
Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named Lila. She had chocolate brown eyes and hair, pale skin, and dark pink lips. She was young and reckless so she thought her life could not get any crazier. But she was unaware that she couldn’t be more wrong. That night a witch crept into her room and chanted this spell “To a fairytale lend I send ye full of adventure, friendship and happily ever after, but alas this is a sad part to this happy tale for the fair maiden may never return home.”

Poor Lila asleep and unaware was swept into another world. This worlds name Teentopia. A mystical world full of fairies, pixies, princesses, princes, and anything you can imagine. Of course like any fairytale there was a villain the Evil wizard Diablo with his terrible coal black hair, snow white skin, and blood red eyes. Diablo uses his dark magic to have power over Teentopia.

Back with Lila she is waking up in the middle of the forest. Blinking rapidly Lila looks around wondering where in the world she is. When her stomach rumbles she decides to walk around for a while till she finds something to eat. As she’s walking Lila sees some animals she has never seen before. A talking lion, a half spider half monkey, and talking deer.

After walking around for three hours Lila stumbles into the pixie village Mystic Meadow. Where she is greeted by Queen Rose and Princess Lily. “Welcome to our village I am Queen Rose and I’m Princess Lily it’s nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too my name is Lila” “Well come on you must be hungry and need some clean clothes.” “Thank you your highness.” “You’re welcome.”

As Lila walked with them she took the chance to observe them. They both had platinum blond hair, tan skin, and ocean blue eyes. While Queen Rose wore a red and pink dress, big crown with rubies and had light pink and white pixie wings her daughter Lily wore a blue and white dress with gold and white pixie wings. After a few short minutes they arrived at the castle.

It was beautiful with silver walls with many gardens. The gardens had roses, lilies, and any other flower you can think of. Oak doors and high windows. “I can’t believe you guys live here it beautiful!” “Thank you you’re very sweet.” You’re welcome.”

Lila ate a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns. Afterwards Lila was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and purple tank top with her hair in a ponytail. “So Lila do you have any siblings?” Lily asked “Actually yes I do my older sister Jade and my younger brother Dustin how about you?” “Yes I have a younger brother named Dylan but he was captured and enslaved by the evil wizard Diablo. “ “That’s terrible!” Lila exclaimed. Sighing sadly Lily said “I know.” “We’ll save him I’ll come with you I promise.” “Are you sure Lila?” “Yes Lily I am.” “Okay then we will leave today!”

“Okay lets start packing.” After packing enough clothes for about a week, a lot of money and a few days of food for three hours the girls went down to have lunch before they left. After eating a big lunch of homemade raviolis the girls headed out. “’The journey to Diablo’s castle is a week long but its trails are treacherous.” “There are ghosts, monstrous forest, and an evil dragon.”

“That does not scare me I was never afraid of such things. “ “That’s good because we will run into those things a lot.” The girls walked for six hours before getting hungry and stopping on the side of the rode. They took out four ham sandwiches and finished them up in only thirty minutes. Then they searched for to sleep for the night and found a little run down shack.

When they woke up it was to see sunshine spilling through the window and the cracks of the shack. After eating both their breakfast and a lunch that they had packed and put on a new set of clothes they set out again. They traveled through three days and nights without any sleep and came upon the Fairy village Amore. By then they were really low on food supplies. So they went into the village to buy more supplies.

At one of the food stands they ran into the heroic fairy Prince Joe. “Hey what are two beautiful young ladies doing in a place like this?” Blushing crimson Lila and Princess Lily reply “We are on a quest to save Pixie Prince Dylan from
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the Evil Wizard Diablo.” “Well I’ll come with you ladies should not be on a quest like this alone.” Blushing darker they stutter”T Thank You.” After they bought more supplies and Prince Joe bought them lunch the girls went his home at the castle.

The castle was incredible the bricks seemed to be made of pure gold. The gardens had red, white, and pink roses not to mention the door was made of oak. As Lila walked next to him she took the time to look at Prince Joe. He had handsome short honey blond hair, pale skin and sky blue eyes. He was wearing blue jeans, with a red tee-shirt, black loafers with blue and ocean green fairy wings.

