
Weird Days…
By: lexi garduno

I opened my eyes as I lay in bed, knowing it was time to get up. Sitting up in my bed, I see something run across the room. "Ugh, Dot," groaning as I get out of bed. I Nick Dot around the room, not thinking to tell her to sit or stop. I corner her then pick her up. I open the door to my room and run down the hall. Then I run down stairs while calling out, "Mom!" I wait for answer. "Mommy!" Again, no answer.
I walk down the hall to my mom’s room but stop when I hear a noise in the kitchen. I put Dot down and walk to the kitchen. Pushing the swinging door open, I see no one’s there. “Ugh.” I walk back to my mom’s room and walk over to her bedside. She’s sound asleep, I whisper “Mom,” when she doesn’t answer, I roughly rub her back, “Mom,” I say in a questionably voice and bring my hand back to see.
Blood. “No! No! No!!!” I scream as my mom opens her eyes and smiles, “Sorry, I let the dog in and forgot to lock the door.” Still smiling, she closes her eyes.
I get up and run out of her room, down the hall to find the side table. I pick up the phone and dial ‘911’. “Pick up, pick up,” I say in an anxious voice. “911, what your emergency,” I hear on the other line. I let out a big breath and suck it back in. “Yes, yes. You’ve got to help! Hurry, please!”
“Mam, I’m sorry but I can’t understand what you’re saying. Now I won’t be able to hear what you’re saying unless calm down. Now, tell me again.”
“Calm down? Calm down?! Listen here! What I am trying to say is my mother is freaking dying here!”
“Okaii, what is your address?”
“1765 Gol-” Someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth. I hear the person speak in a deep voice, “No one is coming to help. No one is going to help you, and you’re not going anywhere,” He paused for a second, “Well, you might go somewhere, like uhm, hell…You are a naughty little girl, calling the police on me you know. And now you have to pay the price.” As he says that, I feel a sharp pain in my back. I groan and say, “What the-” he cuts me off as he speaks.
“Hmmm, you gonna cuss at me little girl,” He takes my head by my hair, “I don’t think so!” Another pain I feel, smaller then before as he pulls the knife out from my back and puts it in front of my neck.
“NO,” I scream as I sit up in my bed. I pat myself all over, I’m alive. It was a dream, oh my god. I jump out of bed and run as fast as I can down the stairs, down the hall to my mom’s room. She’s asleep with Dot at her feet. Oh my gosh, she, oh my gosh. Okaii, Okaii, Bree, she’s fine, you see she’s fine, I think to myself. I wake her up gently as she says in a low, “What? What’s wrong?” Oh, and when she says that, it makes me want to cry. I grab onto her and hug her tightly. “Oh!”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing, I’m just glad that you’re safe.” I hug her again. “Oh, but it’s time to get up,” I look at the clock on her bedside table. “It’s 5:47.”
I pick myself up and run down the hall, pushing the swing door open to the kitchen. I slide over to the cabinets and open it as I pull a box of Cheerios down along with 2 bowls. I wait for my mom to answer after I shout, “Cheerios or uhhhmm?” I set them down on the island and walk to glide to the fridge and open it up; I pull out the milk and slide it down along with the other breakfast items. “Anything besides Cheerios. You knoooww I hate them,” I hear her shout back. I laugh. So I try sliding down back to the cabinets but as I do, I slip and fall. “Oomph.” I make a sound as I hit the ground; I pick myself back up. Opening the cabinet, I hear my mom enter the kitchen. She sits down on one of the stools as I pull the cereal down from the cabinet. “Ugh, I’m so tired. I was up all night with the baby.”
I stop and look at her, confused. “Dot,” My mom says as she rolls her eyes.
“Ohh…so Dot was keeping you up all night?”
“Yeah. He kept barking at something that seemed like the kitchen. I thought he was hungry or something so I filled his bowl. But he didn’t touch any of it.”
“Hm. Strange.”
“Yeah, I just don’t get it,” My mom replies as she rubs her head.
