
“ Someone having issues?” a voice called, leading me to sigh.
“ No, I'm just...a little stuck, but I can handle it,” I replied.
He laughed at my attempt to come free, but it didn't work so well. He let out a sigh and tugged on my shirt a little.
“ God, your like a little puppy, every week you try to leave but always get caught by the dog catchers,” he said, laughing again.
“ Why are you even out here, Tyler? You know bed time has passed, your dad's going to be pissed when he finds out you were fondling with the neighbor,” I said.
“ It really doesn’t matter, he's always pissed. And I'm not fondling, I'm saving your ass, again. You know, that lady wants to keep you and you have no were to go. And I'm out here because I know your schedule,” he explained, with somewhat of a grin.
“ Well, I don't know exactly why you want to help me, I've been a bitch lately,” I said remembering several times I snapped at him this week for saying hi.
“ Oh, I blame mother nature for that,” he said, throwing me off.
“ What on earth are you talking about?” I asked?
“ Oh, you know, that time of the month. You must be on it because your moods have been changing lately,” he said.
“ What? No!”
How dare he do something so stupid!
“ No need to blush, or get angry I was kidding, god you take everything so seriously,” he said, laughing.
“ I need to leave. I'm not kidding,” I said.
“ Fine. But were are you going to go?” he asked?
That was the question I feared most, but there was only one answer. And hopefully , he wouldn't ask...
“ Wow, your dead serious aren't you?” Tyler asked?
“ I'm sorry, its my only option,” I said.
“ No, you could go to a hotel, look their having a party that probably has drinking involved GOD! Your not going in,” he said.
“ I'll be fine,” I said.
“ The hell you will be, I'll walk you in and if things aren't going well, I'm taking you some were else or home,” he said.
“ Okay,” I said.

As we approached the door, I could hear the loud music. And he opened it and there was a cluster of people.
“ Alex! Hey over here,” we made are way threw the people and I finally spotted Corey and Robin,
“ Whats going on? I thought you lived in a foster home?” Corey said.
“ Well, I need a place to stay tonight,” I said.
“ Okay,” Robin said.
“ What the hell?” I heard Tyler yell.
“ I'm sorry,” I said.
“ Well, you give me no choice, I have to stay to,” he said.

Robin pulled me into the upstairs bathroom and gave me something to wear.
“ So, how long have you to been dating?” she asked?
“ We aren't,” I said.
“ You should, I can already tell he likes you and cares. Not like all the other boys you like,” she said. Robin could tell these things, that’s how she fell in love with Corey.
“ It doesn’t matter, I don't like him,” I said.
“ Mmmm, yeah that's why you two are sharing a room, sure,” she said “ look, I know you like him, trust me, he's perfect.”
“ Whatever.”
We walked into my room and apparently Corey and Tyler didn't hear us...
“ So, were was she this time, an ally, bar, jail,” Corey went on.
“ Wait, she's been arrested? For what?” Tyler asked?
“ Well, nothing that bad, being drunk and driving, assault, fights in the ally,” he went on again.
“ Damn it,” I whispered.
“ God, I don't know what I'm getting myself into,” Tyler said.
“ Well, if you fall for her maybe she'll change, there was only one person who change her act, and well, never mind. The only reason she started to do this was because of h-” I could see Tyler out of the crack of the door, he looked serious and he was looking straight at Corey like Corey was on drugs.
“ Corey, that's enough!” Robin yelled opening the door.
“ Fine, don't let the boy who's gone head over heels for her know what hes being dragged into,” Corey said, then Tyler's face went dead serious and his mouth closed, then he saw me sitting on the ground, but I looked away.
Robin looked back at me and gave Corey a look, he walked out with her. Robin stopped to help me up , then she gave me a hug “ I'm sorry, but don't forget, he loved you and it wasn't your fault.” She said leaving me in my tracks dead silent.
I could feel the regret creep into my soul and burn with sorrow, it hurt so bad that I could feel water escaping my eyes. Tyler's face became very sympathetic. I started to walk over to him, only to find the best thing in a house like this, a beer bottle lying around were someone could have one of those awkward moments. I slipped on it and fell with my eyes closed, but surprisingly into a warm embrace.
All of a sudden I was walking toward a car in the dark night, people were laughing, I saw his face, smiling and laughing too,. Then there was a flash, I saw the glitter of the broken windshield and felt a warm embrace. Then I saw him walking in the park, he stopped to look at me were I was sitting by a tree, I heard that same laugh, and saw his smile, then I heard the glass break and heard his soft voice “ I love you Alex, I would die for you. Goodbye,love,” then seeing his bloody body on the gurney and how I cried. “ I'm sorry, he didn't make it.” I feel on my knees and couldn't stop the tears. I tried so many times to kill myself...
“ ...are you okay?” I heard from a corner of the room.
I opened my eyes and I was in a corner with my hands over my ears, my throat hurt, and Tyler's eyes were wide and his expression looked scared, he was not far from me, then the door slammed against the wall and Robin and Corey came by my side. Robin gave me a hug, her had moving over my back her saying: “ its okay, nothing happened it was a nightmare.” But it was real, it all happened and I couldn't tell myself other wise. I claimed down after a while and I was now sleeping in Robins room with her so I wouldn't freak out again. I fell asleep instantly, this time, nothing happened.

