
Dream on

Laura on the other side of the street in the car that Gavin was just sitting in, she shook her head and pulled up. I got in and she said " what was that Riley?" " love" I turned and said " can I go home please" she put the car in drive. When I got in the door Kevin was sitting there. I pushed him aside and he said " Riley what is wrong Gavin walked in on you two?" I shook my head and slapped him. He grabbed his beer and went back to him room. Riley genome Nora, was born in a cave, she was bitten 154 years ago, she's 17 and she turned her brother Kevin into a vampire too.
She walked into her room to find a condom on the floor, she walked to her brothers room and said. " why is there protection on my floor", " sorry ill pick it up" I looked creeped out and I walked into his room and I smelled cum, I covered my nose and said " what have you been doing killing girls and getting them pregnant", " exactly" he walked into my room and came back and said " it's gone", I rolled my eyes, and walked out and when I got into my room Sam was sitting there, I grabbed my oak stick under my jacket to see if it was there, he got up and touched my cheek and ran it to my neck and his fangs showed I grabbed the stick but he grabbed it out of my hands, and he dropped it. Kevin ran in and smashed Sam out of the way and said " how did
You get in?" " you invited me in dummy you were as drunk as a rock" be shook his head and smashed Sam in the nose. I sat on the bed and I kicked Sam in the balls he fell I grabbed him and threw him out of the window " ass stop drinking you just let the bitch in the house what did mom and dad say not to let asses in the house" he rolled his eyes and he walked out. I sat on my bed and told myself from now on I keep a oak stick under the bed on the night stand and in my pocket. I put the sticks there and fell asleep. When I woke up there was a knock at the door. I ran down and it was kayden. I opened the door and he walked in and I turned he touched my waist and set his chin on my shoulder and said " babe school" " shit" I ran up grabbed my bag, and got a peice of toast and said " KEVIN SCHOOL HURRY" kayden walked up and said " he left already" I smiled and we slipped out I had a oak stick under my jacket. I walked to the car and got in.
When we got to school, Kevin was smoking I shook my head.
I walked in hand in hand with Kaiden, we walked in and he kissed me fast and said " see you at lunch babe" I kisses him and walked away. I turned and he was walking to his class I smiled.
At lunch I found Kaiden and I sat with the cool kids for once, they started cheering " KISS KISS KISS COME ON RILEY KISS". Kaiden kissed me I held his head and people were saying tongue and he did we were kissing so hard. He moaned and I did too and I pulled back and he said " good?" " loved it" the other boys were laughing and high fiving the other boys.
When I finally walked out I had to go and watch Kaiden his football practice. The other girls invited me over and we sat and talked. Alina said " your so lucky to have Kaiden he is the bomb" I smiled and said " we'll you have Tyler" " I know right?".
When he finished they got changed and we walked to his car, he out the stuff in the trunk and got in and said " wanna go somewhere" " I can't with Sam after me" and he said " werewolves right?" " yes" he nodded and drove me to his house. We got in and he threw the stuff over and started kissing me hard and I threw my legs around him, he held me by my ass.
When I woke up it was Gavin " GET UP SLEEPY HEADS" I threw the covers over use. Kaiden said " man get out where going to change" " of course" he walked out and I moaned and Kaiden kissed me and said " school " " yaa".
When we drove in people walked out and said " SLUT GAY SLUT" I was shocked " lets get out of here Riley" I nodded and we drove to L.A. I got out and I twirled and Kaiden held me and we walked hand in hand. He took use to a hot hotel and said " my mom owns this place well get in for free" I kissed him and we walked to our suit.
I had a bath that night with Kaiden. I put soap on his nose and we laughed and listened to Foray grow. When he was done he stood up and his dick was right in my face I said " cover that" he got out and got a robe on and handed mine. I put it on I front of him. When we were done we had hot chocolate. Then Kevin walked in. We stood there. I said " where did you know.." He screamed " Sam almost killed me ass" I said " I'm sorry Kevin I'm sorry I was" " having sex with him and too busy getting things right" I looked at Kaiden and he was still standing there with the mug in his hand. I turn and I turn back and I push Kevin out and I say " we'll see you". I shut the door and locked it and I slid down the door and I sighed and I said " you ok Hun?" " yaa" he walked over and picked me up and kissed me. We fell asleep with our roped on. Mine fell of over night and Kaiden's is half off. I woke up after Kaiden and he handed me my robe and I got cloth and ran into the bathroom and changed. I walked out and he kissed me and he got changed and we packed up again. We drove back to Beverlyhills. When we got there the police were at Kaiden's door.
