
The First Apperence

I wasn’t exactly what you call your normal high school student. I was different. I wasn’t the preppy kind or the nerdy kind; I just liked to keep to myself and not get in anyone’s way. I went to a normal high school like everyone else and got made fun of for being a loner, but that’s not important. Anyways I came home one day from school and mom was in the kitchen talking to dad, which is not normal because dad was usually never home this early. I figured it was just the bills that need to be paid again, so I just went to my room, grabbed my IPod, cranked the volume and started on my homework.

I was almost finished when my father started pounding on my bedroom door. I tried to ignore it, but he was so persistent. So I finally let him in. As soon as I looked up at him I knew I was in trouble. He started advancing into my room, so I started to back up. He shut the door behind him and kept advancing on me. I put my hands up and said “Dad whatever it is you’re about to yell at me about, I’m sure I can explain.”
He shook his head and said, “You mean that you have an explanation for taking the head cheerleader and giving her a swirly?! She now has a sprained neck because of what you did! Her parents are calling the school and wanting information on you because they want to sue!”

“You’re very lucky that your uncle is the principal otherwise you would already be in jail for what you did.” (Did I mention that I was also a trouble maker who always get’s in trouble some way some how?)
I looked at my dad and said, “Oh that. Well she was picking on another kid in school and she started talking to her boyfriend and saying that he should give the kid a swirly. I figured if she knows what they are she should experience it before trying it on anyone else. You could say she was just experiencing her own words. And I highly doubt she will suggest doing that to anyone else now. So in a way the school and you my own parents should be thanking me for teaching her a lesson, and save a lot of kids from a very disgusting, embarrassing, and painful experience that they would’ve had to carry with them the rest of their lives.”
My dad looked at me and said, “You have a point, but we keep telling you over and over again. If you have a point to prove, don’t prove it through violence because violence doesn’t solve anything.” I rolled my eyes and started to laugh. My dad stood there waiting till I was finished. When I was done he looked at me and said “Jasmine. You know what we’ve been telling you since you were little. Try not to use violence unless you really have to. And try to fit in the best you can. We’ve been telling you this for years. You should know better. You were raised that way for a reason. And hopefully that reason will….”

I looked at him and said “What??”
My dad shook his head and said “Nothing. We’re just hoping that we’re raising you the right way that way when you go out on your own you’ll be able to take care of yourself.” I smiled at my dad and gave him a hug while saying “You guys are raising me just fine. I’m an average student with good grades, and I’m independent which is what you taught me to be, so I think you’re raising me just fine.”
My dad smiled and said “Okay kiddo. Finish getting your homework done. Your mom says that dinner will be done in about a half an hour.”
I shook my head and said “Ok.”

From reading all that I’ve told you so far it seems like I have a normal high school student’s life right? Wrong, because after that night everything changed.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock…again. This meant that I had to get out of bed, and get ready for school. Again. I started to get out of bed but then tripped and fell face first on my bedroom floor. I got up and looked back to see what I tripped over, but nothing was there. So I just assumed that I was really tired and just tripped over my own feet. I made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. I looked into the mirror and saw someone standing behind me. I turned around, but no one was there. I shook my head and bent down to splash cold water on my face, because I thought that maybe I was still half asleep.

I got done with my shower, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. I walked through the kitchen door and saw mom frying pancakes and bacon. It smelt so good; it was calling to my growling stomach. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked over by the fridge and saw the same image that I saw behind me in the bathroom. It started to walk over by mom.
“Mom behind you!” I shouted. She whirled around just in time to catch a glimpse of what was behind her before it disappeared again.
She turned off the stove and walked over to me and asked “Did you see that too?” I shook my head. And then she said “That’s what I was afraid of.” She walked with me into the living room and called for my father to come down.
He came down the stairs while asking “Do you feel it too Monica? The feeling that something is going to happen? It’s making the hair on the back of my neck stand up, so I know it’s not going to be good.” He reached the last step and looked up. He didn’t realize that as he was talking to mom that I was standing right there.
He looked at mom and she said “She saw the ghost.”
Dad looked at her and said “She did?! Crap! Monica you know what this means!” She shook her head.
I looked up at them and said “What is going on here?”
Mom sat me down on the couch and said “Jasmine since the day you were born you know that we’ve always said that you were special. Do you remember?” I nodded my head, and she continued “Well since the day you were born we knew how special you were going to be, but we’ve kept that from you since you were little. We kept it from you to protect you from what might be coming, and that hopefully we would be able to avoid it, but now it seems that we can’t. So your father and I may as well tell you what we’ve been keeping from you.”
I looked up at them confused and said “Does this have anything to do with that thing I saw in the bathroom mirror or the one in the kitchen?” The looked at me and said “You saw it in the mirror?” I nodded my head. Mom and dad looked like they couldn’t breathe.

I finally spoke up and said “What exactly was that thing I saw?”
Dad looked up and said, “It was a man but he came for a reason, and I was hoping that this would never happen. They come from a palace in a different dimension. Those men only show themselves before something bad is supposed to happen or to do their master’s bidding.”
I look up and say, “What do you mean by their master, and why his bidding?”

Mom looked up and said, “Their master is what the people here on earth call werewolves. But we call him Jason Craft. He is the reason why evil exists on earth. He is the reason why misery and suffering has been brought to this planet. But little does he know that the world has infinite dimensions.”
Dad looked up and me and said “Did we also mention that Jason Craft is your biological father?”

What The Heck Is Going On?

I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me. That the world I live in is not what I thought it was at all. Or that the world is nothing like what we’ve learned in school?
That everything I’ve come to know about the planet is wrong? That my parents that I’ve grown up around aren’t really my parents at all? All those thoughts we’re running through my head. I felt like running away, screaming, kicking something. I didn’t know which way to turn or how to take all this information in. So I finally just broke down and cried. My mom came by me and tried to comfort me but I pushed her away and ran upstairs to my room.

