
Christmas On The Smallest Of Scale

Do we really think Christmas is ours alone,
when in fact even the smallest of creatures have shown.
That Christmas is a magical time indeed,
just look about today and you shall see.

With a magnifying glass I went on a safari one day ,
checked out an ant den and oh what a display .
I saw a group working diligently,
carrying pieces of twigs and mistletoe with such glee.

There was one who sported the tinniest red hat,
he was a sight bigger than the rest thats a fact .
I saw this little cart made from a leaf and small twigs,
and a jolly little ant doing the jig.

Upon the leaf lay some wheet and some corn and rice,
gifts for the queen from their Santa that very night.
I saw many little ants scurrying about,
and oh if you listened real close carols they did shout.

As I moved about the yard and found a spider web there,
through the magnifying glass I becme so aware .
The tiniest flickering of lights a reflection I suppose,
from the dew that had rested on the web made it silver and gold.

Out amongst the trees the birds sang in delight,
with their nests and babies all twinkling bright eyes.
I heard the lovelest carol,I ever did hear,
from a mockinbird that learned some of our tunes so dear.

As I turned and followed my muse to my surprise,
I saw a pastle of beautiful butterflies.
Like faireies dancing amongst the trees,
and enjoying all the years festivities.

So always remember we arent the only ones blessed,
try to be kind to the little critters about us you bet .
For it is a time of love and giving no mattter how big or smal,l
it is a time of enlightenment of life for all.

I found myself a quiet place and took it all in,
for amongst all of this the sounds all joined in.
It brought me to a place in jungle book you see,
to hear the cricket and the bullfrog in harmony.

Author notes;
I hope all children this year learnes to get out with nature and find such magic for them to behold . Things like doodle bugs and catapillar a coccon and how its mysteries unfurl into a lovely butterfly . The construction of a spider web and the songs on the air . Learn to be aware of what is about you every day . It will bring joy to your heart and let that child within out to play.

Hope Is Yours To Embrace

H ow often have you prayed for peace,
O n each waking day on bended knee.
P utting your faith for all to see,
E ntering into the kingdom with a plea.

I n this moment do you feel the rush,
S licing through the atmosphere without a crutch.

Y earning to see humanity humbled and free,
O ut to help our bretherins to see.
U nconditional love has always been at hand,
R eversing the sorrows across the land .
S aving our world and joining of hands.

T ruth and honesty place in the lead,
O ld ways tossed out to sea.

E mbracing our faith and let the light shine within,
M oments of purity from beginning to end .
B rought forth to save our children from pending doom,
R acing to save the world together let it be soon.
A nother dawning will it be without fear,
C ould it be today his voice we can hear;
E ternities vacume ever so near.

Author notes:
Together we must embrace life and save the children

If You Feel Lost Go Talk To Grandma or Grandpa

For all of the kids today,
locked up in their rooms refusing to play.
How old were you when your magic was displaced,
when you traded your smile for a frown on your face.

I say when did you lose the magic all children are born with indeed,
When did you feel you were all grown up and was without need.
How does it feel to know so much yet feel so all alone ,
if this question passes through your mind then honey come back home.

Go talk to your Grandma or Grandpa,
tell them you so need their help.
And give them the time to fuss a little,
for all the times you ignored them and put them through hell.

Now listen very close and know you most likely wont like what you will hear,
For Grandma and Grandpa didnt get to where they are by not knowing even your kind of fear.
Listen intently and know what they say is true,
and if you want to find joy again then follow their muse.

Grandparents can just look at a child and tell you what went wrong,
They can say in very few words what you need to get back home.
So if you are tired of being hurt and want that magic again,
then follow their muse and honey you will find yourself smiling with them.

Young poeple look upon the elders as dumb to the ways of today,
Yet no one asks them how to help them find their way.
They are so full of knowledge on what it takes to live,
but first your time and respect to them you must give.

They see their grand child in such a rush to be like others indeed,
They saw you when you carried that smile and was oh so free.
They saw you through each change and the day you left them behind,
and only one thing you never saw was the tears in their eyes.

Author notes:
You see there isnt a thing that you have been doing that your Grand parents havent witnessed in their lifetime .They saw kid falling away from their families in their time as well and they also saw what damage they can do to themselves because of it . Why would a child work so hard against their families to end up so miserable when if they had taken the time to listen and follow a few rules they would be happy and loved and never feeling alone . You have to give love to receive it and to love others you have to show thm respect so while you are looking there in the mirror where do you fit in all of this .

Who Is Taking Childrens Joy Away

Oh Christmas was always such a special time for me,
as a child it was such a magical time indeed.
Such excitment and decorations that sparkled in such a way,
brought out such love and joy in the children in my day.

Who is taking childrens joy away?
Adults who think not of the children today.
They have refused them to hug refused them of prayer and a tree,
and have refused them Christmas magic indeed.

Now as they have left them with nothing to believe,
what do you think the children will turn to indeed.
All work no play makes little children become lost and alone,
all because adults refuse to believe all along.

Who is taking the joy from our children today?
Adults who refuses to believe I would say.
The adults had their time when they were growing up,
so tell me why would you deny your children such joy such love.

I see their faces when the tree is taken away,
do you take the time to see your angel fall from the expression on their face.
Cant you see by makeing them adults before their time,
the child becomes lost along the line.

Rushing them off to nursuries and schools from day one,
taught by who knows makes a child come undone.
Unknowing of the love of the parent indeed ,
leaves a soul lost afraid and refusing life as it should be.

So who is taking the joy from our children today?
What good is it acomplishing for you to have your way.
The child needs such time to see magic and know love,
and I myself think we should give them back their joy
and bring back love.

Author notes;
So many children I talk to every day that feels they are lost .Not being able to see magic in their life leaves no room to believe anything at all .Children are very smart often smarter than those raising them for they know right from wtrong and see their parents doing wrong every day .Yet they being children arent given a say in how life should be along the way . I say its time we give those children their time back .Stand up and be heard and let them embrace one another and let them have their Christmas as it should be .If some family doesnt believe in Christmas then thats OK to but all children shouldnt be punished from joy just to please you .
It has always been celebrated from day one so who gives you the right to take this joy from my daughters and sons.
Who has taken the joy away from our children today?
Everyone for we dont stand up and keep it alive I would say .