We walked up and they asked use were we were. Kaiden told them and they said " if you were with your mom" they left and Gavin grabbed me and said "get out now" I nodded and Kaiden came back and I was half way down the block he yelled " get back here" I turned and said " I need to see my brother" he ran down and said " I'll come" I nodded
When we got in the door I say Kevin and I said " u ok?" " fuck you" he grabbed a beer and drank lots I grabbed the beer and smashed it on the floor. " WHAT IS THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND THE FRINKIN BEER?" " it makes me feel better ass" I tried to say something but Kaiden stepped forward I pulled him back behind me. I say Kevin laugh and say " you don't know use do you", " shut up Kevin" i said " why did I ever make you a vampire?" " because you can't control yourself". I hissed and I walked out and said " KEVIN IM LEAVING" " don't get your stuff " he slammed the door and Kaiden was holding my hand and said " where?" " I was thinking your place" " yaa sure".
When we arrived to Kaiden's house there was music blasting and lights. I looked at him and he smiled, we ran in and everyone was looking and we started dancing and everyone joined in. My band asked me to come sing I asked Kaiden and he said " sure one song", I walked up and lots of people cheered, I sang the song my group wrote called "feel me now", I finished and I walked down and Kaiden kissed me and said ". You did great" then Tyler ran down and grabbed use and pulled use upstairs, the whole football team was there, lane said " we want you two to have sex" my eyes widened. Kaiden squeezed my hand, I shook my head but Kaiden said " fine but no watching" " video taped" I felt awkward. Kaiden kissed me and they turned it on and left the door shut and he locked it. He grabbed me and started kissing me and threw me on the bed and we had sex, but I don't know if we showed anything.
When we walked out I smelled bad and Kaiden licked his lips and kissed me.
When everyone left Gavin walked up and took a tape out and said " your lucky mom doesn't see this" I shook my head and said " I'm tired I'm going to bed k?" " sure" when I walked up a tap was on the door I ran down. Kaiden was at the door with Sam watching, I shook my head and Kaiden shut the door and I said " that's Sam babe" he nodded. I said " never in your life will you in it him in please" " of course" I nodded and I yawned and he said " I'll come to bed in a minute" I nodded.
I went to bed and Kaiden came in and he cuddled me, I said " does it always have to be this way, me and my brother fighting?"
" no", " Kaiden he hates me" " I think he just wants what's best to him" I nodded and I fell asleep.
When we went to school the next day I was like so popular, I hung out with the mean girls, and Kaiden was always there.
At lunch I didn't sit with Kaiden I decided I should sit outside.
I put my headphones in and ate and thought about Sam.
I heard ruffling and I looked around the corner and Gavin was making out with Tyler, two guys. I said " hi boys" they pushed apart and said " don't tell Alina or Laura please" " for one thing" they nodded and I said " don't show anybody the sex tape" they nodded and we walked back inside.
When Kaiden had practice I smiled and sat by myself and thought and thought about nothing really.
