
A Bit of Wyrding History


I've been wanting to write this for sometime now about the most ancient origins of witchery. I understand that it only seems relevant in the contexts of all of the ancient wyrding families and there’s not many among the general populace that are even allowed much knowledge of these things, or have enough interest to pursue them as a study. The excerpt below, from the Book of Enoch, among others of this type is a great starting point to trace a number of common facts about these ancient elite clans today and even to school the paranormally talented among the general masses as to how they came by such “humanly impossible” genetic traits. I intend to show you that this ancient dusty tome of knowledge is indeed very relevant to many of you and why the powers-that-be in this present darkness fear you finding out all this and what they have done for ages to keep you all disconnected from your own true powers. As I am of such a lineage myself and trained in the craft from a child: I say none of this lightly.


Book of Enoch Chapter 7


1  It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful.

2   And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.

(3) An Aramaic text reads "Watchers" here (J.T. Milik, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976], p. 167).

3  Then their leader Samyaza said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise;

4  And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime.

5   But they answered him and said; We all swear;

6  And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.

7  Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, (4) which is the top of mount Armon.

(4) Upon Ardis. Or, "in the days of Jared" (R.H. Charles, ed. and trans., The Book of Enoch [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893], p. 63).

8  That mountain therefore was called Armon, because they had sworn upon it, (5) and bound themselves by mutual execrations.

(5) Mt. Armon, or Mt. Hermon, derives its name from the Hebrew word herem, a curse (Charles, p. 63).

9  These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them. (6)

(6) The Aramaic texts preserve an earlier list of names of these Watchers: Semihazah; Artqoph; Ramtel; Kokabel; Ramel; Danieal; Zeqiel; Baraqel; Asael; Hermoni; Matarel; Ananel; Stawel; Samsiel; Sahriel; Tummiel; Turiel; Yomiel; Yhaddiel (Milik, p. 151).

10  Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.

11  And the women conceiving brought forth giants, (7)

(7) The Greek texts vary considerably from the Ethiopic text here. One Greek manuscript adds to this section, "And they [the women] bore to them [the Watchers] three races–first, the great giants. The giants brought forth [some say "slew"] the Naphelim, and the Naphelim brought forth [or "slew"] the Elioud. And they existed, increasing in power according to their greatness." See the account in the Book of Jubilees.

*End of excerpt here*


There’s a great deal more pertinent information in this book and others, concerning the impact of this upon human history. Even the book of Genesis, chapter six has something to say about this. You don’t even have to be of judeo-christian ethnicity to understand that the writings do indeed have some merit to them. For when one speaks of angels, watchers, gods, demi-gods, fae folk and the likes; they speak of powerful, intelligent creatures that are not necessarily “of this earth” as you may understand it.


Every culture on the planet has its ancient tales of someone coming down and interacting and even breeding with humans to produce extraordinarily talented offspring. In fact, nearly every royal line anywhere on the planet, believes themselves to be the descendants of these gods and not fully human in themselves and that this bloodline gives them their “mandate from the heavens” to rule the masses under them. The mundane tend to believe it is merely a privilege that comes from being born into a wealthy royal family, but the truth of this matter goes deeper than just in name alone. It is in their blood and DNA!



To better allow you to relate to what this truly means; I need to diverge from these ancient royal lines for a moment and set this in your laps, a lot closer to home than you may have ever suspected. It’s not just a coincidence as you’ll learn later in this essay.


Simply by the fact that you’re interest is piqued enough that you are taking the time to read this treatise; it is apparent to someone like myself that there are certain mysteries you’ve encountered in your own experience, that have cued you to the idea that there may indeed be more to learn on that subject. Being a witch of some sixty years at this point, I’ve known witches of all types and backgrounds and whether they are brought up and trained in some ancient wyrding clans or find their ways on their own: they all have some things in common. They all possess talents and perceptions beyond the simple dogmatic five senses that humans are only supposed to have. There is something beyond sight, sound, taste, smell and touch that gives them information that others never seem to be aware of, and they are correct often enough to know that whether or not they can understand how this is so: it is still very true. Hence they explore all the hidden highways and byways they can in search of more information to bring it all together for themselves and try to become more fully what they were always intended to be. It is my hope this essay will bring you a whole lot closer to the truth and dispel the illusions for you. You’ll still be learning more and more for the rest of your lives, but at least you’ll understand where it comes from and who has kept so much from you, why they do it and how to circumvent them. Now back to our ancient royal pains in our hindnesses.



Through many means these days; more and more is coming to light about the thirteen ancient Illuminati families. They are easy to pick out. You simply need only look to the wealthiest and most powerful families on the planet today, who have been the ruling classes for most of your recorded histories. As corrupt as those writings are, there is still much truth in them. These are but a remnant of a great deal more ancient wyrding folk than you are being led to believe. Remember in our Enochian transcript, there were at least 200 rebel watchers/angels/ extra-terrestrials starting hybrid families here. So 13 clans are a meager number to represent the whole of that truth. Remember also that many kings were known to sire bastards among the common folk on a very regular basis and many families boast royal ties to this very day. Those royal bloodlines brought a great many more things than just wealth and privilege. These are gifted people, and one of the mainline gifts is "domination".


At this point, it occurs to me that you might not be familiar with the word “wyrd” (pronounced: weerd). Perhaps you’ve guessed that our modern “weird” may be a derivative of it. You’d be right! For all those things that happen, that defy the imposed logic of the church and narrow minded academics: we call them weird, because they are mysterious and an unknown quantity. Wyrding families are those ancient lines possessing talents for things that normal humans have found to be impossible to them. Just understanding this simple fact alone will make a good many things begin to make more sense to you than they have before now. Someone else in your family may have gifts like precognition, telepathy, telekinesis, domination, dreams, visions, healing gifts and so on. Further research into your family tree may show that others before them were so gifted as well. You may even find you are distantly related to some king or queen of some renown or the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, Merovingians, pharaohs or such. Genetic traits may skip entire generations, but never entirely disappear. Yes, I’m more than suggesting that if you have any of these talents that your bloodline is not entirely human either. Many of the most prominent Celtic clans boast tales of nonhuman intermarriages in their deep dark past. The McCleods and Monroes come to mind right off the start. If you ever wondered exactly why so many of today’s royal lines inbreed so much, even knowing that some of the children will be impaired: it is because it is worth it to them to produce the single child who will come out with the most “watcher traits” fully intact to rule society with.



Have you ever met a person who could sell anyone anything? This trait is called “domination”. It is one of the most coveted of royal traits, but many royal bastards have spread that gene throughout the general populace and while they’ll never be allowed as heir to the thrones of the world, they will be superior used car salesmen or such. These people, when they believe in something strongly, effect everyone nearby to feel likewise. Whether they are afraid, infatuated, happy, sorrowful, angry or such can move a crowd to feel likewise simply by being present. It is a leadership quality, that does not necessarily require any good values or common sense to control crowds. This is what makes royals believe it is THEIR mandate to rule over you: Because they CAN! Have you ever studied certain politicians and world leaders with scandalous records of lies and misdeeds, but every time they stand up and open their mouths and utter nonsense: there are no lack of suckers who will obey every word as if they could do no wrong? Domination! The alpha male or female who leads the pack; some may be because they are the wisest and strongest and best choice for a leader for the rest to thrive with. But you’ll find many of those who weirdly (wyrdly) enough, do no such thing but to benefit themselves at everyone else’s’ expense. This is where I need to give you another general history lesson, in order to understand where some of our present day madness has originated.


It might surprise you to know that libraries existed all over the earth many thousands of years before Ben Franklin invented the type you use commonly today. They operated a bit differently, but they were the repositories for all of the world’s knowledge and science. If a city had a library, it also had a university, because it now had “curriculum”. A scholar, sage or mage could study the writings within, or if they wished to have a copy they could pay a scribe to copy it for them. As for many of the higher degrees in our universities today: the adage of “publish or perish” was a very important part of preserving the knowledge to benefit the world as a whole for years to come. Just as today we have post graduate studies and doctorates, the ancient universities had “mystery schools” and various factions of sages and magi who studied and earned their degrees in these. It is important for you to understand that in order to partake of these temples of higher learning, one had to swear an oath, much like the doctors swear the Hippocratic oaths in the field of medicine to this day. No dark, occult and mysterious oaths like you hear about from Freemasons and Illuminists these days. Essentially they had to swear to use everything they learned in these higher learning centers to benefit their communities and not to just themselves at the expense of others. Witches, druids, wizards, magi and scholars of all sorts came to these centers of knowledge to round out their training to better help their people. Celtic witches and druids, in a society that distinguished its separate clans by colored tartans and such, no longer wore their own clan’s tartans, but the neutral black or white as they were sworn to serve ALL of the clans and not merely the ones they favored. They could confirm chieftains and kings, but could not become such themselves. This kept power in a healthy balance. It is in these times that another kind of term was coined in the native Gaelic for the unscrupulous magi who took the same oaths, but used their knowledge to rule others for their own greedy ends. They named such magi “warlocks”, literally “oath breakers”.


It should also be noted, in ancient times and even more so in the feudal system that came long afterwards; the chieftains and kings were the chief patrons or defenders of their faiths or religions, whatever deities or beliefs they chose. I need you to understand that fact, so that you can better understand what happened to a very new religion that blossomed in the First Century. Many, many gentiles/pagans had heard the teachings and deeds of one called Jesus of Nazareth. This is not to argue pro or con about the man, but to better illustrate what had happened to make things turn out quite like they did. In the days immediately following, these “Christians” shared all things in common. They still celebrated the Jewish feast of Passover together. They represented their faith with the sign of a fish, and the idea of a priesthood over the laity was an anathema called “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans”


KJV Revelation 2:15-16


15. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

16. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.


It is not important that you subscribe to these scriptures as just to note that it was enough a concern in the early church to be recorded as such. Around the Third Century, a pagan king, Constantine; wanting to revive his declining empire: gathered together his favored counselors in the Council of Nicea (where they get their Nicean creed) and decided what of the many, many books would be the canon for all the religious belief today, what would be acceptable faith and what would be heresy. Again, I must remind you that this was a pagan king of the ancient Babylonian mystery schools and would not even allow himself to be baptized as a “Christian” until on his death bed. Being of such a mystery school and using his knowledge of controlling the masses and doing so for his own grandification at the expense of the lives of others defines him as a “warlock” in the Gaelic tongue. But who would survive calling him that to his face?


Now many zealots for the faith will point at me and declare me the heretic and witch that I truly am. I would not deny it for I know a witch’s true power in our society has always been our unbroken will and word. But I will simply point out the changes this warlock made to the religion he hijacked to boost his own power over the masses: Now, Seramis was portrayed as Mary and worshipped. Tammuz who’s sign was the “T” now crossed the breasts of the petitioners as the sign of the cross of Jesus. The Easter eggs that symbolized fertility in the ancient pagan religion now became the Christian rite and Passover was abolished as a cursed thing of the Jews “who killed our Lord”, forgetting it was Romans too. In fact a good many pagan holidays were renamed and altered to benefit a magical priesthood who could perform much magic on these celebrations and bring in the wealth and power of the masses. They took a simple faith and doctrine of love and acceptance and turned it into a massive, powerful force to be wielded by a single man from Rome. Warlocks were indoctrinated as feudal lords over their own diocese and made wealthy on the fat of the land and the common folk were made subject to them under pain of excommunication and painful death. This is quite the accomplishment using all of the craft. But it didn’t just end there. Greed and lust for power never does!


Unlike the myth that humble priests and missionaries brought this new faith to the barbaric pagans of our homelands; it actually came to us “top down” by them visiting the seats of power that they truly lusted after. The nobility of the lands and much as Constantine proclaimed his Roman Legions as “Christians”, no matter what they really believed, so did the nobles and kings who were thus swayed to build churches and name their serfs as “Christians” as well. Interestingly enough in this history lesson, the word they used for Celts were “barbarians” in the translations, but the words used in their histories as written was “indomitus” or “someone not dominated”. But I digress.


But there still existed many of the Old Ways, witches, druids and other breeds of magi (the root for “magi-strate”) who still understood what a “warlock” truly is and still had much wisdom and power where they lived and worked. Now through the ranks of this new religion a propaganda began to be circulated among the congregants; that we had so much power over our people because we had made pacts with the devil and kissed his backside in foul ceremonies to grant our evil desires. It became the foulest of death sentences to be found not as a faithful member of the local diocese and our numbers dwindled more and more over the following centuries as more and more succumbed to the warlocks’ illusions of godhood. Many families like my own, escaped to the wildernesses where the superstitious feared to go and lived off the land or hid in plain sight by adapting Christian terminology for our talents and craft.


These warlock elites were not so all-powerful as to contend outright with other genuinely talented magi of any sort, and neither were those of the wyrding royal blood, so the lies and propaganda had to be built to enormous proportions against us and those poor bastards fathered by the “blue bloods” of their day. You’ll find these edicts easy to spot in their doctrines and dogmas to this very day. When someone exercised any talents beyond the five doctrinally accepted human senses, it now became a sign that they had either made their own pact with Lucifer to receive such power or had done some foul deed that brought on demonic possession. As it was, this could be very embarrassing for such faithful members of the church and royal families, so another explanation of “sainthood” and the gifts of the Holy Spirit were also rendered to secure their lives and positions. Interestingly enough, the Scriptural interpretation of a ‘saint’ was simply a “believer”, as First Century believers did not call themselves “Christians” but ‘saints’. Just as the term “witch” no longer means “wise one” as our language dictates, but the warlock definition of a “devil worshipper”, and “warlock” is no longer and “oath breaker” but a male witch (devil worshipper) and now a “saint” was a higher form of Christian, much as an archangel is higher than an angel. The lies and deceit were building to greater and greater proportions, but no matter as these talented warlocks could dominate any thought out of their heads every Sunday or make a special visit to reinforce the lies as gospel truth.



You must also understand that the hierarchies of priest, bishops, cardinals and popes, even as they serve themselves; serve higher or greater powers than themselves with a plan that works in increments over the centuries until full world domination is achieved. In subjecting the people to all these false beliefs and chaining them to material world illusions, they prevent any and all of you from further exploring what you really are and limiting your power to make you easier dominated by them. Many of you fear the word witch or witchcraft for the condemnation to a burning hell that you’ve been conditioned over many, many generations to believe would be the end of you for even considering this. I must confess that I was always worried over my obvious Nephilim ancestry as a damning factor in my existence for the larger portion of my lifetime. Even the Book of Enoch says we were totally cursed and without any chance of redemption for the next 70 generations after the fact.


Book of Enoch Chapter 10


15  To Michael likewise the Lord said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, and of consummation, until the judgment, the effect of which will last for ever, be completed.

16  Then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of the fire in torments; and in confinement shall they be shut up for ever.

17  Immediately after this shall he, (14) together with them, burn and perish; they shall be bound until the consummation of many generations.

(14) He. I.e., Samyaza.

18  Destroy all the souls addicted to dalliance, (15) and the offspring of the Watchers, for they have tyrannized over mankind.

*End of Excerpt*


The latest estimation of that 70th generation of cursed hybrids ended over 3000 years ago. The only condemnation you could have today as a descendant of such is the same as any full blooded human as what you earn for yourself by the choices you make and not an accident of your birth. But did you notice verse 18 in the above excerpt? It would appear that the present evil paradigm that holds the world you know in thrall through paper talismans with occult symbology, otherwise known as “paper currency” that has no other value at all, are still indeed quite damned and for the most righteous of reasons. Note also how men and women today have been separated and disconnected from anything natural in this world:



Instead of the beauty of a healthy body and a generous soul, women are subjected to tortures of unnatural footwear that destroy their feet over the span of years. Constricting corsets, brassieres, waxings, paintings, meaningless social niceties. And the men are taught from youth that to be strong they must measure their strength in what they can destroy or what they can buy. Everything in this evil paradigm that has any value, has a warlock value in dollars and cents or it is considered worthless. If you don’t believe it, the next time someone asks you in a social setting what you do for a living: tell them you flip hamburgers at McDonald’s, or Walmart, or mop floors and watch how fast they gather around someone else. Even the so called justice system hinges on those same talismans for power. Every crime or infraction has a listed dollar value. And as poor as they treat people of color, even a black man can quite literally get away with murder if he has the money to pay. If not… he’s a dead man! No question. The system is designed so that ONLY the elite can become wealthy and succeed in this material plane. But even so, they are losing out on their power too, and can ONLY maintain it as such as long as you believe those talismans will give you power and keep your focus on the lowest plane of existence: the material plane.


I am a Danaan “witch of the blood“. I am not a religious man, but I am a spiritual man. I do not seek to proselytize you all into witches like me. I seek to help you break their chains and shake them off for yourselves. I can’t do it for you. You must evolve and grow on your own steam and find your own power. I can only point out the fence that has been holding you inside the box. Any physicist will tell you that an atom is 99.9999% empty space. Since you and everything else in the universe is comprised of atoms, with like charged particles that by rights should fly apart rather than hold together: it is apparent that the TRUE substance of the universe is not matter or material things, but consciousness. God is not a cranky old white man sitting on a throne somewhere.



KJV Colossians 1:16-17


16.  For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17.   And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.


Take away the mystical, religious double talk and see that consciousness for exactly what it is. Having a consciousness of your own, step up to the universe and take your rightful places as sons and daughters of the omnipresent Creator in spite of anyone’s paltry religious views and find your power. Because the powers-that-be in this present evil paradigm can only bully you as long as you believe they are better and more powerful than you. All those paper talismans or signed edicts put together add up to nothing but your own slavery to the falsest of gods. The Lakota Sioux have a saying: Mitakuye Oyasin! We are all of us related! The substance of this world is only an illusion that you are destined to rise above or be crushed beneath. You start choosing your own path and destiny for yourself and let no man rob you of your own divine power to do so. Quit thinking of truth in terms of religious doctrine and dogma. I have shown you where it came from and no good can come of it. Reach out of the box and out of yourself and touch that consciousness that holds the atoms together within you and cry out: DADDY! Or MOM! As you will, but know you belong to something and someone far greater than a tyrant! I am your brother, John Stormm.



The Curse of Two Dimensional Thinking

Look What They’ve Done To You! 

       I am writing this chapter to try and explain what has happened to your brain and why you have such a difficult time trying to get past anything higher than two dimensional thinking.  It won’t be easy as it is rather involved, and for those of you who picture everything that doesn’t fit into your lopsided little paradigm as “conspiracy theory”, it will be a total waste of time and you’re probably missing American Idol or some other inane distraction that you could be wasting your finite lifetime watching and drooling over.  It “sounds” very offensive, and you SHOULD be deeply offended, but if you can read through; you’ll have a first rate idea of who and what you should be really offended with.  I don’t mean to insult you.  I’m making the effort to pull you out of that pit that was dug for you, and I need you to see for yourselves, who your enemies REALLY are.

        Along all of those various “conspiracy theories”; you may first want to consider the documented, scientific and medical FACTS about the effects of FLOURIDE.  It’s NOT a “theory”.  There’s SO much clinical data on this stuff that it is amazing that so many of you THINK it’s lunatic fringe conspiracy theory.  I won’t bother here to repeat ALL the facts on this topic as you can look it up as its own topic and get educated anywhere about it.  What I NEED to point out to you is:  How you became so programmed and conditioned that someone has mentioned it to you, or you may have read about its effects in medical school or in studying pharmaceuticals and yet you’ll INSIST upon believing that it is in your public water system for the good of your children’s teeth.  That’s a well documented LIE, but you are conditioned to ignore that simple fact and now you’ll even PAY for bottled water that has fluoride included in it to get its dubious “health benefits”.  This article is NOT about “theories” of any sort and not about fluoride.  It is about what happened to your mind and how all of us supposedly evolved, sophisticated, THINKING creatures could let things get this bad and how we can begin to break these metaphorical “chains of darkness” and rise above this devolving disaster.  Even I hardly know where to begin with this.

        First, let’s start with our most inaccurately named “educational system”.  You may believe you’ve been educated in the finest schools in the world.  If you’re an American, that MAY have been true at one time, when we had the highest educational skills per capita than any other country in the world, but that was a time long before most of you were born.  Presently, for all of our inordinately expensive educational system:  Bush babies in Kenya score higher on SATs than the average American student of the same age groups.  We presently rank BEHIND Third World countries in education.  There is a very scientific reason for this and it is no conspiracy theory.  Let’s examine what is wrong about this system at its most basic level to see why it fails us so:

        We can explore all sorts of theories of higher education and social structures and still miss the “elephant in the classroom”.  To begin with:  You LEARNED very, very  little in all of your years in this educational system.  You may disagree with that statement, but you’d be WRONG and there is a very valid reason WHY you wouldn’t even see it as obvious as it is:  This system was designed not to TEACH you, but to INDOCTRINATE you.  You weren’t taught “how to learn” but “how to memorize” data and regurgitate it back on demand in your pop quizzes and tests.  You might want to argue that you devoured volumes upon volumes of knowledge in 12 or more years of continuing education, but you would be WRONG!  You were made to memorize pages and pages of deliberate PROPAGANDA and made to believe those were FACTS!  Everything about your indoctrination has been designed, deliberately to make you “Left Brained” to the full exclusion of any Right Brain activity.

        Let’s take a look at a few good examples of what I’m talking about here.  If you are an older citizen; you may remember in grade school as a child that if you were left handed, they would TRY to encourage you to be right handed.  I remember how hard they tried that with my left handed sister.  FACT:  The left hemisphere of our brains control the right side of our bodies and vice versa.  If you are right hand dominant; then you are already left brain dominant and easily kept that way, as opposed to encouraging you to make FULL use of BOTH hemispheres.  The Left Half processes math and language skills and spatial mechanics.  The Right Half is the creative and abstract or even subconscious thought processes like “dreaming” and much more.  It is where you connect to things on a deeper and even artistic level.  Nobody in this educational system is going to be encouraged to become a “starving artist” or a musician.  No, if you’re going to have any goals at all they will encourage you to try to learn some trade you can support your families with and take up music or art as a hobby.  If you show ANY signs of artistic or Right Brained inclinations, you are singled out as an “odd ball” or misfit and derided by your peers until you tow the line with the rest of the Left Brained automatons.  That is our system and most of you will painfully remember EXACTLY this fact about your school years.

        When they “teach” you, it is in this fashion:  You are TOLD that Columbus discovered America in 1492.  You did not LEARN that, because it is NOT true.  Hard facts do NOT support this statement.  There are no artifacts or evidence that supports that there were ANY Italians, Portuguese, or Spaniards in America beyond a few short centuries ago.  But ALL evidence and even historical writings SHOW that someone has been here even to 10,000 years or more before Columbus was ever born!  They even called them “Indians” as the documented history describes as having greeted him as he found his way here in 1492.  But you were never TAUGHT to make that connection, but it was INSISTED that you buy into the PROPAGANDA, and not to think about it for yourself on your own terms.  When given a test for what you “learned” that year in school, and they asked the question:  WHO discovered America and WHEN?  If you answered anything but “Columbus” and “1492”, you FAILED that test and you repeated that grade or your GPA dropped enough to help keep you from being accepted in the best colleges later on and getting any of the best jobs.  The mind zombies that mindlessly repeated the propaganda became the captains of politics and industry in America in your place. 

It wasn’t an ACCIDENT or chance that kept you from your dreams.  It was by design.  Once upon a time, some of the world’s best thinkers came from here and even abroad as in only a little over a century the world saw GREAT leaps in science, arts and technology and then… back to mental mediocrity in the general populace.  Surely you understand that your masters KNOW that Columbus did not in fact discover anything.  There’s a real reason why it serves them to mislead you with this propaganda.  You do not consider the native Americans in this story.  You, because of your indoctrination, you  are far more inclined to see them as savage or subhuman nonentities relegated to reservations for their own good and well being so that the ‘superior’ species and races can claim the land and “make it great”.  All they did was hunt buffalo and live in teepees.  When given that propaganda as FACT, in using the facts there are few other conclusions your minds could come to, so you ignore the discrepancies and this serves your masters’ interests.  But it mentally hobbles YOU.  It doesn’t work out so nice for the natives either, but you’re only trained to use HALF of your available mind, so as long as they are out of your direct line of sight, their plight becomes a non issue. 

Or consider a century or so later in American history with the Thanksgiving propaganda taught in ALL of our schools that your children take a part in plays and “re-enactments”.  They are learning as if first hand, about all of the love and respect and sharing between whites and Indians in the First Thanksgiving.  Is it TRUE or even realistic?  NO!  But it is what someone INSISTS that they believe as a FACT.  No mention at all is EVER made how those loving, white, christian souls purposely sent those Indians home with blankets infected with smallpox to decimate their numbers and take their land without a fight.  But there ARE documents and diaries of the day to support that, but nobody is ALLOWED to LEARN the truth, unless they take the time and effort to dig it out of the lesser known tomes for themselves.  The overwhelming majority of you have no reason at all, by rite of your straight A’s in this educational system to suspect or even want to look this up!  You LEARNED nothing.  You were INDOCTRINATED in PROPAGANDA to serve a more learned master than yourselves.

       Let’s take a look at yet another fine example of two dimensional thinking even in what is taught as Religious Instruction verses Hard Sciences.  Religion in America is believing EXACTLY what you are told to believe out of a single Book (however well written and full of bits of fine wisdom) that a cranky old white man, sitting on a throne in the clouds, called Heaven has created man in his image and woman as second class or even “property” and the world in EXACTLY six days.  Any variation of thought on this theme is considered “heresy” and punishable by a horrible death and consigned to an eternal Hell.  End of story.  And the ONLY other school of thought is considered Hard Science, or specifically Darwinism and demands that:  In the beginning there was NOTHING and it exploded and became EVERYTHING and life happened accidentally after that over billions upon billions of years.  As with Columbus, if you do not buy into this preposterous presumption:  You will FAIL miserably and never be considered as proper company among all of the intelligent apes in the finer institutions of higher education and thought.  How blisteringly FAR from the truth is that!

        I can tear that “theory of evolution”  which is not taught as “theory” but as if it were proven FACT to shreds on many, many levels.  Many professors DO contend with this academic drivel, but they NEVER get to hold any higher positions in the system and often lose their doctorates, and tenure, for doing so, and treated as “eccentrics”.  I’d waste a lot of time going over ALL the discrepancies, but another man,  named Lloyd Pye has done an excellent presentation on the abnormalities of fossil record evidence that does NOT support the common academic hypothesis entitled: “Everything You Know Is Wrong”.  While I do not agree with him on every single point, I will endorse that, what he shows you in this is truer than ANY of that crap the Darwinists feed you about their own religion of faith and presumption as “hard science”.  But I’m writing this for you to talk about what had happened to your minds, and to tie it in with all the other stuff, it would be a learning experience to get you to examine a glaring FACT in our fossil record about YOUR brains and mine.

       First, I’d like to point out that in any educational system we currently have: that only TWO schools of thought are represented, and that NEITHER of them TEACH anything or requires the students to weigh and think them out, but INSIST they memorize the PROPAGANDA as if were known FACTS.  You are taught as a Creationist, or as a Darwinist.   Nothing else is given even enough of a nod to be even slightly memorable.  The “two party system” of thought SHOULD be setting off alarm bells in your minds about now.  As none of us here, were around to witness and record what REALLY happened, we are forced to either take their words as gospel of the educational potentates of our system, or consider them in the light of the fossil records and hard evidence in order to find some semblance of “hard science”. 

       The fossil records for all of the millions of years we have found in the last 140 plus years of collecting: does NOT show evidence of slow mutations from one or more species to another.  Even now, they are only just discovering that Neanderthals were NOT the preceding ancestors of Cro-Magnons.  Darwinists attribute this to not having yet found “the missing link” between the two of us.  They never will, because Neanderthals are genetically different and we did not come from them for one.  For two, there would have to be SEVERAL mutations in between these species to account for all of the differences and yet something a far more glaring error is readily recognizable in the THEORY that we EVOLVED naturally to the state of Homo Sapiens that we are today.  Can you guess it at this point?  If not, it is because you were INDOCTRINATED to ignore this FACT!

       The GIANT leap in brain capacity is one item, but more than even that is:  There is no other creatures known on the face of this planet that EVOLVED a brain that is TEN TIMES what they are using only a mere fraction of!  Hard science, the use of magnetic resonance imaging, electro-encephalograms and a host of other measuring devices show that we are barely using one tenth of our brain capacity.  Dolphins have brains our sizes and use 100% of their brains.  Chimps use 100% of their brain capacities.  But humans have about 90% of that mass that has no recordable activity going on it at all.  The exceptions to this are found only in patients that have lost a portion due to injury and then those functions somehow get moved to light up portions we normally don’t see lit up.  By Darwinist teaching alone, it is ridiculous to assume that ANY creature mutates and evolves organs they do not presently have a use for!  It is more reasonable to assume that these brains once WERE used to capacity at some time and that somehow; possibly from genetic tampering had 90% genetically switched off from the rest.  Who could have done such a thing?  There are ancient records in Sumeria and even other places around the world where the artifacts to NOT fit the “accepted theory” or are pooh-poohed as religious mythology.  But they actually better fit the hard evidence than the known propaganda. 

       Both of the ONLY schools of thought are sadly short of anything we can honestly call factual or hard sciences, but we are INDOCTRINATED into believing them and carrying their glaring errors around in our minds as HARD FACTS and then wonder why our universe does not make sense to us as if it was a GREAT MYSTERY.  Somebody wants you to believe very much in great mysteries, but doesn’t want you to learn your way to finding out what it REALLY means.  Their agenda requires that the inconsistencies in thought remain forever a mystery and that YOU be DISCONNECTED from ever realizing your own true power over your own destiny.  I don’t even need to have a clue as to what you may believe that destiny be: the REAL issue is that they want you disconnected from that, so that they can plug into it all first.  You’ll find this to be TRUE on many, many levels. It is NEVER ONLY one thing or another as it is very multidimensional in nature.  It is not only metaphisical, as it is metaphorical and even mathematical.  There is a PATTERN.   As above, so below and so on…

       You are either a Creationist or an Evolutionist, a Democrat or Republican, a believer or a heretic, going to Heaven or going to Hell, black or white, male or female, wholly right or wholly wrong, gay or straight, liberal or conservative…ad nauseum!  Everything is taught as two dimensional thought.  But we understand we live in a three dimensional world and quantum physicists understand it may be as much as ten or more.  But who ever listens to those brain cases anyway?  The fact that we are programmed to IGNORE the facts in favor of the proscribed propaganda is very relevant to the state of our present world paradigm.  There has ALWAYS been MUCH more than simple “black and white” or even adding “shades of gray” to the picture does not give us the simple truth of the fuller spectrum of hard science and reality.  But why is that we can only RARELY incorporate that total picture into our perceptions of reality?  Even a naturalist understands that nature has more genders than strictly male and female.  But if anyone else considers this, they are thought of as aberrant or freakish.  It’s hard to see how lobotomized your religions, educations and social structures have truly made you.  And then there’s still television to consider!  If you did not see it happen on TV then it couldn’t be true.  Forgetting that very, very little of what is programmed as “reality TV” is even remotely true.  But the lobotomized, left brained masses are only dimly aware that anything they’d consider as intelligent life is found outside of their closed, cut off, and stunted little minds.  Pity the fools.

        Via the Internet, you’re seeing a pattern of thoughts on cycles and frequencies on ALL LEVELS. One running out of phase and a higher pattern coming into phase.  And even in all of those races and cultures that I’ve befriended and shared thoughts and perceptions with: I see an awakening soul and mind!  I can see the effects of this.  It’s NOT “just me”.  I don’t see ANY of them as “just this or just that”, black or white.  I’m checking out a unique panorama in livid TECHNICOLOR and one I usually enjoy revisiting.  It has become impossible for me to believe that murdering them or their kin for any reason is going to somehow be “right”, or “just” or a “good thing” in any way.  Nor that I should be doing ANY kind business or delegating my authority to or with those that apply their power to just such a thing in MY name.  I don’t think anyone has to be American to understand that.  Because I know so many others who have shown every indication of agreeing that this is so.  I'm trying to think of a universal word for: DUH!  I wish I could blow a whistle and get everyone to stop and leave each other the fuck alone and just sort it all out in your own communities and nations. 

        With all of the woe and pain and tragic losses; if everyone stop making it a death sentence to be something else and work on our own community infrastructure, unhindered by outsiders WHOEVER we are.  It's REALLY not too much to ask.  We ALL answer each to the ALMIGHTY in whatever way we name our concepts of someone greater than all of us.  The best days of our lives are always when we connect with that on some sort of profound levels.  Nobody should come between you and that connection.  I KNOW that no matter how you name anything: that you are also one of a multitude of the children of an infinitely diverse ultimate Creator God.  The more souls that LIGHT UP and become more ILLUMINED and enlightened than the Illuminati; the sooner we reach a TIPPING POINT where we shift fully into that higher frequency, vibration or whatever level or cycle your culture calls it.  These are indeed dark times and looking to get worse.  I already know most of that, but I am not defeated yet.  It doesn’t take a majority of true light sources to dispel a great deal of darkness.  I’ve seen lights and I’ve seen arc lamps out there.  As I’ve said: you can take that on multiple levels and it will add up the same way for you.  The truth is that you put entirely too much stock in an ever corrupting system, whether I am speaking of your education, religion, false science, commercial banksters, politicians, clerics, or whatever; the light will always show it for what it is, and once you’ve seen that for yourselves: you can never go back into the Matrix and continue as its puppet.  It’s SPELL on you is forever BROKEN!  One of many ways or another, we are very likely to be seeing each other anew in a brighter paradigm before all of this is through.  I’m loving that idea!



The Parable of Mr. What and Mr. Why



        Time and again in forums and in stories and articles I've put about, I've always spouted my warnings for witches who buy spell books or rely heavily upon such things. Not that I don't believe in good spellwork. I believe more than most of you in the efficacy of a good spell. My issue with the spell books is that too many wannabe witches will take that spell as the end all solution to any particular problem and create more trouble for themselves for doing so and never get a clue as to WHY all this happened to them to begin with. NOT *wise* at all.  I need to take a moment here, to instruct you in the thinking processes as a superior witch might use. 

        I've always said that it is not enough to know WHAT, but the superior witch will know WHY a thing is so. There's wisdom in those words and wisdom is the word we get our labels of witches and wizards from. So it stands to reason that if we are called such, that we should have some. A witch who gets a solution from a spell book, knows "what" (probably drivel, or probably some deep wisdom in there, but they missed it in the ceremony somewhere). I'm going to paint a bit of an analogy here to illustrate WHAT I mean and WHY it is so.

                                         *     *     *

        Mr. What found himself at the base of a wooded hill on an overcast day, and realized that he was very much lost. He was not stupid or an unlearned man by anyone's standards and very well read in a number of subjects. A jack-of-all-trades, he had been called on many an occasion. He knew that the northern borders of the national park he was lost in was bordered by rough, mountainous terrain. It was no place that he wanted to go. He also remembered as he viewed the map in his memory, that the park was bordered on the eastern side by a highway. Where ever he was in the park, if he continued going east, he would have to meet up with that highway sooner or later. The problem was, how to determine which way was east with no compass, moon, stars or sun to give him a clue?

Fortunately, he recalled reading that moss ALWAYS grows on the north side of the tree. WHY this was so, he had no idea, but figured it might be due to some inherent magnetic quality of the moss or the trees. Looking at the trees before him, he noticed which side the moss was on and determined if that was north, then by facing north (which he certainly did NOT want to go) then east would be to his immediate right hand. A clever man, our Mr. What, and not to allow himself to go off course, he faced north, as he knew it and picked out the tallest tree he could see to his right hand and steered himself a course directly to it, and then to the tallest object beyond this and continued until he came out of the woods at the base of the mountains that he did not want to travel to, with miles of rough terrain to negotiate in any direction, and little strength to do it.

        Mr. Why was traveling these same woods, when he came to the identical wooded hill as his predecessor, and realized that he too was lost. He too had read that moss grows on the north side of tree trunks, but he also knew WHY that adage was *mostly* true. There were no magnetic qualities to the moss or the trees, but that in the northern hemisphere, the southern side of the trees from east to west, was the sunny side of the trees, and the moss preferred the shadier northern side to thrive on, as this is not a plant that does well in direct sunlight. Looking at the trees at the base of the hill before him, he ruled out these as good examples because regardless of compass directions, the hill at the back of these trees, was going to provide a perpetual shadow for the moss to thrive in. Instead, he moved to the trees at the top of the hill, that would get nearly unobstructed sunlight from whatever direction it came from, and then determined by the evidence of the moss, which side was the northern exposure. He then determined from this which way was east, set his landmarks and hiked a couple hours before he intersected with the highway.

        Mr. What knew just enough to get himself in deeper trouble. Mr. Why knew how to deal with the trouble at hand. A spell book may give you many interesting options, but if you know HOW and WHY a spell works, you can craft your own, to suit the situation that you are actually in, and not a generic piece of information that might actually dig yourself in deeper. The practice of keeping a notebook or a Book of Shadows is intended to give the diligent witch, a leg up on what works for what situation and WHY. From this information, the proper course can be set to get our intrepid witch where they want to go and not someplace worse than when they started.


The Difference Between a Witch and Warlock

The Context of Unbroken Will and Word 

      The truest dangers of sworn blood oathes in modern society and government, is that too few people take them seriously anymore.  In America, we consider ourselves a "christian country".  It is three thousand miles wide, from coast to coast.  But only a quarter inch deep.  Even the Bible says that it is better not to swear ANY vows at all, than to swear one before God, and not keep it.  And by the MILLIONS, christian couples will swear the holiest vows before God, and men in holy matrimony, and MOST will break those vows in a year or two and split up.  And rather than right this terrible wrong; they'll protest any other couple's right to marry as "against God's will".  They will rabidly point fingers and NONE will account for their own sins, nor do they want to.  We understand why this is so. 

KJV John 3:20

 20.  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

      Even among the pagans, who have dominated the world culture so many millenia before christianity, had a very strong focus on the value of unbroken vows.  Among Danaan witchery:  a witch's power is manifest in their unbroken Will and Word.  To be considered "wise", you had to be formidible this way.  Even among the non-witches, and the artisans:  It was best for a thriving profession, if you were known for this trait.  The following picture is a signing of what many know as "Witch's Honor".  It signifies that no matter who is watching,  both visible and invisible, that their Will and Word remain unbroken.

Among the great cities of ancient times:  If a city had a library, it had a university, because the library provided the curriculum.  Many doctors even today, are known for their "Hippocratic oathes" (most break them at will anyways, but there's the tradition).  If one graduated the university, there was next the "mystery schools" of higher learning.  But one could not study in one, without taking a blood oath to use what craft they learned there, for the benefit of their communities, and not for profit at the expense of others.  All witches, druids, sages and mages were bound by the same oathes.  Among those, were unscrupulous magi that broke with the tradition, and decided to use their craft to glorify and enrich their own coffers at the expense of everyone.  Among the Keltoi, a new term was coined in gaelic:  "warlock"  meaning: Oath breakers.  They met in secret, as they were an anathema to everyone they came into contact with.  Their "holy language" was Latin: the TRADE language of bankers and scholars of the day.  It speaks volumes, about what they truly valued above all of the wisdom they learned in such schools.

      Among the sages, it is considered as fact that one can never serve TWO masters.  God or wealth (Mammon) has ALWAYS been a proven corruptable mixture.  Jesus, himself spent no little bit of time railing against such things.  But three hundred years after his crucifixion, it was pagan warlocks that changed the focus of his life teachings, and kept their flock's focus on how he died, and filled them full of church doctrine and dogma instead.  It didn't matter that the Master railed publickly against the religious Jews of the day, using their traditions and doctrines of men, to make the Word of God to none effect... nobody reads that stuff but the priests, and surely they would not lie to them.  But note, that Constantine, who was THE Patron of the Babylonian Mystery Schools until his deathbed baptism (for what that was worth).  He was sworn, by blood oath to THEM first of all.  What could his allegiance to this new religion possibly be, when weighed in the scale of his own word and actions?

     For all of us:  Our words SHOULD be our bonds.  Yea, always means "yes", and Nay always means "no".  Any departure from that, is a walk away from honesty, before God or men.  When a man stands up and publickly proclaims to a certain course, it SHOULD be a given, that he will spend his life achieving that goal.  But for the secret, luciferian sects who have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, it would have been so.  But because of their wealth and power; people accepted these types as "pillars of the community".  They see masonic rings, gestures and handclasps and THINK that these are respectable people.  Like their own promises: they forget that these people are pre-sworn to another agenda already, and that it has NOTHING to do with YOUR well being, but only their own.  They ARE "warlocks", oath breakers and use the craft they learned to their own ends: to control others for profit.  They CANNOT serve YOU, or their oaths, that are taken very seriously by their brethren, would have them murdered for treason to the group.  If they were "secret" beyond the eyes and ears of the public, this would be an understandable mistake, to put such a person in charge of ANYTHING.  Their deals sour on their lips as they speak them.  Their handshake is your undoing, unless you are wearing the same rings.  

      In America, MOST who hold any great power, are high degree Masons.  The same is true of many of the captains of finance and industry, and their occult symbolism of their craft is shown publickly, on nearly every document they deem important, and the ignorant masses wonder why their lives are so hard, and yet others stand out in fatness and suffer no ill thing or war.  Why is it when people in power, promote artists and such, to spread their illusions and visions, and when the artists are rich beyond their dreams:  They take their own lives in despair?  Because they KNOW what they had sold their souls to, and cannot bear it any further.  It is better to end your miserable lives, than to find yourself in opposition to a God that will never be impressed with your trinkets.  Masonic rings or no: some clergy live and preach to continue raking in wealth and power from their congregants.  They too, have broken with Christ and serve their own appetites.  Their loyalty IS in question... but WHO questions such archaic things like loyalty and integrity anymore?  We've pretty much decided to take on the warlock doctrine for ourselves, and cast our values aside as inconvenient for our times.  We've become a part of our own worst problems, when we do not hold people accountable for their oathes.  Our solutions were to join the other side and hope to win something.  

     To me, as a born and bred pagan witch:  Jesus was the "Logos", The Word made flesh.  To a First Century pagan (gentile), that was a very grandiose claim to make.  But if we couple that, with the image of a man, who makes no occult hoodoo moves, but simply speaks the dead to rise, lame to walk and the wind and sea to be still... Now, we have reason to stop dead in our tracks, and follow this man, even to our death, if needs be.  We understand the power behind an unbroken Will and Word and that the author of such, could and should do no less.  Take also the magi, who could predict his coming in the stars, were not of warlock ilk either.  They saw, and understood what they were seeing, and put their lives at risk, to finance the first dozen years of this babe's life on earth, and misled Herod away from him.  These weren't Lutherans or catholics.  They were pagan and "wise", and their oathes intact.  I would never expect Jesus, or even them to behave any differently.  Neither would I expect luciferians, masons, and illuminst warlocks, or people whose "holy language" was nothing but a "trade language" to have interests in anything PURE, except to defile it for gold and power, as they have time, time and again.

      Sworn oathes, be they in blood, or mere words are VERY important.  Exactly WHAT kind of deal, or workable agreement, can you expect to reach with anyone, if what they are saying, is NOT what they mean?  If the track record of the speaker shows they have no respect of such:  Such respect should NEVER be given to them, to put them in ANY place of honor or authority.  By their very nature, they will defile it.  They are unqualified to even be believed.  Neither should there be evidence that they have sworn fidelity, and allegiance to any other cause, as that would take precedence over the promises they make to the people present.  Their loyalty and allegiance IS in question:  Put no faith in them! 

At this very moment in history:  We as Americans find ourselves murdering and torturing others in the dubious name of "freedom", democracy and even God's name.  You chasten a person who simply says:  "Jesus!"  or "goddamn" as if they were taking God's own name in vain.  But excuse everyone else with a funny collar or an expensive suit, who will outright misrepresent God's name, to lend credibility to their own filthy, murderous agendas.  We find ourselves supporting the side that misrepresents God for personal profit and OUR undoing, and yet no one wants to see themselves at odds with God.  But insanely enough, that is EXACTLY what we are doing!

We have been fools, and not the least bit for "Christ's sake".  My too tightly wrapped christian ex-wife kept voting for Republicans, because they were "Right to Life" party.  She still thinks she's voting for God's causes as she does it.  Yet, in all of her years; did she see a single one of these masonic reprobates do ANYTHING about abortions?  Never, and she never will, because warlock doctors make money, breaking with their Hippocratic Oath on a commercial basis, to perform them.  I am NOT speaking of those rare cases, where such a procedure NEEDS to be performed, to save the mother's life.  I'm speaking of a commercial act of convenience.  And their money owns the politicians, who will keep the money flowing, in spite of dead babies.  They are murdering babies and more, all over the world by missiles and drone attacks, for profit as well.  Such is what they always were, and declared themselves by their blood oathes... but we somehow expect differently of them.  That part is the craft being worked on us, and as every dollar bill is an occult talisman to bring warlocks more power:  they are hopelessly wrapped up in the illusion.  They believe a lie.  Most christians don't like Solomon, because he rubbed elbows with too many pagans. 

Most pagan witches listen and read anything from Solomon.  Here's what he had to say of this:

KJV Proverbs 26:1-2

1.  As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool.

2.  As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

  Has it occurred to any of you that the world we live in today is accursed?  Or that America's troubles might be a sign of God's displeasure, in spite of all of our yelling:  "God bless, America!"   Do you begin to understand why that's NOT going to happen, and what kind of turn around (repentence) that it's going to take from ALL of us to change this?  Here's something I wrote almost a decade ago, of what I have observed of my country in my time...

“The Mighty Fallen”

This is the land where I was born and grew up.

This nation was known as the Lord's golden cup.

A land of abundance, overflowing abroad.

A land gone corrupt, and turned far from God.

A place where the truth is forsaken for lies.

Where the honest and stalwart are feared and despised.

A place where Judgment will soon come calling,

"Babylon the great, is fallen, is fallen!"


Deny your own heart and your actions are token.

Warlocks hold sway with promises broken.

We want it all NOW!  Make it cheaper and faster!

Common folk groan under a heartless taskmaster.

Having sold all of your virtues, you're a mother of whores.

Terrible tidings awash all your shores.

I've heard the voice of the angel calling:

"Babylon the great, is fallen, is fallen!"


Through God's own desire, you would have been healed,

but you said it was He, whom should give way and yield.

Trust the will of a man as the ultimate power,

but they all pass away like a plucked, withered flower.

We are rich!  We are powerful!  We've nothing to fear!

But we're sadly mistaken, and what "god" will hear?

"In a single hour," said the angel, quite solemn,

"Babylon the great, is fallen, is fallen!"


Fifty bright stars come together as one,

Show not what we were, but what we've become.

Place a hand on your heart and bow your head.

In deepest humility, sing this instead...


My country 'tis of thee

Who sells our liberty

to foreign kings.

Land where our soldiers die,

Serving a naked lie.

If God were really on our side,

Freedom would ring!




History ala Tuatha Danaan


"The Children of Danu"

        In the ancient days of our craft, it was recorded that there were over 200 ancient wyrding clans, descended of otherworld blood, and trained in much wisdom beyond the pale of our human race.  On mountain tops, sea floors and around the globe, are the evidence of these interactions, found in the fantastic megalithic structures of incredibly massive stones, expertly fitted together, without mortar, withstanding the test of time and earthquakes.  Nearly all of which that are beyond our ability to lift, move and fit with such incredible precision to this very day.  Note that the civilizations are long gone, and some forgotten, but that the structures they built, stand to this very day!  While our modern structures, could not last more than a few decades untended, without becoming unihabitable trash heaps.  In several cultures, it has been recorded, that many troubles came of this interference in our world, as a direct result of this knowledge and technology.  We were not ready, nor had we reached the full age of maturity as a people, to manage it wisely.  As even today, MOST of our world is subject to 13 of the very worst of those ancient clans, and they use our craft to murder, rape and ravage the diverse peoples of our planet for their personal profiteering, I cannot argue the previous point. 


        They have a saying among themselves:  "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!"  It has become a symbol to them of their power over the world today.  And the mystics of their ilk, rule over the masses by mystifying and obscuring the truth from all of the people they abuse at their whim.  They have hobbled the populace for centuries out of hand, with false histories, traditions, dogmas and doctrines of devils, in order that they may be masters over you all.  But the truth of this history remains, that there are yet the remnants of another 187 ancient wyrding clans, of some power and craft, of which I am related to one or more of them, as are many of YOU!  This gene pool has dispersed widely in the last several thousands of years.  Power has corrupted absolutely, as was always known that it would.  I would take that away, and put it back into the proper hands of the people of this earth, where we can ALL rise and thrive and live good lives, and raise our families to a future of bright promise and not one of subjection and slavery.