Whos Hands Have I Chosen To Lead Me This Day

The young man lost and afraid,
becoming a teenager innocent in many ways.
Is given a choice to follow good or bad,
oh if he or she had only known
the life she could have had .

Smiles turns to frowns
tell me whos hands did you except,
in a young person lost
what have you done to yourself.
For the hands you so chose
did it bring you sorrow or joy?
It is in the choosing that the life you choose
is so deployed.

Look about you today
and honey know it's not too late,
for human beings no matter what age
we all make mistakes.
There is no sin in it and know,
change is possible even today.
And if sorrow and pain is what you feel,
then let go of those hands you so chose
and take mine this day.

In order for others to forgive you
honey you must forgive yourself,
Toss old misery out the window
and know you canapply self help..
By taking the hands of love
that comes your way,
even you can find peace
and a new life displayed.

Many things in life
you have found interesting indeed,
some you chose because others say join me.
Only following others down the pathway to pain,
often the young feels they will never know
happiness again.

So toss out those old thoughts,
and stand on your own two feet.
Tell yourelf to find this happiness
it's all up to me.
Listen to those who are trying
to save you from yourself ,
honey know you have to let them in
to receive such help.

Write about your feelings
and let others read your work,
often we cant say what we feel
in front of others for the hurt .
But once they know your pain
then the healing can begin,
and you will find this joy and live again.

Author notes;
It can honey you are the one shutting joy out by refusing to let yourself go free .To talk about your feelings to those who truly cares .It could be a stranger or a good friend that loves you enough that he or she has tried to keep you from drugs or cutting yourself . You say the cutting makes you forget .That is like a addict on cocaine saying it relieves the pain when in reallity it just burns out a little more of their brain . If its atention you so crave then give others atention and it shall be returned ten fold love is that way but I thought you knew that in order to receive love its all in what you do.

Correct Your Neighborhood And The World Will Follow

Think not of fixing the world about you,
look within your neighborhood this day
And see what it is you can do.
to bring family and friendships back in display,
For if just one per neighborhood took the lead.
and correct the wrong doings you see,
Then as the world is bathes and refreshed this way.
maybe just maybe we can all find love displayed ,

Family has been left behind.
children raising children often unkind,
Drugs have entered into most homes.
and life as we have known it is dying slow,
To correct the world one neighborhood at a time.
get our morals back in order then we shall find ,
How the neglect has this day brought sadness and fear,
to those about us we hold so dear.

Most people try to see the whole picture and feels overwhelmed,
asking who is in control who is at the helm.
Yet we each are the ones guiding this life we so share,
but it only takes one per neighborhood to become aware.
Touch your neighbors and be a part of their life,
If drugs are involved take them out this very night.
Be the crusader for a country free,
and know all it takes is you and me.

Author notes:
Do something dont just talk about it . Make your neighborhood the safe haven for you and your children get out there and know who your neighbors are and correct the wrongs to see this country can be what it once was again .

What Lies Between The Petals Of A Rose

As God Whispers prayers,
rose petals are formed
for a grand display.
To raise the weak
and the lonely and sick,
from their lives so torn from dismay.

He places those prayers
between the folds,
of a rose where heavenly scent blows.
And with a gentle breeze its carried along,
of his faith and how it can make you strong.

His prayers begins like a new rose bud,
a simple whisper a little nudge.
It may come from a stranger
or a loved one near,
but it's for the one who smells the scent
to be blessed without fear .
Within the loneliness about them there,
it's as though they feel his embrace
it makes them so aware.
Then as the lovely rose unfolds this day,
it brings life back
to those so lost along the way.

Just as the rose so shall the people
become withered and torn,
The rose petals holds its true colors
from the day it is born.
Just as you and I
for our memories are carried through,
aloft and upon the breeze
remembering your muse.

Just as the child
born like a rosebud so fair,
and the knowledge
that God is so aware.
For through the children
he sees through their eyes,
and blesses their journey
gives them strength to fly.

Fragile are these wings
unseen by humanity,
yet they are there about
that child indeed.
To guide us to joy and love
if only we trook the time,
we could see Gods prayers
unfurl along the line.

Author notes:
Everything is new then we grow old through time .We each carry a special scent along the line .One that comes with life and the blessing of being touched by the hands of God every day . Were you aware he has always been there.

For Those Who Give Their All My Arms Are About You

To all the men and women
who walks the front line,
for those who keep it all in order
and tends the ones so fine.
When daylight breaks
and the air is fresh,
honey always know you are with
the very best of the best.

As I lay my head down
each and every night,
Feel my arms about you honey
and know we feel your plight.
Say a prayer with us
and let the heavens hear our wish,
For a safe journey for all
and for that much needed returned kiss.

Your not alone ever
for we are a chain of love,
brought forth you to see
from the skies above.
The moon that hangs above us all
we in this world so share,
and through prayers we each know
God is forever aware.

Fear not those who fight against us,
for your faith and strength will rise above.
Know that with God at your side,
it's more than enough.
Yes some of our soldiers,
have been taken along the way .
And my heart breaks every single day.
But they gave their life for others
as Christ did there on the cross,
and know they now stand with God
and takes your hand when you become lost.

You are the best of the best
of our Nation This day ,
and only through you
shall we find the way.
To keep our natiion great
and free for it is our home,
protected by the men and women
and honey your not alone.

Back home here we stand up
for you and help those in need,
Bringing what freedom
we all have known in the lead.
Never to fall for this nation
was built by the best,
and God help all others
who put us to the test.

So to all those out there
where freedom is born,
In a land so lost
and belief-es scorned .
Keep your chin up and stand your ground,
and know their is none better found .
My prayers are with you nightly,
my love never failing indeed.
and my hopes and dreams of you coming home,
is always in the lead .
My arms are always about you
this I hope you know,
and this faith and love
will truly bring you all home.