When we got to Kaiden's house he said " your acting different anything up?" " we'll no" " sure because if I find out your in trouble" " fine" " go ahead" " we'll I saw Tyler and Gavin ummm making out" " WTF" " yaa" he shook his head and said " I'll talk to Gavin" " ok if you want our sex pictures on the Internet" his eye brows raised and he sat on the floor and nodded. Gavin walked in and said " it's not possible Riley" then Kaiden got up and said " you gay homo" he shook his head and said " Tyler made the first move" he rolled his eyes and Kaiden walked up and I sat and got some coffee and brought it up and I saw Kaiden sitting on his bed and I handed it to him and walked back down stairs and I heard a crash, I ran up and Kaiden had threw the cup across the room. I picked the glass up and left. Kaiden stopped me and said " thanx for giving me some alone time" " it's ok babe" he brought me back to the bed and took the glass and threw it back on the floor and got on me and smiled and kissed me. I sat up and Kaiden kissed my stomach and I sighed and layed down. He got up and said " what's wrong?" " it's all Sam Sam Sam Sam" " I know if I was a vampire I would save you" " do you wanna be a vampire" " to be with you forever, yes" " Kaiden it's going to hurt" he nodded and I smiled and said " but lets have some fun first" he smiled and got back on me and we made out and we woke up, I had my bra and thong on and he had his boxers on. He held me and smiled, I got up and I said "get off the bed",he did and when I looked on the sheets there was blood, I took the sheets of and set them beside the bed, I got another sheet and put it on. Kaiden smiled and said "vampire time"it was Tuesday, I nodded and I kissed his neck and he held me I cried and he said " I don't care if it hurts I love you" "Kaiden you could die" " do it anyway" I bite him and I drain him not completely, I bight my wrist and give him my blood and he drinks. When he woke up he jumped and smiled and said " I'm hungry" I nodded. I made him jump off the roof and he did and he did it easy, I jumped too. We ran into the forest, and we saw a little boy, I whispered " listen now jump at the boy and drink not all but some k?" " k" he ran and jumped on the boy and he drank and the boy got pale, I said "ENOUGH" he stopped and I picked the boy up and said " you are going home and the marks on your neck are stick marks." I put the boy down and I grabbed Kaiden and we ran back to the house, I kissed him and licked the blood off his lips, and we got back into bed and slept. We woke up at 6:30am, we changed cloths and I found a bottle of blood and gave it to him, he drank half and I drank the rest. We got into the car and drove. I asked " you now need to control yourself, if you have a urge run out of the school as fast as you can" he nodded. I held his hand he threw my hand over and put it back on the wheel. I sighed and looked out of the window and I heard a smash. I opened the car door, and jumped out and I saw Sam. He jumped down and held my hand and I felt nice, like a tingle, he smiled and he whispered "soulmates" I nodded and I hugged him, and he held me. Kaiden pulled up and Kaiden was smiling and said " I knew it" Sam smiled and he held my hand and said " this is for you" he put a ring on my finger. I said " were getting married right?" " yes" I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back and said " I'm coming to school silly I wouldn't leave you alone" I smiled and Sam guided me to his car. I saw Kaiden smiling I waved and he just looked sad and he drove away, I got in the passenger side, I said " how can wearwolves and vampires be soulmates?" " I don't know but I would never bight you" " I don't know if I Believe you" he sighed and drove to school, he held my hand when we walked in and Kaiden waved and I waved and I walked up and said " I'm sorry Kaiden" he said " do what you need to do Ill always love you" "I love you too but soulmates can't break" he nodded and I hugged him and I heard a faint crying. I squeezed him and I said " Kaiden I love you don't ever forget that please" that's when Kevin walked up and he said " you and Sam FUCK THAT SHIT" he laughed I let Kaiden go and I grabbed my oak stick and smashed it into Kevin's heart, I said " this is what you get, you were the bad guy" . Sam ran up and smiled and said " i was never trying to hurt you Riley" I smiled and kissed Sam.He shot me against the wall and we made out. The teachers found use and yelled at use. The police got there and they chased me and Sam. But we beat them we ran and they drove. He told me " we need to go to Canada" I nodded and we found a car and we left. I wished Kaiden was here and now I cry every night.
I finally called him " hello?" " hi is Kaiden there" " speaking" " you sound different" " I missed you" " so how's collage?" " good and everyone is still feeling awkward around me" " drank enough blood?" " yes" Sam yelled " HUN SUPPER" " that's Sam right?" " yaa ill call you later I love you" " wait Riley I'm married" " ohh sorry" " don't be" I hung up and ran downstairs to find Kaiden standing with his cell in his hand. I gasped and ran over and hugged him and he said " don't you ever leave me alone again" " your married Kaiden" " to your love" I cryed . I now had to pick between two boys.
I chose him.....


Texte: Here
Bildmaterialien: None
Lektorat: Stephanie
Übersetzung: Stephanie
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.02.2013

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