I ran to my bed and fell into the pillows. The woman who calls herself my mother knocked on my bedroom door and said “Jazz its ok. I know how you feel. And I know you’re confused, but there’s something that you misunderstood. Your real father is Jason Carter, but I am your real mother. It’s a long story about my past and how you came along but if it will clear things up and help you to understand better I will share it with you.” I looked at the door for a moment and then got up and unlocked it. My mom came in and sat with me on the end of my bed.
She took my hands in hers and said “Jazz I know that all of this is shocking and confusing and unbelievable, but it’s nothing compared to how I found out what I was.” I looked at her confused and she said “I know that everything you read about in fairytales is supposed to be all fiction and happy endings. Well all that I’m about to tell you is true. And quite frankly it’s going to be scary. I still get nightmares from my past. The memoires that I still have are always going to be with me until the day I die.”
Mom looked like she was about to cry so, I hugged her and said “Mom if it’s that painful for you to talk about it then don’t. I understand.”
Mom shook me off her and said “No Jazz. I have to tell you because I don’t want it to happen to you. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did. And if they do get their hands on you, they will do the same thing. And I would rather die then have that happen to you.” I nodded my head, so she continued

“It all started about 36 years ago. My family lived on a farm and we had many animals. We had horses, pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, and we had 2 dogs. I remember on that day my father, your grandfather had to go into town to deliver the milk to the stores, and he said he would be back before dinner. Dinner came and he still wasn’t home. Nightfall came and my mother started to worry. She called the constable but he never came either. I remember that she was sitting in her rocking chair knitting and the wind outside was starting to pick up. She moved the curtain just about an inch to peek outside. I will never forget how white her face turned.

She dropped her knitting to the floor and ran to me. She said, “Monica I want you to go to the broom closet and lock yourself in it. And no matter what you hear and no mater what happens to me I don’t want you to come out of there until the bad people are gone. Ok?” I nodded my head. Mother gave me a tight hug and kissed me on the forehead, then said, “Go quickly!” I ran to the broom closet that was across the room and climbed inside, and locked myself in. I had just settled in the broom closet as the front door got busted down. Mother was in the kitchen ready to face whatever she had to, to protect me.
Three men stepped inside and started advancing towards her. Mother brought up her hands and said, “Stop! What is your business here?”
The man in the middle said, “You know what we’re here for. You made a deal and now you have to follow through.”
She looked at them and said, “No. You know when they are trained you know what they become, and what they are forced to do. That is not happening to my daughter. And besides she’s not here. She went with her father to deliver the milk to the stores in town. That is how we have to make our living here.”
The man in the middle laughed at her and said, “Stupid women. We stopped your husband.”

The man on the right spoke up and said, “He made a rather tasty snack.” All the men laughed. Mother looked as if she couldn’t breathe.
The she quickly composed herself and said, “Then her father told her to run. I haven’t seen her or her father since they left. I’ve been worried sick, and now you three come bursting in here looking for something that is clearly not here.”
The man on the left finally spoke up and said, “Then why do I smell her here? And the smell is fresh.”
He walks up to her and smells her and says, “Her scent is on you. Where is she?”
Mother replied, “I don’t know where she is and I hope you never find her.” The three men look at each other and advance on her even more to the point where she’s pressed up against a wall.
The man in the middle said, “I’m giving you one more chance. Where is she?”
She looked up at him and spit right in his eye. He wiped the spit from his eye and smacked her right across the face. The men on the left and right backed up a little bit. I thought that they were leaving…boy was I wrong. Their bodies started to tremble and started to go into weird positions and movements. When they were done they looked like huge wolves. Mother screamed and the man slapped her again. He turned her towards the wolves and said “Tell me where she is or you’ll be reunited with your husband.”
Mother looked at the wolves and then up in the air and said, “Lord please forgive me.” And with that said she brought up her arms again but this time a white light flew out of her hands and at the wolves. The man that slapped her let her go and she turned around and did the same thing to him. The wolves ran away, but the other man was still there.
He looked at her and smiled. “Well…well…well. We have another sorceress on this planet do we? I couldn’t sense you were one. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a challenge.”
She looked at him and said, “I highly suggest that you don’t get your knickers all up in a twist.”

And with that said the white light flew out of her hands again. A green light came out of the man’s hands. The lights collided and they were fighting which light was going to win. Mother was putting up a good fight you could tell she was very brave but she was weakening. I had to do something. So I unlocked the broom closet and ran out of it towards the man. I pushed him off balance so he would fall. Mother collapsed from the fight and I ran over to her. The man was back on his feet by the time I got over to her. He started walking towards us. Mother got back up and put me behind her. She put her hands up again but she was a second to late. The man shot the green light out of his had and it hit mother in the chest. She fell to the floor with a scream. I reached over to her and she grabbed my hand and said “Monica don’t listen to them. You have a pure soul. Don’t let them destroy it. Don’t let them break you. Find the strength within you that I know you have.” And then Mother stopped talking and looked up in the air.

Then she stopped breathing. I started to call for her to listen to me but she wouldn’t answer. I shook her, but she wouldn’t move. I looked up at the man and screamed, “Look at what you did to my mother!”
He smiled and said, “I did what I was ordered to do by my master. And now if you’ll come with me, my master would like to meet you.”
I looked up and said, “No. I’m not leaving my mother.”
The man shook his head and said, “Okay, but I really didn’t want to have to do this.” And with that he grabbed me by my hair and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder and started to run out of the house. I screamed at the top of my lungs for someone to help me, but no one came.
We finally came to a road where he stopped and dropped me on the ground. He turned around and said, “Move and you will be reunited with your mother and father sooner then you think.” And with that he walked of to the other side of the road and into the woods. When he returned there were two other men with him. One of them picked me up and threw me over their shoulder and started walking back in the direction they came from. I was taken to what looked like a little camp that was set up and I saw other kids there all tied to a tree.

