
Chapter One

The air was crisp and with it brought the suns lips to me and warming my skin. "Do you understand the list they gave us?" I asked my twin sister who was looking at the paper so closely I thought her eyes were going to pop out. "I don't know, J.C., I haven't gone to a privet school ever. So how would I know?" That was true. We have been home schooled our whole lives. It was only two weeks ago that I got the message from Parker saying that he would like to see me after years and years of being apart. He told me about the school and my mom and dad looked it up thinking it was time for us to get out of the house and fined new friends. I'm not going to lie, the only friends I had in a long time was Parker and my sister Kayla. "I think we should go see the principles’ office and find out. Plus I, we, might see Parker there since his mother is the head of the school." The school was called Fish Net High. Now you may think that is weird for a name. Well it's not when you live by the bay. "You just want to see Parker your long lost love." She pressed her hands over her heart and stumbled as if she got shot in the heart.
"I do not! Kayla I haven't seen him since I was little. Of course I am going to be eager to see him. I want to know how he turned out." She raised her eyebrows. "You so love him." I stuck out my tongue out at her. "You don't know how I feel since I don't either. So there. You know nothing of my love life." "I know you dated Michel." She shrieked as she ran up the steps and into the building. Angry I chased after her. I was so mad at her I didn't notice her stopping in front of a room and I almost ran into her. "How in the world did you know that? Michel was just a person I once went out with and- How did you know that?" I blurted then when she didn't answer me I fallowed her gaze into the room to see a woman and a boy standing there looking at me. "Oh my. I didn't mean to interrupt anything I just..." My voice faded when I looked at the boy. I'm meaning really looked at him. He wore a black t-shirt and black pants and black shoes. Even his hair was died black. But his eyes were what caught me. I slowly tilted my head to the side and a smile played on my lips. "Parker?" His face was a question mark. "I told you he wouldn't remember you, J." My nick name seemed to trigger something in him but his expression didn't change.
"You know I think the twin thing got him mess-up in the head. What do you think, Kayla?" I said still looking Parker over who was now squirming under my gaze. I shook my head and tore my gaze from Parker to the lady behind him. Like the lady I am I bowed to her and said, "My lady we came here confused of this list you gave us. We know not of where we are to go or what to do since we have been home schooled for many years. And if you are busy, Madam, we can try to find our way through this beautiful school of yours." When I looked up I saw shock on her face at my old words. "Sorry again. I read a lot and plus I was taught to treat everyone as if they are worthy of something." I smiled at her when she smiled and replied, "Oh, no dear. I am just shocked at how you show manners and others don't. As for your schedule, which would be the list as you so call it, Parker here will show you around."
Parker smiled a fake smile at just at her words then as if he knew before she said anything began walking towards us hand all ready out for the paper. My eyes narrowed at him as he waited. He reached for the paper but I pulled it back. "Surly the boy does not what to help. His mind is still racing about something before we interrupted. If I," I glanced at my sister and corrected," I mean we, have manners we should be leaving so this boy, Parker, can get his mind strait. A pretty boy should use those brains to remember who we are since we used to be neighbors in the same apartment." His head shot up as he remembered who I was and I smiled. "J.C.? I do feel dumb for not knowing you sooner. Say what gave me away?" He straitened and opened his arms wide for a hug. I gladly stepped in them and hugged him back saying, "Your eyes are what gave you away, and your question rhymed." He laughed making his chest rumble like thunder. "We I guess I'm a poet and don't know. Until now." I pulled away to look him in the eyes. "So you can chose. Stay here and get what is on your mind off it or are you going to show us around?" "Well now that I know who you are I chose to go with you and Kayla and that is all I need to get my mind off of everything. You know, time to catch up and get to know your sister better." He smiled over my shoulder at Kayla. "Hi Kayla." "Hi." She replied shyly.
"Come on." Parker took me by my elbow, leading my sister and me out of the room and into the hall. When we were out of earshot we finally talked. "Your mother looks different than from when I saw you. Well you too are different, but you mother was actually nice to me once." I said as he let go of my arm and shoving his hands into his pockets. He was frowning at the ground as if it did something wrong to him. "That is not my mother but my sep-mother. My mother is on vacation with her boyfriend." He slurred the last word like he was talking about a slug crossing his path. "Nothing has changed for my mother. She is cold hearted and still hates you. If you go to this school and pay close attention to the people then you would know what I mean." My sister piped up and asked, "Then if your parents are split, why is your step-mother subbing for your mother." He glanced over his shoulder at her before turning his gaze back to the ground. "I don't know. She was closest to knowing everything about the school and the kids love her." There was silence for a few minutes then I spoke up. "How long has your mother been gone? And when does she get back?" He sighed and looked at me. "She has been gone for half a year and since the weather is getting bad she comes back next month." My gut twisted and I had to look away from him so he didn't see the hurt and hatred on my face. "Why doesn't she like me? I did nothing to her. I gave her son, you, a gift of friend ship. Why does she hate me?"
"I think that’s why. You gave something you could but couldn't take back. You gave me a life, J, and she wanted to be part of that friend ship we made. But no matter how hard she tried I couldn't stop the thoughts and feelings I had of you. The last straw was when she found out I was sneaking in your room and laying there with you. Then that stopped when Kayla came. I was just too scared of being caught I thought Kayla would kill that and I would never see you again. I pulled away till I was farther away, till I had gone away from your heart and mind." He stopped to look at me when he talked. "J, I made a big mistake at leaving you broken then kissing you at the end of it all. And trust me when I did that my mom found out and she freaked making me leave without saying good bye to you first." He looked away. "I think she hates you for taking her only child away from her too soon." He sighed and looked down again. I was speechless. I found the words when my sister came up to me and took my hand. "Parker, I think it was best that you left me when you did. Yes it hurt, but on the third day since Kayla came into the family things began getting weird. I didn't tell you because one: you wouldn't listen to me or barely look at me when we past in the halls." His head snapped up at my words but Kayla gave him a look that told him to keep quiet until I was finished. "Two: I didn't know what was going on: and three: because you hurt me so bad you made me think that you were one of those kids who would just pretend to be my friend just to play with my toys." A smile crept on his face at the dirty thought of 'playing with my toys' part. "And we were told not to tell anyone but ourselves." My sister chimed in like a bell. "And we were told not to tell." I repeated.
"Gosh you guys sound like a scary movie or book. Don't tell, don't tell. And if you aren’t allowed to tell why are you doing it now?" I sighed because my sister was right. He wouldn't understand anything we were talking about. It was just a joke to him. Men. "Okay, listen bucko. We didn't come here to be made fun of, we came here to see you and to learn. But mostly to see you. See my sister couldn't get you out of her head because of what you two had truly had together. Now we are trusting you to do the right thing or I will take my sister and my stuff and get our buts out of here in less than two minutes. What do you say?" I gapped at her. I looked at her to Parker who both had cold looks. "Fine tell me what you know." He looked at me and I saw something change in him when he looked at me. "Oh no." My sister said. "You don't get of that easy. We have to learn more before we tell you. And aren’t you supposed to be showing us the school? I would really love to learn to where I'm going to learn everything."
"Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry." He murmured and led us down the half dark half lit hall.

