii, you are really fast like ever!”

“Ah Director!” , I said when I noticed that he was standing behind me.

“How is school life going on?”, he asked.


“Did you find friends?”

-Should I tell him, that the random guy was my friend. Wait was he my friend. Perhaps he was enemy who supposed to act like a friend......-

“Ah...Jangshiii....take your time to find friends. However, I find a room, for you in drom here. You have to share with someone, but don't worry, it's safe no on want attack on you. Isn't it good, you don't need to stay at the garden Hose anymore!”

“...Kamsamitha... the I take my leave!”

I closed the door behind me and looked up the Letter. :



Meanwhile …..

Random guy : Did you see Jang Jaeshi?”

normal: Who?

“The cross dressing guy girl?”

“Oh … he just run off out.”

“Did she really think that I was Gay and run off, I just meant that I wasn't into girls, cause I just ended a relationship!”

Chapter 4 How I Lost my First Kiss

“Ah!” - sigh

“I really end up here, again, but somehow it feels good, just to rest here and skip the classes!”

“Oi, it seems that you love my Garden!”

“Oh random guy!”

“Why you run off so suddenly? Did something happen?”

“I had to leave the Garden House, in which I stay till now.”

Ah, I didn't told you right? Since this was an All-boy school, there were no place which would suit for a girl, so the Director told me to stay in the Garden House of the school. But to tell the truth that wasn't just a random Garden House, it was more like an Castle …..

“You was staying the Garden House. I already asked me where you would stay, since this a All Boy High School. Now where have you to go?”

“To the Hostel!”


“Block A!”

“So, so he decided to send you direct the Wolfs cave...!”


“Nothing, so did you go?”

“As I would go there again!”


“From the outside it looked like a normal house, but when I entered it was more like an expensive Hotel. The Lobby it has bar, did you ever see a Hostel lobby with a bar? Also, it has a lift. I Mean did you ever see an Hostel which has an Lift? Those rich bastard's why have the so show off. Even my pocket money, isn't enough to buy me lunch, so how can they expect that I would live in such a place !””


“Ya, why are you laughing!!!”

“It's just funny to watch you. Then were do you plan to spend the night, since you brought all your things here?”

“I will spend the night here outside! I have a Tent, so no need to worry!”

“Why...have you a Tent with you?”

“When I was living with my aunt, she used to send me outside if we had to visitors, so I used to spend the nights outside. Since I didn't have anywhere to go, I brought a Tent!”

“Ah....Then should I show you a place where you can stay tonight?”


“Let us meet up, at 8pm. Same place.”


I didn't know if I should trust that guy, even though he was friendly and nice to me. He was still specious. But since I don't have anywhere to go, I have to trust me, if something happen, I will just beat him up.

At 8 pm.... in the backyard of the Garden

“Random Guy, I'm over here!”


“Are you ready?”

“Where are we going?”

“To the main building!”


“There is a room, which no one use, you can stay there. It's better then here, I mean no one knows if you safe, since the Wolf's know about you, it's possible that they didn't want stay longer back and going to roam around.”

“You know lot, but I still can't get you, why your nice to me. Since everyone avoids me.”

“Who know's, perhaps its just interesting to watch you or I just want to be nice !” grin

The Main building was build for the special Student's that's what it has been told. And there only four of them. But I wouldn't surprise me, if they would be rich. Since it seems I'm the only one who is poor. Having bun as lunch, dinner and Breakfast. While the rest eating delicious foods....ah... Ah stop thinking like that Jang Jae, Bun, its better then nothing!!!

“Here we go!”

opens the door

“Isn't that building only for the Special Student's and how you get the key?”

“The Director you know that he likes flower?”

“Don't say, you stole it from him?”


“Should we go in?”

“Ya, is it really good, I mean, you didn't want suddenly leave me and I will get caught by some guardian and the punishment is, to leaving the school?”


turn around

just darkness


Alone in the Main building, in the Dankness, in the night....

Some noisy sound Appear behind her

…...and w....w...ith a GHOST!