The man that was carrying me carried me to a log and set me down. He told me to stay there if I valued my life. He went into a tent and came back out with a woman. The woman looked at me and said, “Yes. Definitely part of the bloodline. You can smell it too can’t you?” The man nodded his head. Then she looked back at me and said, “What is your name little one?”
I looked up at her and said, “Monica.”
She smiled and me and then sat down next to me, then said, “Monica do you know how special you are?”
I shook my head and said, “My mother told me I’m special all the time.”
She smiled and said, “Your mother was right. But did she tell you why you are so special?”
I shook my head and said, “No.”
The woman got up and said, “You should have no problem with this one. She doesn’t know what she is yet. But she will be harder to train. She has the strength just like her mother did. But since she’s younger I don’t think that will last long once we start.” And with that said the woman went back to her tent. One of the men dragged me to a tree and tied me to it. I could see the other kids and they all looked frightened and scared, all but one.
I looked at the boy who was not scared and tried to whisper to him. “Hey. Hello.” The boy looked up at me. And I said, “Why are you here?”
He looked at me and said, “We are all here because of what we are. All of our parents have been killed so we have no one to go back to. No place to run or hide too.” And with that said the boy looked away.


(Author’s Note: Jasmine’s mother still continues her story)

“Jazz is it ok if I continue on or did you want me to stop there? Because the next part of the story is even worse, so are you sure you want me to go on?”
I shook my head and said, “If you think that I need to hear it mom then tell me. Like you said maybe I’ll understand when this is all finished.”
She shook her head and continued. “I awoke the next morning and my back was stiff from being tied to a tree for so long.”

“The other kids were still asleep. The woman came out of the tent and sat by the fire that was still going. I took that as my chance and said, “Why am I here? Why did they do that to my mother?”
“The woman looked at me and smiled while saying, “You will find all that out in time Monica. In time you will learn and then you will realize that your foolish mother was wrong to disobey her master. And you will see that the people who listen to our master will get rewarded.” And with that she stood up and walked back to her tent. A few minutes later a man came out and came over to me and started to untie my hands. He took me and sat me down on the log again and brought me to the fire and sat me down. He did the same with the all the other kids. Then the man started passing around a dish. I thought it was food. But when it got to me it looked like slop.”
“I was about to pass it on to the next kid and the man stopped me and said, “Eat…eat or you will be left here tied to that tree and you will die.” So I ate a few bites and passed it on. A couple minutes later I felt like I had no energy at all. It was getting to the point where I couldn’t even sit up any longer.”

“The man helped me lie down on the ground. I heard horses in the distance coming this way and the man ran to the woman’s tent. She quickly came out of it and said “When the wagon get’s here put the kids in it. And station two of your men in the wagon with them incase one of them wakes up.” The man nodded his head and walked off. I could hear the horses and they were closer now. I could feel myself being lifted off the ground, but I was too tired to care anymore. Where I was in my mind I could fell no pain. No suffering or misery, and then I fell asleep.”

“When I awoke I was in a cell. I looked around and found no way to get out. I tried to stand up but couldn’t. I kept falling. Some one heard me and came over to my cell. He looked at me and then walked back to where he came from. He came back with the woman from the campsite and he unlocked the door and let her in. She walked over to me and said, “Can you walk?”
I shook my head and said, “No. I can’t even stand up.”
She looked over to the guard and said, “Help me take her to my room. And send the maids to get food and water.”
The man bowed and said, “As you wish my lady.” And with that said I was being carried again up a long staircase and down a long corridor until we reached a door. The woman opened it and inside laid everything you could possibly imagine a room could have. It had chairs and a table. The biggest bed I’d ever seen and more.
The woman said, “Put her on the bed and tell the maids to hurry otherwise they will have to deal with the master.”
The man bowed and said, “Right away my lady.”

He hurried off and she shut the door. She turned and smiled at me and said, “I’m sorry I never introduced myself. I’m Phoebe. And this is my home. I’m sure you’ll like it here very much.”
I shook my head and said, “Thank you. But Phoebe why am I here?”
She smiled and said, “Oh Monica, again with the questions. I can’t answer that quite yet, but I can tell you that you are very important to the master. And he wants’ to explain that himself.”
I shook my head and said, “Okay.” Phoebe smiled.
Someone knocked at the door, and she said, “Enter.” Three other women came in with dishes of food and water. They set the table and served the food.
Phoebe then said, “You may go now, but send in Jason.”
The maids looked at each other and then at their mistress and said, “Are you sure mistress?”
Phoebe stood up and said, “You dare question my authority?”
The maids shook their heads furiously and said, “No mistress. We’ll get him right away.” And with that they left the room.

Phoebe looked at me and said, “Monica are you hungry?”
I shook my head and said, “Yes.” She smiled and came to help me. I could walk a little but I was still falling all over the place. She started to mutter to herself saying something about stupid mutt giving the children to much of the powder. And the she sat down and put a piece of meat and fruit on my plate. I immediately dug into the food. I had never tasted anything so good in my life. Phoebe smiled and poured me some of what looked like juice. I took it and drank.
I looked up at Phoebe and she said, “Monica. You are about to meet someone very important. So it’s important to do exactly as I tell you to okay?”

