

Dear diary- Me and Rico have been married 13 years, and I love him, the council ( wall dreamers) wanted to take me away if I loved him. So I pretend I hate him but me and Rico both now we love each other. I wish that everything would go back to normal like I wish I could see Jeff or Thomas or Selena or even my mom and my dad.... I wish I could see Jeremy and Dominick. I miss them all, here comes Rico I'm going to finish this off by saying, I hope to see Jeff Ross again...Rico comes in and says " suppers ready babe" I smile and I get up but my stomach hurts like hell. I rub my stomach and say " just a cramp" Rico helps me up and we eat, I eat twice as much I usually would, and Rico isn't a very good cook, but I ate it???Rico says " we should go see if your pregnant" I shake my head and say " I can't be Because I never had sex without a rubber" he smiles and nods and says " sorry I should now you do things right" I nod and say " Rico I love you I really do" he nods and I say " I miss Jeff and Thomas and Selena and my mom and dad which, I can't even remember there names.." I trail off because my eyes are full of tears.


Rico nods his head and gets up and hugs me and says " we'll get out of here and well find Jeff I promise" I cry into his blue shirt. I really did miss Thomas but he wasn't who I missed I miss him but I don't.. So I went with Jeff....Rico said "you ok now?" I nod. He lets me go and says " ill go change my shirt" " I'll come" I smile.I up with him and I get a clean shirt. He kisses me and I drop the shirt.( this part is full of sexual contact sooo I warned you)I kiss him and I open my mouth and he moans and licks my mouth I rip his shirt off and he takes my shirt off. I take his pants off and he takes my off. He leads me over to the bed still kissing, he holds my elbow while dropping me on the bed. He gets on top of me and he kisses my bra and says " can I" I nod. He takes my bra off and sucks my nipples and rubs my boobs till they get hard. I get on-top of him and trail kisses down his stomach.I take his boxers off, and there's his 8 inch dick sticking up hard as a rock. I take my pants off and he gets onto of me and enters me I moan and it burns but the first 4 pumps rut but the rest feel good. After about 10 pumps it starts hurting. He takes his dick out. I roll over and he lays beside me. Where huffing and puffing trying to catch our breath. When I do I realize I might be pregnant.I sit up and say " RICO, you didn't use a rubber." His eyes widen, and he sits up and holds me. I'm puffing and trying to not cry. He kisses me and says " let it out babe". I cry and cry. He holds me. I say " you can change" he does and takes a shower. When he finishes I get up and put my bra and thong on and I go and take a shower. I finish and the council is downstairs. They say " we will see if she is pregnant and good job Rico" he nodded and turned to me and he rolled his eyes which made me smile. He smiled. I walk down and they bring the doctor in. We go upstairs. He takes my shirt and pulls it up. Rico comes up.

remebering you

They do some funny things with my stomach and he takes Rico and talks to him. They council leave and Rico sits and puts his hands around his mouth and he sighs. " babe your pregnant" I nod and say " did you ask them about Jeff" he nodded and said " he lives down the street next to use" " can we go" he nods. We change into cloth. We drive there. We knock and he opens the door and he looks hot.( sorry for the short chapter, I have nothing else to right)

i found love

Jeff walked out he had l beautiful hair swishing to the side, Selena walked out and frowned at him. " Jeff married Selena?" I whisper to Rico. He nods, I smile at Jeff. He shakes my hand and says " long time" I nod and hug him and say " I still love you" that's when a toddler rushes out. Jeff says " taylor meet cici" I smile and say " hi" she runs behind Selena.I say " Jeff can me and Rico speak to you" Rico exactly knows what I'm talking about Jeff says " sure" we walk into a room and Rico explains everything, well not the sex part. Jeff says " you ok taylor" " no I'm not I wanna be with you Jeff I want this child to be yours" he sighs and rubs his chin. His eyes water and he kisses me. I kiss him back and we pull away. Jeff says " I can't believe you married Rico" I say " what about Thomas anybody know anything about where and what's he doing?" Jeff shakes his head. I nod and say " who wants to take a trip back home" they nod

