
3 lillies for her king

She sat one amongst a crowd,

Waiting for her chance to come,

In her hand 3 lilies grow,

A gift, for her chosen one,

The sun was hot, the hours passed,


Her children shaded under trees,

But she waited, 3 lilies in her hand,

She waited on her knees,

The crowd erupted, cheers filled the sky,

His car stopped, he waved and smiled,

Her aging heart beat like a Childs,

In her hand 3 lilies grow,


3 lilies, were her gift to him,

3 lilies for her king,

100 years, just for this time,

3 lilies for her king,


Her time came, she took her chance,

She reached her sun burnt arms out to him,

He took her hands and with silent words,

Her life was so complete,




A picture taken, a photograph,

A moment in time,

That will forever last,

A picture taken,

A moment in time,

A memory that has never died,

3 lilies for her king



1984 -It's here



We’re living 1984,

No rights in our lives,

We’re all on the silicone wall,


Cameras and spies,

You walk among your fellow man,

As they watch your life,

1984, 1984,



A camera on every street,

The newspaper illegally,

Tape your every word,

Micro- chip, email,

Internet, they know how,

You’ve learnt all you have learned,




Now the march is on,

Now they walk the walk,

They can create all you never thought,

False flag,

An atomic bomb,

WMD that never you never saw,

The innocent, die in war,

That’s how it’s gonna be,





A camera on every street,

The newspaper illegally,

Tape your every word,

Micro- chip, email,

Internet, they know how,

You’ve learnt all you have learned,


Those who never see,

Are those who will believe?

The new world order is here today,

And here today it’s gonna stay,

Unless you rise up,

And have your say,

That’s how it’s gonna be,






2016, hasn’t been a year,

I’ll remember with fondness,

Or I’ll hold dear,

It’s only April,

I’m in a mess,

8 more months,

8 more tests,


Started out,

A little slow,

The first day came,

I was on my own,

Then she sat down upon a chair,

And told me I wasn’t wanted,

I was out of there,


2016, so unkind,

2016, you ain’t mine,

2016, I’d like to see you go,

2016, I don’t want to know,


Then came the news,

A hero gone,

I had spent my life,

Living those songs,

No more stardust,

Or fabled words,

The curse of Lazarus,

Is all that heard,


Tried to find solace,

In a different place,

They didn’t like my papers,

But they liked my face,

I had the choice of two,

But made the mistake,

I went for the colour of greed,




Now the book is full,

No money to burn,

It’s the same situation,

I just haven’t learned,

Got to borrow a debt,

Until the monies earned,

Thank you 2016,




A dark life



Your life is immaterial,

A pointless exercise,

Alone and miserable,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


You’re unbearable,

So unbearable,

You think the world is all against you,

And they’re building up a wall,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


Immaterial, unbearable,

A pointless exercise,

Alone and miserable,

Only you can change,

You don’t want to change at all,


Life to you is living in a pit,

Where problems sing,

And you’re the number one hit,

Life to you is living in the dark.

You to get out more,

You need to fall apart,


With your shadowless eyes,

And you’re black as coal heart,

You to get out more,

You need to fall apart,





Your life is immaterial,

A pointless exercise,

Alone and miserable,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


You’re unbearable,

So unbearable,

You think the world is all against you,

And they’re building up a wall,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


Your life is immaterial,

A pointless exercise,

Alone and miserable,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


You’re unbearable,

So unbearable,

You think the world is all against you,

And they’re building up a wall,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


Immaterial, unbearable,

A pointless exercise,

Alone and miserable,

Only you can change,

You don’t want to change at all,


Life to you is living in a pit,

Where problems sing,

And you’re the number one hit,

Life to you is living in the dark.

You to get out more,

You need to fall apart,


With your shadowless eyes,

And you’re black as coal heart,

You to get out more,

You need to fall apart,





Your life is immaterial,

A pointless exercise,

Alone and miserable,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,


You’re unbearable,

So unbearable,

You think the world is all against you,

And they’re building up a wall,

Only you can change,

Yes! Only you can change,

A different wind

They watched the man,

In the blue silk suit,

Standing upon the stage,

He drew the crowd closer to his voice,

His songs knew all their names,

When he hit the notes,

They couldn’t reach,

Tears welled in their eyes,

They were watching a thin white duke,

Committing rock’s greatest suicide,


He played guitar with a nervous hand,

Though you wouldn’t know,

He sang the songs with a different wind,

The kind that’s white a snow,

Held a skull and sang the words,

That time he thought would end,

He sang it live, with tears in his eyes,

Playing out a familiar scene,


He’s live, live once again,

He’s live; his life is constant change,

He’s live, just a mortal man,

Each line of the songs he sings,

He lives like no other man,


A costume change,

The scenes removed,

The dogs are howling in the night,

He sings a song, ten years from now,

Whose predictions came so right?