I wanted to ask why but I knew she wouldn’t answer so I just said, “Okay.” There came another knock at the door and they entered the room. It was one of the maids. Phoebe said, “What are you doing back here? I told you to go and get Jason.”
The maid bowed and said, “Forgive me mistress, but the master wants’ to meet the child in the throne room for dinner.”
Phoebe looked furious and said, “Fine if that’s what he wants he shall get it, but I will need you and your sisters to tend to Monica here and get her ready and presentable is that clear?”
The maid bowed again and said, “Yes mistress.” Phoebe nodded her head and the maid left.
She turned to me and said, “Monica there has been a change of plans okay? But you will still get all your questions answered in time. I promise. Okay?” I shook my head. And then she said, “My maids are going to take you to be bathed and clothed appropriately for the occasion.” I nodded my head. She smiled and said, “You make me very proud Monica. To see someone your age so special, and obedient to the master. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that you are very obedient already. So maybe you won’t have to go through the training. But I must warn you Monica. The master does not like people who disobey him. He will punish those who do disobey him. And he will do it without questions.” I nodded my head. The maids came back in the room. And then took me out and into a room that had a tub in it. They stuck me in, and scrubbed me down from head to toe. They scrubbed my skin until it turned red. Then they put clothes on me and brought me back to Phoebe’s room. Phoebe came out and smiled at me. Then looked at the maids and said. “Your job is done for now. You may go.” The bowed and left. Phoebe led me down a long corridor and up some stairs. We finally reached a room that had what looked like men guarding it. Phoebe walked up to them and said, “Open the door.”
The man on the right said, “No one is allowed to enter without permission from the master.”
Phoebe walked right up to him and smacked him across the face, and then said, “Stupid mutt. This is the child he’s been waiting to see for years, and now that she finally exists do you really want to deny him that chance?”
He looked at Phoebe and said, “No. Go right in”

The Master

(Authors Note: The mother of Jasmine continues on in this chapter.)

Phoebe grabbed my hand and we entered the room. I saw a long table being set for dinner and a man by the fireplace. Phoebe bowed and said, “Master. Here is the child you’ve requested.” He looked at Phoebe and shook his head. Phoebe looked at him and said, “Does this not please you master? I assure you it is the child you have been looking for. If it wasn’t, master, I wouldn’t have brought her here.”
He looked at her and said, “I know you wouldn’t have Phoebe, because that would mean that you would have to suffer the consequences for disobeying me. Now wouldn’t it?”
Phoebe nodded her head and said, “Yes master I would. But like I said I assure you th...” The man put up his hand and she immediately stopped talking.
He walked over to the table and said, “Sit.” Phoebe dragged me over to the table and helped me to a chair. Then she sat down next to me. The man was at the head of the long table. The man looked at me and smiled. I looked at Phoebe and she nodded.
He looked at Phoebe and said, “Have you told her?”
She shook her head and said, “No master. You told me to leave all her questions that she has for you to answer.”
He smiled and said, “Very well then. Child what is your name?”

I looked at him and said “Monica.”
He looked at Phoebe and said, “Monica. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. And how old are you?”
“10 years old” I replied.
He looked at me and said, “Well we have a young lady on our hands now don’t we?” And he starts laughing. Phoebe smiles at him. I spoke up and said, “Sir, Why am I here? Why did they do that to my mother?” The man stops laughing and looked at me.
He stared at me for a few minutes and then said, “Monica you are a very special girl. You have a very special gift that will be very useful to me. And after your training I’m sure we’ll get along a lot better.”
Phoebe spoke up and said, “Master if I may she is already very obedient and is a good listener. The whole time I’ve been watching her like you told me to she has been very obedient.”
He looked at her and said, “Is that so? Phoebe you know I put them through training because it keeps them from turning on me.”
Phoebe shook her head and said, “Yes master. I am aware of that. But this child is unlike any other. And she has unique gifts that will be of very good use to you. If we break her there’s a good chance she won’t have them when we’re finished.”
The master looked at her and shouted, “What do you mean she won’t have them?!”
Phoebe bowed her head and said, “Forgive me master, but I have researched her ancestors and all of them that have the same gift could not be broken because their powers come from their passion and their love. As she grows so will her love for someone, and then her powers will begin to grow.”
He looked at her and said, “Are you sure?” Phoebe shook her head. He looked at me and said, “You are a very powerful sorceress like your mother was. And she gave her life to save you. You were the one she loved most. Who do you love most Monica?”

I felt like I wanted to cry but I said, “My mother.”
He looked at me and said, “Yes Monica you do love your mother but who will you look up to for guidance and understanding?”
I looked up and said, “You?”
He smiled and said, “We have a very bright girl on our hands.” And he smiled. He looked at Phoebe and said, “She is to stay here and be raised at the palace. And when old enough she is to be my wife.”
Phoebe looked at him and said, “Master? She is to be your wife? I thought that…” He cut her off again and said, “Yes Phoebe. My wife. Is there a problem?” Phoebe shook her head. The man smiled and said, “Okay then. Everything is settled. Monica you’ll be staying here with me and going through training so you can learn how to use your powers wisely.”
I looked at him and said, “Okay.” He smiled at me. Back then I wasn’t educated enough to know what the word wife meant, so I just went along with it. I thought that once I would be able to learn how to control my powers I would be able to use them to free myself.

So the years went by and I learned a lot about my powers and my ancestors. And how I was gifted, and why I was so important. But as the years went by I had grown very fond of the master. And he had grown very fond of me. One night the master and I were in the library reading more about my powers when someone came bursting through the door. The man came up to the master and said, “Master this is what is called The Book of Prophecies. The book tells what is to happen in the future so that you may avoid any harm that may come your way. And it also talks about Monica and her future.” He looked at the man and took the book. He paged through the book till he got to the page about Monica. He read it and smiled.
He looked at the man and said, “Have the maids ready my bedchamber.” Then man bowed and left. The master closed the book and set in down on a table. He walked over to me and took my hand and kissed it. The master then said, “The Book of Prophecies says that we are to have a child Monica. That you and I are to have a child that will be the most powerful of your bloodline. One that can rule the world with her love and compassion. Just like you have loved me over the years. And just like I have come to love you.”
I looked at the master and said, “Master I’m learning how to use my powers and I hope that pleases you, but do not ask of me to have a child. I am not ready master.”

