
Part I

There's a place where the beasts run wild, and fight for leadership and power. There are humans still alive, yet they hide in caves and tunnels, deep in the earth. The beasts roam the dessert land and I, the queen of these monsters, is human. I have dominated them all, for I have such a strange gift. There is a story for how I became the queen here, the queen of beasts who hate humans, and yet I am human.

This is the story of how I became, who I am...

I am only just a teen girl when they came. Fifteen years old and I have to fend for myself. They killed my family and left me alone. I lived in one of the sub continents, on our families farm. We raised cattle and their milk was of the best, and we had a variety of other livestock as well.

"Hey! Momma!" I yelled as I stared into the sky.

The sky, only moments ago was clear, was now filled with falling lights, hurdling toward Bratina. My planet was defenseless, our cannons to protect us were not yet finished. We would never survive this.

My mother came out, holding a dish towel in her hands, drying them, "What is it dear?" When she saw me staring into the sky, she looked and paused.

Here was a light headed straight for our farm. Father came out and and looked as well, I had a small chance to move them out of the way. The light slowed and I paused from saving my family.

The buzzing sound soon followed and got louder as every second went by. I had to clasp my hands over my ears, because the buzzing was so intense. Looking around I see my parents doing the same.

I heard crying and ran into the house ignoring the buzzing. My little brother, only a few months old was still inside, alone. Running up the stairs I slam open the door open leading to his cradle.

"SHH! Jacob... Shh... it's gonna be okay." I grabbed him and held him close to my chest, making him feel safe. The crying got softer but was still there.

I headed back down stairs, holding a clothe over Jacobs head, trying to shield him from the buzzing.

Wait a second, I thought to my self, what happened to the buzzing!?

I started into a run, and when I saw the door off it's hinges, I paused and started to back up. Some one... or some thing was in the house.

I heard rattling in the kitchen and was compelled to see what it was. I started down one of the steps and it creaked, the sounds stopped and I heard, what sounded like, foot steps headed out of the kitchen. I turned around and ran up stairs. Straight into the attic. It was the last door on the left and I heard the foot steps right behind me. I slammed the door shut before I got a chance to see what was following me.

There was one loud knock and it made me flinch. I ran up the stairs to the room of the attic and shut that door as well. Jacob was not crying, he was asleep!

I screamed in my head.

Locking the door I set Jacob down on a small chair in the attics room. Sighing, I headed to the back of the attic. I had to find the chest that held our weapons... our protection.




"Where..." I was talking with myself.

I sighed and opened what looked like a antique chest. It opened with a creak and dust was spread throughout the attic. Jacob moved and made a small cry, when I looked over to him I didn't see him. In fact, he was not where I had put him... then where?

There was a bump near the wall and I quickly turned back to the chest. Digging through the old clothes and old antiques I found the sword on the bottom edge, leaning against the wall of the chest. I grabbed it and held on tight. As I stood there was another bump near the entrance. I grabbed the hilt of the sword and readied myself.

There was yet another bump and the door flew off its hinges. It was headed straight for me, I dodged it and landed on my feet next to the chair I set Jacob on.

~Where is my brother!?~ I kept yelling in my head. A tear ran down my cheek when a body was thrown toward me. It was wrapped in the blanket I put over Jacobs head. I fell to my knees, and another tear fell down my cheek.

“Jacob...” I whimpered to myself. I started shaking and slowly stood. “No...” I whimpered again.

Some black figure stepped forward out of the shadow of the wall, it raised what looked like a hand, toward me... me! Like it was telling me something. I drew out the blade nice and slow, creating the sound of metal rubbing on metal. When I looked up, It let it's arm down, and roared. So loud that the attic felt like it would cave into the rest of the house any minute.

“Go away!” I started to yell at it, “Leave me! Now...”

It paused and turned around. To my surprise, it started down the stairs, like it was filling out my... order. I sighed and started to walk away from the little pile of blanket. I went to the stairs, wiping a tear away, I slowly headed down the stairs. One painful step, at a time.



I was outside, watching in horror as these 'creatures,' destroyed my home. The sword was in my hand and I clinched my teeth.

~What should I do? ~ I asked myself as I thought over my options. ~I should hide... save myself the trouble.~

There was a creek, near my farm and by a pool of water, a cabin. That is where we kept all of our hunting gear. That would be my goal for now.

I found my way out from my families farm and into the woods. Trying hard not to make any noise, for the hear of the Creatures finding me. I made my way through the woods, over roots and under trees, to the cabin.

Opening the door, I sigh at the sigh of our abandoned cabin. “Well then... lets start.”

I put the sword on the bed and began to clean off the table. I found a black sheet and put it over the only window in the cabin. After I found our bow and all the arrows, I began to clear the bed. Before I laid the sword down again, I went to the door, and locked it to where no one could enter.

I stood near the bed, hungry and scared. I frowned as I sat on the bed's edge, ~and all this time I haven't shed a tear...~

I laid down, the sword laying against the bed, and I could feel my body telling me to sleep... and my mind, was wide awake.

I let my exhaustion take over, as I closed my eyes. I fell sleep.




A few peaceful days as passed and I had enough time to fortify my new home. I have been on edge since day one, and only once did I have to leave to hunt.

I woke to the smell of smoke and automatically knew I had to go. The looters and bandits would be coming, passing by our farm on their way to the shores. But they always pass our farm.

I yawned and threw off the blanket. My mood turned sour when I though of returning to my 'home'. I frowned as I got my gear and started to dress.

I wore my hunting gear and had the sword placed perfectly on my hip. The bow and arrows on my back and a dagger in my boot. I looked like an actual warrior.



Stepping outside I saw smoke whirling through the clouds in the horizon. It only took me a second to realize that my home was in that direction. Sighing once more, I started back towards the place I though I would never return to.




I lay on the ground near the edge of the forest on a hill. This was Lovers Hill, my parents and their parents got married on this hill. A tear almost escaped from my eyes, then I realized that I was the last of our little town. As far as I know, I am the last alive.

~Who started this fire? It couldn't be the creatures... could it?~ I thought to myself as I slowly stood from my position. ~Wait a second...~ I looked toward my house, the barn was the only thing on fire.