I grabbed my bag and started to run, I didn't noticed where I was running, but I wanted just out of this building, but it seemed longer then I thought. Suddenly it get started to get wet under my feet. - The GHOS HE IS TAKING A SHOWER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY- I thought while running – But wait since when Ghost's taking a ba aaaa T-


Hit and fall

ishhh... Ah wait why are my lips feeling so weird.

looking up


“Oh here you are, I thought you get lost, I was looking for you, what are you do-?”


“A girl? Oh, isn't that Ren?”


“But why is he turned into a stone?”


Next Morning:

Ren jumps out of the Bed : Hyung, I dreamed I kissed a Girl!

Baekho: Isn't it normal to dream about kissing a girl?

Ren: But that girl called me, A Ghost Girl and turned me somehow into a stone.”

JR to Baekho : “Don't you plan to tell him, that we found him in the morning on the Hallway, as a stone?”

Chapter 5 The First Wolf


“Oh, look at that cross-dressing guy!”

“Why is he charring a Tent and all the other stuff with him?”

“Perhaps, he is going to be kicked out from the school?”



the rest move back

“I think he gone insane, just ..escape!”

“It seems you are very lovely today?”

“Aishh, just shut up and go to hell!”

“I don't think, I would suit that place. However, why are you carrying those things with you?”

“Ya whose fault is this, first you dragged me f into that building, then left by myself. And I ended by Kissing a Girl Ghost!”

“I told you, that I was just looking for that room. Also I asked you to stay in my room, since it looked like if you was going to kill Ren, for stolen your first kiss, or should say to gave him your first kiss?”

“Ya, do you really think I would freely go into a Wolfs cave?”

“You think, I'm the Wolf?” grin

noticed that her desk were gone


“Don't get angry just...just sit down...!”

sits down and trying to hold back the anger

-Ya, I lost my first Kiss to a girl ghost, which turned somehow into a stone. You want know what happened, after the Kiss. After the random guy noticed that the Girl-Ghost was actually Ren, who was one of the rulers in this school. He told me I would dead for sure, if he would remember at this Kiss. So we thought lot of way, to get rid of him, before it happens. 1. lock him into a room and throw the key away. 2. Bury him in the Garden. But at the end we left him alone and just escaped. The whole night I spend, in the Directors room, since I thought it would be the safest place for now. I was even sleeping with a knife. The last time I did this was, when I got lost on the class trip.-


“Did you get rid of you anger?”

“If I get angry or sad, it doesn't matter. I'm someone who is not really welcomed. So It's better to think how to survive then getting angry don't you think so;-....?”

sound of loud opening Door



Both eyes meets

“OW, that good-looking Ghost girl !”

grab her hand and pull her out of the classroom

“Hey, isn't than Ren?”

“Yes, he is, but what he is doing here?”

“Wait, isn't that the weird cross-dressing guy behind him?”

“He is dead for sure!”

“Ya, wait where are taking me?


throws her at the ground out side the building

“Fist you broke the rule, by getting here. 2. You dared to enter the main building. 3. You even touched me.”


“Those are the reason!”


“So just get out. GET LOST FROM THIS SCHOOL!”

turns away

“I WON'T!” stands up

( “oh look that cross-dressing guy he really dare to stand up against Ren, he is 100% dead today for sure! Hahah)


“Yes, I won't.”

“Huh, you really have guts. I thought a girl like you would scream off., isn't that normal? I will give you another 10 sec to get lost, since you dare to stand up!”

“If I won't leave what are you going to do? Hit me. Push me out side the building?”


“What no words?”

“Don't provoke me!”

“ Then what, do you think, just because I'm girl, I will run off after threaten by you?”


“I'm sorry, falling at you, kiss you and calling you a Ghost girl. Also for entering the main building. But if you want get me out this school, those aren't reasons. SO if you want fight with me, I'm every time free!”

“Aishhhh......!” turns away and leave the place

“Jang Jaeshii, are you alright?”

“Ow, you scared me.”

“You are sacred of me, but standing against one of the rulers. Since you don't seem dead... are you hurt somewhere. Ow you lips and the knee are bleeding!”

“AH I hurt my back. My lips, knee? Ah I must hurt it when he throw me to the ground!”

