
Sunken Country Lane

Ancient track now sunken country lane,
Steep bank shutting out the sun,
Green arched bridge old gnarled bough,
Summer beckons,not yet begun,
Blue mauve violets sprinkled in profusion,
As springs gentle fingers reach,
Pungent garlic in wild confusion,
Beneath the towering stately beech,

Scattered through shadowy wood,
Bluebells silent sentinel,
Heads bowed beneath silent hood,
Legs ache, I crest the top of the lane,
Nice to be here once again
See country sprawling out below,
Distant Severn's stately flow,
The bridge ghostly misty indistinct,
Ribbon roads interlinked.

Wind sighing through the trees,
Memories floating on the breeze,
Being here with Mum and Dad,
Nostalga leaves me oh so sad,
My kids when they were small,
Now they dont come here at all,
Endless sky horizon sweeping,
Oh, a tear down my face a creeping.

Soaring Rook or is it a crow,
Spectacular diving,wheeling acrobatic show,
I walk and slowly feel at peace ,
Oh how I love this gift of nature,
I am rich beyond all reckoning,
For all of this money cannot purchase


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2011

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