Little did she know Joe had seen her looking at him and was also checking her out. He was thinking “Wow she is so incredible what beautiful pale skin, chocolate brown hair and eyes.” Out of the corner of her eye Lila saw him looking at her and giggled “So he likes me too hmm maybe I should flirt with him.” Joe was thinking along the same lines “So Lila are you from around here?” “Actually no I’m from a different world were pixies and fairies are just stories.” “Really you have got to be kidding me?!!!” “Nope I’m not kidding but it is an interesting world.” “How so?”

‘We have many different races and cultures.” “So many bad and good things happen that it is too hard to count. We have family and friends and everything we could need.” “So why are us fairies and pixies just stories?” “You are just stories because we don’t believe in happily ever after.” As Prince Joe started walking to his room he asked “why don’t you believe in happily ever after?” “We don’t believe in happily ever after because life has too many twist and turns.” “Ok” he said as he went into his room letting only Lila come inside and leaving Lily waiting outside the door. “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen Lila.” Blushing Lila replies “You are the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen but I’m not really that pretty.” “Oh but you are and please stop flattering me.” “I’m not flattering you Joe I really think that you’re handsome.” “Well Lila would you consider being my girlfriend?” “Of course Joe I would love to be your girlfriend.” Lila says as he finishes packing.

They walked out of his room as boyfriend and girlfriend. Lily ever observant walks up to Lila and whispers in her ear “What has you two so happy?” Lila whispers back “Me and Prince Joe are together.” “Omg that is so great I’m so happy for you!” Lily whisper yelled. “Yeah I know now calm down.” “Ok ok I’m calm.” “So let’s head out.”

So they left the castle and returned to the journey to Diablo’s castle. Lila was walking between Joe and Lily so she reached over and held Joe’s hand. Noticing Lily giggles “How cute!” Lila hearing blushes and says “Oh shut up.” Sensing her annoyance Prince Joe tightens his fingers around hers and says “calm down sweetie.” “Okay honey” Lila sighs.

They are almost to Diablo’s castle but they have to pass through the Ruby Forest and over the Troll’s Bridge. The group had traveled for a few hours so they stopped for dinner. They ate some bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches and set up tents for the night. The girls slept in one tent and Prince Joe slept in the other. They were right outside the Ruby Forest.

The next day they went into the Ruby Forest. The look of it was beautiful the sunlight was glinting off the ruby trees giving the forest a strange red hue. Halfway through the forest something steps into their path. Looking at it they see a boy in blue jeans, a red tee-shirt and red sneakers. That boy had a lion tale, human hands, a lion mane for hair, and two lion ears on top of is head.

“I am Ryan the Lion Demon what are you doing in my domain?” “We are just passing through to Diablo’s castle to rescue pixie Prince Dylan.” “Prince Dylan hmm he did make that law that forbade hunting in my forest I’ll come with you.” “Okay” they said intimidated and deciding to let him come.

So they continued down the path and Ryan tried to flirt with Lily. “You know you’re really pretty.” “So what’s your point?” Lily asked with a raised eyebrow. “My point is I want to go out with you.” “Oh umm it’s not that you’re not nice or anything but we just met so I’d rather get to know you first.” “Oh okay we’ll get to know each other lets just go save your brother.”

Chapter 3

Seeing and hearing the whole thing decided to just watch what happens between the two. “I’m glad our relationship is not that complicated.” Prince Joe says shaking his head. “Me too” Lila says hugging his arm. “Oh you two stop being all goo-goo eyed back there we’ve reached the Troll’s Bridge. “Ugh okay” Lila and Joe say switching to just holding hands.

