
The First Day Of Highschool

I should probably start from the beginning, My name is Nessie Megan Jones and I am Seventeen I go to South Brookfield High and our mascot is the Raven. I have high Cheekbones and Silver Green eyes I have curly brown hair and I wear Black Glasses and to be honest I have a huge crush On Ethan Parker he is like the jock of the school though so it really does not matter. I wish that sometimes I could stand up and just show the world who i am and what i can do but i can't not in this lifetime. my mom is an abstract mural artist and my dad owns a honda system company so we are really rich but its not like i care much. I am an only child and my best friend is Delilah Ryans she is 17 and has straight blonde hair with bright blue eyes she is really popular but i choose to stay away from that crowd and hang out by my self.


I walked to class with my books in my hand I was exactly 14 minutes early so i opened my math book and reread chapter 2 of my math book so i had everything ready when the teacher came in.
"Ness, give the books a break its the beginning of the year calm you skinny but down!" said Delilah my best friend smiling as she placed her coach backpack on the ground next to her i place my identical bag down on the ground as well i smiled back and waited for the day to end.


The last bell rang and I slid out of my seat sighing in relief i knew all of this stuff so i was happy when the day ended I climbed into my Red porshe 911 and drove home. When I got home I ran straight up to my recording Studio in the attic and plugged in the mic I started the beat to the song I loved the best and started to sing

"Put Your Hearts Up"

And Background....
And Action!!!

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world

You think you're so small
Like you're itty bitty.
Just one match in the lights of the city
Walking by strangers on the side of the street
Like a quarter in a cup'll get 'em up on their feet, like
You think you're never gonna make your mark
Sit back and watch the world while it falls apart, like
Out of sight, out of mind, like, like
It's just a waste of time,
Like, like, like

Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
If we give a little love
Maybe we can change the world
I said
Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
Sing it if you're with me
All you boys and all you girls

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world (change the world)

Wish in a well shooting star in the sky
We can do anything if we try
Can't resurrect Ghandi, resurrect king
But if we put our heads together
We can do anything like
You don't have to be a billionaire
You don't have to have much to show how much you care
Like give a wink, give a kiss
Like give a little happiness
Like like like

Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
If we give a little love
Maybe we can change the world (change the world)
I said
Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
Sing it if you're with me
All you boys and all you girls

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world (yeah)

Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Ain't got nothing but love now, love now
Ain't got nothing but love now, love now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Ain't got nothing but love now, love now
Ain't got nothing but love now, love now

Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
If we give a little love
Maybe we can change the world (change the world)
I said
Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hey yeah yeah
Sing it if you're with me
All you boys and all you girls

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world

Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah

When I was done i replaied the sound of my voice and smiled I knew I was good but was I ready to show the World? in just 4 day on April 15 the recording studios were going to post the one song i had was comfortable with singing the least

"Good Girl"

Hey, good girl
With your head in the clouds
I bet you I can tell you
What you’re thinkin' about

You'll see a good boy
Gonna give you the world
But he’s gonna leave you cryin'
With your heart in the dirt

His lips are dripping honey
But he’ll sting you like a bee
So lock up all your love and
Go and throw away the key

Hey good girl
Get out while you can
I know you think you got a good man

Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go...
Better listen to me
He’s low, low, low...

Hey, good girl
You got a heart of gold
You want a white wedding
And a hand you can hold
Just like you should, girl
Like every good girl does
Want a fairy tale ending, somebody to love

But he’s really good at lying
Yeah, he’ll leave you in the dust
'Cause when he says forever
Well, it don’t mean much
Hey good girl
So good for him
Better back away honey
You don’t know where he’s been

Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go...
Yeah yeah yeah, he’s low
Yeah yeah yeah

Oh, He’s no good, girl
Why can’t you see?
He’ll take your heart and break it
Listen to me, yeah

Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
Just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, he’s no good

Won’t you open up your eyes?
Just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes

i sighed replaced the mic and walked to my room closing the door i sat down to think.

