
I stare at my reflection in the pond. I have just found out I will be mated with Kyle, son of the leader of the breedance clan. Any other girl will be happy but not me because I know this arrangement is not for my best interest nor is it Kyle’s it is so the clan’s will no longer have ‘ disagreements’ as they like to call it. Truthfully I have known this all along, but it is still shocking to have it heard a loud. I stare at the girl in the reflection, I have never thought of myself as pretty, maybe average, but not pretty. My bright green eyes that seem to glow in the dark stare at me. Why she asks me, why can’t you just accept it. I do accept it, ever since the time Kyle and I have been 14 we have been forced to communicate with each other. We have always been friends so it’s not like he’s obnoxious, he’s not too bad looking either. Even though he is of the breedance clan and he has ruby red hair, and I am of the landvin clan and I have icy blue hair we are to be mated. Whatever you have heard about mates being fate’s decision is only for those mutated dogs. My mother and father told me it is up to the parents to decide who will be mated to whom. I am above those weak dogs, I am Anna markins, daughter Aaron markins leader of the landvin clan, and I am a dragon.
I start walking back until I hear his breath. Good let him come for me. I sit down and hide a grin, he won’t come to confront me and I know this. He thinks I am still 5 and emotional and blah blah blah. I couldn’t help but grin; I stopped being emotional 8 years ago. I went to school, thankfully, like every other 18 year old. It was hard though I practically had to beg dad, even then I had to go with the other boys in the pack. Apparently, I’m too attractive for my own good, ha ha, every boy I walked past tried to plaster on the most heart breaking smile and talk to me but one look from Travis, or Jeff, or Fred or any other one of my ‘guards’ sent them running. The air bristled which brought my attention to the man that had sat next to me, the man with dark blue eyes, a killer smile and the pale blue hair that made every humans attract-o-meter go sky high. “I wish I could change things” he said in the baritone voice I had grown to love “it’s alright I knew it was coming anyway” I said shrugging. We were quiet, and then I got up and walked home. I had to get ready for school the next morning. I sighed and trudged along to the medium sized Victorian. Mom wasn’t downstairs so I took the hint ‘your father consoled you so I don’t have to’. I walked upstairs and got ready for bed. I got under the sheets and closed my eyes, something told me I was going to need rest, something big is happening tomorrow.
I awoke to the annoying, loud, excessive beep of the alarm. I slammed down on the alarm breaking it into a hundred pieces, great, I got out of bed and sleepily snailed my way to the bathroom. I took my shower brushed my teeth and combed my curly hair. In a record of 10 minutes I was dressed in a pale yellow tee and Levi’s. I stepped out of my room and raced to the kitchen hoping I would be able to have a quiet couple minutes of relaxing time. No such luck. I was welcomed by the four faces I always saw, they saw me and sent me a nod. I looked at my watch, 7:50 School started at 8:10. “Ummm where going to be late” I said as I walked to my book bag. “Well let’s go then” Fred said standing up. I speed walked to the car and waited impatiently as they came out slowly, Jeff pressed the key fob and I hopped in the back of the car. We drove in silence until we arrived at the school. I saw the students pile in with each other, smiling laughing and looking utterly oblivious to the world. Ugh it makes me sick, I got out the car and walked straight to the main entrance ignoring the stares I got some of envy, some of lust, looking at me like what I was the poisonous forbidden fruit. I get to chem. First because I don’t converse with anyone. I see ms.duffel “good morning Anna” she says cheerfully “good morning miss d” she opens the door and I go to my seat in the back. As everybody walks in they don’t look at me, it is normal that I am the first one here sitting in the back. After everyone was seated she began the lesson “today we’re going to learn about the chemical reaction of bleach and amon-“the door opened and the attention shifted to the boy that stood there. Everybody looked at him then I wide eyed. “Who are you” I asked in my native voice when the surprise wore off. The icy blue haired boy answered back “Thomas” then the ringing started and we both fell from the strong sound of the lady with the really high voice in the opera amplified by 50.
