

'Heidi Black, please come to the principal's office as soon as possible. We have to discuss something of the most important matter, in so little time.'

I rose out of my seat and started walking to the office. I passed several classes, including Kindergarten. This was Songbird Falls Elementary, but what I didn't know was that I was leaving it.

As I walked to the principal's office, a thought managed to get into my head. I've got a very bad feeling about this...

I thought.

I had been at Songbird Falls since I was in Kindergarten, and I was in Eighth Grade with Mrs. Hophosky. She didn't bother when I started dancing on the table to 'Staying Alive' the BeeGees on my iPod. She didn't bother when I started throwing balls of paper around that had 'accidentally' fallen in the sink. She didn't bother when I did ANYTHING! It was heaven.

When I eventually got the principal's office, my parents were in there! What in the world are they doing here?!

I thought. I knew this was going to be bad.

'Hello, Heidi. Sit down and take a peppermint.' Principal Bronwyn told me. He must have knew I LOVED peppermints, so I took five, with a strange look from Mom. Typical.

I loved peppermints since I was very young. Mom acidentally left the peppermint bowl in my reach, on the sofa, in which I could get up since I could crawl. I thought - Oooh, yummy sweeties!

- got up and popped one in my mouth. I suddenly had a burst of minty yummyness in my mouth, so I took another, and another. I took a few until the rest of the bowl was empty. I didn't get told off! I was so cute, walking into the kitchen with the bowl and saying 'Mommy, we need more yummy sweeties!'. Mom bought more the next day, and knew I'd finally found something that I liked eating.

'Right, let's start then! Heidi, your parents don't like you being the school troublemaker.'
'Don't care, never will, 'cuz I love it.'
'Well, they have something to tell you. Go on, then!'
'Heidi, you're going to boarding school.'
'WHAAAT?!' I gasped, shocked. They would never do this to me, would they?

I thought. But I knew this was real.
'There's a lovely place called Black Night Academy which you're going to. It's got full facilities, stuff you'll like.'
'NO WAY! I'm staying right here with all of my mates! I-' I didn't get to finish my sentence as Mom put her finger to my lips.

When I EVENTUALLY got back to class, Sandra patted my seat, eager to hear what happened.
I told her about the lame new boarding school I was going to. We started sobbing together, making our extra-special 'best friends' link with the arm that we had our silver friendship charm bracelets we had since Kindergarten (We never followed the no jewellery and makeup rules).

As I left that day, we couldn't be split.
'Sandra, I promise I will try and Tweet you, Skype you and leave a message on your Facebook wall when I get to the lame boarding school!'
'I promise too, bestie.' Sandra replied, and then we linked our little fingers showing we promised.

As Dad drove our red Ka, Sandra waved, shedding a tear or two while smudging her mascara. I waved with the arm of my bracelet. As Paradise

by Coldplay came on the radio, Sandra slowly faded into the distance.

When I got home, I started packing, but before that, I found my charm bag and added a charm for us going away forever. Sandra and I added a charm to our bracelet for each big event that happened in our lives together. I had black charms, gold charms and rainbow charms.

After all of my packing, Mom told me we had to go then, so we had to drive then. Mom and Dad sang along to the 'club classics' on the radio, while I doodled me and Sandra as vampires sucking blood from geeks.

Heh, imagine if vampires were real! Edward Cullen would be mine... heh heh...

I thought.

On the bus, there were lots of creeps staring straight at me. It was freaky, like I was a freak in a travelling circus! They were the freaks, actually. I didn't want to join those weirdos, so I listened to my iPod. We passed the town centre I loved - Blue Ocean City Centre.

I got so tired that I couldn't help but fall asleep...


I woke up to the bus stopping at a large, dark manor. That was the boarding school. When I got off, the air smelt like blood.
Eww! Is someone having a major nosebleed or something, because I think I'm going to be SICK!

I thought.

The principal came out and welcomed me. He had a funny aroma of blood, like the air. Then there was a female vice principal who came to show me around and my dorm. I was placed in a single dorm. She gave me a card with the school's internet passcode - I expected she knew I had a Macbook. Typical vice principals.

As soon as she was gone, I started unpacking. After everything was unpacked, I plugged in my Macbook's charger into the socket by a desk and switched it on. I then typed in the internet passcode: VAMP4012.
Vamp? I so had to figure out what it meant. I searched up 'Vamp' and the first thing it came up with was... vampire.

Suddenly, everything clicked into place - the dark manor, the scent of blood, the hypnotic stare, the internet passcode, and suddently I realised.

I thought. Probably like Edward Cullen... dreamy and hypnotic.