The sweetest sound did not fade,

As the lights began to dim,

The chameleon would change his style,

The sound would stay with him,




He sang the songs with a different wind,

The kind that’s white a snow,

He sang the songs with a different wind,

The kind that’s white a snow,


A little crazy


I was lost in a world,

That I called you,

A love crazy, S.O.B,

Acting like a fool,

Told lies, so you would hold my hand,

When you let go,

I had no-where to land,

But in all honesty,

It wasn’t me,


I’m not crazy baby?

Well! Just a little maybe,

But it got me through my fears,

The tears I cried,

Have all but dried,

And the moments have all but disappeared,


I used to lay awake at night,

Dreaming dreams that might,

Bring you back to me,

The plans I made,

Never made you stay,

Drove you further away,

But in all honesty,

It wasn’t me,




The years have passed,

And now I can see,

What a dumb S.O.B,

I was,

If I just said how I felt,

Your heart would have melt,

But now its free,


The years have passed,

I’m a better man,

I have my days,

Time has cured the S.O.B,

That was killing me,

I am who I am,



I was lost in a world,

That I called you,

A love crazy, S.O.B,

Acting like a fool,

Told lies, so you would hold my hand,

When you let go,

I had no-where to land,

But in all honesty,

It wasn’t me,


I’m not crazy baby?

Well! Just a little maybe,

But it got me through my fears,

The tears I cried,

Have all but dried,

And the moments have all but disappeared,


I used to lay awake at night,

Dreaming dreams that might,

Bring you back to me,

The plans I made,

Never made you stay,

Drove you further away,

But in all honesty,

It wasn’t me,




The years have passed,

And now I can see,

What a dumb S.O.B,

I was,

If I just said how I felt,

Your heart would have melt,

But now its free,


The years have passed,

I’m a better man,

I have my days,

Time has cured the S.O.B,

That was killing me,

I am who I am,



A no-one

I’ve crossed the line,

I’ve stepped over,

I’ve done all the things that you never done,

I’ve seen the light,

It had no halo,

It lit the light of the path that I chose to run,


My life is just a simple playground,

That will live in someone else’s memory,

And when I’m gone and you’re still sober,

You’ll relegate it to a page in history,


I’m a nothing; I’m a nothing at all,

I’m a line in book, you don’t read,

I’m a nothing; I’m a nothing at all,

I’m a speck in the dust of history,


I’ve climb that hill,

I’ve seen things that you wouldn’t believe,

I’ve swam that ocean,

Been deeper than you could ever be,


I’ve crossed the line,

I’ve stepped over,

I’ve done all the things that you never done,

I’ve seen the light,

It had no halo,

It lit the light of the path that I chose to run,




My life is just a simple playground,

That will live in someone else’s memory,

And when I’m gone and you’re still sober,

You’ll relegate it to a page in history,


I’ve climb that hill,

I’ve seen things that you wouldn’t believe,

I’ve swam that ocean,

Been deeper than you could ever be,




Nothing at all, no nothing at all,

Nothing but history,

Nothing, no nothing at all,

But I was always me, 

A normal day

Laying on a bed,

As hard as slate and stone,

Looking out an open door,

So far away from home,

Writing down some loose words,

Looking for a rhyme,

The days are long and the nights are dark,

I’m just killing time,


Listening to the emptiness,

That fills the sun bleached air,

Broken by a passing car,

That carries my despair,

The dog that is digging dirt,

Another hungry mouth to feed,

A mother scolding her only child,

For throwing away her greed,


This is a day, a normal day,

This is a life, that will hardly change,

This is a day, we have so few,

This is a day, what can we do?