once upon a time

Dear diary- I feel horrible since I started being pregnant.I act different now Rico is worried because its almost up,( meaning that I'm having the child soon) I really want Jeff to have the kid but he's not the dad. I can't Believe that I'm pregnant I'm only 587 years old. Human years 7... Lol.Then I hear Rico coming up I tuck the note book under but he sees it and reads the last caption. He smiles. Kisses me and says " suppers ready" I go down and eat. Rico says " we need to come up with names, for a Boy and girl got any suggestions" I nod and say " I was thinking for a girl, Samantha mabey and you choose the boy" he says " how about Ty" I smile and say " that's beautiful babe" he holds my hand and says " it's going to be ok I promise" I smile and finish my food, and get a second serving. I'm finished so I change into Pjs and watch tv. I don't have a baby pump its wearied probably a vampire thing. I watch tv but half throw the movie my stomach hurts I get up and water runs down my leg I say " RICO" he rushes down and says " ok let's go" he go to the council and they get a nurse to help.( this is all about birth soo ya if you read the sex part you can read this)I'm in labour and I moan and Rico holds my hand the nurse checks my Regina and smiles and says " almost there" my stomach is hurting, I moan and groan. Rico says " it's ok babe" I try to speak but I hurt to much so I nod. She checks again and says " time to push" I put my legs up and she says push, I push and I push about 12 times then I hear a cry, she says " a little boy" I'm catching my breath. Jeff says " our baby Ty" I smile. They clean me up and I sleep. I awake with Rico sleeping beside me on a chair. I smile and a nurse walks in and I say " how am I, when can I go?" " you may go tomorrow and lets awake Rico" I smile and nod. I tap Rico on the cheek and he awakes and says " hey babe hoe you feeling" I nod and say " how long have I been sleeping" " 2 days " my eyes widen and he says " we didn't know if you were going to wake up" I laugh and lay back down and say " I miss Jeff already" he says " he came to visit ill call him to tell him that awoke" I nod and sleep.

my new life

I awake with talking around me. People start to cry I look up and see dirt. I try to open the coffin. I hear everything get quieter and I dig up. I get out and I rummage through my pocket and I find gold coins. I have 1000 at least. I walk towards a store across the road. I use the dinger and a man comes out and I say " what year is it?" He said " 2113" I nod and I buy a drink and I give him the gold coin and he is amazed. I run down a ally and I find to teenage boys smoking weed. I walk up and they say " wanna smoke?" I nod and grab one and smoke. I say " I really need some drugs got any?" They nod and grab a bottle and they say " wanna buy some" I nod and I give them a gold coin each. They give me 10bottles, 5bottles each. They say " thanx I guess" I smile and give them my smoke and I say " I need somewhere to stay can you help me?" " you can stay with Alan here" the boy and the boy says to the blonde. The blonde says " I'm Alan and he's Jordon" they smile and Alan says " lets to then" he grabs my hand and whispers " can you pretend to be my girlfriend for school?" " sure right now?" "Yes" I smile and kiss him. Some kids come up and say " Alan..... Ohhh never mind buddy" we break apart, I say " hi I'm Taylor" I smile and they smile. They walk away he says " those are my friends, asses" I smirk. I step forward and say " we going to your house?" He smiles and we run there.


A blonde girl walks out and says " hey I'm Amanda" I smile and I squeeze Alan's hand he says " is mom home?" "No" " lets go up babe" I wink at her and she pouts. We get up to his room, and I sit on his bed and he says " ok ill get pictures " he gives me a sheet with pictures and names. He says " need a cell phone" I say " my parents kicked me out so yaa" he hands me a brand new one, I say " how.." He says " I had a feeling somebody will come" I smile, and get up and say " so I sleep with you or what" he says " you can share my bed" I smile and say " I really like you even though we're not dating" he says " wanna date" I say " sure " he kisses me and I jump up on his and he sits me on the bar counter and I put my legs around his waist till I hear a throught clear out. We look at the door and I see a cute boy. He says "he got a girlfriend cool" I say " wait" he turns around I say " I need to ask a question in private" he's smiles and we walk to his room and say " is he a nerd or popular" " nerd I'm popular" uhhh omg f me I say " I don't wanna he with him help me please" he smiles and kisses me ask says " I need a girl"I say " I will be your girl" we make out till I hear a gasp, we turn and see Alan, he runs down I say " what's your name babe" he says " Cole" I say " cute" we walk down the stairs hand in hand we walk outside.

what is wrong with you grace?