Author notes;
Dear heavenly father as you reside above those boys fighting so hard to stop those who are out to do others harm may you embrace them and let them know you are beside them always .May they know that those who stand with you this day have been blessed in heaven and watch over you every single minute to see you safely through . Amen

here is a Christmas card fo all fighting so hard for our freedom
This was my Christmas poem to the soldiers hopeing it would bring a smile their way.
A Hillbilly Christmas For Boogar Ray

Prayers For Veteran Hospitals

Dear heavenly father
hear my prayer this night ,
and give our people
a whispered thought for life.
Let them want to be there
this year on Christmas Day,
to show our fallen soldiers
our gratitude and love let it be displayed.

May we take gifts to their bed side
and stay and talk a while,
To give them hope for humanity ,
and show them a reason to smile.

Dear Father let them see there,
within that soldiers eyes.
How much he loves this country ,
so much he would give his life.

For truly Lord we are indeted to them,
each and every day.
For our lifstyle without them
just would'nt be the same.
Embrace those men and women ,
and let them draw strength from us who cares,
and find their fight for freedom is well shared.

For Lord I know you have seen those soldiers,
there on the battlefield.
And have whispered in their ear many times,
and your embrace they did so feel.
For even in Christs time battles were won,
only I ask if the people would have rose that day,
would you have lost your son.

Yes I know of the stories
that you gave your son for us,
and it was in hope that together
we would learn how to love.
But Lord as you look upon us this day
know the new way we dont all agree,
for what is happening to this world
is so filled with greed .

Today as you walk into the hospital,
feel this love and share it this day.
Know to be so near to those men and women
they are the ones paving freedoms way.
Let not any man or woman
defile their love you see.
For they give their all as Christ did
for the love of you and me.

Author notes:
Be one of the millions to embrace those that has kept our freedom in this country alive . Shake the hand of the men and women who stood on the front lines .You want to know the truth of what is really happening today
Then know we can help those men and women though our love find the way to heal today .
I dont know who this is in the picture and I hope they dont mind if I have it with my poem but yes we all need to help those who has given their all to help us .

Joey's Excitment Turned To Hate

He began school today,
everyone told him it
would be grand.
To make new friends
and have such fun,
only Joey wasnt excepted
he wasnt one of the ones.

Every day his excitment
ended in pain,
seems like tears began to flow
no one let him play.
He told his parents
only they just laughed and said,
give it time honey
and it will change you bet.

So Joey waited and years passed by,
and in time those tears dried up
in Joeys eyes .
He stayed to himself
watching all others have such fun,
then Joey grew up
yet hate had already begun.

To live within a prison
other children so builds,
and refuse a heart joy and laughter
the soul it so kills .
What makes young people so heartless
to let an angel die,
because he looks different
or doesnt wear his clothes just right.

There was a time when children
were taught to care,
To help those unfortunate
and learn to share.
The Joey's today their are many indeed ,
so tell me why were the children so blind
why couldnt they see.

Many children are the way they are
because their family doesnt care,
Often their are drugs involved
and yet it seems no one cares.
A child is looking for love away from home,
so tell me why deny and angel a safe place to roam.

Be the child to save those angels
reach out your hand
Be the one to care and love another
and bring a smile to the children and make a new friend
If others mock you then stand strong and brave
for that child could very wellbe you someday

Looperdiddle The Little Penquin Lost

Looperdiddle was about ,
knee high to a grasshoper.
and he wasn't black and white,
like all the others baby penguin hoppers.
Looperdiddle was purple and grey,
and had freckles on his nose
I heard someone say.

So tiny he was and he made
the strangest noise,
it was like the sound of bubbles in a brook.
The other's became annoyed,
Looperdiddle stop that they would say,
and poor little Looperdiddle alone he stayed.

One day looperdiddle wandered
away from the waters edge .
None of the others
saw him leave the rest.
He waddled about the seashore
and played with the seagulls there,
untill one of the seagulls
decided not to share .

Looperdiddle made that noise
like bubbles in a brook,
and the seaguls all began to laugh
and give him a strange look .
Little tears ran down his face
for he felt something must be wrong,
he felt only others could see his flaws
and he wanted to go back home.

He looked all around him,
and not a penguin in sight.
He waddled to the seashore
afraid he was that's right.
He yelled at the top of his lungs ,
but only the bubbly noise was heard.
And a sea turttle looked his way
and replied MY WORD !

What happened to you,
and where did you get that vest .
Purple and grey I declair
you aren't like all the rest.
But you are unigue and special indeed,
for your colors will keep you safe
in the sea.

Loopediddle thought about this,
and agreed that day.
and he sat and talked with that wise old turtle ,
that had a smile on his face.
Why arent you in the ocean he replied ,
and the old turtle motioned to one of his fippers
where fishing line was tied.

I cant swim with this on me,
it is cutting into my skin .
That's when Looperdiddle looked closely,
and with his beak cut the line and then .
The old wise turtle thanked him
and said what can I do for you,
and Looperdiddle replied can I go home with you.

Oh the wise old sea turtle looked about indeed,
he told Looperdiddle but son I live in the sea.
You spend most of your time here upon the land,
To follow me would not be a good thing
then he was off once again.

Looperdiddle hung his head ,
and walked the seashore edge.
Then he heard a faint noise ,
and he lifted his head.
A group came waddling up,
the same color as he.
And oh what excitment ,
for he had been found indeed .

The whole family began,
to make those funny bubbly noise.
and Llooperdiddle found himself ,
amongst many young girls and boys.
All dressed out in the same purple and grey,
and he knew from that moment on;
that he was meant to be that way.

Author notes:
Have a great day and dont listen to everyone about you that makes fun of you for you know yourself you are purfect in every way.

The Word Please Seen In A Fallen Soldiers Eyes

The world doesn't see this,
only comrades upon the battle field.
The look in our young mens faces,
as their life is taken at will.

I heard many who have seen this,
the begging from the very soul .
And whispers Please God for give them all,
for each is fighting for a goal .

Man wouldn't fight one another on their own
this world would be much better
without the rich taking hold,
Those who's greed has sucked out their soul.
and put anothers in its place,
and the rich never see's the urgency
in a fallen boys or girls face.