He looked at me and said, “Monica you are very talented and very bright. And I love you very much.” He took my hand and pulled me up out of my chair and put my hand on his heart while saying, “Monica every beat of my heart beats for you and you only. It’s been that way since the day I met you. Phoebe interrupted me that day because she was supposed to be my wife. But then you came along, and changed me.” I looked at him and smiled. But what I was really thinking is that I could not have a child with him. That would give him the ultimate power he would need to control everything and everyone. I would not give that to him.
I looked at the master and said, “Master why do you want a child so bad, and why me?” The master looked at me and said “Your bloodline is what I need to bring order and peace to the world. And with my bloodline we are obedient and good leaders. You being a sorceress and I being a werewolf together we can create a whole new bloodline that will be the most powerful!”
I looked at him and said, “Master you never told me you were a werewolf.”
He looked at me and said, “I never told you because you didn’t need to know, and now you do, so I told you. Is there a problem with that?”
I shook my head and said, “No master it’s just I’m hearing everything at once.” He looked at me and smiled while saying, “Yes it is quite a lot to handle isn’t it. And to be thinking that I would be a father…I never thought it possible until you came along.”

I looked at him and said, “Master I’m sure even though you love me you could wait…or find another suitor. Couldn’t you master?”
He looked at me and said, “Why? Why should I find another when I have you Monica? Do you not love me the way I do you?”
I shook my head and said, “Yes master. I do not love you the way you love me. I love you like an older brother and I look up to you as a father. You are my guidance and the one who taught me wisdom in my youth. But I cannot have a child with you master. I am not ready.” He shook his head, then let go of my hand and walked to the other side of the room. He paced for a moment and then came back. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. Instead he slapped me across my face. I stood there shocked because he had never hit me before. I’ve seen him hit other people and sentence people to death, but never me. I put a hand up to my face and then brought it back down. I saw blood on my fingers. I looked up at him, and he looked at me with sorrow filled eyes, not knowing what to say.

I looked at him and said, “Master if you’ll excuse me.” I started to walk away but I couldn’t. Something was drawing me to him. I looked at him again and he was right behind me.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms and gave me a hug while saying, “My temperament is short please remembering that because I do not want to hurt you. You are too important to me and I don’t ever want to hurt you.” I nodded my head. I started to pull away but he kept holding me. I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead, and then my lips. I kissed him back because something came over me and I couldn’t stop it. It was weakening me. I kept wanting him more and more, so he took me to his bedchamber. And then he bedded me that night.

Is The Past Bound To Repeat Itself?

(Author’s Note: Jasmine’s mother still continues her story)

No one but his guards and the man who brought the book knew about this. About two months after that while I was getting dressed the maids tried to tie my dress in the back, but it wouldn’t fit. They tried to tighten it to get it to fit around me but I ended up crying out. The maids bowed and apologized. I told them to go and get the master in a hurry. The master came in and said, “What is it Monica? The maids we’re running down the hallway just to get me.”
I looked up at him and I said, “It’s been two months since you bedded me and now my dress doesn’t fit.”
He looked at me and said “Are you saying?”
I nodded my head and said, “Yes I believe that I am with child, but we’re going to have to tell everyone sometime. The maids have noticed that I can’t fit into a lot of things.”
The master nodded his head and said, “We will have you fitted for new ones and for a wedding dress. We will marry in a week and we will tell everyone then. Oh and Monica since you will be my wife there is no need to call me master. You can call me Jason.”
I nodded my head and said, “As you wish.”

He kissed my cheek and put a hand on my stomach. He smiled at the thought of me having a baby. Within the week preparations were made for the wedding and I was fitted for a dress, but I did not want to marry Jason. My heart belonged to one of his guards named Eric. Eric was a guard who knew what Jason was capable of. And Jason trusted Eric with everything. Just as I trusted him not to tell Jason about us. Eric knew his way around the palace as well as he knew every exit and every door, and who would be guarding them and at what times. The night before the wedding Eric and I planned to escape. We waited till night fall and made our way through the palace. We finally were able to sneak out the kitchen door to the outside. We ran deep into the woods and then stopped to make sure that no one followed. There was no sign of anyone following us so we continued going. We stopped in the morning because I needed to rest. I remember that I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a rumbling noise and then I finally heard the echo. It was Jason screaming my name.

Eric quickly got up and helped me up. We were on the run again. We had no place to go and we needed to find someplace to hide. We traveled that day and came to a stop at an old cottage. Eric knocked on the door and an old man answered. Eric kindly asked if we could stay the night because I was with child, and the old man told us we could. That night was the night I learned everything about what would become of you Jasmine. I learned that you would be a teenage girl who was very bright. And then 7 months later you did come along. You were the one who lit up my whole world Jasmine. You and your stepfather Eric. And then we made our way here to this dimension hoping that your father wouldn’t find us again, but I think he already has.

(Author’s Note: Jasmine’s mom is done telling her story.)

“Mom…if he finds us what do I do?” She looks at me and says, “You run Jazz. You run fast and you run as long as you can, and don’t stop no matter what until you get to safety. I’m serious Jasmine. If he finds you he will use you and I can’t let that happen. Eric and I have raised you the best we can and I don’t want your father to mess that up. Because you will be a fine woman one day.” I looked at her and smiled. I reached over to give her a hug, but I never reached her. Instead I was knocked out of the way because a man that appeared next to mom. She looked at me and shouted, “Go Jazz! Now! Remember what I told you!” I looked at her one last time and ran down the stairs. Eric had his hands full with two other guys that were there trying to fight him. I ran out the front door and down the street. I didn’t know where to go. There was no place for me too go. I didn’t know any of my relatives. And I didn’t have any friends. So I ran to the only place that they might have a hard time finding me at. I ran to my high school. I knew that the high school had an attic that I could hide in and it also had camera’s and stuff so I could see if they were coming…now all I had to do was find a way to get in. I found a window that was still open in a class room and climbed through there. I made my way to the office where the TV’s that show the camera’s are. I had hoped that I'd be safe there, but boy was I wrong. About ten minutes later they show up in front of the school.

