
[1]-Infertility Issues For Women and Men

Definition of Infertility
Infertility as defined by the experts may surprise you. According to guidelines
established by infertility specialists, you're not considered to be infertile until
you've been trying to get pregnant for one year, if you're under age 35. That
means that trying to get pregnant last week and not having signs of pregnancy
this week does not mean that you're infertile.
What Causes Infertility?
Infertility has many causes, and figuring out which applies to you may be very
simple - or very difficult. Although women used to bear the brunt of blame for
infertility, the truth is that male and female factors share equally in infertility.
Consider the following statistics:
• One third of infertility is caused by female factors
• One third of infertility is caused by male factors
• Around 20 percent of infertility is unexplained
• Around 10 to 15 percent of infertility is caused by a combination of male and
female factors
Approximately 20% of couples struggle with infertility at any given time.
Infertility has increased as a problem over the last 30 years. Some studies
blame this increase on social phenomena, including the tendency for marriage
and starting a family to occur at a later age. For women, fertility decreases
with increasing age:
• married women ages 16-20 = 4.5%.
• married women ages 35-40 = 31.8%.
• married women over the age of 40 = 70%.
Among women, the main causes of infertility are:
• Ovulatory disorders - no ovulation or irregular ovulation
• Tubal disorders - blocked or infected tubes
• Uterine issues - fibroids, polyps or adhesions
For men the most common causes of infertility are:
• Low sperm count
• Decreased sperm motility
• Abnormally shaped sperm
• No sperm at all in the ejaculate
Defining Secondary Infertility
Secondary infertility is defined as the condition where a woman is unable to
get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term after already having had one or
more children. Some experts put the added caveat of "after 12 months of
trying to conceive naturally on their own", to better qualify the term.
Some experts define it as occurring anytime after a previous conception,
whether that conception ended in a birth or a miscarriage. Some women with
endometriosis-associated infertility are not able to become pregnant a second
Secondary infertility can occur whether the first conception was difficult or
easy. It can be due to female issues, male issues, or a combination of both.
The costs of treatment
Infertility treatments can be difficult enough. Like everything, infertility costs
vary and can depend on where you live, which physician/practice you see and
most importantly, whether your treatment is small, medium, or large.
When you're starting out, expect to pay $10 to $15 for an ovulation predictor
kit and about the same for home pregnancy kits. A basal body thermometer
will run you about $10 to $20. This is the easy stuff. But, for now, let's take it
one step at a time.



[2]-Treatment For Infertility For Men And Women

Conceiving a baby is not as easy as it sounds for some couples and there
are many reasons why a couple may have trouble getting pregnant. There
can be an individual problem with either the man or the woman or it may be
that both of them have underlying health issues that combine to have a
negative impact on their fertility as a couple.
In general men are responsible for about a third of infertility in couples and
women a little less than a half. Situations involving individual infertility
issues with both the man and the woman can combine to contribute to an
overall remaining percentage.
Although fertility tends to be considered by most to be a woman's problem,
anyone who is dealing with this dilemma should know that it can also be an
issue with the male's reproductive system.
Causes and Resolutions of Infertility in Men
It may be that a blockage prevents sperm from being introduced
into ejaculate fluid or a situation that creates higher temperatures in the
man's testes could affect sperm production and quality.
The average course of treatment for the infertility problem of a blockage of
almost any type is to have surgery. These types of surgeries are considered to
be of low risk while having a very high rate of success.
Fertility drugs to increase their female partner's egg production can also be an
option when there is a low sperm count or a low quality level regarding the
sperm but realise there will be side effects experienced by the woman who is
the one actually taking the medication.
When it comes to a situation of 'Sperm Viability' which basically means how
alive and active the sperm are, the idea of 'Boxers Vs Briefs' should be taken
seriously. Wearing boxers will not have the testicles pressed against the body
where they will absorb body heat but instead they have room for air to
circulate around them and this will reduce their temperature and that slight
reduction in heat can actually make a difference.
Causes and Resolutions of Infertility in Women
There are many different types and causes of infertility in
women that would prevent them from being able to get pregnant or maintain a
healthy pregnancy.
Endometriosis is a fairly common infertility problem in women that may require
several types of treatment infertility doctors can provide: fertility drugs,
exploratory surgeries, IUIs, or artificial insemination.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure that consists of placing the
sperm inside a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilisation. This fertility treatment
does not involve the manipulation of a woman's eggs and therefore is not
considered an assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is another common problem that may
cause a woman to have a difficult time getting pregnant. In vitro fertilisation,
IUIs, and fertility drugs have been proven to help women with PCOS become
Although it is rare, sometimes women will have an allergy to sperm which
causes soreness during intercourse and the body will discard the sperm.
Artificial insemination is the treatment infertility patients receive most often for
a sperm allergy.
Sometimes There Is No Explanation
Many couples find it comforting to be moved from an OB-GYN to a
reproductive endocrinologist. Couples often go to this type of specialist
hoping for a solution to their infertility problem.
Unfortunately, if thorough exams come back with both partners receiving a
clean bill of health, there is no treatment infertility patients can receive to fix
their situation. Unexplained infertility is a term used for patients who seem to
be in perfect health but cannot conceive a child.
Treatment For Infertility: One Last Thought
The care you receive from an endocrinologist could cost you a
a lot of money. Some procedures cost tens of thousands of dollars. Other
procedures may be covered by your insurance company.
To understand exactly what is covered and what is not covered regarding
infertility, please check with your provider.

[3]-Top Three Natural Fertility Treatments

Many people find it difficult to imagine the devastating effects that infertility
can have on a woman's psyche. However, when a woman is finding it difficult
to conceive, it is not only her mind that one needs to worry about, it is her
body as well.
Conventional medical treatments for infertility can be down right invasive, not
to mention painful, and a lot of the modern drugs are extremely harsh on the
body's systems. The good news is that, while conventional treatments are
dreadful, natural treatments can be extremely relaxing and pleasurable.
Ever since the beginning of time there have been women, and men, who find
it difficult to reproduce, and believe it or not even then there were treatments
for it. The only difference was that people long ago didn't have our technology,
so they had to find techniques that worked naturally.
These treatments were so effective that even now, in our technologically
advanced society, we call on them for help. One prime example of a natural
technique that has definitely stood the test of time is acupuncture.
● Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been used by traditional Chinese herbalists and healers for
centuries, and at its rate of success it will most likely continue to be used for
several more centuries to come.
The truly great thing about acupuncture is while most other fertility treatments
specifically target women, acupuncture has proven effective at increasing a
man's fertility as well as a woman's.
Acupuncture has been put to the test several times and has nearly always
come out as causing significant improvement as a whole. The point of
acupuncture is not to cure a disease itself, but to direct positive energy and
allow the body to heal itself.
● Self Fertility Massage.
The second extremely effective natural fertility treatment is Self Fertility
Massage. Self Fertility Massage is a highly advanced form of therapy that
combines several different types of massage that are all focused on very
specific fertility issues. For instance, one type of massage included in the
therapy is Myofascial release.
Myofascial release directly affects the myofascial tissues that have a tendency
to bind and create blockages; a common cause of infertility. Self Fertility
Massage also includes the use of acupressure, which is basically acupuncture
without the needles.
The best thing is this therapy can be used as a bonding experience between
you and your partner, or performed on yourself, by yourself in a quite relaxing
● Therapeutic Abdominal Packs.
Finally, the third natural therapy on the top three list is...Therapeutic
Abdominal Packs. This completely natural oil has been used for centuries as
an external healing agent; the oil is placed on the outside of the skin yet
penetrates its healing powers all the way through to the organs.
Therapeutic Abdominal packs are commonly used in a variety of fertility
conditions such as, ovarian and uterine cysts, blocked tubes, uterine fibroids,
endometriosis, and much more. A great way to integrate two of these
therapies is by using the therapeutic oil in conjunction with the self fertility
The truly amazing thing about natural therapy is it has a way of healing not
only your body, but your soul as well. Many of these techniques are thought to
be so effective because of the amount of peace an individual can find within
themselves during such a relaxing moment. Whether you decide to do one
treatment or all three, try and forget everything during your,
bills, everything.
Leave all stressful events outside, and just let go for that short period of time. I
am sure if you do these things not only will you find yourself far more relaxed,
but you may just find yourself pregnant before you know it. 