Please come's with a tinge of red,
and pain so saviour indeed.
Please comes with a blast so loud
taking ones own ability to hear or see.
Please comes in sounds of rat a tat tat
and a scream that would chill the soul,
and tell me for all the yong people taken
to line others pockets with gold.

God watches on each day and tears do fall,
he senses those young people out there
and hears their call.
Told to fight and kill their brothers
for the rich today,
tell me how does freedom come to another
when both sides feels such pain.

Please comes from the parents,
of children out on the line.
Please comes from their babies,
of those fighting through time.
Please is the most unheard word today ,
for a world who chose greed over humanity
and peace I would say .

If the world cried out together ,
let there be piece and we fight no more.
Could we find a way to share ,
and stop all future wars.
For we tare up homes and villages ,
then rebuild them again.
Only the lives lost are gone forever,
at such a great cost and such a great sin.

I speak for all soldiers ,
and hear their whispers every day.
Please they call out to their brethren,
we must find a way.
Stop the drugs and wars and vilence,
and take one anothers hands.
And hear the silence and the feeling of love,
as we take one anothers hands.

Author notes:
A world gone mad will be the outcome uncareing untaught is the blame .For with out love and careing freedome will never be the same.

Little Joey Taught Us All

Everyone racing about shopping everyday,
Christmas was getting near with such a display.
Little Joey sat silent being crippled watching every move,
only Joey saw things the others had refused.

No one ever noticed him there,
a man dressed in a white flowing gown.
They went about their day while he watched on,
but little Joey saw him come down.

Joey pointed toward the tree and the man smiled,
Joey smiled to for he had a friend for a while.
As the day grew on and the man stood close by,
little Joey from being neglected after a while began to cry.

He found his way out of his wheelchair and went to the man,
and after a moment he took his hand.
The man there with him was the Lord himmself ,
and a tear fell from his eyes as the two of them left.

As the evening grew on and the family began to settle down,
they finally noticed little Joey was no where to be found.
They searched the house and the yard the neighbors and asked friends,
only he was not found and the sorrows began.

It was a little before midnight when the front door opened wide,
and in came little Joey so happy and he told them hi.
All were so excited their little man was home,
and they knelt beside him and asked where he had gone.

Nobody helped me his little voice replied,
as a big tear began to roll down from his eyes.
There was a man all in white came to stay with me,
and he took me to a place where I could be free.

Seen we all see you we always have,
and Little Joey replied you do now.
But today as I sat alone no one helped me today,
you just were all running about telling me your in the way .

He talked to me and took me for something to eat,
we walked in the park mama it was really neat.
The animals all came running to us and we pet them each one,
and Mama he told me I was one of his sons .

The house drew quiet for the family saw ,
their little Joey before couldnt walk.
He had ben crippled since birth indeed,
yet here he is standing strong in front of me.

From that moment on the gifts didnt seem so important anymore,
And the decorations embarassed those within the home.
Each began to take them down and Joey walked about,
and as the family finnished Joey asked them to all sit down.

Jesus he told me was his name,
and he told me one day he would come back again.
He was hopeing to find a family who truely knew,
what Christmas was and what his children should do.

For their are many out on the streets cold and hungry today,
Oh what they would give to be invited to such a place.
Instead of all the decorations why not buy some blankets and coats and shoes,
wrap them if you must and reach out to those you never knew.

Mama he cried when this story he did tell me this night,
and I saw his wings spread wide.
He placed his hands upon my legs,
and whispered son get up and play.

You will be the one to show others how Christmas should be,
To bring joy to the sad and food for those in need.
For lights and trinkets are pretty but a waste indeed,
to have such waste when their are many in such need .

The gifts they gathered and placed them in the car that night,
and they drove about town to find those homeless thats right.
Each were given a gift and an invite for dinner you see,
and the very next day they saw him once again standing by me.

Miracles do happen upon this earth,
and as little Joey looked upon the crowd he found the one hurt.
A man with a cane and shoes so tattered and thin.
Little Joey reached out and embraced him.

The old man dodged away from him at first afraid i guess.
but in a moment he looked about and stood up with the rest/
His cane fell to the floor and he had such a smile upon his face.
and little Joey whispered my friend go play .

Blessings are bestowed upon Gods angels here on earth,
they often stand so near yet we dont see their worth.
so busy living our own life we tend to ignore those most in need,
they only wish for kindness and a little help from you and me .

Author notes:
Look about your home and tell me as you look upon the money wated on all the decorations and gifts and the debt one falls into how does this give another love .Children often in these homes are restricted at even touching such pretty things and are punished if they do .What is Christmas it is the celebration of the birth of Christ . Look upon your children there before you and ask yourself what love have you shown them this day . Have you embraced them and together played . When was the last time together you have talked as a family indeed . Where have their smiles gone and why couldnt you see .

Evaporations Of Thought Renewed

Like honey drips from the Bee honey cones,
so shall the sent of the rose be.
It is the evaporation of time standing still,
that makes the soul fly free.

In words we spin the tales of life,
and the creations we have no control.
Yet through our minds we bring them to life ,
and touch others inner souls.

As the butterfly wisps across the land ,
having such control yet as light as a feather takes a stand .
How it is done we ponder each day,
yet with such miracles we smile as it flies away.

Through our eyes reflections so turned upside down,
our minds brings them upright without a sound .
Perplexed by their beauty we watch in awe,
and listen intently for the faintest of calls.

Touched we are the poets of the day,
bringing the world to life a place the mind does play.
Should we ignore the whispers where would we be,
and if you think about it to ignore such beauty you must be blind indeed .

Our sciences fine tuned how could we become bored today,
such music plays about us and those cotton like kisses upon our face .
Who could live and not experience heaven within you and me,
and know we are blessed for lifes journey is just in reach .

Author notes:
Its such a refreshing experience every day to feel smell and hear and see heaven about me here upon this earth .Its for everyone to share if we wake up and let it in

A Shadow Upon The Range

Years he rode out on that range,
rolling hills and where prayers were exchanged.
Felt nearer to God there he could feel his embrace,
and the gentlest kisses he felt upon his face.