I pour some cereal into the bowl as the milk follows after. Skipping over to the sink, I pick 2 spoons from the dish rack and walk back to my mom. I put the spoon in her bowl and push it closer to her. She picks up the spoon along with some cereal. I pour my cheerios into my bowl, pour the milk. I reach for the spoon and then drop it as hear a noise at the door.
My mom hops off the chair, “I’ll get it.” She walks out of the kitchen to the foyer, I hear her open the door. I sneak to the foyer and hide behind a doorway to see who it is. I whimper and make a gagging noise as I see who it is. I run out from the doorway over to the door.
“My mom was wondering if-“ I cut him off by slamming the door in his face.
“What was that for,” My mom asks as I reply.
“Ugh, I hate him. You know that. You also know I'm terrified of him.” I walk away from the door with my mom following behind. I stop at the doorway to the kitchen, “And if he ever comes here again, don’t you dare to answer,” I say with a growl and continue to walk into the kitchen.
I plop down next to my mom on one of the stools and munch on my cereal with an angry look on my face. My mom looks at me and says, “Turn that frown upside down, Bree. You still got all day, and the rest of the day might make you happy.”
As she says that, I hear another noise at the door. I groan, “If it’s that freakin creeper, and is coming back for an apology, I’m gonna fucking beat his ass.”
“Hey! Watch your language,” My mom says. I roll my eyes and hop off the stool. I run out of the kitchen, down the hall and grab the baseball bat that sits next to the side table drawer.
“Not right now mom!”
Walking down the hallway to the foyer, I hear another knock. “Hold on you fuckin mother fuckin creepy ass fuck!” I reach the door and open it, raising the bat. As I open it, I see it is not my neighbor Steven; but something glowing in front of me. And his perfect emerald, green eyes that you’d just want to gaze at all day that hid under his brown hair. Oh he glows like sunlight, with his perfect, natural brown hair that you’d just want to run your fingers through. And his blond streaks made his hair pop out even more! His perfect pale skin that you’d just want to reach out and touch because it looked so soft and magical. And last, but not least, his lips. Oh, I could sit and trace them, feeling his soft, velvet lips.
I slowly drop h baseball bat as I also change my expression, “Gary! Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
He chuckles softly, “I thought so, I don’t think you’d want to hit your bestii, would you?” He smirks and I smile back. He opens his arms as I lounge for a hug.
Just then, my mom walks into the foyer, seeing us hug. She smiles, “Hi Gary, I didn’t know you were coming this early.” I let go of him and turn to my mom. He looks at her and winks, “Well, I’m here,” Flashing her a smile.
“How’s your mom?”
“Eh, she’s fine; the usual,” He says as he leans against the doorframe. Then comes awkward silence. My mom leaves the room, heading back to the kitchen. I look at him weirdly and say, “Wait, why aren’t you in the house? Oh my gosh, I’m so dumb, I forgot to tell you to come in.”
“First of all, you’re not dumb. Second of all, I would of came in if I wanted to, because babe, su casa es mi casa,” When he says that, we both burst out laughing and stop after a few seconds, “And third of all, you’re pretty.”
“Why’d you add that? Wha? We weren't even talking about prettiness or anything.”
“Because, I just wanted to state a fact,” He says as he winks at me.
“Aww, you don’t mean that, though. I’m ugly and fat.”
Gary looks at me and picks me up, I yelp. Then he says, “Stop lying to yourself. You’re not fat or ugly. You’re thin and beautiful,” He says as he carries me into the living room and drops me on the couch as I giggle. He yells, “Right Jess?”
My mom replies with a shout, “What? Wait, what are we talking about again?” After she says that, we laugh. And both call out ‘Nevermind!’ and chuckle. Gary pulls me onto his lap while he runs his hand through my hair.
I look up at him and he looks down at me, “What?” He stops touching my hair and smiles.
“Nothing. I just,” I pause, “I don’t know.” I move around trying to get comfortable again, I was slipping every so often.
“Bree, sorry to change the subject but, uhm,” He laughs, “You are not dressed.” I look down at my body then back at him.
“What do you mean? I’ve got clothes on.” I look at him weirdly.
“I meant you are still in your pajamas and you’re ready for school.”