[4]-Infertility: Myths and Truths

 Everyone has their opinion about infertility. If you are unable to conceive and
don't know why yet, then you have probably been bombarded with advice
and suggestions.
Aunties may tell you what home remedies to take and uncles may give you
unsolicited advice about intercourse. There are so many myths about
infertility yet only a set number of truths. It is your responsibility to find out the
truth and to do what is right for you
Myth: Infertility is only associated with the female.
Truth: Infertility could occur in, either, the male and female. About 40% of
cases occur in the female and about 40% occur in the male, whilst 10% is in
both partners and 10% is unaccounted for.
Myth: If you don't conceive immediately you should see a fertility specialist.
Truth: It can take some couples some time to conceive, depending on their
circumstances, health issues and contraceptives used. If you're unable to
conceive after trying for 12 months, then it is a good idea to see a fertility
specialist to run tests on both of you.
Myth: Your weight doesn't affect your fertility.
Truth: For women, especially, if you are overweight then it could lower your
chances of conception. It is a good idea to engage in moderate exercises and
eat a balanced diet to lose weight.
Myth: It's OK for the man to drink alcohol while trying to conceive.
Truth: Alcohol is toxic to sperm because it can play a big role in reducing
sperm counts, sexual performance and it can affect the hormones.
Myth: Smoking doesn't affect male fertility.
Truth: Smoking affects both male and female fertility. It has been linked to low
sperm counts as well as low motility in men.
Myth: Stress causes infertility.
Truth: This is a common misconception that stress causes infertility. So
couples are usually told that they must relax or take it easy. Couples are also
told that they are too young to worry about it.
As a result couples delay consultation with a fertility specialist until they are
older. This could lower their chances of conceiving because it is better to seek
fertility treatment sooner rather than later.
Myth: It's OK to exercise excessively, like bodybuilders do.
Truth: Excessive exercise such as body building and weight lifting can affect
the production of sperm in men which is the result of heat build-up around the
testicles. In women, it can lead to menstrual disorders.

[5]-The 7 Most Common Causes Of Infertility

If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year (or six months, if you
are (under 30) without success, there is a high probability that you or your
partner may be suffering from an infertility issue.
It is very important to find out if one of these causes of infertility may be
affecting you, because if you know what it is, you can take the right treatment
and accelerate your process of getting pregnant, regardless of your age.
Explained here, are the 7 most common causes and remedies of infertility:
1- Ovulation Issues
This is a condition where a hormonal disorder prevents the
normal release of mature eggs from your ovaries each month, which
reduces your chances to get pregnant. This condition is called anovulation.
To fix it, there are ovulation-stimulating drugs that really help to regulate your
ovulation cycle (most well known is called Clomid), but be sure to ask for
medical advice before taking it.
2- Damaged eggs
When you are in your late 30's or early 40's, the quality of
your eggs start declining considerably. This means they are not as
"fresh" and start to develop genetic anomalies, which makes it a lot
harder to sustain pregnancy.
The most recommended action when the causes of infertility are genetic is to
find a young egg donor, because you can still develop the baby in your womb
with "borrowed" eggs and the probabilities of having a safe pregnancy
increases a lot.
3- Endometriosis
This condition is recognized by painful menstrual cycles and
heavy menstrual bleeding. Endometriosis occurs when part of the endometrial
tissue, that is inside your uterus, starts to grow out of it and blocks the
fallopian tubes.
This is one of the most common causes of infertility and can be solved by a
small surgical procedure called Laparoscopy. This surgery is not a particularly
pleasing process, but women that do it increase by 40/60% their possibilities
to get pregnant 18 months after the surgery.
4- Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome
Conceiving with polycystic ovaries is harder than normal but is
very achievable. Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS) causes a hormonal
in your body so you start producing more masculine hormones than feminine
interrupting the regularity of your periods. This dramatically reduces your
chances to conceive.
The most effective way to treat this hormonal disorder is with fertility drugs
(the most popular are Clomid and Femara), but you should do it with the
supervision of your gynaecologist or a fertility endocrinologist because he
must indicate to you the right dosage for it to work.
5- Blocked Fallopian Tubes
When the fallopian tubes are blocked, it makes it very hard for
your eggs to arrive at the uterus and be in contact with the sperm. There are
many causes that could provoke this, such as Chlamydia (a sexually
disease), pelvic inflammatory disease or previous sterilisation surgery.
The way to fix this is with Laparoscopy surgery, but if the blockage can't be
removed successfully, In Vitro Fertilisation treatment may work. However,
keep in mind that it is a really expensive treatment.
6- Sperm Issues
The main causes of infertility in males are low sperm count and
slow sperm mobility. There are fertility drugs to increase the sperm count and
they usually improve their conceiving chances by 25%. Another option to this
problem is Artificial Insemination or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (which
means to directly inject the sperm into the egg)
7- Overweight
This is by far one of the most common causes of infertility and
is easily overlooked. Watch out for your weight, since elevated levels of
insulin in your body can mess around with your hormonal balance,
the conception and increasing the possibilities of pregnancy complications;
like gestational diabetes.
Studies have revealed that even a small reduction in your weight (about 5%)
can greatly increase your chances to get pregnant if you are having trouble
conceiving. So as you see, there are many causes of infertility that could be
preventing you from getting pregnant, and the more age you have when you
are trying to conceive, the harder it gets. 