Chapter Two

The school was awesome! It was like an inside castle. It was old fashioned everywhere you turn with only a hint of the 20 first century. After the tour of the school we were led outside at the back of the school to reveal a breath taking building that sort of reminded me of the white house. That is how I can explain it except for the fact that it gleamed in a magical way with the vines roping around the pillars and how the marble gleamed happily in the fading light. "What is in there?" Kayla asked Parker. He grinned over his shoulder at the tone of Kayla’s voice. "In there you will find your rooms." I and Kayla gapped at each other in shock. "Our rooms are in there?" I asked what I and Kayla both were thinking. "Yes. Why are you so shocked? It's just a house with lots of rooms that we put guys on one side of the house and the girls on the other." Kayla's grin was so bright it almost blinded me and I almost heard her thoughts. "Kayla!" I shrieked at her filthy mind and smacked her arm so heard I felt it on my arm. You know that twin thing that twins have we have so we are able to do that. "Ow!" We moaned at the same time than ran straight into Parker. Kayla and me stumbled back a little at the force and noted that Parker didn't even flinch. "So if you fallow me and stop lollygagging we can go to your room." He turned back around and walked through the door. My sister and I walked in after him while rubbing our arms we gasped.
It was a place out of a Greek mythology book. Grapes were in bowls and their vines wrapped around everything just like the ones outside. The pillars were images of naked gods and goddesses holding up the ceiling. That was all we could see because Parker was walking faster now and we tried to catch up. As we walked the halls the girls that past us gave Parker a loving look and gave us hard evil looks. a girl shrieked when she saw Parker, ran to him, rapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply. His own arms slid around her and a loving way and pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. My heart sank and my smile faded. I looked down at the ground. How was I sub post to feel? I took slow calming breaths and closed my eyes feeling my sister's hand slide in mine and squeeze it. I squeezed back then let go. Though I was hurting I felt a little better and smiled. No matter what I was feeling, I could always count on my sister. The two pulled away both breathing heavy. "If you two wouldn't mind would someone point to our rooms?" Kayla asked, sounding so much like me when I have an attitude. "Kayla, when did you turn into me?" I asked now sounding like her. "Oh come on I have know you most of my life I think we both rubbed off on each other, don't you think." I shook my head and replied, "You have a point, but let them be. You are not me, remember?" She blinked then shook her head. "Sorry, J. Your right I do remember. I'm not in love." My eyes widened at her sly smile. I felt my face flushed, then that was gone when my anger flamed.
I know it showed from the way Kayla cringed and took a step back away from like I was a monster. My own evil smile played on my lips. I raised my chin at her. Just to let you know I would never hurt my sister, never. Unless my anger got the best of me. "J?" Parker said bringing me back to earth. I took a deep breath ran my fingers through my hair. I flinched at how hot my skin felt. Pulling my hair to the side over my shoulder I looked at the ground feeling the wait over eyes on me. "Right. We were going to our rooms." I gestured behind him without looking at him. I began walking but Parker blocked my way. "J, calm down. Look at me, J. Please." My jaw clenched. "Parker just let the girl be. Why don't you come to my dorm? I want to show you something. The girls will find their way." I slowly looked at Parker in the eyes. I could only imagine what emotion played on my face.
The tears were forming and taking shape now. Thank god for my sister. She took me by my shoulders firmly and said to Parker, "Go. She needs time to cool off. Go. We will find our way. Just point us in the direction and we will go there. I know you don't wasn’t miss playing doctor or whatever you do." Kayla said to Parker. He looked so deep in my eyes I felt frozen. "Kayla, I'm fine. I'm just tired, that’s all. I guess we all have our own problems." I smiled and bowed at parker. "Good by my old friend. May our paths cross again." Then me and Kayla were gone.
"I do not love him, Kayla! It took everything in me not to rip you to shreds." I cried to her once we were in our room. The room was bright but dark. There was a small round pool in the middle of the floor; a flat screen on one wall; and a couch behind the pool and across from the TV. We had gotten over it by now and I was now crying in my sisters arms. "J, I know that is what you tell yourself, but you got to face the truth. You two were best friends when you were young so when he left some part of you thought it would be a fairy tale. J, let’s face it you love him, I can feel that, but you have to let go. Just let go sis." She strokes my hair with a steady hand. "It's not that easy. Why does this have to hurt so much? Why does it feel like he ripped out my heart and froze it with his cold touch then when frozen shattered it so the pieces flow and hide." I sobbed. "Shhh." She soothed.
After that I took a shower, changed, made my bed and curled under the sheets with my notebook on my lap, pen in hand. I wrote with such grace and mindlessly I was mesmerized and didn't notice the tear drops had fallen on to the paper.
'My heart still beats, still pumps the blood that make me live thrum within me. When handed to you, does it not still beat? When I gave it to you, do you have my soul as well? Tell me lies, I tell you truth. Tell me I don't have a heart, your right because you took it when given and smashed it on the ground. My blood rests on your hands now; now what will thee do?'
I fell asleep to skyscraper by Demi Lovato on repeat.

Chapter Three

I was drowning in the water that was pulling me farther down into the blackness that waits me. I spun trying to find the surface while my lungs screamed for me to breath. When the edge of my vision was turning black I saw a black figure swoop down into the water and at me. I thought it was going to save me but when I saw the figure was a raven I opened my mouth to scream, only to breathe in water. It filled my lungs making me lash and turn. The raven’s claws dug into my flesh grabbing my spine and breaking it. It happened so quick I didn't feel pain.
I shot up in my bed screaming coming face to face with Parker and Kayla. There was a hot burning feeling on my back running up and down my spine. "J, what's wrong?" Asked my sister. The pain subsided to a warm numbing pain, and then it was gone. "I had a dream that I was in the water drowning then a raven came out of nowhere. I freaked and inhaled water turned in the water then the raven ripped my spine in half." I said more to myself than to anyone else. "Now my back is numb. Very numb." I looked out the window trying not to look at Parker. I hurt in t many ways. I laid back down and sighed. "J, would you let me see you back?" Parker asked making me flinch and his voice. I rolled over so he can check if anything happen to it. I felt his fingers brush my skin and e pulled up my shirt to look at my back then heard my sister gasp. "Well, that is interesting." Parker said while running a finger up and down my spine. As always his skin was cold. No one could figure why but it was, and right now his cold flesh was taking the heat in my back away. "What is it?" I asked. "J, when did you get a tattoo smacked on your spine? Moms going to kill you when she finds out." "Kayla what are you talking about? I didn't get a tattoo." I pushed myself up to where my back was bending into a u shape.
"Then how do you explain this." Parker said while getting up and helping me get up, too, then taking me to my body mirror then pulled up my shirt for me to see. There, on my back where my spine should be, was a tattoo of fallen feathers in a pattern out traced with the color neon blue, orange, pink, purple, green, and blood red. Parker’s finger traced my back in a loving way. My eyes found Kayla's. "Kayla, I never got a tattoo. I have never seen this mark until now." I was telling the truth and she knew that. "Then where did it come from?" Parker asked pulling apart from me now to look at me.
"Parker remember when I said things have been going weird since you left? Well this in one of those things. It wouldn't be the first time the raven came into my dream." I looked deep into his eyes trying to see if he would believe me. I saw nothing that gave him away to the emotion. "I believe you." He said taking me aback. I blinked. "You believe me?" I asked still not understanding what he was saying. "Yes I believe you. I was wrong yesterday. And you are willing to be my friend again, friends are sub post to be able to trust each other right? Well I want to be a good friend and not hurt you anymore." I looked down and mumbled, "You didn't hurt me." "J, he saw what you wrote and he heard the song you were listening to when you fell asleep." Kayla said. I lifted my eyes to my notebook that was on my bed, open to the page I had written on yesterday. "I didn't mean to read it. I sat on it accidentally and when I went to pick it up the words just caught my eye. I'm sorry, but you are really good."
"If I was good, then why am I here and not writing and having my books published? I'm pathetic. I mean nothing." The room got quite. "You don't mean nothing, J. You want to know why?" Kayla said softly. Parker picked up my notebook and started to page through it. My eyes never left the book. "Why?" I said. "Because you are my sister, you are the one who keeps me grounded at the hardest times. You are my other half of my soul and without you, I would have no idea what to do. Do you hear me? Without you my life would not be worth living for. I am this way because of you. You made me who I am." When a sister tells you something like that, that means she cares and the friend ship is to hard to brake. I closed my eyes to hold back the tears when Parker said, "J, you mean a lot to people even when it's just a small group. You have a big heart and you let it show. That will bring you down. You care to much of what people think and you only care about the only bad things, not the good things. J, you shaped this world just by your smile. You give hope by just saying hi. I want to see the girl I was deeply in tune with when I was young. I can see that still in you, so I don't want to hear you say you are worthless. You are not. Your just one girl whose mind isn't clear right now, but it will clear."
I always thought words could never get the best of me, but this meant everything to me. It's what I needed to hear. "Hey J, do you mind if I take you book so I can read the rest." I nodded and opened my eyes. Parker was looking at the clock and said, "Okay I got to go. I will tell your teachers you are going to be late because you had family problems." He smiled at me. "See you soon." Then he was gone. "Okay well we better get ready. We will figure out your tattoo out later. And J?" I looked at her when I was peeling of my shirt. "Yes?" I asked. Her eyes were sad and filled with love. "I meant what I said. I love you." I too smiled at her. "I love you too."