“Where you going?”

“Back to class!”

“How can you go back to class when you are hurt!”

grabs the Hand and pull her into the school infirmary room

“Ya let me go!”

Ren Pov

“You already back?”, a voice asked me when I entered my room. It was Jong hyun. He just grinned and threw the baseball to me.

“Hyung, what do you, do if a girl suddenly become a man?”


“I mean, the girlw, I meet until now, there were sacred of if i was just pushing them. But that girl even asked me to fight with her!”

“Thats means, you didn't get her out of the school. Aron won't be pleased!”

“I don't care if Aron is pleased or not. But that girl, her eyes. They were so cold, for a Moment! Like it wouldn't matter, even if I hit her!”

“You just only meet her once and telling me now so much. Isn't it bit weird?”

“Go and meet her and you will understand me. If you get her out of the school. I will listen your stupid wish!”


“I will meet her and for sure! Ah by the way, I remember didn't she stole your first kiss!”


“However, I won't go easy on her. I will def get her out of this school.”


“Don't you know, what I think about girls?”


Meanwhile …..

“ To let the sheep into to the Wolfe cave?”

“Wasn't that you Idea, to change that rule?”

“ The way to change the Wolfe by sacrificing the poor sheep? Isn't it too cruel?Won’t it better if the Sheep would able to Tame the Wolfe's?”

“?...when are you thinking to come back, I can't stay longer here.”

“I will going to play little longer. Since it become interesting. The Sheep, that girl, isn't the one, that she try to pretend.....

Chapter 6 Wolf Number 2

“Cheon, please don't leave me!”

“I promise to come back!”

“No you won't, like mum, you won't come back.”


“Jang Jae, you have to be strong, ah, until I come back. If someone want hurt, just hit him back, if someone scolds you, just scold back. I will def come back. You know how much I love you, so please please be strong, I will come back and take you with me, so you won't be alone anymore. So wait for me, wait fpr me....

open they eyes

-Cheon, when will you come back?-

suddenly noticed, that she was lying in a bed

“Ah, what I'm thinking. Where the Hell I'm?”

“Ah, are you awake?”,

“Ow, another good looking Ghost-Girl, who must be a boy!!”


“Ow, it laughs!”

“You really a funny girl, its been a long time since I have seen such a lovely Person”

-For a Moment I looked at her, she must be about 30 perhaps younger. And her body was really great. Ah she has such a good body, even if she is so old... Wait what I'm thinking? I shouldn't think about that. I should better ask why she is here? I mean, she is a Girl and this All -Boy School and this isn’t a creppy Manga where boys are after the good-looking nurse! And over all what happened to that -No Girls-rule????-

“You must be asking why I'm here even though there is -No Girls- rule right?”


“It's because, I'm was working, before they come with such a rule. It was pointless, but to think that before the boys used fought over a girl, even though those times were nice, it' affected lot of the study's. But when I heard, there was a girl, who was enrolling to this school, I though the pas would repeat. But it's seems, they changed a lot.”

“But when you were all the time, why didn't you help me...!”

“The Director said if you go into a Jungle and want to survive, then you have to do it by yourself. You can't expect that someone, would come and help.”

-That creepy Director, this isn't a jungle it's more a Wolfs cave-

“But from what I see, you did it well since now. I mean you even found a boyfriend!”

“Ahhh.... he isn't my boyfriend. He is just some random guy who I get to know. But... can you tell me why I was lying over and sleeping and what time is it now?”

“Don't you remember. After you was brought here by your friend. He said, you have serious injury. He scared me. But it wasn't much, but you fainted right away, when you wanted to leave. So we put your in the Bed and it's already afternoon!”

“WHAT??” -oh crap the class must be over, no all classes, but wait-

“Did he give something strange to drink or press something on my face like a sheet?”

“No, he didn't why?”

“I mean, how can I faint and sleep till afternoon. He must 100% something to do with it. I overslept the class, so if I happened often in the future. I will be kicked out four sure. So he must changed his plan, to get rid of me!”

“Your indeed, interesting!”

