
1. Chapter


“Okay, that was it for today. See you next week!”, says Hannah, my piano teacher, after one and a half hour tuition. I pack my notes into my pocked and leave the building to go home. A few steps away I saw Andrew, a guy from my class who is in this course too. Andrew is an idiot! He thinks he is one of the cool boys and behaves like this! The most girls swarm for him-I not! The whole time you hear:” Oh, his hair is so great and his clothes and his face…” And that he knows. It is impossible to find out how many girlfriends he already had. But no of them hold longer than two weeks. After that she´s only an annoying fly. He asked me a few times too, to be his girlfriend, but every time I said no and I thought about hitting him.
So I go on the way home and ignore him. He already knows this reaction from me and begin to whistle while he go on the way behind me. Suddenly, when we arrive in the wood between Anchorville and, my home, New Baltimore, I feel dizzy. I shake my head, to destroy to the emotional, and go on. But with every step the feeling gets stronger. I won´t stop with Andrew behind me who uses every chance to help me and to get a ,,reward”. So I go on determinedly.
Suddenly everything in my head turned and I stagger back and forth. Then I lost the ground under my feet and everything is black.


I bent me down and tied my shoelace. When I come up I see Isy staggering and fall to the ground. I run over to her and let me fall to my knees. There she lies. Her golden curly hair between the sheets from the woods, her closed eyes, her cherry red lips which are opened in her freckled face. Her breast lifted and lowered-she´s breathing!
I bent me down to her and slapped her lightly on the cheek, perhaps to move her to awake. She dosn´t move. I pull my cell phone out of pocket and dial 911. A man pick up the phone and I tell him what happened and where we are. They want to be here in a few minutes.
Suddenly Isy moves and opens her green eyes with the long golden eyelashes. A moment her view wanders restlessly, then it fond me. “Andrew”, she whispers, “What happened?” She sits up and looks around. “ I can´t remember!”, she looks at me with a panicked look. “Where I am? And Who I am?”

2. Chapter


I hear a voice next to me, which talk with somebody. A beep sound and the rustle of leaves follow. I open my eyes and my view circle around until it has brought into focus and I look in Andrew’s deer brown eyes. What happened? Why I lie here? I can’t remember! “Andrew, what happened?”, I ask and sit up. Now I can see a forest. The most leaves are already red and lie on the ground. I can’t remember! Not the forest! Not the reason, why I lie here! Not my name! Not me! I get panic.
I turn back to Andrew and talk frantically:” I can’t remember! Where I am? And who I am?” Overwhelmed he looks at me and says: “No fear, Isy! The emergency doctor will arrive in a few minutes!” What emergency doctor? I don´t need a doctor! I need declarations! And who is Isy?!
“Who is Isy?!”, I ask angrily. He looks at me puzzled. “You are Isy!”, he explains. “Louissa Hathaway? Or Isy, as you all call? Do you can’t remember?” Puzzled I think about it. My name isn’t Louissa or Isy! No! Never! “No! That’s not me! Never!”, I mean frustrated. But when I´m not Louissa or Isy, what’s my name? Who I am?
Suddenly I hear sirens coming closer and closer. After a few second I see the associated car. A yellow-red ambulance! Two mans and a woman gets off. The woman and one of the mans come to me and bring me to the ambulance while the second man walks over to Andrew. A few steps away I get panic because Andrew says “Goodbye” and want to go away. “Andrew!”, I cry and run over to him. I cling on to his arm and whisper desperately: “Please! Don´t let me alone!” I look at him pleadingly and he looks for help.
“Please, Miss Hathaway, let Andrew go! You´re parents will be here in a few minutes so tat you´re not long without somebody you don´t know!”, the woman tries to persuade. I look at her anxious. She sighs. “Would it make you something up to come with us to the hospital?”, she asks Andrew friendly. He gives her a little smile. “No it dosn´t!” She smile so that her face looks very gently. Her skin has the color from caramel like Andrew’s and she wears her brown stringy hear in a wild ponytail. Her brown eyes radiate heat.
Facilitation through me when I hear that Andrew will come with me. I’ll willingly lead myself to the ambulance and sit down on a lounger. But Andrew has to sit on a chair towards me. One of the man drives the car while the other man and the woman examine me. “Andrew, what happened?”, asks the woman while she examine my head. Andrew informs her of everything and just as he tells the woman’s face grow darker and darker. When he finish she says: “And she can’t remember anything?” “As far as I know no!”, Andrew answer. “There´s nothing bad, right?”, Andrew asks worried. “I’ve such a suspicion, but I wait first what the doctors say.”, she means worried, but she doesn’t speak on the rest of the way.
After a few minutes, we arrive at the hospital, because it isn’t far away. Doctors come and bring me in the examination room. Andrew has to wait outside. What was the matter with me?