(warning to be continued)

Talk about a Talk show

"I'm going to be on what?!?" I schreeched at my mom fury on my face.
"You are going to be On the Talk about a Talk show darling they want to hear you sing your cover artist song put your hearts up!"
"No!!!"I shouted and ran to my studio locking the door and throwing myself onto a bean bagi pulled out my cell phone and dialled my stepbrother Andrew he live with 6 friends of his who always hit on my over the phone he picked it up and spoke first "Ness whats wrong?" he said sensing somthing was up
"I am going to come live with you for a bit i said you only live 45 minutes away send One of the boys over in a hour" I said he agreed and right before he hung up i heard Logan, kyle, Ryan, Chris, Ethan and Liam all shout "BYE NESSIE!" then the line went dead i grinned and quickly threw everthing i needed into 3 large suit cases 2 were for clothes one was for tolitries and a large duffle bag held all of my room decor that i wanted then my studio door opend and Ethan walked in, "hey Ness" he said hugging me he smelt really good, weird "Hey Ethan" I said and looked up his face was inches from mine i looked Into his deep blue eyes and I melted he bent down his lips brushed mine and he kissed me i knew it was coming but still i was shocked I kissed him back but then I pulled away looking down and blushing he put his hand on my cin pulling my face to his he smiled and kissed me again he grabbed my bags and led me to his Rubicon Jeep and held the door open for me i smiled and he put my bags in the back climbing into the front he pulled out i took in a deep breath and watched as we finally pulled into his driveway he hpoed out and opened my doo like a gentle man he pulled me into a warm long kiss and when he pulled away Logan was standing there "Shit" i muttered "please dont tell Andrew or anyone!" I said pleadingly he looked at Ethan and nodded grabbing my bags "but please dont ever kiss or pda infront of me he said smirking "I wouldent dare" i smiled

In love? With Ethan?

I was sitting on my bed when someone knocked on the door "Come In" i called and Ethan walked in "Hey Baby" he saidpicking me up and kissing me i smiled "I hate it when people call me baby" i said "Oh shit I am so sorry Ness I didnt know i wasent think-" "oh calm down you big sissy i was joking" i laughed kissing him before grabbing his hand and going to sit on the couch downstairs we were the only two home right now so we turned on spongebob i squealed "score, its spongebob!" he chuckled and pulled me onto his lap kissing me gently but passionately i wrapped my hands around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" shouted my brother Andrew dropping the bags he was holding
"Well obviously i was kissing Ethan duh" i said sarcasticly "Oh that makes it sooo much better" he said sarcasticly back i smirked and pulled Ethan and me up "We are going to my room now" i said smugly and we both ran to my room locking the doors a few seconds later we heard pounding and Andrew shouted "You two either let me in our use protection" he shouted a smile in his voice "protection" we sang and he grunted walking down the stairs "Wow he's by-polar much" Ethn said and i grinned he pushed me down on the bed and kissed me passionately

Please don't say it wait? a record deal!

Around two hours later we walked down the stairs hand in hand all the guys whistled and Andrew crosted his arms over his chest and hmphed i laughed and sat down on Ethans lap my phone rang and i aswered it "yes, what! YES OF COURSE!!!" i shouted and hung up every one got silient "I GOT A RECORD DEAL WITH MAROON 5!"i screamed Ethan kissed me and spun me in a circle "congrats babe he mumbled into my neck i shivered "hey go celebrate in your room!" shouted my brother i waggled my eyes and ran upstairs Ethan was on my tail "we should celebrate!" he said and i shook my head "all i need is you" I said and right then he got down on one knee "Nessie baby I have only known you for a short amount of time but i want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you Marry me?" he asked nervously pulling out a black box and a dimond ring i squealed and nodded my ead tears coming to my eyes "yes of corse" i said he grinned and visably relaxed I ran down the stairs and shoved my hand into my brothers face "what now sucka im gonna get married" i said happily he smiled and the guys shouted "Wait what?" all at once. i laughed "yes yes i know i am so super adorable but Eathen gts me" i said grinning and he came down stairs and wrapped his arms around me smiling he nuzzled my neck and the guys groaned "eww freak show please leave" we laughed and he pulled me out the door to his car "i want to show you somthing he said and drove to a large house that looked like this:

2 years later

(two years later and a newly wed couple)

i looked at Ethan and smiled "hey honey come in here" i called from the guest bedroom Ethan had just gotten home from three months in canada on a buisness trip he walked in and saw a pink room with a crib and a rocker and gasped I turned around and he could see my baby bump "babe your gonna be a daddy in around six months the baby is due on April 17th" i said nervously he smiled and shouted "yes!" he felt my stomach "i can't believe this" he said and pulled me into a hug we have to figure out what to name her!" he cried and i smiled "well i have a couple in mind, what about, Delilah, Kelsey, or Bethany?" I said he smiled i like Kelsey but you should ask your family first he said smiling and i nodded a smile on my face

