
A Bump in the Night

Once in a land, far different from ours. There lives a young girl, of only 10 moons in age, and she waits in her room, for her parents moonlight hug. As she lays there waiting, she hears a bump under her bed. Cautiously sitting up, holding tight on her Foxy Friend, they make their way down the bed.

"Nykano, what was that?" she asked, curious and fearful.

The fox just held in there, hoping for the best, caring for his charge as she tightly held on. He gently licked her cheek and put his ears down. Saying, 'its okay, I'm here for you.'

She smiled and replied to his actions, "Okay, I'll be careful."

Nodding the fox put his ears up... there was another bump. The girl was hesitating and she wanted to find out, what this sound was from.

She was at the foot of the bed, when another bump was heard. She flinched and paused halfway down. looking at Nykano, she gets the courage to go on.

With one foot on the floor, she puts the other down and goes to the closet. Grabbing a light bug holder, the bug asleep, she wakes it and heads to the edge of the bed.

she held the holder out, shaking with fear that what ever this is, it might attack. But after the next small bump, she knew what ever it is, won't attack her.

Pulling the covers from the side, she saw a small figure moving under her bed. Turning the light toward it, she sighs a sigh of relief.

"Come here, come on." she held her hands out as the little baby Blue Fox, waddled its way out from the bed. "There we are."

She hugged the little Fox, tight enough to give the greatest of affection. The door opened and her parents walked to her. Smiling they picked her up and held her in their arms.

"Whats this?" Her mother asked as she kissed her forehead.

"This is Liana, she was under my bed. Nykano helped me get her." she smiled and hopped back in bed, Liana by her head, laying peaceful on her pillow.

The girl leaned over and kissed Liana's head, "Good nigh my little bump."

Fraia, Taking down the Hammer

I sighed at him, “This house is too small for the both of us.”

I heard him growl at me, and he mumbled something. I couldn't hear it, but I needed to know what he said.

“What was that?” I gripped the handle to my sword. “Say that again, I didn't hear you the first time, Rio.”

Rio looked up and sighed, “I don't give a damn what you think, woman!” he grabbed his hammer and stood up from the front steps. “Out of my way before I force my way through!”

The wind blew slightly, making my silver hair flow in its ribbon. My bangs crossing my eyes, and my kimono blowing with it.

My eyes were a deep purple and my hair was long, put up into a five tailed ribbon. Each were braided nicely and fit with the design of my kimono. My kimono was custom made. Made for fighting and traveling. It was short, about mid thigh and my 'future' boots went to my knees as my leggings went higher near the kimonos end. I had two nice sharp blades, mounted perfectly on my hips. One was sheathed upside down, and the other was hardly used. When I did use it, they left me alone on the battle field. I would kill everyone, and everything in my way. Friend or foe, it did not matter. In the end, they would all fall by my hand.

I hated that trance, I have worked so hard to control it and now, I might need to use it. He held his hammer like he was about to attack. I stance myself, ready to defend this house from the brute. He smiled and I gripped my sword tighter.

“Why so jumpy, Fraia?” He asked so sarcastically. “Wanna play with me, my hammer is itching for a fight.”

I sneered and used my thumb to pop the blade from its sheath, just enough to shine in the sun. He smiled and grasped the hammer with both hands.

“There we are! Lets play Fraia!” he yelled at me and swung with his hammer.

I ducked just in time and spun around to his back. I smirked and tapped the back of his head with the hilt of my sword. Using the sheath as another weapon, I hit Rio hard on the back of the head, making him fall to his knees.

“Rio...” I sigh, “why must we fight? Just leave, before you regret it.”

He sneers and stands quickly, throwing me off balance. Seeing me open, he swings and connects with his hammer. It hits me square in the side. I scream as my body flies into the house, breaking the paper door.

“You've lost your touch, Fraia!” He yelled after me as he stepped through the opening of the door. “Lets tune you up!”

I stumbled top get to my feet, once I stood I was thrown across the room. Rio came to me, still on the ground, and raised his hammer. He smiled and hit me hard in the back. With the weight of gravity and the hammer combined, it definitely crushed bones.

As he lifted the hammer, I coughed and spit blood near him. He sneered and swung again, hitting the side of my face. I fly through the thin walls and skid to a halt in the gardens in the back of the house. A girl ran up to me and helped me to my feet.

“Are you okay, Fraia?” She asked me. “He is a jerk! Why would he fight you!?” She started to scream it and Rio stepped down from the house.

“Fraia? Are you giving up already?” He laughed and slammed his hammer down next to his foot, shaking the ground.