         In every race and culture on this earth are the wise, the magi, sages, mages, wizards, witches, shamans and true nobility of the Old Blood, which each of them claims, to have descended from the stars of the heavens.  As the descendants of such, even yourselves, it is not seemly that you be subject to petty tyrants in this way!  I recognize that there are many clans, covens, ancient lineages and cultures.  Because of this, I will keep my treatise here, couched in the most general terms that I can, so that you may apply what I say to what you already may know of your own, and adapt that knowledge as you see fit.  I am a Danaan witch of the blood, and no novice in my ways and craft.  But I am not here to become anyone's master or ruler by any means.  I am here to awaken and teach men and women to recognize what has happened to them.  To shuck off the chains that hold you all in thrall of the evil powers that move this present world into its murder and madness, or you will not survive what it undoubtedly will bring you all to.  I am here to share with you the story of how we came to this point and retained our own power and how using much the same, you may find your own power and wield it to the benefit of your people.

          You will hear it said many times in the course of this essay that, knowledge is power.  It's high time that you all learned to apply that as more than simply an ancient wise or clever saying, and wield it as a life changing tool.   As by what the Wiccans know as the Threefold Law:  Anything we do, be it bad or good, comes back upon our own heads threefold.  If you abuse your power, it will destroy you and yours as surely as these 13 Illuminist wyrding clans will ultimately destroy their own from the face of this planet.  Take what I give you here, in the spirit in which it is given and do well and responsibly with it, and you will bless your own clans for many, many generations to come by your wisdom and deeds.  This, and only this, is my agenda as a witch of the blood.  I withstand the darkness to break its chains upon my ancient siblings in order that light and peace may one day prevail.


"A Long Memory."


          I just want to live a "nice normal life".  Being a hereditary witch, perhaps a "nice paranormal life" would be a bit truer to form.  But no matter what kind of family one is born into, each will have it's own definition of "normalcy".  In our own family, we lived and worked within our own boundaries  for many centuries.  So in our own minds, we have a very well established sense of what is "normal".  Within the past three generations or so, some marked changes have occurred in the natural order of things.  This is probably where the divergence begins, but I suppose a bit of our own biased version of history should come first.  Truth told; we've been watching the world change around us for many millennia.  One age ends and yet another begins, and then many of the rules change.  Old concepts are cast off as unprofitable, and new ideas embraced as though they've been proven by time.  The Celtic wheel ever turning.

  The Ancient Goddess Danu/Mother Nature

          Of the Tuatha Danaan, and then the Witches and Druids, we saw the Roman Empire born after our old trading partners, the Etruscans were killed off, died out or were assimilated into the ascending Roman culture.  Our warriors once honed their skills bullying the Roman legions.  Eventually they grew strong and organized enough to repel our assaults, and then our choices were to be driven out of central Europe or submit to Roman rule.  As a people, we either rode the Silk Road eastward to our oldest Mongol allies, or we fled to the western isles and kept the worst of Rome at arms length.  There we remained Celts.  The Roman Empire fell and the "Holy" Roman Empire sent it's own envoys to capture Celtic hearts and lands.  For the most part, Celts resisted well until over the years the Church of Rome had "sainted" those parts of our culture that it agreed with, and "demonized" everything else that didn't follow Roman thought.  These were dangerous times and forfeiture was your very life.  Again we saw ourselves withdrawing into the shadows of history, and out of the attention of a xenophobic mob of Roman sycophants.  We cloaked ourselves well in these shadows that came with their darkness. 

          The Anglo-Saxons became the English empire and the Celts were the first "annexation" of that empire.  English landed gentry needed more land for the newest generation and the Scots, Welsh and Irish occupied that land.  We spoke our own language, honored our own chieftains, practiced our own faith, played our own music, and raised our sons and daughters after our own time honored traditions.  This was very un-English and therefore: unpopular and costly.  Costly for those who insisted upon their right to be themselves.  It seemed that the English had a vision to make the world over into their English image, whether it fit us or not.  We ultimately lost everything, and seen it handed over to someone with no regard for our lives.  Celts are a stubborn race.  We live, love, dance and war most fiercely and passionately.  We are not English, and most of us will only be Celts from our first breath to our last.  Nothing more, and certainly nothing less will do at all.

           The English had it's "anglish" language, a conglomeration of all the peoples and cultures it had absorbed.  Being peoples of the far ends of the Roman Empire, they had no great love or devotion for Rome.  But many embraced the Christian God, if not the Roman Pope.  So, in keeping with it's "take what I like and cast off the rest" policy, England practiced it's English form of Christianity to spite Rome.  Among the Celtic populace who had just begun to get comfortable with the Roman adaption to Celtic lore, now had to endure a move to become even more non-Celt by casting off the Roman, and adopting the Anglican ways.  Again, many paid dearly for their slowness to change, and with the "witch hunts" we pulled back even  farther from popular eyes, cloaked ourselves in shadow and inhabited those places where civilized men feared to tread.  Without missing a beat, they moved into our vacuum and helped themselves to all they pleased and cast off the rest.  

          When history started to settle in for us, we found that our language, our faith, and even our music and dance had been outlawed.  It would become the template for establishing their English empire everywhere they set foot in the world.  We could blend in with the forest and the moors easily enough.  Now we would have to assimilate the language and customs, enough to obscure our true selves from more than casual observation.  To acquire more Celtic land for it's nobility, the English adopted yet more policies designed to starve the remnant out.  The famine began and those with the means, fled west yet again to find the liberty to be their own persons.  Amongst all those poor Roman Irish, our wyrding clan arrived in America.

           We were cautious about who and what we were, though still many people found the old ways of some comfort when they required healing that they could afford nowhere else.  The Shamblins sent their young men into Lincoln's war, to buy our citizenship into this new land and the survivors settled eventually in the Virginias.  We may talk more about them later.

          The Andersons also paid Lincoln's blood debt of liberty, and settled in northwest Pennsylvania, with their plethora of fair daughters with strange ways.  This is where the divergence is first felt before it has begun.  Talented in many arts of healing and mysteries; they found in this land, husbands who would love them for themselves and allow them to be.  Well... most of them, anyway... but I digress.  A good midwife in the family was a precious thing to have.  This was back before the days when mothers wanted doctors in the family.   So, the Old Religion hid itself amongst this recent wave of immigrants, and nurtured itself in secret.  We lived and raised our children among you, but we were never truly one of you. 

        Citizenship for war heroes did nothing to raise us in ranks for being anything other than cannon fodder in some tyrant's idea of political correctness.  After all, it was a common enough saying in those days that:" An Irishman is only a “nigger” turned inside out."  After paying so dearly to free all those slaves, we could see that "freedom" was not yet truly won for either of our people.  Except for the color of our skins, we really had more in common with the black folk here.  We remembered that the Romans liked to watch their slaves fight to the death in their arenas.   It really wasn't our world, so complaints were sort of a moot point.  What could not kill us outright, served only to make us wiser and stronger... especially for those of us who remembered who and what we were, and what we've already been through.  The changes from an Atlantean culture to Bronze Age Europe was a hell of an adjustment, Roman, and then English domination, and now life in America.  I imagine we could live and thrive on the moon if we were forced into it.

 "Of Adepts and Matriarchs."

           It has been said that some 6th or 7th Century pagan Irish King had sired only three daughters and no male heir.  As it turned out; one of these fair ladies is married to a "foreign prince" who is only half-human, and the other half of yet another world.  It then appears that a peculiar "matriarchal" tradition is started with these daughters and with one of them, every third generation produces an "adept" witch of extraordinary power.  This one individual would be capable of feats that would require the entire women's circle to accomplish, and would be able to travel more rarified heights than the others.  This usually occurs amongst the female children, as this gender generally caters best to the intuitive functions than the average male could hope. 

          I need to take a moment here, to define exactly what a matriarchal society is, as compared to a patriarchal society.  In the patriarchal, as most "civilized" cultures define themselves now:  The male or man alone, is the property holder, and head of the household.  Men comprise the priesthood, and women are either second class citizens, or considered as "property" themselves.  However, the matriarchal society is NOT the exact opposite of this.  It is NOT a female, amazonian hierarchy, but one where ANY and all women are on equal footing with ALL males in that society.  Among the ancient Celts, a woman who was the eldest and wisest of her clan, could be its leader as likely as any man.  All witches and druids were priests and priestesses of their respective orders.  However, in OUR peculiar clan:  The women kept the craft, in secret among themselves for many centuries, to protect the Old Ways.  I digress.

         This adept woman would become the next reigning matriarch, to lead this witchclan forward, and the best suited to do just that.  To survive against all odds.  The craftiest of the Craft, to keep the magick flowing  into the world like her life's blood, and procure an orderly balance in the nature of the Earth.  Serving the Earth/Mother/Goddess from of old, when we were known as the children of Danu, or the Tuatha Danaan.


          Of the Andersons whom settled in the Union City area in the late 19th century, Ella was a very powerful adept.  She could see the future, it was said.  And her powers of healing, were second to no one in living memory.  As she would scan the timelines, she would always find them converging up to a point where, for one reason or another, hit a "wall".  A point where one could not see beyond.  It was beyond bizarre that Ella could look back through ancestral memory at eons of ancient history, even prior to antediluvian history, and then into the future as many of her predecessors.  But instead of that vague distant future "somewhere out there", this anomaly now looms as a significant landmark about three quarters of the way through the 20th century.  What occurs from that point onward would be anyone's guess.  Ella could see the wall that humanity would hit head on, just a short distance into the future and wondered at what it would mean for the clannadh. 

          Emma and Mary sat wide eyed at her feet as Ella took her daughters through the gazing discipline.  A gazing bowl, half-filled with water, sat on the floor in their midst.  They saw worldwide war with fantastic flying death machines, and a bomb that could destroy an entire city in a single explosion.  A world powered by the very blood and fat of ancient dragons.  The dirty winds carrying their acrid breath until holes appeared in the protective circle around the earth.  They saw rockets circling the earth and sling shot to the moon, and then... the Wall. 

      "Is it the end of the world, momma?" , Mary asked in her little girl voice. 

      "Will everybody die?" asked Emma. 

       Ella stood thoughtful for the moment.  "It could mean the end of the world as we know it now.  But not necessarily the death of everyone... just a major change in times and seasons most likely." 

          Major changes came regularly in history.  The fall of Atlantis.  The rise of Rome.  Anglo-Saxons and then Americans.  For all they had seen, there were prophesies that had yet to be fulfilled, and that meant that either they were erroneous, or to be completed on the other side of the Wall.  But how had the prophets seen past that point or not remarked on the Wall. 

      "Most assuredly, my ladies, we will be living in very interesting times." 

      "But these ARE interesting times!" wailed Mary. 

      "We are positively TROUNCING the Kaiser across Europe this very moment, and with machines that are but poor shadows of those we have seen.  How long will it take us to make the kinds of machines we saw in the scry?" 

      It could be hundreds of years before we develop that kind of technology, but the timeline didn't allow for more than a half century, at this point in time... if THAT.  No, for some reason, knowledge was going to have to jump by leaps and bounds in the next few decades to bring these things to pass before we hit the Wall.  Do we destroy ourselves with all these abominable machines?  Ella wondered herself into a headache. 

      "We who can see, must be responsible to prepare for what the rest cannot." she told her daughters, and promptly dismissed them to finish their chores.

           Mary and Emma studied hard, and before too long they were admitted to the "women's circle".   Indeed, every parish had it's women's circle, usually some sort of ladies auxiliary or bake sale organizers.  But Ella and her girls belonged to something bigger and older.  In essence, it was a "coven".   But these and other such words were forbidden to be spoken, so as not to bring unwanted attention upon them all.  You couldn't proselytize as other faiths, so all your "new blood" came from within the clan.  In this case, it kept hereditary talent active where it served the clan best.  The men folk were usually content to leave the women to their craft, and the women liked it that way.  As they nurtured the "intuitive" talents to a greater degree than the average male, they would brook no interference from the male members of the family in the circle.  Midwives, healers, kitchen witches, dreamers, seducers, clairvoyants, seers, scryers, mystics, wise women, tea leaf readers, tarot readers, crystal gazers, astrologers, numerologists, herbalists, palm readers,.. this list could go on for some time and still miss some of the talents in this family circle.  Together and in agreement, they could be particularly formidable in a clinch.  It was how they survived the hostile centuries, and as a family, all the best got passed down to the next generation to assure it's survival. 


          In a witch clan, nothing was left to luck or chance.  You made your own luck, or you were the victim of it.  Every game you played as a child, was intended to help you develop skills and attitudes that would give you an edge over the average human later in life.  When they were expected to sit and play quietly, Emma and Mary would play "Itch".  This game was harmless enough in itself, but what it would develop into later, could send the average person into therapy or worse.  One child would sit and write down a specific place on the other's body, and imagine an itch on their own body in the same spot.  When they could feel the itch, instead of scratching it, they would mentally transfer the itch to the other and wait for them to scratch it.  When they did, the perpetrator would then show the note to tout their success.  Sometimes they would team up and work it on others, but not tell them.  If you could feel it, you could transfer it.  The same was true of love, fear or a host of other sensations.  These feelings would fade when the witch was no longer present or sending.  By the same token, you could learn to spot when you are being charmed or dominated thus, by how you felt when you left the room for a while.  If you found yourself no longer in agreement, you knew the idea was not your own.  When bullies would try to intimidate you, instead of giving in to the fear, you simply transferred it back to them.  They would not always be sure why they were afraid, but they'd be certain to rationalize among themselves, that you had a concealed weapon or a large friend near by.  As by their very nature bullies tend to be cowards, so the "itch" worked well enough for us in our craft. 

        You were also expected to learn the arts.  Be it music, painting or what have you, no part of a young mind was to be left undeveloped.  Witches must be masters of circumstance and never it's victims.  At times, it might seem harsh to learn that no excuses were accepted (reasons, yes... excuses, NO!).  But when weighed in the balance, it was amazing to see what was possible to a witch who would not accept any excuses for failure.  It was not so much what others would say, but what you allowed in yourself that made the gains possible.  In a witch clan, you never stopped learning.  Even the elder crones compared notes on just about everything they'd observed when the women's circle met in any numbers. 

      "Of course red clover tea will keep those hot flashes at bay." 

      "But you mustn't sweeten it with sugar, dear, it will only make your heart palpitate all the more.  Use clover honey instead for a fuller effect." 

        Witches usually kept this information in a "grimoire" or "book of shadows".  This is less the "witch's bible" as the sensationalists might tout, but more like a scientist's notebook.  A witch will not just want to know "what", but "why".  Knowledge is power.   All results in the course of fact finding must be recorded.  Even if the answers are not too clear now, someone later on may get results that will either correlate with or explain the results you've obtained, and a secret of nature unlocked for posterity.  After all, empirical data IS empirical data, no matter what you call yourself.  Any science of any note, is seen as "magick" to those who do not yet understand it.  A true witch is not the ignorant, superstitious dolt that this present dark paradigm prefers to paint us as.

Though any wise witch understands how easily the superstitious among you may be diverted by merely placing a black cat in their paths.  Superstitions, dogmas and bad doctrines and traditions are commonly used to direct "sheep" down a specified and rigidly controlled path, even if it is to the slaughterhouse, for the sake of making mutton.


          Sabbats, esbats or sabbaths occurred eight times a year, and everyone was expected to attend unless they were "solitaire" for study purposes.  With an adept matriarch at the head of things, this kept the larger part of clan politics from muddying the waters, and keep the focus where it should be in the ceremonies.  A piece of rural property was kept for such celebrations.  A farm with an isolated section of woods beyond.  A trail leading back into a clearing where a consecrated bonfire would be built.  In general, the ladies would meet at the farmhouse, gossip and exchange notes and findings, and then discuss the ceremony at hand and come to some kind of consensus.  In some instances. fasting was required prior to the sabbath.   As the sabbath came, everyone would bring a  small cauldron with a lid and some meat or fish with seasoned potatoes and vegetables would be set at the base of the bonfire.  In later years this would be foil wrapped food on a metal pie plate.  The ceremonies would begin with singing, dancing and invocations and the likes.  The powers that be, would be aroused by the matriarch, and the directions for the clan would be made clear and things would wind down.  The cauldrons pulled from the ashes and everyone would sit by the fire for a meal and an afterglow before returning to the house.  The clan would move with a united purpose.  Everyone had their goals to fulfill before the next such sabbath. 

"When No Child Was Truly Left Behind"


       There's an old proverb that has stood the test of time over a great expanse of human history:

      "If wish to invest your efforts and see a profit in a year:  Plant a crop.  In twenty years:  Plant an orchard.  In fifty years:  Educate your people."

      For many millennia among the Celtic infrastructure was the practice of "fostering".   As the village witches or druids noticed certain knacks, traits or affinities within the clan children as they taught them in our culture, math, and such; they might notice this lad had a strong build and a fine mechanical aptitude.  When the boy became of age where he could best take on the proper training, he would be fostered out to one of the clan's better blacksmiths to learn his craft.  Everyone was important to the success and survival of the clan, and talents were the "coin of the realm" where we measured our "wealth".  A smart girl or boy with a knack for dreams or such might be fostered as a witch or druid and learn herbology, music, spell singing, midwifery and much, much more.  Long, long before modern politics had ever tainted the waters with false promises, the idea of "no child left behind" was an essential clan practice. 

         Children were fostered to warriors and artisans alike, to optimize the contributions they would then be able to make, to their people as a whole, and still live a long and fulfilling life of their own.  Happy and contented people are easy to lead and the pride, joy and wealth of their chieftains, kings and queens.  In latter times, when the Holy Roman Empire pressed its designs upon all the world's governments, this practice was nearly forgotten by the nobility of the day, but still strong in the memories and practices of the common folk of the clans.  As the matriarchy of Old Ways became more and more demonized by the propaganda of the patriarchal early church fathers, the wise ones moved further afield and out of reach of the Inquisitors, and the clans themselves, looked out for their own and fostered their own children among their skilled relatives, to help better their family's circumstances.

       To this day, it remains a fairly common practice among many Celtic families to send their kids for fostering in summer camps, to teach them archery and various craft skills and wood lore, or with favored uncles on farms or businesses as summer help to learn skills that will help make them more successful adults.  So it was with our witch clan.   For many wise reasons, dreams were discussed at the breakfast table, for the entertainment and edification of the family.  A wise matriarch could notice elements in those dreams, that would define much of what was going on with that child on a subjective or unconscious level, and make efforts to curtail the destructive impulses, and empower the constructive traits, that many other families just left to "the luck of the draw".  You see, that witches don't trust anything of value to "luck", when we are wise to manufacture our own.  When our children showed a certain affinity in certain games, such as "The Itch" or showed a knack for prognostic or interpretive dreaming, they would be set apart to be fostered with an aunt or grannie who would spend the summers teaching them gardening, herbs, dreams, divinations and much more in the ways of the wise women of our lengthy culture. 

"The Truest Functions of Ancient Infrastructure"   

        Karl Marx once noted that a people separated from its roots are easily persuaded, to whatever a newer authority desired of them.  This teaching was not to benefit the masses of common folk, but the rich who ruled over them.  Traditionally witches and druid priests confirmed rulers, but we were never subject to any of them.  When all the clans were designated by the color of their tartans, a witch or druid had forsworn their personal clan tartans, to wear the clan neutral black or white of their respective orders.  We are not subject to taking sides in wars; but in the brokering of peace between the factions and the healing of the sick and wounded of ALL the clans afterwards.  We teach that a witch's power in this world, and other worlds is through their unbroken Will and Word, which cannot be subject to anyone else's authority but their own, except by their own willful agreement for a set time or circumstance.  This was, in essence the function we served among our ancient people as a "balance of power". 

       We kept our wisdom, not as secret but ever before ALL of the clans for the benefit and survival of our people.  This is not say, that there were not secrets of the craft, that were not meant to be shared indiscriminately; but that we served as instructors and teachers of much knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of our people.  In our ancient Gaelic tongue, the word is "witte" (pronounced "Wih tcheh") or "wise one".  It was not necessarily gender specific as any are led to believe today. 

The druids in white represented the masculine and Solar traits in Nature.  The Witches in black, represented the feminine and Lunar traits.  As Pliny the Elder once described us as "two horns of the same bull".  Even as such, druids and witches were not confined strictly to one gender or the other.  There were always known to be exceptions to the rule.  There was a "druidess" that was reputed to have trained the ancient Irish hero, Finn McCumhal in war craft (martial arts).  So, the masculine or feminine aspects of the craft were not exclusive to merely one gender or the other.  We were ALL sworn by unbreakable Will and Word, to serve ALL the clans to the very best of our individual means.  You NEVER expect a people as strongly individualistic as the Celts, to be uniformly cut out of a "cookie cutter".  We each fill our own niches as we are able and inclined to. 

        There were the unscrupulous even among our own numbers, and there was a special term coined to describe them, and it was NEVER intended as a term of any honor:  WARLOCK, or literally "oath breaker".  Those are the men and women of the craft, that we are striving to wrest our power back from, to this very day!  They always met in secret, as criminal conspirators have always been known to do; because their business dealings were always an anathema to the people they involved in them.  It followed suit that their "holy language" of their craft was Latin: the trade language of their day.  And it still is to this very day among their kind.  It is seen and felt as a blow even today in the twisted verbiage of "legalese" and modern pharmaceuticals, which was known of ancient times as the sorcerer’s craft.  This was not to say that ALL sorcery was "evil", but that certain unscrupulous magi used it to prey upon the public, and earned the entire craft the distrust of the populace.  As their foothold in the world's halls of power are so entrenched today, it is especially important that we be all the wiser and stronger, among our own numbers to remove them, once and for all times from their hereditary criminal careers. 

 "The Wittan"

         As I've already mentioned, the Celts were always strongly individualistic and fiercely clan oriented, and often warred among themselves.  But for our infrastructure of the wise, we would have torn ourselves apart many thousands of years before the advent of Christianity and the Holy Roman Empire.  It was not merely a "religion" the witches and druids represented among our people, but our "relationship" with the Earth we lived in, and thus we thrived as Danaans since before the Paleolithic times of history.  We carry the wisdom and craft of a much older race.  Obviously, much of its greatness has been lost to time and warring among the factions.  Libraries get burned by those who would establish themselves as the true authorities of all.  Again, that is NOT for the benefit of those deprived of that knowledge, but for those who lust for power that they are not qualified for.  Without the writings and counsel of the learned wise to say differently; who is there among you all who can dispute their claims, and upon what grounds? 

When a threat became evident in ancient times, the manifold Irish clans would come together as the fingers of one mighty fist, to repel the looters and invaders of their Emerald Isle.  Even among the wise, our propensity for infighting is famous, and not always in violent terms as you might imagine, but always passionately.  The arguments and debates of the learned bards are as legendary as any of Ireland's brawny heroes.  The Wittan, or Council of the Wise, was an ancient august body of the wisest of the wise, who sat at the same table and counseled how best to keep the balances of tribal powers, in such a way that all the clans may benefit and grow to their fullest potentials, or not, as in times when their policies became poisonous to others.  As Christianity became more adamant about destroying the culture and proponents of the Old Ways; self survival and preservation in secret became the priorities, and the Wittan was forced to be dispersed, and became unable to help our own.  Nobles could not allow themselves to be seen in the company of their former witch or druid advisors, and by this lack; they became easier prey for our mutual enemies.

     Among the warlock royal clans of the Anglo-Saxons and others, they became learned in the destructive arts of "divide and conquer".  Our people who would never formerly allow themselves, to be subject unto any others, now without the aid of their own wise counsel, became divided among themselves by their enemies, and unable to defend their common cultures or ancestral lands.  Time and again, this same strategy would be used to enter into many foreign lands and cultures, favoring one faction and inciting another until by means of the divisiveness, they commanded the land and resources of the diverse people they visited and established their "superiority" in how easily they blinded them to their hidden agendas and manipulated them into submission, murdering, raping and ravaging all they could get their greedy hands upon. 

The evil legacy of Rome's and England's tyrannical warlock elite continues in America to this day and shows not a single sign of stopping until there is nothing of value left anywhere for them to covet for themselves and all is destroyed beneath their boots.  BUT... among every people and culture on this planet, ancient blood is stirring and becoming aware of its situation and its proper place in this world.  I am only ONE, but I am speaking to ALL of you.  Not merely the Celtic clans, but every family on earth.  The kings of old had sired their bastards everywhere, and though you may never inherit a golden throne, you will be responsible to use your manifold genetic talents and resources to rule your very own wisely.  You have everything to lose if you do not reclaim your own power, and everything to gain if you do.  You should find this knowledge inspiring!


        Scrutinize the actions of your presumptuous rulers against their manifold broken promises, contracts and treaties, and break their power over you.  Cast off their chains and accept nothing with strings attached.  Recognize that the world around you is many, many clans and peoples and we are ALL part of a much greater WHOLE as humanity.  Like the clans of old would join together as fingers of ONE mighty fist, understand that no two fingers are exactly the same and should not be despised for this, but regarded for the inherent strengths and weaknesses of each to compliment the whole body of humanity.  Who among you, cannot look and see that everything around you is being corrupted by "dicks", "assholes" and "insufferable cunts" looking to impose themselves, as a one world government as if it were the ONLY way that we could ever live together?  No one "finger" or body part should rule the whole.  Not even when we are speaking of the head or the heart, but a consensus taking ALL into consideration should ALWAYS be the wisest move, or none should be made to bear the brunt for everyone else.  You should recognize the value and worth of each other's different perspectives and avail yourselves of your own "Wittan" or Council of the Wisest of your wise ones.  Some clans excel in martial arts, some in medicine, some have wealth or resources, some have many contacts in many places, but ALL have their own specialties and resources to contribute to the greater whole.  No one should have to give up their sovereignty to ANY, but manage their own resources to their own families first, and to the rest of the families of the world as they can, to increase their continued good karma. 

"In The Multitude Of Good Counsel, Make Your War!"

         In an evil regime, such as we have, they are gathering information secretly on ALL, to use the power of knowledge against us!  We should be filling their databases with BAD information, until they trip over their own presumptuousness.  It's the computer age:  and one of the first things a technician learns about computers is:  G.I.G.O.  aka  "Garbage In, Garbage Out".  They have long ruled the world by keeping people locked under their thumbs with BAD information, BAD dogma, BAD doctrine, BAD history and propaganda to lessen YOUR power and increase theirs.  Repaying them in kind until the multitude of bad decisions they make, based upon BAD information, and are guaranteed to make even the mightiest system fail miserably.  They may SEEM to have most of the wealth and power.  But that is an illusion based upon a long practice of deception. 

         Because of this illusion, you may think it unwise to go against the wishes of those who command ALL the cash in the world and the greatest military machine ever in existence, with little more than a big heart and small arms at best.  But I am wise to remind you that the "cash" is also a talismanic illusion, designed and printed by the warlock elite to bring wealth to nobody but themselves.  EACH and every dollar transaction is taxed and that portion goes back to the banks who printed that money, and the rich are known for paying little or none of those taxes.  Every fine levied is paid to the bank.  It is "filthy lucre"!  It is NOT backed by gold, silver or anything of any REAL value except their own, very dubious promises.  They were "oath breakers" when we first coined the term "warlocks", conducting their meetings in secret in their holy trade language of Latin, and they are still the same today.  When the deception of this monetary system fails, the dollars are worthless as the Ponzi, pyramid scheme they ARE!  Many of the wisest in the world are preparing even now, to gather something more valuable than "dollars" to establish their true wealth when the lie fails.  So should YOU!  You have many things of REAL value, and even if you are standing there right now with nothing but empty pockets in a torn pair of pants, you have REAL skills which are always valuable to somebody when they need help getting things done.  Learn to barter what you can for the things you need.  Dollars are a system that is designed so that every time you use them to pay for goods or services that a percentage of that dollar transaction gets paid to the Fed:  the rich, elite, warlock bankers as a "tax".  They didn't earn it and they are NOT legitimate government, which is why they can't, or WON'T allow themselves to be audited by the government.  DON'T pay your value into a system that is hostile to you and yours.  You are only paying for the whips and chains they will use on you and yours!

         As for the mightiest military force on the planet today:  I am wise to remind you that ideas and TRUTH are far more powerful than bombs or bullets.  My case in point:  Each of those weapons MUST be manned by someone.  The elite do NOT serve as grunts in the army, and if they did, they are VASTLY outnumbered.  Those are OUR sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, cousins, fathers, husbands, uncles and such filling each and every one of those uniforms!  Every one of them was deceived to serve, even as you at home were.  They enlisted under a misconception of duty and honor, and this was perpetrated and sealed with an oath to defend and protect OUR liberties against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic.  The wording may be different in other countries, but the precept comes out the same, and ANY good citizen would have no problem agreeing with that.  As long as they can be made, or bullied into believing that is what they signed up for, and that is what they are doing, then they will rain destruction with those weapons with all due gusto.  As long as they AGREE with their masters, they will obey them. 

But suppose they were individually shown the TRUTH of whom they are serving, and that their commanders are a hostile force to the freedom and liberties of families EVERYWHERE, abroad AND at HOME?  Of course, there will be those soul-less automatons among them who will still obey their masters without a conscious thought in their empty skulls.  But for nearly ALL of those good sons and daughters we had all raised:  Which way do you think they will point those weapons now?  We don't have to outgun our own military.  We need ONLY to educate them and raise our children to understand:   Their homes and families are FAR more important than making greedy, murdering bastards richer and more powerful to charge us cash for everything we say and do in our own lands.  They claim an authority over us, which we are by no means required or honor bound, by any just law to give inordinate credence to.  We ARE our own masters, and we need to start behaving as such and exercising our own sovereign powers!

        As each of us finds our own inherent power and claims it; it becomes more widely known as a stark reality, that we outnumber them over 100,000 to one, and that makes US the greater power upon this earth!  We can allow ourselves to be divided and always in numbers that are too weak to resist their ploys, or find our wisdom and manifold strengths, and claim our own inevitable futures for our own!  Do NOT contribute to THEIR power base.  They have NEVER been known for willingly sharing power.  Historically speaking:  They murder their own, if they represent any competition at the dinner table.  Join yourselves with other fit body parts of the human race, and cast off this disease that is ailing us all today, and sucking the life out of the world like a malignant cancer! 

        Much as the native shaman once told a young man on his quest:  There is a white wolf and a black wolf fighting for dominance within you.  The one who will win, is the one that you feed the most.  It is high time that you quit feeding this evil system that is fighting to dominate the world, and feed your own.  I have no reason to request any of your faith in what I am telling you.  You can look about you and see it for yourselves, if you simply open your eyes and look upon things critically.  You KNOW for yourselves, that if you take back your own power, there is not a single logical reason why you won't win, unless you, yourselves give in and submit to lesser powers. 

Like me, you are only ONE person.  One witch, wizard or wyrding folk.  But another bard once said the pen is mightier than the sword.  Or as I said earlier:  Truth and an idea is greater power than bombs and bullets.  I know many people, and I don't need to buy my "ammunition" from no crooked arms dealers or bankers to arm my troops and make them effective against our mutual enemies.  Anything you do or say, to those you know about you, will shoot down the illusions and deceptions, and take power away from those who abuse it and you.  As long as you can keep cocking your own sovereign attitude against these usurpers, you are still very much a force to be reckoned with in this war, and a drain upon their resources.  YOU are their resources, until you stop it of your own free will.  And when you educate your family and friends about their ways and means, you deny them even those resources.  Find their weaknesses as they have yours, and exploit them fully and without mercy.

       In the craft that my grandmother and matriarch trained me in from my childhood, spellcraft was a major discipline as a problem solving tool to the worthy witch.  We are not "muggles" or the uninitiated.  About many things, we ALL have been fooled to make us weaker before our enemies.  Magick and spells is NOT mere stick waving and chanting of nonsense, as many would have you believe.  We define a "spell" in this manner among our own.  I highly recommend that you study this definition for yourselves and learn to apply it to your own problem solving efforts in spellcraft.  

SPELL:  A period of time where an influence or influences are brought to bear to accomplish a desired goal.

      There is also a saying among us, that the best spell for a cold day is a warm coat.  This is to say, that it is not necessary that EVERY solution for EVERY problem needs to be "occult", mystical, demonic or require forces that you don't trust or are unfamiliar with.  The wisest witches look at their situations with an eye for understanding them, and marshals what resources they find at hand to influence those situations to a desired outcome.  Whether you call yourself a witch or not, I speak to you as brothers and sisters my equal, and as any good brother would do, I encourage and admonish you to better things, to make us all a much happier family.  The karma I gather from doing right by my siblings, is a wonderful paycheck all of its own, and is never taxed.  Love, wisdom and strength to you all!





The Nature of Magick


In most witchy circles, the spelling of magick as thus differentiates it from the "magic" of the stage magician. Truth told, a little smoke and mirrors will suffice for certain types of spells, but those aren't the ones I will discuss in this article.

As with spells, it is important that we cast away the popular version of what constitutes as spellcraft with what a traditional witch actually uses and does in spellcraft. Much truth is concealed in popular superstition. It can be very insulting for some witches that when we're identified as such, it is often assumed that we are backwards and superstitious in nature. There is a deeper reality that gets overlooked. The same holds true for the term "magick". In reality, "magick" is merely a catch-all word for forces beyond an individual's understanding. To the witch or wizard who works such forces, they will know that particular "magick" by a more defining word or term.

To give an easy illustration of how this might work in layman's terms I'll use an everyday example of how this works.

The television set today is a magickal device that very few of the owners of such really understand. A lot of invisible forces go into the making and operation of this marvelous device. Most will say, it's not magick but electricity without really understanding how that energy is further identified in ohms, amps, volts and watts and manipulated through microscopic devices to collect and amplify yet other invisible forces of electromagnetic radiation to give them pictures and sounds of faraway happenings. The average person simply knows the set must be plugged in for power and some kind of antenna or cable to provide the signal. How that is all possible is just another of life's mysteries. Thus it makes a good study for the idea or concept of "magick".

Like all magick, it has its superstitious masses of believers with their own ideas and formulas for solving the inherent problems of technology they do not really understand. They are watching the football game on the magick box and it suddenly decides not to show the game. This is often blamed on blown circuit breakers (if the house is dark), bad reception or interference, glitches and even "gremlins" (a popular NASA term). The first spell to straighten out the problem involves rapping soundly on the set three times while uttering the appropriate pleas or epithets. Failing that, the techno-practitioner might employ a more drastic means by employing the use of a wand (often called a Philips head screw driver) and poking it about in the back of the set to see if its not working because something might be loose (resulting from all the magick rapping).At this point, if the problem has not dissipated (and many times it will be as this magick is widely known and popular), it may have even gotten worse by the gremlins in the back of the set attacking the magick wand and sending the practitioner flying in defiance of gravity.

The next step would be to take the gremlin possessed unit to be put to rights by a more experienced wizard of the discipline known as "electronics" (sometimes known as a T.V. repairman). This wizard in their understanding of the forces of amps, ohms, volts and watts will then apply their own wands and arcane devices to correct the flow of such energies and restore the set to working order and to the bliss of the appreciative owner who will render the wizard due benevolence for his craft in the form of hard currency.

The concept is that what people cannot perceive with their eyes or understand, is "supernatural" or "magick." Often that magick is labeled as an unnatural force because of this and the reality is far more the opposite. Magick is always a natural force. Whether it is immediately understood by the general populace or not does not define it. It exists because it is inherent in the workings of the things we can see and think we understand. Why is the grass bending to the north? Is it in worship of the North Star? Or is it the invisible force of the south wind is causing it to bend northward? Can this magick be used to reverse my aging process or turn things into other things? Let me further pique your understanding of these things with another illustration...

Shortly after WW II in various South Sea islands there were discovered what became known as "cargo cults." The shamans of these aboriginal groups had defined for their people the magnificent silver thunderbirds that were observed traveling about the islands and leaving valuable commodities everywhere they went. Those that has sited such places as these mystical beings visited brought their knowledge back to the tribes and constructed effigies of cargo planes and ceremonial airstrips and prayed that these gods of the skies would come and give their tribe prosperity. They weren't really too far off when you think about it. It got some modern attention and eventually they got all the things they asked for (modern conveniences and such). The defining part of this miracle was that any of these people knew that anything that got tossed into the air came down hard and fast. But the magick of these machines contradicted nature and kept them aloft and allowed them to come down easily. The truth of this is that the law of gravity was not "broken" by the technology but superseded by another law that was brought into effect by that technology and that being the Law of Aerodynamics, which includes such mysterious concepts as the relationship of Lift, Thrust, Drag and Weight manipulated in such a way as to get sustainable and controllable flight. But that's not magick at all, one might say. Not to them... but imagine the effect, if that native shaman grasped the aerodynamics of what he saw, and built himself a hang glider and flew across the island to another village. His wizardry would have granted him near godlike status. Compared to the average dolt, who could argue that this man was not a step or two above normal humanity?

Such is magick when it is worked by someone who understands or is learning to understand those things that others don't see. An electrician knows he cannot see an amp or an ohm, but he has devices that can perceive and even measure the quantities of such things. The way we observed the grass bending northward as an indicator that an invisible force was blowing from the south. Maybe circumstances made it so that we could not feel the wind (watching from indoors or behind a break). We could determine the effects of certain forces by the effect they have on what is present. The seas rise, but is it a flood caused by the addition of more water? Or is it the influence of the mystical moon?

In ancient times, the transmuting of lead into gold was considered some of the highest magick of the day. Ask yourself, what could they have seen to give them this idea? Today, a doctor of physics could tell you that it was merely a matter of changing the atomic weight of lead by ONE to affect the transmutation and the only reason it is not commonly done today is that it is prohibitively expensive to change lead atoms one at a time to make any appreciable amount of gold with today's technology. Since they didn't use particle accelerators and lasers in ancient times, what little known law of nature did they stumble upon to transmute some lead into gold? So many books have been burned by the willfully ignorant as being the "devil's work". In the short century or so when a lot of myths about knowledge were put to rest, look at the advances that have been made. In the prior centuries, certain men and women were every bit as resourceful. Advances made were often labeled as occult, mystical or diabolical and destroyed as witchcraft.

In ancient times the ideas of people stepping through portals into other worlds (Tuatha De Danaans and the Sidhe to name a few) were commonplace concepts relegated to mystical beings capable of great magick. In the modern university, mathematicians and quantum theory opens not-so-new ideas of parallel universes and wormholes to other dimensions where physical laws allow the miraculous as commonplace.

My point is, the magick has always been there. It is not so mystical except to those who do not understand or have not studied it. It is not "unnatural" but very much so. Those who study its workings are called wizards (or witches or just "wise"). When it is known or understood, it is no longer defined as magick, but still there are the masses that will treat it with superstitious awe. There are those fools to this day that will raise their golf club in defiance of the heavens in a thunder storm and call down the wrath of lightning upon themselves. There are those with wisdom who will use the same precepts to construct a lightning rod to protect their homes and barns from such ravages. The difference between magick and science is the difference between the learned and the ignorant.

Considering Spellcraft


There are as many kinds of spells as there are people to cast them. Most people don't really know what a spell is, and yet, almost everyone uses them at some point or another in their lives.

Webster's Dictionary has three listings for the word "spell." The one most people would think I was referring to is:

"spell -- a word or words supposed to have magical power; magic formula; fascination."

This definition lists "kinds of spells" but does not define a spell. Webster's third definition comes closer to reality.

"Spell -- noun -- a turn of work or duty; a brief period of time."

Our clan matriarch taught us to view and work spells with this definition:

"Spell -- a set period of time, where a specific influence or influences are brought to bear on people, things or circumstances to bring about a desired goal."

Now we have a definition that makes sense in the realm of magick. Face it, every spell ever cast, was to accomplish some desired end. They may not all seem "mystical" or "magical," but then, opening a rift into Gwynydd isn't all that magical to me, only because I understand what is taking place. In understanding the forces/influences I am working with, I can effectively use them. We take a television or computer to a techno-wizard who understands the mystic forces that make it operate. They work their own magick, and the appliance is up and running again. Magick, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.

Another prime example: that "romantic interest" is coming over for dinner. The lighting is chosen to soften features and add a warm glow to the room. Music is thoughtfully chosen for the message it gives (actively or subliminally). Clothing and grooming is carefully chosen and applied to highlight our most seductive features. We may choose chocolates, strawberries and sweet red wine for their aphrodisiac qualities. A magickal evening is planned just like any true witch or wizard. Time, energy and forethought is invested into enchanting the quarry into sweet submission. Done successfully, they are spellbound!  In traditional witchery, there are types of spell workings, that are called "glamours".  You still use that word today!

The charm of fascination is an old spell with many variants. It draws the attention of the mark, and holds it. What's to be accomplished with this fascinated individual in this state, will be the determining factors as to how deeply or lightly we will have to apply our spellwork. The candle light dinner will keep our "intended's" attention within the confines of its warm, dim light. The sparkle of the firelight in our eyes will keep their attention in a manner so bewitching, that will create the desires in them that we wish to experience. It can be overdone as well. Too much can be as bad as too little. When working spells, we need to find the appropriate balance or "limitations" for our project.

A simple and easy example of the charm of fascination is as follows: Richard was having a terrible time meeting girls in school. He wasn't as "cool" as some, nor as athletic as others, nor did he have the characteristic dimples the latest boy fad had. But he wasn't a bad guy at all, if the girls could only "see" him.

Therein the problem lies -- getting the chance to be seen. I listened to him and prescribed a charm of fascination. An ancient charm with modern applications. I took to crafting him an unusual and mysterious looking amulet on a short chain, as to be a choker (not too tight). I had informed him that I would require his help in the crafting of this artifact by the next full moon. Purposely, I muttered my thoughts in Latin and some Gaelic as we crafted.

He was to wear it constantly, and when asked, he could only reply that it was a secret, or the magick would falter. Before the next school week was out, Richard had many conversations with young ladies. By the next full moon, he was dating regularly.

The major influences of this charm were as follows: his belief in the effectiveness of the magicks involved bolstered his self-confidence to a point where he actually followed through in a conversation past the initial "hello." My Latin and Gaelic mutterings were little more than me voicing my intentions out loud. This reinforced his belief that magick was being worked. It was. The charm was something rarely seen or understood by the general populace and worn in plain view. It caught the eye as a "fascination" should. When asked; it was a secret.

At this point, I have a more confident Richard, ready to socialize. I created a conversation piece to draw the eye, and a mystery to hold the attention. When someone asked him about his curious neck charm, they got a mysterious answer and, naturally want to know more. In the process, they got to know Richard, giving him a chance at romance.

The point? There are many types of influences that can be applied to any specific problem. Would a wise person use a bazooka to get rid of a pesky mosquito? It's possible, but not "wise." Likewise, when the television set starts acting poorly, one might grab their magic screwdriver and start poking around in the back of the set. But if they're not knowledgeable about the forces they are dealing with, namely volts, amps and ohms, they will end up creating a bigger problem. The same rules hold true in spellcraft. We should consider our problems in light of the influences we know well, that we can bring to bear, to achieve our goals. As our world expands with our understanding, we'll have a larger selection of forces to work with in our craft. As the saying goes: "Knowledge is power".


Structuring Spellcraft 101

The Benefits of Structured Spellcraft

Given all I've said about Spellcraft so far, one could begin to understand my distaste for "generic spell books." In traditional witchery, a foundation must be laid to the principles of the craft foremost and an understanding of the forces or influences involved. A "real" witch cannot reasonably expect the average person to grab a book off the shelf, open to a page with the appropriate spell they want to cast, and start waiving knives, swords and wands around and commanding the powers-that-be into submission, to get their laundry done. If the reader has been one of the unfortunate masses, that has been duped into believing how this works and the spell failed... there is a real good reason why it failed. If the situation got much worse for the meddling, there was also a good reason why that happened as well.

First, there is no generic answer for everybody. Because each of us is unique in so many ways, that no single solution will suffice for ALL. This lad may have a short temper: don't expect him to react patiently to something that may try his patience. He may require a few adjustments, to get him to the desired goal. Remember, the purpose is to achieve a desired goal. A person with noticeable deformities, is going to have to perform a different type of fascination charm, to get noticed in a good light, than one of average or better cosmetic traits. They still can be done, but not in the same way, nor with the same influential forces.

The woman that is displeased with her husband's poor behavior, and requiring him to sleep alone on the couch is, in fact, casting a "spell" in the most generic sense. She is using rejection and loneliness, as an influence for a period of time to bring about his acceptance of a moral rule. If he's not so enamored with his wife to begin with, this separation can backfire on her, and attract him more strongly to the "other woman." When manipulating circumstances with spellcraft, it is important to consider the causes of the events to begin with, to better judge the effects and influences, that we want to bring to bear on them. If there IS indeed another woman, the better influence would be to offer a better choice of woman, because the rascal will need to choose only one. Or after a good examination of this situation, we may come to the conclusion that we'd rather the lecher chose the other one, and quit darkening our lives with his treacherous ways. Remember, no single spell for an unfaithful spouse, will do the trick. Witchery is the "craft of the wise" and will required wise methods.

My next chapter: “Spellcraft 102 - a prayer of sorts” gives the reader a bit of insight as to what was going on, what was decided about the problem and the steps I used to construct the appropriate spell to bring about a desired change. I rarely need to get “ceremonial” about my every need of the moment. The best spells often don’t require much wand waving or chanting. As my daughter would say: “The best spell for keeping warm on a cold day is a good coat.” But when things escalate to the point where I am getting hit from all sides and stress begins to weigh heavily on my shoulders, the structure of a little ceremonial magick helps me get my focus back.

If one draws Deity or merely a higher power of any sort into the realms of Spellcraft, it is called invocation. This requires that we consider a couple things. First, if this is a religious figure... what standing do we have personally with this entity? Because, they are personages too, they have agendas of their own, and we have just brought them into a personal involvement with our affairs. If I’ve been playing the field as a bad boy, then I can pretty much expect that invoking the name of Jesus, is going to put me in a place where I’m going to have to reconsider my behavior on a deeper level... which could well be the solution to my problems... or put me into a position where things will get worse, until I knuckle down and get with the program, so to speak. The same can be said of any other entities. What’s in this for them? Why should they enlist their aid to your cause? What is it in your cause that would concern them? For this, we need to consider things from the perspectives of others.

The benefit of the structure of the spell in my previous example, was that in choosing my components over a period of time, I considered my choices and meditated over all of them. Step by step, I slowed down my pace, instead of rushing headlong into a rash decision. I thought about my problems and I thought about the appropriate influences, that I wanted to bring to bear upon them. We can see by the description that many things in nature, human society, my family and myself were effected. So I appealed to forces that influenced as many of the effected points, as I could identify, and then set myself indicators that only such forces could effect, to provide me a clue that I was heard. In this I saw so much going awry in nature in my woods, and I know that nature moves in cycles, and most of these are lunar. Even in dealing with people, they respond differently in certain times of the month, than in others (no surprise there). So I chose the Blessing Moon, and my lunar birch parchment, as the medium for my petitions. I chose salt because of its properties for fighting corruption and decay and the promotion of healing. I chose silver for its lunar fae affinities, and it is a personal gauge for me of my own spiritual standing. Frankincense, to bring up a sweet savor with my prayers as I invoked the name of God. I was striving always to do good by Him. I meant no one any harm, and if there was something that I needed to know, to correct some error in my judgment that might have brought on all this woe upon myself.  I knew that I needed to be in a place where I could get that knowledge, and gentle correction.

In this instance, the time and the structure of the ceremony gave me pause to reflect on many things concerning my problems, and to be able to pick and choose through possible solutions. Sometimes we require invoking supernatural help, and at other times, a banishment to sleeping on the couch will suffice nicely. In all of this we need to consider the problems in depth and the possible solutions in the same detail. Also, it is essential to remember that “supernatural” aid, is not to be confused with “un-natural”. But I will expound on this later on.

Spellcraft 102 - A prayer of sorts


I rarely do spells, and only as a last resort in most cases. I don't like creating all that "cause and effect", and having all of those extra external forces working about, when they are not really needed.  There is such a thing as "overkill".  I may read someone else's notes on various spells but never actually use them. When I do use them, I will rely on my own knowledge and meditative intuition, as exactly what needs to be done to move certain forces into my corner. I will construct a spell 'from scratch' to meet the needs of the moment, and I always expect them to work well (or I wouldn't waste my time with them). They come out of deep and dire need, and I approach them very seriously. In this treatise, I will discuss:

A) What constituted a dire need for a spell?

B) The choosing of various spell components.

C) The time frame involved for my choice.

D) The measure of the spell's success.

E) The results at the time of this writing.

It was approaching the time of the Summer Solstice and since family is scattered about and not all on synchronous schedules, I had taken the entire week off from work to make preparations and gather the wild foods that we enjoy in our traditional ways. I spent most of my days and nights in my beloved section of woods near my home gathering foods and carrying out my duties as protector to this peculiar parcel of wilderness.