“?... However Thank you for taking care of me. I should leave now be! Since my staff is still in the class room!”

leaves quickly the room

“But... they already closed the rooms!”

After few Minutes.....


-Why was that building closed- “WHAEEEE!”

For a Minute I tried to find a way to get still into that Building, but somehow, how much I looked, its seems that Director's ordered to lock every single place.

“Perhaps I should just call that random guy, wait I don't have even his number. Crap why is this happen to me! Ah right I will go to my favorite place, since he use to poop there out of nowhere.”

-And beside, I didn't have anywhere to go at all. But how long I wait, he didn't come. He didn't pooped out of nowhere or call my name. He left me, even though he promised to stay by my sid.....Wait what I#m thinking. Yes this guy is my enemy. I didn't even want that he call my name.-

suddenly started to rain


Suddenly a music starts to play

huh, this kind of music, I heard it when I found this place for the first time. That time I couldn't find out who it was but...-

I followed the melody and noticed that I comes from the Main building.

-The Building, which was the reason that I almost fight, with a good-looking girl, wait he was a boy. However this isn't the time to think about it Jang Jae, you will just stay until the rain stop and if you meet someone, just run or hide! GOSH!”

It was really open, but it was different, was it that I have seen this place at night? Even though something was different. How much I refused, my heart wanted to follow the Melody till a open door. I decided to peek, just a sight of the Person who was playing, but what I saw wasn't a Person, more he was a Prince. But why that, that the song he played, was so sad?I leant for a Moment against the door and listen to it. I closed my eyes and for a Moment, my heart started to ache, was it because of cheon?

❥You are breathing, you are living In my heart

My heart is beating, you just walk into it

From the day you came to me,

I was yearning for that moment!

You are calling for me

my tears are falling, those pain full tears

again and again.

My heart is hurting , just because of you.

I choked my tears, I swallowed the words

that I love you


“Do you still remember at me, would still hold your promise Cheon?”

music break

“Is there somebody?”

-carp did I say it just out loud?-


runs away

For a Moment I thought my would stop. I mean, what if he had see me. Perhaps was that one of his sad moments and I idiot interrupted. Jang Jae you really a stupid. Wait- where I'm , not again I get lost.........

Chapter 7 Wolf Number 3

Normaly a girl, if she need help wouldn't there always a Prince who will save her?

Ah I forget in my case, they would wish I would just die here right away, how pitful is my life.....

“Oppa, is it really ok, to do it here?”

“Sure as if someone would see us here!”

“oppa, ah don' ah.. “

“it's ok I will go slow on you...

“Ah... Someone is here!”

“What no!”


Should we go back? This isn't a scene that should be shown to little Kids right now. After I get lost, I looked for the exit. Since I couldn't find it I deiced to find that “room” which I wanted to use yesterday night. However. Suddenly I heard some noise and I guessed, that it must be Ren, who was still trying to me chase out or a mouse. So I deiced to prepared, but at the end. I caught those tow, doing it!”

I'm sorry!”, the girl said and passed me.

“Man she run away , the good part was only About to Begin. It's your fault. Miss!”

I tried to step back, but I noticed there was just a Wall, so there was no escape.

“In return you will be my partner tonight!”

Get pushed on the table

let his Hand slide through her blouse. Kisses her

Pull up the skirt, so that her legs could be seen!

Kiss her on her neck, untie her hairband

open his own T-shirt

-wait, why she doesn't react at all?-

glance at her


- What wouldn't a normal, normally scream and resist or something, if she get touched by a man?-

“Ya, are you stupid or like that, I'm trying to doing it with you and you don't even resist a bit!”

“Even....if I Resist, if the Man is serious. Then I don't Believe I will win. Since u I have don't Any Feelings for you... I don't really care!”

“Don't you even care for you Virginity, -are you even a girl- or do you just want it so much, I mean since this is A-l-l B-o-y-s H-i-g-h-s-c-h-o-ol!”

“Do you think you can it bring it to satisfy me? Then just go on, since we both don't have any feelings, also about Virginity I will lose it anyway, what will this make it different?”

