
Chapter 1

Sunday, 2:00pm

Kiara Jones rolled over on her bed groaning. This annoying sound was disturbing her peaceful sleep. The sound continued. Urgghhh. Why doesn’t it just stop? She rolled again and hid her head under the cover. There it stopped, she sighed. Now she can sleep peacefully. But no! It started again! Ok now this stupid alarm clock was really pissing the shit out of her. And why was it making noises in the first place? Who had set it on? Who had dared to set an alarm clock on in HER room! She will deal with that later but right now she needs to sleep only this stupid alarm clock won’t let her. “STOP!” she yelled in a sleep wrapped voice. Since it was only an mere object and didn’t had ears to hear and follow orders even when it’s from none other than THE Kiara Jones; it didn’t stop. That’s it! She grabbed the clock from the side table and threw it to the closed door with full force. It shattered into pieces. ‘There it’s gone. Now I can sleep peacefully.’ She sighed and started to drip into sleep again when suddenly she heard the annoying sound again. Wait! How could a broken alarm clock still run! Then she jumped on her bed. Great! She just broke her alarm clock for nothing! It wasn’t the alarm clock which was making the sound, it was the stupid doorbell! The doorbell rang again and she got up from her bed angrily. Urrrrrghhhh! Whoever it was on the door, has better got a good reason for ruining her sleep like that. She thought and stomped to downstairs. Reaching there she continued stomping until she reached the door and yanked it open. There he stood. “Do you have any idea that you just ruined my precious sleep?”

“It’s not my fault if you choose the wrong time to sleep Kiara.” He said lazily as he pushed past his way into the house. “People are supposed to sleep at night.”

“Oh really? In exactly which book is it written that people are SUPPOSED TO sleep at night?” she mocked as she locked the door behind them. “It’s my life, my house, my room, my bed and my sleep! I can sleep whenever the hell I want to!”

“Okay, keep doing it. But don’t blame other people for ruining your sleep then.”

“I will blame people every time they ruin my sleep. Specially when they do it in my own house.” She said placing her hands in her hips. “And what are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m here to baby-sit you.” He replied.

“You are here to do what?” she screamed.

The tone she used, if it was anyone else who had heard the name of Kiara Jones, they would have started running in the opposite direction as if their life depended on it which was more or less true. But he was completely unaffected by her tone and just ignored her question. Instead he asked her, “Where is your phone?”

She frowned in confusion “My phone?”

“Yes your cell phone. Where is it?”

“Umm. I don’t know.” After thinking a while she replied scratching the back of her head.

“Did you eat anything?”

“Haven’t you been listening? I just woke up from sleep. Or rather correctly YOU just woke me up from sleep. So no. I didn’t eat.”

Again he ignored her sarcasm and asked “Do you have anything in the house that you can eat?”

Again she scratched her head again and said “Umm, I don’t....know?” she said this time getting a little nervous.

“Do you even have groceries?” he asked.

“I don’t know, okay?” she snapped. “What’s with all the investigation?”

“You don’t know where your phone is. You don’t know if there’s anything in the house that you can eat. You don’t even know if you’ve got any groceries left in the kitchen or you ran out of them. And you still ask me what I am doing here? I’m here to take care of you. I’m babysitting you until your parents are back from their tour. I don’t trust you in a house all by yourself.”

“Brian! It’s not just any house. It’s my house!”

“That doesn’t change anything.” her best friend replied calmly and steadily. Ugh! Sometimes he could be just so annoying! Why was she best friends with him anyway? Oh okay she remembered. Because he has so sweet and nice and caring and….. Okay she needs to stop and focus on the problem.

“I can take care of myself.”

“Right. That’s why you don’t even know where your phone is which was coming as switched of when I was trying to call you for the past two hours. And I bet, that’s because its battery is down since you have forgot to recharge your battery as usual. Yes, you can totally take care of yourself.”

“Okay, okay. I got it. But just because I forgot to recharge the battery of my cell phone doesn’t mean that I can’t take care of myself.”

“We all know just how well you can take care of yourself, Kiara. So let’s just not waste our time arguing about it. Until aunt and uncle come back, I will come everyday to check on you and cook for you and make sure that you eat those in time.”

“Why don’t you just move here then?”

“Actually, it’s a brilliant idea! It’ll be a lot easier then. I will just do it!” He grinned.


“Okay, okay. Chill out. I was just kidding. About the moving part anyway. The rest stay the same and it’s final. I’m taking care of you until your parents come back from there vacation.”

“But they are like gone for six months!”

“Then I’m babysitting you for six months.”

“Stop saying that! I’m not a baby!”

“Yes you are. Now stop whining and go get a shower while I cook for you. You are going to eat after that. And then maybe we can watch TV or something before we go out.”

“We are going out? Why?”

Brian sighed. He knew that she would forget again and he would have to remind her. How does she manage to forget the same thing every single week he didn’t know. “Kiara? It’s Sunday? Remember?” he asked pointedly. Then she remembered. “Uh, oh. Okay, I’ll be right back.” She replied and went to take a shower.

Chapter 2

“Okay. All’s set. Now let’s go in.” Brian said as he took Kiara’s one hand in his and started walking toward the entrance but Kiara stopped him by putting her hand on his elbow. “Wait. We can’t go in just now.” She said.

“Why?” Brian asked getting confused.

“Because we’ve forget something.”

“No we haven’t. We’ve got both the tickets and the popcorns.”

“Yeah but we forgot about the most important thing.”

“And what is that?” Brian asked frowning.

“Tissue Box!”


Kiara shifted again uncomfortably on her sit. People were staring at them awkwardly but she can’t help it! She can’t stop the sobbing no matter how hard she tries. It doesn’t work. It never had and it never will. It was just not something she could control! So she had simply stopped trying to stop it a long time ago. And now she was doing what she always does, passing the tissue papers to Brian who was using those immediately to wipe his tears. Yes. You have got that right. Her best friend who is a guy of twenty three years old cries while watching a movie! Or rather correctly while watching a stupid emotional overdramatic romantic movie. It was their movie day. Every Sunday evening they watch a movie together. They have been doing that since they were kids. They used to watch a movie together either in Kiara’s house or in Brian’s house every Sunday evening and they named Sunday as their movie day. And when they finally grew up enough to go in a movie theater without any need of being accompanied by an adult, they started to watch a movie together every Sunday in theater instead of one of their homes. And they never miss that no matter what. If one of them gets sick at their movie day they still watch the movie in the sick one’s home. No matter how busy they are, no matter in how much pressure they are, they always manage to steal some time for their movie time. Even when they had important exams in school or college and needed every single minute to take preparation for those exams, they didn’t miss their movie date. And it wasn’t easy for them. But they overcame all the obstacles and managed the time for each other. For others, it was downright silly. But for them it was a best friends thing. It was some thing very special and it was only between them. It was “their thing.”

But the trouble begins when it comes to choosing the movie that is going to be seen since Kiara and Brian had the total opposite choice. While Brian loves romance and emotional staff, Kiara was totally into adventure and action. So they take turns at choosing the movie. One week Kiara gets to select the movie and then the next week Brian gets to select the movie and thus continues.

This Sunday, it was Brian’s week and as usual he had chosen an illogical boring romantic movie much to her dismay. Kiara sighed as she passed another tissue paper to Brian. It seems like people were far more interested in staring at them than watching the movie. But that’s not what that was irritating her so much. She was used to people’s staring due to Brian’s sobbing while watching an emotional movie. And besides who cares what people thought? It’s the movie itself that was irritating her to death. Brian is the only person in the whole world who can actually make her watch a romantic movie, the thing she hates doing most. She rolled her eyes as another stupid scene was played on the screen. ‘Seriously! What could Brian possibly see on those movies?’ she thought. ‘How could he enjoy all those crying and illogical dramas? And the dialogs! Seriously, what’s wrong with the scriptwriters? Can’t people in love speak normally? What’s with all the cheesy lines?’ Those dialogs almost make her want to throw up.

She glanced at her watch again impatiently and sighed. Thirty minutes. She would have to tolerate this nonsense for thirty more long minutes. Suddenly Brian grabbed her hand in a strong grip and she looked at him only to see his eyes widely glued to the screen. By the look of his face, Kiara could feel that he was holding his breath and she looked at the screen only to see what she already knew was happening by Brian’s reaction. Sure enough, the movie has reached it’s so called “climax” making Brian all jumpy and even more emotional if that was possible.

Usually, she just makes fun of this movies the whole time while watching them and chastises Brian for reacting like that to those silly things. But in situations like that, she has got no choice but to comfort him no matter how absurd she thinks he was being. He was; her best friend after all and though he could be irritating at times and made her want to scream at him in frustration and was a little too emotional for his own good, he still meant the world for her.

So she squeezed his hand to offer comfort and leaned towards him so that her head was on his shoulder which made him automatically put his arm around her shoulder. He relaxed a bit though his attention was still fully on the screen and Kiara made sure that she kept her mouth shut as she knew she would say something nasty about the movie if she opened her mouth which wasn’t really a good idea at that moment. She looked at her watch again and sighed in relief. ‘Good.’ She thought. Just five more minutes and then she will be saved from all those nonsense that was playing on the screen that people call a great romantic movie! She could hardly wait to see; at that moment to her what felt like the two most beautiful words in the whole world; to appear on the screen. “THE END.”