There’s cattle chewing some backyard,

There’s a baby on a bike,

There are people in an open shop,

Buying all the things they do not like,

There’s a man contemplating death,

And the life that he’s seen,

There’s a picture on an old billboard,

Fulfilling someone’s empty dream,




There stands a young woman,

She’s staring at her hope,

She looks in to the mirrored glass,

For a face she doesn’t know,

Her man is looking for a sign,

That will show him where to go,

The road is long and the path is hard,

But that’s the life that we all know,





A part of you

I’m gonna detonate, right in your heart,

Gonna find myself a corner,

And blow it apart,

It may be just the beginning,

But it ain’t the start,

I’m gonna become a part of you,


I’m gonna pull your strings,

I’m gonna pull them tight,

I’m gonna make all your days,

Last as long as the night,

I’m gonna let myself loose,

And that’s a fright,

I’m gonna become a part of you,


You, you, you,

Gonna be a part you,

You, you, you,

There’s nothing that your gonna do,


I’m gonna become your mind,

I’m gonna become your way,

I’m gonna be all you think about,

Every second of the day,

I’m gonna be your thoughts,

You’re every word,

I’m gonna be the only thing,

Your friends will ever heard,

I’m gonna become a part of you,




I’m gonna detonate, right in your heart,

Gonna find myself a corner,

And blow it apart,

I’m gonna become your mind,

I’m gonna become your way,

I’m gonna be all you think about,

Every second of the day,

I’m gonna become a part of you,





A quiet day

It’s quiet today,

Looking through a window onto,

A sea of green,

No-one around,

No-one to talk too,

No-one to say anything,


All the birds are sleeping,

Hiding from the wind,

All the trees are bending,

Looking like their trying to reach,

And the earth is burning,

The scars are plain to see,

We still stand alone


So quiet today,

Staring into an abyss,

Skies of blue,

The clouds are shaping,

Then they fade and disappear,

Like the sound of a chilled silence,

There is only one that hears,




So quiet, so quiet today,

So silent, so silent,

Nothing to say,

So quiet, so quiet today,


So quiet today,

No not a sound,

It’s like the world and his wife,

Have slipped underground,

So quiet, so quiet,

So quiet today,




A song for Bowie

We’ve watched the ripples,

Expand in his wake,

A living genius,

Who just liked to change?

A human chameleon,

Who would not promise tomorrows rise,

Covered in stardust,

Whose truth destroyed our lies,


Space men came and went,

Then came back again,

Platforms and high heeled boots,

Fashion with a pen,

Red hair and lips of blue,

A cover in lady’s dress,

All the dogs are wearing diamonds,

And the duke is setting trends,


Human chameleon,

Human, has a heart,

Not a rebel just someone,

Who broke the mold from the start?

Human Chameleon,

Human with a change,

Eyes of brown and blue,

Never left our stage,


He sung of ashes,

Laid the spaceman down to rest,

He showed how to modern love,

That some still fear to tread,




His heroes help tear down the walls,

When Aladdin had done his time,

Merry Christmas, the gigolo is feeling fine,





A song for Rasi

In this small town,

I thought I’d found a place,

In this warm town,

Was the town I loved to stay?

In this small town,

I took the love they gave,

But in this warm town,

Some took that love away,


In this small town,

I could always find a friend,

In this warm town,

I thought nothing would ever end,

In this small town,

There lay an unknown hate,

And she came a calling,

Took everything away,


It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me,

I really didn’t want to ever leave,

It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me,

I did what I did, just to please,

It wasn’t me,


In this small town,

I thought I’d found a life,

In this warm town,

They made me feel alive,

In this small town,

Some gave the hand of hope,

But in this warm town,

Some began to noose the rope,


In this small town,

The many gave the smiles, from which I fed,

In this warm town,

The love I will never ever regret,

In this small town,

Small power thought they ruled,

But in this warm town,

She will die the fool,




And they will dance,

And they will sing,

And they will say just what they think,

And as she falls, they will rise,

And know the truth of her lies,

In this small town,

In this small town,


And they will dance,

And they will sing,

And they will say just what they think,

And as she falls, they will rise,

And know the truth of her lies,

In this small town,

In this small town,


A woman's mind

Sometimes the words you say,

Cross the lines of the boundaries laid,

And you just have to crawl back in your hole,

Sometimes the words you’ve said,

Find a permanent corner in her head,

And she can never seem to let them go,


Sometimes the things you do,

She has the sense to see through you,

So you just crawl back in your hole,

Sometimes when you think,

She puts at the bottom of her heap,

You’ll never get back and that’s something you’ll always know,


A woman’s mind,

Who understands?