I started into a run. Down the hill and over a fence. Through the pasture and over yet another fence. I slammed my body up against the wall of the house that was facing the opposite direction of the barn, and slowly peeked around the corner. I saw a horse tethered near the stairs to my house and there was sounds coming from inside.

I slowly stepped out from the edge and made my way to the stairs, avoiding looking at the blood stain near the horse's back feet. The horse was asleep, who ever this was has been here a while.

I went up the stairs and into my house. There was, what sounded like, a struggle and then I saw a young boy run down the second floor stairs and straight at me. There was a man running after him and had... a stick in his hand. I grabbed the boy and took my dagger out from my boot. I quickly grab the stick from the man and kick the back of his knees. As he falls to the ground I push him down further. Gently pressing the knife to his neck, making him lower his body to the ground, I draw just a drop of blood and narrow my gaze on him.

“Who are you?” I whispered angrily. When he didn't answer, I leaned my head toward his and asked again, “Who... Are... You?”

He didn't reply, and then I saw that the boy had picked up the stick and was about to whack the man. I grabbed it with my free hand and threw it outside, “Who are you people and why are you in my house!?” I could not hold it in any longer.

The boy came near me and held my arm, the man looked into my eyes as pressed the knife deeper, drawing more blood.

“I-” He stuttered. “I am-”

“Spit it out!” I yelled at him as a steady line of crimson red, flowed out from under the knife. “Or you will not not see the sun again.” I could feel his gulp against the knife and smiled in my head.

“I am-” He took a breath and quickly replied. “I am Gathra. Prince of this land.”

I studied him, and from the looks of it, he did seem like a prince. I mean how would I know if it was the prince of our lands when he never came to visit. I didn't even know what he looked like.

“Some prince you are.” I stood and led the boy outside, keeping me between him and the 'prince.' “How would I know if your the prince of our lands when I never saw the prince, or his lovely father.” You could hear the pure hatred emanating from my voice.

He opened his mouth and then shut it. What ever he was going to say, he quickly avoided the subject. “Who are you, then?” He asked as he turned his head away.

I looked back and smiled. “Someone with the power to stop these beasts. Apparently they-” I stopped myself. ~Why would I tell this Stranger what I can do?~ I turned to the horse outside and walked down the steps.

“There was a beast here!” The 'prince' yelled to me as I stopped in front of the horse.

Putting the knife back in my boot I hoisted myself on the horse and held my hand out to the boy. “Come now.”

He took my hand and I placed him in front of me. I gave him the reins and took my bow from my back. I pointed to the road and whispered to him, follow the road to the right and when a small trail comes around, take it down. It leads to a creak and then a small shack. We will sleep there for the night.


He nodded and started to ride. I spun around and readied my bow, holding it steady against our 'princes' head.

Gathra stood at the entrance of my home, now forgotten. Watching us leave with his horse. I smiled and kicked the horse a bit, making it go faster.




I hoped off the horse and took the reins from the boy. Leading the horse to the creak. I dropped the reins and went to help the boy dismount and yet he had already got off the horse.

I smiled, “Come inside. The night is quick today.” I led the boy inside and threw a log in the fire pit. “Darn thing went out.”

I walked to the bed and brought a knife out from under the pillow. “Here.” I handed the boy the knife and smiled, “stay here and use this if someone, other than me comes through that door. Got it?”

He nodded and hesitated before he smiled back at me. “Good. I'll be back shortly. I have to get some kindling to start another fire.”

I headed out the door and immediately got a feeling I should bring the boy with me. I turned around and walked back inside. Grabbing the two hunters pack I had placed on the bed, I gave one to the boy and handed a coat to him as well.

“Change of plans. Your coming with me and we are leaving.” He looked at me confused. “We have to leave. Trust me. I got this feeling...” I trailed off and grabbed another coat to stuff it in my pack.

He nodded, even though he knew I wasn't looking. I opened the door and waved at the boy to follow. I went to the horse and took the important needs from the saddlebag and slapped the horses ass, making it runoff.

“We don't need him. He will actually slow us down. Anyways, where we are going, horse are frowned upon.” I smiled and couldn't help but to chuckle at his curiosity and confusion. “Come now, we must be going.”

I began to walk toward a bend in the creak and the boy followed close behind. As soon as we left did we hear a loud crash. We were still too close to the shack when the creatures arrived. I grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him on my back. We then crossed the creak. It was deep were we crossed, thus the reason I put the boy on my back.

He was squirming a little when I stopped on the other end, I found out why when I looked across the creak. There was a creature headed my direction. I began into a run, deep into the forest.

“Don't worry!” I yelled to the boy. “I know this forest since I was a little girl.”

I could feel his anxiety. I could feel his heart beat fast against my shoulder. I smiled and kept running.



We had stopped when the night was almost here. It had fallen quickly that day. I set the boy down near a giant tree, he was half asleep and almost ready to doze off. I grabbed the pack from him as he yawned, wiping his eyes.

“Here ya are.” I handed him my coat and pointed to the small overhang near the tree. “Try and get some sleep. You'll need it.”

He started for the overhang when I turned around and started to pick up kindling and sticks. We needed a fire to keep the other animals away and to keep warm. Even though it could lead the creature toward us, I didn't care. I doubt they would venture this far in the forest without much needed protection.

I looked at the boy and smiled as he was fast asleep, curled in the coats. “Better make the fire soon.” As soon as I said this did I hear a howl in the distance.



The next morning was full of the wetness of dew. The trees had a sparkle to them as the sun shone over the mountains. I sat by the fire and was turning over some meat when I heard the boy stir.

“Morning,” I told him as I saw his hazel eyes peek through the coats. “Sleep well?”

He nodded and I couldn't help to giggle as he stared at the food in the fire. “Come on over here. Sit by the fire and warm yourself. The meat is almost done.” I flipped another piece of meat and smiled at the boy as he got up and shivered.

“Last night got a little cold for you eh?” He nodded as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. “Yep. I had to fight off a wolf last night as well. It wandered into our camp and was stiffing around.” His eyes were staring straight at me, wide. I laughed, “don't worry. Where do you think the meat came from?”