Shaking his head Ryan puts one foot on the bridge and the Troll comes out. My name is Mina and this is my bridge who dares try to cross it. “Fairy Prince Joe, Pixie Princess Lily, Lila, and Lion Prince Ryan.” “Ok well why are you trying to cross my bridge?” “To save Pixie Prince Dylan from Diablo’s clutches.” “Prince Dylan hmm well he did decontaminate my river you can go I hope we meet again.” Mina says with a smile. “Umm ok us too” the gang says as they cross the bridge.

“Well that was awkward” Prince Joe says breaking the silence. “Um mm” Lila hums in agreement hugging his arm again. “Ok PDA Lila, Joe stop it!” Ryan says getting really annoyed at the two lovebirds. Lily just laughs and says “Awe they are so cute!” “And how are they cute?” Ryan asks his annoyance level building. “Well they are like so obviously in love.” “So what it’s stupid.” “Ok grumpy I’ll just stop talking.” “Halleluiah!” “Jerk!” Lily says starting to cry.

Seeing Lily sad Lila let’s go of Joe’s arm and goes to hug Lily. Glaring at Ryan she says feeling annoyed and wanting to change the subject “Well I’m hungry how about you guys?” “Yeah let’s eat.” Walking to the side of the road Lily pulls out a big pan while Lila makes a fire. Lila makes four grilled ham & cheese sandwiches. When they’re done eating Lila pulls Ryan aside and chews him out. “How can you be so mean to her?!” “But Lila I…” “Listen to me Ryan she’s in love with you ... you big idiot!” “She’s in love with me?” “Yes but she is too shy to tell you.”

“Oh I’m such an idiot” Ryan says slapping his head. Well what are you waiting for go apologize!” “Um what…oh yeah ok.” Walking up to Lily he takes her hand and leads her away. “Um Lily I’m really sorry I was so mean to you.” “It’s okay Ryan I’m sure you didn’t mean it.” “I didn’t in the time we’ve spent together Lily I feel that I have fallen in love with you.” Blushing Lily answers “I feel the same way.” “Really Lily?” “Yes Ryan I love you” Lily says blush darkening. “I…I love you too Lily will y…you b…be my girlfriend?” “Ha ha ha of course silly” Lily says laughing.

Lila and Joe had been spying on them so when the new couple started heading back to camp they ran back to camp. When the new couple came back they find Lila and Joe pitching two tents. “This pink tent is the girl’s tent and that blue tent is the boy’s goodnight boys.” Both Lily and Lila kiss their boyfriends good night and go into their tent.

“So you and Ryan huh Lily?” Lila says with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah so how’s it going with Joe?” “Things are going great he is the best.” “You my friend are completely in love.” Lily says shaking her head. “Oh I know I’m so happy I feel like I’m walking on air!” “I feel the same way with Ryan.” “That’s because you two are made for each other.” “I know oh do you think Joe will propose to you anytime soon?” “I don’t know maybe.” “We’ll see what happens, well goodnight Lila.” “Goodnight Lily.”

Meanwhile in the other tent. “So Ryan you and Lily huh?” “Yeah I think we’re soul mates.” “Lucky you I feel the same way with Lila.” “Well you two were meant to be together.” “So are you and Lily.” “I’ll give you that so are you going to propose to Lila anytime soon?” “Actually yes after we save Prince Dylan.” “Oh will she meet your parents first?” “Of course they contacted me and said they wanted to meet the girl who stole my heart.” “Mine too.” “Good luck with that buddy.” “You too well goodnight.” “Goodnight.”

After waking up, getting dressed, and Lila making them ham and cheese omelets. They set out again to Diablo’s castle. “Ugh is this going to take any longer I’m so tired of this!” Lila says getting annoyed that the trip is taking so long. “Chill out Lila it’s only going to take like two more hours.” Lily says shaking her head at her friend’s childish behavior. “Ok I can last that long.”

Shaking his head as well Joe hugs Lila to him and says “You know I love you right?” “Yeah and I love you too Joe.” Lily says smiling up at him. Just when they are about to kiss a
Chapter 4

huge roar interrupts their happy moment. “It’s the dragon that means we are only two miles away from Diablo’s castle.” Ryan says standing protectively in front of Lily. “Lila stay behind me!” Prince Joe say stepping in front of Lila. Feeling just as protective of Joe as he is of her. Lila feels a surge of power run through her.

