
I am in so much pain. My stomach is cramping and I puke every time someone mentions food. My legs have cramped up and are useless to me now. No one told me that chooses mates for everyone. My mate has been kidnapped and we cannot be separated for long periods of time. Wherever he is he is in as much pain as me. People come to see me, but never my parents I don’t want them too, they lied to me. Jeff comes with Fred and sometimes Travis, Kyle comes and see’s, everyday even though we are not mates he cares for me. My stomach cramps again but I can’t move, I can only scream in agony. Why would anyone want to kidnap tom, sure he’s the heir to the landvin clan but why here, why now. “You ok icey” my father’s voice asks. I roll over the only thing I can do a lone tear rolls down my face, I don’t want his apologies. “Look I’m sorry...”
“Save you’re sorry” I tell him in a hoarse voice “I know you’re upset but...” I didn’t even look at him he deserved nothing from me.” But NOTHING you lied to me about my life” I started to get up “shouldn’t you wait”
“ you’re hurting from the separation I think it best if you lay back down” I stood there staring at him “ you think you know what’s best for me” I asked quietly “ I know what’s best for you”. “Fine we’ll see” I walked past him and rushed as fast as my cramped up, sore, bruised legs would carry me ignoring the pain. I walked into the kitchen and looked at all the faces my mother, Jeff, Travis, Fred and Kyle looked at me. “ my father thinks he knows what’s best for me after he lied to me about the mating rule, what do you guys think?” they said nothing and stared at me. “Anna I think you should...” Kyle started “NO, ok I AM DONE WITH WHAT PEOPLE THINK IS BEST FOR ME!!” I liked all of them in the eye stopping at my mother “ YOU NEVER CARED FOR ME AND HONESTLY I DON’T THINK YOU DESERVE TO BE CALLED A MOTHER” I looked at Travis, Jeff, and Fred “ you guys are my friends and always will be” then I looked to Kyle. I walked to him and put my hand on his cheek, I fought the urge to pull my hand back but instead cooled my hand he looked at me “ it’s ok I know you love me and I love you too” I gave him a kiss on the cheek then went outside, I changed and flew away towards the mountains. I flew to the highest point I could and sat, I roared a roar of sorrow hoping tom was near and he would come back to me. I heard a distinct roar I saw the dragon coming closer but didn’t look around. It’s tom he’s coming back he’s coming back, my mind jumped up and down. I was ecstatic until I was tackled and my head hit a rock.
I awoke to the smell of water and iron, a cave; I opened my eyes bad saw nothing at first then my night vision kicked in. I saw that there was someone else at the mouth of the cave I stretched and looked around.” How did they catch you” I heard a familiar voice ask and my heart leapt, I turned to see him stand up and try to walk towards me. He fell but I caught him and felt the warmness instantly my mind cleared and the aches and pains went away.” Tom” I touched his face and he closed his eyes I kissed him a long heartwarming kiss, he put his arm around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. He broke it apart but I wasn’t ready to let go I kissed all over his face “I. am. So. Sorry” I said in between kisses. He held my shoulders “I’m sorry I was immature and evil and aggressive I don’t want anyone else I only want you” I said pleading for him to understand “it’s ok”
“Oh thank you” I hugged him and my senses returned. “Oh my god where are we” I asked getting up and walking around, “my father’s dungeon” he said shrugging. “ ok tom sweaty why are we in your dad’s dungeon” I asked in the sweetest voice I could muster.” Well because honey blossom I was only supposed to stay at your house for 1 day, instead of my father listening to me he snatched me” he said using the same tone “ so all we have to do is explain to him that we’re mates”
“ yeah he’s going to listen to us”
“ he is?”
“ no”
“ I can show him with this” I raised my hand and it glowed aching to be touched by his hand or a t least his ice. Sensing my stress, or maybe he just needed to touch it, he grazed his fingers over it and a shining blue light exploded around us knocking down the metal door. We both looked at each other “ wicked” I whispered, he nodded, we walked out and I followed him, seeing as it was his castle, we entered a room with a huge ceiling and blue and grey everything. “ my dad is a clan junkie”
“ what a nice thin g to call your father” I turned slowly to the sound of tom’s voice only deeper, he had the same blue eyes as his son’s with just a little bit of danger. “ I am john landvin” he held out his hand “ judging my your hair your apart of my clan” I took his hand and felt complete, it weakened my knees”
“ dad this Anna”
“ oh yes your imaginary mate so you found someone on the grounds”
“ dad she isn’t imaginary she’s right here”
“ and she would appreciate it if you guys stopped talking about her as if she wasn’t here” I said still holding his hand. “ prove to me she is your mate” I didn’t have to look at tom to know that he was staring at his father incredulously “ for two days I couldn’t move I couldn’t even eat from being separated but yet you need more proof” his voice raised until it was full of anger. “ tom its ok he just wants proof” I said trying to calm him “ he shouldn’t need proof”
“ doesn’t matter”
“ he thinks we’re lying” he said with obvious repugnance, my hand still hadn’t left his fathers. “ then lets prove him wrong’ I looked at his father and smiled slowly, I raise my mark and showed it to him. He looked down then smiled, he wrapped his arms around me in one quick motion and said “ I’ve always wanted another daughter” I looked to tom who was smiling and he shrugged. I don’t like anyone hugging me, only my father and now I don’t like that, I was not going to show weakness to my new father and iced my body. He pulled me back and held me at arms length “
relax Anna banana it’s a hug” he smirked at me and I smiled back though I didn’t like the nickname he gave me, his reassurance meant the world I reached my arms around his middle and squeezed I missed my father yes but I was never going to go back to him. He hugged me back “ I think I’m gonna like you”, tom cleared his throat and I stepped back from the hug to go to him. “ well I do apologize for making you go through that hell but I thought tom was trying to pull his scales over my eyes” the phone wrung and he went to get it. “ Mr. landvin my daughter has been kidnapped” I heard my fathers frantic voice say “ calm down, she is right here with me standing next to her mate she is in safe hands” I heard my father tell everyone I was ok “ please tell her to fly back” my father said sounding exasperated “ please tell my father I am going nowhere” I said knowing he was listening. “ I have had enough, YOU WILL FLY HERE THIS INSTANT” I heard the ice hit the phone but I was done letting him control me “ I AM GOING NOWHERE I DON’T CARE IF I HAVE TO LIVE OUTSIDE I AM NOT LEAVING THOMAS, I LOVE HIM AND THOUGH I DON’T KNOW MR.LANDIVN VERY WELL I CAN TELL HE WOULDN’T LIE TO HIS CHILDREN ABOUT TTHEIR LIFE” I huffed and went back to the dungeon ignoring my fathers yells and Thomas’s calls to me. I was done with his rules I was going to be happy with tom and hopefully, if his father allowed it, stay with him and never leave.