Early in the week, I had noticed something was very wrong. My large friend, a red tailed hawk that we called 'Big Red' made no appearance at his favorite hunting grounds or anywhere's near. The foxes who have been raising their kits before my eyes for generations in a long used hillside den, made no appearance when I came by to check on them and favor them with a treat. A vile and viciously toxic plant called 'hogs weed' (not a native species) had joined with yet another invader, and was overrunning a meadow that I have long gathered wild grapes and bramble berries from. This land was never hostile to me or mine. As I checked out a spring at the far end of my personal haunt, I found it fouled. It was a shallow pool, barely 18 inches deep with a fawn lying dead in it. The fawn appeared to be unhurt in any way that could be seen. Its open eyes were clear and no sign of malnourishment, disease or predators. The degree of rigor present in its limbs, had shown that it had not been dead for more than a couple hours, but I could not determine why it was dead at all... as though it had been drowned.  But if it had but raised its head, or stood up and moved a couple feet, it would not have drowned at all.  How had this happened in my sylvan protectorate?

I sprinkled a bit of salt and spoke a prayer of my commitment to Mother, and removed the carcass from the spring, and placed it at the base of a nearby tree. I tossed a bit more salt into the source of the spring to purify it, and I left the area. Around about the way, I had found more dead animals laying near their dens, or along the trailside, with no visible injuries or signs of disease.  I also noticed that my silver rings had turned pitch black. For me, this is a significant sign of deep dark changes within me. Instead of turning the tide of evil and corruption, it was was apparent that it was turning me.

I had also gotten word from Kodak, that they would be closing our plant by August 31st, and shipping my desk and equipment to their plant in Mexico, where the labor would be much cheaper, and the E.P.A. concerning toxic waste was not an issue. My paychecks were numbered and few to come, and added to the fact that I am over 50 years old, and that each lay-off had landed me into jobs that paid less and less, until I could no longer even afford to keep my car. Getting up in years and no transportation other than buses and a mountain bike are not great prospects to face. My freelance writing was in a summer slump, as very few publications are buying any new works during the summer months. It’s a glutted market in the best of times.

Only a day or so before our family gathering, Melanie and I were faced with what to do for the Solstice, as all the other family members were entirely unresponsive about helping in any way at all. Since she's raising twins, and I needed to make some kind of financial cushion in only a few weeks, we could not afford to carry the expense alone for this gathering, so I canceled it due to lack of interest. Those who had hitherto not spoken a word of help, had called me names for canceling the event, and had accused me all kinds of foulness and self pity. I couldn't carry them, and now I was less than a dog for letting them down. I couldn't win no matter how hard I had tried. It was as if my struggles pulled me deeper and deeper into the quicksand. On my calendar the Blessing Moon was a month away. If anyone needed blessing, it was me. I began my prayers and meditations and gathered my spell components

As it was the Blessing Moon I wanted to take advantage of, my choices in spell components were 'lunar' in nature. Many old spells require the writing of one's requests on various parchments, vellums, lead and other materials and then these offered in some form to the desired powers-that-be. Many kinds of spells are simply a graphic form of prayer to higher powers held at specified times of year. In my apartment are many, many items of magick and enchantments of all sorts. An occult junk yard (almost).

Sometime ago, Melanie and I were exploring a section of woods, that we had not previously been through in response to a call of a vision of a white birch woman, with the sign of the moon. Through acres of pine woods we traveled, until we came to a stand of three white birch trees (which are nearly extinct in this area), and we paid our respects and left. I had found some fallen limbs and collected a straight branch for a wand, and the peeled white bark as "parchment" for spells, that I knew I would have use for later. Sure enough, shortly thereafter a witch friend needed a better spell, to counter a long running curse she was living under, and I had her write a very specific request for its removal on some of this parchment.  I had carved her a wand of the branch, and added two clear quartz crystals to either end, and offered the parchment up in flame and incense during the next full moon. The effect was remarkable to say the least. I still had some of this silvery parchment, a raven quill pen and ink, consecrated with dragon's blood resin, blackberry brandy and sea salt.

I had carefully chosen my words for my request, for specific blessings and what my expectations were, and I penned them carefully to this parchment. To be sure, I had some indicator that this spell would work and not wait anxiously and jumping at any imagined sign as an omen. I had set very specific signs to signify that my message had gotten through. Things will have to change. All this unwarranted “bad luck” had to be diffused.

In the photo above here, you’ll see a blue fountain with a crystal ball on top. I call this my wizard’s fountain. It’s usually bubbling away with glass bead runes in its pool, that cannot be read until they dry. But the pump had burned out many months ago, and I had not found a replacement for it yet. On the shelves below are scrying bowls, mortars, pestles, cauldrons, rune stones, tarot decks, wands, athemes, incenses, quill pen & ink, and all sorts of witchy components, but I digress. I refilled the fountain with water and a pinch of sea salt, and only replaced the runes specific to the kind of blessings that I expected, and plugged the pump back into the wall socket. Of course, it didn’t work or even make a sound, but my spell was very specific about such things happening at very specific times. It seems to require an impossible coincidence... but that’s exactly what a spell should accomplish. Otherwise a witch would trust “luck”, and we’re not known for such nonsense. We manufacture our own luck.

At midnight, on the first night of the Blessing Moon, while the full moon was at her zenith, I gathered my already prepared parchment, a cauldron, a white candle in a silver holder, some powdered raw frankincense, sea salt, some powdered gem stone faery dust that a friend had given me, a quartz crystal sphere from the fountain top, a pocket mirror, an atheme, and a torch, and I headed for a wooded clearing near my apartment. There under the high, full Blessing Moon I placed my mirror and took off one of my rings to hold the crystal ball steady in its center, to catch the silvery moonlight in it. I placed my cauldron in the middle of a circle I had scribed, lit my single white candle, and taking my salt and gemstone faery dust, I cast it to the four quarters, as I called forth my witnesses to my ceremony, and spoke my own blessings upon them for their consideration. I coated my parchment with the powdered frankincense and rolled it up and bound it with a silver wire, and lit my torch from the candle, as I prayed quietly, and then lit the parchment in the cauldron. While still praying my heart’s concerns about my fate, I used my atheme to position the parchment, until it was completely burned to only a fine white ash, occasionally throwing a pinch more of incense, to make a fragrant white smoke, and a pinch of powdered sea salt. As the embers died, I finished my prayer and released my witnesses (some would call it ‘banishing’, but I would not treat my friends so).  I gathered up my things and returned to my apartment.

Upon returning, I placed the crystal ball back on top of the wizard's fountain, and it immediately began bubbling and pumping water up under the sphere. This was my first indication, that I had not wasted my time outside that night. I slept well and awoke believing things would change. My silver ring was shiny and not a fleck of tarnish to be seen. This told me that *I* had changed, and that my darkness had passed. I fixed a cup of coffee and downloaded my email.  One of my very first messages was from an author friend whom has never emailed me before. She had read some of my ideas, and the first couple chapters of a novel that I’ve been wanting to write. Her exact words are pasted below: the moment and call it what you may, but your mental message to contact you directly was so strong . . . :-)

The rest of this message is in essence, was that she wouldl help me get this novel written, and advise me on getting it published, even as she has done so many times with her own. This woman was a multiple, award winning, romance novelist.  That was my next sign, that I was not being left hung out to dry, and that my chances to earn my own way were improving.

Since my birthday was upcoming on the Eve of Lughnasadh, the Feast of First Harvest, this was the time I that I had requested, that I begin reaping the fruits of what I had sown in tears. As I was leaving the post office on my bicycle, after dropping off my final assignment to Long Ridge Writers Group, and a contest entry to Writers of the Future, a wad of bills totaling $29.00 blew up to my foot in the parking lot, and there was not a soul around, for me to determine who might have dropped it.  So, I put it to good use!

Blessing after blessing, after blessing, has been coming my way. I’d gotten an interview about new job placement, and they said my chances were good. I got it.   I had finished my new novel, and then some, and I’m willing to bet you couldn’t get passed four chapters of it with dry eyes. It has gotten two very good professional reviews, and I started shopping for a proper literary agent to market the series. I have taken a deep sigh of relief, and breathe my thanks to my Lord and Lady daily, for the gifts that I’ve been so graciously given, with all of life’s little victories. My last trip to my woods, I met a new friend in a lady hawk, whom sings back and forth with me, when I come into the meadow that she hunts in.  I’ve been stuffing myself with sweet berries in the woods and good things are showing themselves in abundance. It’s such a blessing to be born and raised a witch. It’s hard to share blessings when you don’t have any, and not worth living when you can’t.

Blessed be!

Craft Tools - Pelen Tan

Disclaimer: A large portion of the following information was gleaned from the writings of Douglas Monroe from his book, “The 21 Lessons of Merlyn” and published by Llewellyn Publications. There are many druidic sects that do not agree with some of the practices of Monroe’s New Forest Centre, especially his views on druidic celibacy, but I will argue that many diverse groups practice *periodic* celibacy or abstinence, as power dictates as useful and this doesn’t subtract anything of the man’s insight and education in matters of Celtic mysticism. I also must advise that I am not quoting him so much “verbatim”, as I tend to spout a lot of what I was taught in my own circles. You can always check out Monroe’s books. I highly recommend the reading and with an open mind.

First, I want to remind our witches here of a little piece of worldly wisdom that says:

Image is everything.

And since we know as wise, this is not completely true, because many things are rarely what they appear to be. But it's hard to argue that "muggles" will react with great aplomb, to what they believe that they are seeing.  It has its own "cause and effect," is what I'm trying to point out here.  I also want to quote a little proverb by a writer named Terry Goodkind that says:

Magic works because people believe it does, or are afraid that it might.

Also, not completely true, but I just want to point out, that for their effects, that these are largely believed as gospel, by the non-initiates of the craft.  As I've said before:  Everything works, or it doesn't, for a reason.  "Belief", is as good a reason as any, in many cases.

As a traditional Old Craft witch, there has been a practice that uses these erroneous precepts, to their fullest effect, that has been passed down through the centuries. Some refer to it as “the placebo effect”, when something like a little herbal remedy, along with some convincing mumbo-jumbo, gives the added confidence, or faith needed to help a healing process. To some of my witchy, goddess dancing sisters in the Pacific North West:  They know how to carry, and present themselves under a powerful glamour, where even a “Plain Jane”, has been known to ignite a man’s underwear, from forty feet away, or command undivided attention in a room, by simply using the attirude and manner that she displays herself. To anyone with a little wit, wisdom and imagination, this can be some useful stuff to know. But this essay is on ceremonial implements known as Pelen Tan. I tell you the preceding that I might open your minds to the potential to which some of these may be used.

Allow me to jog your memories back to stories we’ve all heard of intrepid adventuring children out spying on the mysteries of a haunted wood, when they see a procession of ethereal robed celebrants and ghostly lights moving through the trees with them.

Now, we’ll jump to another piece of tradition where large turnips or pumpkins are carved out with faces and candles placed inside to create jack-o-lanterns, which were often carried to ghostly effect by itinerant ghouls and goblins in search of food and drink on a Halloween night. Got the picture yet?

I tell you all that in order to tell you about a little known implement called the pelen tan. It is also a kind of lantern that is carried in processions into nemeton by druids or witches and then hung in the trees as the rituals progress. These are the ghostly lights that keep the faint of heart at a distance from the secret rites they were never meant to witness.

According to Monroe and not a few other sources, the witches wore black robes and the druids primarily wore white to such events. The lights the druids carried were mostly blue or green and the witches carried mostly red orbs. The effects of these lights on these colors is eerie. The blue gives an almost black light effect on the white robes, where skin tones don’t show up so well in a darkened wood. You can almost imagine these empty robes followed by these lights floating their way down a woodland trail at night in a haunted wood. For the raven clad witches, under the red lights, the pale Celt’s skin takes on a scarlet luster and the black blends in with the surrounding shadow having these disembodied heads and hands drifting down the path with these hellish lights accompanying them. You can see how these images might be used to serve the orders who used them. On the practical side of things, the lanterns provided light in such a way as to not interfere too badly with one’s own night vision. Very useful, but where can I get some of these, you might ask. You make them.

Considering the effects you might want, you go to a craft store or maybe something like a Pier One Imports, and find some glass globes. Nothing too big or too small as it has to hold a candle completely inside of itself. In times past, the old green glass fishing floats were used and you might still find some of these. Green, blue or red is what you want. You’ll want some uniformity in your color choice. Too many other colors and they look like party lights and the effect is lost. Next we appropriate some black candles… not for purposes of black magick, mind you. We want the light within our globes to appear as a single floating point as opposed to an illuminated stem holding it up and immediately identifying it as a candle. Using hot wax or using glue or epoxy, you may want to fix something to hold your candle in place in the bottom center of your globe. Now we have to get handy with a means to carry and suspend our ghost lights (pelen tan) and those of you skilled in macramé will probably fare better than the rest of us in this part. We’ll need a fire resistant material like leather thong or a fine chain (nothing shiny please) to create a web basket that won’t obscure your light going up about 18 inches to a knot where you can make a hook out of an old wire hanger to suspend your light in your nemeton and hold it through the procession without getting burned. The candle flame should be centered within the globe and not extending through the brim of the glass. Darken your chain or thong to render them invisible in the darkness and in only a short distance, you create the illusion that these balls of light are floating of their own accord.

Now as we have a host of seasons like Imbolc, Beltane, Midsummer, Lammas, Samhain, a couple solstices and equinoxes to do us proud, take your pelen tan along with your athemes and cauldrons and such and celebrate with a flair.

Traditional Fare


We are coming up on the Harvest Moon and like other members of my clan, I've been out harvesting wild foods to prepare for our upcoming Sabbaths and family get togethers. Unlike many in the United States, we do not come from an ethnic Judeo-Christian background. We are hereditary, Celtic witches of a matriarchal succession that has counted its roots back almost fourteen centuries. We are a family that has practiced and kept its secrets for many, many centuries as a matter of survival in a world where it's been a death sentence of the worst kind to be found out as a witch. Decent Christian business folk would not likely sell to us in the market, or charge exorbitant prices because of our unrepentant heathen condition. Or our families forced to run and hide in the wilderness, where decent people feared to go, to survive the witch hunts.

But ours is a nature based religion, and Nature takes care of her own. From ancient times, those of our persuasion have been sought after by the civilized world of the day for our knowledge of medicinal plants and healing lore. Much of this is still practiced by witches today. It occurs to me that in this enlightened day and age where persecution is a bit tamer than the days of old, that many modern witches do not enjoy some of what we consider traditional fare on our Sabbaths.

These are the times we come together as a family and remember who we are, what we are and what we have come through to get here. We've seen our culture demonized beyond recognition. When you say "witch" to the average American, the picture that springs to their mind is worlds apart from what we are, but then, our invisibility has saved us for a long, long time. In our household, words like "witch" or "coven" were never used. In my grandmother and great grandmother's time, it was not "chic" to be known as a witch. In some places now, it is an unhealthy proposition at best. We were healers, midwives, herbalists and fortune tellers maybe, but never witches. We had a women's circle that would meet at odd times to share recipes, methods, techniques and news, but then every church parish had a women's circle also to conduct bake sales and ladies auxiliaries and such. Our language had to match their language to blend in and be left alone. Besides a good knowledge of medicines to care for our own, we shared a good knowledge of wild foods to supplement our groceries when things got tight or when we were outright forced to flee for our lives.

It was said of old, that you couldn't starve out a witch because they would eat the babies. I must confess that I like children as much as anyone, but I could never eat a whole one by myself. In fact, with my forest fare that I've grown up with, I just don't have a need or desire for that much red meat. Wild nuts and acorns in particular are rich in the amino acids and proteins you would get from meat. It's the Twenty First Century, and these witches are taking nothing for granted. We have learned that from our history, and not the popular history the world loves to write and rewrite. We aren't forced out into the woods by rioting townsfolk bearing torches, but we have been raised generation upon generation of witches prepared to live where others might fear to wander.

For our traditional feast fare, we gather the acorns of the white oak. The oak being a sacred tree is more than just lumber or shade to us, it is a bearer of good food for us too. Of all the varieties of oak, it produces the fattest and sweetest nut meats. Still it is a labor intensive food, but for us, part of our socializing as hereditary witches will occur around the preparation of acorn flour and a hearty root beer to have with our Sabbath meals. It's as much a part of our identity as the atheme and the cauldron. I will share a bit on its preparation and a recipe or two for those witches who might care to feel their roots go down deep.

When the white oak casts its acorns to the ground around the end of August and beginning of September, that is the time we go out and gather the fattest and plumpest of these for our flour. We gather them into sacks and take them home and preheat our ovens to about 425 degrees. We clean off any dirt and pull off the caps and roast them in a shallow pan until they turn brown and begin to split. Then we shell them and gossip (ancient tradition) while watching a good movie (not-so-ancient tradition) and get the nut meat separate from the hulls.

These nuts will still be quite bitter to the taste due to the tannic acid in the meat. To get this out we load the kernels into a cloth bag and seep them in a large pot of boiling water until it turns dark as tea. Change the water and repeat the process until it no longer turns dark and then lay out the nuts and allow to dry. Then we all pull up to a table with our mortar and pestles and grind the nuts into a light brown flour. Utilizing a couple sieves a good grade of flour can be obtained. This is then mixed with an unbleached whole grain flour or stored in an airtight container in the freezer until needed.

If anyone has any food allergies, particularly nuts, they might want to stay away from these dishes. We'll use that flour for scones, stew thickeners, pastry crusts for a variety of "shepherds pie" or meat and potato pies, some excellent cookies and muffins in our gatherings along with some home made sassafras root beer to wash them down or a bramble berry wine. It not only reminds us of who we are and what we've been through as a culture, but assures us that if we ever have to, we can do it for a few more centuries.Here's an acorn muffin recipe. If acorns have been blighted or are unavailable, you can use shelled hazelnuts (you don't have to steep the bitterness out of them) and grind them into flour and mix in equal portions with an unbleached, self rising flour. Word of warning: hazelnut flour will make everyone sleepier than a turkey dinner... which makes great "knock out muffins" to serve with milk to get the kids in bed, or help an insomniac get a good nights rest.

Acorn Fruit Muffins


1 1/2 cups of 50/50 flour and acorn flour

1/2 cup of unprocessed sugar

1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg

3/4 cup of diced apples and raisins or other dried fruits

1 egg

1/2 cup of buttermilk or milk

1/3 cup of melted margarine or butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients, adding the fruit at the end.

In a different bowl beat together the buttermilk, egg and melted butter then add them to the dry ingredients. Whisk until combined, the mixture should remain slightly lumpy.

Scoop the mixture into 12 well greased or paper lined muffin tins, filling them about half full.

Bake for 20 - 25 minutes until they are lightly browned and remove from the oven and let cool for about 5 minutes and remove them from the pan. You may now add toppings as desired. Dipping them in melted butter with a bit of brown sugar and cinnamon works fine as a topping too.

Merry meet and merry part... Blessed be!

 From The Earth Wytch Daily...






Ostara - Spring Tonic


The time of Ostara is upon us! The Spring Equinox, a balance of night and day, after a long season that has been all too dark and dreary.

"Ah," they would say, "Spring is in the air, and a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of..."

Uh,... well, it's been a while and I'm no longer so young. I remember now... HOT ROOT BEER!

This is also a notorious time for colds and flu as my grandmother would remind me. It was one of two great Equinoxes where she would take me out to the woods to harvest sassafras roots for her tonic.

The weather's still quite crisp and usually wet. We might not appreciate the aches and chills, but Nature needs all this moisture to give us her very best. We call her, Danu. But you might call her Gaia, or even Mother Nature. Like any good Mother, she has provided some wonderful treatments for such times.

There is a remarkable, magickal tree, my Grandma would tell me, that has three different types of leaves, all on the same branch. Three is a very important number in Celtic magicks and worth noting here, and trees are always important. The thing young folks want to remember is that the strength of the tree is in its roots. So, if we want the strength to fortify our bodies against the ravages of changeable weather, we need these roots for our tonic. Now, sassafras tea that you can buy in your local health food store is all well and good, but is as different as the noon time sun is from your best flashlight. The tea in your store is usually scraped bark. The tonic is from the brewed rootstock.

First we identify our trees. The three leaf shapes are the oval (think of football season in the fall), the mitten (got to keep those hands warm) and the ghost (great for tales around Halloween, but that's another season). If you see all three on the same branch, you have your sassafras. The leaves are fine and tender in a salad (kind of a citrus taste). If you scrape at the bark and sniff, it will smell of root beer. Now before we destroy all sorts of trees and ruin our chances of ever harvesting this another year, we need to look around for a lot of young saplings with the same leaves. This tree grows like a "rhizome." The roots are very hardy, and shoot out in all directions, and a single root may support several trees. So, in an area where these will not be able to support all those trees so close together, we do well to thin them out a little. Find the smaller trees and remove all the forest debris from around the base and pull firmly, but gently. Use a large knife or an ax to cut off the roots (Grandma's atheme was largely utilitarian in use), you might want to keep some of the tree stock for wands or staves as you will partake of their brew or reserve the brew for whomever the item is crafted for. You will now smell a rich and very heady scent of root beer from these roots. As children, it was all that Grandma could do to get our heads out of the sack with the roots. It’s a nature buzz, but nothing dangerous or illegal, I should note.

Scrub your roots in cold running water with a brush to remove the dirt and break them down to a manageable size for your pot. Healthy roots in the spring and fall should snap in half like a carrot. Then set up your cauldron, or just a large pot, with cold water. Put enough root stock, roughly about the volume of about three or four good sized carrots for about eight quarts of water. Bring it to a good rolling boil and breathe it in. The whole house will smell of root beer. No worries because it fades fast. Turn off the heat and cover the pot and allow those roots to steep well. When you look inside and see a dark, reddish brown brew, it’s time to sweeten with a little sugar or fructose (or whatever) and drink a good hearty mug of root beer. The pot will be stained, but it comes out with just a little bleach added to the water with soaking.

It’s great served hot for those with the sniffles. It will, quite literally put just a little more “spring” in their step. Adding sugar and setting out for a week will cause a touch of fermenting that will add that foamy head to your root beer served cold and is an absolute wonder when served with a dollop of vanilla ice cream thrown in. We used to call these “Faery Floats”. Our local woods were kind of special that way and it was our custom to leave out a saucer full for the faeries, or even spill a little on the hearth. Danu takes care of all her children and we are all related.

The Wisdom of Diety


In my previous chapters, I've been throwing around the name of "Danu" as our "Mother Earth/Nature/Mother Goddess". I've shared a picture of the ancient idol, that was known to represent Her among my people, since Paleolithic times.  Historically speaking:  She is where the Danube River and Valley got its ancient name.  But exactly who and what is She?  She is a created being, a bit higher up the hierarchy of the cosmos from us.  A living, breathing, self aware, self regulating Entity created to nurture us all.  But how do we relate to that?

In the ranks of our witch clan, definitions tend to move more towards specifics than the vague. Spells go beyond mystical mumbo- jumbo, into to something that a wise witch or wizard can work with. We are intended to learn from everything around us, seen and unseen. So, in this treatise, we will explore a specific definition for “wisdom”, for which our craft and titles are named after.

Wisdom - noun - the profitable and beneficial application of knowledge.

It’s been said, time and again, that going to college can make you smart, but cannot make you wise. Examine this to deduce that in college, we go to fill our minds with knowledge about our chosen fields of study. It might be something like nuclear physics, where we may take that knowledge in order to build a more destructive nuclear warhead. But since you only have this single planet to live on, is it wise to destroy the air, land and water you and your descendants will require to survive? In a word: NO! But suppose you were to take that knowledge, to develop a clean, and inexpensive energy source, or to make advances in radiation therapies for the curing of cancer? By definition, here is wisdom.

Long before New Age and modern Wicca, wisdom has always been an identifying trait to witches, druids and wizards through out history. I remember stories of my great grandmother’s time, back in Union City, PA, and taking care of mining injuries and such, by applying moldy bread poultices, directly to wounds (the kind of molds that led to the discovery of penicillin in later years). Often this kind of “magick”, that wound up in the annals of personal grimoires, were years ahead of their time to the average “muggles” of the day.  These were a matter of long studies and observations, by dedicated healers and wisely applied to those in their care for the betterment of the community, in so many ways. A healthy miner could return to work and support his family. A benefit to one and all in the community.

Let’s take a bigger and more generic look at witches and nature, with an eye to making wise use of natural forces in ways to benefit their communities. Wind is a natural force that is present whether we want it to be or not. We cannot stop it from blowing. We can create structures capable of keeping the strongest winds out, or structures the wind will move. There’s the knowledge. Let’s look into the wisdom of using that knowledge.

A Danaan or Gaian witch utilizes their knowledge of natural forces for the benefit of all we serve.  Many of us have been to Grace’s sanctuary (a Gaian witch), and saw the windmill that powers her lights and fences to protect her livestock. High up on that windswept hill, that propeller harnesses the energy from those prevailing winds and puts them to good use. Very “witchy”, Grace!

Likewise, knowing that the prevailing wind is in a certain direction, we can use it in sails to transport ourselves and our cargo, to a desired destination to multiple forms of profit. We also know that if it storms in a contrary direction or of sufficient force, *not* to risk ourselves to such a trip, and to wait out the forces, that we are not capable of withstanding.  This is also good wisdom.

Herein is yet another of the mystical truths enveloping historical witchery. One who understands the forces of nature, can harness the wind and fly on its very wings. A force once considered too great for the common man to understand. History is always rife with stories of people who feared divine retribution, when others took liberties with such things. It’s never been easy for witches. But let’s move this essay from the natural to the “supernatural”, and study the witch’s concepts of such things. I put it in quotes because I believe such entities are entirely “natural”, and merely on a greater scale than what is considered “human”.  Because it is not human, doesn’t make it any less or more “natural”. In any witch’s or cleric’s world view, humans have never been the top of the proverbial food chain. Our next step in this progression is “deity”.  When we speak of "diety" with a small "d", or a god or goddess, we are not speaking of the ultimate Creator of ALL spirits.  As pagans, we are merely speaking of lesser entities, and yet greater than ourselves, in their proper contexts.  Respect, where respect is due, and custom to where custom is due, as even the Biblical, New Testament adages goes.  In fact, it was written specifically with First Century genitles (pagans), in mind.  It's no wonder that so many of them, decided to follow Yeshua.  He never left them out in his teachings, as is often the case today, in modern Christianity.

Whomever and however you view deity, as a witch you are facing yet another force, or influence, in the grander scheme of things. Many witches and pagans today pick our patron or matron deities, as if they were choosing a T-shirt in a department store. Also there is the preponderance of spell books, insisting that we call upon this one or that one, to bring us our desires, as though they’ve been waiting all eternity, for us to give them something to do. Without, at least *some* sort of working relationship with the entities in question, there is not much, that we can reasonably expect to get from them, by merely asking in whatever language, the books insist that they prefer hearing. They’re “gods” not idiots, which defines them as smarter, and yet higher orders of beings than mere humans.

As with nature, it is up to us to observe where ever possible, to find the true nature these entities, and use this knowledge wisely in our dealings with them. Let’s face it: a lot of that knowledge is going to come from books, and hopefully enough of them, to give you a wider picture, and a little more confirmation of traits than merely the whims of a singular lunatic, heretic or what-have-you. What is this entity's defining trait? Mercy? Wisdom? Martial science? Love? Murder or lying? If you hope to strike up some kind of beneficial relationship, as with anyone else, you must understand whom you are dealing with, and what to expect when you come calling.

Much like determining which way that the wind is blowing, and how hard, we must determine this entity’s agenda, and what it will take to advance, or even hinder that agenda. The prophets of old would call that “knowing the will of God”. If you are going to ask for something contrary to that agenda, you can likely expect an answer in the negative, and a lowering of the esteem, or out-and-out contempt, that this individual may choose to hold you in. That is NOT a wise choice! Contrarily, if your plans are in line with theirs, and your request will advance their agenda, you may find yourself riding the crest of a mighty wave. I can tell you from my own experience, that this is one of the more heady moments, that you will ever be privileged to know. Sometimes, you need a miracle, and this is one of the better means for obtaining one.

I really don’t like anthropomorphizing deity, as they are *not* human, and some less so than others. But mainstream humanity, seems to want to treat them like vending machines. They pump in some cash, punch a button, and expect that it’s going to give them instant gratification, without a single thought to its own plans in the matter. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about Christians or any variety of pagans here.  It is the prevailing attitude with unwise believers everywhere. Try to think of what you would think of a person, who ONLY calls you, when they want you to do something for them. They insist they are your friend, but they never really ever want to help YOU, they just want you to help THEM, and then get conveniently out of their way afterwards, so they can enjoy the rewards.

Of course, then if their home burns down, they expect to move in with you for the rest of eternity, or until you build them their very own mansion (whichever comes first). It sounds ridiculous here, but this is precisely what people everywhere seem to expect, and they deem this a perfectly reasonable religious outlook. Do you suppose they might be missing some key points somewhere?

This is where a witch earns their title of “wise one”. We look. We learn. We apply what we’ve learned and we grow from it. If you are going to call yourself a follower, disciple, or friend of ANYONE, you need to know them first. You need to be comfortable with their agenda and you need to commit at least a fair part of your life yoked with them in their work and utilize that same yoke to get some of your own work done too. This is a more reasonable expectation: a relationship as opposed to a “religion”. I’ve been keeping this essay very generic, in keeping with the numerous belief systems embraced here. This applies to anybody’s belief system. For those put off by religious Christianity, I offer this piece of information:

As much as the common populace never seem to learn, in reading any Scriptures on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ:  Any and ALL references to the religious crowd or establishment, of his day were derogatory at best. He knew they weren’t going to be won over with the facts, so he went to the sinners in the streets, and they took his meaning straight away, while the religious establishment, made all of the arrangements for the crucifixion. When someone asked him what to do with their money, he asked them whose picture was on it, and then instructed them to give to Ceasar the things that belong to him, and to give to God the things that belong to him. He didn't take a collection!  *HUMANS* want and need your money. Gods and goddesses don’t. What they WANT, are souls that are moved to move with them. These have value to them that money can’t ever buy.

When you, as a witch, wizard or mage, dedicate yourself to a particular deity, as your will and word should be unbreakable, they would be well applied to your master of choice. Give as you would get. A few prayers or chants are only lip service, give them something of the substance of life, if you ever expect to see them get so inclined to you and yours. Give them a fair reason. In this is the wisdom of deity. One can NEVER learn to embrace the spiritual, by clinging to the material.  The universe simply does not operate that way.

The Soulless...

    We've spoken at some length about spirituality here, and now we should address what is seen on the other end of that spectrum.  Most will question the need for such things.  It is not that they are trivial things.  It is only a reflection of how blind they have become to everything around them.


Excerpt from Don Henley's "The Garden of Allah"...

"It was a pretty good year for platitudes.

The market place was on a roll.

The Land of Opportunity,

spawned a whole new breed of men without souls."

      I remember as a boy, my grandma warning me about the "sleepwalkers".  To us that meant most "muggles" or non-witches.  These were people who were dressed up, and walking around shopping, and holding down jobs, and going to church regularly, and so on.  You could approach them and even talk to them:  but they only saw or heard what they were dreaming of and not who or what was directly in front of their faces.  Essentially, I was warned that if I did too much to awaken them in the middle of their american dreams that it could be very traumatic for them.  I've actually seen muggles go into fetal positions when confronted with things we already understood for centuries.

      Over the years and decades, more and more of you have been waking up, and this has given me no end of hope and jubilation.  I can talk about nearly anything to most of you now and get some thoughtful and intelligent conversation.  I'm no longer so alone as I once was in this world.  Even I'm learning things everyday that I wasn't aware of previously.  That's been a real blessing even though a certain amount of sorrow comes with it.

      With all the talk of this "zombie apocalypse" and new terms like "sheeple" I'm noticing more and more that *some* people are not simply "asleep" anymore:  they are truly soul-less.  Having gone through an MK Ultra program sponsored by the Rockefeller Eugenics Group and being a tall, nordic blond with a genius IQ, I've gotten way too much of their filthy doctrine labeling other races as "sub-humans" and for all the fine african american friends and family I've accumulated over the years:  I've learned to despise the very thought of someone as being "not human enough" because of their races or ethnicities. 

     The "sub-humans" to my thinking, have become the elitist, inbred monsters that spent millions engineering my life for me.  I *know* what it means to break the shackles and become FREE, so I have more in common with my friends of color than my former masters I share blood with.  I can relate to and respect that quality in them.  They have endured and overcame so much, like a "superior" type of race can and should do.  Credit where credit is due!

      But these soul-less types aren't fully as "human" as we find ourselves to be and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone's race or ethnicity!  It has been bred and conditioned into their gene pools regardless of what bloodlines they come from and for generations.  Please don't take this as me promoting some "supermen" propoganda for anyone.  I've been "on the outside, looking in" with society my whole life.  I've *wanted* inside for many years and eventually found I was much safer and saner without.  But I watch people and listen and study them all of the time.  I'm sharing my observations, that you may or may not agree with, and as awake and intelligent fellow human beings.  I invite your own observations and thoughtful critique.

      Here is my case for "soul-less people":  Where ever you happen to live, shop or work; I invite you to watch, listen and take note of what you see and hear from people of every sort.  Some, you will find are awake and aware, at least to some extent.  They'll learn more and more as time goes on.  Some are pre-programmed by school, TV, propogandized news and such, but have some inkling of awareness and as you try to point out the discrepancies in their knowledge, you can see the little "light coming on" and they gradually begin to adapt to the new knowledge and eventually awaken too. 

     But there's another type out there, that I find *very* frightening and abhorent:  No souls of their own that I can find no matter how long and hard I look at them.  They have no awareness of anything that does not come off their versions of corrupt news or TV.  When they initiate ANY kind of conversations they are filled with 'catch phrases' from TV and advertisements.  Their speech is ONLY about what they saw on TV recently, sports (fanatically so), celebrities and they also show no consciousness what-so-ever of what their elected officials have actually DONE as what they SAID they would do.


     Even when it's been a blatant and evil lie and obvious to anyone "awake".  They never see the reality in front of them as they see it through the lens of the programming they have received and are totally resistant to it no matter how blatantly the real facts stand out.  Ever!  They buy precisely what they are told they cannot live without on TV or advertisements and will be among the first to be in line to get some when it comes out.  It doesn't matter even if a team of "honest" doctors prove it to be full out POISON...they will suck down their diet sodas like it was drugs to a junkie and in LARGE quantities.  They never actually LOSE any weight, but they are told they will so they believe they are as long as they injest the poison along with their treats.  Not to suggest they are all obese people either.  Some will be skinny as skeletons and still follow their programming to their own sad deaths. 

     I have always been a scholar of very old books.  A hundred years ago an ad would describe the merchandise and what it would do.  NOW, an ad only tells you how much happier, healthier and etc. you will be if you buy one now.  I've watched ads promoting drugs that I had no idea of what they did, except to ask my doctor if it was right for me.  See the devil in the details yet?  I can go on and on with the symptoms of this soullessness, but whatever tiny fraction of a soul they may or may not have: they are RULED and controlled by an "oversoul" of a sort and it can be easily traced to it's source:  Follow their money to where they faithfully spend it. 

It is not "nice" or "kind" to refer to these as "sub-human" and maybe a term like "extremely gullible" would work except for the fact that unless you are the "master" they've been obeying their whole lives: all the sense you can make will not matter one iota.  They are like corn fed cattle, bred for the slaughter house and their ONLY choices is to enter through the right hand or left hand doors to their own demise.  But I thoroughly recognise the "oversoul" (ubermensch is also a term used) from all the eugenic, nazi doctrines I've heard from childhood from my former nazi pediatricians courtesy of Project Paperclip and MK Ultra.  It isn't just "race" anymore, it's "class warfare". 

     On the corner from my grandmother's house, where  I lived in as a boy, was a house used by Harriet Tubman's Underground Railroad for freeing slaves.  She once said she had helped free a lot of slaves, and that she would have freed even more of them, except they didn't know they were slaves.  I see the monster masters have developed a better whip and chains.


Demonology 101

Originally, this treatise on Demonology got published on (no longer available) when a certain problem came up among our numbers.  This was written to give some of the novices some kind of idea of what was happening at that time:

Yikes! This thing going on with Laura (among all too many others) is precisely what I mean when I warn beginning witches or wannabe’s against invocations of odd spirit types.In Laura’s case, it’s a little different as she’s only a novice witch at this point. She’s a blood relation to these things and doesn’t have a whole world of choice as to who decides to drop in for a visit. I’ve had similar through out my childhood.

For some children, they are their “imaginary friends”, for others they are “mentors”. They teach us the things we need to know about ourselves and what rules we can break and what we must keep (sort of). The degree of deception and manipulation a demon is capable staggers the imagination. It’s not always a painful, guilt ridden experience, but always seems to eventually end up that way, depending upon the situation. I thought I might turn this into a “learning experience” since the cat was out of the proverbial bag.

Take Shabriri, for instance. As a child, both I and my Grandma believed he was my Sidhe mentor. It had never occurred to us to look him up in a book on demonology, as this was never anything we dabbled in. Ever. Perhaps he *was* genuinely Sidhe and chose that other side of things. It gets very confusing because, as I have said before, the only real differences between angelic, demonic and fae is their personal politics. Everybody serves somebody in some way. We may believe ourselves to be entirely independent, but that doesn’t mean that one side or the other isn’t manipulating us to their own ends. If that’s not enough to confuse you, there’s the shape shifting abilities that many of these possess.

Some are predominantly male, some female and some androgynous or neither… but that doesn’t mean they can’t be very convincing as the other genders. Then there’s the problems with names. There’s the secret name that they are known by God, which no one must ever know or they will have power over them. That’s a truth in a number of ways besides the magickal realm. But there’s a host of names they may be known by. That’s true of all of us. You also have been known by a number of names in the courses of your lives, if you think about it. Each one of them reflects a part of you at a certain stage and in a certain social niche. They may not reflect too much of what you are now, but if someone calls you by it, you will likely respond with at least a twinge of nostalgia.

So when we get a witch book that tells you that you can invoke the fae spirit “Pickle Puss”, the truth of the matter is you could very likely be calling up a spirit much like Shabriri by one of his many aliases or something far worse, like Lillith. Now the deception with Shabriri was on several levels. In demonology, he associated with striking people blind, but he’s a good deal more talented than simply that. He’s expert at “blindsiding” people. He gets on your good side with some first class and timely advice, and over a period of time you get to the point where you rely very much on him as opposed to your own discretion and intuition and after a while, you no longer hear his voice off to one side or the other, but in your own head. By the time you begin to realize that this might not actually be a good thing, it’s too late and someone stronger than yourself has taken up residence in your corporal body.

Then comes the blackouts, where you are out and about town doing something, but can’t for the life of you remember what that was. They start very slowly so you hardly notice the missing time. It could be happening as “sleepwalking”. This activity increases until you’re blacking out at parties where you are not even drinking excessively and your friends ask you later about some really wild trick you performed that you have no idea of. In my case, there were elements of levitation of self or objects or other people. I don’t have that ability, but Shabriri *does*.

More and more he will take over your corporal existence to work his own agenda and your weakened soul gets relegated to a dark place. Unless you are strong enough to mount enough resistance and get some help casting him out. For me, *that* whole episode is where I credit my finding Christ as a dyed-in-the-wool, born and bred pagan. But that’s another story for another time. It is also why I get suspicious when I see or hear of other witches performing feats like these. It suggests to me that there may be more than one squirrel in their attics.

It’s not always so easy, simple or painless to remove such things once they’ve attached so deeply. In very rare cases, it can even result in death and since the demon cannot die and the human soul is captive… guess what they get to keep? That’s not book learning, it’s my personal experience talking.  Inevitably it will turn out, that to get rid of one or more invasive spirits, one needs the help of an even stronger spirit.  Either they have to belly up to the bar and deal with it and win, or find the help to get it done for them.  To my surprise, I had once found that there's a LOT to be said about Jesus, but with all of the "false shepherds" preying on sheep out there, there's no guarantee that you'll win anything with a name dropping charlatan.

The matter with Lillith is even more intense. To be honest, I knew about her, but I knew there are many “lilliths” and I figured the one who had taken over my second wife was a strong one, but not THE Lillith. You never know for sure when dealing with such things. There’s so much you truly do not want to know and they make full use of this. Like a master con-artist they will use what you want dearest of all and draw you into their trap with it. It’s amazing what they can get away with pulling over the eyes of even the best of us. A conman will get you by your greed or lusts. They say Satan works this way too.

But what if your desires are more simple and not so dark at all? All the better to hurt you with and then even the chance that you will turn to vengeance in righteous indignation and they’ll use this a number of ways to advance their own agendas and eventually make you a soldier on the wrong side of the battlefield. For hybrids like myself or even Laura, once you’ve gotten someone like Shabriri kicked out, it doesn’t necessarily end there. Even if you are mostly human, the experience gives you some knowledge that you wouldn’t have otherwise been privy to. That makes you dangerous and it behooves members of this faction to do whatever it takes to neutralize you as a threat.

The idea is, that now you know the signs of a possession intimately enough to be the one who helps that poor soul lose that extra baggage, before they can consolidate their hold. I do this every chance I get. I’ll at least point out my observations to someone nearest them who can do something. I’ll do a great deal more besides, but that is also another story for another time. Hybrids and very skilled witches give them a much bigger arsenal in this plane of existence. So, as it is not exactly a daily occurrence, as Laura describes hers as “semi annually”, such people can expect the odd, paranormal caller from time to time.

The more you know and the more you do, the more likely you will see this happen. There are *some* who believe I am the magnet that brings them such things. To *some* degree, this is true. If I see you at a certain crossroads or experimenting with something that can eat you, I’ll give you information that you can use to learn more and be safe (as much as possible to be safe). You’re heading that way, with or without me and what degree you actually learn and accept what I’ve given may act like stones in a pond, and cause ripples that will alert other creatures in your pond to your presence. In *that* way I am the magnet, but I accept no responsibility for what kind of attention you draw and if you don’t stab me outright, I’ll even help you deal with it.

Remember that there *is* a veil of secrecy that says if you don’t know about such things, you are not to know. You can guess all you want in the dark, but cannot be allowed to know for certain. Mystics will give advice on such things and just to show you how much the “blindness” affects us all, just look up the word “mystic” or “to mystify” in the dictionary and you see that even the very name declares that their jobs are to cloud and obscure things. They may give you fair advice to watch out for some obstacle in the fog you are groping in, but they will not clear the fog and you will rely on them for your navigation. People will come to these types as sheep, begging to be sheared or even butchered and the sign plainly says what they are and what they’ll do, but no one will notice because they all want to believe differently. I would prefer to illuminate rather than obscure. I say what I say and leave it at that and you believe what you like, but I’ve challenged your illusions and if you didn’t cast it away entirely, now you’ll begin to see and experience things that have been happening around you since time began (and in some cases *before* that) and without my help at all, you’ll know when to duck and when something might be useful. Hence my personal rules about accepting money or gifts.

It’s too easy to mistake someone like me for the other kind and I must make a plain difference between us so that you won’t get taken in by the next mystic to come walking by speaking about similar things. Their motivations are primarily money or wealth of some sort. I, on the other hand, know full well of yet another kind of “payback” and would rather collect that in the end when all my warring is done. I tell you plainly which side I serve and will point it out to you… but I cannot take you there and you must always make your own decisions for yourself. You alone will be responsible for them and reap whatever you’ve sown.

That doesn’t mean there won’t be trouble if you make all the right choices. Sometimes, that’s the reason trouble comes. But there is always help and that’s the big Christian secret in a nutshell. That’s as preachy as I get. Many will assume that because demons, or what they perceive to as demons are involved that it all has to do with some kind of evil in their lives or poor choices or being led about by their lusts. Never be so quick to judge. For a fatherless boy to adopt and hold onto a mentor like Shabriri or a young man rejected by the only family he knows to want to have a family of his own, he’s only wanting a security and normalcy in his life that *most* people can take for granted. Hence, I get real upset and reclusive on Christmas holidays and such as it only rubs it in deeper that these things are not for the likes of myself.

No matter what I would like to believe or someone tells me different about:  These parts of my soul were just convenient picking points for these creatures to torment and manipulate me by. For Laura, it’s no different even though her bloodlines hail by this faction. She’s still somewhat human and there’s things she secretly wishes that she could have just like you or I, and someone as ancient and wise as Lillith can twist her soul inside out so that all is laid bare and the shame and pain she feels, is more than she would feel if she were flayed alive. The nice thing about physical pain is that when it reaches a certain peak, you pass out and feel it no more (until you wake again). But the soul dredging emotional pain has no easy relief like that.

Many will mistakenly believe that if they take their own lives, this will offer them respite from the pain. I am so sorry to say that nothing can ever be farther from the truth. Your soul, which is doing all the hurting in this case, lives on immortal. The pain goes with you until you are healed of the malady. *If* you are in a position to be healed. The diabolicism of these creatures defies belief. Laura doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter of having to deal with such on occasion, but this is why I don’t advocate putting yourselves in any position where you’ll have to match wits with the likes of these.

Many of the younger and lower level sorts aren’t so hard to deal with, but when you get up into Shabriri’s or even Lillith’s range, you most certainly are going to hurt for it and you’ll remember that hurt for the rest of your lives. It’s no joke when it happens. You’ll feel like dying will be the best thing you can do and even that is a deception.

When I was rid of Shabriri and met Laura, I loved her for herself, and that she was someone very much like me in so many ways that I can’t even describe to another human being. I knew what she was and what faction (angelic, demonic or fae) she hailed from. It is not something that can be easily hidden from other hybrids or full bloods. Even some humans know something’s not right when they meet us.

Because of all the pain I had with Shabriri, I thought I’d have to be mad to take up in a relationship with a half breed demoness. No matter how lovely or how nice she was. I was polite and friendly. I couldn’t be otherwise to her or most of you. It is my nature. But I was careful not to get closer than I was and went off believing I would be safe and “normal” in a relationship with a fully human woman of my choosing. Can you see how wrong I was and why I believed I was so right?

I wasn’t just wrong once.  I did it again a few years later with a born again Christian woman. She didn’t get possessed by someone else like Lillith, but she got manipulated and no doubt tormented deep in her soul to drive her to betray me. It seems that no matter which way I turned and for the best of whatever reasons, I was going to be proven wrong. My best consolation is in my children and grand children, some of whom even love me.

It’s not a universal concept among them, but you can’t win them all. You *can* win *some*, and that makes life worth living for someone like me. I hope this lengthy treatise gives you something you can use in a tight spot, such as they are known to happen.  However, having said as much as I have here, on this particular topic:  It is FAR from being the sum total of what needs to be said, that will give you a better handle on the nature of these types of phenomenon.  I'll be getting into better detail of the identifying of species, and commanding of such entities in my chapter:  Non-Corporeals 101, later on in this book.  Bless you all.


The Precept of the Hex Jar

 (or “How Not to Get Pissed On Regularly”)

The precepts that make a Hex Jar work are the same as what makes the Law of Three work AND addresses the issue of what a witch may rightly do to address a perceived wrong without calling down “bad karma” upon their own head by initiating evil in the form of a curse. The Threefold Law is our first precept here: Anything we do, be it good or ill, comes back on us threefold. The next precept is that for every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action.

Someone hurts you. You want to hurt them back. When you push an object, it moves in the direction pushed and to stop that from happening requires significant energy to stop it. The same is true for the human psyche. We are known that if we are pushed too often and fail to react by bottling it up inside, that the energy festers and is eventually released in self destructive ways… high blood pressure, hypertension, insomnia and even psychotic episodes in extreme cases. So then, it is wise to find an acceptable release for this energy, but there is still more to contemplate about this.

The next precept is: There are at least two sides to every story. The more entities involved, the more sides to consider for the fuller picture. We do not possess the omnipresence of a god nor such wisdom. Perhaps the evil done to us by that person was not out of a malicious heart but a misunderstanding on one or BOTH of your parts. Because a bad thing happened, does not mean it was evil intent but may even have been meant to bring about a greater good (such as a hand slapping or spanking for an unruly child). To fling a curse at a perceived enemy under the presumption that it is “righteous retribution” can well be a horrible error in judgment. But what to do?

We can’t allow ourselves to be eternal victims, nor can we just bottle up our indignation as if it all doesn’t matter. Perhaps, if we could just address our issues before Deity and leave the retribution to come as it naturally will as a curse locked in a bottle, to be paid as Deity sees fit and our cry is heard. Thus, the Hex Jar.