“Pshh, huh, pssh, who said I wasn’t going to school in my pajamas?”
“I know you Bree, that’s why I know for sure you aren’t going to school with your pajamas on. So lets head upstairs,” He says as he picks me up onto his shoulders and runs towards the stairs.
We hear my mom call out, “Where you guys goin?”
“Upstairs,” We both reply. And then I say, “Yeah, to my room.”
We ran, well, he ran carrying me up the steps and down the hall to my room. Gary struggles to open my door but finally gets it open; I giggle. He plops down on my bed and I climb off his back. I hop off my bed and go to my drawer. “Wait, wait,” Gary says standing up from the bed and walks over to the dresser, “I want to pick them out.”
I look at him, half confused, half surprised, “Okaii then.”
He opens the top drawer and I smack his hand and he looks at me with his fiery eyes, “What was that for?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t really mean to, but I just wanted to stop you from going in my UNDERWEAR DRAWER!”
“Oh…” As he says that I open the drawer, and he pulls out a pair of blue and green striped panties, a blue bra with green hearts and a purple pair of socks.
“Uhhh…dot dot dot…” Then we start laughing.
Then we stop when we hear a noise from downstairs, “Hurry Bree, it’s 6:24!”
“Okaii,” I reply back. I open up my second drawer and before I have time to grab a shirt, Gary quickly searches through my shirts and picks out a purple top (with a little monster in the corner of the shirt) and throws it at me.
“Wait, don’t you want to look in the second drawer? I have a second drawer of shirts.”
“Nah, I know this is the one.”
“Alright,” I say, “Aha. You sound like your talking about a person like, ‘She’s the one.’”
“Oh…I do need to tell you something…”
I hear nervousness in his voice as he says that and opens the third drawer, closing it, remembering it’s another shirt drawer. He bends down to open the fourth then looks up at me. “Bree…” Oh no, here it comes. He’s gonna tell me that he wants sometimes away from me and that we won’t be friends for a while. “I’ve got a girlfriend.”
“Oh,” Pause, “That’s nice,” Pause, “Soo…what’s her name?”
“Actually, you know ‘er. It’s Alexis’s sister… Kaitlin…yeah.”
“Yeah, I know her. But Gary, why are you sounding strange? Do you think I'm mad?” I look up into his eyes and back down to my pants drawer, “Well, I’m not mad. No,” I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans to go with my purple beater and slam the drawer closed. Gary just stands there with his mouth hanging a little open. I stomp over to my door and grab my sweater hanging on the door. I turn and give him an angry look, “I’M NOT MAD!” SLAM! I slammed the door with him just standing next to my dresser.
I walk down the hall to the bathroom mumbling to myself. “Why was I such an idiot? Why am I mad anyways? Its not like we had something. We were only best friends!” I open the bathroom door, walk in, close the door and lock it. I take everything off besides my shirt. I quickly slip on my new pair and jeans. Then I hear someone coming down the hall. I pull my shirt off then hear a knock at the door.
“Bree? Bree, can you open this door?”
“For what Gary, I’m changing.”
“Oooh. Strip for me.”
I opened the door as he said this and he looked at me as I looked at him. I only had I had my jeans on but no shirt. Luckily, I had my bra to hide my boobs. “Didn’t you just say you have a girlfriend?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, why are you telling me to strip?! Why don’t you go over to Kaitlin’s house and watch her strip!”
“Bree, listen. Just because I’m going out with her doesn’t mean I don’t love or like you anymore. I do love you, and I really like you too, but. She just got to me first, you shouldv'e.”
With my teary eyes, I look up into his. “Ga-Gary, I’m sorry. I really am.”
“It’s okaii babe,” He opens his arms and I hug him, very tightly.
I cry in his arms as he talks in my ear in a low voice, “I love you,” I nod my head and wipe the tears in my eyes as I sniffle. “Now go finish getting ready.” I nod my head but don’t go.
But after a few seconds I let go and walk into the bathroom as he stands against the door frame. I grab my shirt off of the sink and slip it on. I hear someone call from downstairs, “Bree, you’re ready right?”
“Just give me a few more minutes.”