I could taste the blood, slowly flowing in my mouth. “Now... why would I do that?” I paused and looked around, whispering to the girl I told her to leave. To go somewhere safe and away from the house.

After she left I looked up and saw that Rio was putting gloves on. I smiled and stood. Putting my hands on each hip I smirked.

“Hey Rio.” I spit more blood. “Lets dance old man.”

I quickly grabbed onto both my swords and launched myself at Rio. Evading his hands trying to catch me, I cut his back with the first blow from one of my swords. Releases the other sword from its sheath, I shudder. Even though I knew I could not defeat him with out both my swords.

“Whats the matter Rio!? Cat got you tongue!?” I slid under his legs and sliced at his thigh.

Seeing the blood on his thigh trickling down, I smiled and held my blades to wear the blade was to my arm. He looked at me, almost like he was stunned.

“Humph!” He grabbed his hammer and threw it at me.

I dodged it and watched as it slammed against a tree behind me. Turning back to Rio I was surprised to a fist in my face. I flew back in in house, one of my swords skidding to a halt beside me. I growled and grabbed my sword.

“Rio!” I yelled his name in such a voice, it made even Rio shudder at my tone. I was going into a rage and I knew it. “Dance with me! Come and Dance with me, Rio!”

I was almost at the point of going into that trance, yet I held back, just enough. Rio stepped in the house and smiled. Holding his hammer casually in his hands. I laughed and charged at him. Dodging his swing I gash open his forearm and slice once more at his back.

Rio yelled in pain and swung again with his hammer. I dodged it again and jumped as I thrusted my blade deep in his chest. He fell to his knees and screamed to the skies.

“I'm gonna kill you Fr-” I pulled out my sword and watched as he clenched his side with his muscular hands. He groaned and looked straight at me, “you are loosing yourself Fraia.”

I walked behind him and hit the back of his head with my hilt of my sword. “No...” I finally said to him as his unconscious bleeding body laid there. “I am not loosing myself, for I have just found myself.”

Hesitating before sheathing my swords, I walked out of the house to meet a group of villagers. I ignored them and walked past the crowd. 'What happened?' One asked in a raspy voice. 'Did you kill him?' Another asked. 'Are you hurt?' 'Your bleeding!' They kept asking me question in which I had no desire to answer. I walked on.

Outside of the village I found a tree near a stream and sat. I laid down close to the stream and let the smell of water cover my nose. I waited there, until I felt like I was going to pass out. A girl came into my view and crouched near me.

“Can I help you?” she asked so gentle and so kind. “You are bleeding... did you get in a fight or something?”

I laid there, listening to the movement of the water. I let exhaustion take over my body, and fell into a sleep so deep, not even Rio and his big hammer could wake me.

A Hydra and a Friend

(Part of a chapter in my newest book, tell me what you think. Once I know opinions I might put it out on bookrix soon)

I was standing in a clearing, in the forest I escaped to. I set my clothes down as I jumped into the crystal clear water. My red hair and eyes twinkled as I swam.

I swim toward the waterfall as I feel eyes on my back, not turning to see who it is. I hear a horse drinking from the pool. As I enter the cave through the waterfall, I see her put her shiny blue hair up as she looked my way.

Being cautious I grab my spear hanging on one of the walls. Looking through the falls again, I see her standing there, and every once and a while, she would look to the falls.

Night has fallen quickly and, thirst drove me down to the water, where I drink the moons reflection.

“Who are you?” She asked when she saw me leave from the falls.

I twitch as I hear her. Grabbing my spear, I go into stance, ready for a fight. I thought she would pass by... I used my movements to speak for me. Saying, 'don't come near me, I'm ready for you, to fight if necessary.'

“I was just wondering who you were,” she replies to my movements, “I do not want to fight you.” She smiles and stepped forward.

I lower my spear a bit and tilt my head toward my cave behind the waterfall. Walking through it I wait by one of the walls. I wait for her to come, only if she would try, her life may be at risk.

Thinking to myself, But then again, if we're not fighting.

She takes her cloak off before she steps in the pool and swims to my cave. Hearing her splash, I head to the fire in the middle of the cave.

“There's a fire here, warm up!” I yell to her, not knowing if she heard me or not.

I put some fish near the fire, to cook. I roll my bed and place it near my food supply. I had other weapons in my cave, mounted on my wall. Like a mini Arsenal. Spears, swords, staffs, bows and arrows, and much more. Ever since I had escaped from His leadership, I promised myself not use my power.