Angel kisses he would whisper a blessing indeed,
for since just a babe they were so given to me.
Every year as I made my journey through Gods magical world,
such visions he so gave to me while on watch they so unfurled.

Through my eyes he showed me wisdom I hold to this day,
my ears I hear his creatures at play.
Through my touch I sense the warmth and coolness about me there,
and my heart it is a time where love and freedoms embrace
is shared .

Now as age has taken my sight,
I now let my horse take the lead thats right.
He knows the land far better than I ,
and in the journey I was welcomed never denied.

The wind whispered its love and the dew kissed my face,
as darkness fell upon me I never felt lost this day.
As I passed from this world I found my sight returned,
and before me was all my family arms out for heaven had been earned.

As I looked back at earth and I saw a shadow there,
I wondered would any one notice that shadow are care.
Would they hear the song I whistled there upon the trail ,
its a reflction of us after we have passed where life once prevailed.

As his Grandson took out his Grandpas horse to ride,
he saw a sadness in that old horses eyes.
He mounted him and as he was leaving that day,
he glanced at the shadow and found there were two so displayed .

Old Buck the horse he saw it first,
and gave a hardy whinnie and bowed to the dirt.
As I sat there witnessing this miracle indeed ,
I too felt the kisses from heaven now cast upon me.

When I returned from my ride and walked into my Grandmas house,
she looked up at me and whispered did you have a good ride about .
I sure did Grandma for you see I wasn't alone,
for I saw two shadows upon the range and a whistling tune from home.

Grandma looked up from her sewing with tears in her eyes ,
she spoke softly I have seen his shadow as well each time he passes by.
I also hear that whistling tune drift along the breeze,
and he sends me kisses from angels and sets my heart free.

Author notes:
Many ways those passed communicate with us if we open our hearts and eyes to see .Often through thought if we set our minds free . Through your writings let them guide you visions of heaven are at hand and bring your soul and heart closer to the promise land.

Powder Cast Upon The Wind

Born into life each of us a part of the chain,
left in the hands of parents to show them the way.
Life often turned around from those lost today,
lost through drugs and in this causes new angels pain.

Over the years as the angels fall,
for the elders refuses to hear their call.
Children gone wild turning on the world today,
children when they were your responsibility refused love and play.

Who is responsible I must say we all are,
for any child kept from love we each become their cell bars.
Overlooking the very fiber that keeps love alive,
I ask why we didnt see the sadness within their eyes.

Now upon the new year tell me who will come first,
will it be the children or will you see to your own needs tell me what is its worth.
For to ignore the generation there at our feet,
no one will survive the destruction or overcome the need.

The land of the free tell me what does this mean,
for this country now days see it as a lost dream.
Instead of each being free we try to change those about us today,
feeling our way is better and thus freedom gets lost along the way.

Why cant we be free and be ourselves each and every one,
why cant we tend our own and let others live and have fun.
Why do we refuse beliefe to some and demand they think as we do,
in this look around for the country is losing its muse.

When they took dicipline out of the schools,
they also changed today all of the rules.
They force learning upon the child,
and refuse the very imagination that made this country great all the while.

This country that drew you to it was free when you entered indeed,
This country gave you hope and let your expressions run free.
So I ask yes we are different and this is what makes it so great,
to blend cultures yet let freedom reigne.

I say if those who dont like the way this country is run,
then pack your bags and find another beneath the sun.
Try to find a country with such freedom today,
and dont let the door hit you in the but as you leave I must say.

For the people in this country should enjoy their time of prayers,
and the children enjoy hugging one another and love they so freely share.
Get the Moms back home with the children where responsibility lies,
and stop this maddness we witness across the world thats right.

Know where your children are and who their friends shall be,
be the parent for heavens sakes and see to their needs.
Let the children be children and let school start at six,
as it was before it gives children time for memories and the soul within a lift.

Ok so the new year how can we fix this today,
I would say all the parents look and see the things they so need to change.
Bring back the pledge of aliegienc and prayer whatever their choices may be,
for to deny one their religion all will be denied dont you see.

Freedom tell me what have you done,
by denying certain things then the structure will soon be gone.
Think about it for heavens sakes before its too late,
and stand up for all freedom of each of us for thats what makes freedom stand up for it today.

Author notes:
Wake up America and you parents out there rushing about to make the allmighty dollar what has it cost you . Look at your children and ask yourself when was the last time you spent over a couple hours with them in a day . Sad it is for so many young people cry every night for they feel no one cares . They buy them games and such to keep the kids busy yet dont give them their own time with their own parents I must say shame on you for everything in your future lies there before you with your children . You are their teachers for life and from so many I have seen today your a sad bunch indeed for the children feel they are lost in a bad dream . Hopes they have none love they feel none memories often most bad so their life like Poder in the wind set across the land where the adults are blind to their needs . Its time tis country took hold and get the children back on track and to do this it will take all parents to see it brought forth . Its time the adults are held responsible again for ther raising of their children . Put dicipline back into the plan so the children will learn respect for others about them . We must get this country back and the only way to do this is give our children the best teachings and make the rules for all children and adults alike . Make the parents where one is with the child through their childhood untill they are six to start school before they are allowed to work that way the child will learn the importance of family and the joys of being a child . Parents be a part of the school your children go to stop by and see how things are going and if you see the school slacking on their jobs get it corrected and let the children concentrate on their school work instead of worrying about the bullies there . I say the bullies be held in the principls office untill every child is in their classroom and held in the classroom when the bell rings untill all children have moved to their new clasroom and held after school untill the children have left for home .
Stop the fear of going to school and after a while those who enjoy bullying will either stop to be able to join the others or remain treated this way the year through .For they expect the other kids to feel disapointment so why dont they feel this and this way all will feel freedom to learn and want to go to school .

Tethered Soul

Defiance of life creates an island within,
where the soul cries for life we refuse to let in.
As the island about us we choose its size,
yet the young people today space so denied.
If the roots are fed an nurtured the soul shall grow,
the tree of life will reach its final goal.
To refuse it nourishment we dwarf the very life,
and hold ourselves through eternity to our own chosen plight .
Is your island never ending or have you stopped living today,
are you willing to take anothers hand to find the way.
For if the soul doesnt dance then a prison you have built,
about your life and in this you have given up the will to live.