When I woke up, Robin wasn't there, but downstairs was spotless and breakfast was being made. That's when I saw Tyler on the couch, his face was soft and I was tempted to touch it. But he woke up and his brown hair was a mess, which lead me to laugh.
“ What?” he asked raising to stretch.
“ Look at your hair,” I said.
He turned to look into a mirror, they were every were and its was nice and creepy at the same time. He let out a laugh “ very funny,” he said smiling. He got up from the couch ant came closer to me. He apparently didn't sleep last night because he's wearing the same thing. He looked at me, “ are you okay now? I was worried and couldn't sleep so I helped clean up and fell asleep. But besides that, I don't know what happened last night, you kept screaming no and I was getting worried,” he said.
“ I'm fine,”

He didn't say anything else but he kept watching me occasionally.I said.Wow, I really freaked this time. I have to get away some were safe, like NOW!
Walking in the kitchen was like an old movie or something you would see in a good family. You see a mother at the stove making eggs and bacon and the father either reading the paper or hugging on his wife as if he actually loved her. In this case, Corey loves her, and will till death, and even then.
“ Wow, look who's awakened from the dead,” Robin said, smiling.
“ Well, about time,” Corey said.

What shocked me was that they acted like a married couple and that nothing happened to them last night, or at least that's how they're acting. But, what am I supposed to suspect, them calling a crazy house? These are the people who are practically married. Robin has issues of her own, and Corey...Corey’s Corey, I guess. And I don't want Tyler to be any part of my life, he's to Innocent, to pure.
“ Hey, I'm going to head out, okay?” Corey was telling Robin now and stealing a piece of bacon.
“ Okay, love you,” she said, then he walked out the door.

Now there was silence filling the room, I could feel my heart crack a little from the memory of last night. The thought made me shiver, I miss him, his smile, his laugh, everything.I felt a hand on my wrist. When I looked it was Robin, staring at me, and from the way she was looking at me I could tell what Corey saw in her. She had high cheek bones, black hair that hung down to her waist, and very bright blue eyes. Now she was saying something.
“ ...Do you understand?” she asked?
“ I'm sorry I wasn't listening, what did you say?” I asked?
“ Your going to get help today and were going to take you home. Corey will be back in an hour to pick us up to go find help,” Robin explained.
I ripped my hand away from her and said, “ No, I don't want to go back, I hate her,” and the look on robins face was wide eyed and moth gaping.
Now, I didn't see robin. I saw a young girl, my age, with blonde hair and and a face that was so beautiful I could have made me cry. Then I saw a guy who looked in pain. I saw them together and then I saw the woman’s face as wings whipped out his back. Then I saw the women in a hospital bed, she was screaming and crying, the everything stopped, she wasn't breathing,crying, or screaming. Then a doctor brought out a baby...
“ Someone call Corey, Tyler,” Robins voice rang out and I noticed I was in a corner, only this time I wasn't screaming but only crying.
“ Put the knife down, Alex your better than this,” Tyler was saying.
When I finally focused in I saw that I was holding a cleaver, and Tyler was sitting in front of me with his hands on my wrists. Robin was on the phone crying.
I dropped the knife and Tyler pulled me up. I was in shock and couldn't tell what had happened.

I hadn't done this so many times, and I never saw what I just did. That women, I felt close to her, not like standing close, but close as in spirit wise. And that guy, I couldn't really tell what he looked like, as much as I felt his pain. And I suppose he is an angel, but that women died giving birth to a baby, but why couldn't I see the baby? What dose this mean?
I was now upstairs and I was laying in bed. It was definitely real, it was so vivid and the way it all felt. Or maybe I'm going insane.
I drifted off...
“ Look, Cassie, I can't be with you, I'm not mortal,” I heard.
I saw that women, or Cassie, and the guy.
“ I don't care, I love you Sam, your the only one,” Cassie said.
“ I'll put you through hell, trust me, I'll kill you” Sam said.
Now Cassie was crying and looking at Sam desperately.
“ It doesn’t matter we always have now, I wanted to die before anyway, I love you,” Cassie said.
“ Are you sure?” Sam asked?

Then I saw them kiss and it shot back to the hospital, he was there with her.
“ I love you Sam, so watch over our baby, okay?” Cassie said.
“ I will, I love you to,” he said.
Then it was clear, I could see his face, he had brown hair and green eyes.

I woke up with a gasp.I had a sudden urge to look in the mirror, so I got up to go to the bathroom. As I got into the hall I heard yelling, I quickly stepped in my room. As I heard bits...

“ … You can't just leave her clueless, she needs to know about who her parents were!” it sounded like Corey.
“ … She can't find out about her fathers death or her mother, she'll freak,” I heard Robin loud and clear.
“ ...What happens when she's gone angel?” Corey asked?
“ I don't know,” Robin said.
“ We have to tell her before she goes to that special school, where everyone has problems like her, you should go with her to make her feel comfortable,” Corey said.
“ I know, I'll talk to her,” she said, and I quickly sat on the bed.

When she opened the door her face was guilty looking.
“ Did you hear...all of that?” she asked?
“ A lot of it,” I said.
“ Do you want me to tell you about your mom and dad?” she asked?
“ How do you-”
“ My mom, she told me to tell you,” she said.
“ I had a dream,” I said, then her face went to I expected that.
“ Let me tell you about your parents,” she said.
Then she sat on the bed and turned toward me...
“ Your mom was a sweet, shy, loving, caring person. But she had visions like you, and had to go to a school to help it, and then she met Sam, your father, and latter found out he was a fallen angel and she loved him deeply. But he told her what would happen if they got to involved and she excepted that. Then after you were born she died and heaven made a rule that he couldn't see you, so he was sent to heaven. But fallen angels are still on earth,” She explained.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.06.2011

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