Chanting quietly so that no one hears her she says “Evil creature of fire this is my desire fly away and never come back or I will give you a hard smack.” This chant made the dragon hightail it out of there with its tail between its legs. “What in the world was that?” Everyone but Lila asks looking around to see what could have made that dragon flee. “I don’t know but maybe some powerful force scared it away.” Lila says making everyone turn to look at her with confused looks.

“What it can happen?” Lila says grabbing Joe’s arm. “Well let’s go come on” Lila says as she starts walking dragging Joe with her. Sharing one last confused look Lily and Ryan follow them. “Well Lily Lila is sure acting weird.” Ryan says looking a bit worried. “I’m sure she is just nervous about going up against Diablo.” “Ok if you say so.” Ryan says uncertainty.

Having heard their whole conversation Lila feels worried that Ryan is suspicious of her powers. Sensing her worry Joe hugs her and asks “You okay you seem a bit worried?” “Hmm really well I guess I’m just nervous about going up against Diablo.” “Its okay honey there is nothing to be worried about.” “Thanks Joe I love you.” “I love you too Lila.”

A few minutes later they arrived at Diablo’s castle. It was horrible the walls were coal black, the gardens had dead flowers, and the door was blood red and had two ghosts guarding it. “Okay this place gives me the creeps” Lila says grabbing Joe’s arm. “Me too” says everyone else. The ghost didn’t even move to stop them. They just stared with sad lifeless eyes.

Within a few minutes they arrived in the throne room. What they saw horrified them. Prince Dylan was chained to the wall and Diablo was waiting for them on his throne. “Ahh my young guest welcome” he says in a creepy mad hatter voice. Then looking at Lily he says “Hello daughter.” “You are no father of mine you are evil!” Lily says angrily. “Oh why do you say that?” he asks pretending to be confused.

“You left my mother to raise me and Dylan alone and kidnapped and enslaved your own son!” Lily responds even angrier. “We will stop you!” says Lila stepping out from behind Joe. “Just try girl!” Diablo says knowing Lila wants to defeat him herself. “I will!” Lila say determined and in no way scared. “Lila No!” her friends yell.

But Lila doesn’t stop in fact she speeds up. Then she feels that same burst of power she felt with the dragon. This time she chants loud and clear “Thunder and lighting come to my aid help me defeat he who has neither heart nor regret!” A huge flash of lightning comes down a strikes Diablo. His last words are “Noooo you shouldn’t have magic!” before he falls. Going over to Prince Dylan she uses her magic to break his bonds.

“Thank you miss those handcuffs were cutting of my circulation.” “You’re welcome” Then seeing his sister he runs over to her and hugs her. “You came to save me and brought some new friends aren’t you going to introduce me?” “Oh Dylan the girl who saved you is Lila, that’s fairy Prince Joe her boyfriend, and this is my boyfriend Ryan the Lion Demon Prince of Ruby Forest.” “It’s nice to meet you guys” He says with a smile. He then turns to Ryan and says “You better treat my sister right or you’re in a world of trouble.” “Umm okay Dylan” Ryan says feeling intimidated “Good man.” Dylan answers.

Then smiling he says “Well let’s get out of this living nightmare of a castle.” Everyone agrees and they head out. They minute they get out of the castle Lila uses her magic to make it collapse. Getting an idea Lila says “everyone Join hands I have a quicker way out of here.” “Well that’s good,” Ryan says “because we are out of food seeing as Dylan just ate it all.”

Sighing Lila says “Is that all you can think about food?” and then she starts chanting again. “Magic clouds
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gather under us form a firm transport and take us to the pixie village Mystic Meadow faster than a whip.” So clouds gather under them forming a firm, safe, and fast transport to the village. “Hold on tight this thing is about to go light speed!” Lila shouts and of course everyone does as told.