Chapter 3

“That was just magical”, Brian sighed happily while Kiara gagged as they got out from the movie theatre, “Movies like this makes you want to fall in love even more! I wonder when that magical moment will finally arrive in my life.”


“Yes, I wonder that too! I can’t wait to see your prince charming with his white horse come into your life and sweep you off of your feet!” Kiara mocked.


“Oh please, Kiara. I just don’t see what the big deal here is. Just because I’m a guy, I’m not allowed to dream about love? What’s so wrong with dreaming about something that one believes is the most wonderful thing in the whole universe? Yes that might make me sensitive, and emotional, and overly romantic, and even illogical to some people but I just don’t see how it makes me any less of a guy or as you implied, gay. At least I’m man enough to actually express my true feelings without being ashamed of it. Trust me on that Kiara, there are a lot of guys who feel the same way toward love as I do but never express it because they’re too worried about their reputation. They think that they won’t appear “manly” if they act on their true emotion. But I’m not like them Kiara. I am who I am and I’m certainly not ashamed of myself or my feelings. And no matter how much you tease me these feelings of mine will never change. This is who I am now and this is who I am going to be for the rest of my life. I won’t change. Ever.”


“Wow, wow, wow! Slow down, champ! What’s with you today? Why so cranky? You never react to my teases this way! You know me. I’m always giving you craps but you always handle them with a smile. But what happened today? What happened to my sweet, charming and composed Brian who endures all my tortures happily?”


Brian smiled at this and hugged her. “I’m sorry Kiara. I just ticked off there for a while, though I’m not sure why. I guess I just don’t want you to think that I’m gay.”


“What?” Kiara pushed Brian off of herself and gave him an incredulous look. “Who told you that I think you’re gay, you idiot? I was only being sarcastic back there. Don’t you get my jokes anymore, silly? I mean seriously I have to be pretty darn stupid to think that you are gay after all those years hearing you blabbering about your dream girl! I mean, you’ve been driving me crazy talking about the girl that you are ‘destined to be with.’”


 “That’s true”, Brian said laughing and then he sighed closing his eyes. “Huh. My dream girl. When will she come in my life?”


“I guess, never?”


Brian snapped open his eyes. “Why are you such a pessimist?”

“I’m not a pessimist. I’m only practical. How on earth will you ever end up with any girl if you don’t date one? How will you ever find your girl when you don’t even look for her. What do you think? One day your dream girl will just knock at your door and say "Hey there, remember me? Well, I'm your soul mate so let's get married!"" 


Brian rolled over laughing. "Seriously Kiara, you are really something!"


"It's not funny Brian. Why don't you just date?"


"We've been through this like a million times already." Brian said pointedly.


"Yeah yeah I know. You don't believe in meaningless dating and will only date the girl that you'll fall in love with and all that stuff. But I still don't get your logic. I mean how can you fall in love with anyone when you don't even look at any girl with interest? I'm not sure what the thing "love" is or if even it has any existence or not but if it does how do you plan to venture it? I mean do you just fall for someone out of the blue?"


Brian smiled warmly. "Love is not something that you plan for Kiara, it just happens. And trust me, when the right person comes along, I'll know it. I'll know it for sure. I don't need to go through endless meaningless dating to find her. Destiny will eventually bring her to me. Just one look at her, and I'll know, she's the one."


"Unghhhh. Whatever. You've given me a real headache! Can you stop with your mushy talks now? My head will explode otherwise. Man, romance got to be the most boring subject ever. How can people writ books after books and make movies after movies over this stupid thing and how so many people out there are actually able to enjoy these things are beyond my understanding.” Kiara finished with a disgusted expression.


Brian started laughing.


“What’s so funny?” Kiara asked him giving a quizzical look.


“Nothing. I was just thinking that it’s going to be real fun seeing you when you’ll fall in love.”


Kiara was shocked beyond believe. “What the…? How can you…? Do you know nothing about me? Hello, It’s Kiara Jones! Your best friend Kiara Jones. The same one who’s been suffering from an incurable allergy for the “L” word from her very childhood. Seeing me falling in love! Huh, like that’s ever going to happen!”


“Oh it’ll happen alright. Mark my word. One day you’ll fall in love, and you’ll fall hard. You don’t know it yourself but you are someone who’s born to love unconditionally. Yes, you won’t fall easily, but when you do, you’ll love with all your might.” Brian said sincerely and then added with a teasing smile “And I’ll make sure to throw all the teasing back at your face for being a lovesick puppy then.”


Kiara rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, keep dreaming I won’t stop you. But FYI, you know nothing about me if you think that way. To think that you are actually my best friend! For me love is nothing but a cotton candy!” Kiara screeched suddenly.


Brian was confused. “What? For you love is nothing but a cotton candy? That’s surely something new coming from you.”


“No silly, forget about your stupid love, there’s cotton candy over there! I want one, no two, no three! Hell, I want them all! Let’s go and get ‘em.” Kiara exclaimed with a childlike excitement while pushing Brian toward the opposite side of the road where the cotton candies were being sold.


Brian shook his head in amusement and put an arm around Kiara’s shoulder. “You can be such a kid at times.”


Ten minutes later Kiara was almost jumping like a kid as she was taking bites from the two cotton candies she was holding in her two hands. Brian watched in amusement while holding the rest four cotton candies. “Mmmm. These are pure heaven. I still can’t believe that you don’t like cotton candies!”


“Well they are sticky.” Brian shrugged.


“Yeah I know why you don’t like them. I just still can’t believe it. I mean not liking sticky foods in the fear of making a mess no matter how tasty they are, that just doesn’t make any sense. You are such a neat freak.”


“Well, you still love me.” Brian said shrugging and then wiped the pink fragment of the cotton candy that was stuck at the corner of Kiara’s mouth with his finger. “You really are a child.” He said affectionately.


Kiara slapped his hand away. “No need to turn me into a neat freak as well. I don’t mind making a mess of myself.” She said proudly. Then she suddenly stopped walking and turned towards Brian. “Hey look! Has it turned pink yet?” Kiara asked with genuine curiosity as she stuck her tongue out for Brian to inspect.


“I don’t know Kiara, it’s too dark too see.” Brian said smiling and shaking his head at the innocence of his best friend.


Kiara frowned. “But…” She couldn’t finish her sentence as someone bumped into her. She looked up to see a really tall guy about the age of thirty. He was attractive and well built, probably the result of regular weight lifting. There were two other men with him standing on the each side of him who had the similar figure as that guy though they were a bit shorter than him. The tall guy, who bumped into Kiara, whistled after giving her a thorough look from head to toe.


“Look what we’ve got here! A real hot babe! Guess, we’re going to have some fun tonight after all.”


Kiara’s eyes narrowed. She gritted her teeth and tightened her fist. Brian grabbed her hand. “Don’t”, he warned in whisper, “Just ignore them and let’s get out of here.”


“Oh got yourself a little lover boy, did you? Well, why don’t you abandon him for tonight and come with us instead? I can promise you that you’ll have more fun with us tonight than you can ever have with him.”


Kiara was at the verge of losing all grip on her temper and Brian knew it. And knowing Kiara,  it’s certainly not something to look forward to.


“Leave it Kiara. They are not worth it. Let’s go.” Brian urged her nudging at her side and Kiara was going to listen to him and leave in peace. But the tall guy had other plans in mind as he surely didn’t know the time to give up.


He stepped forward and looked at Kiara’s hands which were still holding the cotton candies. “Look here. Our candy’s offering us cotton candies!” He snickered and then licked his bottom lip. “Awww. Isn’t that sweet of you? Let me have some of your sweetness then.” Saying this, he grabbed Kiara’s right hand and brought it near his lips and then placed them on the cotton candy it was holding making Brian groan.


That pulled the trigger. Everything went red. “You_didn’t_just_do_that!” Kiara hissed through gritted teeth.


Chapter 4

One hour later.


“Ouch!” Kiara flinched as Brian tried to apply medicine on the small wound on her forehead making Brian flinch as well.

“Just leave it Brian,” Kiara tried to persuade him again, “It’s just a small cut. You don’t need to tend it. It’ll heal itself in no time.”


Brian ignored her and kept doing what he was doing. Kiara frowned. “Come on Brian, you can’t keep ignoring me. Please talk to me?”


Brian didn’t reply this time either. Instead he tried to put a bandage on her forehead but Kiara slapped his hands away.


“What the hell Brian? Why won’t you talk to me? So I beat up some jerks on the street. What’s the big deal here? It was those jerks who were at fault. They started it. I only wanted to teach them a lesson. And I did teach them a lesson. Those bruises that I left them with will make sure that they don’t forget it for a long time. And what are you so concerned about. Where I left them with so many deep bruises, all I got is this poor excuse of a little cut on my forehead. I’m not even hurt! You are not really making any sense, do you realize it?”


“I’m not making any sense!” Finally came the outburst from Brian that Kiara was already expecting. “You go up and pick fights with thugs at night on an empty street where no one could possibly help if anything went wrong and I’m the one who’s not making any sense!  Why can’t you listen to me just once Kiara? Why couldn’t you just ignore them and leave the place without picking a damn fight? Why?”


“Well I was going to listen to you! I was going to ignore them and leave in peace but then that stupid jerk put his dirty mouth on my cotton candy! He dared to touch my hand and my cotton candy! You think I was going to let it go just like that? No. No one messes with Kiara Jones that badly and gets away with it.”