Author notes:
How big is the island you hold within for all to see.

Vails Before Thine Eyes

I walked into the new school one day,
excited yet found myself so afraid.
Looking about feeling I was being dissected indeed ,
it was a house of horror that very day for me.

My clothes were different and the others laughed,
some whispered yet for me to hear where did she get that trash.
My eyes lowered to the floor and thoughts raced through my mind,
thinking what's wrong with my clothes I thought they were fine .

Every day got harder to cope with the abuse from the other kids,
I tried to make friends but the others turned away they really did.
I didn't know that my manners and dicipline rated far above all,
but why did I feel pushed against the wall.

Teachers heard their remarks but did not a thing ,
unruly children heartbreak it did bring .
A few months of this and the hurt turns to hate,
turning an angel to destruction bound make no mistake.

So she dressed like the others and followed their lead,
tried all their drugs and did their dirty deeds.
Time passed and she fell along the way ,
but where were those to be her friends on that faithful day .

One young girl came to her side and whispered I am here,
I will see you through this have no fear.
She lifted me up and carried me to the nurse that day,
and I was surprised at what she told them along the way.

As she walked with me she looked about the crowd ,
she spoke softly I hope this makes all of you feel so proud.
To be so cruel to another you never took time to know,
but trust me along this journey you chose to take this pain you will all be shown.

All the kids laughed and went on about their day,
and the girl who helped me to the nurses office she didn't stay .
She went back out into the school and made it known,
that any student that hurt her again she would follow them home.

Oooo the kids remarked I'm so scared ,
and as she stood there in the hallway silence she shared .
It wasn't but a few days later when I returned to school,
and she stood right beside me to get me through .

Indeed the kids all started their same old ritual that day,
and my friend got a real good look at each and every face.
She knew each one and she told me pay them no mind,
for they wont be back tomorrow that is after tonight .

As the sun set in that little town she went out to each house,
talked with each parent and told them what was happening now.
They looked surprised feeling their child is innocent thats right,
so she invited them to meet there early and see bye and bye.

The parents went to the school early and waited in the office that day,
and as I came up to the school the kids chidded me the whole way.
unknowing their parents were watching and hearing every word ,
and the pushing and shoving their actions so obsurde.

The parents moved to thier kids home room classes they did ,
and near the back of the classrooms they hide.
As the students flowed in yelling obsenities and routy indeed,
thats when the parents came out to make themselves seen.

Each parent went to the front of the class,
each made a speach that would forever last.
Telling their kids there was something they had to do,
and that was they had to walk Sara back and forth to school.

You will treat her kindly and get to know her this way,
you will help her with her homework every day.
She will be treated with respect and if this isnt followed through,
then you my son or daughter I will be acompanying you.

Silence fell upon that school that day you could hear a pin drop,
and from that day forward the abuse stopped.
Sometimes the parents need to make a surprise visit to really see ,
their little angels arent what they appeared to be .

The parents wanted to thank the girl that came to them that day,
they went to the office and asked for her by name.
The principle was shocked for that girl had lost her life,
she had taken it after a few months at the school thats right.

They checked up on their findings and it was true,
for the gaurdean angel came to protect those against the fools.
She was a gentle soul torn apart by the children spoke of above,
and none of the kids felt her pain but continued the push and shove.

Now she has been heard of throughout many schools today ,
she walks the hallway in full display.
Wearing the same clothes she wore many years ago,
and tears fill her eyes as the new kids serve their blows.

Author notes:
Thousands of kids are hurt in our schools every day .Teachers and principles know who thesee children are yet they let it go on day after day . Kids who truly want to learn and behaves themselves are the ones who are pushed aside the ones going through hell . Instead of hurting why not get to know that person and you would find .Clothes dont make the person character makes the person and being you have none that puts you at the ewnd of the line . I say shame on you all for it doesnt make you look smart or brave .It doesnt make you better in any way . Actually it makes you cruel and a person afraid you see .For the person you so torment is better for they know kindness something you lack but need .

Pa Pa Can You See Grandma In My Eyes

Moments of endearment an embrace from heaven above,
in times of fallen hearts a time where life doesn't seem to be enough.
It was early one morning as Pa Pa sat there on the bench,
he wouldn't look her in the eyes for his true love so appeared once again.
She took her little hands and embraced her Pa Pa tight,
and her little voice replied Pa Pa do you see Grandma through my eyes?

His heart wrentching in the pain from the loss of his love,
looked up into his grand daughters eyes and it was just enough.
For within those eyes of inocents he so saw her there,
it was an embrace from heaven they so shared.

Silence held fast for a moment and then he heard her say,
Grandma gave me a message for you this very day .
Last night as I was dreaming a secret she told to me,
and she took her Pa Pa's hand and replied come see.

He was hesitant for a moment but she urged him to go,
and as she took him into his bedroom this something she had to show.
She reached into one of the pockets of her grandnmas coats,
and pulled out a piece of paper that held a note.

Pa Pa sat down on the bed there and began to read ,
tears flowed from his eyes for he was so pleased.
What's wrong PaPa what did I do?
And he looked back into his grand daughters eyes and whispered Grandma did talk to you!

What does it say Pa pa so excited she had become,
and he picked her up and sat her in his lap and showed her such love.
He began to read the note from heaven and together hearts did heal ,
from this child spoken to from heaven and now Grandpa could see.

The note read: My true love I was told of this day,
and as I wrote this note to you as God was on his way.
I was told that I would share this note with an angel indeed,
and now this day as you embrace that angel you also embrace me.

Pa she holds my very soul and she will speak through her eyes this you must know,
And you will see it to the day God calls you home.
I will never be far away for honey dont you see,
She is my life eternal our spirites are joined and I am free .
I will be here waiting the day he calls you home,
there is one thing I must ask of you for it wont be long.
Leave a note within your pocket for this grand daughter my dear
and know throuh her dreams your message she will hear ,

Time passed and yes her Pa Pa was called home.
and oh how that little angel felt so very alone,
She fell asleep there on that front porch bench that day.
and within her dreams her Pa Pa sent his message came her way.

