
My Sophomore Year

Katie Such

Not everyone is the same. People expect me to be like everyone else, but guess what. I AM NOT. I hate trying to fit in. It’s a bunch of crap. If I end up making friends then I guess I will. I don’t play well with others. My mom thinks it’s because my father is gone. But honestly I couldn’t care less. I don’t hate my life I just hate the people in it. I have had boyfriends but they never stayed around long enough for me to even begin to care about them. So, someday maybe I will change but for now I’m good with being alone. Least I have my brain on my side. I’m smart and that will help me far in life. So you know what I could die and old unmarried virgin for all I care.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got in the shower silently and washed my long brown emo cut hair. I put body wash on a scrunchie and I washed my body. I am five foot seven. So I’m not short but I’m not extremely tall either. I wear a size zero. But I have thirty six c cup bra. I got out of the shower, and put on my bra and underwear (I don’t wear thongs they are disgusting and I hate the way the feel. I usually wear boy shorts.) Then I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a bright lime green shirt. I took my hair out of its towel and I took the blow dryer and started to blow dry my hair. As soon as I dried my hair I took my hair jell and kind of made it poof up. (Not like gross, it’s a hard thing to explain) then I grabbed my make up and put on my foundation and cover up. I drew a thick dark line under my hazel eyes with eyeliner and put thinner dark line on my eyelid then I put on some mascara and some bright green eye shadow to match my shirt. I changed my eyebrow, nose, and lip piercings to lime green ones. Then I brushed my teeth. Finally done getting ready, I grabbed my new black shoulder strapped book bag with white skulls on it. (If you haven’t noticed I love black.) I quickly went down stairs. It’s only seven thirty so I have a half hour till I have to be at school.
“Morning mom,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. She is a CEO at Mac industries, so we are kind of rich. My mom has this vision of me being all preppy and popular. But I am definitely not like that. AT ALL! I know for a fact I’m pretty because I did date the captain of the football team for a few weeks. But then he got needy and boring. So that was the end of it. Also a lot of girls I don’t even hang out with say they think I’m pretty, but I kind of just ignore them. I hate most of the people in the school because they act like preppy little bitches to most of the kid’s and it’s like “why be nice to me if you can’t be nice to them?” But mostly just try to stay away from them.
“Good morning Elissa,” She didn’t even look up when she said, “You should go change, because I do not approve of your outfit.”
“Um you don’t tell me what to wear I don’t care if you don’t approve this is what I want to wear and I hate dressing like I am all preppy and a bitch so don’t even tell me I have to change because I’m not going to,” I roll my eyes and grab a bagel she made for me and I ate it and put on my lime green converse high tops. I walked out the door with my book bag started to walk to school. I only live like 2 blocks from the school.
It’s the first day of school, I’m excited. I’m a sophomore in high school. I go to North view High School in Los Angeles California. I’m 15 year’s old and I don’t really have a lot of friends. I have one really good friend and then everyone else is just an acquaintance. The school is just for freshmen thru seniors. So there isn’t that many people that go here. Probably about 200 and I know that there are only 30 in my grade. I’m not sure how many are in the other grades.
I went to my locker and put my stuff in and grabbed my schedule. I had History first hour.
“Hey Elissa,” Bree said. She’s my best friend and my only good friend.
“Hey let me see your schedule.” I took hers and matched it with mine. The only class we didn’t have together was our fifth hour classes she had study hall while I took Drama. She’s not as good at school as me because I pretty much have a photographic memory. I have never gotten a problem wrong on anything. I have had perfect grades since kindergarten.
“Why would you take drama? I mean really? You’ll have Mrs. Melina for two classes instead of for just choir.”
“So, you know I love acting and singing, and you know I want to be famous some day.” I really did but I also want to be a doctor. But I would rather play a fake doctor on television and make millions a year than be a really doctor and make half a million a year.
“Yeah but what if neither of those things work out for you?”
“Then I’ll be a doctor. Duh,”
“Okay then, if you say so.”
“I do.” Just as I said that the bell rang and Mrs. Salina walked in with a stack of paper in her hands.
“Morning class welcome to U. S. History, this class is easy if you pay attention and if you listen to me.” She was talking through her ass. Not everyone was good at history so even if the paid attention they might fail. Of course I won’t though.
“Unless you’re like Elissa,” someone said behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Jake. He was one of my ex boyfriends. I gave him a dirty look.
“Well not all of us are gifted with such a good brain. So Elissa is lucky she is so smart.” Mrs. Salina said, “Now come get your books.”
Okay so the rest of the day was boring I felt like I was going to die. It was only Monday. Plus the first week is always the worst then I start loving school. So what’s the point of talking about the first week when it’s going to be lame? So on to next week? I say so.


“Elissa Jackson please report to the principle’s office immediately.” I heard the loud speaker go as I was walking to history. I stop where is was and turned around and headed towards the office. It’s Monday and they usually only call people to the office if they are getting suspended. But I haven’t done anything wrong so that can’t be why I’m getting called. At least I hope not. I opened the door and saw a beautiful emo guy with dark brown hair. He looked somewhere around six feet tall. I walked to the counter.
“Hi, I was called. Why am I here?”
“He Elissa this is Aiden and he just moved here from Detroit with his dad, I would like you to show him to his classes he has the same schedule as you and his locker is right next to yours so please show him where to go. Make sure you show him where his locker is I’m sure he doesn’t want to keep his book bag with him all day.” Principle Warner said.
“Ummmm kay, I turned to Aiden,” Hi my name is Elissa nice to meet you.”
“Hi I’m Aiden,” He looked at me for the first time. He had amazing blue eyes. He had his nose, tongue, eyebrow, and lip all pierced. He was the cutest emo guy I have ever seen, “Can you take me to my locker please?”
“Uh yeah this way,” I walked out of the office and went to my right. The bell for History to start was just about to ring. We were going to be late. I hate being late. But I’m sure Mrs. Salina will understand. “Okay, what’s your locker number?”
“Okay, then its right here. If you even need to talk, my locker is 230 so u can just stick a note in my locker. I never keep it locked. Cause I really have nothing to hide.”
“Okay, I really like your out fit. When the principle was telling me about you, and how smart you are and everything, I figured you would look like a dweeb with huge glasses and be all gross. But you are beautiful and aren’t anything I expected.” He had a huge smile on his face.
“Well that just shows you that you don’t judge someone until you meet them. Now let’s get to history we are already late.’
“Okay. So why are you in choir and Drama?” he asked.
“Because, I want to be an actress and a singer when I get out of high school what about you?”
“I love theatre I want to be on Broadway someday.”
“That’s awesome.”
“Yeah,” we were walking into history class as we finished talking.
“You’re late Elissa, and who is this?” Mrs. Salina
“I’m Aiden and don’t blame Elissa for being late she was showing me where my locker was.”
“Well Aiden don’t let me catch you being late again, now take your seat next to Elissa in the back row.”
“Okay,” he came and sat next to me. He passed me a note that said:
Hey. Want hang out sometime. I know we haven’t really talked much yet but you seem cool and I would really love to be friends.