I sat in the corner of the dungeon floor curled up against myself crying. I missed my father, I missed my family but they betrayed me that was something I could and would never forget. I didn’t know if tom or mr.landvin were looking for me but I didn’t care I sat curled with my legs tucked under my chin for hours and silently crying “ Anna, baby, I know your in there please come out” I shook my head, he couldn’t see me but I couldn’t talk “ no one is mad at you sweetheart, your father told you that to keep you under control” I heard Thomas try to hush his father but it was too late. I got up and walked to the mouth of the cave, my eyes in slits, and I stared at john “ he tried to control me into doing what he wanted” I sniffled “ is it ok If I stay here”
“ of course you can”. I smiled and nodded grateful for his father’s understanding, he opened his arms and without hesitation I stepped into them I looked up at him and he gave me a nod saying it was ok to cry into him and I did just that. I hugged john as he put his arms around me and I let it all out he whispered to me and kissed my hair, he told me it was ok and that my father would still and always would love me. He knew what I needed and tom understood he stood there occasionally patting my back knowing only a father could do this, eventually I pulled away from him and he smiled at me his shirt was now wet from my tears and it looked like a baby threw up on him. I laughed at my revelation and turned to tom who was staring at me with caution, I hugged him and kissed his cheek ‘ thank you for understanding” I told him “ thank you for letting me understand” he murmured and smiled. He pecked my forehead “ my father and I have work to do so look around and get yourself acquainted”
“ ok” I turned back to john “ thank you”
“ anytime” he said as he passed me, “ I’ll hold you to that”
I wandered around the castle and stopped at a window. I have no idea where I am, I look down and see snow and smile, at least I’m somewhere cold. The wind carries off flakes of snow from one place to another. I watch the flakes until fingers tap me, “ you must be Anna” a girly voice said, I looked down and saw an exact replica of Tim but in girl version. “ I’m lily, toms sister” she held out her hand, I smiled and grabbed her hand “ yes I’m Anna nice to meet you” she gave me a curt nod “ likewise, so I hear your going to be staying here” I nodded “ good you won’t be wearing that will you” I looked down at my yellow shirt and yoga pants. “ what’s wrong with it”
“ they’re not pretty for a princess”
“ I’m not a-“
: if you are my brothers mate, then you are a princess. Come along I will see that you are properly dressed”
“mmmmm how old are you exactly”
“ 10, but I am still a proper lady regardless of the silly number I am marked with” she waved her hand dismissively. She dragged me to the second door on the left, when she opened the door I almost threw up pink and white covered everything including her furniture. She tugged me to her pink and white flower embroided closet and walked in, clothes and costumes hung from the poles in her closet, “ I think we can find you something that matches you” she walked to the third aisle and pulled out black jeans and a baby blue shirt with a teddy bear on it. “ this would be nice on you” she threw it to me and shoved me into her lime green and blue bathroom, I got dressed and came out. “ what do you think” I spun around giving her the full view “ your hair looks wrong come” I walked to her and she went to work. Combing pulling and spraying, when she was finished I couldn’t recognize my self I had a side bang and two long pony tails. I truly looked like a child, “ thank you lily, it looks beautiful” she waved at me then pulled me along again. “ now where are we going?”
“it’s a surprise” I rolled my eyes and tried to keep up with her quickening pace. We were back in the living room but tom and john were sitting down looking at me, I felt childish with my ponytails and teddy bear shirt.” Well?” tom walked to me and kissed my forehead “ perfect”, I smiled “ well look at Anna banana getting out of her shell” john said from across the room. “ I helped her daddy, I even did her hair” lily said making herself known, “ and you did very good baby girl”. I smiled, my father used to call me that before he called me icey I felt my eyes water, no, I wasn’t gonna cry. Tom felt my discomfort and put his arm around my shoulder, I moved closer to him and sighed “ ok love birds I have to get anna’s room ready” I felt to stiffen next to me, I rubbed his back. “ don’t worry she’ll be right next to you” he winked at tom and I blushed, it’s not like I didn’t want to sleep next tom’s room it was just embarrassing for his father to say it “ so first things first-“ he was interrupted by his maid busting in and the smell of burning cloth.