Complicated to every man,

No book, no song, no rhyme will tell you so,

A woman’s mind is underrated,

Complexed and so complicated,

No song, no book, no rhyme can ever show


You think your right,

She knows your wrong,

You think you’re smart,

Not in her world,

So you just crawl back in your hole,


She’ll never say what you want,

But if you forget, then behold,

And you should just crawl back in your hole,




You think your right,

She knows your wrong,

You think you’re smart,

Not in her world,

So you just crawl back in your hole,




Night is going to fall,

Fall over this city,

Oh the stars will look pretty,

To those who can see?

Fear is in the heart of the crying,

Those who are going to be dying,

Those who are going to be free,


They took a train ride down the track,

They never knew they wouldn’t be back,

The men in uniforms were happy jacks,

As they counted those to be free,


Don’t deny, don’t deny,

We’re the human race,

With an animal side,

No excuse, no excuse,

No man, no woman, no child, no abuse,


Took away, from those they loved,

Got no help, from the ghost above,

Took a haircut, stepped inside,

When the shower came,

So many died,


They lied, they lied,

To get them inside,

Then when the end came,

They all denied,

They ran for the hills,

They flew in the skies,

They hung from a tree,





Got no help, from the ghost above,

Separated from those they loved,

Got no help as they stepped inside,

No-one heard the screams they cried,




Ace of spades

Take me back to the night life,

Take me back to my life,

I remember the twilight,

I remember the moon light,

Cold beers and cigarettes,

Ice cream in the sunset,

No conscience and no regrets,

Notches on my bedstead,


Take me back to beaches,

Remember the histories,

Love tamed and guilty roars,

Broken legs and bed sores,

Take me back to the night life,

Take me back to my life,


Nothings ever changed,

Just the order has been rearranged,

Dreams lost, opportunities gained,

All hands were the ace of spades,


Tea, coffee, unnamed highs,

Broken hearts and broken lies,

Jealousy was the ace of spies,

Clocks ticking, running out of time,


Take me to a time of when,

The music seemed heaven sent,

A whole story in a line,

The finale ends in rhyme,




Take me back to the night life,

Take me back to my life,

I remember the twilight,

I remember the moon light,

Tea, coffee, unnamed highs,

Broken hearts and broken lies,

Jealousy was the ace of spies,

Clocks ticking, running out of time,





I traced the lines that adorned her face,

I watched her walk with amazing grace,

I watched her from afar,

I counted the steps she would take,

I watched her movements,

Fall into place,

But I always watched her from afar,


There’s a distance I cannot bridge,

There’s a hope I dare not wish,

She’s a place I cannot live,

I’ll watch her from afar,


I watched her hair, sail with the wind,

I watched her smile, come from within,

I watched her from afar,

Elegant, sophisticated,

Easy on the eye, but so complicated,

I watch her from afar,




Skin like silk, eyes so warm,

Body so tight, it makes me burn,

I watched her from afar,

Hair so long as dark as coal,

A smile so bright,

It lights the darkest soul,

I watched her from afar,




She is every man’s dream,

She is every man’s fantasy,

She is so out of reach,

That I watch her from afar,





You take my money,

And you bring me down,

You make me see,

What I haven’t found,



You make me do what I shouldn’t do,

You make me want,

To try all things new,

You lift me up then leave me blue,

You make me write,

What I deem true,



You’re tearing me apart,

You’re breaking my spine,

You’re lifting me up,

Pushing me out of line,

You’re pulling me two,

Don’t know where to hide,

You’re giving me hope,

With no place to hide,



I have dreams of what I could never do,

I lift you up and see right through you,

When I’m on a high,

I come down blue,

All because of,





I can leave you,

But you drag me in,

I can convince myself,

Then you give me sin,

You enjoy taking me places,

I have never been,

All because of,





I have dreams of what I could never do,

I lift you up and see right through you,

When I’m on a high,

I come down blue,

All because of,




Push the limit, push the limit,

See how far that you can go,

Push the limit, push the limit,

Embrace all  of  the unknown,

Push the limit, push the limit,

Pull those barriers down,

