

What makes a supernatural book so great is that we can read it and not worry about being attacked by a vampire. When someone tells you a horror story you assume that its just a made up story. You assume that there is no such thing as werewolves, vampires , and witches. What if I were to tell you that every fair tale you heard growing up was real? Would you believe me or thin I was crazy? Well they are real. every last one of them. And if they weren't true... then I wouldn't exist. I should now my mom was a witch.
My name is Savanna Dubrovskiy. I am 16 years old and live it the dreary city of Nome, Alaska. My parents and I moved here from Russia when I was ten-years old, but they were murderer right in front of me two years later. I was taken in by a family friend named Nona (or Nanna as I call her ), who was an elderly tribal woman. I am beyond grateful to Nona who has helped me except my supernatural side. I attended Nome-beltz High. where the total student population is 303, with 77 students enrolled in my grade. 16% of the student population is white, making me one of the only white girls in my class. One of the other white students is Nate Armstrong. I never talked to him because he liked to keep him self. It wasn't until that one night in early January that I understood why.

* * *
"Savanna, could you please start dinner?" Nanna called from the living room.
"sure. How's pasta sound?" I hollered back to her.
"Is that the only thing you can make?"
"Pretty much, yeah." I told her. She laughed at my lack of cooking skills and nodded her head.
I pulled the angel hair pasta out of the cabinet and placed it into the large pot. I ran water and placed the iron pot underneath the running water till it filled up 3/4. I placed It on the hot stove causing it to sizzle when the water droplets evaporated. I search the cabinet for the salt several times before giving up.
"Nona? Where's the salt?" I asked her. She looked up at me from behind her news paper and said,
"Oh, did I not tell you? We ran out last week." I groaned and turned of the stove.
"Then should I go get some?" I asked. She reached into her pocket and handed me a list of groceries. I take that as a yes. I went up stairs to my room and changed into a long sleeved shirt and quickly braided my long hair. I grabbed my knitted cap and and slipped my brown snow boots on. I laced then up and folded the faux fur cuff down. I ran down the stairs and kissed Nona on the check before heading to the front door. I slipped my gray parka on and adjusted the fur trimmed hood. I then wrapped my crimson red knitted scarf around me neck before heading out the door.
Although it was only five o'clock it was already pitch black out side. I was treading threw the snow and finally made it into town when I could make out my surrounding thanks to the dimly light lanterns. Unfortunately for me no matter how dim the street lanterns were, I would still have seen what I saw.
I looked up at the sky gazed at the stars. As I passed an alley I noticed two dark figures standing there. I turned my head to see a small and girlish figure standing in the arms in a talk and muscular figure. The tall figure bent down and began kissing her neck. At first I felt disgusted with my self for even watching this obviously intimate scene ,but that feeling of disgust was replaced with fear when the tall figure continued to kiss her neck and she stretched her neck and exposed her copper toned skin. The tall figure stopped suddenly and grind. My eyes widened hen he reviled to sharp, long, and white fangs. He opened his mouthed and clamped down on her neck. The girl gasped as a trial of a crimson liquid trickled down her neck and stained her clothing. small drops fell onto the snow covered ground and turned a deep haunting red. I covered my mouth to hold back a scream. when a car drove by, its head lights shined onto the two figures and I instantly recognized him. It was Nate Armstrong .The head lights caused me to cast a shadow. Nate slowly turned his head towards me. He removed his hands from the girls body and she fell to the ground. Nate started to walk towards me and as he did so I slowly backed up. I looked into his eyes that were were blood red.
"I-I" was all that I said before taking off running. I looked back and did not see him but I kept running. If you have ever ran in the snow with heavy boots on then you know how hard it is. I turned my head and looked stare ahead. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Nate standing at the end of the block. I ran down another street and was revealed to see he wasn't there , but when I turned to corner Nate was right in front of me. He grabbed my wrist with one hand and covered my mouth with the other. He told me to hush, but when I looked into the same eyes I saw four years ago I began to silently cry. When I did so his red eyes relaxed and turned bake to his normal blue and green pansy eyes. I instantly stopped crying and lifted my free hand to his for head and imagined him in pain. I pictured him on the ground in agony clutching his hands around his head. I looked in to his eyes and glared at him. One of the vains on his forehead turned purple and he loosened his grip on me. His facial expression changed and he moved his hand away from my mouth pushed his finger tips onto the poisoned vain. he then released my wrist and did the same thing he then fell to the ground screaming in pain. I had 30 minuets to get home before the spell wore off.