My Reply:
Yeah sure I would like that after school today? My mom won’t be home until five but she won’t mind.

I waited a few seconds before I passed it so Mrs. Salina wouldn’t get suspicious. He caught on to my idea and when he passed it back she had her back faced to the whiteboard.

That sounds good. Do you take a bus?

Yeah, I take bus number seven.

No way. Me too, well I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other.

Well duh we do only have the same schedule.

Oh yeah duh. =)

I just read the note and shoved it in my binder. I looked at Aiden and just smiled. I have to admit he is beautiful. I wish I had met him sooner. He is really smart, like me but I don’t know if he has a photographic memory like I do. He might just study a lot.
At lunch I actually have some one to sit by we started a conversation as soon as we sat down. We were eating the school’s food. Today it’s Chicken nuggets and fries, so yummy.
“So what’s your favorite color?” Aiden intently looked into my eyes.
“Mine is black and what about you?” His eyes are so blue; I could stare into them all day. I know how awkward that sounds but they are just so beautiful.
“Well it used to be black also but now I’m in love with the color of your eyes.” He was flirting, I blushed really hard. I tried not to but I failed miserably. He put his hand on mine.
“What’s your favorite band?”
“Kinda cheesy but I love Panic at the Disco.”
“No way that’s mine too.”
“It looks like we have more in common than we thought.” He was really getting to me. I was taught never let a guy into your heart unless you know you will last forever so I have to keep him out. I don’t know if we will last and until I know my heart is on lock down. No one gets in or out. Well I should just say no one gets in because there is no one in it to get out.
“Yeah, we sure do.” I smiled politely. I didn’t want to fall for this guy because I am too afraid he won’t catch me if I do. The shrill of the bell interrupted my thoughts. “Time for Drama, fun, you will love Mrs. Malia she is absolutely hilarious.”
“Really I can’t wait to see this.” He said as we walked in.

Aiden sat by me the whole ride on the bus. He has been with me so he hasn’t met anyone else, but I have heard a bunch of girls say how hot he is. I’m sure he has heard them too but just ignored them. I found out that he lives right across the street from me. I knew we had some people moving in but I didn’t know that they had a teenage son. Now I enjoy my neighbor hood a little more (Wink, Wink).
“Nice house,” He was looking up from his blackberry making sure he could see where he was going.
“Thanks. Want to stay here in the living room or do you want to go upstairs to my room?” We have homework in English, Algebra 2, and Biology.
“We can go upstairs. We’ve got lots of work to do.” Which wasn’t a lie, we did have a ton of homework to do. So we went upstairs to my room. My walls are a dark blue, carpet is black, and my bed spread is black with huge white polka dots on it, “Nice room.”
“Thanks.” We sat at my desk and worked on our homework. I didn’t notice the clock when I heard the front door slam.
“Elissa, I’m Home!” My mom yelled.
“Okay!” I yelled back, “Be down in a minute.” I turned to Aiden, “Come on she is going to want to meet you, it’s not everyday I have a new friend over.”
“Okay let’s go.” He stood up from his chair and we walked downstairs.
“Hi mom,” She’s in her business suit like always. I wondered if she had something new for me. She usually does every Monday.
“Hi, who’s this?”
“I’m Aiden,” He answered for himself, “I just moved in across the street.”
“Well nice to meet you. You can call me Veronica.”
“Okay, Nice to meet you too.”
“So, mom anything new at work today?” I was hinting something because she usually cuts right to it and gives it to me. (Sorry if I’m sounding like a brat, I’m usually not, I just like stuff haha.)
“Oh, right, here it’s the IPod touch 4.0 and take the new Mac phone. It’s a touch screen a full keyboard and it has unlimited internet.”
“Wow, cool thanks mom.”
“No problem, here Aiden you can have them too, I have extra ones for whoever,”
“Wow, thanks Veronica.”
“No problem, but you two can go ahead and do whatever I’m going to shower and then order Chinese Aiden you’re welcome to stay if you want.”
“Thanks, I’ll have to call my mom and ask if that’s okay though.”

“Alright I’ll be back in about an hour.” She said and walked up the stairs to her room.
“An hour to shower really?” Aiden asked.
“Yeah, she takes forever in the bathroom. She even sleeps in make up incase she gets a call in the middle of the night from her imaginary boyfriend.”
“You’re kidding right?”
“Umm no, but hey lets go out back and sit on the porch swing.”
“Okay, I’ll do anything as long as I’m with you.”
“Wow, you’re such a flirt.” (But I love every minute of it.) I thought.
“I know, but you love it.”
“Umm no not really,” I tried to act tough about it but truth be told being with Aiden made me feel different. I hated to admit it but I’m becoming a softy. So not good! I really should stop. But how?
“Not even a little?”
“Nope,” We sat down on the swing as I said that. I put one leg up on the swing and faced him. He did the same.
“Not even if I do this?” He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in close and kissed me. I was a little shocked but I kissed back and my stomach started flipping as if I knew that he’s the one. It was only for like ten seconds. He pulled away and just smiled, “Friends right?”
“Friends,” I was kinda sad that he just said friends. But I have to remember I can not fall for him. I don’t want my heart broken. Just like it was when my dad left I was torn apart.
“Good. I have to go though, tell your mom I said thanks for the phone and IPod and the dinner invite but I have to head home.”
“Okay, see you at the bus stop tomorrow?” I asked.
“Of course.” He smiled and gave me a quick hug. I decided to change all the stuff to my new phone and give Bree a call.
“Hello?” She answered.
“Hey, what are you up to?” I was upset but I wanted to tell her what happened.
“Nothing just at home, how did it go with the new kid today?”
“Aiden, he came over after school and we did our homework, and then my mom gave him the new IPod and a new phone, oh by the way I’ll bring yours tomorrow, but anyway after that we went and sat on my porch and he kissed me,”
“OMG!!! NO WAY!!!! Was it good?”
“Yes! But then after he said ‘friends right?’”
“Awe maybe he was just afraid to ask you out because he didn’t want you to turn him down and think he’s weird.”
“Maybe but hey my mom is calling me down for dinner so ill talk to you tomorrow okay?”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye Bree,” I hung up the phone annoyed and I just wanted to know what was going on. My stomach was doing flips when he kissed me. Well whatever he doesn’t want to be together so I might as well just forget bout him like that.
The rest of the week went by and neither Aiden nor I have said anything more about the kiss it’s like it never happened. Except it did, we kept going on and pretty soon we were best friends.