“Okaii! You better be ready in 5.”
I grab the brush off of the sink and fix up my hair. After brushing my hair I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing. I look over at Gary who’s still staring at me, “Uhhh….”
“Sorry,” after he says that, he quietly chuckles.
I rinse my mouth and pat my mouth with the rag towel. “You ready?”
“Let’s go.”

He says he can; but Steven lies
“He really said that,” Alexis asked as we walked down the halls of
“Yeah, and he was all like ‘oh she got to me first.’ I mean, what is that supposed to mean,” I replied.
“Wow, I can’t believe Gary would say that to you. He loves you so much but he breaks your heart constantly so I guess I change my mind; it’s not that surprising,” Lexi said.
“I know, I know. And I love him tew.”
We walked into the cafeteria and into the line. I grabbed a tray as my friends did the same. After picking my meal, I punched in my numbers to my profile for lunch. “You can go,” The lunch lady said in a tired voice.
My friends and I stood after getting our meals and looked around to where we should sit. Lexi spotted a place so we walked over. On our way there, Kayla and Krista ran into me. “Hey Bree,” Kayla said.
“Hey sexies,” I say smiling at them. I set my tray on a table and hug them, “What’s up?”
“Eh, nothing much, you?” Kayla and Krista took turns talking.
“I was just bout to eat,”
“Oh, okaii. See ya later.”
“I love you!”
And they both replied, “Love you too.”
I continue to walk over to the table and as I reach it and sit, Alexis asks, “Awww, was that Kayla and Krista?”
“Oh, Imma go say hi to them,” Alexis replies as she skips away.
I start picking at my food as Lexi says, “You gonna go say Haii to Gary?”
“Where?!” I look around the cafeteria lookin for that beautiful face of his. I spot him, “GARY!!!” I run over to him, leaving Lexi sitting there like she’s left out, which she is. But that doesn't matter now, I have a hot guy to go hug!
He turns his head towards me, opens his arms as usual and I hug him as he accepts the hug and wraps his arms around me. I love his scent, he smells yummy. As I’m drowning in his smell, I hear Nick say, “Bree!”
I let go of Gary and turn to Nick. “Nick!"
"Gary!" Gary yells, we laugh.
Nick, Gary and I are chatting until Kaitlin and Alexis arrive.
“Hey Smexii boi,” Kaitlin says as she gets all over him.
“Hey baby,” He replies. I roll my eyes as she kisses him on the lips.
I turn to talk to Nick as Alexis joins in our conversation. “I fisted a fairy!”
Nick turns to me and Alexis with a strange expression, “What?”
We both reply, “Inside joke.” And Alexis and I start laughing.
I look over to where Bree and Alexis stand talking to Nick. I watch them as they laugh hysterically. I just sit and pull my knees up to my chest and cross my arms. I grab my pear and take a bite them throw it down back on my tray.
Someone taps me from behind, “Hey sexii, where’s your sexii beast?”
I know that voice anywhere. “Steven.” I say in a voice as if questioning him. “What do you want?” I say with a frown on my face.
He walks over to the stand in front of me and grabs my pear; he takes a bite, swallows then says, “I want to make you happy Lexi. Don’t you see?” He offers me the pear back as i look at the pear then back at him then smack it out of his hand, “Mmm, you’re so feisty.”
“Go away Steven! Fuck you! I don’t like you and I never effing will. I don’t want you to make me happy because you won’t. And right now you’re making me far from happy than I already am,” I shout, but not to loud. Just to where he can hear me. As I say this, I stand up and clench my hands into fists.
“Oh. Is that so,” He stops walking around me and looks at me, “Then tell me Lexi, why are you always shy of me? Why do run when I come near you? It looks like your just hiding what you feel for me. That’s what I think…”
“Well, you must be thinking very wrong because you don’t see me running right now. I don’t like you, in fact, I hate you! So fuck off! I’m surprised I haven’t punched you yet!”
He chuckles, “Just for now but I’ll still be here, you just won’t know until I make my first move…” He walks away. I run to the girl’s room and hide in the stall. What am I hiding from?