Kayla knocked on our first teacher’s door. The teacher looked at us and smiled. "Nice to see you girls. I hope your family problems are solved and you can join my class. I am Mr. Clark, but you can call me Mr. C. Your seats are in the back by the window." He smiled at Kayla and I saw her blush. She walked in and I fallowed her quietly. We sat down and class began for us.
"Okay class, who knows one of Edgar Allan Poe's books or poems?" Mr. C asked the class. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I shivered but raised my hand. "Yes, Jessie." I flinch at my real name. "It's J.C. or J. No one calls me by my real name anymore." He smile twitched. "What an odd name to call a girl. I'm sorry I will get it right next time." He bent down and wrote something on paper. When he was done he looked back at me his smile gone now. "Ok J.C. what do you know about Edgar Allan Poe?" His voice was cold and I smiled now. "Sir, do you want me to tell you about his life or what books or poems I know." His eyes flashed but it was so quick I must have imagined it. "Okay. Edgar Allan Poe was famous for his crimes and his wicked mind. The ones I know most is 'The Raven' But I like 'The Tell-Tale Heart' since it was the first story I read that was from him." His smile was back. "And what is 'The Tell-Tale Heart'" I raised my eyebrows and glanced at my sister who was looking at me with fascination. "It's about a guy who lived with and old man who had and eye that was film covered. The man hated that eye but he was drawn to it. Every night he would slowly peak through the door to see only darkness then slowly unlatch the old lantern till one beam of light would fall on the vulture’s eye since that is what he called it. But the eye, he found, was always closed. He did this for seven nights then on the eighth day when he went to unlatch the lantern it made a noise and the old man had awoken. Hours past and the man still didn't move. Neither did the old man. Then he ever so slowly opened the lantern letting in that one ray of light that fell on the vulture’s eyes. This time it was open. Anger aroused in the man as he saw the eye. With a cry and anger the man pulled the mattress out from under the old man to where he was on the ground then smothered him with the mattress. The man dragged the corps to the bath tub and cut him up, and put his remains under the floor boards. The cops soon came from a call next door and searched the place. He finally beckoned the cops to sit and he sat on top of the floor boards that covered the old man’s corps. It was not long until he heard the thumping. It got louder and louder until he gone even madder than before. He through the chair aside and shouted, 'It is him. Tear up the boards and that is where you will find him.' something like that."
I was looking out the window now staring at the darkened clouds, watching the rain pound on the windowpane. Thunder cracked the silence after my story making everyone jump. I looked at my teacher with solemn eyes. "And what was the thumping?" He asked. "The man thought it was the old man’s heart but it was his. His own heart told on him. Hence 'The Tell-Tale Heart'." The bell rang at that note. I gathered my thing and began to walk away when I glanced outside and saw a black feathered raven watching me.
I was so scared I clung to my sister and told her everything. She didn't see it but she knew I was telling the truth. She told me we didn't have the next class together but she will see me at lunch, and then walked into her class which was art. I took a deep breath and glanced around looking to see if the raven had fallowed me into the halls. I saw nothing but kid’s rushing to class. My next class was theater and Parker to a fancy at showing me it so I know where to come to unwind. I don't know why he said that, but this day couldn't get any worse than it already was, could it?
I soon came to the theaters doors without seeing that creepy bird. I pushed open the doors and walked in to see a bunch of people were all ready in their seats chattering happily. Thank god the teacher wasn't there yet. I didn't want to be noticed anymore and I already am. I walked to the left to an empty seat and sat down, pulling out my other notebook and pen and began writing.
‘His eyes are dark, so dark they see through her soul. Darkness closes around him like a cloak of protection, but from what? He searches for his love, the one and only. He watches from afar but seeps into her dreams and marks her just to let her know he is there. And she knows he is there; he knows she knows. He can smell the fear radiate off her like it was her natural sent. Will she know him as him? Will she be able to trust anyone? He knows she knows. It just has to be reviled to her first, since knowledge can be a dangerous weapon.'
"Is anyone sitting here?" a girls voice said. I looked up from my writing to the girl. She had orange hair, orange shirt, orange pants, orange shoes, orange nails, and orange eyes. She smiled at me. "No, no one is sitting there." She nodded and sat down. I looked at her blankly as she smiled and held out her hand to shake. "Hi, my name is Orange. You must be new since you look like you are and I never seen you around here before." I shook her hand and smiled. "Hi, and yes I am new. My name is J.C. but call me J." She tilted her head to the side. "Didn't I just see you in art?" I laughed and shook my head. "No, I don't have art but my twin sister does. You must have seen her." She nodded like she understood. She then soon spotted my notebook. "What are you writing?" I glanced down. "I write poems and stories. This is just one of them." Then it dawned on me. "Where is the teacher?" She was still looking at my notebook and only said, "Probably making out with his girl friend." The doors opened and the room got quite. "Speaking of the devil." Orange said in her normal voice. I looked away from her to the person who had just walked in. It was the girl who I saw kissing Parker. She had walked in like she owned the place. "Now that she is here her boyfriend wouldn't be long." Boyfriend? But isn't she dating- Parker walked in no sooner than his girlfriend. His smile made the girls swoon, but not me. Let’s face it; I have become immune to him outside beauty. It was his inside beauty that made me fall for him. Once he was on stage the room got quite again waiting for him to speak. When he did my heart fluttered. "Today we have a new student. Her name is J.C. J.C. would you come up here so we can see you." His eyes searched the crowd for me and when they found there target my mouth went dry. Parkers eyes too were dark, but did he have feathers? No that’s just silly of me to think about that. But was it him the poem was talking about or was it the raven?
I got up from my seat and walked up onto the stage. "Hey J, how are you feeling this morning?" I chuckled. "Like crap. Kayla is in art so... here I am." Parker nodded. "I saw her there not too long ago. I would have said hi but she seemed to be intrigued in her work I didn't want to bother her." Despite the fact that art is Kayla's talent I laughed at the memories of her so in tune with her work she didn't relies she painted a clown, her deepest fear. "Well I just hope it wasn't a clown. She hates it when that happens. It is best to just walk away when she paints or you'll be walking out of the room colorful." I couldn't help smiling and Parkers mouth twitched into one. "That sounds like Kayla." Then he turned back to the class and said, "Speaking of talents, would you guys mind if J tells us a story or poem?" I was shocked at how many people wanted to hear what I write. "Um, Parker I don’t think that is a good thing for me to do." "Why?" He asked looking at me now. "My writing isn't good; I don't think people would get it." A smile was now on his lips. "Isn't that what poetry is about?" He had a point. "Fine."
I closed my eyes and took a few breaths and let the words flow to me
"I look at the sky which was now pitching black. I couldn't get him out of my mind. Everything reminded me of him. The dark velvet sky was his black feathers; the stars were the only light in his eyes; and the moon was his heart, no matter what happened it still stayed bright and under the soft skin of armor, beating or not. I couldn't bear to look at any of it. It wasn't him; nothing was him, no one was him. Why did he have to go? Why did he have to leave me unprotected?
"I turned my back to the sky and walked into the tomb; the one he showed me when he changed; when he try and failed to protect me. The world could be a cruel, dark place. That was what killed him, Argus. That was his name; since the Greeks name a man that for protection, why couldn't I name him that? It fit him, just like his body fit against mine. It was the boy; he did this, this horrible thing. He stood between me and my Argus. Lies can be deceiving; people can be deceiving. Why should I waist my breath, they'll never know the truth."
I felt numb, so very numb. I couldn't breathe, only think. Was the name of the raven Argus? Why do I even care if the creature dies? My head spun with my thoughts, my feelings, and my questions. "J are you okay?" Parker asked, but I couldn't speak. "It doesn't make sense." I finally breathed. I felt like someone was watching me, separate eyes then from the crowd. Slowly my own eyes opened and I turned around to see the raven perched on the sill of a window, my raven. I should have felt afraid, but calm consumed me. The raven cocked its head to the side. "Parker if I lost my mind what would you do with me?" I didn't take my eyes of the raven. "I would try to help you?" I sighed. "You can’t answer a question with a question." "J what is wrong?"
"Pie. I don't know why but I'm in the mood for pie." I looked away from the raven to Parker. "I think the poem was about pie. It is a flying pie, I love it, and it fits my body well. And since lunch is next your class stands between me and a pie named Argus. It must have some strong kick to it." Parker smiled and people laughed in the crowd. "You are really a girl of mystery aren’t you?" I laughed. "You stole that line from a kids’ TV show. I only know that because you used to watch it when we were kids." The bell range.
I know I wasn't talking about pie. Before I left I stole a glance at the window that once held the raven. Once held.
"I'm telling you. Something is going on." I was telling my sister what had just happened. We were at our lockers putting our stuff away so we could go to lunch. She slammed her locker. "You’re telling me. You should have seen what I painted in art." I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. "It wasn't a clown again was it?" She shivered at my mention of it. "No it was weirder than that." I closed my locker and asked, "What can be creepier than a clown?" She hooked her arm through mine. "I wouldn't think that when you hear this. I was painting like always, and you know how a zone out when I do? Well when I came out of it what I painted scared the crap out of me." I glanced at her waiting for her to tell me already what she had drawn. "Well, what is it?" Her eye brows frowned in concentration. "It was a feather. A black one. Its stem, you know the part that is a attached to the skin, was sharp like a quill and had blood splattered. Well it wasn't really blood but the color red represented it." My eyes widened and she looked up at me. "That was the same look the teacher had on her face. She was so scared the she stopped the whole class and left the room. It was creepy, very creepy."
I pushed open the cafeteria doors when I said. "Yes that is creepy. And the poems... I know they weren’t about pie but I needed a distraction. And the raven was watching me the whole time. The weird thing was I didn't feel scared more, like, safe." Kayla unlaced her arm from mine to get a tray. "You know it seems like your poems and stories are more like prophecies." I too got a tray and held it out so I could get my food. The lunch lady gave me looks the seemed like, get-out-now kind of look. We got our food then found an empty table and sat. "You might be right. But if they are prophecies, then we have to figure out what it is they're talking about."
"You know you could always sit with me, right?" I jumped at Parker's voice in my ear. His cold breath was on my cheek and my neck. "Parker! Don't do that." My sister gasped. He pulled up a seat turned it around and dropped his plate on the table, sitting down. "Sorry. So what are we talking about?" Me and Kayla took turns telling Parker what we thought and what we just discus a moment ago. His eyes darted back and forth to Kayla and me. "What is the other poem that you wrote J? The one before you got on stage." His eyes finally rested on me. I bent over and fished out the poem from my backpack, humming a tune while I did. "Ah, there you are." I said as I found it. I handed it to Parker who already had his hand held out to take it. As he read it, I thought I saw something cross his face. "Do you mind if I take this to look at it?" I studied Parkers face. I reached out and touched his face so he could look at me. "What is wrong?" I asked as I looked deep in his eyes. He placed his hand on mine to pull it away and still held it as he spoke. "I just want to look over this to make sure you aren't in danger, that's all."
I shook my head. "Parker, please do me a favor and don't act like you’re the big bad wolf. The poem says that the raven is trying to protect me, not harm me. Plus if it does I got little tricks up my sleeve." I smiled and winked at him. He too smiled. His fingers laced with mine giving me his cold heat on my palm. "I know you do but I still like to make sure you are okay." I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine just a little freaked. That is why I'm going to go for a run today to get my mind off of it." They looked at me like I was crazy. I sighed. "Like Parker said before. My mind isn't clear, and running helps me." Parker raised his eye brows and let go of my hand. "Fine. If you say you can protect yourself, then fine." He got up and left. "What's wrong with him?" I asked Kayla. "Your being stupid that's what." and with that she too got up and left the room after Parker.
After my classes I walked by myself too me and Kayla’s dorm. Like I thought she wasn't there. I walked in my room and threw my stuff on the floor of my room. I peeled my clothes off and in a pile in the corner, and then pulled n my running cloths. I grabbed my MP3 from my bag then headed out the door once again.
I found a path at the edge of the woods. I studied if for a moment before turning on my MP3 and began jogging on the worn crumbled path. My breath became in short pants with the form of a tiny cloud before rushing in my face. Dogging broken limbs of trees, I pumped my body harder. The fiery sensation of my moving body filled me with pain, but I kept going. It was then I saw a human shape take form in the corner of my vision. Considering it an animal I turned my attention back to the path. The song switched to Three Days Grace's Animal I have become. Feeling the beat in my head and spread down my body making my heart rate beat faster and my speed picked up with the tempo. Everything was a blur now. Passing so fast I didn't see the log the rested on the ground soundlessly. Before I knew it the ground was rushing at me faster than I was running. I didn't have time to brace myself for the searing pain that I knew was going to come. But it didn't. Time to seem to slow down. I was falling, falling deeper to the ground as gravity took its hold on me, but it was slowing down. When my nose was an inch from the ground, everything stopped. Warmth was on my arms, holding me there for a second then lowering me down the rest of the way to the ground.
Twigs dug in my palms and pressed onto my cheek. I blinked in surprise as the dark figure that I saw form in the corner of my vision loom over me. The figure bent down, took hold of my shoulder, and pushed me on my back. My breathing wasn't showing any improvement at what I saw. A boy was crouched before me. His hair fell in his face that was shoulder length and was twined with black feathers. His body was naked but for the shorts he wore. He was heavily muscled from head to toe. From the color of his skin he was either Greek or Indian. He reached out a hand that was a big as my face, to pluck out my head phones. It was then I noticed he was speaking to me. "Little bird, are you alright?" He asked. His voice heavily accented with a language I didn't know. My senses were coming back to me now; sharper than before though. The ground beneath me seemed to be sending sharp numbing pain in my body and in my head. The wind was taking its cold teeth to my open skin. I sucked it in to try and calm my heart. As I did I found his eyes. They were the color of night, shining with thousands of stars. A moan of pain escaped my lips as I tried to sit up. "Hey now, slow down. You may hurt yourself." His smile cleared the fog in my head.
"Um...Who are you?" I asked pressing the palm of my hand to my head. "People call me Raven. And you are?" His accent got heavier when he said his own name, the name that gave me shivers down my back.