They looked for a way to enter but they couldn’t find any. So they just broke in a window and climbed through. I could see them on the camera that they had split up and are on the first floor where the exit is. I needed to wait till they were on the second or third floor before I could make my escape. They just reached the second floor so now was my chance I ran quietly out of the office and down the back stairs I ran to the class room where the busted window was, and I climbed right out. I ran down the street some more and came to what looked like a forest. I ran into the dense greenery and looked for someplace to hide.

I ran and I hid behind a bush. It was thick enough so they hopefully couldn’t see me. I sat there and tried so hard not to breath loudly even though my heart felt like it was about to burst out my chest. I heard a branch snap to my right and my breathing came to a stop…I heard some leaves rustle to my left. I was trapped. There was no way out. I would have to face my fate. Would I have to face what has been expected for years? But I never really listened to anyone, and now am I going to pay for that mistake?

Since When Do Strangers Care?

I was waiting for them to catch me. I was waiting to face whatever fate may lie ahead. I turn my head and peek between the branches of the bush, but nothing is there. But I knew better then to let my guard down. There was someone else in these woods besides me. I heard something to my right again, and this time I looked. It was a man. I get up and try to run, but he grabbed me from behind. I screamed for help. But he covered my mouth before I could get the word out of my mouth. I started kicking and doing everything I could to make him let go of me but he wouldn’t. He was just standing there holding me and keeping me from running. I finally stopped kicking and screaming and I look up at him. “Are you done?” he asked. I look at him and nod. He let go of me and backed up a little but was still facing me. “Who are you?” I asked. He looked at me and said “I cannot tell you for that will put you in even more danger. I shouldn’t have even done what I just did. But they were closing in on you and they still are. You won’t survive a fight by yourself. So I suggest that we keep moving….quietly.” He began to walk more into the forest and I followed. I didn’t know why I followed him. I just thought that if I followed him I might have a better chance at surviving if those other guys would come along again. He led me deep into the woods till we came to a clearing. He turned around and said “We should stop and make camp here for the night. We need all the strength we can get if those two show up again.” He started gathering sticks and branches from the ground and putting it into a pile. Then he took a lighter out of his pocket and lit the branches to make a fire to keep us warm. I looked up at him and said “Won’t they see the smoke and light from the fire?” He smiled and said “Well that’s a chance we’re going to have to take. Unless you’d rather be cold the rest of the night?” I shook my head. And he said “I thought so.” Then he started laughing and turning away walking in the other direction. “Where are you going?” I asked. “To go and catch some dinner” He replied. I tried staying up and waiting for him to return with food, but I couldn’t. All the walking we had done worn my out. I fell asleep to the sound of a crackling fire, and the thought of my parents. I awoke to the sound of snoring. And I found the man that saved me sleeping next to me. He has nice facial features and not a bad body either. In other words he would pass for a cute guy. I moved to try and get up but I bumped a branch and it broke. His eyes flew open and his nostrils flared and he jumped to his feet and he was looking around for any kind of danger. Then he looked down at me and said “Oh. It’s just you.” Then he sat back down. I looked at him and said “Why won’t you tell me who you are or where were even going?” He looked at the remains of last nights fire and said “I told you before I cannot tell you my name that will only put you in more danger, and as for where were going I don’t know yet. All I know is that you have to stay safe from the master.”
I looked at him and said “Who is this master that everyone keeps talking about and what does he want with me?” He looked at me and said “Your parents never told you anything?” “My mom told me a little bit about the master and how she trained there, and that the master’s name is Jason Craft and that he is my real father.” He looked at me and closed his eyes and nodded. I shifted and said “How do I know that I can trust you? You could be working for the master for all I know.” He started laughing. I waited for him to stop laughing, and he looked at me and realized that I was serious. Then said “If you thought that I was working with the master then why did you follow me all this way?” I looked him right in the eye and said “I followed you because I knew that I would probably have a better chance at survival if those other two guys ever showed up again.” He smiled and said “Smart girl. And no I’m not working for the master. I use to but he banished me from the kingdom because I tried to save someone that he believed was a threat and an enemy to the kingdom.”

Traveling With A Traitor!