Symbology is important in spellcraft. As spells often are cast in specific lunar cycles (I.e.- full moons for light work spells and new moon for darker varieties) I choose a lunar white birch parchment for my medium, a raven’s feather quill (though sometimes I just use a fine point black marker) and an airtight re-sealable, glass canning jar. I mark my jar with a skull and crossbones and craft my initial spell under a new or moonless night. My intentions are as dark as they can be for this and must be expressed if I’m to get any benefit out of this spellwork for my own peace of mind so my symbolism is as dark and dreadful as I can make it. The jar is also marked with a warning not to be opened. But, YOU as the maker may open it as needed.

After the jar is crafted, cut a small square of the parchment and ink your petition/prayer/spell on it as the first entry for your Hex Jar. I chose the following wording for mine (in advance…it should be proof read). You may word yours differently, but pay special attention as to HOW I worded it and why I chose my words as such. These curses are not meant to go off half cocked. They are fully cocked, locked and loaded for bear… with the safety on just in case it’s not really a bear.

 Editor’s Note: As these are intended only as examples, it is assumed that the reader possesses the spiritual maturity to address whatever Deity they recognize by whatever names they know and not take these examples as a call to worship or adhere to someone else’s dogma. Terms are intended as “generic” here.

“The names in this jar are those who have done evil to me or mine. My anger is not without a cause but rather than taking vengeance at my own hand, I leave their names sealed in this Hex Jar, that God alone may reward them according to their deeds. Be it in judgment or mercy as is right according to circumstance. Hear my plea for justice and deliver me from indiscriminate wrong doing. It is my hearts desire to remove these names one day as wrongs are atoned or forgiven and burned with incense so that I may pray for their growth and blessing. If such is not to be than let them reap their just rewards.


This page becomes the talisman left in the bottom of the Hex Jar to define its use. After the jar and talisman have been crafted, I cut strips of the birch parchment and write the names of those who have wronged me in such a way that I have ill will towards them (usually in Runic script, but any will do). I like using the raven’s quill pen with dark ink, but sometimes this smears and it becomes hard to read and if I see evil happen to the individual in question or they come admitting the error of their ways and ask forgiveness, I then will pull out their name and burn it with a little incense and offer up a prayer for their greater good. I take a certain private joy in that. If they suffer some big malady and I think they had enough, I do the same with a little satisfaction in my heart. If they continue their wicked ways, I take heart that their time will come with the appropriate rewards. Either way, I win.


Intuition in The Craft


The point of this chapter is, that most witchy types, psychics, shamans and creative people are said to possess an unusual amount of intuition and this will manifest is a whole range of ways. For instance, there is the form known as “second sight” which comes to those more visually oriented. A waking dream or vision of something about to happen or has already happened. Sometimes this occurs in dreaming and gives the sense of déjà vu. Some can initiate this effect by laying out cards or runes, scrying into water, crystal or fire or even by blindfolding and depriving their eyes of vision long enough for a second set of eyes to kick in. They see an event or an object or person in their mind’s eye and then interpret the significance of the vision. Sometimes, the whole key to understanding the vision is in the interpretation of what is seen as actual or symbolic, past, present or future. Vagueness in such dreams is a maddening trait, but sometimes that is precisely what is needed to spur our looking deeper into them.

But second sight is not the only manifestation of intuitive faculties. It seems the whole gamut of sensory perceptions has deeper qualities that effect their holders. Clairaudients hear voices or things that others in the room may never be aware of. They hear snatches of conversations and events whispered in the winds or in running water or anywhere “white noise” is available. This is a tendency that runs parallel to the visionary who might use a glimmer of white light to spur their second sense into action. There is also the sensory deprivation tanks which open a soul up to finding input by other means.

Truth all told, intuition comes in all forms and combinations of forms to different people. Something may not *smell* right to one person. That person may leave a *bad taste* in our mouths. A *gut reaction* may leave us not *feeling* right about something or feeling a pair of eyes boring into the backs of our heads.

It would appear that all of our senses have a second set, or even more that reach beyond the four dimensional physics our present tense universe operates in. Four and not just three because there are truly three dimensions of occupied space and one of time. Anyone who has ever had to rendezvous at some point or fired a rifle at a clay pigeon is well aware that an X, Y and Z axis along with a proscribed time are required to connect anything in this realm. But some of us arrive from a different direction than the rest.

Some of us are more visually attuned and see our visions, while others respond better to the music of the spheres. What could be more natural? I’m a bit holistic in my approaches to many things and I’ll get dreams where I can see the sunshine on the surf under azure skies, hear the pounding of the breaking waves and the cries of the gulls, smell and taste the salt breezes and feel the sun on my shoulders and the warm sand beneath my bare feet. If that weren’t enough, on the odd occasion, I’ll wake up with change in Cayman Island currency in my bedclothes or an interesting seashell I found still in my hand. There’s something to all of this. Obviously the math goes beyond the simple 4D equation and the shortest distance between two points is no longer just a straight line, but a fold in space and time.

Think about it: If you can *feel* someone watching you and invariably find this to be true and not simple paranoia or find that you’ll regret not following your instincts about someone you’ve never met or know a place you’ve never been to, then you are obviously moving around in this plane of existence by roads far less traveled than the norm. Ask yourself how your intuition manifests itself to you. Are you artistically inclined or have an architect’s handle on form and space? Or maybe still life works, or film is your forte. It’s a good guess that when it kicks in, that it is a primarily visual experience. Are you a great fan of music of any sort? It is likely at certain times you hear snatches of conversation that is taking place well beyond your natural earshot in your intuitive episodes.

For myself, I study the patterns of many things in an effort to understand them. I’ve been somewhat of an adrenaline junkie in my own right and been in a few too many situations where I had to live so fully “in the moment” to survive that the time scale I experienced was far different of that experienced by those around me. Someone looking to shoot me and I would feel their scrutiny and roll that part of my body out of the line of fire. There’s not much help for moving away from the crazy bastard spraying bullets indiscriminately. For that, only a sense of an overall pattern of events can give me the discretion to avoid being in certain places at specified times. My movements had to be spontaneous as there was no second guessing second perceptions and living to be this old and this healthy. I saved the questions of *why* this was so for a later and more relaxed time of speculation. Coming from the back ground I had, I knew enough to trust my senses, such as they are.

The point of this, and other exercises of thoughts on topics so bizarre as these get is because of yet another pattern I had observed as a child. I knew sometimes my dreams took me to actual places and I was seeing people and things I had never seen before. Accurately. I knew this was, among other things, called astral projection or remote viewing though sometimes it went beyond just simple viewing. Grandma stocked me up in books on many topics and I had read case histories of people even a hundred years ago or more that had experienced some of the things I was going through and I started looking for the patterns. “Oh well.” and “It’s just one of those things.” were not going to suffice, and I was not going to be driven mad from the inexplicable “why me?”.

Many decades later, in the Intellec Paranormal forum, we took these correlated circumstances and took the common formulae inherent in the overall experiences of astral projection and duplicated the results on a monthly basis. Some did better than others, naturally but *all* of us learned something. Some of us learned how to do this on purpose… or at the very least, increase our chances of doing it accidentally. We each have our own case histories on our own intuitive processes. I’m suggesting we share what we can, no matter how slight it might seem, to better discern the patterns of what brings it on or what makes it work and how we each are benefited by our perceptions.

Years ago when I was raising my babies, I wanted to increase their survivability. I taught them skills and we played games together that would enhance those traits in such a way that they wouldn’t be such total strangers when they happened. Perhaps, these experiences are best recorded in the Inner Circles of WitchClan, but I want you all to think about them.

Some of you want to be better witches or wizards. Some have been burned in their coven or other group experiences. We *have* the means here for study and safe experimentation at little cost… except that you get out of a thing factors with what study and application you put into it. Some of us are teachers, and some are students, or BOTH… which asserts to me that no matter what topics we want to explore, *none* of us are strangers to study. We *have* a “rabbit hole”, dear Alice… is anyone interested in finding out just how far it goes?

The Paths of Dreams


For some of us, going to bed is every bit as important as getting up in the morning. To a shaman, this is yet another day of business as usual. Closing our eyes to the mundane world and opening them to a larger and far more profound universe. It is tackled with all the purpose a doctor might use in opening their office in the morning. No detail is allowed to be forgotten or overlooked.

The secrets of the human soul are an open book in the college of dreams. Knowledge is power, and here is where much of it is found. As in our daily world, we cross the paths of many and diverse peoples and observe them in their day-to-day lives. We know as much of them as they show us. Actions speak louder than words. Even as a liar is found out by the disparity of their actions and words, so a thief is caught by what their actions are when they believe no one sees them. The wisest know to weigh by deeds and not words. In dreams we find yet another level of human nature to explore as the subconscious is as deep as it is vast. Here too, the shaman crosses many paths besides their own.

In an old Disney cartoon, it was crooned that a dream is a wish the heart makes. Here is the place where monsters and saints are wholly themselves when no one sees. This is the place where Mother Teresa sits side by side in a secret garden with her Lord, and they commune together of the affairs of their hearts. Or it could be the place where a much younger and virile pope soaks naked in a hot tub with Anna Nicole Smith, or maybe Brad Pitt, and leaves thoughts of holy water far behind him.

For some, this is the stage they create to do and be only what they desire and those acts tell the shaman secrets that would make anyone uncomfortable. These are the secrets that people read in their eyes and cause them to look away. No world is truly so private. Wandering souls and spirits cross many paths and planes and the shaman knows the neighborhood. Just as any professional would be useless in their field, if they lost the memories of the previous day upon waking, so it is with the shaman. They are taught to cultivate the connections between their conscious and subconscious minds early in their training.

Imagine, a full third of the average person’s lifespan is spent asleep and the memories fade within moments of waking and are lost, all but the little flashes that come to us in moments of déjà vu. Further more, dream time doesn’t match waking time as hour for hour. One might live an entire lifetime in a single night’s dreams and all but the highlights lost to them by the finish of the morning’s breakfast. Sometimes we meet people there that we remember the rest of our waking lives. A lucky few even marry them, or they know well enough not to, because these experiences were not lost to them. These are the “old souls” who have the wisdom of many years at a very young age. They have lived and recorded a lifetime in the time that their peers may have spent in the oblivion that some poets call “the little death”.

How many times have we known a people who were too immature to act their age? If we deducted the full third of their lifetime that was lost to them as being unimportant experience, the remainder would come as no surprise. Many times, a wiser soul may counsel us to sleep on a problem, and truly in the course of a night’s dreaming, the answers we seek will come. The things that were important to us in waking were sought in the greater levels of freedom that dreams afford. We can fly to great altitudes and look upon vast problems in better perspective. We can seek out the company or advice of long lost friends and family.

Other times, we are happily at play with some pleasant environment we built to relax and then someone or something enters that scenario and turns it into an adventure or a nightmare. Whether we remember it or push it out of our minds as just a dream, the residues of such are long known to effect our waking hours and even our physical and mental health.

Many times, what we meet in dream realms are but facets of ourselves that we repress as unacceptable in our social circles. Cat lovers still enjoy cats, and pedophiles are still pedophiles in their dreams, if only younger versions of themselves. A shaman, or even a psychologist might explore those dreams and bring health and healing by reconciling those facets to the greater whole. The difference is, the shaman will actually walk the paths of those dreams, and gather their information and make the introductions.

Just as shamans walk those seemingly private paths, they recognize that others do as well. Like in our waking worlds, not all is of our own making and these must be sorted out. If our house is not as we would have it, we become uncomfortable with it and remove the unwanted items to be left for hauling on the curb. Rabid or unruly pets are dealt with and normalcy returns to our homes. It’s a convenience to be able to call a vet, or animal control to help in these situations, but imagine the stress and loneliness of someone without a phone or the connections to help them with these problems.

It is not only beyond their means to bring normalcy to their home, it would in some cases, be safer to move out of their house until the problems resolved themselves. That’s not always even a feasible answer. Someone must come in and discern what needs healing or removal. Is the pet sick? Did it catch something or was its care and feeding compromised? Is it unruly of some disorder or poorly trained. Do we train the pet or counsel the owner? If approached improperly, this problem will return, possibly worse than before. Sometimes, it’s the “pet ideas” we toy with that bring our problems in life. A shaman must be able to wander the house and yard to identify these problems.

For instance, as a metaphor of a mind that is entertaining an unhealthy idea:  A bigot will have all sorts of problems in their lives caused from a rabid dog of an idea, that people of any color, creed or ethnicity other than their own are problematic. The mutt is running free in their minds. These dogs come in a myriad of varieties, and bigotry is only one example. We all know how we treat people has its repercussions. The pet owner doesn’t see themselves as an oppressor, but a suffering victim of circumstances beyond their control. The damage that such dog of an idea can do in as diverse a global business environment as we now have is unacceptable. In a less enlightened century, they might put up a sign disallowing customers the dog doesn’t like and keeping a degree of peace. But history teaches that even though they have been kept from the shop, this dog will not cease growling until it hunts them down where they live to cleanse its world of their influences. The dog owner will lose their job or business and likely never know the real reason why. No one feels easy around a growling dog and it must be excised or even exorcised from the premises. The pet owner needs to be convinced of the necessity and the benefits of comfortable customer interaction regardless of ethnicities. Only then can healing be achieved. The point of the allegory is that in their waking lives, the owners of such rabid pets may be kind and upright people. They love their families and communities and they are well meaning.

Unless we were of the creed or ethnicities in question, we might never see that dog for what it truly is. We’d have to see it in action where it lives to the fullest. If we wandered into the shop and saw that dog asleep on the floor and took a peek into its dreams of tearing out the throats of children rather than chasing squirrels, a more serious approach to the beast would be apparent. To the uninitiated, there are no problems with the sleeping dog. The shaman knows full well that someone is going to be hurt by it. We can’t always expect the casual bystander to understand our concern over such a sleeping animal, but our lives on the path of dreams carry their responsibilities with our actions in the waking world. It is such a paradox that the dreamers are truly conscious of their environments, and the average souls are sleepwalking in the haze of a limited consciousness.

   It was a regular practice of my grandmother, our clan's matriarch, to discuss our dreams at the breakfast table.  They were sure to still be fresh in our minds.  Some of them were just entertaining.  They were the aspects of an amused and creative mind.  Still, it tells you something very personal about the dreamer, and grandma always had her finger on that about us.  Other times, it was a prognostic type of dream.  It could have been born of simple, unconscious pattern recognition telling us that certain events were most likely to ensue, or perhaps something even more along the miraculous.  Other types of dreams can be the mind working out the same or a similar scenario out, over and over again, in the course of a night's dreaming.  It is trying to view a problem from as many different perspectives as it can, until it finds a solution.  Which is why it is often wise advice, to "sleep on a problem".

   No matter how the subconscious mind takes the dreams, it tells you something about yourself and your inner workings, or the one whose dreams you are listening to.  It tells you what's happening in the most secret parts of the soul.  Most people who do not pay heed to their own dreams, are often the very ones who develop psychological problems unexpectedly.  The mind was working out its issues, long before the problem came to a head, but it takes the victims unawares.  Often in these cases, a psychiatrist will use drugs or hypnosis, to put the patient in a state where they can recall random bits of these dreams, and from the imagery that presents itself to them, they can identify the problem and prescribe some sort of solution or remedy.  

It is far easier for those of us, so trained to recall and examine our own dreams, to see those issues well in advance, when only smaller life course changes are needed to avert a real problem later on.  In our clan, dream diaries were encouraged to be kept as proper witches.  A pen, pencil and a notepad were kept on the stand near our beds.  When we awoke, we wrote a quick note of what we experienced in our dreams.  This made them easier to recall later, rather than merely fading away as most do.

When practiced as thus:  The act of dreaming (a Right Brain, subconscious function) was recorded by writing it down (a Left Brain language function) and creating a fresh neural path between both hemispheres of the brain.  Please understand that witchery is NOT mere "hocus pocus" and superstition, but has long been the basis of true science and its applications for centuries out of hand.  "Cause and effect" is how we get things done in our craft, as with all others.

There are reasons why certain things happen, and indicators or tell-tales that give away things that are not readily visible or apparent to "muggles" or non-initiates in the craft.  What seems "like magic" to most, is understood in principle by the practitioner.  By learning, and training our minds and bodies to better serve us, the practiced witch often performs, what is generally perceived as "the miraculous" as a simple matter of course.  Honing our perceptions and memories of our dream times, opens up entire new worlds and dimensions of study and knowledge... and as always:  Knowledge is POWER!

Rifting - A "How-To"...


This is an aspect of my life long studies, that most will likely never be able to even relate to, but some might. It is considered by many, to be the advanced or "high magick" of our craft.  It requires a bit of knowledge and sensitivity to such things, and nothing I can write will give you that. I’m hoping that enough of it is already present in the reader, and that what I write on this topic here, may make you more familiar with these aspects enough to experiment, and increase your own understanding of these things.


Rifts, are tears in what scientists refer to as the “space/time continuum”. So are “doors”, “portals” and “nexus”, but those are contrived or constructed to be fixed where they are. By whom and how, is a science lost to us now, but may be regained or re-found in our future. A rift is like a “rip” in the side of a tent wall, where one might leave one environment and pass through to yet another. I am speaking of parallel worlds and/or dimensions here. In *some* instances, one may pass through such to find themselves many miles away, even on THIS plane of existence, from where they entered.

My personal caveat on this is: If you’re at all familiar with the String Theory versions of parallel worlds, you should keep in mind that it is quite possible that the parallel universe that you come out in, may not be precisely the one you left behind. I’ve had my suspicions about this for many decades, but honestly have no way of being sure for myself. The differences can be very subtle ones. Then too, is the understanding of what forces were used to cause the continuum to rip or tear. I can share with you a little bit about what I know to better reveal where one may already exist. But what originally caused such a thing, or the energies involved, is anybody’s best guess.


Many people and creatures are sensitive to the closeness of Otherworld energies in places where the membrane or veils are thinnest or torn. Artists and lunatics (in effect: people with extraordinary “right brain” activity) will be either drawn or repelled depending upon what seems to be on the other side. Lunatics sometimes will claim to better “hear the voices” in such areas. Ley lines and other power fluctuations, natural and artificial seem to have their own influence over such a place, much the same as a “flow of air” might open a parting in a gossamer curtain. Drugged or inebriated teens hanging out in such an area may feel compelled to graffiti occult sigils and symbols to describe the effects they feel present there.

Often times, the rifts will open up into a different realm at night than they do in the daytime. At one well known rift area locally, it was known that the rifts opened into brighter realms during the daylight hours, and into more nightmarish realms at night. It was NEVER advised to travel those paths at night, though we HAVE done our own research into this. Myself and my family solidly concur that it is a very dangerous proposition to be in those particular woods after dark, beyond any doubt. You may find such tales of some of your own local areas to be a good indicator that you may have some consistent rift activity present.

Darkness and light and other forms of electro-magnetic radiation will have some effect on the forces that cause these rifts to open or close like the gap in a curtain between worlds. Rifts may also naturally drift a little distance in their own “breeze”. Some seem to cling to a general area of about a quarter mile or so, on the average. They can appear at ANY level: Above or below ground, above or below the water surface, or in the air above. There is a good reason why boats and planes disappear, from time to time. If the particular rift has been active for any great length of time, there may be apparent differences in the nature of the flora and fauna present, that are found nowhere else in the same given area of land or sea. If you notice them, such changes can be taken that there is such a rift occurring somewhere near by, usually at the heart of such an infestation.


There are also the chances that flora or fauna may have immigrated from one side to your own, though at MOST times, they cannot remain for more than an hour or so, before the universe corrects itself and moves the creatures of a differing frequency/vibration to the appropriate parallel world again. This is one of the reasons that so many “crypto-zoological” specimens are often spotted in odd places on our globe, but no evidence of their supporting numbers, viable populations of genus or dens and habitats are ever found, when searched for. Even when the most credible of witnesses have reported what they saw. The reason for this being: They came from a parallel world or dimension, and over the space of a short time, after they were witnessed here, they naturally transitioned to their own plane of origin.

I have found this to be true of “rocs” or “thunderbirds” as reported via many aboriginal tales. Whether the shamans entered the realm of the great rocs, or the rocs entered this one through an aerial rift; I can’t say with any certainty. But you will find at least one instance of our spotting such in my short story: “Through The Rift (as told by Scotty)” at Note: You don’t find evidence in THIS plane of a roc aerie or recent carcasses of such creatures, any more than you’ll find a viable population of plesiosaurians in Loch Ness or Lake Champlain, but on odd occasions, they ARE sighted and/or photographed, and no one seems to be able to explain why they can search, but not find them here. My studies have given me ample reasons for my own plausible explanation of these.

It IS possible, though complicated even at the best of times, to alter one’s frequency or “Schumann Resonance”, (a vibration or frequency common to a specific world or planet) so that longer, or possibly a permanent residence may be taken up in a newer world. For those of you schooled in the Old Craft, you were raised upon the tales of children crossing into Gwynydd via “faery wraths” and warned to never eat or drink of anything in that realm, or never being able to return, or even return long after everyone they knew are long dead. You will see or begin to understand the correlations of the ancient tales, with the quantum data presented here.

For myself, I HAVE eaten and drank in other realms and will attest that I can stay for a much longer time than normal in such a place, but still I shift back to this realm (Abred) whether I want to or not. A normal “stay” in another realm in passing randomly through a rift, is normally an hour or less, for most people. I can stay for a day or longer, depending upon where and how often I’ve been there before. As human frequencies or resonance increase, and often in the mass population “decreases” (mob mentality) to a lower vibration. The cusp of the age and time we are in, as described in the prophecies of a great many and varied cultures, does more than suggest that a certain natural and permanent transition of members of our human species, to a better or darker realm, as the case may be, is about to occur.

As you explore these for yourself, you may notice that the world does not appear to be the one you are familiar with, and within an hour or so of exploring it, find yourself back in familiar territory again, not far from where you first entered the other, even if you remember walking for miles. Time and distance do not always translate the same in both worlds. Be prepared for this disorientation, as there is little to no effect that you may feel to let you know that you crossed over through a rift. I’ve published short stories and full length novels based accurately upon many of these experiences. I’ve done my level best to recount things as accurately as I could, and try to find all the relevant data to compare as I could. But often I will find myself overwhelmed by all the changes and differences and get caught up in the details of one thing, only to miss something greater elsewhere. I think you will better understand this after you’ve made a few crossings for yourself.


This aspect may be better understood by esoteric practitioners of yoga, martial arts or other meditational disciplines. I, myself am a hereditary Danaan witch, and my natural proclivity is to gravitate towards “Danu”, a.k.a. Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother Nature as generations of my ancestors have before me, from Paleolithic times. To the patriarchal folk among my readers: One woman may seem pretty much like any other. But I would urge you to get to better know the woman before you, and you’ll better discern the differences between her and her sisters. The same is going to be true in traversing worlds via rifts or such. It is easy to become desensitized to Nature in the “civilization” around you now. It appears that everything in it, is designed to separate you more and more from experiencing Nature as She is, and not what we try to make Her into, for our own conveniences.

For many, many millennia Danaans or any Nature based aboriginal peoples regained their proper mindsets and focus in very similar rituals. I’ve made mention of the Schumann Resonance. It is the planet’s natural resonance, and is scientifically described as such:

They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity.” They are at different ranges on different worlds.

The correlation with these is that our Alpha Waves in our own brains are around the same frequencies at our own optimum times. Hence: There is a scientific, and not a “religious” or mystical reason why I am suggesting the following exercises. In essence, we want to lose the extraneous “noise” and find our calmer, more connected centers, to best notice the “ripples” we will find, once the “pond has been calmed”, so to speak. Even in Danaan witchery, EVERYTHING has “cause and effect”. One thing does not simply “pop” out of another without reason. Something, however unseen or unknown has initiated the reactions.

Modern science loves to describe its “Big Bang” as: In the beginning, there nothing… it all gathered into one place and exploded, and made everything else. REAL science would find that unacceptable, and REAL witchery requires a knowledge of HOW and WHY, than just a mere WHAT to make things happen as we do. So whether or not you are of the same ilk of witch as I, or not a witch at all: I need you to try in your best way, to relate to what I am trying to share in this essay, and bear with me that there are substantial reasons for so doing.


In many Earth based, Nature cultures, “Mother’s Heartbeat” is drummed, and bare feet shuffle in their circle dance, never leaving contact with the ground. This is how Danu’s children honor Mother Danu.

For yourself, you will need to get yourself barefoot, at least for the duration of the exercise, though you can put your shoes back on afterwards to explore the area in. Place your bare feet, a little better than shoulder’s width apart, with your toes rooting themselves in the soil, like the roots of a tree. With your back straight and your shoulders back, chin level, and arms at your side comfortably: Breathe IN through your nose, feeling as though the fresh air were traveling in, down your spine, curling back up from deep in your pelvis (charging your “tan tien”, a few inches below the core of your navel) up through your solar plexus and out through your mouth.

This is breathing with your expanding diaphragm, and not trying to expand your rib cage. Breathe in deep and slow and force it all out thoroughly before taking your next breath. Repeat three or more times as needed, and then allow your breathing to go fairly still. Much the same as the drum beat of “Mother’s Heartbeat”, bring your heartbeat and breathing down to a calmer, quieter level. I want you to continue standing in that spot for a few minutes or more. Without making a move or a sound, and becoming much as a tree, without making any conscious impact upon ANY of the natural environment you are in.

This can be in a desert, on a beach, in the woods or whatever natural area that you are about to explore. Learn to be quiet and still long enough for the birds and wildlife to settle down around you. Ask yourself in your mind: What would be happening here if I were not present? And let yourself fade into the environment until it is so. This point is where you begin to connect with Nature, and becoming more recipient of Her, rather than constantly contributing to the ruckus and background noise in the world. Now, you will be more receptive to the smaller and quieter details of life around you. When you feel ready, you may put your shoes back on and begin your exploring with a more open and receptive mind to what Mother wants to teach you, and not what you “expect” to hear, or wish to impose upon Her.


There are a few things that I like to bring with me, for various reasons, and I will share them here with you, as well as my reasons for choosing them thusly. You can bring more or less as you will. Often times, I’ve brought various cameras and pieces of technology to try and capture and measure certain phenomenon. Radios, to see if any kind of transmissions were happening in the world I opened into. Most of the time, these didn’t even produce static to hear. But you will need to satisfy your own studies and curiosities. A compass and a map, isn’t a bad idea, but don’t expect them to be fully relevant to the world that you find yourself in. Sometimes the similarities are only the most superficial depending upon where you end up. But they WILL come in handy when you transition back to your local plane, as you may not exit in precisely the same point that you entered, and how you traveled extra-dimensionally, may not appear to have much bearing upon where you end up here. A good knife is always handy. Not just the blunt athame’s that many witches favor, but something that you can cut a good staff with, if needs be. Water to drink and maybe a piece of fruit or something to snack, in case you are a little longer out than you expect, are a wise choice. A small hand mirror and a natural quartz crystal are a bonus to have with you. I find the sphere shaped quartz the best for this work, and they really don’t have to be very large. I’ve found an inch or so in diameter, to work wonders for me.

There’s a number of good reasons for my choice of a “quartz” sphere, as opposed to a “lead crystal” sphere. BOTH will resonate with whatever energies are pumped into them, but the lead crystal will dissipate those energies over time. The quarts has a peizo-electric quality to it, which is why you find it prevalent in so many of today’s technologies. It resonates precisely with the amount of current or energies put into it, as in your digital watches, computer clock chips or even crystal radios. We are going to make use of this quality to manipulate a few other forms of energies, in order to have an effect on our environments and such.

You can suspend such a crystal over a small hand mirror, to concentrate solar or lunar energy (light) through it so that it resonates with it, much as a piezoelectric capacitor might. Another energy I find useful to pump into mine is “chi” energy, or my own “life force” energy, by means of placing the crystal on a stand before me and adopting the “square horse breathing” exercise that I mentioned previously and expelling my “chi” out through my hands, which are held close, but not physically touching the orb. I would repeat this exercise on many evenings before my trips or other uses, to build up a considerable charge in the crystal. As an aside, this stored “chi” has an EXCELLENT use in healing works in people, plants and animals in addition to what you can generate at the moment of treatment. If your crystal is holding a charge well, you will feel it when you move your fingertips within an inch or so of its surface. You will likely feel a field that is almost like touching a dry cotton ball. Sometimes, you’ll notice a pale blue “foxfire” effect flickering around the surface of the crystal in low light conditions. The more energy that you can hold in it, the more effect it will have when you put it to use, and in rift areas, there is a particular use for this.

If we go back to the nature of rifts, or even in correlation with the eight Sabbats on the Celtic Wheel of the year, there are certain times AND places when and where those veils are at their thinnest and the most unstable, to facilitate us “parting the curtain” to open and view, or pass through to the other side. Where ley lines cross, earth energies are prevalent and certain times of the year, these rifts become more and more unstable, and by pumping a bit of this energy, combined from yourself and your crystal in the heart of such an area, you can force a crossing that you might not normally expect to happen. It is even possible to use your hand mirror to focus sunlight into your crystal as well, to ramp up its vibrations to create more of an energetic ripple effect. You can see a photograph of this effect in my short story “Parting The Veil Of Worlds” as published at or even among the photos of my Albums on my Facebook page. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t make it happen EVERY time. Some times, I know it will be a sure thing, and other times it’s a gamble. I’ve been working and experimenting with these energies as a witch for the largest part of my 60 years now. A lot of trial and error has gone into this study, and you should expect some too. Be sure to keep notes on dates, times, locations and methods used to increase your chances at further attempts.

Once you have actually breached a rift and traveled through it, it has an effect on your own natural EM (electromagnetic) field or “aura”. Once you know the approximate locations of a few rift areas, you may be able to hike on through without all the fussing with extra energies. You won’t always notice the passing until things start to get strange, and that depends upon where you pass into. Don’t panic, how ever it happens or where: You will naturally be “corrected” back into your normal plane after a short amount of time regardless. All you have to do, is keep a cool, clear head and try not to act like an “invader”, and keep a fairly low profile. Even a sasquatch or Jersey Devil never stays present in this plane for more than a short while, during a sighting, and in this case: YOU are the crypto-critter.


Pattern Recognition in Spellcraft

Pattern Recognition…

I’ve said why I don’t like generic spell books, such as are often promoted for sale these days. Spellcraft for the wise witch, is our chief “problem solving tool”. The nature of “problems” are: Problems are dynamic, meaning that they are prone to changing with the circumstances and conditions. Problems left to themselves, can either become worse over time, or better, and even solve themselves when left alone. This is why yet another talent to be found in the worthy witch or wizard is “pattern recognition”. We need to be able to discern the patterns of events and such in our environments. Seeing an over abundance in fruits, both wild and domesticated, often cues us that Nature is preparing Her own, for a particularly hard winter to come. The patterns of the geese flocking northwards, tells us that Spring is on the way.

So, it is also true of people around us and their habits. In previous chapters, I’ve alluded to the fact that spellcraft is not ALWAYS an occult, or mystical operation, of those dabbling with familiar spirits. I can’t say this and re-define this for you enough:

“Spell: A set period of time, where an influence, or influences are brought to bear, to accomplish a desired goal.”

Modern society has been tainted with warlock policies that are very different from how your ancient Celtic ancestors (and others) looked at things. Since these are the prevailing powers working in this day and age, it stands to reason, that the patterns of thought are even changed to suit themselves, as ever. Allow me to point out some examples of how their hierarchies manage themselves, and in the process, have affected themselves upon modern thought:

I must reiterate that a “warlock” is an “oath breaker” in their literal Gaelic context, and an unscrupulous mage, as I’ve demonstrated in earlier chapters. They do NOT serve the community so much, as they are serving themselves and their respective orders. If you’re not wearing the same rings as they are, their promises to you mean little or nothing at all. Profit is the sole decider of how that will go. To a warlock businessman, the very idea of selling their own grandmother, is repugnant to them, unless they can make a large sum of cash for the transaction.  In which case, it is not only justifiable, but very clever of them.  They've ALWAYS met in secret, well before Christianity made nearly all aspects of the craft as a punishable crime. This was because their focus, was a conspiracy to garner more power and profit.  They were an anathema to anyone beyond their own circles, who was so unfortunate as to do business with them.  These habits have become ingrained over countless centuries, and people are naturally inclined to use what has ALWAYS worked for them in the past. Knowledge is ALWAYS “power”!


The more that you know and understand, the more effects that you can exercise over your environment, and in your social circles, to affect a desired change… for whatever motives you may harbor. Luciferians and their ilk were never known to be altruistic, no matter how adamantly they like to claim otherwise. They may be the chief patrons of a children's charity.  But this is not so much an affair of the heart, unless pedophilia is their penchant, as it is just another tool to give some facade of respectability and credibility to an otherwise ruthless and unscrupulous soul, hidden in a business suit.  This is ALL about self gratification and glorification. “I will be like the Most High! And I will ascend above all that is called God!” Their “patterns” of behavior are to follow their master’s, as any devotee or disciple of any particular school of thought or philosophy, may be expected to do. To freely share such knowledge, is an anathema to them, because by so doing: they empower their own competition, and then they have to work harder to stay ahead of the rest. They will not tolerate someone else “rising above” themselves. It is counter productive to their thinking. Hence, they ALWAYS establish divisions in everything they put their hands to.

There was a time, when religions were hijacked to suit the warlock clergy, that is specifically: Priests who set rules upon their congregations, that they, themselves never intended to adhere to. They took up positions of authority, and separated the people from their own native cultures. They also separated themselves from the common folk. If you were of the laity, you could not naturally be expected to understand the complexity of religious mysteries that the priests did. So they made themselves obscure and above the judgment of the common folk. However, they were subject to the judgments and rulings of their own hierarchal orders, and that of course, was always kept a secret to the uninitiated masses. You can begin to understand, that as a “witch of the blood”, that MY patterns and ideas of “illumination” and enlightening does not coincide with warlock policies or such. Unlike them, true witches serve ALL of the clans, to the benefit of ALL, and NOT merely themselves. We are “agents of karma”. What good we sow, we expect fully to reap, and therein lies OUR ideas of profiting. Again, this is the “pattern” of our ancient people in our craft before me, and such is what one should be seeing in how I conduct myself as a witch. Even as the warlocks behave according to their ancient sect. But I digress here.

Whether we are looking at the secret practices of Freemasons, Skull and Bones men, or even the Pentagon: We are looking at the very same patterns of mindset inherent in them. What a 30th Degree Mason learns and is made to understand, even about who they call “God”, is VERY different that what a 1st Degree Mason will understand. Their craft is ALWAYS represented as “levels within levels” of separation, and ALWAYS separation between the rank and file. Unity is often preached in the most superficial of ways, but NEVER practiced as such. It is ALWAYS the elite few over the rank and file, and those being subject to them without question.  These patterns prevail today in nearly every aspect where their kind has infiltrated government, academia, medicine (formerly known as "sorcery") and religion.  Note that in spite of all the high sounding speeches, that divisions are always made and kept among their followers.  This forestalls any chances of them waking up to their masters and achieving enough strength in unity, to take back their power and cast off their authority over them.  "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!"  If you were to take your own initiative:  Where do you suppose that you might find a talismanic image of a single, all seeing eye, erected over a widening power base?  Who do you suppose put it there?

In the C.I.A. and the Pentagon, there are levels of secret and Top Secret, that places severe restrictions as to what is commonly known or kept secret, between the ranks of their own divisions. Departments are sectioned off severely: where one technician may work upon a single aspect of a piece of technology, and another department tech, works upon yet another component and neither will be allowed to know or understand how their components may inter-relate, or be used in the larger project, or even what that larger project might be. ONLY the elite initiates will be privy to that knowledge and above those who lack that knowledge… not by nature, but by their own design.  It has worked for centuries out of hand, to keep their general rank and file memberships, from being aware of the true focus and intentions of their esteemed, but secretive leadership.  As ever it was, it has become the motus operandi, or pattern of all clandestine and "black operations" of their dealings to be hidden from public scrutiny, and judgement.

As I’ve illustrated in the earlier chapters, there’s a premise that if I want to realize a “profit” in my community structure in the long run, that I should educate my people now. By applying myself to this premise, I have broken down any artificial limitations on our people, by not with holding knowledge from them. That means, that ANY person capable of assimilating what I am teaching here, can be as upwardly mobile as they can personally excel in their craft. I am a “master” of my craft, simply because I’ve applied myself to my studies.

I am not master “over” you. I am merely a master of my craft, and I do not hold you below me, but create conditions that allow you to rise freely, to your own best level, without artificial political restrictions. All witches are considered “priests” or “priestesses”, as the case may be. But the patterns in how we hold and accomplish those offices, are VERY different than what you commonly see as the norm today.  But you can see those same patterns in MOST of the aboriginal, matriarchal cultures that still exist about the globe.  A warlock priest stands raised on a platform, and before his congregation. It is not by mistake that they stand between the altar and the people. They make themselves the “middle man” between their “God” and the people.  It is firmly in the minds of their congregations that no one comes before "God", without first approaching the priest.  It may even be preached: "Their is only one mediator between God and man, and that is Christ Jesus,."  But you've also heard that, actions speak louder than words.  And the actions of each repeated ritual has been carefully crafted to ingrain its own indoctrination in their minds.  They understand the drill.

Contrary to this:  Witches meet in circles around a central fire. Altars may be used, but tend to be of a more singular and personal use to them, and not so much as a group, unless ALL are in some agreement as to how it will be used.  A high priest or priestess is chosen, by agreement, for a set period of time to lead in ceremonies and such.  But eventually, all of us take turns as high priest. In a “sky clad”, or nude ceremony, ALL are rendered equal in that there are no dressings or artificial means, to make ANY of us appear to be anything other than what we are: plus nothing, minus nothing. Circles have no beginning or end and no place of pre-eminence in them. We are the magistrates, healers and teachers of our people. The wiser the witch, the more prosperous the community can become. It is NOT for OUR posturing, but service to our people. You see, I’m not here to proselytize you all into witchery, but that who ever you are that you can learn something from me, and be wiser in your own right. That’s my traditional function. This foolish world can stand ALL the wise men and women that we can become, to stand together and apply ourselves to crafting a better world and society for ourselves, and our children yet to come. But I don’t want to wander too far off the point of this chapter as pattern recognition.

Let’s take a look at how pattern recognition precedes the decision to use spellcraft as a problem solving tool. In my example here, I’m going to draw from a very common sort of pattern of a problem as many I’ve seen:

If there’s a bad trait that most witches and wizards tend to share: it would be that we tend to be notorious meddlers. We notice things, that most people never see coming, and it’s hard to resist interfering and changing the outcomes of what we see as potentially bad deals. In this case, there was once a young lady neighbor of mine. She had VERY bad taste in men. She had a thing for the “bad boys”.  This is probably the reason why she took so well to befriending me. Most people take my large hulking frame, long hair and beard, and affinity for wearing black, as an indication or pattern that I must be some kind of badasses biker dude. But the pattern breaks down here, as I don’t even own a motorcycle, and I only drink in moderation. I’m ALL witch, but who in this present day and age, really knows anything about that?

On more than one or two occasions in her life:  This gal had chosen to hook up with a miserable wretch of manhood, that would demonstrate their masculine superiority to women, by beating upon them. She was currently sharing the news with me about her current flame.  Certainly enough, and in keeping with her former pattern: In comes walking a tattooed, greasy haired, beer swilling, picture of testosterone poisoning, with a pack of Lucky Strikes, rolled up in the sleeve of his Harley T-shirt. Do you notice a potential pattern, or stereotye here? I did.

First of all, I should caution anyone about automatically assuming that biker stereotypes, or ANY stereotypes, automatically make them out to be scumbags. Outward appearances, by their very nature, are only superficial.  You could do yourself and your friends a tremendous dis-service by meddling in things, based solely upon their appearances. Superficial appearances can be an indicator of what lies beneath, but a wise witch must look deeper before making any kind of judgement call on them.  People surprise you sometimes. However, it is said: “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks,” and the truer colors of this man’s soul, came out in his speech and how he chose to try and impress me with his “guy talk”. He probably figured me for a “badassed biker” too. And spoke of passing around a few gals at a local hangout with me sometime, and I saw the same old story, coming around for extra bruises on her heart and hide. The pattern is recognized. The need is seen. Now to choose an influence that would keep this pattern from repeating itself.

Just a note for the guys or gals, that tend to find themselves in abusive relationships: It happens to BOTH sexes, and you'll probably hear a lot of excuses and apologies, and think for all too long, that the pattern of bad behavior will change. We're NOT just talking about *physical* abuse, we're talking about ANY level of emotional abuse. Some people just seem to know everything they need to know about hurting others, in all sorts of destructive and creative ways. If you get apologies or remarks like: "It won't ever happen again." You need to understand that, if you ONLY ever hear that once: It is very likely sincere. If you've heard it TWICE: It is suspect, and you need to take steps to make them understand that. THREE TIMES: And THAT is an established pattern. That means that this will likely happen again anyway, no matter how sincere they might seem. They may not have any real control or don't even want to control themselves better, but control YOU. You need to bail out of that relationship NOW, before it gets harder to do. Do anything that you need to, to put a safe distance between you and the abusive other in your relationship.

A “muggle” might simply assume that I will pull out a wand and bring to bear some form of arcane energies to put a stop to this. That is a pattern of thinking that has resulted from strictly compartmentalized ideas of the craft.  These are designed to limit their choices and options, to the point where they must nearly always have their problems sorted out by some appointed authority figure, other than themselves. A witch (wise one) has no such boundaries or limitations to their thinking, and I will demonstrate this by elaborating on my chosen solution to this problem.

My spell components were comprised of a cell phone in my pants pocket, with her home phone number on my speed dial. I set it up to dial, when I glanced at it, when it had notified me of an unrelated incoming text message. My next component was this man’s limited range of understanding, and his inherent fear that drives his need to appear tougher than he really was. When she had to step out of the house to return an item to a neighbor, I dialed her home phone from my pocket, in front of her new boyfriend. Her phone rang, and as I was standing closest to it, and he didn’t seem inclined to want to answer it anyway, I answered it. The “spell” or dialogue went like this:

“Hello?… Yes, this is Tamara’s residence…. Oh, hello doctor! She said she was expecting your call… She’s not here, right at this moment… Could I take a message?…. I know, she said it was VERY important to her about how the testing came out… Okay… she’s certainly going to want to know about that… She’s got a new boyfriend now… It came out positive?… You’re sure?… Nobody else, until she sees you for treatment first?… I’ll be sure to have her call you back as soon as she gets back… Right away… I won’t forget, she was concerned to hear this… good bye, doctor.”                *hang up, and look thoughtful*

If the new boyfriend was a dog, his ears would have been perked up. I thought his eyebrows were going to rise up into his hair line. He started to ask what that was all about, but I cut him off and said it was nothing at all, that I just had to have her call her doctor back. I even looked like I was lying. I was! But to his perception, all that carried quite another meaning. I rubbed my magic cell phone, said a few magic words, and her new found problem found the means to excuse himself and walk out of her life, before any serious damage was done. By the proper definition: It was a period of but a few minutes, where a brutish man’s fears were influenced, to cause him to make choices that would not involve hurting her and passing her about to his buddies.

When you recognize the patterns, you become aware of the next logical progression of a given situation. Instead of letting it all take you by surprise, the proper witch is prepared and waiting for it when it arrives. You learn to recognize what resources, influences, and forces you have about you as “tools” of your craft. To anyone else: “Shit happens.” To the proper witch: “We have the power to make shit happen!” and as funny as that may sound: It’s no joke.


The Fine Art of Rituals

Rituals: Why the work and why they fail…

Rituals are very common in ALL cultures and religions. Like spells, the real purpose of using them is lost in the superficial attention to doing them, “because that’s what we always do at this time of year”, and that is the sufficient answer to that. In a witch clan such as ours, some of us are just witches, some of us aren't witches at all, and some of us are born “adepts”. The definition of “adept” may be different from place to place, so I need to explain what this means to us, and how that relates to rituals in this chapter.

In our clan it has been our common history, that an adept witch is born every three generations. In my life time, this pattern has changed quite a bit, and such talents are becoming more common among our members. An adept witch, for us, is a witch with such a propensity of natural talents in the craft, that we can effect changes in our environments, without much more than the fact that we are focused on it. A single adept is capable of spell work, that a coven of witches might have to meet and perform an elaborate ritual to bring off. It’s been said: “Some witches PRACTICE magick, and some witches ARE magick!” The adept witches would be the latter, BUT I have to correct this thinking a little, while I have my pulpit here. ALL of you: Witches or not, adept or not, ARE “magick” or you would never have been born.

Seriously. It’s just that some of us are more aware of that than you are. But the sooner you really get a handle on that fact, the sooner you’ll find that everything has changed for you. It’s a lot like Jesus telling everybody, that they too could be the sons and daughters of God. He was fully aware of that. The disciples had to grow into that over a period of time. So do you. You may or may not be inclined to possess certain genetic talents, but that’s not entirely the issue here. You can be quite effective and powerful, in those things that your hearts are more fully inclined to, than others may be. Now, you can ask me: How does all this relate to rituals? I’m glad you asked!

Rituals are a portion of spellcraft where you draw upon the language of all the symbolisms involved in them, to help you acquire the proper frame of mind and spirit, to better connect with the appropriate powers, to create the influences needed, to meet a desired goal. As I have also said earlier in this book: EVERYBODY USES SPELLCRAFT. It’s just that this warlock paradigm has managed to separate you all so thoroughly from aspects of your common roots, that MOST of you are completely unaware of what you are doing, even when you are doing it. This was a means to take away your personal power, and put it in the hands of a “leader”, to direct that power as he wills it. However, as in my earlier illustration in Spellcraft 101, of handling that special night with your “significant other”:  Some of you are already aware, that you can be quite the miracle worker when you are properly inspired to it.

Have you ever wondered how a “magick circle” works? Or how one fails? A circle of salt, a pure white natural preservative that fights rot or corruption. It’s formed into a circle or sigil, with a pentagram and maybe even the name or names of God are written into it. A spirit, usually a demon is called or invoked into the room, and the essence of this holy sigil, that they are standing inside of, is fused in with the magician’s own aura. What the spirit sees when they enter the room, is a mage's whose aura is infused with the greater Spirit’s personal signature. So, when the magician speaks, it is with the combined authority of themselves and “God’s”. In the strictest sense of the Commandment: This is what’s known as using God’s name in vain, or misrepresenting one’s authority by such. Of course, the practice of this spiritual “slight of hand”, is to use a banishing ritual when closing the deal, to send the spirit away BEFORE the magician steps OUT of that circle. BECAUSE, if that spirit saw that magician’s aura WITHOUT the influence of the invoked sigil of the circle, they would know beyond a doubt, that the magician was only “namedropping” and does NOT carry all of said authority. That mage would be what’s commonly known among the rest of us as “LUNCH” a.k.a. “demon fodder”. There are reasons WHY things work, and reasons why they will fail under specific circumstances.  It's important to note here, that certain adepts will NOT require a "magic circle" to protect them.  The very nature of their personal relationship with Deity, will carry the signature of their influence and authority, quite naturally (or supernaturally) upon their auras.

Let’s examine one of the more common uses of ritual in spellcraft in your average American Christian parish: The parish community in our example here, has become a crime ridden community. This gets brought up to the pastor, via the deacons, and in the more common prayer requests of the congregation. The pastor recognizes the patterns in this and sees the problems and the potential resolutions. I hate giving pastors such credit for having good spellcraft, but that’s just me. The point here is: The sheep feel powerless before the local crime wave, and are in need of enough confidence and inspiration, to make them all a bit more confrontational about it. You thought I was going to say something else. Didn’t you? I tend to see things a little bit differently in this venue.

In this ritual, we have all the influences and symbolism, inherent in your average “house of God”. This is what generations of them have been led to believe, in spite of the fact that they are supposed to understand that the aspect of the Creator of the universe, cannot be so contained in such a small, steepled, stained glass box. But we have all the effects that we need in working our craft for us here. The iconic stained glass images shining down upon them, the candles arranged in a numeric pattern, the central crucifix, the well dressed, immaculate looking altar, portraying the purity of purpose to them. The appropriate cotta, robe and colored stole draped over the pastor’s neck, addresses the particular season that they are bringing their request before God (Lent, Epiphany, Advent, etc.), the music and structured service are all chosen and cued to get the entire congregation into the proper mindset. Then the congregation comes together in prayer, in one accord, and calls upon the Holy Spirit to help give them the strength of will, to bless them and empower them in their current struggles, and bring it all to a proper and holy resolution.

The result of all of this as a spell, a specific period of time where all of these influences are brought to bear, is that all of these people now feel, that all the appropriate measures have been taken, in the house or presence of God, forgetting entirely that God has been present in their neighborhood with them the whole time, to have praised and stoked His holy ego, with songs, supplications, and offerings in the collection plate, to get Him to bless, and empower them to make a difference in their community. People will find enough courage from this, to be emboldened to call the police more often, and take more action when activities are suspicious. Hey! We've got God invoked here, and He’s on OUR side now! When they start seeing the results, and changes in their situation, the offering plate tends to get just a little bit fuller too!