We walk to the school and he says "we're late" we walk inside and people gasp and say " OMG SHE IS SO LUCKY POOR GRACE" we look at a girl walking up she says " Cole I loved you" he said " we never dated" she stomps off angry and Cole smirks I say "you ok?" He says " yaa" he was 1 inch taller, I'm 5ft 8 and he's 5ft 9I say " where do I go?" He says " with me" he go to math first, we sit beside each other, I say " boring" Cole says " exactly" we moan and groan through the whole lesson, when the bell rings every body gets up I say " I need my drug" he smile we rub out and I grab a bottle and take one pill. He smiles and he says " were both seniors now" I say " good one fucking year" he laughs. We walk back in. Our next class is gym shit, I borrow a shirt from the post and found and shorts from Cole, he says " we'll get prepared tomorrow" I say " ok" I go change in the change rooms. We walk out and we do laps lots of laps. When we finish we change again and I forgot my I had no perfume, I asked a girl about 5ft 2 and she was happy and sprayed some on me. I walk out, it's lunch remembered, I waited for Cole he came out and took his cloth and said " lunch babe lunch" I kiss him and he kisses me back. I hear a throught clear and I turn to find the coach Cole says " sorry dad" we walk away and I say " that's your dad?" " yaa a asshole too" I laugh at that, we get our food and grace comes up and dumps all her food on Cole, I say " what the fuck is wrong with you" she gives me the dirty eye and walks away, I take the food off of Cole and say " she is such a asshole" " we used to date" I say" sorry" you say " it's ok she wasn't the brightest" I finish and I go to his locker lunch to combination in and get hair gel I go back to the library and I fix his hair and you say " we'll in happy you know my hair style" I smile and go back to the locker and put the gel away and turn back I fall right into grace she says " if you ever go near my baby I will get you and don't think I'm watching you" Cole walks up and says " heard it all go fuck off on someone else grace" she pouts and walks away. I say " I I... Think I love you" he turns to me and says " I do too, why don't we go to the river tonight?" I nod and I kiss him and he opens the janitors room and we make out I throw my legs around him, he throws me to the floor and gets onto me and kisses me and we see the door crack open.


I see grace and she is shaking and a teacher walks up and says " Cole marine and taylor Johnson, office" we walk to the office just as Coles dad walks in and he sits Infront of use and says " I know you two love each other,but keep the kissy stuff at home ok kids?" We nod and we go. I love this school. School is over and Cole says " lets go to my buddies house" I nod and follow him and I say " where are the pills?" I scrummage threw my bag and I find it and take one and I sigh and say " I love this" he laughs and kisses me and we run over to his friend, "Ethan" lol nice name right?.

ethan the cute boy

I sit down right beside Cole while I hear a moan and slaps, I look at Cole and be smirks, he calls "ETHAN WERE HERE" we hear a " shit" and after 10 mins he comes down putting his shirt on and after a blonde girl comes down smiling. I say "you used protection right?" They nod and I smile and lay back down on the couch and Ethan says " she's Gabriella" she says " lol" Us two girls sit down and we talk while the boys play black hops, I whisper " yaa there so popular" we laugh, Ethan says " I heard that" we laugh. Gabriela says " you still a virgin girl?" I say " no" she says " cool because I just became a slut" I laugh.We talk and fall asleep. I awake in Coles arms, Ethan is watching use, I open my eyes and Ethan laughs. I moan and throw my pillow at him and I snuggle into Cole. I fall asleep again. I hear a alarm, I awake beside my baby Cole. I get up and say " it's Friday right?" " Saturday" says Cole. I smile and I kiss his neck and I say " I love you" he moans and says " me too babe" I get up and I walk down. I grab my drug bottles and I grab some weed. I sit on the back deck and I start smoking and I take a pill, I drink more beer. Ethan walks out and says " that's bad for you" he says while sipping some beer I say " I don't give a fuck" he smiles and Cole comes down and says " sorry bud we slept here" he said " whatever" Cole took a pill. I said " see Ethan everybody takes drugs" he smirks and I take the Mariwana out. Ethan shakes his head and I say " fine" I put it away.