It’s been three months since me and Aiden kissed. We are best friends now. Bree moved to New York with her mom. Because her parents got divorced, but I talk to her every weekend. She keeps asking when I’m going to tell Aiden how I feel about him. But I’m not sure if he feels the same way so I don’t want to rush him into anything until I know how he feels about me. I hope he feels the same way because the winter formal is coming up in about two weeks. I want to ask him to go. Even though I hate dances, but I thought it would be nice to go with my best friend or even my boyfriend.
Monday at school I walked up to Aiden, “Hey,”
“Hi, what are you doing for the Formal? I was thinking about asking this girl I like. But I’m not sure how she feels about me.”
“I say go for it, just ask her or maybe put a note in her locker. I don’t know but I bet she likes you back.” I just wanted him to be happy even if I wasn’t the girl. Whoever he was talking about I bet she’s beautiful.
“Okay, thanks for the advice, I’ll be to history in a few, by the way I think you look gorgeous today.”
“Thanks you don’t look half bad yourself.” I said unaffected because we always tell each other how we look every day. I’m wearing a black shirt with a blue tank top, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and my black converse. My piercings are all black and blue stripped, except my lip. It’s white with blue dots. I really wonder who Aiden was talking about now because of what he said. Oh well I guess I’ll find out when I talk to him. He walked into history a minute after the bell rang.
“Well Aiden what do you have to say for yourself? You’re late, let’s here that excuse.” Mrs. Salina asked.
“The truth is I was leaving a note in the smartest and prettiest girl’s locker asking her to the winter formal.” He said flat out with confidence.
“Oh well next time do that on your own time not mine. I don’t want to have to wait for you to get a girl. This is my class time Aiden, now take your seat. Next time you will have detention.”
“Yes ma’am,” Aiden replied. I quickly wrote a note saying:

Hey, who’s the girl? Can I know?

I quickly passed it to him, he read it looked at me smiled and wrote something and passed it back to me:

You already know her. But I can’t tell you her name. It’s a secret. Why are you jealous?


No of course not, why would I be?


Idk, I don’t understand why you are asking then? You’ll find out soon enough.


Wow, what’s wrong with you today? You’re crabby or something.


Sorry, I just think this isn’t really your business until the person says yes or no. You know you’re my best friend and that I love you like you’re my sister right?


Love you too Aiden, but don’t be so snippy with me. Sorry don’t mean to be a bitch.


Its okay I’m kinda crabby anyway, but I’ll talk to you after class I don’t want you to get in trouble.

I was really irritated so I just didn’t reply. Aiden could be so sweet but sometimes he could be a real pain in the ass. But I got to love him he’s so much like me.
After class I went to my locker. Aiden didn’t come with like he usually does. Oh well… I opened it and I looked in the holder where Aiden and I always put our notes to each other. Sure enough there was a piece of paper neatly folded in the holder. I pulled out the note it read:

We have been friends since the day I started school here. When I saw you walk into the office on my first day I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I didn’t know how to tell you in person but I love you and I have since the first time I met you. When we were on your porch and I kissed you, I didn’t think that you wanted to be with me so that’s why I said friends. But ever since then I regret not asking you out I have loved you for the longest time and I want you to be my girl and everything. Will you please go to the winter formal with me?

I read this and I felt the tears well up in my eyes. This is the guy I’m in love with and the guy I really want. I have never felt this way about any other guy.
Not letting Aiden know I read the note I walked into my next class. He looked at me and I smiled. He gave me a confused look. I just ignored it for now. I was going to make him wait just like he made me wait for him to ask me out. He’s going to have to wait for an answer.
After school I walked up to Aiden and said, “Hey,”
“Hi so did you get my note?”
“Yeah I did.”
“So what do you say?”
“I’d rather do this,” I pulled him really close and kissed him. He pulled away.
“I take that as a yes.”
“Hmmm do I have to make it any clearer?”
“I think you should.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and kissed him.
“Get a room,” I heard someone say. I didn’t recognize the voice at first. I turned around and saw Jake standing there.
“Shut up Jake,” I said.
“No, by the way Aiden have fun with my sloppy seconds.” He said and walked away.
“You dated him?” Aiden asked surprised.
“Uhh yeah for a while.”
“He’s a jerk though. For how long?”
“A year and a half, he was my longest relationship.”
“Oh, well we better get to the bus.”
“Wait, your not mad are you?” I looked at him with confused eyes.
“No but tell me one thing. Did you sleep with him?”
“No! I’m a virgin. Are you though?”
“No,” He kinda looked away when he answered.
“Oh, well let’s go.” I started to walk away and he followed
“It was with only one person and we were together for 2 years, but she broke up with me for someone else.”
“Okay, I get it,” I said and boarded the bus. I sat down and when he sat next to me I looked at him and said, “Just so you know I’m not ready to have sex and I’m not going to be for awhile, Ok?”
“Okay,” was all he said. I looked out the window on the ride home. We were together and already having problems. This isn’t good. But I guess we will see where this all goes.

