
Have you ever felt like your world is falling down and you feel dull and sad? Have you ever had that feeling like your life is going to down in the ditch and will always stay like that? Well, I know someone who has. And let me tell you, all those little problems that are bothering you, all those little disagreements, arguments, mean nothing compared to her life. My name is Mandy and I am going to tell you a little story about my friend.

Her name is Lacey, Lacey Kingman

To my mom, Maria

“Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can.” — Nicholas Sparks


Lacey, Lacey has always been a friend to me. She is like a sister to me. I know everything about her. Her favorite color, her favorite band, her favorite food, her favorite book, even her favorite number. She has always been there for me, she’s the bestest friend anyone could have.

The Ocean!....

“No, please, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This can’t be true!” I am wailing, in my desk, at school. How embarrassing…but I can’t stop. For some reason, the tears will not stop, I can’t control myself. I know that when I get home I would be in trouble. My mom will not accept the fact that I lost my phone!
“Yes, yes, it’s true; it’s a fact. Why, Daniel, write that fact down. ‘Mandy’s phone is in the ocean’. That will be perfect for your report on The Ocean,” Ms. Delany must be telling some type of joke; she couldn’t be telling the truth. “Anyways,” Ms. Delany turns her head to me, “yep, Mandy; I was walking through Australia, on my way to Yolanda’s. And while I was walking all of a sudden, I see something far out in the Indian Ocean. And so, I dig my binoculars out of my purse and looked closer. Then I noticed the little buttons and the keychain, and then I knew it was your phone, because you had just gotten a new phone and I saw what it looked like. It was a…a…a Samsung! Yeah, it was a Samsung. Because remember when I took your phone away the other day; you were texting during class? So anyways, I told this fisherman if he could go out and fetch it for me. He said ‘Of course’ and I said ‘thanks’. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get it at the moment so; he’ll be here around 2:45? So don’t worry you’ll get it back. I’m pretty sure he….” She just keeps babbling and babbling on, just shut up, would you? And Australia?! This area isn’t even close to Australia! What is her problem? I know my new phone is not in the ocean, and definitely not the Indian.
I drop my head on my desk. Ms. Delany finally stops talking. I wait for her to say she’s joking, but she doesn’t instead she says, “Alright everyone, we are going to watch a movie,” everyone cheers, “Okay, okay. Quiet down now. Make sure you guys take notes.” She says as she pulls down the projector screen.
“What? Your just gonna put on a cartoon after you just told me my phone is in the ocean” I yell but she doesn’t hear me, “Are you listening to a single word I’m saying?” “Apparently she’s not because she ain’t answering me!”, I thought to myself.
Right then, someone walks up behind me and taps me on my shoulder and says in a stuck up voice, “Do you know what show we are watching, missy?”
I turn at her, giving her ‘the evil eye’, she sees the angry expression on my face. “Does it look like I care?” I answer back in a snotty tone.
“Don’t talk to me like that!”
“I can talk to you however I would like!”
“You stop that this instant! Chloe! Go to your desk!” Mrs. Delany yells at Chloe as she thrust her hand out pointing to Chloe’s desk. “No. better yet, go to the principal’s office!” Chloe marched towards the door, stopping at the doorway to turn and give me a dirty look. She turned back around and walked out.
Ms Delany turns to me and smiles, “Isn’t this your favorite show? ….We put it in our notebook 'cause they're Blue’s Clues…..Whose clues? Blue's Clues! You know what to do! Sit down in our thinking chair and think...,” Ms. Delany sang. She walks over to me while singing. She bends over and grabs my hands and pulls me up. She holds my arms up to try to make me dance, I look like a puppet. I have no control over myself.
“….thi-i-ink. Because when we use our minds and take a step at a time, we can do anything...That we wanna do! Yoo-hoo! I love Blue’s Clues, don’t you?” I see a smiling Ms. Delany as she spins me around. She’s still spinning, I pull away.