I burst through the front door and locked all four locks on the door.
"Savanna? what's wrong hon?" Nona asked me from the top of the stairs. I stood there for several seconds before doubling over in fear. Nona Rushed down the stairs to my side. She knelt down beside me and placed her hand on my back.
"Savanna, what happened? Are you okay?" She asked frantically. I tried to control my tears but the more I wiped them away the more they flowed out.
"I saw one." I stammered
"You saw what?" she asked me.
"A vampire."
"Are you sure?" She asked me i filled with in disbelief. I looked up at her with teary eyes.
"It was those same eyes I saw four years ago." I said. Her eyes widened and she sighed.
"You go up to bed and just don't worry about dinner." she helped me up from the ground and ushered me upstairs.
She closed the door behind, leaving me alone in my empty room. I looked at my self in the mirror and barley recognized my self. My platinum blond hair was coming undone , my rosy checks were flushed and almost white, and my baby blue eyes were red and swollen from crying.
I hung my parka up on a peg on the wall and undid my boots. I traded my turtle-neck for a gray sweat shirt that read "its a Nome-beltz thing" on the front. I slipped on a pair of pj bottoms and crawled under my fluffy sheets. As I laid there I glanced at my window and remembered what had happened not to long ago. I shuddered at the thought and got out of my bed and made my way over to my desk. I opened the drawer and found a glass gar filled with silver dust. I walked over towards my window and sprinkled a trail of silver on the window sill. I Nate wanted to kill me in the middle of the night, then he's going to have a hard time.


I woke up the next morning dreading school. I didn't want to face Nate. what if he had told someone about me? would I have to leave Nanna behind and leave Alaska? However if anyone did find out then I wouldn't move away from Nona.... I think I'm just over reacting.
Just then I heard a soft knock on my door followed by Nona peeking her head into my room.
"Hey, sweety. Do you think you can go to school?" she asked me.
"Yeah, Nanna I'm going to go to school." I said rubbing my eyes.
"Okay then I'll fix you up something to eat." she said. I nodded my head and watched as she exited my. After she left I got out of my bed and headed over to my closet and pulled out my tan wool sweater with an ethnic pattern on it. I loved this sweater because the hood was lined with faux fur and draw string had faux fur pom-poms. I burgundy long-sleeved v-neck and pulled the sweater over it. I grabbed my red scarf and my striped red and white hat that had flaps to cover my ears. I then laced up my boots and headed down the stairs. I walked into the kithcen to se Nona making eggs and toast. I skipped the eggs and took the toast and headed to the door. I slipped my grey parka on and grabbed my back pack and left for school. My high school was only a mile and a half away so walking in knee deep snow was somewhat bearable .
When I saw the school building I felt my heart sink. I remembered what had happened last night. I also remembered that Nate was a vampire, and he now knew I as a witch. however my mood lightened when I saw my best friend Carly. Carly was a native girl with copper skin and black eyes which were hidden behind thick hipster glasses . Her black hair was shoulder length with thick bangs her hair in general was choppy and uneven at the ends. She smiled at me and ran over to me.
"smile!" she shouted at me. She clicked her bulky black camera and the flash blinded me.
"Carly why do you have to take my picture every single day?" I asked her with a sour look on my face.
" Because your so pretty. " she said bluntly. I laughed at her comment as we linked arms and walked to our first class. As we walked down the hallway I saw Nate staring at Carly and I. I tried not to look at him and walked into history class. the day went by quickly and as soon as the last bell rang I got up and ran for the front gate of the school. I stopped running when I heard someone call my name well not my name exactly but I knew who they were referring to when I heard a voice call,
"Hey, Russia." My eyes widened when I recognized the voice behind me. I turned around to see Nate with his arms crossed staring at me intently.
