
When tyler woke up,the hunger hit him like a freit-train.He saw a cage with a half dead wolf in it.When he was done he tossed it aside.he sat there for a momant feeling lonly then he spotted a note that read:went out for suplys forn the group.Lauren
3hours lator "Tyler,you awake?",called lauren
"you!what did you do to me!?!",cryed tyler coming at her.
All of a sudden the man that bit him as in front of the wide eyed lauren saying,"dont go anywhere near my lauren!"
A growl worthy of a lion erupted from Tyler's throat.
The man piosed then atacked him.
It sounded like 2 freit-trains coliding.
"No!!",cried lauren.
But it was to late the man had him pinned down under his knee.
tyler cried out in pain
"I'm casting him out for atacking lauren",declared the man.
"I,m leaving",said Tyler.Then he started running even though he didnt quite know where.

to be continued..........


Texte: sb
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2010

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