“Oh right! How could I forget that he dared to touch you cotton candy? Why did you let him go? You should’ve at least broke his hands for trying to steal you cotton candy.” Brian said sarcastically and then closed his eyes to calm his nerves.



“Look Kiara, why don’t you understand? Violence is not the solution for everything. In fact it’s not a solution at all for anything. Granted that guy shouldn’t have touched your hand or your cotton candy, he really was a jerk and was misbehaving with you. But that doesn’t mean that you should go and start a fight with him to make them behave. I mean there are laws in the country for Christ’s sake!”



He got up from the couch and started pacing as his nerves again started to pick up thinking about what danger the fight could’ve brought to Kiara. “We could just go to the police and make a report against him. They could’ve taken care of him. But no, instead you had to go and fight with three bug thugs in you own! Do you have any idea how torturous it was for me to watch you fight like that? Do you know how worried I was thinking you might get hurt? Have you got any idea how helpless I felt when I couldn’t help you fighting those guys knowing I’d only get your way? Do you even have any idea how dangerous that fight might have turn into? They could have guns with them Kiara, guns! You might have been killed!” Brian said swallowing the lump that formed on his throat. He couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to Kiara, he couldn’t imagine his life without her. “Picking up fights with street thugs just like that, what are you? Some high school delinquent? What the hell were you thinking? Why can’t you act a little more mature? You are 23 for god’s sake! You have a college degree and a job. In six months, you are going to be……” Brian stopped his sentence as soon as he turned and looked at Kiara. She had fallen asleep on the couch.


‘Great. I had been just talking to myself.’ He shook his head. A warm smile formed on his lips as he watched her sound asleep on the couch without any worry of the universe. He sighed and picked her up in his arms and headed to her bedroom. Reaching there, he gently placed her on her bed and removed her shoes. He then covered her with a blanket and then softly caressed her forehead. “What am I going to do with you, Miss Trouble Jones?” He whispered softly and then placing a light kiss on her forehead, he left her room.


He went to the kitchen to make sure Kiara has something to eat if she wakes up at the middle of the night and feels hungry. After taking care of it, he searched for her cell-phone and checked the status of it’s battery upon finding it. Satisfied with it, he went back to Kiara’s room to place the cell phone on her bedside table. He then closed all the windows and their candles. Only after checking and re-checking everything in place and making sure that Kiara won’t have any trouble finding anything she might possibly need, Brian left the house with the intention of coming back early the next morning in order to make her breakfast and then take her to the office with him.




Kiara woke up to the delicious smell of newly cooked food coming from her kitchen. ‘Brian.’ She murmured to herself instantly recognizing the smell. Only Brian could make steak smell like that.  She shook her head with a soft smile. She wasn’t surprised at all, it was an almost everyday task for Brian. She was used to his taking care of her all the time from their very childhood. That guy just don’t miss any opportunity to pamper her. Suddenly her stomach growled. She hadn’t eat dinner last night so she was naturally hungry and that mouth watering smell didn’t help her case much either. She didn’t feel like abandoning the bed just yet but her hunger wasn’t giving her much of a choice. Finally she gave in to her hunger and went to the washroom to freshen up.


15 minutes later when she entered kitchen, Brian had already finished cooking. “What are you doing here so early in the morning? Didn’t you go home last night?”


“Nope. I sang lullabies for you the whole night sitting beside your bed.”


Kiara rolled her eyes. “Haha. Very funny.”


 “Come-on now.” Brian said as he started putting plates on the table. “Hurry up and start eating. You have exactly one hour to finish your breakfast and get ready for the office.”

“Thirty minutes is all I need,” Kiara said as she sat down on the chair to start eating her breakfast.



One hour later Brian pulled up his car in front of their office. Kiara and Brian work as interns in an famous advertising company, well temporarily as in six months they’ll be both joining their family business which is owned by their fathers. Yes Kiara’s father and Brian’s father are business partners and good friends and that’s why their families were really close to each other. Their fathers wanted them to join the family business right after they were out of college but they wanted to do something different and on their own before they joined the family business. Needless to say, they both wanted to apply for a job where they could work together since they’ve always been together since they could remember. They had same elementary school, same middle school, same high school, same college and they even majored in the same subject in college, which’s probably one of the few common things between them. Another common thing about them is despite their striking differences in their personalities both of them were outstanding students. They had acquired outstanding grades in every single subject. So when they applied for this one year internship job, thanks to their grades, they had no trouble getting it and both of them are doing really well at their jobs since they are extremely talented. But six months had already passed since they joined the company and they had only six more months remaining in this company much to their employee’s dismay. They were so full of fresh and innovative ideas that it was hard for him to let them go. But he really didn’t have any choice since that was the deal from the very beginning.


As Kiaraand Brian entered the office and then settled down on their respective booths, their manager entered the room and drew everyone’s attention. “Hello everyone, from today onwards a new intern will be joining our company. Let me introduce Miss Heather Brown who will be working with us from today” he said gesturing towards the door as a woman seemingly the same aged as Kiara and Brian entered the room. “Welcome to our office Miss Brown, I hope you enjoy your stay at our office.”


She smiled at the manager and thanked him for his warm welcome. She was around 5'6" with an hourglass figure that looked classy in her formal attire. Her smooth silky brown hair with blonde highlights almost reached her waist. Her hazel eyes and olive tanned skin only accentuated her beauty even more. In short, she was just stunningly gorgeous. She almost looked like a living version of a Barbie doll. As she turned her head from the manager to greet the rest of the office staff with a shy smile, Kiara heard someone gasp beside her only to realize later it was Brian as he grabbed her hand in apparent shock.


“Kiara, it’s her”, he whispered breathlessly as he seemed frozen on his spot. “My dream girl. The love of my life. She is the one.”

Chapter 5

One week later


“She is just so perfect, Kiara! I still can’t believe that someone so perfect actually exits on earth! Everything she does, everything she says, every single thing about her screams perfection. Have you seen her eyes? Oh her eyes! I can easily lose myself into their depth and never come back. And the innocence that those eyes held! Oh God! Kiara, it could be the death of me. And …….”



Two weeks later


“….and her smile! When she smiles it’s like the whole world lights up and sings the song of joy. That smile has the power of healing every pain, every sorrow that reside in one’s heart and bring a smile of their own on their lips. And the sound of her laughter! When she laughs it’s like the most melodious music playing in your ear. It’s….it’s simply magical, Kiara, simply magical. And…..”



One month later


“ ….. and every time she slowly removes her silky hair strands that comes in front of her lovely face with her finger, I just can’t turn my eyes from her. She does that so gracefully, it’s almost like an art and my fingers crave to touch those soft hairs of her. And have you ever noticed her hair when she is under the sun? When the sunrays touches her hair it… it glows! Like gold! It’s such a magnificent sight to see! It’s like.. watching.. an angel in heaven! And….”



Three months later


“……I mean isn’t she just amazing? Did you see how gentle she was with those kids? I bet she likes kids. God, how can someone be any more perfect? She is beautiful, she is intelligent, she is kind, she is gentle, she is good at her work and she is good with kids! Can you really blame me for liking her so much? How can anyone help but not like her? How can anyone help but not fall for her? She…”




“ made me fall in love with her the moment I saw her! I always knew that love was a wonderful feeling but I had no idea that it felt this good to be in love! And the fact that it’s her that I’m in love with, makes everything even more beautiful. I mean I love…”




“everything about her. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her tears, her joy, her pain, her blush, her smell I am drawn to every single thing that is connected to her. It is even frightening sometimes that…”


“Brian!” Kiara shouted this time and that finally grabbed Brian’s attention and stopped his nonstop one-sided conversation which had the sole topic of singing songs of Heather Brown.


“What?” Brian asked confusedly.


Kiara sighed and took a spoonful of the red velvet cake served to her. “Here,” she said as she shoved the spoon into Brian’s mouth, “taste this and tell me how it is.”


Though primarily startled by Kiara’s sudden attack, Brian forgot all about it as soon as his tongue came in contact with the soft delicious thing that soon filled all his senses with its rich taste remembering him all over again why red-velvet cakes were his favorite.


“It’s good, really really good. I meant it’s super delicious!”


“Super delicious you say? Well then,” she said as she handed over the plate to Brian, “Why don’t you just eat this super delicious cake of yours and spare my poor old brain for once? I’m sure this tastes far better than my brain. ”


“What? What do you mean? I don’t understand.”


“You don’t understand! You don’t understand! For the past three months you’ve been continuously eating my head out and driving me into a complete nuts by your non-stop praise songs of Heather and you tell me you don’t understand! From the moment you have first laid your eyes on her, every single day, every single moment I’ve spent with you were spent with me constantly hearing you saying, ‘Heather is this… Heather is that..’, I mean I get it that you are crazy about her and all but I’m in my limits now!”


Brian hung his head low with guilt, realizing for the first time in the last three months what a bother he had been to Kiara all this time. On his own excitement of being in love for the fist time and also the last time as far as he was concerned for he believed that true love  happens only once in a lifetime, he completely forgot how disgusted Kiara feels at the very mention of romance! And for the past three months, every single word that had left his mouth was related to this very thing that kiara hated the most. He wondered why he hadn’t realized his actions before. He couldn’t imagine how hard it’d been for her to endure all this without uttering a single word of complains! He had no idea how did she managed to patiently hear him all this time as Kiara Jones were known for anything but being patient! He wondered why didn’t she lose her temper long before! He knew for sure that if it were for anyone else, she’d not have tolerated a moment of this what she’d call nonsense!


