
Chapter 1


    “Julie..Julie ...Julie ... Please save the princess... Please rescue the princess. NOW!”said a cat.I started to sweat ,head started to get hot ,and heart starting to beat faster. All of the sudden I woke up and saw that my mother was working on crusading. I walked to her and asked,  “May I play with my friends ?” She said  “ Yes you may, but come back before 3 p.m.”I walked to my cat and said “Jeremy, I will go to play with my friends .Want to come ? ” Jeremy nodded his head and said “Meow meow .” Jeremy and I went outside  and played with my friends.When we went back home my parents said that we will leave this house and move to Paris. I was surprised and I asked my parents “Why are we leaving ? We are fine here. What about Jeremy ?Will he come with us ?”My mother said “Well we can't stay here anymore.Your relatives doesn’t want us to stay in Korea anymore.Me and your father did something wrong.We will leave tomorrow.I have already packed the things.Jeremy will come with us.”I was thinking that fast my parents already packed the things.Why didn’t I know?

     The next day my parents,sisters and brothers was packed and we left the house.I took Jeremy incase my siblings forget about him.We did not said goodbye to neighbors and friends in South Korea and just left. We went to the airport.I was holding my sister's hand . Inside  the airport we took many pictures and brought many things.When it's time we went into the airplane and sat.I looked outside and it was bright. I asked for a juice to drink.When the airplane started flying I went to sleep and when it was time to leave I woke up and saw outside again. I saw the darkness. I left with my family and went outside.When I went outside I saw a lot of pretty things.Then I went to get Jeremy.Jeremy loved Paris .He was so happy that he moved here .

     We went to  our mansion and unpacked everything.Then I went to sleep .Jeremy was sleeping on his own bed.The room smelled like flowers . The next day...I went to the living room and watched movie with Jeremy.We loved the movie.A door opened and my sister came out and walked near me .My sister asked me if I slept well.I said “Yes I slept well.” I continued watching the movie and saw interesting things.Then I was bored so I went outside.There was a pool and on the other side there was a garden.I went to the garden and sat down. Jeremy was catching the butterflies and playing the grasses.When I looked around there were many flowers and plants.I walked more into the garden and saw a big red tree.I layed down and saw the bright sky.Jeremy followed me too .The grass was warm and comfortable. Jeremy was playing on the garden.

      I closed my eyes and slept there for  a while.The breeze was great and wind was blowing me . I heard the grass and trees moving.When I woke up I found myself on a cotton bed.When I looked down I saw the floor but it was small and I was on the sky.The clouds took me back down and I continued walking around the garden.I saw a wand and took it up.The wand was green and was filled with plants around it.The wand moved and I moved.I tried to unhold it but I couldn’t. My hands was stuck attached to the wand.When I stopped I saw a crystal ball that was white.The crystal ball suddenly brightened and came out a mysterious creature.It was a little cat that could talk.I ran away but the creature followed me so I stopped. When I saw it it looked like Jeremy.I stared at it and asked what is happening.The cat said “ You're the knight that could save the princess.”I thought back to my dream that I had and remember that it was the cat from my dreams.

     It was a cat with a flower on his forehead .Queen Lisa told me that Princess of this kingdom have been captured by the evil.You must unlock her and bring her back.I  was surprised by what she said and the surroundings.Then the Queen gave me a thing which was so small that I couldn't even see it .When I touched it ,it went into my skin.I saw it on my hand and it was big.A ring all of the sudden came up and was attached onto my finger .I tried to take it off but I couldn’t the ring was stuck.I Then Queen Lisa left and I fainted.The next day that I woke up I saw few strange people next to me.They moved closer to me and said “You woke up.We were worried about you.” I asked “what happened when I was sleeping?What also happened before I fainted?” They said “Nothing happened.You're fine.” I was thinking of what happened and why I couldn’t remember what had happened.

     My parents ,four older sister, and two older brother came .They said “ Julie you're going to California in few months .You will live there until you’re an adult.We will give you a mansion.There will be maids and a dog to live with you .The maids will take care of you so you don’t need to worry about being starved or no place to live in.”I said “what !?You guys are sending me to California?For what reason are you guys going to send me to another state?” I said “ But I dont want to leave Paris .Are you guys going to California with me?Am I going to live there by myself?Why are you guys sending me to a faraway country?” They said “We want you to learn how to survive without us near you.”I said “Fine .I will go but we need to have contacts with each other.”Few months later…….They packed my clothings and things I will need and drove me to the airport.I took the passport and ticket and went in the airplane.