Chapter Four

I sat there like an idiot. Who names their kid Raven? (Sorry for people who have the name Raven, just a matter a shock at the time)
"Little bird, are you all right?" His hand was on my back, keeping me from falling. "Um, yeah. Can you help me up?" Little bird? A guy named Raven, named after the bird who has been watching me? Saving me? Okay here are the puzzle pieces. Eyes so dark they remind me of the night; black feathers in the hair; half naked in the woods when it is cold (twilight moment!); saving me; and little bird. What is going on?
Raven stood up after making sure I wouldn’t fall over and held out his hand for me to take. I looked up at him before I took his hand. He pulled me up and I found myself inches from him. The heat of his body flowed off him in small tiny waves that warmed me from where I stood. He was tall enough that I came up to his chest. It was like he was the Hulk and I was Mary's little lamb. I just hope he doesn't eat me first. "Can you stand without leverage?" He asked brining me back from my horrible thoughts. "I-I think so." I shuddered. Nodding, he slowly took his hands away from me. He stood there as if he was waiting for me to stumble or do something to just make sure I was fine. I cleared my throat before saying, "Thanks. I would have been a blue berry if it wasn't for you." He smiled. "May I ask why you are practically naked when it is almost winter?" His laugh made my stomach do a flip-flop type of thing. "Listen to your words, little bird. I'm almost naked and it is almost winter. Almost means not completely or not sure yet. Plus I have more body heat than others."
"You know, you remind me of a movie I watch." He was still grinning at me. "And what movie would that be?" "Twilight." His face was a question mark. "Never mind. So what are you doing out in the woods?" He motioned to the ground where a bow and a nest an arrows sat. "I was hunting." I blinked. "Isn't hunting season over?" I looked back up at him and his grinning face. "Not for me." I shook my head. I learned a long time ago men play by their own rules. Not that I'm saying girls don't either but in my opinion, men are more often with it. "And what about you?" Now it was my turn to be confused. "Huh?" He laughed again. "Little bird, what are you doing in the woods when I am hunting? I could have hurt you. And you are to pretty to be hurt." I blushed. He bent down and picked up my MP3 and his stuff. He handed me my MP3 and slung his stuff over his shoulder. "Here why don't we walk back to your place, and you can tell me what you were doing here. And I only offer because one: you might be lost and it's getting dark sooner. And two: I think there are other hunters out here." I turned off my MP3 and we began walking. "Why list off? Again you just saved me from being a blue berry." I glanced at him to the ground making sure I was walking the right way. He was right it was getting darker sooner. "So you don't find it creepy a guy was hunting practically naked when it's getting dark, and out of nowhere save a little bird from being a blue berry, then asking to walk a stranger home? I don't know about you, but if I was in your place I would have darted the first chance I had." I shook my head. "You have a point, but something is telling me to trust you, or believe in some of what you say. Today is just not a good day. It's confusing, and the cold isn't helping me think." Mistake one. "You are cold? Then come closer. I promise I wouldn't do anything. I am man of my word." I do have to admit though. I was cold to the bone. Parker and Kayla did have a reason to be worried about me. I have to apologize to them when I get back to the school. With a shiver I stepped closer to him.
We didn't talk for a while. We just walked a few more paces when the sun was going down pass the trees when I shivered again. Raven noticed and said, "Come on little bird. You are cold. Come closer to me so you can stay warm." I knew I hesitated to long when his hand slipped into mine and he pulled me closer to him. He was as warm as he said he was. He switched my hand with the other so he could rap an arm around me.
"My goodness! You are frozen!" his exclamation made him hug me tighter. "How can you stand to feel that cold?" He rubbed his hand up and down my arm leaving a path of heat on my frozen skin, reminding me of Parker. "Is that better?" He asked. I let go of the hand that he held then moved to rap my arm around his waist. He fit against me great. I don't know how but he did, and the feeling of something aroused within me. What was it? As the light faded the shadows came we out to play a little. I noticed Raven was looking around us like he was waiting for someone to attack us from behind. "Yes that’s better. I was too dumb to bring a jacket. No i take that back. I was too dumb to even go for a run when it was close to dark." Mistake two. "Now little bird, you are not dumb. See if you didn't go for a run I wouldn't have met you. And trust me I like the mistake you made. These woods get pretty boring after a while. Have you ever thought things were sub post to happen?" He looked at me when he asked his question. "Of course I do. Things are apart a nature, and nature is controlling its self, so why not let it believe that it might just happen to us all the time to us." The last of the light was fading when he spoke. "Then how do you know that you going for a run and meeting me was a mistake?" I blinked. He was right, how did I know?
We walked in silence once again. It was the comfortable kind. Darkness fell upon us, cloaking us with its protection of anything that might try to harm us. The night sounded all around us. Entombing us in their wonderful sound. The touch of him was breath taking, even more than the run. Something was off about this, something not right. Who was this man really?
We must have walked a long time before we saw the lights of the dorms come into view. We stopped at the edge of the woods and he spoke. "Is this where you are staying?" He asked marveling at the beautiful building. "Yeah it is." I glanced around. "Can you lead me to the door? I don't think I can see out here." I glanced at him. He nodded his lips set in a grim line. "What's wrong?" I asked. He turned to look at me, his hand moving with him and was now placed on the bare of my back where my shirt had ridden up, sending tingles all over my body and making me shiver violently. And when I shiver my body jerks side to side from head to toe, the kind of shiver that make people look and ask "What was that?" that was what happened now. Raven looked deep in my eyes. "You okay? What was that?" he asked. His voice shaking a bit. I smiled at his protectiveness. "I'm fine, it was just a shiver." A smile pulled at his lips. "That is how you shiver? My you must be really cold." and with that he placed his other hand on my back on the bare skin like the other. The tips of his fingers on my spine then spread like a chine’s fan. His palms and fingers pressed lightly into my back, pulling me closer to him until my breasts pressed against his chest, my hips in line with his hips, and our stomachs also touching. My breaths came faster as he looked deeper within me, as if he were trying to see through or to my soul. I found my palms pressed gently on his chest, feeling the thrum of his heart beat. "Why are you so protective of me? I barely know you and you me. So why?" I caressed the shown muscles on his chest, making them quiver. I could feel his heart beat hitch like a drum in a festival to keep dancers bodies moving. "I have seen things, heard thing, felt things, and was a witness to many, many things. I think I have the right to be a little protective of people who I know is on the good side." His pause made me look up at him. He was looking longingly at the dorms.
"How do you know I am good?" I gazed up at him. He turned his attention back to me. His fingers began to move up and down my back. Flames erupted within me, sending my nerves to tingle all over my body, more places than others. He pushed his hands harder in to my back pulling me closer to him. I tried so hard not to gasp at the pleasure wiling through me. "I know no one is all good. If we were pure evil or pure good, the yin yang sign wouldn't exist and the balance of the world would collapse into chaos. So I believe that you have good in you, and hope you can see some in me." My head was spinning now. With his touch and words. He took a step away from me and let go of me. Thank goodness! I don't think I could have stood with him touching me like that. He cleared his throat and began walking to the dorms. When he noticed I wasn't fallowing him he turned to look at me. "Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there in the dark and in the cold?" That got my feet moving. He waited till I caught up with him. We made it to the dorm stairs in one piece. Before I stepped inside I paused and turned back to look at him. He wasn't there. I blinked. What just happened?