[6]-Female Infertility And Its Causes

 Every woman has a dream to become a mother and to experience those 9
months of pregnancy and weave dreams every day for the baby. Also, to
become a mother is considered to be the greatest happiness in a woman's
But infertility shatters this dream. Not only one or two women but also a major
part of female society is struggling with this serious problem. Because of
which, becoming a mother's dream becomes very difficult. Infertility has no
single cause but it is said that a disease related to women with periods cycle
and getting pain during sex may cause of infertility.
For a couple, it is the greatest happiness of the world that they should have a
happy family. But many couples are bereaved from this happiness due to
Infertility can be defined as a problem of not having children. Also, it refers to
a condition in which a woman is unable to conceive.
It may occur in both men and women but the problem of not having children is
often considered to be female infertility. Substantially, infertility in men, may be
the reason for not being pregnant.
Female infertility can be understood as an incompetence to conceive or a
problem where a woman is unable to get pregnant even after a year or more
years of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. This problem may occur in
two situations.
First, it may happen post marriage and secondly, some women may find
difficulty in conceiving a second time after having a child. So, in this way it can
be said that infertility may be of two types. In this book, we are going to find
out the causes behind female infertility.
You may get rid of this serious issue quickly by knowing initial causes of
female infertility. It is believed that sooner the treatment, greater the relief. But,
first you have to identify the causes listed below.
1. Periods Problem: When a woman has irregular periods, painful periods
and absence of periods or no periods then she may have female infertility
problems. Some women do not have periods on time while others feel a lot of
pain during periods. Both the situations may indicate the risk of infertility.
2. Bleeding from Uterus: Other than periods, lite bleeding from the uterus
may also be a cause of sterility. This kind of bleeding is known as fibroids
which is a type of tumour and is caused by too much tissue formation in
A woman may conceive even suffering from this problem but the possibility of
miscarriage due to this tumor may increase. In most of the cases, it is handled
through surgery.
3. Pain during Sex: There should be no pain during sex but if a woman feels
pain during sexual intercourse then it's a matter of thinking. In this situation,
consult with a specialist immediately and do not to avoid it else this may result
as endometriosis.
4. Depression or Insomnia: You may feel symptoms of insomnia during
periods of endometriosis and along with this it is also feasible that you have to
go through from depression. Analyse these symptoms and find out if it is
related to sterility, if yes then you may see your doctor immediately.
5. Sex Hormone Disorder: When the testosterone level increases in the
body, it may results as hair growth on the face too especially on the upper lips,
chin, chest and abdomen area. In this, the problem of hair thinning on the
head can also be seen. Keep in mind that all these symptoms are caused
because of a sex hormone disorder i.e. testosterone.
6. Overweight: None of a woman can see herself getting overweight but an
imbalance in weight may come due to many reasons. Nevertheless, after
change in food intake and doing regular exercise, if weight is not decreased
then it can be female sterility.
7. Loss of Sex Desire: Sterility is not directly linked to the lack of mind during
sex but there is a connection of both. Lose of sex desire, depression,
depression causes stress, getting pain during sex because of endometriosis, If
all these happen then these may cause to female infertility.

[7]-Male Infertility Causes

Many people think that infertility is only a problem for females. This is totally
not the case since about 30% of couples who have problems conceiving are
due to the man's infertility. The other 30% is due to the woman's infertility and
the remaining 40% is unexplainable but attributed to the combination of many
factors regarding both the male and female.
Basically, the process of a man's fertility is regarding the production of mature
and healthy sperm and depositing the sperm where it can fertilise an egg.
There are numerous male infertility causes but these are the most common:
Low Sperm Count
This is the most common among male infertility causes. Sperm
count should normally be above 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen
according to the World Health Organisation in 2010; Having lower than this
means that the man is infertile and will have a difficult time impregnating a
Affected men won't know about this problem until a test is done because there
are no symptoms for this condition. Low sperm count can be an adverse effect
of smoking because of the toxins in cigarettes. Excessive alcohol consumption
can also cause this problem.
Failure to Ejaculate
A lot of men are infertile because they cannot ejaculate. Some
men cannot ejaculate during stressful or demanding situations but can
normally ejaculate during other circumstances.
However, there are other men who completely cannot ejaculate. The cause is
still unknown but most reproductive experts believe that it is only a
psychological problem. This problem is not as common as the other male
infertility causes.
Abnormal Sperm
Some men only produce improperly formed sperm. There are some
types of abnormal sperm that have very low mobility thus these sperm have a
difficult time in reaching the egg. Some sperm are abnormally shaped so that
penetrating and fertilising an egg is difficult and almost impossible.
The cause of abnormal sperm is usually genetic in nature and is passed from
one generation to another but alcohol and drug abuse can also cause this
problem. Abnormal sperm is one of the leading male infertility causes.
Prolonged High Scrotal Temperature
When a man is seated for a long period of time, scrotal temperatures
significantly rise and the sperm's mobility is adversely affected. This is the
reason why drivers have a harder time conceiving.
Tight underwear and pants also cause high scrotal temperature since the
testicles are closer to the body. A physiological condition wherein the veins in
the scrotum area are enlarged can also raise the scrotal temperature.
Blocked Sperm Ducts
Some men have sperm ducts that are damaged or totally blocked
therefore the sperm is unable to reach the partner's egg. This can be a
congenital problem but it can also be caused by infection or trauma in the
area. For infection, medication can take care of this but for damage or
Congenital blockage surgery is the only option to correct the problem. 

[8]-Herbal Treatment Of Male Infertility

 When there is a sexual activity between a man and a woman for a period of
about a year, especially during the period of ovulation and no pregnancy
occurs, it is termed infertility. Simply put, infertility is a failure to carry
pregnancy, and in most cases, the problem may be difficult to treat.
The journey from ovulation to fertilisation and finally into pregnancy is a very
intricate process and some things must be in place before pregnancy can
Infertility in men is often as a result of low sperm count or other anatomical
abnormalities. Exposures to toxins, testicular injuries, alcohol consumption,
hormonal disorders etc, are some of the things that can lead to infertility in
men. The most common cause of infertility in men is called varicocele, which
is a dilated vein of the spermatic cord.
For women, when there is a failure in the ovulatory cycle, like blocked
fallopian tube, or uterine fibroids, it leads to infertility. Stress or fears of
parenthood are some psychological issues that may contribute to infertility in
There has been, of late, the discovery of proven herbal and nutritional
approaches to the treatment of infertility and low sperm count. Men who are
diabetic are more susceptible to infertility, especially when it is not properly
Also, men with multiple sexual partners are prone to contact sexually
transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis or Chlamydia, and these
diseases can lead to low sperm count.
Malnutrition in men leads to either underweight or overweight; deficiency of
zinc vitamins and amino acids, and these are chemicals that are vital to the
building of sperm and the absence of these leads to low sperm count.
Excess alcohol intake, smoking of cigarettes or heroin, cocaine and the use of
bodybuilding steroids in men reduces sperm count. Working under severe
stressful conditions, especially when the work requires sitting down all day,
Working in an overheated environment or driving long distances with
overheated vehicles reduces sperm count in men. All this goes to show that
men are more susceptible to infertility than women.
Prevention of low sperm count
In order to prevent low sperm count, it is important to run away
from health damaging habits, like having multiple sexual partners, smoking of
cigarettes or cocaine and marijuana, alcohol intake etc. Also all habits that
lead to chronic stress should be avoided.
All junk food, like stimulants e.g. coffee, strong tea and other unwholesome
food should be avoided. Very hot baths, saunas, exposing the testis to a very
hot environment raises the temperature of the testicles and must be avoided
in order to run away from low sperm count.
As much as it is known that infertility in men can occur as a result of many
factors, it is gratifying to note that several herbal nutritional supplements have
been used over the years and the results are encouraging.
Where some "high tech medications'' have failed, herbal medicines have
restored life and joy to many men. Nutrients like zinc are required, selenium,
vitamin A,C,E and B complex, amino acids, essential fatty acids etc are
necessary ingredients needed to make sperm healthy and maintain a high
motility and energy .
This must be in place before conception can take place. And all the above
nutrients are best when they are sourced naturally. Nutrition plays a vital role
in the treatment of male infertility and low sperm count. E.g., carrots, potatoes,
onions and garlic are good sources of zinc. Fish, liver, vegetables like garden
egg, cucumber etc, provide vitamin and zinc. Substances like B-carotene and
lycopene improve sperm motility.
Lycopene is responsible for the red colours of tomatoes. B-carotene is
produced from carotene. Some nutritional supplements which contain a
reasonable amount of antioxidants are equally very helpful in restoring men's

