
This world is filled with love and hate, and i just want to say this before it's
to late, baby i walked a thousand miles just to please u, i was happy even though i
only got one minute to see u, baby girl i swear ill find u if its the last thing i
do, i want u to know i love u! Baby if i could love u once more,
believe me I would but remember I said if I could...
And I could cry and I could scream but honestly u would just ignore me...
but I'll love u through the pain and in-glory ...
You'll always be my baby and my favorite story...
I wrote this song just to show how much i love u, but girl, you're my favorite story.
nothing can compare to you, baby please stay with ME! I could care less what those
other girls say, the only thing that matters isn't me, it's you.

You know I scream for you, sometimes they just don't get through. But I'll stay true to you,
forget the pain that it drew. If you hear me crying on the phone, remind me that I'm not alone.
remind me of the times we've had,a love so strong it'll get through this difficult task.
Baby I'm sorry for the fights we've had,you know they weren't all so bad.
You know I'm not such a drag. Know this will always be my favorite story.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.09.2012

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