On a journey that took the girls a week to complete gathering friends along the way. Lila’s mystical cloud only took a few minutes. Queen Rose who had sensed them coming comes out and thanks them. “Oh thank you thank you not only is Dylan rescued but you girls came back safe, sound and happily in love!” Queen Rose exclaims happily. Only a few moments later they are back in Mystic Meadow’s castle and the Queen has invited all the neighboring kingdoms to a party celebrating the safe return of her son and the defeat of Diablo.

They all get dressed for the party. Lily in a blue ball gown with gold trimming and a little gold crown resting on her head. Lila in a lavender ball gown, with silver trimming, and a small silver crown resting on her head. Prince Joe looked dashing in a sky blue tuxedo and black dress shoes. Ryan wore a red tuxedo and black dress shoes. Finally Prince Dylan was wearing an ocean blue tuxedo and white dress shoes, his platinum blond hair at shoulder length, tan skin, and ocean blue eyes all seemed to be accented by his outfit.

Everyone is happy but Lila for she cannot return home. Sensing her sadness Lily, Dylan and Joe come up to her and ask “What’s wrong Lila?” “I’m really glad that Dylan is safe and all but because of this spell I am forever separated from my family.” Lila answers sadly turning her face away to hide her tears. “Well you know you can stay with us I think of you as a sister Lila.” Lily says sincerely. “Thank you but it’s not the same.” “Okay but think about” Prince Dylan says. “Alright I’ll think about it” Lila answers while walking away.

Following her Joe catches Lila and grabs her arm. Lila turns around and looks him in the eyes. “Care to dance my Lady?” Joe asks a hint of humor in his voice. “Of course kind sir.” Lila says with a giggle. “Ahh there is that smile you know you look beautiful tonight Lila.” Blushing Lila replies “And you look Dashing Joe.” “Why thank you dear lady.” “You’re welcome kind sir.” So they did the waltz for a while before they get tired.

“Oh Lila there are my parents come you have to meet them.” “All right Joe I’ll meet your parents.” Lila responds. As they walk towards his parents Lila takes the moment to look at them. They both have the same hair and skin as Joe but his dads eyes her hazel while his mothers are sky blue. His mother is wearing a sky blue ball gown, with white trimming, a gold crown with sky blue jewels on her head, and her blue and ocean green fairy wings were fluttering in excitement. His father was wearing a sky blue tuxedo, black dress shoes, a plain gold crown, and his blue and ocean green fairy wings are staying still with how tense he was.

“Mom, Dad this is Lila the beauty who stole my heart.” “It’s nice to meet you dear I’m Joe’s mom Queen Rosabella and this is his father King Sky but you can call us Mom and Dad.” “Really I can call you Mom and Dad?” “Yes” Both Queen Rosabella and King Sky answer. “Thanks you guys.” “You’re welcome dear.” Queen Rosabella says hugging her; King Sky and Joe join in the hug.

“Wow Joe your Mom and Dad are really cool” Lila says. “Really I always that that they were embarrassing.” Joe says in complete surprise. “You’re silly Joe all parents are embarrassing.” “Oh good I thought it was just mine.” “Nope my parents embarrassed me all the time but I still love them.” “That’s good to hear.”

They meet back up with Lily, Ryan, and Dylan. “Hey guys!” Lila says happily as they approach the group. “Hey Lila, Joe, you look happier Lila” Lily says. “I met Joe’s parents and they said I could call them Mom and Dad.” Lila answers happily hugging Joe’s arm. “That’s awesome Lila!” they all answer. “Um speaking of parents mine are coming over here.” Ryan says looking uncomfortable.

As Ryan’s parents walk toward them everyone gets a good look at them. They both had lion tales, human hands, and two lion ears on top of their heads. Only his father had a lion mane for hair it was his mother that had normal hair the color of a female lion’s fur. His mom was wearing a red ball gown with gold trim, a large gold crown with pure
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rubies on her head, and black high heels. His father wore a red tuxedo, a plain gold crown on his head, and black dress shoes.