[9]-Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility in Females

 It is often believed that ovulatory disorders are the most common reasons for
difficulty faced by women in conceiving. 30% of female infertility cases
happen on account of ovulatory disorders.
Common problems pertaining to ovulation are hormonal problems like
inability to produce normal follicles which, in turn, causes failure of producing
mature eggs, malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, and malfunctioning of the
pituitary glands.
Unruptured follicle syndrome, scarred ovaries, and premature menopause are
other causes of poor ovulation. Turning to natural fertility cure with ayurvedic
treatment for ovulation is a potential way of therapeutic healing from infertility
Ayurvedic View on Female Infertility
Amidst, the mad rush of the modern lifestyle conceiving has become a major
problem among majority couples. Besides seeking conventional treatment it is
very important to resort to alternative courses of treatment like ayurvedic
treatment for pregnancy.
Ayurveda regards the lack of nutrition in the reproductive tissue; Shukra Dhatu
as the prime reason for infertility in women. This mainly happens on account
of the presence of toxins in the body and poor digestion. Some other causes
of infertility are anxiety, depression, insomnia etc. Ayurvedic doctors often
prescribe the use of dried banyan tree bark powder mixed with sugar to treat
infertility issues; this is a trusted solution for ayurvedic medicine for blocked
fallopian tubes.
Improved Fertility with Ayurvedic Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes
20% of infertility cases in women occur on account of the blocked fallopian
tube problem. An obstruction in the fallopian tube hinders the egg from
travelling down to the tube. It also prevents the sperm from reaching out to the
egg which causes problems in fertilisation.
In order to reduce inflammation in the fallopian tube and promote blood
circulation, resort to herbs. The following herbs are ideal for facilitating
Ayurvedic treatment for blocked fallopian tubes- ginseng, goldenseal, dong
quai, red clover, chamomile, calendula etc.
These herbs can kill any form of bacteria, like yeast which prevents fertility.
Dong Quai capsule is a vital ayurvedic medicine for blocked fallopian tubes. It
effectively reduces tissue congestion, muscle cramps, and improves
circulation to the reproductive organs.
Consider taking a fertility massage. It helps in breaking up scar tissues and
improves blood circulation around the tubes. Massaging almond, lavender, or
olive oil over the pubic bone is an effective natural cure.
Conceive naturally with ayurvedic Treatment for Pregnancy
Pregnancy and childbirth is undeniably the most rejuvenating experience in
the life of a woman. Most ayurvedic medicine for blocked fallopian tubes
contains herb components.
Ayurveda aims at keeping the body healthy through the use of natural
remedies by regulating ayurvedic treatment for ovulation. Herbs like Stinging
nettle nourishes the uterus and strengthens the kidney and adrenal gland,
Black cohosh is an antispasmodic which reduces period cramps and
stimulates the ovaries.
The herb Vitex- Agnus Cactus increases the progesterone level and regulates
anovulation, amenorrhea, and premenstrual stress. Wild Yam is generally
considered to be one of the best fertility herbs for twins and it largely boosts
the progesterone count in women. Herbs effectively regulate the hormone and
nourish the body in order to conceive better.
Combat Pregnancy Issues with Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility In
Besides ovulation disorder, other factors causing infertility in women are as
follows- uterine fibroids, endocrine disorders, and anatomical defects in the
uterus. Some vital herbs facilitating ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy are as
● Shatavari- Asparagusracemosus or Shatavari is a spinous under-shrub
which bears numerous tuberous roots. This herb is often used to
nourish the ovum and increase fertility.
● Lodhra- This is an evergreen tree which increases the level of follicular
stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. It also has several
anti-inflammatory properties.
● Ashoka- This too is a small evergreen tree, the bark of this tree bears a
stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian tissue. Ashoka is a
power herb for ayurvedic treatment for ovulation.
● Kumari- Also known as Aloe barbadensis is a short-stem perennial
plant. The consumption of this herb leads to the in-vitro production of
oestradiol and progesterone.
Power of Ayurveda in Curing Infertility
Ayurveda as a form of alternative cure dates back to over several thousand
years even before modern medicine existed. Ayurveda specialists aim at
healing the whole body naturally without any medical interference. Some quick
tips are as follows-
● Enhance the presence of Shukra Dhatu in the body with foods like
pineapple which is healthy for ovum. Consuming quinoa also increases
estrogenic activity in the body.
● Make use of the medicated oil basti via the rectum. It eliminates the
doshas from the rectum and improves ovum quality.
● Shirodhara therapy is a special rhythmic movement of the medicated
oils on the forehead. It stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands
which leads to adequate hormone secretion.
● Phala Gritam is a great ayurvedic medicine which helps treat female
infertility. When consumed with milk in the form of liquefied butter it
cures functional problems pertaining to conceiving.
Be it ayurvedic treatment for blocked fallopian tubes or ayurvedic
treatment for infertility in the female, Ayurveda aims at adopting a holistic
approach towards a cure. Ayurvedic medicines essentially have their
roots in herbs and natural substances which serve as an alternate source
of cure bearing no- critical side-effects on the body.

[10]-Approaching Fertility Issues in a Holistic Manner

In this day and age, fertility and infertility issues are not as difficult to deal with
as they were in the past. Science has made advances, which have allowed
people to take a closer look and understand the complexities of the human
reproductive system - including how non-health related factors affect the
body's performance.
Conceiving a child, more than just requiring top physical health, also requires
that a couple be on a stable level emotionally. There are problems and needs
in the relationship that must be addressed. This is where the holistic approach
comes in. Fertility issues, when approached with a combination of
complementary and conventional care works therapy, become no-brainers.
In using the holistic approach, it is important for couples to have a working
understanding of how their bodies actually work. For females, they are born
with an estimated 2 million egg cells.
Hormones released by the pituitary gland stimulate ovulation and
development of these egg cells. Oestrogen and progesterone prepare the
lining of the uterus and cervix for conception while the vagina discharges
cervical mucus prior to ovulation.
Males, on the other hand, produce millions of sperm throughout their lifetime,
beginning with puberty. The semen ejaculated during intercourse is a mixture
of the sperm cells and secretions from the prostate. The sperm reaches the
egg cells through the cervix, uterus and up to the fallopian tube before the
fertilised egg finally implants itself in the uterus lining.
While the process of conceiving, as mentioned above, is quite technical and
scientific, it must be remembered that sexual intercourse at the time of
ovulation still is not enough. The pressure of having sex with conception in
mind can have a negative effect on orgasm and ejaculation, which could result
in lesser chances of fertilization, as both are intended to facilitate the meeting
of the egg and the sperm.
Examples of holistic complementary treatments that can aid in improving
fertility are acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, reflexology, homoeopathy,
creative healing, meditation, visualisation, aromatherapy and massage,
shiatsu, Indian Ayurvedic herbs, yoga, and the Jeyarani fertility program.
These can be partnered with many forms of conventional medicine.
Diagnosis and investigation is important as it can lower the chances of
requiring actual invasive testing.
There are also ultrasound scans that can comfortably test the timing of
ovulation, as well as the uterus' condition for future implantation. Pelvic
anatomy tests and infection screens can also be done, to determine whether
there are any diseases that may get in the way of healthy fertilisation.
It may also be convenient to do a hormone output test on a woman and
sperm analysis for the man. This is because when a certain test is done and
they have seen the problem, there will be a proper treatment to address
Because complementary therapies alter the balance and flow of body energy,
they can solve problems of infertility, which the aforementioned medical tests
cannot anticipate or reach. This combination holistic approach, then, can solve
not only infertility issues but improve overall health and decrease general
Of course, having proper exercise and a great eating habit can also help
address infertility issues. This is because obese or overweight people will
have a hard time conceiving. 