I awoke in the nurse’s office with the 3 faces I always hated to see. I sat up and they looked at me as if I had 3 ears. “What happened” I asked rubbing my ears ´we don’t know” Jeff said “we got called here saying you and another student had fallen ill” Travis said. “Call my father” I told them then I got up and went to the room beside me. He was their eyes closed, his icy blue hair falling on his head in a short bang the rest falling to his shoulders. Then his eyes opened his bright green locking on mine. He grinned and I knew something was off about him he wasn’t supposed to be here, “ where are you-“ Jeff stopped as soon as he saw Thomas, I could tell his eyes we slits, he tried to walk forward but I stopped him. “Who are you” I asked in my native tongue. “I already told you”
“No you told me your name”
“Is that not who I am”
“Answer her rogue” Jeff interlude spitting out the last word, Thomas looked at him as if he just noticed him. “Interesting you should call me that because honestly you are the rogue” he said with a sly grin. “What the hell are talking about” Jeff asked gritting his teeth. Thomas’s smile grew wider, “do you not know” and judging by our dumbfounded expression he continued ‘I am Thomas landvin heir to the landvin clan” and if it was possible my mouth opened to knees. “That’s a load of bull” Jeff said dismissively, I slapped his arm and walked closer to Thomas. “What exactly do you, and why are you here?” I asked cautiously. “Well my father sent me over to see how the clan is going, he has fallen ill and wasn’t able to do so. I told him I would do it only if I could go to school here” he made a wave toward himself “thus here I am”. I looked at him wide eyed, he motioned for me to come over and I slowly and carefully obliged, when I reached him he grabbed my hand in his and that’s when I felt the warmness spread.
It was a reassuring warmness but I could tell it was anything but. To the breedance clan, which is the fire breathers, this would be freezing. But to the landvin clan, which are the ice blowers, the coldest cold could feel like 70 degrees for us. I looked t our hands, at the eerie blue glowing emanating from our entwined hands, and then it abruptly stopped. He looked at me with a goofy smile; I snatched my hand away and nearly blew ice out by my surprise. There branded on my hand was a backwards looking e with a pale blue color to it. I stared at it until something whispered in the back of my mind. Mate. I looked at him in astonishment, “you stupid piece of crap” I said changing my eyes slits, “how dare you call the heir of your clan-“he copied the action. “I don’t care who you are” I changed one arm to talons and claws “you had no right to mark me” once again he copied the action “I have every right, I am the heir and what I want I will get” he grabbed my unscaled arm. That’s it, I blew freezing winds in his face and scratched his arm “YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ME” I said grabbing an ace bandage and storming out of the room. I heard Jeff make a smart comment but I didn’t care, I went to the main entrance and waited for the guys as I wrapped my hand, this would be none to no one. They piled out first Travis then Fred and then Jeff, I grabbed Jeff’s arm. “You will not breathe a word of this to anyone or I will rip your wings off and use them as a fan do you understand” I said with the most threatening face I could muster. “Sure Anna, just don’t let anyone see it” he said pointing toward my wrapped hand. “Like I would be that’s stupid” I said scowling at him the turning toward the car with my hands in my pockets. I go to the car and sit in the back, Travis and Fred were deep in conversation about Vanessa Simons the pep monster at school, and I was looking out the window up at the sky when I saw the undeniable blue of a dragon. “Stop the car”, the car screeched to a stop and I got out. I walked into the woods toward the dragon. “Are you freaking crazy!? You’re going to blow our cover” I hissed at him “no I’m not crazy, you injured me and I am going to report you to your leader” he said in a gravelly voice. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” I raised my bandaged hand “I’m due to be mated to someone else some next full moon, and I don’t think my father or my future mate would appreciate this” I told him. He eyed me “that is impossible you cannot mate with anyone else but your real mate” he told me slowly like I was a child. “You lie” I spat at him “my parents told me it is up to them who I mate with” I told him looking at him as if he had 5 eyes. “Take me to your father” he told me. “Fine, but this is your wish, although I would like to see your head above the fireplace” I told him with an evil grin. He mumbled something but complied. I changed; I went from a 5”6 girl to a 20” tall light blue dragon. I flew just above the trees thank full for the fog. I landed in my backyard and changed into a black v-neck tee and sweatpants. “Dad Thomas landvin is here” I said poking my head in his study. He looked at me and said “THE Thomas landvin heir to the clan” I shook my head and he walked past me into the backyard where a now clothed Thomas stood. “Sir” he said nodding his head, my father gave a nod back, how heartwarming. “How goes the clan” Thomas asked looking at his surroundings. “It is fine this summer we bred 2 pups” my father said with pride. “Excellent” Thomas said “and finance wise?”