“I’m sorry kiara,” he said regretfully, “I was so lost in my own feelings that I didn’t realize what a bother I have been to you all this time. Please forgive me. I’ll try to be in more control of my feelings from now on!”


As soon as the words left his mouth, Kiara hit him on the back of his head with her palm. “You idiot! Who told you to control your feelings? You seriously thought that I’d be mad at you for sharing your feelings with me? You are such a moron! Who else would you share your feelings with if not me? It’s my right and only my right to know about your every single feeling! Besides, you just got the whole thing wrong! I am not mad at you because you’ve been driving me nuts with your obsession with her. I’m mad because you didn’t do a single thing, didn’t take a single action, didn’t even approach her for once to make her aware of your feelings! I mean seriously, you have dragged this whole ‘admiring from far’ thing long enough! It’s high time that you gather some guts and approach her. Now just get your a** over there and ask her on a date already!”


“Ask her on a date!” Brian exclaimed with a bewildered expression. “You can’t possibly expect me to do that! You know that I can’t do that!”


“Why not? I mean, before it was because you didn’t believe in meaningless dates right? But now, it’s with the girl that you love! So what’s the problem now? Why can’t you ask her out?”


“Because I just can’t! I mean I’ve never asked anyone out before and I have no idea how to even approach her! I have no idea what to do and how to do. It’s just …. I just….ah how do I explain it? I simply can’t do it Kiara. I get nervous just thinking about it.”


“Then how on earth will your love story ever move forward? What happened to all your dreams of having a happily ever after? Do you even plan to get a happy ending anymore or did you already give up on it and plan to admire her from afar for the rest of your life? Because the way things are progressing, I don’t see any hope of you two ever being together.”


“Oh we’ll be together one day. Of that, I’m sure.” Brian said smiling softly, “The power of the true love that I feel towards her will surely bring her to me one day.”


“But how? How? How? How the hell will that ever happen when you’re not even ready to make a slightest move to make things progress even a little bit?” Kiara was at verge of frustration now and felt like banging her head on the table. But restrained herself from doing it as they were in an office party and for that reason like in any other office parties she was trying her best to “behave”!


“Love will find a way Kiara, It always does. Trust me.” Brian said with a saint-like expression and this time Kiara did bang her head on the table producing a loud sound not caring about the attention she drew on themselves in that process.


“Unnnnggggggh! You are impossible!” She scramed in frustration while keeping her head on the table. After a few moments she raised her head and composed herself taking a deep breath.


“Alright. It can’t be helped then.” She said with sheer determination on her eyes. Instantly Brian was alarmed as he could read her expression too well.


“What do you mean?” He asked with rapidly.


“It’s time to take matters on my own hand.” She replied stubbornly confirming his fear.


“No. NO! You will do no such thing! Kiara, listen to me, please, don’t do any…..”


“Well if I leave things to you, you’ll end up dying as an old single man. So I really don’t have a choice.” With that she left their table and headed towards the spot where heather was standing and chatting with some of their colleagues.


“Kiara! Wait! Kiara! Listen to me!” Brian tried to stop her desperately but it was too late and before he knew it she had already approached heather which made him froze on his spot.


Heather was laughing over something that one of their colleagues, Sara Wilson said when Kiara approached her.


“Hello, Heather.” Kiara greeted.


“Oh hello, Kiara! How are you doing?” Heather greeted back with a warm smile.


“I’m doing fine. Well, Do you have a moment? I need to talk to you about something and I need to do it now. So, can I go ahead?”


“Sure. Go ahead.”


“Well then. Here goes nothing.” With that Kiara lowered her body and suddenly she was sitting in one knee in front of Heather while she took Heathers right hand on hers. Everyone went silent and stared at them with wide eyes while Heather, wide eyed herself, gasped and said, “Kiara! What are you doing?”


Brian was also confused as hell himself! He certainly didn’t see that coming! Granted that Kiara was highly unpredictable and always does the weirdest things, but even so, nothing prepared him for the scene that he was witnessing right then.


“Don’t ask any questions. Just let me finish, okay?” Kiara replied to Heather. And then taking a deep breath she sincerely looked at her eyes and said, “Heather Julienne Brown…..”



Chapter 6

“Heather Julienne Brown,”


“You even know my middle name?” Heather interrupted with a surprised expression.


“Yes, I do but that’s not important. Just let me finish what I want to say, will you?” Kiara asked, already getting impatient. Of course, she knew her middle name, thanks to Brian’s obsession, Heathers middle name was the least unexpected thing that she knew about her.


Heather nodded to her last statement although it was evident that she was quite hesitant about the whole situation.


“Good.” She took a deep breath and stared directly at Heathers eyes.“So, Heather Julienne Brown, It’s been already three months since you entered my life and I can still remember the moment when I first saw you vividly because after that very moment my life has changed drastically. You have no idea what I’ve been going through since that moment, how you’ve changed everything of my life, how you have turned my whole world upside down, and I don’t think that I’ll ever find words enough to actually express those feelings. It was …”


“Kiara stop! I really don’t think you should be…. I mean I’m not a… I mean… You must un…”


“Oh just shut up already Heather!” Kiara snapped as Heather interrupted her again. As if it was not already hard enough for her doing what she was doing without her continuous interruption! “I beg of you, just let me finish my freaking speech and then you can say whatever the hell you want. I’ll listen everything and do what you want. But for now, just let me finish first, okay? Please?”


Heather nodded, obviously dumbfounded. “Now where was I? Oh, yes,” Wearing once again her previous solemn expression, Kiara started her speech again. “It was love at first sight.” Heather gasped hearing it but Kiara chose to ignore that and continued with her speech. “As cheesy and stupid as it sounds to my own ears, it really was. And you have no idea about its depth, its sincerity and its intensity that’s been driving me crazy. I know what I’m doing is totally stupid and crazy but I just simply couldn’t take it anymore. I just couldn’t. And I just had to do something about it. So here I am, on my knees, desperately hoping that you’ll be willing to get me out of this miserable state. So, Heather Julienne Brown, will you please do me the honor of going out with my stupid best friend over there so he will stop driving me insane with his crazy obsession of you?”


Brian stood frozen on his spot as he felt that every single muscle on his body had stopped working. He finally realized what Kiara was trying to do and the panic that rose in him at the realization made him stop his breathing.


“Oh Kiara, it’s not possible! That’s why I was trying to stop you, I’ve been trying to tell you that I’m not a lesb…”, Heather stopped midway on her desperate explanation, her eyes going wide as what Kiara actually said suddenly registered on her mind, “Wait! Did you just say, your best friend? I mean you want me to go out not with you but with Brian?” She asked in a daze.


“Yes, of course!” Kiara grinned. “Why would I ask you to go out with me? I am not a lesbian either you know?” She winked laughingly.


“But why?” Heather asked almost in a whisper, still in a daze.


“As I’ve already told you, he is obsessed with you. That guy is so crazily in love with you that his every single thought revolves around you! He fell for you the moment he first saw you, and ever since then he’s been going all, Heather is this, Heather is that, and trust me when I say it wasn’t all that entertaining for me. I mean he drove me crazy enough to make me do what I just did just now!”


You know those moments when you’ll desperately wish that the ground would just open up and swallow you down? Well that was what Brian was feeling right then. Never in his life had he felt so embarrassed, so humiliated, and to think that this humiliation was caused by none other than his best friend, hurt him the most. He felt betrayed. How could she do that to him? Granted she was childish, granted she was impulsive, granted she meant no harm on her actions but actually was trying to help him, but still, how could she do something like that? Shouldn’t she have taken his feelings into consideration at least once? He didn’t have it in him to face anyone at that moment. So he just stood there, with his eyes lowered to the ground and his cheeks red with embarrassment and anger.


“But if that’s the case,” Heather finally responded slowly recovering from the shock she got earlier, “then why didn’t he ask me out himself? Why are you the one who’s asking me to date him instead of him?” And then she added doubtfully, “You are not playing any pranks on me, are you?”


“No Heather, I’m not playing any pranks on you. And to answer your previous questions, well he didn’t do it himself because he is an idiot, and stupid and frustratingly shy guy who only knows how to love someone but have no idea how to express it. I’ve been telling him to confess to you for a long time, but he is just far too shy for his own good. Every time I’d suggest this, he’d freak out saying he had no idea what he’s supposed to do, what he’s supposed to say and he didn’t want to scare you off. I just couldn’t see him suffering like that anymore so I had to take things in my hands. That guy has patience, but I don’t.”


“Is that true?” Heather asked Brian softly searching his eyes, but Brian didn’t see this as he was still looking at the ground. He heard Heathers soft voice asking a question but he just assumed that it was directed at Kiara as well. It was only when someone nudged him that he looked up to see his colleague Jack giving him a meaningful look. Brian couldn’t get it so he just stared back at him with confusion. “Heather just asked you a question, dude.” Jack explained as he indicated his gaze towards something. Brian slowly looked at the direction and was startled to see Heathers beautiful eyes directed at his. “Is that true?” she asked again.


“What?” he asked but only his voice didn’t come out. He cleared his throat and tried once again. “What?”


“Do you like me?”


Brian closed his eyes and took a deep breath and opened them with a new set determination. “No.” He replied emotionlessly.


“No?” Heather asked startled.


“No, I don’t like you.”