[11]-Three Important Principles Behind Holistic Medicine

Today, medicine is widely thought of as a scientific field, but in the past, it
was something that involved religion and superstition more than rational
thought. The very first doctors and healers were often shamans and priests,
and they saw disease as the result of a disruption in spiritual, as well as
physical well-being.
With the advent of increasingly scientific healing methods in the eighteenth
century however, illness became something that was addressed solely on the
physical plane.
There is much to be said about modern methods of healing. Modern medicine
has drastically lowered mortality rates all over the world and brought a better
quality of life for most people. Diseases that used to be fatal can now be cured
with a simple round of drugs or therapy.
However, even modern medicine can find itself baffled with seemingly simple,
albeit chronic problems like overweight, depression, or unexplained aches and
pains in an otherwise healthy individual.
In cases like this, it is sometimes advisable for a patient to seek a holistic
health practitioner rather than a regular doctor. Holistic methods can
sometimes improve a patient's condition when conventional medicine cannot
make a clear diagnosis or establish effective treatment due their more
inclusive approach.
Here are three of the principles that govern holistic medicine:
[1]. A patient has the power to heal himself. Too often, with Western medicine
the cure is as bad as the disease. With chemotherapy for instance, healthy
cells are killed along with cancerous ones and the patient ends up weaker and
sicker than he was in the beginning.
Actually, it is a better idea to work with the person's immune system rather
than suppress it to favour the action of drugs. A patient should also be advised
to take an active role in his healing through the right diet, exercise, and a
positive attitude.
Aside from that, holistic health promotes positive disposition. If one is so
stressed about his or her sickness, chances are, he or she will get weaker.
[2]. The root cause must be found and addressed. Conventional medicine
often treats the symptoms, not the disease. In the case of insomnia for
instance, it is not enough to prescribe sleeping pills. A patient should also
learn to relax, manage his stress, and fix any physiological problems that get
in the way of a good night's sleep.
In this case, the patient does not necessarily need medicines but is taught on
how to deal with his or her stressors. For instance, if the insomnia is caused
by work, he or she is taught how to organise his or her work pattern as well as
[3]. The goal is to heal the patient, not to kill the disease. Instead of zeroing in
on a disease, the goal should be a better quality of life for the patient. This
means looking at the patient as a whole person rather than simply resorting to
surgery or drugs to prevent the symptoms of a disease from recurring. 

[12]-Picking a Holistic Health Provider

In the modern era, people have become very conscious about their health. In
fact, it is a bit ironic that they worry so much about being healthy that they
often become sick in their pursuit of the perfect body.
This is largely due to a mistaken attitude about the body. Because doctors
often target a disease by curing symptoms rather than taking a person's
general mental and physical health into account, people adopt a similar
attitude when it comes to their bodies.
Often, activities meant to keep the body fit such as dieting and working out
result in nutritional deficiencies, strain, and stress. That is why it is often
advisable to visit a holistic health practitioner aside from your regular doctor.
The holistic approach can be very helpful not just in treating certain
complaints, but in helping you to keep your body and mind in optimum
There are a lot of therapists and health professionals out there, and some are
more skilled than others are. The following tips will help you choose the
holistic health practitioner who can be of the most assistance to you.
[1]. Ask for a referral. Just as it is with any other doctor, it is a good idea to ask
a friend or a colleague if they know of any therapist that they can recommend.
If they had a good experience with a therapist, then chances are better that
you will get good treatment as well. A referral may also help you do a
background check and put you more at ease.
[2]. Check credentials. Even therapists who practice alternative or
complementary medicine should have the right and proper training. Not
everyone can legally set themselves up as healers or prescribe treatments
and therapies. Make sure that whoever you are seeing has the appropriate
certification and licence to practice. Check to see if they have any affiliations
to professional organisations or hospitals in your area.
You can ask them directly if you want to just as so you would be clear about
this. If they are really legitimate, they would not hesitate to show you their
licence and credentials. Just tell them that you just want to be sure as there
are a lot of people who claim to have undergone healthcare training.
[3]. Pay attention to what he is asking. At your initial meeting with your
therapist, you will often be asked about your medical history. Expect this
interview to take some time, as your history is critical to the treatment that you
will be prescribed with.
Check whether the therapist is asking relevant questions, including some
about your exercise habits, nutrition, sleep patterns, and even the
relationships in your life. All of these will have bearing on your health and the
approach that will be used with you.
On the other hand, if things are not clear to you, do not hesitate to ask. This
way, before you proceed in doing any treatment, you know what to expect.
[4]. Go with your gut feel. Your instincts will warn you if you're with a
disreputable person. But if you feel comfortable and find the health practitioner
open-minded, frank and honest, then you're probably in good hands. 

[13]-Infertility Remedies- Cure Through Vitamins and Minerals?

You have a variety of infertility remedies to choose from, from herbs and
hormone treatments to artificial methods like IVF and newer medical methods
to vitamins and minerals. Yes, you heard that right. Vitamins and minerals are
also regarded as infertility remedies for they play a certain role in conception.
In this article I will concentrate on infertility remedies like minerals and
Male infertility is often caused by a lack of selenium as found out through
medical research conducted by the Italian university of Padua. Sperm cell
oxidation is prevented through the intake of selenium and when you consume
a diet rich in selenium, you can easily maintain the integrity of the sperm cell.
You can consume seafood, fish, liver and red meat which are all good sources
of selenium. Just make sure the fish is low mercury and the liver organic.
To improve low levels you may take multivitamin and mineral tablets which
contain both selenium and zinc. Look for one that contains 100 micrograms of
selenium and 25 milligrams of zinc. A rich and varied diet consisting of fresh
fruits, veggies, lean meat, lean protein and dairy products, should give you
good amounts of zinc, selenium, vitamins C and E.
Another essential for male and female infertility is zinc that is involved with
200 plus enzymes and proteins. Zinc can activate key sperm enzymes and
can move inside the prostate if the testosterone helps it. Testosterone levels
are lowered, testicle size is reduced and the sperm that is produced is
unhealthy and misshapen when there is a lack of zinc in your diet.
In women zinc is necessary for your body to efficiently use the reproductive
hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Lack of zinc in women can cause
miscarriage. These are only some of the negatives. Hair mineral analysis
through a reputable lab is a good way of finding out if you have low zinc or
selenium levels.
Vitamin E
This one is usually taken as a beauty enhancing tablet, but lack of vitamin E
can cause loss of fertility in males through lack of sperm production and
motility. Some studies suggest its antioxidant activity may make the sperm
more fertile.
Vitamin E is thought to contribute to fertility in females although there is not a
lot of direct evidence to back it up.
Therefore to eliminate all these problems and also to eliminate menstrual
cramps and pain, you should take 400 IU of vitamin E every day. Among
infertility remedies is also Vitamin C, another antioxidant, found in citrus fruits
and veggies. 