“Everyone is well looked after, we do not really splurge on our hearts desires” my father explained. “Aah ok” Thomas said, his eyes flicked to me and I felt the familiar warmness on my hand. I looked down to see my hand glowing through the ace bandage, I tried to conceal it but by then it was too late because I heard my father’s sharp gasp.
“What’s your hand doing Anna?” my father asked quietly looking at me. I was going to lie but quickly dismissed it. “It’s glowing” I said in a miniscule voice. “Take off the bandage”
“I won’t”
“You won’t?”
“Father I-“
“What’s going on out here” my mother asked, my father put up his finger silencing her. He grabbed my hand and ripped the bandage off my hand. He gasped then fell on his knees. I closed my eyes. “Who has marked you” he asked quietly. “No one” I whispered, he squeezed my hand “who has MARKED YOU!?!” he said blowing whispers of freezing cold air out of his nose. “I have” I looked at Thomas and mouthed “not smart”. My father dropped my hand as if it disgusted him and walked into the house. My mother looked at me with anger and what looked to be… pity? She then followed my father. I turned and looked at the now Cheshire cat grinning Thomas. “You made it glow didn’t you?” I asked him in a whisper. “I have no idea what you’re talking about” he said innocently. That’s it. I changed and looked down at him, he still had that grin then he changed, he had a good foot taller than me but I didn’t care. I kicked his feet from under him and put my paw on his chest. “You marked me without my consent then show it off to my father” I say in a feminine gravelly voice. “For that you pay. I kicked him further away and then spit ice balls at him each one hitting the target, he ran toward me but I punched him in the gut making him double over. With my tail I reached his and was about to toss him to Timbuktu until the baritone voice Sid “stop” I pulled my tail away and changed. My father’s arms encircled me and hid me from Thomas “go change” I ran upstairs and changed into my night gown, too much clothes wasted, and went downstairs. My father had his back to me but I saw Thomas grinning and that was all I needed. I charged outside and practically sprinted toward him, he thought I was giving him a hug. Silly boy. I sped faster and kicked my foot into his side. I did a 360 and turned to see him on his side in pain, “I don’t do hugs” I said then turned to my now grinning father. I hugged him and said “sorry father. I let him kiss my forehead “you did wonderful now shoo” he said gently pushing my towards the house. I walked upstairs and grinned, I pleased my father and myself at the same time, see I’m working on it.