I got up so fast that I tripped backwards and fell on my butt. He looked at me and said “I know what your thinking, but I’m not going to harm you. I’m only here to protect you. I need to make sure your safe and that the master doesn’t find you.” I looked at him and said “Protect me?! More like turn me in for ransom or something. Do you think I’m that dumb to believe anything you say after you just told me that?! You use to work for him and now you expect me to believe that you’re trying to protect me?! Sorry but you got the wrong girl.” He looked at me and said “You will learn to trust me. But in the meantime you need to practice your fighting skills.” I looked at him like he was crazy. “Get up.” He said. I looked at him and said “Are you crazy? I thought you said you’re supposed to protect me so why do I have to practice?” He grabbed me by the hood of my sweater and pulled me to my feet. Then said “Because I can’t fight everyone at once and if anything happens to me you have to know how to protect yourself from them. Now try and punch me.” I look at him and shake my head. “I’m serious.” He said. I look at him and say “Fine. But if you end up with a bruise it’s because you asked for it.” I threw a punch at him and in one swift movement he had my arm pinned behind me and I was facing away from him. I struggled to get free but he wouldn’t let go. He whispered in my ear “Don’t get over confident because you will end up losing.” He let me go and motioned for me to try again. So I did. He took his leg and tripped me and I landed flat on my face. He rolled me over with his foot and said “Always be prepared for the unexpected.” I got back up. He tried to punch me again but I ducked out of the way and punched his gut. He shuffled back a couple feet but then tried to kick me. I back flipped out of the way. He looked at me and asked “You can do tricks too?” I look at him and said “I took gymnastics for 5 years.” He looked at me and said “Good. We can apply that to your training, but since you can do that it means that I’m going too easy on you. So let’s take it up a notch.” With that said he tried punching me again but I ducked. But then he brought his knee up to my forehead which caused me to fall backwards onto my back. He said “Apply what you’ve learned into your training. Trust me it will work.” I look at him and shake my head while getting up. He tried to use his let to sweep me off my feet but I jumped up before he could and punched him in the chest. He swung back but I was already on the ground in a splits position and I brought my leg around and swept his legs out from underneath him. He fell onto his back. I stood up and said “There I applied my skills to the training like you said and it worked. Anything else?” He didn’t answer so I was about to turn around and walk away when all of a sudden my back hits the ground. I look up at him and he’s laughing. “Yeah there is one more thing. Never turn your back on your enemy unless he’s unconscious or dead. And we’re done practicing for today.” He walks away smiling. And I get up and brush myself off and follow him. We started walking again in a direction that I think is north but I can’t be sure with all these trees around. He comes to a stop and motions for me to be quiet. We listen for a few moments and then he grabs me and we hide behind a tree. I don’t understand because I can’t hear anything. A few minutes later I hear someone coming down the path we were just on. And there are voices. “She was here” a man said. “How long ago Trevor?” The man named Trevor sniffed the air again. “Not to long ago. Her scent is extremely fresh. I’d say 5 minutes ago maybe 10.” The other man said “Good. That means were closing in on her. But we can’t let her know that we are here. She will run from us again. The only reason we couldn’t catch her before is because her parents held us off. But now it should be easy since she has no one with her.”
“But Roman what if she has found someone to help her? You know that we ran into Diego in these woods and….” Roman interrupted him and said “Trevor you know he was banished from the kingdom therefore he is an enemy and if he causes trouble he shall be put to death. Now let’s keep going we can’t afford to let her get any farther then she already has.” The start walking again and I try and hide myself behind the tree even more and hoping they won’t find us. They got closer and closer to the tree that we were hiding behind. But the passed it and kept going. But I kept frozen until they were far enough away. I finally walked away from the tree and looked at him. He looked at me and said “Now you know my name and now you know what will happen if you tell anyone or if anyone finds out that I’m helping you.”

What Do I Have To Lose?

I looked at Diego and said “You really were trying to protect me weren’t you?” He looked at me while smiling and said “I told you over time you would learn to trust me. I’m only trying to protect you from the master. If he gets his hands on you…it’s over. He will be able to rule more then just his kingdom. Over time he will be able to rule everything and everyone.” I look at him wide eyed and said “Why am I so important to him besides being his daughter? I know I’m a sorceress and all, but I don’t even know how to use my powers or what they even are. How can I be of any use?” “He will put you through training. He puts all his servants and his army through training so that they will not turn on him. What your mother told you is true. Because of you being born from both your mother’s line of blood and from the master’s you are the most powerful sorceress this world has seen in ages. There has not been one as powerful as you for hundreds of years. And now that there is one he will not stop until he has that power.” He replied. I nodded my head then said “If he has an army…then we don’t have a chance. We hardly have a chance against the two guys that are after me now.” Diego looked at me and said “We still might. Trevor the guy who can sniff you out is a werewolf. And he has a keen sense of smell. As for Roman he is a sorcerer and he would normally be able to sense you if you were close, but you don’t know how to use your powers so he can’t sense your magic.” I walk over to the tree and sit down. “So as long as I don’t use my powers it’s harder for them to find me? Isn’t that what we want?” I said. Diego looked into the trees and sighed. Then walked over and sat by me. He looked at me and said “You will sooner or later have to use your powers. I can only protect you so much and the rest has to come from you. I will protect you the best I can, but like I said if something happens to me you need to be able to take care of yourself.” I looked up at him and said “But I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. If anyone should get hurt it should be me. It’s me that he wants. And I am his daughter so he wouldn’t hurt me if he needs me that bad.” Diego shook his head and said “Jasmine you’re missing the whole point. He may not hurt you physically but he would hurt you emotionally. He would push you until you broke. When I look at you’re glowing. Your spirit is strong and that’s what makes you brave and as strong as you are. But he will break that if he gets you. You will not know who you are anymore. You would become his slave even though you are his daughter. Your mother was lucky that she didn’t have to go through that training. She only had to go through the training to learn how to use her powers and what to use them for. Bottom line Jasmine….don’t give up. If you don’t want to do it for yourself do it for you parents. If they had not fought to buy you time you would not have gotten as far as you did. You would not have found me. And they would’ve captured you by now. But you were brave and you were strong enough to get through that and all the way here. Your bravery and strength doesn’t come from me being here with you. It comes from you and you only. You got yourself this far and I’m only here to help protect you.” I look at him and smile. “You think I’m glowing?” I replied. We both started laughing. I leaned back into the tree and look up at the sky. The sun was almost down and the moon and stars were coming out. Diego leaned back into the tree and started pointing out shapes the stars were making. There was one star alignment that looked like a wolf howling that I saw and I pointed it out to him and he didn’t like it to much. I asked him why but he dodged the question and went on explaining about some more of the stars. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his voice and to nature that surrounded us, and for once I felt safe. I normally never felt save unless I was at home, but for some reason when I was with Diego and we were surrounded by the moon and stars I felt safe.