“ Mr. landvin there are fire breathers and ice blowers trying to get her” she said too fast “ that’s impossible the breedance and the landvin would never unite” we heard a roar then something crashing/ he turned to me “ I want you to take lily and hide, someplace safe” he hugged lily and kissed her on her cheek “ I want you to go with Anna and do everything she says” he turned back to me “ please keep my daughter safe” I nodded “ Thomas come along” he walked out and tom started but I grabbed him and kissed him as if it would be our last, it probably would be. I didn’t realize I was crying until he wiped away a tear “ please be safe” I whispered to him, he nodded then ran after his father. I snapped back to reality, grabbed lily’s hand and ran to the only safe place I could think of, the kitchen, I ran as fast as lily could and arrived to the kitchen. I looked around for a good place to hide and found an empty cupboard, lily got in first and crossed her legs, I got in after her. After I closed the cupboard door I realized she was silently crying, so I pulled her into my lap and rocked her, then something snapped and I couldn’t move. It was a shape pain in my chest, then my whole body was on fire, I screamed in agony and though lily tried to cover my mouth it didn’t work. My body was burning, my flesh melting to the bone but yet I looked perfectly fine, the burning stopped but my hand glowed as I watched my mark disappear. “ Thomas” I gasped, I kicked open the cupboard ignoring lily’s cries for me and I ran to the study and almost fainted by what I saw.
There on the floor lied Thomas, his eyes white and glazed over with death, all of the dragons looked at me and I recognized everyone of them. My father looked at me with joy, my mother with sorrow, my friends with confusion, Kyle’s father with disgust and Kyle the one standing over my dead mates body with grief. “ what have you done” I asked quietly, when no one answered I got agitated “ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” they did nothing but stare, I walked to Thomas and looked at his burnt clothes, they had tried to burn him, I looked at kyle with pure hatred, he killed my mate the other half of my soul and for that he would pay. I changed and stared at a now fearful kyle, even though he had a foot to my height naturally ice dragons were far stronger than fire dragons. Fire dragons can’t stand cold it shatters their scales, whereas ice breathers can withstand any cold and almost any heat. “ Anna, I though you were dead” I stared at him. “ so you killed my mate?’
“ it wasn’t like that-“
“ YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH MY SON NOT HIM” Kyle’s father interrupted. “ that’s what this is about, Kyle and I were never DESTINED to be mates we were ASSIGNED” I said glaring at him.” MY SON LOVED YOU THAT IS ANOTHER PART OF MATING YOU HAVE TO LOVE EACH OTHER WITH YOUR WHOLE HEARTS IT’S NOT OLY FATE” I watched as Kyle’s father contemplated on hitting me with a fireball. He cleared his throat “ never the less you will mate with my son-“
“ that’s where you are wrong Maxwell” john said calmly “ you have killed my son and many of my staff” he looked at me and I knew what he was thinking, I smiled a toothy smile “ revenge” we both said. I looked at my father and he looked truly and completely scared “ you should be” I told him then charged, I blew I blew ice balls at Kyle and Kyle’s father and they both got hit and fell. I kicked my mother to the other side of the room, she got up and charged for me and once she reached me I swung her out the window by her arms. I knew she would fly back up here but for now she was down, I looked at my father who now had his arms open for a hug. I walked to him playing along, then when I got to his arms I tip toed to his ear and said “I don’t do hugs daddy” then I pushed him back. He looked surprised at me I cocked one eyebrow “ really? Your surprised that I didn’t forgive you” I looked t him incredulously “ you lied to me then persuaded a fire breather to kill MY MATE”
“ I know it looks bad”
“NO YOU DON’T KNOW, MY MATE IS DEAD, THE OTHER HALF OF MY SOUL BUT YOU DON’T SEEM TO CRE” I yelled at him tired of his excuses. “ that is enough you have thrown your tantrum and it has cause 2 important people’s deaths-“
“NO YOU BROUGHT THIS ON THEM” I pointed to Kyle’s father “ HE DID NOTHING BUT LOVE ME AND TAKE MY CRAP. BCAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR SELFISHNESS I WILL FOREVER BE LONELY” I said pointing to tom’s still body now in his father’s arms. “ BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR SELFISHNESS I WILL NEVER BE COMPLETE” I felt the tears threatening to spill but I didn’t care “ YOU WILL NEVER BE MY FATHER EVER AGAIN, YOU WILL BE THE EVIL MAN THAT BROKE HIS OWN DAUGHTERS HEART” I changed and sobbed, I walked away ignoring the fact that I was naked in front of all my friends. “ hmmm” I heard from Kyle then he shot up looking at me with those green eyes, I looked at him and petted his leg. He did and always would love me, I walked away but his tail grabbed me by my middle twirling me to face him “ Anna, I’m sorry”
“ I know your sorry, and I’m sorry for killing your father” Kyle looked down and his face sobered up “ I guess we’re even huh?” he said shrugging. He changed back and held my hand “ I love you and I’m sorry I hurt you” I shook my head ‘ I love you too truly a=but you didn’t kill my mate he did” I said pointing to my father with my other hand. He chuckled and something happened, my hand burned, I looked down as my hand glowed purple. I heard my father gasp and my mother, who must have flown back in during my little rant, clasp her hands together. I looked at Kyle to see him smiling adoringly at me and I smiled back, I knew what happened, he loved me as much or maybe more than tom had. We loved each other and maybe fate didn’t have a say in anything. I reached up and kissed him and experienced the same heat I felt in the field with more love than heat. I pulled back because I felt heat swallow me whole, but it didn’t singe me, it embraced me. I heard someone calling my name then I felt fire erupt from my throat right before the darkness fell.