I awoke to the smell of cinnamon toast, my favorite breakfast food. I did my morning routine in a record of 30 minutes, I am amazing, and I walked downstairs and almost choked on air. Thomas was there dousing syrup on his French toast. My father stood making breakfast smiling “morning icey” he said. I hated my nick name only because when I was two I blew a two foot wide icefall at Jeff, in my defense he took my Barbie, “ morning dad” I said sitting down as far away from Thomas as possible. “Good morning icey” Thomas said snickering. I turned my foot into a claw and kicked him. His eyes turned all buggy and wide and it was my time to snicker. “Choke?” I asked innocently. “You wish” he said straining his voice. I ate quickly while the guys poured in each of them sitting on my side, watching Thomas. I finished and walked to the car, the guys came soon and my eyes practically popped out when Thomas came out with his book bag. “Your dad said I could join” he said noting my look. I got in the car and though Thomas tried to start a conversation it wasn’t happening. We got to the school and immediately after we got out girls swarmed around Thomas. I let out a low growl and he must have heard it because he sent a mischievous grin my way. “Hi I’m Thomas” he said to no other than, ladies and gentleman brace yourself, vanes Simons. “I’m vanes, are you new here” she said flinging her ruby hair over her shoulder (no she is not a breedance just an all nat- u- ral red head). “Yes I am” he said giving her a heartbreaking smile. I walked away before I threw up. I look back once and see her pecking his cheek. He must have seen me looking because he, deliberately mind you, turned his head around and kissed her. Full on the lips in front of everybody felt blood go into my cheeks, fine two can play at this game, I walked into chemistry and sat in the back. Everybody filed in looking happy then Thomas walked in which seemed to make everybody else happier. He smiled then walked straight towards me, I put my bag on my chair but he just knocked it down. “Hello icey”.
“You call me that again I will punch you into the chalk board” I said as if it’s the normal thing to sit. he was quiet the rest of the class, so was I. he probably thought I was the jealous love struck girl who was now showing him that she liked him and wanted to take things to the next level only if he wanted to… HA! I don’t get jealous, I get even.
Before I go to lunch I think it’s fair to tell you how we’re seated. During fall and winter the landvin clan sits next to the window, and during spring and summer it’s the breedance clan that sits in the window. The humans are always in the middle. I sit down and bite into beef jerky, Thomas plops down next to me with a dooly grin on his face, “ hi your Anna right?” pep monster asked plopping on the other side of me. She gasped and touched my hair, “is this your real color?” Before I get to what happens next let me explain that touch to dragons are very very sacred. Back to the story, all eyes were on me even from the humans and the breedance clan. “Yes” I said gritting my teeth together. She put both hands on my head. “My goodness it’s beautiful” I lost it. “Get your hands OFF OF ME/” I screamed I turned to Thomas “I will destroy you for this” I said in dragon talk. I stormed out into the football field. I sat down and looked at the sky. It was a shade of grey that meant snow. Oh joy. “What was that about” Jeff asked. “You saw she touched my hair, none of us liked to be touched, but my hair?!” he was quiet “we have to go in for class” he said cautiously. I got up and walked into the cafeteria “what’s wrong” Kyle asked. “Nothing I said as I breezed past him. I walked to the table and sat at the head. Thomas looked at me then kissed Vanessa. Evil child. I got up and screeched the chair. I grabbed the first human boy that looked at me and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed me back but before he got to enjoy it I pulled back and smiled. I went to the table where everybody stared at me. Thomas’s face was red and I could tell he was clenching his fist. Someone grabbed my arm “a word Anna” Kyle said. He took me outdoes in the field. “What the hell was that” he asked. “That was me kissing a boy” I said slowly. “I saw that but,” he calmed down “why?” he asked calmly. “I don’t know how to kiss, so the boy was like my practice dummy” I said frowning. Show time. I cried “please don’t be mad I, I, I didn’t want to disappoint you” I said lowering my head. He hugged me “ nothing you could do would disappoint me” I looked up and sniffled “ really?” he looked down at me those green eyes piecing me “ really” he kissed me and everyone in my body turned to jell. Heat hit every apart of me and I wanted more. I wrapped m arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, the kiss (if possible) went deeper and hotter I broke apart and put my hand on my forehead. “Wow” he said breathlessly. I nodded and headed for class, “we’re you going?” he said, I turned to face him while still walking “if I’m late my father won’t let me talk to you until Saturday” I said winking. I walked away with a sashay in my hips. Yep I am definitely working on it.
