
When I write poetry I tell little short stories that will touch your heart in many ways. Often it is though something is guiding my fingers to tel the stories and bring them for all to read .I hope you enjoy my book and will share my stories with others about you .

{ Within The Sparke Heavens Embrace }

It was on a cold wintery day ,
Casey gave birth to her first child they did say.
She was blessed yet Casey never knew,
that this little girl would get her through.

Times of sorrow times of pain,
for Casey feeling lost and alone now so afraid.
Her love of her life the babies Daddy walked away,
never stopped to even see his daughter that day.

Months passed and Casey refused to see.
the little sparkle in her childs eyes that gleemed.
She rose and fell with each waking day,
ignoring that little angel along the way.

Her tears fell unending and the child watched on,
Touching her mamas face with love so.
As she began to talk she spoke three little words,
she said mama I told you I loved you every day why haven't you heard.

As her Mama looked up and truly saw her daughter there ,
with that sparkle in her eyes she became so aware.
Right before her was an angel that carried a piece of her soul,
and she was reaching out to help her mama come back home.

To be abandoned as as adult we all know the pain,
but to pass that on to your own children where love is restrained.
Did you ever stop to think if it is this hard for you,
then what about that child you have so refused her muse.

She lifted her daughter up and they looked eye to eye .
And her daughter whispered Mama why?
Why dont you see me and why are you so sad,
for I am her mama and I love you thats a fact.

She embraced her daughter and knew that very day,
often ones we love can come and go but the children are here to stay.
They embrace our hearts and give us strength to carry on,
so why I must ask do we leave the children so alone.
Foot note:
In this world their are so many abandoned children of parents so into themselves they feel only their pain not the pain of their syblings watching on. They to have lost something most precious their mom . Look into your childrens eyes today .Sit down and talk to them and they will help you find your way .They are very smart and we so need to give credit where it is due .For that child right before you holds your soul brand new.

Pa Pa Why Dont You Cry

It was heartbreaking the day Grandma passed,
oh he held her hand for each day love was so cast.
Memories now silenced yet he holds them deep within,
that is untill his Grand daughter waltzed right in.

She leaned against his legs and held out her tiny hands,
she looked into her Grandpas eyes and smiled the biggest grin.
As she looked into his eyes she whispered in his ear,
Pa Pa why dont you cry grandma wont see she is no longer here.

Oh his heart wrenched with pain and he lifted her into his lap,
He said darlin your wrong for you see grandma is all about.
She is now in the morning breeze and the dew upon the rose,
then he kissed that little angel on top her nose.

Oh Pa Pa I dont think so for if she was so near,
I would know it for Grandma always whispered in my ear.
They sat there for a moment and then she jerked around,
and said Grandpa you cant say that only Grandma knows how.

Say what darling your old Pa Pa said not a word,
but she looked him square in the eyes and replied but Pa Pa I heard.
A whisper within my ear that said I Love you more,
and a tear fell from her Pa Pas eyes for sure.

You see Grandma was well known of using that phrase,
and in a whisper she in a way gave butterfly kisses sweetly displayed.
Giggles always came from them for they tickled they did,
and they sat silent for a moment and then she gave him a butterfly kiss.

That ones from Grandma she just told me she is safe,
and if we be good she would send one every day.
As she looked at her Pa Pa and saw the tears streaming down,
she cupped his face with her little hands and said
Grandma is in me now.

Oh a man hurting could have heard an angels wings flutter that day,
To see him holding his grand daughter in such a loving display.
You see heaven is a plain unseen by the naked eye,
yet angels dance about us seen by children in the reflection of tears from our eyes.

His Grand daughter squirmed around to face her Pa Pa that day,
And with butterfly kisses kissed all his tears away.
She in a soft voice whispered I love you more,
and that day he knew his love would be with him forever for sure.


Foot Note :
Chidlren holds the very hands of those past along the way .Through their minds they see them in many ways . Never take a child for granted for messages they do hold for those left behind when it comes our time to go .