Then, a maid with black hair came in. She was shy, and smelled like rose cologne - not blood! I was not the only person in the school who was not a vampire!
'Hello, are you Heidi Black?'
'Yes. What's your name?'
'Ally Keyes. I'm the only maid that is not a vampire.'
'I figured that out a few minutes ago. I was nearly sick with the scent!'
'I know. I seriously hate the smell. Try using an air freshener! Anyway, here's your tea!'
'Yum! Jacket Potato! Thanks!'
'Any time. Hey, if you want a refreshment, there's a drink and snack stand in the cafeteria - with fizzy drinks and candy!' Ally called as she went out.
Air fresheners? Where was I gonna find air fresheners! Like there was a Yankee Candle store anywhere near me.
I decided to get up and go to get a bottle of Dr Pepper and a bag of peppermints, but as I went, I saw a little cardboard box on my doorstep with 'FRAGILE' written on the top. I opened it up - and it was a Yankee Candle lamp with matches and a Yankee Candle - 'Vanilla Cupcake'! There was a tag dangling on it saying 'From Ally' on it. Ally must've knew I loved cupcakes! I set up the lamp, put the matches in a (VERY) safe place and went to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, there was a wide choice of drinks and snacks - blood, fruit, Tango, toffee, Fanta, Haribo, Coca-Cola, cookies and others - and Dr Pepper and peppermints! I took them and went back upstairs to my dorm. Sure enough, Ally had left me my mail - forwarded from my parents. I read my We Love Pop

magazine and then got ready for bed.

Passing the dorms, I heard a lot of giggling. Also, someone had 'accidentally' left a frilly pink pair of knickers out. I sniggered as I passed the knickers.

Once I had done my teeth, I locked my door and went to bed - with my red heart light on. It looked so cool.

My new home for now... I thought. I wonder how Sandra is!


One thought was in my mind all night - I've got to know more about vampires...

That was on my mind so much - I decided to go and look more into vampires - by going to the library!

After my breakfast of bacon sandwiches, I went down to the library. The vampire shelf had loads of books - but I picked up The Vampire Dictionary - Types and Side Effects


There were loads, but my eye caught three.


: A very powerful vampire. Many female Lyxas are bitten by males. If a Lyxa bites someone of their same gender, the bitten will become a Whisperer. Can create and control a Hypnotica.
Side Effect: If several Lyxa sucks blood very rapidly, the human can die.


: A hypnotised vampire formed by two Lyxas (or Whisperer) biting it at once. Can be commanded by a Lyxa and only drinks sacrificed blood.


: A wandering vampire who stays with a human of their opposite gender.
Side Effect: Stilliah - Can charm humans to lie still.

I knew there were vampires of all three kinds here. Of course there were Hypnoticas. I saw them on the bus.

When I walked back to my dorm, a male came up to me. He smelt of blood. I was getting used to the scent now.
'Hello. Are you Heidi Black?'
'Yeah. Who are you?'
'I'm Daniel Peterson. I'm a Lyxa. You're human - It's very rare in this school. Beware of the Whisperers... I'll protect you from then, Bad Girl.'
'Oh... thanks, Daniel.' I replied. Wow - a protector already! Daniel's a Lyxa... he could have bit me there and then, but he didn't.

That night, there was a knock on my door. It was Daniel. He wanted to talk about something.
'Heidi, I have something to tell you. You have two choices here at Black Night. You can become a Lyxa and survive, or die.'
'Oh! Woah - vampire or death... hard... I'll think about it.'
'Okay, Heidi. You have until the full moon - a month. Just a word of warning - I'm very persuasive.' he said and then went out of the room.

Really - I met a kind Lyxa and then I got a death threat - freaky...

Time For Lessons

Lessons started a few days later. I thought it would be like a vampire freak show, but luckily it was like my old classroom - paper aeroplanes thrown everywhere, laughing and gossiping. A group of vampire girls invited me to come and chat.

'Hey, are you Heidi Black?'
'Uhh, yeah.'
'Cool! You're from New York, right?'
'Oooh! I'm from California. I was born a vampire, and when I went to my primary school, I everyone stared at me like I was a curiosity in a freak show!' one girl said.
Other girls were from Paris, Japan, Washington D.C, and even Africa! They were all really kind, and I wasn't looked at like I was a freak.

The teachers were kind, and at any point when I felt thirsty, they let me go and get a Dr Pepper, along with a few other of the girls who I was talking to. Apparently, they didn't drink a lot of blood. They perferred Dr Pepper and Fanta. Heh, no worries on those girls.