“I’m gonna head back to the table,” Gary looks at me then says ‘Okaii.’ “Alexis,” She turns from talking to Nick to me, “You coming?”
“Uh, yeah.” We walk back to the table to find Lexi not there. Alexis and I exchange glances and run to the bathroom. “Lexi?”
We hear a reply coming from the second stall, “Yeah, what?” We realize she’s angry.
“What’s wrong, Lex?” I ask her with a curious look on my face.
I reply quickly, “Oh come on, Lexi. Tell me, what’s wrong?”
“Just Steven.”
“What,” Alexis and I say in a questionable voice.

The Fight and then another...
“What exactly did he say?” Alexis asks as we walk down the hall. It’s after school and we are about to walk home.
“Steven. He said not to worry. That he’s coming to rescue me from my sadness and he’ll make it all go away.”
“Well, why would he say that? You’re perfectly happy, you’ve got me and Alexis and, and…uhh…yeah, you got us.”
I look at her and roll my eyes. “That’s exactly it though. Why don’t you see that I am so unhappy? Well, of course you dont, because you are always with your friends. I just want more friends. I’ve asked you before if you would kindly introduce your friends to me but noooo. ‘It would be too weird.’” I make quotation marks around in the air when I say ‘too weird.’
“But it would because-”
I cut her off, “I hear sooo much about Kayla and Krista and Gary and Kage and Nick and all of those other people. But I never get to meet ‘em!” I pause and breathe furiously for a second. “And on top of that, I’m single! Which makes me even lonelier!”
“I’m sorry that you feel that way but it would be too weird. Because one, your nothing like them. Two, you are my Lexi. And when I am taking a break from them-”
I cut her off here, “Never.”
She frowns at me and continues talking, “When I take a break from them, I hang out with you. And when I take a break from you-”
I cut her off again, “Which is always, because you barely hang out with-“
She cuts my off this time but shouts, “Are you going to stop cutting me off?! I’m serious! God, you are getting annoying! And you keep lying; I do hang out with you! More than them!”
“Well, why don’t you go take your little break from me and go hang with your friends?”
“I shall do that,” She gives me a look that tells me to bug off, “Come on Alexis,” She grabs Alexis’s arm and drags her down the opposite way I’m walking.
Alexis mouths ‘sorry.’ As I reply, “Its fine Alexis, you’re with them anyway…” I roll my eyes and keep walking as I open the doors and walk out. I pull out my cellphone and dial my mom’s number. I put it on speaker.
She picks up, “Hello?”
“Hey mom, uhm, I’m not going to Bree’s today, she’s going to hang with her other ppl..”
“Oh okaii, so, where do you plan on going? You know I can't pick you up from school right now. I got work till 5 today.”
I sit there for a minute and think of where I could go. Until I finally think of a place to go. “Can I go to Jake’s?”
“Uhhh….sure. Wait, till what time?”
“Emm…,” I pause and tap my phone for the time as I see it is 3:27. I continue to talk in the phone, “Uh, what about 5:30?”
“5:00. Well, okaii around 5:30..”
“Okaii,” I sigh, “Well, I’m gonna get going. K mom?”
“Alright. Bye, I love you.”
“Love ya too.”
“Bye.” Click. I end the call as I start walking to Gary’s. I come to a stop sign and look both ways and jog across the street. After I cross, I look over at the gas station then back down the street. The gas station is right across the street and I really have a craving for a Monster…Hmm..should I go? Eh, I will, mom won’t know anyway. Or wait, should I go get Jake to come with? Hm, I’ll go get him. I start walking down Canopy St and look for a two-story, blue house. Ah ha!
I walk up to the gate and unlock then push open. I run up to the door and knock. I hear footsteps coming to the door. Then someone peeks out from the window. Jake opens the door, “Heyy you.”
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“What? Your friend can’t just come over?”
He laughs, “Yeah, come in.” He moves away from the door so I can come in.
I walk in and he shuts the door. I stand there. He walks over sits on the couch. He pats the spot next to him motioning me to go sit next to him. I do. I notice his puppy sitting on the other couch. He pounces off and runs towards this couch. “Levi! Haii puppy.” I pat his head as he jumps on my lap.
