
My Dark Sun

My Dark Sun


Every day since I was a little girl, as far back as I could remember. I had to work as a maid in a house so I could live. I cooked and cleaned for them they paid me $100 a day. They moved in and out when they wanted to. One day a family of four moved in and changed my life for ever.

I was sitting on the front porch reading a book like I usually do. Then a tan jeep came up the drive way. I tall man with brown hair came out and stopped at the steps.

“Is this house for rent?” he asked

“Yes it is.”

“Can we rent it for a while?” he looked frustrated.

“Sure, it will be a $100 dollars a day. Is that alright?”

“Yes that’s, fine.” He waved for the rest of his family to come out. “My name is Robert, my wife Suzy and our kids Jake and Ashley.”

“Hi my name is Rayn. Please come inside, I show you around.” I took them in around the house. My room is in the attic, I like it up there, and it has a nice view over the land. I walked to the window and stated to watch take boxes and bags out from the jeep. As I laid in my bed I listened to them talk about what rooms was whose. I looked at the time; it was 3:54pm. So I got up and started to make dinner.

I cooked steak, mashed potatoes, fried zucchini and corn. It was my favorite meal. They all liked it and enjoyed it. When they were all done eating I went and cleaned the dishes. “Hey thanks for dinner.”

I turned around it was Jake. “Thanks.” He left and I went back to washing the dishes.

I went back up to my room. I grabbed a box of old notes, and looked through them. Then I noticed a new note in there it was from him.


Dear Rayn, I almost did not get out this time, I’m lucky I did. I miss you so much and you look really great I saw you washing dishes today. I am so glad I found you and can not wait to be with you again. Go to this address and stay there for a while, I love you so much. Ill see you soon.

Love Dark


I stated to cry he left me a black rose along with the note. I was so happy I get to see him again. It has been years since we have seen each other. So I stated packing my clothes and then I heard them yelling. Suzy was going on about something and Robert wouldn’t listen to her. Make me happy not to be a human.

While they all were sleeping I got my bag and I left them in the front room. I went up stairs to the master bed room and took the money that they owed me. Its not stealing I am just getting it in advance. I hurried up and when back down stairs and grabbed my stuff and left.

I made it to the city; there were a lot of people here, which I did not know where here was. I found a map and I found out where I needed to go. I got a cab and they took me to where I needed to go.

Finally I got out and I found the house. It was huge, and looked like a millionaire lived there. I knocked on the door and a boy answered. He had black hair and blue eyes, “Hello” he said with a voice so soft.

“Yes I was wondering if I could stay the night, I am lost and I do not know where to go.” I acted like I was sad.

“Let me go ask my parents, would you like to come in.”

“Thank you.” I came in and I was surprised on the house that he picked for me. The inside was beautiful, everything matched. The rooms were filled with red and gold. “Your house is amazing.”

“Thank you.” He smiled like he proud of it. “My name is David.”

“My name is Rayn. So where are your parents?

He stopped and thought for a min. “They are in there library.” He grabbed my hand and led me up stairs. His mom and dad were sitting in the library talking about something while drinking wine. “Hey Mom, Dad can Rayn stay the night tonight?”

“Well what do you think Steve?” his mom said in a light voice.

“Sure just leave us be.” His voice was really deep and heavy.

Then David led me up to a room, and a girl was inside. “This is Angel my younger sister. Angel this is Rayn she will be staying the night tonight.

She did not look at me; she just kept on reading her fashion magazine.

He took me to another room, “This will be your room for the night.”

I looked around this room was different than all the rest; the feeling of it was relaxed. It had dark purple walls and a black bed with black curtains hanging around it. Black flowers were on the bed side table. To me this room was perfect.

“Sorry bout the room. Every time we try to change it, it goes back to the way it was. Is that weird?”

“Very, but its ok I like it.” I turned back to him. “Thank you so much I will see you tomorrow.” I shut the door and I went to go lay in my new bed but then I found another note.


Dear Rayn

I see you found the house, I am really glad you did, the people here are really nice and I hope that you like the room, I did it myself. I promise I will see you soon. I am trying my best to get out of here it is not that easy. I love you so much, we will be together soon.

Forever yours Dark


I lay back thinking of why I left, I left my old home. I left because those Angels killed my mom, and left me and my brother alone and our sister in the hospital. I couldn’t deal will all the pain so I left my family and the love of my life behind. I left them all without an answer and that was ten years ago. Now Black Heart found me and wants me to come back home.