I started to put on my dress, its blue with sparkles on it. It goes all the way to the floor, and its form fitting. I actually didn’t look as emo as I always do. I took out all my piercings and I straightened my hair so it looked normal. I don’t really like looking like this, but I want to prove that if I want to I can make my self look pretty and not like an emo Goth.
As soon as I was completely ready I sat on my bed to wait for Aiden to come. He was here within ten minutes. I heard the chime of the door bell. I started to walk down the stairs as my mom let him in.
“Wow, umm Elissa you look. Wow,” That’s all he could say. (Haha)
“Thanks, you look amazing yourself.” He had a tux on with a tie to match my dress, it was even sparkly. My mom took a few pictures of us and we left for the dance. His mom drove us. Neither of us can drive yet. But I have my permit. I’m not sure if he does.
After the dance we walked out side and sat on the bench, he hadn’t called his mom yet. I didn’t really want him to. It was going good so far and it’s nice to know that there is someone like me out in the world. I use to think I would end up alone because I was the odd person out, but now I know that there is someone for me and like me in this shitty world.
“So, what should we do now?” Aiden asked.
“Whatever you want to.” I looked at him and kissed his cheek. I started to turn my head away again and he pulled me back to him and kissed me. It started off just a slow kiss, we deepened it and he opened his mouth and ran his tongue along my bottom lip begging for entrance. I teased him a little and then let him in. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth. Then I heard someone clear their throat. It was Mr. Jackson our principle.
“Ummmm Elissa did you ever finish that service learning idea for the school yet?” he asked.
“Uh yup, I’ll have it on your desk Monday morning”
“Okay thanks.”
“No problem.” I said and he walked away and I looked at Aiden and we both just started laughing.
“Well that was slightly awkward,” he said.
“Just a little want to go down to the park?”
“Sure why not?” he said and we got up and went to the park.
“I used to play here with my dad when I was little.”
“Wow, where is your dad now?” I knew he was going to ask because I brought it up.
“He died last year of leukemia,” I kinda looked away; talking about my dad is a really hard subject. I was closer to my dad than I am my mom. He understood my problem mom never seemed to.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for bringing it up.”
“No it’s alright, I just hate that my mom seems to have forgotten him and just hooks up with a different random guy every week. It’s like she’s trying to replace my dad.”
“I’m really sorry Elissa.”
“It’s alright it’s not your fault. But sometimes I do wonder what would happen if I were to do something wrong that she does and then she what she has to say about it. Because she doesn’t know what it’s like living with her, she should live with someone who is just like her.”
“I don’t know what to say…”
“You don’t have to say anything Aiden just be here for me and be someone for me to spill my feelings to.”
“Okay, I will always be here for you I promise.”
“Thanks,” I said and kissed him. I just wanted all of these thoughts to just wash away. Pretty soon he pulled away.
“You’re very welcome just promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”
“I won’t I promise, I love you to much.”
“Yes Aiden you are my world,” I brought him to my favorite place to sit.
In the morning I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bed side table. I looked at it and I was from Aiden,
Elissa want to come over? my parents aren’t home and my mom or dad won’t care.
I wrote back saying,
Sure but you know my rule.
Of course baby I know. I won’t ever try anything until you are ready and you know that I already told you that.
Instead of replying I got up and got dressed my hair was still kinda straight from last night so I threw it up into a cute little pony tail, keeping my side bangs down. I put on a pair of jean short shorts and a purple shirt over a black tank top. I slipped on my black clogs and I headed across the street to Aiden’s house. I knocked on the door and waited. I never just walk in, that would be rude. He opened the door and just moved so I could walk in.
“Hey,” I said. Not knowing what else to say.
“Hi, so do you want to watch a movie or go up stairs or something?” He asked grabbing a blanket off the floor and putting it back on the couch.
“Ummmm sure what movie?”
“How about a Nightmare on Elm Street?”
“Sure’ but I’m not the biggest on scary movies so you’re going to have to sit close to me,” I lied I love scary movies, but you have to make the guy feel like he can protect you. So I figured that’s a good way to fake it.
“Of course baby I would do that anyway. I am here for you when you get scared,” he said as he grabbed the movie and put it in the DVD player. While he put the movie in I sat down on the couch and covered up with the blanket he threw on the couch. He grabbed the remote and pressed play and sat next to me and I cuddled him. During the whole movie I acted scared but I really wasn’t, it’s like the best movie ever.
After the movie ended Aiden got up and took out the movie and turned on some television show that I don’t watch.
“So when will your parents be home?”
“Next week they are in Japan on some business thing.”
“Oh, okay. So your home alone until then, that must suck.” I said.
“Nope because you’re here,” He smiled and kissed me soft but sweet. I kissed back we kissed for a while, until he started to move his hand up my thigh, I pulled away.
“Whoa Aiden you know my rules,” I was kinda panicky.
“Oh my god I’m sorry, really Elissa I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine, just stop for a minute. I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Okay, up the stairs to your right.”
“Thanks,” I stood up and moved the blanket off of me. I walked upstairs and to the right. I didn’t pay attention to anything. I didn’t really have to go to the bathroom I just wanted to get out for a minute. I looked at my self in the mirror I fixed my pony tail and adjusted my shirt. It’s not really that I’m not ready I just feel inexperienced. I love Aiden to death it’s just that he’s done this before and I haven’t. I don’t want to rush it anyway. We haven’t been dating that long either. I don’t know what to do but I have to go back down there. I opened the door and walked back down. Short shorts probably weren’t my best idea.
“Sorry had to fix my face.”
“It’s fine, so what do you want to do?”
“Doesn’t matter,” I sat back next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
“Okay well we can just watch this for now I guess.”
“What time do you have to be home?”
“Doesn’t matter I don’t have a curfew on the weekends.”
“Oh okay. Would your mom let you spend the night?”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t care. I’ll text her and ask her.” I grabbed my phone from my pocket.
I texted my mom:
Hey mom, can I spend the night
At Aiden’s house tonight?
She answered back like right away:

Sure Hun, I’m having a friend
Over tonight anyway. But no sex, you know that I wouldn’t like that.
I answered back annoyed:
Whatever mom.
She answered:
I’m serious Elissa do not lose your virginity tonight.
I replied pissed off now:
My god mom I don’t plan on it. Now just go back to work.
She texted back
Kay Hun, love you.

I didn’t even text back I find it disgusting that she does this. She just goes and has sex with any man she can. I swear she’s going to end up having another kid. I mean she’ll have the money and the room but she can barely control me. She’s lucky I want to do well in school and that I’m not a drop out.
“So what did she say?” Aiden asked.
“I can, she’s going to have a friend over tonight. So usually when she does that I sleep over a friend’s house because I don’t want to hear all that.”
“Oh alright,” he rested his hand on my knee.
“Yeah, sometimes I just want to have sex and be like yeah I did so just shut up you do it all the time. But I’m scared to.”
“Well, I’m not going to be the one to force you into anything. So when you’re ready I am, and if you ever just want to ‘play’ but no sex I can help you with that.”
“Okay. Nice to know,” I didn’t really want to do that either. It seems kind of weird and awkward.
“Yeah, so um what time is it?”
“Okay, do you want me to order Chinese or something?”
“Sure sounds yummy.”
“Okay,” he just laughed at me and I ran over to my house to get my clothes while Aiden ordered take out. Thank god they deliver. The food came a half hour later. We ate in pretty much silence. The rest of the night kind of seemed to fly by.
“So you can either sleep in my room with me or you can sleep in the guest room that is down the hall to the left.”
“I just sleep in your room with you.”
“Okay,” we walked in and I sat on his bed. It’s really soft, I love it. His room I painted all black with lime green paint splatters. His bed spread is lime green.
“You can change into your pajamas if you want to.”
“I will, I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” he said as I walked out of his room and into the bathroom. I put on my blue shorts and my black shirt that went with them. The shirt has a blue bear on it. I picked up my other clothes and put them back in my bag. I kept my bag in the bathroom. I walked out and went back into his room he’s sitting there with no shirt and just his pajama pants on. His perfectly sculpted six pack is just right there.
“Wow, uhh can you please put a shirt on?”
“Why? I always sleep like this.”
“It’s distracting.”
“Then not wearing a shirt is doing its job.”
“Wow, good one just please put a shirt on.”
“Fine,” he got up and walked up to me, “Are you sure I need one?” Before I could say anything he pressed his soft lips to mine. We stood there for a while and we just kissed. I ran my hands up and down tracing the perfect lines of his abs while he had one hand on my butt and the other in my hair. This is a little more than what I’m use to but I like it. I don’t want it to stop. Before I really noticed Aiden pulled me down on the bed and was on top of me. I didn’t really want to stop it. He pulled my shirt up a little and started to put his hands under my shorts. I pulled away.
“Aiden no, I’m not ready for sex.”
“I know, but just relax, no sex I promise, you’ll like this,” He said and continued.