“You don’t?” She asked again seeming somehow dumbfounded.


“No I don’t.” He insisted again and then with a shy smile he added, “My emotions for you are far deeper than just liking someone, Heather. I don’t like you, I love you. Have been in love with you for the past three months. Everything Kiara has just said, is the truth. I really love you. But, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. It’s okay for you to not accept my love. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable. Please, don’t feel pressured. I don‘t expect anything from you. Loving you is enough for me to be happy, it doesn’t matter if my love is returned or not.”






Monday, 12:00 am.




Kiara groaned and rolled on her side.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


“Ahhhhhh!” Kiara screamed in frustration and hid her head under the pillow.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


“Urgh!” Kiara screamed again and jumped off the bed. She switched on the light and cursed as she saw the time.

‘Who on earth…?” but she didn’t need to finish that thought as she already knew the answer. Pissed off, she stormed down the stairs towards the door and reaching their yanked it open.


“What?” She screamed.


“What what?” Brian asked getting startled.


“What’s your problem? Why can’t you never just let me sleep in peace? Why do you always, always have to disturb me whenever I’m in deep sleep?”


“You were sleeping? But why were you sleeping at this time?”


Kiara gritted her teeth. “Brian James Dickerson, exactly what is wrong with you. If I sleep in the day you cpmplain, if I sleep at night , you complain, why do you have such a huge problem with me sleeping?”


“Hey, relax kid! I wasn’t complaining, I was simply curious since you don’t usually sleep at this time.”


“Urrgh! I was just tired okay? Even the mighty Kiara Jones needs rest, you know?”


“Okay, I get it, now move.”




“Move aside from the door.”




“What do you mean why? So I can get inside of course. Don’t tell me you want me to stand here all night.”


“No, I just want you to go home and let me sleep! And why are you here at this time anyway, don’t you usually snore at 10:00?” Kiara complained although she moved aside so Brian can enter.


“I don’t believe you! How can you expect me to sleep after everything you did tonight at the party!”


“Oh that.” Kiara looked at Brian guiltily as he settled down on the sofa.


“Yes, that!” Brian said pointedly. “Seriously, how could you do that to me? To your own best friend?”


“Hey, I only did that to help you, okay? Kiara said defensively.“I know that, Kiara. But you should’ve thought of my feelings. Do you know how hurt, how embarrassed I felt? I felt as though you’ve betrayed me!


”Kiara felt as though someone had stabbed her. “Betray you? I had no idea, I mean I didn’t think, I mean I could never!”


“Hey, it’s okay!” Brian got up, and hugged her as she hugged him back. “I know that you never wanted to betray me! I’m sorry that I hurt you. What I meant to say is, the things you’ve said at the party, about my feelings towards Heather, those were my secret feelings. I only wanted to share them with you, because I trust you, because I’m comfortable with you, because you are my best friend. I don’t want my feelings to be broadcasted in front of the whole world, and that’s why when you announced my feelings towards Heather in front of everyone at the party, for a while I felt betrayed. But it’s okay, now. I know that you didn’t do that intentionally. I know that my Kiara would never betray me.”


“I am sorry Brian, I really am. I never thought of it that way. I just wanted to solve things once and for all. I just couldn’t see you hanging in the middle anymore.”


“I know Kiara, I wasn’t accusing you.”


“But it sure sounded like you were!”


“No I wasn’t. Why would I accuse you when in reality I should be actually thanking you?” Brian broke into a grin as he said that.


“Yes exactly! I don’t believe you haven’t done that yet! It’s thanks to me that everything turned out so great for you! I never knew that you were such an ungrateful b******d!”


Four hours ago:


“No, I don’t like you.”


“You don’t?” She asked again seeming somehow dumbfounded.


“No I don’t.” He insisted again and then with a shy smile he added, “My emotions for you are far deeper than just liking someone, Heather. I don’t like you, I love you. Have been in love with you for the past three months. Everything Kiara has just said, is the truth. I really love you. But, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. It’s okay for you to not accept my love. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable. Please, don’t feel pressured. I don‘t expect anything from you. Loving you is enough for me to be happy, it doesn’t matter if my love is returned or not.”


Heather just stood there speechlessly. Every eyes present at that party were now focused at her as they were all curios about her reaction. Inside, Kiara was dying out of curiosity as well. ‘Say something!’ she screamed inwardly and as if hearing this Heather suddenly looked at her. “Yes.” She said to her.


Kiara was startled. “Yes?”


“Yes. I accept your proposal. I’ll go out with Brian.” She said and then added shyly, “that is, if Brian wants to date me as well.”


“You want to date me?!” Brian couldn’t belive his ears.


“Yes.” Heather replied smiling shyly.


“But why?”


“What do you mean? Don’t you want to date me? But didn’t you just said that you loved me?”


“Ofcourse I want to date you and I do love you. But I didn’t expect that you’d want to date me! I mean it’s just sudden! I want to date you because I love you, but I don’t undertstand why’d you want to date me as well.”


“Well that’s because,” Heather smiled shyly, “I like you too, Brian. I really really like you.”


Chapter 7

“ I still can’t believe it. It feels so much like a dream! I mean who would’ve thought that all this time Heather has actually liked me back!” Brian said with a dreamy expression.


“I did.” Kiara said dryly.


“What?” Brian asked getting startled.


Kiara shrugged. “I knew she harboured some feelings for you. I wouldn’t have taken such a bold step if I wasn’t sure of her feelings. I mean I wouldn’t want to...”


“How did you know?” Brian interrupted her getting eager to know the answer.


“She kept staring at you whenever you weren’t staring at her. And trust me it was so annoying to watch! I mean all this time I had to watch the two of you staring at each other while each being oblivious of the feelings of the other and none having the guts to actually do something about it. In the end, I just simply couldn’t take it anymore and just decided to take matters in my own hands.”


“She’d been staring at me?” Brian exclaimed. “All this time, she’s been staring at me like I’ve been staring at her?! And I never knew it!” Brian was almost jumping with excitement like a little boy. Then he frowned a little and looked at Kiara.“Wait a second,” He said, “If you knew that Heather had feelings for me than why didn’t you tell me before?”

Kiara rolled her eyes and asked “Would you have believed me if I did tell you?


Brian frowned with confusion. “Why wouldn’t I believe you?”


Kiara let out an exaggerated sigh and then making a sombre face, started speaking-“Kiara, I think this is just your illusion. I mean you know about my feelings for Heather so you are hoping that she feels something for me too. So subconsciously you started to look for any signs that could mean that Heather has some sort of feelings for me. And the desire in your subconscious became so strong that you started imagining things that wasn’t really there and reading too much into her actions, which is to say that what you thought you were seeing in her actions was not actually what happening in reality but what your subconscious wanted you to see, so..”


Brian burst into laughter. “Okay, okay, I get your point, so you can stop now. I guess you are right; I probably would have come up with something like that if you did tell me. By the way, that was a really poor excuse of mimicking my voice.”


“Oh, please! I am a pro at this. I mean, I can mimic your voice better than you can do it yourself! Now, shoo, go home and let me get back to my sleep.”


“Actually, I’m just going to crash on the couch here tonight. I’m too tired to drive back home.”


“If you were so tired then you should have simply slept at home instead of barging in here at the middle of the night to ruin my sleep.” Kiara said, dryly.


“Are you kidding? Do you think I would’ve been able to fall asleep without talking to you tonight with all the excitement going through my head? I needed to see you tonight!” Brian said excitedly with a grin that lit up his whole face.


“My, my! A happy little puppy, aren’t you?” Kiara said with amusement.


“I guess I am.” Brian said sheepishly.


“Good!” Kiara said with a smile and then she yawned. “Now, you can go to sleep or you can just keep standing there all night with that stupid grin on your face, do whatever you want, but I’m going to go back to my sleep right now, so good night.”


”Wait!” Brian exclaimed as she started to stride towards the stairs to go to her room.


“What now?” Kiara asked throwing her hands in the air.


“I have a girlfriend now!” Brian said incredulously as if he had just realized it.


“I already know that!” Kiara chuckled.


“I still can’t believe it!”


Kiara shook her head and moved towards Brian. “You are not dreaming, if you were wondering,” she said, patting his head, “So get used to it already, Briany boy!”


Brian didn’t say anything and just hugged her tightly instead.


“What?” Kiara laughed.


“Thank you.” He breathed.


“For what?”


“For everything. For being my friend, for being there all these years, for doing what you did at the party, for existing! It’s only because of you that I am so happy right now.”


“Yeah, yeah, I already know that I am absolutely amazing. It’s hardly a secret to anyone! Now let go of me so that I can finally go and get some decent sleep!”


Brian pulled back from the hug and looked at her with an amused expression. “One can only trust you to say something like that after hearing such an emotional speech. You will never change, will you?” Brian said shaking his head at her while his eyes were filled with humour.


“Well, I certainly don’t intend to!” Kiara said with a wink.



                                                         * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



“What are you doing?” Kiara asked in a sleep engrossed voice.


“Oh, good. You are up. I was just about to go to your room to wake you up.” Brian said looking up from the fry pan, “Go, and freshen up, Breakfast is almost ready.”


“Ummhmmm. ” Kiara said in a groggy voice as she sat on a chair and laid her head on the table, “Just let me sleep for five more minutes.”


“Hey! No sleeping on the table! Get up right now!”




“Kiara!” Brian warned.