                                                 PART 2  

 14 years had passed…..It was Monday morning and I was about to be late for class.I ran to school and when I was almost there I was stopped by a schoolmate that had transferred to this school.That schoolmate was tall and white.He wasn’t wearing the school uniform.Every part of him was so perfect.When I saw the time there was only five more minute to get to class.I left him alone and ran to class . It was all the way at 12th floor.When I was running that person was following me.I didn't know what to do so I run faster to class . Few more step to the classroom.When I was almost there I looked back and he was not there.I looked at the time again and it was two minute till I’m late . Then I opened the door and looked inside.

   I went inside he was walking inside too .I was shocked that he was in this class to.The teacher stared at me and said “Why were you late? Its the first day of the school and your late today .Its going to be on the record.” I said to the teacher “I wasn't late.There is still two more minute till the bell rings.So I’m not late.”I went to my seat and put my things down and sat there.He was up there introducing himself.The teacher told him to find a empty seat to sit and someone said “Theres an empty seat here .Come here”The empty seat was in between me and that classmate .He was coming and when he was near ,he throwed his bag on the floor and sat down.The class has started and he is sleeping.When the class ended he woke up and stared at me.I was packing up and getting ready to go to next class.He stood up and followed me.I was walking to the 6th floor.He walked with me and talked to me.I was listening to him and walking.When I was there I went in and took a seat that was empty .He sat next to me and went to sleep.

     The teacher was trying to wake him up but couldn't .He continued to sleep.Then I went to gym he was there too  .I was playing volleyball with my friends .He was playing with his friends too.When he saw me he went over and asked me to join in to play with him.Me and my friends played against his team. I was concentrating on the volleyball . Everytime the ball comes I hit it over the net .The other players couldn’t hit it. Everyone was watching us play.Their eyes and mouths couldn't believe what I did this summer. I won the game.They were sitting on the floor and was out of breath. I went to change my clothing and getting ready for next class.Everything around me was like spinning then I felt dizzy so I fainted.The classmates and friends were around me trying to wake me up .When I woke up I was in the hospital.I saw that classmate again .I was like OMG! why is he here?Isn't he in school? He saw my eyes move and he called the doctor.I was thinking why was I in this hospital?I looked around and found my things.

  The doctors were standing in front of me and were talking about me. I heard something but it was not clear and I couldn’t really hear .I was confused and when that classmate came closer and tried to talk to me I couldn’t hear what he was saying.He was angry and I was still confused. He called the doctor again and the doctor said something .The doctor came closer and checked my ears .The doctor tried to talk to me too but I couldn’t hear it.I left the hospital and went to find my family.When he tried to find me ‘he couldn’t .I am already on my way going back to Paris to see my family.I was thinking how should I tell my parents.My sister came to pick me up but she didn’t recorngize me.It was fourteen years since we saw each other.

     A year later……...In a beach at Paris.I was sitting with Jeremy on a chair enjoying the sun and the ocean.There was a house near by.The temperature was nice and the sky was nice.Its was a summer after I had my surgery. Im sitting here listening to music and sleeping.Jeremy was playing with the sand scratching it.Then at the afternoon Jeremy and I went to the library .When it was the night I went back into my house and had dinner.Then I watched movies.My parents asked me if I wanted to go back to school in California .I said “why should I ?” I went to my bedroom and thought about it.


Chapter 2


     The next day I said to my parents “I would like to go back to school in California.” They got the suitcase ready and told me that after we eat our breakfast we will go.I was so surprised.When I was in the car going to the airport with my family they said “ You go back .We will stay here.Its for your good use.You will survive on your own now since you learned how to survive all these years.”  I went inside and saw someone that looks familiar but didn't know who it was.I walked and walked until I saw a lady and asked ‘Where am I? Am I lost?”She said “ May I see your flight ticket?”I gave her my ticket .She showed me which way to go and I walked.

   I continued walking and was asking questions about the location.I went pass the doors .There was a lot of things and stores inside.I took many pictures and brought many candies, bags, and books.I went to take a seat and go onto the internet.I was chatting with my friends from California.Five minute before I had to get into the airplane I took out my camera and take many more pictures .When I was walking into the airplane I saw that person again.He was with a lot of girls and his friends.There is one minute left.I went inside and found my seat .I was trying to put my bag on the shelves that were on top but the bag was too heavy.

    He came and helped me put my bag on to the shelves.When he finished putting it on top his friends asked him to continue walking .I was curious of what was inside of the chairs and what was in the screen so I started touching it. After I finish touching it the airplane started to move.I started sleeping when the airplane started flying.I was too tired.When I woke up I looked threw the window and saw that I was almost in California.When the plane was landing I looked out of the window.It was pretty and it was afternoon.I took some pictures and got up to get my things.