When I awoke it was dark and I could tell there were two people one on either side of me, one was freezing like ultra cold, and the other was warm and comforting. I sat up and saw Maria, one of the pack’s daughters, on my left hand and Kyle on my right. I tapped Maria but her skin felt like ice, that’s not normal, she was up slowly and looked at me. She rubbed her eyes then smiled and hugged me, she was FREEZING, “ oh Anna your ok you scared us” she said still squeezing the life from me. “ please Maria let me go your freezing” she pulled back and looked stunned “ I am? Well your pretty warm” she said touching my arms. I got up and searched for a light, when I turned it on I realized we were in my room, I head Maria gasp and Kyle pop up. They both stared at me “ what?” Maria put her hand on her mouth and walked out of the room, I looked back to Kyle who just stared, I touched my face “ what’s wrong” he got up and walked me to the stand up mirror. The first thing I noticed was my hair, it was… lavender! Then I noticed Kyle and my bodies had changed, kyle was muscular and taller his ruby red hair had kind of a bluish hue to it. Then I noticed my changes , my chest was bigger and my legs were more graceful and longer, my hips wider and more feminine. “ what happened” I managed to squeak out “ you and I mated, fire and ice, it never happened before. We’re one of a kind babe” he said with a smirk. “ what do you mean” I asked confused, “ get mad” I looked at him with confusion. He sighed then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, “ what are you DOING?” I pounded on his back “ getting you mad” he said matter-of-factly. He ran down the stairs hurting my gut with every step and stood in the living room. “ ME AND ANNA JUST HAD SEX” my eyes bugged and I pushed my self off of him with force, “ WHAT THE HELL is wron-“ I stopped short because I blew a small wisp of fire. He smirked “ see fire and ice” he said waving between us “ my hair” I said gasping he nodded “ my hair is still red because I’m mostly fire, your hair is still blue because your mostly ice” I put my hands on my hips “ my hair is lavender and your is red with a bluish hue” I told him matter-of-factly. “ that it is love” he said grinning “ but you do know your in trouble for broadcasting to the whole house we just made love when in fact we did not” I said faking seriousness “ it wasn’t” I stared at him trying to catch a bluff “ your lying”
“ nope you woke up and told me to make love to you so I obliged”
“ YOU DID WHAT” I felt my face go red and I was pissed, not angry pissed. “ you heard” that’s when I felt it, the need to burn his scales off, so I let out a breath of what was supposed to be ice, fire. I didn’t hold back and it went on for a minute, when it stopped he stood there grinning “ see there it is, now calm down” he walked to me and put his hands on my hips. Then he blew cold air on me and I gasped, I involuntarily coughed up and ice ball but this one was red I gave it to him. He smiled and blew out a blue fire ball. This was our gift to each other for mating, I took his fireball but It didn’t hurt, if anything it soothed, I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs. I ran to my room and put the fire in an empty shoe box then put it under my bed, I turned around to find my mother and father watching me, I got up slowly “ yes?” my mother gaped at me. “ you look so different” she raised a hand to her mouth slowly, I gave her a curt nod ignoring my father and went downstairs. Kyle, Jeff, Travis and Fred were watching a scary movie, I sat down next to Kyle ignoring my friends eyes and put my head on Kyle’s shoulder. A girl on the screen in a medieval time dress screamed then the image flicked to a giant orange dragon trying to eat her, we all laughed, contrary to popular belief dragons don’t eat humans, it’s not healthy. “ ahem” my father’s voice announced “ I believe we have clan business to discuss” he cocked one eyebrow at me and Kyle. Kyle got up taking me with him and we went into the dining room. We sat across from my father and the meeting started.