I got off the Phone with my parents and turned to Ethan "we all like Kelsey" i said smiling he spoke softly wrapping his arms around me "well then I guess little Kelsey is going to be the Newest adition to our some-what weird family" he chuckled and i smiled "Ethan, Nessie and Kelsey the three Parkers!" i cheered and he smiled we walked to the kitchen so i could start dinner Ethan sat at the bar watching me I threw pasta noodles into the pot and watched them become soft i stirred them and heated up cut up chicken and four types of white cheeses and threw them together on a plate i handed on th Ethan and got one for myself i smiled and groaned i absoloutly love four cheese pasta it was the bomb i was only 19 but i felt so much older my parents hated the fact that i got pregnant at 29 but loved the fact that they were going to be grandparents weird right?

Nine Months Livin Like A Queen

I smiled and ate the rest on my blueberry cobbler iceceam it was absoulutly fabulous. i threw away the plastic spoon and container and went to lay down on my bed it had been around three months since i told Ethan he was going to be a dad and i was in my second trimester i smiled at the thought of having a family soon but worried about all of the work and effort i would take i knew that Ethan was there with me though so i was really not to upset or scared.
"Hey Baby" said Ethan pulling me into a kiss and slidding his tounge on my upper lip asking for entrance i smirked but let him in our tounges doing an entracate dance and pushed me against the wall but then he pulled away breathing heavily i smiled not losing a breath "that, my friend was WEAK!" i said craking up he frowned but hugged me mumbling "i love you" in my ear i imediatly stopped laughing "that was so freaking WEAK!" he said busting out laughing and pointing at me i grinned and stood up mutting my weight on the table so i could stand i know longer had a baby bump i was showing. ALOT! Ethan pulled me up and hugged me to his chest "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Nessie I love you with my whole being and i would Die if anything bad ever hurt you I cannot express my love for you except that letting you know Marrying you was the best thing that ever happened to me" he said looking down at me i looked up tears in my eyes "i love you too!" i said my voice cracking as i smiled he sighed happily and lfted me onto the bed laying me down he smiled and layed down next to me wrapping his hand around mine.

6 months pregnant and in a recording studio

I put on my head set and smiled at Ethan and Adam Levine with his bandmates from maroon 5 i started singing good girl by carrie underwood and mixed it with put your hearts up by ariana grande i had worked on this for 11 hours straight i hpoed they liked it.

And Background....
And Action!!!

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world

Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?

You think you're so small
Like you're itty bitty.
Just one match in the lights of the city
Walking by strangers on the side of the street
Like a quarter in a cup'll get 'em up on their feet, like
You think you're never gonna make your mark
Sit back and watch the world while it falls apart, like
Out of sight, out of mind, like, like
It's just a waste of time,
Like, like, like

Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find...

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah
If we give a little love maybe we can change the world (change the world)

Want a fairy tale ending
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Don't let em bring you down now, down now
Ain't got nothing but love now, love now

You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes

Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah...

I stopped and looked at Adam he broke out in a grin and started clapping I ran Out and he smiled "Nessie Parker i think you just might be star quality!" i lit up and turned to Ethan somehow we managed to hug over my baby bump "oh and Nesse? congradulations on the new Baby i guess i will see you on thursday!" Adam said and turned motioning for the band mates to follow him out "I did it!" i squealed letting out a huge breath he nodded "you did it i am so proud of you!" he said smiling i hugged him and squealed Maroon 5 just signed me and now i was proforming at the Chapel Red Awards as the opening act!!!

still 6 months

I grabbed my bags and my mic and turned to Ethan he held my hand and we walked out of the studo I waved goodbye to Adam and the others still not quite out of shock yet

when we got home Ethan opened my door for me held the front door open and when i stepped insde i gasped rose petals trailed the floor and Ethan walked to the nlit candles that were set on the sideds of the hallway he returned and smiled the lghts were dmmed and you could here soft music playing from somewhere i trned to him "this is absoloutly breath taking, thank you so much Ethan" i said he let out a breath and smiled drawing me into an embrace i breathed in his scent and sighed happily my lif was perfect then i relized what day it was, April 15, my birthday i was now 20 years old
I walked into my living room holding Ethans hand


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

this book is dedicated to Moon.Writer who has become such an amazing friend and honestly summer would suck if i did'ent get to read the hilarious things she writes and she can keep you up all night with her insane writing skills This is a special shout out just to her she is the star and she needs the spotlight you rock Moon.Writer!!!

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