I try to reassure her, but that puzzled her even more. “Who’s Isy?”, she asks angrily. I tell her, she’s Isy, after which she remain opposed and still troubled than before.
To my relief the ambulance arrives in this moment. Isy is led to the ambulance, while a man comes to me:” Are you Andrew Smith?”, he asks businesslike. “Yes and this is Louissa Hathaway. She fell in unconscious and now she can’t remember anything.”, I explain fast. “Thanks for calling so fast. Now we will bring her in the hospital where her family will waiting for her. Have a good day!”, adopted the man. “You too!”, I reply.
I want to go home, when suddenly something crashes into me and clings to my arm. Surprise I found that It´s Isy! “Andrew, please don´t go! Don´t let me alone!”, she whisper anxious. I´m looking for help, which is also equal. “Please, Miss Hathaway, let Andrew go! You´re parents will be here in a few minutes so tat you´re not long without somebody you don´t know!”, a woman tries to persuade. It isn’t some woman who tries to calm Isy. It´s Elena Smith, my mom! I hadn’t seen her before.
But her nice words to help her don’t work at Isy. On the contrary, Isy clings on my arm stronger. Mom sighs. “Would it make you something up to come with us to the hospital?”, she asks me. “No it don´t!”, I answer and smile at her. She looks at me penetratingly and gives a little smile back. Later that will be a long conversation, while I will have to tell her all about Isy.
I take Isy to the ambulance and sit towards her down. At the drive to the hospital I has to explain mom all what happened. She fits in exactly with a deep furrow with concern on her forehead. This makes me worried but she doesn’t tell me anything. In the hospital, they bring Isy in an examination room. I has to wait outside, because I´m not somebody from her family. So I sit down on a chair full of worries. What’s the matter with Isy?


I sit on a lounger while a little man examines me. His name is Dr. Thomas Giles and he is an older man. His hair is grey and his face has many folds. He smiles all the time, like I´m a five-year-old girl, and when I arrive, he said: “Oh, is this the little Louissa Hathaway?” I hadn’t reacted and his comments, how big I had become, ignored. Apparently he knows me, but I can’t remember him. In the end of the examination, he says: “I have a suspicion, what it could be, but we have to make a cat scan.”
I stand up and we leave the room. Andrew, who sat on one of the chairs in front of the examination room, stands up and asks: “What’s wrong with Isy?” “In this moment, We´re not sure, but now we will a cat scan and then we will know more.”, Dr. Giles mean professional. “Come on, Isy!” he says mocking about my nickname. I roll my eyes, so that Andrew can see it, and follow Dr. Giles.
We arrive in the room where I lie down on a lounger. Dr. Giles leaves the room and appear a few moments later in a room with many windows towards the lounger. He types something on a little computer and the lounger moves. The lounger run into a tube and stays there a couple of instant. Then the lounger goes back and the examination is over.
I sit up and a few minutes later Dr. Giles appear. “Okay Miss Hathaway, come on! I will let looking for a room for you where you have to wait. Maybe you have to stay the night here. I have to evaluate the results from the cat scan and I don´t know how many time it needs.” he means trying cheerful. I follow him outside where he says goodbye and disappear in the crowd. A young nurse comes to me and says: “Hey I´m Katie. Come on! I will show you you´re room!” The nurse has a friendly pale face with sharp facial features. She wears her long red-brown in a ponytail and her eyes have the color of Bernstein. She smiles at me, so that I can see, that she wears braces. I smile shy back and follow her. She winds her way easily through the quantity, so it takes me hard to follow her. Then we arrives a room with the number 104. The room is decorated in shades of orange and there are two beds, two wardrobes, many flowers and a second room, the bathroom. Many windows light up the room and a red lamp hang from the ceiling. On one of the beds depends a sign with my name and the important dates.
On the second bed sits a girl in my age and held a book in her hands, but she doesn’t read. She’s watching me. The view from her yellow-green eyes reminds me of a cat. The sly knowing something makes me nervous. Her reddish-blond curly hair is crossed by red strands and her lips have a bloody red tint. Her skin is pale and she has a sharp facial features. Together with the freckles, she looks cheeky.
“Okay Louissa, this is your room and this is your roommate Leah Owen. Now I will go and let your parents, your brother and Mr. Smith know that you´re here. Have a good day”, Katie says friendly and leaves the room. My parents, my brother, I have no memoirs. Will I know them, when I see them?


Texte: The picture is from Google. The story and all persons in it are my own work.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.11.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is for my friend Julia from America who help me by this story.

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