I woke up to my phone vibrating on Aiden’s bed side table. I looked at it, Bree was texting me:
Hey, sorry I didn’t call last night I was really busy
I miss you though; my dad got visitation rights so
I will be there for spring breaks, summers and either
Thanksgiving or Christmas, depends on which one
He wants me on. So how are you and Aiden doing?
I sat up and replied:
Its fine I don’t except you to always call, and
I really miss you too, that’s cool I can’t wait
To see you in the spring, it’s going to be a
Blast you wait. Aiden and I are good, my
Mom had another one of her ‘friends’ over
So I stayed at Aiden’s house because his
Parents are in Japan.
I know I’m excited. Ewwww, sorry but your mom
Is turning into a whore, that’s just gross she is going to
End up pregnant. But oh well what can you do? Awwww
You didn’t do anything did you?
I know and with another kid around maybe she will
Stay out of my hair for awhile. I nope can’t do anything
If she does, we didn’t have sex, but he did… well you know?
Oh my god!!!!! No way? Was it like fun? Did you like it?
Oh god Bree haha. Yes I was fun, it felt amazing. By the was
Do you have a boy friend yet?

Actually I do I was just about to tell you about him.
He’s 17 his name is Isaac he is six foot four. Brown
Eyes, black hair, he has his nose, lip, tongue, and
Both eyebrows pierced. He’s on the basketball team,
Football team and also on the track team, he’s super
Smart and really sweet, I’ll send you a picture later.
Awwww how cute, and okay to the picture, but I go to go
Aiden just woke up, I’ll talk to you later Bree, you better
Not forget to send me that picture, I’ll be waiting.
She didn’t reply after that.
“Well good morning sexy.” Aiden said.
“Morning babe, sleep well?” I asked and acted like nothing really happened last night. It all feels more like a dream, but it wasn’t I know that.
“Yes, you didn’t mind what I did last night do you?”
“Not at all but that is all we are going to be doing for awhile. Got it?”
“Yes I know you aren’t ready for anything more and I respect that, maybe one day we can. But defiantly not until you are ready, because I don’t want to force you into anything, and I hope you know that I love you.”
“Really you mean it?”
“Yes I really do mean it; I love you with all my heart.”
“Awwww baby I love you too.” I kissed him and got out of the bed. I put my shorts back on. I’m in my shirt and underwear. It makes me uncomfortable, “I’m going to shower if that’s okay? I feel disgusting.”
“Yeah go ahead you know where the bathroom is.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
“Okay.” He said and I walked into the bathroom, I didn’t have to ask where the towels are because there is a rack right when I walk in. I started the water and while it warmed up I got undressed.
After I got done I changed into the white skinny jeans and purple shirt I brought I changed out all of my piercings to my purple ones and I brushed out my hair. I didn’t poof it like I normally do, I just left it down. I don’t really care what I look like when I’m not in school. Not really anyone to impress. I put on my eyeliner and mascara and went back to Aiden’s room. He’s already dressed and waiting for me.
“Here your phone went off.” He said and handed it to me.
“Thanks.” I opened the message. It’s the picture of Bree’s boyfriend. Damn he is cute! But Aiden is still way cuter. I should probably send one back. So without Aiden knowing I snapped a picture. He is looking at his IPod and smiling. I send her the picture and saying:
He’s really cute here is Aiden. 
“So got anything planned for today babe?” I asked.
“Nope, what do you want to do?”
“We should do something. I don’t really know what though.”
“How about we go for a walk?”
“Okay,” we walked downstairs and I put my clogs and he slipped on his black Supras and we headed out the door. I intertwined my hand with his. We walked for about two blocks and we saw a moving truck parked in the big blue house. It’s right next to where Bree’s dad lives. We curiously walked by. From what we saw, there are two twin boys that are about six, a teenage boy, probably around sixteen, a girl that looks about thirteen and a mom. I don’t see a dad, but he might be in the house.
“Should we see if they need any help?” Aiden asked.
“Sure I guess.” I walked with him up the women that looked like the mom.
“Hi I’m Aiden and this is my girlfriend Elissa. Did you need any help?”
“Sure that would be great. Kids come out here!” She yelled and all the kids ran outside, “These are my twin boys they are eight, Nick and Nolan. This is Nicole she is fifteen, and this is her twin brother Nathan. I’m Natalie.”
“Nice to meet you all,” I said.
“Nice to meet you too,” They all replied.
“Their mom should be here soon.” Natalie said.
“Aren’t you their mom?” Aiden asked confused.
“Well yes but you see I’m a lesbian and I’m married to a girl named Lane.”
“Oh that’s really cool.”
“Yeah, most of my kids follow in my footsteps. Except for Nolan, I noticed he’s the only one interested in the opposite sex.”
“Mom, your going to scare them away,” we heard Nathan say.
“Oh Nate you worry too much,” she rubbed his hair and walked up to the house. Nate is tall, probably about six feet, has light emo cut hair and blue eyes. He has his lip, tongue, and eyebrow pierced. Nicole is looks about five seven, she has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She has her nose and her lip pierced. Nick and Nolan both have brown hair, Nick’s is slightly longer. Neither have piercings.
“So what can we help with?” I asked.
“I need help organizing my room, so does Nicole, so Aiden you can go with her and Elissa how about you come with me?” Nathan said.
“Ok,” we both said. Considering the two of them are gay, it doesn’t bother me as much cause I know that Nicole won’t hit on Aiden.
“So would you rather me call you Nate or Nathan?” I asked as we walked to his room.
“It doesn’t matter, most people call me Nate but it is totally up to you whether you want to call me Nate or Nathan.”
“Alright, I think I will stick with Nathan, so I can be original. So what school do you go to?”
“Nicole and I start North View tomorrow. What grade are you in?”
“Cool Aiden and I go to the same school; we are both in the tenth grade and you?”
“Cool we are both in the tenth as well.”
“That’s cool. Let’s hope we have some classes together and we can all hang out? I’m not usually friendly but your family seems really cool.”
“Yeah that would be cool and thanks my family is pretty awesome.”
“Yeah well I’m going to get Aiden he and I should really be going.” I said as I finished hanging up all of his shirts.
“Alright it was nice meeting you I guess I will see you tomorrow, and thanks for the help Elissa.”
“Not a problem, see you,” I said and walked over to Nicole’s room to get Aiden. I knocked on the door. Aiden answered.
“We should get going hun,” I said and we waved goodbye and left.
“They were really nice; Nicole says she misses her girlfriend back home.”
“Awwww that’s sad well maybe they will fly her down every once in a while, lets go to my house and go to bed.” I said, I’m really tired.
“Ok, let’s go.” He said and we walked back to my house.