"What is it?" I asked him.
"We need to talk." he said sternly. I nodded my head and began to follow him. He lead my out side behind the Gym.
"Listen,last night what did you see?" He asked me glaring down at me.
"I saw you drinking the blood of a girl, and I also saw your fangs. And what did you see last night."
"I saw you standing there and then when I tried to explain, you hexed me." when I realized that he knew what I was my eyes widened.
" Then you know I'm a-"
"A witch. yeah I do, and you now that I'm a-"
"Vampire, yes I do. Are we done here?"
" Not yet. Since your a witch then you already know what I'm ordered to do if anyone finds out my secret. Right?" At first his eyes were cold like stone, but when I saw his eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, I understood fully what he meant. I immediately was filled with fear and started to back away from him. He reached out his hand out after me.
"Savanna-" he was going to say something else but stopped when I revealed a wooden stack strapped to my arm that was hidden under my sleeve.
"If you ever tell anyone about me being a witch then I'll drive a stack threw you so fast before you can say anything more."
"Same to you." he said without another word I turned around and ran as fast as I could. When I was far from the school I slowed down, and started walking at a normal spend when I heard the snow crunch behind me. I turned around to see Nate only inches away from me.
"what the hell are you doing?" I asked.
"Following you. I don't want you spilling my secret on you way home."
"Oh, so you just going to stalk me now?"
"If that's what it takes then yes."As he said this his lips puddled to one side and formed a smirk. However when he flashed his teeth I saw his razor sharp canines, and then I remembered what he was. My eyes widened and I knew he took note of my emotions. When he sensed my fear his smirk instantly faded and he looked at me with those same pained eyes I saw at school.
"why are you so scared of me?" he asked with a hurt tone. When he asked me this all the memories of the day my parents were killed flooded my mind. All of them the stranger, the killings, and then him coming after me. As I remember that vampire biting me, I traced my hand over the crescent scare below my ear. I looked up at Nate who was in shock.
"I-I didn't know." Was all he managed to saw before I cut him off.
"Then if you understand then go away!" I shouted at him.
"You know that I have to kill you, right?"
"I'd hex you before you even got close."
"I highly doubt that." he said. I glared at him and started walking away. When I heard him following me I turned around and glared at him and suddenly his boot caught on fire. Nate was startled and slammed his boot onto a pill of snow on the side of the road.
"What the fuck, Savanna?" he called.
"I said go away." I said as I continued walking.


I stood in the tall pine tree in front of her house. I watched as her and her Nanny goofed of while attempting to bake bread.
"is that her?" a voice asked. I turned my head to see Blake. My guardian and a member of the council.
"yeah ,unfortunately." I said with a heavy heart.
"Do you think you can go threw with it?" he asked me.
"No I can't." I told him. I heard him sigh and then he turned to me.
"Nathaniel, you've done it before. You'll find a new love."
"Not like her."
" And why not?"
"I highly doubt I could kill her."
"She's only a witch Nathaniel, she can't be that strong."
"I think she's more then a common witch. She has no use for spell's and she could kill me with a single glance."
"Another reason to exterminate her." He said in a dark tone.
"I won't do it. It's not right. I don't understand why she has to die."
"Because you were sloppy, and she saw something she shouldn't have. We can't have the humane race discovering our presence. They're to narrow minded. We allowed one human girl to live after she found out about us once.... along time ago." My head snapped up and I looked at him.
"what happened to her?" I asked frantically.
"she told her mother, her mother told her friends and then their little village began to hunt us. we were close to extinction. As for the girl, her vampire husband ended up punishing her with death. That's why we don't make exceptions, not even for God himself." he growled.
"Then I'll make sure that she tells no one."
"Do as you wish but she'll end up dying in the end." after he said this he was gone. I tensed up at the thought of her dying in the same way her parents did. I watched her and her Nanny continue to throw flour at one another before disappearing into the night.


As I felt a chill travel down my neck I felt as if someone was watching me. I turned around to face the window and saw what looked like a person standing in the large pine tree. Out of disbelief I blinked several times and looked again to see the figure was gone.