He stared at the meat in the fire and backed up a little. I laughed again, “Ha ha, I am kidding. It is deer. Hunted it while you slept this morning.” He stared at me and grinned. “Ha, there we are, come over here!”

I handed the boy some meat and as I bit into the piece in my hand, I heard a cry. Sounded like a human, yet it sounded like an animal. I got up and told the boy to continue eating it was probably nothing, and walked toward the sound. The boy sat there eating away at his juicy piece of meat, watching me walk toward the bushes near our camp.

I rounded the corner of the bushes and saw a glimpse of a small hooded figure running toward a tree. I hurried toward the tree and the figure stepped out and threw a rock at me. I flinched as it hit my cheek. I stepped forward and grabbed a hold of the outstretched arm. I dragged her frail and shivering body toward me and got a better grip.

She whined as I took off the hood to reveal the girls unnatural face. Her eyes looked like they were changing color as I held her. She looked young, for her skin had a pale softness to it and yet she was hiking through the forest. She was starting to cry when I swung her in my arms. I carried her to the camp and as I entered the boy stood and wiped part of his dirty face with his sleeve. He took a step forward and paused.

“Get a piece of meat and some water.” I told him and he walked off to retrieve the needs. Setting the girl down on a giant rock near the fire the boy returned to me handing me the meat first. ”Here. Eat and-” I grabbed the bowl of water from the boy, “-drink. I know you need it.”

She took it with a little hesitation and nodded at me as she began to eat. I asked her where she was headed and she told me she was going to the capitol. We were packing as the girl ate and drank. Every once and a while I would snap the boys attention back, since he always wavered toward the girl. We had much ground to cover and I was not letting a lone girl slow us down. She thanked me and told me that she would not burden us with our escort. Since she was going the opposite direction we intended to go. I pointed her in the general direction and we said our goodbyes. The boy would just stand there and say nothing as the girl and I talked.




Every time there was a noise, the boy flinched against my back. I had picked up the boy as we crossed another creak. This one was a little deep and I had a little trouble keeping myself from falling in the water. If I fell, the boy would surely drown and I wouldn't be able to live with that. We did have a lighter load since I gave the girl some food and a spare coat. I smiled at the thought of the young girl bowing to a stranger and her supposed bother, or son.

The creak was getting deeper and I felt the rocks slip under my feet with each step. I could see the greenish tint of the moss that covered the rocks beneath the surface of the flowing water. I sighed and told the boy to ready himself and he tapped my shoulder. I looked and saw his face, scared and terrified. I looked behind me to see a creature stiffing the air near my direction. I crouched a little and watched as it paced back and forth.

“Ready your self boy,” I whispered to the boy and watched as he nodded slightly.

With one quick move I threw the boy to the shore on the other side and unsheathed my sword as the creature lunged toward me. Dodging the first attack, it landed in the water and started to flow down the creak. I was floating in a small pool of still water, created by the continual flow of many years. The creature flailed around in panic as it drifted pasted me. It didn't howl, nor did it scream its high pitched screech.

The boy stood and I tried to do the same. Instead I lurched forward in pain. ~What had caused this pain? Did I get hurt? Did the beast wound me?~


I searched my body to find a giant cut across my forearm and stifled a small laugh. ~Why was such a small wound hurting like this?~


I lurched forward again and fell into the water.



I forced my body to the side. Opening my eyes to see that my arm was bandaged and there was a small figure hunched over some embers of what looks like a fire trying to burn with life. Looking closer at the figure I realized it was the boy, he had a girlish figure and when he stood, he walked just like a royal woman. My eyes widened and I lowered my gaze. ~Such grace for a boy...~

I sat up. “You need to get bark...” I coughed. “And some more tree needles, to help it burn.” I coughed again and he handed me a bowl. Inside the bowl was not water yet it was murky and looked almost black. I looked at the boy and raised an eyebrow.

“And what is in it?” I stifled a cough. He drew in the dirt the symbol for tea and herbs, “What kind of herbs?”

He took a pouch his pocket and showed it to me. I smiled and with one gulp, I drank the tea. It tasted tart and sour. My head cleared a little and I tried to smile yet my mouth was puckered. He smiled and then hid his face as his teeth showed. They were white. Really white. Usually a mans teeth is not that white. Even for a boy. My own teeth were a little gray. This boy was puzzling and getting more so every hour and with every action.

He took the bowl and nodded to me. Almost a bow. My eyes widened when I realized who this was. I quickly moved away from him and averted my gaze. I had forgotten that the prince was one of bad reputation and I did not know he would go this far to hide the boy- or should I say girl.

I bowed my head and kept my gaze low. “Now I realize why you won't speak.” I coughed and to muffle the sound in front of her I turned my head. “My grace.” I bowed lower, showing as much respect as I could.

She looked at me and her face was flushed. Mouthing the words... How. She stepped back and tried to smile.

Waving her hand she released me from the bow and I sat on my heels, keeping my gaze averted from hers. “My- My Grace? Why would...” I trailed off. ~Why would the prince... and my Grace... she was confined in the castle... was it over run!?~


My eyes flickered upward.

She nodded to me and I continued. “Is the castle over run?” I asked. She paused and nodded again. I sighed and jerked my head to a noise near tree I was sitting against. ~Such bad timing...~

I stood and looked away from her as she held herself high. Waiting. I swirled around to see a giant cat that stepped out from the bush. I unsheathed my sword and waved my hand a little, making my Grace move away. I heard her scuttle across the dirt and leaves and the cat's eyes followed. When the cat's head was tilted enough, I stepped forward, drawing it's attention. His bright green eyes flared and he stepped back. I scrapped my sword together with my knife, making a sound that made the beast flinch.


He hissed and backed away once more. “Back!” I yelled before another cough stopped my breath. He stepped back and turned around, headed back into the bushes. I sat back against the tree again and sighed as I sheathed my sword and knife back in their respective places. Some where along the way, my Grace had took a seat and watched as I scared the big cat away.

“Are you-” I coughed more and held my hand to my mouth.

She stood and I bowed again. “Stop bowing!” she yelled.

I flinched and went lower on instinct. “It is the law, my Grace.” I coughed again.