Next was gym and I was so grateful for packing shorts, I needed the air. I walked out of the girl’s locker room only to bump into an angry Thomas. “What the hell was that” he whispered angrily. “That was me getting even” said passing him. He grabbed my bandaged hand “I don’t want you kissing anyone”. I looked at his hand and lost my already diminished temper. I grabbed his arm and flicked him to the other side of the gym, he got up “that’s it” I heard him say. Everybody looked at us. He walked toward me and I did the same meeting him halfway. We got to the center and stared at each other. I kicked his feet from under gym but he blocked it and kneed me in the gut sending me to the other side of the gym. I got up and walked to where he stood and karate kicked him in the stomach, I followed him as he flew a few feet away still lying in pain. I grabbed his hair “you listen to me well heir” I said the last word with disgust “I will kiss, sleep with or mate with anyone my parents choose but you” I said biting his shoulder when he tried to push me away “I will never mate with you” I let his head drop, I went to the locker and got my book bag rebadged my hand and left. That’ll teach him. I walked into algebra happy and ecstatic, finally a break, I sat down took out my notebook and smiled. Until he walked in, headed my way blowing whispers of cold air out his nose. I looked down but he still came over, he grabbed my hand and held it up, “ you will NOT be mating, kissing or sleeping with ANYONE, you will be mated with ME” I looked at him and whispered “ you do know if we weren’t in here I would kick your ass” I grabbed my hand back “ I am mating with Kyle breedance on Saturday evening whether you like it or not” I turned around to face the front of the class he out his hand on my leg. I spat out the coldest tiniest ice ball I could and out it down his shirt, although the cold doesn’t bother us it’s still awkward to have an icefall in your shirt. Today we worked with circle which meant… SHARP POINTY THINGIES!!! Ok so I wasn’t paying attention only thing I saw was sharp pointy and hard. After that class he had 4 scratches and 3 stab wounds, he didn’t know how to NOT be stupid.
Freedom at last, I raced to the cars and waited until Jeff, Fred and Travis came. I hopped in the car and pleaded with them to leave without them I even CRIED, but they knew they were crocodile’s sat in the back and putted and finally Thomas came with Vanessa. I jumped out the car “whoa whoa she’s not coming” I told him he raise an eyebrow
“Yes she is”
“No she isn’t”
“If he wants me to come then I’m com-“
“Hush girl” I told her raising a finger, she walked forward. “Excuse me” she said in a high squeaky voice. “I will go wherever I damn well please” she put her finger in my face. I grew my tail and Travis saw it then interlude “Anna stops”. No help. HOW DARE SHE PUT A FINGER IN MY FACE? I looked at Thomas whose face sobered, I slit my eyes and smiled, I looked at vanes. “It’s only natural for you to want to be with him” I said in a motherly, calm and low voice. “Isn’t that right tom” I said looking at his face, “now let’s get in the car I’m sure your freezing” I said nodding. I walked past Travis, Jeff and Fred smiling, I got in the car and waited. They each piled in watching Mr., I just smiled, Vanessa sat next to me so I held her hand smiled and looked outside. We arrived at the house and I went into the kitchen got some ice from the freezer and chewed it, Jeff came first grabbing some ice and sat next to me. Then Travis I threw ice at him and he made it into a bug ball in thin air, he sat down in front of me made a flamboyment movement with his hands and said “tada” we all laughed. Tim and Vanessa walked in holding hands he looked at us grabbed some ice flakes and made a snowball, he threw it at me and I caught it in my mouth “ swushy widout le flavor on my mout” I said with an . The guys laughed and I took out some lunch meat and cheese. Everybody looked at me with awe, I sat down rolled the meat and cheese together and gave it to Vanessa. A peace offering. She looked at my hand and everybody looked at her. “No thanks” she said smiling and shaking her head. Impossible. I threw the meat on the floe, and I felt strong arms go around my waist. Yeah she’s gonna need the help/
“HOW DARE YOU, YOU SPOILED ROTTEN FAKE BOOBED HUMAN!!” I said screaming trying to scratch her face off ignoring Travis, Jeff and Fred trying to hold me back.” YOU COME IN TO MY HOISE THEN WHEN I OFFER YOU A PEACE OFFERING YOU SAY NO!?” I said through gritted teeth trying to grab anything I could throw. “I said no thank you” she said quietly. I stopped and then laughed. It was a belly-aching laugh that had me in tears, I looked around at the faces “she said ‘no thank you’” I said in a curtsy. Then I started laughing again. I chewed on some meat and conversated, almost as soon as I turned out she said in a whisper “god she has anger issues” and though they tried to quiet her it was no use. I turned around and crawled on the table towards her, this is terrible table manners, I don’t have anger issues” I snarled at her then my hand warmed “it won’t work” he looked up from my hand.” What do you mean?”