“Shit! The bread!” I yelled as I rushed over to the oven. I opened up the oven, and a large cloud of smoke escaped and revealed a flaming loaf of bread. I waved my hand in front of my face trying to avoid the smoke. I grabbed the fire extinguisher, pulled the plastic tab out with my teeth ,and aimed it at the flaming oven. I spread the oven and covered it with the white foam. I turned around to see Nona laughing.
“what?” I asked with a sour look on my face.
“This proves my theory that you can’t cook anything but pasta and cereal.” She laughed at me.
“Shut up. Now where’s the pasta?” I said looking around the kitchen. Nona laughed even harder at me,
“We ran out last week, and when you went to get some you came back crying about seeing a Windigo.” I rolled my eyes at her,
“Fine cereal it is.” Once again, she laughed at me as I got out my coco puffs cereal that literally had my name written in big large letters on the box. I sat down at the tiny kitchen table and started munching on handfuls of cereal.
“So, what exactly did you see last night?” she asked me. I lifted my index finger up at her to tell her to wait while I munched on my milk-less cereal.
“I saw a man sucking some girl dry, and when a car went by he saw me.” I explained to her.
“do you know who it was?” she asked me.
“No I don’t.” Lie…
“Did he chase you?”
“Yeah, he did and for a moment he caught me.”
“Then what?” she asked me
“I hexed him and ran.”
“have you seen him since then?”
“Nope.” Another lie.
"Oh that's good, because you know what happens when you discover a vampires identity, right?" She asked me.
"they kill you." I said with a mouthful of cereal. She looked at me astonished,
"What? No. They just erase your memories, sometimes you will forget who you are and where your from, But they never kill you that's against the Council rules." She said flapping her hands all around as she spoke. Her words plaid over and over again in my head "against the Council"
"Nanna, what's the Council?" I asked her curiously. She sighed and took a sip of her coffee before answering me,
"Well, the Council as founded by the first supernatural beings. Two of each kind. And then as the died off their decedents took there place. Now the Council it's self is like the government, more like a tyranny, for the supernatural world. Including us. Also just like our government they have laws and if any of these laws are broken or disobeyed.... let's just say that its not pretty."
"Nona, who do you know all this?"
"My father was a werewolf. So me being an offspring of one I needed to know all of the laws as well even though technically I'm mortal." When she told me this i chocked on my cereal.
"then you a wolf?" I asked her.
"Oh god no! A female wolf is almost unheard of. So I can assure you I'm just a well informed old woman taking care of a witch." She smiled at me and patted my hand. She suddenly got up and headed for the stairs.
"Nona?" I asked her.
"I just remembered something I have to show you." she hollered from her room. I heard boxes shifting and things fall from the shelves from up stairs. What the hell is she doing up there? She came down the stairs and entered the kitchen with what looked like a book in her hands. she sat down at the table across from me and slid the book across the table. I picked up the book up and examined it. the book looked hand made and was constructed out of two slabs of oak that were carefully bound with six strings weaving in and out in between the pages. As I lifted the cover to look inside, but before I could Nona stopped me.
"Before you open that, let me just tell you where I found it... in your parents room." My eyes widened and I flung the cover of the book open. I gasped when I saw that every page was covered with the same handwriting that was on every birthday card, Christmas card, present and cake that I received until I was twelve. There was no mistaking my mom's handwriting. I began to read the book and realized that it had diagrams of Pentagrams and drawings of the human body. As I began to read it I also realized that it was something far more then a diary. I closed the book and looked up at Nona. It seems as if even though my parents were the people I treasured the most, I still have much to learn about them.
"well what what does it say? I would read it my self but I can't read Russian." she said.
"it's not a diary. Its a grimoire."


"Are you sure?" she asked me wide eyed. I set the book on the table and slide across to her. I pointed to one of the diagrams drawn on one of the pages.
"See this. That's Witch hazel. She drew a diagram to show what part of the flower to use. She then gives instructions on how to turn it into an elixir. Nona, this is a spell how to create a poison for other witches, but yet the creator will stay immune." I told her.