But no fear if I did get bitten! Celise (the girl from California) said we were allowed out to suck human blood. The humans don't become vampires, but they feel weaker in the morning. Teachers, here I come...

I thought.

BRIIIING! The bell went for end of day hours later. Celise and the girls came in for a beauty night while listening to the latest pop CD's on my iPod docking station. We painted each other's nails all colours of the rainbow and stuck nail art stickers on them. Celise brought a whole box of nail polishes(!), and I had my entire beauty bag of nail polish.

That night, Celise and the girls stayed in my room overnight. They had sleeping bags and popcorn as we all watched Twilight: Eclipse

, that Cat brought, although I had it. We all thought that Edward was so dreamy!
Katie, the girl from Washington D.C, brought over the entire 23rd season boxset of The Simpsons

, so we decided to watch a few. Another girl called Kiera joined us then, and became one of us. We laughed our way through three episodes until we got tired and went to bed.

'Best night ever!' Kiera whispered to us.
'I know.' I replied. 'Maybe we should do this every Friday night.'

Everybody agreed with my choice.

Farewell, Cat

Every week continued as normal - Monday on my Mac, Tuesday at the Library, Wednesday chatting with Daniel, Thursday chatting to the gang on Skype, Friday beauty and movie night with the girls, Saturday shopping in a 'Black Night Students Only' town with the girls and Sunday on my Mac. Busy, heh?

I had to fit all that in with lessons, which was tiring. On the Friday nights, Katie brought over her The Simpsons

boxsets. We laughed our way through loads and loads.

But, what we didn't know, was that Cat was leaving us.

She told us all one Friday before we started watching The Simpsons

'Guys, I have some very bad news for you.'
'What is it, Kitty Cat?' Katie asked.
'Well, another league of vampires, Nylosea, is going to capture me on my midnight walk in the forest tonight, and sacrifice me to the head Nylosea - Nyretica. I am going to be put to sleep.'
'WHAAAT?!' Celise screamed. 'Oh, Cat, you were my best freind since primary school and now...' Celise started sobbing - the kind of sob where you just don't want to live anymore.
'They found me yesterday. Nyretica forced me to come otherwise I will be hunted down and killed. They are half-werewolf too, so they can transform into a wolf whenever they want.

'When I am put to sleep, I'm not dead, I'm just in a very, very deep sleep which can only be broken by the juice of a Twilight Rose and the sap of a Magic Tree. That's basically pinapple juice with the nectar of a rose.' she said, sniggering at the juice part.

We had to enjoy our night and then watch Cat go. Celise then started to sob and added a charm to HER big event charm bracelet. She winked as she added it. She knew I had one. I tried to cheer her up with cream soda and a Mars bar (her favourites) but she still couldn't get over it. She was like Sandra - never cheering up for hours if her bestie left.

'SQUEEAK!' Katie squealed. 'We can watch Cat from your window, Heidi!'
Everyone suddenly sprinted to the window. There was Cat, alone in a clearing. She looked nervous. Then, out of the shadows, six pairs of eyes appeared. They stepped forward to reveal Nylosea vampires. In the middle, was this tall, black haired, tanned girl who wore a lot of black - Nyretica. She arose her hands and a tree rose out of the ground, near poor Cat.
'Step forward,' Nyretica said in a smooth, silky voice, 'into the moonlight.'
Cat stepped forward. Nyretica signalled for the other Nylosea vampires to stand back. She picked a flower and bit Cat, placing the flower in Cat's hand. Poor, poor Cat refused to resist. She fell to the tree, and ivy wrapped round her.

She had been put to sleep. Nyretica was after us next.


I felt horrorfied. Cat, a teenage Lyxa, fell for the powers of a Nylosea teenager. That meant one of the other girls were next.
I checked the moon while I was at the window. A quarter moon. That meant I was running out of time to choose my destiny.

'Heidi, we're going to our room. Meet us outside room 502 at 10:30am for shopping! Bye!' Katie called as she left the room with the girls. I was alone. I turned off my TV, but then I heard a knock.
'Who's there?' I asked.
'Daniel. Can I come in?'
'Yeah, sure, just watch out - Nylosea are around the clearing.'
'Close your curtains!' Daniel cried as he came in. I did, secretly sticking my tongue out at the Nylosea freaks.