[14]-Acupuncture As A Infertility Treatment

 Some women have thought that acupuncture can help with infertility by
restoring ovarian function. By inserting needles into the skin at certain points,
it can stimulate body functions. Although this has not been proven effective
by modern medical standards, it has been used throughout Asia for several
thousand years. Studies have suggested that acupuncture improves
ovulation, therefore increasing the odds of becoming pregnant.
Acupuncture has been used in China for the treatment of infertility for
centuries. The Chinese break it down to five basic organs- the liver, spleen,
heart, lung, and kidney. They use acupuncture to release blockage to allow
energy to flow more freely. This enables the body to be restored to overall
good health. Therefore it is sufficient to say that it can increase your chances
to obtain fertility.
Applying acupuncture to the kidney points releases psychological blocks that
can interfere with reproduction. Being that there are many reasons why
someone can be infertile, the Chinese feel that treating all organs for different
reasons can be quite effective. For example, if a person has deep rooted
fears, possibly connected to low self-esteem or sexual abuse, they would treat
the heart and kidneys.
Perhaps a patient is questioning whether or not a psychological issue is
involved in the infertility, and not sure what the issue is, they would target the
same, just in a different area. They can also address the conception vessel,
which is located between the breasts. This is a very important place for
women because it opens their energy.
The Chinese believe women's menstrual problems would definitely be
considered to be connected to their infertility. In order for conception to take
place, the womb needs sufficient blood and energy.
Acupuncture can help with both the physical body and the emotions. If you're
having chills, this could be from poor circulation in general. Regulating your
monthly cycle and the activation of blood flow by acupuncture in combination
with nourishing herbs could give you the results you're looking for.
In regard to your organs, infertility frequently stems from the liver, spleen and
kidney. The liver stores blood, the spleen manufactures blood, and the kidney
oversees the whole process of reproduction.
There are two non-organ elements that play a part with menstruation and
infertility. One being the conception vessel, which manages conception, as it's
named. This requires blood and energy. The other is the penetrating vessel.
This takes blood from the liver to form a reservoir that supplies the conception
Acupuncture can help with male sexual problems as well. Impotence comes
from a lack of energy associated with the kidney. The anxiety in your mind can
take a toll and can harm the kidney. Following the weakening of the heart,
liver, and spleen.
These organs are of importance for sexual functions, since they influence
blood circulation. Having trouble with them is shown by symptoms of
depression, dizziness, worry, nausea and insomnia. There are natural ways to
increase your chances of fertility with acupuncture.
Having normal kidney function, acupuncture has proven effective in correcting
impotence. The lower abdomen is stimulated, which brings forth the energy to
assist performance. Sometimes treatment to motivate the liver and other
deficiencies is helpful to improve the flow of blood.

[15]-Acupuncture : A Different Type Of Treatment

 Starting a family is an exciting adventure for a couple who wishes to become
parents. When you have reached the point where having a baby is what you
want, it can be devastating when becoming pregnant does not happen easily.
After months of trying with no luck, you may find yourself feeling hopeless
and defeated. It is extremely devastating when you have been diagnosed as
being infertile.
After the decision to have a baby many joys are dreamed of and learning that
you will face difficulties getting pregnant is a hard concept to adjust to for both
you and your partner. There is hope for couples experiencing infertility, and we
are lucky enough to live in an age with many options and treatments including
acupuncture for infertility.
Acupuncture for Infertility Without Medical Intervention
Before meeting with medical doctors, some couples prefer to try a more
holistic approach working with different alternative therapies such as
acupuncture for infertility.
Acupuncture comes from what we consider to be ancient China and is the
treatment of disease by using needles strategically placed to open certain
energy channels in the body.
Acupuncture is used to address many ailments of the human body such as
anxiety, weight loss, chronic pain and other issues.
When you receive acupuncture for infertility, it is not exactly a targeted
treatment. Along with treatment for the reproductive issues, the acupuncturist
treats the whole body for balance.
There are studies that show a success rate of becoming pregnant after
acupuncture for infertility without ever using medical assistance. An example
of an infertility drug that contains many side effects, such as multiple births, is
When a woman receives acupuncture for infertility, the alternative treatment
has shown to stimulate egg production with the same levels of success for
pregnancy as Clomid. The statistics that are shown for acupuncture for
infertility should be enough to persuade you to try it even if you fully plan on
trying other medical routes.
Acupuncture for Infertility With The Aid Of Medical Resources
After you receive a diagnosis that declares you have an infertility problem you
will most likely be sent to see a reproductive endocrinologist. It is beneficial for
a woman with infertility issues to attend acupuncture for infertility sessions
alongside scheduling and attending regular medical exams.
At worst, the holistic approach cannot hurt; studies show it can help both the
mental and physical health of a woman. There are published studies and
various writings on combining a modern medicine approach with various
holistic treatments.
Women treated with both IVF and acupuncture for infertility have a higher rate
of becoming pregnant than women treated only with IVF. Many well known
and highly touted infertility centres now have office space devoted to an
acupuncturist so they can combine techniques and their expertise.
Approaches for Infertile Couples
However you choose to approach dealing with an infertility problem, whether
you try acupuncture for infertility or something else, it is important to keep in
mind that it will be emotionally stressful and will affect your relationship.
As a couple, you need to work together to see the light at the end of the
tunnel. Therapy as a couple or on an individual basis is a common way to stay
emotionally healthy during this period of significant stress.
Gestational surrogate, donor eggs, donor sperm and adoption are a few other
options even the most infertile couples can take to successfully become
parents. To choose the best next step for you and your partner, be sure to
speak with an endocrinologist.
Being diagnosed with infertility can be heartbreaking. Before rushing into
using any medication or having surgery you might want to consider
acupuncture for infertility