"Oh my God, Savanna developing new spells with out permission is forbidden. What if-"
"My mother was a lot of things, but she wasn't a criminal."
"I know that, but maybe the Council deemed her as a threat so they..."
"they killed her..." I said in disbelief.
"Then why did they kill my Father ,and then try to kill me? My father was mortal." I stated. She nodded her head and looked up at me,
"Yes, as far as I know your Father was mortal. However June and Arnold were both very... secretive. To tell you the truth sometimes I fell as if I barely knew them." with my cereal box in my hand I stood up and started walking up stairs.
"where are you going?" she asked me.
"bed." I answered.
"Alright then..." I turned away and walked up the stairs.
"oh, Savanna one more thing," she said.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"If you mom was really exterminated and so was your father, they might try to do the same to you. So please be careful." she told me.
"always am." I simply said. She smiled at me and sipped her coffee. I closed my bed room and glanced down at the book in m hands. I flopped onto my bed and flipped the cover of the grimoire. I stared at the witch hazel elixir. What if the spells in this grimoire didn't work and my mother was wrong? I got up and walked over to my desk I pulled out my chair and sat down. I flipped on my desk light and read the grimoire. I opened my top drawer and looked to the jar with "witch hazel" written on the lid. I pulled out the jar and winced at the stinging toxins that seeped through the glass. I unscrewed the lid and shook out several flowers, careful not to touch them. If I were to touch them I would be given a third degree burn that would last for several weeks and most likely leave a scare. I slipped on latex gloves and used a pinned to secure the flowers and used tweezers and a blade scalpels to slice the flower in half. I cut cut out the center vain of the flower along with bottom half of the flower and the pollen sack. I took out my granite pestle and mortar bowl and threw the mutilated flowers into the bowl using the tweezers. I then shook some dried Agrimony into the bowl. I then also added Juniper. I ground the flowers and herbs with the pestle until the flower was liquid. I poured water into the bowl just as the grimoire instructed.I covered the mortar with a piece of burlap cloth and tied it tight with a piece of string. I then removed my gloves and took the mortar into my hands. I imagined a blue flame boiling the water ,incinerating the herds, and mixing with the toxic liquids of the hazel. I opened my eyes and removed the cloth to see the pieces the beaten and mutilated flower floating in a clear liquid with a blue hue. I took my glass dropper out of the drawer and barely filled it with the elixir. I dropped a drop on my hand and waited for the pain. When it didn't come I looked down at my hand and saw the elixir bubbling on the surface of my flesh and I could feel it working it's way into my veins. My eyes widened in shock. I poured the elixir into a small glass bottle. Although I know it does not harm me, I'm still unsure If it harms other witches. I'll test that tomorrow, and I know exactly who. Cassidy Maris who has been using me as a lab rat for her own spells since the day she got her powers.
I got up and cleaned up my desk and changed for bed. I pulled back my sheets and and nestled down under neath my blankets.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got out of bed and quickly showered and blow dried my hair and pulled it back into a neat bun. I didn't bother with makeup, well to be honest I never do. I put on a white button up shirt with a light gray toiled design. I then pulled a royal blue sweater over my head. I slipped on skinny jeans and laced up my light brown knee-high leather boots. I was quit fond of these because the heel was one inch high and thick. I decided to wear white fuzzy earmuffs with a light grey matching scarf. I walked down stairs and saw Nona making bacon and pancakes.
"Good morning." I said cheerfully.
"Oh, Mornin'" She said.
" How did you sleep?" she asked me.
"Alright, but I tested the hazel elixir, and so far it works." I told her. she dropped the spatula and turned the stove off. She turned around to face me.
"What do you mean 'so far' ?" she asked me.
"what I mean is It doesn't harm me but as for other witches... I'll have to test it." I explained. She sighed and turned the stove back on to continue cooking.
