
Starting out...

Finally I can see him, he smells sweet and hot, I kiss him just to get closer.
My names Taylor Miranda George, my mom is depressed and my dad was missing for 4 years. I'm emo same a Thomas, I'm called slut he's called gay, good right....
I awake up right beside Thomas, I turn my head, and he smiles I moan and I try to get up but my sides hurt, Thomas gets up and helps me up. I walk over to the bathroom and I use a pregnancy test, positive. I get changed and I walk out and look him right in the eyes and I drop and cry, he holds me and I say " I'm pregnant" he smiles and sets me on the bed, I hear a smash.


Thomas rushes out, I hear a gun shot and a door slam, I run down my bra showing, his moms standing there, my eyes widen, I run outside and i see a vehicle, I shift into bat, I fly over and I see Thomas running as fast as he can, I shift back human and I run with him. We get to Jeffery's house, Thomas is hiding, I walk over and hold him, and hug him. Jeffrey comes out and says " there's a new vampire hunter in town" I nod and Thomas holds me and says " this was a bad time to get pregnant" Jeffery says " your pregnant?" I nod. I get up and I'm just in my bra and thong I say " can I have a blanket?" " yaa" Jeffrey gives me a big blanket, I sit by Thomas. I say " Thomas are you ok?" He nods, I put the blanket on him. I walk over and sit on the couch, I sigh, Jeffery sits on the other couch and I say " soo where's your bro, Rico?" " hunting wolves" I swallow and my eyes get dizzy and my stomach hurts.


I hold my stomach and moan. I lay down and sleep. I awake beside Thomas, it was just a dream. I remember that we had used a condom.
I get up and awake Thomas and I say " I better get home" " yaa ill come" "ok".
We walk down and his mom is sitting on the couch I say " hi mrs.doran" she smiles and says " good morning taylor" I feel akward that's when Katy walks in and she says " I heard pumping past night" Thomas hits her and she smirks.
I smile and say " we'll I need to go" " aren't you hungry" says Katy " your did you eat to much last night" Thomas swears under his breath. His moms eyes widen. Thomas drags me outside. I shake my head. Thomas says " lets go to school now" " yaa" we grab our books and headed to school. CHAPTER
When we walked in tori jumped over and said " Thomas I'm stealing taylor" he nodded and walked over to his friends I looked back and waved he waved too. I smiled while I walked over to the prom paper, she smiled and said " you could get your chance to get Thomas to ask you to the prom" I smiled and nodded and I turned and walked away. I went over to Thomas and said " prom" he said "coming with me?" " yaa" we walked hand in hand to our next class, it was Spanish, Thomas spoke Spanish so he did my homework and I copied it. Bell rang , lunch, I got up and Thomas grabbed our books I shook my head and grabbed my books, we walked to our lockers Thomas walked over to his friends, they walked over and dragged me behind the school, they had pot, I watched while they sold back and forth, Thomas sold some and I sat back looking calm. They finished and stuffed it in there have and we shook hands and walked away.


Lunch was horrible I was craving drugs, Thomas took me out and gave me a pill I swallowed it and sighed. He hugged me and said " we'll help each other" I nodded and we finished our lunch outside. I had social and science, while Thomas had opposite.
I had to watch Thomas and hockey. It was there final game, I waved and he waved. I sat and watched they won of course.
We walked out hand in hand. I kissed him and said " good job" he laughed and said " you have your dance your dance compation still" I laughed and said " hip-hop not dance, it's street dancing" he kissed me again


We drove to my house and he dropped me off I kissed him. I walked in and saw my mom laying in bed I brought her food and water she drank and ate. She kissed me and laid back down.
I walked out and found more government checks. It had a letter, I read it it said:
Dear girls,
It's dad I'm not lost I'm living in Africa, I love you dearly
I'm coming home this weekend, ill miss you till then.
I gasped and ran into my moms room and screamed like a little kid " MOM DADS COMING HOME" she smiled and took the paper and started crying. I hugged her, we cried like dad just died, I called Thomas and asked him to come over and when I showed him to the note he said " I better not be breaking up with you soon" I smiled and kissed him.