This is simply a matter of “religious” spellcraft. It would be deeper and more far reaching in its effects, had they actually cultivated their own relationship with this Deity, rather than merely “going through the motions” by dressing up on Sunday and pretending piety. I often wonder at, how petty and foolish people often treat the Almighty in their religious observances, and how pissed off He might be at this structured slighting of Him. This folly is also true of many small minded pagans, and others as well. It’s a typical human foolishness. But I want to say, this doesn’t negate the efficacious use of good ritual where we need it. But you have to think like a proper priest, and not the simple sheep… er, congregants.  What the symbols themselves mean, are more important ONLY in how the people relate, in how they are using them.  Such is evidently true among the warlock factions, where different levels or degrees, bring newer meanings to the symbols.  Even among the various witch factions this can be true to another extent:  One faction of Dianic or Lunar witches will use the Full Moon, as their time to cast a spell involving something "light" or beneficial, and use the darkness of the New Moon, for darker magick; for spells to obscure something from someone.  But yet another faction will use that same New Moon, to cast a spell that will increase, grow, or wax with the new cycle of the moon.  Or they will cast a particular spell, during a Full Moon to make a disease, or other bad situation, wane as the moon grows steadily smaller in its cycle.  To be dogmatic on a symbol, is to cut your power.  It's power is in how it connects between yourself and how it is used.  This is much in the same way as we use our WORDS in different contexts to communicate very specific ideas.

The idea of a priesthood, from even the earliest times, is that they are dedicated to the deities they choose to serve, and cultivate their own relationship with them. We become “closer to God” or goddess, or the likes and more, in personal communion with them, in order to better serve our communities. But if you’ve ever tried to maintain such a relationship for any length of time for yourself; you’ll understand that you don’t always feel within their “perfect will” 24 hours a day, everyday. In my own spiritual walk, I’ve noticed that in those times that I least feel like praying, are the times I most need prayer. Remember that prayer is TALKING, meditation is LISTENING. A healthy combination of these two aspects is what keeps us in communion, a two way communication. So, how do we use rituals to improve upon this and help us get where we need to be?

I want you first to note, that I’m avoiding laying out generic spells, and rituals of any sort that I’ve used in this book. I wouldn’t be helping you properly if I just wrote out generic spells and rituals. It would be cutting into your power, to make the changes that you’ll be needing to make in your environment. What I hope to do here, is relate to you how important it is, that you PERSONALLY connect, with the Spirit AND the souls of those about you: to truly make an effectual difference in the circle of society, that you have some influence in. When I said in the beginning about having an unbreakable Will and Word giving you power:  The symbolism used as "Witch's Honor", signifies that ALL powers and entities, visible and invisible are witness to the extent that this witch maintains that power.

You can begin to see, that such a person doesn’t get trivial about their promises and commitments. When you're the type known to move heaven and earth to keep those commitments; people begin to take it very seriously, when they see you addressing any issues. They feel more inclined to get behind someone they know to be formidable in a thing. People who are known to be petty and trivial in this way, are determined by others to be not worthy of so much effort, as they will likely abandon the project when the going begins to get rough. And quite rightly so!

So, when you need to invoke higher powers and want to approach them, with all the due respect that they deserve, to make your case before them; you need to take the pains to make the extra effort to connect with them and align yourself with their primary purpose. Notice also that, I’m NOT telling you what colors of candles, or incenses to use to approach this one, or that one here. It is not “knowledge” that I’m sharing here, but “wisdom” to make your own "knowledge" work better for you. If you are preparing a spell or ritual to work between yourself and chosen Deity, the symbolism invoked, should be your personal expression to a specific Persona. It is a communion between YOU and THEM and should reflect your utmost personal messages.




 Invoking the many powers that be.

N aming elemental entities, 

C alling that, which cannot be grasped,

A s though we have only but to ask.

N ever our candle so brightly burned,

T han knowing what we never learned.

A ll that fills us, makes us rise.

T ell the winds, tell the skies!

I ncantations are the words,

O f spirits, demons and angels heard.

N ight time’s fears may come or flee,

S peaking to those powers that be.

Likewise, if you are preparing a ritual to prepare yourself and others for such a communion, it would be wiser to gather them together before hand, and establish the appropriate elements of this, that serves to bring each and all, to a better understanding of the Entity that you wish to invoke, and express themselves on a deeper level before them. You'll notice that I'm also not telling you to call THIS or THAT in your rituals.  It is hoped that you'll choose wisely and knowledgably, and not make deals with devils who have no compunctions about breaking them.  This is the whole purpose of having the ritual to begin with. In giving you a generic candle color to invoke Aphrodite (as an example) into a ritual, won’t help much, except to make you all acclaim MY authority between you and Aphrodite. I've just gotten between you, and that did not serve to bring you closer to HER. Which is what we had all hoped to get from this.

From one culture, sect, tradition to another, these aspects such as candle colors will vary. Some will choose white, for purity. Others may choose a very feminine pink, or a rosy red for passion. I’ve personally been in rituals that chose a pale blue candle to invoke the essence of Venus. It’s NOT the generic color that will draw a Spirit (yours AND theirs). It is the personal, spiritual and emotional content and connection you establish your own communion and make it work. Much as you would choose your words in their contexts, to express your feelings on a matter.  Even as each of you, goes through the reasons for your choices of each aspect of the elements of your ritual, you invest yourselves into the communion that you are hoping to establish. You begin to draw closer, simply by applying yourself so. This is a ritual that cannot fail to perform that which it is designed to. Unless, of course you have completely missed the essence of the personality that you were hoping to connect with. That’s been done quite regularly in legalistic churches that invoke Jesus, and then act all self righteous and judgmental on everyone not involved with them. It only serves to keep the warlock pastor from having to find honest work.

As I tried to explain in the beginning of this chapter: The effectiveness of all of this witchery, is in whether you are simply PRACTICING your craft, going through the motions, no matter how meticulously, simply BECAUSE they are always done so. Or is it because you are inherently, and intimately connected to every aspect of your craft? Do you PRACTICE magick? Or are you a PART of that very magick, that you are practicing? The degree of the latter that you can attain, will be the determining factor in the measure of your effectiveness.

The Premise of "The Itch"...


There’s an aspect of a young witch’s training and development at the childhood level in our clan, that I’ve described in a number of my stories and novels, that I would like to expound a little further on here. I’m hoping that by so doing, that I’ll open up some greater horizons among my readers.

In order for you to really grasp, and get a handle upon the parts of your mind, where this sort of thing takes place, and effects others the most: I need you to recall those times, when you felt someone’s eyes upon you, or became aware of some kind of scrutiny, or the presence of someone good or bad, as the case may be, or even alarm for the danger of someone not present with you. The correlations of these experiences are that this was information, processed by your brain, that did NOT come from the dogmatically proclaimed, “normal” Five Senses, of Touch, Taste, Sight, Hearing, or Smell. They obviously came to you by other means entirely. As with any part of your body’s system, these parts will remain “undeveloped” from their fullest potential, if you ignore them and refrain from exercising them. THIS is the purpose of a development tool for young and novice witches in our clan called, “The Itch”.

Below is an excerpt from “Matriarch of the Witch Clan”, Part Sixteen, “The Itch”, to give you an excellent example of how this tool has been applied to our own for many centuries:

“It was a rainy summer day and she had to occupy the children with something productive. Like itching. The children were playing out of the rain on the front porch, and she brought them each some paper and a sharpened pencil. On Johnny’s she drew a face and a crude body as he couldn’t write or spell very well. “Now here’s a game you can play almost anywhere,” she said. “that will improve your abilities as a witch. We call it ‘The Itch.’ First you imagine you feel an itch, like on the left side of your nose. Leona, you will write that down on your notepad, and Johnny, you will make an X on the left side of the nose on your picture. When you can feel it on yourself, you will then imagine that same itch on the other person. You will not scratch your own itch, but promise yourself that you will not feel relieved, until the other person scratches the itch on the left side of their nose. When they do that, you may show them your paper, so they know how good you are, and check off your example as done. Johnny, you will draw a circle around the X’s that you have been successful with. Got that?”

For the first half hour, Emma sat with the children as they tried to make each other itch and scratch. It was worth the entertainment just to see them making faces as they tried harder to concentrate on sending an itch.

“Kids,” she said, “straining the muscles in your faces will do absolutely nothing to help you. It is not a muscle thing, it’s a mind thing. Relax your face and your body. The only thing you should feel is the itch, and then you pretend it is not on you at all, but on them. It is not even your itch. It is their itch and they need to scratch it. You could probably just close your eyes and take a nap, but then you’ll miss it when they scratch it, and that’s the fun part.”

Johnny sat there pensively as Leona reached up and scratched behind her right ear. Like a jack-in-a-box, he jumped up, and shown Leona his X on the right ear of his picture and drew a circle around it.

“No fair,” whined Leona. “I was busy thinking of an itch somewhere else.”

“Where was that?” Johnny asked, scratching his left knee.

“Right there!” Leona jumped at him, showing her notepad triumphantly.

It was off to a good start, and Emma thought she might get some laundry started and a little cleaning done in the house. The cousins were battling with itches and each trying to out do the other.”

*End of Excerpt*

Later on in the novel, you find that the premise for this exercise is, that anything you can feel: you can transmit to others to feel. There are many people, who come by this as a natural genetic trait, that we call: “domination”. It is manifest in our children, that when they are frightened, infatuated with someone, or feeling anything strongly; that nearly everyone else in the immediate area or room, whether they understand why or not, will feel likewise. To develop this talent to a finer edge, will broaden the boundaries of a worthy witch’s ability to influence in their spellcraft, by a very large margin. As a caveat: I also have to include here, that it opens its own peculiar “bag of snakes”. So I’ll say a word or two about that here, before I go further on into some of the more useful applications of this.

There are heart breaking elements of this talent, that can literally drive young men and women into a severe depression and even suicide. I learned them all as I was growing up. I was the “little Johnny” in the story excerpt above, and I was very gifted in this aspect of the craft. Fortunately for me, I had a very wise Grandma to understand what was happening, and help counsel and guide me through those times. It did not stop them from happening. But it helped me to recognize and understand when it was happening, and made it hurt a bit less than it did.

Invariably, in the lives of hormonally imbalanced adolescents there comes those times when they become hopelessly infatuated with the handsomest boy, or the prettiest girl in their classrooms or schools. For a budding young adept, this is no different, but with one notable exception: As strongly as they feel this infatuation towards this individual: That person will feel very much likewise. BUT… Only while they are in their immediate presence. It doesn’t matter if that target of their infatuation, is already engaged in a working relationship with yet another individual. If the adept witch is a strong one, they will find themselves hopelessly infatuated within the field of that adept’s influence regardless.

This is NOT to say, that this person’s feelings for their “significant other” are fickle or shallow. They may even be truly “in love” with that other, but are emotionally distracted by the imposing presence of our infatuated adept witch. This can have devastating effects on all concerned, during these emotionally tumultuous years of our development. As a boy, I was a romantic soul. And when I became so infatuated with some beauty of my age range, I wanted to be loved as anyone else would. I was somewhat shy, and not so vain as to think that I was the handsomest stud around, so my feelings often went unspoken. But that, in no wise meant they were unfelt by myself, and the object of my affection.

I had my own scruples about not taking on with another guy’s gal. But in some cases, the guy they truly loved was unknown to me. When the girl would start noticing me and showing an interest, of course, my hopes and dreams soared skywards with my emotional pitch. Which only made things worse for me. Because, in the cases where she truly wasn’t personally attracted to me, and in love with another, it would not even become apparent to her, until I left the room, or the immediate area. Only then would it come to her as: “What the hell was I thinking?!” Understandably, she would search her own true feelings, and test herself out as to how she truly felt about her present boyfriend, and inevitably find out that: Yes. She really did love him best. Meanwhile, as I was at this emotional peak, thinking that the girl I loved, loved me for myself… and then finding out that she loved another… CRASH!

I went through this a lot as I was growing up. With a little help from Grandma, and my own reluctance to find myself burned again: I learned to back off periodically and give a prospective lover a little space to reconsider if their feelings were their own, or the imposition of MINE. I had never shared what I knew about this with them. I just took a little time and space, for my own safety to let them find themselves. I *always* “got the girl”, but I rarely ever got to keep her. But I had already learned that getting what you want, is rarely what you really NEED. And that did a great deal for my acquired wisdom and well being.

I had also learned that just because a person is NOT a practicing witch, raised as I was in an ancient witch clan, was no guarantee at all that they had not inherited such a trait from their own remote ancestry. When in a room with any salesman or inspirational speaker or politician and feeling strongly about what they were saying or selling; I also learned to excuse myself from the room for a bit, or simply hold off on making quick decisions in their presence. If, as I got a bit of distance between us, and felt less so inclined as I was in the room with them, I knew that I had been “dominated” by them. Like myself, this alone did not mean that they were “evil” and being purposely manipulative. It could well just be that they truly believed in what they were touting. OR, they could be warlock adepts, manipulating the masses for their own profiting. That happens too.

Now let’s examine the real perks of developing these talents. Besides becoming the best used car salesman in your county, there are far more beneficial applications to the worthy witch’s abilities to “make shit happen”. Remember, that anything you can feel strongly, you can transmit to others and have them feel it every bit as strongly. There’s going to be certain limitations on these, but let’s explore the possibilities first, and they will sort themselves out for you as we go.

Imagine, if you will, that you are walking down a neighborhood, or through a lonely parking lot after dark. A group of apparent miscreants are loitering about this area, looking for something or someone to do. The patterns that you see in their postures and behaviors, cues you to the fact that they are considering you as their next victim. Or perhaps, it’s your own “gut feeling”. Either way, it means trouble and your adrenalin is rising to support your imminent “fight or flight response”, and you don’t really want to try and run in those shoes you wore today. You feel “fear”, and as a wise witch, you already understand that the primary nature of bullies, is cowardice. Herein lies the reason for the chief influence that you will choose for the spell of this very moment!

Without spazzing out, you make a conscious effort to take slower and deeper breaths, giving your brain the much needed levels of oxygen to work at its best for you. You slow down your shakes, and transmit the whole of that fear, right back at the miscreants who are causing it. With your chin up, shoulders back, and an easy, confident stride, you make it clear in their minds, that you don’t feel any need to be afraid in such as an environment as you have found yourself in this night. But THEY have this nagging feeling of fear or even terror. This does not immediately make sense to them, as they feel that they have you out numbered. Or do they really? They now have doubts, that all is as it seems, because they cannot escape that feeling of panic, that YOU are failing to display. They try to rationalize this among themselves. Are you so confident because you are in possession of a deadly weapon? Are you an undercover cop, just waiting to bust the next sucker? Do you have dangerous friends lurking near by? They choose not to find any of this out the hard way, and let you pass unmolested and unharmed.

You have used a “glamour” or created an “illusion” of supreme confidence, in the way you carried yourself through this spell, to make them doubt, and see something other than the vulnerability that you actually felt. THEY felt that vulnerability. This intangible feeling, is much like the invisible wind effects the reeds by bending them to itself. It influenced them to change their impending course of action.

Notice also, that to many people: This is “magic”. We often use the spelling of “magick” to differentiate it as a force beyond common stage magic tricks. It is not explainable merely by means of the five dogmatic senses that they will only recognize. These are forces beyond their comprehension, and thrown into the generalized catch all term of “magick”. But to the witch or wizard, who DOES understand it, and knows how to wield it as a power, it is a simple “tool“, and requires no chanting or wand waving, to effect as a spell for the time it is needed. Indeed, you are appearing stranger and more unexplainably formidable to the “muggles” about you everyday. Welcome to my world!

And these were only a couple examples of how the premise of “The Itch” can become a most formidable tool to the worthy witch or wizard. Let’s examine yet another application of this talent on the real world around you:

A fight, a horrible accident, an emotional meltdown, or some other traumatic event has taken place in your immediate vicinity. Someone who may need immediate medical help, may be too hysterical, terrified and frightened to allow themselves to settle down, and get out of the way of others, who are trying to render aid. Their hearts are pumping like the rapid rapping of a snare drum, and their breathing is too short and shallow, to allow much proper oxygen to their brains, to even allow them to think or to even see straight. They may even have lacerations, that will quickly bleed them down to dangerous levels, if you can’t get their heart rate to slow down and relax.

Just by saying ”relax” to them, won’t even make sense to them right now. You need a spell to slow them down and help them relax enough to save their lives and the lives of others around them. They are out of control, and deep inside, they understand that they need someone to be in control in order to get some semblance of sanity back into their world. Right now, that would be YOU.

Straighten your spine, putting your chin up and shoulders back. Slowing down, and deepening your breathing without making a great outward show, by using your diaphragm, much as described in the Square Horse Breathing Exercise, that I illustrated in the chapter on “Rifting” earlier. Except that you won’t be assuming this crazy stance in the middle of a crowd of panicking people. You already understand that panicking will only create even more damage and chaos. You need to display a posture, a body language of quiet, firm confidence, and the inner calmness that you feel, knowing that you can indeed, be of some help to these poor souls. Now you need to project that feeling outwards to the patient, that you will be focusing upon to help. Others around you will begin to feel it too, but it is important that you look this person in the eyes, making contact with the soul within, and continue giving them the full dose of your “medicine”, and calmly, and soothingly bid them to relax, allow you to look them over, and help them pull through this present crisis. They need to understand that it is only a present, or momentary crisis, and that given half a chance, that they will come through it as surely as they’ve come through other bad experiences in their past.

There is an old hypnotist’s trick you can utilize here, to an even fuller extent called, “pacing”. The patient is agitated and pacing or rocking back and forth to the pace of their agitated state. The hypnotist will drum his fingers on the desk or whatever surface, in time to the patient’s rocking or pacing, and talk soothingly and slowly and deliberately begin slowing down the rate of their drumming, until the patient sympathetically, begins to slow their rocking or pacing until a calmness is reached. However, with the aid of your domination, and the calm soothing tone of voice, and quiet confidence in your ability to help them, you will aid them in slowing down their pulse and respiration to a safer degree, and gently, but firmly help prepare whatever immobilizations, or first aid is needed to deliver them safely into the hands of proper medical help, if not simply your own. Once again, what you feel, you can use to dominate the feelings of anyone close by, and we are all here to help, not hinder.

Remembering that Threefold Law of Returns, that we as proper witches, most sincerely want to be a force for good in the circles that we influence. It is important to understand by this inevitable precept of karmic returns, that it is NOT a witch’s place to change people according to, simply their own effort of will, or domination. In so doing, we cause them to behave unnaturally, and that creates a karmic price to be paid by us. But recognize that ALL of us, are indeed naturally “social creatures“, and that we ALL, quite naturally *influence* those close to us in our own social circles. As a witch, a wise one, we are the appointed agents of that karma, to use it for every individual’s benefit, and benefit ourselves by the flow of blessings, that we are constantly endeavoring to put out by our efforts. The Creator of the multiverse does NOT always pay His bills on the first of the month. But nothing really ever goes unpunished or unrewarded.

Much as in the New Testament Christian precept of “casting your bread upon the waters” and having it “come back to you on every wave”, this is one of the pre-eminent elements of wisdom, that witchery in its truest form espouses as our lifestyle. Simply because we CAN “make shit happen”, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD, at every whim of fancy that presents itself to us. We ARE responsible for what works we do, even if the people that we effected, have no idea of what we have instigated upon them.



Remote Viewing/ Scrying

Remote Viewing…

The topic of “remote viewing” is not such a new thing as many today would have you believe. Indeed, MUCH of what is currently studied as modern science, was known in a much broader scope and spectrum in ancient times in the craft. Had the ancient libraries, where the learned magi, witches, wizards, sages and such, published their studies, remained unburned by those who found it easier to rule the ignorant; what we commonly know today as the offshoots of those eldritch technologies, would be MUCH further along than they are!

Pharmacology, might still be called “sorcery”, and not with the ignorance that sorcery is perceived of today. Forensic science, surgery, and anatomical studies, would still be necromancy. After all, you are still learning a great deal, spending all that time with the dead. Homeo - and osteopathic medicine would still be the primary, healthy choice of medicine, rather than the side effect ridden, over inflated, prohibitively expensive, pharmaceutically based, M.D. (Doctor of Medicine - Sorcerer) type of healthcare, that everyone is driven to today, as opposed to “alternate medicine”. Computer and technical wizards, are still no less those mutterers of arcane terms and obscure words, that so many common folk find as unintelligible, as wizards ever were. But the nature of “wizards”, as opposed to the more “shamanic”, and priestly natures of witches, has always, and ever been the deeper studies of whatever field, that they feel compelled to study.

You probably know quite a few, very real wizards of your own. “Whiz kids”, pinball wizards, wizards of gaming, technical wizards, computer wizards: It’s a connection with the human side of our common ancestry, that has never really changed. But that it serves a certain class of “authorities”, to have you believe that your ancestors were all brutish and ignorant, and nowhere near as intelligent, and as sophisticated as they are today, and that it’s well worth the added expense of coming to them, for your solutions to every problem in life.

As I’ve been pointing out, over and over in this book: There’s more about science than mumbo-jumbo, in ALL the aspects of the craft. You were kept in ignorance, and in fear of it all, to better rule you with a craft and subtlety, that you no longer even recognize as such. You see witches like myself, as coming to you with this very different, and somehow, yet very relevant perspective on the world around us. But I’m trying to show you, that it is all because I had different teachers, with a very different agenda, to raise up a proper witch (wise one).

Much as the warlock clergy have poisoned your minds, for so many centuries about witches making pacts with the devil, and kissing his backside in unrestrained ritualistic orgies; I notice that a great many people are still troubled in their hearts and minds, at the mere mention that I am a witch. It is NOT the craft that you fear. It is your perception of what it is, that is hurting you and keeping you from understanding it for what it really is, and meant to be. My personal goal here, is NOT to make you all witches, but to make you all, a little bit wiser, in hopes of all of our combined efforts, making our common world, a better place for ALL of us, and NOT just a privileged, elite few.

I’d like to address firstly, the subject of remote viewing as it is often taught today, and then move backwards to the older versions of this same craft. Like MUCH in our present paradigm’s educational system, this did not “evolve” into something better, but “de-volved” into something lesser. My experience with “remote viewing” came via my involvement in MK Ultra studies, as far back as 1968-69, in Rochester, New York. If you search the Internet, you can read a bit about a more famous proponent of remote viewing, named Ingo Swann. His work with this program, began around 1970, and a few things about this program started to change ever since. I don’t blame Ingo so much for this, but the nature of the use of remote viewing in a clandestine, C.I.A., black budget, “spying program”. I will elaborate on this.

In the earlier years of these studies, this was identified with a “Sybil Program”, and the images on the logos used, were that of a blindfolded sibyl, or ancient oracles of the Greeks. The idea of blocking out one’s physical sight, to train them to rely more heavily upon the inner vision, or second sight, was an ancient developmental tool of its time. What the modern “wizards” of this craft proposed to their human guinea pigs (me included among these), was something that you now call a “sensory deprivation tank”. It was a hideous and scary thing back in those days. Especially so if you were a bit claustrophobic, or afraid of the dark. I and others, were kept in the dark for very long periods of time, until we couldn’t even discern the time we spent there anymore. The premise of this technique was still based upon the ancient precepts of denying sensory input, via the normal five senses, to build up and accentuate the other means that our minds have of gathering information.

The tank was an ugly thing, that closed and sealed us inside. It was filled with saline (salt water), at precisely 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or normal body temperature. The salty aspects of the water inside, made our bodies float easily within, as if there was no gravity pulling us down, in effect of making us feel weightless. No light. No other smells, and it was soundproofed as well. A small intercom was in the ceiling of the tank, so that the doctors could talk to us to instruct us a bit towards what they hoped to accomplish. By taking people of certain genetic stocks, with the greater potential for certain obscure talents, much as I’ve described in earlier chapters here, and by shutting down our normal sensory input: Forced us to reach out for information and input, beyond the “normal” means.

At some point prior, or during these exercises, I would be told about a certain person, or a certain place that I had never seen or met before. Once I had gotten calmed down in the tank, I was told to find them, and then describe what I saw. They’d ask me questions about the details, and I’d search further and deeper. To my own perceptions: I had gone out of myself, like the ghost of a living boy. I would fly to these destinations, often at speeds so great, that during the initial parts of my trips, it appeared that I was moving through a blurry tunnel of some sort. I would come out of the tunnel, high above my targets, and describe the lay of the land, or neighborhood I was entering. If my target person, was in a house or building of some sort, I could float in through the roof, or the walls, and begin describing the inside of the place. Sometimes, I could get closer to the person that was my target, and even close enough, to tell what they were thinking about, and even how they were feeling about it. In later years, many would tell me that this was NOT technically “remote viewing“, but another aspect of “astral projection”. I will get more into detail on that subject in my next chapter. I include this here, only to show you what we were doing in the beginning, as opposed to what you find on this topic today via YouTube. There is a progression that I want you to notice in all of this. A pattern.

Along the same times that these experiments were going on, there was much testing and experimenting, in other techniques of remote viewing, that I enjoyed a lot more than being locked into a metal box. Most of the doctors involved in the MK Ultra programs, were the most prominent psychiatrists and psychologists of the 20th Century. Doctors like Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. George Estabrook, Dr. Louis Jolian West, among many others. In the field of hypnosis, it was a common practice to draw the eyes of their subjects, with lights, or something shiny that reflected light. Upon getting them into a “hypnologic state”, the hypnotist would invoke more of a “right brained” response from their subjects, and be able to pull up dreams and forgotten memories to the surface, that their test subjects never even knew was there. A number of such things were tried, to get me into the proper state to remote view, and I’d describe or draw what I was seeing, with about a 90% degree of accuracy. Usually, the parts that were not 100% correct, were actually “correct” in a more symbolic or a metaphor or such. They truly described something present in the target site, but not quite in the manner that they were looking for at the time. But I had “other” teachers in the craft, that they were not truly aware of at that time, as our clan structure and witchery was closed to outsiders.


Among our own wyrding folk, we learned and practiced an ancient art of “news gathering”, called “scrying”. These would be accomplished by the practitioner relaxing before a candle, a crystal, a mirror, or small basin of water. In fact, these can be done while looking into a glint of light, coming off a broken piece of glass in the sunlight. A stream or a pond. In the luster of a well polished car fender, a fireplace or a campfire, or even the moon light glimmering off a mud puddle. Some people will do better with one sort of item or another, as the case may be. But I’ll elaborate on that a bit later on here. We relax our minds and bodies, and even the focus of our eyes, into the surface of the gleam we are looking into. We are searching for something in particular. It may be as vague as some general sort of information about nearly anything. At some point in our focus, our sight moves beyond the merely physical surfaces or barriers of the objects of our focus, and new imagery erupts into our minds, of that which we are searching for. This is the essence of the ancient practice or craft of scrying.

Now, you may be wondering what form of scrying may work best for you. I’m sure that most of you have heard of people who claim to be “fire signs”, “water signs”, or some such things. This works on the premise that people born during different parts of the year, tend to have a certain proclivity towards one or more of the elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

A person who is a Water Sign, will have a natural affinity for Water, in its many forms. Scrying into a basin of water will come easier for them. Likewise, an Earth Sign person, may do better with crystals or crystal balls, or even polished obsidian mirrors, than someone else might. Air Signs, may hear voices in the wind, or in combination of any other element that includes Air into its make up. A Fire Sign like myself, has an affinity for Fire and can use the flame of candles, a fireplace or a campfire and see things shown in them. Or in extreme cases, also like my own, they may safely handle flame and scry into it. I don’t recommend that you try this, unless you already know it, or are in some place where you can safely cast it down if you feel any pain, without putting yourself and others in the danger of burning down the house, or some such disaster. You should give yourself a chance to try each of these elements as you can. There are people born on the cusps of other influences, that can relate to more than one element fairly well. Don’t take it as absolutely dogmatic that because you were born in a Fire season, that you have no affinity at all for Earth or Water.

You want to have your brain working fully well. If you’ve been sitting long, or cramped: You should stand and stretch out a bit and maybe take a couple good cleansing breaths, much as I’ve described in Square Horse Breathing in an earlier chapter. Now that you are sure that there is fresh blood and oxygen moving freely about all of your body. Find a comfortable place to sit, where you can gaze comfortably into the object of your choice, without having to hold your head or neck at any odd angles. The aches and strains can be all too distracting, and keep your focus from where it needs to go. I’ve known people who would lay on their backs and gaze long at a light bulb, or even the sun. That’s a bad idea. Those can burn after images into your retinas, and even become a permanent blank spot over too much time.

I prefer a single candle. A single candle power, has no chance of burning a permanent image into my retinas. It is an easy, single focal point for my eyes to rest on. The same can be done for a glint of light on the surface of a bowl of water, a crystal or anything else. I allow my focus to relax into my focal point, and breathe slowly, evenly and freely. Eventually, my mind and focus will reach a thresh hold where they move me on, to what I’m searching for, and the visions become apparent to me. From there, I can search further and deeper into them for more information and details.

In yet another book that I’ve been writing, and not yet published; I’ve described a session that myself and my best friend done in those days, using a candle and a drawing pad. We were trying to see on our own, exactly how far that I could really push this talent. MK Ultra testing never took me beyond some points on earth, and usually something in connection with the Soviets, bases, known spies or some such thing. It will eventually be published as “Witch Clan: Dark Heritage” or similar. But I’ll include that excerpt here, so that you can see how such a session, commonly happened for us:

“ The boys had the living room to themselves for the afternoon at the Brooks house on Hayward Avenue. Butch pulled the draperies shut to darken the room, and Johnny set a single candle on the coffee table, pulled a sketch pad out of his book bag, and made himself comfortable on the couch. Butch sat down in a comfy chair and turned on a portable, reel-to-reel tape recorder to record the experiment.

“It’s 2:35pm, Sunday afternoon and today’s date is April thirteenth, nineteen sixty nine. Butch Brooks and Johnny Storm are present for this experiment where Johnny will attempt to use his remote viewing talent to explore the canals of Mars,” Butch spoke quietly into the microphone, as Johnny stretched out the kinks, breathed deeply and relaxed in preparation for the experiment.

Sitting upright in the center of the couch, with his sketchpad on his lap and a pencil in hand, Johnny relaxed his vision on the lit candle on the coffee table directly in front of him. He narrated what he was seeing and experiencing for the benefit of the recorder.

“I can see myself rising upwards through the roof now,” Johnny said.

“Can you see the surrounding neighborhood?” Butch asked.

“Of course,” Johnny replied, “I’m high enough now to see there’s a fender bender in front of the bank on the corner of North Goodman and East Main Street. There’s a truck unloading produce or something at Camp’s in the Public Market.”

“On a Sunday?” Butch asked, doubtful.

“That’s what I see,” Johnny replied, “I don’t make judgments, just report it. I am gaining speed and going much higher now. I know I want to travel further out from the Sun and go to Mars. I see the Moon growing bigger and brighter.”

“Check out the other side as you pass,” Butch suggested, “and tell me if you see anything interesting.”

“Just more of the usual stuff there,” Johnny replied. “More craters and sharp looking mountains. Oh, wait. It looks like tracks of some kind, coming from a shadowy portion near some mountains.”

“Like Bigfoot or what?” Butch asked, excitement growing in his voice.

“No,” Johnny replied, “It’s more like tread marks like a machine would make. I don’t see anything moving anywhere though.”

“Okay,” Butch said. “We’ll check those out another time. Can you see Mars out there anywhere?”

“Yes, I see it very clearly in the distance,” Johnny replied. “I’m picking up speed to go there now.”

“You’re going to have to travel at near light speed to get there anytime today buddy,” Butch remarked.

“As fast as thought,” Johnny replied, calmly.

“Head for the thicker dark areas of the canals,” Butch suggested. “Those should be the most interesting areas to find anything in.”

“I hate to disappoint, bro,” Johnny remarked, “but the closer I get, the more obvious it becomes that those aren’t canals or forests. Huge areas of the planet are torn up with impact craters, huge mountain ranges and gorges that make the Grand Canyon look like a scratch on the Earth’s surface. There are deserts as far as the eye can see and a dust storm that must be traveling about two hundred miles an hour. The only Martians I see are twisters running the plains here.”

“No ruins of any cities or signs of any civilization having been there before?” Butch asked.

“Nothing,” Johnny responded, “but wait, I swear I’m looking at pyramids. Several of them and something big just out on the plains beyond them. I’m flying in for a closer view of the giant sculpture. It’s a face, Butch!”

“A Martian face, or something more like a Sphinx?” Butch asked.

“It’s a single, human looking face,” Johnny replied. “It’s carved in a huge stone, kind of like Ayers Rock in Australia, looking out into space. It‘s kind of human but lacking some detail.”

“Do you think someone carved it to be spotted from space?” Butch asked.

Johnny blinked a few times and stretched his neck a little and drew a couple pyramids as seen from a high altitude and a distinct face looking up into space a ways off from these.

“This is about what I saw,” Johnny said, showing his friend the drawing.

“At this point, we will be analyzing our findings in this experiment,” Butch spoke into the microphone. “It would appear that we have some evidence of machinery having traveled across the plains on the far side of our own Moon. We also have discovered that there are no real canals on Mars and that any life that may have been there to build those pyramids and carve that face are long departed or possibly gone underground to live. They were probably somewhat humanoid in appearance as the face suggests. This is still amazing news for all the let down about the canals.”

“What news?” Johnny asked. “We can’t prove anything that I saw there really exists until they send a rocket there. We might get some information from the Apollo mission to the Moon, this summer. But I’m going to bet that even if they see something, they’re going to keep it hush-hush for years to come. Mars will be even further into the future. For us, this is just going to be one of those things we’ll have to keep under our hats until technology catches up with us and then we can say we knew that.”

*End of Excerpt*

Back To Today’s MK Ultra Version…

I’ve described the aspects of my methods of information gathering, in the earlier years of MK Ultra, and you might even agree with those who might prefer to call the sensory tank version as “astral projections” as opposed to “remote viewing”. But after the 1970s and Ingo Swann, the preferred methods of remote viewing changed considerably. I’ve been told that nearly everybody can do this, but I didn’t really see this as an improvement upon what I was already doing. I also had a tendency to want to go places and see things that they did not want seen, or looked into. In my own mind, I’m not sure that I believe their techniques now, are really an improvement, or another means of putting blinders on the viewer and keeping them from becoming too familiar with a target, as I may have done too often to suit them. But I’ll share the technique here, and allow you to try them and decide for yourself, what works best for you.

The Sonar “Ping” Technique…

This is a remote viewing technique, taught by Ingo Swann’s protégés as they teach at the seminars. I believe there’s even a portion of one of these seminars available on YouTube. I think they sell templates and such for the questions you ask, and the list of information that you will make. The way this works is as follows:

You, the remote viewer, sit down at a table with a pad and paper. Ideally, you should have the “official”, sanctioned template in front of you while doing this. You pick out your target, or even simple coordinates on a map. It’s not important whether or not that you’ve seen the area before. Item by item, you send out a “questing thought” (my term), like the “ping” of sonar in a submarine, blindly exploring the see bottom for shapes and details. It’s important that you ask only one question, of only one aspect of your target, and write your very first impression down on your pad. As they say: They are ALL 100% correct in their own contexts. But you need to determine HOW are they so? It goes something like this, with each question being like a “ping” on your sonar:

Objective #523 (This would be a pre-selected target site)

Urban or Rural? *ping*

“rural” (the first thought you get)

Buildings or barren? *ping*


How many buildings? *ping*


Color of first building? *ping*


Color of second building? *ping*


This would continue on and on, until you have quite a list of information built up. Normally: someone else would take this and interpret it, to reveal something, such as a rural white farm house and a red barn, and whatever other details that you supplied. This strikes me more as those compartmentalized efforts used in secret installations. As I said before, I like my old ways MUCH better. I can see and understand what I am looking at. THAT may be why the method of viewings were changed so much. I’ve pointed out a number of things about modern education, that is more an indoctrination than anything else, and meant to keep seeking souls in the dark, so that they are easier managed or controlled. I’m of the mind that this also serves the pattern commonly used in clandestine operations, and possibly limits practitioners from getting a clearer picture. After all, this stuff is supposed to be stuff that was cleared for release to the general public. Having no respect at all for the unsavory tactics of the C.I.A. that I’ve had all too much experience with in that program, I’ll continue to share my own techniques, as I can and allow people to be more enlightened, than manipulated for someone else’s profit. Clear viewing to you all!

Lucid Dreams & Astral Projection



In the previous chapter, I wrote a bit on remote viewing. Many would argue that what I was describing was more like “astral projection” instead. I wouldn’t argue that point very much. On the one hand, in the Old Craft many things are not defined by such narrow definitions as people have become accustomed to do today. For most of you: A witch is supposed to be a female hag, who has made a pact with Satan, and a priest is supposed to be the one of the “good guys”. The idea that a witch might be male, and a priest as well, tends to break all those boundaries that you were taught. But this concept is not a strange, new thing. It’s the way of the world, for many thousands of years, before even the advent of Christianity as a world religion. The whole purpose of me, writing this book, was to widen, if not totally break down all of those artificial boundaries for people, and show you a much bigger and wider world than the simple, shallow one that you were shown. In this chapter, I will share the definitions and techniques, of lucid dreaming, and astral projection, that I’ve learned and used for most of my lifetime.

The Reality Check…

As the overwhelming majority of westerners, no longer pay any attention at all to the nature or contents of their dreaming, except in those rare occasions when they are having a nightmare, I need to share a few things about them first. Then with a bit more knowledge and understanding, we’ll build upon those with lucid dreaming, and more besides and how the wise witch can use these as tools for a better, and more informed life.

First, we need to understand the nature and structure of our own brains. They are divided into two hemispheres, or halves. The left half, is the control center for the right side of your body, and vice versa. Your right hemisphere is the part, where all of your creative, imaginative aspects originate, and your dreams as well. The illustration below, will give you a better idea of how your brain is laid out. Give it a good look, because I will be using this information, in how it relates to what and how you dream, and how to take more conscious control over these.

Much (but not ALL) of the time, when you are lost in a dream, the whole of what is happening, is going on in your subconscious, right brain. You cannot tell for yourself that you are dreaming at this point in time. But for different reasons, at odd times, you will become conscious that you are indeed dreaming. Some part of your conscious, or left brain became aware that your body was actually at rest, WITHOUT actually waking up, and that all that you were experiencing presently, was merely a dream. This occurrence is what is commonly known as a “lucid dream”.

For those of us that have connected well to BOTH halves, or hemispheres of our brains: Specialists call this condition “hemi sync”, where the whole person is using BOTH halves equally, rather than being merely “left brained”, as is the sad conditions of MOST of western society. There is a tool or technique that we use in our dreaming called, “the reality check”, to confirm for ourselves that we are actually dreaming, and not awake in some really weird situation. I’m sure many of you have experienced that before, and resorted to pinching yourself in an effort to be certain.

I also need to take a moment here, to point out that either your “mind”, your “awareness”, or even “soul”, are NOT centered in, or are constructs, of your physical brain as such. We can go into chapters upon chapters, of philosophical, religious and esoteric writings here, and still not do this concept the justice that it deserves. I am not writing all of this to give you all of the hoodoo of voodoo, even though I have no small respect for the precepts of that craft and culture in their workings. Our multiverse is one of causality, or “cause and effect”. There are ALWAYS reasons WHY things will work on the principles that they do. So instead, I will paraphrase something I read from an Australian born, Nobel Prize winning scientist named Sir John C. Eccles. His studies were centered upon neurology and how the brain controls functions in the organism. He describes the brain as a machine, that is designed to be operated by a ghost. He understood as I do, that human awareness extends a good deal further, than merely the physical organism that most of us picture us as being. These of course, are people who can ONLY perceive anything via the Five Dogmatic Senses, and know nothing of feeling “eyes on the backs of their heads”, or “gut feelings”.

Understanding a bit about that brain chart, pictured above will give us a more effective and less damaging method for making this determination. You have to learn to fix this information in your mind, and have it available to you, asleep or awake. It’s not really as difficult to do, as it sounds. The “reality check” is accomplished in this way:

When you have cause to think that you are possibly dreaming: Look at an item, like a picture, a window, poster or calendar on the wall or similar thing, and make note of what it is. Then look away for a moment, and look back at it again. If you are dreaming, the picture on the wall will become a window, or something else, often similarly rectangular in shape. This is because that in your dreams, the dreamscapes change when they are no longer in the center of focus.

There is also, another easy method of checking out a dream to be sure. If you are looking at a book, poster or a calendar or such, in a dream, you will NOT be able to read it. It will appear to be gibberish to you. There are times that your dreaming will supply its own interpretation, of what the sign or such should say. But to try and read something that you don’t already know, will be an impossible task. The reason for this, is that the imaginative, creative part of your dreams, are happening in your “right brain”, and as you can see in our diagram above, the language and reading skills are in the “left brain”.

Now, I already know that *some* of you are going to argue and say: “Oh no! I’ve read things in my dreams, many times before!” And this is where we have moved beyond the mere dreams, lucid or not, and into the “astral projecting”. In essence: Your body was sleeping, and at rest in your bed, but your mind and soul has traveled, or projected itself to an actual place, that you did NOT just create in your own mind. This could be in someplace in THIS world plane of existence, or even into yet another world or parallel plane. We’ll get more into this very useful aspect later.

This is the part where you’re saying: “Alright, I’ve figured out that I’m dreaming, and that all this isn’t real. So, now what?” Again, I’m glad you asked. If you haven’t woke yourself up already, you now have some wonderful options, that you can utilize in these lucid dreams:

Have you ever wanted to fly, like some comic book hero? At this point, all you have to do is aim yourself at the sky and go for it. Did you notice that I did NOT say: Jump off a building or a cliff and try to fly? For myself, my dreams can be so vivid, that I hardly notice any difference, and a leap off a tall building can be a hell of a shock to one’s reality. If you can fly: take off from the ground. Oops, is not a word that you want to use to describe that effort. Your conscious part of your brain, can work in concert with the creative part and make anything that you can imagine, happen for you in this state. Was it a nightmare, that caused you to do your reality check? I had quit allowing nightmares to chase me around and torment me since I was five years old. I still remember the dream that I was having back then. I had learned then, that I did not have to be always a victim.

I was running and running, and trying not to be caught by a monstrous kidnapper. He was hard on my heels, when I found a short sword, picked it up, and cut him across his stomach when he came around the corner at me, in the dead end alley that I had chose to hide in. I was only five, so when I opened up this Bela Lugosi wannabe, his stomach opened up like a cauldron, and hot chocolate came boiling out, until he deflated into just a pile of chocolate soaked robes. You could imagine ANY weapon you wish to deal with your own demons. Guns, swords, ray guns, or if you are bound and gagged, you can make laser beams come out of your eyes, if needs be. And the solutions do not always have to be violent ones: You can turn and confront them with your own reasoning, as to why what they are doing is wrong. In the lucid dreams, YOU have control over how they go. You no longer have to be the victim, and can make the conscious decision to become the victor, however you choose to do so. This is a fine, spiritual exercise, that will eventually carry over into your waking life too. “As above, so below.” As you are in one realm, you will become in the others.

Your dreams can take you on a vacation to anyplace that you can imagine going, and it will be virtually real to you. There’s some caveats to this, but the caveats remain the same, even if you are not aware of these options. If you “die” in your dream, it is “highly possible” that you will die in your sleep. It is NOT “mandatory” of course. This is based mostly on the idea, that during these dreams, you fully believe them to be your reality, and that all of your fears in them, and even your courage and bravery to face them, are as REAL as YOU are. It’s no less brave of you, simply because you were only asleep. You were in fact, responding to what you perceived as a very real and imminent danger. Likewise, should that danger raise your fears to such a pitch, as to even the point of death, it is HIGHLY possible that you could suffer a serious, or even fatal heart attack or a stroke, in that night’s dreaming.

Among the more esoteric witches and wizards, of greater depths and levels, it is even possible, to come upon a victim, or fight a nemesis in an astral, or dream plane and “cut their silver cord”, and thereby render them cut loose, from being able to return and rejoin with their bodies. These situations, are often manifest in their victims not ever regaining consciousness again, or becoming as “comatose”, for the duration of their physical lives. In the vernacular: The lights are still on, but nobody’s home anymore.

AWAKENED, I find myself dreaming,

in a place I've never been before.

So I fly through the night,

by my spirit's own sight,

and leave that far darkened shore.

AWAKENED, I find myself flying,

from the night to realms of day.

I am searching below,

for someone I know.

Perhaps, I can show them the way.

AWAKENED, I find myself explaining,

a millennium is but a moment in time,

that God loves us all,

the great AND the small.

There's a place where the Son still shines.

AWAKENED. one day in His likeness,

and like Him, that day I shall rise.

When I've run my long race,

thanking God for His grace,

and I'll soar through Eternity's skies.

Another such aspect of finding ones self lucid in their own dreams, is that if you so desire: You can leave that plane of amusement, for exploring realms of a bit more substance and complexity. It is no longer things that are merely in your own mind, that you are seeing and experiencing past this point. And again, I have yet another caveat for you.

I’ve heard many lectures, and read many books by New Age, and Illuminist mystics of many sorts. I’ve heard them tout, how that it is a fine and easy thing to explore your every sexual fantasy, among other fantasies in these realms. That you could have wild sex, with an elf, a mermaid, or a seductive vampire! And in the most superficial sense, in the privacy of your own creativity, in your own minds; that may be true. BUT… there’s going to be times and places, where you aren’t just dealing with people and creatures that you “made up” in your own head. They are, who they are. Individuals, with their OWN minds and agendas. And if you are going to be crude, or abusive to them in any way, they may well have their own means, of defending their own honor, that is over and above your own. Be nice, where ever you can afford to be!

Remember earlier in this chapter, when we discussed those odd times when you could intelligibly read something written in a book, or deal with numbers and such things as are managed by the left hemisphere of your brain. What you were seeing, was NOT a product of your imagination! It may have seemed like a fairy tale kind of place or an alien world or dimension, and because of that, you assumed that it couldn’t be REAL. Many mystics of various cultures and craft, have been known to leave their bodies, to go and peruse the many volumes and tomes of Akashic Records, in a most unusual, extra-dimensional Library, to gain knowledge and wisdom in their efforts and studies. They all learned very REAL things in this manner. This is also another option that you gain, by becoming more adept or proficient in your lucid dreaming.

Astral Projection…

Remember the studies above, of the good Dr, Eccles: That your brain is a machine, designed to be operated by a “ghost”. In the cases that we are speaking of here: Elvis has left the building! Or more concisely: your “ghost” has left your body, as it were, and has traveled to yet another realm, or parallel existence. This is the very nature of “astral projection”, where your “ghost”, awareness, or astral self has left the confines of your physical body, and gone exploring realms known (someplace on this earth or material plane), or unknown. It is not merely a 4th Dimensional construct as your physical body, so it has nearly none of its limitations. Whereas your body is used to operating in three dimensions of physical space, and only one dimension of space/time. Your soul or astral self, is capable of freedom of movement in more dimensions still.

We’ve discussed a little in depth, on how that it is possible to awaken in your own dreams, and take them to yet another level called astral projection. But many times, you will go to bed and travel on your own river of dreams, without ever being the wiser that it is only a dream. If it’s pleasant enough, it may be well just to enjoy the ride, and let your mind sort itself out on a few things. But suppose, that you have a real urgent purpose, to want to astral project somewhere, and possibly visit, or check up on a loved one who is far away? What can you do to initiate the astral travel, without having to wait for one of those rare times, when you’ve done a reality check, and found that you were aware that you’re dreaming?

For myself, I started my own in depth study of this phenomenon at around the age of nine years old. I was “adept”, and my Grandma kept me stocked in many old, and out of print books, of many strange case histories of people who visited loved ones in stress, or in danger, or even appeared to them as either appearing material, or as “ghosts”, wandering through their homes, only to validate at a later time, that what they saw or experienced, was NOT merely a figment of their fevered imaginations! I kept my trusty notebooks handy, and I took notes of ALL the things, that were commonly mentioned in the bulk of those case histories. Every good witch, is also a good detective!

1.) In nearly every case, the person projecting was fatigued beyond words, and had fallen quickly into a deep, deep sleep. Often without even being aware that they had.

1a.) I had cross referenced this fact, with what modern sleep specialists call a deep R.E.M. sleep, where the dreaming starts getting heavy. Useful information!

2.) In each instance, the person projecting had either an urgent or ardent desire to see someone, who was not accessible to them at the time.

2a.) There was always strong emotive content, impelling them to make the trip.