"You should test it on that horrible Cassidy girl. She really is the wicked witch of north. She gives all other witches a bad name,but in reality she's the only wicked one, she's satin's whore. I mean her last little 'spell' went so haywire that you almost killed your self, and for what? So she could get test answers. I really loath her, and her older brother, Devin is exactly the same only bigger. Please were that juniper oil.. that should help shield you from their evilness" I chuckled silently at Nona's little rant. It was all true though, Cassidy wanted test answers for the midterms, so she "bugged" me and could see and hear everything I thought, saw, or heard. I ended up going insane because I could also see and hear everything she thought, saw, or heard. So to escape it I tried to kill my self. Lucky Nona burnt sage which banished the "bug". as for the juniper oil, by rubbing juniper oil on your skin you can prevent your self from being harmed by another's curse. So naturally I often wore juniper.
"I know, Nanna. I started putting juniper oil in all my perfume and body wash." She sighed and she put the pancakes and bacon on a plate.
"Here eat, your to skinny. I worry you'll freeze to death." She said as she slid my plate across the table.
"You worry to much.You think I'm going to die from everything." I laughed under my breath as I took a bite.
"And I worry about that old lycan down at the convenient store you like." I cocked my eyebrows up as I spoke.
"Who ,Hache? No he's a sweetheart." She assured me. And just for the record his full name is Hache Hi.
"Yeah until he shifts then he's a snarling twelve foot tall best with horns, fangs, red eyes, and knives for claws. Yup he sound great to bring home." I said with sarcasm. Nona looked at me and gave me "the look" the hole tilted head and raised eyebrows.
"Oh, but I'm sure he's so much better then the werewolf who tore up the couch cushions."
"Sorry, but once again, I'm the daughter of a werewolf. So natural I'm going to try to be with a one."
"No your just a crazy old woman who can't seance danger."
"says the soviet witch." She mumbled as she ate her food.
"Hey, not funny. I'm just saying I'm not a fan of him, and has nothing to do with the fact that every time he comes over I spend most of the next day scrubbing out the wolf/wet goat smell from our coach." I said with a fake smile. I finished my last bit and got up from table.
"Your done already?" she asked as she looked down at my empty plate.
"I"m a fast eater."
"apparently." she laughed.
"alright I'll see you tonight." I called at her front the door way.
"wait!" she said. she an over to me, yanked my head down, patted my hair several time, jerked my head back up, and then tightened my scarf.
"Just making sure your hair's not wet. I don't want you to die from hypothermia." she patted my back and handed me my backpack and shoved me out the door. I stood there on the front porch and saw Nate in front of my house waiting for me. I really didn't want to see him right now.
"Hey." He said as I walked past him.
"No." I said bluntly.
"what?" he asked me.
"I'm not getting involved with you know leave me alone." I said picking up my pace. However no matter how fast I walked he could keep up easily.
"Well that will be hard considering I know your secret and you know mine."
"That doesn't matter to me, besides if your were to expose me I would just kill you. You're dead anyway it wouldn't make any difference." I said with a cold tone in my voice.
"That wasn't nice, Savanna." He said.
"I Don't care now leave me alone." I said as turned around to face him.
"Like it or not I'm going to be around you a lot more now." I grounded.
"And I don't like it. I'm not going to be stalked by a mosquito." I said. After that we walked in silence. I looked over at Nate and studied his light brown shaggy hair that was hung slightly in is eyes. I Looked at his unique eyes that were an aqua green and then faded into a dark blue, his irises had a defined almost black dark blue ring around the outer side. I then notice his defined jaw line and pert nose. He was also tall, most likely over 6'3. He suddenly looked down and caught me staring. I instantly looked away and could feel my cheeks turn bright red.
I saw that we were almost in front of the school. I stopped and started digging for the witch hazel elixir. I felt the glass bottle brush my finger tips and pulled it out. I unscrewed the cap and pour very little into my hand. I rubbed it around on my hands and then placed it back in my bag.
"What's that?" he asked me.
"A witch hazel elixir, that only I am immune to. I'm... testing it." I looked up at him sheepishly.
"Wait so there's another witch in Nome?" He asked me.
"It's more witches

, and you can't forget about the lycan at the convenient store." I said as I walked away.
"A lycan?" he practically squeaked. I turned around and looked at him.