“Fine! I’m going, okay? Gee, you are so annoying!” Kiara grumbled.


“Don’t fall asleep on the shower!” Brian called out and Kiara responded with showing him the finger.


15 Minutes later


“Brian!” Kiara shrieked as she suddenly burst into the kitchen making Brian Jump and almost drop the plates that he was about to set on the table.


“What? Did you ran out of hot water?”


“No! You have a girlfriend now!”


“I think the both of us already established that last night.” Brian chuckled.


“No! You don’t understand! You are not supposed to cook my breakfast in my kitchen, right now. You are not supposed to be here right now!”


“Why not?”


“Because you are supposed to be on your way to Heather’s so that you can pick her up and then go to the office together.”


“Hey! That’s actually a good idea. Why didn’t I think about it myself?”


“Because you are Brian which means that although you are ridiculously romantic, you are completely hopeless when it comes to your own love life.”


“Gee thanks. Okay then, let’s finish our breakfast quickly so that we can start on our way to pick up Heather.”

Kiara looked at Brian incredulously.




“So that we can start on our way to pick up heather?”


“Yes? Isn’t that what you suggested?” Brian asked getting confused.


“No! I only suggested that you should be on your way to pick up Heather, not we.


“You don’t want to go with me? Why?” Brian was even more confused this time.


Kiara let out an exaggerated sigh and Brian got even more confused.




“Nothing. I am just trying to understand that how I, Kiara Jones, the most anti-romantic person in the whole universe, have a more clear idea on how to be romantic than you Brian Dickerson, the lovesick romantic fool!”


“What do you mean?”


“I mean, what kind of idiot wants to bring along a third wheel on their first attempt on trying to surprise their girlfriend to ruin their romantic moment?”


“You are not a third wheel. You are my best friend! What’s wrong with picking my girlfriend up with my bestfriend?” Brian responded defensively.


“ Because it’s the first time you are picking up your official girlfriend and you two need some privacy, Heather will expect some privacy, and I’ll be just in the way.”


Brian stared at Kiara frowning furiously as if he was in some deep thought.




“Is that why you left the party early last night? To give me and Heather some sort of privacy?”




“That’s what it was about right? God, I’m such an idiot!  I should have known when you refused to let me drive you home and insisted on going with Megan instead! I mean when did you and Megan became such good friends?” Then he narrowed his eyes at Kiara.


“What?” Kiara asked nervously.


“Last night you didn’t really take a lift from Megan, did you? You came home alone. You just used her as an excuse as she was leaving the party at that time, right?”


“Why would you think that?"


“Kiara, you only got away with lying last night because I was too overwhelmed to notice the inconsistencies of your behaviour. But that’s not the case right now so you’ll be only wasting your energy if you try again.”

Kiara shrugged.


“You  lied to me!” 


“Well that’s only because you wouldn’t have let me leave the party alone if didn’t. Last night something really big happened to you, Brian. I mean you have been forever dreaming about the love of your life and about that “magical moment” when you finally get her. And last night it actually happened to you, last night all your dreams finally came true. And I wanted you to live that moment to the fullest. I wanted you to forget about everything else and focus solely on the moment for which you have been waiting all your life.”


“Oh, Kiara!” Brian sighed and shook his head . “You are right. What happened last night was really big for me. I felt like I was the happiest man in the universe. And I wanted to share that happiness with someone; I wanted someone to witness every moment of it and understand the feelings that I was going through. And there’s only one person I wanted to share these things with, and that’s you, my best friend. I’m sorry Kiara, but last night, I did not want any privacy from you. Rather, I wanted to share every bit of it with you. I was rather disappointed when you left early. Why do you think I came barging at your door in the middle of the night? Because I wouldn’t have a moment of peace until I’d have shared my feelings of happiness with you.”


“Oh.”  Kiara responded not knowing what else to say.


“ Don’t lie to me again.” Brian said intensely looking at her eyes.


“Geez it was just a little white lie.”


“I don’t care how small or big it is. I simply don’t want you to lie to me again. No, let me rephrase it. You are not allowed to lie to me again.”


“Okay, you are clearly overreacting now.”


“I am not overreacting. I simply don’t want you to distant yourself from me.”


“What? When did I do that?” Kiara exclaimed getting baffled.


“When you lied to me. We always, always share every single thing with each other. So you lying to me, means that somehow you are distancing yourself from me and I will never accept that.”


“Alright smarty-pants, you are over thinking things way too much! Okay so you don’t like me lying to you, I get it and I’m sorry for doing it. Now, can we please get back to the main subject? Time is running you know!”


“Well about that, if you want me to pick up Heather than you will have to come along. But I will understand if you are not comfortable with going to Heather’s house. In that case, we will head straight to office from here.”


“I don’t inderstand! Why do you want to drag me with you to Heathers?”


“I don’t want to drag you anywhere. I just refuse to leave for office without you. We always go to office together, and we will always go there together. Whether or not Heather will join us, it’s completely up to you.”

“What’s with him? Aren’t I supposed to be the childish and stubborn one?” Kiara murmured to herself.


“Did you say anything?”


“Er.. No. But Brian, think about it. It’s your...”


“Kiara, if you are about to give me another lecture on privacy and romance, then save it. There are several ways to express love and it doesn’t always require a secluded settings. And besides, if I want private moments with Heather, then I can always take her on dates.”


“But Brian, think about Heather! She is...”


“my girlfriend and therefore will have to be understanding and accepting of my best friend. Any girlfriend of mine will need to get used to your presence around me all the time, Kiara. And I’m sure Heather will understand that. She’s witnessed us all this time after all. Now, if you are done wasting both of our time and energy sweating over this issue, then I suggest you to start gating ready. If we are to pick up Heather as you suggested, then we need to leave in 10 minutes. That is considering the fact that you do want us to go there.”


“Okay, okay we will go together to Heathers. Just let me tell you, you are being ridiculously stubborn here.”


Brian shrugged grinning “I learned from the best.”


Kiara stucked her tongue out childishly at Brian and then started to go to her room to get ready.




“What?” Kiara asked stopping on her way.


Brian stride towards her and pulled her in a tight hug. “Just because I’m in a relationship now, nothing about our friendship will ever change. Always remember that.” He whispered in her ears.



                                                                      *** **********



Brian stood nervously holding the flower bouquet that he bought on the way as he waited for Heather to answer her door. He had yet to get used to the fact that the Angelic Heather Brown was now actually his girlfriend. In his mind, he couldn’t quite shake the fear that Heather will refuse to acknowledge him as her boyfriend when she will see him and then last night’s event will all turn out to be a crazy dream that he had in his sleep due to his obsession with her.


“Brian! What are you doing here!” Heather’s cheery voice pulled him out of his wary thoughts and he looked up to her beautiful eyes that were shining with happiness. She seemed genuinely happy and pleasantly surprised to see him there. Brian’s heart started beating widly seeing her beautiful smile.


“I..uh...” , for a moment he struggled to find some words to say. He still had a trouble figuring how to act when he was around Heather. This was all too new to him and the fact that he is extremely shy by nature was not helping his case either. Then his eyes fall on the bouquet he was holding and then remembering about it, he almost shoved it into Heathers hands. “Th..This is for you,” he told her while inwardly he cursed himself for acting so stupidly.


The smile Heather gifted her in response however, made him forget all about it. He was truly mesmerized by it. “That’s so sweet of you! This bouquet is really gorgeous! Is that why you came here? To surprise me with this?” She asked him shyly.


“No..I mean.. yes and also to pick you up for office, that is ..if you don’t mind ofcourse!”Brian now wanted to kick himself for being so nervous in front of his girlfriend. He wanted to get a grip on himself.


“Oh no no no no! I don’t mind! I would love to go with you! Just let me grab my things!” She said excitedly and then ran into the house and came back within a few minutes. As soon as she finished locking her door, she turned to him and said excitedly “Let’s go.”


Brian’s heart melt as he looked at her excited face and he couldn’t help the smile that was now probably reaching his ear.


As the two of them reached the car that Brian parked in front of Heather’s house, Kiara got out of it so that she could greet Heather.


“Hello Heather, how are you today?” Kiara asked with what she hoped a warm smile as she isn’t really good with expressing herself.


Heather , who was clearly surprised by Kiara’s sudden appearance but quickly recovered from it, replied with a warm smile of her own, “I’m fine Kiara. And really happy. And it’s all because of you.” She admitted shyly. “Which reminds me I never get to thank you for what I did last night. I must admit, it was a bit unconventional and for a moment I even panicked when you got down on your knee, but it’s all thanks to your crazy act that today I and Brian are together.”


Kiara opened her mouth to respond but Brian beat her to it. “I know ,right? And guess what, this morning she was all being stubborn on not coming with me thinking she will be on our way! She was all set on give us some privacy and I literally had to drag her with me telling her over and over again that you won’t mind!”


“Oh of course I don’t mind! I know that you two are best friend and are really close to each other and hardly can stay apart. And you two shouldn’t stay apart. You two share a wonderful friendship and I enjoy witnessing it. I am really happy that you came here with Brian.” Heather said with a genuine smile.


“See? I told you that she would understand!” Brian told her with the huge grin that was plastered on his face as he stared at Heather with sheer admiration.