2b.) My main book of case histories was “The Laws of Psychic Phenomenon” written by a Professor Thomas J. Hudson, circa 1825. So, there was no telephones, emails, or a quick drive to a neighboring or distant city to see someone. It was “impossible” to accomplish, by mere 4 Dimensional means, making it necessary to accomplish via extra-dimensional means.

2c.) Witchery is a craft that does not “break or defies the laws of Nature”. It supersedes them with other valid laws. (i.e.- planes fly, not because they DEFY the law of gravity, but supersedes that, via the laws of aerodynamics)

3.) Each person projecting thus, had a link, or a reason to, and had nothing else but this on their minds, when they finally passed out from fatigue, into that deeper state of R.E.M. sleep.

3a.) In essence: They had the benefit of falling directly into that deeper state of sleep, before their minds could get bored and wander off into other realms of dreaming. Hence, they got straight to the point of that thing, that was concerning them the most, and by means of their own extra-dimensional “minds”, astral selves, “ghosts”, they were able to invoke a higher set of rules of physics, to make the needed trip.

In some cases, the projector entered the rooms, as the invisible ghost of a living person. The target person may not have physically seen them present. But in most of these cases, they felt that there was someone in the room with them. In many of these particular cases, they may even have felt that they knew who that was.

In slightly rarer cases, the intensity was such that the target person, may have actually saw the ethereal appearance of the projector’s ghost, walking about in their house, at the set time of the projection. This often led them to believe that the projector had suffered from some fatal accident, or death of some sort, and must be there to tell them such. It was often not until much later, when actual letters were exchanged, that they would learn the truth of the nature of their visitation.

In cases rarer still, it appeared that the projector was physically and fully in the room with the target person. Even to the point, where one or more other persons present, witnessed this. And they simply faded or vanished shortly after they were seen. Rarer still, were versions where the projector could be heard speaking to them. In most of these cases, it had appeared that the projector had lost their voice. The mouth might move, but no sounds were heard.

By the time that I was twelve years old, I had a martial arts teacher, who proved to be very interested in the notes, that he had found in my Book of Shadows. We would sit for hours, over cups of coffee, discussing many aspects of our lives beyond the pale, and we had decided that we had plenty enough information in my notebooks, to pull off a very valid experiment in astral projection. I was to choose my own night, without notice, and a specific outfit of clothing, to be written in my dream diary. I would pick out a night after a particularly hard and active day. As it was, I had the perfect scenario working at home, to make me as dead dog tired, as a young boy could get.

My step father’s brothers were visiting, and that meant many late nights of drinking and poker playing, and loud talking and laughing: “See it open, Bobo!” I had many extra jobs that I’d do to earn myself extra money for those things that I wanted out of life. It didn’t come any other way for me. And I also had my martial arts training with John Little Fox, and he was just the guy to inspire a boy like me to new heights of applying myself to my lessons. You had to see it, to believe it. I hadn’t had a full and decent night’s sleep a few days, and I had run myself ragged that day. So I wrote my entry for the night’s activities in my Book of Shadows.

“Very, very tired, the PERFECT night for this! I will picture myself, wearing my black and white striped , turtleneck sweater, over my white jeans. I’m sure it will stand out in the dark. I’ll envision myself standing at the foot of Little Fox’s bed and try to get his attention tonight.” Saturday, July 23rd, 1966

I went to bed that night, the ruckus was still going on with the poker game in the kitchen, but I was dead tired. I took several deep cleansing breaths and shook as much of the fatigue out of my arms and legs as I could, before getting into my bed. I laid out comfortably on my back, with my arms and hands at my side, and took a couple more deep breaths and let them out slowly. All the while, I was allowing my limbs the sensation of sinking into the bed. In my mind, I was building up the picture of myself wearing that white outfit, in all the details, standing at the foot of my master’s bed, seeing all the details of the room around me. I could even see him asleep in it. I was thinking of waving, jumping, shouting or something, but didn’t have to go that far, before he sat bolt upright in his bed. He looked hard at me and reached over the side of the bed and grabbed one of his moccasins and threw it at me. It passed right through me and hit the window blinds on the bedroom window behind me. I remember us both laughing about it.

The next morning was a Sunday, around nine A.M., which was like sleeping in late for us. My mom and my step dad were making breakfast for us in the kitchen, when an excited rapping on the back screen door, signaled that John Little Fox had arrived. He was excitedly telling my folks about our successful experiment, and how I had appeared in his home, dressed in a football referee outfit, and that he threw a shoe through me. My step dad, thought he was crazy, until I brought out my notebook/dream diary to the breakfast table with me. I had always spooked him more than a little, and that was actually a good thing in our household, back then. I had done this a few times before this, much in the “luck of the draw” as anything else. But this was my first time, accomplishing this as a conscious act of will and detail. I’ve done it many times since then, and on a few rare occasions, I made quite a splash, by appearing to be fully physically manifesting to a whole room full of people. It’s not the sort of thing that can be done, merely on a whim. But you can have a great deal of fun, just trying. You’ll be surprised at what you might find out this way.

The Wraith Project...

      There is an aspect of astral projection, that is commonly used in spellcraft, called "casting a wraith".  It would probably be easier to explain, if I simply described one such spell that myself and a few like minded witches have been using, to combat a particularly evil group of Illuminist warlock types.  I've described some of the richest, oldest and powerful families of such, in earlier chapters.  They go about, working their plans to make themselves as "the little gods of this world", and have not the slightest conscience about who they hurt or destroy in the process.  So, we're looking for the singular influences, or buttons that we can press, to give them pause to reconsider their ways.  Or, if nothing else, ruin their chances of getting a good night's sleep, and not being so fresh and revived the next morning, to be so very on top of their plans for world domination.

         So, we agreed that by sending one terrifying image, of a very traditional "witch of the blood", like a "dark avenging angel with a sword", to wander their homes, and halls of power at night.  Instead of projecting our own individual images, and picturing each of ourselves, standing at the feet of their beds, or such.  We project our "wraith", as pictured below, wandering down their halls with a passion, and slicing at the air before them, with that lit up "sword of Merlin".  Let them make of it what they will.  It carries all of our own passions and outrage, at the evil that these men and women work upon their victims, in their lust for more and more power.  If you're particularly upset, at the wicked abuses of power and wealth in the world: This particular image/wraith is already charged with a purpose.  As long as your own focus is the same, you're welcomed to fall asleep at night, and picture yourself as me, in anger, indignation and moral outrage, haunting the halls of power someplace.  You actually NEED to have all the details focused in your mind as you're falling asleep.  The same tenets apply to this as a standard projection.


Someone is dreaming about vampires,

and that’s why we fly this night.

Too much pizza and beer before bedtime,

and we exist for one evening of fright.

We are dreamed into existence,

the product of a fevered mind.

They are not our foe,

but a kindred soul,

who dreamed,

and so, we dine!

Someone is dreaming about vampires.

We awaken when they go to sleep.

Our victims are merely sweet figments,

that allow us to drink long and deep.

Someone dreamed us alive tonight,

and they want us to misbehave.

With mere hours to thrill,

in the hunt and the kill,

dreams vanish in light of day.


Group Astral Projections…

If you have a few similarly minded friends, there’s yet another option to this, that I’ve tried successfully in the past. The time frame was between 1990-1993, and the Internet was in its infancy back then. I was the current moderator of the Intellec Conference on the Paranormal, and I was gaining popularity for bringing a whole new dimension to an online discussion group. We didn’t just discuss tales and experiences of the paranormal, we had a few “real, live witches” and I would sometimes come to visit a group of them in some pre-selected city, once or twice a year, and share my craft, and maybe demonstrate some of it, and share how they might be able to accomplish a bit more, than just speculating on a phenomenon. We went and explored haunted sites, dowsed for rifts, charged crystals with “chi” power, visit psychic fairs and dressed up to visit renaissance faires. It was during those years, and during those experiments that my kids and I, did the rift experiment that you can see, and read about in “Parting The Veil of Worlds”. It wasn’t a “fantasy”. We went there with specific results in mind… and it blew our minds. But we took pictures too!

Being that this was the Paranormal Conference, inevitably the topic of whether or not people either had, or were souls came up, and I felt that I could prove that to them beyond any shadow of doubt, without invoking a million religious arguments. You already know, how I feel about those. When they asked how: my answer was through astral projection. I had shared my experience with my master at age twelve, and not a few paranormal aficionados, had put in their own two cents worth on the subject as well. We all were pretty much in agreement, that if our brains were in our bodies, and our bodies were home in bed, and if we were actively seeing and experiencing, a very real place and time, with outside confirmation, that it must be our souls doing the traveling, because all of our physical senses resided in physical organs. So, if true, and do-able, there MUST be more to the human being than mere flesh, blood and bones!

There was also some concern about the safety of souls out wandering the world alone, as our forum discussed and explored a good many things that we were certain were wandering about, out there as well. Witches shared protection rituals and techniques. I was going to lead these “astral tours”, and I had prepared a few of my own. Much like right now; I wanted them to become wiser and more formidable souls than they were “yesterday”, so I didn’t want to lose ANY of them tonight. The network back then worked a bit differently, than the near real time effect that you have with the Internet today.

Essentially, our friends accessed BBS’s in their parts of the country and the world, that were Intellec members and “hubs”. Once or twice a day, those hubs, would upload their files and messages to their central hub, and download all the files and conference updates to their local hubs, where the individual conference members could read and share them. There was little more than a line of type on the screen, with a tagline that would identify the member, and their BBS of origin. So, when I would astral project or remote view and describe a member and their homes, they didn’t have a whole lot of reason, to doubt that I could make good on my words. This was also how we proved our astral projection techniques, to our own satisfaction.

We picked a power site, such as Stone Henge, on the Salisbury Plain, or Ayer’s Rock, in Central Australia, among a few others. First, we could look at them on a map, and download pictures of them, to have an idea of where we wanted to picture ourselves going. Secondly, and no less importantly: We had other Intellec Conference members who lived near enough to those sites, to confirm the conditions prevalent on the times that we had made our trips.

We’d then set a date to try that evening at bedtime, for our Astral Tour of the specific site agreed upon. We’d agree to be there at a certain local time, local to that area. We often made Stone Henge, around midnight or just prior to sunrise. And Ayer’s Rock usually happened somewhere around midday or so. We planned our days prior to the trip, to be very busy or demanding ones. And many put up pictures to remind themselves, post-it notes on the fridge with the time, place and dates, and even subliminal hypnosis programs in their computers, to flash the command every so many fractions of a second, that they’d want to be there.

On the night of the Astral Tour, we’d go to bed, preparing ourselves, much in the same way that I described in my first working experiment. The deal was that first thing upon waking, to get online and access the conference, and post whatever dreams that you had that night, however strange or silly they might seem. As it was then, it would be several hours before their local hub would upload their postings to the conference, and download what was already in it. So it would be by later that following evening, before we’d hear from everyone who had tried the trip. Our “spotters” were local to the areas, would report the temperature and general weather conditions, or even what they may have seen there by going physically near to the site at the prescribed times.

The majority of projectors, would give details that coincided with the conditions, overcast, clear, rainy, snow, or such. Ayers Rock didn’t change much in the middle of an Aussie desert, but we did have trips that coincided with a tumultuous downpour or two, over that time. Australia is much like Texas, in that it doesn’t do anything in half measures. I would get onsite first, and make myself the beacon to draw the others to me. One by one, they would show up, often flying down from the heights, without an airplane or a broomstick.

We’d describe the others as we saw them, and those would be remarkably accurate as people said” “That’s me!” Sometimes vortexes, orbs and other phenomenon would be described and reported too. We also learned that the times that we actually fell asleep, didn’t have much bearing as to what times that we got there. If we were focused on being there, at a certain local time: that’s the time we’d show up there. Time and space, don’t quite have the same restrictions on an astral body, that they do on our physical bodies. Our members had learned that they were living spirits in physical bodies, and this made a great many other paranormal occurrences seem a lot less un-natural to them.

When you learn to understand yourself to BE a soul, and not just HAVING a soul, all that you learn of other ghosts, takes all the “supernaturalism” and spookiness out of it all. I’ve noticed that hospitals tend to have many ghosts, though most of those won’t stay for very long, before they figure out that they have some other places, to move along to. People, whether they understand it or not, will drop these carcasses quite naturally, and that does not hinder at all, the souls that they are, in continuing their “life”. Most aren’t the least bit prepared for this eventuality. People will take their own lives, over some emotional or spiritual pain, figuring that it will allow them to escape the emotional torment. They truly couldn’t be more wrong about this. Leaving one’s body behind, may escape anymore physical pain, as the nerves and such sensations are left behind, with the corpse. But the soul wrenching pains that most will elect to leave this life with, are precisely the kinds of pains that they will take with them, to the exclusion of all else.

Our ancient Gaelic ancestors, understood that death was very much a part of life, and that our awareness of who we are is immortal. Today, disconnected people think of it, as some unnatural thing that should be avoided, as if anyone was ever really successful with that. You have to wonder what they were thinking, or even IF they were thinking. But knowing this about your own nature, changes a great many things about your personal outlook. I wish you the best of luck in your studies, and efforts to gain this knowledge. There’s going to be a whole lot, that just won’t have so much of a negative impact upon you anymore, after you have gotten a grasp on these things for yourself.

Interpreting Dreams & Visions


We’ve discussed a good many interesting traits of dreams in this book already and yet, we have not discussed them all. Growing up from my youth as a proper witch, I’ve explored all sorts of “dream dictionaries”, and not with very much satisfaction. Fortunately, I remember most of my dreams. Even those from many years ago, and I can recall: What I dreamed, and what happened after that. I would approach my next few attempts at what amounts to a “worthless purchase”, by looking up the interpretations of a few dream symbols, to find something that more closely matches my own dreams and experience. My personal favorite was: “10,000 Dreams Interpreted”, by Gustavius Hindman Miller. It was a reprint of an old, and grossly out-of-date compilation of dream symbols. So there were not things about televisions, phones or computers in the list. And some of the stuff, about dreaming about Negroes, was way off base for the times we are in now. But trying it out, over a couple years of dream diaries, I noticed that this was true of a number of facts, and I learned that MUCH needs to be taken in consideration that the dream dictionary definition does NOT become dogmatic.

Cultural definitions of people, races, and things has changed values over time. Some values change or even reverse themselves in only about 20 years or so. There are also the views of the persons who dreamed these things to consider in the interpreting of them. Here’s an excellent example, from Miller‘s book:

“Cats are considered to be a bad omen in a dream, unless you are successfully chasing them away.”

This might be true for someone who hates cats, or is even allergic to cats. But such will never be true of a cat fancier. For them, dreaming about cats carries a whole different emotional attachment. For them, it must be taken as being indicative of something wonderfully pleasant coming in the mix of things in their dream.

“Spiders in a dream, are supposed to be a good omen. The industriousness of these brilliant web spinners, promises a certain degree of prosperity for the dreamer.”

I’m paraphrasing these here, as there are multiple definitions or connotations, depending upon the circumstances in the dreams. But suppose the dreamer is “arachnophobic”, meaning they have a deep set dread of spiders? For them, the kind of symbolism above has no relevance what-so-ever! For a dream coming out of their own subconscious: It is NOT going to apply someone else’s symbolic content for them. If their own subconscious is going to warn them of something to come: It will use the images and identifications that it already has available to use. So we MUST assume that the arachnophobic person dreaming of equating spiders with this future enterprise, is being advised of a most unpleasant outcome in its connection or context in the dream.

In our witch clan, it was a practice from the times we could write, to keep a dream diary on the stand, next to our beds. If we awoke to go to the bathroom at night: We made some brief entry of what we dreamed. When we arose in the morning: We lay for a moment, and gathered our memories of our dreams, and wrote a quick note of what they were. It didn’t have to be in great detail. It just had to be enough to make it easy for us to recall later.

“Sunday, October 20th- Dreamt about the city, as it looked many years ago, and being sad because I didn’t know what bus to take to get home or where my home was.”

Obviously, this dream was more involved than this, and certain people and landmarks were very prominent in it, but the notation was enough that it didn’t just fade away into insignificance in a day or so. I could pull out my dream dictionary, and search all of the individual elements in the dream, and try to put them together, to better define what my intuitive side was trying to tell me in this dream. My next entry in that dream diary, would be my approximation of what this all meant.

“Interpretation: My soul is longing for simpler times, but is aware that I should not be pining away over this, as we can never truly go back. I never got to see my mother and sisters, so it’s likely that I won’t be hearing from any of them, any time soon. In seeing David and Simon on the bus that I was looking to take, I’ll bet I’ll be hearing something from them soon, as they were helpful and questioning me on the bus, about where I wanted to go.P.S. - David called today about going camping next weekend.”

If you are using a dream dictionary at all, you should get used to writing notes in it. There’s going to be crap, that you *wanted* to hear, but never happens. And you should make note of those definitions that seem to be “on the money”, and those that do not apply at all. You should ALWAYS consider them in the context of the dreams, and make some effort to write your own definitions for dream symbols, as they become apparent to you:

“Spiders for the arachnophobic: If you dream of a spider, or swarms of spiders and manage to rid them out of your house in this dream: It connotes that you will face very unpleasant trials in the near future, (depending upon how bad the infestation was) and will be triumphant in overcoming it.”

This is what your personal Book of Shadows, or Grimoire is for. Understand also that many “muggles” will lament the “bad omens” of dreams as a terrible thing. Like the above example: Nobody likes to hear that they are about to see the proverbial “shit hit the fan” in their immediate future. The dreams do not MAKE the future bad. They exist to prepare you for the storms beyond your current line of sight, to prepare the diligent soul to prepare for them, and SURVIVE them, if not even THRIVE through them. This is why many wise witches are so formidable in all of their ways.

If you dream that a plane is going to crash and burn, with all aboard: Make other plans than to be on that plane. Warn who you can, and understand that even if they do not listen to you, that it wasn’t your choice, but theirs. EVERYONE is given “free will” and are responsible ONLY for their own choices, of what to do with good information. Also too: When a specific type of dream is repeated over a period of time, it should be noted as being urgent, or imminent in its nature. Everything is “cause and effect”, even in realms of magick. This doesn’t always mean that it’s going to be bad or good. That is entirely up to what contexts the dream sequence shows you. There also may be a slight variation in how the dream sequence is presented in your mind. This also should be taken into consideration in your interpretation of what this means to you, or the dreamer that you are interpreting for.

Dreams, or Visions

Some metaphors are going to be significant as one thing, to persons of a specific faith. Christians, for instance, may be moved by the hearing of certain Biblical prophesies being preached, and mull these over in their minds in their dreams. You should consider that this does NOT interpret that the “Rapture” is going to happen this week. It may mean that they may see this in their own lifetimes, or perhaps not. Peter, Paul and the Apostle John, thought as much, even as they wrote of such things. And this still does not invalidate it. There are many more cultures, that speak of similar historic events, occurring at some future time, though they will use different words and symbols to define these things. Surely, somebody is aware of a significant historical, evolutionary or cultural change will be taking place, at sometime in our future as a race.

Contrarily, such a dream may only be their sleeping consciousness, mulling over a staggering picture of an idea, and that is only that. Repetition over time, will suggest that it is more than that. Breaking into waking times, it becomes not just a “dream”, but a “vision”, and even more consideration needs be given to such an insistent scenario, playing itself out, over and over again in them. I have a pretty good example of such a cross cultural type of vision, from over 30 years ago, that I may share here for our study. Having 20/20 hind sight, as to how this pans out, will also serve us well here too.

“It was in 1979, the summer when my wife, Jackie was pregnant with Melanie, our first child. I had a very great many things to be thankful for; and I was full hearted in my praise of Mother and Father for gracing me so. I knew that the good cycles, like I was experiencing, usually happened before things got very dark. I understood that was coming too. I had heard this in Summer Court, and I had read it in Scriptures. I knew that I was going to be alive to see it with my own eyes. But not a few visions took me into their grip that summer. This particular vision, has repeated itself to me with slight variations, over a long period of time.

The Vision:

I saw myself: Nearly naked and chained by my wrists, between the State and National flagpoles, in the Rochester Civic Center Plaza. I was standing under my own power, as two men whipped my skin to shreds, with cat-o-nine-tails. The sky was dark, roiling and stormy. Lightning flickered and distant thunder rumbled. I thought that maybe the coming rain would feel cool on my tortured skin, and wash my wounds. They continued whipping me, and I continued standing in my chains and taking it. I looked down, and the once white bed sheet, that was all that was wrapped around my loins at this public whipping, was soaked completely red with my blood. I saw the ever widening pool of blood at my feet, and I was amazed that I could still be standing so.

About this time; the lightning flashes brightly from the east, and I heard the sound of a trumpet (more like a hunting horn) in the thunder. The chains dropped off of me to the ground, as if they were made of cheap Chinese plastic. The whipping stopped, as the men freaked out at what was happening before them now. I looked down at myself, and saw that my skin was fresh, and unscarred. My once bloody sheet had become a fine silken scarlet kilt. I felt honored to wear it, like a badge of honor. My skin glows under a light that had taken over the stormy skies and I turned my gaze upon my cowering tormentors. I look at them and say: “Greetings, in the Name of the Lord”. It had sounded to me, like something they had good reason to fear."

The visions happened many times, even on a bright summer's day, and sometimes in slightly different contexts. But they always ended with me transforming to something glowing and immortal, and greeting them "in the Name of the Lord". Sometimes there was a note of forgiveness there. Sometimes, it wasn't appropriate to the souls confronted. I've been pagan my whole life, even after I had decided to follow Jesus; I did so in the truest context of my pagan heart. So, how I found myself delivered out of my torment, and addressing anyone as a representative of the Lord (as I know him; I'm still not "churchy"), intrigued me to no end.


I figured that this meant that I was going to have to endure something, which involved the government obstructing or hindering me in some way. But in this scenario: My help comes and everything changes, with my changing. I figured it might be some indicator that I would be alive and unhappy about my situation, when the "Rapture" happens. All that year, especially in Summer Court (I did say I was a lifelong pagan) I'd see all these visions, of the ground spitting out burning sulfur, and splitting open. I saw Lake Ontario racing southwards across the state, for a new beach, somewhere in the Southern Tier. I saw the water dragon (looked like a plesiosaur) swimming south, into the deep and widening Genesee River. No humans would be living here anymore afterwards, is what the dryads and zephyrs told me of those times. The imagery strikes me as apocalyptic as the prophesies of Jeremiah, Daniel and Revelation, speaking of the “Fall of Babylon the Great”. I *am* indeed enduring a terrible trial at the hands of the corrupt State and Federal Government, and not allowed to fly, or even leave the country, though I am no criminal, I am still their “prisoner”.

I have had other visions of my life and service after this time, that were bright and promising. I remember being in a great and bloody war, where I charged armies with a small group of war unicorns. I remember riding all the way from the Middle East, to the beautiful mountains of China. I remember falling in love with a bunch of Asian farmers, and adopting a whole countryside as my own children, and teaching them good craft. I remember teaching and entertaining a swarm of Asian children. Dancing and singing, I looked like a blue eyed, seven foot tall version of the Chinese "Pai Mei", in snowy white robes. I was happier than I ever was, when I was raising my own children, and that is saying an incredible lot for me. It strikes me as even more distant visions, of a farther future time that indicates that the apocalyptic horrors to come, are by no means the “End of the World”, but the current paradigm. Only time will truly tell.

Sometimes things will look impossibly bleak for me. But I've been watching the world change into this for over three decades now. No matter how sick I've gotten or have yet: I know in my soul that my future is still eternal and bright, and that I will happily spend a grand portion of that limitless horizon, bringing love and enlightenment, to a great many younger souls than myself. When my eyes are closed, and I'm smiling very confidently: It is my future I see, and I understand that no matter what befalls me here: that this is the next step in my evolution as a human soul, and that Lucifer, Satan or whatever anyone wants to name this darkness, has no power over this at all. Only me, by my own personal choices, at specific junctures, and I keep that knowledge in my heart.

Sometimes dreaming of the "bad news" is just the news we need, to turn it into "good news". Most don't get to see anything at all. They meet their futures, as unaware as a man on the tracks of a speeding freight train... WHAM! So what I once saw as a "curse" has become my "great blessing". Because something is more plainly shown, in the prophesies of someone else’s religion: Does NOT invalidate them for the visions that they are. I don’t see the Creator God, as so petty and malicious, as so many small minded bigots will paint Him. Jesus’ New Testament was written in Greek, for the First Century Gentiles/PAGANS!

It was written in a language, and with terms that pagans could understand, and there was a great deal of a bigger message in all of that than “get religious and die”. He was never recorded as saying much good about anyone’s religion at all. Instead of looking at all of the divisions and differences of people, I began to look at what similarities were found of “godly” people, of ANY and ALL cultures. And just like Jesus said: You’ll know a tree by its fruit, and it became plain that the Creator/ God loves them ALL. And He gave them dreams and visions, and encouraged them after the manner of their peoples and cultures. I took all these writings and prophesies in a MUCH bigger context and applied what they taught me, to my everyday life and spirituality.

That "kinsman redeemer" thing in The Book of RUTH (Old Testament): Jesus/Boaz doesn't "own" my soul. The title deed is all mine, because He purchased it for me and gave it back to me. But I know him as I would an elder brother, in a very BIG way, and join him of my own choosing. I’m not the first pagan witch that He told: “Follow me!“ It's a wonderful thing to fully own your own soul. Most people here are very much owned at every turn. I suppose this must be where my "chains fell off". But it's a good path to be on. I am, who I am, even as you are, who YOU are. We do not become this one’s, or that one’s religion and disdain everyone else. We take knowledge and apply it to wisdom, and we become better souls, in ourselves, than we were yesterday. Forget the offering plates, and simply give the best of yourselves to whomever that you find in need of either, a good shoulder to cry on, or a strong shoulder to lift them up. No matter what you call yourself: This we agree: Is the “will of a loving, great and wonderful God”.


Artificing as Spellcraft

Artificing: The crafting of magical tools and weapons.

Again, it is important that you understand that the main thrust of my writings here, are not WHAT to think about this aspect or that one. But to understand WHY , and under what precepts or foundations that these things work, so that you may be able to properly determine for yourself, HOW these things are accomplished. Artificing is no small part of witchery, and specifically, spellcraft as it accomplishes the specific goals of creating proper and effective tools for wise applications. A workman with poor tools, can only be expected to do only so much with them, before they fail at their tasks, and as I’ve said numerous times already: A wise witch does NOT rely upon LUCK, but manufactures their own brand of “luck”, leaving nothing to common circumstance. I’m taking these things, and ancient writings, out of their former context of “religions mysteries”, and trying to make you see, and understand the wisdom of your own ancient ancestry.

In many of the legends of old, or even in your own family history: You may have heard of “named weapons” or tools, as the cases may be. These were items beyond the norm or average means. This is much in the same way that “Excalibur” was more than just a mere “sword”. It had its own name, designating that it was an item that held its own peculiar “destiny”. Or we could even be speaking of B.B. King’s guitar, “Lucille”. Between the musician, and the particular item of his respective craft, there is an undeniable relationship, that pushes the boundaries of what they may accomplish, to an even greater degree. So, for the purpose of this chapter on Artificing, we will capitalize this word, to set it apart from mere crafting, to pulling into play, as many “influences” as we can, to set these implements apart from the norm. Mysteries are for those who allow them to be so. But for YOU, my dearest readers: They are subjects of study, knowledge and wise application to your own craft. What is under the generic “catch all” label as “magick”: are defined into greater detail for the wise witch and wizard!

Where does all of this ancient knowledge come from? I’m glad that you asked! There are MANY ancient tales of where all varieties of our craft has come from. Whether you are acknowledging, what the “religious” crowd loves to adore as myth and magic, as perhaps The Book of Enoch. Or whether you are subscribing to the theory of Ancient Astronauts, with the translated Sumerian texts of Zecharia Sichen: It is commonly claimed that such knowledge came to us by rebel “gods”, or beings from the stars, who gave our civilization, what they believed to be, a much needed boost, to get our ancient kin to the point, where they could be of some productive use for their purposes. There are many opinions of what that “use” was or might have been. But for our own purposes here, we’ll stick with those sciences or crafts, that we can make some use of our own for.

My purpose in writing this, is to bring you all into your own power, and not so much under those, who hold power over you. We’ve agreed that these are rarely, if ever in YOUR best interests. If you’re ever going to get out from under so many “royal thumbs”, you’re going to need something that you can count on to do this. Let’s start this by offering up a little excerpt from The Book of Enoch, and then we’ll elaborate on how these work, and I’ll provide some examples that you can take apart, to come to your own ideas, of how to go about this within the contexts of your selective crafts.

Chapter 8

1 Moreover Azazyel taught men to (A) make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments,(B) the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.(C)

(A) Artificing, and metallurgy. (B) The craft of placing “glamours”.

2 Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways.

(C) The effect of “glamours”, is to affect to draw the eye, and make someone or something to appear as more to be desired. In this verse, we can see that it had its desired effect.

3 Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots:

4 Armers taught the solution of sorcery;(D)

(D) Pharmacology. Druggists 

5 Barkayal taught the observers of the stars, (E)

(E) Observers of the effects of specific stellar alignments. Astrologers

6 Akibeel taught signs;(F)

(F) Omens and indicators of influences unseen being at work.

7 Tamiel taught astronomy;(G)

(G)The study of the physical bodies in their movements in space.

8 And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon,(H)

(H) The effects of Lunar cycles upon nature.

9 And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to heaven.

The crafts having their designed effects, were being used to gain power over others, as it has ever since.

*End of Excerpt*

Indeed, there are a great many other, and similar writings confirming that this or that god or goddess, came down and brought the people this, or that specific knowledge. Many make these out as religious mythos, and then the people worshipped them, and built fine temples for the priests , and passed the plate around, collecting much money, and fabulous wealth. Amen! But such will never be MY approach as a scholar of such antiquities as I have been trained in.

Much as I am taking the time here, to write down the knowledge and wisdom, that I have been taught, in the language of my times, wherein I might have some chance of being heard and understood, for the posterity of my people (YOU). I read these ancient diatribes, with the same respect of the wishes of the ancient authors, and instead of proclaiming them as mysteries, for the powerful, elite few: They wrote them down for anyone who could read them, or even as Jesus often said: He who hath ears to hear it; let them hear! So these “mysteries” from an advanced race of people from the stars, are going to need to be elaborated a bit upon, for our imposed religiously and culturally enforced ignorance. First, we’ll go back to the proper definition of a spell, just in case you’ve been jumping chapters:

SPELL: A set period of time, where an influence, or influences are brought to bear, to accomplish a desired goal.

We can sharpen a stone or a piece of steel and call it a knife. But when we want a worthy knife, that will not fail to cut, every time and everything we want to cut: We need to consider what influences that we are capable of bringing to bear, to accomplish the crafting of such a knife. Such knowledge is available from a myriad of sources. Like the old “fastest gun in the West” icon, in order to survive and thrive, we need to have our extra, added edge, to give us the advantage over the less knowledgeable, and less skilled practitioners of the “fast draw.” In the metallurgical craft that Azazyel taught: He gave men a knowledge of how to work the metals, what metals to work, into specific ways, such as swords and knives. He even taught them how they even might be used, to defend against such other implements of war, by crafting such things as breastplates and shields.

You can collect your ore, to smelt into bar stock, and hammer out a blade and sharpen it on a stone. Depending upon the hardness of the metal, it will hold an edge, up to a certain point of usage, before it requires more sharpening. Whether we are speaking of the sword, the swordsman, witch or wizard: To serve to our safest, and our fullest capacity, we must always be at our sharpest. If we make our metal too hard, it becomes nearly as brittle as glass. It will truly hold as fine an edge as broken glass, but will not withstand dropping on a hard surface, or being struck by another piece of metal. We have to think ahead, when we are crafting something for a particular use. We don’t want to arm our soldiers and fighting men, with swords that cut, and last for only one stroke, and leaving them defenseless on the field of battle, immediately there after. There are a multitude of benefits, to having your men of arms surviving long enough to be veterans, and not simply dead heroes.

For such as we are discussing here, we can learn our best techniques, from the craftsmen noted for making the best swords. In this case: the ancient Japanese. They came about this problem often, as they were also constantly in a state of war, and with samurai dueling about all over the place. Knowledge is POWER, and we as wise, must learn to take our knowledge from every source that we can gather it from. I will speak only briefly on how they managed this great craft, because this is not a book on blade making. It is a book on how and why certain things work better than others, and determining how to bring all of these things to bear in your own crafts, and become all the wiser and effective for this.

The ancient Japanese sword smiths learned, that if they folded their steel over, many, many times, and then sharpened and tempered their blades just so: That they could produce a blade that held a very serious edge in battle, and yet be flexible and resilient enough, to take many hard blows without shattering like glass! The WHY and HOW of this comes from the layers of steel. When heated, the inner layers stayed just a bit “softer” than the more greatly heated and carbonized exterior layers of steel. This gave the blades a bit more flex, in the core of the weapon, and the hardness of the exterior steel, to hold a fine edge. The Japs love a great “fast draw” artist as much as any lovers of a good western, (they call it “Iaido”) and well know the value of cultivating an edge, over all of their prospective competition. Hence, they’ve had some of the finest, and best documented swordsmen on the face of the Earth.

Miyamoto Musashi’s, Book of Five Rings, is an excellent treatise on what he had noted, that worked best for him, to not just survive sixty duels, but to WIN them. Itself and Sun Tsu’s, Art of War, are excellent examples of how knowledge being POWER, going beyond the mystical realms and into practical usage. But you must also keep the holistic approach in all things, because that simply knowing a good martial strategy, will not make one able to succeed when their weapons shatter. And having a fine weapon, will not help a fool ,who has never acquired any skill with them. For that we have an old Irish saying: “Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance.”

A fellow must obviously know how to get his big feet out of the way of his own blade, and how to move in such a coordinated way, as to make the best cut possible. If you’ve been paying attention, you can already see that there are a great many influences that we can bring to bear, to make a better knife or sword and even a better swordsman, to wield such an implement successfully. This is our proper spellcraft, and it ensures that our efforts do not go unrewarded. We do not wave sticks and chant to be respected by superstitious sheep. We work our craft to its utmost, because as being formidably wise, we ARE forces in ourselves, to be respected of everyone that we encounter.

There are a great many forces and influences beyond the mere hardening of iron implements, that we can bring to bear, to accomplish the crafting of an item, that will not fail us in attaining specific goals. The soft core, and hardened shell of steel, is only a fraction of what is available to use, and sometimes just a good cut, is not ALL that we need for an item to succeed in its prescribed purpose or destiny. A great many things go into the crafting, or Artificing of a “named item”. I will show a few items, we have crafted at our own forge, and a bit about what was added to the crafting, to make them more able, to be applied to their specific tasks.

My first item to show here is an athame called, “Huntress”. Many Wiccans use athemes in rituals and ceremonial magick. They are very individualized to the use of each witch. And since they are “ceremonial,” and not really used for cutting anything, but symbols of power and authority: Most of these are never sharpened, but are dull edged. From my Grandma’s usage of such, in Danaan witchery, if the blade was not useful as a cutting tool, then its “power” or ability to serve, was limited, or questionable. It had to be a serviceable tool for her crafting. She sometimes used her athame to cut herbs, vines and cords, to do her specific kind of witchery. So naturally, as her Danaan protégé, I crafted my athame with a dual cutting edge. This one is also of a design, that anyone or anything, with any serious intelligence, will NOT want to be pierced with. It grants its wielder a measure of real personal authority in a given situation.

It was also known among the nearly immortal Sidhe, and the fae; that they had a weakness, or a vulnerability, to being pierced by cold iron. It was said, that they were driven out of their predominance of ancient Ireland at sword point. In making a worthy tool, for a witch who may encounter such influences in her craft and rituals, I needed every edge that I could put into this weapon to give her more clout, with whatever she met. This doesn’t mean, that she’s expected to attack anything she sees. It only means that she CAN, only if she NEEDS to, and that it WILL have some effect. When a fae, or an animal smiles, it reveals its fangs. It is not a sign of mirth, but significant of showing their place, on the proverbial food chain, or their “authority“. Human teeth are as blunt as any grass eater’s, hence my athame had its own place on the “food chain,” as the superior “fang” of a sort.

In its ceremonial capacity as a variation on the wand, it could be kept sheathed in its “unicorn horn” shaped casing, and still be a proper focusing item of one’s personal energies. The “Lunar Triple Goddess” emblem inlaid within its scabbard, was crafted of lunar elements and signified the relationship of its user, who was a practicing Lunar witch. But when the blade was bared, it carried the promise that this would not be the ineffective bite of a grass eater at all. The bearer was due some respect as any good Sidhe might expect. This was my means of granting equal ground, and a level playing field.

Salt was stored in a pocket inside the handle of this knife, and in direct contact with the tang of the blade, for its purity against anything of “corruptible” influence. Silver was added to its making, also for its effect upon the darker fae elements that a witch might encounter. These aspects would give the wielder of this implement, a greater means negatively effecting anything nasty enough, to want to be a negative force to the witch herself. Her athame had to be a symbol of her authority as a witch, a “wise one”. And no hollow threats or bluffs were ever made in the making of this symbol. This athame had to have an “authority” of its own, to better serve the witch that it was crafted for. The wood that I chose, for crafting the hilt and scabbard, was chosen from stock, that was consecrated only for magical items. This was wood, usually lightning struck off its tree, or part of a consecrated item like a former altar, or some such, and put to good use. Remember, in the earlier chapter on Rituals: about the “magick circle”, and how its sigils added their own influence to the aura of the magician within its boundaries? The same is true of the sigils, and symbols of everything that went into the crafting of this athame.

She would not be using this for “blood sacrifices” of any sort. For such has never been the way with her and her kind. But in the course of shaping, sharpening and crafting such a blade as this, it was inevitable that I might get nicked or cut, somewhere in the process. This blood was smeared into the clay that coated the blade, in its heating and tempering. Since it was heated to cherry red, we can’t honestly claim that my DNA went into the making, but the elements of my own blood, were infused in with the elements of the steel blade. I literally put myself into my work. Every added influence, that could be put into the use of this athame was added, to create a named blade called “Huntress”, in honor of Diana, the Lunar goddess.

Tyr’s Daughter

Items are often known as masculine, feminine or even androgynous in their natures. There is a slightly different usage of symbolism in the crafting of this peculiar Artifact called, “Tyr’s Daughter”. Tyr is an ancient war god, known for his great spear. That spear is often used as a runic symbol for men or spirit warriors, depending upon the context. Tyr’s Daughter, invokes the feminine aspects of the same, in its own way. The sine wave shape of this spelled halberd, are more representative of a feminine aspect of power. Whereas men tend to think and act in a linear fashion, much like Tyr‘s spear. They perceive an obstacle, and their first thought is to overcome by smashing through it. While women then to think in a more circular fashion. They don’t carry the mass and strength, for the most part, and their typical first thoughts for any obstacle are crafty, in how they will get around it. They’re good at it too!

The sine wave shape of this spelled halberd, is ergonomically designed to make use of it as a whirling, slashing bladed weapon. The way that it is wielded lends naturally to its strong suit to cut and slash. It can be held, almost wrapped around one’s back or shoulders, and utilized to give it more bodyweight, in a piercing or stabbing motion. But the hooked end of its blade, are going to be absolute and unarguably bloody murder in how it comes back out again. Pressing one’s foot on the recipient, and utilizing the curve of the haft, will also lend to the sureness of grip for such an extraction. It sounds quite grizzly, I know, but it carries a certain authority, that promises that if it is brought to bear, that it will not end “pretty“. Contention with this authority is naturally discouraged, even by its design.

The blade is hammered out of 1040 spring steel, chosen for its natural hardness and ability to hold a fine edge. It’s surface was coated in white clay, from a sacred site, and used in tempering as a means to keep the core softer than the edge. After heating to a full glow it was quenched in carbonized oil. The sigils were flame and fire oriented, and engraved into it, before the hardening process, or I would never have had a tool capable of cutting into this metal stock. The reheating and tempering process, had spectacular results in the effect of creating a pyrotechnic display that we could not put out. Fortunately, we expected this, and did these processes in an outdoor forge, where we could allow it to finish in its own time, without destroying the workshop.

The handle was chosen from a lightning struck white oak that has been a sacred site of our clan for generations, known as Grandmother White Oak. It was also chosen for its lovely sine wave shape. The oak haft was carved with a Welsh Spell of Making. This script wrapped around its length in Celtic Rune work. The ends were bound in iron bands to prevent any splitting of the rock hard haft, and to add a little counter balance, to the heavy blade at the business end. It was stained in two colors, to bring out the magical script. This was to complement the blades rune work and fire sigils that adorn its cutting end. The guard of the bladed end, is four square shaped and made of solid brass, as a metal of “judgment”. It carries the druidic symbols of the elements of the four quarters. Starting from the bottom of the haft upwards, it reads as follows:

“A Spell of Making”

"A Elfyntodd Dwyr Sindyn Duw,

Cerrig Yr Fferllurig Nwyn;

Os Syriaeth Ech Saffaer Tu,

Fewr Echlyn Mor, Necrombor Llun."

Believe it or not, that’s a Welsh rhyme. This is iron bound at beginning and end, sealing its intent. Separating the haft from the blade, the elements themselves caution judgment in the use, and encountering of this Artifact. And the curved, tempered and barbed blade carries all the runic sigils, and aura of the devastating authority of its own design.

This Artifact is of a sort, that is designed for traversing Rifts, as I’ve already mentioned in an earlier chapter. The staff is useful for its strength, and its hardened curved, sharpness of its blade is capable of felling trees, if so needed. The barbed blade is also quite handy for swinging, climbing or hanging from trees with surety and ease. And whether you find yourself attacked by a wild boar, a bear or a particularly nasty nephalim, they will not be walking away from that ordeal. It’s essentially an implement used by witches, that tend to take on bigger game than most. We tend to go into places, that most people wisely fear to tread, but we do not go in those places unprepared. I’ve found it tremendously useful on such treks, but never had to use it as a weapon, as of this writing. We practice our katas, kuen or weapon forms as a regular matter of training. The best defensive strategies, are the ones that are the rarest to be challenged.

Here’s yet another facet of Artificing, and utilizing other aspects, adding other influences, to accentuate our effectiveness. This is just one small example. These wands can be crafted of nearly any wood. Some witches prefer them carved from the Trees represented by their Celtic Tree signs. You can see what your own Celtic Tree Sign is on the chart below. But this is not the ONLY way to establish a link with an implement of your craft, that serves as an extension of your own arm

I’ve brought up in an earlier chapter, about the harvesting and making of real “root beer”, or Sassafras brew. It is a delightful and delicious brew in its many forms. The tree also has its own magical symbology in its use of threes, as in the three types of leaf shapes, that you can find on every branch. It is a rizome, meaning that a single root, will sprout many plants. So when we are harvesting small trees of this sort, to make our root beer: The strength of a tree, is found within its roots. We harvest them from areas in the thick woods, where we know there are too many of saplings clustered too close together, for all of them to grow and to flourish properly. This assures us that we won’t devastate our population of healthy trees, as we uproot the smaller saplings for our root stock.

We identify our trees, clear the area of earth about its base, and pull it out of the loam with a slow, strong tug. Then we chop off the root stock, into cut into small chunks that we can toss into a pot to boil. We bring these to a rolling boil, and let it simmer, until the brew turns a deep reddish brown, and the house smells richly of root beer. Pour it into a mug, sweeten to taste and enjoy! But what to do with the young tree stem?

You might be familiar with the saying: “You ARE what you eat.” In essence: You absorb the DNA of the things that you consume into your own. Sassafras is a soft wood, and not so strong as the hardwoods like maples, ashes and oaks. But it’s easy to carve, and makes nice wands. It has a nice reddish brown luster as it dries. They’re soft enough to carve while they are still fresh and green. I will wash off its root bundle, label it and put it in a baggie in the freezer. I like to make certain that the person getting the wand, gets the roots that went to it. You can carve these wands with whatever designs or symbols that you feel may be appropriate. When they get their wands, along with the root bundles that it grew out of, they can brew a strong sassafras brew, to imbibe the very essence of their own wand, into their own bodies. Hence, we have a wand that is truly more of an extension of themselves, and vice versa. We create a very real relationship between the user and their wand. They should only use their own wands, and drink their own wand’s brew, to consecrate its use to themselves and no one else.

The purpose of proper Artificing, is to apply whatever knowledge you can get, to strengthen, and improve the implement in its physical aspects, and in those, the utmost consideration needs be made, to WHO will be using the item, and HOW it will better serve their purpose? As with most things you read about and hear about in craft circles, you need to remember also that there are many levels within levels, dimensions or facets of any given thing. Sigils, runes and symbols will effect the aural aspects of a power object. They will effect the user, and the target items as well, and you need to determine how much effect, that you want it to have. If you’re dealing with something like a weapon, that is only used in a life or death situation, then you need to be certain, that it will be effective every time, and never fail. In items of other use: The items and symbolism involved should be reflective of that usage, and conducive to doing such in an efficient fashion.

Artifacts are not “static”, or just something hung on a wall, unless we are talking about wards or such. Even so, there is a sort of “movement” involved, in what is the direction of the intent, and purpose behind these items. Just the same as there is more to yourself, than a clothes rack, you are multi-dimensional in your intellect, emotions and spirituality. And in any given instance, where these are all unanimous in their focus: You have a far more concentrated power to effect the circumstances that you are focused upon. The same is true of all aspects of a “named item” or Artifact. It needs to be imbued with all of the elements, intentions, physical traits and a strong definition, of its own destiny, or purpose for being. Even if all that you are doing, is creating the world’s best can opener: It should be easily wielded, sharp to cut can metals well, and strong enough to take the strain of much use. Then it’s appropriately named, such as: “Old Faithful”, or “Can Cutter” or something suitable.

Types of Witches and Other Terms



In this chapter, I’ll try to define what we mean when we speak of different kinds of witches, and some of the terms for various craft items and such. I intended to do these in somewhat of an alphabetical order; however, so many of the terms are synonymous with others, and that blows the whole order, as I don’t want to make this tediously long. I doubt that I’ll get to ALL of them, and not to everyone’s fullest satisfaction here. I’d rather deal with them, in the most general terms that I can use, to just give an idea of what these terms mean. Truth all told: Even among witches, there are so many variations of cults, sects and quasi-religious nit pickings, that one can go quite insane in trying to define any one of them. And even if I went so far as to grace you, with ALL the ins and outs of proper Danaan witchcraft, inevitably, because of your own basic proclivities: You will alter or adapt what you learn, to better suit yourself. We ALL do, and I see that as a GOOD thing! It begs to have your own personal connection, to really work well for you.

Adept - a witch or mage, who is naturally or genetically inclined to have a greater proclivity of paranormal powers. It can also be one who by diligent practice, has reached such a high level of proficiency in their craft.

Athame - (ahthah-may) a witch’s ceremonial long knife. Usually a double edged blade, that is consecrated for ritual use only, and never handled by others. Many sects of witches prefer a dull edged knife. Most of the Old Craft witches require the sharpened variety for use in cutting herbs, cords, or even blood sacrifices for divinations of entrails (not common among most of us).

Many times, this can be a short or long sword that is consecrated for ceremonial purposes, and also called a Witch Blade.

Magick - an old spelling, used to differentiate what we are speaking of from card tricks and stage magic for entertainment purposes.

Mage - Ceremonial witches or magicians - those who rely mainly upon the use and power of rituals to effect their spell work. A practitioner of paranormal powers.

Witch - From the Gaelic “Witte” (wih-cheh), our root word for “wit’ and “wisdom”, denoting a “wise one” , or a Wise Woman. In ancient Celtic society, they represented the Lunar, or Feminine aspects of the craft, and wore the neutral clan color of black as a matter of course. This is not to say that ONLY women were witches, but the natural proclivity for women to nurture the intuitive traits and affinity for lunar cycles, they were always the predominating gender of this aspect of the craft. I will speak more to this trait specifically under Dianic Witches later on in this chapter.

Druid - Solar or Masculine aspects of the Old Craft infrastructure of ancient Celtic society, and wore the clan neutral white robes designating their office. Even as with the witches, the druids are not always ONLY men. The teacher of war craft (martial arts), to the Irish hero, Finn McCumhal was said to be a druidess.

Warlock - from the Gaelic word "waerloka", literally: oath breaker or traitor, an unscrupulous mage that has broken with their original oath, from the earliest Mystery Schools, to use the advanced aspects of the craft of the wise, to ONLY use this knowledge to benefit their communities, and NEVER themselves and the expense of others. Many today, via the propaganda of the Roman Church, believe these to be “male witches”. Honest, Old Craft witches find this extremely offensive. See Will & Word.