I lurched again and realized that the poison in my body would surely kill me if I didn't act quick. “I know what this is...” I grabbed a knife from my boot. “You might want to turn away... its poison to my body...” I motioned to the cut hidden by the makeshift bandages as I coughed again.

“No!” She grabbed my hand and I flinched and pulled back at her touch. “You cannot bleed yourself out! You might die! I can not loose you as well!”

I ducked down lower and blinked away tears as she threw the knife near my hands and turned around. She sat on a log and pulled her knees to her chest, “Why... even when all is lost? Even when we are already dead? Why do they keep to the law?”

I stood and stared at our Grace. She was my Lady. I cleared my throat and she still didn't look up. I sighed and sat behind her, near the dying fire. Looking over once she saw me clench onto my wound.

I took a breath, “My Grace-”

“I am not your Grace!” She interrupted me. “At least... at least not anymore.” She slumped down and began to sob slightly. She would stop and then start again, trying hard not to let me hear her.

“Since you are no longer my grace...” I turned to her and looked directly in her eyes as she spun around to me. “May I call you, by your name?”

Her eyes widened and she smiled. “Yes. I want to be your friend, not your lady.” She wiped tears away.


“I-” I sighed and clenched my wound further. “I am of lower rank than the guard. Therefore I do not know thy royal names.”

Her smile fell a little and she took a breath. “Celinda. My name is Celinda.” Her smile came back and she giggled. “Its nice to meet you... um... I don't-”

“Fraia. It's nice to meet you too, Celinda.” I smiled and went to go grab her wrist to complete formal introductions, yet I winced in pain and withdrew myself. “I am sorry...” I grunted at her. “It hurts... too... much...”

“Well Fraia. Drink this, it should help.” She poured a murky liquid from the fire in the same cup made from a leaf and handed it to me carefully. “Drink it all in one go.”

I looked at her and tried to smile. “Okay then.” Quickly, I gulped down the tasteless liquid.

A seconds later and it hit me all at once. “Ugh!” I held back a gag. “What the hell!” It started to burn at my throat and stomach. I clenched my sides and fell over, wheezing.



My eyes opened to sounds of a waterfall. I tried to focus, to breathe normal. I failed and started to wheeze again. I heard a rustle near my head and held my breath. There was touch on my forehead and my heart began to race. I couldn't see who, or what, was touching me. Much less, where I was.

“Shh. Fraia.” A gentle voice sang in my head. “Quiet now. Your alright.” Her voice was beautiful, and majestic. It made me feel at peace. “Sleep my child. You will need your strength.”

My eyes closed once more and I fell back into my restless sleep.



The next time I opened my eyes, I saw the light of day barely peeking up over the cliff of the small waterfall and the trees that surrounded it. I looked around and saw Celinda still sleeping near the remnants of a fire. I smiled and sat up. Breathing in the fresh air and feeling the mist of the waterfall, tickle my cheeks and lips. I chuckled as I stood. I wasn't in pain, and I didn't get dizzy.

~Who was that woman? Her voice was like a melody... a song... I have heard it before. I know I have.~ I looked around as I thought to myself and saw the edge of land that lead to the water. ~So peaceful...~

I walked to the edge and let the little waves roll over my toes. ~Hmm. I am only wearing a silk gown, barely goes down to my knees.~ I giggled, trying not to laugh too loudly. ~Of course...~ I looked back at Celinda. ~She really likes me... and I- ~ I stopped myself. “I can not think of my Grace like that...” I sighed. “She is not my Grace, not anymore... even so...”

I saw her stir and then fall silent. I smiled and slowly took my gown off, revealing my body to the cool breeze and the mist of the falls. My nipples hardened from the breeze. I walked in the water until it was to my thighs and then took in a deep breath before I dived into the waters. The cold water nicked my skin as it splashed on my nude body. When I surfaced, I saw a ledge near the base of waterfall and swam toward it. The small pool of water I swam in, was peaceful and the only movement was me as my body seemed to glide in the waters.

I dived back under when I came to the ledge and jumped up to grab it. Once I had a hold of it, I slowly pulled my body up. I could hear the birds and other animals playing and singing in the background. I was about to get comfortable when I suddenly heard everything go quiet. I lowered my body to the ground.

There was a giant clash of a sword against wood. I looked to the small camp and saw Celinda, holding off a creature. Panic started to rise in me, stopping my throat from making any sound. All that came out was a grunt of anger. I stood and dived quickly into the waters once more, swimming fast under the lapping waves.




I jumped from the waters surface, making both the creature and Celinda turn to me. Celinda's face turned red with embarrassment and the creature took a step toward me. I ran toward it, picking up a rock and sliding under its feet in one move.

I grappled its back and smashed the stone into the creatures head. “Celinda! The sword!” I yelled to her as the creature shook the stone from my hand.

Celinda stood still, watching as I fought the creature with my bare hands. “Stop struggling!” I yelled to the creature, hoping that it would absentmindedly obey me.

I fell to the ground, twisting my body and rolling to safety. I got to my knees quickly and was about to dodge the attack I knew was coming, when the creature did nothing. I gasped and looked at Celinda. Still staring at me and noting to herself that the creature was unmoving.

“Celinda... come here... hurry.” My whisper only loud enough for us to hear and not to spook the creature out of its trance.

“How--” She started, but paused as she waked around it and to my side. Handing me the sword Celinda fell back. “How is this possible Fraia? How are you doing this?”

“I--” The statement stuck in my throat. “I wonder...”

A smile curved at my lips and Celinda came closer. “What are you thinking? Surely you can't control this thing...”

“Look at it.” I told her quickly. “Its not moving. It stopped moving when I told it to stop struggling.” The beast grunted and was still staring at us. “I wanna try at least Celinda. It wont hurt to try...”

“Fine...” She replied, grabbing a dagger from the pack next to our feet.

Thinking to myself, I contemplated on what to say. ~I wonder what to say... I got it.~ I took a breath, “Kneel before me!” I yelled as I readied my sword, just in case it attacked.

Celinda drew in a breath as the creature knelt slowly, bowing its head to me and not letting a single grunt escape its mouth. I smiled and walked toward the beast, “Can you speak?” I asked it as it turned its head to my approach.