Paper Dolls Of Days Past

As a child we didnt have many toys
we made our own and such joy was employed
We used our imagination and through our every day
could make a toy out of most anything they say

Like the old sears cataloge we made paper dolls
they had so many clothes after all
We could shop there and get them just the right clothes
to entertain or go camping our paper dolls were always on the go

Children today are lost and without a muse
for they were never left to find things to do
Everyone hands them a toy or entertains them today
and truly if you ask me I think its a shame

For a child to be creative gives them confidence
It is a time of nurturing their time to envent
If a child is held back to what their minds can truly do
then look about you today and ask a child what can you do

Silence will befall them for they will not be able to say
When a child is taught so much in life except how to play
Its a time in their life that will be remembered forever more
and todays children will remember shut in a room behind clothes doors

A room that holds secrets others arent willing to share
a room filled with electronics where friends arent there
A room without treasures of what they made as a child
a room filled with sadness unknowing of a smile

Paper dolls is what I see in reallity
children born for silence refusing to see
A time where children become so lost and alone
a time where this place of sorrow is within their own homes


Foot Note :

There is a treasure chest within each childs mind .One that holds their most treasured moments through time . The time of their imagination where homemade toys and friends so share . Tell me your children today in their treasure chest what do they have to share . Technology has silenced the children and made them fear their own thoughts .Technology has brought them to a time where
abuse is now sought . With parents working and children are home so much alone tell me what treasures will they have when they become grown .


Danny Became The Daddy At Five

The wars in the world called on his Daddy that day,
and as he shook his Daddies hand in such a many display.
They hugged and his Daddy told him son now your the man,
to keep the homebase safe and with your mama stand.

Big croccodile tears flowed down the little mans face,
and he tried to hide them from his Daddy that day.
Hey there its ok you see Daddy has them to,
and it takes a real big man to show that love like you do.

After a few weeks that his Daddy was deployed,
that little man didnt no longer act like that little boy/
He opened the doors for his Mama and helped her in every way,
and told her Mama till Daddy comes home I will keep you safe.

One afternoon they went out to a resturant to eat,
and he helped his Mama with her chair then he took a seat.
A man came in after a while and talked to his Mama a bit,
and he was surprised when his Mama invited him to sit.

Silent he was and he watched their every move,
and he didnt say a word for he wasnt to mused.
As the man was leaving he said we should get together sometime,
and her son stood up and said its time you leave
with a look in his eyes.

Mason honey thats not very nice,
and Mason reached out to shake his hand then looked at the door with his eyes.
The man laughed then started to bed down to kiss her cheek,
and Mason let him have it sayiong no one does that but Daddy and me.

Shocked his Mom was for he was really getting out of hand,
so she spoke to him and she began to stand.
You need to cool down son for dont you know who this is?
It's your Daddies brother Cliff.

He still doesnt have the right to kiss you Mom,
and Daddy wouldnt like it while he is gone.
I promised I would take care of you and thats just what I will do,
so if you have anyone else I will be there to watch over you.

Time passed and that little man grew,
his Dad was gone for many years but she couldnt bring herself to give him the news.
She had received a letter saying missing in action he was not coming home,
and how do you tell a child his Daddy was gone.

Everyday he marked the calender,
everyday he watched for the mail.
And as he turned seventeen near inlisting age himself;
He talked to his mama and said I think I have to go,
for to find my Daddy and tell him its time we get back home.

It was early one morning when a car drove up and parked,
Mason heard it and stood when they honked their horn.
As he walked to the door he saw a man in uniform that day,
and he stopped breathing as he saw his Daddy wave.

Mom come quick you just wont believe,
Dads outside Mom come on you gotta see.
She fell to her knees and wept for her prayers were answered indeed
and she rose up just in time he embraced her
with such glee.

Miracles do happen and one was so excepted that day,
As they sat and talked around the table of how he was imprisoned along the way.
They sent you a letter didnt they and Mason turned with a shocked look indeed.
and he whispered Mom why didnt you ever tell me.

Son I felt your Daddy within my soul,
and I knew one day he would be coming back home.
If I had told you he was missing in action If I had told,
you might have given up and strayed away from home.

Its ok Mason replied and embraced them both that day,
as he told his Dad its sad you coming home and IM leaving in a few days.
What do you mean son then he told him he had joined the marines,
and he heard his Dad reply Im proud of you son and I know what you mean.

Foot Note:

The family at home helping one another find their way and holding hope above all . I thank eevry soldier and ever soldiers family for all they do for us here at home . We love you all and know if you need any help just ask for we would rally at your side and see you through.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2010

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