“ kyle being that your father was… killed you are now the leader of the breedance clan, that being said we are one big clan” he smiled at us. “ now seeing as I am the other leader-“
“ actually you aren’t” kyle said with a grin, “ and what do you mean by-“
“ anna is the leader now, she is your daughter and she is mated, to a leader, so she is a leader 3 ways” my father stared, and if looks could kill kyle would be dead. “ your right, so when do you and anna plan to get married” I choked on my own air, with kyle patting at my p back and my father glaring at me they didn’t help. I controlled my breathing, looked at my father drinking lemonade and out on my smoothest voice and put my hand on kyle’s lap “ as soon as possible” I told him and watched as my father spit his juice out. I got up with a sashay in my hips and walked back to the movie, where the dragon was swallowing a knight in armor whole. I laughed to myself, silver wasn’t good for our digestion, kyle wrapped his arm around my waist “ what are you laughing at” he said in a husky voice, I smiled I was the one that gave him that voice. “ the fact that humans seem to believe we eat any and everything, when in fact we are on a strict diet” I said wistfully. He laughed then kissed my nose “ I’m starved” he said rubbing his belly for emphasis “ maybe we have steaj or armor or maybe even a care would do” he said matter of factly, I laughed “ I’ll go see” I went to the freezer and grabbed the first thing I saw. I chopped up some vegetables and set about making lamb stew, after everything was on the stove I decided to make cookies, with dinner and desert finished I called the guys to dinner. “ guys dinner is done” I pulled seven bowls and set the table, I filled each bowl with stew and left the remains and some rolls on the table, they came just in time. I smiled “ wow you’ve been busy haven’t you” kyle said I waved him off and sat at the end of the table, kyl sat at the other end. Traditional style. Travis, jeff, and fred sat on the same side and mom and dad on the other, they talked about things and to be honest I wasn’t paying attention, I was thinking about how good this stew was and if it were possible if I could blow out fire and ice. Every one finished their seconds and complained about being full, that’s when I went and got the cookies. “ what are you trying to do overfeed us” travis complained “ me, no I would never” I said feigning innocence, I was glowing with happiness and everyone saw it, they nearly ate the whole plate of cookies I had to slap dad and kyle’s hand on more than one affair. I put the dishes in the washer and went to sit next to kyle on the couch while travis, jeff and fred gathered around my feet while mom and dad sat on the loveseat. “ okay guys horror or mega horror” kyle asked “ mega horror” we all said in unison and he put on the ‘Amityville horror’, not really a mega horror to me but a horror move none the less. I fell asleep before I knew it.
I woke up to soft snoring and the end credits, I got up slowly to not wake kyle and stretched, I looked around and saw everyone including mom and dad had gone to sleep too. Then I felt sick, my stomach twisted and I was gonna puke, I ran over travis, jeff and fred and headed to the bathroom. I threw up “ you ok baby” I shook my head, he came to me and held my hair while I retched and said calming things. When I finished I rinsed out my mouth and rubbed my head “ what happened” kyle’s voice and face was lined with worry. “ I don’t’ know I was stretching then I had to throw up” I put my hand on his cheek “ you don’t feel sick right” he pulled my hand away and kissed it “ I feel fine”. I put my hand on my stomach “ maybe I should go lay down” I walked past him but he grabbed my waist and twirled me around trying to kiss me but I put my hand on his mouth. He looked confused “ my mouth tastes like throw up” he licked my hand and I pulled it back and he kissed me. I kissed him back but then I felt my stomach bulge against him, I pulled back and looked down to my stomach to see it was a bulge I gasped and covered it. “ what was that” he looked down at my hand and reached for it, I shied away from his hand and he looked at me. He grabbed my hand away in a quick motion and stared at the bump “ it’s true” I looked at him confused then back to the bump “ what’s true”. “ there is a prophecy
‘Fire and ice will join together
To make the dragon kin stronger
They will bear a child virgin or not
And live in a world where dragons will have the upper hand’
I looked at him and he looked at me, we were fire and ice in the prophecy and I was pregnant and my father KNEW ABOUT THIS TOO. I was angry and my face showed it “ no, anna calm down” I didn’t lsten to him, I walked around him and in to the living room where everybody still slept, good, I walked to my parents and smiled how peaceful they were… “ WAKE UP YOU LYING PIECES OF SCUM” I yelled at them and everybody woke up and looked at me. “ anna I know your upset but-“ kyle said trying to pull me back, but I snatched my arm away “ YOU KNEW ABOUT THE PROPHECY ALL ALONG DIDN’T YOU” they nodded “ AND YOU WANTED ME TO MATE WITH KYLE FOR THE PROPHECY” they nodded “ YOU KNEW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN” they nodded. I looked at them and laughed “ it’s hilarious, all my life I thought you actually loved me” I giggled “ but in all truth I was your product” I looked at kyle who was now wide eyed “ nut it turned out well I love him and he loves me and I’m pregnant and I’m happy”. I walked to the stairs and looked back at all the surprised faces, I smiled and went to bed. Only god knew what tomorrow would hold.