Aiden and I have been together for six months today. I think I’m ready to give everything I can to him. We have done everything but sex and I think I’m ready. I know my mom doesn’t want me to have sex but she is just being a hypocrite. If she can then why can’t I? I’m not on birth control or anything, but I have condoms.
“Hey babe,” Aiden said pulling me abruptly out of my thoughts.
“Hey,” I said and kissed him.
“Happy six months.”
“Thanks you to babe, are your parents coming back tomorrow as planned?”
“Not sure, they might be stuck there even longer if this deal they are trying to make doesn’t go through.” He said. I have only met his parents once. Now they have been gone for a month because they are out on business.
“Okay, well shall we celebrate at your house tonight? We can order in watch a movie and just relax.”
“Sounds good baby I can’t wait. It’s Friday, so you can sleep over, if you want.”
“Yes of course, now should we go meet up with Nicole and Nathan?”
“Yea,” he answered and gripped my hand in his slightly larger one. He’s always so sweet; we haven’t really fought about anything unless it was something stupid.
At lunch we all sat at our normal table, just the four of us.
“Happy six month lovebirds,” Nicole sweetly said as she sat across from us. Usually I sit across from Aiden but today I felt like sitting next to him. I mean we have been together for half a year.
“Thanks,” we both replied while continuing to eat our food.
“Welcome, so any special plans for tonight?”
“Nope, just going to sit at my house, order in and watch a movie.” Aiden cautiously explained, as if to prove something.
“Yes sure ‘watch’ a movie,” she put fake air quotes out to emphasize something else.
“No nothing of that nature, we aren’t really ready for that. Well I am I’m just waiting for Elissa to be ready I’m not rushing her into anything that she doesn’t want to do.”
“That’s cute; it’s really nice of you to wait instead of to break up with her just because she isn’t ready.”
“That’s just the kind of guy I am Nicole I mean geez I’m not some asshole.”
“Sure you aren’t, I’ve had my chances with guys before I found out I’m lesbian, all guys are the same, they get what they want and then leave the girl. If you have sex with her then dump her, I personally will kill you.” She threatened holding out her spoon to him.
“Okay, I’m not like that if we do have sex it’ll be my intentions to stay with her as long as she wants me. Then if she ever decides that she doesn’t want to be with me anymore, I’ll die inside everyday but that will be her decision and I would never want to ruin that for her. I love her and I would never do anything to hurt her.”
“Good, cause if you hurt her, I will rip you balls off and choke you with them.”
“Okay enough, stop torturing my poor baby.” I cut in, I’m trying not to laugh my ass off but I can’t help it. It’s just way too funny. Just as I said that, the bell for next period rang.
“What ever you say Elissa, but call me when you can tomorrow.”
“Will do Nicole, I’ll see you later.”
After school, we rode the bus to Aiden’s house. He unlocked the door and threw his and my stuff in his room and then came down with a box, it’s not small or big. He handed it to me and I opened it. It’s a little emo bear, under it is a ring.
“Elissa that ring is a symbol of my love for you, you’re my one and only and that ring is a promise that you are the only girl in my life and my only love.”
“Aiden it’s beautiful, thank you so much, I love you.”
“I love you to Elissa.” He wrapped his arms around me and we hugged. I pulled away first and kissed him soft but passionately. Butterflies formed in my stomach. After six months Aiden still gives me butterflies. He is the only guy that can do that. He’s the one, I know he is and I’m ready to give him everything I have to offer. I pulled his shirt off and kissed his neck and I kneeled down and kissed down is body. I was about to unbutton his white skinny jeans when he stopped me.
“Whoa, Elissa stop. It’s too early in the day, and I don’t want to make you do anything that you will regret.”
“Well I know that I want you, but you are right about it being too early. As long as I’m doing it with you it’ll never be something that I regret.”
“You’re too modest; I’m not that great in bed.”
“Ha, babe you’re too funny, you’re good with your hands I can’t imagine what your little guy can do, plus he isn’t so little from what I can see.” I said and looked down. He has a huge bulge in his pants.
“Hmmm well all eleven inches is a work of art.” WOW did he just say eleven? Now that is scary. I think my eyes popped out of their sockets.
“Well we will just have to see him later.” I told him and bit my lip.
“I’ll think about it. I only bring out Junior for special people.”
“I’m not special enough?”
“Course you are.” He said and planted a kiss on my nose, “Now shall we order that food or what?”
During the movie we barely watched any of it. I don’t ever remember then name of it. Aiden is on top of me and we are lying on the couch.
“Why don’t we go somewhere more comfortable?” I asked.
“Sure anything for you,” he hopped up and picked me up off the couch. He carried me up to his room. He put me down on his bed and resumed his position on top of me before kissing me again he asked, “Are you sure this is what you want?” I only responded by kissing him. I pulled a condom out of my back pocket and set it on his bed side table. He looked at it and nodded he slowly took off my shirt. He tried unhooking my bra but I stopped him.
“Please don’t I’m insecure bout my boobs.” I stated breathing heavily.
“Okay, if that’s what you want.” He didn’t even give me time to answer; he pulled my lips back to his and continued. I hitched my left leg around is waist and flipped us both over so that I’m on top. I pulled his shirt up and he helped me get it over his head. Then without warning he flipped me back over.
“I like to dominate,” he said and winked he kissed down my body to my red skinny jeans. He unbuttoned them and pulled them down, revealing my black boy shorts, “You know boy shorts turn me on more than thongs ever did.” He smiled and I unbuttoned his own pants as he pulled them off. He slowly pulled of his boxers, revealing his ten inches. I’m really scared that it’s going to hurt but I’m ready for this and I want this. He inched off my underwear while kissing my neck. I tiled my head back so he has more room. He stopped before putting the condom on, “Babe are you really sure that you want to do this right now? I really don’t want you to regret anything and even if you stop me now I still love you to death.” I didn’t want to say anything I just nodded.
“Okay, this is going to hurt, I’m really sorry but it is. If it gets to be too unbearable just tell me to stop.” With him saying that, he slowly pushed inside of me. He didn’t move fast at all. The pain hurt so bad, I felt a tear race down my cheek. He looked at me worried and I just nodded for him to keep going.
Pretty soon the pain turned into pleasure. I started actually moving with him; he pushed a bit faster as we both let out loud moans. I’m about to reach my point and I know he is too. I moved with him until I felt him reach his peak and release inside of me. Mine came as soon as his did. He collapsed on top of me and then rolled off leaving kissed all over my body. He really does make me feel loved.
“Oh, shit,” He said.
“What?” I asked really worried.
“The condom…” He didn’t finish what he was saying he just looked at the used condom. I looked at it and didn’t see anything wrong with it.
“What Aiden, what’s wrong with the condom?” I asked really tired not really caring.
“It broke.” Was all he could say? Did I care? Not really, what is so bad about it breaking?
“Oh, whatever,” I replied not really caring. It’s used so what’s wrong that it now broke? Aiden didn’t seem to mind that I really didn’t care he laid on his side and wrapped his arms around me, and fell asleep. I nuzzled my head into his chest and drifted off into my dreams.