I walked out and I heard it was Friday, last day of freedom. Party at Thomas's house remembered.
Drove there and got out and walked in, I saw beer bottles everywhere and other things like things bras boxers condoms on the floor. I looked creeped out, Jeremy and his bro Dominick wales over and said " come on Taylor go have some sexy wext with your baby" Thomas walked over and he smashed them I said " baby stop" I kissed him. He moaned. I hugged him and said " tonight your going to make me feel pain" he giggled and rubbed my stomach and kissed my boobs, I laughed and kissed him.
I woke up on Thomas and he was naked same as me, I jumped off him and said " what time" " 2:30 in the morning" " get dressed" we got dressed.
We walked down and people said " had a yummy snack" I just sat down.
I yawned

Ill always love you

I awoke in the same room, Thomas sleeping on the floor, I screamed " JEREMY?, DOMINICK?" Jeffery walked in and looked creeped out. I said " I was at a party now I'm here?" He said " vampires do that type of thing" I nodded and he handed me some soup I drank, I got up and said " have any cloth?" He nodded and we walked into his room he got me a t-shirt, and some baggy jeans. I put them on and walked out, I held Thomas and whispered " it's ok babe" he woke up and kissed me. I helped him up and took his shirt off and we pulled the gun shots out of his stomach. He was in a lot of pain. When Jeff was done I hugged Thomas. Jeff said " we'll kill that hunter because he doesn't know how to kill use" I nodded.
I awoke by Thomas I was sweating, I got up and said " my dads going to be home" he nodded. I ran out and Thomas was behind with his hands in his pockets. I grabbed him and said " I love you" he nodded. Just then Lilly walked over and said " hi my baby" she kissed him I said " you cheater I can't believe you" his eyes watered as I smacked him and walked off like a boss.
My dad was home I jumped in his lap like a 5 year old. He hugged me, mom walked out and said " why are you here" I looked in her eyes and said " you never kicked me out" she said " we'll now you are" she smashed the tray on the table and I turned to dad and said " I never did anything" he nodded and said " she can't kick you out" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek

Don't run please......

I jumped off and said " dad Thomas was cheating on me, found out today while I was coming home." He nodded and said " life is hard ill deal with it" be stroked my hair. I was happy.
I again awoke with Jeff's cloth on. , he was stroking my hair he said " you dimension shift" I get really scared and he said " there's 2 of you, and Thomas has two people but two souls, you have one soul" I get tired and say " my dad was home finally" he smiled and kissed me. I pushed away, he smiled and said " sorry" I get up and find Thomas, we get up and I say " where's your house?" He smiled and Jeff came with use. His mom was there she said " Thomas your alive?" " yes" we walked up stairs and I laid Thomas on his bed. I stared into his blue eyes, he sat up and scratched his neck, and yawned. Jeff walked up and said " we'll your going to the other dimension now" I nodded.
I awoke in the hospital the nurses smiled and I got out that day.

Happy that I can stay

I sat Infront of my mother and said " why?" She said " you've been so mean to me" " I'm mean?" " yes" " SO, IM MEAN WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING IN YOUR BED, YOU NEVER CAME TO SEE MY CONCERT, NOT EVEN MY GRADUATION IN JUNIOR HIGH." I sobbed and ran out.
I awoke in Jeff's arms I said " how do I control this Jeff?" He said " I have a cure but you'll stay here not there" I nodded. " this is a world of fantasies and princesses" I nodded and he said" ok right now I'm giving you a shot" I winced when it stuck into my body. It came out and Jeff said " your never going back, only in your dreams" I smiled and sighed.


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: Me
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.03.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is to my family and my new friends, we have came together to get ideas....

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