Jake watches as I pet Levi. “So Jake, I was going to go to the gas station and get a Monster but then I decided to come see if-”
He cuts me off by kissing me. At first, I pull away and look at him weirdly and he blushes with a sad face. But then I dive back in and kiss him back. I pull away and ask, “Sooo…what was that for?”
“What? You didn’t enjoy it? I thought you were,” He looks away sadly.
“I did, honestly, it was amazing. I just,” I pause, “Don’t you have a girlfriend?”
He sighs, “Yeah, I guess..” I groan then he says, “But look, it’s not really real. Not really,” We laugh at this, “She just asked me out and I said yes, and that’s all there is to it. I don’t even like her that much; I’m just giving her a chance. So technically, I don’t have a girlfriend.”
He looked into my eyes as I looked into his. I laid my head on his shoulder as he kissed me on the forehead. I smiled, “Okaii then,” I sighed, “What ever you say babe.”
He sat up as I did. Then he stood while I sat there looking at him, running my hand through my hair. “Still wanna go get a Monster?”
I looked up at him, “Yeah,” I smiled, “Sure.” He helped me up as we collided together and laughed.
Hanging with them..
“Ahahahaha!” We all laugh. Gary, Nick, Krista, Kayla and I were all hanging out at the park. Alexis was here with us but she left about half an hour ago. And oh yeah, Kaitlin is here..
“Did you see him? He was all…” She cut herself off with her own laughter.
“Yeah,” Gary sat back down on the bench as I popped down on his lap. He played with my hair, twisting parts. “Hey! Let’s go get some Monshters!!!!!” Gary shouts. I jump up off of his lap as he stands up after. We walk down the hill and onto the sidewalk, laughing.
As we’re walking down the street, I spot Jake and Lexi walking down the street laughing. I decide to follow them. “Hey guys,” They turn to me, “I’m going to go say hi to uh Lexi..k?”
Before they could answer, I ran over to a bush to hide behind it. I crouched down as I heard them talking about how my sister, Jenny, listened to Justin Bieber and how he was a fag. They laugh as I walk out behind the corner of the bushes to say “haii”. They turn as they hear my foot steps.
Jake and I stop and turn as we hear foot steps. And who stands there? Bree.
“Oh, haii Bree..What are you doing here?”
“Just walking and no. The question is what are you doing here? With Jenny’s boyfriend?”
“We were just walking to the store. Why? Is there a problem with that?”
“Uhh..maybe? What do you think?” She puts her hands on her hips.
“I guess you have a problem with it but you can’t stop me from hanging with my best friend. So... you might as well drop it.”
“Ohh… you want me to drop it? Is that right? Well, I am not going to until you get away from Jake!”
“Aha! Do you hear her,” I turn to Jake, “She wants me to get away from my best friend.” Then I look back at her, “Listen Li! One day, your sister and my BEST FRIEND are not going to be together anymore. Then, you won’t get mad when I hang out with him. Therefore, you should not be mad now since; they aren’t going to stay together forever. But anyways, what you say, will not stop me. It never will!”
“You will do what I say and walk away,” She said with a grin. So, I grabbed Jake by the hand and continued to walk down the sidewalk.
“Hey! You can’t just walk away from me like that!” She ran up to us and pulled on his arm as he ripped it away and gave her an angry look.
“Will you just let me be?! God, you are so immature!” He grabbed my hand as we continued to walk and leave Bree with a shocked expression on her face.
We crossed the street as we made it to the gas station to find Gary and all of Bree’s other friends. We smiled at them and said ‘Haii.’ They said haii too as we all grabbed Monsters. Then Kaitlin asks me where Bree went, I replied, “Last time I saw her, she was standing on the sidewalk in shock!” We both started laughing and said Bye.
Jake and I drank our Monsters as we walked to the park. He held my hand then I looked at him. He smiled. I smiled back.
But an uneasy smile..


Texte: breelovesu inspired me to write this book. She has pretty good books too, you should check them out also.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2011

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Dedicated to my best friend Bree, who inspired me to write this book.

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