I agreed to it, but a family took him in and they won’t let him leave. He will figure out a way soon then we can be together soon and won’t want to worry about anything.

The next day I woke up to the smell of bacon, toast, and eggs. I went down stairs in my sweat pants and my t-shirt. They all were dressed up nice and eating breakfast at the table. David brings me a chair, and gets me a plate of food. I start eating and they are all staring at me. Well I would too if a person looked like a hobo that was eating at my table. So it was just us five sitting at the table then a sixth person came in. “Good morning.” His voice was so soft yet loud. It was like a bird singing in the morning.

I turned around and it was him. His black hair was shinning, his eyes were stealing my heart away again and the look of him drove me insane. “Good morning.” I said it before I could even think.

David broke the silence “Oh, Rayn this is Fury. He is our adopted brother.”

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then he looked me dead in the eye, it made my heart melt and my stomach flood with butterflies. It did this every time he looked straight at me. “Well hello there Miss. Rayn.”

I smiled and got goose bumps everywhere. “Hello Fury. It so nice to meet you, have you been here long?”

“Yes I have been here for the last ten years.” He seemed sad when he said that. The pain in his eyes showed.

“I’m sorry, well it was nice knowing you all but I have to get to the airport.” I started to head to the door then I was stopped.

“Let me drive you Rayn it is the least I can do for you.” Fury stood up grabbed his jacket and car keys and took me outside.

“Goodbye everyone thanks you for letting me stay the night.” I shouted as I was being pushed out the door.

We went to the garage door and Fury opened it up. A black Camaro was sitting there. “Is this your car?”

“Yes I bought it for my girlfriend.” He smiled at me

“She must be one lucky girl.” I walked over to him and kissed him and hugged him. “I have missed you so much Dark.”

His arms tightened around me, he whispered in my ear. “I have missed you too.” He let go and stepped back. “Now let’s go get out of here.”

We jumped into the car and drove off. The world was a blur and I did not care about one thing I was just so happy that I was with him and that we were back together finally. The sound of the car made me happy I love the sound of it. The vibrations made me fall asleep.

I woke up, I was in bed. My old bed, have not slept here in years. Felt so nice to be in it. I was alone in it though. I sat up and my black carpet was so soft in between my feet. I looked at all my pictures on my wall. I had pictures from when I was little with my parents, Brother and Dark. I get up to go to the door. Then I notice myself in the mirror. My long snow white hair was past the middle of my back now. My blue eyes stood out from the rest of me. My skin is pale, like always, no matter what I cant get tan.

I went down stairs and I saw my brother. Jacob was sitting down on the couch watching T.V. with Dark. I knocked on the wall. They both looked at me. Jacob jumped up and hugged me. He stated laughing and spinning me around. “It’s about time you got up sleepy head.”

“Missed you too, glad to see your ok.” His black hair was getting long and his blue eyes stood out to. “So I am back, now what do we do.”

They both looked at each other. I don’t really think that any either of them thought about it. So we just sat there waiting. “I think that we should go home.”

We both looked at Dark, haven’t been home in a while. “I don’t remember how to get there. Dark are you sure you can go down there with you being an Angel in all?”

“No but I will be with their princess.”

“Don’t call me that!” I shouted at him. “I am not a princess, I am just another girl.”

“No you are a powerful demon that happens to be the next queen.” Jacob said

“Wow!” I snapped back “thanks for reminding me.” I looked at Dark “how do we get their then?”

“Walk through the door of course how else.” He had a big old smile on his face. “But lets get some sleep first it’s almost morning.” We all looked out side the sun was coming up. That was our sign that we had to go to bed. We all said our good nights and went to our rooms.

It was about afternoon Dark come into my room. He got into bed with me and I could feel his cold skin on my back. I turned around and he smiled at me. He kissed me then pulled me close. I could not help it but to go along with it. His hands went up and down my body. We rolled over where he was on top and he slid his hand up my shirt, and then slowly made way to my pants.

I stopped him. “Don’t, please don’t.”

“Why not?” he said confused. “What wrong?”

I sat up and looked at him. “This is wrong; we should not be doing this.”

Dark rolled on his back, and put his hands on his head. I could tell he was upset. “Its ok, we won’t do it then. I am sorry I came in.” He got up to leave.

“Dark don’t leave, stay.” I sat on the bed looking at him.

“Ok, I will stay.” He got back into bed with me, and he wrapped his hands tight around me. Thoughts went racing through my mind then I slowly fell asleep and before I new it, I was dreaming.