Kiara knew that Heather’s smile and speech towards her were genuine. But she also knew that the emotion that initially crossed in Heathers eyes upon seeing her was that of disappointment. It appeared for a really brief moment, way too brief for Brian to notice as he was too wrapped in his own admiration of Heather, and frankly Heather covered it pretty quickly with her dazzling smile. However as brief as it was, it still couldn’t flee past Kiara’s eyes and the moment she saw it, she knew that it was completely justified.


“I knew it.” She whispered in her mind. “This was a bad idea.”


Chapter 8


Brian whistled happily as he wondered around his kitchen. The past one month has been a month of pure bliss. His life possibly couldn’t be any more perfect. He was dating the most amazing woman in the earth, his best friend was the bestest best friend that ever existed and on top of that, his girlfriend, and his best friend, the two most important women in his life, was getting along perfectly with each other. Kiara of course being Kiara, still often tried time to time to distance herself in order to give him and Heather some “privacy”, however he would have none of that. And neither would Heather, he noticed with pleasure. In this short period, Heather and Kiara have become really close to each other, and that meant a lot to Brian. Brian knew that it was neither natural nor easy for Kiara to become so close with someone in such a short period of time. Kiara by nature is sort of an antisocial person and usually doesn’t let anyone in easily. Brian knew for a fact that it was for the sake of his happiness that Kiara had made an active effort to become good friends with Heather so that Heather never feels uncomfortable. His heart swelled with pride as he thought of his best friend. And Heather, who is friendly by nature, being the sweet person she is, took an immediate liking to Kiara. Why wouldn’t she? She could see the purity and uniqueness of this otherwise crazy and childish girl right away! And now, this two has become so close that today Heather has actually refused a date with him because she wanted to hang out with Kiara! She said that she wanted to have some girltime with her. Brian shook his head in amusement. Yeah, just imagine that! Kiara having a “girltime” and talking about “girly” things! Heather should’ve known better than expecting anything “girly” from Kiara out of all the people. “Girltime she says!” Brian chuckled to himself as his mind played different scenes on Kiara being girly while his hands were working on the cake he was making for her. It was a habit that he formed in a very young age. Whenever he had too much free time and Kiara wasn’t there to spend it with he would always spend it by baking something for her. He loved baking, and loved even more watching Kiara eat the food that he baked for her.



When Brian was thinking about the past month in his kitchen, Kiara was doing the same thing in her car as she drove through the busy street. The past one month had indeed been satisfying.  Although, there were times when a nagging feeling kept intruding on the back of her mind on which she could not quite put her fingers. Something had been bugging her but she did not know what it was so she chose to ignore that feeling and focus on the positive turn of events that took place in their life with Heather’s entry on it. At first, she had been a bit worried that Heather might not like her constant presence around Brian and herself and might want a little privacy for themselves. However, it turned out that her worries had been unnecessary as Heather not only welcomed her presence with a warm heart but actually insists on it and for that she was really grateful. Heather was undoubtedly an amazing girl and Kiara felt really happy for Brian for getting her as his girlfriend. However, that doesn’t mean that she still doesn’t feel guilty about intruding on their couple moments all the time. That’s why she tried to distance herself from them from time to time to give them a moment but only, Brian would not let her! Kiara shook her head in amazement. For a guy who is known for his intelligence, Brian sure could be ridiculously dense when it comes to his love life. It’s a relief that he’s got such an amazing girl as Heather as his girlfriend or otherwise he had been long dumped by the way he acts. Kiara frowned as a sudden thought occurred to her. Maybe, she should be worried about Heather and Brian’s relationship? Maybe, their relationship is as not perfect as it seems? Afterall, when Heather called her to ask her if she could meet her that day she did sound rather nervous and maybe a little bit disturbed? Could it be that Heather finally have had enough of her presence around them and wanted her to back off? Could this be the reason that she wanted to meet her that day? However, Kiara didn’t get to duel on these thoughts for long as some stupid passayby suddenly jumped in front of her car as he tried to cross the road in full traffic. Kiara cursed as she stopped her car just in time to avoid any collision. However, the driver of the car beside her was not so lucky as her and in order to avoid hiting the maniac, had to take a sharp turn which led the car bump into Kiara’s.


“Ouch!” Kiara exclaimed as her head hit the staring wheel due to the collision.


The driver of the other car immediately got out of their car and ran up to Kiara.


“Are you alright?”


Kiara looked up to see a guy looking at her with concern.


“Yes, I am alright. Are you?”


“Yes I am. Oh, I am so sorry! I..”


“It’s okay. I know it wasn’t your fault. You were just trying to save that moron.”


The guy opened his mouth again to say something but was interrupted by an impatient car horn that was coming from behind.


“Umm, I guess, we need to start moving. We are blocking the road after all.”


The guy hesitated.He gave her another concerned look and asked, “Are you sure that you are alright? I mean, I saw that you hit your head on the staring wheel. I can take you to the hospital if you want.”


“I am fine, really, you have nothing to worry about. However, thanks for your concern.” She replied him quickly as some more cars honked impatiently. “But, look, we really need to start moving.” Kiara told him urgently.


Although still a bit hesitant, he nodded and got back to his car and as soon as he pulled his car away from hers to give her car enough space, Kiara drove away without giving him a second glance.






“So what is it?” Kiara asked staring straight into Heather’s eyes.


“What do you mean?” Heather asked nervously lowering her eyes.


KIara sighed. “Look Heather, it’s been already half an hour since I came here and in this half an hour all you have done is engage me in idle chitchats. And as much as I love these idle chitchats with you, I know that’s not the reason that you wanted to meet me alone without Brian’s presence. Something is bugging you, I can tell that just by looking at you and you need to tell me what.”


Heather bit her lips in nervousness.


“Umm, I don’t know if I should tell you this.”


“Don’t you consider me a friend?” Kiara probed.


“You know I do.” Heather replied softly.


“Then tell me what’s wrong.”


“Umm. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, I do. It’s just..I just don’t know how to approach this subject or how you may react to it.”


Kiara froze. Could it be that her fear really did come true? Could it be that Heather really wanted to meet her to tell her that she was tired of her presence around her and Brian all the time and found her relationship with Brian lacking because of that? However, she pushed this worries aside and focus on Heather instead.


“Try me.” She told her with a forced smile.


“Okay, but, you might find this silly.” She said nervously.


This time Kiara smiled genuinely as somehow the nervous look on Heather’s face made her look adorable and innocent like a children. “It’s okay, Heather, just spit it out.” She reassured.


“Okay, I feel that.. I’m afraid that.. I mean It seems to me that...”




“I think that Brian don’t really like me.” Heather blurted out.


“What?” Kiara exclaimed with shock and then just gaped at her. Then suddenly she burst into laughing clutching her stomach.


“I told you that you might find this silly.” Heather grumbled while pouting like a little kid.


“Silly? SILLY? This is beyond something than just silly! My god, Heather, how on earth did you end up into a conclusion like that? That moron is practically crazy about you!”


“It’s just... It’s just...the way he acts around me. I mean of course, he is always sweet, and nice and caring, but..but..somehow he is always formal to me, I mean he never really comes close to me.”


“What do you mean?” Kiara asked frowning with confusion.


“You know....” Heather lowered her eyes while blushing furiously.


Kiara’s eyes became wide as realization dawned on her. Then once again she burst into laughing. “And that’s why you ended up thinking that he doesn’t like you? Because, he is not taking things with you to the next level? Oh my God, this is just so funny!” Her whole body shook with laughter.


“ I’m already enough embarrassed as that, do you have to make it worse by laughing like that?” Heather pouted.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Kiara said as she tried to sober up. “I guess it is only natural for you to think like that, I guess any normal person would think like that but Heather let me tell you one thing, that moron is not being formal with you. Rather he is only being a gentleman to you. And trust me, although it might not look like this but this way he is actually being romantic to you in his own way.”




Brian is really serious about relationships Heather. He doesn’t believe in rushing into things or doing things just out of impulse. For him, everything in a relationship is meaningful. Every moment is perfect. He wants to devour each of this moments. Really, Heather, you are worrying for nothing. He is simply taking things slow with you. Not because he doesn’t care enough for you, but because he cares to much for you.”


“But Kiara, we’ve been dating for one month now, and in this one month, he had never even kissed me, not even once. Wouldn’t it strike you odd?”


Kiara cringed inwardly. It was somehow weird to imagine Brian kissing someone or discuss the reason of his not kissing his girlfriend with his girlfriend. After all he is the guy she has known all her life and picturing him like that is just, plain weird! She could only hope that in the future Heather would not want to talk with her about their sex life as well. Now, that would be just too gross. However, she pushed these thoughts aside and focused on answering the question that Heather just asked her.


“If it was someone else, then yes, it might’ve struck me odd. But since it’s Brian, it’s only natural. That guy holds some ridiculous ideals about romance! Do you know what his favourite book genre is? Historical freaking romance of all things! He had always been a fan of old fashion romance and wanted to lead his own love life in the old fashioned way as well. Actually, this is the only kind of romance that he understands. While you are worried because he has never kissed you yet, that moron probably doesn’t even have any idea that he was supposed to have kissed you by now. That guy is totally born into the wrong century, I tell you!”


“But it’s just a simple kiss!” Heather exclaimed with surprise.