   I got my bag down and left the airplane.I left first and saw that there was a lot of people .I saw my maid.She was looking for me and getting my bags.i was walking with her and talking about what happened this past year.We left the airport and went home.I went outside of my house to take some pictures .I walked and walked.I was in front of the school.I went inside and walked .There was many things that changed.When I was leaving classmates and schoolmates saw me and talked about me. I went to the library and asked what had happened after I left.The people there told me everything.I was surprised and went to the beach.I sat there until night.At night I went home.When I was walking home I saw a lot of bullies.They were near me and talked to me in a negative way.I fought them then I left.They were lying on the floor and couldn’t move.Thir uniform was from University of High School.

   A few days later…….I was walking to school.Everyone was staring at me.I walked to the program office which was at the first floor .I asked for my program sheet.They gave it to me and I looked at it.The classes was separated one at the 12th floor and the other at 6th floor. I walked to the 12th floor.When I was walking I knocked over a person.I saw the clock and there was 3 more minute until class start so I ran to class.When I was in class there was one more minute till the bell rings.My heart beating faster and faster than before...I introduced myself and found a empty space to sit.I saw that person who was on the plane with me again.I was sitting next to him.Few hours later it was lunch time.I went to the garden.When I found a space to sit on I saw him.He was sleeping and I was looking at him.When I finish my lunch he woke up and said “I’m Jae  .Nice to meet you.”I said ”I’m ….” When I could try to  finish the sentence , the bell had ranged and I was running to class.

   It was all the way at 12th floor.I had to run into the building and up the stairs.I was running and he was next to me.I was like “What!?He’s fast .”There was one more minute till the bell ring again.I was running and there was less people in the hallway.When I got to class the whole class stared at me including the teacher.I quickly went to my seat and got out my notebook to copy.The teacher started to teach the lesson and I was sleeping.When I was sleeping a suspicious dream came out and said “You're the knight that could save the princess.”It was chemistry class.

Chapter 3

  I hated chemistry but since I was picked to be in chemistry class there was no possibility that I could get out of chemistry class.Jae  was sitting next to me and was listening to the teacher.I was sleeping and when the bell rang I woke up and went to the next class.It was music class.I was running to music class and it was at the 1st floor.When I got there ,there was still four more minute left.I didn’t see Jae . He was slow still at 6th floor running down.I thought of that dream that I had in chemistry class.It was a weird dream of someone in my dream saying to me weird things.

  When he got here the class started .I was looking at him walking in to class.He searched for an empty seat but there was none.I had putten my bag on the empty seat.He had to sit next to the teacher.The teacher used him as an example of how to play the instrument and sing.Everyone was laughing at him cuz he didn’t know how.He said “Its my first day here .I didn’t even learned how to play the piano yet.You telling me to play it.AH! Teacher PLease tell another student to show the class how it play it.”

  I walked up there and played what the teacher had said to do .All the students and teacher clapped their hands .I was tired and was dizzy.When it was almost the end of class I packed up and waited for the bell to ring .It was the end of school.I was walking down and I felt dizzy.When I was outside I car someone that came to pick me up.I went inside the car and slept.When I was home I had my maid to get a shot on me.I was weak and had to rest more.I went to sleep for 13 hours.

 The next day had came and I went to school.Jae  was there with his friends.I was walking into school. When I was inside I went to the garden and slept . I dreamed of that cat and sound again .This time was much clearer . Jae  came and sat across from me.I was surprised and continued sleeping.I heard the bell rang and went to class.I ran up the stairs with Jae  but he was slower than me.I was running two steps by two steps.When I was in the classroom there was still few more minute till the late bell ring.I sat down and got ready for the class to start .I kept thinking of what that dream meant. When I saw him, he was out of breath.

  The teacher came in and started class.He was sleeping and not listening to the teacher.I was there trying to concentrate but I couldn’t.I was too tired.So I slept in class, Jae  tried to wake me up but couldn’t .I was too weak and couldn’t hear anything when I’m sleeping. Jae  carried me to the nurse’s office.The nurse checked me and said I couldn’t breathe so they sent me to the hospital and I woke up.They were talking about me and I couldn’t hear anything or what they said.

  Then Jae  came close to me and touched my face .He looked sad .I asked him what happened but he didn’t answer.He stared at me with a sad face .I was looking at him and was puzzled.When he left the hospital I went to ask the doctors but they did not say anything.I tried to ask the nurses but they said to ask the doctor.I went to the computer and tried looking up what diseases or sick I had but when I could find out the nurses said “I could not be in here.”I went back to where I was and thought about what I should do to find out.All of the sudden that sound came up to my head and said “ You're the knight that could save the princess.”