Push the limit, push the limit,

He wore the devils crown,


The demons came and stole his mind,

Left their tracks upon his arms,

His mother tried to leave her spirit,

He drank away her charms,

Upon the Ness and the open sands,

In a chamber for a king,

He lived his life, his fantasies,

Brought to him in a dream,




Danced with the man in the deep blue sea,

Faces painted upon the wall,

Wrote the words, no-one had seen,

In a time of the holy scrawl,

Laid to waste upon the hillside,

They came to see the man,

They brought with them the food they ate,

To please all that they can,


She rose and she offered love,

Abandoned like a slave,

She took all she could,

She took all that he would crave,




He returned a broken man,

Lines etched upon his brow,

Scorned and tortured by all he done,

It was time to leave this world,

His visions became true,

The cross no longer has the grip,

His thoughts are there to explore,

If you’re prepared to take the risk,




All because of you

I’m electrified and mystified,

My brains is thinking suicide,

And it’s all because of you,

My hands they shake,

My body aches,

Get me to a doctor,

Before it’s too late,

It’s all because of you,


Can’t sleep at night,

Can’t work all day,

The thought of you,

Stops my day,

My heart it beats,

Like a runaway train,

And it’s all because of you,

It’s all because of you,


Because of you,

I cannot sleep.

Because of you,

My bodies weak,

Because of you,

I just can’t speak,

It’s all because of you,

It’s all because of you,


I’m tired, wired to the national grid,

I’m all hooked up,

But I’m not plugged in,

I’m about to explode,

So cover me,

And it’s all because of you,

It’s all because of you,




I’m lying, crying,

Swimming in my tears,

I’m walking, talking,

Living my own fears,

Never been so emotional,

In all of these years,

And it’s all because of you,

It’s all because of you,


All for you

I’ve bled myself, bled myself dry,

Rolled over, rolled over and died,

All for you, for you,

I’ve looked away, looked the other way,

Bit my tongue when you’ve had your say,

All for you, for you,


Buried my head, closed my eyes,

Crossed my fingers, as you’ve told your lies,

All for you, for you,

Crossed my heart, although I don’t believe,

Held my head as you blatantly deceive,

All for you, for,


All for you, for you,

Why? I don’t know why,

Goes against all I believe,

Goes against all I despise,

All for you, for you,


Turned my back, yes turned away,

Looked in a direction that was just a blank,

All for you, for you,

I know I should tell your truth,

But all do is for you, for you,




What, what should I do?

What, what should say?

You and you and I,

Can’t go on living this way,

Just for you, for you,


I’ve bled myself, bled myself dry,

Rolled over, rolled over and died,

All for you, for you,

I’ve looked away, looked the other way,

Bit my tongue when you’ve had your say,

All for you, for you,





All I want is you

These wounds ain’t healing,

These scars they run deep,

My eyes are closed,

But still I can’t sleep,

I see so many people,

Who I just don’t want to meet,

All I want is you?


This bed so big,

Just my side,

I’m covered up,

But I can’t hide,

The pillows soft,

Can’t close my eyes,

All I want is you,


All I want, is too hold you,

All I want, is you home again,

I don’t need, company of strangers,

I don’t need the sympathy,

Of well- wishing friends,

All I want is you,


My soul is crying,

I feel the rage,

I’m an open book,

On an empty page,

My tears are falling,

My face they stain,

All I want is you,




All I want is to hold you,

All I want is you

All I want is you


All I want to feel is you

All I want to feel is special,

As though I’m a special man,

All I want to feel is your love,

The warmth when you take a hold of my hand,

All I want to feel is special,

To be your special man,


Nights, days,

Purple haze,

Smoked filled rooms,

A distant gaze,,

Hopes held down,

Seldom raised,

All I want to feel is you,

All I want to feel is you,


Sounds aloud,

From a distant crowd,

The results are in,

Their feeling proud,

I read her script,

And laughed out loud,

All I want to feel is you,

All I want to feel is you,




I lay awake,

Without a break,

I wait for your sign,

Still I wait,

Take the plunge,

Don’t hesitate,

All I want to feel is you,

All I want to feel is you,




Spot kick,

Somewhere I missed a trick,

I listen for the clock,

Which doesn’t tick?