I woke up with an arm around my waist and the sound of soft snoring, my back hurt and I had to pee. I got up and walked to the bathroom, I looked at my self in the mirror and sighed, here I was with lavender hair blue eyes and a bumped bully. I handled my business and went back into the room, I crawled into bed and went to sleep easily and had the weirdest dream. Me and kyle were in a room that was white and I was in pain, I could actually feel the pain and kyle was holding my hand the it flashed to him holding a blue haired boy, then it flashed to my father holding a girl with curly amber hair. Then I woke up screaming and crying “ shh shh baby whats wrong” I sniffled “ I woke up, they were so beautiful and they were mine” I sobbed and tried to go back to sleep in his arms with him rocking me back and forth. And finally I slipped into a dreamless sleep, I woke up again before dawn and went downstairs to make breakfast. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon and coffee kyle came down and kissed me on my cheek rubbed my stomach. I handed him a plate and cup of coffee “ thanks babe” I nodded. They all cam down and caught the atmosphere and went quite I gave them all a plate and a cup of coffee and gave my father a kiss on his cheek and my mother a hug. I sat down and ate, looking around at everyone and hearing the silence aggravated me “ ok everybody up, I don’t care if it’s snowing we’re gonna go outside and talk” I got up and when nobody followed I changed my eyes into slits “ now” I said with more authority that made even my parents scramble to get up. They all formed a circle outside and I stepped outside bare footed, it felt good, “ now I’m not upset if anything I’m ecstatic, so there is no need to be tense” I looked at each of them. “ we heard you screaming last night” mom said quietly “ I had a wonderful dream last night and I woke up and was upset” I told them simply. They all nodded but it was still to tense so I walked behind travis and saw him tense up and I smiled. I coughed up an ice ball and put it down his pants and ran to jeff, he laughed and we joined him as we watched travis dance around trying get it out, when he did he looked at me and pointed “ your dead” here we go I thought, we both spit out freezing water one trying to drench the other. I pushed and pushed but travis won, if kyle hadn’t tickled me I would have won, he kissed my nose “ sorry babe but us guys gotta stick together” he winked at jeff and I patted his arm. i went inside and changed clothes then came back down to find everyone snacking on grapes, fred through one at me and I caught in my mouth, I danced. For some reason I was extremely happy, I got cheers and claps then kyle joined me with his own silly dance, the next thing I knew we were having a silly dance competition with mom as the judge. Naturally I won with my slow motion chicken dance, I leapt in the air and kissed kyle and he kissed me back. Nobody said anything until we were both out of breath “ some prize huh?” I said pointing to kyle and winking, which just mad everyone laugh. After our afternoon of fun we decided to watch a comedy, I didn’t pay attention to the plot because I was so tired, I fell asleep before the opening credits began.
They were circling me singing ring around the rosy, the girl with the red hair and and the boy with the blue hair and green eyes. He took them without any warning, snatched them and ran. I tried to follow them, follow they’re screaming for me but my feet wouldn’t carry me fast enough. I burst into a clearing and he stands their with the boy in tears , he reaches for me pleading with his eyes for me to save him, the man has a knife to his throat “ the prophecy can’t be fulfilled” he then slit the boys throat. “NOOO” I woke up, kyle stared at me with fright I grabbed his arm “ don’t let them hurt him” I pleaded with tears running down my face. “ who baby?” he asked putting his around my shoulder “ the boy, he wanted me but I couldn’t move, they killed him” I sobbed. “ who killed who icey?” my mom asked “ I don’t know, I cant get any sleep because of these stupid dreams” I moved closer to kyle gaining comfort from his touch. “ I’m sorry baby” he kissed my forehead, “ it’s perfectly natural” my mother said leaning back “ you’ll have dreams about your children before they are born, up to when they are 5” she shrugged, NO, this was not happening thaty boy and girl was mine. “ wait you know what it’s gonna look like?” kyle asked now excited, I nodded solemnly, my unborn children were going to die because of me, “ well what does it look like>” I looked at him and smiled the boy had his facial expressions, my face sobered. I felt the tears coming before I could stop it, my son was going to be murdered because of a prophecy. I got up and ran to the bathroom aware that kyle was following me, I slammed the door in his face “ baby what happened?” his voice muffled : stay away from me” I cried to him “ baby what’s wrong”
“ SHUTUP KYLE” I heard him sit down in front of the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes bugged, my stomach was a little bigger and so were my breasts. I have to ask my mom about this, why am I getting bigger daily. I opened the door to find kyle looking up at me his eyes pleading with me like the boys did, I knelt down in front of him and hugged him and cried. He patted my back but didn’t say anything but continued to pat me, “ come on baby its ok” he said when I finished and pulled back. I nodded and pulled him up with me and tugged him to the living room.
“ mom, why am I getting bigger every day” I said when we were seated. I heard her gasp then she looked away “ you noticed” I looked at her like she was sprouting another arm “ umm yeah” I motioned to my breasts “ these feel like wet sandbags and my shirt’s aren’t fitting” I pulled my shirt down. “ well since baby dragons are bigger than regular baby’s they will be at full growth in two months” she said fastly. Everyone looked at her but I broke the silence “ so your telling me in TOW FREAKING MONTHS I’M GONNA HAVE TWIN DRAGONS POPPING OUT OF ME” kyle’s head snapped up “ what?”I looked at him “ yes, ok we’re gonna have green eyed twins” I smiled feebly but then remembered the dream “ they look like you especially the boy, he has your facial expressions, I think he’s my favorite” my face sobered “ in my dream a man slit his throat in front of me because of the prophecy” I wiped away a tear “ I can’t go through that, you” I pointed to kyle “ look like him , and she likes you more than she liked me” I looked back to my mother “ so two months huh” she looked at me with grief and pain “ well a month and a half” I nodded and walked away “ please don’t follow me kyle I can’t really deal with you around me, I love you but it’s too painful” I walked up stairs. I went into my room and laid down I curled into a ball and cried, I had a month and a half to be the best mother and mate I could be. Although it was early I decided to go to sleep, but I didn’t dream about anything except for what was to be done.
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the challenges. Today I had to ask everybody to help me be better at well everything. I needed to work on my temper, my speech and how I acted. I got up and did my normal routine ignoring how my stomach looked a little bigger and did my hair in two ponytails, I had to look innocent for them to help me. i patted my belly and walked downstairs “ OH YOU CHEATER” I heard travis yell which meant only one thing, games. They were all around the tv playing some game with zombies, I walked in front of the tv and was instantly boo-ed away.