    The next day I left the hospital and went home to take a shower.Then I went to school.I was running to school.It was far away .When I was at school I looked at the watch .There was still five more minute till school start.So I ran up the classroom.I was almost out of breath.When it was lunch time I went to the garden to sleep.The dream had came up and now I remembered what was that dream about.When I woke up I saw him next to me sleepin.I left to go to the next class.When I got to music class I saw Jae  next to me.He’s early and he found a seat.

  I played some music and he listened to what I was playing.It was few minute before class started.When the class started I listened to the teacher and he went to sleep.After the class ended he woke up and left. I was still packing up.I went all the way down to gym and changed the my gym uniform.I went up to talk with my friends. My friends and I  had decided to play basketball. We went to find Jae  and his friends to play. It was boys versus girls.We got ready on the field to play.       

Chapter 4

    A few minute late ……..People screaming and we are playing a score of two on two.We continued to play but everyone on my team had blocked the other team. I had thought of a way to score in. A half hour passed and we won their team. It was ten to eight. When I was changing I felt dizzy and tired. I ate medicine and continued changing. I went to my next class.After school Jae  came and went home with me but I want to play at the street so I told my guardian to go home first.When I was playing I saw a garden and thought of what I did 15 years ago.When I was at the garden in Paris a strange thing happened.

      We went to eat ,saw a movie, and played at the carnival .We took a lot of pictures and went to a lot of places . When I went home it was night so I went to sleep.Since its Friday tomorrow I can wake up later.I went online and video chatted with my family and friend that were at Paris.After a hour I went to sleep.It was 11p.m.The next day someone called me.I answered it but I didn’t know who it was.I said “Hello.Who are you?”He said “ I’m Jae  . You don’t remember me.”I was surprised and he woke me up.I asked him how did he know my number .He said “I have been with you this whole time and you didn’t now .”I woke up and said “What do you want?”He said “I’m outside of your house.I looked outside and saw him.My eyes were big and my mouths were opened.I went downstairs and walked slowly.

      I went to the door and opened it.I walked down the stairs and asked him to come inside.He stepped in and was so surprised .I ate my breakfast and get ready to go out.We went to the library and studied for the test that was coming up.Then I went to sleep .It was my nap time.After an hour I woke up and continued to study.I studied with him until night.Then we went to his house for dinner.His parents were very kind and served a supper like a feast.After supper I decided to go home but they said “It was too late .The sky is dark .It will be dangerous at the night.Would you like to stay for a night?Leave tomorrow.”I said “ok.If you guys don’t mind”

  The next day …...I went out with Jae  and played but when it was the afternoon I went home  .Everyone at my house asked me where did I go?I said “It was too late .The sky was dark so they offered me to stay for a night.”They were surprised and asked me a lot of questions.I was feeling dizzy .I went back to my bedroom and slept.The next day I went to school.I was full of energy.Everyone stared at me and was surprised.I ran to my first class.It was at the sixth floor.

  Time passed very fast .When I thought of what time it was ,I just remembered that it was lunch.I was dreaming in the garden and Jae  was there smiling.I told him everything that happened.He was so happy that he carried me and swinged me.I was so happy too.We had fun and almost forget about the time.We remembered that it was time for the next class.The bell ranged and we were running into the building..We runned to the next class and there is still five more minute left.It was music .I started to play the piano and I made a new song.

  I played many musics before the teacher came.Everyone was looking and listening to what I played.When the teacher came I stopped playing the music and listened to the teacher.After class I went home with my maid.In the car I was thinking of the garden that I was in and what happened in there.I worked on my homework when I got home.Then I went to sleep my body was so tired and couldn’t move.The dream that I had came up again this time it was clearer .I could Feel the voice and it sounded so firminiar but I couldnt think of where I heard that sound.

   After few months…….I was chosen to play for the school.It was volleyball .I had no idea that I was chosen.Everyone was talking when the teacher said “You had to or else you will not get your college grade.” Everyone was talking about the game.I wasn’t ready for the game yet but since I had to play for my college grades then I will play for it.The game is in few weeks. I was practicing every day until night. Then I went home and did homework.After that I went to sleep .My body muscle was so off ..

  Everyday I was so concentrating at the practice that I almost forget about Jae  .He was there watching me practicing for the game.Then when I remember about him I asked him to join the game too .He said “I wanted to join the game so badly this whole time.” I started to practice with him. We taught each other new skills and new ways . Days passed…...Weeks passed……Its finally the game.Classmates and teachers were there to be by my side and cheer for me.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.09.2015

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