I must’ve fallen asleep while Diego was talking to me because I woke up to a howling noise. I turn over to wake Diego, but he wasn’t there. I looked around for him from where I sat but he was no where to be found. He had abandoned me. He left me here to get caught. Well if there’s one thing he taught me it was not to go down without a fight. I looked around for a weapon and all I found were rocks and a few small branches. I grabbed the sharpest rock I could find and a good size branch and I started to sharpen one end of the branch to make it into a spear. I heard the howling again but this time it was even closer. I kept shaving the wood off the stick as fast as I could. I heard a rustling in the bushes that were across from the path behind the tree. I put the rock down and got up as quietly as I could without making any noise. I had my weapon in hand and was waiting for the right time to defend myself. I tried to peek around the tree and I saw what was making the noise in the bushes. I saw the huge head of a wolf. I leaned out a little bit more to get a better look but I lost my footing and tripped on a root of the tree and fell to the ground. The wolf looked up and it had spotted me. This wolf was not normal size. It was bigger then any wolf I had ever seen. It started growling and moving toward me. I got up as fast as I could and got my weapon ready to defend myself. I started backing away but the wolf kept advancing on me. While growling at me it started bearing its teeth. And its teeth were red and it was dripping down its muzzle. I wanted to scream for help, but that would only make things worse. It growled at me even louder. I didn’t know what to do. I took my weapon and I tried hitting it. But it ducked. It bared its teeth at me again but this time the wolf lunged at me. I tried to duck but the wolf stopped me and pinned me to the ground. My weapon was a couple of feet away from me but I still couldn’t reach it with the wolf on top of me. It growled at me again as if it was saying try and move and I’ll kill you. I looked around seeing if there was anyway I could get this wolf off of me but there wasn’t. I was stuck and it was going to kill me. I look up at the wolf that’s still growling at me, and I noticed something about it. The eyes were different. They weren’t normal animal eyes. If anything they looked like they were human. I brought my face closer to the wolves face to get a closer look. The wolf stopped growling and looked at me. “Diego?” I whispered? “Diego is that you?” The wolf looked at me puzzled for a second, and then realization came into its eyes. The wolf got off of me and started backing away. It turned around and went into the bushes. “Wait.” I yelled the wolf stuck its head out of the bushes and looked at me. Its eyes were full of sorrow. I started walking over to the wolf, but it started backing up into the bushes again. “Diego stop.” I said. And then he stopped. I walked over by the wolf some more and then stopped. I kneeled down in front of him. “Diego is it really you?” The wolf looked at me and then shook its head. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. He whined and put his head down. “Diego why didn’t you tell me you were a werewolf?” He looked at me and then turned around and walked away. I know he feels sorry for what he did, but I just don’t understand why he would lie to me about something like that. I was already lied to about my powers and I don’t know how to use them to defend my self. And the person that’s supposed to help protect me I thought was human and now I’m wrong about that too. This world that I am part of I do not understand, but yet something tells me that I belong here, and that my journey has only begun.

A Good Plan!

I walked back over to the tree and lay back down so I could try and get some more sleep before the sun comes up. When I woke up I saw Diego sitting next to me with his back turned to me. I rolled over and heard me wake up so he got up to stand. He looked at me and said “Jasmine I am so sorry for last night. I didn’t mean to lose it like that. But I was hunting, and when I hunt I let my wolf instincts take over and my human side of me didn’t realize what was going on until it was almost to late. I’m so sorry, and I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to find someone else to travel with. Someone else who can protect you, and not turn on you like I did.” And with that being said he turned to walk away. “Diego don’t walk away again. Stay and talk to me. Please?” I replied. Diego turned around and said “There isn’t much to say Jasmine. What’s done is done there’s nothing I can say that will change that. Or how I feel about what I did.” “That’s what I’m talking about Diego. You couldn’t help it. If anything it was my fault because I interrupted you while you were hunting and you thought that I was intruding or something. I’m not blaming you.” I said. Diego looked at me and said “It still doesn’t matter. I could’ve killed you Jasmine. And I almost did. If you hadn’t said my name, I could’ve killed you. When you said my name I came to my senses. I can’t let that happen again. And it won’t. Because we’re finding you another traveling partner. One that can protect you more then I can. One that will make sure that the master will not find you.” “Diego stop!!” I scream. Diego looked at me wide eyed. “I don’t want another travel partner. I don’t care if you’re a werewolf. I wasn’t killed. The only thing you did was scare me because you never told me that you were a werewolf. And you apologized and I forgive you. I know you can protect me Diego. And if I had to travel with anyone it would be you. Because you use to work for the master so you know what he does which gives us a better chance against him. And I also trust you. You were right when you said I would learn to trust you. Don’t break the trust after I’ve just begun to trust you.” I said. Diego looked at me for about a minute then he walked over to me and took me in his arms and hugged me. We stayed like that for a minute or so and then he said “Are you sure?” “Yes.” I replied. I looked up at him and he seemed to have this glow about him now. I started laughing. Diego smiled and said “What are you laughing at?” I looked at him and said “You’re glowing. After I said that I’m sure it’s like your glowing with happiness or something.” He laughed and said “Because I’m happy you said yes. And that you’ve gotten so smart.” I started laughing again and he kissed my forehead. Diego looked up at the sky and said “We should start walking some more they most likely will end up back here soon to try and track you again.” He held out his hand for mine and I took it. And together we walked farther into the woods. But I thought of an idea that just might help us defeat the master. “Diego.” I said “Yeah?” He replied. “What if we recruit people? I’m sure there are people like me who are trying to stay out of the master’s way and in hiding.” I said. “That may be true. You have a good point. But even if there was, I wouldn’t know where to start looking for them. And even if there were some men like me in the kingdom that would want to help I wouldn’t be able to get to them because I’m an enemy of the kingdom remember?” He replied. I nodded my head. Then it hit me. “What about my parents? They said that the world has infinite dimensions, so why not start there? The kingdom is in another dimension and time, but he isn’t aware of all of them my parents said.” He looked at me and smiled while saying “That is a genius idea. But what about your parents? We don’t know what happened to them.” “There’s only one way to find out.” I replied. We started running back the way we came. My parents have the answers that I need to defeat the master and to stay safe. And I’m determined to get them. And nobody is going to get in the way of that.


Texte: All contents of this book except the picture belongs to me.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.03.2012

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To all the people who took the time to read this book. I thank you very much it really means alot to me. :)

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