With an angry look on my face, I clench my hands into fists which I have down by my waist. I yell, “You guys are all nuts!” I stand on top of a chair and shout some more, “This is not a usual day,” I take a breath, what am I talking about; this whole class has been weird! I jump down from the chair and walk up to Ms. Delany, everyone’s starring.
“Ms. Delany! I am serious about this! You know I do not watch Blue’s Clues, and neither does the class. You didn’t walk through Australia to Yolanda’s, we don’t even live close to that continent! Yolanda’s is just down Prairie Ave. Moreover, my cell phone is not in the Ocean! This is so retarded!” I am yelling my head off at this teacher and she does not understand a thing! Right now, all I want is my phone. “I’m out.” I say in a calm voice I raise my arms up and walk towards the door, I drop my arms down.
My teacher looks at me, and in a voice I could not explain, says, “But we put your favorite show on.”
Everyone repeats her and says, “Yeah we did. We put your favorite show on.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about. I do not like Blue’s Clues at all. I don’t watch it, I never watched it, I never will!” I shouted at her. I am still walking to the door, but the more I walk, the farther away I get from the door. I have a mad expression on my face, I am mad. I am still angry and confused, but I don’t care. I keep walking.
“Oh don’t be silly, Mandy. We were all at your 3rd birthday, the Blue’s Clues theme party? Remember? You were so cute with your little party hat. Right, Chelsea?” Ms. Delany smiles at Chelsea. I stop turn around and stare at them with my mad expression.
Chelsea looked turned her head directly to me and looked up and down at me. She says, “Looked better as a toddler.” Everyone starts laughing, I am so embarrassed and mad, and confused and….and.
I drop down to the floor on my knees. I cover both of my ears with my hands. I repeat over and over again, “This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream…” I stop, but I shout, “Just leave me alone.” They are all still laughing. I pick myself up and walk to the door, I look back. Then turn forward again and keep walking down the long hall.
“But, don’t you want to wait for the guy to bring your cell phone?” Ms. Delany asks. Everyone stops laughing. She sounds like she’s never drank anything before, her voice sounded dry.
I turn around and look at her. I say calmly, “Ms. Delany, my phone is not in the ocean,” I lift my arms and drop them down on my thighs and heave a big sigh, at the same time nodding my head from left to right. I turn around and walk towards the door again. As I reach it, I stop and turn around to a bunch of people in their desks looking at me. I close my eyes as I turn back to walk out of the room.
BUMP! I open my eyes and jump to seeing a man in scuba gear holding something covered in seaweed.
“Nope, your cell phone ain’t in the ocean anymore.”
I stand back, and with a confused look on my face I ask, “Who are you and why are you here?”
“Well first off, my name is John. And well seems like Jessica, your teacher here, asked my boss to,” he coughs and clears his throat. “Lemme get this thingy off,” He says as he sets down the seaweedy thing on one of the desks and pulls his mask off and shakes his head. Water flicks off of his hair, “Ok, well, your teacher here, asked my boss, Frankie, if he could go out and fetch your phone. It was way out in the Indian Ocean. So, my boss asked his best,” John pulled to thumbs up when he said the word “best” and smiled. And he kind of had a New Jersey accent.
“See,” Ms. Delany said, “I told ya!”
I gave them a face that was saying ‘I don’t believe you.’ Than I say, “You guys are trying to get me to believe that my phone was in the ocean? Because it’s not working.”
“Well, it was. Do you want it,” John asks raising his left eyebrow.
“Sure. Yes,” I say as I hold out my hand. “Of course, thank you.” I say rolling my eyes. He picks a phone covered in seaweed up. So that’s what that was.
“Alrighty, here ya are,” He says. With a grin on his face, he hands me my phone.
I stand there and stare at the screen, I roll my eyes, chewing my gum. Wait where did the gum come from? “How is this supposed to work if it was in water for more than an hour?”