I woke up, but dark was not in bed with me. I got up in a panic. I ran all around the house but no one was home. There was a knock on the front door; I went an opened it and I was in my home world. The world where demons are made and born and most of us never leave this place. Some people would call it hell, I call it home. It looked just like any other place. We had building, schools, parks, and restaurants. Something was different about it. There was no one here, streets where silent. Trees and plants were dead.

I looked around and I saw my old home, the castle. It sat on the highest hill so we could see over everything. In a blink of an eye, everything started to burn. I heard screams that sounded like needles on a chalk board. Little children cried out for their parents but no one answered them.

I started screaming, the ground started shaking. “Rayn?” I heard someone calling for me. “Rayn?” I woke up; Dark was standing over me shaking me. “Rayn, wake up.

Babe, are you ok?”

I took a min to get my head together. “Yes, why?”

“You started to scream and would not stop. Did you have a nightmare?” he held my hand and continued to stare at me.

“Yes, I am sorry I woke you up.” I sat up. “What time is it?” “7:38 it is almost time to get up and leave.” He got out bed and went to his room.

I got dressed; my favorite red strapless dress was still hanging in the closet. Red is my favorite color to wear. After I got it put on, I went down stairs. I looked around the corner and I saw both of them sitting down on the couch. Jacob was in his red in black tux, while Dark was sitting in his black tux. We had to wear nice clothes, which bothered me because I liked my jeans and t-shirt. I walked in the front room. “Are you all ready to go?”

They both looked at me. “You look really good,” they both said at the same time.

I laughed, “Lets go you too.” We got into Darks car, and drove off. It has been a while since I have been in the city. I like the country a lot better, it is quite and there are not a lot of people out there. The sidewalks were packed with people. They all walked along like nothing was going on. It makes me wonder how many of us are out there in this world.

I finally realized where we were, we were at a bar called The Others. It is a bar for only Angels and Demons but no human can come in. We have two different forms our human form and our true form. The password to get in is our eyes. We can change them if we want to see things the normal way. Angels have blue eyes, and Demons have red eyes. So Dark waited for Jacob and me to go in.

About five minutes later, Dark came in. We all gathered in the back corner. “So now what do we do?” I looked back at them, they just stood there. Then I realized why, everyone was staring at us. “Why are they looking at us?”

Jacob whispered in my ear, “You have been missing for ten years; most of them thought you were dead, and they can not believe that you are alive.”

“Can we please go, they are starting to creep me out.” I swear that no one would blink; they just stood there talking and whispering to each other. Then a little red head came up to me. She was small and had green eyes. “Can I help you?”

She was nervous and stood there for a moment. “Are you Princess Rayn?”

Dark and Jacob just looked at me. “Yes I am, what can I help you with?”

She smiled a little, “are you here to save us?”

I became confused, what was I suppose to save them from, “what do you mean?”

Her smile went away, “The Angels have taken over our world. Most of us have had to move up here and live.”

I look at Jacob “Is this true?”

“Yes, right after you left, they came and burnt down our homes.”

I felt my skin go hot, “why didn’t any one tell me?”

They all went silent. I stood up, everyone backed up. “I promise to restore our homes, and defeat the Angel. We will take back what is ours, and take back our homes.” Every one started clapping and cheering. Then I noticed that Dark was gone. I whispered to Jacob, “where is Dark?”

He shrugged his shoulders. I thought to myself that he would just catch up later.

We finally made it to our home world. The houses here were burnt down. The sky was blue, and there was a sun. We saw Angels peaking out from trees and walking out on the side walks. Jacob showed his true form. He became taller and muscular. His wings were black and a black stem came off of him.

I did not like my true form so I just stayed human. We continued to walk to the castle. More Angels began to walk behind us. The closer we got the castle the more Angels started to follow us.

After a thirty-two minutes of walking there, we finally made it. We pushed the doors opened and they slammed against the walls and echoed through out the castle. No one seemed home but I knew they were and I knew where to look. Walked straight to the war room, I blew the door down and they all stood up. “So who would like to explain to me why my world is the way it is?

A tall blonde stood up, “My son would like to.” She held out her hand, and he stood up. It was Dark.

“Dark, what are you doing here? Come here, please.” Some how Dark was not the same man that I fell in love with.

“Rayn I can’t. I am so sorry.” There was a crack in his voice.

“Dark was do you mean. Just tell me.” I felt the tears starting to form.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.10.2013

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