As she woke she looked all about herself that day,
she had felt her Pa Pa near and how as she woke it faded away.
She rose from the bench and off to his room she did run,
and searched his pockets in the closet to read of his love.

There it was a piece of paper neatly folded with a lump inside,
and Oh how excited she was even though their were tears in her eyes.
She opened the little note to find two hearts within,
fastened to a charm bracelete and she began to grin.

The note read: To our little angel who taught us such love,
we send this gift of our hearts from heaven above.
Know we see through your eyes each and every day,
and honey we shall save you a place with us in heaven above
but first your family you shall bring this love along the way.

Magic the very eccense of love itself life lives on now,
reaches the heavens have no doubt.
Touches of the heart comes in many forms indeed,
voices from heaven comes through our children if only we choose to see.

Author notes:
God Bless all our Grand parents and the love they so gave to the children of this world may the children embrace them and know as they walk along the edge of heaven God does hold their hands and you can see him through their eyes just as the Grand parents can be seen through our childrens eyes each day .

The last entry is a story**

Creation The Final Destruction (Story)

Within our quest for new creations in our world ,what dangers will we inflict upon our one and only planet.
Never satisfied and yet haven't learned the most simplest of lessons like learning to live together ,we spend millions to find the way to leave our destruction behind.
A way to depart from this world in search of something new we can destroy in time.
The Beginning

Scientists in search of the ultimate knowledge of our universe while their people starves below homeless and fighting for rights so ripped from their grasp . New president of the day with promises as always yet for generations none has ever made a difference except for the elite few. Within this year of this change they speak of
there will be famine and a world war in the makings of such a change . People breeding like dogs in heat and their children left on hospital door steps but oh no we cant infringe on the rights of those making these children .
Yet the scientists pay this world no mind as they use trillions of dollars to find the ultimate get away . Like the shuttle for all this knowledge and the teachings from it where shall it take us . Satellites floating in space that catch two nat's breeding from trillions of miles away, yet can't find the terrorist that kills for the fun of it .Oh no they send our men in on foot to hunt them down and be killed needlessly for they refuse to use this almighty technology of the day .
Now they are speaking of creating black holes from experiments right here on the planet .Oh they don't know what will come of this as they release these black holes out into space they honestly don't care for they feed on knowledge like piranhas on a feeding frenzy. Now as they bring these black holes and in time they found the atmosphere looking like Swiss cheese and the shuttle no longer ours for one has engulfed their bird like a feather on the wind never to be seen again for they know not what happens to anything caught within its vacuum of space . 2

The year 2012 world war has broken out and the ones so filled with hate have found themselves safe havens in their trillion dollar homes so stolen from the workers of this dieing planet . They retreat to far off places giving the earth time to depopulate by self destruction as they watch and listen without care. The skies begin to implode sucking he earth dry of all its properties like a giant vacuum cleaner .Worse than any cyclone or hurricane it becomes the black hell of time . As though the devil literally touches the earth with all his hate and violence and devours every living thing without a destination for within the black void there is no knowledge of its properties .Left upon the earth is only the molten rock which the very core and its workings remains .The smoke from its bowels streaming up and sucked into the hole as the earth begins to over heat and melts like the chocolate coverings over a cherry . Within the dead silence a deafening quiet then it happens . The earth broken as the explosion rips it to bits and it being sucked away leaving the giant black hole in its place .
Little did the super rich know no matter how far they retreated they too were in the line of this death they so created . Silence in the atmosphere no stars no sun no moon and the void imploded all living things .
The pitch black lining within the space riddled with lava and all living things petrified from the very compression of space floating within they now can see where the black hole led to and its purpose in time . As few that survived this holocaust began to get strength within their eyes adjusting to the blackness the human form and sight adapts to the strangeness of a new world . Air was no longer needed for within the void was in-cased with a black fluid and the humans regained a gill like flap behind the ears for their life to be sustained . The pieces of molten earth were like four planets within this space at times it would release a gassy substance which in turn gave the black depths a phosphorous glow turning this black hole into a golden layered multiplex pf planets each holding the inhabitants which had been sucked inside and deposited upon the pieces floating about .

There were no races within this new space for each of those who eyes had adapted took only forms no true exact forms but forms like shadows within this golden space .There was no words spoken they only communicated through their minds that had changes leaving their heads into bulb-us oblong forms with dark oval pits for their eyes .There bodies thin and feeble looking of skin stretched over bone no muscle to be seen . It wasn't long before they knew they weren't alone for this universe had fed off the earth many times in order to start new world one had to be taken away.
In the search for the perfect human beings they have destroyed last worlds for centuries for the race would always end up the same uncaring war destruction and leaving their children starving their sick alone to die . Gradually they found they had become the food for this new world they have become the hunted .

Some from the earth had seen these creatures of time and tried to tell the world without belief .They drew pictures of them and how they had probed them and tortured them in the need to find out why they were so evil and they needed to correct the human race to make a better breeder for their young in protection of their own race in time . They took animal parts to find a way to help the humans induce food in a different way as to not feed on flesh only the greens of the fields about .As the newcomers began to adjust more and more the began to see the millions of the aliens walking about them looking upon their forms as though sniffing for the right feed for the day and often one nearest to us would be swept away . Imagine being in such a void only seeing blurred figures and those next to you stripped away from your side without a sound . We were never hungry we had nothing we could do but stand around and wait our turn.
It was a time where we realized that many who were with us on earth had been changed years ago for they reverted back to the dark people as soon as they entered the vacuum .They had been feeding for years off of our young and the animals we raised . making them stronger and as they found out the scientists were testing a theory and was making black holes they prepared for their return home . For I remember as the black finger of death from the black hole emerged upon the earth there were those who walked toward it with arms high a though worshiping it as the humans ran for their life unknowing of its powers and plan so orchestrated over time .