John heavily sighs; He reaches into his pocket and pulls his phone out. He holds it up in front of me. He shows me the screen; it’s lit up and reads ‘John’s Fone’ on the screen. “That, this phone right here was in the ocean for more than a day,” He says. The phone begins to ring. The background turns black with little white font wording in the middle reading and now reads, ‘Call from Frankie.’ A little, white figure of a phone sits next to the words.
“Ohp got a call,” He brings his phone back up to his face to see who is calling. He looks at the screen he gets a frightening look on his face. “Oh! I’ve got to take this. It’s the boss.”
I sigh, rolling my eyes, “If you say so.” I reach for my phone and grab it. When it’s in my hands, I give a sigh. I look up at John, from my phone, with my eyebrows raised.
He nods forward. “Well, go on and try.” John mouths. I look back down at my phone.
I press the red button to turn it on. Surprisingly, it lit up. What? I look up at John with an awkward look on my face. I wait for John to be done on the phone so I can ask him what is going on. And why is this working, how is this happening?
“Okay,” pause, “Okay, okay. No problem,” another pause, “Bye,” Says John. He presses the end button.
As soon as he presses end, I say, “Uhm. What just happened here?” I point to my phone.
“Well, your phone turned on that’s what happened.” He smiles.
“That cant happen. It’s impossible.”
“Well it worked didn’t it?”
“It’s not supposed to,” I shout as I drop to my knees. Wait, this can’t even be real, how is all this going to happen? I throw the phone on the floor as hard as I can. You know what? I pick it back up and throw and repeat and repeat and repeat until the phone breaks. I look up at John; I grin at him. phone back?”
John puts a “what-in-the-world-did-you-just-do-?” look. “Why would
you do that?! I just brought your phone to you and this is what you
“Now your phone is back in the OCEAN!!!!!!!”
I wake up in my bed laughing. I sit up, laughing really loud and hard. All well, at least I’m at home and not still in my dream, wait, it was a dream, right just a dream. Goodness, wait where is my phone? Oh! ‘Dumbie, my phone is in my hand and I’m crying. Ugh, sometimes I get on my own nerves.’ I thought.
“What is going on?” My mom sounds concerned, she walks in.
“Sorry did I wake you?” My voice sounded scratchy as I spoke.
“No, but why were you laughing like a hyena? I was like- Ay niña, why are you crying?” When she said the word ‘crying’, she hung on to the ‘ing’ part.
I sighed, and then yawned. While yawning, I say, “Oh, I’m not crying. They’re just tears from laughing,” I stop yawning, “oh it was the dumbest dream ever.”
“What was it about?” My mom asked.
“I lost my phone. And you know Mrs. Delany, my homeroom teacher,” she nods, “Well she said she found it in the Indian Ocean (which I didn’t believe her), and then a scuba diver walks in the classroom and is holding my phone. Is crazy right?” I tell her, just summarizing it.
“Wow. Uhm. Yep, sounds crazy. Uhm-”
“Oh and the guy or scuba thing or whatever gave it to me. And I break it and he screams, ‘The OCEAN!!’.” I say as I am rolling my eyes.
“Ok…,” she says questionably, making a weird expression on her face. “Anyways, breakfast is ready if you want to go downstairs and eat. There’s toast with jam. Orange juice is in the fridge. Dad should be here in about...” She looks at my clock, which I got online; it’s a voice control color changing clock, not to brag. Ha-ha, “Twenty minutes. Hurry up and get dressed. Dad says today we leave at 7:30 and it’s already 6:40. Ya got half an hour, plus 20, to get ready. So fifty minutes.” She says as she walks out of my room. She sticks her head back in the room and says, “Ten minutes to an hour.”
“Alrighty, mom.” I get up off of my bed holding my phone. I toss my phone onto the window seat and skipped to my bathroom, straight to the sink; the mirror sits above the sink. I look at my self; my hair looks all tangled up. I run back to my room for my brush; “Where’s my brush?” I look all around the room. “Oh, right!” I turn toward my dresser and walk over to it. I grab my brush and skedaddle back to the bathroom. I start brushing my hair. ‘Gosh my hair really is knotty. Maybe because all of that tossing and turning in bed; it’s all because of that stupid dream.’ I thought.
After brushing my hair, I went into my room to change. I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans with my red studded belt then put on my hello kitty tee-shirt. There, all set. Well, at least my clothes. I go to the bathroom again and pull out my zebra-printed straightener. Brand, Corioliss.