-Shit why can't go on her. It's easy, she is just lying here, she won't resist. This girl what is she?-

“Do I disturb you both?”

looking up

“Ah random guy!”

-random guy?-

“It's seems you having fun, should I also join?”

“What? Just because you interrupted doesn't mean it's over. That girl is mine, I will do with her what I want.”

“Then go on, I wan't see it!”

pulls her up from the table

grab after her head and press his lips on hers

-Wait, what is happening, Ahhhhh... But why is it that I can't resist, even I want???-

let her go

Remind it, your my toy, so I won't allow, that someone other touches you. Also this is, your second Kiss, this was also for the Kiss you stole from my beloved Ren! turn around and leave

…..... How ….How ...* walks away*

“Ya, were are you going?”


“Ya, I was just rescuing from that guy?”

-Was I angry? Or Was it that he had seen me like that? Isn't that guy fault at first place?-

“Aishhh, ya why are you like that. First you friendly at the next moment you disappear. Do you really want me also get out if this school?”

Put's, his coat over her

“Dummy, why do you think like that, just trust a bit, I mean …

truns and walk away

… how can I want to get the “his” toy kicked from this school. Even if you want I won't allowed it, since it seems that the game had already started!”

Side Note:

The reason why she couldn't resist was that she was hit, while pushing on the table, at the same place like before. Since was in such a pain, but don't want losing her coolness, she hoped secretly, that someone would pull her up!


“Ah Hyung you are back?”

“How many times I told you not to sneak, in my bed?”

“Then don't wanna today sleep with me tonight? Since it seems you couldn't do it with “that girl”

“Aishhh, that damm girl, who she is she are. I mean, if I was going to rape you...!”

“I won't even care that your are my Friend and beat the crap out of you until you're crying after you mama.

That girl, she didn't resist?”


Don't you think, something is different on her?

“That she is really a cross-dressing guy?”

“Aishh I saw her breast, I don't think that it was fake!”

“What you did?”

“However, I decided to make her as my toy, I want see how long she can hold on! Since she already entered the Wolfs cave, there is no escape!

An by the way I gave her a passionate Kiss, for kissing you!”


“Shut up and sleep already


Chapter 8 My My

“HELLO little red hood, where are you heading?”

“i'm heading to school, where girls are not allowed!”

“Oh is, that so, then go this way, it's shorter!”

“Thank's!” la la la la

suddenly a beautiful girl appears

“Ah I didn't thought there would be a girl, hellooohh slip and fall


“Oh, how are you, you sexy little read hood. I'm gonna eat you now!”



“Who are you calling a Wolf?”

open the eyes

in Jang Jae's imagine, she see him as Wolf



After some kicks and shouting.....

“I won't say sorry!” eating

“How mean, Since I brought you here and also let you sleep here, I'm called a Treader, Wolf and Pervert and also get kicked!”

“Ya, how can you attack, a innocent Girl, like me, while sleeping and also get put her in boy clothes. You Pervert!”

“Ya, I didn't even touched you, you was the one who asked me for some clothes since you stuff were gone and you were wet, do you think I have some girls clothes in my room. YOU CROSS-Dressing FREAK!”







-The truth is after walking, cool out from the Main building, I met saw Person who was dressed in white, since the light's suddenly get turned off. I thought it was a ghost and runaway. While running I forget that it was raining and wet, so I slipped at the Stairs and hit my Head. Since that random guy get shocked and not knowing what to do, he brought me to his room. Which was somehow full of BoA's poster and also somehow creepy. However, now I'm wearing his Jersey and looking for my Stuff but till now I just found my bag.


“I don't know what to do.....”


“I can't go on like this....!”


“No, definitely I can't go like this........”

“Jang Jaeshii..... !”

“Ah mulla mulla , I can't keep going on....!”

“Jang J-...



“Can I leave this school?”


“I have to buy a tent!”

“a..a... tent why?”

“Since I don't have anyplace to sleep, I have to survive outside.”

“What about you friend....I'm mean that guy, you hanging out with?”

“NO definitely NO, he is the real Wolf!”

“ Ah I see you f......!”

“However, it was just a dream, even though zto sleep in a room with a boy, it's bad, I think that why he appeared as wolf humm!”