Chapter Five

I opened the door to my room. The TV's sound filled my ears. Parker and Kayla filled my sight. And Ravens touch lingered on my skin, and in my thoughts. My sister looked relieved, while Parker looked like I just hit him in the face. "Okay before you say anything, let me just say I was wrong. I went for a run and got lost, almost got hurt and frozen to death. You guys were right. You were so right." Tears were pouring from my eyes now. Parker was there in front of me, holding me while I cried. Somehow his cold heat felt like home to me. I cried into him while he tried to sooth me by petting my head. After a few minutes Kayla joined us. "I'm so glad you are all right. Please, please don't scare us like that." Parker whispered in my ear. That was all I needed to hear. It was then I knew I loved Parker. I mean I knew I loved him before, the fact was there, but I never admitted it to myself.
I pulled back and smiled at them. "Parker I have something for you." I said. I pulled off my thin sweater and saw the panic look on Parkers face. As the sweater fell to the ground I reached to my neck for the necklace that laid there. I pulled it over my head and held it out to him. "Happy Birth Day. Hope you like it." I smiled at him as he took the necklace from my palm. "You remembered my birth day. J I don't know what to say." I blushed, but took a step towards him. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Just say nothing and take it." When I pulled back I looked at my sister, avoiding Parkers eyes. "can you yell at me later. I'm tired and need to sleep." With my last words I walked into my room ripped off my cloths and clasped on my bed and fell asleep, forgetting to close my window.
I laid in the bed with her, careful not to move the bed to much that she would wake up. Her naked body laid ragged on the worn bed; her hair tosseled over her face and leaving her bare neck open just like the rest of her body. It was times like this that would keep me grounded. Times when I was close to her and feeling the touch of her skin and the smell of must and damp earth on her. I loved the smell of her skin. Every time I would touch her it came off her even stronger than it was before. As I lay beside her it took me longer to relax and just melt into her side. I curled my body around hers, but just like the other times, she didn't even acknowledge me. Her mind was flying in her dreams. Either that or I was just as light as the feathers I ware when I shift into a raven.
I watched her sleeping face behind the curtain of that dark hair of hers. I lifted my hand slowly to her face, and with my index finger, pushed back her tangle of knots to revile the prize behind it. Her lips were blood red; her cheeks were that flawless light pink that flushed with the rest of her body; her eyelashes splayed perfectly on her cheek bones, resting for the night. I ran my finger behind her ear, down her neck, passed her breast, down the curve of her hips, down her thigh, and back up again. She shivered at my touch like always, but still she didn't wake. I frowned. I wanted her to wake and see me, to smile at me and rest in my arms where she would be safe. The rise and fall of her chest slowed the rise and fall of mine. Here she slept dreamlessly and so quietly my own eyes began to close. I rested my head on her shoulder and lightly slid my arm around her hips. She moaned softly as if I had just kissed her. I opened my eyes again to peer up at her. My eyes rested on her blood red lips. I took a deep breath and leaned in closer to her. When my face hovered over her flushed face I decided to wait for when she was awake for me to kiss her, and pulled back with a pang of guilt that rushed threw me.
There was a reason I was here. Well actually two. One: to see her. And two: to give her the new set of tattoos. I sighed at the thought of my job. I pulled away from her just enough for me to hover over her. I lifted my hand over her limp body and watched as the rainbow colors shot out of my fingers and onto her belly forming swirls in a pattern of the wings of a butterfly, and from the tips of the wings, formed the dizzy spirals that wrapped around her breasts, biceps, and her thighs. I watched it glow in the dark of the room, like lights at the bottom of the water with ripples running over the surface. My breath caught in my throat at the sight. The light began to fade and sink into her skin and becoming part of her. When I began to breathe again her body jerked and she moaned louder as if my presence disturbed her, or even worse, hurt her. She said something in her sleep that I couldn't catch. I bent and whispered in her ear, "Nevermore." Her body fell limp again. I got up and out of her bed walking to the window that she had forgotten to shut that was now letting in a breeze and blowing the curtains back to show the sharp crescent in the shadowed sky. I glanced back at J.C. wishing she would just figure out who I was by now. It was her seconded day at this school and she has a lot to come at her, some more than others. I turned back to the window and shifted into the form I know so well and flew out the window.
When I woke up I had no memory of dreams or anything else. But I had this strange feeling that I should know something that happened while I slept. I think the raven visited in my sleep.
I shivered at the thought. I glanced at the clock and groaned. I woke up an hour before I was sub post too. The thing was, I felt fully rested. I closed my eyes when I felt a warm breeze on my back. Its sticky arms and hands wrapped around my legs and waist, while their silky fingers tricked down my bare back and slid around my neck in a loving way. I let out a big sigh and relaxed even further into the bed. Then the breeze was cut off only to dissolving into my flesh and into my blood stream and clearing my head.
Yes, something was here last night. I knew that. Well the wind really knew it, but still.
I took at deep breath as I rolled on my back. My eyes flickered over my small room. The bed was a Queen bed with a comforter with colorful swirls on it while the back ground for it was brown. I had a bunch of pillows that matched the comforter and the sheets. The room was painted a color between dark and light green, giving it an earthy feeling. The floor was wooden with no carpet on it. I had a dark brown desk and dresser. My dresser was by my bed and only held my clock and a lamp that would turn on with a buzzing sound when you would just touch it and the buzzing would stop and the light would fade if you just touched it again. My desk was on the opposite wall than my bed. It was a rolled top desk, like the ones in the Titanic, and it held my coffee colored laptop and my MP3. By the door was a full body mirror that was facing the window and reflecting the sun's upcoming raise peaking through the trees' trunks. Kayla's room was arranged like this, sort of.
I sat up in my bed, feeling a little groggy. My head buzzed a little as I looked about the dark room that was now just getting light. I rolled my neck to pop it and stretched for my back to also pop. I got up and out of the bed to pick up my towel that was on the ground. On my way to the bathroom I passed the body mirror. Something caught my eye, making me stop. My eyes widened as disbelief filled me. A new tattoo of a butterfly was on my stomach, wrapped in a pattern of mirrored swirls on the wings. From the tips of the top and bottom wings the swirls grew and broke apart, spreading them all around my torso, my breasts, waist, thighs, and biceps. I gasped. The designs were extraordinary. They split like pop seeds. They bended and folded like dancers that couldn't decide on the moves they were given and just twisted into a pretzel.
My legs felt weak. Just when I thought I was going to faint, I heard a small sound in the living room. I tore my eyes away from the body mirror to the door. The sound of a toilet flushing put me on guard. My eyes darted around the room for a shirt. Once I found my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt I through it on. (I'm a Percy Jackson fan.) I dropped my towel and switched it with my personal Swiss Knife. I slowly crept to my bedroom door. Slowly I opened it. I was fully alert on what to do that I didn't miss the squeaking of someone slitting on the couch. I knew it wasn't Kayla. Kayla hates couches, plus she isn't an early riser.
The door didn't make a sound when I opened it. The living room was half lit like my room, so I couldn't see very much. I crept into the room with so much caution I could hear our intruders breathing. I walked to the back of the couch and peered over. A figure laid there in a sleep. From how the body was built I knew it was a guy. I leaned in to get a closer look at him, but when I did the floor boards creaked and the intruder had awakened. I gasped as I tumbled over the couch and onto the person who just laid there, still. I was now sprawled on to the person whose body was now tense under me. I flexed my hand in search for my knife but it had tumbled to the ground with a thud. I was now defenseless. Strong hands gripped my shoulders to hold me steady. I panicked and started writhing under his grasp. "Let go of me." I said still fighting to get away from this person and get my knife. The hands lessened and Parkers voice filled my ears. "J, it's me. Parker." I stopped to look closely at the person. Yep it was Parker. "Parker? What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left after I went to bed." Parker sat up, making me sit up with him. The worst part was I had no underwear on and I was straddling him. Shock waves of embarrassment hit me. "Um." I said getting off him. God, could I be any more of a fool in front of him? "I forgot to tell you we have curfews’. Guys can't be in girl’s dorms after ten. If caught sneaking in or out is suspended from the school. Same thing is for the girls." he answered my question. "So Kayla let you spend the night here?" I asked. He nodded. "Well dang it Parker you made me think you were an intruder." "Sorry." He mumbled. I sighed for the millionth time in one week and sat down beside him on the couch. "Please don't do it again." I said, relaxing a bit. He chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind. I don't want a girl coming at me with a knife when she thinks I'm here to harm." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. I sank into the couch trying to release some of the tension in the air around us. "Sorry about that. But I learned to keep alert." I told him. I felt the couch shift as he, too, sank back into the couch. "Nah, it fine. I learned that I attract girls. So it's no surprise." I rolled my eyes. He was such a snob! "Yeah and their like gnats now that you are eight teen. So, what is it like to be your age now?" I asked. "Well so far it's starting out tense. But other than that I think it is ok, since the day isn't over yet, I guess we'll find out." I shook my head.
"Well, if you don't mind I need to get a shower." I pushed myself up off the couch. "Oh I don't mind at all as long as I get to see you after words." I bent to pick up my knife. When I stood I paused. "Parker, can I tell you something personal?" My heart was now racing; my palms sweating. Why did he affect me so? "You know you can tell me anything, J." My name sounded soft on his lips. I felt his eyes on me, making me even more nervous. "When I woke up this morning I had a feeling..." my voice faded. I cleared my throat, but it seemed like I couldn't continue. I looked out the window. The couch shifted as Parker stood up. He placed his hands on my shoulders. "J, are you ok?" his voice was filled with concern. I closed my eyes. Why was this so hard to say? "I remember a touch in my sleep. A touch that I can recall. And the scary thing was I have no memory of dreams or if it was the raven that snuck in my room, but...." I took a deep breath, "I have a new set of tattoos. If the raven got in my dreams and somehow took away the memory who knows what else he would do...." Parker’s arms slid around me, holding me close. I hugged him back. "How about this. You go take your shower and we will take over breakfast." He said pulling back to look at me. Tears welled in my eyes. He took one of his hands so he could caress my face. "J, please don't cry. We will figure this out. Just Kayla you and me. We’ll figure this out together." His eyes were determined. The voice that came past his lips held an emotion that made my heart tuck and flutter. I wonder why he attracts so many girls? I nodded and pulled away from him, breaking his touch. I turned my back to him to get my shower.
My thoughts ran in my head about Parker. Why was I really here? What is he hiding? I know Parker. He's not that different than the little boy I used to know. Or was he? I ran my fingers through my wet hair along with the hot water drops. I liked how the danced to soundless music. The only thing I could hear from them was their laughing of pleasure and nothing else.
I breathed in the steam that surrounded me. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get Parker out of my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow Raven got in my room. I mean, was it Raven or the raven? The steam curled around me in a caress. The steam took the falling water and pulled it around me till my flesh was red from the heat. Parker. One simple word. One simple name that left me breathless everything I thought about him. I tried to picture that the steam was him; touching my in places that made my gut turn and my head spinning. I pushed out of the water gasping. I blinked, rubbing my eyes to clear my head and see if he was there or not. He wasn't. No he was outside that door making breakfast. Did he even think about me in the way I think about him? No, I don't think he does. I'm probably a little sister figure to him. Plus he has a girlfriend who has given him something I could never have given him: pleasure.
The water was mocking me, taunting me to do it. Just go out there and kiss him with all I have. With all I needed. Man, I sound as crazy as Edgar Allan Poe. I turned to turn off the water. When the pounding of the water stopped I felt as if I could breathe again. I leaned back to press my back the cold damp wall. The steam played happily with each other. Never stopping for anything. To get my mind off of things, mostly Parker and Raven, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. The words came to me like the music in a song. "They dance and play as if their life depends on it. The rose sits quietly and watches the stars pour from the flask of the sky and into the arms of the moon. She welts slowly with the sound of the waves crashing on to the shore, sounding like cold broken glass. Suddenly the song break through to her, the sweet lullaby of the children. The welting petals of the roses shivered at the golden sound. Then the song changed. The words came clear to her, speaking the truth.