After about 7 minutes of straightening my hair, I hear a foot step in my room. I poke my head out of the bathroom door, ‘Hmph, nobody there.’ Out of nowhere, I feel a poke in the ribs, as I did; I jumped as I dropped my straightener. But no one’s there. I look around the corner of the bathroom… “Mandy!” Lacey shouted, as I jumped back, frightened, well not really frightened but surprised.
“Oh my freakin’ gosh, Lacey.” I was out of breath.
“Gosh, don’t have a cow, Mandy” Lacey chuckles.
“I know but,” I took a breath, “I was straightening my hair and stuff.”
I pick up my straightener and set it down on the sink. I open out my arms and she jumps into my arms. “EEP! I missed you! EEP,” She backs away from me, “Alrighty,” She laughs as she clasps her hands together, “Any who, do you like my outfit? I just ordered this pair of pants online. Ya know, Hot Topic?” Lacey asked. She was wearing a vibrant purple color of pants, a black with silver studded belt, and a t-shirt with Gir holding a cupcake with colorful sprinkles on it.
“Your shirt is so epic! Yep, Hot Topic has the clothes. And yes, I love your outfit. Those streaks are so cute on you. They bring out your beautiful, beautiful green, green eyes.” I wink at Lacey, in a playful way. I made the Ts in ‘beautiful’ sound sharp. She looks at me like I’m crazy. We both burst out laughing.
After a minute of laughing, Lacey says, “Ok so what time is it?” “Ummm, I don’t know. Let me check my ‘wittle clockie. “Holy crap, it’s 7:50!”
“Nuh-uh.” She says. “It’s 6:57.”
“I know, I’m just kidding,” I chuckle.
Lacey gives me a look that is telling me I am retarded. She chuckles. “I have a phone you know. See,” she says as she shoves her phone in my face.
“Ummm, it says 6:58,” I say.
“Well, it’s 6:58 now.” She gives a soft laugh.
I turn to the mirror twisting a part of my hair. Lacey skips out of the bathroom into my room to sit on my bed. Holding the piece of hair, I use my other hand to grab my bobby pin; ugh I dropped it. “Hey Lace, could you pass me that red bobby pin on the floor? Well, it is the only bobby pin on the floor. L-O-L.”
She grins, nods and hops off of my bed. She skips into the bathroom and picks it up. After giving it to me she says, “So did you get my text?”
“No, I haven’t checked my phone in a while.” I check my pocket for my phone. It’s not there, “Oh I’ll check it in a minute.”
“No! I’ll just tell you what it said,” Lacey says, “Ehem,” She says clearing her throat and raising her eyebrow, her left, “it said, ‘well, you left your eyeliner at my house, and I was looking for it this morning.’ Guess where I found it?”
“Where?” I ask.
“In Doodle’s mouth.” Lacey smiles at me.
“You let him chew on it?” I said very calmly, giving her a confused look.
“No, because he never had it. Te-he-he!” She says as she pulls my eyeliner stick from behind her back. “Ta-da!”
“Oh. Giggle-giggle.” I said in a sarcastic voice.
“Yep.” Making a popping sound at the P in ‘yep’.
I jump at a sudden voice coming from down stairs. “Come on, Mandy. You’re dad is here. We leave in 15 minutes.” My mom shouted.
“Ok, mom.” Lacey and I shouted back, at the same time. We both giggle. Lacey sighs.
“Alright, my clothes are on, my hair is done, I got my bag, and…. Hmmm…. What else?” I stood in the bathroom, with one hand on my hip, thinking. I look at Lacey, who looks like she’s texting. “So who you texting?” I ask her. Sometimes when I ask that, I think it’s rude, but we always ask each other that; so I think she’s ok with it.
After about 15 seconds, she finally answers, “Oh, sorry, I missed out. Um, what did you say?” She asks as she looks up at me. My phone starts vibrating and playing one of my favorite songs, “Watch This” (feat. Dave Grohl & Duff McKagan).