Will and Word - It witch’s truest power is made manifest in their unbroken and unbreakable Will and Word, as illustrated in this signing for Witch’s Honor. It was not merely the witches of old, who observed this as a standard value. Long, long before Madison Avenue, a witch or magi-strate, a noble or an artisan, established their unbroken word as their bond in any and all business dealings. If you ever wanted to thrive in your business, you HAD to establish that you ALWAYS delivered as promised. To fail at this was unacceptable in ALL social circles, and make you a social anathema, or pariah, worth avoiding and never being done business with as a known cheat. Hence: Warlocks (oath breakers) ALWAYS met in secret to conduct their business schemes, long before the days when the Roman Church would demonize all members of the Old Religion of craft. To this day, in many rural Celtic settings, there are people known for their larger-than-life dedication for the extents that they are known for ALWAYS keeping their word as unbroken. This is an ancient carry over from our pagan times.

Water Witch - Dowser, or one who uses divining techniques (i.e.- dowsing rods) to find water at its shallowest points, to dig wells. Dowsing is also used to find lost items, bodies, oil, gold and just about anything else as well.

Kitchen Witch - or Cottage Witch. A practitioner who uses the tools at hand to work their spells and create their rituals. It is not confined only to the kitchen or cooking, but it is much more. Working with nature to make the hearth and home a secure and sacred place.

Eclectic witch - One who will pick and choose from different traditions of esoteric disciplines. Wiccans are eclectic by the nature of their craft.

Satanic Witch - Considered by true pagans as a contradiction of terms. By the Threefold Law of Karmic Returns, one cannot be considered “wise”, who has devoted themselves to “evil” in any form. It’s akin to throwing an anvil up into the air, and standing under it. This form of witchery was solely the invention of the Roman Church, as propaganda to persecute the Old Craft out of existence, and give them unrestricted access to the peasantry, without any contention, by any other authority who truly understood spellcraft. Satanism, like Roman Christianity, came to the masses in a “top-down” fashion, through the royal courts, by its Bishops and warlock (oath breaking) clergy, visiting these upon the landed nobility, and establishing their embassies as cathedrals, priories, convents, abbies and churches, also granting approval for kings to rule, and collecting a tax or tithe of the citizens of that land. They established themselves early, as the “true law of the land”.

Luciferian, or Promethean warlock - One who views Lucifer (Light Bringer), as Prometheus (Fire Bringer), as having rebelled against Heaven, to bring mankind occult knowledge. The Prometheans were the earlier Mystery School fraternities, of the two. In BOTH cases, their gods are considered the heroes, for having brought down this forbidden knowledge from the Heavens, in spite of Zeus’, or Jehovah’s orders to the contrary. Both sects are patriarchal, in their nature: Giving men the preeminence and authority over women as second class citizens, or even as property. Earlier Enochian Manuscripts, attribute this knowledge and technology coming down from the heavens via 200 rebel Watchers, teaching these to the women they mated with, and creating a matriarchal society, where either women OR men, could have preeminence on a more equal footing. Of such origins came the original ancient wyrding clans, and royal bloodlines from the heavens. As the warlock wrested more and more temporal power over the religious masses of their “sheep”. The matriarchal clans took a back seat, under threat of horrific deaths for witchcraft, which is STILL practiced in Roman Churches and others to this very day. Also included in these sects are: Theosophists, are alleged to have began with Madame Blavatsky, one of the co-founders, in 1875 of the Theosophical Society in New York. Self admittedly, Blavatsky was introduced into Satanism, by the Royal French Court. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, in certain rarified circles, is still known as the familial coven of the Rothschild dynasty.

                                                     Baroness Rothschild

The Rosicrucian Order (A.M.O.R.C.) via Christian Rosenkreuz, in the 17th Century, all of these are splinter groups of Freemasonry, Egyptian, Temple of Seth and/or Kabalistic orders. Though many will vociferously deny this as so: The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, or The Enlightened Ones, take after their “Light Bearer” Luciferian doctrines, allegedly founded by Adam Weishaupt on Beltane of 1776 . But is actually of far older origins. These ALL came “top-down” through the landed nobility, via much the same clergy that had ironically, demonized every other form of witch, wizard or shaman as “devil worshipers”.

Faery Witch - A witch of the faery faith, or one who has extraordinary knowledge and influence of, and with the fae folk.

Sorcerer - pharmacologist, herbalist, apothecary, potions maker. Often one will find such listed in older writings as someone or something inherently “evil”. This is not true. The craft itself, was one intended to help with the ills of the community, and its practitioners swore oaths to do so, in order to train as such. However, as with other “warlocks”, many unscrupulous sorcerers found that they could use their knowledge of pharmaceuticals to addict, bedazzle, bewitch, bamboozle and even poison their patrons to increase their profit making. These were the news makers of their times, that gave this craft its bad reputation. Not surprisingly, this same attitude prevails even today in modern pharmacology and medicine, where patients are sold drugs, that they don’t really need to fill up the corporate coffers with literal ill gotten wealth, much as their ancient ancestors had done.

Alchemist - The precursor to modern chemistry, and quantum science. AKA Alchemy

Wiccan - a practitioner of Wicca, the craft of the wise. This is largely a “reconstructionist movement” started in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner. The two main sects of Wicca are either Gardnerian (after Mr. Gardner), or Alexandrian (after Alexander Sanders) a more eclectic form of the previous. There are more sects in this craft today, but not considered as “Old Craft”, by many traditional witches today. For myself, as a hereditary Danaan Witch: I find a great deal of Old Craft, contained within the craft as taught by Mr. Gardner. As it is mainly a re-construction of the Old Craft, it fills in the gaps of knowledge with other esoteric teachings, and is a bit more eclectic, over the purist forms. As we ALL learn from each other, I do NOT see this as any “lesser” form of the craft at all. I am also, quite beholden to their public stance, and to the degrees, that they have been so vocal in objection to the Church spawned, Satanic propaganda towards witchery. In all due respect, I offer a tip of the pointy hat to Gerald Gardner and his craft.

Mage - magi (plural), generic form for magicians, wielders of magic in ritual, paranormal practitioner, tribesman of Media, Iran

Dianic Witch - a matriarchal and more specific sect of Lunar Witch. A priestess, or follower of Diana, the Huntress. There are essentially, two forms of Dianic witchery: The first is Female ONLY, and worships the Divine Feminine aspects of the Triple Goddess, as portrayed in the Maiden, Mother and Crone. As can be expected, lunar cycles in women, such as menstruation and such are observed and understood in the deepest possible ways. This is very awkward territory for a man to be in. But it is not without its male practitioners either. The Arcadian forms of Dianic witchery includes male energies in its practice, where in some rituals, a man can even become Consort to Diana, in certain rituals. There are still certain rituals, that are going to segregate the women from the men, out of necessity. Face it guys: You’re not going to feel the need to cleanse so, after your period. But they will, and the end results of that is very good.

Danaan Witch - A priest or priestess of Mother Danu, Gaia, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, for whom the Danube River Valley was named after in Paleolithic times. One of the Children of Danu, or the Tuatha De Danaans, a practitioner of Nature or Earth Magick.

Hereditary Witch - A “witch of the blood”, a genetic descendant of one of the 200+ original Wyrding Clans. A passed down family tradition of craft, though not ALL members of said families are practicing witches, or even fully talented as such. But the genetic proclivity for certain talents or perceptions beyond the dogmatic Five Senses, gives many members of such families the tools and the curiosity they need to get them to look deeper into the secrets of magick and esoteric teachings.

Wyrd - Yes. It’s the root form of “weird”, or strange. Wyrd women, wyrding folk, wyrding clans, the runic symbol, or Blank Rune, “wyrd” that represents the Unknowable.

Sage - A kindly, wise person.

Seer, seeress - A visionary witch or wizard.

Shaman - witch or wizard of a particularly nature based spirituality, a hedge witch or wizard, a.k.a. a green witch.

Wizard - a.k.a. - Cunning Folk. One whose academic studies of things, has moved beyond the average on all levels.

Conjurer - One who calls up spirit entities with some measure of authority.

Solitaire - a solitary practitioner or student of the arcane, as opposed to those who practice commonly in covens. Many times, either by nature, or due to too much politicking and distractions offered in covens, a witch or wizard will prefer to study and practice their craft alone. Many do this for limited periods of time, for a deeper study, a rejoin with their favorite group or coven later, or simply for sabbats and esbats.

Pow Wow Witch - a practitioner of Pow Wow, a hybrid Pennsylvania Dutch and Algonquin form of witchery , also called “seekers of visions”. One of the chief traits that I’ve noticed in this form, was the extravagant attention given to the details, of obtaining one’s spell components in their forms of spellcraft. It all has the nature of a quest, wherein the witch will learn some deeper aspect of life or its circumstances in the gathering of these items.

Augury - or an augur, specializes in signs, omens, and indicators of unseen forces or influences.

Necromancer - One who studies or communes with the dead. A forensic scientist, a student or doctor of anatomy,

Crystal Witch - A witch who largely utilizes the effects of crystals in their spell workings. The energetic, peizo-electric qualities of many types of crystals, are helpful in effecting frequency changes to effected areas, and personal E.M. (electro-magnetic) fields of their bodies (aka -aural fields).

Sabbats - There are Eight Sabbats, in the Wheel of the Year and they are solar, seasonal and represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. They are Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon. 

Esbats - Are lunar in nature, and fall upon the 13 Full Moons of the Celtic calendar year.











































Non-Corporeals 101

Identifying Non-Corporeal Entities…

There are LOADS of aspects of this topic that we need to cover in this chapter. First is identifying these, not simply the names they may go by, but the SPECIES and types of entities that we are dealing with. Most people, when they believe that their homes are being occupied by some form of invisible entity or spirit, will immediately determine that it is by a ghost. And when we say ghost: there is the nearly automatic assumption that it is the spirit of a departed human being. Some of the more dyed-in-the-wool religious fanatics, will automatically assume that they are dealing with a demonic spirit, in their home. Both of these may be quite sincere in their beliefs, but are easily as likely to be sincerely wrong, in their identification of their problems.

This problem in identifying species of non-corporeal life and activity, begins with a very basic misperception, that the whole universe can be measured and identified in ONLY FOUR DIMENSIONS. This being THREE dimensions of space: Length, Width, and Depth, and an additional ONE dimension of Space/Time. This being illustrated in concepts such as: Light years: the distance of which light is known to travel in one year, or smaller increments like: Kilometers or miles-per-hour. Everything in our universe is known to move in space/time at some speed. This by itself, renders the ideas that something that cannot be seen, perceived or measured by these four dimensions alone, cannot possibly exist. This is the root error of that kind of thinking. Quantum physicists and mathematicians understand, that there may be as many as ELEVEN DIMENSIONS, or possibly even more, that are completely unperceivable in such a state as we are. And if the idea of an infinite universe, is mind boggling to you: Consider that these same mathematicians determine, that we do NOT live merely in a single universe, but a MULTIVERSE, of near infinite strings of parallel universes and dimensions, all of these occupying the same space as we are now.

Once you get a handle on that not-so-simple truth: It opens up a whole realm of possibilities, to consider for phenomenon that are currently “impossible” or unexplainable by the partial list of rules, that we are perceiving, that we believe represent the sum total of our reality. Wizards and witches understand that ALL magick is perfectly natural, and not “supernatural”. Some of these happen to be wizards of mathematics, and not uncommon in our natural world either. In the same way that a primitive human, understands enough physics to understand the law of gravity: What goes up, MUST come down… FAST and HARD! The wizards who have mastered aerodynamics, understand a mathematical precept that does not BREAK the law of gravity, but supersedes it: in how it utilizes other factors or influences, of Weight, Thrust, Lift and Drag to create a controllable and sustainable flight, of a much heavier than air vehicle. Airplanes do not fly because of “supernatural” forces, but natural forces that are manipulated to accomplish this act. This is NATURAL.

Just the same as your current naturally known world, has many different types of denizens and species; such is also true of the expanded reality. For instance: You hear a strange scratching, and thumping sounds coming from your floors, walls or ceilings at night. Something is active in your house that your eyes cannot readily see, but they have a physical effect on the reality of where you live. These may be due to “natural occurrences”. There are many such creatures that you can identify in your “natural” world. They can be squirrels in the attic, birds in the rafters, skunks, rats, or raccoons under the house, mice in the walls, or death watch beetles clicking out of sight. It explains the phenomenon in terms that are readily understood by anyone.

Now, once these factors have been ruled out; our research begins to fall into the range of “paranormal phenomenon“. We have a MUCH broader spectrum of worlds, and denizens of those worlds to consider, and they are quite “natural” or “normal” in their own scope of existence as you are. If you’ve read all of my chapters on Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection, or even Demonology, you’ve already become aware, that there’s another, very real and natural dimension of your own soul and spirit, that is NOT bound by the limits of the commonly known Fourth Dimensional aspects of this present paradigm that we live in. The limitations of Time and Space, do not apply to them, as they seem to do for your physical form. The more dimensions we bring into play; the greater degree of freedom of movement that we can enjoy. You’ve already learned that *some* ghosts, don’t necessarily HAVE to be the ghosts of the dearly departed. We’ve learned that some are the ghosts of living people, asleep in another physical location. And *some* are not “human at all“, and never have been so.

When I was a young and upcoming witchling in my Grandma’s household; it was explained to me in terms of Negative, Neutral and Positive realms of one sort or another. Some of this explained in terms of evil, demonic, or dark fae entities, which are subject to the reign, of the Devil, or some such dark ruler. Then there were the more neutral, nature spirits, or fae folk, which are subject to yet another royal court, or hierarchy as such. And finally, the holy angels, bright fae, and positive muses, that serve a beneficent God or even the Mother Goddess. My own studies have found this to be considerably more complex than just these alone, but they were a great place to begin, to notice a few commonalities of our mutual existences.

The first commonality is, that we ALL live and interact with each other, within some form of hierarchy. As a physical boy, I was subject to the authority of my Matriarch (my grandmother) in the realm of our home and clan. And it doesn’t just end there: There are community, metropolitan, state, local and federal authorities that have some say in how we all are bound to interact with each other. There are laws, regulations, rules and pacts that we all honor, in order to exist well with each other. Things may appear to be chaotic in such a large world, but there are always some underlying rules governing many things, that keeps the imminent self destruction of this effect in some kind of check.

I’m going to further complicate all of this, by affirming that I am also a spiritual entity. We ALL are, to one extent or another. If you’ve been reading about the power of a witch’s unbreakable Will and Word, then you can imagine that this will also factor into the degree of “brawn” in our individual spiritual make up. I will integrate more of how you can use this aspect in a very real and effective way, in this topic. But since my path as a witch, is not merely the Four Dimensional paths that everyone walks on their way through town; but a strongly spiritual path, as a Danaan witch of the blood: I was also subject to growing up in the Summer Court. You have to consider that most of these fae, demonic, angelic and other such apparitions are extra-dimensional in their very nature, and subject to authorities in whatever realms they cross. Even me. Even YOU!

In Celtic story telling, there are the known “Seely Court” and “Unseely Courts” of the respective “good” and darker fae spirits. In my locality, as a Celt living far from Celtic lands, there was my local “Summer Court”; where certain strong spiritual entities and influences gather at certain times, to discuss and regulate how certain seasons will be effected and by what resources. My inherent, innermost nature is a singular kind of guardian or protector, symbolized in my Celtic birth sign, the Unicorn or Flaming Spear of the Holly month. What your inner spirit is like, manifests itself in your outer world, by how you behave, or what things you tend to choose. What comes out of you, is what defines you as a soul. So ALL of us serve somebody, or some authority greater than ourselves.

As a Danaan, I am as much a part of the inner, spiritual nature of our physical planet, as any other force of Nature. By attending Summer Court, I knowingly and willingly, commune and join forces with Mother Danu. In interacting in the hierarchy, I learn to act responsibly as Her son, and one of a great many other and diverse “children” of Danu, Mother Earth. There are certain rights, “perks”, and an appropriate degree of authority in Nature that I enjoy, working within my lawful framework. Depending upon your own spiritual walk or setting, and the degree of strength and authority that you have in YOUR Will and Word, this is also true of you too.

There’s a LOT of inherent “truth” in any believable lie, or simple stories, that give them their weight or impact. The real trick, is discerning the facts from the fiction, and using them to your advantage. For instance: Consider all of the old tales concerning vampires. I’m not going to get into ALL aspects of vampirism here, but I’ll deal with them on a much smaller and practical basis, to give you some tools, that you can actually profit from.

Everyone knows that vampires are commonly believed to be sanguine feeders, or “blood suckers”. There are a number of good, old fashioned granny witchery methods of throwing off blood suckers. But beyond the Euro-trash versions of Count Dracula, very few muggles ever REALLY get it. The first line of defense is GARLIC! Lots of garlic! The more of it around, the more they hate it. Were you aware that there are a myriad of forms of sanguine feeders or blood suckers, than Bela Lugosi wannabes? There are leeches, mosquitoes, ticks and more. And if you are one of those homeopathic types of people, who take natural garlic tablets, or eat a lot of garlic in your food, ALL of these creatures will find your blood to be most repulsive to them. While everyone is getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, you will likely get only one or two bites all night. And those bites come by those intrepid insects, that won’t stay to feed a second longer, after they get a fatal taste, of that garlic infused mixture in your veins. Or consider the effect of throwing salt on a leech, and what happens to them. There’s a deeper, inherent truth found illustrated within the folktale, that will make you wiser! How about the bit about them not being able to enter into your home unless they are specifically invited?

Commanding Entities in Your Domain…

Under the authority that you, and everybody is given as occupiers of homes and domains, in this material realm that we are all intimately familiar with: YOU have your own authority of saying whom is allowed access, and whom is NOT allowed at all. And you all have varying degrees of strength, implements, weaponry or such, to back up your claims, when they are challenged by those who would usurp your rightful place. In the chapter on Artificing, we discussed some of the effects that “cold iron” has on certain realms of creatures, or even the “grounding effects” that it was on various electro-magnetic fields, as are even commonly found by paranormal investigators in haunted places, and among haunted artifacts. Yes. You can shake a knife, an athame, or a sword and command with the threat of force, many and most non-corporeal invaders, to back off out of YOUR domain! In much the same as you can discourage or banish small insects, and unseen microscopic invaders with disinfectants, poisons, and repellants: There are items such as certain incenses, herbs, salts, vibrations or E.M. fields and even a commanding attitude, that they will find repellent to have to endure by staying in your domain. There’s a LOT to be said for the shamanic effects of burning copal resin, or sage and cedar smudge sticks, for making certain environments uninhabitable for the more negative denizens of the planes.

What you more aptly need to first come to terms with is: What did they find so “inviting” about your domain to begin with? Not everything spiritual is negative, or consistently beneficial either. Much like your own spirit, traveling the astral planes: You or they are not wholly one thing or another. You may have your own reasons to care for, or even despise the person or domain that you are currently visiting. YOU are the astral spirit of a human being, with human concerns, likes and dislikes, and your own inherently human motives for showing up as you did. But I always caution you about anthropomorphizing everything, as if it were human also. There are creatures, like mosquitoes, that feed on blood., and a simple lit citronella candle, can influence their tiny mindsets, to want to be someplace other than your tent or room. There are also extra-dimensional creatures, that feed on “vibes”, life forces, and auras, and they may find one sort or another desirable over others. Some prefer the adrenalin infusion that puts an electric sweet quality to the blood and aura, when their prey has been sufficiently terrified of some unknown, or known threat to their lives. An influence of sage, salt, garlic, or the strong willing of a calmer composure, may be what’s needed to put them “off of their feeding”.

Other nature spirits, may like the sacred, or even profane, ley energy found in certain areas of the land, and feel drawn to those. Some may lend their own sweet influences to your home environment, and be welcome guests or boarders. While others may be spiteful, mischievous or malicious and need to be forcefully evicted from the premises. YOUR premises, and YOU will have to learn to take full command of YOUR domain, and accept no arguments, or challenges to this. By now, it is probably dawning on you, why some of the Artifacts that I created, had such an intimidating nature to them. I made certain that I, or the witches that owned them, would not be entities to challenge lightly. It’s a HUGE multiverse, and we don’t want to spend our every waking hours contesting for our own space. When rats find food plentiful enough to find your home inviting, you remove it, or seal off the food sources, and then drive out or exterminate the rats. The can also employ a cat or a dog, to discourage them ever returning. For other vermin, you remove the things they found inviting: Dampness, rot, or such and then make your environment more amenable to YOUR health, and less so to theirs.

There are demonic creatures that may be drawn to feed off of some of the negative aspects, that you allow in your own lifestyles. I have a younger sister whose choices in life, were amusing to her own warped sense of humor, but drew a plethora of particularly bad spiritual influences, who took all of that as a proper “for rent” sign, to move into her home. This meant that at fairly regular intervals, it became necessary to walk into her home, and drive them out forcefully. But it was always and ever the same, that she would continue on her ways as ever, and consistently draw more and more of these back to her all over again. Sometimes, YOU need to be responsible for your own choices, and such are the things you can reap, by not making some needed changes in your ways. If you’re going to insist upon leaving out food all over the place, then get used to the idea of living in a vermin infested home. As “wise” witches, we need ALWAYS to not simply consider WHAT is the problem (haunting, home infestation or possession), but WHY it is so (available food, energy, inviting atmosphere). Faeries will dwell in places that they find delightful. So will demons, rats and imps.

The very nature of my book on practical witchery, is not in sharing WHAT, that I may specifically use in a given situation, but WHY I may choose something, and WHY it will work for me. The purpose of this being, that I don’t want witches that ALWAYS have to look up something in a book. Though a good selection of books will round out our educations well. But I need to make you functionally wise; to be able to discern the nature of the things that you are dealing with, to have an idea of what influences, that you have available. And how to bring those influences and effects to bear, to accomplish your own specific goals. Having re-established that precept in this chapter: I need to share a couple of my own case histories, that you can study and take apart for yourselves, to understand WHAT I did, HOW I determined these things, and WHY I chose to interact with them as I did. I had said in the beginning, that not ALL “ghosts” are the spirits of departed human beings. But what if what you are facing, really is?

The Haunting of Examination Room #2

All hospitals have ghosts. It is easily determined, as it is from these sorts of places, that many human beings depart this aspect of living, and “ready or not”, find themselves, unceremoniously ensconced within the next aspect of their spiritual immortality. For the most part, spirits rarely stay on for more than a few weeks or months at best, before they figure it out, that they can move on to better things than loitering there. They simply get caught unawares, and don’t know what to do, or where to go, because nobody had told them, that this was going to happen. In this blindered paradigm, people all seem to imagine that death, is only something that will happen to other people and not themselves, and fail to prepare properly for it. The ways that you choose to live and conduct yourselves in life, are going to have a great deal of bearing, upon what you have available to you afterwards as an evolving human soul. It’s no easy deal to figure those out after the fact. And many will find themselves stuck in a temporal rut because of this. So, it was with a soul named Georgie. There was also a lesson, that I had learned in a very peculiar kind of dream, months before I came upon my new friend, that wasn’t very clear to me at the time, but it gave me a hint of how to deal with this gentle soul, and help him move on. I’ll share it in the course of this story, so that you can determine for yourselves as to where I was coming from, in my approach to this kind of haunting.

I had just taken on a preventative maintenance and housekeeping type of job, at a local hospital, in their Radiation Oncology Clinic, and my first, full length fantasy novel: “Matriarch of The Witch Clan”, was just beginning to come out into print. I had instantly become known as the “resident witch” in the hospital, and copies were selling like hotcakes all around me. Within the confines of the clinic, was known a haunted examination room, where patients and nurses would see a man who wasn’t there, in the reflections in the glass around the nurse’s station, and leaving his imprint on the pillows and sheets of the freshly made examination table in a specific room. On two occasions, a nurse had approached me about what to do to banish a spirit from there. It was creepy, at the very least. And this had been going on in this one room, for fully six years now. Many felt uncomfortable talking about it, but everybody had some kind of experience with it, and now since a witch was working the evening shift after closing, maybe somebody could remedy the situation for them. I was only too happy to try. But I don’t have some set standard chant or spell for making generic shit happen. I approach my spellcraft in my own professional manner.

The clinic was usually closed shortly after 4pm on most evenings, and by five or six, it was empty of all staff, except for myself and whatever contractors and technicians were required to service the two linear accelerators and the M.R.I. machine. It was an underground area, with thick, lead lined walls, and special keyed secure entrances at two ends. Until midnight every week night, I had these premises to myself, to make sure that everything was in ship shape condition, for business as usual the very next business day. I’d wipe down and disinfect all of the working surfaces, and leave all the glass and chrome work in glistening condition. For health and even confidence reasons, it was important that everything was perfect for the patients.

When someone tells you that you have cancer, and that they will help you get through your ordeal, it is vitally important that everything in your surroundings, gives them the impression that your staff will be equally meticulous in ALL aspects of their treatment. We treat the whole patient, and not just the tumor here. Inevitably, when I looked into Exam Room #2, I’d find the imprint of a human head in the crisp clean pillowcase and sheet on the exam table. I would continually replace these and fluff up the pillow, only to find one there again, when I looked in and checked the room one more time before I left off of my shift.

On more than a few occasions, I’d be breezing on down the hall, and catch a glimpse of a small man, in his mid fifties, with salt and pepper gray hair, wearing a hospital gown, sitting on the edge of the exam table, rocking his legs back and forth, as if he were waiting for his doctor to get back to him. The first time that had happened, I almost flipped out on the staff: thinking that they had all left for home and forgotten a patient. But looking back into the room; I found no one inside, and there was that imprint in the pillow, that told me that someone was there recently. When I was cleaning the glass, around the nurse’s station, opposite the exam rooms, I had clearly seen his reflection in the glass. But looking over my shoulder, I saw no one. And again, there’d be that imprint in the pillowcase. The next time that I saw the head nurse, I shared my experiences and she told me that this was what was commonly experienced there, in that particular room, for the past six years. Housekeeping staff shunned working in those lonely halls at night, and the nurses hated being the last ones leaving at night, because the apparition there was most unsettling.

There was also the ghost of a nun, who hung around for another month or so, after she had passed away, that would help comfort the comatose patients that were brought in for treatments, in the in-house holding room across the hall. She didn’t like witches at all, and would follow me about chanting: “Wick, wick, wickedy witch!” whenever I had entered her area. I confess, that I found her more than a bit creepy. But those comatose patients that had revived and improved, would often ask after Sister Helen Rita, who they remembered as had helped them through their ordeals in that room. She was remembered by the staff as a helper there, before her recent demise. Eventually, the good sister got her own tap on the shoulder, and informed that her earthly ministry was done, and she moved on, as most spirits in hospitals do. However, Exam Room #2 remained consistent for at least six years, and showed no signs of abating. The head nurse asked if I could banish it, but I wasn’t sure that this was the right thing to do in this case.

I took to taking my spare time, to sitting quietly in Exam Room #2, and just feeling for the other occupant sharing it with me. I could close my eyes in the dark, and I could make out the voices, as if of someone in yet another room closed to me. I picked out a name that sounded like “Georgie”, “Gordy“, or “Gregor”. Eventually we had found a record for a deceased patient still remembered by some of the older staff, who was treated by a doctor no longer on staff there for years. Georgie was a mild and kind fellow, who felt that he was better treated by the staff here in this clinic, than he was ever treated at home. Knowing the kind of staff that we went through great pains to hire there, this really wasn’t a surprise.

Georgie had passed on, as a result of his cancer, and was stuck in his own timeless dream of patiently waiting in his usual room for his doctor to see him. He wasn’t aware of the time that had passed, or that was passing even now. He was not an angry, mean or troubling sort of soul. He was a mild, kind and patient sort of guy. The nurses who remembered him in life, had remarked that he was a “real dear”. In order to “banish” a spirit such as this, I’d have to create an atmosphere in that room, that would make him uncomfortable enough to “move on”, and subsequently this same atmosphere would make any other patient using that room, feel uncomfortable for all of the same reasons. This could be very self defeating for the kind of work we did there. I had to find another way to help Georgie find a good reason to vacate the room. Here is where a strange dream that I had a couple months previously, had resolved itself into my solution for our mutual problems.

A Dream Within a Dream…

In this dream, it was a lovely summer day, just outside of a picturesque little hamlet of a town. Two old friends were taking me to see their favorite fishing spot. They just knew that I was going to love it. We had stepped off the dirt road, between a pair of large flowering bushes, to walk up to a really large willow tree, next to a calm, glassy pond. They had indicated that the fishing gear was onsite, and I was wondering where that was, as there was no shack present in the area. We walked up to an opening in the trunk of the big willow, and cut into the polished wood interior, was a winding stair, and a wicker fishing creel, some waders, and a couple fishing poles hanging on some pegs along the wall, going up the stair. At the top of the stairs, another opening presented itself, where I could walk out onto a low, wide branch hanging out over the pond. I could look right down into the water, and see the fish swimming in its crystal depths. I felt that I could love hanging out here, all day on almost any day. We all sat on the branch, and talked of old times. It seemed to dawn on me, that I haven’t been in the comfortable company of these two old friends for a very long time. We even sang a couple old time hymns acapella together. I sang the bass of our trio.

We decided to move out from under the trees, and that they would show me the little town. As we came into the residential area, I noticed all of the nicely built, clean and pretty homes in this neighborhood, and that people were sticking their heads out of the windows, and out onto their porches. Kids and their parents started lining up along the curbs, and watching up the street toward the little red brick fire house, that had a welcoming banner up, a couple firemen playing checkers out front, and a table full of refreshments set up in the bay that would normally hold a fire engine. Somehow, it didn’t strike me as so strange that there was no fire engine in there. Down the street, I could see the crowd of people cheering, giving a hero’s welcome, and waving at someone. About then is when a shiny convertible rounded the corner, with two uniformed firemen sitting high on the back seat, waving back and pointing at everyone. The car stopped in front of the fire house, and the welcoming party began. It was early in the morning, when my alarm went off, and woke me out of this dream.

I got up, switched on the TV to catch the morning news and weather, and got ready for work. As per my usual custom, I pondered what the meaning of my last night’s dreaming meant to me. I got my morning cup of coffee, and moved into the living room, to hear a report of a nasty fire in Syracuse that night. My coffee started coming out of my nose, when it was mentioned that two firemen had lost their lives fighting that fire, and then they showed the station pictures of the two fallen heroes. I had remembered seeing them getting a hero’s welcome, in a lovely little hamlet that I had dreamed up only an hour or so before this! But exactly what did any of this have to do with me, and how could I process this information in any way that I could use? I had already understood about the extra-planar, extra-dimensional nature of reality. There aren’t any “coincidences” in my world. Everything I do and see, has a bigger reason that interlocks it with everything else.

Back to Georgie’s Problem…

I considered how to properly and kindly approach Georgie, about his situation. To his perspective, this was all as timeless as a dream, where he was in a place, where people treated him kindly and respectfully. Since he had no other prospects, that he knew of: He was content to be in such a nice place, waiting for his kindly doctor, who would not be coming to treat his no longer existent cancer. I thought that there were all sorts of places, that he might rather spend some of that time, than a hospital exam room. I thought about that fishing hole, and then I thought that if anyone had the ability to make more use of it than I could, that it would be Georgie. Just for the helluvit: I had figured that I’d go spend another few minutes in Georgie’s room with him. I had fluffed up the pillow previously, and the head imprint told me that I was not alone, so I sat down and decided that I would have a talk with him.

I politely introduced myself, as I would with any other patient, and let him know that I was aware of his presence, and that I had no problems with him being there. In the course of all of this, I mentioned that I had a knowledge of a very special place that he would probably love as much as I did. I told him, that if he was ever interested in maybe taking the time for a really nice fishing trip, that I knew just the place for him, and that I would come back to the room, on my break and share all of the details with him, if he was interested. I had a lot of work to do that night, and I had to get busy, getting all of the linen hampers emptied and taken downstairs for laundering.

I must state here, that Georgie was never noticed anywhere in that clinic, than in the immediate vicinity of Exam Room #2, or in the reflection of the glass, on the nurse’s station immediately across the hall, in which the door to that room could be seen. I had left the room, and headed down the hall, and had turned the corner, into yet another hall to a treatment room, to gather the dirty linen from the treatments that day. I was disentangling the laundry bag from its hamper, and wondering if Georgie even liked fishing at all, and what else I might try, when I saw someone standing across the hamper from me, out of my peripheral vision. Since I was the only living soul in this clinic, I was nearly startled out of my own skin to see the anxious face of a small thin man, with salt and pepper hair, in a hospital gown, standing across from me, looking at me like he was waiting for me to finish a sentence. Georgie was interested in my fishing story. I promised that I’d share all of the details, at my break with him, and he promptly faded from view.

I grabbed some juice, and took my break in Georgie’s room, and told him about my dream. The same details that I have just shared with you here. I told him that if anybody had a good shot at that wonderful fishing hole, that he did. I also knew for a fact that my friends would welcome him to share it with them. “Just tell them that Stormy sent you.” He was a soul, who had endured a lot of pain, in a very gentle and patient way. Such a place was perfect for him and his kind. I had no doubts that he’d be welcomed there, and I shared that with him. There were no bright lights, harp music, chimes or any effects after that. But every night, for the next four years, I fluffed up that pillow in Exam Room #2, and I never saw another imprint in it again, nor any stray reflections in the glass of the nurse’s station. Georgie had moved on, and the atmosphere of our clinic remained peaceful and easy on our patients.

Some hauntings are a matter of residual energies leftover from something intense and traumatic, and some are actual. But ALL of them happen for their own reasons, and you should understand those reasons, BEFORE you begin casting all sorts of spells, and creating other effects, that will inevitably rebound upon other souls in the area. How much you can hear, see or feel of a haunting, will depend upon your own level of empathy, or sensitivity to such things. Sometimes, it pays to employ the help of such an empath or medium of good report, to get a better idea of what you are dealing with, and how you might help to remedy the situation. You can use Artifacts, sigils, circles and the likes to enhance your own auras, which are readily apparent to spirits of all sorts, even more so than your appearance, or choice of unfelt recitations of magickal chanting. But how you genuinely feel about your circumstances, will shout to all spirits present.

If you're pissed off and concerned about someone interloping, threatening and endangering your family, and speak it out truly: It will have more impact than a pompous ceremony on ANY given spirit. If you have a loving, kindly concern for a lost soul, that too will be felt of them, whether they can "see" you enter their space of the room or not. To many: YOU are the spirit, and they feel you, much in the same manner as you became aware of them. If you understand that such things exist "normally", and are aware that YOU also have a degree of authority about your own soul and domain, it carries louder than important looking robes and ritual vestments. Those things have their effect, especially in how they may help you focus to a specific effect. But there's nothing that works so well, as a dedicated spirit carrying the weight of its own convictions of purpose and authority.

There ARE higher order entities and spirits, that you will never have command over. But it's extraordinarily dubious, that they'll ever be contending with you for the right of YOUR rightful place in this world. You will have to have done something memorable, in an effort to offend them enough to find yourself the victim of such a wrath. There's times and places where they are supreme, and that will be made apparent when you arrive at such a place. Pay them the same due respect, that you would expect in your own home, and you'll have no problem from them. There is a natural order of things, even in the "supernatural" aspects. There are also means to effect higher order entities, but I would not put such ideas into your heads lightly, as they will require much stronger influences brought to bear to move or motivate such a creature, and there's no generic fix for this. The important thing is that you consider each case within its own context.

The Spellcraft of Warcraft

The MK Ultra Warrior’s Way






By the proper definition of spellcraft, it must be understood that in ancient times, much of the warcraft taught to our warriors, came via witches and druid masters. There are many tales of ancient Celts, painted blue and riding in naked on their war ponies, with bows and short, leaf shaped swords (hence the term: "Blue Devils") with long flowing hair and mustaches. You'd think that such brazen fools would have fought themselves into extinction, but as usual: There's more to their training, than simply swinging a blade, or shooting a bow.


There's an old Irish proverb: "Riamh a thabhairt claíomh, le fear nach féidir leo a rince!" or "Never give a sword, to a man who can't dance!" There's a degree of coordination, that needs to be worked out first.


In this chapter, I just wanted to share some of my experience as a trained warrior of a professional caliber. My own violent past as an MK Ultra survivor, has given me a great deal of experience in taking on missions, that most would deem as impossible, or suicidal. Since I am still quite alive, and have taught other Ultras and warriors of varying sorts: I feel that the concepts and precepts of this, may give you valuable insight, even in non-violent actions against our known enemies. These are hard core strategies, tried and true, no nonsense actions, that every veteran uses when on incursions into hostile territory.






I’ve been in enough arenas to know that not everybody wears identifying uniforms, nor badges of rank. However, this does not even slow down an Ultra. We come in stealthily. We do NOT line up, to be shot down “fairly”. We are NOT here to “die for our beliefs”, but we are here to prevent our loved ones from dying for somebody else’s beliefs.


Shadow Magick



This is an aspect of spellwork that falls into the "Glamour" category. The premise of Glamours are that they make something appear to be more or even less than what it actually is. In terms of 21st Century tactics: This falls under G.I.G.O. or "Garbage In, Garbage Out". If it serves our strategy to make someone believe something is something else, so that their decision making efforts, are misled to take a certain path, rather than a direct response to what is actually present. For instance, in a modern "glamour" context; a gal with highly accentuated eyes and lips, and a hidden complexion, is more attractive to draw male interest, than she might otherwise be, as plain and unpainted. As with ALL spells, it is an influence, brought to bear, to accomplish a specific goal. Notice also: That we haven't rendered any judgments as to whether or not, that this is a good or a bad thing. There is a saying, that is nearly always said by "muggles" that: "What you don't know, won't hurt you." As a life long witch, I can tell you from long experience: That is NOT the least bit true. And you'll understand that as I get further into this chapter.


A large portion of my working skills as a former MK Ultra, were as a working Ninja, or Shinobi style assassin, or intelligence agent. Ninjutsu, as its own craft, is often described as: The Art of Invisibility. Like most of what non-initiates learn about witchery; this is only a small portion of at least 18 major disciplines taught as Togakure Ninjutsu. As is presently taught by its 34th grandmaster (Soke) Dr. Hatsumi Masaaki. Again, a broader definition is used for this, than is popularly held by the majority of non-practitioners. Invisibility is an illusion in many cases. If you are actually on the scene, and influencing the events taking that are place in some way, but are unnoticed as a factor, than you are effectively “invisible”. To the modern military, this can be defined as “camouflage”, as like a sniper in a ghillie suit, or disguised as a bush or a tree, or some other innocuous part of the terrain. But for the shadow assassin, or a dark witch or wizard: This goes even further than this.




I need to better illustrate how shadow craft works: Have you ever seen flashlight or lamplight shadow shows, where silhouette cut outs are used as puppets to act out a play? Or perhaps you’ve experienced the veritable wizards of shadow magic, who can shape their fingers and hands into silhouettes of various people, insects and animals? Now take that, just another step further, where a mischievous relative, might frighten a room full of kids in a slumber party into believing that a giant spider was climbing onto the window, on the other side of a pulled window shade. Something that was not really there, had the desired effect on the people in the room, as if it were truly an enormous arachnid conjured out of their nightmares to cause them panic. It will take a bit more than this, to panic a troop of soldiers or guards in an installation, but only a little bit, under the properly crafted circumstances. And even there, is not the sum total of this potentially deadly craft, for the well trained ninja shadow assassin.



Let’s examine a very traditional ninja style night suit. It has a great deal in common with the traditional black-on-black of an Old Craft witch. We’re also known for our abilities to disappear or vanish out of sight, when we do not want to be seen. The working ninja has plain dark colors in their working night suit. There are no bright emblems or shiny jewelry to catch the light, and by such: draw the eyes in any way garnering the attention of an alert watcher at night. We are trained to move in such ways, as to blend in with the normal shadows of the landscape. We stay very low in our moving stances, as not to create, tall, man-shaped shadows against any lighter back ground. We study where people’s natural eye movements are prone to go, and we stay out of those patterns. When circumstance dictate that we must pass through their field of vision, we may use smoke, fog, mist, shadows and scenery to further render any man-shaped imagery as indefinable as such to their eyes. If they cannot determine that a man or a ninja is in their presence, than we are effectively “invisible” to them.


In hallways, the average cop or guard will travel with their attentions mainly at midlevel in the hallways, scanning from side to side, looking for a man-shaped presence, that they can bring a ready weapon to bear upon. A ninja will travel that hallway, one of several ways, and few of them are immediately recognizable to the patterns watched for by an alert guard. It will be something that takes a second glance to recognize as a threat, and that split second we gained, will give us the option of the first strike. We will move as flat against the wall as we can get. We’ll avoid a central silhouette, by hugging the ground, or even the ceiling and huddled into the corners. The guards are already aiming through the sites of their weapons, for something at chest level. This means that they need an additional second or so, to change the weapon level, and aim to hit a smaller, hidden target that already has a bead on them. The traditional night suit has only a slit in the full, black mask and cowl, and black or camo gauntlets that cover the backs of the hands. Since our skins are lighter than the dark backgrounds, and show up easily in the light: It is important to disguise them as not to appear to anyone as recognizable as “eyes”, human facial features, fingers or hands. In such a suit, merely by dropping into a low squat, and angling your face downwards, and curling your fingers inward to your gauntlets: You have changed your silhouette from man-shaped with long, easily discernable legs, into two short stumps, that might easily be mistaken for posts, stems or supports. The hunched squat disguises you into the wholly black, misshapen shadow of any bush, bench or inanimate object in the night time blackness. Their eyes pass easily over and past it, continually looking for a man shaped intruder. You are not seen as a threat, but simply a part of the background. Closeness to trees, walls and other items causes your blackness to blend in with the shadows of normal objects, and the additional silence, and a lack of a distinct smell, renders you unnoticeable via the five senses as an intruder. Your manipulation of shadows has made what people don’t know about their immediate environment, as potentially *very* deadly.



One Shot, One Kill.



We do NOT just grab weapons and fire them indiscriminately. Any weapon that we can recognize, we work to acquire a fine level of proficiency with it. We can only carry so much, before we become too cumbersome to be effective. If you cannot fight or shoot, then you cannot be any help, except as an expendable diversion. This is not a brilliant career move. We take nothing on sheer chance, like firing in a general direction and hoping that the bullets will hit something significant. That’s Hollywood, as nobody else has a prop department keeping them loaded with ammunition. Your trusty six shooter, will fire only six bullets before it becomes a useless weight, or needs you to pause to reload it. We keep our knives sharpened and our gear clean; as well as we keep our skills sharp and functional, for any instances that they might be needed. We hone ourselves and our skills, until we are as proficient as we can be, with as many disciplines as we need to make a difference. If you use a gun, you learn how to make every shot count. One bullet in your cartridge equals one dead enemy soldier. And you had better understand the concepts of kevlar vests and flack jackets, and know where to place a kill shot. Many professionals will aim for the head and neck. As it is a smaller target than "central mass", it will require a greater degree of skill, to pull such a shot off, on a regular basis. The more proficient that you are, the more you matter in that conflict. It’s true anywhere.





Beyond O.S.O.K.



You will need understand the concept of “priority or preferred targets of opportunity“. You have only so many bullets, and way too many enemies. Been there. Done that. When they are escalating an action against you; your best defense is a strong offense. As I tell my beginning students: “Expect the unexpected.“ I tell my advanced students: “Be the unexpected.” Utilize the shock of surprise, by effectively doing what they least expect to get from you. You take every means to continue your momentum into them, working from their weakest links. You learn to flank them, coming at them from indirect or oblique angles, and feel them out for “soft spots”, where just the little bit of effort that you can supply, will have the greatest effect against them. In unarmed martial arts, there is the “intercepting fist” that deflects the oncoming blow and simultaneously strikes the opponent as they are in mid-strike, and is indefensible. We do not simply gather a good weapon to fight: We ARE the weapon, at war, and move forward, always gaining and taking more ground.



The Serpent’s Head



I may note THREE enemy targets, and have only one or two bullets (maybe more, I’m just saying). I *know* that I might hit one or two of them before my location is compromised. I note that some kind of communication is passing between these THREE. I do not have to understand what they are saying. All I have to understand is that the guys on either side, are looking to the man in the center for direction. Or, it could be seen that the two in the left or right hand side, are looking at the far one for direction. The whole point of this observation, is to determine who it is, who is giving the orders. I do not care what his rank may or may not be. Time and effort is critical to all of our efforts, and the best way to kill a serpent is to cut off his head. My first shot kills the man, that the others are looking to for guidance.. Now I have created a circumstance, where valuable time has to be taken by the other soldiers, to decide who’s now in charge, and what’s the new strategy. While they are forced to sort that out, I haven’t stopped moving in, to get a better kill shot on them. As with the “intercepting fist” technique, we take their attack away from them, and strike them while they are at their greatest vulnerability.



In an unarmed, or a lesser armed scenario, playing out in a dark alley somewhere, the rationale is quite similar: For myself, as an Ultra: I know that I can break FOUR hardened targets, with my fists and fingers in the space of ONE full second. That is: if they are all within striking distance in that time frame. It will also only take this grouping of enemy combatants, but a split second to react defensively, once they become aware that I have taken the initiative to attack them. I can assure myself, only one quick kill, and *possibly* TWO, within the space of that split second of free movement; before all hell breaks loose. Before I initiate such actions; I make sure that my musculature is well oxygenated, and my heart rate and breathing is calm and deep, and lulls the observant combatants into relaxing just a bit. This is accomplished through loosening of my frame and stance, and breathing slowly and deeply from my diaphragm. I’ll cover the science of this technique a little later in this chapter. This state, also allows me to move faster, stronger and with more precision, for my first strike. If the leader of this group is pointing a weapon at me, I must use both hands for this. One hand pushes the weapon aside, at another combatant, while my other hand is simultaneously moving in to pierce an eye: A stiffened digit, pencil, pen or s sharp stick, can be driven into the eye socket at about a 45 degree angle, inwards towards the nose, to take advantage of using the same skull opening that allows the optic nerve, access to the brain, to give us easier access to that same crucial organ, and being every bit as deadly as a "bullet to the brain". We also have the lethal options to destroy their windpipe, crushing off their air supply, or to fracture their skull, to the point of driving fragments of it into their brain. We do NOT want this target getting back up to attack, while we are taking out his accomplices.





You need also to understand the precept of "focus", and by that, we are not merely telling you to concentrate your attention on the target alone. You need to be diligently aware of your surrounding. What we mean is the same kind of focus, that concentrates light into a tiny point that can burn a hole through something. More specifically: P.S.I., or Pounds per Square Inch. For many fighters, it is a sloppy, ham handed fist, swung as hard as they can possibly manage and spreading their blow over 10-12 square inches of striking surface. A trained martial artist will strike with such a focus, that the entire force of their blow will transmit through a straightened wrist, into one or two knuckles, giving them a PSI reading of from 900-1600 psi. Such a well focused blow, into the center of a skull, spine, long bone or ribs will shatter that bone in one punch. But a flat fisted blow will decrease that power by a factor of 10 to 12 TIMES. That punch will only serve to knock your opponent backwards a little, depending upon their size and strength.


In many cases, when you are dealing with a small group of thugs: The toughest and most respected Alpha-male is the leader of the group. This is usually the man that everybody else thinks is unbeatable. It has a very, very disconcerting effect upon the morale of the rest of this herd mentality, when you have taken out their best and brightest in the first split second of the altercation. This may cause the bulk of their numbers to immediately flee from you. That could be "lucky" for you, or not, depending upon whether they use that time, to gather weapons or reinforcements. You must take out, maim, cripple or kill, any remaining combatants, and leave the area quickly.



Do NOT Knock Out The Guards!



The same is true when attacking a fortified installation. One does not simply "knock out" a guard. There is absolutely NO guarantee of exactly how long, that they will remain unconscious, before they awaken to alert the rest, and cause you to fail in your mission. We do NOT throw away lives in useless missions, and expect to win any battles. An Ultra will kill the guard, often with a skull fracture or a broken neck, and immediately twist their head upon their broken neck, in order to twist their larynx shut, so that there is no possible chance, for them to move or utter a sound ever again. Broken necks, do NOT always kill their victims. In the jungles of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, this effect of turning the heads backwards on the corpses, also had an unnerving psychological effect upon the more superstitious, and timid among the Viet Cong, Pathet Lao, or Khmer Rouge, who eventually found the bodies of their comrades. It made them afraid, and inclined to run from nearly any shadow, or distraction that we could throw at them. This is how a few men, make war against many more men successfully. If you trust anything to luck, then luck will betray you. Like any wise witch or wizard: We manufacture all of our own luck.



Training and Conditioning to WIN!