"My angel close your eyes, I'll be your lover tonight.
Pitiful lullaby, I'll be your lover tonight.

My own misery is taunting me.
The air stings my lungs, I can barely see.
Wicked eyes surrounding me, the trees are watching silently.
I could try to run but baby what's the point?

I may never know
(I don't see the point.)
why I let you go.

My body is aching.
I'm losing my mind!
There's nothing to hold onto.
My angel close your eyes, I'll be your lover tonight.
I'm tired of trying.
I'm sick of waiting!
If there's nothing that I can do.
A pitiful lullaby to sing the tortured to sleep

We could settle down and change the end.
Nothing but time, start over again.
All the little things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Have led me to this, a bittersweet abyss.

I may never know
(a vexatious kiss.)
why I let you go.

My body is aching.
I'm losing my mind!
There's nothing to hold onto.
My angel close your eyes, I'll be your lover tonight.
I'm tired of trying.
I'm sick of waiting!
If there's nothing that I can do.
A pitiful lullaby to sing the tortured to sleep

I will follow you into the night my darling eyes.
I would do anything to be lying with you as I watch you dream.

I have been reborn!
I have broken free! I'm free! I'm free!
You can't deny me, do not defy me!
I'm drunk on lust and sovereignty!
Abandon all hope for beyond time I can stand!
I have been reborn!
Darling, tonight we say goodbye!
Sing a touching lullaby and we'll watch the angels cry."

I sang the song softly, a smile spreading on my face. I do have a wicked mind. You can tell by the songs I listen to. I laughed a little. Then I began singing Kiss me Kill me by Alesana. I didn't know lasagna could sing. I sighed and opened my eyes. The steam was still there, still playing. I grabbed my towel and walked out of the bathroom. I stood there as a sudden cold wave hit me. I shivered. My eyes fallowed to the kitchen where Parker had stopped cooking to stare at me. I inclined my head. "It smells good. What are you making?" He looked surprised and he looked over his shoulder like he forgot what he was making. "Um, I'm making toast, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes." He looked back at me, his eyes never leaving mine. I clutched my towel tighter to me, but I walked towards him. "Well so far it doesn't smell burnt so you are a better cook than me." I smiled at him. He didn't respond, which kind of made me uncomfortable. When I came to a stop in front of him I felt the coldness pour off of him. I cocked my head to the side at him. "Are you okay?" He blinked like he was coming out of a trance. He cleared his throat and said, "Yeah I'm fine. It just looks like I got my wish." He licked his lips hungrily. My necklace sparkled on his neck like it belonged. I reached out to touch it. He body tensed when my fingers brushed the warm crystal. "It's warm." I stated. He swallowed and nodded. I picked it up off his chest to hold it in my palm. It was now frozen cold. "It has power, you know that right? It holds all the elements and has different temperature than the owner’s body heat. I wore this all the time never taking it off till now and it has always been cold, just like you."I bit my lip, placing the crystal back on his chest where it turned warm as soon as it touched him.
I sucked in a breath. "Well I better get dressed. And you better get that done so you can eat, Birth Day boy." I left the room with his eyes upon my back.
By the time I was dressed breakfast was done. I breathed in the smells of the food as I walked in the kitchen. Today I wore my favorite outfit. I had black sweats that were tucked neatly into my knee high boots; my army shirt went to my hips and hung a little on me; my hair was tied into a braid that started to the top and ended at the end. Kayla always said I looked like a freak that came back from the army. I liked the idea, so I wore it more often. Parker wore his black shirt and jeans; his hair in a sloppy mess, but it looked good on him. With his pale skin you think he was a God of the dead. Forcing myself to breathe I walked into the room and sat at the table. My plate of food was already sitting there being patient and still warm. "J, we need to talk." Said Parker. I looked up at him while shoveling food into my mouth. "'Bout what?" I asked after I swallowed. "About why you are here." He finished.