“Hello Ryan aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends?” His parents say as they near them. “Hey Mom and Dad these are my friends Lila, her boyfriend Fairy Prince Joe, Pixie Prince Dylan, and his sister who is also my girlfriend Pixie Princess Lily.” “It’s nice to meet you all,”

They say kindly and turning to Lily they say “especially you Princess Lily we finally meet the girl who stole our sons heart and we must say you are beautiful.” Blushing Lily replies “Thank you.” “You’re welcome dear oh yeah my name’s Queen Ruby and He’s King Gabe but you can call us Mom and Dad.” “Okay well see you later Mom and Dad” Lily and Ryan say leading the group away.

After that each couple goes their own way and Dylan goes to stay with his Mom. Joe has taken Lila to a beautiful waterfall to watch the sunset. “Oh Joe the sunset is so beautiful!” Lila exclaims happily hugging him. “Not as beautiful as you my flower.” He says loving tightening his hold on her. “Oh Joe you’re such a sweet heart.” She says cuddling up to him. “Ahh Lila I love you” he says.

Then shocking her before she can say anything he gets down on one knee and asks “Lila I love you with all my heart will you marry me?” There is an awkward silence and then “Yes yes yes yes I will marry you Joe!” “I’m glad.” “Did you think that I would say no?” “Kind of” “Silly boy I love you.” “I love to too Lila now lets head back to the party.”

Meanwhile with Ryan and Lily on the beach. “This sunset is beautiful Ryan.” “Not as beautiful as you are Lily.” “Awe you’re so sweet.” “Listen Lily I’m going to cut right to the chase I love you will you marry me?” A very awkward silence and the “Yes a million times yes I will marry you I love you!” “Really you’ll marry me?” “Of course silly I would not say no to you now.” “Well we need to get back to the party love.” “I couldn’t agree more.”

After a short while the couples meet up and walk back to the party together. All of their parents were waiting. “So what’s the news? All of the parents asked. “Well Lila and Joe are engaged and so are me and Lily.” Ryan answered. “Well let’s announce this happy news to our quest.” Queen Rose says her pixie wings fluttering in excitement.

“My dear quest I am happy to announce two royal engagements tonight first my dear Princess Lily to Prince Ryan of the Lion Demons and her new friend whom I now consider a daughter Lila to Fairy Prince Joe.” “The double wedding will be in two days.” Every one of the groups parents that are there announce. After the announcement everyone clapped and wished the couples well. Then the party broke up leaving the soon-to-be brides and the parents to plan the wedding.

“So what type of wedding cake do you girls want?” Queen Rose asked. “We each want a cake of our own.” The girls answered. “Okay just give me the designs you girls made.” Showing her design Lila said “I want a white round staked cake with pink trimming and flowers and a pink heart as the cake topper.” “Okay I can do that Lila how about you Lily?” “I want a white square staked cake with ocean blue trimming and flowers with a blue heart as the topper.” “Okay I can do that I’ll ask the cooks to get right on it.” “Thank you.” “You’re welcome girls.”

“So Lila what are we going to do for wedding dresses?” Lily asked as they headed to her room which they were sharing. “Don’t worry I have it covered I have designs for two wedding dresses that I drew while I was with my parents and I had the servants send up a sewing machine and, white, pink and blue silk.” “Oh and what are you going to do with that?” “I’m going to sew our wedding dresses and veils using a little help from my magic to speed up the process sound good?” “Yes get to it.” “Yes your highness.” Lila says sarcastically. “Oh shut up and get to work.” “Already did.”

With the help of her magic she finished both dresses in within four hours. “So what do you think?” Lila asks holding them up. “They’re gorgeous how did you do that?!” Lily says looking at the dresses. Lila’s has a beautiful ball gown design with intricate pink silk flowers sewn in along the neck of the dress and in little heart shapes through the bottom and the train, her veil had a crown of pink silk flowers followed by a small bit of white silk flowing behind it. Lily’s was just like it but in blue. “I did it Lily using my skills the magic just sped the time up in sewing.”