I brought a robe and blanket when the strange girl came to the fire, “Warm up, and please don't touch any thing." I smiled before I left the cave, “You can eat the fish on the fire, once they're done."

“Don't worry I won't touch anything, and thank you.”

Dropping my robe, I jump through the water fall, and into the water beyond. Going to a cave under the water, I knew that leaving her there would keep this girl safe. For what was about to happen would scare the most heftiest of warriors. This beast would be furious, and all because I had to fight it.

I sighed, ~Just another job.~ Since being here I got a job as a hunter. Not the normal hunter, mind you. I hunted monsters, beasts if you will. Right now I was on a job, thus the reason for the cave as my home.

Swimming closer to the pitch black opening, bubbles started to come out.

No, not now...

I thought to myself.

In a panic, I went to breath in, but instead, forgetting I was underwater, I almost drowned. Squinting in pain from inhaling water, I heard the roar. Then It came, pushing me up to the surface, and surfacing It self. With the wave it created, it pushed me into the shallows and onto the shore.

The girl, hearing the splash, dives in the water and finds me on shore, “Oh my gosh, are you okay?!”

Barely conscious, I seen her coming, “No... Run!" was all I could get out, when It attacked.

This time It grabbed her by the foot and was holding her up, 20 feet in the air, over the water. I stood and picked my spear up that has washed up on shore.

“Ahh, Help!” she screamed to me.

I mumbled something and an amulet around my neck started to glow. I floated a little way up and readied my spear. Whistling to get It's attention, I threw my spear and it hits right in the middle of it 4 eyes.

“Here!” I yelled at her as I threw one of my knives from around my ankle.

She caught the knife and cut the tentacle holding her ankle. I caught her as she fell. Spiraling in the air, I throw her to the beast as she stabs it in one of the eyes. Cutting another tentacle I float up and grab her. As we slowly float down to the shore, setting you down, I sigh. The beast, sinking back into the water, makes another wave that washes up past our ankles.

Pausing I start to say, “I could use your help...” I lean against a rock near the shore, “Will you help?”

“Yes,” she comes to me and helps me to my feet, “I will.”

I start to tell her, “I need you to go back to the cave, grab a sword, and pick a weapon for you, not the bows. They're useless right now.” I cough out, before she goes, “there is a cave under the water. Meet me there.”

I step into the water, and she does the same, we swim about half way when I dive down and she speeds up to the cave. Once the girl is in the cave she grabs a black and silver sword, and an axe for herself. I enter the cave only to see the beast sleeps. Good,

I thought to myself, as the girl comes through the opening.

I close my eyes and the amulet starts to glow, once again, but this time the water level starts to drop. Leaving an area to move freely and to breath. As we gasp for air, the beast wakes.

“Damn it, get ready,” I tell her has I take the sword from her hand. “We have to find a way to decapitate It.”

Since sneaking up on the beast is out of the question, I start to stance myself. “Get ready!” I yell to her.

Running toward the beast, I slice one of the tentacles before it hits me and another before it hits you, “You gotta get up close!”

She moved her way closer to the beast and sliced a tentacle with the axe, “Watch out!” she yelled to me.

A tentacle came up and hit me on the head, knocking me off balance the girl came up and sliced the tentacle, “You okay?”

Not answering her I got up closer and stabbed the beast in the eye, “Come on, decapitate It!”

She moves toward me only to confront another tentacle, “It keeps blocking my path.”

Here!” I stab the other eye while fighting off another tentacle, “the tentacles are growing back,” gasping, “Its a Hydra!”

Hydra's are a pain to fight, and mostly I

fight them. The other hunters are too scared or not strong enough of a warrior to fight them. I have been in this business for a while but not as long as some, I mean I've only been here for less than a few years.

Working together we slice a way to the head once again. I slice part of the head before it tries to attack again, and then the girl comes up and slices it again before it heals. I use a spell and singe the neck so the head won't grow back.

Panting from the exhaustion of the fight, I grab a tarp that was sucked in from the current of the river, it empties in the pool of water, and wrapped the head.

“Well now...” I smile at her as the water starts to rise again, “bye now.” I jump in and start swimming toward my cave, head in hand. Throwing the head near my bed, I go to my weapons and put the sword back on the wall.

When she came back to the cave, she smiled back and asked, “do you want your axe back?”

I look at her and continue to pack the head tighter in the tarp, and sling my pack over my shoulder. I grabbed my spear and walked to the edge of the cave, to a path that was around the corner.

I stopped, “Don't be here when I come back.” I walk around the wall and onto the path, heading toward a shack near the edge of the forest. The girl puts the ax back on the wall and leaves the cave. She headed to her house, just a few miles out of the forest.