“Yesss...” It replied, slurring the 's' as it spoke.

My eyes were wide and I looked to Celinda. She was sitting down, her hands tightly gripping the hilt of the dagger. I walked to her and bent down. Slowly taking the dagger from her hands, I help her up. Guiding her to the bed near the fire, I set her down and go back to the creature.

“You will answer my questions.” I told it as I let the tip of the sword reach its neck. “Understand?” I asked, a tip of anger on my voice.

“Yesss.” It replied after a small pause, almost like it was going to say no.

“What are you? Why did you come here?” I asked quickly. It brought its eyes to look directly to mine and I punched it face, making the creature grunt in reply. “Answer me!” I yelled.

“We... are of thee Knightssss... of the Order... We come... to desssstroy thissss world...” It told me as it straightened back once more.

“Destroy the world?” It grunted in reply. “Why? Why this world? And why now?”

“Hmmmm...” It was thinking, almost like it didn't know the answer.

“Who is your leader?” I asked when It didn't reply to me.

“Leader?” It's unsureness struck me odd, but it made sense.

“You have no Leader? No one to guide you, or tell you what to do?” I asked puzzled.

“Are you not... our leader?” It asked. “It issss like you... have the only... voice to our mindssss... we understand you...”

I took a step back, my heart pounding in my chest and my mind spinning. ~Me? How can I be a leader to these... these Beasts!?~ I felt a tree against my back and slid down it, tears starting to swell in my eyes. “How can I be a leader of... of monsters I know nothing about!?” I yelled hastily at it. “Why are you here if you have no leader!?”

It stood and so did I, readying my sword and staring straight at it. Waiting for it to attack, I let my right foot slid in the dirt. My heart pounding faster in my chest, like it wanted to leave its prison. It prison of nothingness.

“The Human... that followssss you...” It finally said to me, making Celinda's head to pop up and pay more attention. “Why would ssshe... follow one who hassss... no clue... to her dessstiny?”


My heart skipped a beat and I fell back down against the tree.

~My destiny?~


I was trembling at this point and my heart no longer sounded in my chest. The air around me was humid with disbelief, and yet I knew, some where deep in my very heart and soul, that this Beast was telling the utter truth.



By the time I came to, the beast was gone and Celinda was asleep with her head resting in my lap. I sighed smoothed the hair out of her face and smiled. Her gentle look, the curve of her lips and innocent look of her body.


My smile got wider. “Of course she is.” I touched her shoulder, letting my grip get stronger, just a bit. “Of course she is innocent. Of course... she's... beautiful.” My voice ended in a whisper as I bent my head down to hers. “Beautiful...”


Smiling, I stopped myself. ~I can not. At least not yet.~


I coughed and shook her a little. “Celinda? Celinda, wake up.”
Opening her eyes she gasped. “Are you okay?!” She quickly got to her feet and grabbed my hand.


“Calm down will you.” I let her help me up before I leaned against the tree for support. “I am fine-” I clenched my chest and tears stung my eyes.


Looking at Celinda I saw the sympathy pouring off her. She smiled and came so close I could smell the sweetness on her pale skin. “Fraia...” She wrapped her arms around me and giggled. “Come on. Lets get you to bed, the effects of the poison are still in your body.” She began to lead me to the beds near the dead fire. “You need your rest.”


The way she spoke to me, made me flush. Her touch on my skin, made it spark. I settled down on the bed and when she covered me up, she noted my face.


“Do you have a fever? Your red.” She went to touch my forehead but I sat up and looked in her eyes.


“I do not have a fever.” She turned away and fidgeted with her fingers. “Celinda, I am just tired. The movement is tiring on my body.”


“And yet you went for a swim without waking me.” She blurted out, making me flinch a little. “Sorry, I was just worried when you weren't here and then that Creature came running in the camp. I--” She looked down and I saw the sparkle of a tear as I fell to the ground. Leaving a little wet dot where it splattered in the dirt.


I grabbed her shoulder. “Celinda. You must have more faith in me than that, I would not leave your side if I didn't believe you couldn't handle yourself. But for now, I might not be able to leave your side again for quite some time.”


I took a deep breath, slowly and filling my lungs to the brim. As I exhaled, my world turned black, yet I knew I was still conscious. I could still hear the birds chirping and the water falling in the small lake by our sides. As the blackness started to fade, I saw Celinda's face. Distorted with worry and concern. But there was something else as well. It wasn't visible, no. I could feel it, emanating off of her body, beaming through her eyes and pouring out her words.


“Celinda, I--” The words caught in my throat and the flush in my face started to disappear.


“There we are. Just needed to settle your body, right?” She said hastily as she stood and quickly started to gather twigs and bark for the new fire.
I smiled and laid down. ~I'll tell her later.~


Closing my eyes, I let my conscious slip away into the abyss of sleep. Leaving Celinda to care for me and the camp while I rested my weary spirit.





The sounds of a creaking wagon woke my slumber. I jolted up in the darkness only to find a hand push me back down quickly.


“Shh. Quiet.” it was Celinda's voice. Relieving my nerves somewhat as she placed a hand over my eyes she began again. “Stay quiet, we are headed to a cave near the shores of the east and there are more survivors!” I heard a yell somewhere in the near distance and then Celinda went quiet. “Just stay down and try not to speak.”


My chest got cold when her hand left it making my heart pound in my chest. ~Since when is my heart not pounding, not trying to escape its prison.~ My eyes wouldn't open and panic started to rise in me. There was a rustle near my head and I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.


“Quiet now Fraia. It’s OK, I'm here.” Celinda had bent down and whispered in my ear. Her voice was calming, intoxicating and beautiful. I felt my face blush and I was glad it was dark so Celinda would not see it. She grabbed my head and scooted her body forward, letting my head rest in her lap. My heart slowed down and the panic quickly left my mind. I let my consciousness fade and fell asleep again.



The next time I woke I was still in the wagon. My head was no long on Celinda's lap and I was alone in the wagon. The suns light was streaming through the cracks in the wagon's ceiling, giving me enough light to see my surroundings. It was musty and old, but what wagons were not like this. I slowly sat up and looked around. My sword was near my side and my clothes near my sword. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down to see that I was still wearing the silk gown that went to my knees. I stood, grabbing onto the wall to support me. I began to dress myself. Taking the gown off beforehand.