One child amongst the entire race that had been brought into this strange inhabited black void entered without change and this child
remained curleld within a ball watching through thin slits of eyelids for fear of what was to come . Curious of all those about him he could feel them yet he saw then as the figures he had seen in his small life at one of the UFO centers his mom and dad had taken him to .
He had read up on all the finding on earth but never realized it was really a true happening for humans have a way of blowing things out of shape through the excitment of it all . As he looked about he sensed that his parents had to be nearby for they were together when they were pulled in .He began to uncurl himself slowely as though he were a caccoon opening for the first time like a butterfly being birthed from its home for the first time . Suddenly he felt a jerk on his body and he had been lifted and to where he didnt know . He let out a scream that within this cavity had very little sound like screaming under water yet he didnt realize he was breathing the fluid there . Suddenly he came to a jolt and against somethng sticky like a web he felt like the fly captured for a later feast but from what he wasnt sure . He squirmed about and tried ripping himself from it and as he worked he began to feel something thrown over his body like he had been vacume wrapped into a dorm all his own . Being he could see what was there he saw like workers in a den the humans captured were ten deep along the walls and the thin black eyed aliens were packing them each with professional care to each .

He was very close to one of the aliens and he spoke who are you and the alien stopped in a hjolt and turned to inspect this sound and the little human within . Very close he came with his black onyx eyes within inches and he poked at me which felt like an ice pick piercing my skin . Ouch hey watch what you are doing you hurt me the little boy replied . The alien tore at the sheeting and grabbed the little ones arm and with him dangling beneath him crawled up the side of that long shaft and pulled him up on top where the boy noticed a blinding white light with a blue tenge to it .He tried to protect his eyes and the other aliens grabbed his arms and pulled him to a flat rock like slab . Being so young for I was only four I tried to fight and was asking for my mom and dad . They made these humming noises nothing I could understand and I began to cry for I was so afraid .

Suddenly they stopped abruptly and began to draw near to see what this liquid might be .One came close and touched it with his tenticle comeing from his arm like figure and within the connection began to shrill as though in pain . The others came to his side and was looking at the damage and from that single tear the aliens outer layer had been eaten away . Afraid of the boy they released him for they didnt want him to shed those weapons again from his eyes . The boy stood and when he would move to any there they would scurry away and he knew they wouldnt capture him or touch him again . As the boy turned and began to go over the edge of this floor he realized the substance was so sticky he could crawl about the outside cubicles and he began to search for his parents without hesitation . One of the aliens was sent to watch his movements and to report back to the others what it was he was searching for.

The boy crept about the cubicle searching for those he loved and at times would look about in search of the others also he was watching them and the one who crept about the walls in slow jerky movememnts as though he were stalking him . On one of the small cavities he noticed a small light within blinking in unison and it brought back a memory of his dads cell phone how it would light up when a call was coming in . He raced over to it and began tareing at the sticky netted fabric that held the person within . As the alien saw this he rushed to stop the boy and the boy caught him from the conor of his eyes and turned to face it with a look of hate .He knew that his tears this alien could not be touched with so the boy began to cry and took his hand and wiped at the tears and flicked them toward the menacing creature before him . He leaped feverishly to move from the tears path and yet was touched by one near his eye .

Wrenching in pain and as he moved away the boy continued to try to release the form inside . Once in it was like the egg pod of a yellow jacket and his dads form was within . He pulled at his Dads arms and worked him around so as to see his face . With a look of horror the boy found that tests had been performed on his dad and he was opened from throat to strenam . He held his dads head in his lap and let our a scream that echoed throughout the vacume there and brought many of the creatures within sight . What have you done and where is my mother he screamed . I shall hunt each of you down and as he was speaking one of the aliens moved closer reaching out his hand. He made a noise and the boy gave him a dead stare with the tears streaming down and then looked back at his father withut making another sound . The alien motioned for him to come with them as though they had something he had to see . He moved away from his father and followed this one at a distance always watching the others as they gathered around .Once they reached the top he saw on the slab what looked like his mother

spread out yet it looked as though they were removing something from her body.I ran quickly to save her and she raised her head and shook her head as to say no . She reached out her hand and took mine and her voice sounded as though she were speaking through water . Do not be afraid for this is not pain for me I am having your brother and they are helping me .As I moved to the foot of the bed where they had the child in their hands I began to see what I had feared . Yes thin and with a head longated and wide black eyes without lids and the child fully aware .No no no I repleied and began to cry and the others tried to move me away from the child .As the child saw this being of a different species yet knew the connection moved to the boys side and took his hand then led him back to his mother . The alien child they saw was also dripping from his eyes and they all became afraid for the tears to them wre like acid .

A new race mixed between two worlds and knowing this couldnt be the elders of the race gathered and turned to the mother with a tone he hant heard them speak . She shook her head and they were motioned to an area of the tunel the boy didnt remember seeingbefore .They motioned for them to enter and as my mom took my hand on one side and the new brother on the other we stepped into the longhall looking black cave . Instantly we became aware of a pull on our bodies like a huge vacume but before we could turn we were sucked out it seemed we tumbled for ever before we felt a sudden breathlessness and then liquid all about us and the fear of drowning. As we reached the top of this liquid we saw what we use to call the sky for we knew we had been redeposited upon the earth once more . With e the fear of drowning we splashed about before the young alien rose above the water and reached out for our hands .As we took his hands he moved us across the water top with ease and took us to the closest land .

We couldnt believe our eyes for the earth had been sucked clean of all living things it was barren of life of trees of any form of shelter .

Knowing humans had to have all these things my mom looked at the small alien before us and said nothing but he responded as though she had spoken . Once again taking our hands he moved us across the land as though searching for somthing and after a while he settled once again . It was near a cave and inside the cave it looked more like the aliens base from which they came . As I moved within the perimitor I could see small amounts of plants and water there were a variety of things I had never seen before and the alien moved about them feasting and motioned for us to do the same .
The nature of creation often unbridled can cause catostrophic destruction and in the blink of an eye a new race formed a mix of two worlds side by side to create the ultimate race in time .

Author notes:
The cell of space and the findings of the new world who will be the gaurdeans in time.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.01.2010

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