"Yes, a lycan. Now are you coming?" I wasn't willing to wait for him. Just then Carly saw us and came running towards us with camera in hand.
"Smile!" she said as she held up her camera. Nate put his hand over my shoulder and we both smiled. Carly snapped the photo and held her hand over the screen to see the photo.
"AW! so cute!" she said. Out of curiosity I walked up behind her to see it. Was I really that short? I'm 5'5 and I looked 5'2 compared to Nate. I linked arms with Carly and walked away. I could fell Nate following us. I glared at him from over my shoulder as my way of saying "don't follow me". His eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks. We entered the school and walked down the hallway. As we passed Cassidy's locker I brushed my hand over the lock, to leave traces of Hazel. We walked down to our lockers which were conveniently right next to each other's. I looked back at Cassidy's locker to make sure I could see it from mine. Luckily I could. Cassidy was a thin and tall girl, about 5'8. She had long curly ginger hair that cascaded down her back, she had large light amber eyes, that were framed with perfect long, black eyelashes. She leaned against a locker that belonged to a boy named Chase. Chase rested his forearm over her head against his locker. He leaned down to kiss her but she brushed him off and walked away... to her locker. I watched and waited for her to reach for the lock on her locker. The moment her manicured hand rested firmly on the lock she let out a loud shriek. She collapsed on the floor and stared and her burning flesh. A large crowd gathered around her. I stared at her wide-eyed, unsure how to react. Horrified that someone was on the floor as the flesh of her hand boiled, or proud that the elixir worked. I stood there with a numb felling. Devin rushed to her side and picked her up bridal style an lead her to the nurses office. as they passed me and Carly, Devin glared at me. When our eyes met I flinched, and realized he new vary well that it was me.
"whoa, that was weird. Maybe there was some type of acid or something on her locker." Carly said.
"yeah, maybe." I said. Just then the bell rang and we walked to our first class. Me much slower because the guilt was eating me up. For the first three periods I didn't pay attention at all. I only sat there like I was paying attention, but really I was listening to my iPod. When the bell rang My head shot up and I walked out the room with Carly. As we walked down the hall, Devin caught my eye and I looked over at him. He cocked his head to the side and left. As if he was motioning to follow.
"Hey, Carly could you grab us a table. I forgot my money in my locker." I told her. She nodded and walked off. I ran in the same direction I saw Devin heading. I looked around lost when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled my away. I gave a yelp but then I saw Devin, I know I shouldn't be happy to see him but I was some what relived. He pulled out side behind the gym.
"what do you want , Devin?" I asked him. He turned around and I saw that he was furious.
"It was you wasn't it?" He asked me as he stepped closer to me. I retreated a few steps back the closer he got.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked innocently. I was now pinned against a wall ,with Devin's arms caging me in.
"Don't play innocent." He banged his fist against the wall it caused me to jump. I slammed my eyes shut I then darted down the wall and curled up on the ground, trying to make my self seem invisible. I looked to see him fuming at me, and cowered underneath him. He gripped my hair and roughly pulled at it. I clawed at his arm to loosen his grip but he was unaffected.
"Now tell me how you did it! Why can you touch witch hazel?" He yelled at me.
"I-I can't." I squeaked. He drought his face close to mine and glared into my eyes.
"Then I guess you won't be leaving any time soon." The then started chanting an ancient spell. I could feel the electricity pumping threw me and I started to go numb. I knew this hex very well. He was temporally paralyzing me. Suddenly Devin was lifted off of me. I looked up to see Nate straddling Devin and pounding at his face.
"Nate?" I almost whispered. Nate looked over and his gaze met mine. He rushed over to me but before he could I hopped up off the ground and brushed my self off.
"Are you okay?" He asked me I nodded.
"I'm fine." I told him as I walked past him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back,
"Wait." He said as he spun me around to face him.
"Why didn't you use your powers?" He asked me. God I hate that question.
"Just drop it, Nate."
"Savanna, Tell me." He stared intently at me, and then it dawned on him.
"You couldn't... could you?" I stayed silent for awhile.