“ hey”
“ watch it”
“ anna move it” I looked at all of them with amusement refusing to look at kyle. “ I need you help” they paused the game and looked at me “ what’s up anna” kyle asked and I looked at my hands folded in front of me. “ I only have a month and a half to prepare to be a mother, I’m not tolerant enough. I need you guys to tell me how my motherliness” they looked at me and laughed. I felt my blood beginning to boil. “ what’s so funny?” I asked through clenched teeth “ anna no offense sweety but you can’t be nice” fred said, before I could stop it a fire ball was spit out my mouth towards fred but kyle stopped it. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow “ I didn’t do that, I couldn’t even stopped it” I covered my mouth then felt my stomach flutter. “ can you guys help me” I asked pleading for their help. “ fine but you spit out another fire ball at me it’s on” fred said, I squealed and clapped my hands “ so what do I do” I asked looking at each of them still ignoring kyle’s gaze. “ well MOM, I think you should go make breakfast I’m starved” travis said patting his stomach, I looked at him and he looked back, it’s a test. I walked into the kitchen and made ham and eggs. “ ok it’s done” I told them jeff came in and looked at the plate , he pushed it away from him “ I don’t like eggs” I looked at him and saw he was fighting a smile. I pushed the plate back to him smiling numbly “ so eat the ham”
“ I don’t want the ham” he pushed it back
“ It tastes really good and it’s healthy” I pushed it back to him
“Eww, now I definitely don’t want it” he said pushing it as far as his arms could go. I glared at him “ what do you want then “ I asked through clenched teeth, he wagged his finger “ doesn’t matter” I made oatmeal and put a little bit of honey in it. I put it down in front of him “ eh it’s mushy” I was done “ ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE BRAT, YOU EITHER EAT THE OATMEAL OR STARVE” I was fuming and everybody was staring at us. “ I’m sorry but I’ll never be able to do this right” I sat down on a kitchen stool and bit a piece of ham. “ you owe me 5 bucks dude” travis said to kyle, I looked up slowly “ you placed a bet” he nodded “ and why did you lose” he looked at me and I looked away I couldn’t look at those green eyes “ I said you would pass the test, I didn’t know he was gonna push so hard” he looked at travis who looked down.” Ok boys you had your fun, now it’s time to get serious” my mom said “ real dragons don’t care what they eat as long as it tastes good and its food”. I nodded then spit out an ice ball and threw it at travis’s head, he dodged naturally but it was the thought that counted. “ so first things first” she went to the living room and came back with Maria “ hi anna” she said “ hi maria” my mother gave her to me “ she is your little girl for the day and you wont be having a scream fit like last tim” she cocked her brow then left. Everyone left but kyle me and maria, “ you’ll stay right” I asked kyle he nodded “ I’m hungry” I rolled my eyes, not thus again. I passed her the bowl of oatmeal and miraculously she ate it. I beamed, take that jeff, when she finished she looked at me “ I’m bored what are we gonna do” I looked at kyle who shrugged “ do you like zombies?”
She looked at him “ yes”
“ we could play zombie annihilation?”
“ cool yes please”
“ absolutely not” I interlude, she wasn’t my child but that game was violent and disgusting. “ why not?” she asked looking at me with puppy eyes “ because its violent and disgusting and kyle should know that” I looked at him
“ it is not”
“ yes it is”
“ give me one demonstration”
“ this morning you cut off a zombie’s head then showed it off to the game village” I said crossing my arms. “ it’s just one game” maria told me “ I’m not gonna lose” I smiled at her “ I know that sweety even a werewolf could beat kyle”
“ HEY!” he said offended while me and maria giggle. “ you wanna play a board game?” I asked and she beamed at me and nodded. I looked at kyle and stuck my tongue out, he crossed his eyes and went to go get a game. We ended up playing sorry! And of course maria won. “ HA HA, in your face!” she danced around, we laughed at her if this was what being a mom would be like I could get used to it. She took a nap later and I had a cup of tea, kyle walked in “ hey
“ hi” I sipped my tea and read a magazine, scandals, lies, babies and cellulite that’s all I saw so I just gave up. I put the magazine down to see kyle looking at me “ what” I asked in amusement, he shook his head “ nothing”. “ no something is wrong” he turned to leave but I grabbed his arm “ tell me” he turned to face ma and his eyes were glowing.
