
'Ugh' Stephany thought as "Santa Claus is coming to town" started to play in the store that she worked at. It was the end of her shift and she was ready to go home. She was a workaholic store owner of a little fashion and toy store. Not to mention she absolutely hated the holidays. Everytime some mentioned Christmas she would say "stubid holiday it's for the birds." No one really liked her because she was a mega scrooge.

At nineteen one would think she loved the holidays but they couldn't be more wrong. Her few friends Holly, Nickie, and Misty were getting tired of her attitude. This year they made a wish on the Northern Star to help her correct her ways. She was in for the lesson of her life.

That day started out as any other day during the christmas season. Her friends Holly, Nickie, and Misty yet again invited her to their christmas dinner party. "Stephany we would be so grateful if you would come o our Christmas dinner party." Her three only friends Holly, Nickie, and Misty said at the same time like always. "I cannot my friends for I am too busy." "You always say that come on it's Christmas." "I say Ba-Humbug to the lot of it anyone you goes around saying Merry Christmas should be burned by their own hot cocoa." "Christmas a Ba-Humbug? You our friend have gone too far." "Yeah whatever see a later." "You too and Merry Christmas!" "Ba-Humbug!"

After that her assistant Mapel Hatchet came in. "Miss. Holiday it's closing time." "Thank you Mapel." "I assume you want tomorrow off correct?" "Yes Miss. Holiday seeing as tomorrow is Christmas day." "You expect me to pay you for a days worth of work when you won't even be here?" "Well I would think so, tis the season you know?"

"Oh all right but be sure to arrive early the next day." "Th-Thank you Miss Holiday."
"You're welocome now off with ou before I change my mind." "Goodbye and Merry Christmas Miss Holiday." "Ba-Humbug."

Till 6:00 pm aprooched. Her friends' wish came true. She went home and the minute she sat down to eat. The ghost of her old boss Jake Mars came into her office. "Jake is that you?" "Yes Miss.Holiday it's me." "But you have been dead two years this day." "I am aware." "If you don't think me rude for asking what is with the chains?" "I have them for the cruelty I have dealt to man kind." "What cruelty you have alwasys been a man of buisness?" "Yes the buisness of taking and never giving in return."

"Meaning?" "It is man's and woman's job to take care of people and give charity, kindness, goodwill." "You never did." " Yes now look where I am foever trapped as a tortured spirt." "Heed my warning and you may yet be saved from my fate." "You were always such a good friend Jake tell me what is my redemption?"

"I was getting to that you dunce now be quiet!" "Now where was I?" "Oh yeah when the digital clock beeps one comes the ghost of Christmas past, when the clock beeps two the ghost of Christmas Present, and when the clock beeps three the ghost of Christmas that may be." Then he left as quickly as he had come.

Stephany went to bed think that all of this ghost nonsense was exactly that nonsense. But at exactly 1:00 am the clock beeped loudly and she found herself staring at what looked like a younger ghostly version of her friend Holly.

"Holly is that you?" "Yes and no Stephany." "I am your friend but I am also the ghost of Christmas past just for this night." "Um alright and why are you here?" "I am here to show you shadows of your past." "Take my hand and we will begin." "Um ok." Stephany grasped her friend's hand and they were off.

Before she knew it they were standing in front of the house she had lived at when she was six. "I remember this house this is where I lived why my family was still happy and whole!" Stephany exclaimed. "Yes but a few years later your grandfather died did he not?" "Yes that was a tragedy." "Are you crying?" "No I just have something in my eye." "Yeah right."

Then the scene shifted to the school she went to when she was ten. "Holly look it's the day I met you, Nickie, and Misty!" "I know." "Look at us we are so happy and Jolly!" "Oh yes those times were the best." "I miss being so happy and not stressed out." "You could be again." "You are right." Stepany whispered softly cause Holly to raise an eyebrow at her.

Then the scene shifted to when she was 15. "Look at me so busy with school yet still jolly." "Yes but if I remember correctly that jolliness was destroyed when your mother said you had to work Christmas eve and the day after Christmas with no winter break."

"That was a big mistake." "I know that is when your hatred for the holdays started." "I should have worke harder than I wouldn't have been so busy." "Though that is true you really did try so please don't cry." "You are such a goof." Stephany said hugging her. "Well you don't need to be so aloof." Holly said before she dissapeared. Then Stephany opened her eyes finding herself hugging her pillow.

She fell back to sleep with the thought "How strange." Then at exactly 2:00 the clock beeped twice loudly waking her up. She looked up to find her friend Nickie dress up in a santa dress with holly in her hair.

"Nickie?" Stephany asked rubbing her eyes. "Yes and no my friend tonight I am the ghost of Christmas present but I am still your friend."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2010

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To Charles Dickens your work will forever inspire me.

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