i wanted you and only you

It's Saturday night....I walk around the table in my shorts and bra and a towel around my shoulders. Cole sits up and says " how you feeling?" I say " I loved that", and we had sex sorry to forget to tell you that. Alan bursts in and says "why Cole why take away my girl why?" He says " she choose me not you" I nod and Alan walks out. I walk back around the bar. I pick a alcohol bottle and bring it back around and I give it to Cole. He gets out of bed,and says " come cuddle" I nod and I cuddle with him. The alcohol bottle dropped and bursted into a billion peices. I say " I want more of you babe" he laughs and kisses me and says " you've had enough" I cuddle into his chest. He kisses my hair and head. Then Ethan bursts in. He leans against the bar and laughs and says " I was expecting this some time" I jump up and dive back into the bed and but the blanket over us. Cole takes his head out from under the covers and says " does it stink in here?" Ethan nods. Cole says " get out man" " ok then" and he walks out and I jump up and lock the door. I slide down the door. Ethan walks over and says " you ok?" I say " I'm scared, I just wanted to ask disk we use protection?" He says " I'm so so so so sorry, no we didn't" I shake my head and I say " will you leave me if I'm pregnant" he says " I won't, it takes 2 people to make a baby" I smile and hug him. I put my shirt on and I say " can I borrow some jeans from your sis?" He nods and gets dressed. He walks out and about 20 mins later, we find Ethan skipping, around the table making supper I say " where's your dad Cole?" He says " grabbing supper" I take Ethan and say " stop it man, were getting pizza ok?" He jumps and laughs, I say " is he high" Cole says " he never gets high but he might be" I laugh and we hears knock at the door. I open it and the pizza delivery guy is a boy I've seen a couple of times in the halls. I say " thanks how much?" He says " Cole will pay me tommorow" I say "bye then" I shut the door. I say "who's that kid?" Cole says " this kid named Brian from our school" then quickly adds " a nerd and he's gay" I gag and Cole laughs and says " ALAN AND AMANDA AND ETHAN PIZZA ASSES" I say " why did you add that at the end" he says " it's cool" and Amanda rushes down and grabs a plate. She at least in grade 7 I think. She grabs her phone and Awnsers it and say " baby stop," and adds " no I don't know if darla is a virgin, OMG she might be a slut" and Cole laughs. I smile. I say " how old is she" " 12" I say " wow she's young to be talking about sex and those type of things" Cole nods in agreement. Alan walks down grabs a plate and grabs two peices and runs back upstairs. I smile and Cole says "he's jealous he'll always be jealous". I sigh.

remembering jeff

I finish supper and I say to Cole " I need to go have a walk ok?" He says " be careful" I smile and he tries to kiss me but I turn my head. I walk out and I take a pill. I walk down the drive way and down to the park. I turn and see a couple walking. I keep walking and I sit on a bench and I say "WHERE AM I JEFF WHERE AM I ?" I cry and I fall asleep. I awake in somebody's arms. I look up and I see Cole. He says "you fell asleep" I smile. But I'm disappointed that it isn't Jeff. I love Jeff why do I remember now, I haven't remembered it before why? I sit up and I say " thanx babe" he smiles and says " you ok?, you've been acting weird" I say " yaa I'm just really tired and I hurt a little still" he snuggle and says " it'll be ok" I say " I need some sleep, night" I walk up to his room.When I was half asleep, Cole came in and said "I love you, and Hun, did I do anything? Your acting like I hurt you" " no it's just I miss my old boyfriend and he's trying to contact me" he sighed and ran his hand through his hair and said " want me to help?" It's extremely complicated" he sat beside me and said " it's ok I love you and never forget that" I nod and sit up and I hug him. And I start crying and I hold him, he only has one arm around me. I look up and kiss him, he kisses me back and leans me back onto the bed and lays on-top of me, I have no idea how he got into me, I moan when he tuggs on my mini skirt, I slide my hand down and I unbutton it, and I take his shirt off, he takes my skirt down and I unbuckle his belt, and I rub his cock, I felt so awkward, I felt something harden, I opened his fly then his button, he moaned, I sucked his lip and he opened his mouth and I licked his mouth and he licked mine, and then he took his pants off, and I sat up and I let him undo my bra....