“ it pains me that I cause you pain” I gasped he thought he pained me, “ you don’t pain me it’s just your eyes are so similar and he always makes you fa-“ something caught in my throat and I coughed up an ice ball that was covered in green slime. “ EWW, what is that” he looked at it “ I wouldn’t know” he said simply and walked away. I shrugged it off and went to look for my mom and found her un the study “ mom” she looked up from her book “ what’s this green stuff on this ball” she looked at it and her mouth opened. “ that’s one of the babies powers, a baby dragons uterus is filled with green slime, so when it passed up through it was covered” she looked at my stomach then back to me “ which one were you talking about”
“ the boy”
“ then the girl is fire” she said simply “ really” I nodded then went to look for kyle. He was sitting next to maria reading a story “ hey, whats going on”
“ I woke up and kyle passed by, he’s reading me rapunzel” I raised my eyebrow at him and he did the same. “ oh good news, he girl is yours” I told him watching his expression
“ what do you mean”
“ the girl” I patted my stomach “ is yours” he got up “ what?” I rolled my eyes “ the little baby dragin growing inside me with red hair green eyes and freck-“ I spit out a fire ball covered with green slime then wiped my mouth “ she’s a breedance” I handed the fire ball to him and watched as he smiled. “ that’s why she likes me”
“ pardon”
“ fire girls tend to hang around they’re fathers, she fancy’s me more” I stared at him, lucky. I looked at maria who looked like she was gonna change, her eyes were in slits and she was moving around, a lot. “ maria are you ok?” I asked her she looked at me and her eyes narrowed “ I’m fine it’s just weird to see you do that” I smiled apologetically “ yeah it was weird for me too” she just hmmphed and laid back down. My mom ran into the room “ I forgot something” she said frantically “ what did you forget” kyle asked looking at us both and frowning “ you only have two weeks until you give birth”
“ WHAT DO YOU MEAN I ONLY HAVE TWO WEEKS YOU SAID I HAD A MONTH AND A HALF” I stared at my mother she twiddled her fingers together “ that was before, I didn’t know the baby’s could manifest they’re power yet, that is a tell tale sign that they are to be expected in the next two weeks” she said not looking up. I breathed in and out through my nose trying to remain calm because if I didn’t I knew I would spit out fire,” two weeks” she nodded “ I’m not big why is that?” she looked up “ you will be in the course of three days your size will triple. My mouth popped open with and audible pop,” triple” I said breathlessly, I touched my stomach and something bumped in there and I fell. “ ouch!” kyle rushed and helped me up “ what happened?’. I looked at his face and smiled “ the little bastard kicked the hell out of me” I got up with his hand on back. “ are you ok?” he asked looking at my stomach, I smiled feebly at him “ yeah I’m fine” I looked back to my mother who stood smiling at me “ the first one really knocks you off your balance but the others wont be so bad” she nodded her head. “ so am I to expect my stomach will be bigger tomorrow?” asked her hoping she would say no “ yes it will be at least twice as big” she said apologetically. I looked at my bump and exhaled, god help me. “ it’s ok babe, we’ll get through this” kyle said putting his arm over my shoulder. “ kyle I have to talk to you, about protection” he looked at me with worry but nodded and grabbed my hand. We passed my mother without a word and headed toward my room, once inside he closed the door and I sat down on my bed. “ I need you to have the house surrounded when the twins are born” he stared at me “ your clan won’t listen to me”.
“ it’s our clan now and I need fire to protect the twins, these dreams are nerve wrecking and I have a feeling that whoever wants to kill them will come for them at birth” he walked to where I sat and sat next to me “ if they take them from me I won’t be able to cope” he put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. “I’ll see what I can do” I sighed “ I guess that’s all I can ask for “I looked at him and he looked at me “ you look like crap” I chuckled. “ thanks for that babe, I feel like crap I’m so tired and I have to watch after maria and I can’t sleep I’m afraid of these dreams” I put my head on his shoulder. I wanted to cry , but my sleepy eyes just wanted to close “ sleep ok I got maria” he laid me down carefully, I reached up and kissed him. He kissed me back and held me in his arms until I drifted to sleep.
She has made her father a crown of flowers, and he has made me a bouqet. They look at us adoringly waiting for our approval of they’re gifts, “ they’re beautiful thank you Amy” kyle said “ and Kevin now go along and play”. The girl hugs kyle and me the boy kisses my cheek and grabs his fathers leg “ go on Kevin play with Amy” kyle said. The boy looked up but left to go play, kyle kissed my forehead and then I woke up. I smiled this dream was beautiful. “ are you ok?” kyles worrisome voice asked, I looked down and saw he was ready to leap into action. “ I’m fine the dream was peaceful, and I think I know what I want to name them” I rubbed my stomach absentmindedly. “ you do” he popped up his voice lined with happiness “ what do you wanna name them, I looked at him and I noticed he had a dimple. I was so caught up I never noticed how handsome he was! “ umm, Amy for the girl and Kevin for the boy” I said almost stuttering. He hugged me and I couldn’t think anymore, he kissed me and I leaned back and he continued to kiss me. he had his hands on either side of me and was in between my legs, good thing I wore pants, he licked my teeth and I moaned which caused him to growl. I pushed him back and saw his eyes were glowing red “ no” I said, he cocked his head to the side and I saw that he was excited really excited. “ not that I don’t want to, but it would feel wrong” I rubbed his chest trying to soothe him, he huffed and I watched as the glowing diminished and my kyle was back. My kyle. “ sorry” he hung his head ashamed of what he did, I put my hands through his curly hair and kissed him on the cheek “ soon baby, soon” I whispered in his ear. I got up and went to check on the still sleeping maria, her hair was everywhere and if you looked close enough you could see very faint freckles. I smiled she is so cute! She turned over and I had to get dinner ready, I walked back downstairs and I felt butterflies in my stomach, why was I nervous. I shook off the feeling and went to the kitchen, steak sounds good, as I was chopping the onions I felt something inside break and leak. I looked down to see green goop. No, No, NO! “ CRAP, KYLE ITS TIME”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2011

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