Parents Magic Forgotten?

My name is Freya, my parents left me a few years ago. Their reasons are unknown. All I know is that they were magicians. Not your cheap magic trick crap, but real magicians. I mastered the trade and now was traveling planet to planet, trying desperately to find them. Each world different. Each world getting harder and harder to journey through. The dangers are real. I have broken bones before and injuries so deep, I stay the night in a place that is stranger than any imagination could find. I have scars over most my body, yet no one but a distinguished few, can see. Charms, a wonderful thing, if you know how to use them.
Right now I am on a planet that is barren. Not much life in a desert place. I passed an abandoned village a few days ago, yet I saw a traveler unconscious in its streets. I passed through without stopping. I didn't want to start something that could include death of strangers. Even if they needed the release from their anguishing lives.
I now sat under a desert palm. The dead ferns surrounding the trunk, helped shield the desert winds. I hid myself in them and moved the ones that were no longer anchored to the ground around me. A few times in the night I spotted a few wild animals and used a small spell to drive them away. One was persistent and would not leave, thus making me show my self and use a stronger spell. I would not forget the eyes of that beast. They were deep and majestically gold. Almost like the golden coin hanging around my neck. This coin was no ordinary coin, it held the powers of an ancient artifact and as far as I can remember, I have had the coin since birth.
I was named after a warrior Goddess. Freya. Not only was she a warrior but she was the Goddess of sensual love and of war and death. Some used to call her 'The Lady' or 'Mistress.' She had two sides to her mysterious being. So did I. I would be loving to most dangerous animals and when it came to a fight, I used skills I didn't even knew I had. My parents were going to tell me something the day they left. It seemed urgent but they said that they had things to do and when the time was right, if they didn't come back for a while, I would know what that was. I now know because they never came back.

The night seemed long, just like they all do. Most of the time I don't even know the time and I just wake up and begin my journey once more. I only slept a few hours and then felt that one beast coming closer. I didn't want to show myself once more and thus I began my slow journey across this crazy land. The dunes shifted as I slept and made passage almost impossible. I sighed as I chanted a small spell. Making wings grow from my back, I took off and followed the northern star. There was a legend on this old planet, that there were once Wizards here and they held to most powerful artifacts in this known galaxy. I knew it was not true yet I had to see for myself. They could hold the powers I needed to find my parents.

I would keep asking myself if I really wanted to find my parents. I have been searching for years and had not found any new traces of them. I was free of their rules and restrictions. I mean come on, they would kill me if they knew I was going planet to planet to find them. They hardly let me leave the town let alone the planet.
I stopped at another desert palm tree and leaned against the rough bark. “Why am I really trying so hard to find them?” I asked myself. As I pondered over it I heard the faint sound of feet over sand. I could feel the shifting of the sand and focused on the power around the sounds. Four feet- No, paws... Heavy on the right, and powerful...I can feel the magick from here...

I looked up and then sat about five feet from the tree. Facing the direction the animal was coming from.
I remembered the Golden eyes of the beast that came to me and realized, this was the same animal. I crossed my legs and waited for it come to me. Silently calling it to me. I didn't feel like I was in danger. I felt like I was going to be safer. Was it the beast? Or was I just imagining it?
I opened my eyes to see the Golden eyed animal staring right at me from only a few arms lengths away. Deep in my mind a name came to me. I gasped, “Ankou?!” It was the name of a death omen and yet his name ringed in my head... The beast straightened, and yet I heard another name, buried under that of Ankou. I mouthed the name and then looked straight in the beasts eyes. “Nykano...” The beast cocked its head and bowed at the name. I couldn't help but to smile.
It slowly came toward me and then stopped abruptly. I felt the presence of another and I quickly stood and spun around. Nykano came to my side and gently brushed against me, letting me know he was there. I pulled my cloak over my head as a figure came into view. It looked like a man yet he was young. I tilted my head down a little, using the shadows of the night shield my face from this intruder. He stopped as he saw me and then he took out a stick with a giant crystal in the end. I gasped and fell to one of my knees. Nykano laying next to me.
He paused and came closer to me, and Nykano. He halted and the crystal started to glow. I felt a wind brush against my skin and it gave a melancholy feel to the midnight air. The crystal started to glow brighter and this time had a tint of water mixed in with the power that swirled around it. I smiled and slightly tapped Nykano, he growled in return, knowing exactly what I needed him to do. “Now!” I yelled as I rolled away from the Mage. Nykano stood and pounced on him and I was chanting a small restricting spell. The water around the staff fell to the ground and took form of muddy snakes. I stood and walked toward him, my eyes pure white and my hand reached out toward him. The snakes wrapped around his arms and legs and pulled him forward.
~Who are you!!~