I woke up this morning not feeling to well. It’s been two months since Aiden and I first had sex. We don’t do it everyday but every time we get the chance. My mom knows that we have, because she walked in on us the other night, she didn’t seem to care as much as I thought she would. She lets Aiden stay over whenever he wants to and when his parents are out of town.
My stomach turned and I ran to the bathroom and puked. I have been doing this for a week now, waking up puking, having headaches, then eating and feeling a little bit better. I feel like I’m gaining weight. My shirts feel tighter and so do my pants.
“Elissa Aiden’s here, do you want me to let him in or just stay in the living room?”
“Living room I’ll be ready in a few! Oh and mom can we go to the doctors after school I’m still throwing up.”
“Yes hun, I’ll pick you up and take you, I have off today anyway so it won’t be a problem.”
“Thanks mom.” I put on one of my looser shirts and a pair of sweat pants. I threw my hair up in a pony tail, and threw on some light eyeliner. I have been dressing like this for the past week and a half. I haven’t really been feeling like taking my time and getting all ready. Aiden doesn’t seem to care either. He’s just worried about my puking. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.
“Hey babe, are you still not feeling well?”
“No, not really, I don’t know what’s up with me but I don’t like it. I feel like crap all the time and I’ve been so tired lately.”
“Well you’re going to the doctors tonight right? Can I come with?”
“Yeah, my mom will pick us up from school.”
“Okay, do you want to get to the bus now?”
“Can we just walk? I’m not feeling the bumpiness of the bus I don’t want to puke again today.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
After my last class I walked with Aiden and went to go get my stuff from my locker and then to go meet my mom.
“Hey mom.”
“Hi sweetie let’s get you to the doctor you’re really pale, you don’t look so good.”
“I don’t feel good either; I just want to go to sleep.” I sat in the back with Aiden, I laid my head down on his lap and closed my eyes, and he rubbed my cheeks and played with my hair. I couldn’t really fall asleep but it made me feel a bit better. Being comforted and soothed by Aiden always makes me feel better.
“Well we are almost at the doctors, I called you in and I told them your symptoms they want to look at you and do a few tests.”
“Okay then I can go home and sleep for the rest of the weekend I’m so tired and I don’t want to move at all.”
“Well you can do that, I don’t care, and Aiden can stay with you and help you if you want.”
“Only if he wants, can we just go check in now?” I asked realized he had parked and stopped.
“Oh yeah lets go.” We got out of the car and I went inside and sat on a chair next to Aiden and laid my head on his shoulder while my mom checked me in.
“Elissa Anderson?” I heard the nurse come out and say. The three of us got up and followed the nurse to a room, “Hi Elissa I’m Nancy I have a few questions for you.”
“Are you sexually active?”
“Are you on Birth control?”
“Do you use protection when having sex?”
“When’s the last time you engaged in sexual activity?”
“Um, last Saturday.”
“Ok, only a few more questions. When was the first time you have had sex?”
“About two months ago.”
“Okay, well we need you to take this cup and go to the bathroom and urinate on it. You can put it in the little turn holder in there and turn it. Then come back in here and we will come and tell you the results of the test. If it’s negative we will have to take some blood and do some other tests.”
“Wait what tests are you doing that you need my pee?”
“A pregnancy test.”
“What? Why?”
“Your symptoms show all the signs.”
“Oh, this can’t be happening, I can’t be pregnant.”
“Actually it’s very possible babe, I told you the first night we had sex the condom broke and you thought nothing of it and I didn’t know what else to say.” Aiden spoke up.
“Yeah, but I didn’t even think about pregnancy. It just didn’t cross my mind.” My mom never said a word she just sat there speechless. I walked in the bathroom and did what they needed me to do. I should have known that this was possible when I didn’t get my period when I thought I should have. How could I be so stupid? It explains everything. The clothes not fitting, morning sickness, even being moody and super hungry all the time, I can’t even imagine what my dad would say if he was here. My mom is probably going to kill me when we get home. Tears rolled down my eyes as I walked back to the room the doctor had put me in. I opened the door to my mom still in shock and Aiden with his head in his hands. He looked up as I walked in.
“Oh, baby don’t cry please. Everything is going to be okay, I promise we will get through this.” Him saying this only made me cry harder. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried in his chest.
“Elissa I know that you didn’t intend for this to happen. I have always wanted grandkids but not this soon. But we can deal with this if the test comes back positive.” My mom spoke up; she can tell I’m the most scared with all of this.
“I agree with her Elissa, I didn’t want kids so soon, but it will be alright, my parents will be upset when they come back and we tell them, but they will understand. We will get through all of this. I promise baby,” Aiden kissed the top of my head and squeezed his hands tighter around me.
“Please don’t leave me Aiden, that’s all I ask. I couldn’t take it if you did.” Was all that could come out of my mouth at that time?
“I could never Elissa, only a cold hearted person would do that, and I will not be like that, as long as you want me here I will be here for you. If you tell me to go I will, but the second you tell me to come back I will be here.”
“Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too Elissa and I always will. I will love you until the day I die.”
Just as he said that, there’s a knock at the door.
“Come in,” I said.
“Elissa, I don’t know if this is good or bad but your two months pregnant. We won’t really be able to tell you the sex of the baby but we need to do an ultrasound on the baby’s heart beat to make sure it’s doing good and developing ok.”
“Ok,” I moved onto the bed and lifted up my shirt so he could do what he needed to do.
“This won’t be a picture; it’ll just be a sound of the heartbeat.” He put the little thing on my stomach and searched for the heart beat. He stopped when he found it. To me it sounded a little faster than normal but the doctor just said, “It’s perfect, but we might need you to get a little bigger so the baby has more room. From your weight I can tell you are going to be all baby. And you might want to get some cocoa butter to prevent the stretch marks. Oh and one more thing before you go, start taking prenatal vitamins and try to take care of yourself. Make it easier for the baby to develop. No heavy lifting, nothing like that.”
“Thank you. I appreciate the help doc.”