Tying the sword to my belt like I always do I opened up the wagon door and peered outside. I saw Celinda talking with someone and then the wagon moved. I paused, my heart stopping in my throat. I waited until the wagon stopped moving and then I crouched down as low as I could. The wagon moved again I pressed myself against the inside the wagon and when it shifted to the side, almost lifting the wheels off the ground on the right side of the wagon, I placed my hand on my sword and peered outside again to see Celina still talking to the man.


I moved my body near the corner of the wagon and that's when Celinda looked over. The wagon creaked and then fell over. Pushing me against the wall even more as the wall started to bulge on the other side of the wagon. I gasped and placed my hand on my sword.


When the wall caved in and I was exposed to the creature attacking me, I whispered to it, “Still yourself beast.”


It stopped momentarily, allowing me to charge. I drew my sword and jumped up, grabbing on to the beasts arm and pulling myself up to its head. “Now die.” I whispered as I shoved my sword through its so-called neck and pulled it forward, spilling its black blood on the wagon and surrounding ground. When the beast fell inside the exposed wagon, I jumped down near the wounded horse. Its breathing was erratic and shallow and I cut the reins off of him, helping him breathe more steadily and wakeless. It got up and I began to pet him as Celinda made herself visible to us.


The horse got a little nervous and I let it roam around as I looked at Celinda. I smiled at her and chuckled, “That's one way to wake yourself up.” She looked relieved to hear my voice and hung her arms around my shoulders. I heard a slight sob as she squeezed me, “Celinda?” She looked up, tears streaming down her perfect cheeks. “I am fine. OK? I killed it, and we are here, are we not?” She nodded and I hugged her back, letting my affection show.


The man came running after Celinda, but he was not alone. There were about three others with him and he held a sword to my neck. Celinda was pulled away from me and led to the cave were she was talking to the man. Looking back at the supposed leader of these people, he nodded to her and she let the men lead her away from me.


“Who are you? What did you do to that monstrosity!?” He started right away when Celinda was out of earshot. Pulling question after question at me and then, “Why are you here?”


I sighed. “I was unconscious for most of this journey. I don't even know where here is. Let alone why she brought me here.” I replied to him in a flat tone. “As to what happened, I saved my own ass along with yours and my partner's. The least you can do is thank me.” I let my irritation show with the tone of my last statement.


“Fine. Thank you for saving my life and thank you for letting the rest of them know we are here.” He relied, annoyed.


I laughed at him, sending jolts of confusion throughout his face. “They do not know we are here, that one was just scouting and you'll know when one wants to warn the others. Trust me.” With that I left him there and followed where they took Celinda. I had to make sure she was safe.


It may have been dark and musky in the wagon, but the moonlight was shining vigorously on the ocean waters and the lighting the way down the beach. I saw Celinda and the other two men still walking on the beach, they were about to enter a cave, so I started in a run. The wind was blowing, sending my hair flying along with my spirit. This felt so good, the wind on my face, it made me smile.


Celinda stopped, confusing the two men and one grabbed her arm tightly and yanked her toward him. I could smell the dry muskiness on the men, they want the lust of a woman. I could see them acting nervously around her and now, they could hold it in no longer. I started into a sprint, coming up on them very quickly. My speed was blinding, even to me. Celinda went to slap the man who had a hold of her, but her hand was caught in midair. The man smirked and, while still a hold of her arm, he hit her. She became limp in his arms. The men laughed and one slung her around his shoulders. I was right there, still running towards them.


Without slowing down, I charged at the man holding Celinda and tackled him to the ground, Celinda slid to a halt about 10 feet away, unharmed from the fall. I got up and kicked the other man, who was just standing there in shock, in the face. He went flying for 5 feet and then hit a boat that was on the beach.


I smirked at them both and went to Celinda. “Hey, Celinda. Come on girl, wake up.” I pulled her head to my chest and picked her up, heading inland more I found some grass and gently set her body down. “Come on girl, wake up for me.” I set my hand on her cheek... it was so smooth and her face so gentle. I smiled down at her and chuckled, “I know you can hear me. Come on, wake up.”


Celinda slowly opened her eyes and immediately went wide. She was staring at something behind me and I reeled my head around the find two more creatures scouting the forest by the beach, one smelt the air and looked straight at me. I flinched when it bowed to me and then they both left. I was stunned, confused and waiting for something else to happen, to pull me from the nightmare we called our home.



Celinda got up and chuckled at me. “They like, respond to you.” Looking at the wagon in the distance she frowned. “Is that how you killed it? Did you use that... power?” She finally asked me, taking her stares from the wagon to my eyes.


“Yes.” I replied, without hesitation. “And I'll do it again to save those I care so dearly about.” I flushed and then got up, turning toward the man that had tried to follow me.


He was hunched over the bodies of his men. I didn't kill them, but if they were to survive they would need treatment quickly. The man looked up and shook his head. It seemed as if he was talking to one of them. I took a step forward and stopped when he got up and looked straight at me. Waving me over I hesitated before giving Celinda the nod to stay close.


Helping her up, we slowly made our way back to the beach where the bodies of two perverted men lay helpless in the sand. The sound of the water seemed calming and my nerves were settling just a little as the gentleness washed over me. I kept my body anchored in between Celinda and the man. I don't think she noticed when we I shifted my body as the man came closer. He did.


“I am terribly sorry about my men. Having monsters destroy one’s home and kill thy families. It can damage the soul and well, men have certain needs. Even woman, if you don't mind me pointing out.” He bowed to me as he spoke, giving his word that his men would not try that again.


I wouldn't be surprised not to see that happen again, because the beating I gave them, not because of their so-called leader telling them so. “Swear on it. And if it happens again, with me or my traveling partner, the men responsible will have only a few more seconds to live and then I will come to you.” With that I turned to Celinda and smiled. “Nothing will hurt you. I will protect those I care for.”


