
Life is like a thunderstorm harsh and painful as a new day begins,
Time is a waste anymore,
I get home from school and walk through the door,
I'm happy for about ten seconds until it all begins,
I could feel so much exhaustion over coming me, As I think about what their going to have me do now oh gooly gee,
Up on the way to my grandmas house I ask my mom why do I have to help??
She says she dont know,
But she should understand that I am too kind to say no when anyone needs something,
When I get into my grandmas house things start to change,
I start thinking to myself why now?? Why today??
I have to sweep the floors,
take out trash,this is about the most annoying crap,
No matter how much I do nothing matters I still get treated like poo,
I hate my life I always did,
I feel no shame,
No offense grandma your pretty lame,
I try to hard to make you love me,
You never will love me right,
But no mmatter what I will try to fight,
For as much of your love to me as possible, But your mean, Your just way to cruel,
I hurt inside so bad trying to find the grandma grand daughter relationship we never had,
I am full of sadness,
Washed away like a stain,
You will never love me not even in the rain,
I always wanted to be apart of your happiness,
But everytime I try you scream at me and it builds up in my sadness,
I love you grandma I always will,
But you need to get help and get on a pill,
The way you ignore me really makes me sad,
But what makes me sad makes you laugh,
I never did mind that,
Your a grandma trying to provide what I need,
But can you learn some day to love me for me??

Dear grandma I am back again,
I have found another friend,
I try to stay happy,
And build up my self esteem,
But when I do you bring it down,
Now I will always have a frown,
No matter what I will love you for you,
But you have to lighten up just a little bit please grandma,
I have tried to get you to understand your ripping my heart out and burning it to,
But no matter what I will do what I have to do,
To make you laugh and hear you be proud of me,
But that may be hard because your time consuming,
You make things hard for me,
But even then I will still get you that Christmas tree,
Sometimes are good and others I regret,
But no matter what you make me prepared for the future when I will meet worse people than you,
People who kill and feel powerful,
The people that think they rule,
And yet all they do is make others hurt,
I think they just need to go to church,
Where God can rule over them,
Thats where you need to be to.

Most of the time


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.10.2011

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I dedicate this to my grandma the one who dont care at all about how I feel

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