"answer me!" He ordered.
"No, I couldn't! Are you happy now?" I shouted at him.
"When I'm scared, my nerves take over, and my powers lock themselves. Now just drop it okay." I said as I stormed off.



It seems like no mater how many times I talk to her, she always stormed of angry. I couldn't blame her, especially this time. When I saw that her friend ,Carly, had been sitting alone for a long time, I went looking for her. I followed her sent to the gym. I heard a small voice,
"I-I can't." At first the voice sounded so high pitched that it sounded like a child's voice but then I realized it was her. I ran full speed to the side of the gym to see Savanna cowering in front of Devin. He then yanked her hair and she cried out in pain. Rage engulfed me and I yanked him away from her. I then threw him onto the ground and straddled him. I started punching at his jaw repeatedly until he blacked out. IO didn't care though, I just continued to punch him.
"Nate?" I heard a small voice ask. My limbs fell limp and I turned around to see her sitting on the floor. I leaped up and made my way over towards her but before I could she leaped up of the ground and brushed her self off."Are you okay?"I asked her and she nodded.
"I'm fine." She told me as she walked past her. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back,
"Wait." I said as I spun her around to face me.
"What?" she snapped.
"Why didn't you use your powers?" I asked her.
"Just drop it, Nate." She said with a weak and ashamed tone in her voice.
"Savanna, Tell me." I stared intently at her, and then it dawned on me. My mind flashed back to that night that she saw me. She didn't even try to hex me until she had relaxed mire. So that was it hu? But was it even possible for her to be her own weakness?
"You couldn't... could you?" She stayed silent for awhile. She hugged herself and shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. I could tell by the look on her face that she was deep in thought.
"answer me!" I ordered. I mentally slapped my self for using that harsh tone with her. Savanna's eyes met mine and she wore a displeasing scowl on her face.
"No, I couldn't! Are you happy now?" She shouted at me. I was taken back by her words. I stood there and tried to rap my brain around it.
"Wh-" Was all I got to say before I stopped myself. I saw that she had that same ashamed look in her eyes as if she was hurt and on the verge of tears. I wanted so bad to wrap my arms around her and hold her close to my chest as she cried. Shit that's all I've wanted for the past two years or so.
"When I'm scared, my nerves take over, and my powers lock themselves. Now just drop it okay." she said as she stormed off. I didn't chase after her. I just watched as her form vanished around the corner.
I walked over to Devin's motionless body and bent down next to him. I placed my hand on his forehead and searched his mind for the events that just happened. When I saw the memory of him hurting Savanna, I wanted to wake him up just so I could beat the shit out of him again. Before I did something I would regret I erased his memories of the last half hour and then sprinted away to find Savanna.
I followed her sent which lead me inside the Gym. I looked around but frowned when I didn't see her. I strained my eyes and enhance my hearing. My hunting senses picked up the distant sound of blood pumping. I found her. I saw her sitting under the bleachers in fetal position. As I got closer I was relieved to see that she wasn't crying, just in deep thought. I focused in on her thoughts and images flashed through her mind. She thought back to last year, Devin who was on the ground outside, her parents, her mother, witchcraft, and so much more. I felt bad for her in all honesty. Four years later and her parents murder was still fresh in her mind. I was shocked when all of a sudden she thought of me.
"get out of my head ,Nate." She said.
"Just wanted to know if your alright." I told her.
"I'm fine so leave."
"What type of a stalker would I be if I left you alone?" I said jokingly. She turned around and glared at me.
"I said leave." She warned me again.
"Not going to happen. You say your fine ,but I know your not." I told her. Stepped closer and placed my hand on the edge of the bleacher and instantly regretted it. I hissed in pain as a sharp pain shot up my arm. I removed my hand from the bench and looked down to see that the aluminum at the edge or the bench was a different shade. Silver.
"Did you just turn the bench to silver?" I asked.
"Yup." She said popping the "P" I watched as she brushed her hair to the side and for only a second she revealed her crescent scare on her neck.
"So when will you tell me how you got that?" I asked her. She turned around and looked at me with a panicked look.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2011

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