You’re as hard as stone,

As cool as a brick,

All I want to feel is you,

All I want to feel is you,


All the birds have flown

And there she stands,

Face pressed against the window,

Watching the rainfall,

Watching the days pass her by,


And here she stands,

Sees no reflection,

Feels pain and rejection,

No tears left too cry,


All her birds have flown their nest,

All her pages have been ripped,

All her dreams have been lived,

Nothing left to missed,

She’s on her own,


And here she stands,

Under the halo of a thorny crown,

Trapped by the four walls that surround,

Caught in a landslide of silent sound,

She’s all alone,


She’s all alone,

She’s all alone,




And here she stands,

Looking into the mirror of her life,

Trying to understand wrong from right,

Watching days pass by,


And here she stands,

Alone in a crowded room,

So many memories flown the coup,

She’s asking why,




Am I a friend for you?

You’re on, you’re off,

You never talk,

Your green light says you’re on,

I see your name,

I wait in vain,

Am I a friend to you?


I see your face,

I love your smile,

You pass me by,

And I wonder why,

I’m not a friend to you,


Tell me, tell me,

What should I do?

Help me, help me?

What can I do?

What can I do?

To be a friend to you,


Are you afraid?

What do you fear?

I’m just a man,

Who’s always near,


Do you see?

Do you hear?

Do you listen, to what’s not there?

Are you afraid?

Can you not say?

Do you like to hide?

Look, the other way,

Am I a friend to you?




So hide behind,

Your green light,

I won’t disturb you,

Darken your night,

I won’t push that button,

Say ‘hello’

When you’re ready,

Just let me know,

I’ll be a friend for you,


Am I a stalker?

She, she doesn’t want to know,

She, she doesn’t want to talk,

She, she doesn’t answer her messages,

I think somehow,

I’m at fault,

Don’t think she remembers my name,

Or what shirt I had to wear,

Don’t think she really notices me,

Don’t think she really even cares,


Was I,

One dinner date,

Did I over-react?

Was I misplaced?


Am I a stalker?

Because I want to talk to her,

Am I a pain?

Because I do it again and again,

Am I stalker?


Before that night,

Things were so good,

A smile, a wave,

And the occasional word,


Since that night,

It’s all gone, south,

If I pass, she looks away,

Without a sound

Even the bear,

Can’t save the day,

And the words,

I gave her to say,




Am I a stalker?

Am I a stalker?

Am I a pain?

Am I a pain?




Am I?

Will we talk again?

Tell me will we see each other,

Are we friends,

Or have our ships just passed,

Going on to discover,

What past us by, what we never tried,

Will we dance again?

Will hear the sound of our beating hearts?

Is this the end?

Have we stopped something?

We couldn’t start?


Am I reading too much into this?

Am I seeing something that’s not there?

Am I holding onto stupid dreams?

Am I breathing all this toxic air?

Am I living in a fairy tale emotion?

Am I stealing a ride in the park?

Am I falling in, super slow motion?

Will I hit the ground, super hard?


Will we love again?

I only ask the question,

You see, I don’t wanna feel this hurt,

I wanna smile; don’t wanna feel this feeling,

I wanna love and I want it to work,

Will we talk again?

Tell me will we see each other,

Are we friends,

Or have our ships just passed,




Will we walk again?

Or is it my imagination?

Will we see the rise in the morn?

Will we shine in the darkness of the evening?

Will we smile as when a baby’s born?

Will you love me?

Will you tell me that you care?

Will you help in my hour of desperation?

Tell me darling, tell me your  be there?






Push, pull, I’ve seen it all,

I’ve been too the top,

And I’ve broke my fall,

Bend, curve, I’ve hear the words,

I’ve touched the sun.

I’ve been burnt

But when I step outside,

I fall into, America,


Neon lights, I’ve hit the heights,

I’ve seen all the things,

You wouldn’t like,

I’ve danced on the clouds,

And kissed the moon goodnight,

But when I step outside,

I fall into, America,


In a dream of opportunity,

Where nothing is,

All it seems,

Where the streets paved of gold,

Are now ice-cream,

This is now America


Crossed the desert skies,

Found the truth in hidden lies,

Walked in the shadows where they like to hide,

Then I fell into America,


Seen the where the eagles nest’s

Broken wings and the shells of her eggs,

The written words,

Is now their regret?

I fell into America




Push, pull, I’ve seen it all,

I’ve been too the top,

And I’ve broke my fall,

Bend, curve, I’ve hear the words,

I’ve touched the sun.

