
Do you know this feeling,
I feel right now?
I want to show it,
but I don´t know how.

Do you see the dewdrops on the grass? they are like my tears,
wich were shed for you.

Iwould be proud if I were yours.
Cause I love you so.....

Every day is an other battle with my heart.
I want to scream out loud:
I love you....

Whenever you would touch me
my heart would go faster.
My breath would be deaper
and you could see a smile on my face.

Do you know this feeling
I feel right now?
I tried to show it
Did you see it?

My heart says: I love you

I´m looking out of the window and I see a lightning which makes me afraid of the power of fire.
Fire´s are burning, they are burning everything down.
They are able to destroy so much.
Sometimes I think about it.
Now I look out of the window but there is no lightning :(


Now that you left me alone I have to do the best!

So I´ll go on and on and on until I reach the point that no one is hurt.

Teach me not to go back.
Since you left me, I´ve got the feeling that nobody loves me.

Is that right?
Don´t you love me?

I need you and you just left me. Do you think that´s the right way?

No, but I say goodbye ♥

Darkness and Night
you left me alone in the darkness of the night.
I´m surching the way back into the light to protect me of this feeling.
I know I will be able to forget so I´ll go on and on and on …
You meant everithing
I meant nothing
Love is a thing which is strange, which is hard.
There was a time where you have been able to tell me evrithing and I would have believed it but now I know everithing was a lie.
I woke up out of my dreams.

Der Blitz
Ich schau aus meinem Fenster ganz oben in meinem Zimmer, es ist Nacht und alles ist dunkel drinnen sowie draußen.
Ein Blitz zuckt auf und sofort denke ich an ein Feuer, an ein Feuer das die Macht besitzt alles zu zerstören was sich ihm in den Weg stellt.
Ist das nicht faszinierend?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.11.2010

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