She blushed and the man smiled. “Shall we go someplace warm? Night is upon us now.” He led the way to the cave beyond the surface of the shore. The tide hid the entrance but there was a small bridge that came out of the sand and water, that lead us in deeper in the cave. Four to five other men ran out and helped the other two inside as we made our way.


I was carrying Celinda as we entered and the man, who I came to know as Claude, showed us to a room. It was small, one bed rolled up in the corner, big as it was, I doubt Celinda would like to sleep with me. I set her down outside the room, as I entered. I sighed and started to unroll the mattress. It was stiff, but probably better than the wagon floor.


I was laying a blanket down when Celinda spoke. “We should leave. In the morning I mean.” She walked up behind me and let her hand come close to my shoulder, but stopped before she would touch me. She let her hand drop, “Just in case the creatures followed and the cave gets overrun by them.” I helped her out of her jacket and onto the bed, making sure she was comfortable, I turned around and headed for the door. “Are you not going to sleep?” Celinda's voice was gentle now, her words caring, worried. I smiled and turned back around, letting my smile carry to her. She smiled back and silently laughed. “Be safe and wake me up when you come in, OK?”


I nodded to her and headed out of the room and to the mess hall area. I was hungry and Claude said that if I wanted, I could eat there. I stopped in the entrance of the hall when I caught eyes with the two men from outside. I was tempted to turn around and go back to the room, yet I needed to eat, if we were to leave in the morning. And if we did leave, I would make sure it would be pretty early.


I decided to ignore them and headed straight for the Claude. He sat near the end wall, farthest away from the entrance. Probably to let his 'pawns' get killed first if something happened. I laughed a little as I sat across from him, “Night has fallen quite quickly, if you ask me.” He laughed and I smiled wearily at him. “After some much needed rest, we will leave you. I promise good food is available here?”


Claude nodded and waved over a small woman, she didn't look to be a day over 20. She had a small apron on and a long dark brown skirt along with the matching long-sleeve shirt. I smiled and nodded at her as she approached us. “We need some good food over here for the lady and get some more Ale.” He laughed heartily and looked at me, “Ale?”


I shook my head and held up my hand, “Not me. I don't drink. Always thought I was too young. This... attack, has changed a lot of the world lately.” I turned to the men that hurt Celinda and saw them quickly look away, and then get up. When they turned down the same direction of where the room was where we were staying, I shifted in my seat. “If you don't mind, I wish to check on my partner as I wait for the food. Can you ask your waitress to bring more for Celinda as well?”


“Aye! Will do lass. And take your time, I know ye are tired. Don't worry, you both are protected here.” He laughed again, but this time there was some force into it. I raised an eyebrow as I left the hall and waited in the hallway, just outside of the entrance.


When I saw movement, I tensed and then relaxed as the waitress came out with some empty Ale glasses. She gasped when she saw me and then held her chest with her free hand, “You scared me, miss.”


“Do not worry, I won't hurt you.” I replied, smiling as to calm her just a little.


“I am not worried about me, miss. I am worried about you and your partner you are traveling with. I have set food already near your door, but you must leave tonight, if not then now.” Her voice was edgy and she stuttered as she told me.


I thought about it for a second and then broke out into a run toward our room. I saw the men, staggering toward the entrance and quickly, but quietly, I walked up to the entrance, a head of them and they stopped. Dead in their drunken tracks. I looked at them and then picked up the food by the entrance on the ground, and walked into the room, pulling the curtain and beads to block out the light from the hall and their peering eyes. Celinda sat up when she woke from the moving beads and saw my distorted look.


“Is everything OK?” She asked as she followed my path to the bags and then to her with the food.


“It’s fine, but--” I stopped and took a breath. “We leave tonight. Not in the morning. There are things that are making us change out plans.” I handed her the small plate of pulled chicken and sliced potato with a sauce that looked a little cheesy. I smiled as she poked the sauce with the forked I picked out of our bag. “Just eat it, I believe it’s really good.” I took a bite and smiled big, it was delicious. The cheese had a tang to it and-- I stopped.


“Wait.” I said, before she could get her first bite. “Don't eat it.” I took the plate from her and the fork, and got up. Setting it down by the wall I went to the bags and brought out a jerky from the shack and handed it to her. “I know it’s not much, but at least it’s not...” I paused and got closer. “The food had been poisoned. We leave within the hour. Please be ready to flee.” With that I got up and made my way to the doorway.


“Wait.” She yelled after me, yet I still kept going. “Where are you going? Fraia, please.” She pleaded with me, trying to understand what was going on.


I sighed and turned halfway to her, “Don't eat the food. Just eat the jerky and when I get back, we leave. I must talk to Claude.” I turned to her, a tear escaping my eye, rolling down my cheek until it dropped from the end of my chin. “If something, happens. Yell and run to the entrance of the cave. I won't lead Claude to knowing I know about the poison.”


She slumped down and took a bite of the jerky, the got up and went to the bags. “Be safe and be careful. I'll be here when you get back.” She threw the jacket on and began to fix the bags. “And for heaven’s sake, be quick.”


I turned and walked out the room, keeping the beads closed so Celinda could hear if anyone entered, and I walked down the hall to the Mess area. I passed the maid and glared at her, she gasped and shook her head, mumbling something to herself she put her hand to her mouth and fell to her knees, against the wall.


I entered the Hall and went straight to Claude. He was almost at the point of being drunk and so were his party around him. “Hey.” I told him as I sat down in the spot I left when I went to Celinda. “Anything happen while I was away?”


He looked at me, almost surprised and then smiled, “Yea. Your food hasn't arrived yet.” The men at the table burst out laughing and I smiled.


“Don't worry about it. We will eat in the morning. We only need rest.” I felt eyes on the back of my head and knew that they planned on poisoning us tonight. “So we talked it over and came to a decision.” I told him as I leaned over and rested my elbows on the table.


He looked confused. “A decision?” His voice curious and a little edgy with his tone.


“Oh... yea. Aha!” I laughed, playing my part to the Que, “We leave tomorrow night. Better to travel by night. Yet, it won’t be at dusk, no. We shall leave near midnight tomorrow. I will help with what I can while we are here and when we leave, we will lead any creature that is around away from you.” I smiled and leaned a little forward. “I can make them follow me with a distinct sound. Sad really, the ringing and the buzzing that I heard when they came, was a sound so different than this one.” I sighed and forced a yawn.