“Um, hold on a sec,” I say, giving her a wink. I walk into my bedroom, out of the bathroom and pick up my phone off of the window seat. Looking at the screen, I smile. The screen reads, ‘Two new text messages.’ I touch ‘read now’ ‘Can I see what ur fone looks like?’ As I am walking back to the bathroom, I text back, ‘Yepp, u can see what my fone looks liike.’ I look up from my screen to see that Lacey is looking at me.
“Let me see.” She says in a squeaky voice.
I hand my cell phone to her. She looks at it, turning it over. “Nice phone.”
“Zhanks you,” I say as I tie my black converses’ laces on the window seat. I tie my other shoe, while Lacey lies on my bed. “So have you talked to Adam? I heard he was out of town last week.” I say to Lacey.
“Yeah, I’ve talked to him. And he went to visit his Grandma in Vermont. He called me when he got there. Grandma Jane was yelling at him to get off of the phone, it was funny,” Lacey chuckled and looked at the ceiling like she was in a trance. Adam was a guy we met in 2nd grade and became friends with. He was in a relationship with Lacey and they broke up this summer.
“Oh.” I look out the window, it’s raining.
“Yeah,” Lacey took a breath, we laughed. She sat up, “O-M-Gizzle. I ran into Lily the other day and guess who she was with?”
“Who? And oh wait, wait, back it up,” I stare at her in interest, “Lily is together with someone? Awww, that’s so cute. Who is it?” I say all excited.
“Ryan.” Lacey squeals, as I am putting on my coat. I checked myself in the mirror again. The light from the sun, which came through the window, glistened in my eyes as it reflected off of the mirror.
“Wow. They are together again? Wow.” I say as I reach for my lip balm. I apply it and then rub my lips together.
She smiles. Ryan and Lily, together, again. They had been together before, last year. Lily cried her eyes out when she was done with him. Hopefully they can keep their relationship. Their last relationship lasted only about a few months; unlike Lacey and Adam’s relationship. I’m happy, but, it better not be like last time. He did her so wrong.
But anyways, I can’t wait to go to school I missed it, surprisingly. After, I thought I wouldn’t want to go to school. I wanted to see all of my friends again. Like my Buttercup, haven’t seen her since camping. But camping was fun, if you call falling down off of a waterfall fun. oh yeah, and getting almost attacked by a bear.
I walk over to my door way and look at my Hello Kitty purse hanging on the door knob. Hmmm… do I want this purse or that one? I think to myself. “Eh,” I say as I shrug my shoulders and grab the Hello Kitty purse and throw my penguin tote bag on my bed.
It hits Lacey in the arm, “Hey!”
I skip down the hall, “Hey is for horses, darling,” I say as I turn to her and grab the stair railing. I run down the steps with Lacey following me from behind, smiling and trudging down the steps.
As soon as I hit the bottom step, my older brother, Alan, bonks me in the head, I bonk him back. “What’s up,” I say.
“Nothin’ much. Ready for school? I am so siked to see Jamie again.”
“Aw. You do really like her don’t you,” I say as Lacey hits the last step and smiles at Alan.
“Hey, Lacey,” He says as he flashes a smile at Lacey and turns back to me, “And yep, I really like her,” He says as he walks away into the kitchen.
We walk into the foyer. I look at Lacey, she gives me one of those looks that say, “Awwww.”
“What’s wrong?” I study her face a little bit longer. She moves her eyes toward the kitchen. My brother sits there head banging to his music, and biting into a muffin. “Oh. It’s okay,” I say as I grab her hand and skip to the door, “We’ll find you a boyfriend.” I open the door and walk out with Lacey as she smiles.
“I guess, I will find more fishies at school.”
I turn to her and flash her a grin, “Now that’s more like it.” I pull Lacey to the car and escort her inside, “My lady.” Lacey laughs and I hop in the car next to her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.04.2011

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To my mother Maria, whom I love.

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