Chapter Six

I was standing now, my back to Parker. My hands were pressed on the counter holding my weight as I thought. Was he serious? "So you're telling me that I'm here because there was a series of murders on the campus and you think Kayla's wicked dead mother came to visit? And we're here to help you solve them?" I asked. I turned to him so I could see him when he answered. My head was spinning now.
He stood up and walked towards me to where we were face to face. I took a step back. My palms met the edge of the counter, my back tensing at the pressure I was putting on it. "There are secrets that should have been kept, but are now leaking. This world is not what you think it is. There are creatures that are lurking in every shadowed corner." He took another step towards me. Crap! I was now pinned against the counter. "I was scared for you yesterday because only teen aged girls are getting murdered in the woods. I can protect you but you got to trust me first. And promise that you will not breath a word about what I'm about to tell you. That is if you believe me." My pulse was pumping hard under my flesh. I didn't like the feeling of it. I began to wiggle underneath him. "I promise." I choked. His eyes bore into mine as he spoke. "We have gifts beyond the glass that we see. My gift can protect you from harm and other things, like say a broken heart?" He offered. I chuckled. "If that is your gift then, what stopped you from hurting me a few days ago? And not to mention years before I saw you again. Answer me, Parker, can your gift protect me from you?" I stopped wiggling underneath him and stood still. His face darkened and I felt a twig of fear in my gut, but that was gone as soon a it came. "You're right. I did hurt you in the past, but doesn't that mean I get a second chance? Come on J, let me in. I want to help you and in return you to help me. But I can't do that if you do not believe and let me in." He placed his hands on my waist and his face softened. "Please, just listen to me." I sighed, but nodded for him to continue to speak. "My gift has many bends and turns, twist and knots, and it involves you.
"I know you don't understand, and I don't know how to explain this to you, but it all started when Kayla came into our lives." He took a shaky breathe before continuing. "Your parents adopted Kayla because she was an orphan, and they were friends with her mother. Have you ever wondered how you two are twins but are from different mothers? Kayla was born first from her mother’s womb, then her baby brother. Kayla has a gift of photographic memory, and ever since birth has seen everything and remembered it. She may not understand it than but she will now. Anyways since she was born first she saw her baby brother die in his mother’s arms. Her mother had a stronger bond on her son and when she saw him dead she killed herself, not knowing his soul had already moved into another body." He stopped and stared at me. My brain was trying to process what he was saying. Though I had a feeling about which body Kayla's brother's soul went into I still had to ask. "Whose body did he go into?" My voice shaking as I spoke. He ran his finger through my hair. "I think you know already, you just have to put the pieces together." He whispered. I was shaking now. "I-If Kayla has a photographic memory, how come she doesn’t remember what happened the night she was born?" I asked him. He pressed his body closer to mine, the counter biting into my back. His fingers made my body tingle all over. "She remembers but it is buried in a deep part of her mind." I was getting dizzy, but one thing struck me like lightning, though it nagged at me I stayed quiet. I needed answers to my questions. "Then what happened?" I asked.
"Well that's the mystery isn't it?" He grinned at me. My breath caught in my throat. "I'm guessing that after Kayla's mother found out that her child wasn't there, so she roamed in search for her child never resting until she found him, or it." He said. His hand caressed my face, leaving a trail of coldness upon it. "So you think she is after…" My voice faltered. But I didn't need to finish the sentence, he understood. He nodded and slid his hand behind my head. "How do you know all of this?" I gasped, no longer trying to hide the effect he had on me, and trying to keep the question in any longer. He leaned in till our faces were inches away from each other. His eyes flickered to my lips then back to my eyes as if he was questioning if he could kiss me. Without warning Raven popped into my head and I knew I had to tell him. But should I tell him now or wait till later? Knowing he would get mad that I didn't tell him sooner I decided now would be a good time to tell him.
"Parker, I have to tell you something." It probably was the shaking of my voice and the lack of breath that he didn't take me seriously. He shook his head. "Please don't tell me you want stop. I know you want me to kiss you as much as I do." He sounded like I did, out of breath and full of need. He nudge his nose with mine. My eyelids getting heavy as our breaths mingled. Through my half closed eyelids I looked at him. "But Parker..." Again I couldn't finish and I hated the pleading sound in my voice. His fingers knotted in my hair while his other hand slid past my hips to my thigh lifting it so it was around his waist. He hoisted me up onto the counter, never breaking apart with me. "But nothing. Just close your eyes." He said. I shook my head slightly. "You have no idea how bad you’re affecting me right now." I moaned.
His smile was back. "I have every idea about how I'm affecting you. It's you that doesn't know how much you're affecting me." He moaned back. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and the other on the inside of my thigh. Just kiss me, I thought. As if reading my mind he leaned in, closing the breath of air that we had left and pressed his lips to mine. A blast of push and pull of heat and cold erupted between us, sending both of all our nerves bursting like fireworks. I lifted my hand to his face, cupping it in my hand. With the other I placed on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me pulling me closer to him. Our heads moved along with our lips. His lips tasted like mint and breakfast. I slid my hand up to enlace my fingers in his hair. He moaned deep in his throat. His kiss took me deep within him, deep in his past. I saw images of me when I was growing up, even when he left me. Most of them were of me sleeping soundlessly. I caught one of me making out with my ex-boyfriend Michel so intensely I thought I was going to burst.
I pulled back, lost of breath. I didn't pull away because of the images I was seeing, but because I sensed my sister was in the room with us. I opened my eyes to Parker's. His eyes were as black as night without stars. Then he blinked and they were back to normal. "I probably shouldn't have done that." He said pulling away from me and whipping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Hi Kayla." Parker said his back still turned to her. Then he turned and lifted his self on the counter his head a bow. I looked at Kayla who was wide eyes and grinning. She wiggled her eyebrows at me then cleared her throat turning to Parker. "Um... sorry to interrupt but I think everyone is getting up now and I think you need to get your class set up." Parker looked up at her and nodded. He jumped off of the counter. He stopped in front of me and said, "I'll see you in class then?" Not trusting my voice I nodded. He smiled at me before turning and walking away. As I watched him walk away only one thought stuck with me. What have I done?
The day was a blur after that. My mind was numb, along with my body. My first class was nothing but learning about Edgar Allan Poe and how he lived. Next week we would start reading some of his books. In theater Erica was drooling over Parker, babying him for attention. More than once they kissed and played with each other it was sickening. As they did that Orange tried to make chit-chat with me. "I cannot believe them. How do they have the nerve to do that in public? Don't get me wrong, he is cute even when he is in his dark mood faze, but that is just disgusting what they do to each other. I mean who would do that to her? That hag?" I took a sip of water when she said that, and spit it when she did. The person who was sitting in front of me turned to glare at me. "Sorry!" I piped up and turned onto Orange. We grinned at each other. "Hey, what kind of music do you like?" Orange asked. I blushed. I was and then I wasn't ashamed of my type of music. "I listen to a certain type of music. Like Alesana, Three Days Grace, Flyleaf, The Used, Fireflight, Owl city, and sometimes Paramore." I blush a even deeper red. Orange brightened. "Oh, I love Paramore. What song do you like?" She asked. I bit my lip as I thought. "I like...Where the Lines Overlap." She tilted her head to the side. "I don't think I heard that song before. Sing it to me." My eyes widened. I know I'm a good singer, but I'm not the one who likes to show it off. "Um, I don't think I should." She batted her eyelashes at me. "Please. I think I might know it but I need to hear it."
I took a deep breath before I sang. "Give me attention I need it now. Too much distance to measure it out, out loud. Tracing patterns across a personal map and making pictures where the lines overlap. No one is as lucky as us were not at the end but oh we already won no one is as lucky as us. Call me over tell me how you got so far never making a single sound. I’m not used to it but I can learn. Nothing to it, I've never been happier. No one is as lucky as us were not at the end but oh we already won no one is as lucky as us. Now I’ve got a feeling if I sang this loud enough you would sing it back to me. No one is as lucky as us were not at the end but oh we already won no one is as lucky as us." Half way through the song I started to warm up to it. I closed my eyes and felt the beat deep within me. I hadn't noticed my voice growing louder in the talking crowed. I shook my head and lifted my arms. My eyes flew open to look at Orange and smile as I sang. I made funny expressions at her, like crossing my eyes and twisting my face where we both laughed. When I was done I was out of breath. "Oh Orange you got that song in my head now." I smiled at her. "Wait, I think I do know that song!" She giggled and clapped her hands together.
"You sing good." Said the boy in front of me. I didn't know the whole class had turned around to stare at me. They all have heard me sing. "Um, thanks?" I offered. I really didn't know what to say. I blushed an even darker red and shrunk back into my seat. Out of nowhere another song popped in my head. Great, I thought, another Alesana song. And it was. In Her Tomb By The Sounding Sea. I bit my lip and casted my eyes down ward. My hand fluttered up to my owl necklace and my fingers played with the charm.
"No really you are good." Said a female voice. I looked up to see Erica standing there, Parker behind her. I nodded at her then turned to Orange. "So you have heard of the song? At first I thought I was the only one who heard of it." Orange glanced at Erica before looking back at me. "Yes I've heard of it, though I can't say about the other bands." I could feel Parkers eyes on me and Erica growing restless at my little game I was playing. "I know you don't. Actually I don't think anyone here knows Alesana, or however you pronouns that name." I half smiled at her. "Sorry, but are you not that new girl? What's your name... PJ.. DJ.. Nitwit?" She smiled at herself at the fake compliment. I leaned back in my seat and looked up at her and smiled at her. "It's J.C.. Sorry but I don't know your name. What was it...temptress, or tramp? I think it's something like that." Her face darkened. "It's neither. The name is Erica. And just to get this straight I'm not a whore." My smile grew and my eyes widened. "Wow. I didn't know you knew the meaning of those words. No offence but you don't seem like the type of girl to understand words but sex. Or at least the opposite sex." My eyes flickered to Parker for a second then back to Erica. "Now you listen," She said leaning close to me so I could take her threat to heart, "he is mine and will stay that way, you get it? He may have loved you once, but now he loves me, so back off." She hissed in my face, spraying spit onto it. I scrunched my face, closed my eyes, and whipped it with the back of my hand. "Gee, say it, don't spray it." I said opening my eyes again. "He's mine." She hissed again. My eyebrows rose. My face twisted in concentration and biting my lip while I was at it. I nodded, my eyes fluttering at her as I said, "So you are saying to stay away from a person who you think is love with you, am I right? Well get this through your thick skull that is full of air," I stood up to where I was the same height as her. I trusted my face into hers and continued saying, "I don't care who goes in your pants as long as I'm not the one. As for your boy toy, he won't last honey. Because it will not be long before he tires with you and goes to the next girl he see's falling head over heels for him. So honey if you want some advice you listen to me. He's not your boyfriend baby, just your cute little sex toy. Now you better be quick before you get to old and break him. Now jump off my chest because I'm not your toy that you control. I'm not your friend, but foe." I backed off her my face cold marble. I was ticked, and when I'm ticked no one’s happy.
I turned my back to her grabbed my things before turning back to her. I lifted my arms and smiled my cold smile her. "You have a nice day." I walked off but as I got a little way I turned back and called, "Hey Parker! You left your belt at my place!" I pulled it out of my back pack and tossed it at him. He caught it and though his face was expressionless I saw amusement in his eyes, but also a warning. I backed off, walking back wards as I looked deep in his eyes. I somehow found the strength to turn and walk out of the room as the bell rang. I'm back! I thought to myself.