[16]-Treatment For Your Fertility Problems

 Infertility diagnosis is a difficult issue to digest. Most couples find it rather
difficult to accept the findings in the first few weeks after the diagnosis. It is a
condition that affects both men and women and is defined as the inability to
conceive after six months to one year of unprotected and regular intercourse.
It may also be the woman's inability to carry a baby to a full term and
resulting in miscarriage.
A series of causes have been identified as to largely contribute to fertility
issues for both partners. These factors include a woman's age, menstrual
cycle, ovulation disruption; a man's sperm count and quality, erectile
dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases and tubal blockages; and
environmental and lifestyle factors like excessive alcohol and drug intake and
Acupuncture is an age-old process that is proven to alleviate pain and
suffering and promote well-being through the use of small, thin needles.
These needles are inserted onto pressure points called "acupoints." This
age-old Chinese traditional medicine started thousands of years ago and was
slowly integrated into the western medical practises.
Acupuncture is said to be based on the principles of "vital energy" and
balance and harmony of both mind and body. It aims to restore the body's
natural balance. It brings renewed energy and revitalised hormones to
encourage an overall health makeover. The practice of acupuncture is to aid
our bodies heal naturally through new-found energy.
Couples who are undergoing IVFs and other artificial reproductive techniques
are encouraged to practice acupuncture. Recent studies have found that
acupuncture has aided the treatments and has increased the couples'
chances to conceive, by helping the body recover its energy balance. It also
helps the body regulate hormones and systems and encourages proper blood
flow to different organs.
It is recommended that women who undergo IVF treatments should practice
acupuncture at least half an hour before the scheduled IVF procedure, and
half an hour after the embryo transfer. This is explained by the body's natural
reaction to the acupuncture session, as the body achieves a higher state of
relaxation, in turn relaxing the uterus and making it susceptible to embryo
growth and conception.
Discuss with your partner the possibility of venturing into the acupuncture
process and bring the interest to your fertility expert as well. Your physician
would want to know this information so as he/she could adjust treatments for
you to better complement your alternative therapy.
Acupuncture is known to be a safe procedure with no published side effects
and contra-indications. It will definitely help you relax before and after
alternative reproductive techniques and maximise your chances of conception.
When you decide to try out acupuncture, make sure you find a licensed
acupuncturist to perform the procedure.
This will assure you the safety of the procedure, as only a licensed
acupuncturist knows the exact locations of median points. They also use
sterile needles that would ensure that no complications and infections arise.
Read more about the benefits of acupuncture and discover them for yourself
when you finally decide to try it out. Who knows, the conception you've always
been waiting for may just be around the corner, after a few sessions or so.

[17]-Why Many Doctors Endorse Acupuncture

 The good news for all who have been diagnosed with infertility problems is
that there are few methods available that can assist in treating the problem.
In spite of the fact that we live in a technologically advanced world, and the
IVF success rates are growing, science does not complete the fertility
treatment picture.
That is not to say that IVF is not effective, as it certainly is, and has helped
many couples have a child.
You would be surprised to know that many couples are turning their backs on
technology for infertility problems. Many are turning to acupuncture for
infertility - an ancient Chinese art that has helped many women become
mothers. So what exactly is acupuncture? It is a therapy during which very
thin needles are inserted under the skin at specific points on the body.
The needles have to be inserted exactly at those points and only a skilled
acupuncturist can locate those points in your body and stimulate them
effectively. The needles regulate specific body functions and can control
various physical problems. Like the saying goes, "old is gold" and similarly,
this treatment seems to carry its reputation on and on in the medical field.
Acupuncture is gaining popularity when compared to other fertility treatments
as it has proven to be more beneficial. Research has shown that acupuncture
has increased the rate of pregnancy in women who undergo in vitro
fertilisation (IVF).
These findings are well-supported by a study done in 2002 on 150 women
undergoing IVF. Thirty-six women out of 75 who received acupuncture got
pregnant. This is a success rate of 48.0%! Similarly, a study of 75 women who
received IVF treatment without acupuncture, had a success rate of only 25%.
Only 19 women became pregnant. As you can see from the above
information, acupuncture can be effective in treating infertility.
Let's go on to the main area of discussion and find out how exactly
acupuncture treats infertility. It has been used for many infertility problems
successfully. It is used in conjunction with herbs to reduce follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
In conjunction with IVF, acupuncture is done simultaneously with intrauterine
insemination or embryo transfer and this can increase the chances of
success. Normally, a series of acupuncture treatments would be done a few
months before the first procedure. It will also be continued for three months
after the pregnancy begins to protect the fetus during that time when the risk
of miscarriage is greatest.
If you are considering acupuncture treatments along with IVF, then it is
reasonable to consider whether the additional costs are warranted. IVF costs
add up to almost $10,000 per cycle. If you are above 35, then you may need
three to five cycles of IVF treatment. Compared to acupuncture for infertility
treatment, it is quite expensive. Acupuncture treatment costs around $1,000
per cycle and it could be an investment that can save you a lot of money.
I can't recommend a better treatment which has both a high success rate and
low cost. So if you want to have acupuncture as your first treatment, it is
important to find a good practitioner who is known to your doctor. It is also
worth making sure that you are fully covered for acupuncture by your
insurance policy.
Although insurance for infertility is another part of the story we will not be
covering here but if you want to know more on how acupuncture helps in
infertility treatment. A lot of people have benefited from it and you certainly
don't want to miss out. Go ahead and start your own family with it.

[18]-Benefits and Risks of Using Acupuncture for Infertility

Acupuncture originated in the East and has existed for a very long time. It is
the technique of applying and adjusting fine needles into specific points on
the body to relieve pain and also to treat several medical conditions.
Acupuncture usually adjusts blood pressure by stimulating the real central
nervous system. It releases endorphins which in turn inhibits pain and offers
the body the feeling of wellbeing and also secretes neurotransmitters and
neurohormones, which helps the body to recover itself.
Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with infertility treatments to cure
problems similar to hormonal imbalances. Since it adjusts the body's system,
blood flow is enhanced to the vital organs in addition the hormonal levels
happen to be effectively regulated. It also boosts follicular and ovarian
function. It can increase the blood flow towards the endometrium, assisting to
help a rich lining.
Acupuncture and IVF
Additionally, acupuncture could enhance the effectiveness of IVF or In Vitro
Fertilisation. A lot more fertility professionals along with centres offer it as part
of their IVF treatment plans. By using acupuncture, the embryo transfer
process in IVF was shown to have many improvements leading in many cases
to pregnancy.
Acupuncture could also be used to cure fertility problems like spasmed tubes.
Even though blocked tubes will not likely be affected by acupuncture,
sometimes spasmed tubes tend to be de-spasmed by using acupuncture.
It is often combined with herbal treatments to cure more FSH or
Stimulating Hormone recurrent pregnancy loss, unexplained (idiopathic)
infertility, hyperprolactinemia, and also luteal phase defect, (when not the
result of a prolactinoma), PCOSor PolycysticOvarian Syndrome along with
irregular menstrual cycles, and also men's factor like men affected with
Like physical therapy, acupuncture is a procedure that assists the body to cure
itself over time. It is actually preferable to use more than less.
When Acupuncture treatment is recommended
[1]. Women can usually be treated for 3 to 4 months just before an
insemination, donor-egg transfer and IVF or in vitro fertilisation.
[2].. Women are also recommended to use acupuncture, before and after an
embryo transfer.
[3]. To apply acupuncture for 3 to 4 months before a fertility treatment seems
to also have a healing result.
[4]. Going via fertility treatments can be very stressful for the
couple and for the woman especially. Acupuncture is a great method to
decrease stress, anxiousness as well as depression.
With so many ways in which acupuncture has a beneficial influence on
infertility treatments, it feels right for any couple who is struggling with infertility
to test each and every alternative out there.
What are the risks of applying the acupuncture for infertility
There are almost no dangers when applying acupuncture along with
infertility treatments. The most significant risk is the fact that a miscarriage
may occur if wrong acupuncture points are utilised if a woman is
currently pregnant.
That is why employing an acupuncturist who seems to be specialised in the
treatment of fertility problems is very important for many who wish to include
acupuncture as part of their therapy regimen.
Also electro-acupuncture is an excellent replacement for traditional medical
pain relievers while in labour. It may also result in quicker hospitalisation times
which in turn lead to lower expenses.
Plus, research suggests that the most reliable fertility treatment options
require combining acupuncture, herbal medicine, as well as traditional
medical treatments. Although, acupuncture and herbal medicines won't
help conceiving on their own if traditional medical interventions are not used. 