“I mean I will kill her and none of you” I said looking at them in the eye “will stop me” I hopped off the table and took of my sweater “I’m going for a swim” I told them. I left the house and walked to the pond, I walked in with my clothes on. I let the water surround me, I dived under. I stayed under for as long as I could and went to the house. I went upstairs with nothing but my bra, bandage and pants on. I took off my wet sticky clothes and put on my nightgown. I went to sleep and I was determined to not wake up again until 6:55.
It’s Wednesday, the middles of the week. I get up and do my daily routine and go downstairs. I eat tea and crackers, Jeff is the first one downstairs. He looks at me and sits across from me. “Want to talk about it” I gave him a look and he looked down, Travis and Fred come at the same time. I packed a baggie full of ice just in case my nerves go bad. Tom came in and sat down I looked at my watch “ok guys let’s go” they mumbled but got up. As always I was the first one to the car, I wait for 1 minute, they’re afraid to make me wait; they pile out quickly and rush to the car. I sit in the front and look out the window. We get to school, before tom gets out I tell him to “keep his toy away from me” then I walk off. I sit in front of chemistry and everybody’s surprised that I do this. A boy sits next to and smiles, I smile back. Thomas walks in and looks at me accusingly and sits in the back. I can feel his eyes on my back, so I sit closer to the boy. I look back and Thomas is staring holes at the back of my head, good thing he can’t see my hand; I smile and wink at tom. I take off my sweater to reveal the baby blue tank top I have on, the boy next to me whirls his head around to me and stares. I smile at him “it’s hot in here don’t you think>” I said in my best sweet voice. He nodded his head and swallowed.” Oh I must be getting sick because now I’m freezing” I put my hand on his lap “see my hands are freezing” I pouted my lip. I rubbed his knee and he squirmed. The teacher came and I pulled my hand away and focused. I think I could get used to this. When the bell rings I hear Thomas’s chair screech then he is right in front of me. “So I see you found yourself a toy” he gritted his teeth. “Not a toy an experiment and it worked: I said with a sly grin. “What was that experiment exactly”
“That I can make you angry without making myself angry too” I said smiling like a cat in cream.” I can do that too you know” he said looking away.” Oh yeah” I looked at him “try” he walked to a girl at her locker. He put one arm near her and leaned his head in and, thanks s to my super duper hearing, said” your locker is really neat”. She turned around blushing “thanks I always try to keep it clean”. He leaned in closer and whispered “want to come to my place after school” before he could even finish that sentence I put my arm around his waist and kissed his cheek “hey baby” I looked at the girl “your making friends” I held my hand “I’m Anna tom’s girlfriend” she shook it “your new here right?” her cheeks reddened and she turned back to her locker and nodded, she closed her locker and sped off. “Don’t invite people to my house again or I promise I will cut off your toes.” I walked away, well aware that he was grinning. In my defense I don’t like people in my house.