Chapter Seven

At lunch my sister and I met up at an abandon table. I was about to tell her what happened when she jumped down my throat. "You told off Erica, Parkers girlfriend? What was it like to be yourself for just a few heart beats?" I barely got to sit down before she shot the questions at me. See, I'm the hard core girl in the family and Kayla is the soft sweet one. I don't know how but one day it seemed that we switch personalities. It's strange but now I back and nothing will stand in my way from being who I am. I looked at Kayla for a few moments and listened at how she heard about my verbal fight with Erica. "After your fight and you walked out people started texting other people and a girl ran up to me saying my twin just told off the popular girl." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pizza. "And people are also talking about how you are trying to steal Parker from her." My eyes widened and I choked on my food. When my wind pipe was clear I glared at my sister. "If I wanted Parker I would have had him already!'" I exclaimed. She smiled at me behind her pizza. "Looks like you had him this morning." She stated taking a bite of the pizza.
I sighed. "He kissed me. I didn't kiss him." I told her. I dropped my pizza to undo my braid, then take off my army jacket. My hair fell down in waves down my back to my butt. I tied my jacket around my waist. My sister smiled at me. She loved me in my army shirt. "So are you going to tell me what happened yesterday, this morning and afternoon?" I took a deep breath and told her about Raven, how Parker tuned me on today, and how I encountered with Erica.
A smiled so bright that it almost blinded me played on her lips. "So let me get this straight. You met a hot guy who was half naked in the woods. You kissed Parker. Sorry no he kissed you. And you snapped at Erica because she called you a name. Gees J, and I thought I was the lucky one." She ignored the parts that led up to the puzzle that I thing Raven was the raven that has been watching me this whole time. Or that I just told her that Parker thinks that her dead mother is here and that I might hold her brothers soul inside of me. I told her this but she side stepped it, like she would if someone threw a punch at her. "Kayla did you hear what I said? What if your other is here? What if Raven is the raven that is watching me? And what if I'm really your dead brother? Don't you see? We are living a fairytale. Nothing is right." Kayla frowned and looked at her plate. "J, you know I don't like to talk about that day. And yes I did hear you. It's just that..." She struggled to find the words. "I think Parker is right about you being my brother. I mean of course you’re not the shell of my brother, but a reincarnation of his soul. The way you just be yourself and no one else, well I feel like you're not just my big sister but my big brother too."
I was shocked. Parker had gotten to her first before me. My anger flared like fire. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Kayla if he knew that I was part boy part girl, sort of, then why did he kiss me?" I was not getting why he did this. Why he even called us here. "I don't know J. Why don't you ask him?" Now that didn't seem like a bad idea, but I wasn't willing to have another encounter with Erica. I shook my head. "Nothing seems right anymore." I told her. "Our lives are being shred to pieces, just because Parker wanted us to solve a few murders." I continued. Kayla looked a little shy, and just then I knew she was hiding something. "Maybe he has his reasons to using you like that." She said. I blinked at her. "What do you mean he might have a reason? What is it you’re not telling me?" I demanded. She looked up at me. Something in her eyes made my anger dissipate.
Just then the doors to the cafeteria opened. Turning I was surprised to see who just walked in. He was tall, pale complexion, brown shaggy hair, dark brown eyes, strong nose, a tight full mouth and sharp features, built body. He wore light faded blue jeans, and a white t-shirt with old tennis shoes. He stood there, eyes raking the crowd and landing on me. Michel’s body went stiff at first, then relaxed. He walked over to me then sat down at our table. "I never thought I see you here." He said while reaching out to take an apple and biting into it. "What are you doing here Michel?" I asked him, my tone cold. Our eyes met. He swallowed. "I thought I could talk to you." He glanced at my sister, and then finished, "in privet." I shook my head once again. "You had a chance to talk a week ago. I'm done talking to you." I stood up and began walking away, when he gripped my wrist. "Stop avoiding me! I'm sick of your attitude. What happened to my girlfriend?" I saw pain and torment in his eyes. He yelled so loud he got every ones attention. "I'm not your girlfriend Michel." I retched my arm away from him. Anger clouding both of our faces. We glared at each other. Finally he spoke. "You left me for someone else, didn't you? I knew you were cheating on me." He spoke with venom in his tone. "No Michel. I broke up with you because of your drinking. And I never cheated on you, but I wish I have." I spat back at him in the same tone.
He raised a hand as if you smack me, but stopped. Jaw clench, along with his fist, he looked away from me. "Can we speak alone?" He didn't give me a choice. He grabbed my upper arm, dragging me out of the cafeteria. He dragged me down the hall, to the right where a door was. He pushed it open shoving me in side. I stumbled in side, noting that we were in the boy's bathroom. "That was reckless of you Michel." I glared at him with hatred. I thought that if I looked angry enough that he would just leave me alone. He gripped my upper arms and forced me on the wall of a stall. "Let go of me you creep!" I shouted at him. Instead of listening to me, he crushed his lips to mine, forcing his body weight on me. My eyes opened with shock. Looks like my plan backfired. He pulled back just an inch to catch his breath. "Let go of me." I barely got it out since I, too, was out of breath. His eyes met mine for a brief moment before he crushed his lips to mine again. I tried to hold my defense, but it began to melt away by the soft touch of Michel’s body brushing against mine.
Michel's hands slid down my arms to my wrists. Grabbing hold of them he braced them on the stall. I soon found my lips moving with his. I hated the taste of him. The taste of beer and liquor lingering on his lips. I may have hated the taste of him, though... I couldn't get enough of him. Eyes closed, Michel forced open my mouth with his, his tongue stroking mine. Our kiss became softer, his hands loosening. Letting go he took my face in his hands. Mindlessly I wrapped my arms around his neck, fingers tangled in his thick brown hair. Our bodies pressed together, my hands roaming his body.
Michel's broke the kiss first. We were both out of breath now. My eyes fluttered to life, meeting Michel's lustful eyes. "What's his name?" I blinked rapidly. It took me a moment to realize he was talking. I hesitated. "Raven." He kissed me again, this one softer. My hands slid up his shirt feeling his built torso. He pulled back again. He brushed a lock of hair away from my face. "Jess." He whispered. I didn't say anything, just looked in the dark brown eyes. "Come back with me. I feel like I can't live without you. You're mine and always will be." His rough hand caressed my cheek. I felt like I was a mouse caught in the paws of a cat. I opened my mouth to answer, but just as I was about to speak, to door opened and Parker stepped inside.
Like always my heart beat faster when I saw him. Michel turned to look at him, his anger arousing again. "Dude can't you see we're busy?" Parker raised an eyebrow. "Actually J.C. is one of my students and needs to get to class." Michel cocked his head to the side, a fake smile on his face. "You’re too young to be a teacher." He simply stated. Parker surprised me by rolling his eyes. "Just let her go and be on your way. No need to make this ugly." Mindlessly I stepped between them. "You know what; I want no part of this. I'm sick of people thinking they know what is good for me." I flicked my eyes back and forth to them, faces set angrily. "Michel, you really should leave. And Parker I'll be there in a moment." Though I already had class with him, I knew well to play along. Parker nodded and left the room. Now it was just me and Michel. I sighed and looked at him sadly. "When you leave don't ever come back. We are over and I am never going to be yours." Something flashed in his eyes. His jaw clenched as he brushed past me and out the door. I stood there a few minutes to gather myself before slipping outside the door of the boy's bathroom.

Chapter Eight

Never in my life did I ever think that things could take a turn to sharply. I was walking in a dress made of pins when it came to facts. When I came to this school I realized how cheesy my life turned out since then. Folklores are materializing out of thin air before my face; demons are whispering secrets in the dark; ravens are falling; twins are ghost; gifts are tragedies; boys are jerks with faces of gods. I thought that the sky was always above me and the ground flowing underneath me. But now, I'm not sure it is.
Edgar Allen Poe was a sick person, along with most of the people in this world. I feel no sympathy for the man, nor for any of the sick massacres out there.
Fresh air sounds good right now so I skip my math class and head outside. Parker told me about only girls are being killed in the woods, but I can’t help myself at being lead there. My thoughts are being winded by my trembling mental fingers. Round and round they go into replay. I don't like the feeling as if someone is watching me. The feeling that someone or something knows all my secrets, my most inner thoughts. Breathing in the sweet smell of pine and the feeling of my feet crunching in the muck and twigs somehow sooths me. There are few things that sooth me. Like my writing, drawing, singing. You may ask me what my most inner passion is I will tell you it is music and books. Drama means nothing to me, not like how words do. Light pains my eyes as I tilt up my head to the sky. Or is it ground? I stop to think things through.
From what has happened so far I feel like I'm a bad book. Like I'm a twelve year old trying to write a book with bad grammar, bad beginnings and endings, bad plots. I'm ripped apart by things I know and things I don't. Soon finding myself examining a bark of a tree shatters my thoughts to broken glass. Closing my eyes sounds great right now.
The air is warm, hugging me with bis strong arms. A grassy smell waves through the air around me along with a fresh smell of honey suckle. Chirps of birds’ sound through the woods as do the loud roar of leaves that vibrate my eardrum. I was so lost in the rising a motion pounding through me I almost didn't hear the sound of a twig snapping. My body tensed at the sound, now aware of a human presents. "Never thought I see you again this soon." A voice called behind me. I grit my teeth for a moment before letting go. "I'm not in the mood to talk right now." I told him. I felt him getting closer. "No need to talk. All you need to do is listen." He was right behind me now, his body heat radiating off him. "I know what you are. It's not hard to figure out with a voice like yours. I know a lot about your kind, though I have to give you credit. You're the first one I ever met that didn't realize what I was." He was talking to me like I knew everything he was telling me.
"Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no idea of what you're talking about." I told him. I could almost feel his eyes roll. "Come on and break the act. It is very clear that you're a Siren. I mean you're not hiding it at all." I blinked and turned on him at once. Like the last time I saw him he had no shirt, no shoes, hair braided and inner twined with feathers. "What in the world are you talking about?" I demanded, catching a glimmer of surprise in his eyes. "You being a Siren; the only creature that can sing beautifully and bent people at their will, or cause a disaster." I shook my head. "Raven, right? Well Raven, I'm no mythical creature that you think I am." A corner of his mouth tilted up. He leaned against a tree, his eyes dancing. "You have no idea what you are, do you?" He asked me, watching me closely; probably to catch my reaction. I walked away from him, brushing my fingers on a fully bloomed leaf. "If you say is true, then how would you know this?" I then turned to look at him fully.
He had a full smile on his face now. He spread his hands in a gesture at himself. "Because I'm a Enorum

, a shifter of flesh and blood. Plus I study creatures like me, or at least have the same blood like me, I can sent, see, hear, and taste things others cannot. I just cannot help having the beautiful sent of Poeurnfol

wafting off of you." My eyes swept over him not able to help myself.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.10.2011

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