“Yes, I dreamed that he was a Wolf and I was the little Red hood.”

“Sheep is better...!”

“ Jangshio then why don't you to Block A, there is a room for you free!”


“Wae.... ??”

“Ah..mulla mulla....!”

“I think it's ok if you go out over weekend. Just make sure, you will come back in time!”

“Ye, Kamsamitha. I don't I wanna go on date, so don't worry!”


close the door

Jang Jae, this also a good Chance to look for a Job. I have to get enough money...... grinn


“So so, she is going to look after a job. Hmm, this going to be interesting. I really like to know why she need that money....!”

Chapter 9 another side

At the Club

“Aishhh, I can't it anymore!” stands up

“This girl, how can she. I mean, doesn't she have any pride, I mean how can a girl just stay still, if she is going to be rapped!”

“ A girl, who let JR think about her, she must really interesting!”


both look looks up

“Ya, ya I didn't get you see guys for a long time and now. I hear that a Girl let JR crazy, it seems you school become interesting. But who dared to break the rule?”

“The New Director!”

“Oh Minhyun, so you decided also to talk.”

“I don't know why, but that girl, she doesn't seem normal!”

“What about you Ren!”

“He lost his first Kiss her!”

“Really? Hahaha. I betted that you would definitely get your first kiss from a beautiful guy. But it seems, I lost huh?”

“Aisshhh. That girl, you know when I and Baekho tried you get her out. She didn't even show any emotion. That girl, you didn't see her. She has such cold eyes.”

“It seem's everyone already met her!”

“No, Baekho and Aron are left out! But I want really see what Aron action will, about breaking the rule, since he was the one who put this rule. But let that aside, when did you come back. Since Noona went to Paris, everything went bored. You even didn't send a message."

"What, didn't i send you presents for Christmas?"

"However why didn't you tell us that you will come back from Paris?"

"I wanted just to surprise you guys. But it seems, i didn't get to see you all! Minhyun you the one who is close to Aron, do you know
where he went? I send him two mails, that I come back from paris to meet you guys!”

“I don't know. He didn't come back after you went to Paris. But he pass all the exams!”

“That guy. I told him I would come back.”

“But are you going to be the director's sons Finance, noona?

“Yes. Then I'm able to watch over my cute Ren!”


same time in another place

-” I'm back from Paris, should we meet up?- -”Are you still angry, call me I miss you,- Uee!”-

“Can I have another drink please?”

“What happened, Aron. I heard you come every night here?!”

“Don't worry I passed. Just some some noisy thing was in my had, when I stayed there. I so wanted to get some space”

“This doesn't suit you Aron, to come every night here!”

“John two lemon!”

“Ah you must the new girl who started here to work. You are really quick. Did you work before in a club?”

“Ye, back when I was small, I often helped uncle out!”

“Ah, I would like to introduce you our famous guest here. Aron.”

looking at him

“Isn't he young...?”

“Ah don’t worry he owns this club!”

“Oh, ah Anyhaseo, please take care of me!” bow

“Jangshii you didn't have to so formal! AH here you go two lemon!”

“Then enjoy your time!" Bow

“She seems really nice. You know when someone asked her why she was working. Night and if it's ok. She told that she have to find someone. And about school. That it was ok, since she would get kicked out of there. Haha, she is really funny.”

looks at her

“But Aron, will you really let go of her?”

looks up

“Ah Hyung here you are. I was looking for you!”


“Didn't you met up with others? Noona, wanted to come here. But Minhyun told her, they should better go to another place. That guy really likes you. I never thought he would go freely to a club!”


stands up and go away

“What happened to him. I didn't see him like that?”

“ Minhyun had a brother. Who was like Aron. He loved his brother since, he was one who was nice to him and always protect him. After coming see his brother in Aron, thats why he is acting like that. And Aron, is someone who doesn't want to keep bothered by those things!

Oh you have a new worker?”

“AH you mean Jangshii?”


“Yes she is really a nice girl!”


Next moring …..


„Just two min!“


„What....? looks around



Texte: No Copyright
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2012

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