“It’s my job I’ll see you in about a month, your due date is estimated around November seventh.”
“Okay, see you in a month.” I rubbed my stomach as we walked out the door. I’m really scared to have this baby.
I still can’t believe that I’m pregnant, it feels so unreal. Two more weeks have past. My stomach hasn’t really grown much, but Nathan and Nicole now know. I called Bree and asked her to be the god mother she happily said yes. My mom has already been trying to figure things out for where the baby will sleep and she already bought formula and diapers. My mom is happier about this than anyone. I don’t even know if I want to keep the baby. I mean I won’t abort it but I’m only a sophomore. Maybe I should give it up for adoption or something. But I know Aiden wouldn’t let me do that and neither would I. I really want this to work but I don’t know if Aiden will leave once the baby is born or what. I’m really scared. Aiden has been living with us pretty much. He’s helping me out with carrying my books even if it’s only one and he doesn’t let me get my own food he always gets it for me. He’s the sweetest guy on earth. I’m not going to lie about that. Not everyone in schools just my friends but everyone will figure it out when I get bigger. I’m not really going to tell anyone but the teachers have to know. The doctor said when ever I’m hungry I need to eat. So he said the teachers will understand if I need to bring like a little snack or something in class. And if they don’t allow it then he will write a doctors note for it. I don’t really want anyone to know I would rather be home schooled or something but I’m not going to quit just so I can leave.
I thought about this all for awhile while my mom and Aiden went shopping for some food that I have been craving. But my phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even look at it I just put it up to my ear.
“Hey mommy, how are you feeling today?” Bree’s voice filled the speaker.
“I’m good just kind of relaxing because there is nothing else to do. Aiden and my mom are out shopping for food. Aiden wouldn’t let me go. He says I don’t need to be on my feet so much because I’m already on them enough during school and what not. My mom is going baby crazy buying diapers and bottles and formula. She even bought some baby food.”
“Wow, she must really miss having a baby in the house or something. But at least she didn’t like kick you out of the house and tell you that she never wanted to see you again.”
“I know and I’m glad about that.”
“Yeah, so do you have any baby names picked out?”
“Well for a boy I want either, Akira Jacob or Noah Tyler, and then for a girl Aiyanna Raine. But I have to see what Aiden thinks.”
“Those are really cute and unique if Aiden doesn’t like them I’m going to beat him up.” I laughed when she said that.
“Well I’m sure he’ll like them he wants a unique name.”
“Yeah, well I just wanted to call and see how you are doing I call you later Isaac just got here and we are about to go have some fun of our own.”
“Gosh Bree you whore. Just kidding, wear a condom and make sure it don’t break don’t want you getting pregnant like me.”
“Oh trust me I won’t, it’s called birth control.”
“Wow rub it in much?”
“I’m only joking you know I love you. Well I’ll talk to you later I really do have to go.”
“Okay, bye Bree.”
“Bye,” she hung up. I laid there for about another fifteen minutes before I heard the door slam and things being put away in my kitchen. I didn’t really feeling like going down there so I just laid in bed. I’m in my shirt bra and underwear I didn’t feel like putting my pants on after my shower. I just stared at the ceiling waiting for Aiden to come up and tell me he’s home or something.
“Hey babe, your mom left for the night.” Aiden walked in and lay down with me. He rubbed my belly and then my thigh, “No pants today?” He said with a smile. I kissed him quick.
“Of course not, no need for them, they were probably just going to come off anyway.” I said kissing him a little harder. I rubbed my tongue along his bottom lip looking for an entrance. But instead of granting it he pulled away.
“Are you sure it’s okay for us to have sex if you are pregnant?”
“Yes, I even asked the doctor. It’s perfectly safe and normal. But since I’m already pregnant you don’t have to wear a condom.”
“Sounds good to me,” he replied with a smile, he kissed me and he rolled over so he on top of me. He acted really careful as in to not hurt the baby or something. He broke the kiss and started kissing my neck, biting down enough to make me moan, “It’s so sexy hearing you moan, your mom thought we might need some stimulation for better sex while you are pregnant.” He said stopping everything.
“What do you mean by that?”
“His and Hers KY jelly….” He said kind or embarrassed and pulled in out of his jean pocket.
“Oh, well use it then, mother is pretty much a sex addict I think she would know what she’s doing.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah why not, it couldn’t hurt to try it.”
“Okay then.” He opened the box and grabbed the ‘hers’ bottle and set it down on the bed next to him. He then went back to kissing my neck. He rubbed my thigh and then slowly started to take off my underwear. Once he got them off he threw them on the floor. I helped him take off his shirt and pants, now he’s sexily in his blue boxers. He grabbed the bottle and looked at it, “it says it should feel cold but in a good way for you.”
“Well use it.” I insisted my hormones talking. He applied some to his fingers and slowly started fingering me. He moved his fingers in and out while using his thumb to massage my clit. I could feel it getting really cold and it made me moan even more, “Please stop I want you in me like now.” I said. He didn’t hesitate he stopped and pulled off his boxers and he began kissing me and pushing in and out. But after like a minute he stopped.
“I can’t do this.”
“Why not?”
“I feel like I’m hurting the baby like my dick is like going inches away from its face or hitting it.”
“Babe the baby isn’t even that mature yet. Your fine just please, I really need this.”
“I can’t it’s just weird, I’m sorry, maybe another time when I’m not really thinking about all of this.”
“Whatever just get out, don’t bother sleeping here tonight. Just go home I’ll call you in the morning, if I feel like it.”
“Babe, please don’t do this, not tonight. Please.”
“No, just go, bye Aiden.”
“Bye, love you Elissa.”
“Whatever.” He got up and grabbed his clothes and I’m guessing walked to the bathroom across the hall. A few minutes later I heard the front door slam shut. I feel really hungry so I put my underwear back on and then I put my sweats on that are really big. I got up and walked to the stairway and I got about half way down when I tripped over one of my mom’s shoes. I fell backwards and hit my head. I blacked out.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.02.2011

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