Instead of gym I have health, which I hate. Since boys there are 17 and immature they think EVERYTHING is funny and guess what today is, sex ed. YAY. And Thomas and Kyle are in the same class. THE GOD REALLY LOVES ME TODAY. I sit in the middle where Kyle and I normally sit. Kyle comes first smiles, kisses my forehead and sits. Thomas comes in and growls. Why me? Kyle looks at him and gets up. Before he moved I stepped in front of him facing towards him, he was breathing hot air and it hit my face in an uncomfortable way. I blew a thin stream of freezing air towards him; he looked down at me his green eyes blazing. Everybody was looking at us; I shook my head and held his hand, ouch ouch ouch. I cooled my own and smiled at him adoringly he stopped with the heat breath and calmed down. He pulled me towards the chair and sat down, I glared at Thomas furiously he just turned around and sat down.” So class this is a penis” miss Boyd said pointing to the plastic model. People snickered and some wise guy said “is that the average size?” and the room fell out.” Ok, ok now this is a vulva” everybody fell silent. Of course she showed us the parts and asked me to show a part. I got up and walked to the replica, all the boys’ eyes watching me. I pointed to the wrong part and she called a student to help me. Of course that alone is embarrassing but when all the BOYS raise their hand it gets worse.”Mr.landvin can you help Miss Markins?” both Kyle and my head snapped to Thomas who was trying his best to hide his grin. Kyle looked at me eyes wide and surprised I mouthed “sorry” and looked to tom that now walked over. He reached over and repointed to the part “very good someone is paying attention. My face went red and I speed walked to my seat. Kyle didn’t talk to me the rest of the class or after. I went to my locker and Vanessa approached me” you think you can take him” she said in a squeaky voice “I have no intentions for him” I didn’t even turn from my locker or stop doing anything I was doing. “Bull, jus stay away from him ok” she said trying to look serious and walked away.” Even if I did want him I could have him” I told her, she turned around and punched me in my stomach it hurt, kinda. I kicked legs from under her, I kicked her side and got on top of her I punched her in the stomach. “Anna stops” tom said trying to pull me off of her but I had my legs around her waist. I bit his hand then grabbed her by her hair “you come my way again I will not hesitate to kill you” I let her go and walked out through the students.
I didn’t wait for the guys, I changed and flew home. I went upstairs and relaxed well at least while I could anyway “ANNA” my father yelled. He burst through the door “you got into a fight at school” he asked calmly. “Yes “I said in the same tone, “why” he looked at me with his eyes in slits.” She hit me first” I shrugged “that justifies it a little bit, you will be punished though: at the last word my mother came in with shopping bags. They wouldn’t. I looked in the bag. They did. “You will wear these starting tomorrow’ my mother said then they both left. I sat there looking at the unfathomable pieces of clothing. Tomorrow is going to suck. I got up dreading the day because I already had a headache; I did my morning routine and had to give myself a little pep talk. Okay you can do this. I put on the thigh high denim skirt, some furry boots and a t-shirt that says ‘I’m not bossy things are just better when they go my way’. I walked downstairs sat at the table and looked back at everybody. “What?” I asked in annoyance, “you’re wearing a skirt” Fred whispered to me “it’s my punishment” I sneered back at him. I drank my orange juice and walked outside, snowflakes just started to come down. I smiled. I loved snow it was cold and clean sometimes. They came out and Travis elongated his mout and blew an ice ball into the sky, then Fred punched it with his talon and snowflakes came down on us. I hugged them both, only they could make any day better… sometimes. Jeff picked me up and twirled me around as the snow hit my hair and face and clothes, it was wonderful. For the first time in a while I didn’t care if we were late. He put me down and I grabbed his hand and we walked to the car. Before we got there my father burst out of the house and told us to stop.” Thomas has been kidnapped”.

Icey’s mate
Next book:
Fire and Ice


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.10.2011

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