I’ve been burnt

But when I step outside,

I fall into, America,

And another

You can only hold on until you break,

Then I’ll pick up on your mistakes,

I’ll wear you down,

Then steal your crown,

I’ll nip your bud and then bury you in the ground,

Just to have a single night with you,


And another hopeless dream,

And another empty scene,

Another wish that’s out of reach,

And another lesson, I can’t teach,

A single night with you,


You can’t hold to what you’ve lost,

Your gonna pay the price,

Gonna count the cost,

Gonna roll in the grass then find that its moss,

Just to a single night with you,




I’ll wait till you’re on your side,

Until your ship has sailed and then capsized,

When you’re at your weakest point,

When your heart is broken and all seems lost

Just a single night with you,


You can only hold on until you break,

Then I’ll pick up on your mistakes,

I’ll wear you down,

Then steal your crown,

You can’t hold to what you’ve lost,

Your gonna pay the price,

Gonna count the cost,





And still


He crossed the mountains,

He crossed the seas,

He sent those to the depths,

When they wouldn’t believe,

And he’ll knock you dead,

Committing blasphemy,

But he loves you all the same,


He will drown you out,

And plague the skies,

He will take your son,

On a mountain side,

He hates the gays and all their pride,

But he loves you all the same,


And still you pray,

And still you say,

And still you want to believe,

And still you pray,

And still you say,

And still you get on your knees


He sold a world a hopeless dream,

On talking snakes and infidelity

And certain pain if you don’t agree,

But he loves you all the same,


He sent a people upon a rock,

When they returned all was gone,

So he put them in a room and turned the gas on,

But he loves you all the same,




Are you sure, are you sure,

Look at yourself and ask once more,

If you’re sure and you’re sure,

Then we recognized you need more,

If you’re pure, so really pure,

Then put your guns stop fighting war,




I spent 3 years, solid women and drinking,

Days gone by,

Couldn’t tell you all their names,

Couldn’t explain what I was thinking?

I’m not proud, no not proud,

I climb the heights to break my fall,

Choices to be made,

Couldn’t walk,

Could only act the fool,

Women in white, women in white,



I screamed like a baby,


I cried like the rain,


I had choices that drove me crazy,


I had to find my real name,

I found my real name,


I spent 3 years in a haze,

Life was through a glass and mistakes,

Sam you just happened to get in the way,

You didn’t take me for what I am,

You didn’t see who I am,


Then she came,

She was always there,

She didn’t want anything,

Just wanted me to love her,

And I love her,




3 years lost in drink,

3 years without you,

3 years I couldn’t think,

3 years with whom, with whom?




Angel of KK

I watched the sand blow in your storm,

Ride on a restless wind,

I followed your shadows in full bloom,

And discovered so many things,

I kissed the whispers you released,

They took me to a place I never knew,

I caught you dancing under neon lights,

Colours of red and blue,


I heard them calling out your name,

I heard them beckon you,

But you were too far ahead of the game,

Before their conscience bothered you,


Angel of my life, my angel so complete

Angel of my life, my angel of everything,

Angel of my life, my sweetheart of this day,

Bring to me all you have,

 My, Angel of KK


I heard the sounds of my life,

Every time that you spoke,

The morning sun would take a bow,

Every time that you awoke,

The rain would cease and wash away,

The trees would all stand tall,

The birds would fly all around,

Singing your morning call






There’s an angel in my world,

She flies upon my wind,

She loves and she comforts me,

Holds me beneath her wings,

She is natural and clear as daylight,

She hides behind no lies,

She will give me all the love I need,

By just looking into her eyes,


She doesn’t need to judge,

All the things that cross my mind,

She never loses touch,

When I am losing time,

She keeps me warm and secure,

When the outside world is cold,

She listens to the words I say,

Brings out the sunshine in my soul,


She’s an angel, she’s so sweet,

She holds the grace,

She keeps me on my feet,

She’s an angel,

In her glow,

She’s an angel,


She keeps me warm,

She keeps me secure,

She is my ears,

To a silent world,


She is so natural,

She hides no lies,

She’s what I see,

She is my eyes,




She looks for me across an open ocean,

I’m the devil in the deep,

She holds herself in my direction,

She never holds, out of reach,

She’s my angel,

She is so sweet,





Angelic creature

You came home with straight A’s,

Ahead in all the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-8352-2

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To those who have influenced me in my life and my beautiful wife and family

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