“But that’s the thing! You see, for Brian, it’s not just a simple kiss.To him, it means much more. One thing you need to understand about Brian is that, he is really emotional. You know, before you Brian never had a girlfriend. And when I say that you are the first girl in his life, I mean it in every possible way. Do you know why he remained single all this time? Because, he doesn’t believe in meaningless dating. He doesn’t believe in crushes or infatuations. For him, there’s only one feeling, and that’s love, “true love” as he says. And you see, you are the only girl that he had ever fallen in love with. Just like that, Brian’s every other action is driven by his emotions. Everything he does for you, he does with the utmost sincere feeling of his heart. He wants to make everything perfect and magical for you. He is not used to things of conventional relationships. So what is to you “just a simple kiss”, for him it’s his first kiss and thus means a lot to him than you or I could probably able to understand.”


“Oh!” Heather responded in a daze. She was truly mesmerized by what she had just learned about Brian from Kiara.


“Well, yeah. I guess there are more than one reasons that why Brian haven’t kissed you yet. One, since it’s his first kiss, being the romantic fool he is, he wants to make it all perfect and magical and therefore he is waiting for the perfect moment, two, because he is too shy of a guy and to much of a gentleman, three, since he has never done it before, he has no idea how to initiate it, and four, since he is such an innocent and clueless guy, he probably doesn’t even have the idea that he is supposed to initiate it. Now, are you satisfied with the answer?”


“You bet!” Heather grinned. “Oh, I can’t believe that all this time I’ve been worried about our relationship for nothing! Thank you kiara, thank you, thank you thank you! I can’t express how happy I am right now because of you.”


Kiara, however frowned as something occurred to her. “On second thought, I believe that you should be worried about your relationship with Brian. You were just doing it the wrong way.”

“What do you mean?” Heather asked with worry echoed in her voice.

Chapter 9

"What do you mean?" Heather asked with worry echoed in her voice.

"I mean that you should not be worried about your relationship thinking that Brian is not serious about this but that Brian is too serious about this relationship, maybe more than you can handle."

Heather frowned. "I don't understand."

Kiara took a deep breath and proceeded to explain everything to Heather while silently praying that she doesn't get scared by what she was about to going to tell her. "Look, as I've already told you, Brian is a serious guy. He takes everything in his life seriously and plans for the future accordingly. And his relationship with you is no exception. I don't know what you are expecting from this relationship, but I know what Brian is expecting from this relationship. Everything. He expects everything from this relationship. Marriage, children, a future, everything! He would want to grow old with you, and die by your side. He'd want to go all the way with this relationship. So you need to carefully consider everything. I know it's too early to dump all this on you, you are probably freaking out just by hearing the word "marriage" so soon into a relationship, but I wanted to give you a clear idea of Brian's view of relationships so that you can comprehend and compare if you want the same things from this relationship and can have the time to back away from it if it's not the same for you, before it's too late."

Heather was stupefied. She just stared at Kiara as if she has just seen a creature from another universe and after a long agonized silence, she just whispered "wow!"

"So what do you think?" Kiara asked nervously.

"What do I think?" Heather exclaimed and then grinned broadly, "I think that I must have done something extremely good in my lifetime for me to end up with the best guy in this whole freaking universe! My goodness Kiara, I had no idea that guys like this still exists in this universe! I thought they were as extinct as dinosaurs! Oh Kiyara, I can't express how happy I am to hear all this, thank you, thank you, thank you, oh, I can't thank you enough for this!"

"So you are okay with all this? With marriage and children and everything?" Kiyara asked breathing a sigh of relief.

"You bet I am!" Heather replied with a glint in her eyes. She was shining with happiness, that much was obvious. "Look, your best friend is not the only romantic one here. I am pretty romantic myself, if I might say so. I also used to dream about a home with a loving husband and children. However, I had almost given up on that dream thinking that there doesn't exist such a guy genuine enough, with whom I can live up to that dream. But now that I've found Brian, I can see all my dreams coming true. I love Brian, Kiyara, and I will be more than happy to go all the way with him in this relationship too!"

"That's such a relief! I was worried that you might back off after hearing all this. But it's so amazing to know that you want the same things as Brian! Oh, Heather I am so happy for you two!" Kiyara exclaimed and gave Heather a bear hug.

"Don't worry" Heather smiled, "Now that I've found someone amazing as Brian, I will never ever let him go."


As Kiyara drove through her driveway, she saw a couple of moving trucks across the way. Looks like she's got a new neighbor, she shrugged. She didn't really care, she just hoped they were not as nosy as Mrs Hopkins were.

As soon as she entered her home, she was greeted by a delicious smell and a grinning Brian. "Hi" he smiled lazily.

"Brian! What are you doing at someone's house when they are not even at home?" Kiyara asked with mock anger.

"Oh nothing, I just thought that that particular someone might like some freshly baked cheese cake when they finally do arrive at home."

"You didn't!"

"I did!"

Kiara shrieked and hugged him. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! You are the bestest best friend of the world! Now, where is it?"

Brian laughed heartily, enjoying every bit of her childish eagerness over his cake. "It's in the kitchen." Kiara was already running to kitchen before he could even finish the sentence and he shook his head in amusement.

He leaned in the doorway of the kitchen as he saw her jump into the cake with the same enthusiasm as a 3 year old kid. She took a mouthful and instantly closed her eyes, moaning loudly over its deliciousness. Brians heart swelled with affection. He could bake a hundred cakes in a single day just to see that expression on her face. Her obsession over cakes and cookies were the only reason that he loved to bake so much. Kiyara was completely lost in the world of cheesecake and he chuckled loudly as the mess she was making of herself.

"What?" she asked diverting her attention from the cake to him.

"You look like a cat." He laughed loudly.

"Eh?" She asked confusedly.

Brian shook his head and went to her. "You know, it's possible to enjoy your favourite food without making a mess of yourself" He said amusingly as he wiped the cream from the corner of her mouth with his fingers.

Kiara rolled her eyes. "Who cares about making a mess? All I care about is that this cake tastes like the best thing in the universe and I want to drown myself into its deliciousness. I don't care if I make a mess of myself in that process. Unlike you, I don't have OCD after all!"

"Oh please, I don't have OCD." Brian rolled his eyes.

"Sure you do!" Kiara said with a goofy smile.

"I just like to be organized. You exaggerate too much."

"Nope. You are just in denial."

"I am no.." Brian began but Kiyara put her finger on his lips.

"Sshh. This is no time for arguing. Just let me finish my cake in peace first."

Brian raised his hands in surrender. "As you wish Ma'm"

"This is heaven! You sure you don't want a piece of it."

"Nope. My stomach gets full just by watching you eat so passionately."

"Uh-huh, cheesy."

"Well, you love cheese." Brian Winked.

Kiyara showed him her tongue.


"You sure you will be fine by yourself?"

"Yes, Brian, I am sure, you can go home without any worry."

"Okay." He started to leave then turned around and faced her again.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?"

Kiara rolled her eyes.


"Okay, okay, I'm leaving! No need to chase me away like this! Jeez, some best friend you are!"

"As if you leave me any other choice! Always worrying over me like a grandma!"

"As if you leave me any other choice! Always creating troubles like a toddler!"

Kiara swatted in his arm. "At least try to be original!"

"Nah, I'll leave that up to you. Okay I'll be leaving now. Take care of yourself, and call..."

"you immediately if there's any sort of trouble. Do you really have to tell that to me every single day?"

"Yes, I do. Because you are such a careless girl. I mean anything could happen.."

"Yeah like me being kidnapped by the aliens, I totally get you."

"Hahaha, clever."

" I knw I always am. Now get in that car of yours so I can also get back inside. We've been standing here for too long. I think I am starting to get mosquito bites!"

"Okay okay I'm leaving". He said and then hugged her for one last time before getting in the car. "Take care then, try to be a good girl til I see you tomorrow." And finally started the car.

"Haha very funny". She replied back and waved as the car started moving. When the car was finally out of her sight, she turned around to get back inside her house. However, as she was about to put the first step, someone put a hand on her shoulder.

"Excuse me."

She turned in a whirl to come face to face with a man who somehow looked familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger into where she might have seen him before."

The guy smiled.

"So we meet again."


The guy smiled.

"So we meet again. Hello, I am Matt Stewart. I've just moved at the house across the street today. So looks like we are neighbors now." He flashed her another grin.

"Umm, hello Mr. Stewart."

"Oh please don't be so formal. Just call me Matt."

"Okay, Matt. Welcome to the neighborhood. I am Kiara Jones. I just live in this house." Kiara said pointing towards her house.

"Yeah, so I have noticed. It's a real pleasure meeting to you again. I look forward to running onto you often in the future." He said with another cheeky grin flashing all his perfect white teeth.

"Yeah, well, so we have met before you say?" Kiara asked uncomfortably.

The guy looked visibly offended. However, he somehow recovered and managed a tight smile. "Yes, as a matter of fact we did, just today. I bumped into your car just this afternoon, remember?"

"Oh, yes! So that was you, I remember now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just really bad with faces."

" Yeah, I've gathered as much. Don't have the sharpest memory, do we?" He winked.

"I guess." She shrugged.

"Well, it's a pleasure meeting you nonetheless."

"Haha, that's good to know. Nice to meet you too. Well, I need to get back now. So, I guess I will see you around. Hope, you can settle down nicely there. Just holler if you need anything." And with that she turned around and started getting back into her house.

Matt Stewart stood there with complete astonishment as he watched the woman walk away from him without a second glance for the second time in a row within a single day. "What's it with this girl?" He murmured to himself with a smirk.



Texte: sunshinehkl
Bildmaterialien: Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.10.2012

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