This is war craft, or martial arts: the art of making war! It is not the glitz, glamours, and delusions of Hollywood, or chop socky flicks. Where you can hold onto a ten minute knuckle jousting with your opponents. If you take the time to set up a potentially lethal combatant, with a “popper” of a wheel kick, that will take only a split second for them, to recover and continue the attack. You’ve wasted valuable time and energy; only to hurt your own efforts in the end. This may work as a strategy for scoring points in a YMCA kumite competition, but it will work against you in an actual mortal combat scenario. For an effective Ranger, Marine Recon, Delta or Ultra, these ineffective techniques are put behind us like childhood toys. We hone all of the deadliest, and most effective crippling and disabling moves in our repertoire, and keep them in the forefront of our minds continually. It is wiser, to practice full contact moves on a heavy bag, or other such boards, bricks, dead trees and other inanimate objects. The practice of constantly pulling your punches and techniques on a live, friendly sparring partner, are detrimental to your effectiveness as a soldier. It creates a subconscious “habit” of pulling punches, and failing to focus your blows THROUGH your targets, instead of merely AT them. If you are going to trust your life and your efforts in deadly combat, then you need to condition yourself to that EVERY time, so that you will have even less chances of failing.





Lao Tzu is credited with saying: “Wheels move best, along established ruts.” This has become one of the main precepts in Shaolin training and weapons forms. The constant repetition of perfect form in unarmed and armed techniques of combat, creates a “body memory” of those moves, that makes such quicker and easier executed under combat conditions. It is important for the student or practitioner to understand that these techniques must ONLY be practiced while they are fresh, and unfatigued. If you start getting sloppy with your moves, due to pain or fatigue, then you are training your body memory in bad habits, that will ultimately be your undoing. You need to stretch and oxygenate your musculature, before taking on these other exercises. Likewise, when you become aware that you may be about to enter a combat situation, you need to prepare the same in yourself, except on a more discreet level. I’ll explain a little bit about the science involved, as these are not merely “mystical” things, but highly practical medicine!



The Science or Magick of Oxygenation



During the kamikaze attacks on American ships, during WWII, an interesting fact about the effects of “oxygenation” in a healthy or even an injured body, was discovered. As Zeroes exploded in flames on the decks, killing and injuring so many sailors, the Sick Bay filled up, all too rapidly; forcing the medical officers to utilize the hyperbaric decompression chambers, as hospital space for the injured and burned survivors. Much fresh oxygen was pumped into these to properly circulate air as they were designed, and they found it best for keeping bacteria out of all the damaged flesh. It was interesting to note that of so many burn victims, that the ones housed in the hyperbaric chamber, were the ones that healed the best and with the least scarring from their burns. But then, an Ultra warrior in the field, has no access to the benefits of a hyperbaric chamber. Or do YOU?



There’s a technique among more traditional Asian martial arts practitioners, called “Square Horse Breathing”. Practitioners will assume a wide stance, with their shoulders back, and their spines erect, and breath deeply and slowly from their “tan tien”, or the area just below their navel. Rather than trying to fight their own rib cage, expanding it in a deep breath, they are expanding their lungs, through the bottom of their ribcage, by drawing them down, by breathing and expanding their diaphragm. This has effectively increased their normal lung capacity, by a FULL THIRD! In concert with this breathing, they will flex their arms, legs, hands and feet, during the lengthy exhale, forcing all that fresh oxygen rich blood into every portion of their bodies, and brains. This makes their bodies, quicker to react, easier to heal, and their minds quick and clear. Like the old “fastest gun in the West”, they utilize every edge that they can make for themselves, to always operate at their peak performance, and recover quickly.



It is not always necessary, or advisable to go into a full ritual of adopting such a stance. If you are suffering something as minor as a “brain cramp” while taking a written exam; you can simply put your pencil down, sit erect in your seat, close you eyes and breath deeply in through you nose, via your diaphragm, and slowly out through your mouth for two or three good breaths, and resume your test. You’ll find that more of what you know will come quicker and easier to you, for your oxygenating your brain, to peak capacity. In a situation where it looks as if you’ll be facing a group of thugs: Stand up straight, and slowly and deeply, draw in your breath as described here. You’ll note that some of the shakes of your anticipation, and the rapid heartbeat will slow down of its own accord, as your blood is carrying enough fresh oxygen, to make the extra work unnecessary. Your mind will respond to stimuli quicker and more efficiently, and your muscle and nerve responses will quicken as well, giving you every extra edge that you can give yourself.



Arming Yourself With Knowledge



As always: Knowledge is POWER! Avoid wasting time and blood on the riffraff put before you to thin you out. Concentrating your efforts upon anyone that’s giving orders on any level, is going to either shut down, or slow down, that level that they control, until they can re-establish their own command structure again. Many elite troops are trained for this sort of contingency. But it is still possible to buy a few precious seconds, to get a better attack in place, and working on them. Never give them a moment to breathe and regroup. Take their control from them. Keep them running into themselves in confusion, and a smaller force can easier defeat, larger and better armed forces. Do not be discouraged of the disparities of how you are armed, or who has the better weapons. As long as you have mastered your own weapon, whatever deadly beauties they brought with them, are yours now, to use against them. You don’t need to deal with the Rothschilds to fund your war. You take their weapons, ammunition and supplies. No time to argue with bankers. You’re a warrior and you just fight well. In the end, you certainly want to hurt the bankers too, or they will fund your next enemy to attack you. Every action should be calculated to cripple their war efforts by as many factors as you can manage to affect on them.


A ”distraction” can buy you a *little* time to get your forces embedded nicely on their turf. However, they can turn about and reinforce from such in mere seconds. “Engaging your enemy with a distraction” takes more time and effort for them to pull away from it, to deal with your forces. I would rather divide 50 men, into 5 troops of 10 each, and attack a larger group from 5 different sides at once, than attempt to meet that numerically superior force, head on. By engaging them from more than one or two fronts; I can keep those superior numbers unfocused, and looking to be attacked from every direction. Which gives OUR forces more opportunities for hitting them from directions that they are not currently looking in. They need to be constantly looking over their own shoulders. Break their focus, keep them busy reorganizing, take away their attack, and rout them into a confused defensive action. Have you ever had a girlfriend, that always had kept you “off balance”? Did you notice, how easily it worked for her to manipulate you without being able to effectively resist this? Consider how effective this strategy can be on someone that you don’t have to coerce into buying you jewelry.






In an age when they bug, or tap everything from phones to computers: You need to learn to use your enemy’s resources, as if the were yours. When a compromised unit is located and identified: Use it as a “double agent”. The best computers and intelligence, are only as good as the data put in them. They can easily track you with supercomputers today. But the old adage: Garbage In, Garbage OutGIGO, is still true and a fatal weakness in EVERY data gathering system! You use your compromised communications, to feed the kind of false data into their system, that will have them assailing the locations of YOUR times and choosing. You can use much of this same strategy to win in less lethal competitions.



Meanwhile, Back at the YMCA Competition...



Utilizing knowledge as power, even works in winning those very non-lethal open karate tournaments. Don’t forget the good breathing techniques. Your masters weren’t intending to be wasting their breath, when they took the time to teach them to you. You also should take the time for a bit of your own intelligence gathering on your honored opposition, before you face them in the fighter’s circle. I have an award winning short story on precisely how this works, entitled “When Dragon’s Debate” found among the many fine stories of, and my own author‘s page there.





The gist of this strategy, is to take a moment before the tournaments begin, to walk around and take note of your competitor’s placement of feet, hands, or stances, as they are warming up for the fights. They will most commonly warm up their favored techniques, above all else for the fight. When you see them adopting those stances before you: You already know what’s coming next, and you can be ready with your defense for it. The trick is to observe what those are: Are they high, or upper body techniques, that they favor? Plan to come in under them. Are they mid, or lower guard techniques? Are they long or short range moves? You may do well to crowd them early, and not letting them recover enough to use their best moves against you.


The same adage about “being the unexpected” can be a valid strategy here. It is possible to use a “Make And Break” rhythm strategy, to get past an opponent with a quick guard. You come in with a flurry of punches: A high back knuckle, and turning it into a low hammer fist, in a “high, low, high, low, high, HIGH” striking pattern. This sets them up with a high, low rhythm of blocking, so that they automatically expect the next blow to be low, after the last high, but you break the rhythm and hit them high again, and score a strike past their dropped guard.


In utilizing such things in a number of competitions as I was coming up as a young man, I have often heard of my tactics working like magic! Or it was suggested that I was reading my opponent’s mind, so that I knew what they were thinking about, before they did it, and this made me undefeatable. It was true to an extent, that I knew what they had on their minds, before they did it. But it was because I had done my homework. A good technique, needs to be set up like a billiards shot. And if you already have seen them work, then body language and balance, is going to tell you what’s next, and you’ve already thought of what to do about it. You need not waste a single split second, in taking your opponent down for the count. It’s what everybody in the audience doesn’t know, doesn’t see, or precepts that they never took the time to understand, that makes them believe that the magician on the stage is doing real magic. Be the witch! Study to be the wizard! Be the magician, who has them all dazzled!



The Difference Between a Master and a Black Belt




In the minds of many, a Black Belt is an award given to someone who has mastered their particular discipline of martial arts. Which is true, only to a very small extent. You have to understand the myriad degrees of learning in any craft to grasp the differences between, one who is proficient in techniques to an advanced degree, and one who is a master of a craft. What I’m trying to convey to you, in the many pages of this book, is how one kind of witch, may know WHAT works for them, but an adept or master witch will understand WHY things work. The first may only know one or two methods of spells or rituals, by which a minor miracle may be accomplished. But the latter one understands enough about how it works, to adapt a method on the spot, for getting it to happen again. Since this chapter is mainly in the warcraft aspects of spellcraft, we’ll put this in the commonly understood martial arts contexts, and I’ll hope that you grasp enough of this truth, to be your own kind of wizards in this craft.


There are a plethora of ranking systems in an equally large variety of martial arts disciplines. When we speak of “black belts”, we are commonly referring to, what is known as the “obi system”, or belt ranking. For our purposes here, all of that would be petty or extraneous information to fill your heads up with, so I’ll break it up into a more basic, general understanding of HOW these work for teachers and students, of what-ever disciplines that we may be discussing:



The Beginner



The Beginners are as White Belts, or lower level ranks. They have no knowledge or experience, and are coming in, to learn the techniques of their teachers. They learn this in a step-by-step, rote method. It is not their own technique, but still that of their teacher. For instance: A choke hold is initiated by our pretending attacker, from behind. The beginner is patiently taught:


ONE) Turn your head into the crook of their arm. This allows your windpipe just enough space, to keep allowing air into your lungs, and buys you a moment of time.


TWO) With your right hand, reach up and grasp your attacker’s clothing of their right shoulder, or even behind their neck, if possible.


THREE) Pulling on their shoulder/clothing: Drop down onto your right knee, while pulling, and twisting your torso to the left, pulling your attacker over your shoulders.


FOUR) As they come down upon their back, in front of you: Deliver the “coup de grace” by chopping hard down on the front of their throat with the knife edge of your right hand. AKA a “karate chop” or “shuto”.


It is understood, that NOBODY gets to have this kind of a reaction time in an actual attack situation. But the continued practicing of this technique, makes it more and more of a “second nature” and easier and quicker to do.



The Intermediate Level Student



Somewhere after the first couple belt ranks or so, usually around the Blue and Green Belt classes, the student is considered to be in the Intermediate range. At this point, our student is a bit more experienced in the classroom/dojo/dojang/kwoon/gym, to have a working knowledge of the technique. They are more proficient. They still have to think about it. But it takes them fewer mechanical steps to accomplish it. The pretending attacker will wrap their arm in a choke, and the technique will come off as something like this:


ONE) They recognize the attack, turn their head into the crook of the attacker’s arm, and reach up with their right hands, and grab a purchase on their attacker.


TWO) They drop onto their right knee and twist to the left, pulling their attacker over them and onto the floor, in front of them.


THREE) They deliver a quick chop to the throat.


This took notably less thinking and time to execute. They are becoming more proficient in their teacher’s technique. But it is still not fully their own technique.



The Advanced Student




These are usually in the Brown and Black Belt range of students. There can be several degrees of Brown, and as many as ten degrees of Black Belt. The techniques are now as “second nature”, and require no thought to perform. They have done them enough times, to the point that they could do them in their sleep. It is important to note: That by International Law: A practitioner of Brown Belt or higher accomplishment is considered as an “Expert”. Legally, whether they are handling a weapon or not: They ARE the weapon, and should be considered by law enforcement anywhere, as “armed and dangerous”, even if found buck naked in the shower. You do not, by law have to “register your hands”. That’s malarkey. However, you SHOULD be aware, that certain federal, felony offenses pertain directly to you, if you and another “expert” ranking martial artist decide, that you don’t like each other enough to meet and battle it out in an unsanctioned knuckle jousting without a referee. It’s still considered “Dueling” and just as punishable as whether you chose swords or pistols at ten paces. No kidding!


For the Advanced Student, the scenario with the choke hold is going to work out like this:


ONE) In the same instant that they are aware of the hold: They will turn their head, reaching back and grasping their attacker, while pulling twisting and dropping down on their right knee, and chop to the throat in one smooth and complete move.


They took ownership of the technique. It is no longer “Teacher’s move”, but their own, and it is as second nature to them. They have mastered the technique. But does this alone, make them master of their martial art? In a word: NOPE!


That same hold can come through a whole variety of circumstances, and some of those can be friendly, as pals goofing around, or varying degrees of deadly, as with whom, how armed and how many are presently attacking you. For these, you’ll need a great deal more knowledge of how many other levels there are for defeating an attacker, or even a group of attackers. In some earlier paragraphs, I mentioned about using psychological intimidation to manipulate the other members of an attacking force set against you. Even for prize fighters, like Mohammed Ali, there wasn’t just the basic “ass whuppin” part of the battle, as much as the psychological, and spiritual aspects of the battle. He knew that he was better off, if he defeated his opponents, BEFORE he entered the ring with them. From that point on, the fighting itself, was merely a “formality”. THIS is the indicator of a MASTER!



The Fierce And Fantastic Wubba-wubba Technique



I *know* what you are thinking right now. I know it because it is what I *want* you to think right now. I have a use for that, and I’ll illustrate this in the following story for you. I understand enough about the fighting arts, to know that when I’m dealing with “artists”, that I’m dealing with “big egos” as well. I had learned a long, long time ago, that when a man becomes angry or enraged, that he foregoes the use of his best weapon: His mind!


This happened a long time ago, when I and a favorite sparring partner and long time martial arts junkie, were among the few awarded Red Belts, or Master’s Rankings in Chinese Style Martial Arts. Our particular style was Chinese Kenpo, a hybrid form of short fist, Hun Gar kung fu, and hard style Gojo Ryu karate. It utilized roughly 25% foot techniques and 75% Chinese boxing, fist techniques. The papers and the news casts back then, had made us out, like we were going to be the area’s next versions of the legendary Bruce Lee! We were doing exhibitions at a lot of shows, and we missed the competition of the tournament kumites, so we eventually entered into a good local open style competition.


They didn’t have a “master’s” ranking class of competitors, but the promoters had that figured that Black Belt division should be plenty for us to handle. After all, some of those Black Belts were third and fourth degrees. What’s the difference? Right? But *we* understood the difference, and we took full advantage of it. Well... *I* certainly did! First of all, it was our common practice to check out, all of our competitors as they warmed up. We warmed up before we even entered the building, so that no one would see what techniques that we favored. We also capitalized upon all the rumors, that we were every bit as dynamic as the legendary Bruce Lee. And we were just so damned good, that we didn’t even have to warm up for a few light weight Black Belts. We psyched them. It had different effects upon different fighters, but the idea was to manipulate them into an easy win for ourselves. This was going to be fun!


This competition was being held in a local YMCA gymnasium, and had all of the rules, and the safety equipment, to keep anybody from getting hurt. We weren’t going to physically hurt anyone badly. But we’d just as effectively destroy our opponents. Some of us newly minted masters, had elected to get certain “brands” burnt into our chests and arms, through various means of hot iron filings and such. I had a large Taoist Yin-Yang burned into my chest, and when I took off my gi top, it stood out in a blaze of red upon my pale white chest. “DAMNs”, “Oooohs” and “Aaahhs” broke out from competitors and spectators alike. My first opponent was already thinking: If he can shake off the pain of such a big burn as that, how will I ever take him out of this fight? Lousy reasoning: Especially since in this type of match: It wasn’t a full contact match, where he’d have to knock me out. All he had to do is score more points in quick strikes, than I did. Fear had already won the match for me. So I drove my point home!





We entered the fighter’s circle, on the hardwood gymnasium floor. The extended bleachers on either side were full of spectators, ready for the show of their lives. The acoustics are about what you’d expect at any basketball game you’d normally see in such a place. Deep and echoing! We bowed to the judges. Bowed to our referee, and then to each other. The ref held his hand out between us, and signaled FIGHT! Yin-yang blazing like a beacon on my chest: I dropped into a low tee stance, flexing and letting out an ear piercing “dragon scream”, to taunt my opponent. The effect was better than I had expected. He was visibly shocked. Took a neutral stance and bowed out, signifying that he willingly forfeited the match. Just like I said before: Fear had already won this match for me. But not everybody was going to be so easily won over.


My next opponent in this open style competition, was a cocky Korean fellow, a Third Degree Black Belt practitioner of Tae kwon do. He promptly showed me his bravado, as soon as he got close enough to talk to me, by stating that in HIS style: Red Belts were the same as anyone else’s Brown Belts. Oooooh! He put me in my place. I admired his spunk (I really did, but it wasn’t going to save him). He was NOT going to bow out without a fight. Fear would not win me this match. But taking away his very best weapon before hand, WOULD! I had told him, in all kindness and humility, before the whole listening audience, that it was only fair to tell him to beware of my “Fierce and Fantastic Wubba-wubba Technique”. Everybody thought that was funny and laughed. Except him. He was already getting a little red in the face, and wanting badly to teach me not to be so trite and trivial. I had disarmed him before the whole audience. Now came the fun part!


We bowed before the judges. Bowed to the ref, and then to each other. He glared at me intensely, and I brushed my nose, ala Bruce Lee and wiggled my eyebrows at him and grinned. Unlike Kenpo, Tae kwon do, is more like 75% feet and 25% hands. I already knew where his feet were going to be as he came whirling in with a flurry of crescent kicks and spinning heel hooks. As he got me near the perimeter of our circle, I dropped into a low transitory stance, passed under his high spinning kick, and come up behind him, grabbing and tickling him under his arm pits, and yelled: “Wubba, WUBBA!” This not only had the wondrous effect of causing him to jump back out of the fighter’s circle. He was obviously ticklish. But the audience was laughing themselves into tears. Even the judges and the referee had some difficulty in regaining their composure.


My fine Korean friend was furious and fit to be tied! Literally! He tore off his safety chops (karate boxing gloves) and ran back into the circle to attack me with his hands. But I moved into his attack, crowding him close, pinning his arms to his sides, grabbing the back of his head, and kissed him firmly on the forehead. For everybody, but him, this was turning into the Greatest Comedy Show on Earth. He was in a fine state of apoplexy, as the referee and judges all jumped onto him, to hold him down until he could regain his composure again.


As fun as this was to do: It was not a nice thing that I did, and I was disqualified from this competition, as I had never even bothered to score any points on anyone. I apologized profusely to my honorable Korean opponent. I do not say that tritely. I had played him like a scoundrel. He graciously accepted, but I’m sure that he’ll never think well of me, for the public humiliation that I had made of this tournament. I made my point about the differences between masters and Black Belts. Me and my partner were never allowed to compete again as such again, but we were welcome to give exhibitions, any time that we cared to show up for one. Which was also fun, and a lot less insulting to a good willed competition.


My point of all of this is: Just because something is not as solid as iron, or a flesh and bone punch, does NOT mean that it is an ineffective weapon, on a very solid opponent or an enemy. The wise witch learns to master their craft, in ALL of its levels, within levels, in any way that a circumstance will present itself. It also pays, to consider the feelings of others. Sometimes, it’s the wounds that you never see, that leave the worst scars on people.




Divination & Its Uses...


Divination is to be used, not to alarm you, but to warn and allow you to better prepare to not only survive, but to thrive in even the worst circumstances that fate can throw at you!


Divination is one of the oldest forms of witchery in ANY culture. Everybody seems to require the "balm" of knowing what happens next to slake their anxieties. Even if you're not a practicing witch of any sort, you've likely read your horoscopes in the newspaper (just for fun...uh-huh!), or have skipped to reading the back of the book, when the story got more than a little ominous in its trending. Even the many great heroes of the Bible, have resorted to some form of divination, to determine what the "will of God" was for them at that moment in time. Apparently, even with as strict as the Old Testament saints had to keep themselves, there was a "right way" and a "wrong way" to go about doing this.





There was the steady, down hill slide of King Saul's reign, where he could no longer wait for the Lord's own profit for advice, and he sought out the infamous "Witch of Endor" for advice. She did as she was asked and called up the spirit of yet another dead prophet. But Saul got a good, old fashioned "ass chewing" from that prophet for his folly at the time. This account can be found in 1st Samuel, chapter 28.


The next account, of what was accepted as proper for determining "God's will", can be found in a practice that many fundamentalist Christians today refer to as ""Placing a Fleece". I'll give you all the account of how this came about. I will also tell you of a way that I had used such a practice myself in a very life changing way. But I must also give you the direst of warnings about how such a thing is to be used, and not ABUSED. If you'd rather find "God's will" through the normal course of events... FINE! No problem at all. But once you go through all of this to determine what that is, and you get a definite answer: You are now responsible to act upon it, or you are willfully, and in full knowledge, rebelling against your God. I am a masterful witch, and I do NOT play childish games with Deity, nor even with any lesser spirits either. Respect where respect is due, as they say.


Romans 13:7-87. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.


Let me point out that there are some strikingly fundamental differences between King Saul's approach to this, and young Gideon's approach, in the following account. Gideon did not have an ego problem when dealing with his God. He approached the situation at hand with more than a little trepidation and respect. When there was any doubt about mere natural circumstance, and an act of God's own doing: He tested it out, with the same respect, and upon getting a full and consistent result as to what "God's will" was for him to follow up on... he followed through, faithfully. This book is wholly about the "Craft of the Wise". We do NOT just ignorantly "go through the motions" in religious or magickal ceremonies and rituals. That is for ignorant SHEEP, and NOT for those who intend to master their circumstances as well as God will allow. SOME things, you will have to endure and go through, no matter what you think or desire, as there are required lessons to be learned for you to grow properly as an eternal soul. We will discuss this aspect a bit more, later on in the Runic forms included in this chapter. But first, we need to take a look at Gideon's method here...


Judges 6:36-40 And Gideon said to God: If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said: Behold, I will put a fleece of wool on the floor; and if the dew is on the fleece only, and it is dry upon all the earth beside, then shall I know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said. And it was so: For he rose up early in the morning, and pressed the fleece together, and wrung the dew out of the fleece, a full bowl of water. And Gideon said to God: Let not your anger be hot against me, and I will speak but this once: Let me prove, I pray you, but this once with the fleece; let it now be dry only upon the fleece, and upon all the ground let there be dew. And God did so that night: for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground.


In this account, you can clearly see the degree of respect, and the need for surety in understanding and not misinterpreting the results that Gideon had exercised. Many will use any and all forms of divination to find out what's in store for them or someone else, and not accept the answers, and keep fooling around (and I DO mean "fool", as opposed to "WISE") to try and find and accept some other outcome, as if that alone will change the future for them. It is the full height of ignorance, and this is precisely why I wrote this book to combat such in ALL of my readers, to make them WISE!


Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: therefore, be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


It is NOT my desire to rule over you all, as the warlocks and petty "gods" of this dark paradigm that we live in. Nor do I wish you to rebel against your own God or even your own conscience, to practice as a witch might do. I desire that you understand these things. I wish you to understand the full scope of what "The Craft" is about, and how it may be used by you, or against you, as the case may be. When you can discern the truth of the thing, you can withstand it and even wage your own war against it...EFFECTIVELY! Even as Gideon had.


Hebrews 5:12-1412. When for the time that you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13. For every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for they are only babes. 14. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.


As I've illustrated in my chapter about "Mr. What & Mr. Why": you need to understand more than a simple list of "do's and don'ts" to understand WHY something is "good" in one instance, and quite "evil" in another set of circumstances. This is WHY I do not like "generic spells" for all occasions, as they can be problematic enough to make things worse. This is especially true if there are divine reasons for you to confront a situation, where you are confronting one of your own personal foibles and demons, and take away its power to control your actions. Mindlessly chanting a prayer or proverb, and simply "going through the motions" will NOT teach you anything, nor will they effectively change anything about your circumstances, except to allow them to come upon you unhindered and unrestrained. Fore knowledge is NOT to simply alarm you and make you "fatalistic"; but to help you PREPARE and better survive what is coming. In the Book of Genesis, chapter 41: You find Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, and rather than saying: “Tough titty, old boy!“, he advised Pharaoh of how to prepare for this, and THRIVE, when everyone else was suffering the effects of this drought. I do not repeat myself because I am a doddering old wizard: I repeat myself for EMPHASIS. I want you to LEARN what’s important in these things, and not simply tickle your ears to entertain you for a moment.





Here’s the part, where I tell you about a time that I had effectively used “Placing a Fleece” as a proper divination tool for determining what-in-hell was going on at the time.


It was the early 1990s when Internet was still in its formative years, and I was the Moderator of Intellec’s Conference on the Paranormal. As a lifelong witch, I was a “natural”, or maybe “supernatural” for the job. We not only discussed any and all forms of paranormal activities: But in the cases where I had some degree of experience: I explained and demonstrated the precepts behind many of these instances. What I had found when I first discovered these forums, where a good number of people, who were victims of various kinds of paranormal phenomena. A number of these were people with paranormal traits and abilities, that went against everything they were taught by institutional Judeo-Christianity. Believing themselves to either being hopelessly insane or cursed by God: Some were contemplating suicide. I had never taught my craft outside of my own clan members before this. I was hesitant to get so involved. But through my own prayers (talking to my Lord and Lady), and meditating (listening and watching for enlightenment on my issues), I had determined that it was NOT their faults, nor their parents’ faults for not instructing them about such things and the craft. They were made ignorant of these things by the designs of others. So, being the ONLY one about who understood, it was up to me to properly instruct and help them through it as best as I was able. I answered an average of 300-350 messages on the forum a day, and a couple times a year, we held a physical conference in some nearby cities, where I came (free of charge) to meet them, lecture and demonstrate what I spoke of to them.


Luke 12:47-4847. And that servant, which knew their lord's will, and didn’t prepare themselves, nor did they obey their lord’s will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48. But they that knew nothing and yet, did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with very few stripes. For to whom much is given, of them shall be much required: and to whom they have committed much, of them they will ask all the more.


What you see above, is a “precept”, a formula for how things work as expected. It showed me that if I possessed the knowledge to help those in dire need: Then I was responsible, and even required to help them as I could. If you were to go back and read that entire chapter; you would see that I did not twist or take that saying out of its proper context. Therefore: It applied to my situation. That is how “precepts” are used by the wise.


As it turned out, in the course of about 3-4 years of moderating these conferences, I became acquainted with witches, shamans and psychics from ALL over the world. One would tell me of visions of me with very long hair, doing great deeds and helping many find enlightenment. I was battling with my own ego; trying not to get myself a “fat head” or inflated image of myself, as there is yet another precept that goes...


Proverbs 16:16-1916. How much better it is to acquire wisdom than gold! And understanding is rather to be chosen than silver! 17. The highway of the wise is to depart from evil: They that keep to their course preserves their own souls. 18. Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. 19. It is better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the arrogant.


This didn’t just stop there! There were gifted Christians (that I had cause to respect) telling me that Jesus was telling them that I was to take a Nazarite vow. My wife and little sister, had become enamored watching a Sting concert, and remarked on how alike we were in so many ways. They thought I might be quite handsome in longer hair. I found that VERY unusual from such a tightly wrapped, fundy Bible Baptist as my wife was. Even as I would get out of the shower and shave for work in the morning, I’d get this small voice telling me that, as my hair grew longer, that I’d need to keep it out of my face with a warrior’s braid. By this time, I was VERY exasperated with this whole thing, and jumping about, demanding with no few expletives: “WTF?”





As you can see: Circumstances were right for approaching the Father of ALL Spirits, about these admonitions and diverse premonitions coming at me from all over the globe at that time. So, I had heard many Christians speak of placing a fleece before God to determine His will in all sorts of things. Some, weren’t much more than a “coin toss”, and many tried and fell by the wayside, in their approaches to this. I decided to study the precept well and see what was proper about this. Gideon had allowed NO chance of just “simple coincidence” in his approach to placing his fleece. Dew on the ground, and even other objects is a normal, natural occurrence. But on one and not the other, and then the other way around? Obviously, God’s hand was made visible and His desires about Gideon’s subsequent actions were made plain. Gideon, like myself, did NOT want to run off “half-cocked” in some kind of crusade, based upon his own egotistical presumptions about a thing. So, I planned out my “fleece” in a way that I determined that there would be no doubts about what I was expected to do.


My reasoning as a Danaan witch were as follows: I am a child of TWO Parents. I’ve served Mother Danu/Mother Nature/Earth from a child, and I later learned to identify and serve the Father of ALL Spirits that Enoch wrote of. Even Mother sends Her son signs and indicators, when She wishes to inform me of something, or to pay particular attention to something. It appeared that the Creator wanted my attention to a matter as well, in His own remarkable ways. I could ignore the “long-haired” matter, or I could confirm that it was His will for me to take this path. If it was indeed His will: I could only benefit and grow stronger as a “son” by aligning myself with it and Him. Mother Danu had no objections to this when I had last attended Summer Court. I needed only to make sure that my imagination or some scheme wasn’t trying to run away with me.


I knelt respectfully on the carpet in my den, and took four quarters in change out of my pocket. I prayed honestly and fervently to God, to help me know the truth of this “Nazarite Vow” issue. I never make important decisions on mere whims. No matter who happens to think it’s right. I did not like the idea of having to deal with the grooming of long hair. Having it now, I still abhor all the time I have to spend washing and untangling it into something neat and presentable. But, if there was some lesson to learn, or some power over something to gain, by being obedient to my Father (I never even met my earthly father), I was going to be a faithful son. I prayed that if it was His will that I cease ever cutting my hair again, that as I flipped each coin into the air, with my eyes closed in prayer: If each quarter would land on the carpet before me, with each head up, and ALL pointing in the same direction, and ALL four touching each other: That I would promise Him never to allow my hair to be cut again, until He, Himself made it clear that I should do otherwise. No “mere coincidences” were allowed here. As I prayed and flipped each coin onto the carpet, I heard them all strike the carpet. When I opened my eyes: Each quarter was neatly overlapping the other slightly, with each head visible and Washington’s noses all pointed to my left evenly. So I obeyed, as simple as that.





This is not to say there weren’t issues about my now longer hair, besides the grooming. As my locks grew longer and longer, there were issues in my wife’s Right Wing, Conservative, Right-To-Life, Republican, Bible Baptist Church about my rebelliously Liberal, long hair, and mingling with all of those devil worshipping, witches and psychics as I was doing. I had long left going to that church, when they had taken the time and effort to fast, pray and solemnly promise to teach children properly and free of charge to any and every tithing member of our church in our own Christian school. It had started out all right, and all of our bills got paid, and the mortgage on the building burned. But in the course of a couple years, new people came in, and became deacons on the board, and bit-by-bit, they reneged on their solemn promises before God. In the beginning, I had participated with all the other men in our church, in this prayerful commitment.





The first false step, was that we had to pay for the curriculum, to help take the pressure off the church budget. The next year came with a small tuition payment of about $1000 a child. Then the next year, they raised that higher, making it out-of-reach for the poorer families in our church. Especially families with more than one child. I had FOUR to teach. But they were going to make up the difference by inviting members of similarly minded churches, who could afford the new program, and to educate their children here, and use the profits to acquire the property and build a larger church, with more seating (and more tithing members) for Pastor Simpson to preach in. No matter what a whole room full of people will decide to the contrary: I will NEVER break my word, before anyone and especially GOD! They folded on their vows, in order to make more money (MAMMON!)


So, I stood up and voiced my opinion of this in the church council, and since they were determined anyway to do this: I broke off and withdrew my membership. My wife was certain that I was wrong to do so, and continues to this day, to attend and support this church. My decisions created divisions in my own household. But, in my own conscience: I could not relent. Then there were the prospective employers that insisted that my long hair would tarnish their image, and insisted that if I cut it short, they would be happy to hire me. People would look at me, and figure my political and moral leanings by the length of my hair. And they all truly could NOT have been more WRONG about it. Many figured me to be a biker dude. I drove a car, or I rode my mountain bike everywhere. I never owned a motorcycle. I knew a great many bikers, and they knew me, they had either been for or against me in a good many altercations that I wound up in the middle of. But I wasn’t “one of them”. Nor was I a member of every witch’s coven or psychic tea parties that I counseled with. As lovingly and as conscientiously as I knew how: I was helping them through their problems, and educating them to not fall victim to those again. Nothing more, and certainly nothing LESS!


In short: Long hair was a problem that I had to learn to surmount. There were a good many other problems and personal lessons that I had to learn, BECAUSE of my vows. But I became wiser and stronger, BECAUSE of how I keep my unbreakable Will and Word, before ALL powers, principalities and dominions. It was never intended to be easy on me. Strength, even physical strength, does not come by laying about thinking about having it... but by effort and resistance to opposing forces.





Using Runes in Divination...





Runes have been used by many ancient cultures. Even the Chinese I-Ching is but an Asian variant on the same theme. Numbers, letters, pictures (as in Tarot cards), ideograms, runes and sigils are used on some medium, to add some meaning or specific significance to drawing it out at random, and a fortune is cast, as it were. Many will use a leather or cloth mat, with sectors or quadrants inscribed upon it, to determine whether the runes signify past, present or future influences, or to whom they might be ascribed to in the equation. As there are so many, that many will swear to their efficacy: I will let you determine for yourselves, what to set up for this, or not at all, as you like. I’ve even used little glass bead runes, that were invisible when wet, in my Wizard’s Fountain. The methodology here was, to think of a question, reach into the fountain and draw out a rune, allow it to dry and determine from it’s meaning, the answer to your question. Many visitors to my apartment back then, loved to draw their own runes from my fountain. Many had visited me, specifically for that purpose alone sometimes. You can examine ALL the aspects of various divination systems to determine what, if any of them that you prefer best.





Now, as there are no fonts, and few pictures of many of the runes and sigils used for these, I need to take much of the rest of this directly out of my own “Book of Shadows” for your study and perusal. Indeed, I have already encouraged many of you to print yourself out, color copies of this book. Punch holes in them and put them into your own ringed binder, along with some notebook paper to add your own notes for your own grimoires, or witch’s notebooks. Such have always been jealously guarded in the past. But then, possessing such a tome could also be the most gruesome of death sentences back then. Not so much now though. So you’ll have to excuse some of my handwriting in the notes I’ve taken over the years. I include here a side-by-side comparison of different culture’s runes. Notice the extreme similarities of the Celtic and Norse Runes in this chart! It shows the common roots of BOTH cultures. The Tuatha de Danann (Children of Danu) had settled in Paleolithic times in the Danube River Valley, from whence it gets its name. We were once, ONE people!




There is MUCH contention, by various archeologists and academia about the use of “Blank Runes” and whether or not they were ever used or “valid” in rune readings. I need to point this out, at the beginning of this study: They ARE indeed VERY “valid”, and I will explain why as we go here.


First: If you are digging in ruins for artifacts of any kinds, and find a set of stone or tile runes; you can determine that they are “runes”, because runes are inscribed upon them. Obviously, people used them, or they would not be there. If, in the course of this digging; you found a stone or a piece of tile with nothing written on it: You *might* determine that it is either “just a stone”, or just a piece of broken tile, or perhaps an extra piece of either that can be used to make a new rune, if one of the others gets lost. But nobody, who does not use these for themselves and understand the relationships that these things need to signal to the readers, will ever likely know that it is also a rune. I will start our study with this Blank Rune.


The BLANK or Mystery Rune


WYRD - The Unknowable : The Hand of God Advice: This rune represents the unknowable, the musings of Divinity that you are not privy to, but may well be effected by for good or ill, as the case may be. It is telling you that certain aspects of what you are seeking are the direct result of God’s Hand moving in and about you. It does NOT mean that you are defenseless in a thing, but that you are required to stand in your own faith and seek your resolutions as such.


There is no Reverse to this Rune.


You’ll also note that these runes do not exactly follow the Roman Alphabet. There may seem to be letters missing, that were expressed in these ancient cultures in different ways among the Celts and the Norse.




















































In the process of teaching my own witch clan children their runes, along with their ABCs; as they began to learn to read and write with BOTH, we came up with our own secret, clan code or cypher that we used for each other, or to keep information we needed to be kept secret from snooping “muggles”. I included a copy of our old cypher here, for your entertainment and use, as you will.




     The point of this chapter is that there are a myriad of ways to "divine" something that intrigues you.  Every person has their own preferences.  Even if you're into Tarot Cards, you'll find ALL sorts of special decks that are tailored to the user's preferences.  No matter what you choose:  Don't go out "half cocked" over every little reading.  Try to confirm what you saw, using other methods.  My personal favorite way is:  To keep it in the back of my mind as a posibility.  When I see by watching the events and patterns around me, that this reading is coming to bear upon me:  I already have some idea of how I will deal with it, to circumvent any problems it may bring.  If we call ourselves "witches", "wizards" or other variants of words signifying "wisdom", then it stands to reason that we should be exercising such at all times.


Making Your Own Grimoires

Making Your Own Book of Shadows, or Witch's Notebook.




Due to failing health and multiple other time constraints, I won't be able to add as many other chapters to this book that I'd love to write for you. I could write for another ten years, and STILL have more to speak on.  "Practical Witchery!" is barely a taste of what there is to learn of ALL there is that will add to your knowledge and power. It is meant only to be a good starting point, that sets you OUTSIDE of the illusions and delusions of this present paradigm, where you can BEGIN to really see what is around you, and the true nature of what you are dealing with.


However, I think maybe we should discuss a bit about how YOU can craft your own Grimoire, Book of Shadows, or Witch's Notebook here. You can start by buying a simple spiral notebook, to leave by your bedside, to record some notes of what you were dreaming, just before you awoke, while still fresh in your mind. This will allow you to jot down some impressions, that will make them easier to recall later on. It will also create more neural pathways in your brain, between the Left and Right hemispheres, and amping up your I.Q. a little. Any worthy "doctor" or "scientist" will keep such notebooks handy, for ALL of the same reasons. Next, you may want to get a couple Three-Ring Binders, some ruled notebook paper to record things on. And some unruled notebook paper to draw diagrams and illustrations upon, for your personal grimoire. A hole puncher, to allow you to add other pages, pictures and illustrations for your future reference will help also. Some colored pens, pencils and such, will help you illustrate and highlight important notes and items. You may also wish to paint or decorate your notebook cover to suit your own taste and personality.


While you're at this: A color printer and the use of Adobe Reader or such, will allow you to print yourself out a color Hard Copy of "Practical Witchery!" that you can punch and put in such a binder, to add to your bookshelf for use in those times your technology may fail you. It would "normally" be a dubiously "illegal" thing to do, as some may feel you have violated their copyright laws, by not paying them more, every time to wish to read their works. But in THIS case: You have the Author's express permission... mainly *ME*. As I have dedicated ALL of MY written works to the edification and enlightenment of ALL of my earthly siblings (that's *YOU*). Within the illustrations of this book, you'll find a good number of pictures and illustrations from many of my old grimoires. If you live long enough, you too will likely fill many such notebooks with all of your discoveries. I still have a number of very interesting slides and pictures that didn't make it in the previous chapters, and I will share this hodge-podge of such to you in this chapter, to better give you an idea of what kinds of things you might want to put into your own grimoires.


Assorted Notes and Pictures...




Here is a page, where I pasted two separate Aura Pictures, that I had taken at different Psychic Faires. There were very different circumstances prominent in my life at these times, and I noted that the Aura Pictures had displayed these quite accurately.






The there was also my study, of the nature of Chakras that went perfectly with my study of Auras and the body's electro-magnetic energy fields.






As ALL things are RELATED, I had also long been studying the various energy fields found all around us in Nature and specific places around the world. So here are a few pictures of such, and also of a peculiar Quartz Sphere (Crystal Ball) that I've charged and used for such studies. I'll bet I'm giving you more than a few ideas of study already. You may also have seen some of these pictures in other chapters here, such as my chapter on Rifting.












There is an old custom, that is rarely observed anymore, among some of the elder Irish families: Where the matriarch or such, would hold their clan's newborn baby, and whisper it's "secret name" into it's ears. Upon reaching an age of accountability (which is different for many children), they would tell the child what that name was. Your "secret name" embodied who you really were, deep down at the core of your being. It gave others "power" over you, mostly because if you knew the true nature (and name) of the entity that you were dealing with, you also had insight about them. Again: ALL knowledge IS power! Of course, I'm not going to tell the whole world what mine is. But I can give you an idea as to the nature of this beast. Below is a personal "sigil" of mine, that marks many of my belongings and power objects, that also depicts something of what my "secret name" is.





Now, I've shared all of that with you, merely to show you my motivation in yet another series of studies that I had done and recorded in my own grimoires. If you live long enough, you'll fill up many of these. But I digress.


I've studied the symbology and mythology of a good many different cultures, and as would you: I looked up my own signs within them all. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures held some of the biggest surprises for me. Firstly, I did a study of all the places in Scriptures, where "unicorns" are mentioned. I studied them in the context of which they are mentioned, to get a fuller idea as to what this "archetype", as Jung might call it, is as far as the prophets of old were concerned.






As you can't study only ONE side of the proverbial coin, without studying the other: I studied the Biblical "antithesis" of unicorns, by studying the "Dragons" of the Scriptures. This gave me some terrific insights into many of the relationships I've known and established over my lifetime. I have long felt at odds, and overwhelmed with the whole world paradigm, and indeed as I got into this study; I found a great many more Scriptures regarding "Dragons" than unicorns...












A couple decades ago, there came a computer study out of the University of Tel Aviv about a "Bible Code" buried deep within the original texts of the Hebrew Scriptures. Hebrew scholars of the Kabala, and Numerology and such, were using computers now, to determine that *IF* indeed, the Holy Scriptures were TRULY written and inspired by a trans-dimensionally existant Creator God, that He would have had the foresight and ability to validate Himself by putting His own mark within the contexts of the Scriptures on many, many levels! They began this study, by taking ALL of the Scriptures, in the original Hebrew; removing all of the spaces and punctuations, and loading them into a large computer database, or a "matrix". Then, by using Numerology to skip every so many letters, as the case might be: They looked for hidden messages within the matrix of Scripture. To be fair: They did likewise with Tolstoy's "War and Peace", as it was a large work and perhaps chance might show up a similar tendency within its own context. Tolstoy didn't pan out. But the Hebrew Scriptures ASTOUNDED everyone involved!


There were references to Rabin's Assassination, Kennedy's Assassination, the death of Princess Diana, the Moon Landing, the Atomic Bomb and MUCH more besides! The "catch" in all of this was: You had to have some idea of what you were looking for, and there had to be a pattern of where these individual names and words would be found. An odd mention here or there, told you nothing. But when the names came up and the words, like "Rabin" and "Assassination" came up in the very same proximity, and if you added more words that concerned these events: You found that indeed: God had already known of these things from the beginning, even as He so often proclaimed!


You're no doubt, beginning to see where my own "Bible Study" is heading. Aren't you? I had managed to obtain a good copy of this software. Complete with Scriptures in English and Hebrew, a Hebrew dictionary and keyboard converter. I started out with my Unicorn/Dragon Studies and looked to see if there was any kind of patterns to be detected within this extra-dimensional message, that would give me a deeper picture of how these poor, outnumbered and out gunned unicorns were ever going to be *some* kind of balancing force to ALL of those damned dragons. Again: The message just blew me away. I got a sample printout of what I found. My matrix includes the words in Hebrew, highlighted with color icons, the Bible Verses they are found in, the Numerical Position in the Greater Matrix, and the number of letters skipped to form the words. However, you have to imagine this "matrix" on a MUCH bigger scale than the meager sizes we have available to print out on...






Not uncommon for the God of these Scriptures: The first glance of the outnumbered Unicorns, is NOT how He sees these things in the Greater Context that He has available to Himself. The Bible Code illustrates that what there are of us, are plenty enough for the job. Not to put TOO fine a point on things: I was ASTOUNDED by the things I could learn within the context of this amazing Bible Code. God had a plan concerning the archetypes of Unicorns and Dragons. I knew my place in the scheme of things, was as a "unicorn". But did this mean ME, directly? Or perhaps all of the REAL "Unicorns" were comprised of other men than myself.


So, I did a study of my own name. My first, last name, the names of my children, and nearly fifty other prominent words of things that have bearing in my life. My natural born "witchery". My unusual ability to play the harp well, immediately upon picking one up to play. My "nazarite vow" about not cutting my hair anymore, and much more. There were about (50) unique words and events associated with my name, and ALL of these had to happen in close proximity to the verses that my name was written in. Much like the "Fleece" with quarters, I mentioned in the chapter on Divination. It HAD to be something that ONLY a REAL Creator GOD would be capable of doing and knowing so far in advance. The End from the Beginning and vice versa, as He is also known for claiming. I could not fit this ENTIRE matrix in this single small printout. Indeed, you cannot read the full words of the few that I have listed here in this sample. But, even so, Beyond any doubting: God KNEW who I was, and for whatever His reasons: Saw fit to record me and mine in His Book! I doubt there is anyone else in the history of the world, that fits this matrix better than I.  But, you can never be sure of where your own place in the greater scheme of things might be, unless you look for yourself.  Or just live the life you already have to the best of your abilities and allow things to work out, as your Creator already knew they would!





This being a particularly tough study to follow: I figured that I'd close this book with a few other illustrations, and bid you all the very brightest and best blessings in accruing your own wisdom in taking back your power, to use it aright, as your own consciences will dictate. There will be "dragons aplenty" in your own journeys to deal with. But I know that it does not matter if you don't win this "Poker Game" that the petty "gods" of this world are rigging against you, but that you play the best you can, with the cards that you were dealt. My purpose in this endeavor, was just to point out that you have a "wild card" or two, in your hand to play with.









     Still don't believe in "little people"?  How about this "hobbit" from Flores Island, Indonesia?








     My nephew, David is using a very "unconventional" means of preparing and curing the wood of his latest staff, at our Camp Witch Wood that year.





     As often as "orb activity" gets mentioned in connection with "paranormal phenomena", this is a good example of what happens when a "Wild Hunt" is called.






     Using what is available from the local landscape, a Danaan Nemeton, or "devotional area" is crafted for prayers and rituals.








     Here's a "darker" and more serious form of witchery taken up by the Author on an auspicious date, to facilitate personal combat against the agents of this world's ignorance on a greater scale.  It's still working.







     The implements and spell components of this particular ritual are chosen for their directness and serious battle over issues made purposely obscure by the warlock paradigm.





     As a witch, I have MANY sisters.  Some, are even blood relations like my sister, Liinda here.





     You *might* be inclined to believe that the presence of such orbs, are purely coincidental to the picture being taken.  It *might* be "dust", ar maybe "bugs" or some other mundane event.  But *some* of us have *some* control over how, when and where such things may turn up.  Witchery is ALWAYS "cause and effect", meaning there are REASONS why such things happen.  A wise witch learns them and utilizes them to get things done, that might be impossible to do any other way.








     Or maybe you think that as witches, we are playing with fire.  Not everything will effect everyone in quite the same ways.  When you understand more of the rules of any given thing, the more it appears to the uninitiated as "magick".  But *we* know it on far more intimate terms and are capable of wonders.






     And TWO final pictures here, for the benefits of ALL of those folks who love to think that it's alright to paint us as ridiculously evil and ugly hags, because their pastors, priests or church "experts" on witchcraft said it was true!





     When someone points their fingers, and declares that someone else is 'in league with the devil", a witch, a devil worshipper or even a "terrorist" as they love to call them today:  Rather than look and label their victims, you should give all the better scrutiny to the people who are pointing their fingers.



     Like it, or NOT:  I am precisely what I am!  Like yourselves, I am NOT what others conveniently use to define me.  Without knowing the whole truth, they cannot begin to understand what that is.  NEVER let the ignorant define you for others.  Make yourselves so that you stand out and easy for anyone who knows you, to know what you ARE, and what you are NOT!  Let the accusers appear before all, as the liars they really are and defeat their power to delude the masses.  If you make only one person's "light come on", that is one victim that the warlock elitists will never get.






     Bless you ALL!

John Stormm, September 9th, 2014



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.10.2013

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