Daniel came and sat on my bed. He grinned and took out a bag from his pocket. I thought there were peppermints inside, but then Daniel pulled out a black, marble-like ball.
'This is a seeing stone,' he whispered, 'a special stone in which you can see into the past, present and future. You can see back to the dinosaurs and way past when aliens invade.'
'Cool!' I cried. 'Little green people?'
'You're such a caution.' Daniel sniggered.
'Anyway, you just ask it ive a question, or give it a date, and it will give you an answer.'
'Woah...' I whispered. Then, Daniel put the seeing stone in my hands.
'For you,' he whispered, and then he kissed me. Then, he walked out of the room.

When he'd gone, I whispered 'Who will be captured by the Nylosea next?'.
The seeing stone sparkled, turned a dark purple colour, and then showed a face.
'No! It can't be!' I gasped. The face was mine. Then, the face faded back to black.

The next day, I met the girls outside room 502, as said. We then got the bus to town. I still hadn't forgotten last night, but now, I was on the run. I felt so paranoid. The girls seemed happy, except for Celise.
'Girls, Daniel gave me a seeing stone last night!' I whispered.
'Lucky! You can see real dinosaurs with that!'
'Yeah, but it said I'm the Nylosea's next target.' I said.
The girls gasped in horror snd started to look extremely worried.

We still had a nice time in town! We forgot about our worries and shopped freely with our Black Night Academy complimentary credit cards (which had been topped with £50,000 as a welcoming gift).
We went to a Vamp Girl - a new DESIGNER clothes shop for vampire girls. I bought a lot of stuff there, including my own pair of red high heels! Also, we went to the Apple store. Celise treated herself with an iPhone with a load of iTunes money while I got lots of iTunes and App Store money on my iPod.

After hours of shopping, we went to 'Treats' - a new resturant, which is like McDonald's, only more modern and gorgeous - for lunch. We had a cheeseburger meal and a coffee.
'So, what apps have you got, Celise?'
'I've got loads, even an app maker!'
Then, we just chatted about random stuff and went home on the bus.

That night, I was looking out of my window when Daniel came in and whispered in my ear.
'A half-moon, one month to go...'

Time Is Up

My iPod's alarm went off. I looked at the date.
25th March. Poop.

I thought. I only had one day to decide.

My day wasn't getting any better either. Some idiotic boy in 9th Grade made me slip on his banana peel, which wasn't nice. I tried to cheer myself up by getting a Dr Pepper and some peppermints, but they were all out. I had to stick with Fanta and Haribo. Fanta is my second favourite drink, and Haribo is my second favourite food.

Lessons were boring. There was a stict teacher, who spoke v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y in case I was dumb. Everyone laughed at me. I felt so small. Daniel looked at me worryingly. I tried not to shed a tear, but I couldn't help it. I missed everyone back at Songbird Falls so much.

I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

The next day, at night, Daniel came in.
'I need your decision.' He said.
I suddenly had a total brain wave. The Nylosea.
'Daniel, how about, before my decision, we stop another different league of vampires?' I asked, opening the curtains. The Nylosea were having some sort of ritual.
Daniel looked shocked.
'The Nylosea?! What are they doing here? Sorry, Heidi, Lyxas absolutely DETEST the Nylosea. Yes, let's go to stop them! Now!' He yelled.

'So, let's get the entire Lyxa race to bow at our feet.' Nyretica spoke very clearly.
'Not on my watch, poo-poos!' Daniel yelled. He struck a Nylosea teenager. I karate-chopped and punched a Nylosea adult.
'Everybody is kung-fu fighting...' I sang. Daniel laughed and punched the Nylosea he was attacking.
Nyretica was very cross, especially when, with Daniel's penknife, I cut Cat free. She woke up, growling.
'I knew you'd come for me. Now, TO KILL NYRETICA!' Cat and I pounced on Nyretica. Daniel had killed all of the Nylosea by then, so he pounced too. A lot of blood was spilled then.

We won. Nyretica died.

Lyxa or Death

'Heidi, I now need your decision. Lyxa or death?' Daniel asked me.
'Well...' I began.

'I've had such a fantastic time at Black Night with you lot. It's been amazing. Yesterday wasn't too good though, but oh well.

'Guess what, I've had fun with my friends and everyone here! You guys have made my time really special. I don't want to die, so I will have the pleasure to join you, as a Lyxa.' I cried.

Daniel smiled. Cat whooped.

'Well, looks like I'll bite you, then!' Daniel said, then he bit me. Cat clapped and cheered when she saw my teeth. My vampire teeth had grown. I was a vampire.

'How about we be lovers, sweet Heidi?' he asked, and then kissed me.

Where am I now? At Black Night Academy, with Daniel and all of my friends...
As a Lyxa.
As Daniel's soulmate.
As a vampire.

I am boarded close to my soulmate.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2012

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