I said " I love you Cole" and he snickered and but his hand on his waist and said " I can't believe it I just can't" I smile and rub his arm and I say " it's ok I know your moms gone but please have a little fun" he said " I can't I loved her to much" I put my bra on and he was standing with his hand on his waist leaning against the fire place in his boxers.... I got up and said " it's ok honey I love you and it's ok to get mad,get mad all you want"  he smiled and said " thank you I love you" I kiss him and I say " we need to get dressed its school" he says " shit wow we need a shower,wanna share?" I nod and we get into the huge bathroom. He takes his boxers off, and turns the water on, he gets in and I take my bra off, I take my thong off and fling it at the Mirror and he says " funny just like the movies" I run up and I put my legs onto him, and he holds me while the water runs down use, I kiss him and he smiled when we kissed, he says " lets get some shampoo" I nod and I get off and he says " get back on" I to as told. And he grabs some shampoo and says " tear free" I smell it and I smell loreal shampoo little kid shampoo, I laugh and he lathers it with one hand on my hair I get off and I say " look at my legs do you have any razors?" He nods and says " second draw" I run out and grab a shaver for a guy. I get back in and I shave and he says " wow that's real sexy" I laugh and I shave my arms pits, he says "why shave I don't get it" " It looks better" he laughs and says " you look great Harry" I smile and wash the shampoo out of my hair, and I put conditioner on and wash that out, he ticks me and I laugh and fall and he says " you ok" I nod and try up and I grab a towel and Cole shuts the water off, I give him a towel and he drys off I say " thought would never see a boy dry off" he laughs and says " I do it every second day" I smile and dry off and hang the towel back up and Cole gets changed and goes out to his sitters room and comes back with some under wear and cloth I say, " aww no thong?" He says " no baby" I sit on the floor and he helps me get dressed.

where are you?

I hold his hand and I say " I'm feeling had I need to puke" he runs with me into the girls bathroom and holds my hair when I puke, I finish and I wipe my mouth, I fall and I can't get back up and my eyes are wide open, Cole says " fuck you looser" I look around to find Alan rushing up, he helps me up and takes me to the but nurses office and says " she has been drugged by my brother" The nurce asks what Type and he says " malania" she nods and grabs a needle I get scared but I can't move, then she puts it in my arm, I fell relief in my right arm. I wiggle the fingers, Alan says " you need to be careful" I can move my lips I say, " don't go" he Nods and says " sure" and he sits beside me on the chair, the nurse says " have you been monthly?" I shake my head, Alan says " Coles baby" I nod, I suddenly feel sleepy. I fall asleep.

cole i love you

I awake in Alan's bed I get up and change I walk down stairs to Cole beating his fist onto the counter I say " what?" He says " I was suppose to save you!!" I say " but you drugged me..." He cuts off by crying and says " its gone all wrong" I turn to Alan says " brother why don't you fuck off?" Cole says " man, ill make you popular" Alan says " I like myself the way I am" I say " no you really should get some help for this..." I circle around his body.... Alan gives me a dirty look I laugh. Cole says " alright then" they go upstairs and about 1 hour later, another sexy boy, comes down and Alan says "I look wearied" " no you don't you look sexy" he laughs and Cole says " I'm still worried because that wasn't me who drugged you" I say " what???" Alan says " it was me" I slide towards Cole and Cole says " what is wrong with you" Alan says " nothing I'm just worried about my baby" I turn towards Cole he says " she's not yours I can protect her more than you can" I nod in agreement... Just as mr.marine walks in. Well Coles dad, I guess. He says " Alan I need to talk I have heard everything" I hug Cole and cry he says " good thing now I can leave this body" " what?" " it's me Jeff" that's when I kiss him. I say " what happened?" " babe the cure ran out" I say " can we go back?" " I'll go back and awake you" I say " yay" he falls, and another boy awakes, he rubs his head and says " hi cute babe" I say " hi"

jeff you saved me

When I awake in Jeff's arms I say " I love you can I have another needle?" He nods, and gives me the shot and I say " thank you" He kisses me, and says " we've been gone for 1 month lets go see your baby" I nod and get up and I walk into the living room, and I see Rico he walks up and hugs me and says " Ty has missed you" I turn to see a baby in a bed, I pick it up and cry and I kiss it. I say " I can't believe he drugged me" Jeff says " he's a rapper" I nod, and he says " he's going to be, a new rapper but right now his dad ruined his dreams" I nod, and I turn my head towards Jeff and I get up and whisper into his ear " ill miss you..." (There is going to be a book 4 it comes out, April,25 I will post it at 6:30pm)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.03.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

id like the thank my bullys for giving me a insperation to do what i want not to try to follow u guys, i hope that bulling will stop for the futher generations

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