“Try in on and see how it fits just in case I need to make a few adjustments.” “Okay” Lily says slipping on the dress and at the same time Lila was doing the same. “Wow it fits perfectly.” Both girls say together. “Great job Lila you should be a fashion designer.” Lily says. “Well that is what I want to do as a career.” “Then do it girl you can do anything here.” “Okay I will after the wedding.” “Oh yeah that reminds me we need to plan the food, drink and music for the reception.” “Already on it.” “You are a lifesaver Lila.” “Here you go, how is this.” “Let’s see Love Story, Daddy’s girl ,You are the music in me, May I have this dance , and Fearless for the music list and cooked ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, finger sandwiches, salad bar, punch, ice tea and water for the food and drink list.” “I like it Lila nice job.” “It was easy so no big.”
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They head over to Queen Rose’s room and show her the dresses, music list and food list. “Oh those dresses are cute who made them?” “Lila did Mom.” Lily answers feeling proud of her friend. “Really did she also come up with the music and food and drink list? “Yes she did.” Lily answers simply. “Oh Lila you’re good you should really be both a fashion and wedding designer.” “Well I do want to be a fashion designer.” “Take my advice Lila do both of your talents they should not be wasted.” “I’ll consider it Queen Rose.” “Okay Lila but do remember in Teentopia you can do anything.” “I will.” “Oh girls keep those dresses with you I’ll get the servants right on cooking the food and setting up the wedding area.” “Of course.”

“Well you girl’s best go get some rest these last two days you have been working hard to plan the wedding and you need to be well rested for tomorrow.” “We know we’re getting married tomorrow.” “Yes you are so go get some sleep tomorrow is a big day.” “We know.” As the girls were walking back to their room Lily asks “Hey Lila can you believe we are getting married in the morning?” “Actually Lily I can hardly believe it in fact I’m kind of nervous.” “Oh I’m a little nervous too Mom says it’s just pre-wedding jitters and that everyone gets them.” “She’s right well let’s get to bed.” “Yes let’s.”

Once they go into the room they found that one of the servants had cleaned up Lila’s mess. “Well look at that less work for us.” Lila says smiling. “Yeah now we can go to sleep good night Lila.” “Good night Lily.”

Meanwhile with the boys. “I bet the girls are really tired they have been working non-stop on tomorrows wedding for two days.” Joe said worried that the girls will be tired tomorrow. “Speaking of tired buddy we need to sleep and I’m sure the girls are already asleep and tomorrow’s a big day.” “You’re right well good night Ryan.” “Good night Joe.”

In the morning the girls and boys are both eating separately in their own rooms. After eating Lily and Lila went into the bathroom to freshen up and put on their dresses. Queen Rose, Queen Rosabella, and Queen Ruby come to help them out. Queen Rose brushes out and curls Lila’s brown hair giving it a bounce while Queen Rosabella applies her make up. As for Lily Queen Rose has curled her blond hair and put it in a cute ponytail while Queen Ruby applies her make up. “Well here are your bouquets pink roses for Lila and Blue Lilies for Lily.” Thanks we look like angles” They say as they see their reflections in the mirror. “You’re welcome now stay there while we go change into our bridesmaid dresses.” “Alright.”

Meanwhile with the boys they are almost done freshening up. “Ok now to fix this tie.” Says King Sky fixing Joe’s Tie. There we go now you boys are ready from the wedding so get down their.” King Gabe and King Sky command. “Yes Dad” they both say running to the ball room where the wedding and reception are being held.

This time when the Moms return the dads are with them. “The wedding march is about to start are you girls ready?” “Yes” “Okay then lets go.” As they head out Lila says “I need a moment to get over the nerves Lily you go ahead.” “Alright but be right out.” “everyone says.” “Don’t worry I will.”

Once everyone is out of the room Lila chants this spell “To Teentopia send my family now on my wedding day but it will be their choice to go or stay.” Within a few short seconds her entire family is in the room with her. “Mommy, Daddy, Dustin, and Jade you’re here!” She says running to them and hugging each one of them. “Yes we are here but where is here?” Lila’s Mom asks. “Oh here is a magical world called Teentopia.”