“You must be tired after fighting my men!” He laughed heavy and hard, only a forced laugh could be as such, his companions did the same. I smiled as he continued his charade, “Go to bed. We'll see you tomorrow morning! Go! Go now, and sweet dreams girl.”


I got up and  nodded to the table of men, taking a cup of Ale and laughing, “One for the road!?” And left as I winked at Claude.


As I entered the hallway, I quickly downed the Ale, trying to flush what poison was in my body, out. When I finished, I threw the cup against the wall. It clanged against the solid stone and I smiled. I wasn't drunk, but that was the first time I had had Ale before. It was sweet and yet very bitter. It left my head a little fuzzy and my mind wide awake. Since we would be leaving here tonight, this would come in handy. Better to be awake, then curled up in the corner in pain from poison.


I didn't think the girl would of noticed the poison as she left the food by our room, yet I knew she was used. When I saw her slowly making her way to our door, I put my hand on her shoulder and eased her down to her knees as she fell.


“You did not know. Did you girl?” I asked her, trying to be calm myself. She looked to my face and tears sprung in her eyes. She shook her head and leaned hard against the wall. “You must leave this place tonight. Do it before midnight. And do it quickly.” I told her as I pulled myself away and to the door. “Don't try to see anyone before tomorrow night. It could kill you.” I added to her as I entered the room, letting the beaded curtain rattle as I did.


Celinda looked up from the last pack she was stuffing a blanket in. “Did you have a nice conversation with—Claude, was it?” she asked as she stood straight and began to walk towards me.


“You could say that.” I told her as I leaned against the wall near the door. “This is tiring.” I told her as I slowly slide down the wall.


She rushed toward me and grabbed my face. “Fraia! Stay awake!” She jerked my head to look at hers, “please.” She pleaded.


I jolted my body up, startling Celinda, and went to the packs. “Let’s start moving while everyone is still drinking their wits away.” I told her quickly.


My face got flushed and I hauled the heavier pack on my back and gave Celinda the other. She blushed at the sight of my face and secured both our packs before we left. As we exited the room, the girl was not there, but a plate of cheese next to some Ale was left near our door. I smirked and threw the plate and bottle inside the room before we left.



I led the way. Away from the Mess and toward, what I believed, a back door of this labyrinth. It was dark outside as we came to a small door, guarded by two very sleepy sentries. I whistled softly and one stood while the other slept away. As he came toward us I smiled as came out of the darkness.


“Hey handsome,” I told him as seductively as I can. “Wants some company?” I smiled and winked at him.


“Hmm,” He smiled a toothy smile and came to me, wavering with sleep.


“You look tired dear.” I told him as I pulled my sword away from my pack and hit him hard in the neck, between the shoulder and head. “Celinda.” I whispered, calling the small girl to me. “Stay close.”


She nodded as we went toward the other guard. Still sleeping. We quietly opened the door and slipped out. I left the door cracked and turned Celinda around. Taking a small wooden whistle out of one of the small pockets on her pack, I blew it. It let out a small grass-like sound that carried far off in the distance. When I heard a twig snapped out in the edge of the woods, I smiled.


“Let’s go.” I said as I started into a light jog toward the shore line, away from the cave its residence.






It has been days since we saw Claude and his men. Two days after we saw a horde of creatures on the beach, we went east, into the forest and away from the sounds of the oceans waves. It was too dangerous to stay in open sands. The sand would limit what fighting I could do and would hinder our footsteps if we tried to get away.


Early this day I found a clearing in the woods and put Celinda and our packs near its edge. I found stones and lined an area where we would build a fire.


“It must be dug into the dirt, to help hide the flames. We can only count on the trees to hide the smoke.” I told her as I grabbed my sword and to small knives from the bottom of my pack. “Here,” I handed her a knife.


“Where were these?” She asked while she juggled the knife in her hands.


“Stolen from Claude’s men, the day we arrived.” I told her as I put the sword on my hip and the knife in my boot. “I suggest you do the same and hide it. In the case that someone else, besides me enters this camp.” I winked at her. “But I have confidence in you.”


She flushed and mumbled her thanks as I walked by and handed her a small shovel. She looked at me with a tilted head and smirked.


“Another gift from Claude?” She asked sarcastically.


I laughed and nodded. “I will go find us something to eat my dear.”


With that I left her to build the fire and went off to find a rabbit, or a quail. Something, small or big, but something for us to eat. It has been too long since we both had something descent to eat.


I came back into camp just as Celinda threw a log on the fire. The sudden burst of light lit up her features and made her face look almost angelic. The tree's shadows danced with the light from the fire and moon combined. The night was peaceful and almost quiet as I could hear the frogs finally start to simmer down.


After throwing two fat, skinned rabbits near the fires edge, I sat down near the fire and smiled at her. "You did well with the fire." She nodded in reply and I motioned for her to sit next to me. "It is cold tonight. It seems it might be colder than the last few nights."


She rose from her spot near the packs and walked around the fire to join me. "I agree." She sighed, staring at the fire.


I followed her gaze the flickering fire and took a deep breath. "But... it is peaceful."


She hesitated and then sighed. "Fraia?"


"Hmm?" I looked at her.


She turned to me, "I..." She looked away quickly.


I smiled and shifted my body closer to hers. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I hugged her closely. I could feel her shiver in response my warm breath on her neck and I couldn't help but to chuckle.


"Celinda..." I rested my chin on the nap of her neck and squeezed her gently. "I can feel the embers of our fire... can you?”


Embarrassed she turned her head. “I--”


Chuckling I hugged her. “It's okay. I can wait for you to realize your hearts desires.” With that, I got up and readied the mats for our beds.


I would look back every few seconds to find Celinda staring at the fire. Or she would be holding one of the rabbits, trying to fix it on a sharpened stick to lean it against the licking flames to cook. I smiled at her when she looked over, making her blush and quickly go back to the rabbits.


Bildmaterialien: Cover picture belongs to Google.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Deticated to my Best Friend. Who in this story is the one the main character Loves so dearly.

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