

    As I run through the dark forest I feel the blistering cold wind hitting my face, feeling like a whip hitting every inch of my face. I also feel the cold snow collecting in my boots, making harder for me to run. As tears run from my face, catching my breath seeming impossible, but I just can't stop running. Running from that... thing.

I hear the creature beginning to catch up to me, but I can't bear to look back to see for sure. I run with all the might that I have, though it seems like I'm not running fast enough. Hearing its blood curdling scream coming closer. Running with all of my might I reach the Mighty Tree. Looking up at it branches I grab the lowest, climbing up the first branch...

"Gotcha!" the beast screeches as it grabs my ankle, pulling me away from the tree, throwing me to the ground. Hearing a thud as I land in the snow, I look up at the creature, barely seeing it in the darkness.

"You can't hide from me, I told you I would come for you" It leans over my body as I lay there in fear. Seeing its terrifying grin going across its face like a joker and a cheshire cat mixed together. Its glowing red eyes would stare into mine, holding me down to the ground with its gaze.

"Now your all mine!"

He holds his hands in front of my face as if he were to craddle my face in cold boney hands. I start to hear a crunching and tearing noise, feeling drops of a mysterious cold liquid hitting my cheek. As I feel his drool dripping on my cheek, I look at his hands. I see his nails grow long and thin, growing longer than the length of both our heads combined.

He raises his hand, about to strike my throat...

"MINE!!!!!!" He screeched.

Then it all goes White.


1. The Beginning

Dear Diary,

I am so not looking forward to this weekend. I get to go visit Grandma Elvira! GROSS! She is like known to be some weird old hag who believes she is a witch...

"ALEX! Come down stairs right now! We have to go, we can't miss our flight!" My mother yelled.

"I'll be right down!"

Anyways, instead of going to all of the amazing parties that go on this weekend. I get to stay with the nutcase in Loveland, Colorado! Can things get any worse!

"ALEXANDRA HAVEN!" Again screamed my mother

"I'm on my way down!"

As rolled off the bed, I grabbed the old purple diary from the bed and walked out the door.

If your wondering, My name is Alexandra Haven. But everone calls me Alex. I am a 16 year-old girl from Seattle, who has everything a 16 year old girl could want, a boyfriend, good grades, popularity, and just about everything else. Everyone loves me and I have no enemies, I am pretty much the girl that everyone knows and adores.

"Are you excited to go visit Grandma?" asked my mother.

"OH BOY! I can't wait to eat chicken feet salad made fresh from grandma. Delicious." I replied sarcasticly.

"Alex!" Exclaimed my mother, "We don't talk about family like that. It is very disrespectful. How would you like it if someone said something like that about you?"

"To be honest..." I replied, "I wouldn't care."

"Wouldn't care about what?"

I turned around, startled to see that it was my father. Knowing that I should never talk bad about his own mother, I had to lie.

" That people eat animals?" Wow. I suck

"Honey, you are the worst liar." My father laughed.

We all laughed.

"Hey mom, are we leaving yet?" said the young small boy in the doorway.

That boy is my butt nugget brother, Adam. I unfortunatly I also have him in my life. Ever since he was born, my life as been nothing but a living hell. As soon as I have seen him pop out of my moms vagina in the bath tub, I knew he was trouble.

"Oh yeah! We have to go" replied my mother, "Of to Loveland!"

And there we go, of to the airport, then off to Loveland, and then off to her house. This is going to be one long weekend.

2. Turbulence

"OH MY GOD! We're going to miss the plane!" my father yelled.

As I looked at my watch I saw that we have one more minute till the gate was going to close.

"Ok lets run, were almost to the gate," my mother said.

As we ran to the gate, I heard this little voice in my head whispering...

"Slow down! The plane is going to be late, so there is no rush. SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN I SAID!"

As we made it to the gate, we come to find what the voice in my head was saying. The plane was going to be late. That is very strange.

"Aw c'mon" My brother wined. "I thought there wouldn't be a line. But this is huge!

"There isn't anyone taking the tickets. That is probably why the boarding is late." My mother explained.

I thought I would play more guessing games while I waitied for someone to take tickets. That is when I heard the voice again.

"Ok this is just silly. You are going to use me to entertain yourself. That is not what your grandmother would do."

said the voice.

"what the heck! What do you know my grandmother!" I nearly said aloud.

"Oh I know a lot about your grandmother. I know that she is psychic, and I know that you are too."

"Um, mom. Can I quickly use the restroom? It looks like it will be a while." I asked my mother

"No honey, we are about to board the plane." She said, clearly stressed out about the upcoming flight.

"You think you can just get rid of me in the bathroom. You are clearly mistaken. I just can't leave. I am a part of you. A part you can't escape of. It is because of me that you have good grades, and have a nice boyfriend. i tell you the answers to everything, that is why you are a straight A student, and a lovale girl. Some people call me a conscience, but to you I am your psychic abilitiy."

"What? No your not!" I whispered firecely. "You are just a figment of my imagination and you will go away when I count to three! One... two... Thr-"

"Who are you talking to?" A voice interrupted me obnoxiously. I turned around to see my brother looking at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears.

"None of yur buisness I am just playng a guessing game. I am going to see when the person who takes the tickets comes and what they look like." I studdered. "Wanna play?"

"Sure" he replied. "I bet that it is a woman and she is smoking hot." He said with a grin that ass so repulsive that it could gross a booger out.

"It is an old lady, not a young one."

I had jumped when I heard the voice."Say it."

As I usually did I followed it's instructions.

"I bet it is an old lady" I replied, not so sure of myself.

"and she will come to take tickets in 10 seconds", now say it.

"And she will show up in ten seconds" I said. then I counted











As soon as it hit zero, a hideous old lady showed up at the desk and started taking tickets.

"Holy Crap!" My brother said in shock. "How did you do that?"

"I don't know" I replied. That was very strange. I have never seen anyone able to do that before. Was the voice right? Was I psychic? No... I am not psychic. That is just crazy talk, it is just a coinsidence.

"Now you want to know what the crazy part is,"

The voice had said. "The lady knows your grandmother and she knows that you are psychic. Don't freak out when she says something. But trust me you will understand. Soon."

When it was out turn to have our tickets scanned. As she scanned my family's tickets she was starting at me. Then, it was my turn to have it scanned.

"Say hi to your grandma for me."

I turn


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.12.2011

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