“Okay are you getting married?” Jade asks looking at her dress. “Yes I have gone through a fairytale and fond my Prince Charming.” “Well at least I can walk my daughter down the isle.” Lila’s Dad says. “But honey none of us are dressed for a wedding.” Lila’s Mom says. “Oh I can take care of that” Lila says snapping her fingers. Within seconds her Mom and sister are in pink bridesmaid dresses and her father and brother are in black dress pants, white shirts and black dress shoes.

Then Lily comes back in the room wondering what was taking so long and sees her family. “Um Lila who are those people behind you?” “Oh hey Lily this is my Mom and Dad as well as my sister Jade and Brother Dustin.” “Well the wedding march has started so come on.” “Okay Dad will you walk me down the Isle. “It would be my pleasure. “ So he takes her arm and joins Lily and her soon to be father in law in the march.

Following the bridesmaids Lila’s family and the two brides head to the ball room. As soon as they reach the door they hear the wedding march. The bridesmaids and the rest of Lila’s family go in first to take their places. As the girls take the long walk down the Isle they can feel the stares of everyone on them. But then they reach the end and in a symbol just about as old as time Lila’s father and King Gabe place their hands into the hands of their grooms. Queen Rose is the one who is marrying them.

“Our friends and family we are here to witness the marriage of these happy couples if anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace.” There were no objections so the ceremony continued. Their vows were the same as had been repeated by people for centuries. Lily and Lila said a stuttered “I...I do” through happy tears. When it was Joe and Ryan’s turn they said with complete confidence not crying at all “I do.” Then I now pronounce first Prince Joe and Lila as husband and wife as well as Ryan and Lily.” “You boys may now kiss your brides.” With that sacred kiss their marriages were sealed.

The reception was incredible beautiful pink and blue flowers on every table, pink and blue lights shining on the dance floor. The two cakes were on a long table surrounded by cooked ham, green bean casserole, and mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, finger sandwiches, a salad bar, punch, ice tea and water. Love Story played for the first dance. Lily and Lila were swept into their husbands arms for the customary first dance.

Next was the father/daughter dance. The dad’s tapping on the husbands shoulders ask if they can cut in. As the fathers take their daughters in their arms the song Daddy’s girl starts. With Lila her Dad is dancing the waltz with her. “I can’t believe you’re already married Lila it seems like only yesterday you were a toddler who just learned how to talk.” “I know Dad but I still love you and always will.” “I love you too baby girl.”

With Lily she is dancing with her father-in-law King Gabe. “Welcome to the family Lily.” “Thank you sir.” “Now what did I tell you call me Dad.” “Okay Dad thanks” “Your welcome Lily.” “So how do you like your and Lila’s wedding so far?” “It great and we are so happy being with the ones we love.” “I’m glad to hear it.” Then the dance ended.

After dancing to two more songs you are the music in me and May I have this dance with family and then their husbands. Lila and Joe went to talk to Lila’s family. “So do you guys want to stay here?” “Yes we want to stay here in Teentopia with our daughter and new son.” “So Joe you better treat our little girl right.” Lila’s Dad says. “I have every intention of doing so sir.” “Good than welcome to the family son.” “Thank you.” “Oh and don’t call me sir call me Trey and my wife Tea all right?” “Of course thanks Trey, Tea I am happy to know you.” “You too well you guys better get going don’t want to miss your honey moon.” Lila’s parents said seeing Ryan and Lily leaving. “Okay bye Mom by Dad, see you later.” Lila said running to her carriage.

As both couples left in their carriages to their honeymoon detestations they waved good bye to their loved ones. In their pink carriage Lila and Joe shared a loving kiss. The same was happening in Lily and Ryan’s blue carriage. After everything they finally live happily ever after.

The End or is it?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2010

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To my Mom for believing I could write a book.

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