I yelled in his head. He jerked up and stared at me. My hood had fallen off and my silver hair was loose in the breeze. His eyes widened as I made the snakes tighten against his chest. “Tell me!” I yelled making him flinch.
“I am a God. Held within a body. I am immortal in a mortal being.” He spat at me. “My named, as Those who have called me thus, is Lord Sirreaf.” He bowed as much as his restricted body could allow and then, only then, did the glow of his staff subside.
I let the restraints loosen and he gasped as air filled his lungs. A wind came, it was getting worse and this time, it wasn't Sirreaf. ~This will get stronger...~

I told him, not even parting my lips to speak. ~Do you wish to live or will you die, once more?~

I ask him as he locked his gaze with mine to the sky. It was turning to a green-ish, purple and soon, very soon, the storm will get close enough to lift us off our feet.
I looked down to him and ask once more. This time speaking loud enough for Nykano to hear me along with him. “What shall it be, Lord

Sirreaf?” He looked to my eyes and saw that they had turned to a milky light blue. Power still pumped through my mind and arms as his bounds loosened even more.
“Where- Where shall we go?” He breathed out, clenching his chest and prying the snakes off him.
I smiled and the snakes melted to the ground, leaving a puddle of evaporating water in the sand. “You, my dear Sirreaf, shall follow the northern lights. But take this with you.” I took a small amount of wet sand from the ground and froze it. “Every time you need to talk to me, scrape the ice with your nail and I will be able to talk to you. Don't ask anymore questions on the subject.” I handed it to him and then turned around. “We leave now.” I pointed to the north, just as the northern lights lit up the sky through the purple clouds, for as far as you can see. “You will go that way.”
I ruffled Nykano's fur and we headed out to the east. Our original course. Leaving Lord Sirreaf to walk on his own way through the dense winds. I smiled at Nykano and put my hood back over my face. ~Come now my mystical beast.~

I laughed out loud and Nykano shook his head.

A Dream?


My Love, Torn. Ripped apart before my eyes. His heart, torn in two by a single blade. I tried to scream. To yell out his name. To no avail, I did not succeed, no sound escaped my lips. His blood, bright and crimson as it poured from his almost lifeless body. Splattered on the walls, the floor, and speckling my pale face.

I couldn't move, let alone I could hardly breathe. Tears were welling in my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks. I closed them. Hoping this was nothing but a nightmare. A dream I could just blink and it goes away.

Yet, as I opened my eyes, I saw his cold body. So still and unmoving. His eyes, his beautiful eyes that shimmered gold when we made love, now lay open and pale. The color, slowly draining away, fading to an almost misty gray.

The killer, clear as day, was standing above my poor Micheal--laughing. Laughing like the madman he must be. He said something, something I could not hear for my heartbeat was loud enough to drain out a train; muffling the world around me. I closed my eyes again, praying to the Earth that I would just fall into oblivion and this would be all over.

Once I opened my eyes I was on my back, the world around me blurred by tears. A man above me, stradling me and holding my wrists and yelling at me. Screaming my name. Almost painfully. Wait--my name? Why does the killer know my name?

At that moment, I shot up. My body tense and on fire. My heart, on a race for its life. I looked around to find myself on a bed. Alone. The soft covers thrown aside and the sheet damp with sweat. My eyes were wide in the darkness of my room, darting to every corner and wall. I closed them with a sigh and flopped back on my bed. These nightmares I counldn't control, terrorizing my once pleasant dreams. Getting worse over the past few months.

I tried to fall back asleep once more only to fail and start sweating even worse than I hardly was. Running through my viens was nothing but fear. Fear for my beloved Micheal. My Love; murdered in my dreams. Over and over again--so Vivid. Seeming, so real. Almost like it already happened and I was just reliving some horrible nightmare that took place in my pathetic life.

Micheal knew not who it was, or that I was only a witness. He knew not that he, himeself, was the one being slaughtered and that the killer took a fancy to me. Yet he did know I was losing sleep because of it.

I would have to tell him soon. He has to know. He must see that in this dream, I am not the killer--as told in lies to protect him--and that I did not kill some man. But it was the man that was going to kill him. I grow increasingly tired of telling my lover lies.

He didn't know... He didn't know how right he was, when he said he would die for me.


Bildmaterialien: Cover belongs to Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2012

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