[19]-Where To Obtain Acupuncture For Infertility

 A recent study found that when in vitro fertilisation as a treatment for infertility,
acupuncture and infertility combined improves the success rate by as much
as 50%. So what does acupuncture and fertility have to do with each other?
If you have read about or studied acupuncture, you know that acupuncture is
intended to remove any blockages in the body and restore the flow of Qi, the
vital energy of the body. Traditional Chinese acupuncturists treat the whole
body, and so the concept is that when the body is in balance through
acupuncture, the I.V.F process is more readily accepted.
But you don't necessarily have to believe in alternative or Eastern medicine in
order to reap the benefits of acupuncture and infertility. There have been
many studies done that have shown the therapeutic effects of acupuncture on
the human body.
Relaxation techniques frequently use acupuncture as a treatment. And many
people believe you will not get pregnant if you are not relaxed.
If you want to take advantage of this three thousand year old traditional
Chinese medicinal technique to help in your infertility problems, or learn how
acupuncture and infertility are related, you have a number of options.
There are now many fertility clinics that now offer acupuncture treatments as
part of their overall infertility treatments. In addition, there are designated
acupuncture infertility centres.
And finally, you may simply contact a certified acupuncturist and s/he will
explain to you how s/he uses acupuncture to treat infertility. You may want to
consult with an acupuncturist who has had experience using acupuncture in
conjunction with infertility treatments.
It is important that you put yourself in the hands of a professional, trained and
reliable acupuncturist.
There are a number of organisations that offer training and accreditation for
acupuncturists. So in order to be as safe as possible, you should refer to one
of them when choosing your acupuncturist.
If they are accredited, you can be sure they have met the proper training
requirements. Most of these organisations also have a list showing
practitioners who are under investigation and should therefore be avoided.
If you contact any or a few of these organisations, you will be sure to locate a
centre that is convenient for you, and where you can learn more about
acupuncture and infertility:
➢ Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
➢ American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
➢ American Organisation for Bodywork Therapies of Asia
➢ Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
➢ Federation of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Regulatory Agencies

[20]- Acupuncture - Give it a Try

 Acupuncture for infertility is a variant that works by stabilising the energy that
runs along meridians all over the body. By inserting specially made needles
into certain areas of the body, the energy that flows all the length of these
meridians are regulated. It is believed that whatever unevenness in the flow
of energy around the body may cause all sorts of illnesses like infertility.
Acupuncture has fourteen channels and out of it, there are twelve main
channels namely: the heart, lung, liver, small intestine, large intestine,
stomach, gallbladder, kidney, bladder, pericardium, spleen, and the san jiao.
Acupuncture for infertility is more on equalising energy in "qi" across the
meridians along with the 3 Yin and Yang channels located on each limb. With
an unbalanced flow of energy all over your body, fertility cannot be at its best.
Acupuncture can solve these imbalances and in turn cure infertility plus other
health problems you might be having.
There are many women who suffer from infertility and for various reasons they
are incapable of generating even a single egg. For these women, acupuncture
for infertility treatment is highly advised. It enhances the flow of energy
throughout the body thereby stimulating the production of eggs.
Various studies have revealed that acupuncture has a quantifiable end result
on decreasing pain and that proves to be one of the accepted cures for pain
which means it can also be given by doctors.
Acupuncture is not only for pain relief it can be used for almost all kinds of
health related problems. Acupuncture for infertility on the other hand will allow
the energy flowing properly throughout the channels which can restore the
body's health that will be the foundation to start a pregnancy.
A lot of women do not mind their health until such time it becomes an obstacle
in getting something they want, such as a baby. Taking care of your well-being
will ensure your chances of conceiving without any difficulty and it will also
guarantee a healthy baby.
Acupuncture for infertility is a great way to restore your health that can be
used prior to, and all the way during pregnancy to make your child bearing
time as comfortable as possible.
Acupuncture for infertility injects a new energy into the complicated and
unbalanced processes of the human body. It removes obstacles along the
channels and stimulates energy to flow more easily throughout the body. With
the obstacles removed, it also permits toxins to flow out of the body without
much difficulty and most of all it promotes a general sense of good health.
Finally, does acupuncture work for infertility? Yes it does. Moreover it is also a
great means to cure other bodily problems especially when combined with
modern medical ways of treatment.

[21]- How To Get Pregnant: Guide

At this point in your life you've to think hard about becoming a parent. It's a big
challenge to become one but it's also an extremely fulfilling expertise that
you simply shouldn't miss.
To be able to get pregnant there are some factors that you simply should be
aware of that when applied to your lifestyle and your lovemaking will
drastically increase your chances to become pregnant.
Here are some useful tips on getting pregnant and ways to treasure
(1) Prepare Your Physique:
You should take the correct minerals and vitamins, this is very important not
only for trying to conceive but once conception has occurred then you'll need
to prepare yourself to be able to nourish the unborn in the first couple of
weeks. There's a lot to be said on this topic.
(2) Find out Whenever you Ovulate:
You and your partner ought to know all regarding the female ovulation period.
It is the most effective time for a sperm to enter and fertilise an egg to produce
an offspring.
Many couples forget this important part when asking for ideas on getting
pregnant from their doctors. Pregnancy needs fertilisation of a female egg and
understanding when it is obtainable is crucial to achieve success.
(3) Aside from understanding the ovulation period, it's also
essential to learn concerning the best sexual position to make use of to
achieve maximum chance of pregnancy. All positions and types may be
and pleasurable but you will find particular ones that lessen the chance of
depositing sperm within the cervix like the lady on top position which can
result in leakage of sperm.
(4) Best Time To Get Pregnant:
Know when to bring about love. Discover about how sperm can turn out to be
much more or much less active. Plan it to ensure that you make love just as
you ovulate with the top quality sperm. Female orgasms can also assist in
conception if timed nicely. Knowing the best time to get pregnant is equally
(5) One of the most important solution on getting pregnant is to be
active sexually and have regular intercourse. It's the jump off point to
conceiving and also you ought to have fun and take pleasure in performing it.
For couples within the prime age for pregnancy, doing it regularly can result in
pregnancy within six months as much as a year. But for older and much more
mature individuals, it might take longer.
(6) Fertility problems are not only a women' concern for women but
men as well. Therefore it's important to test sperm production and analyse its
quality. It is one of the basic pieces of advice on obtaining a pregnancy.
Male sperm production gets decreased by unhealthy habits like smoking,
drinking and obesity. You will also find certain conditions that affect male
reproductive organs like varicocele which causes the scrotum to warm up and
kills sperm cells. Getting help and treatment for these conditions is important
to reverse infertility.
(7) Whenever you encounter trouble getting pregnant after much more
than a year of attempting, you should consult medical doctors and figure out
whether you have fertility issues. It might seem scary to complete but it's
perfectly normal. Actually, it's extremely recommended to have medical tests
done each and every year not just for pregnancy but for the general well being
as well.
(8) But probably the most essential factor in getting pregnant is
not to sense the pressure to be successful. Yes, it's significant to have kids
but you don't have to push yourself to do extreme things just to get it done.
At times it just comes along whether or not you've prepared for it or not.
The above tips, when used properly can dramatically increase your chances
of getting pregnant. I truly hope this book will help you better navigate
through the sometimes rough waters you may encounter on your way to your future
child's sparkling eyes and open arms.

Best wishes



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2022

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